1PROGRAM dumpdcd
3! Copyright (C) 2012 - 2016  Matthias Krack (MK)
5! Version: 3.0
6! Author:  Matthias Krack (MK)
7! History: - Creation (13.02.2012,MK)
8!          - XYZ file option added (13.02.2012,MK)
9!          - Flags added for first and last frame and -o for output (24.05.2012,MK)
10!          - XMOL flag added (25.05.2012,MK)
11!          - PBC flag added (04.06.2012,MK)
12!          - Stride flag added (05.06.2012,MK)
13!          - Tracing of atoms added to detect the atoms which left the box (06.06.2012,MK)
14!          - Keep input coordinates for further processing steps (15.06.2012,MK)
15!          - VEL to CORD (-vel2cord flag) hack added (25.06.2012,MK)
16!          - Added -displacement (-disp) flag (26.06.2012,MK)
17!          - Dump the atomic displacements (CORD file) or temperatures (VEL file as x-coordinates of a DCD file (28.06.2012,MK)
18!          - FRC to CORD (-frc2cord flag) hack added (28.01.2016,MK)
19!          - Option -eformat added (15.02.2016,MK)
21! Note: For -ekin a XYZ file is required to obtain the atomic labels.
22!       The -info and the -debug flags provide a more detailed output which is especially handy for tracing problems.
23!       The output in DCD format is in binary format.
24!       The input coordinates should be in Angstrom. Velocities and forces are expected to be in atomic units.
26! Uncomment the following line if this module is available (e.g. with gfortran) and comment the corresponding variable declarations below
27! USE ISO_FORTRAN_ENV, ONLY: error_unit,input_unit,output_unit
31  ! Comment the following lines if the ISO_FORTRAN_ENV is used (see above)
32  INTEGER, PARAMETER                                 :: default_error_unit  = 0,&
33                                                        default_input_unit  = 5,&
34                                                        default_output_unit = 6
35  INTEGER                                            :: error_unit  = default_error_unit,&
36                                                        input_unit  = default_input_unit,&
37                                                        output_unit = default_output_unit
38  ! End Comment
40  ! Parameters
41  CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routine_name = "dumpdcd",&
42                                 version_info = routine_name//" v3.0 (31.01.2014, Matthias Krack)"
45                        sp = SELECTED_REAL_KIND(6,30)
46  INTEGER, PARAMETER :: default_string_length        = 240,&
47                        xyz_input_unit               = 10
49  REAL(KIND=dp), PARAMETER :: pi       = 3.14159265358979323846264338_dp
50  REAL(KIND=dp), PARAMETER :: angstrom = 0.52917720859_dp,&              ! [a.u.] -> [Angstrom]
51                              degree   = 180.0_dp/pi,&                   ! [rad]  -> [degree]
52                              kelvin   = 315774.647902944_dp,&           ! [a.u.] -> [K]
53                              massunit = 1822.88484264550_dp             ! [u]    -> [a.u.]
55  ! Variables
56  CHARACTER(LEN=4)                                   :: id_dcd
57  CHARACTER(LEN=10)                                  :: unit_string
58  CHARACTER(LEN=17)                                  :: fmt_string
59  CHARACTER(LEN=default_string_length)               :: arg,dcd_file_name,message,out_file_name,output_format,&
60                                                        remark_xyz,string,xyz_file_name
61  CHARACTER(LEN=5), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE        :: atomic_label
62  CHARACTER(LEN=80), DIMENSION(2)                    :: remark_dcd
63  INTEGER                                            :: first_frame,have_unit_cell,i,iarg,&
64                                                        iatom,iskip,istat,istep,last_frame,narg,&
65                                                        natom_dcd,natom_xyz,ndcd_file,nframe,&
66                                                        nframe_read,nremark,stride
67  LOGICAL                                            :: apply_pbc,debug,dump_frame,eformat,ekin,eo,have_atomic_labels,&
68                                                        info,opened,output_format_dcd,output_format_xmol,&
69                                                        pbc0,print_atomic_displacements,print_scaled_coordinates,&
70                                                        print_scaled_pbc_coordinates,trace_atoms,vel2cord
71  REAL(KIND=sp)                                      :: dt
72  REAL(KIND=dp)                                      :: a,alpha,b,beta,c,eps_out_of_box,gamma,tavg,tavg_frame
73  INTEGER, DIMENSION(16)                             :: idum
74  REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(3)                        :: rdum
75  REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE           :: atomic_displacement,atomic_mass,atomic_temperature
76  REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(3,3)                      :: h,hinv
77  REAL(KIND=sp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE         :: r
78  REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE         :: r_pbc,r0,s,s_pbc
80  apply_pbc = .FALSE.
81  pbc0 = .FALSE.
82  debug = .FALSE.
83  dump_frame = .TRUE.
84  eformat = .FALSE.
85  ekin = .FALSE.
86  eo = .FALSE.
87  info = .FALSE.
88  trace_atoms = .FALSE.
89  vel2cord = .FALSE.
90  print_atomic_displacements = .FALSE.
91  print_scaled_coordinates = .FALSE.
92  print_scaled_pbc_coordinates = .FALSE.
93  first_frame = 1
94  last_frame = 1000000 ! Hard limit of 1 Mio frames in total
95  stride = 1
96  ndcd_file = 0
97  nframe = 0
98  nframe_read = 0
99  nremark = 0
100  have_unit_cell = 0
101  have_atomic_labels = .FALSE.
102  idum(:) = 0
103  rdum(:) = 0.0_dp
104  id_dcd = ""
105  dcd_file_name = ""
106  out_file_name = ""
107  xyz_file_name = ""
108  output_format = "default"
109  output_format_dcd = .FALSE.
110  output_format_xmol = .FALSE.
111  remark_dcd(:) = ""
112  remark_xyz = ""
113  fmt_string = ""
114  dt = 0.0_sp
115  a = 0.0_dp
116  b = 0.0_dp
117  c = 0.0_dp
118  alpha = 0.0_dp
119  beta  = 0.0_dp
120  gamma = 0.0_dp
121  eps_out_of_box = -HUGE(0.0_dp)
122  tavg = 0.0_dp
123  tavg_frame = 0.0_dp
125  narg = command_argument_count()
127  IF (narg == 0) THEN
128    CALL print_help()
129    CALL abort_program(routine_name,"No input file(s) specified")
130  END IF
132  iarg = 0
134  dcd_file_loop: DO
136    iarg = iarg + 1
138    CALL get_command_argument(NUMBER=iarg,VALUE=arg,STATUS=istat)
140    SELECT CASE (arg)
141    CASE ("-debug","-d")
142      debug = .TRUE.
143      info = .TRUE.
144      CYCLE dcd_file_loop
145    CASE ("-displacements","-disp")
146      print_atomic_displacements = .TRUE.
147      CYCLE dcd_file_loop
148    CASE ("-eformat")
149      eformat = .TRUE.
150      CYCLE dcd_file_loop
151    CASE ("-ekin")
152      ekin = .TRUE.
153      CYCLE dcd_file_loop
154    CASE ("-eo")
155      eo = .TRUE.
