1 /*  _______________________________________________________________________
3     DAKOTA: Design Analysis Kit for Optimization and Terascale Applications
4     Copyright 2014-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC (NTESS).
5     This software is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License.
6     For more information, see the README file in the top Dakota directory.
7     _______________________________________________________________________ */
9 #include <cstdlib>
10 #include <iostream>
11 #include <fstream>
12 #include <string>
13 #include <vector>
14 #include <map>
15 #include <algorithm>
16 #include <cctype>
18 enum var_t { FS, P1, P2, P3, B, D, H, F0, E }; // order in Kuschel & Rackwitz
main(int argc,char ** argv)21 int main(int argc, char** argv)
22 {
24   std::ifstream fin(argv[1]);
25   if (!fin) {
26     std::cerr << "\nError: failure opening " << argv[1] << std::endl;
27     exit(-1);
28   }
29   size_t i, j, num_vars, num_fns, num_deriv_vars;
30   std::string vars_text, fns_text, dvv_text;
32   // define the std::string to enumeration map
33   std::map<std::string, var_t> var_t_map;
34   var_t_map["fs"] = FS; var_t_map["p1"] = P1; var_t_map["p2"] = P2;
35   var_t_map["p3"] = P3; var_t_map["b"]  = B;  var_t_map["d"]  = D;
36   var_t_map["h"]  = H;  var_t_map["f0"] = F0; var_t_map["e"]  = E;
38   // Get the parameter std::vector and ignore the labels
39   fin >> num_vars >> vars_text;
40   std::map<var_t, double> vars;
41   std::vector<var_t> labels(num_vars);
42   double var_i; std::string label_i; var_t v_i;
43   std::map<std::string, var_t>::iterator v_iter;
44   for (i=0; i<num_vars; i++) {
45     fin >> var_i >> label_i;
46     transform(label_i.begin(), label_i.end(), label_i.begin(),
47 	      (int(*)(int))tolower);
48     v_iter = var_t_map.find(label_i);
49     if (v_iter == var_t_map.end()) {
50       std::cerr << "Error: label \"" << label_i << "\" not supported in analysis "
51 	   << "driver." << std::endl;
52       exit(-1);
53     }
54     else
55       v_i = v_iter->second;
56     vars[v_i] = var_i;
57     labels[i] = v_i;
58   }
60   // Get the ASV std::vector and ignore the labels
61   fin >> num_fns >> fns_text;
62   std::vector<short> ASV(num_fns);
63   for (i=0; i<num_fns; i++) {
64     fin >> ASV[i];
65     fin.ignore(256, '\n');
66   }
68   // Get the DVV std::vector and ignore the labels
69   fin >> num_deriv_vars >> dvv_text;
70   std::vector<var_t> DVV(num_deriv_vars);
71   unsigned int dvv_i;
72   for (i=0; i<num_deriv_vars; i++) {
73     fin >> dvv_i;
74     fin.ignore(256, '\n');
75     DVV[i] = labels[dvv_i-1];
76   }
78   if (num_vars != 9 || num_fns != 1) {
79     std::cerr << "Error: wrong number of inputs/outputs in steel_column_perf."<<std::endl;
80     exit(-1);
81   }
83   // Compute the results and output them directly to argv[2] (the NO_FILTER
84   // option is used).  Response tags are optional; output them for ease
85   // of results readability.
86   std::ofstream fout(argv[2]);
87   if (!fout) {
88     std::cerr << "\nError: failure creating " << argv[2] << std::endl;
89     exit(-1);
90   }
91   fout.precision(15); // 16 total digits
92   fout.setf(std::ios::scientific);
93   fout.setf(std::ios::right);
95   // In the steel column description in Kuschel & Rackwitz, Cost is _not_
96   // defined as a random variable.  That is Cost is not a fn(B, D, H), but
97   // is rather defined as a fn(b, d, h).  Since dCost/dX|_{X=mean} is not the
98   // same as dCost/dmean for non-normal X (jacobian_dX_dS is not 1), dCost/dX
99   // may not be used and an optional interface must be defined for Cost.
101   // set effective length s based on assumed boundary conditions
102   // actual length of the column is 7500 mm
103   double s = 7500;
105   // fs = yield stress     (lognormal unc. var.)
106   // p1 = dead weight load (normal    unc. var.)
107   // p2 = variable load    (gumbel    unc. var.)
108   // p3 = variable load    (gumbel    unc. var.)
109   // b  = flange breadth   (lognormal unc. var., mean is design var.)
110   // d  = flange thickness (lognormal unc. var., mean is design var.)
111   // h  = profile height   (lognormal unc. var., mean is design var.)
112   // f0 = init. deflection (normal    unc. var.)
113   // e  = elastic modulus  (weibull   unc. var.)
