1!!  gen1int: compute one-electron integrals using rotational London atomic-orbitals
2!!  Copyright 2009-2012 Bin Gao, and Andreas Thorvaldsen
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17!!  Tests subroutines in nucpot_hbra.F90.
19!!  2011-10-18, Bin Gao
20!!  * first version
22  !> \brief tests subroutines in nucpot_hbra.F90
23  !> \author Bin Gao
24  !> \date 2011-10-18
25  !> \param io_log is the IO unit of log file
26  !> \return test_failed indicates if the test is failed
27  subroutine test_nucpot_hbra(io_log, test_failed)
28    use xkind
29    ! module of HTML test log routines
30    use html_log
31    implicit none
32    integer, intent(in) :: io_log
33    logical, intent(out) :: test_failed
34! parameters of testing primitive integrals
35#include "test_f90/prim_gto.h"
36    integer, parameter :: ORDER_ELEC = 2  !order of electronic derivatives
37    integer orders_hgto_bra(2)            !orders of HGTOs on bra center
38    integer orders_hgto_ket(2)            !orders of HGTOs on ket center
39    integer orders_geo_pot(2)             !orders of geometric derivatives on nuclear potential origin
40    ! assumes the test will pass
41    test_failed = .false.
42    ! dumps information of tests
43    call html_log_real_array(log_text="Coordinates of bra center:", &
44                             log_real=COORD_BRA, fmt_real="F16.8", io_log=io_log)
45    call html_log_real_number("Orbital exponent of bra center:", &
46                              EXPONENT_BRA, "F16.8", io_log)
47    call html_log_real_array(log_text="Coordinates of ket center:", &
48                             log_real=COORD_KET, fmt_real="F16.8", io_log=io_log)
49    call html_log_real_number("Orbital exponent of ket center:", &
50                              EXPONENT_KET, "F16.8", io_log)
51    call html_log_int_number("Order of electronic derivatives:", &
52                             ORDER_ELEC, "I3", io_log)
53    call html_log_real_array(log_text="Coordinates of nuclear potential origin:", &
54                             log_real=NUCORG, fmt_real="F16.8", io_log=io_log)
55    call html_log_real_number("Scaling constant on operator:", &
56                              SCAL_CONST, "F16.8", io_log)
57    ! the following tests are for individual cases in \fn(nucpot_hbra)
58    orders_hgto_bra = (/0,0/)
59    orders_hgto_ket = (/0,0/)
60    orders_geo_pot = (/0,6/)
61    call sub_test_nucpot_hbra(orders_hgto_bra, orders_hgto_ket, orders_geo_pot, &
62                              ORDER_ELEC, io_log, test_failed)
63    orders_hgto_bra = (/0,1/)
64    orders_hgto_ket = (/0,1/)
65    orders_geo_pot = (/0,6/)
66    call sub_test_nucpot_hbra(orders_hgto_bra, orders_hgto_ket, orders_geo_pot, &
67                              ORDER_ELEC, io_log, test_failed)
68    orders_hgto_bra = (/1,1/)
69    orders_hgto_ket = (/1,1/)
70    orders_geo_pot = (/0,6/)
71    call sub_test_nucpot_hbra(orders_hgto_bra, orders_hgto_ket, orders_geo_pot, &
72                              ORDER_ELEC, io_log, test_failed)
73    orders_hgto_bra = (/0,2/)
74    orders_hgto_ket = (/0,2/)
75    orders_geo_pot = (/0,6/)
76    call sub_test_nucpot_hbra(orders_hgto_bra, orders_hgto_ket, orders_geo_pot, &
77                              ORDER_ELEC, io_log, test_failed)
78    orders_hgto_bra = (/1,2/)
79    orders_hgto_ket = (/1,2/)
80    orders_geo_pot = (/0,0/)
81    call sub_test_nucpot_hbra(orders_hgto_bra, orders_hgto_ket, orders_geo_pot, &
82                              ORDER_ELEC, io_log, test_failed)
83    orders_hgto_bra = (/2,2/)
84    orders_hgto_ket = (/2,2/)
85    orders_geo_pot = (/0,6/)
86    call sub_test_nucpot_hbra(orders_hgto_bra, orders_hgto_ket, orders_geo_pot, &
87                              ORDER_ELEC, io_log, test_failed)
88    orders_hgto_bra = (/0,3/)
89    orders_hgto_ket = (/0,3/)