156      CYCLE dcd_file_loop
157    CASE ("-first_frame","-first","-ff")
158      iarg = iarg + 1
159      CALL get_command_argument(NUMBER=iarg,VALUE=arg,STATUS=istat)
160      READ (UNIT=arg,FMT=*,ERR=100) first_frame
161      IF (first_frame <= 0) THEN
162        CALL abort_program(routine_name,"Invalid number for first frame specified: "//&
163                                        "first_frame must be greater than zero")
164      END IF
165      CYCLE dcd_file_loop
166100   CALL abort_program(routine_name,"Invalid number for first frame specified "//&
167                                      "(an integer number greater than zero is expected)")
168    CASE ("-help","-h")
169      CALL print_help()
170      STOP
171    CASE ("-info","-i")
172      info = .TRUE.
173      CYCLE dcd_file_loop
174    CASE ("-last_frame","-last","-lf")
175      iarg = iarg + 1
176      CALL get_command_argument(NUMBER=iarg,VALUE=arg,STATUS=istat)
177      READ (UNIT=arg,FMT=*,ERR=101) last_frame
178      IF (last_frame <= 0) THEN
179        CALL abort_program(routine_name,"Invalid number for last frame specified: "//&
180                                        "last_frame must be greater than zero")
181      END IF
182      CYCLE dcd_file_loop
183101   CALL abort_program(routine_name,"Invalid number for last frame specified "//&
184                                      "(an integer number greater than zero is expected)")
185    CASE ("-o","-output")
186      iarg = iarg + 1
187      CALL get_command_argument(NUMBER=iarg,VALUE=out_file_name,STATUS=istat)
188      CYCLE dcd_file_loop
189    CASE ("-output_format","-of")
190      iarg = iarg + 1
191      CALL get_command_argument(NUMBER=iarg,VALUE=output_format,STATUS=istat)
192      CALL uppercase(output_format)
193      SELECT CASE (output_format)
194      CASE ("DCD")
195        output_format_dcd = .TRUE.
196        output_format_xmol = .FALSE.
197      CASE ("XMOL")
198        output_format_dcd = .FALSE.
199        output_format_xmol = .TRUE.
201        CALL abort_program(routine_name,"Invalid output format type specified")
202      END SELECT
203      CYCLE dcd_file_loop
204    CASE ("-pbc")
205      apply_pbc = .TRUE.
206      pbc0 = .FALSE.
207      CYCLE dcd_file_loop
208    CASE ("-pbc0")
209      apply_pbc = .TRUE.
210      pbc0 = .TRUE.
211      CYCLE dcd_file_loop
212    CASE ("-scaled_coordinates","-sc")
213      print_scaled_coordinates = .TRUE.
214      CYCLE dcd_file_loop
215    CASE ("-scaled_pbc_coordinates","-spc")
216      print_scaled_pbc_coordinates = .TRUE.
217      CYCLE dcd_file_loop
218    CASE ("-stride")
219      iarg = iarg + 1
220      CALL get_command_argument(NUMBER=iarg,VALUE=arg,STATUS=istat)
221      READ (UNIT=arg,FMT=*,ERR=104) stride
222      IF (stride < 1) THEN
223        CALL abort_program(routine_name,"Invalid stride for frame dump specified: stride must be greater than zero")
224      END IF
225      CYCLE dcd_file_loop
226104   CALL abort_program(routine_name,"Invalid stride for frame dump specified "//&
227                                      "(an integer number greater than 0 is expected)")
228    CASE ("-trace_atoms")
229      iarg = iarg + 1
230      CALL get_command_argument(NUMBER=iarg,VALUE=arg,STATUS=istat)
231      READ (UNIT=arg,FMT=*,ERR=108) eps_out_of_box
232      IF (eps_out_of_box <= 0.0_dp) THEN
233        CALL abort_program(routine_name,"Invalid threshold value for -trace_atoms flag specified")
234      END IF
235      trace_atoms = .TRUE.
236      CYCLE dcd_file_loop
237108   CALL abort_program(routine_name,"Invalid threshold value for -trace_atoms flag specified")
238    CASE ("-vel2cord","-v2c","-frc2cord","-f2c")
239      vel2cord = .TRUE.
240      CYCLE dcd_file_loop
241    CASE ("-xyz","xyz_file")
242      iarg = iarg + 1
243      CALL get_command_argument(NUMBER=iarg,VALUE=xyz_file_name,STATUS=istat)
244      have_atomic_labels = .TRUE.
245      CYCLE dcd_file_loop
247      IF (arg(1:1) == "-") THEN
248        CALL print_help()
249        CALL abort_program(routine_name,"Unknown command line flag """//TRIM(arg)//""" found")
250      END IF
251      dcd_file_name = arg
254    ! Check flag compatibility
255    IF (first_frame > last_frame) THEN
256      CALL abort_program(routine_name,"Number of first frame greater than number of last frame")
257    END IF
258    IF ((.NOT.have_atomic_labels).AND.output_format_xmol) THEN
259      CALL abort_program(routine_name,"The output format XMOL requires a valid xyz file (-xyz flag)")
260    END IF
261    IF (output_format_xmol.AND.ekin) THEN
262      CALL abort_program(routine_name,"Output format XMOL and the -ekin flag are incompatible")
263    END IF
264    IF (output_format_xmol.AND.print_atomic_displacements) THEN
265      CALL abort_program(routine_name,"Output format XMOL and the -displacements flag are incompatible")
266    END IF
267    IF (output_format_xmol.AND.eo) THEN
268      CALL abort_program(routine_name,"The -eo flag is incompatible with the output format XMOL")
269    END IF
270    IF (.NOT.have_atomic_labels.AND.ekin) THEN
271      CALL abort_program(routine_name,"ekin flag requires also the specification of a valid xyz file (-xyz flag)")
272    END IF
273    IF (.NOT.apply_pbc.AND.trace_atoms) THEN
274      CALL abort_program(routine_name,"The -trace_atoms flag requires the specification of a -pbc flag")
275    END IF
276    IF (ekin.AND.print_atomic_displacements) THEN
277      CALL abort_program(routine_name,"The -ekin flag and the -displacements flag are incompatible")
278    END IF
279    IF (print_scaled_coordinates.AND.print_scaled_pbc_coordinates) THEN
280      CALL abort_program(routine_name,"The -sc flag and the -spc flag are incompatible")
281    END IF
282    IF (.NOT.apply_pbc.AND.print_scaled_coordinates) THEN
283      CALL abort_program(routine_name,"The -sc flag requires the specification of a -pbc flag")
284    END IF
285    IF (.NOT.apply_pbc.AND.print_scaled_pbc_coordinates) THEN
286      CALL abort_program(routine_name,"The -spc flag requires the specification of a -pbc flag")
287    END IF
289    ! Use optionally an ES format
290    IF (eformat) THEN
291      fmt_string = "(A5,3(1X,ES14.6))"
292    ELSE
293      fmt_string = "(A5,3(1X, F14.6))"
294    END IF
296    ! Open output units as requested
297    IF (output_format_dcd) THEN
298      ! Set default output file name if no file name was specified
299      IF (LEN_TRIM(out_file_name) == 0) out_file_name = "output.dcd"
300      ! Check if a new output file name was specified, if yes then close the old unit
301      INQUIRE (UNIT=output_unit,NAME=string)
302      IF (TRIM(string) /= TRIM(out_file_name)) CLOSE (UNIT=output_unit)
303      INQUIRE (UNIT=output_unit,OPENED=opened)
304      IF (.NOT.opened) THEN
305        OPEN (UNIT=output_unit,&
