6module lucita_setup
8! stefan: interface to lucita setup routines which need to be called for each
9!         mcscf/ci runtype
11  implicit none
13  public setup_lucita_orbital_string_cb
14  public setup_lucita_pointer_strings_work_space
15  public setup_lucita_initialize_work_space
16  public setup_lucita_cb_interface
17  public setup_lucita_check_input
18  public setup_lucita_mcci_wrkspc_dimensions
19  public setup_lucita_par_dist_in_seq
20#ifdef VAR_MPI
21  public setup_lucita_inc_wrkspc_alloc_cw
24  private
26#include "priunit.h"
30  subroutine setup_lucita_orbital_string_cb(set_common_blocks,              &
31                                            print_level)
34!    purpose:  interface routine to LUCITA setup routines which
35!              will create the mandatory orbital, symmetry and string
36!              information for LUCITA ci/mcscf calculations.
39    logical, intent(inout) :: set_common_blocks
40    integer, intent(in)    :: print_level
44      select case(set_common_blocks)
45        case (.true.)
46!         translate shell spaces into orbital spaces + create lucita/dalton reorder and index arrays
47          call orbinf(print_level)
48!         calculate the number of string types
49          call strtyp_gas(print_level)
50!         divide orbital spaces into inactive/active/secondary
51          call gasspc()
52!         setup symmetry information
53          call syminf(print_level)
54!         calculate the number of 1e- and 2e-integrals
55          call intdim(print_level)
56          call flshfo(lupri)
57        case (.false.)
58!         do nothing...
59      end select
61  end subroutine setup_lucita_orbital_string_cb
64  subroutine setup_lucita_pointer_strings_work_space(ci_space,              &
65                                                     current_symmetry,      &
66                                                     print_level)
69!    purpose:  interface routine to LUCITA setup routines which
70!              will create the mandatory work space pointers, string
71!              information for LUCITA ci/mcscf calculations on work space blocks.
74    integer, intent(in)    :: ci_space
75    integer, intent(in)    :: current_symmetry
76    integer, intent(in)    :: print_level
80!     allocate local and global arrays ==> set work space pointers
81      call lucita_alloc()
82!     internal string information
83      call strinf_gas(print_level)
84!     internal subspaces
85      call lcispc(ci_space,                &
86                  current_symmetry,        &
87                  print_level)
89  end subroutine setup_lucita_pointer_strings_work_space
92  subroutine setup_lucita_initialize_work_space(work_space_in,                 &
93                                                work_space_out,                &
94                                                work_space_in_length,          &
95                                                work_space_out_length,         &
96                                                luci_nmproc,                   &
97                                                nr_files,                      &
98                                                print_unit)
101!    purpose:  interface routine to LUCITA setup routines which
102!              will create the mandatory work space pointers, string
103!              information for LUCITA ci/mcscf calculations on work space blocks
104!              as well as read in integrals (if applicable).
107    real(8), intent(inout) :: work_space_in(*)
108    real(8), intent(inout) :: work_space_out(*)
109    integer, intent(in   ) :: work_space_in_length
110    integer, intent(  out) :: work_space_out_length
111    integer, intent(in)    :: luci_nmproc
112    integer, intent(in)    :: nr_files
113    integer, intent(in)    :: print_unit
115    integer, parameter     :: max_num_ttss_blocks = 20000
116    integer, parameter     :: max_subspace_dim    = 300
117    integer                :: k1
118    integer                :: kbase_lucita
119    integer                :: dummy
120    integer(8)             :: offset_2_work_space_out
121    integer(8)             :: k8base_lucita
122    integer(8)             :: work_space_out_length_scratch
123    logical, save          :: first_time_print = .true.
126!     compute offset to LUCITA work space
127      call compoff(work_space_in,work_space_out,offset_2_work_space_out)
129#ifdef integer_test
130      print *,'K_OFFSET      =',offset_2_work_space_out
131      ! integer   :: kbase_lucita
132      ! integer*8 :: k8base_lucita
133      KBASE_LUCITA = offset_2_work_space_out
134      ! HJAaJ Aug 2008:
135      ! MEMMAN in LUCITA is using default integer type
136      ! while K_OFFSET is always INTEGER*8.
137      ! Therefore we use implicit conversion to KBASE_LUCITA.
138      ! Now we test if KBASE_LUCITA is OK:
140      print *,'KBASE_LUCITA  =',KBASE_LUCITA
141      print *,'K8BASE_LUCITA =',K8BASE_LUCITA
142      IF(K8BASE_LUCITA /= offset_2_work_space_out)THEN
143         WRITE (print_unit,'(/A/A,2I20//A)')                                   &
144         'FATAL ERROR in LUCITA: offset is too big for i*4',                   &
145         'K_OFFSET and KBASE_LUCITA:',offset_2_work_space_out, kbase_lucita,   &
146         '(See code in lucita/lucita_setup.F90)'
147         call quit('FATAL ERROR in LUCITA: offset is too big for i*4')
148      END IF
151!     subtract dynamically allocated memory
152!     the parameter values are based on an educated guess from my experience - stefan nov 2010
153      work_space_out_length_scratch = work_space_in_length                                        &
154                                    - 2 * luci_nmproc - nr_files -  8 * max_num_ttss_blocks       &
155                                    - (max_subspace_dim*(max_subspace_dim+1)/2)                   &
156                                    - 2 * max_subspace_dim**2
158      work_space_out_length         = work_space_out_length_scratch
160      if(first_time_print)then
161        write(print_unit,'(/A,I18)') '          dimension of LUCITA work space : ', work_space_out_length
162        first_time_print = .false.
