1 /*  _______________________________________________________________________
3     DAKOTA: Design Analysis Kit for Optimization and Terascale Applications
4     Copyright 2014-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC (NTESS).
5     This software is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License.
6     For more information, see the README file in the top Dakota directory.
7     _______________________________________________________________________ */
9 //- Class:        ApproximationInterface
10 //- Description:  Implementation of base class for approximation interfaces
11 //- Owner:        Mike Eldred
13 #include "dakota_system_defs.hpp"
14 #include "dakota_tabular_io.hpp"
15 #include "ApproximationInterface.hpp"
16 #include "DakotaVariables.hpp"
17 #include "DakotaResponse.hpp"
18 #include "ProblemDescDB.hpp"
19 #include "PRPMultiIndex.hpp"
21 //#define DEBUG
24 namespace Dakota {
26 extern PRPCache data_pairs;
28 size_t ApproximationInterface::approxIdNum = 0;
30 ApproximationInterface::
ApproximationInterface(ProblemDescDB & problem_db,const Variables & am_vars,bool am_cache,const String & am_interface_id,const StringArray & fn_labels)31 ApproximationInterface(ProblemDescDB& problem_db, const Variables& am_vars,
32 		       bool am_cache, const String& am_interface_id,
33 		       const StringArray& fn_labels):
34   Interface(BaseConstructor(), problem_db),
35   approxFnIndices(problem_db.get_is("model.surrogate.function_indices")),
36   //graph3DFlag(problem_db.get_bool("environment.graphics")),
37   challengeFile(problem_db.get_string("model.surrogate.challenge_points_file")),
38   challengeFormat(
39     problem_db.get_ushort("model.surrogate.challenge_points_file_format")),
40   challengeUseVarLabels(
41     problem_db.get_bool("model.surrogate.challenge_use_variable_labels")),
42   challengeActiveOnly(
43     problem_db.get_bool("model.surrogate.challenge_points_file_active")),
44   actualModelVars(am_vars.copy()), actualModelCache(am_cache),
45   actualModelInterfaceId(am_interface_id)
46 {
47   // Some specification-based attributes inherited from Interface may
48   // be incorrect since there is no longer an approximation interface
49   // specification (assign_rep() is used from DataFitSurrModel).
50   // Override these inherited settings.
51   interfaceId = String("APPROX_INTERFACE_") + std::to_string(++approxIdNum);
52   interfaceType = APPROX_INTERFACE;
53   algebraicMappings = false; // for now; *** TO DO ***
55   // process approxFnIndices.  IntSets are sorted and unique.  Error checking
56   // is performed in SurrogateModel and does not need to be replicated here.
57   size_t num_fns = fn_labels.size();
58   if (approxFnIndices.empty()) // default: all fns are approximated
59     for (int i=0; i<num_fns; i++)
60       approxFnIndices.insert(i);
62   // This section moved to the constructor so that ApproxInterfaces can be
63   // queried for their state prior to build_approximation() (e.g., to configure
64   // parallelism w/ max_concurrency).  Also, Approximation classes now
65   // use the problem_db, so their instantiation must occur in constructors to
66   // assure proper list node settings.
67   functionSurfaces.resize(num_fns);
68   // despite view mappings, x in map() always = size of active actualModelVars
69   size_t num_vars = actualModelVars.cv()  + actualModelVars.div()
70                   + actualModelVars.dsv() + actualModelVars.drv();
71   sharedData = SharedApproxData(problem_db, num_vars);
72   for (ISIter it=approxFnIndices.begin(); it!=approxFnIndices.end(); ++it)
73     functionSurfaces[*it] = Approximation(problem_db, sharedData,
74                                           fn_labels[*it]);
76   /*
77   // Old approach for scaling/offsetting approximation results read the data
78   // from a hardwired filename (approx_scale_offset.in).  This capability had
79   // been used (~Spring 2000) to reuse existing surrogates with modified design
80   // goals, particularly modified constraint allowables via approximation
81   // offsets.  The intent was to eventually make this a supported capability
82   // within the interface keyword of the input specification, e.g.:
83   //		[approx_scale  = <LISTof><REAL>]
84   //		[approx_offset = <LISTof><REAL>]
85   // An outstanding question was which approximation types to support, i.e.
86   // (1) global: primary use, (2) local/multipoint: somewhat useful, and
87   // (3) hierarchical:  not supported in HierarchSurrModel and not that useful
88   // since correction is required.
89   //
90   // Since that time, the capability for specifying inequality constraint bounds
91   // and equality constraint targets (~Spring 2001) has largely superceded the
92   // capability to scale/offset approximation results, since modifying the
93   // constraint bounds/targets for subsequent surrogate-based runs has the same
94   // effect.  However, if the need to offset/scale surrogate objective functions
95   // or least squares terms arises, then this is not supported in the existing
96   // code and the block below (as well as corresponding lines in map()) could be
97   // reactivated.
