2!   FES: a fast and general program to map metadynamics on grids                                   !
3!   Copyright (C) 2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013                      !
4!                 Teodoro Laino                                               !
7! **************************************************************************************************
8!> \brief   Program to Map on grid the hills spawned during a metadynamics run
9!> \author Teodoro Laino [tlaino] - 06.2009
10!> \par History
11!>     03.2006 created [tlaino]
12!>     teodoro.laino .at. gmail.com
13!>     11.2007 - tlaino (University of Zurich): Periodic COLVAR - cleaning.
14!>     12.2010 - teodoro.laino@gmail.com: addition of the MEP for FES
16!> \par Note
17!>     Please report any bug to the author
18! **************************************************************************************************
19MODULE graph_methods
21   USE cp_files,                        ONLY: close_file,&
22                                              open_file
23   USE graph_utils,                     ONLY: derivative,&
24                                              get_val_res,&
25                                              mep_input_data_type,&
26                                              pbc,&
27                                              point_no_pbc,&
28                                              point_pbc
29   USE kinds,                           ONLY: dp
30   USE memory_utilities,                ONLY: reallocate
31   USE periodic_table,                  ONLY: init_periodic_table,&
32                                              nelem,&
33                                              ptable
34   USE physcon,                         ONLY: bohr
35   USE string_utilities,                ONLY: uppercase
36#include "../base/base_uses.f90"
41   PUBLIC :: fes_compute_low, &
42             fes_write, &
43             fes_only_write, &
44             fes_min, &
45             fes_path, &
46             fes_cube_write
49! **************************************************************************************************
50!> \brief Efficiently map the gaussians on the grid
51!> \param idim ...
52!> \param nn ...
53!> \param fes ...
54!> \param gauss ...
55!> \param ind ...
56!> \param ind0 ...
57!> \param nfes ...
58!> \param ndim ...
59!> \param ngauss ...
60!> \param ngrid ...
61!> \param iperd ...
62!> \par History
63!>      03.2006 created [tlaino]
64!>      teodoro.laino .at. gmail.com
65!> \author Teodoro Laino
66! **************************************************************************************************
67   RECURSIVE SUBROUTINE fes_compute_low(idim, nn, fes, gauss, ind, ind0, nfes, ndim, &
68                                        ngauss, ngrid, iperd)
69      INTEGER, INTENT(in)                                :: idim
70      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:)                              :: nn
71      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER               :: fes
72      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER            :: gauss
73      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:)                              :: ind, ind0
74      INTEGER, INTENT(in)                                :: nfes, ndim, ngauss
75      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER                     :: ngrid
76      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:)                              :: iperd
78      INTEGER                                            :: i, j, k, pnt
79      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER                     :: ll, pos
80      REAL(KIND=dp)                                      :: prod
82      ALLOCATE (pos(ndim), ll(ndim))
83      pos = ind
84      k = nn(idim)
86      DO i = -k, k
87         pos(idim) = ind(idim) + i
88         IF (iperd(idim) == 0) THEN
89            IF (pos(idim) .GT. ngrid(idim)) CYCLE
90            IF (pos(idim) .LT. 1) CYCLE
91         END IF
92         IF (idim /= 1) THEN
93            CALL fes_compute_low(idim - 1, nn, fes, gauss, pos, ind0, nfes, ndim, ngauss, ngrid, iperd)
94         ELSE
95            pnt = point_pbc(pos, iperd, ngrid, ndim)
96            prod = 1.0_dp
97            DO j = 1, ndim
98               ll(j) = pos(j) - ind0(j)
99               prod = prod*gauss(ll(j), j)
100            END DO
101            fes(pnt) = fes(pnt) + prod
102         END IF
103      END DO
104      DEALLOCATE (pos, ll)
106   END SUBROUTINE fes_compute_low
108! **************************************************************************************************
109!> \brief Writes the FES on the file
110!> \param unit_nr ...
111!> \param idim ...
112!> \param fes ...
113!> \param pos ...
114!> \param ndim ...
115!> \param ngrid ...
116!> \param dp_grid ...
117!> \param x0 ...
118!> \param ndw ...
119!> \param l_fes_int ...