163      end if
165!     initialize LUCITA internal memory
166      call memman(offset_2_work_space_out,work_space_out_length_scratch,'INI   ',dummy,'DUMMY')
168  end subroutine setup_lucita_initialize_work_space
171  subroutine setup_lucita_cb_interface()
173!    purpose: interface routine for general purpose lucita common blocks
174!             the ci_run_id controls the redefinition of some variables
175!             according to:
176!             - CI calculation in general
177!             - sigma-vector run
178!             - density-matrix evaluation (1-/2-particle density matrix)
179!             - CI vector analysis
180!             - calculation of H_diagonal
184     use lucita_cfg
185     use lucita_energy_types
186     use lucita_ci_task_interface, only: create_CI_task_list
187#ifdef VAR_MPI
188     use sync_coworkers
191#include "priunit.h"
192#include "mxpdim.inc"
193#include "lucinp.inc"
194#include "cstate.inc"
195#include "crun.inc"
196#include "cprnt.inc"
197#include "cgas.inc"
198#include "cands.inc"
199#include "comjep.inc"
200#include "oper.inc"
201#include "orbinp.inc"
202#include "intform.inc"
203#include "cc_exc.inc"
204! common block for parallel calculations
205#include "parluci.h"
206! common blocks with orbital/energy information outside the LUCITA world (== within DALTON)
207#include "inforb.h"
208#include "maxorb.h"
209#include "infinp.h"
211      integer :: i, j, ntoob_local
212      integer :: mxelr1, mxelr2, nimx, nimn, nemn, nemx, namx, namn
213      integer :: ispin1, ispin2 ! these variables are not active yet...
216!     set internal print units (luwrt on common block in parluci.h)
217      luwrt     = lupri
218!     initialize point group D2H and its subgroups
219      pntgrp = 1
220!     default number of point group irreps in lucita
221      nirrep = lucita_cfg_nr_ptg_irreps
222      nsmob  = nirrep
223!     orbital environment sync with Dalton
224      naos_env(1:nirrep) = naos_lucita(1:nirrep)
225      nmos_env(1:nirrep) = nmos_lucita(1:nirrep)
226!     nuclear repulsion energy
227      ecore_orig = lucita_cfg_core_energy
228!     initialize variables used for other point groups
229      maxml  = -1
230      maxl   = -1
231!     internal CI space
232      intspc = 1 !???
233!     # of active e-
234      luci_nactel = lucita_cfg_nr_active_e
235!     inactive shells
236      call izero(ninash,nirrep)
237!     inactive shells - 2
238      call izero(ninobs,mxpobs)
239!     Core shells ( = RAS0 shells) only relevant for extspace > 0
240      call izero(nrs0sh,nirrep)
241!     ras 1, 2, 3 and 4
242      mxr4tp = 1
243      mxer4  = 0
244      call izero(nrssh(1,1),nirrep)
245      call izero(nrssh(1,2),nirrep)
246      call izero(nrssh(1,3),nirrep)
247      call izero(nrs4sh(1,mxr4tp),nirrep)
248!     ?
249      mnrs10 = -1
250      mxrs30 = -1
251      mnrs1r = mnrs10
252      mxrs3r = mxrs30
253!     selection of internal configurations - no
254      intsel = 0
255      mults  = lucita_cfg_is_spin_multiplett
256      ms2    = mults - 1 ! MS(MAX) = S set by default
257      ispin1 = lucita_cfg_spin1_2el_op
258      ispin2 = lucita_cfg_spin2_2el_op
259!     reference symmetry
260      irefsm_c  = lucita_cfg_csym
261      irefsm_hc = lucita_cfg_hcsym
262      irefsm    = irefsm_c
263!     transfer to common block cands
264      icsm   = irefsm_c
265      issm   = irefsm_hc
266      icspc  = 1
267      isspc  = 1
268!     initialize variables on comjep.inc
269      mxacj    = 0
270      mxacij   = 0
271      mxaadst  = 0
272!     roots to be obtained
273      nroot  = lucita_cfg_nr_roots
274      do i = 1, nroot
275        iroot(i) = i
276      END DO
277!     state of interest (if particular convergence to a given state is desired)
278      c_state_of_interest = lucita_cfg_icstate
279!     standard davidson
280      idiag  = 1
281!     no perturbative Hamiltonian
282      MXP1    = 0
283      MXP2    = 0
284      MXQ     = 0
285      IPERTOP = 0
286!     max # of Davidson iterations
287      MAXIT  = lucita_cfg_max_nr_dav_ci_iter
288!     restart ci
289      irestr = lucita_cfg_restart_ci
290!     integrals imported from SIRIUS/DALTON
291      INTIMP      = 5
292      ENVIRO(1:6) = 'DALTON'
293!     in core option for integrals - default: in core
294      incore = 1
295!     no deleted shells
296      call izero(ndelsh,nirrep)
297!     no spin/ml combination factors
298      pssign = 0.0D0
299      plsign = 0.0D0
300      if(pssign.eq.0.0d0.and.plsign.eq.0.0d0)then
301        IDC = 1
302      else if(pssign.ne.0.0d0.and.plsign.eq.0.0d0)then
303        IDC = 2
304      else if(pssign.eq.0.0d0.and.plsign.ne.0.0d0)then
305        IDC = 3
306      else if(pssign.ne.0.0d0.and.plsign.ne.0.0d0)then
307        IDC = 4
308      end if
309      plus_combi = lucita_cfg_plus_combi ! plus combination of start vectors
310!     default print levels - zero for the time being - should be
311!     controlled via input keyword
312      IPRSTR  = 0
313      IPRCIX  = IPRSTR
314      IPRORB  = IPRSTR
315      IPRDIA  = IPRSTR
316      IPRXT   = IPRSTR
317      IPRRSP  = IPRSTR
318      IPRDEN  = IPRSTR
319      IPROCC  = IPRSTR
320      IPRNCIV = 0
321      if(lucita_cfg_analyze_cvec) iprnciv = 1
322!     set timing printouts for parallel calculations
323      timing_par = .false.
324      if(lucita_cfg_timing_par) timing_par = .true.
325!     max davidson subspace
326      mxciv = max(6*nroot, lucita_cfg_max_dav_subspace_dim)
327      if(idiag == 2) mxciv = max(2*nroot, lucita_cfg_max_dav_subspace_dim)
328!     storage mode for vectors
329!     complete vector + block version in core
330!     icistr = 1
331!     default is three type-type-symmetry blocks
332      icistr = 3
333!     no csf - determinants == default
334      NOCSF  = 1
335!     read in integrals
336      NOINT  = 0
337!     NOINT  = 1 ! for densities/analysis ...
