1function DERIVS = get_perturbation_params_derivs(M, options, estim_params, oo, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, d2flag)
2% DERIVS = get_perturbation_params_derivs(M, options, estim_params, oo, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, d2flag)
3% previously getH.m in dynare 4.5
4% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
5% Computes derivatives (with respect to parameters) of
6%   (1) steady-state (ys) and covariance matrix of shocks (Sigma_e)
7%   (2) dynamic model jacobians (g1, g2, g3)
8%   (3) perturbation solution matrices:
9%       * order==1: ghx,ghu
10%       * order==2: ghx,ghu,ghxx,ghxu,ghuu,ghs2
11%       * order==3: ghx,ghu,ghxx,ghxu,ghuu,ghs2,ghxxx,ghxxu,ghxuu,ghuuu,ghxss,ghuss
12% Note that the order in the parameter Jacobians is the following:
13% (1) stderr parameters (indpstderr)
14% (2) corr parameters (indpcorr)
15% (3) model parameters (indpmodel)
17% =========================================================================
19%   M:            [structure] storing the model information
20%   options:      [structure] storing the options
21%   estim_params: [structure] storing the estimation information
22%   oo:           [structure] storing the solution results
23%   indpmodel:    [modparam_nbr by 1] index of selected (estimated) parameters in M.params;
24%                   corresponds to model parameters (no stderr and no corr) in estimated_params block
25%   indpstderr:   [stderrparam_nbr by 1] index of selected (estimated) standard errors,
26%                   i.e. for all exogenous variables where 'stderr' is given in the estimated_params block
27%   indpcorr:     [corrparam_nbr by 2] matrix of selected (estimated) correlations,
28%                   i.e. for all exogenous variables where 'corr' is given in the estimated_params block
29%   d2flag:       [boolean] flag to compute second-order parameter derivatives of steady state and first-order Kalman transition matrices
30% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
32% DERIVS: Structure with the following fields:
33%   dYss:       [endo_nbr by modparam_nbr] in DR order
34%               Jacobian (wrt model parameters only) of steady state, i.e. ys(order_var,:)
35%   dSigma_e:   [exo_nbr by exo_nbr by totparam_nbr] in declaration order
36%                Jacobian (wrt to all paramters) of covariance matrix of shocks, i.e. Sigma_e
37%   dg1:        [endo_nbr by yy0ex0_nbr by modparam_nbr] in DR order
38%               Parameter Jacobian of first derivative (wrt dynamic model variables) of dynamic model (wrt to model parameters only)
39%   dg2:        [endo_nbr by yy0ex0_nbr^2*modparam_nbr] in DR order
40%               Parameter Jacobian of second derivative (wrt dynamic model variables) of dynamic model (wrt to model parameters only)
41%               Note that instead of tensors we use matrix notation with blocks: dg2 = [dg2_dp1 dg2_dp2 ...],
42%               where dg2_dpj is [endo_nbr by yy0ex0_nbr^2] and represents the derivative of g2 wrt parameter pj
43%   dg3:        [endo_nbr by yy0ex0_nbr^3*modparam_nbr] in DR order
44%               Parameter Jacobian of third derivative (wrt dynamic model variables) of dynamic model (wrt to model parameters only)
45%               Note that instead of tensors we use matrix notation with blocks: dg3 = [dg3_dp1 dg3_dp2 ...],
46%               where dg3_dpj is [endo_nbr by yy0ex0_nbr^3] and represents the derivative of g3 wrt parameter pj
47%   dghx:       [endo_nbr by nspred by totparam_nbr] in DR order
48%               Jacobian (wrt to all parameters) of first-order perturbation solution matrix ghx
49%   dghu:       [endo_nbr by exo_nbr by totparam_nbr] in DR order
50%               Jacobian (wrt to all parameters) of first-order perturbation solution matrix ghu
51%   dOm:        [endo_nbr by endo_nbr by totparam_nbr] in DR order
52%               Jacobian (wrt to all paramters) of Om = ghu*Sigma_e*transpose(ghu)
53%   dghxx       [endo_nbr by nspred*nspred by totparam_nbr] in DR order
54%               Jacobian (wrt to all parameters) of second-order perturbation solution matrix ghxx
55%   dghxu       [endo_nbr by nspred*exo_nbr by totparam_nbr] in DR order
56%               Jacobian (wrt to all parameters) of second-order perturbation solution matrix ghxu
57%   dghuu       [endo_nbr by exo_nbr*exo_nbr by totparam_nbr] in DR order
58%               Jacobian (wrt to all parameters) of second-order perturbation solution matrix ghuu
59%   dghs2       [endo_nbr by totparam_nbr] in DR order
60%               Jacobian (wrt to all parameters) of second-order perturbation solution matrix ghs2
61%   dghxxx      [endo_nbr by nspred*nspred*nspred by totparam_nbr] in DR order
62%               Jacobian (wrt to all parameters) of third-order perturbation solution matrix ghxxx
63%   dghxxu      [endo_nbr by nspred*nspred*exo_nbr by totparam_nbr] in DR order
64%               Jacobian (wrt to all parameters) of third-order perturbation solution matrix ghxxu
65%   dghxuu      [endo_nbr by nspred*exo_nbr*exo_nbr by totparam_nbr] in DR order
66%               Jacobian (wrt to all parameters) of third-order perturbation solution matrix ghxuu
67%   dghuuu      [endo_nbr by exo_nbr*exo_nbr*exo_nbr by totparam_nbr] in DR order
68%               Jacobian (wrt to all parameters) of third-order perturbation solution matrix ghuuu
69%   dghxss      [endo_nbr by nspred by totparam_nbr] in DR order
70%               Jacobian (wrt to all parameters) of third-order perturbation solution matrix ghxss
71%   dghuss      [endo_nbr by exo_nbr by totparam_nbr] in DR order
72%               Jacobian (wrt to all parameters) of third-order perturbation solution matrix ghuss
73% if d2flag==true, we additional output:
74%   d2KalmanA:  [endo_nbr*endo_nbr by totparam_nbr*(totparam_nbr+1)/2] in DR order
75%               Unique entries of Hessian (wrt all parameters) of Kalman transition matrix A
76%   d2Om:       [endo_nbr*(endo_nbr+1)/2 by totparam_nbr*(totparam_nbr+1)/2] in DR order
77%               Unique entries of Hessian (wrt all parameters) of Om=ghu*Sigma_e*transpose(ghu)
78%   d2Yss:      [endo_nbr by modparam_nbr by modparam_nbr] in DR order
79%               Unique entries of Hessian (wrt model parameters only) of steady state ys(order_var,:)
81% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
82% This function is called by
83%   * dsge_likelihood.m
84%   * get_identification_jacobians.m
85% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
86% This function calls
87%   * [fname,'.dynamic']
88%   * [fname,'.dynamic_params_derivs']
89%   * [fname,'.static']
90%   * [fname,'.static_params_derivs']
91%   * commutation
92%   * dyn_vech
93%   * dyn_unvech
94%   * fjaco
95%   * get_2nd_deriv (embedded)
96%   * get_2nd_deriv_mat(embedded)
97%   * get_all_parameters
98%   * get_all_resid_2nd_derivs (embedded)
99%   * get_hess_deriv (embedded)
100%   * hessian_sparse
101%   * sylvester3
102%   * sylvester3a
103%   * get_perturbation_params_derivs_numerical_objective
104% =========================================================================
105% Copyright (C) 2019 Dynare Team
107% This file is part of Dynare.
109% Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
110% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
111% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
112% (at your option) any later version.
114% Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
115% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
117% GNU General Public License for more details.
119% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
120% along with Dynare.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
121% =========================================================================
122% Get fields from M
123Correlation_matrix = M.Correlation_matrix;
124dname              = M.dname;
125dynamic_tmp_nbr    = M.dynamic_tmp_nbr;
126endo_nbr           = M.endo_nbr;
127exo_nbr            = M.exo_nbr;
128exo_det_nbr        = M.exo_det_nbr;
129fname              = M.fname;
130lead_lag_incidence = M.lead_lag_incidence;
131nfwrd              = M.nfwrd;
132npred              = M.npred;
133nspred             = M.nspred;
134nstatic            = M.nstatic;
135params             = M.params;
136param_nbr          = M.param_nbr;
137Sigma_e            = M.Sigma_e;
139% Get fields from options
140analytic_derivation_mode = options.analytic_derivation_mode;
141    % analytic_derivation_mode: select method to compute Jacobians, default is 0
142    % *  0: efficient sylvester equation method to compute analytical derivatives as in Ratto & Iskrev (2012)
143    % *  1: kronecker products method to compute analytical derivatives as in Iskrev (2010), only for order=1
144    % * -1: numerical two-sided finite difference method to compute numerical derivatives of all output arguments using function get_perturbation_params_derivs_numerical_objective.m
145    % * -2: numerical two-sided finite difference method to compute numerically dYss, dg1, dg2, dg3, d2Yss and d2g1, the other output arguments are computed analytically as in kronflag=0
146gstep        = options.gstep;
147order        = options.order;
148if isempty(options.qz_criterium)
149    % set default value for qz_criterium: if there are no unit roots one can use 1.0
150    % If they are possible, you may have have multiple unit roots and the accuracy
151    % decreases when computing the eigenvalues in lyapunov_symm. Hence, we normally use 1+1e-6
152    options = select_qz_criterium_value(options);
154qz_criterium = options.qz_criterium;
155threads_BC   = options.threads.kronecker.sparse_hessian_times_B_kronecker_C;
157% Get fields from oo
158exo_steady_state = oo.exo_steady_state;
159ghx = oo.dr.ghx;
160ghu = oo.dr.ghu;
161if order > 1
162    ghxx = oo.dr.ghxx;
163    ghxu = oo.dr.ghxu;
164    ghuu = oo.dr.ghuu;
165    ghs2 = oo.dr.ghs2;
167if order > 2
168    ghxxx = oo.dr.ghxxx;
169    ghxxu = oo.dr.ghxxu;
170    ghxuu = oo.dr.ghxuu;
171    ghuuu = oo.dr.ghuuu;
172    ghxss = oo.dr.ghxss;
173    ghuss = oo.dr.ghuss;
175order_var = oo.dr.order_var;
176ys        = oo.dr.ys;
178% Some checks
179if exo_det_nbr > 0
180    error('''get_perturbation_params_derivs'': not compatible with deterministic exogenous variables, please declare as endogenous.')
182if order > 1 && analytic_derivation_mode == 1
183    %analytic derivatives using Kronecker products is implemented only at first-order, at higher order we reset to analytic derivatives with sylvester equations
184    %options.analytic_derivation_mode = 0; fprintf('As order > 1, reset ''analytic_derivation_mode'' to 0\n');
185    analytic_derivation_mode = 0; fprintf('As order > 1, reset ''analytic_derivation_mode'' to 0\n');
188numerical_objective_fname = str2func('get_perturbation_params_derivs_numerical_objective');
189idx_states      = nstatic+(1:nspred); %index for state variables, in DR order
190modparam_nbr    = length(indpmodel);  %number of selected model parameters
191stderrparam_nbr = length(indpstderr); %number of selected stderr parameters
192corrparam_nbr   = size(indpcorr,1);   %number of selected corr parameters
193totparam_nbr    = modparam_nbr + stderrparam_nbr + corrparam_nbr; %total number of selected parameters
194[I,~]           = find(lead_lag_incidence');                      %I is used to select nonzero columns of the Jacobian of endogenous variables in dynamic model files
195yy0_nbr         = length(ys(I));                                  %number of dynamic variables
196yy0ex0_nbr      = yy0_nbr+exo_nbr;                                %number of dynamic variables + exogenous variables
197kyy0            = nonzeros(lead_lag_incidence(:,order_var)');     %index for nonzero entries in dynamic files at t-1,t,t+1 in DR order
198kyy0ex0         = [kyy0; length(kyy0)+(1:exo_nbr)'];              %dynamic files include derivatives wrt exogenous variables, note that exo_det is always 0
199if order > 1
200    k2yy0ex0    = transpose(reshape(1:yy0ex0_nbr^2,yy0ex0_nbr,yy0ex0_nbr)); %index for the second dynamic derivatives, i.e. to evaluate the derivative of f wrt to yy0ex0(i) and yy0ex0(j), in DR order
202if order > 2
203    k3yy0ex0    = permute(reshape(transpose(reshape(1:yy0ex0_nbr^3,yy0ex0_nbr,yy0ex0_nbr^2)),yy0ex0_nbr,yy0ex0_nbr,yy0ex0_nbr),[2 1 3]); %index for the third dynamic derivative, i.e. df/(dyyex0_i*dyyex0_j*dyyex0_k)
206% Check for purely backward or forward looking models
207if size(lead_lag_incidence,1)<3
208    if nfwrd == 0 %purely backward models
209        klag       = lead_lag_incidence(1,order_var);        %indices of lagged (i.e. t-1) variables in dynamic files, columns are in DR order
210        kcurr      = lead_lag_incidence(2,order_var);        %indices of current (i.e. t) variables in dynamic files, columns are in DR order
211        klead      = zeros(1,size(lead_lag_incidence,2));          %indices of lead (i.e. t+1) variables in dynamic files, columns are in DR order
212    elseif npred == 0 %purely forward models
213        klag       = zeros(1,size(lead_lag_incidence,2));          %indices of lagged (i.e. t-1) variables in dynamic files, columns are in DR order
214        kcurr      = lead_lag_incidence(1,order_var);        %indices of current (i.e. t) variables in dynamic files, columns are in DR order
215        klead      = lead_lag_incidence(2,order_var);        %indices of lead (i.e. t+1) variables in dynamic files, columns are in DR order
216    end
217else %normal models
218    klag       = lead_lag_incidence(1,order_var);        %indices of lagged (i.e. t-1) variables in dynamic files, columns are in DR order
219    kcurr      = lead_lag_incidence(2,order_var);        %indices of current (i.e. t) variables in dynamic files, columns are in DR order
220    klead      = lead_lag_incidence(3,order_var);        %indices of lead (i.e. t+1) variables in dynamic files, columns are in DR order
223if analytic_derivation_mode < 0
224    %Create auxiliary estim_params blocks if not available for numerical derivatives, estim_params_model contains only model parameters
225    estim_params_model.np = length(indpmodel);
226    estim_params_model.param_vals(:,1) = indpmodel;
227    estim_params_model.nvx = 0; estim_params_model.ncx = 0; estim_params_model.nvn = 0; estim_params_model.ncn = 0;
228    modparam1 = get_all_parameters(estim_params_model, M);  %get all selected model parameters
229    if ~isempty(indpstderr) && isempty(estim_params.var_exo) %if there are stderr parameters but no estimated_params_block
230        %provide temporary necessary information for stderr parameters
231        estim_params.nvx = length(indpstderr);
232        estim_params.var_exo(:,1) = indpstderr;
233    end
234    if ~isempty(indpcorr) && isempty(estim_params.corrx) %if there are corr parameters but no estimated_params_block
235        %provide temporary necessary information for stderr parameters
236        estim_params.ncx = size(indpcorr,1);
237        estim_params.corrx(:,1:2) = indpcorr;
238    end
239    if ~isfield(estim_params,'nvn') %stderr of measurement errors not yet
240        estim_params.nvn = 0;
241        estim_params.var_endo = [];
242    end
243    if ~isfield(estim_params,'ncn') %corr of measurement errors not yet
244        estim_params.ncn = 0;
245        estim_params.corrn = [];
246    end
247    if ~isempty(indpmodel) && isempty(estim_params.param_vals) %if there are model parameters but no estimated_params_block
248        %provide temporary necessary information for model parameters
249        estim_params.np = length(indpmodel);
250        estim_params.param_vals(:,1) = indpmodel;
251    end
252    xparam1 = get_all_parameters(estim_params, M);  %get all selected stderr, corr, and model parameters in estimated_params block, stderr and corr come first, then model parameters
254if d2flag
255    modparam_nbr2 = modparam_nbr*(modparam_nbr+1)/2; %number of unique entries of selected model parameters only in second-order derivative matrix
256    totparam_nbr2 = totparam_nbr*(totparam_nbr+1)/2; %number of unique entries of all selected parameters in second-order derivative matrix
257    %get indices of elements in second derivatives of parameters
258    indp2tottot       = reshape(1:totparam_nbr^2,totparam_nbr,totparam_nbr);
259    indp2stderrstderr = indp2tottot(1:stderrparam_nbr , 1:stderrparam_nbr);
260    indp2stderrcorr   = indp2tottot(1:stderrparam_nbr , stderrparam_nbr+1:stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr);
261    indp2modmod       = indp2tottot(stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr+1:stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr+modparam_nbr , stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr+1:stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr+modparam_nbr);
262    if totparam_nbr ~=1
263        indp2tottot2 = dyn_vech(indp2tottot); %index of unique second-order derivatives
264    else
265        indp2tottot2 = indp2tottot;
266    end
267    if modparam_nbr ~= 1
268        indp2modmod2 = dyn_vech(indp2modmod); %get rid of cross derivatives
269    else
270        indp2modmod2 = indp2modmod;
271    end
272    %Kalman transition matrices, as in kalman_transition_matrix.m
273    KalmanA = zeros(endo_nbr,endo_nbr);
274    KalmanA(:,idx_states) = ghx;
275    KalmanB = ghu;
278% Store some objects
279DERIVS.indpmodel  = indpmodel;
280DERIVS.indpstderr = indpstderr;
281DERIVS.indpcorr   = indpcorr;
283if analytic_derivation_mode == -1
284%% numerical two-sided finite difference method using function get_perturbation_params_derivs_numerical_objective.m (previously thet2tau.m in Dynare 4.5) for
285% Jacobian (wrt selected stderr, corr and model parameters) of
286% - dynamic model derivatives: dg1, dg2, dg3
