1 package devisor2.foundation.base;
3 import devisor2.foundation.elements.*;
4 import devisor2.foundation.boundary.*;
5 import devisor2.foundation.boundary.*;
7 import java.io.*;
8 import java.util.*;
12 /**
13  *  This class is an extended version of the original BasicDomain class
14  *  which additionally provides support for giving statistics about
15  *  the domain. For convenience, the all-important methods returns
16  *  a completely formatted String which just has to be passed to
17  *  the displaying GUI dialog. <br>
18  *  See the MainActionListener for a description of how this class
19  *  is used in contrast to the original Domain class.
20  *
21  *  @version 0.9 (all but BoundaryNodes supported)
22  *  @author Christian Becker, Dominik Goeddeke
23  */
24 public abstract class DomainStatistics extends BasicDomain
25 {
28     /**
29      *  the all-important method :-)
30      */
getStatistics()31     public String getStatistics ()
32     {
33 	StringBuffer ges = new StringBuffer();
35 	StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
37 	Enumeration enum = db.getBoundaries().elements ();
38 	while (enum.hasMoreElements())
39 	{
40 	    Boundary b = (Boundary)enum.nextElement ();
41 	    sb.append("   #Segments on Boundary "+(b.getNumber())+": "+ b.getSegmentCount()+"\n");
42 	}
44 	double ar = 0.0;
45 	double lar = 0.0;
47 	double hmin = 10000000000000.0;
48 	double hmax = 0.0;
50 	double gar = 0.0;
51 	double ghmin = 10000000000000.0;
52 	double ghmax = 0.0;
54 	enum = cells.elements ();
55 	while (enum.hasMoreElements ())
56 	{
57 	    Node[] nodez = ((Cell2D)enum.nextElement()).getNodes();
59 	    double[] ee = new double[4];
61 	    for (int e=0;e<=3;e++)
62 		ee[e] = Math.sqrt((nodez[e].getCoord(0)-nodez[(e+1)%4].getCoord(0))*
63 				  (nodez[e].getCoord(0)-nodez[(e+1)%4].getCoord(0)) +
64 				  (nodez[e].getCoord(1)-nodez[(e+1)%4].getCoord(1))*
65 				  (nodez[e].getCoord(1)-nodez[(e+1)%4].getCoord(1)));
67 	    hmin = 10000000000000.0;
68 	    hmax = 0.0;
69 	    ar = 0.0;
71 	    for (int e=0;e<=3;e++)
72 	    {
73 		if (ee[e]<hmin) hmin=ee[e];
74 		if (ee[e]>hmax) hmax=ee[e];
76 		if (ee[e]>ee[(e+1)%4])
77 		    lar=ee[e]/ee[(e+1)%4];
78 		else
79 		    lar=ee[(e+1)%4]/ee[e];
81 		if (lar>ar) ar=lar;
83 	    }
85 	    if (hmin<ghmin) ghmin=hmin;
86 	    if (hmax>ghmax) ghmax=hmax;
87 	    if (ar>gar) gar=ar;
89 	}
91 	ges.append ("Statistics for the current domain\n" + "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n \n");
92 	ges.append ("General information:\n");
93 	ges.append ("hmin = " + ghmin + "\n");
94 	ges.append ("hmax = "+ghmax+"\n");
95 	ges.append ("AR = " + gar + "\n");
96 	ges.append ("\n");
97 	ges.append ("File and Format: \n");
98 	ges.append ("Filename: " + domainfilename + "\n");
99 	ges.append ("Fileformat: " + domainfileformat + "\n");
100 	ges.append ("\n");
101 	ges.append ("Object statistics\n");
102 	ges.append ("#Cells        :" + getCellCount() + "\n");
103 	ges.append ("#Nodes(All): " + getNodeCount() + "\n");
104 	ges.append ("#Nodes(Bound.)  :"+getBoundaryNodeCount()+"\n");
105 	ges.append ("#Nodes(Inner) :"+ (getNodeCount() - getBoundaryNodeCount())+"\n");
106 	ges.append ("#Edges        :"+getEdgeCount()+"\n");
107 	ges.append ("#Boundaries   :"+db.getBoundaryCount()+"\n");
108 	ges.append (sb.toString()+"\n");
109 	ges.append ("===========================================\n");
111 	return ges.toString ();
112     }
115     /**
116      *  prints out the whole domain without boundary
117      */
printDomain()118     public void printDomain ()
119     {
120 	printNodeVector ();
121 	printEdgeVector ();
122 	printCellVector ();
123 	db.printDomainBoundary ();
124     }
printNodeVector()126     public void printNodeVector ()
127     {
128 	System.out.println ("current Node vector...");
129 	if (nodes == null)
130 	{
131 	    System.out.println (" Domain Node Vector is null");
132 	}
133 	else
134 	{
135 	    Enumeration enum = nodes.elements ();
136 	    while (enum.hasMoreElements ())
137 	    {
138 		Node n = (Node) enum.nextElement ();
139 		System.out.print ("Index: " + nodes.indexOf (n));
