1%YAML 1.1
4  Mesh:
5    Source: Inline Mesh
6    Exodus File:
7      File Name: plasma_oscillation_rtc.exo
8    Inline Mesh:
9      Mesh Dimension: 3
10      Mesh Factory Parameter List:
11        X Blocks: 1
12        Y Blocks: 1
13        Z Blocks: 1
14        X Elements: 50
15        Y Elements: 2
16        Z Elements: 2
17        X0: 0.00000000000000000e+00
18        Y0: 0.00000000000000000e+00
19        Z0: 0.00000000000000000e+00
20        Xf: 1.00000000000000002e-02
21        Yf: 4.00000000000000019e-04
22        Zf: 4.00000000000000019e-04
23        Periodic BCs:
24          Count: 9
25          Periodic Condition 1: 'xy-coord 1e-8: back;front'
26          Periodic Condition 2: 'xz-coord 1e-8: top;bottom'
27          Periodic Condition 3: 'yz-coord 1e-8: left;right'
28          Periodic Condition 4: 'xy-edge 1e-8: back;front'
29          Periodic Condition 5: 'xz-edge 1e-8: top;bottom'
30          Periodic Condition 6: 'yz-edge 1e-8: left;right'
31          Periodic Condition 7: 'xy-face 1e-8: back;front'
32          Periodic Condition 8: 'xz-face 1e-8: top;bottom'
33          Periodic Condition 9: 'yz-face 1e-8: left;right'
34  Block ID to Physics ID Mapping:
35    eblock-0_0_0: Plasma
36  Assembly:
37    Workset Size: 100
38  Physics Blocks:
39    Plasma:
40      child0:
41        Type: CFD
42        Formulation: Conservative Variable
43        Momentum Basis Type: HGrad
44        Momentum Basis Order: 1
45        Continuity Basis Type: HGrad
46        Continuity Basis Order: 1
47        Integration Order: 2
48        Model ID: electron fluid model
49        Prefix: ELECTRON_
52      child1:
53        Type: EB Formulation
54        Magnetic Basis Type: HDiv
55        Magnetic Basis Order: 1
56        Electric Basis Type: HCurl
57        Electric Basis Order: 1
58        Integration Order: 2
59        Model ID: magnetics model
60        Prefix: ''
61        Use Displacement Current: true
62        Current Definition: MULTIFLUID
63        Compute Errors: false
64        Fluid Prefix List: ELECTRON_
65  Closure Models:
66    electron fluid model:
68        Value: 0.00000000000000000e+00
71        Species charge: -1.60217656999999993e-19
72        Species mass: 9.10938290999999993e-31
73        Prefix: ELECTRON_
75        Value: NEWTONIAN
77        Value: 0.00000000000000000e+00
78      Global Statistics:
80    magnetics model:
82        Value: 8.85418782000000038e-12
84        Value: 1.25663705999999993e-06
85      Global Statistics:
86        Value: 'E0X,E0Y,E0Z,BX,BY,BZ'
87  Boundary Conditions: { }
88  Initial Conditions:
89    eblock-0_0_0:
91        Type: RTC
92        Basis Field: ELECTRON_DENSITY
93        Body: |2-
94                             float N = 1.0e18;
95                              float m = 9.10938291e-31;
96                              float k = 200.0;
97                              float delta = 0.01;
98                              float pi = acos(-1.0);
99                              ELECTRON_DENSITY = N*m*( 1.0 + delta*sin(pi*k*xin) );
100      E_edge_Vector:
101        Type: RTC
102        Basis Field: E_edge
103        Vector Field: true
104        Body: |-
106                              float N = 1.0e18;
107                              float q = -1.60217657e-19;
108                              float k = 200.0;
109                              float delta = 0.01;
110                              float pi = acos(-1.0);
111                              float epsilon = 8.85418782e-12;
112                              E_edge_Vector[0] = -delta*q*N/pi/k/epsilon*cos(pi*k*xin);
113                              E_edge_Vector[1] = 0.0;
114                              E_edge_Vector[2] = 0.0;
115        Project To Edges: true
116        Edge DOF Name: E_edge
117      B_face:
118        Value: 0.00000000000000000e+00
120        Value: 0.00000000000000000e+00
122        Value: 0.00000000000000000e+00
124        Value: 0.00000000000000000e+00
125  Output:
126    File Name: plasma_oscillation_rtc.exo
127    Cell Average Quantities:
129  Options:
130    Build Discrete Gradient: false
131    Edge Basis Name: E_edge
132    Nodal Basis Name: ELECTRON_DENSITY
133    Write Volume Assembly Graphs: false
134    Volume Assembly Graph Prefix: total-energy-cavity-
135  Solution Control:
136    Piro Solver: Rythmos
137    Compute Sensitivities: false
138    Jacobian Operator: Have Jacobian
139    LOCA:
140      Bifurcation: { }
141      Constraints: { }
142      Predictor:
143        Method: Constant
144      Stepper:
145        Continuation Method: Natural
146        Initial Value: 1.00000000000000000e+00
147        Continuation Parameter: Parameter 0
148        Max Steps: 6
149        Max Value: 1.22500000000000000e+01
150        Min Value: 5.00000000000000000e-01