287% - steady state (in DR order): dYss
288% - covariance matrix of shocks: dSigma_e
289% - perturbation solution matrices: dghx, dghu, dghxx, dghxu, dghuu, dghs2, dghxxx, dghxxu, dghxuu, dghuuu, dghxss, dghuss
291    %Parameter Jacobian of covariance matrix and solution matrices (wrt selected stderr, corr and model paramters)
292    dSig_gh         = fjaco(numerical_objective_fname, xparam1, 'perturbation_solution', estim_params, M, oo, options);
293    ind_Sigma_e     = (1:exo_nbr^2);
294    ind_ghx         = ind_Sigma_e(end) + (1:endo_nbr*nspred);
295    ind_ghu         = ind_ghx(end) + (1:endo_nbr*exo_nbr);
296    DERIVS.dSigma_e = reshape(dSig_gh(ind_Sigma_e,:),[exo_nbr exo_nbr totparam_nbr]); %in tensor notation, wrt selected parameters
297    DERIVS.dghx     = reshape(dSig_gh(ind_ghx,:),[endo_nbr nspred totparam_nbr]);     %in tensor notation, wrt selected parameters
298    DERIVS.dghu     = reshape(dSig_gh(ind_ghu,:),[endo_nbr exo_nbr totparam_nbr]);    %in tensor notation, wrt selected parameters
299    if order > 1
300        ind_ghxx     = ind_ghu(end)  + (1:endo_nbr*nspred^2);
301        ind_ghxu     = ind_ghxx(end) + (1:endo_nbr*nspred*exo_nbr);
302        ind_ghuu     = ind_ghxu(end) + (1:endo_nbr*exo_nbr*exo_nbr);
303        ind_ghs2     = ind_ghuu(end) + (1:endo_nbr);
304        DERIVS.dghxx = reshape(dSig_gh(ind_ghxx,:), [endo_nbr nspred^2 totparam_nbr]);        %in tensor notation, wrt selected parameters
305        DERIVS.dghxu = reshape(dSig_gh(ind_ghxu,:), [endo_nbr nspred*exo_nbr totparam_nbr]);  %in tensor notation, wrt selected parameters
306        DERIVS.dghuu = reshape(dSig_gh(ind_ghuu,:), [endo_nbr exo_nbr*exo_nbr totparam_nbr]); %in tensor notation, wrt selected parameters
307        DERIVS.dghs2 = reshape(dSig_gh(ind_ghs2,:), [endo_nbr totparam_nbr]);                 %in tensor notation, wrt selected parameters
308    end
309    if order > 2
310        ind_ghxxx     = ind_ghs2(end)  + (1:endo_nbr*nspred^3);
311        ind_ghxxu     = ind_ghxxx(end) + (1:endo_nbr*nspred^2*exo_nbr);
312        ind_ghxuu     = ind_ghxxu(end) + (1:endo_nbr*nspred*exo_nbr^2);
313        ind_ghuuu     = ind_ghxuu(end) + (1:endo_nbr*exo_nbr^3);
314        ind_ghxss     = ind_ghuuu(end) + (1:endo_nbr*nspred);
315        ind_ghuss     = ind_ghxss(end) + (1:endo_nbr*exo_nbr);
316        DERIVS.dghxxx = reshape(dSig_gh(ind_ghxxx,:), [endo_nbr nspred^3 totparam_nbr]);         %in tensor notation, wrt selected parameters
317        DERIVS.dghxxu = reshape(dSig_gh(ind_ghxxu,:), [endo_nbr nspred^2*exo_nbr totparam_nbr]); %in tensor notation, wrt selected parameters
318        DERIVS.dghxuu = reshape(dSig_gh(ind_ghxuu,:), [endo_nbr nspred*exo_nbr^2 totparam_nbr]); %in tensor notation, wrt selected parameters
319        DERIVS.dghuuu = reshape(dSig_gh(ind_ghuuu,:), [endo_nbr exo_nbr^3 totparam_nbr]);        %in tensor notation, wrt selected parameters
320        DERIVS.dghxss = reshape(dSig_gh(ind_ghxss,:), [endo_nbr nspred totparam_nbr]);           %in tensor notation, wrt selected parameters
321        DERIVS.dghuss = reshape(dSig_gh(ind_ghuss,:), [endo_nbr exo_nbr totparam_nbr]);          %in tensor notation, wrt selected parameters
322    end
323    % Parameter Jacobian of Om=ghu*Sigma_e*ghu' and Correlation_matrix (wrt selected stderr, corr and model paramters)
324    DERIVS.dOm                 = zeros(endo_nbr,endo_nbr,totparam_nbr); %initialize in tensor notation
325    DERIVS.dCorrelation_matrix = zeros(exo_nbr,exo_nbr,totparam_nbr);   %initialize in tensor notation
326    if ~isempty(indpstderr) %derivatives of ghu wrt stderr parameters are zero by construction
327        for jp=1:stderrparam_nbr
328            DERIVS.dOm(:,:,jp) = ghu*DERIVS.dSigma_e(:,:,jp)*ghu';
329        end
330    end
331    if ~isempty(indpcorr)  %derivatives of ghu wrt corr parameters are zero by construction
332        for jp=1:corrparam_nbr
333            DERIVS.dOm(:,:,stderrparam_nbr+jp) = ghu*DERIVS.dSigma_e(:,:,stderrparam_nbr+jp)*ghu';
334            DERIVS.dCorrelation_matrix(indpcorr(jp,1),indpcorr(jp,2),stderrparam_nbr+jp) = 1;
335            DERIVS.dCorrelation_matrix(indpcorr(jp,2),indpcorr(jp,1),stderrparam_nbr+jp) = 1;%symmetry
336        end
337    end
338    if ~isempty(indpmodel)  %derivatives of Sigma_e wrt model parameters are zero by construction
339        for jp=1:modparam_nbr
340            DERIVS.dOm(:,:,stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr+jp) = DERIVS.dghu(:,:,stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr+jp)*Sigma_e*ghu' + ghu*Sigma_e*DERIVS.dghu(:,:,stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr+jp)';
341        end
342    end
344    %Parameter Jacobian of dynamic model derivatives (wrt selected model parameters only)
345    dYss_g = fjaco(numerical_objective_fname, modparam1, 'dynamic_model', estim_params_model, M, oo, options);
346    ind_Yss = 1:endo_nbr;
347    ind_g1 = ind_Yss(end) + (1:endo_nbr*yy0ex0_nbr);
348    DERIVS.dYss = dYss_g(ind_Yss, :); %in tensor notation, wrt selected model parameters only
349    DERIVS.dg1 = reshape(dYss_g(ind_g1,:),[endo_nbr, yy0ex0_nbr, modparam_nbr]); %in tensor notation, wrt selected model parameters only
350    if order > 1
351        ind_g2 = ind_g1(end) + (1:endo_nbr*yy0ex0_nbr^2);
352        DERIVS.dg2 = reshape(sparse(dYss_g(ind_g2,:)),[endo_nbr, yy0ex0_nbr^2*modparam_nbr]); %blockwise in matrix notation, i.e. [dg2_dp1 dg2_dp2 ...], where dg2_dpj has dimension endo_nbr by yy0ex0_nbr^2
353    end
354    if order > 2
355        ind_g3 = ind_g2(end) + (1:endo_nbr*yy0ex0_nbr^3);
356        DERIVS.dg3 = reshape(sparse(dYss_g(ind_g3,:)),[endo_nbr, yy0ex0_nbr^3*modparam_nbr]); %blockwise in matrix notation, i.e. [dg3_dp1 dg3_dp2 ...], where dg3_dpj has dimension endo_nbr by yy0ex0_nbr^3
357    end
359    if d2flag
360        % Hessian (wrt paramters) of steady state and first-order solution matrices ghx and Om
361        % note that hessian_sparse.m (contrary to hessian.m) does not take symmetry into account, but focuses already on unique values
362        options.order = 1; %make sure only first order
363        d2Yss_KalmanA_Om = hessian_sparse(numerical_objective_fname, xparam1, gstep, 'Kalman_Transition', estim_params, M, oo, options);
364        options.order = order; %make sure to set back
365        ind_KalmanA = ind_Yss(end) + (1:endo_nbr^2);
366        DERIVS.d2KalmanA = d2Yss_KalmanA_Om(ind_KalmanA, indp2tottot2);               %only unique elements
367        DERIVS.d2Om      = d2Yss_KalmanA_Om(ind_KalmanA(end)+1:end , indp2tottot2);   %only unique elements
368        DERIVS.d2Yss     = zeros(endo_nbr,modparam_nbr,modparam_nbr);                 %initialize
369        for j = 1:endo_nbr
370            DERIVS.d2Yss(j,:,:) = dyn_unvech(full(d2Yss_KalmanA_Om(j,indp2modmod2))); %Hessian for d2Yss, but without cross derivatives
371        end
372    end
374    return %[END OF MAIN FUNCTION]!!!!!
377if analytic_derivation_mode == -2
378%% Numerical two-sided finite difference method to compute parameter derivatives of steady state and dynamic model,
379% i.e. dYss, dg1, dg2, dg3 as well as d2Yss, d2g1 numerically.
380% The parameter derivatives of perturbation solution matrices are computed analytically below (analytic_derivation_mode=0)
381    if order == 3
382        [~, g1, g2, g3] = feval([fname,'.dynamic'], ys(I), exo_steady_state', params, ys, 1);
383        g3 = unfold_g3(g3, yy0ex0_nbr);
384    elseif order == 2
385        [~, g1, g2] = feval([fname,'.dynamic'], ys(I), exo_steady_state', params, ys, 1);
386    elseif order == 1
387        [~, g1] = feval([fname,'.dynamic'], ys(I), exo_steady_state', params, ys, 1);
388    end
390    if d2flag
391        % computation of d2Yss and d2g1
392        % note that hessian_sparse does not take symmetry into account, i.e. compare hessian_sparse.m to hessian.m, but focuses already on unique values, which are duplicated below
393        options.order = 1; %d2flag requires only first order
394        d2Yss_g1 = hessian_sparse(numerical_objective_fname, modparam1, gstep, 'dynamic_model', estim_params_model, M, oo, options);  % d2flag requires only first-order
395        options.order = order; %make sure to set back the order
396        d2Yss = reshape(full(d2Yss_g1(1:endo_nbr,:)), [endo_nbr modparam_nbr modparam_nbr]); %put into tensor notation
397        for j=1:endo_nbr
398            d2Yss(j,:,:) = dyn_unvech(dyn_vech(d2Yss(j,:,:))); %add duplicate values to full hessian
399        end
400        d2g1_full = d2Yss_g1(endo_nbr+1:end,:);
401        %store only nonzero unique entries and the corresponding indices of d2g1:
402        %  rows: respective derivative term
403        %  1st column: equation number of the term appearing
404        %  2nd column: column number of variable in Jacobian of the dynamic model
405        %  3rd column: number of the first parameter in derivative
406        %  4th column: number of the second parameter in derivative
407        %  5th column: value of the Hessian term
408        ind_d2g1 = find(d2g1_full);
409        d2g1 = zeros(length(ind_d2g1),5);
410        for j=1:length(ind_d2g1)
411            [i1, i2] = ind2sub(size(d2g1_full),ind_d2g1(j));
412            [ig1, ig2] = ind2sub(size(g1),i1);
413            [ip1, ip2] = ind2sub([modparam_nbr modparam_nbr],i2);
414            d2g1(j,:) = [ig1 ig2 ip1 ip2 d2g1_full(ind_d2g1(j))];
415        end
416        clear d2g1_full d2Yss_g1;
417    end
419    %Parameter Jacobian of dynamic model derivatives (wrt selected model parameters only)
420    dYss_g  = fjaco(numerical_objective_fname, modparam1, 'dynamic_model', estim_params_model, M, oo, options);
421    ind_Yss = 1:endo_nbr;
422    ind_g1  = ind_Yss(end) + (1:endo_nbr*yy0ex0_nbr);
423    dYss    = dYss_g(ind_Yss,:); %in tensor notation, wrt selected model parameters only
424    dg1     = reshape(dYss_g(ind_g1,:),[endo_nbr,yy0ex0_nbr,modparam_nbr]); %in tensor notation
425    if order > 1
426        ind_g2 = ind_g1(end) + (1:endo_nbr*yy0ex0_nbr^2);
427        dg2 = reshape(sparse(dYss_g(ind_g2,:)),[endo_nbr, yy0ex0_nbr^2*modparam_nbr]); %blockwise in matrix notation, i.e. [dg2_dp1 dg2_dp2 ...], where dg2_dpj has dimension endo_nbr by yy0ex0_nbr^2
428    end
429    if order > 2
430        ind_g3 = ind_g2(end) + (1:endo_nbr*yy0ex0_nbr^3);
431        dg3 = reshape(sparse(dYss_g(ind_g3,:)), [endo_nbr, yy0ex0_nbr^3*modparam_nbr]); %blockwise in matrix notation, i.e. [dg3_dp1 dg3_dp2 ...], where dg3_dpj has dimension endo_nbr by yy0ex0_nbr^3
432    end
433    clear dYss_g
435elseif (analytic_derivation_mode == 0 || analytic_derivation_mode == 1)
436    %% Analytical computation of Jacobian and Hessian (wrt selected model parameters) of steady state, i.e. dYss and d2Yss
437    [~, g1_static] = feval([fname,'.static'], ys, exo_steady_state', params); %g1_static is [endo_nbr by endo_nbr] first-derivative (wrt all endogenous variables) of static model equations f, i.e. df/dys, in declaration order
438    try
439        rp_static = feval([fname,'.static_params_derivs'], ys, exo_steady_state', params); %rp_static is [endo_nbr by param_nbr] first-derivative (wrt all model parameters) of static model equations f, i.e. df/dparams, in declaration order
440    catch
441        error('For analytical parameter derivatives ''static_params_derivs.m'' file is needed, this can be created by putting identification(order=%d) into your mod file.',order)
442    end
443    dys = -g1_static\rp_static; %use implicit function theorem (equation 5 of Ratto and Iskrev (2012) to compute [endo_nbr by param_nbr] first-derivative (wrt all model parameters) of steady state for all endogenous variables analytically, note that dys is in declaration order
444    d2ys = zeros(endo_nbr, param_nbr, param_nbr); %initialize in tensor notation, note that d2ys is only needed for d2flag, i.e. for g1pp
445    if d2flag
446        [~, ~, g2_static] = feval([fname,'.static'], ys, exo_steady_state', params); %g2_static is [endo_nbr by endo_nbr^2] second derivative (wrt all endogenous variables) of static model equations f, i.e. d(df/dys)/dys, in declaration order
447        if order < 3
448            [~, g1, g2, g3] = feval([fname,'.dynamic'], ys(I), exo_steady_state', params, ys, 1); %note that g3 does not contain symmetric elements
449            g3 = unfold_g3(g3, yy0ex0_nbr); %add symmetric elements to g3
450        else
451            T  = NaN(sum(dynamic_tmp_nbr(1:5)));
452            T  = feval([fname, '.dynamic_g4_tt'], T, ys(I), exo_steady_state', params, ys, 1);
453            g1 = feval([fname, '.dynamic_g1'],    T, ys(I), exo_steady_state', params, ys, 1, false); %g1 is [endo_nbr by yy0ex0_nbr first derivative (wrt all dynamic variables) of dynamic model equations, i.e. df/dyy0ex0, rows are in declaration order, columns in lead_lag_incidence order
454            g2 = feval([fname, '.dynamic_g2'],    T, ys(I), exo_steady_state', params, ys, 1, false); %g2 is [endo_nbr by yy0ex0_nbr^2] second derivative (wrt all dynamic variables) of dynamic model equations, i.e. d(df/dyy0ex0)/dyy0ex0, rows are in declaration order, columns in lead_lag_incidence order
455            g3 = feval([fname, '.dynamic_g3'],    T, ys(I), exo_steady_state', params, ys, 1, false); %note that g3 does not contain symmetric elements
456            g4 = feval([fname, '.dynamic_g4'],    T, ys(I), exo_steady_state', params, ys, 1, false); %note that g4 does not contain symmetric elements
457            g3 = unfold_g3(g3, yy0ex0_nbr); %add symmetric elements to g3, %g3 is [endo_nbr by yy0ex0_nbr^3] third-derivative (wrt all dynamic variables) of dynamic model equations, i.e. (d(df/dyy0ex0)/dyy0ex0)/dyy0ex0, rows are in declaration order, columns in lead_lag_incidence order
458            g4 = unfold_g4(g4, yy0ex0_nbr); %add symmetric elements to g4, %g4 is [endo_nbr by yy0ex0_nbr^4] fourth-derivative (wrt all dynamic variables) of dynamic model equations, i.e. ((d(df/dyy0ex0)/dyy0ex0)/dyy0ex0)/dyy0ex0, rows are in declaration order, columns in lead_lag_incidence order
459        end
460        %g1 is [endo_nbr by yy0ex0_nbr first derivative (wrt all dynamic variables) of dynamic model equations, i.e. df/dyy0ex0, rows are in declaration order, columns in lead_lag_incidence order
461        %g2 is [endo_nbr by yy0ex0_nbr^2] second derivative (wrt all dynamic variables) of dynamic model equations, i.e. d(df/dyy0ex0)/dyy0ex0, rows are in declaration order, columns in lead_lag_incidence order
462        %g3 is [endo_nbr by yy0ex0_nbr^3] third-derivative (wrt all dynamic variables) of dynamic model equations, i.e. (d(df/dyy0ex0)/dyy0ex0)/dyy0ex0, rows are in declaration order, columns in lead_lag_incidence order
463        try
464            [~, g1p_static, rpp_static] = feval([fname,'.static_params_derivs'], ys, exo_steady_state', params);
465            %g1p_static is [endo_nbr by endo_nbr by param_nbr] first derivative (wrt all model parameters) of first-derivative (wrt all endogenous variables) of static model equations f, i.e. (df/dys)/dparams, in declaration order
466            %rpp_static is [#second_order_residual_terms by 4] and contains nonzero values and corresponding indices of second derivatives (wrt all model parameters) of static model equations f, i.e. d(df/dparams)/dparams, in declaration order, where
467            %           column 1 contains equation number; column 2 contains first parameter; column 3 contains second parameter; column 4 contains value of derivative
468        catch
469            error('For analytical parameter derivatives ''static_params_derivs.m'' file is needed, this can be created by putting identification(order=%d) into your mod file.',order)
470        end
471        rpp_static = get_all_resid_2nd_derivs(rpp_static, endo_nbr, param_nbr); %make full matrix out of nonzero values and corresponding indices
472            %rpp_static is [endo_nbr by param_nbr by param_nbr] second derivatives (wrt all model parameters) of static model equations, i.e. d(df/dparams)/dparams, in declaration order
473        if isempty(find(g2_static))
474            %auxiliary expression on page 8 of Ratto and Iskrev (2012) is zero, i.e. gam = 0
475            for j = 1:param_nbr
476                %using the implicit function theorem, equation 15 on page 7 of Ratto and Iskrev (2012)
477                d2ys(:,:,j) = -g1_static\rpp_static(:,:,j);
478                %d2ys is [endo_nbr by param_nbr by param_nbr] second-derivative (wrt all model parameters) of steady state of all endogenous variables, i.e. d(dys/dparams)/dparams, in declaration order
479            end
480        else
481            gam = zeros(endo_nbr,param_nbr,param_nbr); %initialize auxiliary expression on page 8 of Ratto and Iskrev (2012)
482            for j = 1:endo_nbr
483                tmp_g1p_static_dys = (squeeze(g1p_static(j,:,:))'*dys);
484                gam(j,:,:) = transpose(reshape(g2_static(j,:),[endo_nbr endo_nbr])*dys)*dys + tmp_g1p_static_dys + tmp_g1p_static_dys';
485            end
486            for j = 1:param_nbr
487                %using the implicit function theorem, equation 15 on page 7 of Ratto and Iskrev (2012)
488                d2ys(:,:,j) = -g1_static\(rpp_static(:,:,j)+gam(:,:,j));
489                %d2ys is [endo_nbr by param_nbr by param_nbr] second-derivative (wrt all model parameters) of steady state of all endogenous variables, i.e. d(dys/dparams)/dparams, in declaration order
490            end
491            clear g1p_static g2_static tmp_g1p_static_dys gam
492        end
493    end
494    %handling of steady state for nonstationary variables
495    if any(any(isnan(dys)))
496        [U,T] = schur(g1_static);
497        e1 = abs(ordeig(T)) < qz_criterium-1;
498        k = sum(e1);       % Number of non stationary variables.