120!> \param array ...
121!> \par History
122!>      03.2006 created [tlaino]
123!>      teodoro.laino .at. gmail.com
124!> \author Teodoro Laino
125! **************************************************************************************************
126   RECURSIVE SUBROUTINE fes_write(unit_nr, idim, fes, pos, ndim, ngrid, &
127                                  dp_grid, x0, ndw, l_fes_int, array)
128      INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                :: unit_nr, idim
129      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER               :: fes
130      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER                     :: pos
131      INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                :: ndim
132      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER                     :: ngrid
133      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER               :: dp_grid, x0
134      INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                :: ndw
135      LOGICAL, INTENT(IN)                                :: l_fes_int
136      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:), OPTIONAL              :: array
138      INTEGER                                            :: dimval, i, id, ind, is, it, itt, np, pnt
139      REAL(KIND=dp)                                      :: dvol, sum_fes
140      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER               :: xx
142      ALLOCATE (xx(ndim))
143      xx = x0
144      DO i = 1, ngrid(idim)
145         pos(idim) = i
146         IF (idim /= ndim - ndw + 1) THEN
147            IF (PRESENT(array)) THEN
148               CALL fes_write(unit_nr, idim - 1, fes, pos, ndim, ngrid, dp_grid, &
149                              x0, ndw, l_fes_int, array)
150            ELSE
151               CALL fes_write(unit_nr, idim - 1, fes, pos, ndim, ngrid, dp_grid, &
152                              x0, ndw, l_fes_int)
153            END IF
154         ELSE
155            IF (PRESENT(array)) THEN
156               ind = 1
157               np = ngrid(ndim)*ngrid(ndim - 1)*ngrid(ndim - 2)
158               DO is = 1, ndw
159                  itt = 1
160                  DO it = 1, is - 1
161                     itt = itt*ngrid(ndim - it)
162                  END DO
163                  ind = ind + (pos(ndim - is + 1) - 1)*itt
164               END DO
165               IF (ind > np) CPABORT("something wrong in indexing ..")
166            END IF
167            pnt = point_no_pbc(pos, ngrid, ndim)
168            xx = x0 + dp_grid*(pos - 1)
169            dimval = PRODUCT(ngrid(1:ndim - ndw))
171            IF (.NOT. l_fes_int) THEN
172               IF (PRESENT(array)) THEN
173                  array(ind) = MINVAL(-fes(pnt:pnt + dimval - 1))
174               ELSE
175                  WRITE (unit_nr, '(10f20.10)') (xx(id), id=ndim, ndim - ndw + 1, -1), MINVAL(-fes(pnt:pnt + dimval - 1))
176               END IF
177            ELSE
178               sum_fes = 0.0_dp
179               dvol = 1.0_dp
180               dvol = PRODUCT(dp_grid(1:ndim - ndw))
181               DO is = pnt, pnt + dimval - 1
182                  sum_fes = sum_fes + fes(is)*dvol
183               END DO
184               IF (PRESENT(array)) THEN
185                  array(ind) = -sum_fes
186               ELSE
187                  WRITE (unit_nr, '(10f20.10)') (xx(id), id=ndim, ndim - ndw + 1, -1), -sum_fes
188               END IF
189            END IF
190         END IF
191      END DO
192      DEALLOCATE (xx)
194   END SUBROUTINE fes_write
196! **************************************************************************************************
197!> \brief Writes the FES on the file when stride is requested
198!> \param idim ...
199!> \param fes ...
200!> \param pos ...
201!> \param ndim ...
202!> \param ngrid ...
203!> \param dp_grid ...
204!> \param ndw ...
205!> \param l_fes_int ...
206!> \param unit_nr ...
