1 package devisor2.grid.GUI.dialogs;
4 import java.awt.*;
5 import java.awt.event.*;
6 import javax.swing.*;
7 import javax.swing.filechooser.*;
8 import java.io.*;
9 import java.util.*;
11 import devisor2.grid.options.*;
12 import devisor2.grid.GUI.framework.*;
13 import devisor2.grid.GUI.dialogs.*;
14 import devisor2.grid.GUI.event.*;
16 /**
17  *  This class provides the event handler for the options dialog
18  *  (OptionsDialog.java), such as restoring factory defaults,
19  *  loading and saving user-defined settings, applying changes
20  *  (which is the most important bit here!) and closing the dialog.<br>
21  *  <br>
22  *  For every button in the OptionsDialog, a unique String
23  *  (an ActionCommand) is declared in this class and registered
24  *  with the corresponding button in the dialog. The actual event
25  *  handling code goes in a corresponding
26  *            <code>if e.getActionCommand().equals (blablabla)"<\code>
27  *  block in the actionPerformed method.
28  *
29  *  @author Dominik Goeddeke
30  *  @version 0.5 (for all options availible so far, event handlers have
31  *  been added)
32  */
34 class OptionsActionListener implements ActionListener
35 {
36     /** reference to the main window of the application */
37     private MainFrame parent;
39     /** reference to the OptionsDialog this listener is responsible for */
40     private OptionsDialog dialog;
42     /** reference to the ControlCenter */
43     private ControlCenter cc;
45     /**
46      *  The constructor just sets the reference correctly
47      *
48      *  @param parent - the mainframe instance, the link to the rest
49      *                  of the application
50      *  @param dialog - a reference to the OptionsDialog instance this
51      *                  class listens to
52      *
53      */
OptionsActionListener(MainFrame parent, OptionsDialog dialog)54     public OptionsActionListener (MainFrame parent, OptionsDialog dialog)
55     {
56 	this.parent = parent;
57 	this.dialog = dialog;
58 	cc = ControlCenter.getMyself ();
59     }
61     /**
62      *  The actionPerformed() method is just a king-size switch-block
63      *  all actions this method performs must be declared as String
64      *  constants in this class (see below)
65      *  It is called by the JRE everytime an ActionEvent is raised.
66      */
actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)67     public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
68     	/* Action Command ACCEPT */
69 	if (e.getActionCommand ().equals(ACCEPT))
70 	{
71 	    String oldlf = cc.op.get (Options.other_lookandfeel);
72 	    dialog.updateOptions();
73 	    updateAll (oldlf);
74 	    // update DrawControl
76 	    int ret1=cc.dc.screen_width;
77 	    int ret2=cc.dc.screen_height;
78 	    int ret3=cc.dc.used_screen_width;
79 	    int ret4=cc.dc.used_screen_height;
80 	    int ret5=cc.dc.world_x1;
81 	    int ret6=cc.dc.world_x2;
82 	    int ret7=cc.dc.world_y1;
83 	    int ret8=cc.dc.world_y2;
84 	    int ret9=cc.dc.act_x1;
85 	    int ret10=cc.dc.act_x2;
86 	    int ret11=cc.dc.act_y1;
87 	    int ret12=cc.dc.act_y2;
89 	    cc.dc = new DrawControl (cc.op);
90 	    cc.dc.tolerance = cc.gc.SingleFromScreenToWorld(cc.dc.tolerance);
92 	    cc.dc.screen_width=ret1;
93 	    cc.dc.screen_height=ret2;
94 	    cc.dc.used_screen_width=ret3;
95 	    cc.dc.used_screen_height=ret4;
96 	    cc.dc.world_x1=ret5;
97 	    cc.dc.world_x2=ret6;
98 	    cc.dc.world_y1=ret7;
99 	    cc.dc.world_y2=ret8;
100 	    cc.dc.act_x1=ret9;
101 	    cc.dc.act_x2=ret10;
102 	    cc.dc.act_y1=ret11;
103 	    cc.dc.act_y2=ret12;
105 //	    cc.dc.main_width = parent.getWidth ();
106 //	    cc.dc.main_height = parent.getHeight ();
107 //	    cc.dc.screen_height = parent.getToolkit().getScreenSize().getSize().height;
108 //	    cc.dc.screen_width = parent.getToolkit().getScreenSize().getSize().width;
109 	    cc.gc.vsnapx = Integer.parseInt (cc.op.get(Options.snap_x));
110 	    cc.gc.vsnapy = Integer.parseInt (cc.op.get(Options.snap_y));
111 	    cc.gc.snapon = Boolean.valueOf (cc.op.get (Options.snap_enabled)).booleanValue ();
113 	    int eps = Integer.parseInt (cc.op.get (Options.epsilon));
114 	    double epsi = 0.01 + ((double)eps)/100 * 0.99;
115 	    cc.gc.eps = (int)(epsi*(cc.dc.world_x2 - cc.dc.world_x1));
116 	    // leave the house...
117 	    dialog.hide();
118 	    parent.getDrawingArea().repaint ();
119 	    return;
120 	}
121 	/* Action Command CANCEL */
122 	if (e.getActionCommand ().equals(CANCEL))
123 	{
124 	    dialog.hide();
125 	    return;
126 	}
127 	/* Action Command LOAD */
128 	if (e.getActionCommand ().equals(LOAD))
129 	{
130 	    // show a load dialog with supported formats optionfiles
131 	    FilePicker picker = new FilePicker (parent,(String)cc.rb.getObject ("dialogs_loadoptionsdialog_caption"), (String)cc.rb.getObject ("dialogs_loaddialog_button"), cc.op.get (Options.general_path), new FilePickerFilter (FilePickerFilter.FILTER_ALL), true);
132 	    int returnvalue = picker.showDialog ();
133 	    // if user accepted a file in the dialog...