499                           % Number of stationary variables: n = length(e1)-k
500        [U,T] = ordschur(U,T,e1);
501        T = T(k+1:end,k+1:end);
502        %using implicit function theorem, equation 5 of Ratto and Iskrev (2012), in declaration order
503        dys = -U(:,k+1:end)*(T\U(:,k+1:end)')*rp_static;
504        if d2flag
505            fprintf('Computation of d2ys for nonstationary variables is not yet correctly handled if g2_static is nonempty, but continue anyways...\n')
506            for j = 1:param_nbr
507                %using implicit function theorem, equation 15 of Ratto and Iskrev (2012), in declaration order
508                d2ys(:,:,j) = -U(:,k+1:end)*(T\U(:,k+1:end)')*rpp_static(:,:,j); %THIS IS NOT CORRECT, IF g2_static IS NONEMPTY. WE NEED TO ADD GAM [willi]
509            end
510        end
511    end
513    if d2flag
514        try
515            if order < 3
516                [~, g1p, ~, g1pp, g2p] = feval([fname,'.dynamic_params_derivs'], ys(I), exo_steady_state', params, ys, 1, dys, d2ys);
517            else
518                [~, g1p, ~, g1pp, g2p, g3p] = feval([fname,'.dynamic_params_derivs'], ys(I), exo_steady_state', params, ys, 1, dys, d2ys);
519            end
520        catch
521            error('For analytical parameter derivatives ''dynamic_params_derivs.m'' file is needed, this can be created by putting identification(order=%d) into your mod file.',order)
522        end
523        %g1pp are nonzero values and corresponding indices of second-derivatives (wrt all model parameters) of first-derivative (wrt all dynamic variables) of dynamic model equations, i.e. d(d(df/dyy0ex0)/dparam)/dparam, rows are in declaration order, first column in declaration order
524        d2Yss = d2ys(order_var,indpmodel,indpmodel); %[endo_nbr by mod_param_nbr by mod_param_nbr], put into DR order and focus only on selected model parameters
525    else
526        if order == 1
527            try
528                [~, g1p] = feval([fname,'.dynamic_params_derivs'], ys(I), exo_steady_state', params, ys, 1, dys, d2ys);
529                    %g1p is [endo_nbr by yy0ex0_nbr by param_nbr] first-derivative (wrt all model parameters) of first-derivative (wrt all dynamic variables) of dynamic model equations, i.e. d(df/dyy0ex0)/dparam, rows are in declaration order, column in lead_lag_incidence order
530            catch
531                error('For analytical parameter derivatives ''dynamic_params_derivs.m'' file is needed, this can be created by putting identification(order=%d) into your mod file.',order)
532            end
533            [~, g1, g2 ] = feval([fname,'.dynamic'], ys(I), exo_steady_state', params, ys, 1);
534                %g1 is [endo_nbr by yy0ex0_nbr first derivative (wrt all dynamic variables) of dynamic model equations, i.e. df/dyy0ex0, rows are in declaration order, columns in lead_lag_incidence order
535                %g2 is [endo_nbr by yy0ex0_nbr^2] second derivatives (wrt all dynamic variables) of dynamic model equations, i.e. d(df/dyy0ex0)/dyy0ex0, rows are in declaration order, columns in lead_lag_incidence order
536        elseif order == 2
537            try
538                [~, g1p, ~, ~, g2p] = feval([fname,'.dynamic_params_derivs'], ys(I), exo_steady_state', params, ys, 1, dys, d2ys);
539                    %g1p is [endo_nbr by yy0ex0_nbr by param_nbr] first-derivative (wrt all model parameters) of first-derivative (wrt all dynamic variables) of dynamic model equations, i.e. d(df/dyy0ex0)/dparam, rows are in declaration order, column in lead_lag_incidence order
540                    %g2p are nonzero values and corresponding indices of first-derivative (wrt all model parameters) of second-derivatives (wrt all dynamic variables) of dynamic model equations, i.e. d(d(df/dyy0ex0)/dyy0ex0)/dparam, rows are in declaration order, first and second column in declaration order
541            catch
542                error('For analytical parameter derivatives ''dynamic_params_derivs.m'' file is needed, this can be created by putting identification(order=%d) into your mod file.',order)
543            end
544            [~, g1, g2, g3] = feval([fname,'.dynamic'], ys(I), exo_steady_state', params, ys, 1); %note that g3 does not contain symmetric elements
545            g3 = unfold_g3(g3, yy0ex0_nbr); %add symmetric elements to g3
546                %g1 is [endo_nbr by yy0ex0_nbr first derivative (wrt all dynamic variables) of dynamic model equations, i.e. df/dyy0ex0, rows are in declaration order, columns in lead_lag_incidence order
547                %g2 is [endo_nbr by yy0ex0_nbr^2] second derivative (wrt all dynamic variables) of dynamic model equations, i.e. d(df/dyy0ex0)/dyy0ex0, rows are in declaration order, columns in lead_lag_incidence order
548                %g3 is [endo_nbr by yy0ex0_nbr^3] third-derivative (wrt all dynamic variables) of dynamic model equations, i.e. (d(df/dyy0ex0)/dyy0ex0)/dyy0ex0, rows are in declaration order, columns in lead_lag_incidence order
549        elseif order == 3
550            try
551                [~, g1p, ~, ~, g2p, g3p] = feval([fname,'.dynamic_params_derivs'], ys(I), exo_steady_state', params, ys, 1, dys, d2ys);
552                    %g1p is [endo_nbr by yy0ex0_nbr by param_nbr] first-derivative (wrt all model parameters) of first-derivative (wrt all dynamic variables) of dynamic model equations, i.e. d(df/dyy0ex0)/dparam, rows are in declaration order, column in lead_lag_incidence order
553                    %g2p are nonzero values and corresponding indices of first-derivative (wrt all model parameters) of second-derivatives (wrt all dynamic variables) of dynamic model equations, i.e. d(d(df/dyy0ex0)/dyy0ex0)/dparam, rows are in declaration order, first and second column in declaration order
554                    %g3p are nonzero values and corresponding indices of first-derivative (wrt all model parameters) of third-derivatives (wrt all dynamic variables) of dynamic model equations, i.e. d(d(d(df/dyy0ex0)/dyy0ex0)/dyy0ex0)/dparam, rows are in declaration order, first, second and third column in declaration order
555            catch
556                error('For analytical parameter derivatives ''dynamic_params_derivs.m'' file is needed, this can be created by putting identification(order=%d) into your mod file.',order)
557            end
558            T  = NaN(sum(dynamic_tmp_nbr(1:5)));
559            T  = feval([fname, '.dynamic_g4_tt'], T, ys(I), exo_steady_state', params, ys, 1);
560            g1 = feval([fname, '.dynamic_g1'],    T, ys(I), exo_steady_state', params, ys, 1, false); %g1 is [endo_nbr by yy0ex0_nbr first derivative (wrt all dynamic variables) of dynamic model equations, i.e. df/dyy0ex0, rows are in declaration order, columns in lead_lag_incidence order
561            g2 = feval([fname, '.dynamic_g2'],    T, ys(I), exo_steady_state', params, ys, 1, false); %g2 is [endo_nbr by yy0ex0_nbr^2] second derivative (wrt all dynamic variables) of dynamic model equations, i.e. d(df/dyy0ex0)/dyy0ex0, rows are in declaration order, columns in lead_lag_incidence order
562            g3 = feval([fname, '.dynamic_g3'],    T, ys(I), exo_steady_state', params, ys, 1, false); %note that g3 does not contain symmetric elements
563            g4 = feval([fname, '.dynamic_g4'],    T, ys(I), exo_steady_state', params, ys, 1, false); %note that g4 does not contain symmetric elements
564            g3 = unfold_g3(g3, yy0ex0_nbr); %add symmetric elements to g3, %g3 is [endo_nbr by yy0ex0_nbr^3] third-derivative (wrt all dynamic variables) of dynamic model equations, i.e. (d(df/dyy0ex0)/dyy0ex0)/dyy0ex0, rows are in declaration order, columns in lead_lag_incidence order
565            g4 = unfold_g4(g4, yy0ex0_nbr); %add symmetric elements to g4, %g4 is [endo_nbr by yy0ex0_nbr^4] fourth-derivative (wrt all dynamic variables) of dynamic model equations, i.e. ((d(df/dyy0ex0)/dyy0ex0)/dyy0ex0)/dyy0ex0, rows are in declaration order, columns in lead_lag_incidence order
566        end
567    end
568    % Parameter Jacobian of steady state in different orderings, note dys is in declaration order
569    dYss = dys(order_var, indpmodel); %in DR-order, focus only on selected model parameters
570    dyy0 = dys(I,:); %in lead_lag_incidence order, Jacobian of dynamic (without exogenous) variables, focus on all model parameters
571    dyy0ex0 = sparse([dyy0; zeros(exo_nbr,param_nbr)]); %in lead_lag_incidence order, Jacobian of dynamic (with exogenous) variables, focus on all model parameters
573    %% Analytical computation of Jacobian (wrt selected model parameters) of first-derivative of dynamic model, i.e. dg1
574    %  Note that we use the implicit function theorem (see Ratto and Iskrev (2012) formula 7):
575    %   Let g1 = df/dyy0ex0 be the first derivative (wrt all dynamic variables) of the dynamic model, then
576    %   dg1 denotes the first-derivative (wrt model parameters) of g1 evaluated at the steady state.
577    %   Note that g1 is a function of both the model parameters p and of the steady state of all dynamic variables, which also depend on the model parameters.
578    %   Hence, implicitly g1=g1(p,yy0ex0(p)) and dg1 consists of two parts:
579    %   (1) g1p: direct derivative (wrt to all model parameters) given by the preprocessor
580    %   (2) g2*dyy0ex0: contribution of derivative of steady state of dynamic variables (wrt all model parameters)
581    %   Note that in a stochastic context ex0 and dex0 is always zero and hence can be skipped in the computations
582    dg1 = zeros(endo_nbr,yy0ex0_nbr,param_nbr); %initialize part (2)
583    for j = 1:endo_nbr
584        [II, JJ] = ind2sub([yy0ex0_nbr yy0ex0_nbr], find(g2(j,:))); %g2 is [endo_nbr by yy0ex0_nbr^2]
585        for i = 1:yy0ex0_nbr
586            is = find(II==i);
587            is = is(find(JJ(is)<=yy0_nbr)); %focus only on oo.dr.ys(I) derivatives as exogenous variables are 0 in a stochastic context
588            if ~isempty(is)
589                tmp_g2 = full(g2(j,find(g2(j,:))));
590                dg1(j,i,:) = tmp_g2(is)*dyy0(JJ(is),:); %put into tensor notation
591            end
592        end
593    end
594    dg1 = g1p + dg1; %add part (1)
595    dg1 = dg1(:,:,indpmodel); %focus only on selected model parameters
597    if order>1
598        %% Analytical computation of Jacobian (wrt selected model parameters) of second derivative of dynamic model, i.e. dg2
599        %  We use the implicit function theorem:
600        %   Let g2 = d2f/(dyy0ex0*dyy0ex0) denote the second derivative (wrt all dynamic variables) of the dynamic model, then
601        %   dg2 denotes the first-derivative (wrt all model parameters) of g2 evaluated at the steady state.
602        %   Note that g2 is a function of both the model parameters p and of the steady state of all dynamic variables, which also depend on the parameters.
603        %   Hence, implicitly g2=g2(p,yy0ex0(p)) and dg2 consists of two parts:
604        %   (1) g2p: direct derivative wrt to all model parameters given by the preprocessor
605        %   and
606        %   (2) g3*dyy0ex0: contribution of derivative of steady state of dynamic variables (wrt all model parameters)
607        % Note that we focus on selected model parameters only, i.e. indpmodel
608        % Also note that we stack the parameter derivatives blockwise instead of in tensors
609        dg2 = reshape(g3,[endo_nbr*yy0ex0_nbr^2 yy0ex0_nbr])*dyy0ex0(:,indpmodel); %part (2)
610        dg2 = reshape(dg2, [endo_nbr, yy0ex0_nbr^2*modparam_nbr]);
611        for jj = 1:size(g2p,1)
612            jpos = find(indpmodel==g2p(jj,4));
613            if jpos~=0
614                dg2(g2p(jj,1), k2yy0ex0(g2p(jj,2),g2p(jj,3))+(jpos-1)*yy0ex0_nbr^2) = dg2(g2p(jj,1), k2yy0ex0(g2p(jj,2),g2p(jj,3))+(jpos-1)*yy0ex0_nbr^2) + g2p(jj,5); %add part (1)
615            end
616        end
617    end
619    if order>2
620        %% Analytical computation of Jacobian (wrt selected model parameters) of third derivative of dynamic model, i.e. dg3
621        %  We use the implicit function theorem:
622        %   Let g3 = d3f/(dyy0ex0*dyy0ex0*dyy0ex0) denote the third derivative (wrt all dynamic variables) of the dynamic model, then
623        %   dg3 denotes the first-derivative (wrt all model parameters) of g3 evaluated at the steady state.