90    orders_geo_pot = (/0,6/)
91    call sub_test_nucpot_hbra(orders_hgto_bra, orders_hgto_ket, orders_geo_pot, &
92                              ORDER_ELEC, io_log, test_failed)
93    orders_hgto_bra = (/1,4/)
94    orders_hgto_ket = (/1,4/)
95    orders_geo_pot = (/0,6/)
96    call sub_test_nucpot_hbra(orders_hgto_bra, orders_hgto_ket, orders_geo_pot, &
97                              ORDER_ELEC, io_log, test_failed)
98    orders_hgto_bra = (/3,5/)
99    orders_hgto_ket = (/3,5/)
100    orders_geo_pot = (/0,3/)
101    call sub_test_nucpot_hbra(orders_hgto_bra, orders_hgto_ket, orders_geo_pot, &
102                              ORDER_ELEC, io_log, test_failed)
103    return
104  end subroutine test_nucpot_hbra
106  !> \brief tests subroutines in nucpot_hbra.F90 with specific orders of
107  !>        Hermite Gaussians and geometric derivatives
108  !> \author Bin Gao
109  !> \date 2011-10-18
110  !> \param orders_hgto_bra contains the orders of HGTOs on bra center
111  !> \param orders_hgto_ket contains the orders of HGTOs on ket center
112  !> \param orders_geo_pot is the order of geometric derivatives on nuclear potential origin
113  !> \param order_elec is the order of electronic derivatives
114  !> \param io_log is the IO unit of log file
115  !> \return test_failed indicates if the test is failed
116  subroutine sub_test_nucpot_hbra(orders_hgto_bra, orders_hgto_ket, orders_geo_pot, &
117                                  order_elec, io_log, test_failed)
118    use xkind
119    ! module of HTML test log routines
120    use html_log
121    ! recursive functions of nuclear attraction potential integrals
122    use recur_nucpot
123    implicit none
124    integer, intent(in) :: orders_hgto_bra(2)
125    integer, intent(in) :: orders_hgto_ket(2)
126    integer, intent(in) :: orders_geo_pot(2)
127    integer, intent(in) :: order_elec
128    integer, intent(in) :: io_log
129    logical, intent(inout) :: test_failed
130! parameters of testing primitive integrals
131#include "test_f90/prim_gto.h"
132    integer max_order_nucpot        !maximum order of geometric derivatives for \fn(nucpot_geom)
133    integer dim_nucpot              !dimension of geometric derivatives of nuclear potential
134                                    !origin with zeroth order HGTOs
135    real(REALK), allocatable :: nucpot_pints(:)
136                                    !geometric derivatives of nuclear potential origin with zeroth order HGTOs
137    integer min_hgto_ket            !minimum order of HGTOs on ket center after recovering HGTOs on ket center
138    integer max_geo_hket            !maximum order of geometric derivatives after recovering HGTOs on ket center
139    integer dim_hket                !dimension of HGTOs on ket center after recovering HGTOs on ket center
140    integer dim_geo_hket            !dimension of geometric derivatives after recovering HGTOs on ket center
141    real(REALK), allocatable :: hket_pints(:,:)
142                                    !integrals after recovering HGTOs on ket center
143    integer dim_hgto_bra            !dimension of HGTOs on bra center after recovering HGTOs on bra center
144    integer dim_hgto_ket            !dimension of HGTOs on ket center after recovering HGTOs on bra center
145    integer dim_geo_hbra            !dimension of  geometric derivatives after recovering HGTOs on bra center
146    real(REALK), allocatable :: hbra_pints(:,:,:)
147                                    !integrals after recovering HGTOs on bra center
148    integer order_hbra              !order of HGTOs on bra center
149    integer x_hbra, y_hbra, z_hbra  !orders of xyz components of HGTOs on bra center
150    integer order_hket              !order of HGTOs on ket center
151    integer x_hket, y_hket, z_hket  !orders of xyz components of HGTOs on ket center