338!     do not dum integrals
339      IDMPIN = 0
340!     define dimension of resolution matrices
341!SK12 mxinka = 100000
342      mxinka = 1000
343!     use CJKAIB matrices as intermediate matrices in alpha-beta-loop
344      icjkaib = 1
345!     use minimal operatioon count method for alpha-alpha and beta-beta
346!     - default: do not use it
347      MOCAA = 0
348!     use minimal operatioon count method for alpha-beta
349!     - default: do not use it
350      MOCAB = 0
351!     initial CI in reference space
352!     - default: no
353      INIREF = 0
354!     restart from reference CI expansion
355      IRESTRF = 0
356!     initialize core energy
357      ECORE = 0.0D0
358!     do not use perturbation theory for zero order space
359      IPERT = 0
360      NPERT = 0
361!     no approximate Hamiltonian in reference space
362      IAPRREF = 0
363      MNRS1RE = MNRS1R
364      MXRS3RE = MXRS3R
365!     no approximate Hamiltonian in zero order space
366      IAPRZER = 0
367      MNRS1ZE = MNRS10
368      MXRS3ZE = MXRS30
369!     default # of orbital space occupations
370      NCISPC  = lucita_cfg_nr_calc_sequences
372!     general sequencer : default is just straight sequence of CI with default number of iterations
373!     thus no sequence of calculations: ci, pert, cc,...
374      DO i = 1, NCMBSPC
375        LCMBSPC(i)   = 1
376        ICMBSPC(1,i) = i
377        NSEQCI(i)    = 1
378        CSEQCI(1,i)  = 'CI'
379        ISEQCI(1,i)  = MAXIT
380      END DO
381!     energy convergence of CI
382!     THRES_E = 1.0D-10
383      THRES_E     = lucita_cfg_convergence_c
384      THRES_E_aux = lucita_cfg_auxiliary_conv_c
385!     threshold on energy and wave function corrections in truncation of classes (NOT active)
386      E_THRE      = 0.0d0
387      C_THRE      = 0.0d0
388      E_CONV      = 0.0d0
389      C_CONV      = 0.0d0
391      IEXTKOP = 1
392!     do not save first order wave function correction to disc (if icistr == 1)
393      IC1DSC = 0
394!     no perturbation in subspaces spaces
395      IH0SPC = 0
396!     reference root for Perturbation theory
397      IRFROOT = NROOT
398!     default handling of degenrences of initial CI vectors
399!     - no action
400      INIDEG = 0
401!     do not use modified Hamilton operator in CI optimization
402      XLAMBDA = 1.0D0
403!     length of smallest block for batch of C an Sigma vectors
404      LCSBLK = max(100000,lucita_cfg_max_batch_size)
405!     final orbitals
406      IFINMO = 1 ! natural orbitals (if at all)
407!     default: no class selection unless we do teraci (which is disabled... )
408      ICLSSEL = 0
409      if(idiag == 2) ICLSSEL = 1
411!     perturbation expansion of EKT, default is no
412      IPTEKT = 0
413!     root used to define zero order Hamiltonian
414      IH0ROOT = NROOT
415!     no restart in CI calculation 2
416      IRST2 =  0
417!     skip initial evaluation of energy from CI calc 2
418!     ISKIPEI = 1
419!     symmetry of X, Y and Z - zero because properties + transition properties are disabled
420      ITRAPRP = 0
421      NPROP   = 0
422      DO i = 1, 3
423        IXYZSYM(i) = 0
424      END DO
425!     no CI response
426      IRESPONS = 0
427      NRESP    = 0
428      N_AVE_OP = 0
429!     max # of iterations in linear equations (ci response)
430      MXITLE      = 20
431!     not root homing
432      IROOTHOMING = 0
433!     calculation of density matrices
434      idensi  = lucita_cfg_density_calc_lvl
435!     calculate spin densities
436      ispnden =  lucita_cfg_spindensity_calc_lvl
437      !> set level of density calculation equal to spin-density level to avoid any inconsistencies...
438      if(ispnden > idensi)then
439        idensi                      = ispnden
440        lucita_cfg_density_calc_lvl = ispnden
441      end if
442!     no particle-hole simplification in use for compatibility with densities
443!     jeppe + stefan: april 2011
444      iuse_ph = 0
445      if(idensi > 0) IUSE_PH = 0
446!     allow the sigma routine to take advice
447      IADVICE = 0
448      if(IUSE_PH > 0) IADVICE = 1
449!     do not transform CI vectors to alternative orbital representation
450      ITRACI    = 0
451      ITRACI_CR = 'COMP    '
452      ITRACI_CN = 'NATURAL '
453!     do no separate strings into active and passive parts
454      IUSE_PA = 0
455!     no perturbation expansion of Fock matrix
456      IPTFOCK = 0
457!     no restart of CC with CI coefficients
458      I_RESTRT_CC = 0
459!     use relaxed densities for properties
460!     default: do not use them
461      IRELAX= 0
462      if(IRELAX > 0) IDENSI = 2
463!     external space calculation - default: no
464      EXTSPC = 0
465      MXHR0  = 0
466!     setting of parallel I/O model
467      IIOMOD    = 0
468      IF(LUCI_NMPROC .GT. 1) IIOMOD = 1
469!     parallel distribution routine
470      idistroute = lucipar_cfg_ttss_dist_strategy
471!     Truncate residual vectors before creating new trial vector?
472!     (14-jun-07, hjaaj)
473      trunc_fac = lucita_cfg_accepted_truncation
474!     memory reduction multiplier ...