207!> \par History
208!>      03.2006 created [tlaino]
209!>      teodoro.laino .at. gmail.com
210!> \author Teodoro Laino
211! **************************************************************************************************
212   RECURSIVE SUBROUTINE fes_only_write(idim, fes, pos, ndim, ngrid, dp_grid, ndw, l_fes_int, unit_nr)
213      INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                :: idim
214      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER               :: fes
215      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER                     :: pos
216      INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                :: ndim
217      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER                     :: ngrid
218      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER               :: dp_grid
219      INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                :: ndw
220      LOGICAL, INTENT(IN)                                :: l_fes_int
221      INTEGER                                            :: unit_nr
223      INTEGER                                            :: dimval, i, is, pnt
224      REAL(KIND=dp)                                      :: dvol, sum_fes
226      DO i = 1, ngrid(idim)
227         pos(idim) = i
228         IF (idim /= ndim - ndw + 1) THEN
229            CALL fes_only_write(idim - 1, fes, pos, ndim, ngrid, dp_grid, ndw, l_fes_int, unit_nr)
230         ELSE
231            pnt = point_no_pbc(pos, ngrid, ndim)
232            dimval = PRODUCT(ngrid(1:ndim - ndw))
233            IF (l_fes_int) THEN
234               WRITE (unit_nr, '(1f12.5)') MINVAL(-fes(pnt:pnt + dimval - 1))
235            ELSE
236               sum_fes = 0.0_dp
237               dvol = PRODUCT(dp_grid(1:ndim - ndw))
238               DO is = pnt, pnt + dimval - 1
239                  sum_fes = sum_fes + fes(is)*dvol
240               END DO
241               WRITE (unit_nr, '(1f12.5)') - sum_fes
242            END IF
243         END IF
244      END DO
246   END SUBROUTINE fes_only_write
248! **************************************************************************************************
249!> \brief Finds minima of the FES
250!> \param fes ...
251!> \param ndim ...
252!> \param iperd ...
253!> \param ngrid ...
254!> \param dp_grid ...
255!> \param x0 ...
256!> \param ndw ...
257!> \par History
258!>      06.2009 created [tlaino]
259!>      teodoro.laino .at. gmail.com
260!> \author Teodoro Laino
261! **************************************************************************************************
262   SUBROUTINE fes_min(fes, ndim, iperd, ngrid, dp_grid, x0, ndw)
263      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER               :: fes
264      INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                :: ndim
265      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER                     :: iperd, ngrid
266      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER               :: dp_grid, x0
267      INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                :: ndw
269      INTEGER                                            :: i, id, iter, j, k, max_ntrust, nacc, &
270                                                            ntrials, pnt
271      INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :)              :: history
272      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER                     :: pos, pos0
273      INTEGER, DIMENSION(ndim)                           :: Dpos, ntrust
274      LOGICAL                                            :: do_save
275      REAL(KIND=dp)                                      :: fes_now, fes_old, norm_dx, resto
276      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER               :: dx, rnd, xx
278      IF (ndw /= ndim) CPABORT("Not implemented for projected FES!")
280      ntrust = ngrid/10
281      ntrials = PRODUCT(ngrid)
282      WRITE (*, '(A,10I6)', ADVANCE="no") "FES| Trust hyper-radius ", ntrust
283      WRITE (*, '(A,10F12.6)') " which is equivalent to: ", ntrust*dp_grid
285      ALLOCATE (xx(ndim), dx(ndim), pos0(ndim), rnd(ndim), pos(ndim))
286      ALLOCATE (history(ndim, ntrials))
287      history = 0
288      nacc = 0
289      Trials: DO j = 1, ntrials
290         ! Loop over all points
291         pnt = j
292         DO k = ndim, 2, -1
293            pos0(k) = pnt/PRODUCT(ngrid(1:k - 1))
294            resto = MOD(pnt, PRODUCT(ngrid(1:k - 1)))
295            IF (resto /= 0) THEN
296               pnt = pnt - pos0(k)*PRODUCT(ngrid(1:k - 1))
297               pos0(k) = pos0(k) + 1
298            ELSE
299               pnt = PRODUCT(ngrid(1:k - 1))
300            END IF
301         END DO
302         pos0(1) = pnt
304         ! Loop over the frame points unless it is periodic
305         DO k = 1, ndim
306            IF ((iperd(k) == 0) .AND. (pos0(k) < ntrust(k))) CYCLE Trials
307            IF ((iperd(k) == 0) .AND. (pos0(k) > ngrid(k) - ntrust(k))) CYCLE Trials
308         END DO
310         ! Evaluate position and derivative
311         pos = pos0
312         xx = x0 + dp_grid*(pos - 1)
313         dx = derivative(fes, pos, iperd, ndim, ngrid, dp_grid)
315         ! Integrate till derivative is small enough..