98   ifstream scale_offset("approx_scale_offset.in");
99   if (scale_offset) {
100     approxScale.reshape(num_fns);
101     approxOffset.reshape(num_fns);
102     approxScale  = 1.; // default
103     approxOffset = 0.; // default
104     int start_id, end_id;
105     Real scale, offset;
106     while (!scale_offset.eof()) {
107       // Read a record with format: <start id> <end id> <scale> <offset>
108       scale_offset >> start_id >> end_id >> scale >> offset;
109       Cout << "approx_scale_offset.in: " << start_id << ' ' << end_id << ' '
110            << scale << ' '  << offset << '\n';
111       // Check that start_id/end_id are reasonable
112       if ( start_id < 1 || start_id > num_fns || end_id < 1
113         || end_id > num_fns || start_id > end_id) {
114         Cerr << "Error: start/end id's from approx_scale_offset.in do not "
115 	     << "define a valid range\n       within the " << num_fns
116              << " response functions." << std::endl;
117         abort_handler(-1);
118       }
119       // Set scale and offset for the start_id/end_id range
120       for (int i=start_id-1; i<=end_id-1; i++) { // 1-based
121         approxScale[i]  = scale;
122         approxOffset[i] = offset;
123       }
124     }
125   }
126   */
127 }
130 ApproximationInterface::
ApproximationInterface(const String & approx_type,const UShortArray & approx_order,const Variables & am_vars,bool am_cache,const String & am_interface_id,size_t num_fns,short data_order,short output_level)131 ApproximationInterface(const String& approx_type,
132 		       const UShortArray& approx_order,
133 		       const Variables& am_vars, bool am_cache,
134 		       const String& am_interface_id, size_t num_fns,
135 		       short data_order, short output_level):
136   Interface(NoDBBaseConstructor(), num_fns, output_level), //graph3DFlag(false),
137   challengeFormat(TABULAR_ANNOTATED), challengeActiveOnly(false),
138   actualModelVars(am_vars.copy()),
139   actualModelCache(am_cache), actualModelInterfaceId(am_interface_id)
140 {
141   interfaceId = String("APPROX_INTERFACE_") + std::to_string(++approxIdNum);
142   interfaceType = APPROX_INTERFACE;
144   functionSurfaces.resize(num_fns);
145   // despite view mappings, x in map() always = size of active actualModelVars
146   size_t num_vars = actualModelVars.cv()  + actualModelVars.div()
147                   + actualModelVars.dsv() + actualModelVars.drv();
148   sharedData = SharedApproxData(approx_type, approx_order, num_vars,
149 				data_order, output_level);
150   for (int i=0; i<num_fns; i++) {
151     approxFnIndices.insert(i);
152     functionSurfaces[i] = Approximation(sharedData);
153   }
154 }
157 void ApproximationInterface::
map(const Variables & vars,const ActiveSet & set,Response & response,bool asynch_flag)158 map(const Variables& vars, const ActiveSet& set, Response& response,
159     bool asynch_flag)
160 {
161   ++evalIdCntr;    // all calls to map (used throughout as eval id)
162   ++newEvalIdCntr; // nonduplicate evaluations (used ONLY in fn. eval. summary)
163   if (fineGrainEvalCounters) { // detailed evaluation reporting
164     const ShortArray& asv = set.request_vector();
165     size_t i, num_fns = asv.size();
166     init_evaluation_counters(num_fns);
167     for (i=0; i<num_fns; ++i) {
168       short asv_val = asv[i];
169       if (asv_val & 1) { ++fnValCounter[i];  ++newFnValCounter[i];  }
170       if (asv_val & 2) { ++fnGradCounter[i]; ++newFnGradCounter[i]; }
171       if (asv_val & 4) { ++fnHessCounter[i]; ++newFnHessCounter[i]; }
172     }
173     if (fnLabels.empty())
174       fnLabels = response.function_labels();
175   }
177   // output the current parameter values prior to running the Analysis
178   if (outputLevel > NORMAL_OUTPUT) {
179     Cout << "\n------------------------------------\n"
180          <<   "Begin Approximate Fn Evaluation " << std::setw(4) << evalIdCntr;
181     // This may be more confusing than helpful:
182     //if (evalIdRefPt)
183     //  Cout << " (local evaluation " << evalIdCntr - evalIdRefPt << ")";
184     Cout << "\n------------------------------------\nParameters for "
185          << "approximate fn evaluation " << evalIdCntr << ":\n" << vars << '\n';
186   }
187   else if (evalIdCntr == 1)
188     Cout << "Beginning Approximate Fn Evaluations..." << std::endl;
190   //if (asvControlFlag) // else leave response ActiveSet as initialized
191   response.active_set(set); // set the current ActiveSet within the response
193   // Subdivide set for algebraic_mappings() and derived_map()
194   Response algebraic_response, core_response; // empty handles
195   ActiveSet core_set;
197   if (algebraicMappings) {
198     if (evalIdCntr == 1)
199       init_algebraic_mappings(vars, response);
200     if (coreMappings) { // both mappings
201       ActiveSet algebraic_set;
202       asv_mapping(set, algebraic_set, core_set);
203       algebraic_response = Response(SIMULATION_RESPONSE, algebraic_set);
204       algebraic_mappings(vars, algebraic_set, algebraic_response);
205       // separate core_response from response
206       core_response = response.copy();
207       core_response.active_set(core_set);
208     }
209     else // algebraic mappings only
210       algebraic_mappings(vars, set, response);
211   }
212   else if (coreMappings) { // analysis_driver mappings only
213     core_set      = set;
214     core_response = response; // shared rep
215   }
217   if (coreMappings) {
219     // Evaluate functionSurfaces at vars and populate core_response.
220     const ShortArray& core_asv = core_set.request_vector();
221     size_t i, num_core_fns = core_asv.size();
222     if ( num_core_fns != functionSurfaces.size() ) {
223       Cerr << "Error: mismatch in number of functions in ApproximationInterface"
224 	   << "::map()" << std::endl;
225       abort_handler(-1);
226     }
227     // perform any conversions necessary to map between the approximation and
228     // underlying actualModel variables views.  Within SurrogateModel,
229     // check_submodel_compatibility() is responsible for verifying that the
230     // views are compatible and force_rebuild() is responsible for verifying
231     // that no unapproximated variables have changed (which would invalidate
232     // the approximation).
