2!   CP2K: A general program to perform molecular dynamics simulations                              !
3!   Copyright (C) 2000 - 2020  CP2K developers group                                               !
6! **************************************************************************************************
7!> \brief Types for mixed CDFT calculations
8!> \par   History
9!>                 Separated CDFT routines from mixed_environment_types
10!> \author Nico Holmberg [01.2017]
11! **************************************************************************************************
12MODULE mixed_cdft_types
13   USE cp_array_utils,                  ONLY: cp_1d_r_p_type
14   USE cp_blacs_env,                    ONLY: cp_blacs_env_release,&
15                                              cp_blacs_env_type
16   USE cp_fm_types,                     ONLY: cp_fm_p_type,&
17                                              cp_fm_release
18   USE cp_log_handling,                 ONLY: cp_logger_p_type,&
19                                              cp_logger_release
20   USE dbcsr_api,                       ONLY: dbcsr_p_type,&
21                                              dbcsr_release_p,&
22                                              dbcsr_type
23   USE kinds,                           ONLY: dp
24   USE pw_env_types,                    ONLY: pw_env_release,&
25                                              pw_env_type
26   USE qs_cdft_types,                   ONLY: cdft_control_release,&
27                                              cdft_control_type
28   USE qs_kind_types,                   ONLY: deallocate_qs_kind_set,&
29                                              qs_kind_type
30#include "./base/base_uses.f90"
35! **************************************************************************************************
36!> \brief Container for results related to a mixed CDFT calculation
37! **************************************************************************************************
38   TYPE mixed_cdft_result_type
39      ! CDFT electronic couplings calculated with different methods
40      REAL(KIND=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)         :: lowdin, nonortho, &
41                                                          rotation, wfn
42      ! Energies of the CDFT states
43      REAL(KIND=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)         :: energy
44      ! Lagrangian multipliers of the CDFT constraints
45      REAL(KIND=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :)      :: strength
46      ! Reliability metric for CDFT electronic couplings
47      REAL(KIND=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :)      :: metric
48      ! The mixed CDFT Hamiltonian matrix
49      REAL(KIND=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :)      :: H
50      ! Overlaps between CDFT states
51      REAL(KIND=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :)      :: S
52      ! S^(-1/2)
53      REAL(KIND=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :)      :: S_minushalf
54      ! Off-diagonal elements of the weight function matrices <Psi_j | w_i(r) | Psi_i>
55      REAL(KIND=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :)      :: Wad, Wda
56      ! Diagonal elements of the weight function matrices, i.e., the constraint values
57      REAL(KIND=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :)      :: W_diagonal
58   END TYPE mixed_cdft_result_type
60! **************************************************************************************************
61!> \brief Container for mixed CDFT matrices
62! **************************************************************************************************
63   TYPE mixed_cdft_work_type
64      ! Matrix representations of the CDFT weight functions
65      TYPE(dbcsr_p_type), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER       :: w_matrix
66      ! AO overlap matrix
67      TYPE(dbcsr_type), POINTER                          :: mixed_matrix_s
68      ! MO coefficients of each CDFT state
69      TYPE(cp_fm_p_type), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER       :: mixed_mo_coeff
70      ! Density matrices of the CDFT states
71      TYPE(dbcsr_p_type), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER       :: density_matrix
72   END TYPE mixed_cdft_work_type
74! **************************************************************************************************
75!> \brief Buffers for load balancing
76!> \param rank indices of the processors the data in this buffer should be sent to
77!> \param tag mpi tags for the messages to send
78!> \param cavity the cavity to send
79!> \param weight the weight to send
80!> \param gradients the gradients to send
81! **************************************************************************************************
82   TYPE buffers
83      INTEGER                                          :: rank(2), tag(2)
84      REAL(KIND=dp), POINTER, &
85         DIMENSION(:, :, :)                            :: cavity, weight
86      REAL(KIND=dp), POINTER, &
87         DIMENSION(:, :, :, :)                         :: gradients
88   END TYPE buffers
89! **************************************************************************************************
90!> \brief To build array of buffers
91!> \param buffs the pointer to the buffers type
92! **************************************************************************************************
93   TYPE p_buffers
94      TYPE(buffers), DIMENSION(:), POINTER             :: buffs
95   END TYPE p_buffers
96! **************************************************************************************************
97!> \brief Information about load balancing
98!> \param matrix_info size of the target_list array to receive and grid point bounds of the data
99!> \param target_list the target_list array of the processor that sends me data
100! **************************************************************************************************
101   TYPE repl_info
102      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER                   :: matrix_info
103      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER                :: target_list
104   END TYPE repl_info
105! **************************************************************************************************
106!> \brief Load balancing control for mixed CDFT calculation
107!> \param my_source index of the processor which will send this processor data
108!> \param distributed bounds that determine which grid points this processor will compute after
109!>                    applying load balancing (is_special = .FALSE.)
