1 /*
2 To use the Runge-Kutta solver for systems of first order differential equations,
3    (the parametric object E must have public function such as E->f(i,x,y),
4       where i is the index of the function to evaluate, x is the time and
5 	  y is a point such as y(x), returns values of differential equation i)
7    1- construct the solver :    solver = new RungeKutta<objet>(int);   //the integer is the dimension of x
8    2- set the solver :    solver->set(unit, y0, x0, xn);   //unit is usually the pointer *this, y0 are the initial conditions, and x0 and xn is the time interval
9    3- launch the solver : bool = solver->run();   //will return true is success, false if the solver failed????????????????????????????
10    4- delete the solver : delete solver;
11 (ref  :Fortin)
12 */
13 #ifndef RUNGEKUTTA_H
14 #define RUNGEKUTTA_H
16 #include "defines.hpp"
17 using namespace std;
19 template <class E>
20 class RungeKutta
21 {
22 private:
23   double *k1, *k2, *k3, *k4, *y_tmp, *y;
24   // double k1[MAX_DIM], k2[MAX_DIM], k3[MAX_DIM], k4[MAX_DIM], y_tmp[MAX_DIM], y[MAX_DIM];
25   double h, x0, xn, x;
26   int i, j, m;
27   bool success;
28   E *unit;
30 public:
31   RungeKutta(int);
32   ~RungeKutta();
33   void set(E*, double*, double, double);
dx()34   double dx(){return h;}
35   bool run();
36 };
37 #endif