152    integer order_geo               !order of geometric derivatives
153    integer x_geo, y_geo, z_geo     !orders of xyz components of geometric derivatives
154    real(REALK) recur_pint          !results from recursive function \fn(recur_nucpot_hbra)
155    integer addr_hbra, addr_hket, addr_geo
156                                    !addresses of \var(hket_pints)
157    integer ierr                    !error information
158    real(REALK) begin_time          !begin of CPU time
159    real(REALK) end_time            !end of CPU time
160    logical different               !if result from \fn(nucpot_hbra) is different from reference
161    ! dumps information of tests
162    call html_log_int_array(log_text="Orders of HGTOs on bra center:",            &
163                            log_int=orders_hgto_bra, fmt_int="I3", io_log=io_log, &
164                            separation="&rarr;")
165    call html_log_int_array(log_text="Orders of HGTOs on ket center:",            &
166                            log_int=orders_hgto_ket, fmt_int="I3", io_log=io_log, &
167                            separation="&rarr;")
168    call html_log_int_array(                                                       &
169           log_text="Orders of geometric derivative on nuclear potential origin:", &
170           log_int=orders_geo_pot, fmt_int="I3", io_log=io_log, separation="&rarr;")
171    ! gets the begin time
172    call xtimer_set(begin_time)
173    ! sets the maximum order and dimension of geometric derivatives for \fn(nucpot_geom)
174    max_order_nucpot = orders_hgto_bra(2)+orders_hgto_ket(2)+orders_geo_pot(2)
175    if (orders_geo_pot(1)>0) then
176      dim_nucpot = ((max_order_nucpot+1)*(max_order_nucpot+2)*(max_order_nucpot+3) &
177                 -  orders_geo_pot(1)*(orders_geo_pot(1)+1)*(orders_geo_pot(1)+2))/6
178    else
179      dim_nucpot = (max_order_nucpot+1)*(max_order_nucpot+2)*(max_order_nucpot+3)/6
180    end if
181    ! allocates memory for the integrals from \fn(nucpot_geom)
182    allocate(nucpot_pints(dim_nucpot), stat=ierr)
183    if (ierr/=0) then
184      call html_log_int_number(log_text="Failed to allocate nucpot_pints:", &
185                               log_int=dim_nucpot, fmt_int="I12",           &
186                               io_log=io_log, font_color="red")
187      test_failed = .true.
188      return
189    end if
190    call nucpot_geom(COORD_BRA, EXPONENT_BRA, COORD_KET, EXPONENT_KET,           &
191                     NUCORG, SCAL_CONST, (/orders_geo_pot(1),max_order_nucpot/), &
192                     order_elec, dim_nucpot, nucpot_pints)
193    ! allocates memory for the integrals from \fn(nucpot_hket)
194    min_hgto_ket = max(orders_hgto_ket(1)-orders_hgto_bra(2),0)
195    if (min_hgto_ket>0) then
196      dim_hket = ((orders_hgto_ket(2)+1)*(orders_hgto_ket(2)+2)*(orders_hgto_ket(2)+3) &
197               -  min_hgto_ket*(min_hgto_ket+1)*(min_hgto_ket+2))/6
198    else
199      dim_hket = (orders_hgto_ket(2)+1)*(orders_hgto_ket(2)+2)*(orders_hgto_ket(2)+3)/6
200    end if
201    max_geo_hket = orders_hgto_bra(2)+orders_geo_pot(2)
202    if (orders_geo_pot(1)>0) then
203      dim_geo_hket = ((max_geo_hket+1)*(max_geo_hket+2)*(max_geo_hket+3) &
204                   -  orders_geo_pot(1)*(orders_geo_pot(1)+1)*(orders_geo_pot(1)+2))/6
205    else
206      dim_geo_hket = (max_geo_hket+1)*(max_geo_hket+2)*(max_geo_hket+3)/6
207    end if
208    allocate(hket_pints(dim_hket,dim_geo_hket), stat=ierr)
209    if (ierr/=0) then
210      call html_log_int_number(log_text="Failed to allocate hket_pints:",    &
211                               log_int=dim_hket*dim_geo_hket, fmt_int="I12", &
212                               io_log=io_log, font_color="red")
213      deallocate(nucpot_pints)
214      test_failed = .true.