233     short approx_active_view = vars.view().first,
234           actual_active_view = actualModelVars.view().first;
235     bool am_vars = true;
236     if (approx_active_view == actual_active_view)
237       am_vars = false;
238     else if ( ( actual_active_view == RELAXED_ALL ||
239 		actual_active_view == MIXED_ALL ) &&
240 	      approx_active_view >= RELAXED_DESIGN ) { // Distinct to All
241       if (vars.acv())
242 	actualModelVars.continuous_variables(vars.all_continuous_variables());
243       if (vars.adiv())
244 	actualModelVars.discrete_int_variables(
245 	  vars.all_discrete_int_variables());
246       if (vars.adsv())
247 	actualModelVars.discrete_string_variables(
248 	  vars.all_discrete_string_variables());
249       if (vars.adrv())
250 	actualModelVars.discrete_real_variables(
251 	  vars.all_discrete_real_variables());
252     }
253     else if ( ( approx_active_view == RELAXED_ALL ||
254 		approx_active_view == MIXED_ALL ) &&
255 	      actual_active_view >= RELAXED_DESIGN) { // All to Distinct
256       if (vars.cv())
257 	actualModelVars.all_continuous_variables(vars.continuous_variables());
258       if (vars.div())
259 	actualModelVars.all_discrete_int_variables(
260 	  vars.discrete_int_variables());
261       if (vars.dsv())
262 	actualModelVars.all_discrete_string_variables(
263 	  vars.discrete_string_variables());
264       if (vars.drv())
265 	actualModelVars.all_discrete_real_variables(
266 	  vars.discrete_real_variables());
267     }
268     // TO DO: extend for aleatory/epistemic uncertain views
269     else {
270       Cerr << "Error: unsupported variable view differences in "
271 	   << "ApproximationInterface::map()" << std::endl;
272       abort_handler(-1);
273     }
274     // active subsets of actualModelVars are used in surrogate construction
275     // and evaluation
276     const Variables& surf_vars = (am_vars) ? actualModelVars : vars;
278     //size_t num_core_vars = x.length(),
279     //bool approx_scale_len  = (approxScale.length())  ? true : false;
280     //bool approx_offset_len = (approxOffset.length()) ? true : false;
281     for (ISIter it=approxFnIndices.begin(); it!=approxFnIndices.end(); ++it) {
282       int index = *it;
283       if (core_asv[index] & 1) {
284 	Real fn_val = functionSurfaces[index].value(surf_vars);
285 	//if (approx_scale_len)
286 	//  fn_val *= approxScale[index];
287 	//if (approx_offset_len)
288 	//  fn_val += approxOffset[index];
289 	core_response.function_value(fn_val, index);
290       }
291       if (core_asv[index] & 2) { // TO DO: ACV->DVV
292 	const RealVector& fn_grad = functionSurfaces[index].gradient(surf_vars);
293 	//if (approx_scale_len)
294 	//  for (size_t j=0; j<num_core_vars; j++)
295 	//    fn_grad[j] *= approxScale[index];
296 	core_response.function_gradient(fn_grad, index);
297       }
298       if (core_asv[index] & 4) { // TO DO: ACV->DVV
299 	const RealSymMatrix& fn_hess
300 	  = functionSurfaces[index].hessian(surf_vars);
301 	//if (approx_scale_len)
302 	//  for (size_t j=0; j<num_core_vars; j++)
303 	//    for (size_t k=0; k<num_core_vars; k++)
304 	//      fn_hess[j][k] *= approxScale[index];
305 	core_response.function_hessian(fn_hess, index);
306       }
307     }
308   }
310   if (algebraicMappings && coreMappings)
311     response_mapping(algebraic_response, core_response, response);
313   if (outputLevel > NORMAL_OUTPUT)
314     Cout << "\nActive response data for approximate fn evaluation "
315 	 << evalIdCntr << ":\n" << response << '\n';
316   if (asynch_flag)
317     beforeSynchResponseMap[evalIdCntr] = response.copy();
318 }
321 // Little distinction between blocking and nonblocking synch since all
322 // responses are completed.
synchronize()323 const IntResponseMap& ApproximationInterface::synchronize()
324 {
325   // move data from beforeSynch map to completed map
326   rawResponseMap.clear();
327   std::swap(beforeSynchResponseMap, rawResponseMap);
329   // augment with any cached evals
330   rawResponseMap.insert(cachedResponseMap.begin(), cachedResponseMap.end());
331   cachedResponseMap.clear();
333   return rawResponseMap;
334 }
synchronize_nowait()337 const IntResponseMap& ApproximationInterface::synchronize_nowait()
338 {
339   // move data from beforeSynch map to completed map
340   rawResponseMap.clear();
341   std::swap(beforeSynchResponseMap, rawResponseMap);
343   // augment with any cached evals
344   rawResponseMap.insert(cachedResponseMap.begin(), cachedResponseMap.end());
345   cachedResponseMap.clear();
347   return rawResponseMap;
348 }
351 /** This function populates/replaces each Approximation::anchorPoint
352     with the incoming variables/response data point. */
353 void ApproximationInterface::
update_approximation(const Variables & vars,const IntResponsePair & response_pr)354 update_approximation(const Variables& vars, const IntResponsePair& response_pr)
355 {
356   // NOTE: variable sets passed in from DataFitSurrModel::build_approximation()
357   // correspond to the active continuous variables for either the top level
358   // model or sub-model (DataFitSurrModel::currentVariables or
359   // DataFitSurrModel::actualModel::currentVariables) since the view is the same
360   // in the local case.  This can be inconsistent with the use of all continuous
361   // variables above (in constructor and map()) if there are inactive variables
362   // which are changing (e.g. OUU w/ surrogate at UQ level).  Currently, a
363   // Taylor series does not compute response derivs w.r.t. inactive variables
364   // and the approximation therefore cannot capture any changes in the inactive
365   // variable values.  For this reason, DataFitSurrModel::force_rebuild() forces
366   // a Taylor series rebuild whenever the inactive variable values change.
368   // add/replace SurrogateData::anchor{Vars,Resp}
369   if (actualModelCache) {
370     // anchor vars/resp are not sufficiently persistent for use in shallow
371     // copies.  Therefore, use ordered id lookup in global PRPCache.