134 	    if (returnvalue == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)
135 	    {
136 		// get the file
137 		File selectedFile = picker.getSelectedFile ();
138 		if (selectedFile != null)
139 		{
140 		    // eventueally add extension
142 		    // and load the file
143 		    String filepath = selectedFile.getPath ();
144 		    try
145 		    {
146 			cc.op.load (filepath);
147 		    }
148 		    catch (Exception ex)
149 		    {
150 			JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (dialog, ex.getMessage(),(String)cc.rb.getObject ("errors_messageboxheader"),JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
151 		    }
152 		}
153 		((OptionsDialog)dialog).updateGUI();
154 		String oldlf = cc.op.get (Options.other_lookandfeel);
155 		updateAll ("12345");
156 		return;
157 	    }
158 	}
160 	/* Action Command SAVE */
161 	if (e.getActionCommand ().equals(SAVE))
162 	{
163 	    // first, accept without dialog closing
164 	    String oldlf = cc.op.get (Options.other_lookandfeel);
165 	    dialog.updateOptions ();
166 	    updateAll (oldlf);
167 	    // display dialog
168 	    FilePicker picker = new FilePicker (parent,(String)cc.rb.getObject ("dialogs_saveoptionsdialog_caption"), (String)cc.rb.getObject ("dialogs_savedialog_button"), cc.op.get (Options.general_path), new FilePickerFilter (FilePickerFilter.FILTER_ALL), true);
169 	    String os = System.getProperty ("os.name").toUpperCase();
170 	    if (os.indexOf ("WIN") != -1)
171 	    {
172 		picker.setSelectedFile (new File(cc.op.get (Options.general_devisorhome)+System.getProperty ("file.separator")+"devisorgrid.conf"));
173 	    }
174 	    else
175 	    {
176 		picker.setSelectedFile (new File(System.getProperty("user.home")+System.getProperty ("file.separator")+".devisorgrid"));
177 	    }
178 	    int returnvalue = picker.showDialog ();
179 	    // if user accepted a file in the dialog...
180 	    if (returnvalue == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)
181 	    {
182 		File selectedFile = picker.getSelectedFile ();
183 		if (selectedFile != null)
184 		    {
185 			String filepath = selectedFile.getPath ();
186 			String header = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(dialog, "Please enter the header comment for your Options" , "DeViSoRGrid2 Options file",JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE) ;
187 			cc.op.setHeader (header);
188 			try
189 			    {
190 				cc.op.save (filepath);
191 			    }
192 			catch (Exception ex)
193 			    {
194 				JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (dialog, ex.getMessage(),"ERROR",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
195 			    }
197 		    }
198 		else
199 		    {
200 			JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (dialog,"No file selected","Error",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
201 		    }
202 		return;
203 	    }
206 	}
208 	/* Action Command RESET */
209 	if (e.getActionCommand().equals(RESET))
210 	    {
211 		cc.op.resetToDefaults ();
212 		((OptionsDialog)dialog).updateGUI();
213 		updateAll ("12345");
214 		// set DockableDialog positions
216 		return;
217 	    }
220 	/* Action Command HELP */
221 	if (e.getActionCommand ().equals(HELP))
222 	{
223 	    cc.help.show();
224 	    return;
225 	}
227 	/* Action Command DEVHOME */
228 	if (e.getActionCommand ().equals(DEVHOME))
229 	{
230 	    // show a load dialog which allows paths only
231 	    String initialDirectory = dialog.getDevHomeTextField().getText();
232 	    if (initialDirectory == null)
233 		initialDirectory = cc.op.get (Options.general_devisorhome);
234 	    FilePicker picker = new FilePicker (parent,(String)cc.rb.getObject ("options_OptionsDialog_generalPanel_devisorhome_dialogtitle"), (String)cc.rb.getObject ("general_Accept"), initialDirectory, new FilePickerFilter (FilePickerFilter.FILTER_DIRECTORIES), false);
235 	    int returnvalue = picker.showDialog ();
236 	    if (returnvalue == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)
237 	    {
238 		dialog.getDevHomeTextField().setText (picker.getSelectedFile().getAbsolutePath());
239 	    }
240 	    return;
241 	}
242 	/* Action Command TRIGEN */
243 	if (e.getActionCommand ().equals(TRIGEN))
244 	{
245 	    // show a load dialog
246 	    String initialDirectory = dialog.getTrigenTextField().getText();
247 	    if (initialDirectory == null)
248 		initialDirectory = cc.op.get (Options.general_trigen);
249 	    FilePicker picker = new FilePicker (parent,(String)cc.rb.getObject ("options_OptionsDialog_generalPanel_trigen_dialogtitle"), (String)cc.rb.getObject ("general_Accept"), initialDirectory, new FilePickerFilter (FilePickerFilter.FILTER_BIN), true);
250 	    int returnvalue = picker.showDialog ();
251 	    if (returnvalue == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)
252 	    {
253 		dialog.getTrigenTextField().setText (picker.getSelectedFile().getAbsolutePath());
254 	    }
255 	    return;
256 	}
257 	/* Action Command FEATLIB */