110!> \param my_dest_repl the dest_list arrays of all processors which send additional work to this
111!>                     processor (indices of the processors where the redistributed slices should be
112!>                     returned)
113!> \param dest_tags_repl tags for the send messages (is_special = .FALSE.)
114!> \param more_work allow heavily overloaded processors to redistribute more_work slices
115!> \param bo bounds of the data that this processor will send to other processors which tells the
116!>           receivers how to rearrange the data correctly
117!> \param expected_work a list of the estimated work per processor
118!> \param prediction_error the difference between the estimated and actual work per processor
119!> \param target_list a list of processors to send data and the size of data to send
120!> \param recv_work flag that determines if this processor will receive data from others
121!> \param send_work flag that determines if this processor will send data to others
122!> \param recv_work_repl list of processor indices where this processor will send data during load
123!>                       balancing
124!> \param load_scale allow underloaded processors to accept load_scale additional work
125!> \param very_overloaded value to determine which processors are heavily overloaded
126!> \param cavity the cavity that this processor builds in addition to its own cavity defined
127!>               on the grid points which were redistributed to this processor
128!> \param weight the weight that this processor builds in addition to its own weight
129!> \param gradients the gradients that this processor builds in addition to its own gradients
130!> \param sendbuffer buffer to hold the data this processor will send
131!> \param sendbuffer buffer to hold the data this processor will receive
132!> \param recv_info additional information on the data this processor will receive
133! **************************************************************************************************
134   TYPE mixed_cdft_dlb_type
135      INTEGER                                          :: my_source, distributed(2), &
136                                                          my_dest_repl(2), dest_tags_repl(2), &
137                                                          more_work
138      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER                   :: bo, expected_work, &
139                                                          prediction_error
140      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER                :: target_list
141      LOGICAL                                          :: recv_work, send_work
142      LOGICAL, DIMENSION(:), POINTER                   :: recv_work_repl
143      REAL(KIND=dp)                                    :: load_scale, very_overloaded
144      REAL(KIND=dp), POINTER, &
145         DIMENSION(:, :, :)                            :: cavity, weight
146      REAL(KIND=dp), POINTER, &
147         DIMENSION(:, :, :, :)                         :: gradients
148      ! Should convert to TYPE(p_buffers), POINTER
149      TYPE(buffers), DIMENSION(:), POINTER             :: sendbuff
150      TYPE(p_buffers), DIMENSION(:), POINTER           :: recvbuff
151      TYPE(repl_info), DIMENSION(:), POINTER           :: recv_info
152   END TYPE mixed_cdft_dlb_type
153! **************************************************************************************************
154!> \brief Main mixed CDFT control type
155!> \param sim_step              counter to keep track of the simulation step for MD
156!> \param multiplicity          spin multiplicity
157!> \param nconstraint           the number of constraints
158!> \param run_type              what type of mixed CDFT simulation to perform
159!> \param source_list           a list of processors which will send this processor data
160!> \param dest_list             a list of processors which this processor will send data to
161!> \param recv_bo               bounds of the data which this processor will receive (is_special = .FALSE.)
162!> \param source_list_save      permanent copy of source_list which might get reallocated during
163!>                              load balancing
164!> \param dest_list_save        permanent copy of dest_list which might get reallocated during
165!>                              load balancing
166!> \param source_list_bo        bounds of the data which this processor will receive (is_special = .TRUE.)
167!> \param dest_list_bo          bounds of the data this processor will send (is_special = .TRUE.)