316         pnt = point_no_pbc(pos, ngrid, ndim)
317         fes_now = -fes(pnt)
318         fes_old = HUGE(0.0_dp)
320         i = 1
321         DO WHILE ((i <= 100) .OR. (fes_now < fes_old))
322            fes_old = fes_now
323            !WRITE(10+j,'(10f20.10)')(xx(id),id=ndim,1,-1),-fes(pnt)
325            norm_dx = SQRT(DOT_PRODUCT(dx, dx))
326            IF (norm_dx == 0.0_dp) EXIT ! It is in a really flat region
327            xx = xx - MIN(0.1_dp, norm_dx)*dx/norm_dx
328            ! Re-evaluating pos
329            pos = CEILING((xx - x0)/dp_grid) + 1
330            CALL pbc(pos, iperd, ngrid, ndim)
332            ! Incremental pos
333            dx = derivative(fes, pos, iperd, ndim, ngrid, dp_grid)
334            pnt = point_no_pbc(pos, ngrid, ndim)
335            fes_now = -fes(pnt)
336            i = i + 1
337         END DO
338         iter = i
340         ! Compare with the available minima and if they are the same skip
341         ! saving this position..
342         do_save = fes(pnt) >= 1.0E-3_dp
343         IF (do_save) THEN
344            DO i = 1, nacc
345               Dpos = pos - history(:, i)
346               norm_dx = DOT_PRODUCT(Dpos, Dpos)
347               max_ntrust = MAXVAL(ntrust)
348               ! (SQRT(REAL(norm_dx, KIND=dp)) <= MAXVAL(ntrust)) ...
349               IF ((norm_dx <= REAL(max_ntrust*max_ntrust, KIND=dp)) .OR. (fes(pnt) < 1.0E-3_dp)) THEN
350                  do_save = .FALSE.
351                  EXIT
352               END IF
353            END DO
354         END IF
355         IF (do_save) THEN
356            pnt = point_no_pbc(pos, ngrid, ndim)
357            xx = x0 + dp_grid*(pos - 1)
358            WRITE (*, '(A,5F12.6)', ADVANCE="NO") "FES| Minimum found (", (xx(id), id=ndim, ndim - ndw + 1, -1)
359            WRITE (*, '(A,F12.6,A,I6)') " ). FES value = ", -fes(pnt), " Hartree. Number of Iter: ", iter
360            nacc = nacc + 1
361            history(:, nacc) = pos
362         END IF
363      END DO Trials
364      WRITE (*, '(A,I6,A)') "FES| Number of Minimum found: ", nacc, "."
366      DEALLOCATE (xx, dx, pos0, rnd, pos)
367      DEALLOCATE (history)
369   END SUBROUTINE fes_min
371! **************************************************************************************************
372!> \brief Finds path between two points (a) and (b)
373!> \param fes ...
374!> \param ndim ...
375!> \param ngrid ...
376!> \param dp_grid ...
377!> \param iperd ...
378!> \param x0 ...
379!> \param ndw ...
380!> \param mep_input_data ...
381!> \param l_int ...
382!> \par History
383!>      12.2010 created [tlaino]
384!>      teodoro.laino .at. gmail.com
385!> \author Teodoro Laino
386! **************************************************************************************************
387   SUBROUTINE fes_path(fes, ndim, ngrid, dp_grid, iperd, x0, ndw, mep_input_data, l_int)
388      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER               :: fes
389      INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                :: ndim
390      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER                     :: ngrid
391      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER               :: dp_grid
392      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER                     :: iperd
393      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER               :: x0
394      INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                :: ndw
395      TYPE(mep_input_data_type), INTENT(IN)              :: mep_input_data
396      LOGICAL                                            :: l_int
398      INTEGER                                            :: i, id, irep, iter, nf, nreplica, ns, &
399                                                            pnt, unit_nr
400      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER                     :: ipos
401      LOGICAL                                            :: converged
402      REAL(KIND=dp)                                      :: avg1, avg2, diff, ene, norm_dx, xx0, yy0
403      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER               :: davg1, davg2, dxx, dyy, fes_rep, tang, &
404                                                            xx, yy
405      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER            :: dx, pos, pos_old
