1 /*  _______________________________________________________________________
3     DAKOTA: Design Analysis Kit for Optimization and Terascale Applications
4     Copyright 2014-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC (NTESS).
5     This software is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License.
6     For more information, see the README file in the top Dakota directory.
7     _______________________________________________________________________ */
9 //- Class:       ProbabilityTransformModel
10 //- Description: Implementation code for the ProbabilityTransformModel class
11 //- Owner:       Brian Adams
12 //- Checked by:
14 #include "ProbabilityTransformModel.hpp"
15 #include "MarginalsCorrDistribution.hpp"
16 #include "GammaRandomVariable.hpp"
17 #include "GumbelRandomVariable.hpp"
18 #include "FrechetRandomVariable.hpp"
19 #include "WeibullRandomVariable.hpp"
21 static const char rcsId[]="@(#) $Id$";
23 namespace Dakota
24 {
26 /// initialization of static needed by RecastModel
27 ProbabilityTransformModel* ProbabilityTransformModel::ptmInstance(NULL);
30 ProbabilityTransformModel::
ProbabilityTransformModel(const Model & x_model,short u_space_type,bool truncate_bnds,Real bnd)31 ProbabilityTransformModel(const Model& x_model, short u_space_type,
32 			  bool truncate_bnds, Real bnd) :
33   RecastModel(x_model), distParamDerivs(NO_DERIVS),
34   truncatedBounds(truncate_bnds), boundVal(bnd)
35 {
36   modelType = "probability_transform";
37   modelId   = recast_model_id(root_model_id(), "PROBABILITY_TRANSFORM");
39   Sizet2DArray vars_map, primary_resp_map, secondary_resp_map;
40   SizetArray recast_vars_comps_total; // default: no change in cauv total
41   // we do not reorder the u-space variable types such that we preserve a
42   // 1-to-1 mapping with consistent ordering
43   Pecos::MultivariateDistribution& x_dist
44     = subModel.multivariate_distribution();
45   const BitArray& active_vars = x_dist.active_variables();
46   size_t i, num_active_rv = (active_vars.empty()) ?
47     x_dist.random_variables().size() : active_vars.count();
48   // *** TO DO: generalize vars_map across multiple active types
49   vars_map.resize(num_active_rv);
50   for (i=0; i<num_active_rv; ++i)
51     { vars_map[i].resize(1);         vars_map[i][0] = i; }
52   primary_resp_map.resize(numFns);
53   for (i=0; i<numFns; ++i)
54     { primary_resp_map[i].resize(1); primary_resp_map[i][0] = i; }
56   // There is no additional response mapping beyond that required by the
57   // nonlinear variables mapping.
58   BoolDequeArray nonlinear_resp_map(numFns, BoolDeque(1, false));
59   const Response& x_resp = subModel.current_response();
60   const SharedVariablesData& svd = subModel.current_variables().shared_data();
61   const BitArray& all_relax_di = svd.all_relaxed_discrete_int();
62   const BitArray& all_relax_dr = svd.all_relaxed_discrete_real();
63   short recast_resp_order = 1; // recast resp order to be same as original resp
64   if (!x_resp.function_gradients().empty()) recast_resp_order |= 2;
65   if (!x_resp.function_hessians().empty())  recast_resp_order |= 4;
67   // initialize current{Variables,Response}, userDefinedConstraints
68   init_sizes(recast_vars_comps_total, all_relax_di, all_relax_dr, numFns,
69 	     0, 0, recast_resp_order);
70   // initialize invariant portions of probability transform within mvDist
71   // (requires currentVariables)
72   initialize_transformation(u_space_type);
73   // initialize Variables/Response/ActiveSet recastings (requires mvDist)
74   init_maps(vars_map, nonlinear_variables_mapping(x_dist, mvDist),
75 	    vars_u_to_x_mapping, set_u_to_x_mapping, primary_resp_map,
76 	    secondary_resp_map, nonlinear_resp_map, resp_x_to_u_mapping, NULL);
77   // publish inverse mappings for use in data imports.  Since derivatives are
78   // not imported and response values are not transformed, an inverse variables
79   // transformation is sufficient for this purpose.
80   inverse_mappings(vars_x_to_u_mapping, NULL, NULL, NULL);
81   // initialize currentVariables based on subModel initial state
82   inverse_transform_variables(subModel.current_variables(), currentVariables);
83 }
~ProbabilityTransformModel()86 ProbabilityTransformModel::~ProbabilityTransformModel()
87 { }
initialize_dakota_variable_types()90 void ProbabilityTransformModel::initialize_dakota_variable_types()
91 {
92   // Note: ctor has called initialize_distribution_
93   // {transformation,types,correlations}().  Defining the transformation is
94   // deferred until Model::initialize_mapping() to allow for problem resizing.