168!> \param source_bo_save        permanent copy of source_list_bo
169!> \param deset_bo_save         permanent copy of dest_list_bo
170!> \param is_pencil             flag controlling which scheme to use for constraint replication
171!> \param dlb                   flag to enable dynamic load balancing
172!> \param is_special            another flag controlling which scheme to use for constraint replication
173!> \param first_iteration       flag to mark the first iteration e.g. during MD to output information
174!> \param calculate_metric      flag which determines if the coupling reliability metric should be computed
175!> \param wnf_ovelap_method     flag to enable the wavefunction overlap method for computing the coupling
176!> \param has_unit_metric       flag to determine if the basis set has unit metric
177!> \param use_lowdin            flag which determines if Lowdin orthogonalization is used to compute the coupling
178!> \param do_ci                 flag which determines if a CDFT-CI calculation was requested
179!> \param nonortho_coupling     flag which determines if the nonorthogonal CDFT interaction energies
180!>                              should be printed out
181!> \param identical_constraints flag which determines if the constraint definitions are identical
182!>                              across all CDFT states
183!> \param block_diagonalize     flag which determines if the CDFT Hamiltonian should be block
184!>                              diagonalized
185!> \param constraint_type       list of integers which determine what type of constraint should be applied
186!>                              to each constraint group
187!> \param eps_rho_rspace        threshold to determine when the realspace density can be considered zero
188!> \param sim_dt                timestep of the MD simulation
189!> \param eps_svd               value that controls which matrix inversion method to use
190!> \param weight                the constraint weight function
191!> \param cavity                the confinement cavity: the weight function is nonzero only within the cavity
192!> \param cdft_control          container for cdft_control_type
193!> \param sendbuff              buffer that holds the data to be replicated
194!> \param blacs_env             the blacs_env needed to redistribute arrays during a coupling calculation
195!> \param results               container for mixed CDFT results
196!> \param matrix                container for mixed CDFT work matrices
197!> \param dlb_control           container for load balancing structures
198!> \param qs_kind_set           the qs_kind_set needed to setup a confinement cavity
199!> \param pw_env                the pw_env that holds the fully distributed realspace grid
200!> \param occupations           occupation numbers in case non-uniform occupation
201! **************************************************************************************************
202   TYPE mixed_cdft_type
203      INTEGER                                          :: sim_step, multiplicity, &
204                                                          nconstraint, &
205                                                          run_type
206      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE            :: constraint_type
207      INTEGER, POINTER, DIMENSION(:)                   :: source_list, dest_list, &
208                                                          recv_bo, source_list_save, &
209                                                          dest_list_save
210      INTEGER, POINTER, DIMENSION(:, :)                :: source_list_bo, dest_list_bo, &
211                                                          source_bo_save, dest_bo_save
212      LOGICAL                                          :: is_pencil, dlb, &
213                                                          is_special, first_iteration, &
214                                                          calculate_metric, &
215                                                          wfn_overlap_method, &
216                                                          has_unit_metric, &
217                                                          use_lowdin, &
218                                                          do_ci, nonortho_coupling, &
219                                                          identical_constraints, &
220                                                          block_diagonalize