407      IF (ndw /= ndim) CPABORT("Not implemented for projected FES!")
408      nreplica = mep_input_data%nreplica
409      ALLOCATE (xx(ndim), dx(ndim, nreplica), pos_old(ndim, nreplica), pos(ndim, nreplica), &
410                ipos(ndim), fes_rep(nreplica), dxx(ndim), dyy(ndim), yy(ndim), davg1(ndim), &
411                tang(ndim), davg2(ndim))
413      IF (l_int) THEN
414         id = 0
415         DO i = ndim, ndim - ndw + 1, -1
416            id = id + 1
417            pos(i, 1) = mep_input_data%minima(id, 1)
418            pos(i, nreplica) = mep_input_data%minima(id, 2)
419         END DO
421         ! Interpolate nreplica-2 points
422         xx = (pos(:, nreplica) - pos(:, 1))/REAL(nreplica - 1, KIND=dp)
423         DO irep = 2, nreplica - 1
424            pos(:, irep) = pos(:, 1) + xx(:)*REAL(irep - 1, KIND=dp)
425         END DO
427      ELSE
428         pos = mep_input_data%minima
429      ENDIF
431      ! Compute value and derivative in all replicas
432      DO irep = 1, nreplica
433         ipos = FLOOR((pos(:, irep) - x0)/dp_grid) + 1
434         pnt = point_no_pbc(ipos, ngrid, ndim)
435         dx(:, irep) = derivative(fes, ipos, iperd, ndim, ngrid, dp_grid)
436         fes_rep(irep) = -fes(pnt)
437      END DO
439      ! Implement a simple elastic band method (Hamiltonian): definitely not the best
440      ! method, but for such a simple task it should be more than enough
441      converged = .FALSE.
442      pos_old = pos
443      iter = 0
444      DO WHILE ((.NOT. converged) .AND. (iter <= mep_input_data%max_iter))
445         iter = iter + 1
446         avg1 = 0.0_dp
447         ! compute average length (distance 1)
448         DO irep = 2, nreplica
449            xx = pos(:, irep) - pos(:, irep - 1)
450            avg1 = avg1 + SQRT(DOT_PRODUCT(xx, xx))
451         END DO
452         avg1 = avg1/REAL(nreplica - 1, KIND=dp)
454         avg2 = 0.0_dp
455         ! compute average length (distance 2)
456         DO irep = 3, nreplica
457            xx = pos(:, irep) - pos(:, irep - 2)
458            avg2 = avg2 + SQRT(DOT_PRODUCT(xx, xx))
459         END DO
460         avg2 = avg2/REAL(nreplica - 2, KIND=dp)
462         ! compute energy and derivatives
463         dx = 0.0_dp
464         ene = 0.0_dp
465         ns = 1
466         nf = nreplica
467         DO irep = 1, nreplica
468            ! compute energy and map point replica irep
469            ipos = FLOOR((pos(:, irep) - x0)/dp_grid) + 1
470            pnt = point_no_pbc(ipos, ngrid, ndim)
471            fes_rep(irep) = -fes(pnt)
472            IF ((irep == 1) .OR. (irep == nreplica)) CYCLE
474            ! -------------------------------------------------------------
475            ! compute non-linear elastic terms : including only 2-d springs
476            ! -------------------------------------------------------------
477            davg2 = 0.0_dp
478            IF (irep < nf - 1) THEN
479               xx = pos(:, irep) - pos(:, irep + 2)
480               xx0 = SQRT(DOT_PRODUCT(xx, xx))
481               dxx = 1.0_dp/xx0*xx
482               ene = ene + 0.25_dp*mep_input_data%kb*(xx0 - avg2)**2
483               davg2 = davg2 + dxx
484            END IF
486            IF (irep > ns + 1) THEN
487               xx = pos(:, irep) - pos(:, irep - 2)
488               yy0 = SQRT(DOT_PRODUCT(xx, xx))
489               dyy = 1.0_dp/yy0*xx
490               davg2 = davg2 + dyy
491            END IF
