2!   CP2K: A general program to perform molecular dynamics simulations                              !
3!   Copyright (C) 2000 - 2019  CP2K developers group                                               !
6! **************************************************************************************************
7!> \par History
8!>    cjm, Feb-20-2001 : added all the extended variables to
9!>    system_type
10!>    gt 23-09-2002 : major changes. Pointer part is allocated/deallocated
11!>                    and initialized here. Atomic coordinates can now be
12!>                    read also from &COORD section in the input file.
13!>                    If &COORD is not found, .dat file is read.
14!>                    If & coord is found and .NOT. 'INIT', parsing of the .dat
15!>                    is performed to get the proper coords/vel/eta variables
16!>     CJM 31-7-03  : Major rewrite.  No more atype
17! **************************************************************************************************
18MODULE atoms_input
19   USE atomic_kind_types,               ONLY: atomic_kind_type,&
20                                              get_atomic_kind
21   USE cell_types,                      ONLY: cell_type,&
22                                              pbc,&
23                                              scaled_to_real
24   USE cp_linked_list_input,            ONLY: cp_sll_val_next,&
25                                              cp_sll_val_type
26   USE cp_log_handling,                 ONLY: cp_logger_get_default_io_unit,&
27                                              cp_to_string
28   USE cp_parser_methods,               ONLY: read_float_object
29   USE cp_units,                        ONLY: cp_unit_to_cp2k
30   USE input_section_types,             ONLY: section_vals_get,&
31                                              section_vals_get_subs_vals,&
32                                              section_vals_list_get,&
33                                              section_vals_remove_values,&
34                                              section_vals_type,&
35                                              section_vals_val_get
36   USE input_val_types,                 ONLY: val_get,&
37                                              val_type
38   USE kinds,                           ONLY: default_string_length,&
39                                              dp
40   USE memory_utilities,                ONLY: reallocate
41   USE particle_types,                  ONLY: particle_type
42   USE shell_potential_types,           ONLY: shell_kind_type
43   USE string_table,                    ONLY: id2str,&
44                                              s2s,&
45                                              str2id
46   USE string_utilities,                ONLY: uppercase
47   USE topology_types,                  ONLY: atom_info_type,&
48                                              topology_parameters_type
49#include "./base/base_uses.f90"
54   PUBLIC :: read_atoms_input, read_shell_coord_input
55   CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: moduleN = 'atoms_input'
59! **************************************************************************************************
60!> \brief ...
61!> \param topology ...
62!> \param overwrite ...
63!> \param subsys_section ...
64!> \param save_mem ...
65!> \author CJM
66! **************************************************************************************************
67   SUBROUTINE read_atoms_input(topology, overwrite, subsys_section, save_mem)
69      TYPE(topology_parameters_type)                     :: topology
70      LOGICAL, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL                      :: overwrite
71      TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER                   :: subsys_section
72      LOGICAL, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL                      :: save_mem
74      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'read_atoms_input', &
75         routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
77      CHARACTER(len=2*default_string_length)             :: line_att
78      CHARACTER(len=default_string_length)               :: error_message, my_default_index, strtmp, &
79                                                            unit_str
80      INTEGER                                            :: default_id, end_c, handle, iatom, j, &
81                                                            natom, output_unit, start_c, wrd
82      LOGICAL                                            :: explicit, is_ok, my_overwrite, &
83                                                            my_save_mem, scaled_coordinates
84      REAL(KIND=dp)                                      :: r0(3), unit_conv
85      TYPE(atom_info_type), POINTER                      :: atom_info
86      TYPE(cell_type), POINTER                           :: cell
87      TYPE(cp_sll_val_type), POINTER                     :: list
88      TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER                   :: coord_section
89      TYPE(val_type), POINTER                            :: val
91      my_overwrite = .FALSE.
92      my_save_mem = .FALSE.