96   const SharedVariablesData& x_svd = subModel.current_variables().shared_data();
97   bool cdv, ddv, cauv, dauv, ceuv, deuv, csv, dsv;
98   x_svd.active_subsets(cdv, ddv, cauv, dauv, ceuv, deuv, csv, dsv);
99   size_t i, num_cdv, num_ddiv, num_ddsv, num_ddrv, num_cauv, num_dauiv,
100     num_dausv, num_daurv, num_ceuv, num_deuiv, num_deusv, num_deurv,
101     num_csv, num_dsiv,  num_dssv,  num_dsrv, rv_cntr = 0, cv_cntr = 0,
102     div_cntr = 0, dsv_cntr = 0, drv_cntr = 0;
103   x_svd.design_counts(num_cdv, num_ddiv, num_ddsv, num_ddrv);
104   x_svd.aleatory_uncertain_counts(num_cauv, num_dauiv, num_dausv, num_daurv);
105   x_svd.epistemic_uncertain_counts(num_ceuv, num_deuiv, num_deusv, num_deurv);
106   x_svd.state_counts(num_csv, num_dsiv, num_dssv, num_dsrv);
107   const Pecos::ShortArray& u_types = mvDist.random_variable_types();
109   // Update active continuous/discrete variable types (needed for Model::
110   // continuous_{probability_density,distribution_bounds,distribution_moment}())
111   if (cdv)
112     for (i=0; i<num_cdv; ++i, ++rv_cntr, ++cv_cntr)
113       continuous_variable_type(
114 	pecos_to_dakota_variable_type(u_types[rv_cntr], rv_cntr), cv_cntr);
115   else
116     rv_cntr += num_cdv;
117   if (ddv) {
118     for (i=0; i<num_ddiv; ++i, ++rv_cntr, ++div_cntr)
119       discrete_int_variable_type(
120         pecos_to_dakota_variable_type(u_types[rv_cntr], rv_cntr), div_cntr);
121     for (i=0; i<num_ddsv; ++i, ++rv_cntr, ++dsv_cntr)
122       discrete_string_variable_type(
123         pecos_to_dakota_variable_type(u_types[rv_cntr], rv_cntr), dsv_cntr);
124     for (i=0; i<num_ddrv; ++i, ++rv_cntr, ++drv_cntr)
125       discrete_real_variable_type(
126         pecos_to_dakota_variable_type(u_types[rv_cntr], rv_cntr), drv_cntr);
127   }
128   else
129     rv_cntr += num_ddiv + num_ddsv + num_ddrv;
130   if (cauv)
131     for (i=0; i<num_cauv; ++i, ++rv_cntr, ++cv_cntr)
132       continuous_variable_type(
133         pecos_to_dakota_variable_type(u_types[rv_cntr], rv_cntr), cv_cntr);
134   else
135     rv_cntr += num_cauv;
136   if (dauv) {
137     for (i=0; i<num_dauiv; ++i, ++rv_cntr, ++div_cntr)
138       discrete_int_variable_type(
139         pecos_to_dakota_variable_type(u_types[rv_cntr], rv_cntr), div_cntr);
140     for (i=0; i<num_dausv; ++i, ++rv_cntr, ++dsv_cntr)
141       discrete_string_variable_type(
142         pecos_to_dakota_variable_type(u_types[rv_cntr], rv_cntr), dsv_cntr);
143     for (i=0; i<num_daurv; ++i, ++rv_cntr, ++drv_cntr)
144       discrete_real_variable_type(
145         pecos_to_dakota_variable_type(u_types[rv_cntr], rv_cntr), drv_cntr);
146   }
147   else
148     rv_cntr += num_dauiv + num_dausv + num_daurv;
149   if (ceuv)
150     for (i=0; i<num_ceuv; ++i, ++rv_cntr, ++cv_cntr)
151       continuous_variable_type(
152         pecos_to_dakota_variable_type(u_types[rv_cntr], rv_cntr), cv_cntr);
153   else
154     rv_cntr += num_ceuv;
155   if (deuv) {
156     for (i=0; i<num_deuiv; ++i, ++rv_cntr, ++div_cntr)
157       discrete_int_variable_type(
158         pecos_to_dakota_variable_type(u_types[rv_cntr], rv_cntr), div_cntr);
159     for (i=0; i<num_deusv; ++i, ++rv_cntr, ++dsv_cntr)
160       discrete_string_variable_type(
161         pecos_to_dakota_variable_type(u_types[rv_cntr], rv_cntr), dsv_cntr);
162     for (i=0; i<num_deurv; ++i, ++rv_cntr, ++drv_cntr)
163       discrete_real_variable_type(
164         pecos_to_dakota_variable_type(u_types[rv_cntr], rv_cntr), drv_cntr);
165   }
166   else
167     rv_cntr += num_deuiv + num_deusv + num_deurv;
168   if (csv)
169     for (i=0; i<num_csv; ++i, ++rv_cntr, ++cv_cntr)
170       continuous_variable_type(
171         pecos_to_dakota_variable_type(u_types[rv_cntr], rv_cntr), cv_cntr);
172   else
173     rv_cntr += num_csv;
174   if (dsv) {
175     for (i=0; i<num_dsiv; ++i, ++rv_cntr, ++div_cntr)
176       discrete_int_variable_type(
177         pecos_to_dakota_variable_type(u_types[rv_cntr], rv_cntr), div_cntr);
178     for (i=0; i<num_dssv; ++i, ++rv_cntr, ++dsv_cntr)
179       discrete_string_variable_type(
180         pecos_to_dakota_variable_type(u_types[rv_cntr], rv_cntr), dsv_cntr);
181     for (i=0; i<num_dsrv; ++i, ++rv_cntr, ++drv_cntr)
182       discrete_real_variable_type(
183         pecos_to_dakota_variable_type(u_types[rv_cntr], rv_cntr), drv_cntr);
184   }
185   //else
186   //  rv_cntr += num_dsiv + num_dssv + num_dsrv;
187 }
190 void ProbabilityTransformModel::
update_model_bounds(bool truncate_bnds,Real bnd)191 update_model_bounds(bool truncate_bnds, Real bnd)
192 {
193   // Here, we finesse the continuous "global" bounds for a Model (distinct from
194   // distribution bounds in Pecos::MultivariateDistribution), for benefit of
195   // methods that are not distribution-aware, instead operating on bounded
196   // domains (e.g., PStudyDACE).  While the same concept could be extended to
197   // discrete distributions with semi-infinite support, we leave that exercise
198   // to be motivated by future use cases.
