2!   CP2K: A general program to perform molecular dynamics simulations                              !
3!   Copyright (C) 2000 - 2019  CP2K developers group                                               !
6! **************************************************************************************************
7!> \brief evaluete the potential energy and its gradients using an array
8!>      with same dimension as the particle_set
9!> \param gopt_env the geometry optimization environment
10!> \param x the position where the function should be evaluated
11!> \param f the function value
12!> \param gradient the value of its gradient
13!> \param master ...
14!> \param final_evaluation ...
15!> \param para_env ...
16!> \par History
17!>       CELL OPTIMIZATION:  Teodoro Laino [tlaino] - University of Zurich - 03.2008
19!> \author Teodoro Laino [tlaino] - University of Zurich - 01.2008
20! **************************************************************************************************
21RECURSIVE SUBROUTINE cp_eval_at(gopt_env, x, f, gradient, master, &
22                                final_evaluation, para_env)
24   USE cp_log_handling, ONLY: cp_logger_type
25   USE averages_types, ONLY: average_quantities_type, &
26                             create_averages, &
27                             release_averages
28   USE bibliography, ONLY: Henkelman1999, &
29                           cite_reference
30   USE cell_opt_utils, ONLY: get_dg_dh, &
31                             gopt_new_logger_create, &
32                             gopt_new_logger_release
33   USE cell_types, ONLY: cell_type
34   USE cell_methods, ONLY: write_cell
35   USE cp_para_types, ONLY: cp_para_env_type
36   USE cp_subsys_types, ONLY: cp_subsys_get, &
37                              cp_subsys_type, &
38                              pack_subsys_particles, &
39                              unpack_subsys_particles
40   USE dimer_methods, ONLY: cp_eval_at_ts
41   USE force_env_methods, ONLY: force_env_calc_energy_force
42   USE force_env_types, ONLY: force_env_get, &
43                              force_env_get_nparticle
44   USE geo_opt, ONLY: cp_geo_opt
45   USE gopt_f_types, ONLY: gopt_f_type
46   USE gopt_f_methods, ONLY: apply_cell_change
47   USE input_constants, ONLY: default_minimization_method_id, &
48                              default_ts_method_id, &
49                              default_cell_direct_id, &
50                              default_cell_method_id, &
51                              default_cell_geo_opt_id, &
52                              default_cell_md_id, &
53                              default_shellcore_method_id, &
54                              nvt_ensemble, &
55                              mol_dyn_run, &
56                              geo_opt_run, &
57                              cell_opt_run
58   USE input_section_types, ONLY: section_vals_get, &
59                                  section_vals_get_subs_vals, &
60                                  section_vals_type, &
61                                  section_vals_val_get
62   USE md_run, ONLY: qs_mol_dyn
63   USE message_passing, ONLY: mp_bcast
64   USE kinds, ONLY: dp, &
65                    default_string_length
66   USE particle_list_types, ONLY: particle_list_type
67   USE particle_methods, ONLY: write_structure_data
68   USE virial_methods, ONLY: virial_update
69   USE virial_types, ONLY: cp_virial, &
70                           virial_create, &
71                           virial_release, &
72                           virial_type
73   USE cp_log_handling, ONLY: cp_add_default_logger, &
74                              cp_rm_default_logger
76#include "../base/base_uses.f90"
78   TYPE(gopt_f_type), POINTER               :: gopt_env
79   REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER     :: x
80   REAL(KIND=dp), INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL     :: f
82      POINTER                                :: gradient
83   INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                      :: master
84   LOGICAL, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL            :: final_evaluation
85   TYPE(cp_para_env_type), POINTER          :: para_env
87   CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'cp_eval_at', moduleN = 'gopt_f77_methods', &
88                                  routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
90   INTEGER                                  :: ensemble, handle, idg, idir, ip, &
91                                               nparticle, nsize, shell_index
92   LOGICAL                                  :: explicit, my_final_evaluation
93   REAL(KIND=dp)                            :: f_ts, potential_energy
94   REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(3, 3)            :: av_ptens
95   REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER     :: cell_gradient, gradient_ts
96   TYPE(cell_type), POINTER                 :: cell
97   TYPE(cp_subsys_type), POINTER            :: subsys
98   TYPE(particle_list_type), POINTER        :: core_particles, particles, &
99                                               shell_particles
100   TYPE(virial_type), POINTER               :: virial, virial_avg
101   TYPE(cp_logger_type), POINTER            :: new_logger
102   CHARACTER(LEN=default_string_length)     :: project_name
103   TYPE(average_quantities_type), POINTER   :: averages
104   TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER         :: work, avgs_section
106   NULLIFY (averages)
107   NULLIFY (cell)
108   NULLIFY (core_particles)
109   NULLIFY (gradient_ts)
110   NULLIFY (particles)
111   NULLIFY (shell_particles)
112   NULLIFY (subsys)
113   NULLIFY (virial)
114   NULLIFY (new_logger)
116   CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
118   CALL force_env_get(gopt_env%force_env, subsys=subsys, cell=cell)
119   CALL cp_subsys_get(subsys, &
120                      core_particles=core_particles, &
121                      particles=particles, &
122                      shell_particles=shell_particles, &
123                      virial=virial)
125   my_final_evaluation = .FALSE.