624        %   Note that g3 is a function of both the model parameters p and of the steady state of all dynamic variables, which also depend on the parameters.
625        %   Hence, implicitly g3=g3(p,yy0ex0(p)) and dg3 consists of two parts:
626        %   (1) g3p: direct derivative wrt to all model parameters given by the preprocessor
627        %   and
628        %   (2) g4*dyy0ex0: contribution of derivative of steady state of dynamic variables (wrt all model parameters)
629        % Note that we focus on selected model parameters only, i.e. indpmodel
630        % Also note that we stack the parameter derivatives blockwise instead of in tensors
631        dg3 = reshape(g4,[endo_nbr*yy0ex0_nbr^3 yy0ex0_nbr])*dyy0ex0(:,indpmodel); %part (2)
632        dg3 = reshape(dg3, [endo_nbr, yy0ex0_nbr^3*modparam_nbr]);
633        for jj = 1:size(g3p,1)
634            jpos = find(indpmodel==g3p(jj,5));
635            if jpos~=0
636                idyyy = unique(perms([g3p(jj,2) g3p(jj,3) g3p(jj,4)]),'rows'); %note that g3p does not contain symmetric terms, so we use the perms and unique functions
637                for k = 1:size(idyyy,1)
638                    dg3(g3p(jj,1), k3yy0ex0(idyyy(k,1),idyyy(k,2),idyyy(k,3))+(jpos-1)*yy0ex0_nbr^3) = dg3(g3p(jj,1), k3yy0ex0(idyyy(k,1),idyyy(k,2),idyyy(k,3))+(jpos-1)*yy0ex0_nbr^3) + g3p(jj,6); %add part (1)
639                end
640            end
641        end
642    end
644    if d2flag
645        %% Analytical computation of Hessian (wrt selected model parameters) of first-derivative of dynamic model, i.e. d2g1
646        % We use the implicit function theorem (above we already computed: dg1 = g1p + g2*dyy0ex0):
647        % Accordingly, d2g1, the second-derivative (wrt model parameters), consists of five parts (ignoring transposes, see Ratto and Iskrev (2012) formula 16)
648        %   (1) d(g1p)/dp                             = g1pp
649        %   (2) d(g1p)/dyy0ex0*d(yy0ex0)/dp           = g2p * dyy0ex0
650        %   (3) d(g2)/dp * dyy0ex0                    = g2p * dyy0ex0
651        %   (4) d(g2)/dyy0ex0*d(dyy0ex0)/dp * dyy0ex0 = g3  * dyy0ex0 * dyy0ex0
652        %   (5) g2 * d(dyy0ex0)/dp                    = g2  * d2yy0ex0
653        %   Note that part 2 and 3 are equivalent besides the use of transpose (see Ratto and Iskrev (2012) formula 16)
654        d2g1_full = sparse(endo_nbr*yy0ex0_nbr, param_nbr*param_nbr);  %initialize
655        g3_tmp = reshape(g3,[endo_nbr*yy0ex0_nbr*yy0ex0_nbr yy0ex0_nbr]);
656        d2g1_part4_left = sparse(endo_nbr*yy0ex0_nbr*yy0ex0_nbr,param_nbr);
657        for j = 1:param_nbr
658            %compute first two terms of part 4
659            d2g1_part4_left(:,j) = g3_tmp*dyy0ex0(:,j);
660        end
661        for j=1:endo_nbr
662            %Note that in the following we skip exogenous variables as these are 0 by construction in a stochastic setting
663            d2g1_part5 = reshape(g2(j,:), [yy0ex0_nbr yy0ex0_nbr]);
664            d2g1_part5 = d2g1_part5(:,1:yy0_nbr)*reshape(d2ys(I,:,:),[yy0_nbr,param_nbr*param_nbr]);
665            for i=1:yy0ex0_nbr
666                ind_part4 = sub2ind([endo_nbr yy0ex0_nbr yy0ex0_nbr], ones(yy0ex0_nbr,1)*j ,ones(yy0ex0_nbr,1)*i, (1:yy0ex0_nbr)');
667                d2g1_part4 = (d2g1_part4_left(ind_part4,:))'*dyy0ex0;
668                d2g1_part2_and_part3 = (get_hess_deriv(g2p,j,i,yy0ex0_nbr,param_nbr))'*dyy0ex0;
669                d2g1_part1 = get_2nd_deriv_mat(g1pp,j,i,param_nbr);
670                d2g1_tmp = d2g1_part1 + d2g1_part2_and_part3 + d2g1_part2_and_part3' + d2g1_part4 + reshape(d2g1_part5(i,:,:),[param_nbr param_nbr]);
671                d2g1_tmp = d2g1_tmp(indpmodel,indpmodel); %focus only on model parameters
672                if any(any(d2g1_tmp))
673                    ind_d2g1_tmp = find(triu(d2g1_tmp));
674                    d2g1_full(sub2ind([endo_nbr yy0ex0_nbr],j,i), ind_d2g1_tmp) = transpose(d2g1_tmp(ind_d2g1_tmp));
675                end
676            end
677        end
678        clear d2g1_tmp d2g1_part1 d2g1_part2_and_part3 d2g1_part4 d2g1_part4_left d2g1_part5
679        %store only nonzero entries and the corresponding indices of d2g1:
680        %  1st column: equation number of the term appearing
681        %  2nd column: column number of variable in Jacobian of the dynamic model
682        %  3rd column: number of the first parameter in derivative
683        %  4th column: number of the second parameter in derivative
684        %  5th column: value of the Hessian term
685        ind_d2g1 = find(d2g1_full);
686        d2g1 = zeros(length(ind_d2g1),5);
687        for j=1:length(ind_d2g1)
688            [i1, i2] = ind2sub(size(d2g1_full),ind_d2g1(j));
689            [ig1, ig2] = ind2sub(size(g1),i1);
690            [ip1, ip2] = ind2sub([modparam_nbr modparam_nbr],i2);
691            d2g1(j,:) = [ig1 ig2 ip1 ip2 d2g1_full(ind_d2g1(j))];
692        end
693        clear d2g1_full;
694    end
697%% clear variables that are not used any more
698clear dys dyy0 dyy0ex0 d2ys
699clear rp_static rpp_static
700clear g1_static g1p_static g1p g1pp
701clear g2_static g2p tmp_g2 g3_tmp
702clear ind_d2g1 ind_d2g1_tmp ind_part4 i j i1 i2 ig1 ig2 I II JJ ip1 ip2 is
703if order == 1
704    clear g2 g3
705elseif order == 2
706    clear g3
709%% Construct Jacobian (wrt all selected parameters) of Sigma_e and Corr_e for Gaussian innovations
710dSigma_e = zeros(exo_nbr,exo_nbr,totparam_nbr); %initialize
711dCorrelation_matrix = zeros(exo_nbr,exo_nbr,totparam_nbr);  %initialize
712% Compute Jacobians wrt stderr parameters (these come first)
713% note that derivatives wrt stderr parameters are zero by construction for Corr_e
714if ~isempty(indpstderr)
715    for jp = 1:stderrparam_nbr
716        dSigma_e(indpstderr(jp),indpstderr(jp),jp) = 2*sqrt(Sigma_e(indpstderr(jp),indpstderr(jp)));
717        if isdiag(Sigma_e) == 0 % if there are correlated errors add cross derivatives
718            indotherex0 = 1:exo_nbr;
719            indotherex0(indpstderr(jp)) = [];
720            for kk = indotherex0
721                dSigma_e(indpstderr(jp), kk, jp) = Correlation_matrix(indpstderr(jp),kk)*sqrt(Sigma_e(kk,kk));
722                dSigma_e(kk, indpstderr(jp), jp) = dSigma_e(indpstderr(jp), kk, jp); %symmetry
723            end
724        end
725    end
727% Compute Jacobians wrt corr parameters (these come second)
728if ~isempty(indpcorr)
729    for jp = 1:corrparam_nbr
730        dSigma_e(indpcorr(jp,1),indpcorr(jp,2),stderrparam_nbr+jp) = sqrt(Sigma_e(indpcorr(jp,1),indpcorr(jp,1)))*sqrt(Sigma_e(indpcorr(jp,2),indpcorr(jp,2)));
731        dSigma_e(indpcorr(jp,2),indpcorr(jp,1),stderrparam_nbr+jp) = dSigma_e(indpcorr(jp,1),indpcorr(jp,2),stderrparam_nbr+jp); %symmetry
732        dCorrelation_matrix(indpcorr(jp,1),indpcorr(jp,2),stderrparam_nbr+jp) = 1;
733        dCorrelation_matrix(indpcorr(jp,2),indpcorr(jp,1),stderrparam_nbr+jp) = 1;%symmetry
734    end
736% note that derivatives wrt model parameters (these come third) are zero by construction for Sigma_e and Corr_e
738%% Analytical computation of Jacobian (wrt selected model parameters) of first-order solution matrices ghx, ghu, and of Om=ghu*Sigma_e*ghu'
740%  fy_ = g1(:,nonzeros(klag))  in DR order
741%  fy0 = g1(:,nonzeros(kcurr)) in DR order
742%  fyp = g1(:,nonzeros(klead)) in DR order
743if analytic_derivation_mode == 1
744    % The following derivations are based on Iskrev (2010) and its online appendix A.
745    % Basic idea is to make use of the implicit function theorem.
746    % Define Kalman transition matrix KalmanA = [0 ghx 0], where the first zero spans nstatic columns, and the second zero nfwrd columns
747    % At first order we have: F = GAM0*KalmanA - GAM1*KalmanA*KalmanA - GAM2 = 0, where GAM0=fy0, GAM1=-fyp, GAM2 = -fy_
748    % Note that F is a function of parameters p and KalmanA, which is also a function of p,therefore, F = F(p,KalmanA(p))=0, and hence,
749    % dF = Fp + dF_dKalmanA*dKalmanA = 0 or dKalmanA = - Fp/dF_dKalmanA
751    % Some auxiliary matrices
752    I_endo = speye(endo_nbr);
753    KalmanA = [zeros(endo_nbr,nstatic) ghx zeros(endo_nbr,nfwrd)];
755    % Reshape to write first dynamic derivatives in the Magnus and Neudecker style, i.e. dvec(X)/dp
756    GAM0  = zeros(endo_nbr,endo_nbr);
757    GAM0(:,kcurr~=0,:) = g1(:,nonzeros(kcurr));
758    dGAM0 = zeros(endo_nbr,endo_nbr,modparam_nbr);
759    dGAM0(:,kcurr~=0,:) = dg1(:,nonzeros(kcurr),:);
760    dGAM0 = reshape(dGAM0, endo_nbr*endo_nbr, modparam_nbr);
762    GAM1  = zeros(endo_nbr,endo_nbr);
763    GAM1(:,klead~=0,:) = -g1(:,nonzeros(klead));
764    dGAM1 = zeros(endo_nbr,endo_nbr,modparam_nbr);
765    dGAM1(:,klead~=0,:) = -dg1(:,nonzeros(klead),:);
766    dGAM1 = reshape(dGAM1, endo_nbr*endo_nbr, modparam_nbr);
768    dGAM2 = zeros(endo_nbr,endo_nbr,modparam_nbr);
769    dGAM2(:,klag~=0,:)  = -dg1(:,nonzeros(klag),:);
770    dGAM2 = reshape(dGAM2, endo_nbr*endo_nbr,  modparam_nbr);
772    GAM3  = -g1(:,yy0_nbr+1:end);
773    dGAM3 = reshape(-dg1(:,yy0_nbr+1:end,:), endo_nbr*exo_nbr, modparam_nbr);
775    % Compute dKalmanA via implicit function
776    dF_dKalmanAghx = kron(I_endo,GAM0) - kron(KalmanA',GAM1) - kron(I_endo,GAM1*KalmanA); %equation 31 in Appendix A of Iskrev (2010)
777    Fp = kron(KalmanA',I_endo)*dGAM0 - kron( (KalmanA')^2,I_endo)*dGAM1 - dGAM2; %equation 32 in Appendix A of Iskrev (2010)
778    dKalmanA = -dF_dKalmanAghx\Fp;
780    % Compute dBB from expressions 33 in Iskrev (2010) Appendix A
781    MM = GAM0-GAM1*KalmanA; %this corresponds to matrix M in Ratto and Iskrev (2012, page 6)
782    invMM = MM\eye(endo_nbr);
783    dghu = - kron( (invMM*GAM3)' , invMM ) * ( dGAM0 - kron( KalmanA' , I_endo ) * dGAM1 - kron( I_endo , GAM1 ) * dKalmanA ) + kron( speye(exo_nbr), invMM ) * dGAM3;
785    % Add derivatives for stderr and corr parameters, which are zero by construction
786    dKalmanA = [zeros(endo_nbr^2, stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr) dKalmanA];
787    dghu = [zeros(endo_nbr*exo_nbr, stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr) dghu];
789    % Compute dOm = dvec(ghu*Sigma_e*ghu') from expressions 34 in Iskrev (2010) Appendix A
790    dOm = kron(I_endo,ghu*Sigma_e)*(commutation(endo_nbr, exo_nbr)*dghu)...
791          + kron(ghu,ghu)*reshape(dSigma_e, exo_nbr^2, totparam_nbr) + kron(ghu*Sigma_e,I_endo)*dghu;
793    % Put into tensor notation
794    dKalmanA = reshape(dKalmanA, endo_nbr, endo_nbr, totparam_nbr);
795    dghx = dKalmanA(:, nstatic+(1:nspred), stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr+1:end); %get rid of zeros and focus on modparams only
796    dghu = reshape(dghu, endo_nbr, exo_nbr, totparam_nbr);
797    dghu = dghu(:,:,stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr+1:end); %focus only on modparams
798    dOm  = reshape(dOm, endo_nbr, endo_nbr, totparam_nbr);
799    clear dF_dKalmanAghx Fp dGAM0 dGAM1 dGAM2 dGAM3 MM invMM I_endo
801elseif (analytic_derivation_mode == 0 || analytic_derivation_mode == -2)
802    % Here we make use of more efficient generalized sylvester equations
803    % Notation: ghx_ = ghx(idx_states,:), ghx0 = ghx(kcurr~=0,:), ghxp = ghx(klead~=0,:)
804    % Note that at first-order we have the following expressions, which are (numerically) zero:
805    %   * for ghx: g1*zx = fyp*ghxp*ghx_ + fy0*ghx0 + fy_ = A*ghx + fy_ = 0
806    %              Taking the differential yields a generalized sylvester equation to get dghx: A*dghx + B*dghx*ghx_ = -dg1*zx
807    %   * for ghu: g1*zu = A*ghu + fu = 0
808    %              Taking the differential yields an invertible equation to get dghu: A*dghu = -(dfu + dA*ghu)
810    % Note that A and B are the perturbation matrices (NOT the Kalman transition matrices)!