475      ismemfac  = lucipar_cfg_mem_reduction_multp
476!     LUCITA is used in real calculations: no complex part
477      irc_save = 1
478!     normal integral accessed
479      IH1FORM  = 1
480      IH2FORM  = 1
481      I_RES_AB = 0
482!     CI not CC
483      ICC_EXC  = 0
484!     default: complete operator (1e- + 2e-)
485      i12 = lucita_cfg_el_operator_level
487      if(lucita_cfg_initialize_cb)then
489!       generalized active space concept, define orbital spaces
490!       -------------------------------------------------------
491        ngas    = lucita_cfg_nr_gas_spaces
493        if(lucita_cfg_ci_type(1:6) == 'RASCI ')then
495          ngas = 3
496!         check for atypical RAS (no RAS3):
497          i = 0
498          do j = 1, nirrep
499            i = i + ngsh_lucita(3,j)
500          end do
501          if(i <= 0 ) ngas = 2
502        end if
504        do i = 1, ngas
505          do j = 1, nirrep
506            NGSSH(j,i) = ngsh_lucita(i,j)
507          end do
508        end do
511!       check for maximum number of orbitals per space and symmetry
512        do i = 1, NGAS
513          do j = 1, NIRREP
514            if(NGSSH(j,i) > MXTSOB)then
515              print *, ' too many orbitals per space and symmetry!'
516              print *, ' my maximum is  ',MXTSOB
517              print *, ' please redefine your active spaces or if you are doing RASCI please use the GA setup.'
518              call quit('*** error in setup_lucita_cb_interface: too many orbitals per space and symmetry!')
519            end if
520          end do
521        end do
523!       set orbital space occupations
524        select case(lucita_cfg_ci_type(1:6))
525!         ras
526          case('RASCI ')
528            if(luci_nactel <= 0) call quit('*** # active e- <= 0... ***')
530            nimx = lucita_cfg_max_e_ras1
531            nimn = lucita_cfg_min_e_ras1
532            nemn = LUCI_NACTEL
533            nemx = LUCI_NACTEL
534            namx = nemx - lucita_cfg_min_e_ras3
535            namn = namx - lucita_cfg_max_e_ras3
536            igsoccx(1,1,1) = nimn
537            igsoccx(1,2,1) = nimx
538            igsoccx(2,1,1) = namn
539            igsoccx(2,2,1) = namx
540!           write(lupri,*) 'nimn, nimx, namn, namx, nemx, nemn', &
541!           nimn, nimx, namn, namx, nemx, nemn
542            if(ngas > 2)then
543              igsoccx(3,1,1) = nemn
544              igsoccx(3,2,1) = nemx
545            end if
546            if(namx > luci_nactel ) call quit('*** reconsider your RAS setup - it is wrong...  ***')
547!         gas
548          case('GASCI ')
549            do i = 1, ngas
550              do j = 1, 2
551                igsoccx(i,j,1) = ngso_lucita(i,j)
552              end do
553            end do
554        end select
556        if(LUCI_NACTEL /= igsoccx(ngas,2,1)) then
557          write(lupri,*) 'Number of active electrons does not match total number of electrons in active spaces.'
558          call quit('*** error in setup_lucita_cb_interface: Number of active'//                  &
559                    ' electrons does not match total number of electrons in active spaces.')
560        end if
562        ntoob_local = 0
563        do i = 1, ngas
564          do j = 1, nirrep
565            ntoob_local = ntoob_local + NGSSH(j,i)
566          end do
567        end do
569        if(LUCI_NACTEL > 2*ntoob_local)then
570          write(lupri,*) 'Number of active electrons exceeds the orbital space:',LUCI_NACTEL,'>',2*NTOOB_local
571          write(lupri,*) 'Consider Pauli´s famous principle and restart!'
572          call quit('*** error in setup_lucita_cb_interface: Number of active electrons exceeds the orbital space.')
573        end if
575!       set file handles for reading/writing, etc.
576        call set_file_handles(irefsm)
579      end if ! lucita_cfg_initialize_cb check
581!     cross-check input and print LUCITA settings
582      call setup_lucita_check_input(lucita_ci_run_id,igsoccx,ngssh,ngas)
584!     create the ci_task_list based on the CI run-id and input parameters
585      call create_CI_task_list(lucita_ci_run_id,                  &
586                               iprnciv,                           &
587                               idensi,                            &
588                               ci_task_list,                      &
589                               max_ci_tasks)
591!     we are done :) - return
593 end subroutine setup_lucita_cb_interface
596  subroutine setup_lucita_check_input(ci_run_id,igsoccx,ngssh,ngas)
599!    purpose:  cross-check the mandatory LUCITA input variables to tally with
600!              a reasonable setting.
603    use lucita_cfg
604#include "priunit.h"
605#include "parluci.h"
606#include "mxpdim.inc"
608    character (len=12), intent(in) :: ci_run_id
609    integer           , intent(in) :: igsoccx(mxpngas,2,mxpici)
610    integer           , intent(in) :: ngssh(mxpirr,mxpngas)
611    integer           , intent(in) :: ngas
613    integer                        :: print_lvl
616!     CI type for LUCIA (no default)
617      if(lucita_cfg_ci_type(1:4).eq.'none')then
618         write(lupri,*) ' Keyword for type of CI calculation missing. '
619         write(lupri,*) ' This keyword is mandatory. '
620         call quit(' *** error in setup_lucita_check_input: keyword .CITYPE not specified.')
621      else
622        if(lucita_cfg_ci_type(1:6).ne.'GASCI '.and.  lucita_cfg_ci_type(1:6).ne.'RASCI ')then
623           write(lupri,'(//A//2A/A)')                                                             &
624           ' Type of CI calculation not properly specified.',                                     &
625           ' You have chosen: ',lucita_cfg_ci_type,                                               &
626           ' Allowed types  :  GASCI and RASCI'
627          call quit(' *** error in setup_lucita_check_input: wrong input to keyword .CITYPE specified.')
628        end if
629      end if
631!     # of active e-
632      if(lucita_cfg_nr_active_e < 0)then
633        write(lupri,'(//A/A/)') ' Number of active electrons NACTEL must be',                     &
634               ' specified for this type of calculation. Quitting.'
