2!   CP2K: A general program to perform molecular dynamics simulations                              !
3!   Copyright (C) 2000 - 2020  CP2K developers group                                               !
6! **************************************************************************************************
7!> \brief  Methods to apply the QTB thermostat to PI runs.
8!>         Based on the PILE implementation from Felix Uhl (pint_pile.F)
9!> \author Fabien Brieuc
10!> \par History
11!>      02.2018 created [Fabien Brieuc]
12! **************************************************************************************************
13MODULE pint_qtb
14   USE cp_files,                        ONLY: open_file
15   USE cp_log_handling,                 ONLY: cp_get_default_logger,&
16                                              cp_logger_type
17   USE cp_output_handling,              ONLY: debug_print_level,&
18                                              silent_print_level
19   USE cp_para_types,                   ONLY: cp_para_env_type
20   USE fft_lib,                         ONLY: fft_1dm,&
21                                              fft_create_plan_1dm,&
22                                              fft_destroy_plan
23   USE fft_plan,                        ONLY: fft_plan_type
24   USE fft_tools,                       ONLY: FWFFT,&
25                                              fft_plan_style,&
26                                              fft_type
27   USE input_constants,                 ONLY: propagator_rpmd
28   USE input_section_types,             ONLY: section_vals_get,&
29                                              section_vals_get_subs_vals,&
30                                              section_vals_type,&
31                                              section_vals_val_get
32   USE kinds,                           ONLY: dp
33   USE mathconstants,                   ONLY: pi,&
34                                              twopi
35   USE message_passing,                 ONLY: mp_bcast
36   USE parallel_rng_types,              ONLY: GAUSSIAN,&
37                                              rng_record_length,&
38                                              rng_stream_type,&
39                                              rng_stream_type_from_record
40   USE pint_io,                         ONLY: pint_write_line
41   USE pint_types,                      ONLY: normalmode_env_type,&
42                                              pint_env_type,&
43                                              qtb_therm_type
44#include "../base/base_uses.f90"
50   PUBLIC :: pint_qtb_step, &
51             pint_qtb_init, &
52             pint_qtb_release, &
53             pint_calc_qtb_energy
55   CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: moduleN = 'pint_qtb'
59   ! ***************************************************************************
60   !> \brief initializes the data for a QTB run
61   ! ***************************************************************************
62! **************************************************************************************************
63!> \brief ...
64!> \param qtb_therm ...
65!> \param pint_env ...
66!> \param normalmode_env ...
67!> \param section ...
68! **************************************************************************************************
69   SUBROUTINE pint_qtb_init(qtb_therm, pint_env, normalmode_env, section)
70      TYPE(qtb_therm_type), POINTER                      :: qtb_therm
71      TYPE(pint_env_type), POINTER                       :: pint_env
72      TYPE(normalmode_env_type), POINTER                 :: normalmode_env
73      TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER                   :: section
75      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'pint_qtb_init', routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
77      CHARACTER(LEN=rng_record_length)                   :: rng_record
78      INTEGER                                            :: i, j, p
79      LOGICAL                                            :: restart
80      REAL(KIND=dp)                                      :: dti2, ex
81      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(3, 2)                     :: initial_seed
82      TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER                   :: rng_section
84      IF (pint_env%propagator%prop_kind /= propagator_rpmd) THEN
85         CPABORT("QTB is designed to work with the RPMD propagator only")
86      ENDIF
88      pint_env%e_qtb = 0.0_dp
89      ALLOCATE (qtb_therm)
90      qtb_therm%ref_count = 1
91      qtb_therm%thermostat_energy = 0.0_dp
93      !Get input parameters
94      CALL section_vals_val_get(section, "TAU", r_val=qtb_therm%tau)
95      CALL section_vals_val_get(section, "LAMBDA", r_val=qtb_therm%lamb)
96      CALL section_vals_val_get(section, "TAUCUT", r_val=qtb_therm%taucut)
97      CALL section_vals_val_get(section, "LAMBCUT", r_val=qtb_therm%lambcut)
98      CALL section_vals_val_get(section, "FP", i_val=qtb_therm%fp)
99      CALL section_vals_val_get(section, "NF", i_val=qtb_therm%nf)
101      p = pint_env%p
102      dti2 = 0.5_dp*pint_env%dt
103      ALLOCATE (qtb_therm%c1(p))
104      ALLOCATE (qtb_therm%c2(p))
105      ALLOCATE (qtb_therm%g_fric(p))
106      ALLOCATE (qtb_therm%massfact(p, pint_env%ndim))
108      !Initialize everything
109      qtb_therm%g_fric(1) = 1.0_dp/qtb_therm%tau
110      DO i = 2, p
111         qtb_therm%g_fric(i) = SQRT((1.d0/qtb_therm%tau)**2 + (qtb_therm%lamb)**2* &
112                                    normalmode_env%lambda(i))
113      END DO
114      DO i = 1, p
115         ex = -dti2*qtb_therm%g_fric(i)
116         qtb_therm%c1(i) = EXP(ex)
117         ex = qtb_therm%c1(i)*qtb_therm%c1(i)
118         qtb_therm%c2(i) = SQRT(1.0_dp - ex)
119      END DO
120      DO j = 1, pint_env%ndim
121         DO i = 1, pint_env%p
122            qtb_therm%massfact(i, j) = SQRT(1.0_dp/pint_env%mass_fict(i, j))
123         END DO
124      END DO
126      !prepare Random number generator
127      NULLIFY (rng_section)
128      rng_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(section, &
129                                                subsection_name="RNG_INIT")
130      CALL section_vals_get(rng_section, explicit=restart)
131      IF (restart) THEN
132         CALL section_vals_val_get(rng_section, "_DEFAULT_KEYWORD_", &
133                                   i_rep_val=1, c_val=rng_record)
134         qtb_therm%gaussian_rng_stream = rng_stream_type_from_record(rng_record)
135      ELSE
136         initial_seed(:, :) = REAL(pint_env%thermostat_rng_seed, dp)
137         qtb_therm%gaussian_rng_stream = rng_stream_type( &
138                                         name="qtb_rng_gaussian", distribution_type=GAUSSIAN, &
139                                         extended_precision=.TRUE., &
140                                         seed=initial_seed)
141      END IF
143      !Initialization of the QTB random forces
144      CALL pint_qtb_forces_init(pint_env, normalmode_env, qtb_therm, restart)
146   END SUBROUTINE pint_qtb_init
148! **************************************************************************************************
149!> \brief ...