811    A = zeros(endo_nbr,endo_nbr);
812    A(:,kcurr~=0) = g1(:,nonzeros(kcurr));
813    A(:,idx_states) = A(:,idx_states) + g1(:,nonzeros(klead))*ghx(klead~=0,:);
814    B = zeros(endo_nbr,endo_nbr);
815    B(:,nstatic+npred+1:end) = g1(:,nonzeros(klead));
816    zx = [eye(nspred);
817          ghx(kcurr~=0,:);
818          ghx(klead~=0,:)*ghx(idx_states,:);
819          zeros(exo_nbr,nspred)];
820    dRHSx = zeros(endo_nbr,nspred,modparam_nbr);
821    for jp=1:modparam_nbr
822        dRHSx(:,:,jp) = -dg1(:,kyy0,jp)*zx(1:yy0_nbr,:);
823    end
824    %use iterated generalized sylvester equation to compute dghx
825    dghx = sylvester3(A,B,ghx(idx_states,:),dRHSx);
826    flag = 1; icount = 0;
827    while flag && icount < 4
828        [dghx, flag] = sylvester3a(dghx,A,B,ghx(idx_states,:),dRHSx);
829        icount = icount+1;
830    end
832    %Compute dOm, dghu, dA, dB
833    dOm = zeros(endo_nbr,endo_nbr,totparam_nbr); %as Om=ghu*Sigma_e*ghu', we need to use totparam_nbr, because there is also a contribution from stderr and corr parameters, which we compute after modparams
834    dghu = zeros(endo_nbr,exo_nbr,modparam_nbr);
835    dA = zeros(endo_nbr,endo_nbr,modparam_nbr); %dA is also needed at higher orders
836    dA(:,kcurr~=0,:) = dg1(:,nonzeros(kcurr),:);
837    invA = inv(A); %also needed at higher orders
838    for jp=1:modparam_nbr
839        dA(:,idx_states,jp) = dA(:,idx_states,jp) + dg1(:,nonzeros(klead),jp)*ghx(klead~=0,:) + g1(:,nonzeros(klead))*dghx(klead~=0,:,jp);
840        dghu(:,:,jp) = -invA*( dg1(:,yy0_nbr+1:end,jp) + dA(:,:,jp)*ghu);
841        dOm(:,:,stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr+jp) = dghu(:,:,jp)*Sigma_e*ghu' + ghu*Sigma_e*dghu(:,:,jp)';
842    end
843    %add stderr and corr derivatives to Om=ghu*Sigma_e*ghu'
844    if ~isempty(indpstderr)
845        for jp = 1:stderrparam_nbr
846            dOm(:,:,jp) = ghu*dSigma_e(:,:,jp)*ghu';
847        end
848    end
849    if ~isempty(indpcorr)
850        for jp = 1:corrparam_nbr
851            dOm(:,:,stderrparam_nbr+jp) = ghu*dSigma_e(:,:,stderrparam_nbr+jp)*ghu';
852        end
853    end
856%% Analytical computation of Jacobian (wrt selected model parameters) of second-order solution matrices ghxx,ghxu,ghuu and ghs2
857if order > 1
858    % Notation: ghxx_ = ghxx(idx_states,:), ghxx0 = ghxx(kcurr~=0,:), ghxxp = ghxx(klead~=0,:)
859    %           and similar for ghxu, ghuu and ghs2
860    % Note that at second-order we have the following expressions, which are (numerically) zero:
861    %   * for ghxx: A*ghxx + B*ghxx*kron(ghx_,ghx_) + g2*kron(zx,zx) = 0
862    %               Taking the differential yields a generalized sylvester equation to get dghxx: A*dghxx + B*dghxx*kron(ghx_,ghx_) = RHSxx
863    %   * for ghxu: A*ghxu + B*ghxx*kron(ghx_,ghu_) + g2*kron(zx,zu) = 0
864    %               Taking the differential yields an invertible equation to get dghxu: A*dghxu = RHSxu
865    %   * for ghuu: A*ghuu + B*ghxx*kron(ghu_,ghu_) + g2*kron(zu,zu) = 0
866    %               Taking the differential yields an invertible equation to get dghuu: A*dghuu = RHSuu
867    %   * for ghs2: Ahs2*ghs2 + (gg2_{++}*kron(ghup,ghup) + fyp*ghuup)*vec(Sigma_e) = 0
868    %               Taking the differential yields an invertible equation to get dghs2: S*dghs2 = RHSs2
869    %   * due to certainty equivalence and zero mean shocks, we note that ghxs and ghus are zero, and thus not computed
870    dB = zeros(endo_nbr,endo_nbr,modparam_nbr); %this matrix is also needed at higher orders
871    dB(:,nstatic+npred+1:end,:) = dg1(:,nonzeros(klead),:);
872    S = A + B; %needed for dghs2, but also at higher orders
873    dS = dA + dB;
874    invS = inv(S);
875    G_x_x = kron(ghx(idx_states,:),ghx(idx_states,:));
876    dG_x_x = zeros(size(G_x_x,1),size(G_x_x,2),modparam_nbr);
877    dzx = zeros(size(zx,1),size(zx,2),modparam_nbr);
878    dRHSghxx = zeros(endo_nbr,nspred^2,modparam_nbr);
879    for jp=1:modparam_nbr
880        dzx(:,:,jp) = [zeros(nspred,nspred);
881                       dghx(kcurr~=0,:,jp);
882                       dghx(klead~=0,:,jp)*ghx(idx_states,:) + ghx(klead~=0,:)*dghx(idx_states,:,jp);
883                       zeros(exo_nbr,nspred)];
884        [dRHS_1, err] = sparse_hessian_times_B_kronecker_C(dg2(:,k2yy0ex0(kyy0,kyy0)+(jp-1)*yy0ex0_nbr^2),zx(1:yy0_nbr,:),threads_BC); mexErrCheck('sparse_hessian_times_B_kronecker_C', err);
885        [dRHS_2, err] = sparse_hessian_times_B_kronecker_C(g2(:,k2yy0ex0(kyy0,kyy0)),dzx(1:yy0_nbr,:,jp),zx(1:yy0_nbr,:),threads_BC); mexErrCheck('sparse_hessian_times_B_kronecker_C', err);
886        [dRHS_3, err] = sparse_hessian_times_B_kronecker_C(g2(:,k2yy0ex0(kyy0,kyy0)),zx(1:yy0_nbr,:),dzx(1:yy0_nbr,:,jp),threads_BC); mexErrCheck('sparse_hessian_times_B_kronecker_C', err);
887        dG_x_x(:,:,jp) = kron(dghx(idx_states,:,jp),ghx(idx_states,:)) + kron(ghx(idx_states,:),dghx(idx_states,:,jp));
888        dRHSghxx(:,:,jp) = -( (dRHS_1+dRHS_2+dRHS_3) + dA(:,:,jp)*ghxx + dB(:,:,jp)*ghxx*G_x_x + B*ghxx*dG_x_x(:,:,jp) );
889    end
890    %use iterated generalized sylvester equation to compute dghxx
891    dghxx = sylvester3(A,B,G_x_x,dRHSghxx);
892    flag = 1; icount = 0;
893    while flag && icount < 4
894        [dghxx, flag] = sylvester3a(dghxx,A,B,G_x_x,dRHSghxx);
895        icount = icount+1;
896    end
897    zu = [zeros(nspred,exo_nbr);
898          ghu(kcurr~=0,:);
899          ghx(klead~=0,:)*ghu(idx_states,:);
900          eye(exo_nbr)];
901    [abcOutxu,err] = A_times_B_kronecker_C(ghxx,ghx(idx_states,:),ghu(idx_states,:)); mexErrCheck('A_times_B_kronecker_C', err); %auxiliary expressions for dghxu
902    [abcOutuu, err] = A_times_B_kronecker_C(ghxx,ghu(idx_states,:)); mexErrCheck('A_times_B_kronecker_C', err); %auxiliary expressions for dghuu
903    [RHSs2, err] = sparse_hessian_times_B_kronecker_C(g2(:,k2yy0ex0(nonzeros(klead),nonzeros(klead))), ghu(klead~=0,:),threads_BC); mexErrCheck('sparse_hessian_times_B_kronecker_C', err);
904    RHSs2 = RHSs2 + g1(:,nonzeros(klead))*ghuu(klead~=0,:);
905    dzu = zeros(size(zu,1),size(zu,2),modparam_nbr);
906    dghxu = zeros(endo_nbr,nspred*exo_nbr,modparam_nbr);
907    dghuu = zeros(endo_nbr,exo_nbr*exo_nbr,modparam_nbr);
908    dghs2 = zeros(endo_nbr,totparam_nbr); %note that for modparam we ignore the contribution by dSigma_e and add it after the computations for stderr and corr
909    for jp=1:modparam_nbr
910        dzu(:,:,jp) = [zeros(nspred,exo_nbr);
911                       dghu(kcurr~=0,:,jp);
912                       dghx(klead~=0,:,jp)*ghu(idx_states,:) + ghx(klead~=0,:)*dghu(idx_states,:,jp);
913                       zeros(exo_nbr,exo_nbr)];
914        %compute dghxu
915        [dRHS_1, err] = sparse_hessian_times_B_kronecker_C(dg2(:,k2yy0ex0(kyy0ex0,kyy0ex0)+(jp-1)*yy0ex0_nbr^2),zx,zu,threads_BC); mexErrCheck('sparse_hessian_times_B_kronecker_C', err);
916        [dRHS_2, err] = sparse_hessian_times_B_kronecker_C(g2(:,k2yy0ex0(kyy0ex0,kyy0ex0)),dzx(:,:,jp),zu,threads_BC); mexErrCheck('sparse_hessian_times_B_kronecker_C', err);
917        [dRHS_3, err] = sparse_hessian_times_B_kronecker_C(g2(:,k2yy0ex0(kyy0ex0,kyy0ex0)),zx,dzu(:,:,jp),threads_BC); mexErrCheck('sparse_hessian_times_B_kronecker_C', err);
918        [dabcOut_1,err] = A_times_B_kronecker_C(dghxx(:,:,jp),ghx(idx_states,:),ghu(idx_states,:)); mexErrCheck('A_times_B_kronecker_C', err);
919        [dabcOut_2,err] = A_times_B_kronecker_C(ghxx,dghx(idx_states,:,jp),ghu(idx_states,:)); mexErrCheck('A_times_B_kronecker_C', err);
920        [dabcOut_3,err] = A_times_B_kronecker_C(ghxx,ghx(idx_states,:),dghu(idx_states,:,jp)); mexErrCheck('A_times_B_kronecker_C', err);
921        dghxu(:,:,jp) = -invA * ( dA(:,:,jp)*ghxu + (dRHS_1+dRHS_2+dRHS_3) + dB(:,:,jp)*abcOutxu + B*(dabcOut_1+dabcOut_2+dabcOut_3) );
922        %compute dghuu
923        [dRHS_1, err] = sparse_hessian_times_B_kronecker_C(dg2(:,k2yy0ex0(kyy0ex0,kyy0ex0)+(jp-1)*yy0ex0_nbr^2),zu,threads_BC); mexErrCheck('sparse_hessian_times_B_kronecker_C', err);
924        [dRHS_2, err] = sparse_hessian_times_B_kronecker_C(g2(:,k2yy0ex0(kyy0ex0,kyy0ex0)),dzu(:,:,jp),zu,threads_BC); mexErrCheck('sparse_hessian_times_B_kronecker_C', err);
925        [dRHS_3, err] = sparse_hessian_times_B_kronecker_C(g2(:,k2yy0ex0(kyy0ex0,kyy0ex0)),zu,dzu(:,:,jp),threads_BC); mexErrCheck('sparse_hessian_times_B_kronecker_C', err);
926        [dabcOut_1, err] = A_times_B_kronecker_C(dghxx(:,:,jp),ghu(idx_states,:)); mexErrCheck('A_times_B_kronecker_C', err);
927        [dabcOut_2, err] = A_times_B_kronecker_C(ghxx,dghu(idx_states,:,jp),ghu(idx_states,:)); mexErrCheck('A_times_B_kronecker_C', err);
928        [dabcOut_3, err] = A_times_B_kronecker_C(ghxx,ghu(idx_states,:),dghu(idx_states,:,jp)); mexErrCheck('A_times_B_kronecker_C', err);
929        dghuu(:,:,jp) = -invA * ( dA(:,:,jp)*ghuu + (dRHS_1+dRHS_2+dRHS_3) + dB(:,:,jp)*abcOutuu + B*(dabcOut_1+dabcOut_2+dabcOut_3) );
930        %compute dghs2
931        [dRHS_1, err] = sparse_hessian_times_B_kronecker_C(dg2(:,k2yy0ex0(nonzeros(klead),nonzeros(klead))+(jp-1)*yy0ex0_nbr^2), ghu(klead~=0,:),threads_BC); mexErrCheck('sparse_hessian_times_B_kronecker_C', err);
932        [dRHS_2, err] = sparse_hessian_times_B_kronecker_C(g2(:,k2yy0ex0(nonzeros(klead),nonzeros(klead))), dghu(klead~=0,:,jp), ghu(klead~=0,:),threads_BC); mexErrCheck('sparse_hessian_times_B_kronecker_C', err);
933        [dRHS_3, err] = sparse_hessian_times_B_kronecker_C(g2(:,k2yy0ex0(nonzeros(klead),nonzeros(klead))), ghu(klead~=0,:), dghu(klead~=0,:,jp),threads_BC); mexErrCheck('sparse_hessian_times_B_kronecker_C', err);
934        dghs2(:,stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr+jp) = -invS * ( dS(:,:,jp)*ghs2 + ( (dRHS_1+dRHS_2+dRHS_3) + dg1(:,nonzeros(klead),jp)*ghuu(klead~=0,:) + g1(:,nonzeros(klead))*dghuu(klead~=0,:,jp) )*M.Sigma_e(:) );
935    end
936    %add contributions by dSigma_e to dghs2
937    if ~isempty(indpstderr)
938        for jp = 1:stderrparam_nbr
939            dghs2(:,jp) = -invS * RHSs2*vec(dSigma_e(:,:,jp));
940        end
941    end
942    if ~isempty(indpcorr)
943        for jp = 1:corrparam_nbr
944            dghs2(:,stderrparam_nbr+jp) = -invS * RHSs2*vec(dSigma_e(:,:,stderrparam_nbr+jp));
945        end
946    end
949if order > 2
950    % NOTE: The computations can be improved significantly, particularly for larger models [to do: @wmutschl]
951    % Notation: ghxxx_ = ghxxx(idx_states,:), ghxxx0 = ghxxx(kcurr~=0,:), ghxxxp = ghxxx(klead~=0,:)
952    %           and similar for ghxxu, ghxuu, ghuuu, ghxss, ghuss
954    % Note that at third-order we have the following expressions, which are (numerically) zero, given suitable tensor-unfolding permuation matrices P:
955    %   * for ghxxx: A*ghxxx + B*ghxxx*kron(ghx_,kron(ghx_,ghx_)) + g3*kron(kron(zx,zx),zx) + g2*kron(zx,zxx)*P_x_xx + fyp*ghxxp*kron(ghx_,ghxx_)*P_x_xx = 0
956    %                Taking the differential yields a generalized sylvester equation to get dghxxx: A*dghxxx + B*dghxxx*kron(ghx_,kron(ghx_,ghx_)) = RHSxxx
957    %   * for ghxxu: A*ghxxu + B*ghxxx*kron(ghx_,kron(ghx_,ghu_)) + gg3*kron(zx,kron(zx,zu)) + gg2*(kron(zx,zxu)*P_x_xu + kron(zxx,zu)) + fyp*ghxxp*(kron(ghx_,ghxu_)*P_x_xu + kron(ghxx_,ghu_)) = 0
958    %                Taking the differential yields an invertible equation to get dghxxu: A*dghxxu = RHSxxu
959    %   * for ghxuu: A*ghxuu + B*ghxxx*kron(ghx_,kron(ghu_,ghu_)) + gg3*kron(zx,kron(zu,zu)) + gg2*(kron(zxu,zu)*P_xu_u + kron(zx,zuu)) + fyp*ghxxp*(kron(ghxu_,ghu_)*Pxu_u + kron(ghx_,ghuu_)) = 0
960    %                Taking the differential yields an invertible equation to get dghxuu: A*dghxuu = RHSxuu
961    %   * for ghuuu: A*ghuuu + B*ghxxx*kron(ghu_,kron(ghu_,ghu_)) + gg3*kron(kron(zu,zu),zu) + gg2*kron(zu,zuu)*P_u_uu + fyp*ghxxp*kron(ghu_,ghuu_)*P_u_uu = 0
962    %                Taking the differential yields an invertible equation to get dghuuu: A*dghuuu = RHSuuu
963    %   * for ghxss: A*ghxss + B*ghxss*ghx_ + fyp*ghxxp*kron(ghx_,ghss_) + gg2*kron(zx,zss) + Fxupup*kron(Ix,Sigma_e(:)) = 0
964    %                Taking the differential yields a generalized sylvester equation to get dghxss: A*dghxss + B*dghxss*ghx_ = RHSxss
965    %   * for ghuss: A*ghuss + B*ghxss*ghu_ + gg2*kron(zu,zss) + fyp*ghxxp*kron(ghu_,ghss_) + Fuupup*kron(Iu,Sigma_e(:)) = 0
966    %                Taking the differential yields an invertible equation to get dghuss: A*dghuss = RHSuss
967    %   * due to certainty equivalence and Gaussian shocks, we note that ghxxs, ghxus, ghuus, and ghsss are zero and thus not computed
969    % permutation matrices
970    id_xxx = reshape(1:nspred^3,1,nspred,nspred,nspred);
971    id_uux = reshape(1:nspred*exo_nbr^2,1,exo_nbr,exo_nbr,nspred);
972    id_uxx = reshape(1:nspred^2*exo_nbr,1,exo_nbr,nspred,nspred);
973    id_uuu = reshape(1:exo_nbr^3,1,exo_nbr,exo_nbr,exo_nbr);
974    I_xxx = speye(nspred^3);
975    I_xxu = speye(nspred^2*exo_nbr);
976    I_xuu = speye(nspred*exo_nbr^2);