258 	if (e.getActionCommand ().equals(FEATLIB))
259 	{
260 	    // show a load dialog which allows paths only
261 	    String initialDirectory = dialog.getFeatlibTextField().getText();
262 	    if (initialDirectory == null)
263 		initialDirectory = cc.op.get (Options.general_featlib);
264 	    FilePicker picker = new FilePicker (parent,(String)cc.rb.getObject ("options_OptionsDialog_generalPanel_featlib_dialogtitle"), (String)cc.rb.getObject ("general_Accept"), initialDirectory, new FilePickerFilter (FilePickerFilter.FILTER_DIRECTORIES), false);
265 	    int returnvalue = picker.showDialog ();
266 	    if (returnvalue == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)
267 	    {
268 		dialog.getFeatlibTextField().setText (picker.getSelectedFile().getAbsolutePath());
269 	    }
270 	    return;
271 	}
273 	/* Action Command PATH */
274 	if (e.getActionCommand ().equals(PATH))
275 	{
276 	    // show a load dialog which allows paths only
277 	    String initialDirectory = dialog.getPathTextField().getText();
278 	    if (initialDirectory == null)
279 		initialDirectory = cc.op.get (Options.general_path);
280 	    FilePicker picker = new FilePicker (parent,(String)cc.rb.getObject ("options_OptionsDialog_generalPanel_generalpath_dialogtitle"), (String)cc.rb.getObject ("general_Accept"), initialDirectory, new FilePickerFilter (FilePickerFilter.FILTER_DIRECTORIES), false);
281 	    int returnvalue = picker.showDialog ();
282 	    if (returnvalue == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)
283 	    {
284 		dialog.getPathTextField().setText (picker.getSelectedFile().getAbsolutePath());
285 	    }
286 	    return;
287 	}
288 	/* Action Command SNAP */
289 	if (e.getActionCommand ().equals (SNAP))
290 	{
291 	    if (dialog.getSnapCheck().isSelected())
292 	    {
293 		dialog.getSnapXTF().setEnabled (true);
294 		dialog.getSnapXTF().setText (Integer.toString (cc.gc.vsnapx));
295 		dialog.getSnapYTF().setEnabled (true);
296 		dialog.getSnapYTF().setText (Integer.toString (cc.gc.vsnapy));
297 	    }
298 	    else
299 	    {
300 		dialog.getSnapXTF().setEnabled (false);
301 		dialog.getSnapXTF().setText("");
302 		dialog.getSnapYTF().setEnabled (false);
303 		dialog.getSnapYTF().setText ("");
304 	    }
305 	}
307 	/* Action Command  APPLY_ACCELERATOR */
308 	if (e.getActionCommand().equals(APPLY_ACCELERATOR))
309 	    {
310 		String mod;
311 		String key;
312 		// step one: extract the selected modifier key
313 		if (dialog.getCTRLbutton().isSelected ())
314 		    {
315 			mod = "CTRL";
316 		    }
317 		else
318 		    {
319 			if (dialog.getALTbutton().isSelected())
320 			    {
321 				mod = "ALT";
322 			    }
323 			else
324 			    {
325 				if (dialog.getSHIFTbutton().isSelected())
326 				    {
327 					mod = "SHIFT";
328 				    }
329 				else
330 				    {
331 					mod = "NONE";
332 				    }
333 			    }
334 		    }
335 		// step two: extract key
336 		key = (String)dialog.getKeySelectionComboBox().getSelectedItem();
337 		// step three: long boring verification code
338 		// luckily implemented in the Accelerators class
339 		boolean correctAccelerator = Accelerators.isCorrectAccelerator (mod, key);
340 		if (!correctAccelerator)
341 		    {
342 			// a little error message
343 			JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (dialog, (String)cc.rb.getObject("options_OptionsDialog_acceleratorPanel_nocorrectaccelerator"),(String)cc.rb.getObject("errors_messageboxheader"), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
344 		    }
345 		else
346 		    {
347 			// step four: is that accelerator already in use
348 			String accelerator = mod + "+" + key;
349 			if (accelerator.equals("NONE+NONE"))
350 			    accelerator = "NONE";
351 			boolean isInUse = cc.op.isAlreadyAccelerator (accelerator);
352 			if (isInUse)
353 			    {
354 				// a second error message
355 				JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (dialog, (String)cc.rb.getObject("options_OptionsDialog_acceleratorPanel_acceleratoralreadyinuse"),(String)cc.rb.getObject("errors_messageboxheader"), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
356 			    }
357 			else
358 			    {
359 				// step five: update the table
360 				int row = dialog.getAcceleratorTable().getSelectedRow ();
361 				if (row != -1)
362 				    {
363 					((String[])(dialog.getAcceleratorTableData().elementAt(row)))[1] = accelerator;
364 					((AcceleratorTableModel)dialog.getAcceleratorTable().getModel()).fireTableDataChanged();
365 				    }
366 				else
367 				    {
368 					JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (dialog, (String)cc.rb.getObject("options_OptionsDialog_acceleratorPanel_youmustselectarow"),(String)cc.rb.getObject("errors_messageboxheader"), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
369 				    }
370 			    }
371 		    }
372 	    }
374 	/* Action Command REMOVE_ACCELERATOR */
375 	if (e.getActionCommand ().equals(REMOVE_ACCELERATOR))
376 	{