150!> \param vold ...
151!> \param vnew ...
152!> \param p ...
153!> \param ndim ...
154!> \param masses ...
155!> \param qtb_therm ...
156! **************************************************************************************************
157   SUBROUTINE pint_qtb_step(vold, vnew, p, ndim, masses, qtb_therm)
158      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER            :: vold, vnew
159      INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                :: p, ndim
160      REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:, :), INTENT(IN)         :: masses
161      TYPE(qtb_therm_type), POINTER                      :: qtb_therm
163      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'pint_qtb_step', routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
165      INTEGER                                            :: handle, i, ibead, idim
166      REAL(KIND=dp)                                      :: delta_ekin
168      CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
169      delta_ekin = 0.0_dp
171      !update random forces
172      DO ibead = 1, p
173         qtb_therm%cpt(ibead) = qtb_therm%cpt(ibead) + 1
174         !new random forces at every qtb_therm%step
175         IF (qtb_therm%cpt(ibead) == 2*qtb_therm%step(ibead)) THEN
176            IF (ibead == 1) THEN
177               !update the rng status
178               DO i = 1, qtb_therm%nf - 1
179                  qtb_therm%rng_status(i) = qtb_therm%rng_status(i + 1)
180               END DO
181               CALL qtb_therm%gaussian_rng_stream%dump(qtb_therm%rng_status(qtb_therm%nf))
182            END IF
183            DO idim = 1, ndim
184               !update random numbers
185               DO i = 1, qtb_therm%nf - 1
186                  qtb_therm%r(i, ibead, idim) = qtb_therm%r(i + 1, ibead, idim)
187               END DO
188               qtb_therm%r(qtb_therm%nf, ibead, idim) = qtb_therm%gaussian_rng_stream%next()
189               !compute new random force through the convolution product
190               qtb_therm%rf(ibead, idim) = 0.0_dp
191               DO i = 1, qtb_therm%nf
192                  qtb_therm%rf(ibead, idim) = qtb_therm%rf(ibead, idim) + &
193                                              qtb_therm%h(i, ibead)*qtb_therm%r(i, ibead, idim)
194               END DO
195            END DO
196            qtb_therm%cpt(ibead) = 0
197         END IF
198      END DO
200      !perform MD step
201      DO idim = 1, ndim
202         DO ibead = 1, p
203            vnew(ibead, idim) = qtb_therm%c1(ibead)*vold(ibead, idim) + &
204                                qtb_therm%massfact(ibead, idim)*qtb_therm%c2(ibead)* &
205                                qtb_therm%rf(ibead, idim)
206            delta_ekin = delta_ekin + masses(ibead, idim)*( &
207                         vnew(ibead, idim)*vnew(ibead, idim) - &
208                         vold(ibead, idim)*vold(ibead, idim))
209         END DO
210      END DO
212      qtb_therm%thermostat_energy = qtb_therm%thermostat_energy - 0.5_dp*delta_ekin
214      CALL timestop(handle)
215   END SUBROUTINE pint_qtb_step
217   ! ***************************************************************************
218   !> \brief releases the qtb environment
219   !> \param qtb_therm qtb data to be released
220   ! ***************************************************************************
221! **************************************************************************************************
222!> \brief ...
223!> \param qtb_therm ...
224! **************************************************************************************************
225   SUBROUTINE pint_qtb_release(qtb_therm)
227      TYPE(qtb_therm_type), POINTER                      :: qtb_therm
229      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'pint_qtb_release', &
230         routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
232      IF (ASSOCIATED(qtb_therm)) THEN
233         qtb_therm%ref_count = qtb_therm%ref_count - 1
234         IF (qtb_therm%ref_count == 0) THEN
235            DEALLOCATE (qtb_therm%c1)
236            DEALLOCATE (qtb_therm%c2)
237            DEALLOCATE (qtb_therm%g_fric)
238            DEALLOCATE (qtb_therm%massfact)
239            DEALLOCATE (qtb_therm%rf)
240            DEALLOCATE (qtb_therm%h)
241            DEALLOCATE (qtb_therm%r)
242            DEALLOCATE (qtb_therm%cpt)
243            DEALLOCATE (qtb_therm%step)
244            DEALLOCATE (qtb_therm%rng_status)
245            DEALLOCATE (qtb_therm)
246         END IF
247      END IF
248      NULLIFY (qtb_therm)
250      RETURN
251   END SUBROUTINE pint_qtb_release
253   ! ***************************************************************************
254   !> \brief returns the qtb kinetic energy contribution
255   ! ***************************************************************************
256! **************************************************************************************************
257!> \brief ...
258!> \param pint_env ...
259! **************************************************************************************************
260   SUBROUTINE pint_calc_qtb_energy(pint_env)
261      TYPE(pint_env_type), POINTER                       :: pint_env
263      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'pint_calc_qtb_energy', &
264         routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
266      IF (ASSOCIATED(pint_env%qtb_therm)) THEN
267         pint_env%e_qtb = pint_env%qtb_therm%thermostat_energy
268      END IF
270      RETURN
272   END SUBROUTINE pint_calc_qtb_energy
274   ! ***************************************************************************
275   !> \brief initialize the QTB random forces
276   !> \author Fabien Brieuc
277   ! ***************************************************************************
278! **************************************************************************************************
279!> \brief ...
