1 /*-*-mode: C; c-indentation-style: "bsd"; c-basic-offset: 4; -*-*/
2 /* general.h: general definitions needed by C code:
3    function prototypes, often used constants, etc.
5    (c) Pawel Salek, pawsa@theochem.kth.se, feb 2002
6 */
7 #ifndef _GENERAL_H_
8 #define _GENERAL_H_
10 #include <stdlib.h>
12 #if defined(VAR_INT64)
13 #include <stdint.h>
14    typedef int64_t integer;
15 #else
16    typedef int integer;
17 #endif
19 #if !defined(M_PI)
20 #define M_PI		3.14159265358979323846
21 #endif
23 #if !defined(RESTRICT)
24 #define RESTRICT
25 #endif
27 /* define the basic floating-point variable type used by the Fortran code */
29 #if !defined(__CVERSION)
30 #define __CVERSION__
31 #endif
33 #include "functionals.h"
35 #include "FSYMdef.h"
37 #define ELEMENTS(arr) (sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]))
41 /* Density evaluators */
42 typedef struct DftDensity_  DftDensity;
43 typedef struct DftGrid_     DftGrid;
45 typedef void (*DftDensEvaluator)(DftDensity* dens, FunDensProp* dp,
46                                  DftGrid* grid, real* tmp_vec);
47 struct DftDensity_ {
48     DftDensEvaluator evaluate;
49     real *dmata, *dmatb;
50 };
52 /* FirstDrv: matrix of first order derivatives with respect to two
53  * parameters: density rho and SQUARE of the gradient of density grho.
54  * zeta_i = |\nabla\rho_i|
55  * mu     = |\nabla\rho_\alpha||\nabla\rho_\beta|
56  */
58 typedef struct {
59     real fR;  /* d/drho F     */
60     real fZ;  /* d/zeta F     */
61 } FirstDrv;
63 /* SecondDrv:  matrix  of  second  order functional  derivatives  with
64  * respect  to two  parameters: density  rho and  SQUARE  of the
65  * density gradient zeta.  The derivatives are computed for alpha-alpha
66  * or beta-beta spin-orbital block (i.e. include triplet flag).
67  */
68 typedef struct {
69     real fR; /* d/drho  F */
70     real fZ; /* d/dzeta F */
71     real fRR; /* d/drho^2 F */
72     real fRZ; /* d/(drho dzeta) F */
73     real fZZ; /* d/dzeta^2 F */
74     /* additional derivatives required by  */
75     /* general linear response scheme     */
76     real fRG; /* d/(drho dgamma) F */
77     real fZG; /* d/(dzeta dgamma) F */
78     real fGG; /* d/dzgamma^2 F */
79     real fG;  /* d/dgamma F */
80 } SecondDrv;
82 /* ThirdDrv: matrix of third derivatives with respect to two parameters:
83    density rho and SQUARE of the density gradient zeta.
84 */
85 typedef struct {
86     real fR;   /* d/drho  F */
87     real fZ;   /* d/dzeta F */
88     real fG;   /* d/dgamma F */
89     real fRR[2];  /* d/drho^2 F */
90     real fRZ[2];  /* d/(drho dzeta) F */
91     real fZZ[2];  /* d/dzeta^2 F */
92     real fRG[2];  /* d/(drho dgamma) F */
93     real fRRR[2]; /* d/drho^2 F */
94     real fRRZ[2][2]; /* d/(drho^2 dzeta) F */
95     /* two forms of fRRG needed as the formulae is non symmetric */
96     real fRRG[2];     /* d/(drho^2 dgamma) F */
97     real fRRGX[2][2]; /* d/(drho^2 dgamma) F */
98     real fRZZ[2][2]; /* d/(drho dzeta^2 F */
99     real fZZZ[2]; /* d/dzeta^3 F */
100 } ThirdDrv;
103 typedef struct {
104     real fR;   /* d/drho  F */
105     real fZ;   /* d/dzeta F */
107     real fRR;  /* d/drho^2 F */
108     real fRZ;  /* d/(drho dzeta) F */
109     real fZZ;  /* d/dzeta^2 F */
111     real fRRR; /* d/drho^3 F */
112     real fRRZ; /* d/(drho^2 dzeta) F */
113     real fRZZ; /* d/(drho dzeta^2 F */
114     real fZZZ;
116     real fRRRR;
117     real fRRRZ;
118     real fRRZZ;
119     real fRZZZ;
120     real fZZZZ;
121 } FourthDrv;
123 void dftpot0_(FirstDrv *ds, const real* weight, const FunDensProp* dp);
124 void dftpot1_(SecondDrv *ds, const real* w, const FunDensProp* dp,
125               const integer* triplet);
126 void dftpot2_(ThirdDrv *ds, real factor, const FunDensProp* dp, integer isgga,
127               integer triplet);
128 void dftpot3ab_(FourthDrv *ds, const real *factor, const FunDensProp* dp,
129                 const integer *isgga);