306              FILE=out_file_name,&
307              STATUS="UNKNOWN",&
308              ACCESS="SEQUENTIAL",&
309              FORM="UNFORMATTED",&
310              ACTION="WRITE",&
311              IOSTAT=istat)
312        IF (istat /= 0) CALL abort_program(routine_name,"The unformatted output file could not be opened")
313      END IF
314    ELSE
315      IF (eo) error_unit = output_unit
316      IF (LEN_TRIM(out_file_name) > 0) THEN
317        ! Check if a new output file name was specified, if yes then close the old unit
318        INQUIRE (UNIT=output_unit,NAME=string)
319        IF (TRIM(string) /= TRIM(out_file_name)) CLOSE (UNIT=output_unit)
320        INQUIRE (UNIT=output_unit,OPENED=opened)
321        IF (.NOT.opened) THEN
322          OPEN (UNIT=output_unit,&
323                FILE=out_file_name,&
324                STATUS="UNKNOWN",&
325                ACCESS="SEQUENTIAL",&
326                FORM="FORMATTED",&
327                POSITION="REWIND",&
328                ACTION="WRITE",&
329                IOSTAT=istat)
330          IF (istat /= 0) CALL abort_program(routine_name,"The formatted output file could not be opened")
331        END IF
332      END IF
333    END IF
335    ! Avoid reading from and writing to the same file
336    IF (TRIM(dcd_file_name) == TRIM(out_file_name)) THEN
337      CALL abort_program(routine_name,"Input and output file name cannot be the same")
338    END IF
340    ! Read reference xyz input file if requested
341    IF (have_atomic_labels) THEN
342      string = ""
343      ! Check if a new XYZ input file name was specified, if yes then close the old unit
344      INQUIRE (UNIT=xyz_input_unit,NAME=string)
345      IF (TRIM(string) /= TRIM(xyz_file_name)) CLOSE (UNIT=xyz_input_unit)
346      INQUIRE (UNIT=xyz_input_unit,OPENED=opened)
347      ! Read new XYZ input file if needed and update reference information
348      IF (.NOT.opened) THEN
349        OPEN (UNIT=xyz_input_unit,&
350              FILE=xyz_file_name,&
351              STATUS="OLD",&
352              ACCESS="SEQUENTIAL",&
353              FORM="FORMATTED",&
354              POSITION="REWIND",&
355              ACTION="READ",&
356              IOSTAT=istat)
357        IF (istat /= 0) CALL abort_program(routine_name,"The XYZ file could not be opened")
358        IF (info) WRITE (UNIT=error_unit,FMT="(A)") "#","# Reading XYZ file: "//TRIM(xyz_file_name)
359        READ (UNIT=xyz_input_unit,FMT="(A)",IOSTAT=istat) arg
360        IF (istat /= 0) THEN
361          CALL abort_program(routine_name,"Reading line 1 of the XYZ file (number of atoms) failed")
362        END IF
363        IF (arg(1:1) == "#") THEN
364          READ (UNIT=arg,FMT=*,IOSTAT=istat) string,natom_xyz
365        ELSE
366          READ (UNIT=arg,FMT=*,IOSTAT=istat) natom_xyz
367        END IF
368        IF (istat /= 0) THEN
369          CALL abort_program(routine_name,"Reading line 1 of the XYZ file (number of atoms) failed")
370        END IF
371        IF (ALLOCATED(atomic_label)) THEN
372          DEALLOCATE (atomic_label,STAT=istat)
373          IF (istat /= 0) CALL abort_program(routine_name,"Deallocation of the vector atomic_label failed")
374        END IF
375        ALLOCATE (atomic_label(natom_xyz),STAT=istat)
376        IF (istat /= 0) CALL abort_program(routine_name,"Allocation of the vector atomic_label failed")
377        atomic_label(:) = ""
378        IF (ekin) THEN
379          IF (ALLOCATED(atomic_mass)) THEN
380            DEALLOCATE (atomic_mass,STAT=istat)
381            IF (istat /= 0) CALL abort_program(routine_name,"Deallocation of the vector atomic_mass failed")
382          END IF
383          ALLOCATE (atomic_mass(natom_xyz),STAT=istat)
384          IF (istat /= 0) CALL abort_program(routine_name,"Allocation of the vector atomic_mass failed")
385        END IF
386        READ (UNIT=xyz_input_unit,FMT="(A)",IOSTAT=istat) remark_xyz
387        IF (istat /= 0) CALL abort_program(routine_name,"Reading line 2 of the XYZ file (remark line) failed")
388        iatom = 0
389        DO
390          READ (UNIT=xyz_input_unit,FMT=*,IOSTAT=istat) arg
391          IF (arg(1:1) == "#") THEN
392            CYCLE
393          ELSE
394            BACKSPACE (UNIT=xyz_input_unit)
395          END IF
396          iatom = iatom + 1
397          READ (UNIT=xyz_input_unit,FMT=*,IOSTAT=istat) atomic_label(iatom),rdum(1:3)
398          IF (istat /= 0) THEN
399            message = ""
400            WRITE (UNIT=message,FMT="(A,I0,A,I0,A)")&
401             "Reading line ",iatom+2," of the XYZ file (atom ",iatom,") failed"
402            CALL abort_program(routine_name,TRIM(message))
403          END IF
404          CALL uppercase(atomic_label(iatom))
405          IF (LEN_TRIM(atomic_label(iatom)) > 1) CALL lowercase(atomic_label(iatom)(2:2))
406          atomic_label(iatom) = TRIM(ADJUSTL(atomic_label(iatom)))
407          IF (ekin) atomic_mass(iatom) = get_atomic_mass(atomic_label(iatom))
408          IF (iatom == natom_xyz) EXIT
409        END DO
410        IF (info) THEN
411          WRITE (UNIT=error_unit,FMT="(A,I0)")&
412           "# Number of atoms : ",natom_xyz,&
413           "# Remark          : "//TRIM(ADJUSTL(remark_xyz))
414        END IF
415      END IF
416    END IF
418    ! Increment DCD file counter
419    ndcd_file = ndcd_file + 1
421    ! Open input file in DCD format
422    OPEN (UNIT=input_unit,&
423          FILE=dcd_file_name,&
424          STATUS="OLD",&
425          FORM="UNFORMATTED",&
426          POSITION="REWIND",&
427          ACTION="READ",&
428          IOSTAT=istat)
429    IF (istat /= 0) CALL abort_program(routine_name,"The DCD file could not be opened")
430    IF (info) THEN
431      WRITE (UNIT=error_unit,FMT="(A,/,(A,I0))")&
432       "#",&
433       "# DCD file number : ",ndcd_file,&
434       "# Reading DCD file: "//TRIM(dcd_file_name)
435    END IF
437    ! Read 1st record of DCD file
438    READ (UNIT=input_unit) id_dcd,idum(1),istep,iskip,idum(2:7),dt,have_unit_cell,idum(8:16)
439    IF (info) THEN
440      WRITE (UNIT=error_unit,FMT="(A,2(/,A,I0),/,A,F9.3,/,A,I0)")&
441       "# DCD id string   : "//id_dcd,&
442       "# Step            : ",istep,&
443       "# Print frequency : ",iskip,&
444       "# Time step [fs]  : ",dt,&
445       "# Unit cell       : ",have_unit_cell
446    END IF
448    IF (ekin.AND.TRIM(ADJUSTL(id_dcd)) /= "VEL") THEN
449      CALL abort_program(routine_name,"ekin flag requires a DCD file with VELocities")
450    END IF
451    IF (apply_pbc.AND.(have_unit_cell /= 1)) THEN
452      CALL abort_program(routine_name,"pbc flags require that unit cell information is available")
453    END IF
455    IF ((TRIM(ADJUSTL(id_dcd)) == "FRC").OR.(TRIM(ADJUSTL(id_dcd)) == "VEL")) THEN
456      unit_string = "[a.u.]"