280!> \param pint_env ...
281!> \param normalmode_env ...
282!> \param qtb_therm ...
283!> \param restart ...
284! **************************************************************************************************
285   SUBROUTINE pint_qtb_forces_init(pint_env, normalmode_env, qtb_therm, restart)
286      TYPE(pint_env_type), POINTER                       :: pint_env
287      TYPE(normalmode_env_type), POINTER                 :: normalmode_env
288      TYPE(qtb_therm_type), POINTER                      :: qtb_therm
289      LOGICAL                                            :: restart
291      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'pint_qtb_forces_init', &
292         routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
294      COMPLEX(KIND=dp)                                   :: tmp1
295      COMPLEX(KIND=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)        :: filter
296      INTEGER                                            :: handle, i, ibead, idim, log_unit, ndim, &
297                                                            nf, p, print_level, step
298      REAL(KIND=dp)                                      :: aa, bb, correct, dt, dw, fcut, h, kT, &
299                                                            tmp, w
300      REAL(KIND=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)           :: fp
301      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER               :: fp1
302      TYPE(cp_logger_type), POINTER                      :: logger
303      TYPE(cp_para_env_type), POINTER                    :: para_env
304      TYPE(fft_plan_type)                                :: plan
306      CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
308      IF (fft_type /= 3) CALL cp_warn(__LOCATION__, "The FFT library in use cannot"// &
309                                      " handle transformation of an arbitrary length.")
311      p = pint_env%p
312      ndim = pint_env%ndim
313      dt = pint_env%dt
314      IF (MOD(qtb_therm%nf, 2) /= 0) qtb_therm%nf = qtb_therm%nf + 1
315      nf = qtb_therm%nf
317      para_env => pint_env%logger%para_env
319      ALLOCATE (qtb_therm%rng_status(nf))
320      ALLOCATE (qtb_therm%h(nf, p))
321      ALLOCATE (qtb_therm%step(p))
323      !initialize random forces on ionode only
324      IF (para_env%ionode) THEN
326         NULLIFY (logger)
327         logger => cp_get_default_logger()
328         print_level = logger%iter_info%print_level
330         !physical temperature (T) not the simulation one (TxP)
331         kT = pint_env%kT*pint_env%propagator%temp_sim2phys
333         ALLOCATE (fp(nf/2))
334         ALLOCATE (filter(0:nf - 1))
336         IF (print_level == debug_print_level) THEN
337            !create log file if print_level is debug
338            CALL open_file(file_name=TRIM(logger%iter_info%project_name)//".qtbLog", &
339                           file_action="WRITE", file_status="UNKNOWN", unit_number=log_unit)
340            WRITE (log_unit, '(A)') ' # Log file for the QTB random forces generation'
341            WRITE (log_unit, '(A)') ' # ------------------------------------------------'
342            WRITE (log_unit, '(A,I5)') ' # Number of beads P = ', p
343            WRITE (log_unit, '(A,I6)') ' # Number of dimension 3*N = ', ndim
344            WRITE (log_unit, '(A,I4)') ' # Number of filter parameters Nf=', nf
345         END IF
347         DO ibead = 1, p
348            !fcut is adapted to the NM freq.
349            !Note that lambda is the angular free ring freq. squared
350            fcut = SQRT((1.d0/qtb_therm%taucut)**2 + (qtb_therm%lambcut)**2* &
351                        normalmode_env%lambda(ibead))
352            fcut = fcut/twopi
353            !new random forces are drawn every step
354            qtb_therm%step(ibead) = NINT(1.0_dp/(2.0_dp*fcut*dt))
355            IF (qtb_therm%step(ibead) == 0) qtb_therm%step(ibead) = 1
356            step = qtb_therm%step(ibead)
357            !effective timestep h = step*dt = 1/(2*fcut)
358            h = step*dt
359            !angular freq. step - dw = 2*pi/(nf*h) = 2*wcut/nf
360            dw = twopi/(nf*h)
362            !generate f_P function
363            IF (qtb_therm%fp == 0) THEN
364               CALL pint_qtb_computefp0(pint_env, fp, fp1, dw, aa, bb, log_unit, ibead, print_level)
365            ELSE
366               CALL pint_qtb_computefp1(pint_env, fp, fp1, dw, aa, bb, log_unit, ibead, print_level)
367            END IF
368            fp = p*kT*fp ! fp is now in cp2k energy units
370            IF (print_level == debug_print_level) THEN
371               WRITE (log_unit, '(A,I4,A)') ' # --------  NM ', ibead, '  --------'
372               WRITE (log_unit, '(A,I4,A)') ' # New random forces every ', step, ' MD steps'
373               WRITE (log_unit, '(A,ES13.3,A)') ' # Angular cutoff freq. = ', twopi*fcut*4.1341e4_dp, ' rad/ps'
374               WRITE (log_unit, '(A,ES13.3,A)') ' # Free ring polymer angular freq.= ', &
375                  SQRT(normalmode_env%lambda(ibead))*4.1341e4_dp, ' rad/ps'
376               WRITE (log_unit, '(A,ES13.3,A)') ' # Friction coeff. = ', qtb_therm%g_fric(ibead)*4.1341e4_dp, ' THz'
377               WRITE (log_unit, '(A,ES13.3,A)') ' # Angular frequency step dw = ', dw*4.1341e4_dp, ' rad/ps'
378            END IF
380            !compute the filter in Fourier space
381            IF (p == 1) THEN
382               filter(0) = SQRT(kT)*(1.0_dp, 0.0_dp)
383            ELSE IF (qtb_therm%fp == 1 .AND. ibead == 1) THEN
384               filter(0) = SQRT(p*kT)*(1.0_dp, 0.0_dp)
385            ELSE
386               filter(0) = SQRT(p*kT*fp1(1))*(1.0_dp, 0.0_dp)
387            ENDIF
388            DO i = 1, nf/2
389               w = i*dw
390               tmp = 0.5_dp*w*h
391               correct = SIN(tmp)/tmp
392               filter(i) = SQRT(fp(i))/correct*(1.0_dp, 0.0_dp)
393               filter(nf - i) = CONJG(filter(i))
394            END DO
396            !compute the filter in time space - FFT