221      REAL(KIND=dp)                                    :: eps_rho_rspace, sim_dt, &
222                                                          eps_svd
223      REAL(KIND=dp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:, :, :)       :: weight, cavity
224      TYPE(cdft_control_type), POINTER                 :: cdft_control
225      TYPE(buffers), DIMENSION(:), POINTER             :: sendbuff
226      TYPE(cp_1d_r_p_type), ALLOCATABLE, &
227         DIMENSION(:, :)                               :: occupations
228      TYPE(cp_blacs_env_type), POINTER                 :: blacs_env
229      TYPE(cp_logger_p_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER    :: sub_logger
230      TYPE(mixed_cdft_result_type)                     :: results
231      TYPE(mixed_cdft_work_type)                       :: matrix
232      TYPE(mixed_cdft_dlb_type), POINTER               :: dlb_control
233      TYPE(pw_env_type), POINTER                       :: pw_env
234      TYPE(qs_kind_type), DIMENSION(:), &
235         POINTER                                       :: qs_kind_set
236   END TYPE mixed_cdft_type
238! **************************************************************************************************
239!> \brief Container for constraint settings to check consistency of force_evals
240! **************************************************************************************************
241   TYPE mixed_cdft_settings_type
242      LOGICAL                                            :: is_spherical, &
243                                                            is_odd
244      LOGICAL, DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER                  :: sb
245      INTEGER                                            :: ncdft, &
246                                                            max_nkinds
247      INTEGER, DIMENSION(2, 3)                           :: bo
248      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER                     :: grid_span, &
249                                                            spherical, &
250                                                            odd
251      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER                  :: si, &
252                                                            rs_dims, &
253                                                            atoms, &
254                                                            npts
255      REAL(KIND=dp)                                      :: radius
256      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER               :: cutoff, &
257                                                            rel_cutoff
258      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER            :: sr, &
259                                                            coeffs, &
260                                                            cutoffs, &
261                                                            radii
262   END TYPE mixed_cdft_settings_type
264! *** Public data types ***
266   PUBLIC :: mixed_cdft_type, &
267             mixed_cdft_settings_type
269! *** Public subroutines ***
271   PUBLIC :: mixed_cdft_type_create, &
272             mixed_cdft_type_release, &
273             mixed_cdft_result_type_set, &
274             mixed_cdft_result_type_release, &
275             mixed_cdft_work_type_init, &
276             mixed_cdft_work_type_release
278   CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: moduleN = 'mixed_cdft_types'
282! **************************************************************************************************
283!> \brief inits the given mixed_cdft_type
284!> \param cdft_control the object to init
285!> \author Nico Holmberg [01.2017]
286! **************************************************************************************************
287   SUBROUTINE mixed_cdft_type_create(cdft_control)
288      TYPE(mixed_cdft_type), POINTER                     :: cdft_control
290      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'mixed_cdft_type_create', &
291         routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
293      NULLIFY (cdft_control%pw_env, cdft_control%blacs_env, cdft_control%qs_kind_set)
294      NULLIFY (cdft_control%dlb_control, cdft_control%dest_list_bo, cdft_control%dest_list)
295      NULLIFY (cdft_control%dest_bo_save, cdft_control%dest_list_save, cdft_control%source_list)
296      NULLIFY (cdft_control%source_list_save, cdft_control%source_bo_save, cdft_control%source_list_bo)