457      IF (apply_pbc) CALL abort_program(routine_name,"pbc flags require a DCD file with COoRDinates")
458    ELSE IF (TRIM(ADJUSTL(id_dcd)) == "CORD") THEN
459      unit_string = "[Angstrom]"
460    ELSE
461      CALL abort_program(routine_name,"Unknown DCD id found (use -debug or -info flag for details)")
462    END IF
464    ! Read 2nd record of DCD file
465    READ (UNIT=input_unit) nremark,remark_dcd(1),remark_dcd(2)
466    IF (info) THEN
467      DO i=1,nremark
468        WRITE (UNIT=error_unit,FMT="(A,I1,A)")&
469         "# Remark ",i,"        : "//TRIM(remark_dcd(i))
470      END DO
471    END IF
473    ! Read 3rd record of DCD file
474    READ (UNIT=input_unit) natom_dcd
475    IF (info) THEN
476      WRITE (UNIT=error_unit,FMT="(A,I0)")&
477       "# Number of atoms : ",natom_dcd
478    END IF
480    IF (have_atomic_labels) THEN
481      IF (natom_dcd /= natom_xyz) CALL abort_program(routine_name,"Number of atoms in XYZ and DCD file differ")
482    ELSE
483      IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(atomic_label)) THEN
484        ALLOCATE (atomic_label(natom_dcd),STAT=istat)
485        IF (istat /= 0) CALL abort_program(routine_name,"Allocation of the vector atomic_label failed")
486        atomic_label(:) = ""
487      END IF
488    END IF
490    ! Dump output in DCD format => dcd2dcd functionality
491    IF (output_format_dcd) THEN
492      IF (vel2cord) id_dcd = "CORD"
493      ! Note, dt is REAL*4 and the rest is INTEGER*4
494      WRITE (UNIT=output_unit) id_dcd,idum(1),istep,iskip,idum(2:7),dt,have_unit_cell,idum(8:16)
495      WRITE (UNIT=output_unit) nremark,remark_dcd(1),remark_dcd(2)
496      WRITE (UNIT=output_unit) natom_dcd
497    END IF
499    frame_loop: DO
501      nframe = nframe + 1
503      IF (nframe < first_frame) THEN
504        dump_frame = .FALSE.
505      ELSE
506        IF (MODULO(nframe-first_frame,stride) == 0) THEN
507          dump_frame = .TRUE.
508        ELSE
509          dump_frame = .FALSE.
510        END IF
511      END IF
513      ! Read unit cell information, if available
514      IF (have_unit_cell == 1) THEN
515        READ (UNIT=input_unit,IOSTAT=istat) a,gamma,b,beta,alpha,c
516        IF (istat < 0) EXIT frame_loop
517      END IF
519      IF ((info.OR.trace_atoms).AND.dump_frame) THEN
520        WRITE (UNIT=error_unit,FMT="(A,/,A,I0)")&
521         "#","# Frame number    : ",nframe
522      END IF
524      ! Print unit cell information, if available
525      IF (info.AND.dump_frame) THEN
526        IF (have_unit_cell == 1) THEN
527          WRITE (UNIT=error_unit,FMT="(A,/,(A,F12.6))")&
528           "#",&
529           "# a [Angstrom]    : ",a,&
530           "# b [Angstrom]    : ",b,&
531           "# c [Angstrom]    : ",c,&
532           "# alpha [degree]  : ",alpha,&
533           "# beta  [degree]  : ",beta,&
534           "# gamma [degree]  : ",gamma
535        END IF
536      END IF
538      ! Allocate the array for the current atomic positions if needed
539      IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(r)) THEN
540        ALLOCATE (r(natom_dcd,3),STAT=istat)
541        IF (istat /= 0) CALL abort_program(routine_name,"Allocation of the array r failed")
542      END IF
544      ! Read in the atomic positions of the current frame
545      READ (UNIT=input_unit,IOSTAT=istat) r(1:natom_dcd,1)
546      IF (istat < 0) EXIT frame_loop
547      READ (UNIT=input_unit) r(1:natom_dcd,2)
548      READ (UNIT=input_unit) r(1:natom_dcd,3)
550      ! Store the atomic positions of the first frame in the current DCD input file for
551      ! the output of the atomic displacements
552      IF ((nframe == 1).AND.print_atomic_displacements) THEN
553        IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(r0)) THEN
554          ALLOCATE (r0(natom_dcd,3),STAT=istat)
555          IF (istat /= 0) CALL abort_program(routine_name,"Allocation of the array r0 failed")
556        END IF
557        r0(:,:) = r(:,:)
558        IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(atomic_displacement)) THEN
559          ALLOCATE (atomic_displacement(natom_dcd),STAT=istat)
560          IF (istat /= 0) THEN
561            CALL abort_program(routine_name,"Allocation of the vector atomic_displacement failed")
562          END IF
563        END IF
564        atomic_displacement(:) = 0.0_dp
565      END IF
567      IF (ekin.AND.TRIM(ADJUSTL(id_dcd)) == "VEL") THEN
569        ! Dump the kinetic energy of each as an "atomic temperature"
570        IF (dump_frame) THEN
572          IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(atomic_temperature)) THEN
573            ALLOCATE (atomic_temperature(natom_dcd),STAT=istat)
574            IF (istat /= 0) THEN
575              CALL abort_program(routine_name,"Allocation of the vector atomic_temperature failed")
576            END IF
577            atomic_temperature(:) = 0.0_dp
578          END IF
580          IF (info) THEN
581            WRITE (UNIT=error_unit,FMT="(A)")&
582             "#",&
583             "# Temperature [K]"
584          END IF
586          tavg_frame = 0.0_dp
587          DO iatom=1,natom_dcd
588             atomic_temperature(iatom) = atomic_mass(iatom)*(r(iatom,1)*r(iatom,1) +&
589                                                             r(iatom,2)*r(iatom,2) +&
590                                                             r(iatom,3)*r(iatom,3))*kelvin/3.0_dp
591             tavg_frame = tavg_frame + atomic_temperature(iatom)
592          END DO
593          tavg_frame = tavg_frame/REAL(natom_dcd,KIND=dp)
595          IF (output_format_dcd) THEN
596            IF (have_unit_cell == 1) THEN
597              WRITE (UNIT=output_unit) a,gamma,b,beta,alpha,c
598            END IF
599            ! This is a hack for VMD: dump the atomic temperatures as the x-coordinates
600            ! of a DCD VEL file
601            WRITE (UNIT=output_unit) REAL(atomic_temperature(:),KIND=sp)
602            ! The y and z coordinates are filled with zeros
603            atomic_temperature(:) = 0.0_dp
604            WRITE (UNIT=output_unit) REAL(atomic_temperature(:),KIND=sp)
605            WRITE (UNIT=output_unit) REAL(atomic_temperature(:),KIND=sp)
606          ELSE
607            DO iatom=1,natom_dcd
608              WRITE (UNIT=output_unit,FMT="(A5,5X,F25.3)") ADJUSTL(atomic_label(iatom)),atomic_temperature
609            END DO
610          END IF
612          IF (info) THEN
613            WRITE (UNIT=error_unit,FMT="(A,F12.3)")&
614             "# T [K] this frame: ",tavg_frame
615          END IF
617          tavg = tavg + tavg_frame