200   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
201   // Populate continuous model bounds for transformed space //
202   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
204   const Pecos::ShortArray& u_types = mvDist.random_variable_types();
205   const std::vector<Pecos::RandomVariable>& x_rv
206     = subModel.multivariate_distribution().random_variables();
207   size_t num_cv = currentVariables.cv(), num_rv = u_types.size();
208   // [-1,1] are u-space bounds for design, state, epistemic, uniform, & beta
209   RealVector c_l_bnds(num_cv, false);  c_l_bnds = -1.;
210   RealVector c_u_bnds(num_cv, false);  c_u_bnds =  1.;
211   Real dbl_inf = std::numeric_limits<Real>::infinity();
213   const SharedVariablesData& x_svd = subModel.current_variables().shared_data();
214   bool cdv, ddv, cauv, dauv, ceuv, deuv, csv, dsv;
215   x_svd.active_subsets(cdv, ddv, cauv, dauv, ceuv, deuv, csv, dsv);
216   size_t i, num_cdv, num_ddiv, num_ddsv, num_ddrv, num_cauv, num_dauiv,
217     num_dausv, num_daurv, num_ceuv, num_deuiv, num_deusv, num_deurv,
218     num_csv, num_dsiv,  num_dssv,  num_dsrv, cv_cntr = 0, rv_cntr = 0;
219   x_svd.design_counts(num_cdv, num_ddiv, num_ddsv, num_ddrv);
220   x_svd.aleatory_uncertain_counts(num_cauv, num_dauiv, num_dausv, num_daurv);
221   x_svd.epistemic_uncertain_counts(num_ceuv, num_deuiv, num_deusv, num_deurv);
222   x_svd.state_counts(num_csv, num_dsiv, num_dssv, num_dsrv);
224   if (truncate_bnds) {
225     // truncate unbounded distributions for approaches requiring bounds:
226     // > standard sampling modes: model bounds only used for design/state
227     // > *_UNIFORM modes: model bounds are used for all active variables
229     // all cdv are mapped to [-1,1]
230     if (cdv) cv_cntr += num_cdv;
231     rv_cntr += num_cdv + num_ddiv + num_ddsv + num_ddrv;
233     if (cauv) {
234       for (i=0; i<num_cauv; ++i, ++cv_cntr, ++rv_cntr) {
235 	const Pecos::RandomVariable& rv_i = x_rv[rv_cntr];
236 	switch (u_types[rv_cntr]) {
237 	case Pecos::STD_NORMAL:      // mean +/- bnd std devs
238 	  c_l_bnds[cv_cntr] = -bnd;  c_u_bnds[cv_cntr] =    bnd;  break;
239 	case Pecos::STD_EXPONENTIAL: // [0, mean + bnd std devs] for beta=1
240 	  c_l_bnds[cv_cntr] = 0.;    c_u_bnds[cv_cntr] = 1.+bnd;  break;
241 	case Pecos::STD_GAMMA: {
242 	  Real alpha, mean, stdev;
243 	  rv_i.pull_parameter(Pecos::GA_ALPHA, alpha);
244 	  Pecos::GammaRandomVariable::
245 	    moments_from_params(alpha, 1., mean, stdev);
246 	  c_l_bnds[cv_cntr] = 0.;
247 	  c_u_bnds[cv_cntr] = mean + bnd * stdev;  break;
248 	}
249 	case Pecos::BOUNDED_NORMAL: {
250 	  // Note: as for NIDR initialization, we use mean,std_dev parameters
251 	  // rather than computing actual mean,std_dev of bounded distribution
252 	  Real mean, stdev, l_bnd, u_bnd;
253 	  rv_i.pull_parameter(Pecos::N_MEAN,    mean);
254 	  rv_i.pull_parameter(Pecos::N_STD_DEV, stdev);
255 	  rv_i.pull_parameter(Pecos::N_LWR_BND, l_bnd);
256 	  rv_i.pull_parameter(Pecos::N_UPR_BND, u_bnd);
257 	  c_l_bnds[cv_cntr] = (l_bnd > -dbl_inf) ? l_bnd : // use spec bound
258 	    mean - bnd * stdev;  // infer bound
259 	  c_u_bnds[cv_cntr] = (u_bnd <  dbl_inf) ? u_bnd : // use spec bound
260 	    mean + bnd * stdev; // infer bound
261 	  break;
262 	}
263 	case Pecos::LOGNORMAL: { // semi-bounded distribution
264 	  Real mean, stdev;
265 	  rv_i.pull_parameter(Pecos::LN_MEAN, mean);
266 	  rv_i.pull_parameter(Pecos::LN_STD_DEV, stdev);
267 	  c_l_bnds[cv_cntr] = 0.;
268 	  c_u_bnds[cv_cntr] = mean + bnd * stdev;
269 	  break;
270 	}
271 	case Pecos::BOUNDED_LOGNORMAL: {
272 	  Real l_bnd, u_bnd;
273 	  rv_i.pull_parameter(Pecos::LN_LWR_BND, l_bnd);
274 	  rv_i.pull_parameter(Pecos::LN_UPR_BND, u_bnd);
275 	  c_l_bnds[cv_cntr] = l_bnd; // spec or 0
276 	  if (u_bnd < dbl_inf)
277 	    c_u_bnds[cv_cntr] = u_bnd; // use spec bound
278 	  else {                       // infer bound
279 	    Real mean, stdev;
280 	    rv_i.pull_parameter(Pecos::LN_MEAN,    mean);
281 	    rv_i.pull_parameter(Pecos::LN_STD_DEV, stdev);
282 	    // Note: as for NIDR initialization, we use mean,std_dev parameters
283 	    // rather than computing actual mean,std_dev of bounded distribution
284 	    c_u_bnds[cv_cntr] = mean + bnd * stdev;
285 	  }
286 	  break;
287 	}
288 	case Pecos::LOGUNIFORM: case Pecos::TRIANGULAR:
289 	case Pecos::HISTOGRAM_BIN:
290 	  // bounded distributions: x-space has desired bounds
291 	  c_l_bnds[cv_cntr] = subModel.continuous_lower_bound(cv_cntr);
292 	  c_u_bnds[cv_cntr] = subModel.continuous_upper_bound(cv_cntr);
293 	  break;
294 	// Note: Could use subModel bounds for the following cases as well
295 	// except NIDR uses +/-3 sigma, whereas here we're using +/-10 sigma
296 	case Pecos::GUMBEL: { // unbounded distribution
297 	  Real alpha, beta, mean, stdev;
298 	  rv_i.pull_parameter(Pecos::GU_ALPHA, alpha);
299 	  rv_i.pull_parameter(Pecos::GU_BETA,  beta);
300 	  Pecos::GumbelRandomVariable::
301 	    moments_from_params(alpha, beta, mean, stdev);
302 	  c_l_bnds[cv_cntr] = mean - bnd * stdev;
303 	  c_u_bnds[cv_cntr] = mean + bnd * stdev;
304 	  break;
305 	}
306 	case Pecos::FRECHET: { // semibounded distribution
307 	  Real alpha, beta, mean, stdev;
308 	  rv_i.pull_parameter(Pecos::F_ALPHA, alpha);