492            davg2 = davg2/REAL(nreplica - 2, KIND=dp)
494            IF (irep < nf - 1) THEN
495               dx(:, irep) = dx(:, irep) + 0.5_dp*mep_input_data%kb*(xx0 - avg2)*(dxx - davg2)
496            END IF
497            IF (irep > ns + 1) THEN
498               dx(:, irep) = dx(:, irep) + 0.5_dp*mep_input_data%kb*(yy0 - avg2)*(dyy - davg2)
499            END IF
501            ! -------------------------------------------------------------
502            ! Evaluation of the elastic term
503            ! -------------------------------------------------------------
504            xx = pos(:, irep) - pos(:, irep + 1)
505            yy0 = SQRT(DOT_PRODUCT(xx, xx))
506            dyy = 1.0_dp/yy0*xx
508            xx = pos(:, irep) - pos(:, irep - 1)
509            xx0 = SQRT(DOT_PRODUCT(xx, xx))
510            dxx = 1.0_dp/xx0*xx
511            davg1 = (dxx + dyy)/REAL(nreplica - 1, KIND=dp)
513            ene = ene + 0.5_dp*mep_input_data%kb*(xx0 - avg1)**2
514            dx(:, irep) = dx(:, irep) + mep_input_data%kb*(xx0 - avg1)*(dxx - davg1) + &
515                          mep_input_data%kb*(yy0 - avg1)*(dyy - davg1)
517            ! Evaluate the tangent
518            xx = pos(:, irep + 1) - pos(:, irep)
519            xx = xx/SQRT(DOT_PRODUCT(xx, xx))
520            yy = pos(:, irep) - pos(:, irep - 1)
521            yy = yy/SQRT(DOT_PRODUCT(yy, yy))
522            tang = xx + yy
523            tang = tang/SQRT(DOT_PRODUCT(tang, tang))
525            xx = derivative(fes, ipos, iperd, ndim, ngrid, dp_grid)
526            dx(:, irep) = DOT_PRODUCT(dx(:, irep), tang)*tang + &
527                          xx - DOT_PRODUCT(xx, tang)*tang
528         END DO
529         dx(:, 1) = 0.0_dp
530         dx(:, nreplica) = 0.0_dp
532         ! propagate the band with a SD step
533         diff = 0.0_dp
534         DO irep = 1, nreplica
535            ene = ene + fes_rep(irep)
536            IF ((irep == 1) .OR. (irep == nreplica)) CYCLE
538            norm_dx = SQRT(DOT_PRODUCT(dx(:, irep), dx(:, irep)))
539            IF (norm_dx /= 0.0_dp) THEN
540               pos(:, irep) = pos(:, irep) - MIN(0.1_dp, norm_dx)*dx(:, irep)/norm_dx
541            END IF
542            xx = pos(:, irep) - pos_old(:, irep)
543            diff = diff + DOT_PRODUCT(xx, xx)
544         END DO
545         ! SQRT(diff) <= 0.001_dp
546         IF (diff <= 1.0e-6_dp) THEN
547            converged = .TRUE.
548         END IF
549         pos_old = pos
550         WRITE (*, *) "Iteration nr.", iter, SQRT(diff)
551      END DO
553      WRITE (*, *) "MEP saved on <mep.data> file."
554      CALL open_file(unit_number=unit_nr, file_name="mep.data", file_action="WRITE", file_status="UNKNOWN", file_form="FORMATTED")
555      DO irep = 1, nreplica
556         ! compute energy and derivative for each single point of the replica
557         ipos = FLOOR((pos(:, irep) - x0)/dp_grid) + 1
558         pnt = point_no_pbc(ipos, ngrid, ndim)
559         fes_rep(irep) = -fes(pnt)
560         WRITE (unit_nr, *) irep, pos(:, nreplica - irep + 1), fes_rep(nreplica - irep + 1)
561      END DO
562      CALL close_file(unit_nr)
564      DEALLOCATE (xx, dx, pos, fes_rep, ipos, pos_old, yy, dyy, dxx, davg1, tang, davg2)
565   END SUBROUTINE fes_path
567! **************************************************************************************************
568!> \brief Dump FES with a GAUSSIAN cube format - Useful for multidimensional FES
569!> \param idim ...