93      error_message = ""
94      output_unit = cp_logger_get_default_io_unit()
95      IF (PRESENT(overwrite)) my_overwrite = overwrite
96      IF (PRESENT(save_mem)) my_save_mem = save_mem
97      NULLIFY (coord_section)
98      coord_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(subsys_section, "COORD")
99      CALL section_vals_get(coord_section, explicit=explicit)
100      IF (.NOT. explicit) RETURN
102      CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
103      !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
104      !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
105      ! 1. get cell and topology%atom_info
106      !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
107      atom_info => topology%atom_info
108      cell => topology%cell_muc
109      CALL section_vals_val_get(coord_section, "UNIT", c_val=unit_str)
110      CALL section_vals_val_get(coord_section, "SCALED", l_val=scaled_coordinates)
111      unit_conv = cp_unit_to_cp2k(1.0_dp, TRIM(unit_str))
113      !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
114      !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
115      ! 2. Read in the coordinates from &COORD section in the input file
116      !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
117      CALL section_vals_val_get(coord_section, "_DEFAULT_KEYWORD_", &
118                                n_rep_val=natom)
119      topology%natoms = natom
120      IF (my_overwrite) THEN
121         CPASSERT(SIZE(atom_info%r, 2) == natom)
122         CALL cp_warn(__LOCATION__, &
123                      "Overwriting coordinates. Active coordinates read from &COORD section."// &
124                      " Active coordinates READ from &COORD section ")
125         CALL section_vals_list_get(coord_section, "_DEFAULT_KEYWORD_", list=list)
126         DO iatom = 1, natom
127            is_ok = cp_sll_val_next(list, val)
128            CALL val_get(val, c_val=line_att)
129            ! Read name and atomic coordinates
130            start_c = 1
131            DO wrd = 1, 4
132               DO j = start_c, LEN(line_att)
133                  IF (line_att(j:j) /= ' ') THEN
134                     start_c = j
135                     EXIT
136                  END IF
137               END DO
138               end_c = LEN(line_att) + 1
139               DO j = start_c, LEN(line_att)
140                  IF (line_att(j:j) == ' ') THEN
141                     end_c = j
142                     EXIT
143                  END IF
144               END DO
145               IF (LEN_TRIM(line_att(start_c:end_c - 1)) == 0) &
146                  CPABORT("incorrectly formatted line in coord section'"//line_att//"'")
147               IF (wrd == 1) THEN
148                  atom_info%id_atmname(iatom) = str2id(s2s(line_att(start_c:end_c - 1)))
149               ELSE
150                  READ (line_att(start_c:end_c - 1), *) atom_info%r(wrd - 1, iatom)
151               END IF
152               start_c = end_c
153            END DO
154         END DO
155      ELSE
156         ! Element is assigned on the basis of the atm_name
157         topology%aa_element = .TRUE.
159         CALL reallocate(atom_info%id_molname, 1, natom)
160         CALL reallocate(atom_info%id_resname, 1, natom)
161         CALL reallocate(atom_info%resid, 1, natom)
162         CALL reallocate(atom_info%id_atmname, 1, natom)
163         CALL reallocate(atom_info%id_element, 1, natom)
164         CALL reallocate(atom_info%r, 1, 3, 1, natom)
165         CALL reallocate(atom_info%atm_mass, 1, natom)
166         CALL reallocate(atom_info%atm_charge, 1, natom)
168         CALL section_vals_list_get(coord_section, "_DEFAULT_KEYWORD_", list=list)
169         DO iatom = 1, natom
170            ! we use only the first default_string_length characters of each line
171            is_ok = cp_sll_val_next(list, val)
172            CALL val_get(val, c_val=line_att)
173            default_id = str2id(s2s(""))
174            atom_info%id_molname(iatom) = default_id
175            atom_info%id_resname(iatom) = default_id
176            atom_info%resid(iatom) = 1
177            atom_info%id_atmname(iatom) = default_id
178            atom_info%id_element(iatom) = default_id
179            topology%molname_generated = .TRUE.
180            ! Read name and atomic coordinates
181            start_c = 1
182            DO wrd = 1, 6
183               DO j = start_c, LEN(line_att)
184                  IF (line_att(j:j) /= ' ') THEN
185                     start_c = j
186                     EXIT
187                  END IF
188               END DO
189               end_c = LEN(line_att) + 1
190               DO j = start_c, LEN(line_att)
191                  IF (line_att(j:j) == ' ') THEN
192                     end_c = j
193                     EXIT
194                  END IF
195               END DO
196               IF (LEN_TRIM(line_att(start_c:end_c - 1)) == 0) &
197                  CALL cp_abort(__LOCATION__, &
198                                "Incorrectly formatted input line for atom "// &
199                                TRIM(ADJUSTL(cp_to_string(iatom)))// &
200                                " found in COORD section. Input line: <"// &
201                                TRIM(line_att)//"> ")
202               SELECT CASE (wrd)
203               CASE (1)
204                  atom_info%id_atmname(iatom) = str2id(s2s(line_att(start_c:end_c - 1)))
205               CASE (2:4)
206                  CALL read_float_object(line_att(start_c:end_c - 1), &
207                                         atom_info%r(wrd - 1, iatom), error_message)
208                  IF (LEN_TRIM(error_message) /= 0) &
209                     CALL cp_abort(__LOCATION__, &
210                                   "Incorrectly formatted input line for atom "// &
211                                   TRIM(ADJUSTL(cp_to_string(iatom)))// &
212                                   " found in COORD section. "//TRIM(error_message)// &
213                                   " Input line: <"//TRIM(line_att)//"> ")
214               CASE (5)
215                  READ (line_att(start_c:end_c - 1), *) strtmp
216                  atom_info%id_molname(iatom) = str2id(strtmp)
217                  atom_info%id_resname(iatom) = atom_info%id_molname(iatom)
218                  topology%molname_generated = .FALSE.