132 void dft_dens_restricted  (DftDensity* dens, FunDensProp* dp, DftGrid* grid,
133                            real* tmp_vec);
134 void dft_dens_unrestricted(DftDensity* dens, FunDensProp* dp, DftGrid* grid,
135                            real* tmp_vec);
136 extern void
137 FSYM2(getexp_blocked_lda)(const integer *idsym, real*dmat, const real* atv,
138 			  const integer *nblocks, integer (*orbblocks)[2],
139 			  const integer *lda,
140 			  real *tmp, const integer * bllen, real *rho);
142 extern void
143 FSYM2(getexp_blocked_gga)(const integer *idsym, real*dmat, const real* atv,
144 			  const integer *nblocks, integer (*orbblocks)[2],
145 			  const integer *lda,
146 			  real *tmp, const integer * bllen, real (*grad)[4]);
150 /* Property evaluators */
151 void dft_lin_resp_(real* fmat, real *cmo, real *zymat, integer *trplet,
152 		   integer *ksymop, real* work, integer* lwork, integer* iprint);
153 void FSYM2(dft_lin_respf)(integer *nosim, real* fmat, real *cmo, real *zymat,
154                           integer *trplet, integer *ksymop, real* work,
155 			  integer* lwork, integer* iprint);
156 void dft_mol_grad_(real* dmat, real* work, integer* lwork, integer* iprint);
157 void dftqrcf_(real* fi, real* cmo, real* kappaY, integer* symY, integer* spinY,
158               real* kappaZ, integer* symZ, integer* spinZ, integer* addfock,
159               real* work, integer* lwork, integer* iprint);
160 void FSYM2(dft_qr_respons)(real* fi, real* cmo,
161                            real* kappaY, integer* symY, integer* spinY,
162 			   real* kappaZ, integer* symZ, integer* spinZ,
163                            integer* addfock, real* work, integer* lwork, integer* iprint);
164 void FSYM(dftcrcf)(real* fi, real* cmo,
165 		   real* kappaB, integer* symB,
166 		   real* kappaC, integer* symC,
167 		   real* kappaD, integer* symD,
168 		   real* work,   integer* lwork, integer* iprint);
169 void FSYM(numdso) (real* spndso, integer *nucind,
170                    real* work,   integer* lwork, integer* iprint);
173 void FSYM2(dft_kohn_shamab)  (real* dmat, real* ksm, real *edfty,
174                               real* work, integer *lwork, integer* iprint);
175 void FSYM2(dft_lin_respab)   (real* fmatc, real* fmato,  real *cmo, real *zymat,
176                               integer *trplet, integer *ksymop,
177 			      real* work, integer* lwork, integer* iprint);
178 void FSYM(dftmolgradab)      (real* work, integer* lwork, integer* iprint);
179 void FSYM2(dft_kohn_shamab_b)(real* dmat, real* ksm, real *edfty,
180 			      real* work, integer *lwork, integer* iprint);
181 void FSYM2(dft_lin_respab_b) (integer *nosim, real* fmatc, real* fmato, real *cmo,
182 			      real *zymat, integer *trplet, integer *ksymop,
183 			      real* work, integer* lwork, integer* iprint);
185 typedef void (*DFTPropEvalMaster)(void);
186 typedef void (*DFTPropEvalSlave)(real* work, integer* lwork, integer* iprint);
187 #if defined(VAR_MPI)
188 #include <mpi.h>
189 void dft_kohn_sham_slave    (real* work, integer* lwork, integer* iprint);
190 void dft_lin_resp_slave     (real* work, integer* lwork, integer* iprint);
191 void dft_lin_respf_slave    (real* work, integer* lwork, integer* iprint);
192 void dft_kohn_shamab_slave  (real* work, integer* lwork, integer* iprint);
193 void dft_lin_respab_slave   (real* work, integer* lwork, integer* iprint);
195 void dft_mol_grad_slave     (real* work, integer* lwork, integer* iprint);
196 void dft_qr_resp_slave      (real* work, integer* lwork, integer* iprint);
197 void dft_cr_resp_slave      (real* work, integer* lwork, integer* iprint);
198 void dft_qrbl_slave         (real* work, integer* lwork, integer* iprint);
199 void numdso_slave           (real* work, integer* lwork, integer* iprint);
200 void dft_kohn_shamab_b_slave(real* work, integer* lwork, integer* iprint);
201 void dft_lin_respab_b_slave (real* work, integer* lwork, integer* iprint);
202 void dft_wake_slaves(DFTPropEvalMaster);