635          call quit(' *** error in setup_lucita_check_input: # electrons .NACTEL must be specified.')
636      end if
638!     spin multiplicity
639      if(lucita_cfg_is_spin_multiplett < 0)then
640        write(lupri,*) 'Spin multiplicity .MULTIP is a MANDATORY keyword.'
641        write(lupri,*) 'Specify and restart.'
642          call quit(' *** error in setup_lucita_check_input: spin multiplicity .MULTIP must be specified in any case.')
643      else
644!       check consistency of # of e- and spin multiplicity
645!       case a: even - even
646        if(mod(lucita_cfg_nr_active_e,2) == 0 .and. mod(lucita_cfg_is_spin_multiplett,2) == 0) then
647          write(lupri,*) 'Illegal spin multiplicity given: # of e- even, spin mult. even.'
648          call quit(' *** error in setup_lucita_check_input: spin multiplicity is impossible.')
649!       case b: odd - odd
650        else if(mod(lucita_cfg_nr_active_e,2) > 0 .and. mod(lucita_cfg_is_spin_multiplett,2) > 0) then
651          write(lupri,*) 'Illegal spin multiplicity given: # of e- odd, spin mult. odd.'
652          call quit(' *** error in setup_lucita_check_input: spin multiplicity is impossible.')
653!       case c: odd - even
654        else if(mod(lucita_cfg_nr_active_e,2) > 0 .and. mod(lucita_cfg_is_spin_multiplett,2) == 0) then
655!         case c.1: spin mult. < 2 or > (# active e- + 1)
656          if(lucita_cfg_is_spin_multiplett < 2 .or. lucita_cfg_is_spin_multiplett > (lucita_cfg_nr_active_e + 1))then
657            write(lupri,'(//A/A/)') ' Illegal spin multiplicity given.',                          &
658                                    ' Compare with number of active electrons.'
659            call quit(' *** error in setup_lucita_check_input: spin multiplicity is impossible.')
660          end if
661!       case d: even - odd
662        else if(mod(lucita_cfg_nr_active_e,2) == 0 .and. mod(lucita_cfg_is_spin_multiplett,2) > 0)then
663!         case d.1: spin mult. < 1 or > (# active e- + 1)
664          if(lucita_cfg_is_spin_multiplett < 1 .or. lucita_cfg_is_spin_multiplett > (lucita_cfg_nr_active_e+1))then
665            write(lupri,'(//A/A/)') ' Illegal spin multiplicity given.',                          &
666                                    ' Compare with number of active electrons.'
667            call quit(' *** error in dalton_lucita: spin multiplicity is impossible.')
668          end if
669        end if
670      end if
672!     global print parameter
673      if(lucita_cfg_global_print_lvl > 4)then
674        write(lupri,*) 'Invalid print flag. Check .PRINTG.'
675        write(lupri,*) 'lucita_cfg_global_print_lvl = ', lucita_cfg_global_print_lvl
676        call quit(' *** error in setup_lucita_check_input: global print level .PRINTG too high. 0 <= range <= 4')
677      end if
679!     inactive shells
680      if(.not.lucita_cfg_inactive_shell_set)then
681        write(lupri,*) 'Number of inactive orbitals per sym'
682        write(lupri,*) 'has to be specified. This is mandatory'
683        write(lupri,*) 'in a GASCI/RASCI calculation.'
684        call quit(' *** error in setup_lucita_check_input: inactive orbitals .INACTI not specified for RASCI calculation.')
685      end if
687!     Orbital distribution in GAS spaces (no defaults if GASCI)
688      if(lucita_cfg_nr_gas_spaces < 1)then
689        if(lucita_cfg_ci_type(1:6).eq.'GASCI ')then
690          write(lupri,*) 'GASCI type requires .GASSHE to be specified.'
691          write(lupri,*) 'Else, I do not know what to do.'
692          call quit(' *** error in setup_lucita_check_input: GASCI run but .GASSHE not specified.')
693        end if
694      end if
696!     cumulative min. and max. numbers of electrons in GAS spaces
697      if(lucita_cfg_ci_type(1:6).eq.'GASCI ')then
698        if(.not.lucita_cfg_minmax_occ_gas_set)then
699          write(lupri,*) 'GASCI type requires .GASSPC to be specified.'
700          write(lupri,*) 'Else, I do not know what to do.'
701          call quit(' *** error in setup_lucita_check_input: GASCI run but .GASSPC not specified.')
702        end if
703      end if
705!     sequence of CI spaces - default: 1 (all other values are not supported for
706!     LUCITA in Dalton/Dirac)
707      if(lucita_cfg_nr_calc_sequences > 1)then
708        write(lupri,*) ' # of sequence of CI spaces not supported ==> ', lucita_cfg_nr_calc_sequences
709        write(lupri,*) ' LUCITA in Dalton/Dirac supports only one CI space.'
710        call quit(' *** error in setup_lucita_check_input: # of sequence of CI spaces not supported.')