570!> \param fes ...
571!> \param pos ...
572!> \param ndim ...
573!> \param ngrid ...
574!> \param dp_grid ...
575!> \param x0 ...
576!> \param ndw ...
577!> \param l_fes_int ...
578!> \param file ...
579!> \par History
580!>      12.2013 created [tlaino]
581!>      teodoro.laino .at. gmail.com
582!> \author Teodoro Laino
583! **************************************************************************************************
584   SUBROUTINE fes_cube_write(idim, fes, pos, ndim, ngrid, dp_grid, x0, ndw, l_fes_int, file)
585      INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                :: idim
586      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER               :: fes
587      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER                     :: pos
588      INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                :: ndim
589      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER                     :: ngrid
590      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER               :: dp_grid, x0
591      INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                :: ndw
592      LOGICAL, INTENT(IN)                                :: l_fes_int
593      CHARACTER(LEN=80)                                  :: file
595      CHARACTER(LEN=120)                                 :: line
596      CHARACTER(LEN=5)                                   :: label, labelp
597      INTEGER                                            :: i, id(3), ii, iix, iiy, iiz, ix, iy, iz, &
598                                                            natoms, np
599      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER                     :: izat
600      REAL(KIND=dp)                                      :: cell(3, 3), delta(3), dr(3), residual, &
601                                                            rt(3)
602      REAL(KIND=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)           :: rho, rhot
603      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER            :: xat
605      CALL init_periodic_table()
606      IF (ndw .GT. 3) THEN
607         WRITE (*, *)
608         WRITE (*, *) 'ERROR: GAUSSIAN format can only handle FES on 3 CV !'
609         CPABORT("")
610      END IF
612      OPEN (10, file=file, status='old')
613      CALL get_val_res(unit=10, section="&SUBSYS", subsection="&CELL")
614      READ (10, *) label, cell(1, 1), cell(2, 1), cell(3, 1)
615      READ (10, *) label, cell(1, 2), cell(2, 2), cell(3, 2)
616      READ (10, *) label, cell(1, 3), cell(2, 3), cell(3, 3)
617      rt(1) = -(cell(1, 1)/2._dp)
618      rt(2) = -(cell(2, 2)/2._dp)
619      rt(3) = -(cell(3, 3)/2._dp)
621      WRITE (*, *) 'Dumping GAUSSIAN CUBE format'
622      WRITE (*, *) 'Cell vectors'
623      WRITE (*, *)
625      residual = 0.0d0
626      DO ix = 1, 3
627         DO iy = ix + 1, 3
628            residual = residual + cell(ix, iy)**2
629         END DO
630      END DO
632      IF (residual .GT. 1.0d-6) THEN
633         WRITE (*, *)
634         WRITE (*, *) 'ERROR: this program can only handle orthogonal cells'
635         WRITE (*, *) ' with vectors pointing in the X, Y and Z directions'
636         CPABORT("")
637      END IF
639      WRITE (*, *)
640      WRITE (*, *) 'Cube grid mesh: ', ngrid(1), 'x', ngrid(2), 'x', ngrid(3)
641      WRITE (*, *) 'Origin in:', rt
642      WRITE (*, *)
644      DO ix = 1, 3
645         dr(ix) = cell(ix, ix)/REAL(ngrid(ix), KIND=dp)
646      END DO
648      np = ngrid(1)*ngrid(2)*ngrid(3)