215      return
216    end if
217    call nucpot_hket((/min_hgto_ket,orders_hgto_ket(2)/),              &
218                     (/orders_geo_pot(1),max_geo_hket/),               &
220                     dim_nucpot, nucpot_pints, dim_hket, dim_geo_hket, &
221                     hket_pints)
222    deallocate(nucpot_pints)
223    ! allocates memory for the integrals from \fn(nucpot_hbra)
224    if (orders_hgto_bra(1)>0) then
225      dim_hgto_bra = ((orders_hgto_bra(2)+1)*(orders_hgto_bra(2)+2) &
226                      *(orders_hgto_bra(2)+3)                       &
227                   -  orders_hgto_bra(1)*(orders_hgto_bra(1)+1)     &
228                      *(orders_hgto_bra(1)+2))/6
229    else
230      dim_hgto_bra = (orders_hgto_bra(2)+1)*(orders_hgto_bra(2)+2) &
231                   * (orders_hgto_bra(2)+3)/6
232    end if
233    if (orders_hgto_ket(1)>0) then
234      dim_hgto_ket = ((orders_hgto_ket(2)+1)*(orders_hgto_ket(2)+2) &
235                      *(orders_hgto_ket(2)+3)                       &
236                   -  orders_hgto_ket(1)*(orders_hgto_ket(1)+1)     &
237                      *(orders_hgto_ket(1)+2))/6
238    else
239      dim_hgto_ket = (orders_hgto_ket(2)+1)*(orders_hgto_ket(2)+2) &
240                   * (orders_hgto_ket(2)+3)/6
241    end if
242    if (orders_geo_pot(1)>0) then
243      dim_geo_hbra = ((orders_geo_pot(2)+1)*(orders_geo_pot(2)+2) &
244                      *(orders_geo_pot(2)+3)                      &
245                    - orders_geo_pot(1)*(orders_geo_pot(1)+1)     &
246                      *(orders_geo_pot(1)+2))/6
247    else
248      dim_geo_hbra = (orders_geo_pot(2)+1)*(orders_geo_pot(2)+2) &
249                   * (orders_geo_pot(2)+3)/6
250    end if
251    allocate(hbra_pints(dim_hgto_bra,dim_hgto_ket,dim_geo_hbra), stat=ierr)
252    if (ierr/=0) then
253      call html_log_int_number(log_text="Failed to allocate hbra_pints:",      &
254                               log_int=dim_hgto_bra*dim_hgto_ket*dim_geo_hbra, &
255                               fmt_int="I12", io_log=io_log, font_color="red")
256      deallocate(hket_pints)
257      test_failed = .true.