372     IntStringPair ids(response_pr.first, actualModelInterfaceId);
373     PRPCacheCIter p_it;
374     // sign indicates dataset source (see DataFitSurrModel::build_global()):
375     //   eval id > 0 for unique evals from current execution (in data_pairs)
376     //   eval id = 0 for evals from file import (not in data_pairs)
377     //   eval id < 0 for non-unique evals from restart (in data_pairs)
378     if (response_pr.first > 0) // unique evals: current run
379       p_it = lookup_by_ids(data_pairs, ids);
380     else { // non-unique eval ids from restart/file import
381       // rather than resorting to lookup_by_val(), use a two-pass approach
382       // to process multiple returns from equal_range(search_ids)
383       if(actualModelInterfaceId.empty()) {
384         ParamResponsePair search_pr(vars, "NO_ID", response_pr.second);
385         p_it = lookup_by_ids(data_pairs, ids, search_pr);
386       } else {
387         ParamResponsePair search_pr(vars, actualModelInterfaceId,
388 				    response_pr.second);
389         p_it = lookup_by_ids(data_pairs, ids, search_pr);
390       }
391     }
392     if (p_it == data_pairs.end()) // deep response copies with vars sharing
393       mixed_add(vars, response_pr.second, true);
394     else                          // shallow copies of cached vars/resp data
395       shallow_add(p_it->variables(), p_it->response(), true);
396   }
397   else                            // deep response copies with vars sharing
398     mixed_add(vars, response_pr.second, true);
400   // reset active approxData key using SharedApproxData::approxDataKeys
401   restore_data_key();
402 }
405 /** This function populates/replaces each Approximation::currentPoints
406     with the incoming variables/response arrays. */
407 void ApproximationInterface::
update_approximation(const RealMatrix & samples,const IntResponseMap & resp_map)408 update_approximation(const RealMatrix& samples, const IntResponseMap& resp_map)
409 {
410   size_t i, num_pts = resp_map.size();
411   if (samples.numCols() != num_pts) {
412     Cerr << "Error: mismatch in variable and response set lengths in "
413 	 << "ApproximationInterface::update_approximation()." << std::endl;
414     abort_handler(-1);
415   }
416   // clear active SurrogateData::{vars,resp}Data
417   ISIter a_it; IntRespMCIter r_it;
418   for (a_it=approxFnIndices.begin(); a_it!=approxFnIndices.end(); ++a_it)
419     functionSurfaces[*a_it].clear_active_data();
420   // replace active SurrogateData::{vars,resp}Data
421   if (actualModelCache) {
422     PRPCacheCIter p_it; size_t num_cv = samples.numRows();
423     for (i=0, r_it=resp_map.begin(); i<num_pts; ++i, ++r_it) {
424       // allVariables/allResponses are not sufficiently persistent for use in
425       // shallow copies.  Therefore, use ordered id lookup in global PRPCache.
426       IntStringPair ids(r_it->first, actualModelInterfaceId);
427       // sign indicates dataset source (see DataFitSurrModel::build_global()):
428       //   eval id > 0 for unique evals from current execution (in data_pairs)
429       //   eval id = 0 for evals from file import (not in data_pairs)
430       //   eval id < 0 for non-unique evals from restart (in data_pairs)
431       if (r_it->first > 0) // unique evals: current run
432 	p_it = lookup_by_ids(data_pairs, ids);
433       else { // nonunique eval ids from restart/file import
434 	// rather than resorting to lookup_by_val(), use a two-pass approach
435 	// to process multiple returns from equal_range(search_ids)
436 	sample_to_variables(samples[i], num_cv, actualModelVars);
437         if (actualModelInterfaceId.empty()) {
438 	  ParamResponsePair search_pr(actualModelVars, "NO_ID", r_it->second);
439 	  p_it = lookup_by_ids(data_pairs, ids, search_pr);
440         } else {
441 	  ParamResponsePair search_pr(actualModelVars, actualModelInterfaceId,
442 				      r_it->second);
443 	  p_it = lookup_by_ids(data_pairs, ids, search_pr);
444         }
445       }
446       if (p_it == data_pairs.end()) // deep response copies with vars sharing
447 	mixed_add(samples[i], r_it->second, false);
448       else                          // shallow copies of cached vars/resp data
449 	shallow_add(p_it->variables(), p_it->response(), false);
450     }
451   }
452   else                              // deep response copies with vars sharing
453     for (i=0, r_it=resp_map.begin(); i<num_pts; ++i, ++r_it)
454       mixed_add(samples[i], r_it->second, false);
456   // reset active approxData key using SharedApproxData::approxDataKeys
457   restore_data_key();
458 }
461 /** This function populates/replaces each Approximation::currentPoints
462     with the incoming variables/response arrays. */
463 void ApproximationInterface::
update_approximation(const VariablesArray & vars_array,const IntResponseMap & resp_map)464 update_approximation(const VariablesArray& vars_array,
465 		     const IntResponseMap& resp_map)
466 {
467   size_t i, num_pts = resp_map.size();
468   if (vars_array.size() != num_pts) {
469     Cerr << "Error: mismatch in variable and response set lengths in "
470 	 << "ApproximationInterface::update_approximation()." << std::endl;
471     abort_handler(-1);
472   }
473   // clear active SurrogateData::{vars,resp}Data
474   ISIter a_it; IntRespMCIter r_it;
475   for (a_it=approxFnIndices.begin(); a_it!=approxFnIndices.end(); ++a_it)
476     functionSurfaces[*a_it].clear_active_data();
477   // replace active SurrogateData::{vars,resp}Data
478   if (actualModelCache) {
479     PRPCacheCIter p_it;
480     for (i=0, r_it=resp_map.begin(); i<num_pts; ++i, ++r_it) {
481       // allVariables/allResponses are not sufficiently persistent for use in
482       // shallow copies.  Therefore, use ordered id lookup in global PRPCache.