203 typedef struct {
204     void*        data;
205     integer      count;
206     MPI_Datatype type;
207 } SyncData;
208 void mpi_sync_data(const SyncData* data, integer count);
209 #else
210 #define dft_wake_slaves(a)
211 #endif
213 void* dal_malloc_(size_t sz, const char *func, unsigned line);
214 #define dal_malloc(sz) dal_malloc_((sz),__FUNCTION__, __LINE__)
215 #define dal_new(sz,tp) (tp*)dal_malloc_((sz)*sizeof(tp),__FUNCTION__, __LINE__)
217 integer fort_print(const char* format, ...);
219 void FSYM(dzero) (real* arr, const integer* len);
220 void FSYM(dunit) (real* arr, const integer* len);
221 void FSYM(outmat)(const real* mat, const integer* rowlow, const integer* rowhi,
222 	     const integer* collow, const integer* colhi,
223              const integer* rowdim, const integer* coldim);
224 void FSYM(getrho)(const real*dmat, const real* atv, real* rho, real* dmagao,
225 	     const real* densthr);
226 void FSYM(make_dftgrid)(real* work, integer* lwork, const integer* d1, const integer* log1);
227 void FSYM(dftdns)(real* dmat, real* work, integer *lwork, const integer* iprint);
228 void FSYM(gtdmso)(real* udv, real* cmo, real* di, real* dv, real* work);
229 void FSYM(dftdnsab)(real* dmata,real* dmatb, real* work,
230                    integer* lwork, integer* iprint);
231 void udftmolgrdab_(real* gao, real* damta, real* dmatb, real* rha, real* rhb,
232                    real* vra, real* vrb, real* vza, real* vzb, real* vzg);
233 integer FSYM2(ishell_cnt)(void);
234 void dalton_quit(const char* format, ...);
236 /* BLAS and other linear algebra routines */
237 real dsum_(const integer* cnt, const real* v, const integer* stride);
238 void dscal_(const integer* cnt, const real* fac, real* v, const integer* stride);
239 real dnorm2_(const integer* cnt, const real* v, const integer* stride);
240 real ddot_(const integer* cnt, const real* v1, const integer* stride1,
241 	   const real* v2, const integer* stride2);
242 real dcopy_(const integer* cnt, const real* v1, const integer* stride1,
243 	   const real* v2, const integer* stride2);
244 void daxpy_(const integer* cnt, const real* alpha, const real* v1,
245 	    const integer* stride1, const real* v2, const integer* stride2);
247 void dger_(const integer* m, const integer* n, const real* alpha,
248 	   const real* x, const integer* incx, const real* y, const integer* incy,
249 	   real* a, const integer* lda);
251 void dgemv_(const char* tr, const integer* nrows, const integer* ncols,
252 	    const real* alpha, const real* a, const integer* lda,
253 	    const real* vb, const integer* strideb, const real* beta,
254 	    real* c, const integer* stridec);
256 void dgemm_(const char* transa, const char* transb, const integer* nrowc,
257 	    const integer* ncolc, const integer* ncolopa, const real* alpha,
258 	    const real* a, const integer* lda, const real* b, const integer* ldb,
259 	    const real* beta, real* c, const integer* ldc);
261 real* alloc_mat_MO(integer cnt);
263 void FSYM2(dft_get_ao_dens_mat)(const real* cmo, real* dmat,
264                                 real* work, integer* lwork);
265 void FSYM2(dft_get_ao_dens_matab)(real* cmo, real* dmata, real* dmatb,
266                                   real* work, integer* lwork);
267 void FSYM(lrao2mo)(const real* cmo, const integer *ksymop,
268                    const real*res, real* fmat, real* work, integer*lw);
270 /* useful  constants for fortran interfacing */
271 extern const integer ZEROI, ONEI, THREEI, FOURI;
272 extern const real    ZEROR, ONER, TWOR,   FOURR;
274 #if !defined __inline__
275 /* inline some stuff whenever possible */
276 #define __inline__
277 #endif
278 #define CHECK_WRKMEM(req,lwork)\
279  if((req)>(lwork)){dalton_quit("%s requires %u words but only %u available\n",\
280                    __FUNCTION__, (unsigned)(req), (unsigned)(lwork));}
282 #endif
284 /*strdup() replacement*/
285 char *StringDuplicate(const char *s1);