258      return
259    end if
260    call nucpot_hbra(orders_hgto_bra, orders_hgto_ket, orders_geo_pot, &
262                     dim_hket, dim_geo_hket, hket_pints, dim_hgto_bra, &
263                     dim_hgto_ket, dim_geo_hbra, hbra_pints)
264    deallocate(hket_pints)
265    ! gets the end time
266    call xtimer_set(end_time)
267    ! prints the CPU elapsed time
268    call html_log_real_number(                                                     &
269           log_text="Time (s) used for nucpot_geom, nucpot_hket and nucpot_hbra:", &
270           log_real=end_time-begin_time, fmt_real="F10.4", io_log=io_log,          &
271           font_color="blue")
272    ! resets the begin time
273    call xtimer_set(begin_time)
274    ! sets the data used for the module \fn(recur_nucpot)
275    call recur_nucpot_create(coord_bra=COORD_BRA, exponent_bra=EXPONENT_BRA, &
276                             coord_ket=COORD_KET, exponent_ket=EXPONENT_KET, &
277                             nucpot_origin=NUCORG, dipole_origin=DIPORG,     &
278                             scal_const=SCAL_CONST, order_elec=order_elec,   &
279                             order_aux=max_order_nucpot)
280    ! initializes the address of integrals from \fn(nucpot_hbra)
281    addr_geo = 0
282    ! loops over the orders of geometric derivatives
283    do order_geo = orders_geo_pot(1), orders_geo_pot(2)
284      ! loops over the xyz components of geometric derivatives
285      do z_geo = 0, order_geo
286        do y_geo = 0, order_geo-z_geo
287          x_geo = order_geo-(z_geo+y_geo)
288          addr_geo = addr_geo+1
289          ! initializes the address of integrals from \fn(nucpot_hbra)
290          addr_hket = 0
291          ! loops over the orders of HGTOs on ket center
292          do order_hket = orders_hgto_ket(1), orders_hgto_ket(2)
293            ! loops over the xyz components of HGTOs on ket center
294            do z_hket = 0, order_hket
295              do y_hket = 0, order_hket-z_hket
296                x_hket = order_hket-(z_hket+y_hket)
297                addr_hket = addr_hket+1
298                ! initializes the address of integrals from \fn(nucpot_hbra)
299                addr_hbra = 0
300                ! loops over the orders of HGTOs on bra center
301                do order_hbra = orders_hgto_bra(1), orders_hgto_bra(2)
302                  ! loops over the xyz components of HGTOs on bra center
303                  do z_hbra = 0, order_hbra
304                    do y_hbra = 0, order_hbra-z_hbra
305                      x_hbra = order_hbra-(z_hbra+y_hbra)
306                      ! integral from \fn(recur_nucpot_hbra)
307                      recur_pint = recur_nucpot_hbra((/x_hbra,y_hbra,z_hbra/), &
308                                                     (/x_hket,y_hket,z_hket/), &
309                                                     (/x_geo,y_geo,z_geo/))
310                      addr_hbra = addr_hbra+1
311                      call check_difference(recur_pint,                &
312                             hbra_pints(addr_hbra,addr_hket,addr_geo), &
313                             different)
314                      if (different) then
315                        call html_log_int_array(log_text="Orders of HGTO on bra:", &
316                                                log_int=(/x_hbra,y_hbra,z_hbra/),  &
317                                                fmt_int="I3", io_log=io_log)
318                        call html_log_int_array(log_text="Orders of HGTO on ket:", &
319                                                log_int=(/x_hket,y_hket,z_hket/),  &
320                                                fmt_int="I3", io_log=io_log)
321                        call html_log_int_array(                               &
322                               log_text="Orders of geometric derivative on "// &
323                                        "nuclear potential origin:",           &
324                               log_int=(/x_geo,y_geo,z_geo/), fmt_int="I3",    &
325                               io_log=io_log)
326                        call html_log_real_number(                           &
327                               log_text="Reference from recur_nucpot_hbra:", &
328                               log_real=recur_pint, fmt_real="Es20.12",      &
329                               io_log=io_log, font_color="blue")
330                        call html_log_real_number(log_text="Result from nucpot_hbra:", &
331                               log_real=hbra_pints(addr_hbra,addr_hket,addr_geo),      &
332                               fmt_real="Es20.12", io_log=io_log, font_color="red")
333                        test_failed = .true.
334                      end if
335                    end do
336                  end do
337                end do
338              end do
339            end do
340          end do
341        end do
342      end do
343    end do
344    call recur_nucpot_destroy
345    ! gets the end time
346    call xtimer_set(end_time)
347    ! prints the CPU elapsed time
348    call html_log_real_number(log_text="Time (s) used for recur_nucpot_hbra:", &
349                              log_real=end_time-begin_time, fmt_real="F10.4",  &
350                              io_log=io_log, font_color="blue")
351    ! cleans
352    deallocate(hbra_pints)
353    return
354  end subroutine sub_test_nucpot_hbra