377 	    int row = dialog.getAcceleratorTable().getSelectedRow ();
378 	    if (row != -1)
379 		{
380 		    ((String[])(dialog.getAcceleratorTableData().elementAt(row)))[1] = "NONE";
381 		    ((AcceleratorTableModel)dialog.getAcceleratorTable().getModel()).fireTableDataChanged();
382 		}
383 	    else
384 		{
385 		    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (dialog, (String)cc.rb.getObject("options_OptionsDialog_acceleratorPanel_youmustselectarow"),(String)cc.rb.getObject("errors_messageboxheader"), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
386 		}
387 	    return;
388 	}
390 	/* Action Command COLORNODE */
391 	if (e.getActionCommand ().equals(COLORNODE))
392 	{
393 	    dialog.getColornodeLabel().setBackground (ColorPicker.show ((String)cc.rb.getObject("options_OptionsDialog_colorPanel_objects_node_dialog"), dialog.getColornodeLabel().getBackground(), dialog));
394 	    return;
395 	}
396 	/* Action Command COLOREDGE */
397 	if (e.getActionCommand ().equals(COLOREDGE))
398 	{
399 	    dialog.getColoredgeLabel().setBackground (ColorPicker.show ((String)cc.rb.getObject("options_OptionsDialog_colorPanel_objects_edge_dialog"), dialog.getColoredgeLabel().getBackground(), dialog));
400 	    return;
401 	}
402 	/* Action Command COLOREDGEBASE */
403 	if (e.getActionCommand ().equals(COLOREDGEBASE))
404 	{
405 	    dialog.getColoredgebaseLabel().setBackground (ColorPicker.show ((String)cc.rb.getObject("options_OptionsDialog_colorPanel_objects_edgebase_dialog"), dialog.getColoredgebaseLabel().getBackground(), dialog));
406 	    return;
407 	}
408 	/* Action Command COLORELEMENT */
409 	if (e.getActionCommand ().equals(COLORELEMENT))
410 	{
411 	    dialog.getColorelementLabel().setBackground (ColorPicker.show ((String)cc.rb.getObject("options_OptionsDialog_colorPanel_objects_element_dialog"), dialog.getColorelementLabel().getBackground(), dialog));
412 	    return;
413 	}
414 	/* Action Command NUMBERBOUNDARY */
415 	if (e.getActionCommand ().equals(NUMBERBOUNDARY))
416 	{
417 	    dialog.getNumberboundaryLabel().setBackground (ColorPicker.show ((String)cc.rb.getObject("options_OptionsDialog_colorPanel_numbers_boundary_dialog"), dialog.getNumberboundaryLabel().getBackground(), dialog));
418 	    return;
419 	}
420 	/* Action Command NUMBERNODE */
421 	if (e.getActionCommand ().equals(NUMBERNODE))
422 	{
423 	    dialog.getNumbernodeLabel().setBackground (ColorPicker.show ((String)cc.rb.getObject("options_OptionsDialog_colorPanel_numbers_node_dialog"), dialog.getNumbernodeLabel().getBackground(), dialog));
424 	    return;
425 	}
426 	/* Action Command NUMBERREDGE */
427 	if (e.getActionCommand ().equals(NUMBEREDGE))
428 	{
429 	    dialog.getNumberedgeLabel().setBackground (ColorPicker.show ((String)cc.rb.getObject("options_OptionsDialog_colorPanel_numbers_edge_dialog"), dialog.getNumberedgeLabel().getBackground(), dialog));
430 	    return;
431 	}
432 	/* Action Command NUMBERELEMENT */
433 	if (e.getActionCommand ().equals(NUMBERELEMENT))
434 	{
435 	    dialog.getNumberelementLabel().setBackground (ColorPicker.show ((String)cc.rb.getObject("options_OptionsDialog_colorPanel_numbers_element_dialog"), dialog.getNumberelementLabel().getBackground(), dialog));
436 	    return;
437 	}
438 	/* Action Command HIGHLIGHTSELECTION */
439 	if (e.getActionCommand ().equals(HIGHLIGHTSELECTION))
440 	{
441 	    dialog.getHighlightselectionLabel().setBackground (ColorPicker.show ((String)cc.rb.getObject("options_OptionsDialog_colorPanel_highlight_selection_dialog"), dialog.getHighlightselectionLabel().getBackground(), dialog));
442 	    return;
443 	}
444 	/* Action Command HIGHLIGHTRECT */
445 	if (e.getActionCommand ().equals(HIGHLIGHTRECT))
446 	{
447 	    dialog.getHighlightrectLabel().setBackground (ColorPicker.show ((String)cc.rb.getObject("options_OptionsDialog_colorPanel_highlight_rect_dialog"), dialog.getHighlightrectLabel().getBackground(), dialog));
448 	    return;
449 	}
450 	/* Action Command COLORGRID */
451 	if (e.getActionCommand ().equals(COLORGRID))
452 	{
453 	    dialog.getMiscgridLabel().setBackground (ColorPicker.show ((String)cc.rb.getObject("options_OptionsDialog_colorPanel_misc_grid_dialog"), dialog.getMiscgridLabel().getBackground(), dialog));
454 	    return;
455 	}
456 	/* Action Command COLORBACKGROUND */
457 	if (e.getActionCommand ().equals(COLORBACKGROUND))
458 	{
459 	    dialog.getMiscbackgroundLabel().setBackground (ColorPicker.show ((String)cc.rb.getObject("options_OptionsDialog_colorPanel_misc_background_dialog"), dialog.getMiscbackgroundLabel().getBackground(), dialog));
460 	    return;
461 	}
462 	/* Action Command COLORLASSO */
463 	if (e.getActionCommand ().equals(COLORLASSO))
464 	{
465 	    dialog.getMisclassoLabel().setBackground (ColorPicker.show ((String)cc.rb.getObject("options_OptionsDialog_colorPanel_misc_lasso_dialog"), dialog.getMisclassoLabel().getBackground(), dialog));
466 	    return;
467 	}
468 	/* Action Command FILL0 */
469 	if (e.getActionCommand ().equals(FILL0))