397            CALL pint_qtb_fft(filter, filter, plan, nf)
398            !reordering + normalisation
399            !normalisation : 1/nf comes from the DFT, 1/sqrt(step) is to
400            !take into account the effective timestep h = step*dt and
401            !1/sqrt(2.0_dp) is to take into account the fact that the
402            !same random force is used for the two thermostat "half-steps"
403            DO i = 0, nf/2 - 1
404               tmp1 = filter(i)/(nf*SQRT(2.0_dp*step))
405               filter(i) = filter(nf/2 + i)/(nf*SQRT(2.0_dp*step))
406               filter(nf/2 + i) = tmp1
407            END DO
409            DO i = 0, nf - 1
410               qtb_therm%h(i + 1, ibead) = REAL(filter(i), dp)
411            END DO
412         END DO
414         DEALLOCATE (filter)
415         DEALLOCATE (fp)
416         IF (p > 1) DEALLOCATE (fp1)
417      END IF
419      CALL mp_bcast(qtb_therm%h, para_env%source, para_env%group)
420      CALL mp_bcast(qtb_therm%step, para_env%source, para_env%group)
422      ALLOCATE (qtb_therm%r(nf, p, ndim))
423      ALLOCATE (qtb_therm%cpt(p))
424      ALLOCATE (qtb_therm%rf(p, ndim))
426      IF (restart) THEN
427         CALL pint_qtb_restart(pint_env, qtb_therm)
428      ELSE
429         !update the rng status
430         DO i = 1, qtb_therm%nf
431            CALL qtb_therm%gaussian_rng_stream%dump(qtb_therm%rng_status(i))
432         END DO
433         !if no restart then initialize random numbers from scratch
434         qtb_therm%cpt = 0
435         DO idim = 1, ndim
436            DO ibead = 1, p
437               DO i = 1, nf
438                  qtb_therm%r(i, ibead, idim) = qtb_therm%gaussian_rng_stream%next()
439               END DO
440            END DO
441         END DO
442      END IF
444      !compute the first random forces
445      DO idim = 1, ndim
446         DO ibead = 1, p
447            qtb_therm%rf(ibead, idim) = 0.0_dp
448            DO i = 1, nf
449               qtb_therm%rf(ibead, idim) = qtb_therm%rf(ibead, idim) + &
450                                           qtb_therm%h(i, ibead)*qtb_therm%r(i, ibead, idim)
451            END DO
452         END DO
453      END DO
455      CALL timestop(handle)
456   END SUBROUTINE pint_qtb_forces_init
458   ! ***************************************************************************
459   !> \brief control the generation of the first random forces in the case
460   !> of a restart
461   !> \author Fabien Brieuc
462   ! ***************************************************************************
463! **************************************************************************************************
464!> \brief ...
465!> \param pint_env ...
466!> \param qtb_therm ...
467! **************************************************************************************************
468   SUBROUTINE pint_qtb_restart(pint_env, qtb_therm)
469      TYPE(pint_env_type), POINTER                       :: pint_env
470      TYPE(qtb_therm_type), POINTER                      :: qtb_therm
472      INTEGER                                            :: begin, i, ibead, idim, istep
474      begin = pint_env%first_step - MOD(pint_env%first_step, qtb_therm%step(1)) - &
475              (qtb_therm%nf - 1)*qtb_therm%step(1)
477      IF (begin <= 0) THEN
478         qtb_therm%cpt = 0
479         !update the rng status
480         DO i = 1, qtb_therm%nf
481            CALL qtb_therm%gaussian_rng_stream%dump(qtb_therm%rng_status(i))
482         END DO
483         !first random numbers initialized from scratch
484         DO idim = 1, pint_env%ndim
485            DO ibead = 1, pint_env%p
486               DO i = 1, qtb_therm%nf
487                  qtb_therm%r(i, ibead, idim) = qtb_therm%gaussian_rng_stream%next()
488               END DO
489            END DO
490         END DO
491         begin = 1
492      ELSE
493         qtb_therm%cpt(1) = 2*(qtb_therm%step(1) - 1)
494         DO ibead = 2, pint_env%p
495            qtb_therm%cpt(ibead) = 2*MOD(begin - 1, qtb_therm%step(ibead))
496         END DO
497      END IF
499      !from istep = 1,2*(the last previous MD step - begin) because
500      !the thermostat step is called two times per MD step
501      !DO istep = 2*begin, 2*pint_env%first_step
502      DO istep = 1, 2*(pint_env%first_step - begin + 1)
503         DO ibead = 1, pint_env%p
504            qtb_therm%cpt(ibead) = qtb_therm%cpt(ibead) + 1
505            !new random forces at every qtb_therm%step
506            IF (qtb_therm%cpt(ibead) == 2*qtb_therm%step(ibead)) THEN
507               IF (ibead == 1) THEN
508                  !update the rng status
509                  DO i = 1, qtb_therm%nf - 1
510                     qtb_therm%rng_status(i) = qtb_therm%rng_status(i + 1)
511                  END DO
512                  CALL qtb_therm%gaussian_rng_stream%dump(qtb_therm%rng_status(qtb_therm%nf))
513               END IF
514               DO idim = 1, pint_env%ndim
515                  !update random numbers
516                  DO i = 1, qtb_therm%nf - 1
517                     qtb_therm%r(i, ibead, idim) = qtb_therm%r(i + 1, ibead, idim)
518                  END DO
519                  qtb_therm%r(qtb_therm%nf, ibead, idim) = qtb_therm%gaussian_rng_stream%next()
520               END DO
521               qtb_therm%cpt(ibead) = 0
522            END IF
523         END DO
524      END DO
526   END SUBROUTINE pint_qtb_restart
528   ! ***************************************************************************
529   !> \brief compute the f_P^(0) function necessary for coupling QTB with PIMD
530   !> \param fp stores the computed function on the grid used for the generation
531   !> of the filter h
532   !> \param fp1 stores the computed function on an larger and finer grid
533   !> \param dw angular frequency step
534   !> \author Fabien Brieuc
535   ! ***************************************************************************
536! **************************************************************************************************
537!> \brief ...