297      NULLIFY (cdft_control%cavity, cdft_control%weight, cdft_control%sendbuff)
298      NULLIFY (cdft_control%cdft_control, cdft_control%recv_bo)
299      NULLIFY (cdft_control%sub_logger)
301   END SUBROUTINE mixed_cdft_type_create
303! **************************************************************************************************
304!> \brief releases the given mixed_cdft_type
305!> \param cdft_control the object to release
306!> \author Nico Holmberg [01.2017]
307! **************************************************************************************************
308   SUBROUTINE mixed_cdft_type_release(cdft_control)
309      TYPE(mixed_cdft_type), POINTER                     :: cdft_control
311      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'mixed_cdft_type_release', &
312         routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
314      INTEGER                                            :: i, j
316      CALL pw_env_release(cdft_control%pw_env)
317      IF (ASSOCIATED(cdft_control%dest_list)) &
318         DEALLOCATE (cdft_control%dest_list)
319      IF (ASSOCIATED(cdft_control%dest_list_save)) &
320         DEALLOCATE (cdft_control%dest_list_save)
321      IF (ASSOCIATED(cdft_control%dest_list_bo)) &
322         DEALLOCATE (cdft_control%dest_list_bo)
323      IF (ASSOCIATED(cdft_control%dest_bo_save)) &
324         DEALLOCATE (cdft_control%dest_bo_save)
325      IF (ASSOCIATED(cdft_control%source_list)) &
326         DEALLOCATE (cdft_control%source_list)
327      IF (ASSOCIATED(cdft_control%source_list_save)) &
328         DEALLOCATE (cdft_control%source_list_save)
329      IF (ASSOCIATED(cdft_control%source_list_bo)) &
330         DEALLOCATE (cdft_control%source_list_bo)
331      IF (ASSOCIATED(cdft_control%source_bo_save)) &
332         DEALLOCATE (cdft_control%source_bo_save)
333      IF (ASSOCIATED(cdft_control%recv_bo)) &
334         DEALLOCATE (cdft_control%recv_bo)
335      IF (ASSOCIATED(cdft_control%weight)) &
336         DEALLOCATE (cdft_control%weight)
337      IF (ASSOCIATED(cdft_control%cavity)) &
338         DEALLOCATE (cdft_control%cavity)
339      IF (ALLOCATED(cdft_control%constraint_type)) &
340         DEALLOCATE (cdft_control%constraint_type)
341      IF (ALLOCATED(cdft_control%occupations)) THEN
342         DO i = 1, SIZE(cdft_control%occupations, 1)
343            DO j = 1, SIZE(cdft_control%occupations, 2)
344               IF (ASSOCIATED(cdft_control%occupations(i, j)%array)) &
345                  DEALLOCATE (cdft_control%occupations(i, j)%array)
346            END DO
347         END DO
348         DEALLOCATE (cdft_control%occupations)
349      END IF
350      IF (ASSOCIATED(cdft_control%dlb_control)) &
351         CALL mixed_cdft_dlb_release(cdft_control%dlb_control)
352      IF (ASSOCIATED(cdft_control%sendbuff)) THEN
353         DO i = 1, SIZE(cdft_control%sendbuff)
354            CALL mixed_cdft_buffers_release(cdft_control%sendbuff(i))
355         END DO
356         DEALLOCATE (cdft_control%sendbuff)
357      END IF
358      IF (ASSOCIATED(cdft_control%cdft_control)) &
359         CALL cdft_control_release(cdft_control%cdft_control)
360      IF (ASSOCIATED(cdft_control%blacs_env)) &
361         CALL cp_blacs_env_release(cdft_control%blacs_env)
362      IF (ASSOCIATED(cdft_control%qs_kind_set)) &
363         CALL deallocate_qs_kind_set(cdft_control%qs_kind_set)
364      IF (ASSOCIATED(cdft_control%sub_logger)) THEN
365         DO i = 1, SIZE(cdft_control%sub_logger)
366            CALL cp_logger_release(cdft_control%sub_logger(i)%p)
367         END DO
368         DEALLOCATE (cdft_control%sub_logger)
369      END IF
370      CALL mixed_cdft_result_type_release(cdft_control%results)
371      CALL mixed_cdft_work_type_release(cdft_control%matrix)
372      DEALLOCATE (cdft_control)
374   END SUBROUTINE mixed_cdft_type_release
376! **************************************************************************************************
377!> \brief releases the given load balancing control
378!> \param dlb_control the object to release
379!> \author Nico Holmberg [01.2017]
380! **************************************************************************************************
381   SUBROUTINE mixed_cdft_dlb_release(dlb_control)
382      TYPE(mixed_cdft_dlb_type), POINTER                 :: dlb_control
384      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'mixed_cdft_dlb_release', &
385         routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