140 		System.out.print (", Number: " + n.getNumber ());
141 		//System.out.print (" (x,y)=("+n.getCoord(0)+","+n.getCoord(1)+")");
142 		if (n.getFathers() == null)
143 		{
144 		    System.out.println (" No parents");
145 		}
146 		else
147 		{
148 		    System.out.print (" Parents:");
149 		    Enumeration edges = n.getFathers().elements ();
150 		    if (!edges.hasMoreElements())
151 		    {
152 			System.out.print ("none");
153 		    }
154 		    while (edges.hasMoreElements())
155 		    {
156 			Edge e = (Edge)edges.nextElement ();
157 			System.out.print (" "+e.getNumber ());
158 		    }
159 		}
160 		if (n instanceof BoundaryNode)
161 		{
162 		    BoundaryNode b = (BoundaryNode)n;
163 		    System.out.print ("; on "+b.getBoundary().getNumber()+" @segment "+b.getSegment()+" w/ par "+b.getParaValue());
164 		}
165 		System.out.println ();
166 	    }
167 	}
168     }
printEdgeVector()170     public void printEdgeVector ()
171     {
172 	System.out.println ("current Edge vector");
173 	if (edges == null)
174 	{
175 	    System.out.println ("Domain Edge Vector is null");
176 	}
177 	else
178 	{
179 	    Enumeration enum = edges.elements ();
180 	    while (enum.hasMoreElements ())
181 	    {
182 		Edge e = (Edge) enum.nextElement ();
183 		System.out.print ("Index: " + edges.indexOf (e));
184 		System.out.print (", Number: " + e.getNumber ());
185 		System.out.print (", n0 = "+e.getNode(0).getNumber());
186 		System.out.print (", n1 = "+e.getNode(1).getNumber());
187 		if (e.getFathers() == null)
188 		{
189 		    System.out.println (", no parents");
190 		}
191 		else
192 		{
193 		    System.out.print (", Parents:");
194 		    Enumeration cells = e.getFathers().elements ();
195 		    while (cells.hasMoreElements())
196 		    {
197 			Cell c = (Cell)cells.nextElement ();
198 			System.out.print (" "+c.getNumber ());
199 		    }
200 		    System.out.println ();
201 		}
202 	    }
203 	}
204     }
printCellVector()207     public void printCellVector ()
208     {
209 	System.out.println ("current Cell vector");
210 	if (cells == null)
211 	{
212 	    System.out.println (" Domain Cell Vector is null");
213 	}
214 	else
215 	{
216 	    Enumeration enum = cells.elements ();
217 	    while (enum.hasMoreElements ())
218 	    {
219 		Cell c = (Cell) enum.nextElement ();
220 		System.out.print ("Index: " + cells.indexOf (c));
221 		System.out.print (", Number: " + c.getNumber ());
222 		if (c.getParent() == null)
223 		    System.out.print (", no parent ");
224 		else
225 		    System.out.print (", Parent " + c.getParent().getNumber ());
226 		if (c instanceof Tri)
227 		    System.out.println (", Type: Tri");
228 		if (c instanceof Quad)
229 		    System.out.println (", Type: Quad");
230 		if (c instanceof Macro)
231 		    System.out.println (", Type: Macro");
232 		//print neighbour cells by number
233 		if (c.getNeighbours() == null)
234 		{
235 		    System.out.println ("No neighbours");
236 		}
237 		else
238 		{
239 		    System.out.print ("Neighbours: ");
240 		    for (int i=0; i<c.getNeighbours().length-1;i++)
241 		    {
242 			System.out.print (c.getNeighbours()[i].getNumber ());
243 		    }
244 		    System.out.println (c.getNeighbours()[c.getNeighbours().length-1].getNumber ());
245 		}
246 		// print children cells by number
247 		if (c.getChildren() == null)
248 		{
249 		    System.out.println ("No children");
250 		}
251 		else
252 		{
253 		    System.out.print ("children: ");
254 		    for (int i=0; i<c.getChildren().length-1;i++)
255 		    {
256 			System.out.print (c.getChildren()[i].getNumber ());
257 		    }
258 		    System.out.println (c.getChildren()[c.getChildren().length-1].getNumber ());
259 		}
260 		// print nodes by number
261 		if (c.getNodes() == null)
262 		{
263 		    System.out.println ("No nodes");
264 		}
265 		else
266 		{
267 		    System.out.print ("nodes: ");
268 		    for (int i=0; i<c.getNodes().length-1;i++)
269 		    {
270 			System.out.print (c.getNodes()[i].getNumber () + " ");
271 		    }
272 		    System.out.println (c.getNodes()[c.getNodes().length-1].getNumber ());
273 		}
274 	    }
275 	}
276     }
279 }