309 	  rv_i.pull_parameter(Pecos::F_BETA,  beta);
310 	  Pecos::FrechetRandomVariable::
311 	    moments_from_params(alpha, beta, mean, stdev);
312 	  c_l_bnds[cv_cntr] = 0.; c_u_bnds[cv_cntr] = mean + bnd * stdev; break;
313 	}
314 	case Pecos::WEIBULL: { // semibounded distribution
315 	  Real alpha, beta, mean, stdev;
316 	  rv_i.pull_parameter(Pecos::W_ALPHA, alpha);
317 	  rv_i.pull_parameter(Pecos::W_BETA,  beta);
318 	  Pecos::WeibullRandomVariable::
319 	    moments_from_params(alpha, beta, mean, stdev);
320 	  c_l_bnds[cv_cntr] = 0.; c_u_bnds[cv_cntr] = mean + bnd * stdev; break;
321 	}
322 	}
323       }
324     }
325     else
326       rv_cntr += num_cauv;
327     rv_cntr += num_dauiv + num_dausv + num_daurv;
329     if (ceuv) {
330       for (i=0; i<num_ceuv; ++i, ++cv_cntr, ++rv_cntr) {
331 	const Pecos::RandomVariable& rv_i = x_rv[rv_cntr];
332 	switch (u_types[rv_cntr]) {
334 	  // bounded distributions: x-space has desired bounds
335 	  c_l_bnds[cv_cntr] = subModel.continuous_lower_bound(cv_cntr);
336 	  c_u_bnds[cv_cntr] = subModel.continuous_upper_bound(cv_cntr);
337 	  break;
338 	}
339       }
340     }
341     //else
342     //  rv_cntr += num_ceuv;
343     //rv_cntr += num_deuiv + num_deusv + num_deurv;
345     // all csv are mapped to [-1,1]
346     //if (csv) cv_cntr += num_csv;
347     //rv_cntr += num_csv + num_dsiv + num_dssv + num_dsrv;
348   }
349   else { // retain infinite model bounds where distributions are unbounded
351     // all cdv are mapped to [-1,1]
352     if (cdv) cv_cntr += num_cdv;
353     rv_cntr += num_cdv + num_ddiv + num_ddsv + num_ddrv;
355     if (cauv) {
356       for (i=0; i<num_cauv; ++i, ++cv_cntr, ++rv_cntr) {
357 	const Pecos::RandomVariable& rv_i = x_rv[rv_cntr];
358 	switch (u_types[rv_cntr]) {
359 	case Pecos::STD_NORMAL:  case Pecos::GUMBEL: // unbounded distributions
360 	  c_l_bnds[cv_cntr] = -dbl_inf;  c_u_bnds[cv_cntr] = dbl_inf;   break;
361 	case Pecos::LOGNORMAL:  case Pecos::STD_EXPONENTIAL:
362 	case Pecos::STD_GAMMA:  case Pecos::FRECHET:
363 	case Pecos::WEIBULL:                       // semibounded distributions
364 	  c_l_bnds[cv_cntr] = 0.;        c_u_bnds[cv_cntr] = dbl_inf;   break;
365 	case Pecos::BOUNDED_NORMAL:
366 	  // can't rely on subModel bounds since could be 1-sided
367 	  rv_i.pull_parameter(Pecos::N_LWR_BND, c_l_bnds[cv_cntr]);
368 	  rv_i.pull_parameter(Pecos::N_UPR_BND, c_u_bnds[cv_cntr]);
369 	  break;
370 	case Pecos::BOUNDED_LOGNORMAL:
371 	  // can't rely on subModel bounds since could be 1-sided
372 	  rv_i.pull_parameter(Pecos::LN_LWR_BND, c_l_bnds[cv_cntr]);
373 	  rv_i.pull_parameter(Pecos::LN_UPR_BND, c_u_bnds[cv_cntr]);
374 	  break;
375 	case Pecos::LOGUNIFORM:  case Pecos::TRIANGULAR:
376 	case Pecos::HISTOGRAM_BIN:                     // bounded distributions
377 	  // 2-sided: can rely on subModel bounds
378 	  c_l_bnds[cv_cntr] = subModel.continuous_lower_bound(cv_cntr);
379 	  c_u_bnds[cv_cntr] = subModel.continuous_upper_bound(cv_cntr); break;
380 	}
381       }
382     }
383     else
384       rv_cntr += num_cauv;
385     rv_cntr += num_dauiv + num_dausv + num_daurv;
387     if (ceuv) {
388       for (i=0; i<num_ceuv; ++i, ++cv_cntr, ++rv_cntr) {
389 	const Pecos::RandomVariable& rv_i = x_rv[rv_cntr];
390 	switch (u_types[rv_cntr]) {
392 	  // bounded distributions: x-space has desired bounds
393 	  c_l_bnds[cv_cntr] = subModel.continuous_lower_bound(cv_cntr);
394 	  c_u_bnds[cv_cntr] = subModel.continuous_upper_bound(cv_cntr);
395 	  break;
396 	}
397       }
398     }
399     //else
400     //  rv_cntr += num_ceuv;
401     //rv_cntr += num_deuiv + num_deusv + num_deurv;
403     // all csv are mapped to [-1,1]
404     //if (csv) cv_cntr += num_csv;
405     //rv_cntr += num_csv + num_dsiv + num_dssv + num_dsrv;
406   }
408   continuous_lower_bounds(c_l_bnds);  continuous_upper_bounds(c_u_bnds);
409 }
412 /** Build ProbabilityTransformation::ranVar arrays containing the
413     uncertain variable distribution types and their corresponding
414     means/standard deviations.  This function is used when the Model
415     variables are in x-space. */
416 void ProbabilityTransformModel::
initialize_distribution_types(short u_space_type,const Pecos::MultivariateDistribution & x_dist,Pecos::MultivariateDistribution & u_dist)417 initialize_distribution_types(short u_space_type,
418 			      const Pecos::MultivariateDistribution& x_dist,
419 			      Pecos::MultivariateDistribution& u_dist)
420 {
421   // u_space_type is an enumeration for type of u-space transformation:
422   // > if STD_NORMAL_U (reliability, AIS, and Wiener PCE/SC), then u-space is
423   //   defined exclusively with std normals;
424   // > if STD_UNIFORM_U (SC with local & global Hermite basis polynomials),
425   //   then u-space is defined exclusively with std uniforms;
426   // > if PARTIAL_ASKEY_U (C3 with orthog polynomials), then u-space is defined
427   //   by std normals and std uniforms;
428   // > if ASKEY_U (PCE/SC using Askey polynomials), then u-space is defined by
429   //   std normals, std uniforms, std exponentials, std betas, and std gammas;
430   // > if EXTENDED_U (PCE/SC with Askey plus numerically-generated polynomials),
431   //   then u-space involves at most linear scaling to std distributions.