126   IF (PRESENT(final_evaluation)) my_final_evaluation = final_evaluation
128   SELECT CASE (gopt_env%type_id)
129   CASE (default_minimization_method_id, default_ts_method_id)
130      CALL unpack_subsys_particles(subsys=subsys, r=x)
131      CALL write_structure_data(particles%els, cell, gopt_env%motion_section)
132      SELECT CASE (gopt_env%type_id)
133      CASE (default_minimization_method_id)
134         ! Geometry Minimization
135         CALL force_env_calc_energy_force(gopt_env%force_env, &
136                                          calc_force=PRESENT(gradient), &
137                                          require_consistent_energy_force=gopt_env%require_consistent_energy_force)
138         ! Possibly take the potential energy
139         IF (PRESENT(f)) THEN
140            CALL force_env_get(gopt_env%force_env, potential_energy=f)
141         END IF
142         ! Possibly take the gradients
143         IF (PRESENT(gradient)) THEN
144            IF (master == para_env%mepos) THEN ! we are on the master
145               CALL pack_subsys_particles(subsys=subsys, f=gradient, fscale=-1.0_dp)
146            END IF
147         END IF
148      CASE (default_ts_method_id)
149         ! Transition State Optimization
150         ALLOCATE (gradient_ts(particles%n_els*3))
151         ! Real calculation of energy and forces for transition state optimization:
152         ! When doing dimer methods forces have to be always computed since the function
153         ! to minimize is not the energy but the effective force
154         CALL cp_eval_at_ts(gopt_env, x, f_ts, gradient_ts, calc_force=.TRUE.)
155         CALL cite_reference(Henkelman1999)
156         ! Possibly take the potential energy
157         IF (PRESENT(f)) f = f_ts
158         ! Possibly take the gradients
159         IF (PRESENT(gradient)) THEN
160            IF (master == para_env%mepos) THEN ! we are on the master
161               CPASSERT(ASSOCIATED(gradient))
162               gradient = gradient_ts
163            END IF
164         END IF
165         DEALLOCATE (gradient_ts)
166      END SELECT
167      ! This call is necessary for QM/MM if a Translation is applied
168      ! this makes the geometry optimizer consistent
169      CALL unpack_subsys_particles(subsys=subsys, r=x)
170   CASE (default_cell_method_id)
171      ! Check for VIRIAL
172      IF (.NOT. virial%pv_availability) &
173         CALL cp_abort(__LOCATION__, &
174                       "Cell optimization requested but FORCE_EVAL%STRESS_TENSOR was not defined! "// &
175                       "Activate the evaluation of the stress tensor for cell optimization!")