470 	{
471 	    dialog.getFill0Label().setBackground (ColorPicker.show ((String)cc.rb.getObject("options_OptionsDialog_colorPanel_fill0_dialog"), dialog.getFill0Label().getBackground(), dialog));
472 	    return;
473 	}
474 	/* Action Command FILL1 */
475 	if (e.getActionCommand ().equals(FILL1))
476 	{
477 	    dialog.getFill1Label().setBackground (ColorPicker.show ((String)cc.rb.getObject("options_OptionsDialog_colorPanel_fill1_dialog"), dialog.getFill1Label().getBackground(), dialog));
478 	    return;
479 	}
480 	/* Action Command FILL2 */
481 	if (e.getActionCommand ().equals(FILL2))
482 	{
483 	    dialog.getFill2Label().setBackground (ColorPicker.show ((String)cc.rb.getObject("options_OptionsDialog_colorPanel_fill2_dialog"), dialog.getFill2Label().getBackground(), dialog));
484 	    return;
485 	}
486 	/* Action Command FILL3 */
487 	if (e.getActionCommand ().equals(FILL3))
488 	{
489 	    dialog.getFill3Label().setBackground (ColorPicker.show ((String)cc.rb.getObject("options_OptionsDialog_colorPanel_fill3_dialog"), dialog.getFill3Label().getBackground(), dialog));
490 	    return;
491 	}
492 	/* Action Command FILL4 */
493 	if (e.getActionCommand ().equals(FILL4))
494 	{
495 	    dialog.getFill4Label().setBackground (ColorPicker.show ((String)cc.rb.getObject("options_OptionsDialog_colorPanel_fill4_dialog"), dialog.getFill4Label().getBackground(), dialog));
496 	    return;
497 	}
498 	/* Action Command FILL5 */
499 	if (e.getActionCommand ().equals(FILL5))
500 	{
501 	    dialog.getFill5Label().setBackground (ColorPicker.show ((String)cc.rb.getObject("options_OptionsDialog_colorPanel_fill5_dialog"), dialog.getFill5Label().getBackground(), dialog));
502 	    return;
503 	}
504 	/* Action Command FILL6 */
505 	if (e.getActionCommand ().equals(FILL6))
506 	{
507 	    dialog.getFill6Label().setBackground (ColorPicker.show ((String)cc.rb.getObject("options_OptionsDialog_colorPanel_fill6_dialog"), dialog.getFill6Label().getBackground(), dialog));
508 	    return;
509 	}
510 	/* Action Command FILL7 */
511 	if (e.getActionCommand ().equals(FILL7))
512 	{
513 	    dialog.getFill7Label().setBackground (ColorPicker.show ((String)cc.rb.getObject("options_OptionsDialog_colorPanel_fill7_dialog"), dialog.getFill7Label().getBackground(), dialog));
514 	    return;
515 	}
516 	/* Action Command FILL8 */
517 	if (e.getActionCommand ().equals(FILL8))
518 	{
519 	    dialog.getFill8Label().setBackground (ColorPicker.show ((String)cc.rb.getObject("options_OptionsDialog_colorPanel_fill8_dialog"), dialog.getFill8Label().getBackground(), dialog));
520 	    return;
521 	}
522 	/* Action Command FILL9 */
523 	if (e.getActionCommand ().equals(FILL9))
524 	{
525 	    dialog.getFill9Label().setBackground (ColorPicker.show ((String)cc.rb.getObject("options_OptionsDialog_colorPanel_fill9_dialog"), dialog.getFill9Label().getBackground(), dialog));
526 	    return;
527 	}
528 	/* Action Command FILL10 */
529 	if (e.getActionCommand ().equals(FILL10))
530 	{
531 	    dialog.getFill10Label().setBackground (ColorPicker.show ((String)cc.rb.getObject("options_OptionsDialog_colorPanel_fill10_dialog"), dialog.getFill10Label().getBackground(), dialog));
532 	    return;
533 	}
534 	/* Action Command FILL11 */
535 	if (e.getActionCommand ().equals(FILL11))
536 	{
537 	    dialog.getFill11Label().setBackground (ColorPicker.show ((String)cc.rb.getObject("options_OptionsDialog_colorPanel_fill11_dialog"), dialog.getFill11Label().getBackground(), dialog));
538 	    return;
539 	}
540 	/* Action Command FILL12 */
541 	if (e.getActionCommand ().equals(FILL12))
542 	{
543 	    dialog.getFill12Label().setBackground (ColorPicker.show ((String)cc.rb.getObject("options_OptionsDialog_colorPanel_fill12_dialog"), dialog.getFill12Label().getBackground(), dialog));
544 	    return;
545 	}
546 	/* Action Command FILL13 */
547 	if (e.getActionCommand ().equals(FILL13))
548 	{
549 	    dialog.getFill13Label().setBackground (ColorPicker.show ((String)cc.rb.getObject("options_OptionsDialog_colorPanel_fill13_dialog"), dialog.getFill13Label().getBackground(), dialog));
550 	    return;
551 	}
552 	/* Action Command FILL14 */
553 	if (e.getActionCommand ().equals(FILL14))
554 	{
555 	    dialog.getFill14Label().setBackground (ColorPicker.show ((String)cc.rb.getObject("options_OptionsDialog_colorPanel_fill14_dialog"), dialog.getFill14Label().getBackground(), dialog));
556 	    return;
557 	}
558 	/* Action Command FILL15 */
559 	if (e.getActionCommand ().equals(FILL15))
560 	{
561 	    dialog.getFill15Label().setBackground (ColorPicker.show ((String)cc.rb.getObject("options_OptionsDialog_colorPanel_fill15_dialog"), dialog.getFill15Label().getBackground(), dialog));
562 	    return;
563 	}
564 	/* Action Command BOUND0 */
565 	if (e.getActionCommand ().equals(BOUND0))
566 	{
567 	    dialog.getBound0Label().setBackground (ColorPicker.show ((String)cc.rb.getObject("options_OptionsDialog_colorPanel_boundary0_dialog"), dialog.getBound0Label().getBackground(), dialog));