711      end if
713!     parallel distribution routine
714      if(luci_nmproc > 1)then
715        if(lucipar_cfg_ttss_dist_strategy > 2 .or. lucipar_cfg_ttss_dist_strategy < 1)then
716          write(lupri,*) 'Value for keyword .DISTRT incorrect ==> ',lucipar_cfg_ttss_dist_strategy
717          write(lupri,*) 'input will be ignored'
718          lucipar_cfg_ttss_dist_strategy = 2
719        end if
720      end if
722      print_lvl = 0
723      if(ci_run_id == 'standard ci ' .or. ci_run_id == 'initial ci  ') print_lvl = 1
725      if(print_lvl > 0)then
726        call print_lucita_run_setup(lucita_cfg_run_title,                   &
727                                    lucita_cfg_ci_type,                     &
728                                    lucita_cfg_nr_roots,                    &
729                                    lucita_cfg_ptg_symmetry,                &
730                                    lucita_cfg_nr_active_e,                 &
731                                    lucita_cfg_is_spin_multiplett,          &
732                                    lucita_cfg_global_print_lvl,            &
733                                    lucipar_cfg_ttss_dist_strategy,         &
734                                    lucita_cfg_accepted_truncation,         &
735                                    lucita_cfg_density_calc_lvl,            &
736                                    luci_nmproc,                            &
737                                    mxpngas,                                &
738                                    mxpici,                                 &
739                                    mxpirr,                                 &
740                                    igsoccx,                                &
741                                    ngssh,                                  &
742                                    lucita_cfg_nr_ptg_irreps,               &
743                                    ngas,                                   &
744                                    lupri)
745      end if
747  end subroutine setup_lucita_check_input
750  subroutine print_lucita_run_setup(lucita_cfg_run_title,                   &
751                                    lucita_cfg_ci_type,                     &
752                                    lucita_cfg_nr_roots,                    &
753                                    lucita_cfg_ptg_symmetry,                &
754                                    lucita_cfg_nr_active_e,                 &
755                                    lucita_cfg_is_spin_multiplett,          &
756                                    lucita_cfg_global_print_lvl,            &
757                                    lucipar_cfg_ttss_dist_strategy,         &
758                                    lucita_cfg_accepted_truncation,         &
759                                    lucita_cfg_density_calc_lvl,            &
760                                    luci_nmproc,                            &
761                                    mxpngas,                                &
762                                    mxpici,                                 &
763                                    mxpirr,                                 &
764                                    igsoccx,                                &
765                                    ngssh,                                  &
766                                    lucita_cfg_nr_ptg_irreps,               &
767                                    ngas,                                   &
768                                    print_unit)
771!    purpose:  print LUCITA input settings.
774    character (len=72), intent(in)  :: lucita_cfg_run_title
775    character (len=72), intent(in)  :: lucita_cfg_ci_type
776    integer,            intent(in)  :: lucita_cfg_nr_roots
777    integer,            intent(in)  :: lucita_cfg_ptg_symmetry
778    integer,            intent(in)  :: lucita_cfg_nr_active_e
779    integer,            intent(in)  :: lucita_cfg_is_spin_multiplett
780    integer,            intent(in)  :: lucita_cfg_global_print_lvl
781    integer,            intent(in)  :: lucipar_cfg_ttss_dist_strategy
782    integer,            intent(in)  :: lucita_cfg_density_calc_lvl
783    integer,            intent(in)  :: luci_nmproc
784    integer,            intent(in)  :: mxpngas
785    integer,            intent(in)  :: mxpici
786    integer,            intent(in)  :: mxpirr
787    integer,            intent(in)  :: igsoccx(mxpngas,2,mxpici)
788    integer,            intent(in)  :: ngssh(mxpirr,mxpngas)
789    integer,            intent(in)  :: lucita_cfg_nr_ptg_irreps
790    integer,            intent(in)  :: ngas
791    integer,            intent(in)  :: print_unit
792    real(8),            intent(in)  :: lucita_cfg_accepted_truncation
794    integer                         :: i
795    integer                         :: j
796    integer                         :: igas
799!     Title
800      write(print_unit,'(/2X,60A1)') ('-',i=1,60)
801      write(print_unit,'(2A)') '   title : ',lucita_cfg_run_title
802      write(print_unit,'(2X,60A1)') ('-',i=1,60)
803!     type of CI calculation
804      write(print_unit,'(a,A6/)') '   Type of calculation .................. ', lucita_cfg_ci_type(1:6)
805!     number of roots to be treated
806      write(print_unit,'(a,I3)')  '   Number of roots to be obtained ....... ', lucita_cfg_nr_roots
807!     state symmetry
808      write(print_unit,'(a,I3)')  '   Calculation carried out in irrep ..... ', lucita_cfg_ptg_symmetry
809!     number of active electrons
810      write(print_unit,'(a,I3)')  '   Number of active electrons ........... ', lucita_cfg_nr_active_e
811!     spin multiplicity
812      write(print_unit,'(a,I3)')  '   Spin multiplicity .................... ', lucita_cfg_is_spin_multiplett
813!     LUCITA global print parameter
814      write(print_unit,'(a,i3)')  '   Global print level is ................ ', lucita_cfg_global_print_lvl
815!     parallel distribution routine
816      if(LUCI_NMPROC > 1)then
817        write(print_unit,'(a,I3)')'   Parallel distribution routine ........ ', lucipar_cfg_ttss_dist_strategy
818      end if
819!     truncation factor
820      if(lucita_cfg_accepted_truncation /= 1.0d-10)then