977    I_uuu = speye(exo_nbr^3);
978    P_x_xx = I_xxx(:,ipermute(id_xxx,[1,3,4,2])) + I_xxx(:,ipermute(id_xxx,[1,2,4,3])) + I_xxx(:,ipermute(id_xxx,[1,2,3,4]));
979    P_x_xu = I_xxu(:,ipermute(id_uxx,[1,2,3,4])) + I_xxu(:,ipermute(id_uxx,[1,2,4,3]));
980    P_xu_u = I_xuu(:,ipermute(id_uux,[1,2,3,4])) + I_xuu(:,ipermute(id_uux,[1,3,2,4]));
981    P_u_uu = I_uuu(:,ipermute(id_uuu,[1,3,4,2])) + I_uuu(:,ipermute(id_uuu,[1,2,4,3])) + I_uuu(:,ipermute(id_uuu,[1,2,3,4]));
982    P_uu_u = I_uuu(:,ipermute(id_uuu,[1,2,3,4])) + I_uuu(:,ipermute(id_uuu,[1,3,4,2]));
984    zxx = [spalloc(nspred,nspred^2,0);
985           ghxx(kcurr~=0,:);
986           ghxx(klead~=0,:)*G_x_x + ghx(klead~=0,:)*ghxx(idx_states,:);
987           spalloc(exo_nbr,nspred^2,0)];
988    G_x_x_x = kron(ghx(idx_states,:), G_x_x);
989    G_x_xx = kron(ghx(idx_states,:),ghxx(idx_states,:));
990    Z_x_x = kron(zx,zx);
991    Z_x_x_x = kron(zx,Z_x_x);
992    Z_x_xx = kron(zx,zxx);
993    fyp_ghxxp = sparse(g1(:,nonzeros(klead))*ghxx(klead~=0,:));
994    B_ghxxx = B*ghxxx;
995    dzxx = zeros(size(zxx,1),size(zxx,2),modparam_nbr);
996    dfyp_ghxxp = zeros(size(fyp_ghxxp,1),size(fyp_ghxxp,2),modparam_nbr);
998    dRHSghxxx = zeros(endo_nbr,nspred^3,modparam_nbr);
999    for jp=1:modparam_nbr
1000        dzxx(:,:,jp) = [zeros(nspred,nspred^2);
1001                        dghxx(kcurr~=0,:,jp);
1002                        dghxx(klead~=0,:,jp)*G_x_x + ghxx(klead~=0,:)*dG_x_x(:,:,jp) + dghx(klead~=0,:,jp)*ghxx(idx_states,:) + ghx(klead~=0,:)*dghxx(idx_states,:,jp);
1003                        zeros(exo_nbr,nspred^2)];
1004        dG_x_x_x = kron(dghx(idx_states,:,jp),G_x_x) + kron(ghx(idx_states,:),dG_x_x(:,:,jp));
1005        dG_x_xx = kron(dghx(idx_states,:,jp),ghxx(idx_states,:)) + kron(ghx(idx_states,:),dghxx(idx_states,:,jp));
1006        dZ_x_x = kron(dzx(:,:,jp), zx) + kron(zx, dzx(:,:,jp));
1007        dZ_x_x_x = kron(dzx(:,:,jp), Z_x_x) + kron(zx, dZ_x_x);
1008        dZ_x_xx = kron(dzx(:,:,jp), zxx) + kron(zx, dzxx(:,:,jp));
1009        dfyp_ghxxp(:,:,jp) = dg1(:,nonzeros(klead),jp)*ghxx(klead~=0,:) + g1(:,nonzeros(klead))*dghxx(klead~=0,:,jp);
1010        dRHSghxxx(:,:,jp) = dA(:,:,jp)*ghxxx + dB(:,:,jp)*ghxxx*G_x_x_x + B_ghxxx*dG_x_x_x;
1011        dRHSghxxx(:,:,jp) = dRHSghxxx(:,:,jp) + dg3(:,k3yy0ex0(kyy0ex0,kyy0ex0,kyy0ex0)+(jp-1)*yy0ex0_nbr^3)*Z_x_x_x + g3(:,k3yy0ex0(kyy0ex0,kyy0ex0,kyy0ex0))*dZ_x_x_x;
1012        dRHSghxxx(:,:,jp) = dRHSghxxx(:,:,jp) + dg2(:,k2yy0ex0(kyy0ex0,kyy0ex0)+(jp-1)*yy0ex0_nbr^2)*Z_x_xx*P_x_xx + g2(:,k2yy0ex0(kyy0ex0,kyy0ex0))*dZ_x_xx*P_x_xx;
1013        dRHSghxxx(:,:,jp) = dRHSghxxx(:,:,jp) + dfyp_ghxxp(:,:,jp)*G_x_xx*P_x_xx + fyp_ghxxp*dG_x_xx*P_x_xx;
1014    end
1015    dRHSghxxx = -dRHSghxxx;
1016    %use iterated generalized sylvester equation to compute dghxxx
1017    dghxxx = sylvester3(A,B,G_x_x_x,dRHSghxxx);
1018    flag = 1; icount = 0;
1019    while flag && icount < 4
1020        [dghxxx, flag] = sylvester3a(dghxxx,A,B,G_x_x_x,dRHSghxxx);
1021        icount = icount+1;
1022    end
1024    %Auxiliary expressions for dghxxu, dghxuu, dghuuu, dghxss, dghuss
1025    G_x_u = kron(ghx(idx_states,:),ghu(idx_states,:));
1026    G_u_u = kron(ghu(idx_states,:),ghu(idx_states,:));
1027    zxu = [zeros(nspred,nspred*exo_nbr);
1028           ghxu(kcurr~=0,:);
1029           ghxx(klead~=0,:)*G_x_u + ghx(klead~=0,:)*ghxu(idx_states,:);
1030           zeros(exo_nbr,exo_nbr*nspred)];
1031    zuu = [zeros(nspred,exo_nbr^2);
1032           ghuu(kcurr~=0,:);
1033           ghxx(klead~=0,:)*G_u_u + ghx(klead~=0,:)*ghuu(idx_states,:);
1034           zeros(exo_nbr,exo_nbr^2)];
1035    Z_x_u = kron(zx,zu);
1036    Z_u_u = kron(zu,zu);
1037    Z_x_xu = kron(zx,zxu);
1038    Z_xx_u = kron(zxx,zu);
1039    Z_xu_u = kron(zxu,zu);
1040    Z_x_uu = kron(zx,zuu);
1041    Z_u_uu = kron(zu,zuu);
1042    Z_x_x_u = kron(Z_x_x,zu);
1043    Z_x_u_u = kron(Z_x_u,zu);
1044    Z_u_u_u = kron(Z_u_u,zu);
1045    G_x_xu = kron(ghx(idx_states,:),ghxu(idx_states,:));
1046    G_xx_u = kron(ghxx(idx_states,:),ghu(idx_states,:));
1047    G_xu_u = kron(ghxu(idx_states,:),ghu(idx_states,:));
1048    G_x_uu = kron(ghx(idx_states,:),ghuu(idx_states,:));
1049    G_u_uu = kron(ghu(idx_states,:),ghuu(idx_states,:));
1050    G_x_x_u = kron(G_x_x,ghu(idx_states,:));
1051    G_x_u_u = kron(G_x_u,ghu(idx_states,:));
1052    G_u_u_u = kron(G_u_u,ghu(idx_states,:));
1053    aux_ZP_x_xu_Z_xx_u = Z_x_xu*P_x_xu + Z_xx_u;
1054    aux_ZP_xu_u_Z_x_uu = Z_xu_u*P_xu_u + Z_x_uu;
1055    aux_GP_x_xu_G_xx_u = G_x_xu*P_x_xu + G_xx_u;
1056    aux_GP_xu_u_G_x_uu = G_xu_u*P_xu_u + G_x_uu;
1057    dghxxu = zeros(endo_nbr,nspred^2*exo_nbr,modparam_nbr);
1058    dghxuu = zeros(endo_nbr,nspred*exo_nbr^2,modparam_nbr);
1059    dghuuu = zeros(endo_nbr,exo_nbr^3,modparam_nbr);
1061    %stuff for ghxss
1062    zup = [zeros(nspred,exo_nbr);
1063           zeros(length(nonzeros(kcurr)),exo_nbr);
1064           ghu(klead~=0,:);
1065           zeros(exo_nbr,exo_nbr)];
1066    zss = [zeros(nspred,1);
1067           ghs2(kcurr~=0,:);
1068           ghs2(klead~=0,:) + ghx(klead~=0,:)*ghs2(idx_states,:);
1069           zeros(exo_nbr,1)];
1070    zxup = [zeros(nspred,nspred*exo_nbr);
1071            zeros(length(nonzeros(kcurr)),nspred*exo_nbr);
1072            ghxu(klead~=0,:)*kron(ghx(idx_states,:),eye(exo_nbr));
1073            zeros(exo_nbr,nspred*exo_nbr)];
1074    zupup = [zeros(nspred,exo_nbr^2);
1075             zeros(length(nonzeros(kcurr)),exo_nbr^2);
1076             ghuu(klead~=0,:);
1077             zeros(exo_nbr,exo_nbr^2)];
1078    G_x_ss = kron(ghx(idx_states,:),ghs2(idx_states,:));
1079    Z_x_ss = kron(zx,zss);
1080    Z_up_up = kron(zup,zup);
1081    Z_xup_up = kron(zxup,zup);
1082    Z_x_upup = kron(zx,zupup);
1083    Z_x_up_up = kron(zx,Z_up_up);
1084    aux_ZP_xup_up_Z_x_upup = Z_xup_up*P_xu_u + Z_x_upup;
1085    Fxupup = g3(:,k3yy0ex0(kyy0ex0,kyy0ex0,kyy0ex0))*Z_x_up_up + g2(:,k2yy0ex0(kyy0ex0,kyy0ex0))*aux_ZP_xup_up_Z_x_upup + g1(:,nonzeros(klead))*ghxuu(klead~=0,:)*kron(ghx(idx_states,:),eye(exo_nbr^2));
1086    Ix_vecSig_e = kron(speye(nspred),Sigma_e(:));
1087    dRHSxss = zeros(endo_nbr,nspred,totparam_nbr);
1089    %stuff for ghuss
1090    zuup = [zeros(nspred,exo_nbr^2);
1091            zeros(length(nonzeros(kcurr)),exo_nbr^2);
1092            ghxu(klead~=0,:)*kron(ghu(idx_states,:),eye(exo_nbr));
1093            zeros(exo_nbr,exo_nbr^2)];
1094    G_u_ss = kron(ghu(idx_states,:),ghs2(idx_states,:));
1095    Z_u_ss = kron(zu,zss);
1096    Z_u_upup = kron(zu,zupup);
1097    Z_uup_up = kron(zuup,zup);
1098    Z_u_up_up = kron(zu,Z_up_up);
1099    aux_ZP_uup_up_Z_u_upup = Z_uup_up*P_uu_u + Z_u_upup;
1100    Fuupup = g3(:,k3yy0ex0(kyy0ex0,kyy0ex0,kyy0ex0))*Z_u_up_up + g2(:,k2yy0ex0(kyy0ex0,kyy0ex0))*aux_ZP_uup_up_Z_u_upup + g1(:,nonzeros(klead))*ghxuu(klead~=0,:)*kron(ghu(idx_states,:),eye(exo_nbr^2));
1101    Iu_vecSig_e = kron(speye(exo_nbr),Sigma_e(:));
1102    dRHSuss = zeros(endo_nbr,exo_nbr,totparam_nbr);
1104    for jp=1:modparam_nbr
1105        dG_x_u = kron(dghx(idx_states,:,jp), ghu(idx_states,:)) + kron(ghx(idx_states,:), dghu(idx_states,:,jp));
1106        dG_u_u = kron(dghu(idx_states,:,jp), ghu(idx_states,:)) + kron(ghu(idx_states,:), dghu(idx_states,:,jp));
1107        dzxu = [zeros(nspred,nspred*exo_nbr);
1108                dghxu(kcurr~=0,:,jp);
1109                dghxx(klead~=0,:,jp)*G_x_u + ghxx(klead~=0,:)*dG_x_u + dghx(klead~=0,:,jp)*ghxu(idx_states,:) + ghx(klead~=0,:)*dghxu(idx_states,:,jp);
1110                zeros(exo_nbr,nspred*exo_nbr)];
1111        dzuu = [zeros(nspred,exo_nbr^2);
1112                dghuu(kcurr~=0,:,jp);
1113                dghxx(klead~=0,:,jp)*G_u_u + ghxx(klead~=0,:)*dG_u_u + dghx(klead~=0,:,jp)*ghuu(idx_states,:) + ghx(klead~=0,:)*dghuu(idx_states,:,jp);
1114                zeros(exo_nbr,exo_nbr^2)];
1115        dG_x_xu = kron(dghx(idx_states,:,jp),ghxu(idx_states,:)) + kron(ghx(idx_states,:),dghxu(idx_states,:,jp));
1116        dG_x_uu = kron(dghx(idx_states,:,jp),ghuu(idx_states,:)) + kron(ghx(idx_states,:),dghuu(idx_states,:,jp));
1117        dG_u_uu = kron(dghu(idx_states,:,jp),ghuu(idx_states,:)) + kron(ghu(idx_states,:),dghuu(idx_states,:,jp));
1118        dG_xx_u = kron(dghxx(idx_states,:,jp),ghu(idx_states,:)) + kron(ghxx(idx_states,:),dghu(idx_states,:,jp));
1119        dG_xu_u = kron(dghxu(idx_states,:,jp),ghu(idx_states,:)) + kron(ghxu(idx_states,:),dghu(idx_states,:,jp));
1120        dG_x_x_u = kron(G_x_x,dghu(idx_states,:,jp)) + kron(dG_x_x(:,:,jp),ghu(idx_states,:));
1121        dG_x_u_u = kron(G_x_u,dghu(idx_states,:,jp)) + kron(dG_x_u,ghu(idx_states,:));
1122        dG_u_u_u = kron(G_u_u,dghu(idx_states,:,jp)) + kron(dG_u_u,ghu(idx_states,:));
1123        dZ_x_u = kron(dzx(:,:,jp),zu) + kron(zx,dzu(:,:,jp));
1124        dZ_u_u = kron(dzu(:,:,jp),zu) + kron(zu,dzu(:,:,jp));
1125        dZ_x_x_u = kron(dzx(:,:,jp), Z_x_u) + kron(zx, dZ_x_u);
1126        dZ_x_u_u = kron(dZ_x_u, zu) + kron(Z_x_u, dzu(:,:,jp));
1127        dZ_u_u_u = kron(dZ_u_u, zu) + kron(Z_u_u, dzu(:,:,jp));
1128        dZ_xx_u = kron(dzxx(:,:,jp), zu) + kron(zxx, dzu(:,:,jp));
1129        dZ_xu_u = kron(dzxu, zu) + kron(zxu, dzu(:,:,jp));
1130        dZ_x_xu = kron(dzx(:,:,jp), zxu) + kron(zx, dzxu);
1131        dZ_x_uu = kron(dzx(:,:,jp), zuu) + kron(zx, dzuu);
1132        dZ_u_uu = kron(dzu(:,:,jp), zuu) + kron(zu, dzuu);
1133        dB_ghxxx = dB(:,:,jp)*ghxxx + B*dghxxx(:,:,jp);
1134        %Compute dghxxu
1135        dRHS = dA(:,:,jp)*ghxxu + dB_ghxxx*G_x_x_u + B_ghxxx*dG_x_x_u;
1136        dRHS = dRHS + dg3(:,k3yy0ex0(kyy0ex0,kyy0ex0,kyy0ex0)+(jp-1)*yy0ex0_nbr^3)*Z_x_x_u + g3(:,k3yy0ex0(kyy0ex0,kyy0ex0,kyy0ex0))*dZ_x_x_u;
1137        dRHS = dRHS + dg2(:,k2yy0ex0(kyy0ex0,kyy0ex0)+(jp-1)*yy0ex0_nbr^2)*aux_ZP_x_xu_Z_xx_u + g2(:,k2yy0ex0(kyy0ex0,kyy0ex0))*( dZ_x_xu*P_x_xu + dZ_xx_u );
1138        dRHS = dRHS + dfyp_ghxxp(:,:,jp)*aux_GP_x_xu_G_xx_u + fyp_ghxxp*( dG_x_xu*P_x_xu + dG_xx_u );
1139        dghxxu(:,:,jp) = invA* (-dRHS);
1140        %Compute dghxuu
1141        dRHS = dA(:,:,jp)*ghxuu + dB_ghxxx*G_x_u_u + B_ghxxx*dG_x_u_u;
1142        dRHS = dRHS + dg3(:,k3yy0ex0(kyy0ex0,kyy0ex0,kyy0ex0)+(jp-1)*yy0ex0_nbr^3)*Z_x_u_u + g3(:,k3yy0ex0(kyy0ex0,kyy0ex0,kyy0ex0))*dZ_x_u_u;
1143        dRHS = dRHS + dg2(:,k2yy0ex0(kyy0ex0,kyy0ex0)+(jp-1)*yy0ex0_nbr^2)*aux_ZP_xu_u_Z_x_uu + g2(:,k2yy0ex0(kyy0ex0,kyy0ex0))*( dZ_xu_u*P_xu_u + dZ_x_uu );
1144        dRHS = dRHS + dfyp_ghxxp(:,:,jp)*aux_GP_xu_u_G_x_uu + fyp_ghxxp*( dG_xu_u*P_xu_u + dG_x_uu );
1145        dghxuu(:,:,jp) = invA* (-dRHS);
1146        %Compute dghuuu
1147        dRHS = dA(:,:,jp)*ghuuu + dB_ghxxx*G_u_u_u + B_ghxxx*dG_u_u_u;
1148        dRHS = dRHS + dg3(:,k3yy0ex0(kyy0ex0,kyy0ex0,kyy0ex0)+(jp-1)*yy0ex0_nbr^3)*Z_u_u_u + g3(:,k3yy0ex0(kyy0ex0,kyy0ex0,kyy0ex0))*dZ_u_u_u;
1149        dRHS = dRHS + dg2(:,k2yy0ex0(kyy0ex0,kyy0ex0)+(jp-1)*yy0ex0_nbr^2)*Z_u_uu*P_u_uu + g2(:,k2yy0ex0(kyy0ex0,kyy0ex0))*dZ_u_uu*P_u_uu;
1150        dRHS = dRHS + dfyp_ghxxp(:,:,jp)*G_u_uu*P_u_uu + fyp_ghxxp*dG_u_uu*P_u_uu;
1151        dghuuu(:,:,jp) = invA* (-dRHS);
1152        %Compute dRHSxss
1153        dzup = [zeros(nspred,exo_nbr);
1154                zeros(length(nonzeros(kcurr)),exo_nbr);
1155                dghu(klead~=0,:,jp);
1156                zeros(exo_nbr,exo_nbr)];
1157        dzss = [zeros(nspred,1);
1158                dghs2(kcurr~=0,stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr+jp);
1159                dghs2(klead~=0,stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr+jp) + dghx(klead~=0,:,jp)*ghs2(idx_states,:) + ghx(klead~=0,:)*dghs2(idx_states,stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr+jp);
1160                zeros(exo_nbr,1)];
1161        dzxup = [zeros(nspred,nspred*exo_nbr);
1162                 zeros(length(nonzeros(kcurr)),nspred*exo_nbr);
1163                 dghxu(klead~=0,:,jp)*kron(ghx(idx_states,:),eye(exo_nbr)) + ghxu(klead~=0,:)*kron(dghx(idx_states,:,jp),eye(exo_nbr));
1164                 zeros(exo_nbr,nspred*exo_nbr)];
1165        dzupup = [zeros(nspred,exo_nbr^2);
1166                  zeros(length(nonzeros(kcurr)),exo_nbr^2);
1167                  dghuu(klead~=0,:,jp);
1168                  zeros(exo_nbr,exo_nbr^2)];
1169        dG_x_ss = kron(dghx(idx_states,:,jp),ghs2(idx_states,:)) + kron(ghx(idx_states,:),dghs2(idx_states,stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr+jp));
1170        dZ_x_ss = kron(dzx(:,:,jp),zss) + kron(zx,dzss);
1171        dZ_up_up = kron(dzup,zup) + kron(zup,dzup);
1172        dZ_xup_up = kron(dzxup,zup) + kron(zxup,dzup);
1173        dZ_x_upup = kron(dzx(:,:,jp),zupup) + kron(zx,dzupup);
1174        dZ_x_up_up = kron(dzx(:,:,jp),Z_up_up) + kron(zx,dZ_up_up);
1175        daux_ZP_xup_up_Z_x_upup = dZ_xup_up*P_xu_u + dZ_x_upup;
1176        dFxupup = dg3(:,k3yy0ex0(kyy0ex0,kyy0ex0,kyy0ex0)+(jp-1)*yy0ex0_nbr^3)*Z_x_up_up + g3(:,k3yy0ex0(kyy0ex0,kyy0ex0,kyy0ex0))*dZ_x_up_up...
