1#@ s*: Label=FastTest
2# This input file tests the string variable capability by using a
3# string variable to specify the analysis component for anisotropy
4# level to Gerstner.
7        tabular_data
8#	output_precision = 16
11	multidim_parameter_study			#s0,#s1
12	  # exercise each of three string levels	#s0
13          partitions = 3 3 2		  		#s0
14#	  # exercise only three of five string levels	#s1
15#	  partitions = 2 3 2 	       	      		#s1
16#       # for sets with even number elements 'center' is left of center	#s2
17#	centered_parameter_study			      	 	#s2
18#	  step_vector 2 1 2						#s2
19#	  steps_per_variable 1 1 1					#s2
20#	list_parameter_study   	 					#s3,#s4
21#	  # iterate points in reverse order (sets use 0-based indices)	#s3
22#	  list_of_points 		  				#s3
23#	    4 3 4							#s3
24#	    3 2 3 							#s3
25#	    2 1	2    							#s3
26#	    1 0 1							#s3
27#	  # test file read of string data (values are read, not indices) #s4
28#	  import_points_file 'dakota_gerstner_string.4.dat'		 #s4
29#	    freeform  							 #s4
30#       sampling			#s5
31#         sample_type lhs 		#s5
32#         samples = 60			#s5
33#         seed = 5837			#s5
36        active uncertain						#s0,#s1,#s5
37	uniform_uncertain = 2						#s0,#s1,#s5
38	  lower_bounds      0.  0.					#s0,#s1,#s5
39	  initial_point     0.5 0.5					#s0,#s1,#s5
40	  upper_bounds      1.  1.					#s0,#s1,#s5
41	  descriptors =    'x' 'y'					#s0,#s1,#s5
42        discrete_uncertain_set string = 1					#s0,#s1,#s5
43          elements_per_variable = 3					#s0,#s5
44          elements = 'iso1' 'iso2' 'iso3'			       	#s0,#s5
45#          elements = 'aniso1' 'aniso2' 'iso1' 'iso2' 'iso3' 		#s1
46          set_probabilities = 1. 1. 1.     	    			#s0,#s5
47          descriptors = 'ancomp'    					#s0,#s1,#s5
49#	active design							#s2,#s3
50#	discrete_design_set 						#s2,#s3
51#	  integer = 2							#s2,#s3
52#	    elements_per_variable = 5 4					#s2,#s3
53#	    elements  1 3 5 7 9 					#s2,#s3
54#	              2 4 6 8						#s2,#s3
55#	    descriptors =    'x' 'y'					#s2,#s3
56#	  string = 1 							#s2,#s3
57#	    elements = 'aniso1' 'aniso2' 'iso1' 'iso2' 'iso3'  		#s2,#s3
58#           descriptors = 'ancomp'    					#s2,#s3
60#	active state							#s4
61#	discrete_state_set 						#s4
62#	  integer = 2							#s4
63#	    elements_per_variable = 5 4					#s4
64#	    elements  1 3 5 7 9 					#s4
65#	              2 4 6 8						#s4
66#	    descriptors =    'x' 'y'					#s4
67#	  string = 1 							#s4
68#	    elements = 'aniso1' 'aniso2' 'iso1' 'iso2' 'iso3'  		#s4
69#           descriptors = 'ancomp'    					#s4
72        fork asynchronous evaluation_concurrency = 4
73          analysis_driver = 'gerstner_string'
74          parameters_file = 'params.in'
75          results_file = 'results.out'
76          file_tag
79        response_functions = 1
80        no_gradients
81        no_hessians