176      SELECT CASE (gopt_env%cell_method_id)
177      CASE (default_cell_direct_id)
178         CALL apply_cell_change(gopt_env, cell, x, update_forces=.FALSE.)
179         ! Possibly output the new cell used for the next calculation
180         CALL write_cell(cell, gopt_env%geo_section)
181         ! Compute the pressure tensor
182         CALL virial_create(virial_avg)
183         CALL force_env_calc_energy_force(gopt_env%force_env, &
184                                          calc_force=PRESENT(gradient), &
185                                          require_consistent_energy_force=gopt_env%require_consistent_energy_force)
186         ! Possibly take the potential energy
187         CALL force_env_get(gopt_env%force_env, potential_energy=potential_energy)
188         CALL cp_virial(virial, virial_avg)
189         CALL virial_update(virial_avg, subsys, para_env)
190         IF (PRESENT(f)) THEN
191            CALL force_env_get(gopt_env%force_env, potential_energy=f)
192         END IF
193         ! Possibly take the gradients
194         IF (PRESENT(gradient)) THEN
195            CPASSERT(ANY(virial_avg%pv_total /= 0))
196            ! Convert the average ptens
197            av_ptens(:, :) = virial_avg%pv_total(:, :)/cell%deth
198            IF (master == para_env%mepos) THEN ! we are on the master
199               CPASSERT(ASSOCIATED(gradient))
200               nparticle = force_env_get_nparticle(gopt_env%force_env)
201               nsize = 3*nparticle
202               CPASSERT((SIZE(gradient) == nsize + 6))
203               CALL pack_subsys_particles(subsys=subsys, f=gradient(1:nsize), fscale=-1.0_dp)
204               CALL apply_cell_change(gopt_env, cell, gradient, update_forces=.TRUE.)
205               cell_gradient => gradient(nsize + 1:nsize + 6)
206               cell_gradient = 0.0_dp
207               CALL get_dg_dh(cell_gradient, av_ptens, gopt_env%cell_env%pres_ext, cell, gopt_env%cell_env%mtrx, &
208                              keep_angles=gopt_env%cell_env%keep_angles, &
209                              keep_symmetry=gopt_env%cell_env%keep_symmetry, &
210                              pres_int=gopt_env%cell_env%pres_int, &
211                              constraint_id=gopt_env%cell_env%constraint_id)
212            END IF
213            ! some callers expect pres_int to be available on all ranks. Also, here master is not necessarily a single rank.
214            ! Assume at least master==0
215            CALL mp_bcast(gopt_env%cell_env%pres_int, 0, para_env%group)
216         END IF
217         CALL virial_release(virial_avg)
218      CASE (default_cell_geo_opt_id, default_cell_md_id)
219         CALL apply_cell_change(gopt_env, cell, x, update_forces=.FALSE.)
220         ! Possibly output the new cell used for the next calculation
221         CALL write_cell(cell, gopt_env%geo_section)
222         ! Compute the pressure tensor
223         CALL virial_create(virial_avg)
224         IF (my_final_evaluation) THEN
225            CALL force_env_calc_energy_force(gopt_env%force_env, &
226                                             calc_force=PRESENT(gradient), &
227                                             require_consistent_energy_force=gopt_env%require_consistent_energy_force)
228            IF (PRESENT(f)) THEN
229               CALL force_env_get(gopt_env%force_env, potential_energy=f)
230            END IF
231         ELSE
232            SELECT CASE (gopt_env%cell_method_id)
233            CASE (default_cell_geo_opt_id)
234               work => section_vals_get_subs_vals(gopt_env%motion_section, "GEO_OPT")
235               CALL section_vals_get(work, explicit=explicit)
236               IF (.NOT. explicit) &
237                  CALL cp_abort(__LOCATION__, &
238                                "Cell optimization at 0K was requested. GEO_OPT section MUST be provided in the input file!")
239               ! Perform a geometry optimization
240               CALL gopt_new_logger_create(new_logger, gopt_env%force_env%root_section, para_env, &
241                                           project_name, id_run=geo_opt_run)
242               CALL cp_add_default_logger(new_logger)
243               CALL cp_geo_opt(gopt_env%force_env, gopt_env%globenv, eval_opt_geo=.FALSE.)
244               CALL force_env_get(gopt_env%force_env, potential_energy=potential_energy)
245               CALL cp_virial(virial, virial_avg)
246            CASE (default_cell_md_id)
247               work => section_vals_get_subs_vals(gopt_env%motion_section, "MD")
248               avgs_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(work, "AVERAGES")
249               CALL section_vals_get(work, explicit=explicit)
250               IF (.NOT. explicit) &
251                  CALL cp_abort( &
252                  __LOCATION__, &
253                  "Cell optimization at finite temperature was requested. MD section MUST be provided in the input file!")
254               ! Only NVT ensemble is allowed..