115   double f0 = vars[F0], b = vars[B], d = vars[D], h = vars[H], fs = vars[FS],
116     e = vars[E], p = vars[P1]+vars[P2]+vars[P3], Pi = 3.1415926535897932385,
117     Pi2 = Pi*Pi, Pi4 = Pi2*Pi2, Pi6 = Pi2*Pi4, b2 = b*b, d2 = d*d, h2 = h*h,
118     h3 = h*h2, h5 = h2*h3, e2 = e*e, e3 = e*e2, s2 = s*s,
119     X = Pi2*e*b*d*h2 - 2.*s2*p, X2 = X*X, X3 = X*X2;
121   // **** g (limit state):
122   if (ASV[0] & 1)
123     fout << "                     "
124 	 << fs - p*(1./2./b/d + Pi2*f0*e*h/X) << " g\n";
126   // **** dg/dx (w.r.t. active/uncertain variables):
127   if (ASV[0] & 2) {
128     fout << "[ ";
129     for (i=0; i<num_deriv_vars; i++)
130       switch (DVV[i]) {
131       case F0: // df/df0
132 	fout << -e*h*p*Pi2/X << ' ';
133 	break;
134       case P1: case P2: case P3: // df/dp1, df/dp2, df/dp3
135 	fout << -1./2./b/d - b*d*e2*f0*h3*Pi4/X2 << ' ';
136 	break;
137       case B: // df/db
138 	fout << p*(1./2./b2/d + d*e2*f0*h3*Pi4/X2) << ' ';
139 	break;
140       case D: // df/dd
141 	fout << p*(1./2./b/d2 + b*e2*f0*h3*Pi4/X2) << ' ';
142 	break;
143       case H: // df/dh
144 	fout << e*f0*p*Pi2*(X + 4.*p*s2)/X2 << ' ';
145 	break;
146       case FS: // df/dfs
147 	fout << "1. ";
148 	break;
149       case E: // df/de
150 	fout << 2.*f0*h*p*p*Pi2*s2/X2 << ' ';
151 	break;
152       }
153     fout << "]\n";
154   }
156   // **** d^2g/dx^2: (SORM)
157   if (ASV[0] & 4) {
158     fout << "[[ ";
159     for (i=0; i<num_deriv_vars; i++)
160       for (j=0; j<num_deriv_vars; j++)
161 	if (DVV[i] == FS || DVV[j] == FS)          // d^2g/dfs^2
162 	  fout << "0. ";
163 	else if ( (DVV[i] == P1 && DVV[j] == P1) ||
164                   (DVV[i] == P1 && DVV[j] == P2) ||
165                   (DVV[i] == P1 && DVV[j] == P3) ||
166 		  (DVV[i] == P2 && DVV[j] == P1) ||
167 		  (DVV[i] == P2 && DVV[j] == P2) ||
168 		  (DVV[i] == P2 && DVV[j] == P3) ||
169 		  (DVV[i] == P3 && DVV[j] == P1) ||
170 		  (DVV[i] == P3 && DVV[j] == P2) ||
171 		  (DVV[i] == P3 && DVV[j] == P3) ) // d^2g/dpdp
172 	  fout << -4.*b*d*e2*f0*h3*Pi4*s2/X3 << ' ';
173 	else if ( (DVV[i] == P1 && DVV[j] == B) ||
174  		  (DVV[i] == P2 && DVV[j] == B) ||
175 		  (DVV[i] == P3 && DVV[j] == B) ||
176 		  (DVV[i] == B  && DVV[j] == P1) ||
177 		  (DVV[i] == B  && DVV[j] == P2) ||
178 		  (DVV[i] == B  && DVV[j] == P3) ) // d^2g/dpdb
179 	  fout << 1./2./b2/d + d*e2*f0*h3*Pi4/X2*(2.*b*d*e*h2*Pi2/X - 1.) <<' ';
180 	else if ( (DVV[i] == P1 && DVV[j] == D) ||
181  		  (DVV[i] == P2 && DVV[j] == D) ||
182 		  (DVV[i] == P3 && DVV[j] == D) ||
183 		  (DVV[i] == D  && DVV[j] == P1) ||
184 		  (DVV[i] == D  && DVV[j] == P2) ||
185 		  (DVV[i] == D  && DVV[j] == P3) ) // d^2g/dpdd
186 	  fout << 1./2./b/d2 + b*e2*f0*h3*Pi4/X2*(2.*b*d*e*h2*Pi2/X - 1.) <<' ';
187 	else if ( (DVV[i] == P1 && DVV[j] == H) ||
188  		  (DVV[i] == P2 && DVV[j] == H) ||
189 		  (DVV[i] == P3 && DVV[j] == H) ||
190 		  (DVV[i] == H  && DVV[j] == P1) ||
191 		  (DVV[i] == H  && DVV[j] == P2) ||
192 		  (DVV[i] == H  && DVV[j] == P3) ) // d^2g/dpdh
193 	  fout << b*d*e2*f0*h2*Pi4*(X+8.*p*s2)/X3 << ' ';
194 	else if ( (DVV[i] == P1 && DVV[j] == F0) ||
195  		  (DVV[i] == P2 && DVV[j] == F0) ||
196 		  (DVV[i] == P3 && DVV[j] == F0) ||
197 		  (DVV[i] == F0 && DVV[j] == P1) ||
198 		  (DVV[i] == F0 && DVV[j] == P2) ||
199 		  (DVV[i] == F0 && DVV[j] == P3) ) // d^2g/dpdf0
200 	  fout << -b*d*e2*h3*Pi4/X2 << ' ';
201 	else if ( (DVV[i] == P1 && DVV[j] == E) ||
202  		  (DVV[i] == P2 && DVV[j] == E) ||
203 		  (DVV[i] == P3 && DVV[j] == E) ||
204 		  (DVV[i] == E  && DVV[j] == P1) ||
205 		  (DVV[i] == E  && DVV[j] == P2) ||
206 		  (DVV[i] == E  && DVV[j] == P3) ) // d^2g/dpde
207 	  fout << 4.*b*d*e*f0*h3*p*Pi4*s2/X3 << ' ';
208 	else if (DVV[i] == B && DVV[j] == B)     // d^2g/db^2
209 	  fout << -p*(1./b2/b/d + 2.*d2*e3*f0*h5*Pi6/X3) << ' ';
210 	else if ( (DVV[i] == B && DVV[j] == D) ||
211 		  (DVV[i] == D && DVV[j] == B) ) // d^2g/dbdd
212 	  fout << -p*(1./2./b2/d2 + e2*f0*h3*Pi4/X2*(2.*b*d*e*h2*Pi2/X - 1.))