219               CASE (6)
220                  READ (line_att(start_c:end_c - 1), *) strtmp
221                  atom_info%id_resname(iatom) = str2id(strtmp)
222               END SELECT
223               start_c = end_c
224               IF (start_c > LEN_TRIM(line_att)) EXIT
225            END DO
226            IF (topology%molname_generated) THEN
227               ! Use defaults, if no molname was specified
228               WRITE (my_default_index, '(I0)') iatom
229               atom_info%id_molname(iatom) = str2id(s2s(TRIM(id2str(atom_info%id_atmname(iatom)))//TRIM(my_default_index)))
230               atom_info%id_resname(iatom) = atom_info%id_molname(iatom)
231            END IF
232            atom_info%id_element(iatom) = atom_info%id_atmname(iatom)
233            atom_info%atm_mass(iatom) = 0.0_dp
234            atom_info%atm_charge(iatom) = -HUGE(0.0_dp)
235         END DO
236      END IF
237      !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
238      !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
239      ! 3. Convert coordinates into internal cp2k coordinates
240      !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
241      DO iatom = 1, natom
242         IF (scaled_coordinates) THEN
243            r0 = atom_info%r(:, iatom)
244            CALL scaled_to_real(atom_info%r(:, iatom), r0, cell)
245         ELSE
246            atom_info%r(:, iatom) = atom_info%r(:, iatom)*unit_conv
247         END IF
248      END DO
249      IF (my_save_mem) CALL section_vals_remove_values(coord_section)
251      CALL timestop(handle)
252   END SUBROUTINE read_atoms_input
254! **************************************************************************************************
255!> \brief ...
256!> \param particle_set ...
257!> \param shell_particle_set ...
258!> \param cell ...
259!> \param subsys_section ...
260!> \param core_particle_set ...
261!> \param save_mem ...
262!> \author MI
263! **************************************************************************************************
264   SUBROUTINE read_shell_coord_input(particle_set, shell_particle_set, cell, &
265                                     subsys_section, core_particle_set, save_mem)
267      TYPE(particle_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER         :: particle_set, shell_particle_set
268      TYPE(cell_type), POINTER                           :: cell
269      TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER                   :: subsys_section
270      TYPE(particle_type), DIMENSION(:), OPTIONAL, &
271         POINTER                                         :: core_particle_set
272      LOGICAL, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL                      :: save_mem
274      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'read_shell_coord_input', &
275         routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
277      CHARACTER(len=2*default_string_length)             :: line_att
278      CHARACTER(len=default_string_length)               :: name_kind, unit_str
279      CHARACTER(len=default_string_length), &
280         ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)                       :: at_name, at_name_c
281      INTEGER                                            :: end_c, handle, ishell, j, nshell, &
282                                                            output_unit, sh_index, start_c, wrd
283      INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)                 :: at_index, at_index_c
284      LOGICAL                                            :: core_scaled_coordinates, explicit, &
285                                                            is_ok, is_shell, my_save_mem, &
286                                                            shell_scaled_coordinates
287      REAL(KIND=dp)                                      :: dab, mass_com, rab(3), unit_conv_core, &
288                                                            unit_conv_shell
289      REAL(KIND=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :)        :: r, rc
290      TYPE(atomic_kind_type), POINTER                    :: atomic_kind
291      TYPE(cp_sll_val_type), POINTER                     :: list
292      TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER                   :: core_coord_section, shell_coord_section
293      TYPE(shell_kind_type), POINTER                     :: shell
294      TYPE(val_type), POINTER                            :: val
296      my_save_mem = .FALSE.