619        END IF ! dump_frame
621      ELSE
623        IF (dump_frame) THEN
625          ! Apply periodic boundary conditions before dumping the coordinates if requested
626          IF (apply_pbc) THEN
627            IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(r_pbc)) THEN
628              ALLOCATE (r_pbc(natom_dcd,3),STAT=istat)
629              IF (istat /= 0) CALL abort_program(routine_name,"Allocation of the array r_pbc failed")
630            END IF
631            IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(s)) THEN
632              ALLOCATE (s(natom_dcd,3),STAT=istat)
633              IF (istat /= 0) CALL abort_program(routine_name,"Allocation of the array s failed")
634            END IF
635            IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(s_pbc)) THEN
636              ALLOCATE (s_pbc(natom_dcd,3),STAT=istat)
637              IF (istat /= 0) CALL abort_program(routine_name,"Allocation of the array s_pbc failed")
638            END IF
639            CALL pbc(r,r_pbc,s,s_pbc,a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma,debug,info,pbc0,h,hinv)
640            CALL write_out_of_box_atoms(atomic_label,r,s,eps_out_of_box,h)
641            ! Overwrite input coordinate with the PBCed coordinates for printing
642            r(:,:) = REAL(r_pbc(:,:),KIND=sp)
643          END IF ! apply_pbc
645          ! Calculate the atomic displacements with respect to the first frame,
646          ! i.e. set of atomic positions
647          IF (print_atomic_displacements) THEN
648            DO iatom=1,natom_dcd
649              atomic_displacement(iatom) = SQRT((r(iatom,1) - r0(iatom,1))**2 +&
650                                                (r(iatom,2) - r0(iatom,2))**2 +&
651                                                (r(iatom,3) - r0(iatom,3))**2)
652            END DO
653          END IF
655          ! Dump the atomic coordinates in DCD or XMOL/MOLDEN format
656          IF (output_format_dcd) THEN
657            IF (have_unit_cell == 1) THEN
658              WRITE (UNIT=output_unit) a,gamma,b,beta,alpha,c
659            END IF
660            IF (print_atomic_displacements) THEN
661              ! This is a hack for VMD: dump the atomic displacements as the x-coordinates
662              ! of a DCD CORD file
663              WRITE (UNIT=output_unit) REAL(atomic_displacement(:),KIND=sp)
664              ! The y and z coordinates are filled with zeros
665              atomic_displacement(:) = 0.0_dp
666              WRITE (UNIT=output_unit) REAL(atomic_displacement(:),KIND=sp)
667              WRITE (UNIT=output_unit) REAL(atomic_displacement(:),KIND=sp)
668            ELSE
669              ! Dump DCD file information
670              DO i=1,3
671                WRITE (UNIT=output_unit) r(:,i)
672              END DO
673            END IF
674          ELSE
675            IF (print_atomic_displacements) THEN
676              IF (info) THEN
677                WRITE (UNIT=error_unit,FMT="(A,2(/,A),T15,A)")&
678                 "#",&
679                 "# Displacements   :",&
680                 "# "//TRIM(unit_string),"|r|"
681              END IF
682              IF (have_atomic_labels) THEN
683                DO iatom=1,natom_dcd
684                  WRITE (UNIT=output_unit,FMT="(A5,5X,F25.6)") ADJUSTL(atomic_label(iatom)),atomic_displacement(iatom)
685                END DO
686              ELSE
687                DO iatom=1,natom_dcd
688                  WRITE (UNIT=output_unit,FMT="(10X,F25.6)") atomic_displacement(iatom)
689                END DO
690              END IF
691            ELSE
692              IF (output_format_xmol) THEN
693                WRITE (UNIT=output_unit,FMT="(T2,I0,/,A,2(I0,A))")&
694                  natom_dcd,"Frame: ",nframe_read + 1,", Step: ",nframe,", "//TRIM(remark_xyz)
695                DO iatom=1,natom_dcd
696                  WRITE (UNIT=output_unit,FMT=fmt_string) ADJUSTL(atomic_label(iatom)),r(iatom,1:3)
697                END DO
698              ELSE
699                IF (info) THEN
700                  WRITE (UNIT=error_unit,FMT="(A,T20,A)")&
701                   "# "//TRIM(unit_string),"x              y              z"
702                END IF
703                IF (print_scaled_coordinates) THEN
704                  DO iatom=1,natom_dcd
705                    WRITE (UNIT=output_unit,FMT=fmt_string) ADJUSTL(atomic_label(iatom)),s(iatom,1:3)
706                  END DO
707                ELSE IF (print_scaled_pbc_coordinates) THEN
708                  DO iatom=1,natom_dcd
709                    WRITE (UNIT=output_unit,FMT=fmt_string) ADJUSTL(atomic_label(iatom)),s_pbc(iatom,1:3)
710                  END DO
711                ELSE
712                  DO iatom=1,natom_dcd
713                    WRITE (UNIT=output_unit,FMT=fmt_string) ADJUSTL(atomic_label(iatom)),r(iatom,1:3)
714                  END DO
715                END IF
716              END IF
717            END IF
718          END IF ! output_format_dcd
720        END IF ! dump_frame
722      END IF
724      IF (dump_frame) nframe_read = nframe_read + 1
726      ! Exit loop and stop processing, if the last (requested) frame was encountered
727      IF (nframe >= last_frame) THEN
728        nframe = nframe - 1
729        CLOSE (UNIT=input_unit)
730        EXIT dcd_file_loop
731      END IF
733    END DO frame_loop
735    nframe = nframe - 1
737    CLOSE (UNIT=input_unit)
739    IF (iarg >= narg) EXIT dcd_file_loop
741  END DO dcd_file_loop
743  IF (info) THEN
744    WRITE (UNIT=error_unit,FMT="(A,/,A,I0)")&
745     "#",&
746     "# Frames processed: ",nframe_read
747  END IF
749  IF (ekin.AND.TRIM(ADJUSTL(id_dcd)) == "VEL") THEN
750    IF (info) THEN
751      WRITE (UNIT=error_unit,FMT="(A,/,A,F12.3)")&
752       "#",&
753       "# T [K] all frames: ",tavg/REAL(nframe_read,KIND=dp)
754    END IF
755  END IF
757  ! Print version information
758  IF (info) THEN
759    WRITE (UNIT=error_unit,FMT="(A)")&
760     "#",&
761     "# Normal termination of "//TRIM(version_info)
762  END IF
764  ! Close files
765  IF (have_atomic_labels) CLOSE (UNIT=xyz_input_unit)
766  IF (LEN_TRIM(out_file_name) > 0) CLOSE (UNIT=output_unit)
768  ! Cleanup
769  IF (ALLOCATED(atomic_label)) THEN
770    DEALLOCATE (atomic_label,STAT=istat)
771    IF (istat /= 0) THEN
772      CALL abort_program(routine_name,"Deallocation of the vector atomic_label failed")
773    END IF
774  END IF
776  IF (ALLOCATED(atomic_displacement)) THEN
777    DEALLOCATE (atomic_displacement,STAT=istat)
778    IF (istat /= 0) THEN