538!> \param pint_env ...
539!> \param fp ..
540!> \param fp1 ..
541!> \param dw ...
542!> \param aa ...
543!> \param bb ...
544!> \param log_unit ...
545!> \param ibead ...
546!> \param print_level ...
547! **************************************************************************************************
548   SUBROUTINE pint_qtb_computefp0(pint_env, fp, fp1, dw, aa, bb, log_unit, ibead, print_level)
549      TYPE(pint_env_type), POINTER                       :: pint_env
550      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:)                        :: fp
551      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER               :: fp1
552      REAL(KIND=dp)                                      :: dw, aa, bb
553      INTEGER                                            :: log_unit, ibead, print_level
555      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'pint_qtb_computefp0', &
556         routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
558      CHARACTER(len=200)                                 :: line
559      INTEGER                                            :: i, j, k, n, niter, nx, p
560      INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :)              :: kk
561      REAL(KIND=dp)                                      :: dx, dx1, err, fprev, hbokT, malpha, op, &
562                                                            r2, tmp, w, x1, xmax, xmin, xx
563      REAL(KIND=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)           :: h, x, x2
564      REAL(KIND=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :)        :: fpxk, xk, xk2
566      n = SIZE(fp)
567      p = pint_env%p
569      !using the physical temperature (T) not the simulation one (TxP)
570      hbokT = 1.0_dp/(pint_env%kT*pint_env%propagator%temp_sim2phys)
572      !P = 1 : standard QTB
573      !fp = theta(w, T) / kT
574      IF (p == 1) THEN
575         DO j = 1, n
576            w = j*dw
577            tmp = hbokT*w
578            fp(j) = tmp*(0.5_dp + 1.0_dp/(EXP(tmp) - 1.0_dp))
579         END DO
581         IF (print_level == debug_print_level) THEN
582            WRITE (log_unit, '(A)') ' # ------------------------------------------------'
583            WRITE (log_unit, '(A)') ' # computed fp^(0) function'
584            WRITE (log_unit, '(A)') ' # i, w(a.u.), fp'
585            DO j = 1, n
586               WRITE (log_unit, *) j, j*dw, j*0.5_dp*hbokt*dw, fp(j)
587            END DO
588         END IF
589         ! P > 1: QTB-PIMD
590      ELSE
591         !**** initialization ****
592         dx1 = 0.5_dp*hbokt*dw
593         xmin = 1.0e-7_dp !these values allows for an acceptable
594         dx = 0.05_dp !ratio between accuracy, computing time and
595         xmax = 10000.0_dp !memory requirement - tested for P up to 1024
596         nx = INT((xmax - xmin)/dx) + 1
597         nx = nx + nx/5 !add 20% points to avoid any problems at the end
598         !of the interval (probably unnecessary)
599         IF (ibead == 1) THEN
600            op = 1.0_dp/p
601            malpha = op !mixing parameter alpha = 1/P
602            niter = 30 !30 iterations are enough to converge
604            IF (print_level == debug_print_level) THEN
605               WRITE (log_unit, '(A)') ' # ------------------------------------------------'
606               WRITE (log_unit, '(A)') ' # computing fp^(0) function'
607               WRITE (log_unit, '(A)') ' # parameters used:'
608               WRITE (log_unit, '(A,ES13.3)') ' # dx = ', dx
609               WRITE (log_unit, '(A,ES13.3)') ' # xmin = ', xmin
610               WRITE (log_unit, '(A,ES13.3)') ' # xmax = ', xmax
611               WRITE (log_unit, '(A,I8,I8)') ' # nx, n = ', nx, n
612            END IF
614            ALLOCATE (x(nx))
615            ALLOCATE (x2(nx))
616            ALLOCATE (h(nx))
617            ALLOCATE (fp1(nx))
618            ALLOCATE (xk(p - 1, nx))
619            ALLOCATE (xk2(p - 1, nx))
620            ALLOCATE (kk(p - 1, nx))
621            ALLOCATE (fpxk(p - 1, nx))
623            ! initialize fp(x)
624            ! fp1 = fp(x) = h(x/P)
625            ! fpxk = fp(xk) = h(xk/P)
626            DO j = 1, nx
627               x(j) = xmin + (j - 1)*dx
628               x2(j) = x(j)**2
629               h(j) = x(j)/TANH(x(j))
630               IF (x(j) <= 1.0e-10_dp) h(j) = 1.0_dp
631               fp1(j) = op*x(j)/TANH(x(j)*op)
632               IF (x(j)*op <= 1.0e-10_dp) fp1(j) = 1.0_dp
633               DO k = 1, p - 1
634                  xk2(k, j) = x2(j) + (p*SIN(k*pi*op))**2
635                  xk(k, j) = SQRT(xk2(k, j))
636                  kk(k, j) = NINT((xk(k, j) - xmin)/dx) + 1
637                  fpxk(k, j) = xk(k, j)*op/TANH(xk(k, j)*op)
638                  IF (xk(k, j)*op <= 1.0e-10_dp) fpxk(k, j) = 1.0_dp
639               END DO
640            END DO
642            ! **** resolution ****
643            ! compute fp(x)
644            DO i = 1, niter
645               err = 0.0_dp
646               DO j = 1, nx
647                  tmp = 0.0_dp
648                  DO k = 1, p - 1
649                     tmp = tmp + fpxk(k, j)*x2(j)/xk2(k, j)