433   const Pecos::ShortArray& x_types = x_dist.random_variable_types();
434   const Pecos::BitArray& active_rv = x_dist.active_variables();
435   size_t i, num_rv = x_types.size();
436   Pecos::ShortArray u_types(num_rv, Pecos::NO_TYPE);
437   bool err_flag = false;
439   for (i=0; i<num_rv; ++i)
440     if (active_rv[i])
441       switch (u_space_type) {
442       case STD_NORMAL_U:  case STD_UNIFORM_U:
443 	switch (x_types[i]) {
444 	case Pecos::DISCRETE_RANGE:      case Pecos::DISCRETE_SET_INT:
445 	case Pecos::DISCRETE_SET_STRING: case Pecos::DISCRETE_SET_REAL:
446 	case Pecos::POISSON:             case Pecos::BINOMIAL:
447 	case Pecos::NEGATIVE_BINOMIAL:   case Pecos::GEOMETRIC:
448 	case Pecos::HYPERGEOMETRIC:      case Pecos::HISTOGRAM_PT_INT:
449 	case Pecos::HISTOGRAM_PT_STRING: case Pecos::HISTOGRAM_PT_REAL:
454 	  err_flag = true;                                            break;
456 	  u_types[i] = Pecos::STD_UNIFORM;                            break;
457 	default:
458 	  u_types[i] = (u_space_type == STD_UNIFORM_U)
459 	             ? Pecos::STD_UNIFORM : Pecos::STD_NORMAL;        break;
460 	}
461 	break;
462       case PARTIAL_ASKEY_U: // used for cases with limited distrib support (C3)
463 	switch (x_types[i]) {
464 	case Pecos::NORMAL:           case Pecos::BOUNDED_NORMAL:
465 	case Pecos::LOGNORMAL:        case Pecos::BOUNDED_LOGNORMAL:
466 	case Pecos::EXPONENTIAL:      case Pecos::GAMMA:
467 	case Pecos::GUMBEL:           case Pecos::FRECHET:
468 	case Pecos::WEIBULL: // unbounded or semi-bounded dist; bounded N/logN
469 	  u_types[i] = Pecos::STD_NORMAL;                             break;
470 	case Pecos::UNIFORM:          case Pecos::LOGUNIFORM:
471 	case Pecos::TRIANGULAR:       case Pecos::BETA:
472 	case Pecos::HISTOGRAM_BIN:    case Pecos::CONTINUOUS_RANGE:
473 	case Pecos::CONTINUOUS_INTERVAL_UNCERTAIN: // bounded
474 	  u_types[i] = Pecos::STD_UNIFORM;                            break;
475 	// TO DO: discrete types ddv, dauv, deuv, dsv
476 	default:	               err_flag = true;               break;
477 	}
478 	break;
479       case ASKEY_U:
480 	switch (x_types[i]) {
481 	case Pecos::NORMAL:           case Pecos::BOUNDED_NORMAL:
482 	case Pecos::LOGNORMAL:        case Pecos::BOUNDED_LOGNORMAL:
483 	case Pecos::GUMBEL:           case Pecos::FRECHET:
484 	case Pecos::WEIBULL:
485 	  u_types[i] = Pecos::STD_NORMAL;      break;
486 	case Pecos::UNIFORM:          case Pecos::LOGUNIFORM:
487 	case Pecos::TRIANGULAR:       case Pecos::HISTOGRAM_BIN:
489 	  u_types[i] = Pecos::STD_UNIFORM;     break;
490 	case Pecos::EXPONENTIAL: u_types[i] = Pecos::STD_EXPONENTIAL; break;
491 	case Pecos::BETA:        u_types[i] = Pecos::STD_BETA;        break;
492 	case Pecos::GAMMA:       u_types[i] = Pecos::STD_GAMMA;       break;
493 	// TO DO: discrete types ddv, dauv, deuv, dsv
494 	//case Pecos::POISSON:           case Pecos::BINOMIAL:
495 	//case Pecos::NEGATIVE_BINOMIAL: case Pecos::GEOMETRIC:
496 	//case Pecos::HYPERGEOMETRIC:
497 	default:                 err_flag = true;                     break;
498 	}
499 	break;
500       case EXTENDED_U:
501 	switch (x_types[i]) {
502 	case Pecos::CONTINUOUS_RANGE:  case Pecos::UNIFORM:
503 	  u_types[i] = Pecos::STD_UNIFORM;                            break;
504 	case Pecos::NORMAL:      u_types[i] = Pecos::STD_NORMAL;      break;
505 	case Pecos::EXPONENTIAL: u_types[i] = Pecos::STD_EXPONENTIAL; break;
506 	case Pecos::BETA:        u_types[i] = Pecos::STD_BETA;        break;
507 	case Pecos::GAMMA:       u_types[i] = Pecos::STD_GAMMA;       break;
508 	default:                 u_types[i] = x_types[i];             break;
509 	}
510 	break;
511       }
512     else // inactive variables are not transformed
513       u_types[i] = x_types[i];
515   if (err_flag) {
516     Cerr << "Error: unsupported mapping in ProbabilityTransformModel::"
517          << "initialize_distribution_transformation()." << std::endl;
518     abort_handler(MODEL_ERROR);
519   }
521   std::shared_ptr<Pecos::MarginalsCorrDistribution> u_dist_rep =
522     std::static_pointer_cast<Pecos::MarginalsCorrDistribution>
523     (u_dist.multivar_dist_rep());
524   u_dist_rep->initialize_types(u_types, active_rv);
525 }
verify_correlation_support(short u_space_type)528 void ProbabilityTransformModel::verify_correlation_support(short u_space_type)
529 {
530   Pecos::MultivariateDistribution& x_dist
531     = subModel.multivariate_distribution();
532   if (x_dist.correlation()) {
533     const Pecos::ShortArray&   x_types = x_dist.random_variable_types();
534     const Pecos::ShortArray&   u_types = mvDist.random_variable_types();
535     const Pecos::RealSymMatrix& x_corr = x_dist.correlation_matrix();
536     const Pecos::BitArray& active_corr = x_dist.active_correlations();
537     size_t i, j, corr_i, corr_j, num_rv = x_types.size();
538     bool no_mask = active_corr.empty();
540     // We can only decorrelate in std normal space; therefore, if a variable
541     // with a u_type other than STD_NORMAL is correlated with anything, change
542     // its u_type to STD_NORMAL.