1177                  + dg2(:,k2yy0ex0(kyy0ex0,kyy0ex0)+(jp-1)*yy0ex0_nbr^2)*aux_ZP_xup_up_Z_x_upup + g2(:,k2yy0ex0(kyy0ex0,kyy0ex0))*daux_ZP_xup_up_Z_x_upup...
1178                  + dg1(:,nonzeros(klead),jp)*ghxuu(klead~=0,:)*kron(ghx(idx_states,:),eye(exo_nbr^2)) + g1(:,nonzeros(klead))*dghxuu(klead~=0,:,jp)*kron(ghx(idx_states,:),eye(exo_nbr^2)) + g1(:,nonzeros(klead))*ghxuu(klead~=0,:)*kron(dghx(idx_states,:,jp),eye(exo_nbr^2));
1179        dRHSxss(:,:,stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr+jp) = dA(:,:,jp)*ghxss + dB(:,:,jp)*ghxss*ghx(idx_states,:) + B*ghxss*dghx(idx_states,:,jp);
1180        dRHSxss(:,:,stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr+jp) = dRHSxss(:,:,stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr+jp) + dfyp_ghxxp(:,:,jp)*G_x_ss + fyp_ghxxp*dG_x_ss;
1181        dRHSxss(:,:,stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr+jp) = dRHSxss(:,:,stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr+jp) + dg2(:,k2yy0ex0(kyy0ex0,kyy0ex0)+(jp-1)*yy0ex0_nbr^2)*Z_x_ss + g2(:,k2yy0ex0(kyy0ex0,kyy0ex0))*dZ_x_ss;
1182        dRHSxss(:,:,stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr+jp) = dRHSxss(:,:,stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr+jp) + dFxupup*Ix_vecSig_e; %missing contribution by dSigma_e
1183        %Compute dRHSuss
1184        dzuup = [zeros(nspred,exo_nbr^2);
1185                 zeros(length(nonzeros(kcurr)),exo_nbr^2);
1186                 dghxu(klead~=0,:,jp)*kron(ghu(idx_states,:),eye(exo_nbr)) + ghxu(klead~=0,:)*kron(dghu(idx_states,:,jp),eye(exo_nbr));
1187                 zeros(exo_nbr,exo_nbr^2)];
1188        dG_u_ss = kron(dghu(idx_states,:,jp),ghs2(idx_states,:)) + kron(ghu(idx_states,:),dghs2(idx_states,stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr+jp));
1189        dZ_u_ss = kron(dzu(:,:,jp),zss) + kron(zu,dzss);
1190        dZ_u_upup = kron(dzu(:,:,jp),zupup) + kron(zu,dzupup);
1191        dZ_uup_up = kron(dzuup,zup) + kron(zuup,dzup);
1192        dZ_u_up_up = kron(dzu(:,:,jp),Z_up_up) + kron(zu,dZ_up_up);
1193        daux_ZP_uup_up_Z_u_upup = dZ_uup_up*P_uu_u + dZ_u_upup;
1194        dFuupup = dg3(:,k3yy0ex0(kyy0ex0,kyy0ex0,kyy0ex0)+(jp-1)*yy0ex0_nbr^3)*Z_u_up_up + g3(:,k3yy0ex0(kyy0ex0,kyy0ex0,kyy0ex0))*dZ_u_up_up...
1195                  + dg2(:,k2yy0ex0(kyy0ex0,kyy0ex0)+(jp-1)*yy0ex0_nbr^2)*aux_ZP_uup_up_Z_u_upup + g2(:,k2yy0ex0(kyy0ex0,kyy0ex0))*daux_ZP_uup_up_Z_u_upup...
1196                  + dg1(:,nonzeros(klead),jp)*ghxuu(klead~=0,:)*kron(ghu(idx_states,:),eye(exo_nbr^2)) + g1(:,nonzeros(klead))*dghxuu(klead~=0,:,jp)*kron(ghu(idx_states,:),eye(exo_nbr^2)) + g1(:,nonzeros(klead))*ghxuu(klead~=0,:)*kron(dghu(idx_states,:,jp),eye(exo_nbr^2));
1197        dRHSuss(:,:,stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr+jp) = dA(:,:,jp)*ghuss + dB(:,:,jp)*ghxss*ghu(idx_states,:) + B*ghxss*dghu(idx_states,:,jp); %missing dghxss
1198        dRHSuss(:,:,stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr+jp) = dRHSuss(:,:,stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr+jp) + dfyp_ghxxp(:,:,jp)*G_u_ss + fyp_ghxxp*dG_u_ss;
1199        dRHSuss(:,:,stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr+jp) = dRHSuss(:,:,stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr+jp) + dg2(:,k2yy0ex0(kyy0ex0,kyy0ex0)+(jp-1)*yy0ex0_nbr^2)*Z_u_ss + g2(:,k2yy0ex0(kyy0ex0,kyy0ex0))*dZ_u_ss;
1200        dRHSuss(:,:,stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr+jp) = dRHSuss(:,:,stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr+jp) + dFuupup*Iu_vecSig_e; %contribution by dSigma_e only for stderr and corr params
1201    end
1202    %Add contribution for stderr and corr params to dRHSxss and dRHSuss
1203    if ~isempty(indpstderr)
1204        for jp = 1:stderrparam_nbr
1205            dzss = [zeros(nspred,1);
1206                    dghs2(kcurr~=0,jp);
1207                    dghs2(klead~=0,jp) + ghx(klead~=0,:)*dghs2(idx_states,jp);
1208                    zeros(exo_nbr,1)];
1209            dG_x_ss = kron(ghx(idx_states,:),dghs2(idx_states,jp));
1210            dZ_x_ss = kron(zx,dzss);
1211            dRHSxss(:,:,jp) = Fxupup*kron(speye(nspred),vec(dSigma_e(:,:,jp)));
1212            dRHSxss(:,:,jp) = dRHSxss(:,:,jp) + fyp_ghxxp*dG_x_ss;
1213            dRHSxss(:,:,jp) = dRHSxss(:,:,jp) + g2(:,k2yy0ex0(kyy0ex0,kyy0ex0))*dZ_x_ss;
1215            dG_u_ss = kron(ghu(idx_states,:),dghs2(idx_states,jp));
1216            dZ_u_ss = kron(zu,dzss);
1217            dRHSuss(:,:,jp) = Fuupup*kron(speye(exo_nbr),vec(dSigma_e(:,:,jp)));
1218            dRHSuss(:,:,jp) = dRHSuss(:,:,jp) + fyp_ghxxp*dG_u_ss;
1219            dRHSuss(:,:,jp) = dRHSuss(:,:,jp) + g2(:,k2yy0ex0(kyy0ex0,kyy0ex0))*dZ_u_ss;
1220        end
1221    end
1222    if ~isempty(indpcorr)
1223        for jp = (stderrparam_nbr+1):(stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr)
1224            dzss = [zeros(nspred,1);
1225                    dghs2(kcurr~=0,jp);
1226                    dghs2(klead~=0,jp) + ghx(klead~=0,:)*dghs2(idx_states,jp);
1227                    zeros(exo_nbr,1)];
1228            dG_x_ss = kron(ghx(idx_states,:),dghs2(idx_states,jp));
1229            dZ_x_ss = kron(zx,dzss);
1230            dRHSxss(:,:,jp) = Fxupup*kron(speye(nspred),vec(dSigma_e(:,:,jp)));
1231            dRHSxss(:,:,jp) = dRHSxss(:,:,jp) + fyp_ghxxp*dG_x_ss;
1232            dRHSxss(:,:,jp) = dRHSxss(:,:,jp) + g2(:,k2yy0ex0(kyy0ex0,kyy0ex0))*dZ_x_ss;
1234            dG_u_ss = kron(ghu(idx_states,:),dghs2(idx_states,jp));
1235            dZ_u_ss = kron(zu,dzss);
1236            dRHSuss(:,:,jp) = Fuupup*kron(speye(exo_nbr),vec(dSigma_e(:,:,jp)));
1237            dRHSuss(:,:,jp) = dRHSuss(:,:,jp) + fyp_ghxxp*dG_u_ss;
1238            dRHSuss(:,:,jp) = dRHSuss(:,:,jp) + g2(:,k2yy0ex0(kyy0ex0,kyy0ex0))*dZ_u_ss;
1239        end
1240    end
1241    dRHSxss = -dRHSxss;
1242    %use iterated generalized sylvester equation to compute dghxss
1243    dghxss = sylvester3(A,B,ghx(idx_states,:),dRHSxss);
1244    flag = 1; icount = 0;
1245    while flag && icount < 4
1246        [dghxss, flag] = sylvester3a(dghxss,A,B,ghx(idx_states,:),dRHSxss);
1247        icount = icount+1;
1248    end
1249    %Add contribution by dghxss to dRHSuss and compute it
1250    dghuss = zeros(endo_nbr,exo_nbr,totparam_nbr);
1251    for jp = 1:totparam_nbr
1252        dRHS = dRHSuss(:,:,jp) + B*dghxss(:,:,jp)*ghu(idx_states,:);
1253        dghuss(:,:,jp) = invA* (-dRHS);
1254    end
1257%% Store into structure
1258DERIVS.dg1 = dg1;
1259DERIVS.dSigma_e = dSigma_e;
1260DERIVS.dCorrelation_matrix = dCorrelation_matrix;
1261DERIVS.dYss = dYss;
1262DERIVS.dghx = cat(3,zeros(endo_nbr,nspred,stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr), dghx);
1263DERIVS.dghu = cat(3,zeros(endo_nbr,exo_nbr,stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr), dghu);
1264DERIVS.dOm  = dOm;
1265if order > 1
1266    DERIVS.dg2 = dg2;
1267    DERIVS.dghxx = cat(3,zeros(endo_nbr,nspred^2,stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr), dghxx);
1268    DERIVS.dghxu = cat(3,zeros(endo_nbr,nspred*exo_nbr,stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr), dghxu);
1269    DERIVS.dghuu = cat(3,zeros(endo_nbr,exo_nbr^2,stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr), dghuu);
1270    DERIVS.dghs2 = dghs2;
1272if order > 2
1273    DERIVS.dg3 = dg3;
1274    DERIVS.dghxxx = cat(3,zeros(endo_nbr,nspred^3,stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr), dghxxx);
1275    DERIVS.dghxxu = cat(3,zeros(endo_nbr,nspred^2*exo_nbr,stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr), dghxxu);
1276    DERIVS.dghxuu = cat(3,zeros(endo_nbr,nspred*exo_nbr^2,stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr), dghxuu);
1277    DERIVS.dghuuu = cat(3,zeros(endo_nbr,exo_nbr^3,stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr), dghuuu);
1278    DERIVS.dghxss = dghxss;
1279    DERIVS.dghuss = dghuss;
1282%% Construct Hessian (wrt all selected parameters) of ghx, and Om=ghu*Sigma_e*ghu'
1283if d2flag
1284    % Construct Hessian (wrt all selected parameters) of Sigma_e
1285    % note that we only need to focus on (stderr x stderr), (stderr x corr), (corr x stderr) parameters, because derivatives wrt all other second-cross parameters are zero by construction
1286    d2Sigma_e = zeros(exo_nbr,exo_nbr,totparam_nbr^2); %initialize full matrix, even though we'll reduce it later to unique upper triangular values
1287    % Compute Hessian of Sigma_e wrt (stderr x stderr) parameters
1288    if ~isempty(indp2stderrstderr)
1289        for jp = 1:stderrparam_nbr
1290            for ip = 1:jp
1291                if jp == ip %same stderr parameters
1292                    d2Sigma_e(indpstderr(jp),indpstderr(jp),indp2stderrstderr(ip,jp)) = 2;
1293                else %different stderr parameters
1294                    if isdiag(Sigma_e) == 0 % if there are correlated errors
1295                        d2Sigma_e(indpstderr(jp),indpstderr(ip),indp2stderrstderr(ip,jp)) = Correlation_matrix(indpstderr(jp),indpstderr(ip));
1296                        d2Sigma_e(indpstderr(ip),indpstderr(jp),indp2stderrstderr(ip,jp)) = Correlation_matrix(indpstderr(jp),indpstderr(ip)); %symmetry
1297                    end
1298                end
1299            end
1300        end
1301    end
1302    % Compute Hessian of Sigma_e wrt (stderr x corr) parameters
1303    if ~isempty(indp2stderrcorr)
1304        for jp = 1:stderrparam_nbr
1305            for ip = 1:corrparam_nbr
1306                if indpstderr(jp) == indpcorr(ip,1) %if stderr is equal to first index of corr parameter, then derivative is equal to stderr of second index
1307                    d2Sigma_e(indpstderr(jp),indpcorr(ip,2),indp2stderrcorr(jp,ip)) = sqrt(Sigma_e(indpcorr(ip,2),indpcorr(ip,2)));
1308                    d2Sigma_e(indpcorr(ip,2),indpstderr(jp),indp2stderrcorr(jp,ip)) = sqrt(Sigma_e(indpcorr(ip,2),indpcorr(ip,2))); % symmetry
1309                end
1310                if indpstderr(jp) == indpcorr(ip,2) %if stderr is equal to second index of corr parameter, then derivative is equal to stderr of first index
1311                    d2Sigma_e(indpstderr(jp),indpcorr(ip,1),indp2stderrcorr(jp,ip)) = sqrt(Sigma_e(indpcorr(ip,1),indpcorr(ip,1)));
1312                    d2Sigma_e(indpcorr(ip,1),indpstderr(jp),indp2stderrcorr(jp,ip)) = sqrt(Sigma_e(indpcorr(ip,1),indpcorr(ip,1))); % symmetry
1313                end
1314            end
1315        end
1316    end
1317    d2Sigma_e = d2Sigma_e(:,:,indp2tottot2); %focus on upper triangular hessian values only
1319    % Construct nonzero derivatives wrt to t+1, i.e. GAM1=-f_{y^+} in Villemot (2011)
1320    GAM1  = zeros(endo_nbr,endo_nbr);
1321    GAM1(:,klead~=0,:) = -g1(:,nonzeros(klead));
1322    dGAM1  = zeros(endo_nbr,endo_nbr,modparam_nbr);
1323    dGAM1(:,klead~=0,:) = -dg1(:,nonzeros(klead),:);
1324    indind = ismember(d2g1(:,2),nonzeros(klead));
1325    tmp = d2g1(indind,:);
1326    tmp(:,end)=-tmp(:,end);
1327    d2GAM1 = tmp;
1328    indklead = find(klead~=0);
1329    for j = 1:size(tmp,1)
1330        inxinx = (nonzeros(klead)==tmp(j,2));
1331        d2GAM1(j,2) = indklead(inxinx);
1332    end
1334    % Construct nonzero derivatives wrt to t, i.e. GAM0=f_{y^0} in Villemot (2011)
1335    GAM0  = zeros(endo_nbr,endo_nbr);
1336    GAM0(:,kcurr~=0,:) = g1(:,nonzeros(kcurr));
1337    dGAM0  = zeros(endo_nbr,endo_nbr,modparam_nbr);
1338    dGAM0(:,kcurr~=0,:) = dg1(:,nonzeros(kcurr),:);
1339    indind = ismember(d2g1(:,2),nonzeros(kcurr));
1340    tmp = d2g1(indind,:);
1341    d2GAM0 = tmp;
1342    indkcurr = find(kcurr~=0);
1343    for j = 1:size(tmp,1)
1344        inxinx = (nonzeros(kcurr)==tmp(j,2));
1345        d2GAM0(j,2) = indkcurr(inxinx);
1346    end
1348    % Construct nonzero derivatives wrt to t-1, i.e. GAM2=-f_{y^-} in Villemot (2011)
1349    % GAM2 = zeros(endo_nbr,endo_nbr);
1350    % GAM2(:,klag~=0)  = -g1(:,nonzeros(klag));
1351    % dGAM2 = zeros(endo_nbr,endo_nbr,modparam_nbr);
1352    % dGAM2(:,klag~=0)  = -dg1(:,nonzeros(klag),:);
1353    indind = ismember(d2g1(:,2),nonzeros(klag));
1354    tmp = d2g1(indind,:);
1355    tmp(:,end) = -tmp(:,end);
1356    d2GAM2 = tmp;
1357    indklag = find(klag~=0);
1358    for j = 1:size(tmp,1)
1359        inxinx = (nonzeros(klag)==tmp(j,2));
1360        d2GAM2(j,2) = indklag(inxinx);
1361    end
1363    % Construct nonzero derivatives wrt to u_t, i.e. GAM3=-f_{u} in Villemot (2011)
1364    % GAM3  = -g1(:,yy0_nbr+1:end);
1365    % dGAM3  = -dg1(:,yy0_nbr+1:end,:);
1366    cols_ex = yy0_nbr+(1:yy0ex0_nbr);
1367    indind = ismember(d2g1(:,2),cols_ex);
1368    tmp = d2g1(indind,:);
1369    tmp(:,end) = -tmp(:,end);
1370    d2GAM3 = tmp;
1371    for j = 1:size(tmp,1)