387      INTEGER                                            :: i
389      IF (ASSOCIATED(dlb_control%recv_work_repl)) &
390         DEALLOCATE (dlb_control%recv_work_repl)
391      IF (ASSOCIATED(dlb_control%sendbuff)) THEN
392         DO i = 1, SIZE(dlb_control%sendbuff)
393            CALL mixed_cdft_buffers_release(dlb_control%sendbuff(i))
394         END DO
395         DEALLOCATE (dlb_control%sendbuff)
396      END IF
397      IF (ASSOCIATED(dlb_control%recvbuff)) THEN
398         DO i = 1, SIZE(dlb_control%recvbuff)
399            CALL mixed_cdft_p_buffers_release(dlb_control%recvbuff(i))
400         END DO
401         DEALLOCATE (dlb_control%recvbuff)
402      END IF
403      IF (ASSOCIATED(dlb_control%recv_info)) THEN
404         DO i = 1, SIZE(dlb_control%recv_info)
405            IF (ASSOCIATED(dlb_control%recv_info(i)%matrix_info)) &
406               DEALLOCATE (dlb_control%recv_info(i)%matrix_info)
407            IF (ASSOCIATED(dlb_control%recv_info(i)%target_list)) &
408               DEALLOCATE (dlb_control%recv_info(i)%target_list)
409         END DO
410         DEALLOCATE (dlb_control%recv_info)
411      END IF
412      IF (ASSOCIATED(dlb_control%bo)) &
413         DEALLOCATE (dlb_control%bo)
414      IF (ASSOCIATED(dlb_control%expected_work)) &
415         DEALLOCATE (dlb_control%expected_work)
416      IF (ASSOCIATED(dlb_control%prediction_error)) &
417         DEALLOCATE (dlb_control%prediction_error)
418      IF (ASSOCIATED(dlb_control%target_list)) &
419         DEALLOCATE (dlb_control%target_list)
420      IF (ASSOCIATED(dlb_control%cavity)) &
421         DEALLOCATE (dlb_control%cavity)
422      IF (ASSOCIATED(dlb_control%weight)) &
423         DEALLOCATE (dlb_control%weight)
424      IF (ASSOCIATED(dlb_control%gradients)) &
425         DEALLOCATE (dlb_control%gradients)
426      DEALLOCATE (dlb_control)
428   END SUBROUTINE mixed_cdft_dlb_release
430! **************************************************************************************************
431!> \brief releases the given buffers
432!> \param buffer the object to release
433!> \author Nico Holmberg [01.2017]
434! **************************************************************************************************
435   SUBROUTINE mixed_cdft_buffers_release(buffer)
436      TYPE(buffers)                                      :: buffer
438      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'mixed_cdft_buffers_release', &
439         routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
441      IF (ASSOCIATED(buffer%cavity)) &
442         DEALLOCATE (buffer%cavity)
443      IF (ASSOCIATED(buffer%weight)) &
444         DEALLOCATE (buffer%weight)
445      IF (ASSOCIATED(buffer%gradients)) &
446         DEALLOCATE (buffer%gradients)
448   END SUBROUTINE mixed_cdft_buffers_release
450! **************************************************************************************************
451!> \brief releases the given pointer of buffers
452!> \param p_buffer the object to release
453!> \author Nico Holmberg [01.2017]
454! **************************************************************************************************
455   SUBROUTINE mixed_cdft_p_buffers_release(p_buffer)
456      TYPE(p_buffers)                                    :: p_buffer
458      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'mixed_cdft_p_buffers_release', &
459         routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
461      INTEGER                                            :: i
463      IF (ASSOCIATED(p_buffer%buffs)) THEN
464         DO i = 1, SIZE(p_buffer%buffs)
465            CALL mixed_cdft_buffers_release(p_buffer%buffs(i))
466         END DO
467         DEALLOCATE (p_buffer%buffs)
468      END IF
470   END SUBROUTINE mixed_cdft_p_buffers_release
472! **************************************************************************************************
473!> \brief Updates arrays within the mixed CDFT result container
474!> \param results      the array container
475!> \param lowdin       CDFT electronic couplings from Lowdin orthogonalization
476!> \param wfn          CDFT electronic couplings from wavefunction overlap method
477!> \param nonortho     CDFT electronic couplings (interaction energies) before orthogonalization
478!> \param metric       Reliability metric for CDFT electronic couplings
479!> \param rotation     CDFT electronic couplings using the weight function matrix for orthogonalization