255               CALL section_vals_val_get(gopt_env%motion_section, "MD%ENSEMBLE", i_val=ensemble)
256               IF (ensemble /= nvt_ensemble) &
257                  CALL cp_abort(__LOCATION__, &
258                                "Cell optimization at finite temperature requires the NVT MD ensemble!")
259               ! Perform a molecular dynamics
260               CALL gopt_new_logger_create(new_logger, gopt_env%force_env%root_section, para_env, &
261                                           project_name, id_run=mol_dyn_run)
262               CALL cp_add_default_logger(new_logger)
263               CALL create_averages(averages, avgs_section, virial_avg=.TRUE., force_env=gopt_env%force_env)
264               CALL qs_mol_dyn(gopt_env%force_env, gopt_env%globenv, averages, rm_restart_info=.FALSE.)
265               ! Retrieve the average of the stress tensor and the average of the potential energy
266               potential_energy = averages%avepot
267               CALL cp_virial(averages%virial, virial_avg)
268               CALL release_averages(averages)
269            CASE DEFAULT
270               CPABORT("")
271            END SELECT
272            CALL cp_rm_default_logger()
273            CALL gopt_new_logger_release(new_logger, gopt_env%force_env%root_section, para_env, project_name, &
274                                         cell_opt_run)
275            ! Update the virial
276            CALL virial_update(virial_avg, subsys, para_env)
277            ! Possibly take give back the potential energy
278            IF (PRESENT(f)) THEN
279               f = potential_energy
280            END IF
281         END IF
282         ! Possibly give back the gradients
283         IF (PRESENT(gradient)) THEN
284            CPASSERT(ANY(virial_avg%pv_total /= 0))
285            ! Convert the average ptens
286            av_ptens(:, :) = virial_avg%pv_total(:, :)/cell%deth
287            IF (master == para_env%mepos) THEN ! we are on the master
288               CPASSERT(ASSOCIATED(gradient))
289               ! Compute the gradients on the cell
290               CALL get_dg_dh(gradient, av_ptens, gopt_env%cell_env%pres_ext, cell, gopt_env%cell_env%mtrx, &
291                              keep_angles=gopt_env%cell_env%keep_angles, &
292                              keep_symmetry=gopt_env%cell_env%keep_symmetry, &
293                              pres_int=gopt_env%cell_env%pres_int, &
294                              constraint_id=gopt_env%cell_env%constraint_id)
295            END IF
296            ! some callers expect pres_int to be available on all ranks. Also, here master is not necessarily a single rank.
297            ! Assume at least master==0
298            CALL mp_bcast(gopt_env%cell_env%pres_int, 0, para_env%group)
299         END IF
300         CALL virial_release(virial_avg)
302         CPABORT("")
303      END SELECT
304   CASE (default_shellcore_method_id)
305      idg = 0
306      DO ip = 1, particles%n_els
307         shell_index = particles%els(ip)%shell_index
308         IF (shell_index /= 0) THEN
309            DO idir = 1, 3
310               idg = 3*(shell_index - 1) + idir
311               shell_particles%els(shell_index)%r(idir) = core_particles%els(ip)%r(idir) - x(idg)
312            END DO
313         END IF
314      END DO
315      CALL write_structure_data(particles%els, cell, gopt_env%motion_section)
317      ! Shell-core optimization
318      CALL force_env_calc_energy_force(gopt_env%force_env, &
319                                       calc_force=PRESENT(gradient), &
320                                       require_consistent_energy_force=gopt_env%require_consistent_energy_force)
322      ! Possibly take the potential energy
323      IF (PRESENT(f)) THEN
324         CALL force_env_get(gopt_env%force_env, potential_energy=f)
325      END IF
327      ! Possibly take the gradients
328      IF (PRESENT(gradient)) THEN
329         IF (master == para_env%mepos) THEN ! we are on the master
330            CPASSERT(ASSOCIATED(gradient))
331            idg = 0
332            DO ip = 1, shell_particles%n_els
333               DO idir = 1, 3
334                  idg = idg + 1
335                  gradient(idg) = -(core_particles%els(ip)%f(idir) - shell_particles%els(ip)%f(idir))
336               END DO
337            END DO
338         END IF
339      END IF
341      CPABORT("")
344   CALL timestop(handle)
346END SUBROUTINE cp_eval_at