213                << ' ';
214 	else if ( (DVV[i] == B && DVV[j] == H) ||
215 		  (DVV[i] == H && DVV[j] == B) ) // d^2g/dbdh
216 	  fout << -d*e2*f0*h2*p*Pi4*(X + 8.*p*s2)/X3 << ' ';
217 	else if ( (DVV[i] == F0 && DVV[j] == B) ||
218 		  (DVV[i] == B  && DVV[j] == F0) ) // d^2g/dbdf0
219 	  fout << d*e2*h3*p*Pi4/X2 << ' ';
220 	else if ( (DVV[i] == B && DVV[j] == E) ||
221 		  (DVV[i] == E && DVV[j] == B) ) // d^2g/dbde
222 	  fout << -4.*d*e*f0*h3*p*p*Pi4*s2/X3 << ' ';
223 	else if (DVV[i] == D && DVV[j] == D)     // d^2g/dd^2
224 	  fout << -p*(1./b/d2/d + 2.*b2*e3*f0*h5*Pi6/X3) << ' ';
225 	else if ( (DVV[i] == D && DVV[j] == H) ||
226 		  (DVV[i] == H && DVV[j] == D) ) // d^2g/dddh
227 	  fout << -b*e2*f0*h2*p*Pi4*(X + 8.*p*s2)/X3 << ' ';
228 	else if ( (DVV[i] == F0 && DVV[j] == D) ||
229 		  (DVV[i] == D  && DVV[j] == F0) ) // d^2g/dddf0
230 	  fout << b*e2*h3*p*Pi4/X2 << ' ';
231 	else if ( (DVV[i] == D && DVV[j] == E) ||
232 		  (DVV[i] == E && DVV[j] == D) ) // d^2g/ddde
233 	  fout << -4.*b*e*f0*h3*p*p*Pi4*s2/X3 << ' ';
234 	else if (DVV[i] == H && DVV[j] == H)     // d^2g/dh^2
235 	  fout << -2.*b*d*e2*f0*h*p*Pi4*(X + 8.*p*s2)/X3 << ' ';
236 	else if ( (DVV[i] == F0 && DVV[j] == H) ||
237 		  (DVV[i] == H  && DVV[j] == F0) ) // d^2g/dhdf0
238 	  fout << e*p*Pi2*(X + 4.*p*s2)/X2 << ' ';
239 	else if ( (DVV[i] == H && DVV[j] == E) ||
240 		  (DVV[i] == E && DVV[j] == H) ) // d^2g/dhde
241 	  fout << -2.*f0*p*p*Pi2*s2*(3.*X + 8.*p*s2)/X3 << ' ';
242 	else if (DVV[i] == F0 && DVV[j] == F0)     // d^2g/df0^2
243 	  fout << "0. ";
244 	else if ( (DVV[i] == F0 && DVV[j] == E) ||
245 		  (DVV[i] == E  && DVV[j] == F0) ) // d^2g/df0de
246 	  fout << 2.*h*p*p*Pi2*s2/X2 << ' ';
247 	else if (DVV[i] == E && DVV[j] == E)     // d^2g/de^2
248 	  fout << -4.*b*d*f0*h3*p*p*Pi4*s2/X3 << ' ';
249 	else { // unsupported derivative
250 	  std::cerr << "Error: unsupported Hessian cross term in steel_column."
251 	       << std::endl;
252 	  exit(-1);
253 	}
254     fout << "]]\n";
255   }
257   fout.flush();
258   fout.close();
259   return 0;
260 }