151        Compute Eigenvalues: true
152        Eigensolver:
153          Method: Anasazi
154          Operator: Shift-Invert
155          Num Blocks: 3
156          Num Eigenvalues: 1
157          Block Size: 1
158          Maximum Restarts: 0
159          Shift: 1.00000000000000000e+00
160      Step Size:
161        Initial Step Size: 5.00000000000000000e-01
162        Aggressiveness: 2.00000000000000000e+00
163    NOX:
164      Direction:
165        Method: Newton
166        Newton:
167          Forcing Term Method: Constant
168          Rescue Bad Newton Solve: true
169          Linear Solver:
170            Tolerance: 1.00000000000000002e-08
171          Stratimikos Linear Solver:
172            NOX Stratimikos Options: { }
173            Stratimikos:
174              Linear Solver Type: AztecOO
175              Linear Solver Types:
176                AztecOO:
177                  Forward Solve:
178                    AztecOO Settings:
179                      Aztec Solver: GMRES
180                      Convergence Test: r0
181                      Size of Krylov Subspace: 100
182                      Output Frequency: 10
183                    Max Iterations: 200
184              Preconditioner Type: ML
185              Preconditioner Types:
186                Ifpack:
187                  Overlap: 1
188                  Prec Type: ILU
189                  Ifpack Settings:
190                    'fact: drop tolerance': 0.00000000000000000e+00
191                    'fact: ilut level-of-fill': 1.00000000000000000e+00
192                    'fact: level-of-fill': 1
193                    'schwarz: reordering type': rcm
194                ML:
195                  Base Method Defaults: SA
196                  ML Settings:
197                    ML output: 10
198                    prec type: MGW
199                    print unused: 0
200                    PDE equations: 1
201                    max levels: 10
202                    cycle applications: 1
203                    'aggregation: threshold': 0.00000000000000000e+00
204                    'aggregation: type': Uncoupled
205                    'aggregation: damping factor': 0.00000000000000000e+00
206                    'aggregation: block scaling': false
207                    'energy minimization: enable': false
208                    'energy minimization: type': 2
209                    'smoother: type': IFPACK
210                    'smoother: ifpack type': ILU
211                    'smoother: ifpack overlap': 0
212                    'smoother: ifpack list':
213                      'fact: level-of-fill': 3
214                      'schwarz: reordering type': rcm
215                    'smoother: damping factor': 1.00000000000000000e+00
216                    'smoother: pre or post': both
217                    'smoother: sweeps': 1
218                    'coarse: max size': 500
219                    'coarse: type': Amesos-KLU
220      Line Search:
221        Full Step:
222          Full Step: 1.00000000000000000e+00
223        Method: Full Step
224      Nonlinear Solver: Line Search Based
225      Printing:
226        Output Precision: 3
227        Output Processor: 0
228        Output Information:
229          Error: true
230          Warning: true
231          Inner Iteration: true
232          Outer Iteration: true
233          Outer Iteration StatusTest: true
234          Test Details: true
235          Parameters: true
236          Details: true
237          Linear Solver Details: true
238          Stepper Iteration: true
239          Stepper Details: true
240          Stepper Parameters: true
241      Solver Options:
242        Status Test Check Type: Complete
243      Thyra Group Options:
244        Function Scaling: Row Sum
245      Status Tests:
246        Test Type: Combo
247        Combo Type: OR
248        Number of Tests: 3
249        Test 0:
250          Test Type: Combo
251          Combo Type: AND
252          Number of Tests: 2
253          Test 0:
254            Test Type: NormF
255            Tolerance: 1.00000000000000002e-08
256          Test 1:
257            Test Type: RelativeNormF
258            Tolerance: 1.00000000000000002e-08
259        Test 1:
260          Test Type: MaxIters
261          Maximum Iterations: 20
262        Test 2:
263          Test Type: FiniteValue
264    Rythmos:
265      Nonlinear Solver Type: NOX
266      Final Time: 3.34125479999999989e-10
267      Stepper Type: Implicit RK
268      Rythmos Stepper:
269        Type: SDIRK
270        Stage Count: 2
271        Order: 2
272      Stratimikos: { }
273      Rythmos Integration Control:
274        Take Variable Steps: false
275        Fixed dt: 6.96094750000000031e-12
276      Rythmos Integrator:
277        VerboseObject:
278          Verbosity Level: medium