568 	    return;
569 	}
570 	/* Action Command BOUND1 */
571 	if (e.getActionCommand ().equals(BOUND1))
572 	{
573 	    dialog.getBound1Label().setBackground (ColorPicker.show ((String)cc.rb.getObject("options_OptionsDialog_colorPanel_boundary1_dialog"), dialog.getBound1Label().getBackground(), dialog));
574 	    return;
575 	}
576 	/* Action Command BOUND2 */
577 	if (e.getActionCommand ().equals(BOUND2))
578 	{
579 	    dialog.getBound2Label().setBackground (ColorPicker.show ((String)cc.rb.getObject("options_OptionsDialog_colorPanel_boundary2_dialog"), dialog.getBound2Label().getBackground(), dialog));
580 	    return;
581 	}
582 	/* Action Command BOUND3 */
583 	if (e.getActionCommand ().equals(BOUND3))
584 	{
585 	    dialog.getBound3Label().setBackground (ColorPicker.show ((String)cc.rb.getObject("options_OptionsDialog_colorPanel_boundary3_dialog"), dialog.getBound3Label().getBackground(), dialog));
586 	    return;
587 	}
588 	/* Action Command BOUND4 */
589 	if (e.getActionCommand ().equals(BOUND4))
590 	{
591 	    dialog.getBound4Label().setBackground (ColorPicker.show ((String)cc.rb.getObject("options_OptionsDialog_colorPanel_boundary4_dialog"), dialog.getBound4Label().getBackground(), dialog));
592 	    return;
593 	}
594 	/* Action Command BOUND5 */
595 	if (e.getActionCommand ().equals(BOUND5))
596 	{
597 	    dialog.getBound5Label().setBackground (ColorPicker.show ((String)cc.rb.getObject("options_OptionsDialog_colorPanel_boundary5_dialog"), dialog.getBound5Label().getBackground(), dialog));
598 	    return;
599 	}
600 	/* Action Command BOUND6 */
601 	if (e.getActionCommand ().equals(BOUND6))
602 	{
603 	    dialog.getBound6Label().setBackground (ColorPicker.show ((String)cc.rb.getObject("options_OptionsDialog_colorPanel_boundary6_dialog"), dialog.getBound6Label().getBackground(), dialog));
604 	    return;
605 	}
606 	/* Action Command BOUND7 */
607 	if (e.getActionCommand ().equals(BOUND7))
608 	{
609 	    dialog.getBound7Label().setBackground (ColorPicker.show ((String)cc.rb.getObject("options_OptionsDialog_colorPanel_boundary7_dialog"), dialog.getBound7Label().getBackground(), dialog));
610 	    return;
611 	}
612 	/* Action Command BOUND8 */
613 	if (e.getActionCommand ().equals(BOUND8))
614 	{
615 	    dialog.getBound8Label().setBackground (ColorPicker.show ((String)cc.rb.getObject("options_OptionsDialog_colorPanel_boundary8_dialog"), dialog.getBound8Label().getBackground(), dialog));
616 	    return;
617 	}
618 	/* Action Command BOUND9 */
619 	if (e.getActionCommand ().equals(BOUND9))
620 	{
621 	    dialog.getBound9Label().setBackground (ColorPicker.show ((String)cc.rb.getObject("options_OptionsDialog_colorPanel_boundary9_dialog"), dialog.getBound9Label().getBackground(), dialog));
622 	    return;
623 	}
624 	/* Action Command BOUND10 */
625 	if (e.getActionCommand ().equals(BOUND10))
626 	{
627 	    dialog.getBound10Label().setBackground (ColorPicker.show ((String)cc.rb.getObject("options_OptionsDialog_colorPanel_boundary10_dialog"), dialog.getBound10Label().getBackground(), dialog));
628 	    return;
629 	}
630 	/* Action Command BOUND11 */
631 	if (e.getActionCommand ().equals(BOUND11))
632 	{
633 	    dialog.getBound11Label().setBackground (ColorPicker.show ((String)cc.rb.getObject("options_OptionsDialog_colorPanel_boundary11_dialog"), dialog.getBound11Label().getBackground(), dialog));
634 	    return;
635 	}
636 	/* Action Command BOUND12 */
637 	if (e.getActionCommand ().equals(BOUND12))
638 	{
639 	    dialog.getBound12Label().setBackground (ColorPicker.show ((String)cc.rb.getObject("options_OptionsDialog_colorPanel_boundary12_dialog"), dialog.getBound12Label().getBackground(), dialog));
640 	    return;
641 	}
642 	/* Action Command BOUND13 */
643 	if (e.getActionCommand ().equals(BOUND13))
644 	{
645 	    dialog.getBound13Label().setBackground (ColorPicker.show ((String)cc.rb.getObject("options_OptionsDialog_colorPanel_boundary13_dialog"), dialog.getBound13Label().getBackground(), dialog));
646 	    return;
647 	}
648 	/* Action Command BOUND14 */
649 	if (e.getActionCommand ().equals(BOUND14))
650 	{
651 	    dialog.getBound14Label().setBackground (ColorPicker.show ((String)cc.rb.getObject("options_OptionsDialog_colorPanel_boundary14_dialog"), dialog.getBound14Label().getBackground(), dialog));
652 	    return;
653 	}
654 	/* Action Command BOUND15 */
655 	if (e.getActionCommand ().equals(BOUND15))
656 	{
657 	    dialog.getBound15Label().setBackground (ColorPicker.show ((String)cc.rb.getObject("options_OptionsDialog_colorPanel_boundary15_dialog"), dialog.getBound15Label().getBackground(), dialog));
658 	    return;
659 	}
663 	return;
664     }
667     /**
668      *  updates all GUI elements according to setting in current
669      *  Options object in class ControlCenter
670      */
updateAll(String oldlookandfeel)671     public void updateAll (String oldlookandfeel)
672     {
673 	updateGeneral ();
674 	updateOther (oldlookandfeel);