543     if (u_space_type != STD_NORMAL_U) {
544       for (i=0, corr_i=0; i<num_rv; ++i)
545 	if (no_mask || active_corr[i]) {
546 	  if (u_types[i] != Pecos::STD_NORMAL)
547 	    // since we don't check all rows, check all columns despite symmetry
548 	    for (j=0, corr_j=0; j<num_rv; ++j)
549 	      if (no_mask || active_corr[j]) {
550 		if (i != j && std::abs(x_corr(corr_i, corr_j)) >
551 		    Pecos::SMALL_NUMBER) {
552 		  Cerr << "\nWarning: u-space type for random variable " << i+1
553 		       << " changed to\n         STD_NORMAL due to "
554 		       << "decorrelation requirements.\n";
555 		  mvDist.random_variable_type(Pecos::STD_NORMAL, i);
556 		  break; // out of inner loop
557 		}
558 		++corr_j;
559 	      }
560 	  ++corr_i;
561 	}
563       /*
564       for (i=0; i<num_rv; ++i)
565 	if (u_types[i] != Pecos::STD_NORMAL) {
566 	  // since we don't check all rows, check all columns despite symmetry
567 	  corr_i = rv_index_to_corr_index(i);
568 	  if (corr_i != _NPOS)
569 	    for (j=0, corr_j=0; j<num_rv; ++j)
570 	      if (i != j) {
571 		corr_j = rv_index_to_corr_index(j);
572 		if (corr_j != _NPOS &&
573 		    std::abs(x_corr(corr_i, corr_j)) > Pecos::SMALL_NUMBER) {
574 		  Cerr << "\nWarning: u-space type for random variable " << i+1
575 		       << " changed to\n         STD_NORMAL due to "
576 		       << "decorrelation requirements.\n";
577 		  mvDist.random_variable_type(Pecos::STD_NORMAL, i);
578 		  break; // out of inner loop
579 		}
580 	      }
581 	}
582       */
583     }
585     // Check for correlations among variable types (bounded normal, bounded
586     // lognormal, loguniform, triangular, beta, and histogram) that are not
587     // supported by Der Kiureghian & Liu for correlation warping estimation
588     // when transforming to std normals.
589     bool err_flag = false;
590     for (i=0, corr_i=0; i<num_rv; ++i) {
591       bool distribution_error = false;
592       if (no_mask || active_corr[i]) {
593 	short x_type = x_types[i];
594 	if (x_type == Pecos::BOUNDED_NORMAL    || x_type == Pecos::LOGUNIFORM ||
595 	    x_type == Pecos::BOUNDED_LOGNORMAL || x_type == Pecos::TRIANGULAR ||
596 	    x_type == Pecos::BETA || x_type == Pecos::HISTOGRAM_BIN)
597 	  // since we don't check all rows, check all columns despite symmetry
598 	  for (j=0, corr_j=0; j<num_rv; ++j)
599 	    if (no_mask || active_corr[j]) {
600 	      if (i != j &&
601 		  std::abs(x_corr(corr_i, corr_j)) > Pecos::SMALL_NUMBER)
602 		{ distribution_error = true; break; }
603 	      ++corr_j;
604 	    }
605 	++corr_i;
606       }
607       if (distribution_error) {
608 	Cerr << "Error: correlation warping for Nataf variable transformation "
609 	     << "of bounded normal,\n       bounded lognormal, loguniform, "
610 	     << "triangular, beta, and histogram bin\n       distributions is "
611 	     << "not currently supported.  Error detected for variable " << i+1
612 	     << "." << std::endl;
613 	err_flag = true;
614       }
615     }
616     if (err_flag)
617       abort_handler(MODEL_ERROR);
618   }
619 }
622 unsigned short ProbabilityTransformModel::
pecos_to_dakota_variable_type(unsigned short pecos_var_type,size_t rv_index)623 pecos_to_dakota_variable_type(unsigned short pecos_var_type, size_t rv_index)
624 {
625   const SizetArray& vc_totals
626     = subModel.current_variables().shared_data().components_totals();
627   switch (pecos_var_type) {
628   case Pecos::CONTINUOUS_RANGE:    // non-unique mapping
629     return (rv_index < vc_totals[TOTAL_CDV]) ? // not subject to active subsets
630       CONTINUOUS_DESIGN : CONTINUOUS_STATE;                    break;
631   case Pecos::DISCRETE_RANGE:      // non-unique mapping
632     return (rv_index < vc_totals[TOTAL_CDV]  + vc_totals[TOTAL_DDIV]) ?
634   case Pecos::DISCRETE_SET_INT:    // non-unique mapping
635     return (rv_index < vc_totals[TOTAL_CDV]  + vc_totals[TOTAL_DDIV]) ?
637   case Pecos::DISCRETE_SET_STRING: // non-unique mapping
638     return (rv_index < vc_totals[TOTAL_CDV]  + vc_totals[TOTAL_DDIV] +
639 	               vc_totals[TOTAL_DDSV]) ?
641   case Pecos::DISCRETE_SET_REAL:   // non-unique mapping
642     return (rv_index < vc_totals[TOTAL_CDV]  + vc_totals[TOTAL_DDIV] +
643 	               vc_totals[TOTAL_DDSV] + vc_totals[TOTAL_DDRV]) ?