650                  END DO
651                  fprev = fp1(j)
652                  fp1(j) = malpha*(h(j) - tmp) + (1.0_dp - malpha)*fp1(j)
653                  IF (j <= n) err = err + ABS(1.0_dp - fp1(j)/fprev) ! compute "errors"
654               END DO
655               err = err/n
657               ! Linear regression on the last 20% of the F_P function
658               CALL pint_qtb_linreg(fp1(8*nx/10:nx), x(8*nx/10:nx), aa, bb, r2, log_unit, print_level)
660               ! compute the new F_P(xk*sqrt(P))
661               ! through linear interpolation
662               ! or linear extrapolation if outside of the range
663               DO j = 1, nx
664                  DO k = 1, p - 1
665                     IF (kk(k, j) < nx) THEN
666                        fpxk(k, j) = fp1(kk(k, j)) + (fp1(kk(k, j) + 1) - fp1(kk(k, j)))/dx* &
667                                     (xk(k, j) - x(kk(k, j)))
668                     ELSE
669                        fpxk(k, j) = aa*xk(k, j) + bb
670                     ENDIF
671                  END DO
672               END DO
673            END DO
675            IF (print_level == debug_print_level) THEN
676               ! **** tests ****
677               WRITE (log_unit, '(A,ES9.3)') ' # average error during computation: ', err
678               WRITE (log_unit, '(A,ES9.3)') ' # slope of F_P at high freq. - theoretical: ', op
679               WRITE (log_unit, '(A,ES9.3)') ' # slope of F_P at high freq. - calculated: ', aa
680               WRITE (log_unit, '(A,F6.3)') ' # F_P at zero freq. - theoretical: ', 1.0_dp
681               WRITE (log_unit, '(A,F6.3)') ' # F_P at zero freq. - calculated: ', fp1(1)
682            ELSE IF (print_level > silent_print_level) THEN
683               CALL pint_write_line("QTB| Initialization of random forces using fP0 function")
684               CALL pint_write_line("QTB| Computation of fP0 function")
685               WRITE (line, '(A,ES9.3)') 'QTB| average error  ', err
686               CALL pint_write_line(TRIM(line))
687               WRITE (line, '(A,ES9.3)') 'QTB| slope at high frequency - theoretical: ', op
688               CALL pint_write_line(TRIM(line))
689               WRITE (line, '(A,ES9.3)') 'QTB| slope at high frequency - calculated:  ', aa
690               CALL pint_write_line(TRIM(line))
691               WRITE (line, '(A,F6.3)') 'QTB| value at zero frequency - theoretical:  ', 1.0_dp
692               CALL pint_write_line(TRIM(line))
693               WRITE (line, '(A,F6.3)') 'QTB| value at zero frequency - calculated:  ', fp1(1)
694               CALL pint_write_line(TRIM(line))
695            END IF
697            IF (print_level == debug_print_level) THEN
698               ! **** write solution ****
699               WRITE (log_unit, '(A)') ' # ------------------------------------------------'
700               WRITE (log_unit, '(A)') ' # computed fp function'
701               WRITE (log_unit, '(A)') ' # i, w(a.u.), x, fp'
702               DO j = 1, nx
703                  WRITE (log_unit, *) j, j*dw, xmin + (j - 1)*dx, fp1(j)
704               END DO
705            END IF
707            DEALLOCATE (x)
708            DEALLOCATE (x2)
709            DEALLOCATE (h)
710            DEALLOCATE (xk)
711            DEALLOCATE (xk2)
712            DEALLOCATE (kk)
713            DEALLOCATE (fpxk)
714         END IF
716         ! compute values of fP on the grid points for the current NM
717         ! through linear interpolation / regression
718         DO j = 1, n
719            x1 = j*dx1
720            k = NINT((x1 - xmin)/dx) + 1
721            IF (k > nx) THEN
722               fp(j) = aa*x1 + bb
723            ELSE IF (k <= 0) THEN
724               CALL pint_write_line("QTB| error in fp computation x < xmin")
725               CPABORT("Error in fp computation (x < xmin) in initialization of QTB random forces")
726            ELSE
727               xx = xmin + (k - 1)*dx
728               IF (x1 > xx) THEN
729                  fp(j) = fp1(k) + (fp1(k + 1) - fp1(k))/dx*(x1 - xx)
730               ELSE
731                  fp(j) = fp1(k) + (fp1(k) - fp1(k - 1))/dx*(x1 - xx)
732               END IF
733            END IF
734         END DO
736      END IF
738   END SUBROUTINE pint_qtb_computefp0
740   ! ***************************************************************************
741   !> \brief compute the f_P^(1) function necessary for coupling QTB with PIMD
742   !> \param fp stores the computed function on the grid used for the generation
743   !> of the filter h
744   !> \param fp1 stores the computed function on an larger and finer grid
745   !> \param dw angular frequency step
746   !> \author Fabien Brieuc
747   ! ***************************************************************************
748! **************************************************************************************************
749!> \brief ...
750!> \param pint_env ...
751!> \param fp ..
752!> \param fp1 ..
753!> \param dw ...
754!> \param aa ...
755!> \param bb ...
756!> \param log_unit ...
757!> \param ibead ...
758!> \param print_level ...