483       IntStringPair ids(r_it->first, actualModelInterfaceId);
484       // sign indicates dataset source (see DataFitSurrModel::build_global()):
485       //   eval id > 0 for unique evals from current execution (in data_pairs)
486       //   eval id = 0 for evals from file import (not in data_pairs)
487       //   eval id < 0 for non-unique evals from restart (in data_pairs)
488       if (r_it->first > 0) // unique evals: current run
489 	p_it = lookup_by_ids(data_pairs, ids);
490       else { // nonunique eval ids from restart/file import
491 	// rather than resorting to lookup_by_val(), use a two-pass approach
492 	// to process multiple returns from equal_range(search_ids)
493         if(actualModelInterfaceId.empty()) {
494           ParamResponsePair search_pr(vars_array[i], "NO_ID", r_it->second);
495           p_it = lookup_by_ids(data_pairs, ids, search_pr);
496         } else {
497           ParamResponsePair search_pr(vars_array[i], actualModelInterfaceId,
498 				      r_it->second);
499           p_it = lookup_by_ids(data_pairs, ids, search_pr);
500         }
501       }
502       if (p_it == data_pairs.end()) // deep response copies with vars sharing
503 	mixed_add(vars_array[i], r_it->second, false);
504       else                          // shallow copies of cached vars/resp data
505 	shallow_add(p_it->variables(), p_it->response(), false);
506     }
507   }
508   else                            // deep response copies with vars sharing
509     for (i=0, r_it=resp_map.begin(); i<num_pts; ++i, ++r_it)
510       mixed_add(vars_array[i], r_it->second, false);
512   // reset active approxData key using SharedApproxData::approxDataKeys
513   restore_data_key();
514 }
517 /** This function appends to each Approximation::currentPoints with
518     one incoming variables/response data point. */
519 void ApproximationInterface::
append_approximation(const Variables & vars,const IntResponsePair & response_pr)520 append_approximation(const Variables& vars, const IntResponsePair& response_pr)
521 {
522   // append a single point to SurrogateData::{vars,resp}Data
523   if (actualModelCache) {
524     // anchor vars/resp are not sufficiently persistent for use in shallow
525     // copies.  Therefore, use ordered id lookup in global PRPCache.
526     IntStringPair ids(response_pr.first, actualModelInterfaceId);
527     PRPCacheCIter p_it;
528     // sign indicates dataset source (see DataFitSurrModel::build_global()):
529     //   eval id > 0 for unique evals from current execution (in data_pairs)
530     //   eval id = 0 for evals from file import (not in data_pairs)
531     //   eval id < 0 for non-unique evals from restart (in data_pairs)
532     if (response_pr.first > 0) // unique evals: current run
533       p_it = lookup_by_ids(data_pairs, ids);
534     else { // nonunique eval ids from restart/file import
535       // rather than resorting to lookup_by_val(), use a two-pass approach
536       // to process multiple returns from equal_range(search_ids)
537       if(actualModelInterfaceId.empty()) {
538         ParamResponsePair search_pr(vars, "NO_ID", response_pr.second);
539         p_it = lookup_by_ids(data_pairs, ids, search_pr);
540       } else {
541         ParamResponsePair search_pr(vars, actualModelInterfaceId,
542 				    response_pr.second);
543         p_it = lookup_by_ids(data_pairs, ids, search_pr);
544       }
545     }
546     if (p_it == data_pairs.end()) // deep response copies with vars sharing
547       mixed_add(vars, response_pr.second, false);
548     else                          // shallow copies of cached vars/resp data
549       shallow_add(p_it->variables(), p_it->response(), false);
550   }
551   else                            // deep response copies with vars sharing
552     mixed_add(vars, response_pr.second, false);
554   update_pop_counts(response_pr);
556   // reset active approxData key using SharedApproxData::approxDataKeys
557   restore_data_key();
558 }
561 /** This function appends to each Approximation::currentPoints with
562     multiple incoming variables/response data points. */
563 void ApproximationInterface::
append_approximation(const RealMatrix & samples,const IntResponseMap & resp_map)564 append_approximation(const RealMatrix& samples, const IntResponseMap& resp_map)
565 {
566   size_t i, num_pts = resp_map.size();
567   if (samples.numCols() != num_pts) {
568     Cerr << "Error: mismatch in variable and response set lengths in "
569 	 << "ApproximationInterface::append_approximation()." << std::endl;
570     abort_handler(-1);
571   }
572   // append multiple points to SurrogateData::{vars,resp}Data
573   IntRespMCIter r_it;
574   if (actualModelCache) {
575     PRPCacheCIter p_it; size_t num_cv = samples.numRows();
576     for (i=0, r_it=resp_map.begin(); i<num_pts; ++i, ++r_it) {
577       // allVariables/allResponses are not sufficiently persistent for use in
578       // shallow copies.  Therefore, use ordered id lookup in global PRPCache.