821        write(print_unit,'(/a,1P,D10.2)') '   Truncation Factor .................... ',lucita_cfg_accepted_truncation
822      end if
823!     density matrix level
824      if(lucita_cfg_density_calc_lvl >= 1)then
825        write(print_unit,'(a,I3)') '   Density matrices level ............... ',lucita_cfg_density_calc_lvl
826      end if
828!     GAS spaces and occupation constraints
829      write(print_unit,'(/A/A/A/)')   &
830         ' ******************************************************************',   &
831         ' Generalized active space: shell spaces and occupation constraints ',   &
832         ' ******************************************************************'
834      select case(lucita_cfg_nr_ptg_irreps)
835      case(1)
836        write(print_unit,'(a,1i4,a)')       &
837          '                 Irrep:',(i,i = 1,lucita_cfg_nr_ptg_irreps),    '        Min. occ    Max. occ '
838        write(print_unit,'(10a)')           &
839          '                 ========',('====',i = 1,lucita_cfg_nr_ptg_irreps), '      ========    ======== '
840        do igas = 1, ngas
841          write(print_unit,'(a,i2,a,1i4,i13,i12)') &
842          '        GAS',igas,'          ',            &
843          (ngssh(i,igas),i = 1, lucita_cfg_nr_ptg_irreps),igsoccx(igas,1,1),igsoccx(igas,2,1)
844        end do
845      case(2)
846        write(print_unit,'(/a,2i4,a)')      &
847          '                 Irrep:',(i,i = 1,lucita_cfg_nr_ptg_irreps),    '        Min. occ    Max. occ '
848        write(print_unit,'(10a)')           &
849          '                 ========',('====',i = 1,lucita_cfg_nr_ptg_irreps), '      ========    ======== '
850        do igas = 1, ngas
851          write(print_unit,'(a,i2,a,2i4,i13,i12)') &
852          '        GAS',igas,'          ',            &
853          (ngssh(i,igas),i = 1, lucita_cfg_nr_ptg_irreps),igsoccx(igas,1,1),igsoccx(igas,2,1)
854        end do
855      case(4)
856        write(print_unit,'(/a,4i4,a)')      &
857          '                 Irrep:',(i,i = 1,lucita_cfg_nr_ptg_irreps),    '        Min. occ    Max. occ '
858        write(print_unit,'(10a)')           &
859          '                 ========',('====',i = 1,lucita_cfg_nr_ptg_irreps), '      ========    ======== '
860        do igas = 1, ngas
861          write(print_unit,'(a,i2,a,4i4,i13,i12)') &
862          '        GAS',igas,'          ',            &
863          (ngssh(i,igas),i = 1, lucita_cfg_nr_ptg_irreps),igsoccx(igas,1,1),igsoccx(igas,2,1)
864        end do
865      case(8)
866        write(print_unit,'(/a,8i4,a)')      &
867          '                 Irrep:',(i,i = 1,lucita_cfg_nr_ptg_irreps),    '        Min. occ    Max. occ '
868        write(print_unit,'(10a)')           &
869          '                 ========',('====',i = 1,lucita_cfg_nr_ptg_irreps), '      ========    ======== '
870        do igas = 1, ngas
871          write(print_unit,'(a,i2,a,8i4,i13,i12)') &
872          '        GAS',igas,'          ',            &
873          (ngssh(i,igas),i = 1, lucita_cfg_nr_ptg_irreps),igsoccx(igas,1,1),igsoccx(igas,2,1)
874        end do
875      end select
878  end subroutine print_lucita_run_setup
881  subroutine setup_lucita_par_dist_in_seq(par_dist_block_list,   &
882                                          block_list,            &
883                                          nblock)
886!    purpose:  set parallel distribution list to master-only list.
887!              this can be useful in sequential calculations.
890    integer, intent(in)           :: nblock
891    integer, intent(in)           :: block_list(nblock)
892    integer, intent(out)          :: par_dist_block_list(nblock)
894    integer                       :: i
897      i = 1
899      do while (i <= nblock)
900        if(block_list(i) > 0) par_dist_block_list(i) = 0
901        i = i + 1
902      end do
904  end subroutine setup_lucita_par_dist_in_seq
907  subroutine setup_lucita_mcci_wrkspc_dimensions(ci_run_id,print_lvl)
910!    purpose:  set dimensions of incoming matrices to LUCITA
911!              from the MCSCF environment.
912!              note that the allocation is CI-run dependent.
915  use lucita_mcscf_ci_cfg
916  use lucita_cfg
917#include "priunit.h"
918#include "mxpdim.inc"
919#include "crun.inc"
920#include "orbinp.inc"
921#include "parluci.h"
922    character(len=12), intent(in) :: ci_run_id
923    integer, intent(in)           :: print_lvl
925    integer                       :: tmp_length_p1
926    integer                       :: tmp_length_p2
929!     initialize internal length of matrices
930      len_cref_mc2lu             = 0
931      len_hc_mc2lu               = 0
932      len_resolution_mat_mc2lu   = 0
933      len_int1_or_rho1_mc2lu     = 0
934      len_int2_or_rho2_mc2lu     = 0
935      tmp_length_p1              = 0
936      tmp_length_p2              = 0
938      if(integrals_from_mcscf_env)then
939!       1-p density matrix / 1-e integrals
940        tmp_length_p1 = nacob**2
941!       2-p density matrix / 2-e integrals
942        if(lucita_cfg_el_operator_level > 1) tmp_length_p2 = (nacob*(nacob+1)/2)**2
943      end if
945      select case(ci_run_id)
946        case('return CIdim', 'ijkl resort ', 'fci dump    ') ! calculate # of determinants per symmetry irrep / resort integrals to lucita format
947!         nothing needs to be allocated
948        case('xc vector   ') ! exchange CI/MCSCF vector
949          len_cref_mc2lu              =  l_combi
950        case('return CIdia', 'analyze Cvec') ! calculate the diagonal part of the CI Hamiltonian matrix , analyze CI vector
951          len_cref_mc2lu              =  lblock
952        case('sigma vec   ', 'Xp-density m', 'rotate  Cvec', 'standard ci ', 'initial ci  ', 'srdft   ci  ')
953!      calculate sigma vector; 1-/2-particle density matrix; rotate CI vector; perform Davidson CI run
954          len_cref_mc2lu              =  lblock
955          len_hc_mc2lu                =  lblock
956          len_resolution_mat_mc2lu    =  max(lblock,2*lsingle_resolution_block)
957          len_int1_or_rho1_mc2lu      =  tmp_length_p1
958          len_int2_or_rho2_mc2lu      =  tmp_length_p2
959        case default
960          print *, ' unknown CI run id: ',ci_run_id,' no memory allocated for the coworkers.'