779      CALL abort_program(routine_name,"Deallocation of the vector atomic_displacement failed")
780    END IF
781  END IF
783  IF (ALLOCATED(atomic_mass)) THEN
784    DEALLOCATE (atomic_mass,STAT=istat)
785    IF (istat /= 0) THEN
786      CALL abort_program(routine_name,"Deallocation of the vector atomic_mass failed")
787    END IF
788  END IF
790  IF (ALLOCATED(atomic_temperature)) THEN
791    DEALLOCATE (atomic_temperature,STAT=istat)
792    IF (istat /= 0) THEN
793      CALL abort_program(routine_name,"Deallocation of the vector atomic_temperature failed")
794    END IF
795  END IF
798    DEALLOCATE (r,STAT=istat)
799    IF (istat /= 0) THEN
800      CALL abort_program(routine_name,"Deallocation of the array r failed")
801    END IF
802  END IF
805    DEALLOCATE (r0,STAT=istat)
806    IF (istat /= 0) THEN
807      CALL abort_program(routine_name,"Deallocation of the array r0 failed")
808    END IF
809  END IF
811  IF (ALLOCATED(r_pbc)) THEN
812    DEALLOCATE (r_pbc,STAT=istat)
813    IF (istat /= 0) THEN
814      CALL abort_program(routine_name,"Deallocation of the array r_pbc failed")
815    END IF
816  END IF
819    DEALLOCATE (s,STAT=istat)
820    IF (istat /= 0) THEN
821      CALL abort_program(routine_name,"Deallocation of the array s failed")
822    END IF
823  END IF
825  IF (ALLOCATED(s_pbc)) THEN
826    DEALLOCATE (s_pbc,STAT=istat)
827    IF (istat /= 0) THEN
828      CALL abort_program(routine_name,"Deallocation of the array s_pbc failed")
829    END IF
830  END IF
834  SUBROUTINE abort_program(routine,message)
835    ! Abort the program after printing an error message to stderr
839    CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN)           :: routine,message
841    CHARACTER(LEN=2*default_string_length) :: error_message
843    error_message = "*** ERROR in "//TRIM(routine)//": "//TRIM(message)//" ***"
844    WRITE (UNIT=default_error_unit,FMT="(/,A,/)") TRIM(error_message)
845    STOP "*** ABNORMAL PROGRAM TERMINATION of dumpdcd v3.0 ***"
847  END SUBROUTINE abort_program
849  SUBROUTINE build_h_matrix(a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma,h)
850    ! Calculate the h matrix of a simulation cell given the cell edge lengths a, b,
851    ! and c in Angstrom and the angles alpha (<b,c)), beta (<(a,c)), and gamma (<(a,b))
852    ! in degree.
856    CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER                :: routine_name = "build_h_matrix"
858    REAL(KIND=dp), INTENT(IN)                  :: a,alpha,b,beta,c,gamma
859    REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(3,3), INTENT(OUT) :: h
861    REAL(KIND=dp)                              :: cosa,cosb,cosg,sing
863    cosa = COS(alpha/degree)
864    IF (ABS(cosa) < EPSILON(0.0_dp)) cosa = 0.0_dp
866    cosb = COS(beta/degree)
867    IF (ABS(cosb) < EPSILON(0.0_dp)) cosb = 0.0_dp
869    cosg = COS(gamma/degree)
870    IF (ABS(cosg) < EPSILON(0.0_dp)) cosg = 0.0_dp
872    sing = SIN(gamma/degree)
873    IF (ABS(sing) < EPSILON(0.0_dp)) sing = 0.0_dp
875    h(1,1) = 1.0_dp
876    h(2,1) = 0.0_dp
877    h(3,1) = 0.0_dp
879    h(1,2) = cosg
880    h(2,2) = sing
881    h(3,2) = 0.0_dp
883    h(1,3) = cosb
884    h(2,3) = (cosa - cosg*cosb)/sing
885    IF ((1.0_dp - h(1,3)**2 - h(2,3)**2) < 0.0_dp) THEN
886      CALL abort_program(routine_name,"Build of the h matrix failed, check cell information")
887    END IF
888    h(3,3) = SQRT(1.0_dp - h(1,3)**2 - h(2,3)**2)
890    h(:,1) = a*h(:,1)
891    h(:,2) = b*h(:,2)
892    h(:,3) = c*h(:,3)
894  END SUBROUTINE build_h_matrix
896  FUNCTION det_3x3(a) RESULT(det_a)
897    ! Returns the determinante of the 3x3 matrix a.
901    REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(3,3), INTENT(IN) :: a
903    REAL(KIND=dp) :: det_a
905    det_a = a(1,1)*(a(2,2)*a(3,3) - a(2,3)*a(3,2)) +&
906            a(1,2)*(a(2,3)*a(3,1) - a(2,1)*a(3,3)) +&
907            a(1,3)*(a(2,1)*a(3,2) - a(2,2)*a(3,1))
909  END FUNCTION det_3x3
911  FUNCTION get_atomic_mass(element_symbol) RESULT(amass)
912    ! Get the atomic mass amass for an element
916    CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: element_symbol
918    CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER  :: routine_name = "get_atomic_mass"
920    REAL(KIND=dp)                :: amass
922    SELECT CASE (TRIM(element_symbol))
923    CASE ("O ")
924      amass = 15.9994_dp
925    CASE ("U ")
926      amass = 238.02891_dp
928      CALL abort_program(routine_name,"Unknown element symbol found")
931    amass = amass*massunit
933  END FUNCTION get_atomic_mass
935  SUBROUTINE invert_matrix_3x3(h,hinv,deth)
936    ! Calculate the inverse hinv and the determinant deth of the 3x3 matrix h.
940    REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(3,3), INTENT(IN)  :: h
941    REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(3,3), INTENT(OUT) :: hinv
942    REAL(KIND=dp), INTENT(OUT)                 :: deth
944    CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER                :: routine_name = "invert_matrix_3x3"
946    deth = det_3x3(h)
948    ! Numerics
949    deth = ABS(deth)
950    IF (deth < 1.0E-10_dp) THEN
951      CALL abort_program(routine_name,"Invalid h matrix for cell found; det(h) < 1.0E-10")
952    END IF
954    hinv(1,1) = (h(2,2)*h(3,3) - h(3,2)*h(2,3))/deth
955    hinv(2,1) = (h(2,3)*h(3,1) - h(3,3)*h(2,1))/deth
956    hinv(3,1) = (h(2,1)*h(3,2) - h(3,1)*h(2,2))/deth
958    hinv(1,2) = (h(1,3)*h(3,2) - h(3,3)*h(1,2))/deth
959    hinv(2,2) = (h(1,1)*h(3,3) - h(3,1)*h(1,3))/deth
960    hinv(3,2) = (h(1,2)*h(3,1) - h(3,2)*h(1,1))/deth
962    hinv(1,3) = (h(1,2)*h(2,3) - h(2,2)*h(1,3))/deth
963    hinv(2,3) = (h(1,3)*h(2,1) - h(2,3)*h(1,1))/deth
964    hinv(3,3) = (h(1,1)*h(2,2) - h(2,1)*h(1,2))/deth
966  END SUBROUTINE invert_matrix_3x3
968  SUBROUTINE lowercase(string)
969    ! Convert all letters in a string to lowercase
970    CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(INOUT)          :: string
972    INTEGER                                  :: i, iascii
974    DO i=1,LEN_TRIM(string)
975       iascii = ICHAR(string(i:i))
976       IF ((iascii >= 65).AND.(iascii <= 90)) THEN
977          string(i:i) = CHAR(iascii + 32)
978       END IF
979    END DO
981  END SUBROUTINE lowercase
983  SUBROUTINE pbc(r,r_pbc,s,s_pbc,a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma,debug,info,pbc0,h,hinv)
984    ! Apply the periodic boundary conditions (PBC) to the Cartesian coordinate array
985    ! r given the cell edge lengths a, b, and c in Angstrom and the angles alpha (<b,c)),
986    ! beta (<(a,c)), and gamma (<(a,b)) in degree.