675 	updateAccelerator ();
676     }
679     // updates everything on the GENERAL tab
updateGeneral()680     private void updateGeneral ()
681     {
683     }
685     // update everything changed on the accelerators tab
updateAccelerator()686     private void updateAccelerator ()
687     {
688 	Vector data = dialog.getAcceleratorTableData ();
689 	// first the Options instance is updated
690 	Enumeration enum = data.elements ();
691 	while (enum.hasMoreElements ())
692 	    {
693 		String[] elem = (String[])enum.nextElement ();
694 		cc.op.set (elem[0], elem[1]);
695 	    }
696 	// and now the GUI menu itself
697 	parent.getMainMenu().setAccelerators ();
698     }
701     // updates everything changed on the OTHER tab
updateOther(String oldlf)702     private void updateOther (String oldlf)
703     {
704 	try
705 	{
706 	    if (!oldlf.equals(cc.op.get(Options.other_lookandfeel)))
707 	    {
708 		// set new l&f
709 		UIManager.setLookAndFeel(cc.op.get(Options.other_lookandfeel));
710 		// ... for the main frame
711 		SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI(parent);
712 		parent.pack();
713 		SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI(dialog);
714 		dialog.pack();
715 		SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI(cc.help);
716 		cc.help.pack();
717 		// ... and all user-defined dialogs
718 		cc.dm.refreshDialogs ();
719             }
720 	}
721 	catch (Exception ex)
722 	{
723 	    if (!(ex instanceof NullPointerException))
724 	    {
725 		JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (parent,(String)cc.rb.getObject("errors_lookandfeelnotsupported"),(String)cc.rb.getObject("errors_messageboxheader"),JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
726 	    }
727 	}
728     }
730     /**
731      *  ActionCommand for the ACCEPT button
732      */
733     public static final String ACCEPT = "ACCEPT";
735     /**
736      *  ActionCommand for the CANCEL button
737      */
738     public static final String CANCEL = "CANCEL";
740     /**
741      *  ActionCommand for the LOAD button
742      */
743     public static final String LOAD = "LOAD";
745     /**
746      *  ActionCommand for the SAVE button
747      */
748     public static final String SAVE = "SAVE";
750     /**
751      *  ActionCommand for the RESETTODEFAULTS button
752      */
753     public static final String RESET = "RESET";
755     /**
756      *  ActionCommand for the HELP button
757      */
758     public static final String HELP = "HELP";
760     /**
761      *  ActionCommand for the DEVHOME button on tab GENERAL
762      */
763     public static final String DEVHOME = "DEVHOME";
764     /**
765      *  ActionCommand for the PATH button on tab GENERAL
766      */
767     public static final String PATH = "PATH";
768     /**
769      *  ActionCommand for the FEATLIB button on tab GENERAL
770      */
771     public static final String FEATLIB = "FEATLIB";
772     /**
773      *  ActionCommand for the TRIGEN button on tab GENERAL
774      */
775     public static final String TRIGEN = "TRIGEN";
776     /**
777      *  ActionCommand for the SNAP check box on DRAW tab
778      */
779     public static final String SNAP = "SNAP";
780     /**
781      *  ActionCommand for the NODE button on tab COLOR
782      */
783     public static final String COLORNODE = "COLORNODE";
784     /**
785      *  ActionCommand for the EDGE button on tab COLOR
786      */
787     public static final String COLOREDGE = "COLOREDGE";
788     /**
789      *  ActionCommand for the EDGEBASE button on tab COLOR
790      */
791     public static final String COLOREDGEBASE = "COLOREDGEBASE";
792     /**
793      *  ActionCommand for the ELEMENT button on tab COLOR
794      */
795     public static final String COLORELEMENT = "COLORELEMENT";
796     /**
797      *  ActionCommand for the BOUNDARYNUMBER button on tab COLOR
798      */
799     public static final String NUMBERBOUNDARY = "NUMBERBOUNDARY";
800     /**
801      *  ActionCommand for the NODENUMBER button on tab COLOR
802      */
803     public static final String NUMBERNODE = "NUMBERNODE";
804     /**
805      *  ActionCommand for the EDGENUMBER button on tab COLOR
806      */
807     public static final String NUMBEREDGE = "NUMBEREDGE";
808     /**
809      *  ActionCommand for the ELEMENTNUMBER button on tab COLOR
810      */
811     public static final String NUMBERELEMENT = "NUMBERELEMENT";
812     /**
813      *  ActionCommand for the HIGHLIGHTSELECTION button on tab COLOR
814      */
815     public static final String HIGHLIGHTSELECTION = "HIGHLIGHTSELECTION";
816     /**
817      *  ActionCommand for the HIGHLIGHTRECT button on tab COLOR
818      */
819     public static final String HIGHLIGHTRECT = "HIGHLIGHTRECT";
820     /**
821      *  ActionCommand for the GRID button on tab COLOR
822      */
823     public static final String COLORGRID = "COLORGRID";
824     /**
825      *  ActionCommand for the BACKGROUND button on tab COLOR
826      */