961      end select
963      if(print_lvl > +1)then
964        write(lupri,'(/a     )') '  dimensions of CI matrix / integral arrays:'
965        write(lupri,'( a     )') '  -----------------------------------------'
966        write(lupri,'( a,i15 )') '  ci matrix #1     ==> ',len_cref_mc2lu
967        write(lupri,'( a,i15 )') '  ci matrix #2     ==> ',len_hc_mc2lu
968        write(lupri,'( a,i15 )') '  resolution block ==> ',len_resolution_mat_mc2lu
969        write(lupri,'( a,i15 )') '  1-el ij          ==> ',len_int1_or_rho1_mc2lu
970        write(lupri,'( a,i15/)') '  2-el ijkl        ==> ',len_int2_or_rho2_mc2lu
971        call flshfo(lupri)
972      end if
974  end subroutine setup_lucita_mcci_wrkspc_dimensions
977#ifdef VAR_MPI
979  subroutine setup_lucita_inc_wrkspc_alloc_cw(lucita_ci_run_id,             &
980                                              work_dalton,                  &
981                                              kfree_pointer,                &
982                                              lfree,                        &
983                                              kcref_pointer,                &
984                                              khc_pointer,                  &
985                                              kresolution_mat_pointer,      &
986                                              kint1_or_rho1_pointer,        &
987                                              kint2_or_rho2_pointer,        &
988                                              len_cref,                     &
989                                              len_hc,                       &
990                                              len_resolution_mat,           &
991                                              len_int1_or_rho1,             &
992                                              len_int2_or_rho2,             &
993                                              print_lvl)
996!    purpose:  allocate matrices for co-workers which are incoming to LUCITA
997!              from the Dalton sirius environment.
998!              note that the allocation is CI-run dependent.
1001    character(len=12), intent(in) :: lucita_ci_run_id
1002    real(8), intent(inout)        :: work_dalton(*)
1003    integer, intent(inout)        :: kfree_pointer
1004    integer, intent(inout)        :: kcref_pointer
1005    integer, intent(inout)        :: khc_pointer
1006    integer, intent(inout)        :: kresolution_mat_pointer
1007    integer, intent(inout)        :: kint1_or_rho1_pointer
1008    integer, intent(inout)        :: kint2_or_rho2_pointer
1009    integer, intent(inout)        :: lfree
1010    integer, intent(in)           :: len_cref
1011    integer, intent(in)           :: len_hc
1012    integer, intent(in)           :: len_resolution_mat
1013    integer, intent(in)           :: len_int1_or_rho1
1014    integer, intent(in)           :: len_int2_or_rho2
1015    integer, intent(in)           :: print_lvl
1017    integer                       :: len_cref_internal
1018    integer                       :: len_hc_internal
1019    integer                       :: len_resolution_mat_internal
1020    integer                       :: len_int1_or_rho1_internal
1021    integer                       :: len_int2_or_rho2_internal
1024!     initialize internal length of matrices
1025      len_cref_internal           =  0
1026      len_hc_internal             =  0
1027      len_resolution_mat_internal =  0
1028      len_int1_or_rho1_internal   =  0
1029      len_int2_or_rho2_internal   =  0
1031!     initialize pointers
1032      kcref_pointer               = -1
1033      khc_pointer                 = -1
1034      kresolution_mat_pointer     = -1
1035      kint1_or_rho1_pointer       = -1
1036      kint1_or_rho1_pointer       = -1
1038      select case(lucita_ci_run_id)
1039        case('return CIdim', 'ijkl resort ', 'fci dump    ') ! calculate # of determinants per symmetry irrep / resort integrals to lucita format
1040!         nothing needs to be allocated
1041        case('return CIdia') ! calculate the diagonal part of the CI Hamiltonian matrix
1042          len_cref_internal           =  len_cref
1043          len_int1_or_rho1_internal   =  len_int1_or_rho1
1044          len_int2_or_rho2_internal   =  len_int2_or_rho2
1045        case('sigma vec   ',      'Xp-density m',               'rotate  Cvec',       'standard ci ', 'initial ci  ')
1046!      calculate sigma vector; 1-/2-particle density matrix;   rotate CI vector;          perform Davidson CI run
1047          len_cref_internal           =  len_cref
1048          len_hc_internal             =  len_hc
1049          len_resolution_mat_internal =  len_resolution_mat
1050          len_int1_or_rho1_internal   =  len_int1_or_rho1
1051          len_int2_or_rho2_internal   =  len_int2_or_rho2
1052!            analyze CI vector; exchange CI/MCSCF vector
1053        case('analyze Cvec',    'xc vector   ')
1054          len_cref_internal           =  len_cref
1055        case default
1056          print *, ' unknown CI run id: ',lucita_ci_run_id,' no memory allocated for the coworkers.'
1057      end select
1059      call memget('REAL',kcref_pointer,          len_cref_internal,          work_dalton,kfree_pointer,lfree)
1060      call memget('REAL',khc_pointer,            len_hc_internal,            work_dalton,kfree_pointer,lfree)
1061      call memget('REAL',kresolution_mat_pointer,len_resolution_mat_internal,work_dalton,kfree_pointer,lfree)
1062      call memget('REAL',kint1_or_rho1_pointer,  len_int1_or_rho1_internal,  work_dalton,kfree_pointer,lfree)
1063      call memget('REAL',kint2_or_rho2_pointer,  len_int2_or_rho2_internal,  work_dalton,kfree_pointer,lfree)
1065      if(print_lvl > 2)then
1066        print *, ' memory allocated for the coworkers; pointer values are:'
1067        print *, ' -------------------------------------------------------'
1068        print *, ' kcref_pointer           ==> ',kcref_pointer
1069        print *, ' khc_pointer             ==> ',khc_pointer
1070        print *, ' kresolution_mat_pointer ==> ',kresolution_mat_pointer
1071        print *, ' kint1_or_rho1_pointer   ==> ',kint1_or_rho1_pointer
1072        print *, ' kint2_or_rho2_pointer   ==> ',kint2_or_rho2_pointer
1073        print *, ' -------------------------------------------------------'
1075        print *, ' memory allocated for the coworkers; length  values are:'
1076        print *, ' -------------------------------------------------------'
1077        print *, ' kcref_pointer           ==> ',len_cref_internal
1078        print *, ' khc_pointer             ==> ',len_hc_internal
1079        print *, ' kresolution_mat_pointer ==> ',len_resolution_mat_internal
1080        print *, ' kint1_or_rho1_pointer   ==> ',len_int1_or_rho1_internal
1081        print *, ' kint2_or_rho2_pointer   ==> ',len_int2_or_rho2_internal
1082      end if
1084  end subroutine setup_lucita_inc_wrkspc_alloc_cw
1086#endif /* VAR_MPI */
1088end module