759! **************************************************************************************************
760   SUBROUTINE pint_qtb_computefp1(pint_env, fp, fp1, dw, aa, bb, log_unit, ibead, print_level)
761      TYPE(pint_env_type), POINTER                       :: pint_env
762      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:)                        :: fp
763      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER               :: fp1
764      REAL(KIND=dp)                                      :: dw, aa, bb
765      INTEGER                                            :: log_unit, ibead, print_level
767      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'pint_qtb_computefp1', &
768         routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
770      CHARACTER(len=200)                                 :: line
771      INTEGER                                            :: i, j, k, n, niter, nx, p
772      INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :)              :: kk
773      REAL(KIND=dp)                                      :: dx, dx1, err, fprev, hbokT, malpha, op, &
774                                                            op1, r2, tmp, tmp1, xmax, xmin, xx
775      REAL(KIND=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)           :: h, x, x2
776      REAL(KIND=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :)        :: fpxk, xk, xk2
778      n = SIZE(fp)
779      p = pint_env%p
781      !using the physical temperature (T) not the simulation one (TxP)
782      hbokT = 1.0_dp/(pint_env%kT*pint_env%propagator%temp_sim2phys)
784      !Centroid NM (ibead=1) : classical
785      !fp = 1
786      IF (ibead == 1) THEN
787         DO j = 1, n
788            fp(j) = 1.0_dp
789         END DO
790      ELSE
791         !**** initialization ****
792         dx1 = 0.5_dp*hbokt*dw
793         xmin = 1.0e-3_dp !these values allows for an acceptable
794         dx = 0.05_dp !ratio between accuracy, computing time and
795         xmax = 10000.0_dp !memory requirement - tested for P up to 1024
796         nx = INT((xmax - xmin)/dx) + 1
797         nx = nx + nx/5 !add 20% points to avoid problem at the end
798         !of the interval (probably unnecessary)
799         op = 1.0_dp/p
800         IF (ibead == 2) THEN
801            op1 = 1.0_dp/(p - 1)
802            malpha = op !mixing parameter alpha = 1/P
803            niter = 40 !40 iterations are enough to converge
805            IF (print_level == debug_print_level) THEN
806               ! **** write solution ****
807               WRITE (log_unit, '(A)') ' # ------------------------------------------------'
808               WRITE (log_unit, '(A)') ' # computing fp^(1) function'
809               WRITE (log_unit, '(A)') ' # parameters used:'
810               WRITE (log_unit, '(A,ES13.3)') ' # dx = ', dx
811               WRITE (log_unit, '(A,ES13.3)') ' # xmin = ', xmin
812               WRITE (log_unit, '(A,ES13.3)') ' # xmax = ', xmax
813               WRITE (log_unit, '(A,I8,I8)') ' # nx, n = ', nx, n
814            END IF
816            ALLOCATE (x(nx))
817            ALLOCATE (x2(nx))
818            ALLOCATE (h(nx))
819            ALLOCATE (fp1(nx))
820            ALLOCATE (xk(p - 1, nx))
821            ALLOCATE (xk2(p - 1, nx))
822            ALLOCATE (kk(p - 1, nx))
823            ALLOCATE (fpxk(p - 1, nx))
825            ! initialize F_P(x) = f_P(x_1)
826            ! fp1 = fp(x) = h(x/(P-1))
827            ! fpxk = fp(xk) = h(xk/(P-1))
828            DO j = 1, nx
829               x(j) = xmin + (j - 1)*dx
830               x2(j) = x(j)**2
831               h(j) = x(j)/TANH(x(j))
832               IF (x(j) <= 1.0e-10_dp) h(j) = 1.0_dp
833               fp1(j) = op1*x(j)/TANH(x(j)*op1)
834               IF (x(j)*op1 <= 1.0e-10_dp) fp1(j) = 1.0_dp
835               DO k = 1, p - 1
836                  xk2(k, j) = x2(j) + (p*SIN(k*pi*op))**2
837                  xk(k, j) = SQRT(xk2(k, j) - (p*SIN(pi*op))**2)
838                  kk(k, j) = NINT((xk(k, j) - xmin)/dx) + 1
839                  fpxk(k, j) = xk(k, j)*op1/TANH(xk(k, j)*op1)
840                  IF (xk(k, j)*op1 <= 1.0e-10_dp) fpxk(k, j) = 1.0_dp
841               END DO
842            END DO
844            ! **** resolution ****
845            ! compute fp(x)
846            DO i = 1, niter
847               err = 0.0_dp
848               DO j = 1, nx
849                  tmp = 0.0_dp
850                  DO k = 2, p - 1
851                     tmp = tmp + fpxk(k, j)*x2(j)/xk2(k, j)
852                  END DO
853                  fprev = fp1(j)
854                  tmp1 = 1.0_dp + (p*SIN(pi*op)/x(j))**2
855                  fp1(j) = malpha*tmp1*(h(j) - 1.0_dp - tmp) + (1.0_dp - malpha)*fp1(j)
856                  IF (j <= n) err = err + ABS(1.0_dp - fp1(j)/fprev) ! compute "errors"
857               END DO
858               err = err/n
860               ! Linear regression on the last 20% of the F_P function
861               CALL pint_qtb_linreg(fp1(8*nx/10:nx), x(8*nx/10:nx), aa, bb, r2, log_unit, print_level)
863               ! compute the new F_P(xk*sqrt(P))
864               ! through linear interpolation
865               ! or linear extrapolation if outside of the range
866               DO j = 1, nx
867                  DO k = 1, p - 1
868                     IF (kk(k, j) < nx) THEN
869                        fpxk(k, j) = fp1(kk(k, j)) + (fp1(kk(k, j) + 1) - fp1(kk(k, j)))/dx* &
870                                     (xk(k, j) - x(kk(k, j)))
871                     ELSE
872                        fpxk(k, j) = aa*xk(k, j) + bb
873                     END IF
874                  END DO
875               END DO
876            END DO
878            IF (print_level == debug_print_level) THEN
879               ! **** tests ****
880               WRITE (log_unit, '(A,ES9.3)') ' # average error during computation: ', err
881               WRITE (log_unit, '(A,ES9.3)') ' # slope of F_P at high freq. - theoretical: ', op1