480!> \param H            The mixed CDFT Hamiltonian
481!> \param S            The overlap matrix between CDFT states
482!> \param Wad          Integrals of type <Psi_a | w_d(r) | Psi_d>
483!> \param Wda          Integrals of type <Psi_d | w_a(r) | Psi_a>
484!> \param W_diagonal   Values of the CDFT constraints
485!> \param energy       Energies of the CDFT states
486!> \param strength     Lagrangian multipliers of the CDFT states
487!> \param S_minushalf  S^(-1/2)
488!> \author Nico Holmberg [11.2017]
489! **************************************************************************************************
490   SUBROUTINE mixed_cdft_result_type_set(results, lowdin, wfn, nonortho, metric, rotation, &
491                                         H, S, Wad, Wda, W_diagonal, energy, strength, S_minushalf)
492      TYPE(mixed_cdft_result_type)                       :: results
493      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:), OPTIONAL              :: lowdin, wfn, nonortho
494      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:, :), OPTIONAL           :: metric
495      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:), OPTIONAL              :: rotation
496      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:, :), OPTIONAL           :: H, S, Wad, Wda, W_diagonal
497      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:), OPTIONAL              :: energy
498      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:, :), OPTIONAL           :: strength, S_minushalf
500      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'mixed_cdft_result_type_set', &
501         routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
503      IF (PRESENT(lowdin)) THEN
504         IF (ALLOCATED(results%lowdin)) DEALLOCATE (results%lowdin)
505         ALLOCATE (results%lowdin(SIZE(lowdin)))
506         results%lowdin(:) = lowdin(:)
507      END IF
508      IF (PRESENT(wfn)) THEN
509         IF (ALLOCATED(results%wfn)) DEALLOCATE (results%wfn)
510         ALLOCATE (results%wfn(SIZE(wfn)))
511         results%wfn(:) = wfn(:)
512      END IF
513      IF (PRESENT(nonortho)) THEN
514         IF (ALLOCATED(results%nonortho)) DEALLOCATE (results%nonortho)
515         ALLOCATE (results%nonortho(SIZE(nonortho)))
516         results%nonortho(:) = nonortho(:)
517      END IF
518      IF (PRESENT(rotation)) THEN
519         IF (ALLOCATED(results%rotation)) DEALLOCATE (results%rotation)
520         ALLOCATE (results%rotation(SIZE(rotation)))
521         results%rotation(:) = rotation(:)
522      END IF
523      IF (PRESENT(energy)) THEN
524         IF (ALLOCATED(results%energy)) DEALLOCATE (results%energy)
525         ALLOCATE (results%energy(SIZE(energy)))
526         results%energy(:) = energy(:)
527      END IF
528      IF (PRESENT(strength)) THEN
529         IF (ALLOCATED(results%strength)) DEALLOCATE (results%strength)
530         ALLOCATE (results%strength(SIZE(strength, 1), SIZE(strength, 2)))
531         results%strength(:, :) = strength(:, :)
532      END IF
533      IF (PRESENT(metric)) THEN
534         IF (ALLOCATED(results%metric)) DEALLOCATE (results%metric)
535         ALLOCATE (results%metric(SIZE(metric, 1), SIZE(metric, 2)))
536         results%metric(:, :) = metric(:, :)
537      END IF
538      IF (PRESENT(H)) THEN
539         IF (ALLOCATED(results%H)) DEALLOCATE (results%H)
540         ALLOCATE (results%H(SIZE(H, 1), SIZE(H, 2)))
541         results%H(:, :) = H(:, :)
542      END IF
543      IF (PRESENT(S)) THEN
544         IF (ALLOCATED(results%S)) DEALLOCATE (results%S)
545         ALLOCATE (results%S(SIZE(S, 1), SIZE(S, 2)))
546         results%S(:, :) = S(:, :)
547      END IF
548      IF (PRESENT(S_minushalf)) THEN
549         IF (ALLOCATED(results%S_minushalf)) DEALLOCATE (results%S_minushalf)
550         ALLOCATE (results%S_minushalf(SIZE(S_minushalf, 1), SIZE(S_minushalf, 2)))
551         results%S_minushalf(:, :) = S_minushalf(:, :)
552      END IF
553      IF (PRESENT(Wad)) THEN
554         IF (ALLOCATED(results%Wad)) DEALLOCATE (results%Wad)
555         ALLOCATE (results%Wad(SIZE(Wad, 1), SIZE(Wad, 2)))
556         results%Wad(:, :) = Wad(:, :)
557      END IF
558      IF (PRESENT(Wda)) THEN
559         IF (ALLOCATED(results%Wda)) DEALLOCATE (results%Wda)
560         ALLOCATE (results%Wda(SIZE(Wda, 1), SIZE(Wda, 2)))
561         results%Wda(:, :) = Wda(:, :)
562      END IF
563      IF (PRESENT(W_diagonal)) THEN
564         IF (ALLOCATED(results%W_diagonal)) DEALLOCATE (results%W_diagonal)