645   // continuous aleatory
646   case Pecos::STD_NORMAL: case Pecos::NORMAL: case Pecos::BOUNDED_NORMAL:
647     return NORMAL_UNCERTAIN;  break;
648   case Pecos::LOGNORMAL: case Pecos::BOUNDED_LOGNORMAL:
649     return LOGNORMAL_UNCERTAIN; break;
650   case Pecos::STD_UNIFORM: case Pecos::UNIFORM:
651     return UNIFORM_UNCERTAIN; break;
652   case Pecos::LOGUNIFORM:
653     return LOGUNIFORM_UNCERTAIN; break;
654   case Pecos::TRIANGULAR:
655     return TRIANGULAR_UNCERTAIN; break;
656   case Pecos::STD_EXPONENTIAL: case Pecos::EXPONENTIAL:
657     return EXPONENTIAL_UNCERTAIN; break;
658   case Pecos::STD_BETA: case Pecos::BETA:
659     return BETA_UNCERTAIN; break;
660   case Pecos::STD_GAMMA: case Pecos::GAMMA:
661     return GAMMA_UNCERTAIN; break;
662   case Pecos::GUMBEL:
663     return GUMBEL_UNCERTAIN; break;
664   case Pecos::FRECHET:
665     return FRECHET_UNCERTAIN; break;
666   case Pecos::WEIBULL:
667     return WEIBULL_UNCERTAIN; break;
668   case Pecos::HISTOGRAM_BIN:
669     return HISTOGRAM_BIN_UNCERTAIN; break;
670   // discrete aleatory
671   case Pecos::POISSON:
672     return POISSON_UNCERTAIN; break;
673   case Pecos::BINOMIAL:
674     return BINOMIAL_UNCERTAIN; break;
675   case Pecos::NEGATIVE_BINOMIAL:
676     return NEGATIVE_BINOMIAL_UNCERTAIN; break;
677   case Pecos::GEOMETRIC:
678     return GEOMETRIC_UNCERTAIN; break;
679   case Pecos::HYPERGEOMETRIC:
680     return HYPERGEOMETRIC_UNCERTAIN; break;
681   case Pecos::HISTOGRAM_PT_INT:
682     return HISTOGRAM_POINT_UNCERTAIN_INT; break;
683   case Pecos::HISTOGRAM_PT_STRING:
685   case Pecos::HISTOGRAM_PT_REAL:
687   // continuous epistemic
690   // discrete epistemic
692     return DISCRETE_INTERVAL_UNCERTAIN; break;
694     return DISCRETE_UNCERTAIN_SET_INT; break;
696     return DISCRETE_UNCERTAIN_SET_STRING; break;
698     return DISCRETE_UNCERTAIN_SET_REAL; break;
699   default:
700     Cerr << "Error: unsupported Pecos distribution type in "
701          << "pecos_to_dakota_variable_type()." << std::endl;
702     abort_handler(MODEL_ERROR);  return 0;  break;
703   }
704 }
707 void ProbabilityTransformModel::
resp_x_to_u_mapping(const Variables & x_vars,const Variables & u_vars,const Response & x_response,Response & u_response)708 resp_x_to_u_mapping(const Variables& x_vars,     const Variables& u_vars,
709                     const Response&  x_response, Response&        u_response)
710 {
711   const RealVector&         x_cv      = x_vars.continuous_variables();
712   SizetMultiArrayConstView  x_cv_ids  = x_vars.continuous_variable_ids();
713   SizetMultiArrayConstView  x_acv_ids = x_vars.all_continuous_variable_ids();
714   const RealVector&         x_fns     = x_response.function_values();
716   // In this recasting, the inputs and outputs are mapped one-to-one, with no
717   // reordering.  However, the x-space ASV may be augmented from the original
718   // u-space ASV due to nonlinear mapping logic in RecastModel::transform_set().
719   const ShortArray& u_asv = u_response.active_set_request_vector();
720   const SizetArray& u_dvv = u_response.active_set_derivative_vector();
721   const ShortArray& x_asv = x_response.active_set_request_vector();
722   const SizetArray& x_dvv = x_response.active_set_derivative_vector();
723   Pecos::MultivariateDistribution& x_dist
724     = ptmInstance->subModel.multivariate_distribution();
725   size_t i, j, num_fns = x_asv.size(), num_deriv_vars = x_dvv.size();
726   if (u_asv.size() != num_fns) {
727     Cerr << "Error: inconsistent response function definition in Probability"
728 	 << "TransformModel::resp_x_to_u_mapping().\n       x-space response "
729 	 << "size = " << num_fns << ", u-space response size =\n"
730 	 << u_asv.size() << std::endl;
731     abort_handler(MODEL_ERROR);
732   }
733   if (!x_dist.correlation() && u_dvv != x_dvv) {
734     Cerr << "Error: inconsistent derivative component definition in Probability"
735 	 << "TransformModel::resp_x_to_u_mapping().\nx-space DVV =\n" << x_dvv
736          << "u-space DVV =\n" << u_dvv << std::endl;
737     abort_handler(MODEL_ERROR);
738   }
739   bool u_grad_flag = false, u_hess_flag = false;
740   for (i=0; i<num_fns; ++i) {
741     if (u_asv[i] & 2)
742       u_grad_flag = true;
743     if (u_asv[i] & 4)
744       u_hess_flag = true;
745   }
747   bool map_derivs = ( (u_grad_flag || u_hess_flag) &&
748                       u_dvv != u_vars.inactive_continuous_variable_ids() );
749   RealVector   fn_grad_x,  fn_grad_us;  RealSymMatrix      fn_hess_us;
750   RealMatrix jacobian_xu, jacobian_xs;  RealSymMatrixArray hessian_xu;
752   if (map_derivs) {
753     // The following transformation data is invariant w.r.t. the response fns
754     // and is computed outside of the num_fns loop
755     if (ptmInstance->distParamDerivs > NO_DERIVS)
756       ptmInstance->natafTransform.jacobian_dX_dS(x_cv, jacobian_xs,
757 	x_cv_ids, x_acv_ids, ptmInstance->primaryACVarMapIndices,
758 	ptmInstance->secondaryACVarMapTargets);
759     else {
760       if (u_grad_flag || u_hess_flag)
761         ptmInstance->natafTransform.jacobian_dX_dU(x_cv, jacobian_xu);
762       if (u_hess_flag && ptmInstance->nonlinearVarsMapping)
763         ptmInstance->natafTransform.hessian_d2X_dU2(x_cv, hessian_xu);
764     }
765   }
767   for (i=0; i<num_fns; ++i) {
768     short u_asv_val = u_asv[i]; // original request from iterator
769     short x_asv_val = x_asv[i]; // mapped request for sub-model
771     // map value g(x) to G(u)
772     if (u_asv_val & 1) {
773       if ( !(x_asv_val & 1) ) {
774         Cerr << "Error: missing required sub-model data in ProbabilityTransform"
775 	     << "Model::resp_x_to_u_mapping()" << std::endl;
776         abort_handler(MODEL_ERROR);
777       }
778       // no transformation: g(x) = G(u) by definition
779       u_response.function_value(x_fns[i], i);
780     }
782     // manage data requirements for derivative transformations: if fn_grad_x
783     // is needed for Hessian x-form (nonlinear I/O mapping), then x_asv has been
784     // augmented to include the gradient in RecastModel::transform_set().