987    ! On output r_pbc is updated with the "PBCed" input coordinates, s with the scaled
988    ! input coordinates, and s_pbc with scaled "PBCed" coordinates.
989    ! If pbc0 is true then fold to the range [-l/2,+l/2[ (origin at box centre) else fold
990    ! to the range [0,l[ (origin at lower left box corner).
994    REAL(KIND=sp), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(IN)    :: r
995    REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(OUT)   :: r_pbc,s,s_pbc
996    REAL(KIND=dp), INTENT(IN)                    :: a,alpha,b,beta,c,gamma
997    LOGICAL, INTENT(IN)                          :: debug,info,pbc0
998    REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(3,3), INTENT(OUT)   :: h,hinv
1000    CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER                  :: routine_name = "pbc"
1002    REAL(KIND=dp)                                :: deth
1003    INTEGER                                      :: i,natom
1004    LOGICAL                                      :: orthorhombic
1006    natom= SIZE(r,1)
1007    IF (SIZE(r,2) /= 3) CALL abort_program(routine_name,"Array dimension for r must be 3")
1009    ! Build h matrix
1011    h(:,:) = 0.0_dp
1013    IF ((alpha == 90.0_dp).AND.(beta == 90.0_dp).AND.(gamma == 90.0_dp)) THEN
1014      orthorhombic = .TRUE.
1015      h(1,1) = a
1016      h(2,2) = b
1017      h(3,3) = c
1018    ELSE
1019      orthorhombic = .FALSE.
1020      CALL build_h_matrix(a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma,h)
1021    END IF
1023    ! Build inverse of h
1024    hinv(:,:) = 0.0_dp
1025    CALL invert_matrix_3x3(h,hinv,deth)
1027    IF (info) THEN
1028      WRITE (UNIT=error_unit,FMT="(A)")          "#"
1029      IF (orthorhombic) THEN
1030        WRITE (UNIT=error_unit,FMT="(A)")        "# Cell symmetry   : orthorhombic"
1031      ELSE
1032        WRITE (UNIT=error_unit,FMT="(A)")        "# Cell symmetry   : non-orthorhombic"
1033      END IF
1034      IF (debug) THEN
1035        WRITE (UNIT=error_unit,FMT="(A)")          "#"
1036        WRITE (UNIT=error_unit,FMT="(A,3F12.6,A)") "#          / ",h(1,:)," \"
1037        WRITE (UNIT=error_unit,FMT="(A,3F12.6,A)") "# h      = | ",h(2,:)," |"
1038        WRITE (UNIT=error_unit,FMT="(A,3F12.6,A)") "#          \ ",h(3,:)," /"
1039        WRITE (UNIT=error_unit,FMT="(A)")          "#"
1040        WRITE (UNIT=error_unit,FMT="(A,3F12.6,A)") "#          / ",hinv(1,:)," \"
1041        WRITE (UNIT=error_unit,FMT="(A,3F12.6,A)") "# Inv(h) = | ",hinv(2,:)," |"
1042        WRITE (UNIT=error_unit,FMT="(A,3F12.6,A)") "#          \ ",hinv(3,:)," /"
1043        WRITE (UNIT=error_unit,FMT="(A)")          "#"
1044        WRITE (UNIT=error_unit,FMT="(A,F0.6)")     "# det(h) = ",deth
1045      END IF
1046    END IF
1048    ! Calculate scaled coordinates and wrap back all atoms, i.e. apply the PBC
1049    IF (orthorhombic) THEN
1050      ! Try to save some flops in the case of an orthorhombic box
1051      DO i=1,3
1052        s(:,i) = r(:,i)*hinv(i,i)
1053      END DO
1054    ELSE
1055      s(:,:) = MATMUL(r(:,:),TRANSPOSE(hinv(:,:)))
1056    END IF
1058    IF (pbc0) THEN
1059      s_pbc(:,:) = s(:,:) - ANINT(s(:,:))
1060    ELSE
1061      s_pbc(:,:) = s(:,:) - FLOOR(s(:,:))
1062    END IF
1064    IF (orthorhombic) THEN
1065      DO i=1,3
1066        r_pbc(:,i) = s_pbc(:,i)*h(i,i)
1067      END DO
1068    ELSE
1069      r_pbc(:,:) = MATMUL(s_pbc(:,:),TRANSPOSE(h(:,:)))
1070    END IF
1074  SUBROUTINE print_help()
1075    ! Print the program flags for help
1079    WRITE (UNIT=*,FMT="(T2,A)")&
1080     "",&
1081     "Program flags for "//TRIM(version_info)//":",&
1082     "",&
1083     " -debug, -d                     : Print debug information",&
1084     " -ekin                          : Dump just the ""temperature"" of each atom",&
1085     " -eformat                       : Print coordinates in scientific format",&
1086     " -eo                            : Write standard output and standard error to the same logical unit",&
1087     " -first_frame, -ff <int>        : Number of the first frame which is dumped",&
1088     " -help, -h                      : Print this information",&
1089     " -info, -i                      : Print additional information for each frame (see also -debug flag)",&
1090     " -last_frame, -lf <int>         : Number of the last frame which is dumped",&
1091     " -output, -o <file_name>        : Name of the output file (default is stdout)",&
1092     " -output_format, -of <DCD|XMOL> : Output format for dump",&
1093     " -pbc                           : Apply the periodic boundary conditions (PBC) to each frame before it is dumped",&
1094     "                                  (origin at lower left)",&
1095     " -pbc0                          : Apply the periodic boundary conditions (PBC) to each frame before it is dumped",&
1096     "                                  (origin at box centre)",&
1097     " -stride <int>                  : Stride for frame dump (allows to skip frames, e.g. by dumping each 10th frame)",&
1098     " -trace_atoms <real>            : Print the atoms which left the simulation box given a threshold value in scaled units",&
1099     " -vel2cord, -v2c                : Dump a VELocity DCD file as COoRDinate DCD file (hack which allows a digest by VMD)",&
1100     " -xyz_file, -xyz <file_name>    : Name of a reference XYZ file in XMOL format that provides the atomic labels",&
1101     ""
1103    WRITE (UNIT=*,FMT="(T2,A)")&
1104     "Usage examples:",&
1105     "",&
1106     " dumpdcd <optional flags> <DCD file(s)>",&
1107     "",&
1108     "Specific usage examples:",&
1109     "",&
1110     " dumpdcd UO2-2x2x2-pos-1.dcd (without atomic labels from XYZ file)",&