297      NULLIFY (atomic_kind, list, shell_coord_section, shell, val)
298      output_unit = cp_logger_get_default_io_unit()
300      IF (PRESENT(save_mem)) my_save_mem = save_mem
301      NULLIFY (shell_coord_section, core_coord_section)
302      shell_coord_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(subsys_section, "SHELL_COORD")
303      CALL section_vals_get(shell_coord_section, explicit=explicit)
304      IF (.NOT. explicit) RETURN
306      CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
307      CPASSERT(ASSOCIATED(particle_set))
308      !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
309      !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
310      ! 2. Read in the coordinates from &SHELL_COORD section in the input file
311      !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
312      CALL section_vals_val_get(shell_coord_section, "UNIT", c_val=unit_str)
313      CALL section_vals_val_get(shell_coord_section, "SCALED", l_val=shell_scaled_coordinates)
314      unit_conv_shell = cp_unit_to_cp2k(1.0_dp, TRIM(unit_str))
315      CALL section_vals_val_get(shell_coord_section, "_DEFAULT_KEYWORD_", &
316                                n_rep_val=nshell)
318      IF (ASSOCIATED(shell_particle_set)) THEN
319         CPASSERT((SIZE(shell_particle_set, 1) == nshell))
320         ALLOCATE (r(3, nshell), at_name(nshell), at_index(nshell))
321         CALL cp_warn(__LOCATION__, &
322                      "Overwriting shell coordinates. "// &
323                      "Active coordinates READ from &SHELL_COORD section. ")
324         CALL section_vals_list_get(shell_coord_section, "_DEFAULT_KEYWORD_", list=list)
325         DO ishell = 1, nshell
326            ! we use only the first default_string_length characters of each line
327            is_ok = cp_sll_val_next(list, val)
328            CALL val_get(val, c_val=line_att)
329            start_c = 1
330            DO wrd = 1, 5
331               DO j = start_c, LEN(line_att)
332                  IF (line_att(j:j) /= ' ') THEN
333                     start_c = j
334                     EXIT
335                  END IF
336               END DO
337               end_c = LEN(line_att) + 1
338               DO j = start_c, LEN(line_att)
339                  IF (line_att(j:j) == ' ') THEN
340                     end_c = j
341                     EXIT
342                  END IF
343               END DO
344               IF (wrd /= 5 .AND. end_c >= LEN(line_att) + 1) &
345                  CPABORT("incorrectly formatted line in coord section'"//line_att//"'")
346               IF (wrd == 1) THEN
347                  at_name(ishell) = line_att(start_c:end_c - 1)
348                  CALL uppercase(at_name(ishell))
349               ELSE IF (wrd == 5) THEN
350                  READ (line_att(start_c:end_c - 1), *) at_index(ishell)
351               ELSE
352                  READ (line_att(start_c:end_c - 1), *) r(wrd - 1, ishell)
353               END IF
354               start_c = end_c
355            END DO
356         END DO
358         IF (PRESENT(core_particle_set)) THEN
359            CPASSERT(ASSOCIATED(core_particle_set))
360            core_coord_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(subsys_section, "CORE_COORD")
361            CALL section_vals_get(core_coord_section, explicit=explicit)
362            IF (explicit) THEN
363               CALL section_vals_val_get(core_coord_section, "UNIT", c_val=unit_str)
364               CALL section_vals_val_get(core_coord_section, "SCALED", l_val=core_scaled_coordinates)
365               unit_conv_core = cp_unit_to_cp2k(1.0_dp, TRIM(unit_str))
366               CALL section_vals_val_get(core_coord_section, "_DEFAULT_KEYWORD_", &
367                                         n_rep_val=nshell)
369               CPASSERT((SIZE(core_particle_set, 1) == nshell))
370               ALLOCATE (rc(3, nshell), at_name_c(nshell), at_index_c(nshell))
371               CALL cp_warn(__LOCATION__, &
372                            "Overwriting cores coordinates. "// &
373                            " Active coordinates READ from &CORE_COORD section. ")
374               CALL section_vals_list_get(core_coord_section, "_DEFAULT_KEYWORD_", list=list)
375               DO ishell = 1, nshell
376                  ! we use only the first default_string_length characters of each line
377                  is_ok = cp_sll_val_next(list, val)
378                  CALL val_get(val, c_val=line_att)
379                  start_c = 1
380                  DO wrd = 1, 5
381                     DO j = start_c, LEN(line_att)
382                        IF (line_att(j:j) /= ' ') THEN
383                           start_c = j
384                           EXIT
385                        END IF
386                     END DO