565         ALLOCATE (results%W_diagonal(SIZE(W_diagonal, 1), SIZE(W_diagonal, 2)))
566         results%W_diagonal(:, :) = W_diagonal(:, :)
567      END IF
569   END SUBROUTINE mixed_cdft_result_type_set
571! **************************************************************************************************
572!> \brief Releases all arrays within the mixed CDFT result container
573!> \param results the container
574!> \author Nico Holmberg [11.2017]
575! **************************************************************************************************
576   SUBROUTINE mixed_cdft_result_type_release(results)
577      TYPE(mixed_cdft_result_type)                       :: results
579      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'mixed_cdft_result_type_release', &
580         routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
582      IF (ALLOCATED(results%lowdin)) DEALLOCATE (results%lowdin)
583      IF (ALLOCATED(results%wfn)) DEALLOCATE (results%wfn)
584      IF (ALLOCATED(results%metric)) DEALLOCATE (results%metric)
585      IF (ALLOCATED(results%nonortho)) DEALLOCATE (results%nonortho)
586      IF (ALLOCATED(results%rotation)) DEALLOCATE (results%rotation)
587      IF (ALLOCATED(results%H)) DEALLOCATE (results%H)
588      IF (ALLOCATED(results%S)) DEALLOCATE (results%S)
589      IF (ALLOCATED(results%S_minushalf)) DEALLOCATE (results%S_minushalf)
590      IF (ALLOCATED(results%Wad)) DEALLOCATE (results%Wad)
591      IF (ALLOCATED(results%Wda)) DEALLOCATE (results%Wda)
592      IF (ALLOCATED(results%W_diagonal)) DEALLOCATE (results%W_diagonal)
593      IF (ALLOCATED(results%energy)) DEALLOCATE (results%energy)
594      IF (ALLOCATED(results%strength)) DEALLOCATE (results%strength)
596   END SUBROUTINE mixed_cdft_result_type_release
598! **************************************************************************************************
599!> \brief Initializes the mixed_cdft_work_type
600!> \param matrix the type to initialize
601!> \author Nico Holmberg [01.2017]
602! **************************************************************************************************
603   SUBROUTINE mixed_cdft_work_type_init(matrix)
604      TYPE(mixed_cdft_work_type)                         :: matrix
606      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'mixed_cdft_work_type_init', &
607         routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
609      NULLIFY (matrix%w_matrix)
610      NULLIFY (matrix%mixed_matrix_s)
611      NULLIFY (matrix%mixed_mo_coeff)
612      NULLIFY (matrix%density_matrix)
614   END SUBROUTINE mixed_cdft_work_type_init
616! **************************************************************************************************
617!> \brief Releases arrays within the mixed CDFT work matrix container
618!> \param matrix the container
619!> \author Nico Holmberg [01.2017]
620! **************************************************************************************************
621   SUBROUTINE mixed_cdft_work_type_release(matrix)
622      TYPE(mixed_cdft_work_type)                         :: matrix
624      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'mixed_cdft_work_type_release', &
625         routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
627      INTEGER                                            :: i, j
629      IF (ASSOCIATED(matrix%w_matrix)) THEN
630         DO i = 1, SIZE(matrix%w_matrix, 2)
631            DO j = 1, SIZE(matrix%w_matrix, 1)
632               CALL dbcsr_release_p(matrix%w_matrix(j, i)%matrix)
633            END DO
634         END DO
635         DEALLOCATE (matrix%w_matrix)
636      END IF
637      IF (ASSOCIATED(matrix%mixed_matrix_s)) THEN
638         CALL dbcsr_release_p(matrix%mixed_matrix_s)
639      END IF
640      IF (ASSOCIATED(matrix%mixed_mo_coeff)) THEN
641         DO i = 1, SIZE(matrix%mixed_mo_coeff, 2)
642            DO j = 1, SIZE(matrix%mixed_mo_coeff, 1)
643               CALL cp_fm_release(matrix%mixed_mo_coeff(j, i)%matrix)
644            END DO
645         END DO
646         DEALLOCATE (matrix%mixed_mo_coeff)
647      END IF
648      IF (ASSOCIATED(matrix%density_matrix)) THEN
649         DO i = 1, SIZE(matrix%density_matrix, 2)
650            DO j = 1, SIZE(matrix%density_matrix, 1)
651               CALL dbcsr_release_p(matrix%density_matrix(j, i)%matrix)
652            END DO
653         END DO
654         DEALLOCATE (matrix%density_matrix)
655      END IF
657   END SUBROUTINE mixed_cdft_work_type_release
659END MODULE mixed_cdft_types