882               WRITE (log_unit, '(A,ES9.3)') ' # slope of F_P at high freq. - calculated: ', aa
883            ELSE IF (print_level > silent_print_level) THEN
884               CALL pint_write_line("QTB| Initialization of random forces using fP1 function")
885               CALL pint_write_line("QTB| Computation of fP1 function")
886               WRITE (line, '(A,ES9.3)') 'QTB| average error  ', err
887               CALL pint_write_line(TRIM(line))
888               WRITE (line, '(A,ES9.3)') 'QTB| slope at high frequency - theoretical: ', op1
889               CALL pint_write_line(TRIM(line))
890               WRITE (line, '(A,ES9.3)') 'QTB| slope at high frequency - calculated:  ', aa
891               CALL pint_write_line(TRIM(line))
892            END IF
894            IF (print_level == debug_print_level) THEN
895               ! **** write solution ****
896               WRITE (log_unit, '(A)') ' # ------------------------------------------------'
897               WRITE (log_unit, '(A)') ' # computed fp function'
898               WRITE (log_unit, '(A)') ' # i, w(a.u.), x, fp'
899               DO j = 1, nx
900                  WRITE (log_unit, *) j, j*dw, xmin + (j - 1)*dx, fp1(j)
901               END DO
902            END IF
904            DEALLOCATE (x2)
905            DEALLOCATE (h)
906            DEALLOCATE (xk)
907            DEALLOCATE (xk2)
908            DEALLOCATE (kk)
909            DEALLOCATE (fpxk)
910         END IF
912         ! compute values of fP on the grid points for the current NM
913         ! trough linear interpolation / regression
914         DO j = 1, n
915            tmp = (j*dx1)**2 - (p*SIN(pi*op))**2
916            IF (tmp < 0.d0) THEN
917               fp(j) = fp1(1)
918            ELSE
919               tmp = SQRT(tmp)
920               k = NINT((tmp - xmin)/dx) + 1
921               IF (k > nx) THEN
922                  fp(j) = aa*tmp + bb
923               ELSE IF (k <= 0) THEN
924                  fp(j) = fp1(1)
925               ELSE
926                  xx = xmin + (k - 1)*dx
927                  IF (tmp > xx) THEN
928                     fp(j) = fp1(k) + (fp1(k + 1) - fp1(k))/dx*(tmp - xx)
929                  ELSE
930                     fp(j) = fp1(k) + (fp1(k) - fp1(k - 1))/dx*(tmp - xx)
931                  END IF
932               END IF
933            END IF
934         END DO
936      END IF
938   END SUBROUTINE pint_qtb_computefp1
940   ! ***************************************************************************
941   !> \brief perform a simple linear regression - y(x) = a*x + b
942   !> \author Fabien Brieuc
943   ! ***************************************************************************
944! **************************************************************************************************
945!> \brief ...
946!> \param y ...
947!> \param x ...
948!> \param a ...
949!> \param b ...
950!> \param r2 ...
951!> \param log_unit ...
952!> \param print_level ...
953! **************************************************************************************************
954   SUBROUTINE pint_qtb_linreg(y, x, a, b, r2, log_unit, print_level)
955      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:)                        :: y, x
956      REAL(KIND=dp)                                      :: a, b, r2
957      INTEGER                                            :: log_unit, print_level
959      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'pint_qtb_linreg', &
960         routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
962      CHARACTER(len=200)                                 :: line
963      INTEGER                                            :: i, n
964      REAL(KIND=dp)                                      :: xav, xvar, xycov, yav, yvar
966      n = SIZE(y)
968      xav = 0.0_dp
969      yav = 0.0_dp
970      xycov = 0.0_dp
971      xvar = 0.0_dp
972      yvar = 0.0_dp
974      DO i = 1, n
975         xav = xav + x(i)
976         yav = yav + y(i)
977         xycov = xycov + x(i)*y(i)
978         xvar = xvar + x(i)**2
979         yvar = yvar + y(i)**2
980      END DO
982      xav = xav/n
983      yav = yav/n
984      xycov = xycov/n
985      xycov = xycov - xav*yav
986      xvar = xvar/n
987      xvar = xvar - xav**2
988      yvar = yvar/n
989      yvar = yvar - yav**2
991      a = xycov/xvar
992      b = yav - a*xav
994      r2 = xycov/SQRT(xvar*yvar)
996      IF (r2 < 0.9_dp) THEN
997         IF (print_level == debug_print_level) THEN
998            WRITE (log_unit, '(A, E10.3)') '# possible error during linear regression: r^2 = ', r2
999         ELSE IF (print_level > silent_print_level) THEN
1000            WRITE (line, '(A,E10.3)') 'QTB| possible error during linear regression: r^2 = ', r2
1001            CALL pint_write_line(TRIM(line))
1002         END IF
1003      END IF
1005   END SUBROUTINE pint_qtb_linreg
1007! **************************************************************************************************
1008!> \brief ...
1009!> \param z_in ...
1010!> \param z_out ...
1011!> \param plan ...
1012!> \param n ...
1013! **************************************************************************************************
1014   SUBROUTINE pint_qtb_fft(z_in, z_out, plan, n)
1016      INTEGER                                            :: n
1017      TYPE(fft_plan_type)                                :: plan
1018      COMPLEX(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(n)                     :: z_out, z_in
1020      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'pint_qtb_fft', routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
1022      INTEGER                                            :: stat
1024      CALL fft_create_plan_1dm(plan, fft_type, FWFFT, .FALSE., n, 1, z_in, z_out, fft_plan_style)
1025      CALL fft_1dm(plan, z_in, z_out, 1.d0, stat)
1026      CALL fft_destroy_plan(plan)
1027   END SUBROUTINE pint_qtb_fft