579       IntStringPair ids(r_it->first, actualModelInterfaceId);
580       // sign indicates dataset source (see DataFitSurrModel::build_global()):
581       //   eval id > 0 for unique evals from current execution (in data_pairs)
582       //   eval id = 0 for evals from file import (not in data_pairs)
583       //   eval id < 0 for non-unique evals from restart (in data_pairs)
584       if (r_it->first > 0) // unique evals: current run
585 	p_it = lookup_by_ids(data_pairs, ids);
586       else { // nonunique eval ids from restart/file import
587 	// rather than resorting to lookup_by_val(), use a two-pass approach
588 	// to process multiple returns from equal_range(search_ids)
589 	sample_to_variables(samples[i], num_cv, actualModelVars);
590         if(actualModelInterfaceId.empty()) {
591           ParamResponsePair search_pr(actualModelVars, "NO_ID", r_it->second);
592           p_it = lookup_by_ids(data_pairs, ids, search_pr);
593         } else {
594           ParamResponsePair search_pr(actualModelVars, actualModelInterfaceId,
595 				      r_it->second);
596           p_it = lookup_by_ids(data_pairs, ids, search_pr);
597         }
598       }
599       if (p_it == data_pairs.end()) // deep response copies with vars sharing
600 	mixed_add(samples[i], r_it->second, false);
601       else                          // shallow copies of cached vars/resp data
602 	shallow_add(p_it->variables(), p_it->response(), false);
603     }
604   }
605   else                            // deep response copies with vars sharing
606     for (i=0, r_it=resp_map.begin(); i<num_pts; ++i, ++r_it)
607       mixed_add(samples[i], r_it->second, false);
609   update_pop_counts(resp_map);
611   // reset active approxData key using SharedApproxData::approxDataKeys
612   restore_data_key();
613 }
616 /** This function appends to each Approximation::currentPoints with
617     multiple incoming variables/response data points. */
618 void ApproximationInterface::
append_approximation(const VariablesArray & vars_array,const IntResponseMap & resp_map)619 append_approximation(const VariablesArray& vars_array,
620 		     const IntResponseMap& resp_map)
621 {
622   size_t i, num_pts = resp_map.size();
623   if (vars_array.size() != num_pts) {
624     Cerr << "Error: mismatch in variable and response set lengths in "
625 	 << "ApproximationInterface::append_approximation()." << std::endl;
626     abort_handler(-1);
627   }
628   // append multiple points to SurrogateData::{vars,resp}Data
629   IntRespMCIter r_it;
630   if (actualModelCache) {
631     PRPCacheCIter p_it;
632     for (i=0, r_it=resp_map.begin(); i<num_pts; ++i, ++r_it) {
633       // allVariables/allResponses are not sufficiently persistent for use in
634       // shallow copies.  Therefore, use ordered id lookup in global PRPCache.
635       IntStringPair ids(r_it->first, actualModelInterfaceId);
636       // sign indicates dataset source (see DataFitSurrModel::build_global()):
637       //   eval id > 0 for unique evals from current execution (in data_pairs)
638       //   eval id = 0 for evals from file import (not in data_pairs)
639       //   eval id < 0 for non-unique evals from restart (in data_pairs)
640       if (r_it->first > 0) // unique evals: current run
641 	p_it = lookup_by_ids(data_pairs, ids);
642       else { // nonunique eval ids from restart/file import
643 	// rather than resorting to lookup_by_val(), use a two-pass approach
644 	// to process multiple returns from equal_range(search_ids)
645         if(actualModelInterfaceId.empty()) {
646           ParamResponsePair search_pr(vars_array[i], "NO_ID", r_it->second);
647           p_it = lookup_by_ids(data_pairs, ids, search_pr);
648         } else {
649           ParamResponsePair search_pr(vars_array[i], actualModelInterfaceId,
650 				      r_it->second);
651           p_it = lookup_by_ids(data_pairs, ids, search_pr);
652         }
653       }
654       if (p_it == data_pairs.end()) // deep response copies with vars sharing
655 	mixed_add(vars_array[i], r_it->second, false);
656       else                          // shallow copies of cached vars/resp data
657 	shallow_add(p_it->variables(), p_it->response(), false);
658     }
659   }
660   else                            // deep response copies with vars sharing
661     for (i=0, r_it=resp_map.begin(); i<num_pts; ++i, ++r_it)
662       mixed_add(vars_array[i], r_it->second, false);
664   update_pop_counts(resp_map);
666   // reset active approxData key using SharedApproxData::approxDataKeys
667   restore_data_key();
668 }
671 /** This function finds the coefficients for each Approximation based
672     on the data passed through update_approximation() calls.  The
673     bounds are used only for graphics visualization. */
674 void ApproximationInterface::
build_approximation(const RealVector & c_l_bnds,const RealVector & c_u_bnds,const IntVector & di_l_bnds,const IntVector & di_u_bnds,const RealVector & dr_l_bnds,const RealVector & dr_u_bnds)675 build_approximation(const RealVector&  c_l_bnds, const RealVector&  c_u_bnds,
676 		    const IntVector&  di_l_bnds, const IntVector&  di_u_bnds,
677 		    const RealVector& dr_l_bnds, const RealVector& dr_u_bnds)
678 {
679   // initialize the data shared among approximation instances
680   sharedData.set_bounds(c_l_bnds, c_u_bnds, di_l_bnds, di_u_bnds,
681 			dr_l_bnds, dr_u_bnds);
682   sharedData.build();
683   // build the approximation surface instances
684   for (ISIter it=approxFnIndices.begin(); it!=approxFnIndices.end(); ++it) {
685     int fn_index = *it;
686     // construct the approximation
687     functionSurfaces[fn_index].build();
689     // manage diagnostics
690     if (functionSurfaces[fn_index].diagnostics_available()) {
691       // print default or user-requested metrics and cross-validation
692       functionSurfaces[fn_index].primary_diagnostics(fn_index);
693       // for user-provided challenge data, we assume there are
694       // function values for all functions in the analysis, not just
695       // the indices for which surrogates are being built
697       // BMA TODO: can this move to ctor?