649      ALLOCATE (rho(np), rhot(np))
650      CALL fes_write(123, idim, fes, pos, ndim, ngrid, dp_grid, x0, ndw, l_fes_int, rho)
651      WRITE (*, *) 'Internal FES transfer completed!'
653      ! translate cell
654      DO ix = 1, 3
655         delta(ix) = rt(ix)/dr(ix)
656         id(ix) = INT(delta(ix))
657         delta(ix) = rt(ix) - id(ix)*dr(ix)
658      END DO
660      DO iz = 1, ngrid(3)
661         DO iy = 1, ngrid(2)
662            DO ix = 1, ngrid(1)
663               iix = ix + id(1)
664               iiy = iy + id(2)
665               iiz = iz + id(3)
666               IF (iix .LT. 1) iix = iix + ngrid(1)
667               IF (iiy .LT. 1) iiy = iiy + ngrid(2)
668               IF (iiz .LT. 1) iiz = iiz + ngrid(3)
669               IF (iix .GT. ngrid(1)) iix = iix - ngrid(1)
670               IF (iiy .GT. ngrid(2)) iiy = iiy - ngrid(2)
671               IF (iiz .GT. ngrid(3)) iiz = iiz - ngrid(3)
673               IF (iix .LT. 1) CPABORT("ix < 0")
674               IF (iiy .LT. 1) CPABORT("iy < 0")
675               IF (iiz .LT. 1) CPABORT("iz < 0")
676               IF (iix .GT. ngrid(1)) CPABORT("ix > cell")
677               IF (iiy .GT. ngrid(2)) CPABORT("iy > cell")
678               IF (iiz .GT. ngrid(3)) CPABORT("iz > cell")
679               i = ix + (iy - 1)*ngrid(1) + (iz - 1)*ngrid(1)*ngrid(2)
680               ii = iix + (iiy - 1)*ngrid(1) + (iiz - 1)*ngrid(1)*ngrid(2)
681               rhot(ii) = rho(i)
682            END DO
683         END DO
684      END DO
686      REWIND (10)
687      CALL get_val_res(unit=10, section="&SUBSYS", subsection="&COORD")
688      natoms = 0
689      ALLOCATE (xat(1000, 3))
690      ALLOCATE (izat(1000))
691      DO WHILE (.TRUE.)
692         READ (10, '(A)') line
693         IF (INDEX(line, '&END') /= 0) EXIT
694         natoms = natoms + 1
695         READ (line, *) label, (xat(natoms, ix), ix=1, 3)
696         IF (natoms == SIZE(xat, 1)) THEN
697            CALL reallocate(xat, 1, SIZE(xat, 1)*2, 1, 3)
698            CALL reallocate(izat, 1, SIZE(izat)*2)
699         END IF
700         CALL uppercase(label)
701         DO i = 1, nelem
702            labelp = ptable(i)%symbol
703            CALL uppercase(labelp)
704            IF (TRIM(label) == TRIM(labelp)) EXIT
705         END DO
706         IF (i == nelem + 1) THEN
707            WRITE (*, *) TRIM(label), "In line: ", line
708            CPABORT("Element not recognized!")
709         END IF
710         izat(natoms) = i
711      END DO
712      CALL reallocate(xat, 1, natoms, 1, 3)
713      CALL reallocate(izat, 1, natoms)
715      DO i = 1, natoms
716         DO ix = 1, 3
717            xat(i, ix) = xat(i, ix) + rt(ix) - delta(ix)
718            IF (xat(i, ix) .LT. rt(ix)) xat(i, ix) = xat(i, ix) + cell(ix, ix)
719            IF (xat(i, ix) .GT. -rt(ix)) xat(i, ix) = xat(i, ix) - cell(ix, ix)
720         END DO
721      END DO
723      WRITE (123, *) "FES on CUBE"
724      WRITE (123, *) "created by fes in CP2K"
725      WRITE (123, '(i5,3f12.6)') natoms, rt(1:3)*bohr
727      DO ix = 1, 3
728         ii = ngrid(ix)
729         WRITE (123, '(i5,4f12.6)') ii, (cell(ix, iy)/ii*bohr, iy=1, 3)
730      END DO
732      DO i = 1, natoms
733         WRITE (123, '(i5,4f12.6)') izat(i), 0.0, (xat(i, ix)*bohr, ix=1, 3)
734      END DO
736      DO ix = 1, ngrid(1)
737         DO iy = 1, ngrid(2)
739            WRITE (123, '(6e13.5)') (rhot(ix + (iy - 1)*ngrid(1) + (iz - 1)*ngrid(1)&
740                                         &*ngrid(2)), iz=1, ngrid(3))
741         END DO
742      END DO
743      DEALLOCATE (xat, rho, rhot)
745   END SUBROUTINE fes_cube_write
747END MODULE graph_methods