827     public static final String COLORBACKGROUND = "COLORBACKGROUND";
828     /**
829      *  ActionCommand for the LASSO button on tab COLOR
830      */
831     public static final String COLORLASSO = "COLORLASSO";
832     /**
833      *  ActionCommand for the FILL0 button on tab COLOR
834      */
835     public static final String FILL0 = "FILL0";
836     /**
837      *  ActionCommand for the FILL1 button on tab COLOR
838      */
839     public static final String FILL1 = "FILL1";
840     /**
841      *  ActionCommand for the FILL2 button on tab COLOR
842      */
843     public static final String FILL2 = "FILL2";
844     /**
845      *  ActionCommand for the FILL3 button on tab COLOR
846      */
847     public static final String FILL3 = "FILL3";
848     /**
849      *  ActionCommand for the FILL4 button on tab COLOR
850      */
851     public static final String FILL4 = "FILL4";
852     /**
853      *  ActionCommand for the FILL5 button on tab COLOR
854      */
855     public static final String FILL5 = "FILL5";
856     /**
857      *  ActionCommand for the FILL6 button on tab COLOR
858      */
859     public static final String FILL6 = "FILL6";
860     /**
861      *  ActionCommand for the FILL7 button on tab COLOR
862      */
863     public static final String FILL7 = "FILL7";
864     /**
865      *  ActionCommand for the FILL8 button on tab COLOR
866      */
867     public static final String FILL8 = "FILL8";
868     /**
869      *  ActionCommand for the FILL9 button on tab COLOR
870      */
871     public static final String FILL9 = "FILL9";
872     /**
873      *  ActionCommand for the FILL10 button on tab COLOR
874      */
875     public static final String FILL10 = "FILL10";
876     /**
877      *  ActionCommand for the FILL11 button on tab COLOR
878      */
879     public static final String FILL11 = "FILL11";
880     /**
881      *  ActionCommand for the FILL12 button on tab COLOR
882      */
883     public static final String FILL12 = "FILL12";
884     /**
885      *  ActionCommand for the FILL13 button on tab COLOR
886      */
887     public static final String FILL13 = "FILL13";
888     /**
889      *  ActionCommand for the FILL14 button on tab COLOR
890      */
891     public static final String FILL14 = "FILL14";
892     /**
893      *  ActionCommand for the FILL15 button on tab COLOR
894      */
895     public static final String FILL15 = "FILL15";
897     /**
898      *  ActionCommand for the APPLY button on the ACCELERATORS tab
899      */
900     public static final String APPLY_ACCELERATOR = "APPLY_ACCELERATOR";
902     /**
903      *  ActionCommand for the REMOVE button on the ACCELERATORS tab
904      */
905     public static final String REMOVE_ACCELERATOR = "REMOVE_ACCELERATOR";
906     /**
907      * ActionCommand for palette color 0 for boundaries
908      */
909     public static final String BOUND0 = "BOUND0";
910     /**
911      * ActionCommand for palette color 1 for boundaries
912      */
913     public static final String BOUND1 = "BOUND1";
914     /**
915      * ActionCommand for palette color 2 for boundaries
916      */
917     public static final String BOUND2 = "BOUND2";
918     /**
919      * ActionCommand for palette color 3 for boundaries
920      */
921     public static final String BOUND3 = "BOUND3";
922     /**
923      * ActionCommand for palette color 4 for boundaries
924      */
925     public static final String BOUND4 = "BOUND4";
926     /**
927      * ActionCommand for palette color 5 for boundaries
928      */
929     public static final String BOUND5 = "BOUND5";
930     /**
931      * ActionCommand for palette color 6 for boundaries
932      */
933     public static final String BOUND6 = "BOUND6";
934     /**
935      * ActionCommand for palette color 7 for boundaries
936      */
937     public static final String BOUND7 = "BOUND7";
938     /**
939      * ActionCommand for palette color 8 for boundaries
940      */
941     public static final String BOUND8 = "BOUND8";
942     /**
943      * ActionCommand for palette color 9 for boundaries
944      */
945     public static final String BOUND9 = "BOUND9";
946     /**
947      * ActionCommand for palette color 10 for boundaries
948      */
949     public static final String BOUND10 = "BOUND10";
950     /**
951      * ActionCommand for palette color 11 for boundaries
952      */
953     public static final String BOUND11 = "BOUND11";
954     /**
955      * ActionCommand for palette color 12 for boundaries
956      */
957     public static final String BOUND12 = "BOUND12";
958     /**
959      * ActionCommand for palette color 13 for boundaries
960      */
961     public static final String BOUND13 = "BOUND13";
962     /**
963      * ActionCommand for palette color 14 for boundaries
964      */
965     public static final String BOUND14 = "BOUND14";
966     /**
967      * ActionCommand for palette color 15 for boundaries
968      */
969     public static final String BOUND15 = "BOUND15";
972 }