1111     " dumpdcd -xyz UO2-2x2x2.xyz UO2-2x2x2-pos-1.dcd (single DCD file)",&
1112     " dumpdcd -xyz UO2-2x2x2.xyz UO2-2x2x2-pos-1.dcd UO2-2x2x2-pos-2.dcd ... (multiple DCD files are dumped consecutively)",&
1113     " dumpdcd -info -xyz UO2-2x2x2.xyz UO2-2x2x2-pos-1.dcd UO2-2x2x2-pos-2.dcd (print additional information)",&
1114     " dumpdcd -debug -xyz UO2-2x2x2.xyz UO2-2x2x2-pos-1.dcd UO2-2x2x2-pos-2.dcd (print debug information)",&
1115     " dumpdcd -ekin -d -xyz UO2-2x2x2.xyz UO2-2x2x2-vel-1.dcd (print the ""temperature"" of each atom)",&
1116     " dumpdcd -ekin -xyz UO2-2x2x2.xyz UO2-2x2x2-vel-1.dcd (print just the temperature of each atom)",&
1117     " dumpdcd -first_frame 5 -last_frame 10 UO2-2x2x2-pos-1.dcd (just dump frame 5 to 10, ie. 6 frames in total)",&
1118     " dumpdcd -o outfile.xyz UO2-2x2x2-pos-1.dcd (write output to the file ""outfile.xyz"" instead of stdout)",&
1119     " dumpdcd -o test.xyz -output_format xmol -xyz ref.xyz -first 10 -last 10 test.dcd (dump 10th frame in XMOL format)",&
1120     " dumpdcd -of dcd -ff 10 -lf 20 test.dcd (dump the frames 10 to 20 in DCD format to the default output file output.dcd)",&
1121     " dumpdcd -o part.dcd -of dcd -ff 1 -lf 3 test.dcd (dump the frames 1 to 3 in DCD format to the output file part.dcd)",&
1122     " dumpdcd -o part.dcd -of dcd -first 10 -lf 100 -stride 10 test.dcd (dump the frames 10, 20, ..., 100 to the file part.dcd)",&
1123     " dumpdcd -output new.dcd -output_format dcd -pbc old.dcd (dump all frames applying PBC to the output file new.dcd)",&
1124     " dumpdcd -o new.dcd -of dcd -pbc -trace_atoms 0.02 old.dcd (all atoms more than 2% out of the box are listed)",&
1125     " dumpdcd -o new.dcd -e out_of_box.log -of dcd -pbc -trace_atoms 0.1 old.dcd (atoms more than 10% out of the box are listed)",&
1126     " dumpdcd -o new.dcd -of dcd -vel2cord old.dcd (dump old.dcd as new.dcd and change only the DCD id string from VEL to CORD)",&
1127     " dumpdcd -o new.dcd -of dcd -frc2cord old.dcd (dump old.dcd as new.dcd and change only the DCD id string from FRC to CORD)",&
1128     " dumpdcd -i -disp UO2-2x2x2-pos-1.dcd (dump the displacements of all atoms w.r.t. their positions in the first frame)",&
1129     " dumpdcd -i -of dcd -disp UO2-2x2x2-pos-1.dcd (dump the atomic displacements as x-coordinates of a DCD CORD file)",&
1130     " dumpdcd -i -of dcd -ekin -v2c -xyz UO2-2x2x2.xyz UO2-2x2x2-vel-1.dcd (dump the atomic temperatures as x-coordinates of a ",&
1131     "                                                                       DCD CORD file -> hack for VMD)",&
1132     ""
1134    WRITE (UNIT=*,FMT="(T2,A)")&
1135     "Notes:",&
1136     "",&
1137     " - For -ekin a XYZ file is required to obtain the atomic labels",&
1138     " - The -info and the -debug flags provide a more detailed output which is especially handy for tracing problems",&
1139     " - The output in DCD format is in binary format",&
1140     " - The input coordinates should be in Angstrom. Velocities and forces are expected to be in atomic units",&
1141     ""
1143  END SUBROUTINE print_help
1145  SUBROUTINE uppercase(string)
1146    ! Convert all letters in a string to uppercase
1150    CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(INOUT) :: string
1152    INTEGER                         :: i,iascii
1154    DO i=1,LEN_TRIM(string)
1155       iascii = ICHAR(string(i:i))
1156       IF ((iascii >= 97).AND.(iascii <= 122)) THEN
1157         string(i:i) = CHAR(iascii - 32)
1158       END IF
1159    END DO
1161  END SUBROUTINE uppercase
1163  SUBROUTINE write_out_of_box_atoms(atomic_label,r,s,eps_out_of_box,h)
1164    ! Print a list of all atoms which have left the simulation box
1168    CHARACTER(LEN=5), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN) :: atomic_label
1169    REAL(KIND=sp), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(IN)  :: r
1170    REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(IN)  :: s
1171    REAL(KIND=dp), INTENT(IN)                  :: eps_out_of_box
1172    REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(3,3), INTENT(IN)  :: h
1174    REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(3)                :: ds,dr
1175    REAL(KIND=dp)                              :: rl,s_max,s_min,sl
1176    INTEGER                                    :: i,iatom,natom,ncount
1178    ! Quick return, if no action is requested
1179    IF (eps_out_of_box <= 0.0_dp) RETURN
1181    s_max = 1.0_dp + eps_out_of_box
1182    s_min = -eps_out_of_box
1183    natom = SIZE(s,1)
1184    ncount = 0
1185    DO iatom=1,natom
1186      IF (ANY(s(iatom,:) < s_min).OR.&
1187          ANY(s(iatom,:) > s_max)) THEN
1188        ncount = ncount + 1
1189        IF (ncount == 1) THEN
1190          WRITE (UNIT=error_unit,FMT="(A)")&
1191           "#",&
1192           "# Atoms out of box:",&
1193           "# Atom index label              x              y              z           |dr|           |ds|"
1194        END IF
1195        ds(:) = s(iatom,:)
1196        DO i=1,3
1197          IF (s(iatom,i)  < 0.0_dp) ds(i) = 0.0_dp
1198          IF (s(iatom,i) >= 1.0_dp) ds(i) = 1.0_dp
1199        END DO
1200        ds(:) = s(iatom,:) - ds(:)
1201        sl = SQRT(ds(1)**2 + ds(2)**2 + ds(3)**2)
1202        dr(:) = MATMUL(h(:,:),ds(:))
1203        rl = SQRT(dr(1)**2 + dr(2)**2 + dr(3)**2)
1204        WRITE (UNIT=error_unit,FMT="(A,I10,1X,A5,5(1X,F14.6))")&
1205         "# ",iatom,ADJUSTR(atomic_label(iatom)),r(iatom,:),rl,sl
1206      END IF
1207    END DO
1208    WRITE (UNIT=error_unit,FMT="(A,I0,A)") "# ",ncount," atom(s) out of box"
1210  END SUBROUTINE write_out_of_box_atoms
1212END PROGRAM dumpdcd