698       if (!challengeFile.empty()) {
699         if (challengePoints.empty())
700           read_challenge_points();
701         functionSurfaces[fn_index].challenge_diagnostics(fn_index,
702 	  challengePoints, Teuchos::getCol(Teuchos::View, challengeResponses,
703 					   fn_index));
704       }
705     }
706   }
708   /* Old 3D graphics capability:
709   int fn_index = *approxFnIndices.begin();
710   // if graphics is on for 2 variables, plot first functionSurface in 3D
711   if (graph3DFlag && sharedData.num_variables() == 2) {
712     functionSurfaces[fn_index].draw_surface();
713   }
714   */
715 }
718 /** This function calls export on each approximation */
export_approximation()719 void ApproximationInterface::export_approximation()
720 {
721   for (ISIter it=approxFnIndices.begin(); it!=approxFnIndices.end(); ++it)
722     functionSurfaces[*it].export_model();
723 }
726 /** This function updates the coefficients for each Approximation based
727     on data increments provided by {update,append}_approximation(). */
rebuild_approximation(const BitArray & rebuild_fns)728 void ApproximationInterface::rebuild_approximation(const BitArray& rebuild_fns)
729 {
730   // rebuild data shared among approximation instances
731   sharedData.rebuild();
732   // rebuild the approximation surfaces
733   for (ISIter it=approxFnIndices.begin(); it!=approxFnIndices.end(); ++it) {
734     int fn_index = *it;
735     // check for rebuild request (defaults to true if no deque defined)
736     if (rebuild_fns.empty() || rebuild_fns[fn_index]) {
737       // approx bounds not updated as in build_approximation()
739       // invokes increment_coefficients()
740       functionSurfaces[fn_index].rebuild();
742       // diagnostics not currently active on rebuild
743     }
744   }
745 }
748 void ApproximationInterface::
mixed_add(const Variables & vars,const Response & response,bool anchor)749 mixed_add(const Variables& vars, const Response& response, bool anchor)
750 {
751   Pecos::SurrogateDataVars sdv; bool first_vars = true;
752   const ShortArray& asv = response.active_set_request_vector();
753   size_t i, fn_index, num_fns = functionSurfaces.size(), num_asv = asv.size(),
754     key_index;
755   for (ISIter it=approxFnIndices.begin(); it!=approxFnIndices.end(); ++it) {
756     fn_index = *it;
757     // asv may be larger than num_fns due to response aggregation modes
758     // (e.g., multifidelity) --> use num_fns as stride and support add()
759     // to vector of SurrogateData
760     for (i=fn_index, key_index=0; i<num_asv; i+=num_fns, ++key_index)
761       if (asv[i]) {
762 	Approximation& fn_surf = functionSurfaces[fn_index];
763 	// rather than unrolling the response (containing all response fns)
764 	// into per-response function arrays for input to fn_surf, pass the
765 	// complete response along with a response function index.
766 	if (first_vars) {
767 	  fn_surf.add(vars,        anchor,  true, key_index); // deep
768 	  fn_surf.add(response, i, anchor,  true, key_index); // deep
769 	  // carry newly added sdv over to other approx fn indices:
770 	  sdv = (anchor) ? fn_surf.surrogate_data().anchor_variables() :
771 	                   fn_surf.surrogate_data().variables_data().back();
772 	  first_vars = false;
773 	}
774 	else {
775 	  fn_surf.add(sdv,         anchor, false, key_index); // shallow
776 	  fn_surf.add(response, i, anchor,  true, key_index); // deep
777 	}
778       }
779   }
780 }
783 void ApproximationInterface::
mixed_add(const Real * c_vars,const Response & response,bool anchor)784 mixed_add(const Real* c_vars, const Response& response, bool anchor)
785 {
786   Pecos::SurrogateDataVars sdv; bool first_vars = true;
787   const ShortArray& asv = response.active_set_request_vector();
788   size_t i, fn_index, num_fns = functionSurfaces.size(), num_asv = asv.size(),
789     key_index;
790   for (ISIter it=approxFnIndices.begin(); it!=approxFnIndices.end(); ++it) {
791     fn_index = *it;
792     // asv may be larger than num_fns due to response aggregation modes
793     // (e.g., multifidelity) --> use num_fns as stride and support add()
794     // to vector of SurrogateData
795     for (i=fn_index, key_index=0; i<num_asv; i+=num_fns, ++key_index)
796       if (asv[i]) {
797 	Approximation& fn_surf = functionSurfaces[fn_index];
798 	// rather than unrolling the response (containing all response fns)
799 	// into per-response function arrays for input to fn_surf, pass the
800 	// complete response along with a response function index.
801 	if (first_vars) {
802 	  fn_surf.add(c_vars,      anchor,  true, key_index); // deep
803 	  fn_surf.add(response, i, anchor,  true, key_index); // deep
804 	  // carry newly added sdv over to other approx fn indices:
805 	  sdv = (anchor) ? fn_surf.surrogate_data().anchor_variables() :
806 	                   fn_surf.surrogate_data().variables_data().back();
807 	  first_vars = false;
808 	}
809 	else {
810 	  fn_surf.add(sdv,         anchor, false, key_index); // shallow
811 	  fn_surf.add(response, i, anchor,  true, key_index); // deep
812 	}
813       }
814   }
815 }
818 void ApproximationInterface::
shallow_add(const Variables & vars,const Response & response,bool anchor)819 shallow_add(const Variables& vars, const Response& response, bool anchor)
820 {
821   const ShortArray& asv = response.active_set_request_vector();
822   size_t i, fn_index, num_fns = functionSurfaces.size(), num_asv = asv.size(),
823     key_index;
824   for (ISIter it=approxFnIndices.begin(); it!=approxFnIndices.end(); ++it) {
825     fn_index = *it;
826     // asv may be larger than num_fns due to response aggregation modes
827     // (e.g., multifidelity) --> use num_fns as stride and support add()
828     // to vector of SurrogateData
829     for (i=fn_index, key_index=0; i<num_asv; i+=num_fns, ++key_index)
830       if (asv[i]) {