1372        inxinx = find(cols_ex==tmp(j,2));
1373        d2GAM3(j,2) = inxinx;
1374    end
1376    clear d2g1 tmp
1378    % Compute Hessian (wrt selected params) of ghx using generalized sylvester equations, see equations 17 and 18 in Ratto and Iskrev (2012)
1379    % solves MM*d2KalmanA+N*d2KalmanA*P = QQ where d2KalmanA are second order derivatives (wrt model parameters) of KalmanA
1380    QQ = zeros(endo_nbr,endo_nbr,floor(sqrt(modparam_nbr2)));
1381    jcount=0;
1382    cumjcount=0;
1383    jinx = [];
1384    x2x=sparse(endo_nbr*endo_nbr,modparam_nbr2);
1385    dKalmanA = zeros(endo_nbr,endo_nbr,modparam_nbr);
1386    dKalmanA(:,idx_states,:) = dghx;
1387    MM = (GAM0-GAM1*KalmanA);
1388    invMM = inv(MM);
1389    for i=1:modparam_nbr
1390        for j=1:i
1391            elem1 = (get_2nd_deriv(d2GAM0,endo_nbr,endo_nbr,j,i)-get_2nd_deriv(d2GAM1,endo_nbr,endo_nbr,j,i)*KalmanA);
1392            elem1 = get_2nd_deriv(d2GAM2,endo_nbr,endo_nbr,j,i)-elem1*KalmanA;
1393            elemj0 = dGAM0(:,:,j)-dGAM1(:,:,j)*KalmanA;
1394            elemi0 = dGAM0(:,:,i)-dGAM1(:,:,i)*KalmanA;
1395            elem2 = -elemj0*dKalmanA(:,:,i)-elemi0*dKalmanA(:,:,j);
1396            elem2 = elem2 + ( dGAM1(:,:,j)*dKalmanA(:,:,i) + dGAM1(:,:,i)*dKalmanA(:,:,j) )*KalmanA;
1397            elem2 = elem2 + GAM1*( dKalmanA(:,:,i)*dKalmanA(:,:,j) + dKalmanA(:,:,j)*dKalmanA(:,:,i));
1398            jcount=jcount+1;
1399            jinx = [jinx; [j i]];
1400            QQ(:,:,jcount) = elem1+elem2;
1401            if jcount==floor(sqrt(modparam_nbr2)) || (j*i)==modparam_nbr^2
1402                if (j*i)==modparam_nbr^2
1403                    QQ = QQ(:,:,1:jcount);
1404                end
1405                xx2=sylvester3(MM,-GAM1,KalmanA,QQ);
1406                flag=1;
1407                icount=0;
1408                while flag && icount<4
1409                    [xx2, flag]=sylvester3a(xx2,MM,-GAM1,KalmanA,QQ);
1410                    icount = icount + 1;
1411                end
1412                x2x(:,cumjcount+1:cumjcount+jcount)=reshape(xx2,[endo_nbr*endo_nbr jcount]);
1413                cumjcount=cumjcount+jcount;
1414                jcount = 0;
1415                jinx = [];
1416            end
1417        end
1418    end
1419    clear xx2;
1420    jcount = 0;
1421    icount = 0;
1422    cumjcount = 0;
1423    MAX_DIM_MAT = 100000000;
1424    ncol = max(1,floor(MAX_DIM_MAT/(8*endo_nbr*(endo_nbr+1)/2)));
1425    ncol = min(ncol, totparam_nbr2);
1426    d2KalmanA = sparse(endo_nbr*endo_nbr,totparam_nbr2);
1427    d2Om = sparse(endo_nbr*(endo_nbr+1)/2,totparam_nbr2);
1428    d2KalmanA_tmp = zeros(endo_nbr*endo_nbr,ncol);
1429    d2Om_tmp = zeros(endo_nbr*(endo_nbr+1)/2,ncol);
1430    tmpDir = CheckPath('tmp_derivs',dname);
1431    offset = stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr;
1432    %     d2B = zeros(m,n,tot_param_nbr,tot_param_nbr);
1433    for j=1:totparam_nbr
1434        for i=1:j
1435            jcount=jcount+1;
1436            if j<=offset %stderr and corr parameters
1437                y = KalmanB*d2Sigma_e(:,:,jcount)*KalmanB';
1438                d2Om_tmp(:,jcount) = dyn_vech(y);
1439            else %model parameters
1440                jind = j-offset;
1441                iind = i-offset;
1442                if i<=offset
1443                    y = dghu(:,:,jind)*dSigma_e(:,:,i)*KalmanB'+KalmanB*dSigma_e(:,:,i)*dghu(:,:,jind)';
1444                    %                     y(abs(y)<1.e-8)=0;
1445                    d2Om_tmp(:,jcount) = dyn_vech(y);
1446                else
1447                    icount=icount+1;
1448                    dKalmanAj = reshape(x2x(:,icount),[endo_nbr endo_nbr]);
1449                    %                     x = get_2nd_deriv(x2x,m,m,iind,jind);%xx2(:,:,jcount);
1450                    elem1 = (get_2nd_deriv(d2GAM0,endo_nbr,endo_nbr,iind,jind)-get_2nd_deriv(d2GAM1,endo_nbr,endo_nbr,iind,jind)*KalmanA);
1451                    elem1 = elem1 -( dGAM1(:,:,jind)*dKalmanA(:,:,iind) + dGAM1(:,:,iind)*dKalmanA(:,:,jind) );
1452                    elemj0 = dGAM0(:,:,jind)-dGAM1(:,:,jind)*KalmanA-GAM1*dKalmanA(:,:,jind);
1453                    elemi0 = dGAM0(:,:,iind)-dGAM1(:,:,iind)*KalmanA-GAM1*dKalmanA(:,:,iind);
1454                    elem0 = elemj0*dghu(:,:,iind)+elemi0*dghu(:,:,jind);
1455                    y = invMM * (get_2nd_deriv(d2GAM3,endo_nbr,exo_nbr,iind,jind)-elem0-(elem1-GAM1*dKalmanAj)*KalmanB);
1456                    %         d2B(:,:,j+length(indexo),i+length(indexo)) = y;
1457                    %         d2B(:,:,i+length(indexo),j+length(indexo)) = y;
1458                    y = y*Sigma_e*KalmanB'+KalmanB*Sigma_e*y'+ ...
1459                        dghu(:,:,jind)*Sigma_e*dghu(:,:,iind)'+dghu(:,:,iind)*Sigma_e*dghu(:,:,jind)';
1460                    %                     x(abs(x)<1.e-8)=0;
1461                    d2KalmanA_tmp(:,jcount) = vec(dKalmanAj);
1462                    %                     y(abs(y)<1.e-8)=0;
1463                    d2Om_tmp(:,jcount) = dyn_vech(y);
1464                end
1465            end
1466            if jcount==ncol || i*j==totparam_nbr^2
1467                d2KalmanA(:,cumjcount+1:cumjcount+jcount) = d2KalmanA_tmp(:,1:jcount);
1468                %         d2KalmanA(:,:,j+length(indexo),i+length(indexo)) = x;
1469                %         d2KalmanA(:,:,i+length(indexo),j+length(indexo)) = x;
1470                d2Om(:,cumjcount+1:cumjcount+jcount) = d2Om_tmp(:,1:jcount);
1471                %         d2Om(:,:,j+length(indexo),i+length(indexo)) = y;
1472                %         d2Om(:,:,i+length(indexo),j+length(indexo)) = y;
1473                save([tmpDir filesep 'd2KalmanA_' int2str(cumjcount+1) '_' int2str(cumjcount+jcount) '.mat'],'d2KalmanA')
1474                save([tmpDir filesep 'd2Om_' int2str(cumjcount+1) '_'  int2str(cumjcount+jcount) '.mat'],'d2Om')
1475                cumjcount = cumjcount+jcount;
1476                jcount=0;
1477                %         d2KalmanA = sparse(m1*m1,tot_param_nbr*(tot_param_nbr+1)/2);
1478                %         d2Om = sparse(m1*(m1+1)/2,tot_param_nbr*(tot_param_nbr+1)/2);
1479                d2KalmanA_tmp = zeros(endo_nbr*endo_nbr,ncol);
1480                d2Om_tmp = zeros(endo_nbr*(endo_nbr+1)/2,ncol);
1481            end
1482        end
1483    end
1485    %Store into structure
1486    DERIVS.d2Yss     = d2Yss;
1487    DERIVS.d2KalmanA = d2KalmanA;
1488    DERIVS.d2Om      = d2Om;
1496function g22 = get_2nd_deriv(gpp,m,n,i,j)
1497% inputs:
1498% - gpp: [#second_order_Jacobian_terms by 5] double   Hessian matrix (wrt parameters) of a matrix
1499%                                                              rows: respective derivative term
1500%                                                              1st column: equation number of the term appearing
1501%                                                              2nd column: column number of variable in Jacobian
1502%                                                              3rd column: number of the first parameter in derivative
1503%                                                              4th column: number of the second parameter in derivative
1504%                                                              5th column: value of the Hessian term
1505% - m:    scalar                                     number of equations
1506% - n:    scalar                                     number of variables
1507% - i:    scalar                                     number for which first parameter
1508% - j:    scalar                                     number for which second parameter
1514if ~isempty(is)
1515    g22(sub2ind([m,n],gpp(is,1),gpp(is,2)))=gpp(is,5)';
1519function g22 = get_2nd_deriv_mat(gpp,i,j,npar)
1520% inputs:
1521% - gpp: [#second_order_Jacobian_terms by 5] double   Hessian matrix of (wrt parameters) of dynamic Jacobian
1522%                                                              rows: respective derivative term
1523%                                                              1st column: equation number of the term appearing
1524%                                                              2nd column: column number of variable in Jacobian of the dynamic model
1525%                                                              3rd column: number of the first parameter in derivative
1526%                                                              4th column: number of the second parameter in derivative
1527%                                                              5th column: value of the Hessian term
1528% - i:    scalar                                     number for which model equation
1529% - j:    scalar                                     number for which variable in Jacobian of dynamic model
1530% - npar: scalar                                     Number of model parameters, i.e. equals param_nbr
1532% output:
1533% g22: [npar by npar] Hessian matrix (wrt parameters) of Jacobian of dynamic model for equation i
1534%                                                    rows: first parameter in Hessian
1535%                                                    columns: second paramater in Hessian
1541if ~isempty(is)
1542    g22(sub2ind([npar,npar],gpp(is,3),gpp(is,4)))=gpp(is,5)';
1546function r22 = get_all_resid_2nd_derivs(rpp,m,npar)
1547% inputs:
1548% - rpp: [#second_order_residual_terms by 4] double   Hessian matrix (wrt paramters) of model equations
1549%                                                              rows: respective derivative term
1550%                                                              1st column: equation number of the term appearing
1551%                                                              2nd column: number of the first parameter in derivative
1552%                                                              3rd column: number of the second parameter in derivative
1553%                                                              4th column: value of the Hessian term
1554% - m:    scalar                                     Number of residuals (or model equations), i.e. equals endo_nbr
1555% - npar: scalar                                     Number of model parameters, i.e. equals param_nbr
1557% output:
1558% r22: [endo_nbr by param_nbr by param_nbr] Hessian matrix of model equations with respect to parameters
1559%                                                              rows: equations in order of declaration
1560%                                                              1st columns: first parameter number in derivative
1561%                                                              2nd columns: second parameter in derivative
1565for is=1:size(rpp,1)
1566    % Keep symmetry in hessian, hence 2 and 3 as well as 3 and 2, i.e. d2f/(dp1 dp2) = d2f/(dp2 dp1)
1567    r22(rpp(is,1),rpp(is,2),rpp(is,3))=rpp(is,4);
1568    r22(rpp(is,1),rpp(is,3),rpp(is,2))=rpp(is,4);
1573function h2 = get_hess_deriv(hp,i,j,m,npar)
1574% inputs:
1575% - hp: [#first_order_Hessian_terms by 5] double   Jacobian matrix (wrt paramters) of dynamic Hessian
1576%                                                              rows: respective derivative term
1577%                                                              1st column: equation number of the term appearing
1578%                                                              2nd column: column number of first variable in Hessian of the dynamic model
1579%                                                              3rd column: column number of second variable in Hessian of the dynamic model
1580%                                                              4th column: number of the parameter in derivative
1581%                                                              5th column: value of the Hessian term
1582% - i:    scalar                                     number for which model equation
1583% - j:    scalar                                     number for which first variable in Hessian of dynamic model variable
1584% - m:    scalar                                     Number of dynamic model variables + exogenous vars, i.e. yy0_nbr + exo_nbr
1585% - npar: scalar                                     Number of model parameters, i.e. equals param_nbr
1587% output:
1588% h2: [(yy0_nbr + exo_nbr) by param_nbr] Jacobian matrix (wrt parameters) of dynamic Hessian
1589%                                                              rows: second dynamic or exogenous variables in Hessian of specific model equation of the dynamic model
1590%                                                              columns: parameters
1596if ~isempty(is)
1597    h2(sub2ind([m,npar],hp(is,3),hp(is,4)))=hp(is,5)';