387                     end_c = LEN(line_att) + 1
388                     DO j = start_c, LEN(line_att)
389                        IF (line_att(j:j) == ' ') THEN
390                           end_c = j
391                           EXIT
392                        END IF
393                     END DO
394                     IF (wrd /= 5 .AND. end_c >= LEN(line_att) + 1) &
395                        CPABORT("incorrectly formatted line in coord section'"//line_att//"'")
396                     IF (wrd == 1) THEN
397                        at_name_c(ishell) = line_att(start_c:end_c - 1)
398                        CALL uppercase(at_name_c(ishell))
399                     ELSE IF (wrd == 5) THEN
400                        READ (line_att(start_c:end_c - 1), *) at_index_c(ishell)
401                     ELSE
402                        READ (line_att(start_c:end_c - 1), *) rc(wrd - 1, ishell)
403                     END IF
404                     start_c = end_c
405                  END DO
406               END DO
407               IF (my_save_mem) CALL section_vals_remove_values(core_coord_section)
408            END IF ! explicit
409         END IF ! core_particle_set
411         !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
412         ! 3. Check corrispondence and convert coordinates into internal cp2k coordinates
413         !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
414         DO ishell = 1, nshell
415            atomic_kind => particle_set(at_index(ishell))%atomic_kind
416            CALL get_atomic_kind(atomic_kind=atomic_kind, &
417                                 name=name_kind, shell_active=is_shell, mass=mass_com, shell=shell)
418            CALL uppercase(name_kind)
419            IF ((TRIM(at_name(ishell)) == TRIM(name_kind)) .AND. is_shell) THEN
420               sh_index = particle_set(at_index(ishell))%shell_index
421               IF (shell_scaled_coordinates) THEN
422                  CALL scaled_to_real(r(:, ishell), shell_particle_set(sh_index)%r(:), cell)
423               ELSE
424                  shell_particle_set(sh_index)%r(:) = r(:, ishell)*unit_conv_shell
425               END IF
426               shell_particle_set(sh_index)%atom_index = at_index(ishell)
428               IF (PRESENT(core_particle_set) .AND. .NOT. explicit) THEN
429                  core_particle_set(sh_index)%r(1) = (mass_com*particle_set(at_index(ishell))%r(1) - &
430                                                      shell%mass_shell*shell_particle_set(sh_index)%r(1))/shell%mass_core
431                  core_particle_set(sh_index)%r(2) = (mass_com*particle_set(at_index(ishell))%r(2) - &
432                                                      shell%mass_shell*shell_particle_set(sh_index)%r(2))/shell%mass_core
433                  core_particle_set(sh_index)%r(3) = (mass_com*particle_set(at_index(ishell))%r(3) - &
434                                                      shell%mass_shell*shell_particle_set(sh_index)%r(3))/shell%mass_core
435                  core_particle_set(sh_index)%atom_index = at_index(ishell)
436                  rab = pbc(shell_particle_set(sh_index)%r, core_particle_set(sh_index)%r, cell)
437               ELSE IF (explicit) THEN
438                  IF (core_scaled_coordinates) THEN
439                     CALL scaled_to_real(rc(:, ishell), core_particle_set(sh_index)%r(:), cell)
440                  ELSE
441                     core_particle_set(sh_index)%r(:) = rc(:, ishell)*unit_conv_core
442                  END IF
443                  core_particle_set(sh_index)%atom_index = at_index_c(ishell)
444                  rab = pbc(shell_particle_set(sh_index)%r, core_particle_set(sh_index)%r, cell)
445                  CPASSERT(TRIM(at_name(ishell)) == TRIM(at_name_c(ishell)))
446                  CPASSERT(at_index(ishell) == at_index_c(ishell))
447               ELSE
448                  rab = pbc(shell_particle_set(sh_index)%r, particle_set(at_index(ishell))%r, cell)
449               END IF
451               dab = SQRT(rab(1)*rab(1) + rab(2)*rab(2) + rab(3)*rab(3))
452               IF (shell%max_dist > 0.0_dp .AND. shell%max_dist < dab) THEN
453                  IF (output_unit > 0) THEN
454                     WRITE (output_unit, *) "WARNING : shell and core for atom ", at_index(ishell), " seem to be too distant. "
455                  END IF
456               END IF
458            ELSE
459               CPABORT("shell coordinate assigned to the wrong atom. check the shell indexes in the input")
460            END IF
461         END DO
462         DEALLOCATE (r, at_index, at_name)
463         DEALLOCATE (rc, at_index_c, at_name_c)
465      END IF
467      IF (my_save_mem) CALL section_vals_remove_values(shell_coord_section)
469      CALL timestop(handle)
471   END SUBROUTINE read_shell_coord_input
473END MODULE atoms_input