831 	Approximation& fn_surf = functionSurfaces[fn_index];
832 	fn_surf.add(vars,        anchor, false, key_index); // shallow
833 	fn_surf.add(response, i, anchor, false, key_index); // shallow
834       }
835   }
836 }
839 void ApproximationInterface::
update_pop_counts(const IntResponsePair & response_pr)840 update_pop_counts(const IntResponsePair& response_pr)
841 {
842   // update pop counts for data in response_pr
843   const ShortArray& asv = response_pr.second.active_set_request_vector();
844   size_t i, key_index, fn_index, num_fns = functionSurfaces.size(),
845     num_asv = asv.size(), count;
846   ISIter fn_it;
847   for (fn_it=approxFnIndices.begin(); fn_it!=approxFnIndices.end(); ++fn_it) {
848     fn_index = *fn_it;
849     // asv may be larger than num_fns due to response aggregation modes
850     for (i=fn_index, key_index=0; i<num_asv; i+=num_fns, ++key_index) {
851       count = (asv[i]) ? 1 : 0; // either one or no pts appended
852       functionSurfaces[fn_index].pop_count(count, key_index);
853     }
854   }
855 }
update_pop_counts(const IntResponseMap & resp_map)858 void ApproximationInterface::update_pop_counts(const IntResponseMap& resp_map)
859 {
860   ISIter fn_it; IntRespMCIter r_it = resp_map.begin();
861   size_t i, count, key_index, fn_index, num_fns = functionSurfaces.size(),
862     num_asv = r_it->second.active_set_request_vector().size();
863   for (fn_it=approxFnIndices.begin(); fn_it!=approxFnIndices.end(); ++fn_it) {
864     fn_index = *fn_it;
865     // asv may be larger than num_fns due to response aggregation modes
866     for (i=fn_index, key_index=0; i<num_asv; i+=num_fns, ++key_index) {
867       for (r_it=resp_map.begin(), count=0; r_it!=resp_map.end(); ++r_it)
868 	if (r_it->second.active_set_request_vector()[i])
869 	  ++count;
870       functionSurfaces[fn_index].pop_count(count, key_index);
871     }
872   }
873 }
876 Real2DArray ApproximationInterface::
cv_diagnostics(const StringArray & metric_types,unsigned num_folds)877 cv_diagnostics(const StringArray& metric_types, unsigned num_folds)
878 {
879   Real2DArray cv_diags;
880   ISIter a_it = approxFnIndices.begin();
881   ISCIter a_end = approxFnIndices.end();
882   for ( ; a_it != a_end; ++a_it) {
883     size_t index = *a_it;
884     cv_diags.push_back(functionSurfaces[index].
885 		       cv_diagnostic(metric_types, num_folds));
886   }
887   return cv_diags;
888 }
891 Real2DArray ApproximationInterface::
challenge_diagnostics(const StringArray & metric_types,const RealMatrix & challenge_pts,const RealVector & challenge_resps)892 challenge_diagnostics(const StringArray& metric_types,
893 		      const RealMatrix& challenge_pts,
894                       const RealVector& challenge_resps)
895 {
896   Real2DArray chall_diags;
897   ISIter a_it = approxFnIndices.begin();
898   ISCIter a_end = approxFnIndices.end();
899   for ( ; a_it != a_end; ++a_it) {
900     size_t index = *a_it;
901     chall_diags.push_back(functionSurfaces[index].
902 			  challenge_diagnostic(metric_types, challenge_pts,
903                                                challenge_resps));
904   }
905   return chall_diags;
906 }
910 const RealVectorArray& ApproximationInterface::
approximation_coefficients(bool normalized)911 approximation_coefficients(bool normalized)
912 {
913   // only assign the functionSurfaceCoeffs array if it's requested
914   // (i.e., do it here rather than in build/update functions above).
915   if (functionSurfaceCoeffs.empty())
916     functionSurfaceCoeffs.resize(functionSurfaces.size());
917   for (ISIter it=approxFnIndices.begin(); it!=approxFnIndices.end(); ++it) {
918     int index = *it;
919     functionSurfaceCoeffs[index]
920       = functionSurfaces[index].approximation_coefficients(normalized);
921   }
922   return functionSurfaceCoeffs;
923 }
926 void ApproximationInterface::
approximation_coefficients(const RealVectorArray & approx_coeffs,bool normalized)927 approximation_coefficients(const RealVectorArray& approx_coeffs,
928 			   bool normalized)
929 {
930   for (ISIter it=approxFnIndices.begin(); it!=approxFnIndices.end(); ++it) {
931     int index = *it;
932     functionSurfaces[index].approximation_coefficients(approx_coeffs[index],
933 						       normalized);
934   }
935   //functionSurfaceCoeffs = approx_coeffs;
936 }
939 const RealVector& ApproximationInterface::
approximation_variances(const Variables & vars)940 approximation_variances(const Variables& vars)
941 {
942   // only assign the functionSurfaceVariances array if it's requested
943   // (i.e., do it here rather than in build/update functions above).
944   if (functionSurfaceVariances.empty())
945     functionSurfaceVariances.sizeUninitialized(functionSurfaces.size());
946   for (ISIter it=approxFnIndices.begin(); it!=approxFnIndices.end(); ++it) {
947     int index = *it;
948     functionSurfaceVariances[index]
949       = functionSurfaces[index].prediction_variance(vars);
950   }
951   return functionSurfaceVariances;
952 }
955 // TODO: What does it even mean to challenge at index or string
956 // data?!?  Is a Response object available too?
957 /** Challenge data defaults to active/inactive, but user can override
958     to active only.  */
read_challenge_points()959 void ApproximationInterface::read_challenge_points()
960 {
961   size_t num_fns = functionSurfaces.size();
962   String context_msg = "Surrogate model, interface id '" + interface_id() +
963     "' import_challenge_points_file";
964   bool verbose = (outputLevel > NORMAL_OUTPUT);
965   // use a Variables object to easily read active vs. all
966   TabularIO::read_data_tabular(challengeFile, context_msg,
967 			       actualModelVars.copy(), num_fns, challengePoints,
968                                challengeResponses, challengeFormat,
969 			       verbose, challengeUseVarLabels,
970 			       challengeActiveOnly);
971 }
973 } // namespace Dakota