785     if (x_asv_val & 2)
786       fn_grad_x = x_response.function_gradient_view(i);
788     // map gradient dg/dx to dG/du
789     if (u_asv_val & 2) {
790       if ( !(x_asv_val & 2) ) {
791         Cerr << "Error: missing required gradient sub-model data in Probability"
792 	     << "TransformModel::resp_x_to_u_mapping()" << std::endl;
793         abort_handler(MODEL_ERROR);
794       }
795       if (map_derivs) { // perform transformation
796         fn_grad_us = u_response.function_gradient_view(i);
797         if (ptmInstance->distParamDerivs > NO_DERIVS) // transform subset
798           ptmInstance->natafTransform.trans_grad_X_to_S(fn_grad_x,
799             fn_grad_us, jacobian_xs, x_dvv, x_cv_ids, x_acv_ids,
800             ptmInstance->primaryACVarMapIndices,
801             ptmInstance->secondaryACVarMapTargets);
802         else // transform subset of components
803           ptmInstance->natafTransform.trans_grad_X_to_U(fn_grad_x,
804             fn_grad_us, jacobian_xu, x_dvv, x_cv_ids);
805       }
806       else // no transformation: dg/dx = dG/du
807         u_response.function_gradient(fn_grad_x, i);
808     }
810     // map Hessian d^2g/dx^2 to d^2G/du^2
811     if (u_asv_val & 4) {
812       if ( !(x_asv_val & 4) || ( map_derivs &&
813 	   ptmInstance->nonlinearVarsMapping && !(x_asv_val & 2) ) ) {
814         Cerr << "Error: missing required sub-model data in Probability"
815 	     << "TransformModel::resp_x_to_u_mapping()" << std::endl;
816         abort_handler(MODEL_ERROR);
817       }
818       const RealSymMatrix& fn_hess_x = x_response.function_hessian(i);
819       if (map_derivs) { // perform transformation
820         fn_hess_us = u_response.function_hessian_view(i);
821         if (ptmInstance->distParamDerivs > NO_DERIVS) { // transform subset
822           Cerr << "Error: Hessians with respect to inserted variables not yet "
823                << "supported." << std::endl;
824           abort_handler(MODEL_ERROR);
825           //ptmInstance->natafTransform.trans_hess_X_to_S(fn_hess_x,
826           //  fn_hess_us, jacobian_xs, hessian_xs, fn_grad_s, x_dvv,
827           //  x_cv_ids, x_vars.all_continuous_variable_ids(),
828           //  ptmInstance->primaryACVarMapIndices,
829           //  ptmInstance->secondaryACVarMapTargets);
830         }
831 	else // transform subset of components
832           ptmInstance->natafTransform.trans_hess_X_to_U(fn_hess_x, fn_hess_us,
833               jacobian_xu, hessian_xu, fn_grad_x, x_dvv, x_cv_ids);
834       }
835       else // no transformation: d^2g/dx^2 = d^2G/du^2
836         u_response.function_hessian(fn_hess_x, i);
837     }
838   }
840 #ifdef DEBUG
841   Cout << "\nx_response:\n" << x_response
842        << "\nu_response:\n" << u_response << std::endl;
843 #endif
844 }
847 /** Define the DVV for x-space derivative evaluations by augmenting
848     the iterator requests to account for correlations. */
849 void ProbabilityTransformModel::
set_u_to_x_mapping(const Variables & u_vars,const ActiveSet & u_set,ActiveSet & x_set)850 set_u_to_x_mapping(const Variables& u_vars, const ActiveSet& u_set,
851 		   ActiveSet& x_set)
852 {
853   Pecos::MultivariateDistribution& x_dist
854     = ptmInstance->subModel.multivariate_distribution();
855   //if (ptmInstance->distParamDerivs > NO_DERIVS) {
856   //}
857   //else
858   if (x_dist.correlation()) {
859     const SizetArray& u_dvv = u_set.derivative_vector();
860     bool std_dvv = (u_dvv == u_vars.continuous_variable_ids() ||
861 		    u_dvv == u_vars.inactive_continuous_variable_ids());
862     if (!std_dvv) { // partial random variable derivatives: check correlations
863       SizetArray x_dvv;
864       SizetMultiArrayConstView acv_ids = u_vars.all_continuous_variable_ids();
865       size_t i, j, corr_i, corr_j, acv_id_i, num_acv = acv_ids.size();
866       const RealSymMatrix& corr_x = x_dist.correlation_matrix();
867       for (i=0; i<num_acv; ++i) { // insert in ascending order
868         acv_id_i = acv_ids[i];
869         if (contains(u_dvv, acv_id_i))
870           x_dvv.push_back(acv_id_i);
871         else {
872 	  corr_i = ptmInstance->acv_index_to_corr_index(i);
873 	  if (corr_i != _NPOS)
874 	    for (j=0; j<num_acv; ++j)
875 	      if (j != i) {
876 		corr_j = ptmInstance->acv_index_to_corr_index(j);
877 		if (corr_j != _NPOS &&
878 		    std::abs(corr_x(corr_i, corr_j)) > Pecos::SMALL_NUMBER &&
879 		    contains(u_dvv, acv_ids[j]))
880 		  { x_dvv.push_back(acv_id_i);  break; }
881 	      }
882         }
883       }
884       x_set.derivative_vector(x_dvv);
885     }
886   }
887   // else copying DVV in RecastModel::transform_set() is sufficient
888 }
890 }  // namespace Dakota