1function [alphahat,epsilonhat,etahat,atilde,P,aK,PK,decomp,V] = missing_DiffuseKalmanSmootherH1_Z(T,Z,R,Q,H,Pinf1,Pstar1,Y,pp,mm,smpl,data_index,nk,kalman_tol,diffuse_kalman_tol,decomp_flag,state_uncertainty_flag)
3% function [alphahat,epsilonhat,etahat,a,aK,PK,decomp] = DiffuseKalmanSmoother1(T,Z,R,Q,H,Pinf1,Pstar1,Y,pp,mm,smpl,data_index,nk,kalman_tol,diffuse_kalman_tol,decomp_flag,state_uncertainty_flag)
4% Computes the diffuse kalman smoother without measurement error, in the case of a non-singular var-cov matrix.
7%    T:        mm*mm matrix
8%    Z:        pp*mm matrix
9%    R:        mm*rr matrix
10%    Q:        rr*rr matrix
11%    H:        pp*pp matrix variance of measurement errors
12%    Pinf1:    mm*mm diagonal matrix with with q ones and m-q zeros
13%    Pstar1:   mm*mm variance-covariance matrix with stationary variables
14%    Y:        pp*1 vector
15%    pp:       number of observed variables
16%    mm:       number of state variables
17%    smpl:     sample size
18%    data_index                   [cell]      1*smpl cell of column vectors of indices.
19%    nk        number of forecasting periods
20%    kalman_tol   tolerance for reciprocal condition number
21%    diffuse_kalman_tol   tolerance for reciprocal condition number (for Finf) and the rank of Pinf
22%    decomp_flag  if true, compute filter decomposition
23%    state_uncertainty_flag     if true, compute uncertainty about smoothed
24%                               state estimate
27%    alphahat: smoothed variables (a_{t|T})
28%    epsilonhat:smoothed measurement errors
29%    etahat:   smoothed shocks
30%    atilde:   matrix of updated variables (a_{t|t})
31%    aK:       3D array of k step ahead filtered state variables (a_{t+k|t)
32%              (meaningless for periods 1:d)
33%    P:        3D array of one-step ahead forecast error variance
34%              matrices
35%    PK:       4D array of k-step ahead forecast error variance
36%              matrices (meaningless for periods 1:d)
37%    decomp:   decomposition of the effect of shocks on filtered values
38%    V:        3D array of state uncertainty matrices
40% Notes:
41%   Outputs are stored in decision-rule order, i.e. to get variables in order of declaration
42%   as in M_.endo_names, ones needs code along the lines of:
43%   variables_declaration_order(dr.order_var,:) = alphahat
46%   See "Filtering and Smoothing of State Vector for Diffuse State Space
47%   Models", S.J. Koopman and J. Durbin (2003, in Journal of Time Series
48%   Analysis, vol. 24(1), pp. 85-98).
49%   Durbin/Koopman (2012): "Time Series Analysis by State Space Methods", Oxford University Press,
50%   Second Edition, Ch. 5
52% Copyright (C) 2004-2018 Dynare Team
54% This file is part of Dynare.
56% Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
57% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
58% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
59% (at your option) any later version.
61% Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
62% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
64% GNU General Public License for more details.
66% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
67% along with Dynare.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
69% modified by M. Ratto:
70% new output argument aK (1-step to k-step predictions)
71% new options_.nk: the max step ahed prediction in aK (default is 4)
72% new crit1 value for rank of Pinf
73% it is assured that P is symmetric
75d = 0;
76decomp = [];
77spinf           = size(Pinf1);
78spstar          = size(Pstar1);
79v               = zeros(pp,smpl);
80a               = zeros(mm,smpl+1);
81atilde          = zeros(mm,smpl);
82aK              = zeros(nk,mm,smpl+nk);
83PK              = zeros(nk,mm,mm,smpl+nk);
84iF              = zeros(pp,pp,smpl);
85Fstar           = zeros(pp,pp,smpl);
86iFstar          = zeros(pp,pp,smpl);
87iFinf           = zeros(pp,pp,smpl);
88K               = zeros(mm,pp,smpl);
89L               = zeros(mm,mm,smpl);
90Linf            = zeros(mm,mm,smpl);
91Lstar           = zeros(mm,mm,smpl);
92Kstar           = zeros(mm,pp,smpl);
93Kinf            = zeros(mm,pp,smpl);
94P               = zeros(mm,mm,smpl+1);
95Pstar           = zeros(spstar(1),spstar(2),smpl+1);
96Pstar(:,:,1)    = Pstar1;
97Pinf            = zeros(spinf(1),spinf(2),smpl+1);
98Pinf(:,:,1)     = Pinf1;
99rr              = size(Q,1);
100QQ              = R*Q*transpose(R);
101QRt             = Q*transpose(R);
102alphahat        = zeros(mm,smpl);
103etahat          = zeros(rr,smpl);
104epsilonhat      = zeros(rr,smpl);
105r               = zeros(mm,smpl+1);
106Finf_singular   = zeros(1,smpl);
107if state_uncertainty_flag
108    V               = zeros(mm,mm,smpl);
109    N               = zeros(mm,mm,smpl+1);
111    V=[];
114t = 0;
115while rank(Pinf(:,:,t+1),diffuse_kalman_tol) && t<smpl
116    t = t+1;
117    di = data_index{t};
118    if isempty(di)
119        %no observations, propagate forward without updating based on
120        %observations
121        atilde(:,t)     = a(:,t);
122        a(:,t+1)        = T*atilde(:,t);
123        Linf(:,:,t)     = T;
124        Pstar(:,:,t+1)  = T*Pstar(:,:,t)*T' + QQ;
125        Pinf(:,:,t+1)   = T*Pinf(:,:,t)*T';
126    else
127        ZZ = Z(di,:);                                                       %span selector matrix
128        v(di,t)= Y(di,t) - ZZ*a(:,t);                                       %get prediction error v^(0) in (5.13) DK (2012)
129        Finf = ZZ*Pinf(:,:,t)*ZZ';                                          % (5.7) in DK (2012)
130        if rcond(Finf) < diffuse_kalman_tol                                 %F_{\infty,t} = 0
131            if ~all(abs(Finf(:)) < diffuse_kalman_tol)                      %rank-deficient but not rank 0
132                                                                            % The univariate diffuse kalman filter should be used.
133                alphahat = Inf;
134                return
135            else                                                            %rank of F_{\infty,t} is 0
136                Finf_singular(1,t) = 1;
137                Fstar(di,di,t)  = ZZ*Pstar(:,:,t)*ZZ' + H(di,di);             % (5.7) in DK (2012)
138                if rcond(Fstar(di,di,t)) < kalman_tol                         %F_{*} is singular
139                    if ~all(all(abs(Fstar(di,di,t))<kalman_tol))
140                        % The univariate diffuse kalman filter should be used.
141                        alphahat = Inf;
142                        return
143                    else %rank 0
144                        a(:,t+1) = T*a(:,t);
145                        Pstar(:,:,t+1) = T*Pstar(:,:,t)*transpose(T)+QQ;
146                        Pinf(:,:,t+1)  = T*Pinf(:,:,t)*transpose(T);
147                    end
148                else
149                    iFstar(di,di,t) = inv(Fstar(di,di,t));
150                    Kstar(:,di,t)   = Pstar(:,:,t)*ZZ'*iFstar(di,di,t);       %(5.15) of DK (2012) with Kstar=T^{-1}*K^(0)
151                    Pinf(:,:,t+1)   = T*Pinf(:,:,t)*transpose(T);           % DK (2012), 5.16
152                    Lstar(:,:,t)    = T - T*Kstar(:,di,t)*ZZ;               %L^(0) in DK (2012), eq. 5.12
153                    Pstar(:,:,t+1)  = T*Pstar(:,:,t)*Lstar(:,:,t)'+QQ;      % (5.17) DK (2012)
154                    a(:,t+1)        = T*(a(:,t)+Kstar(:,di,t)*v(di,t));       % (5.13) DK (2012)
155                end
156            end
157        else
158            %see notes in kalman_filter_d.m for details of computations
159            iFinf(di,di,t)  = inv(Finf);
160            Kinf(:,di,t)    = Pinf(:,:,t)*ZZ'*iFinf(di,di,t);               %define Kinf=T^{-1}*K_0 with M_{\infty}=Pinf*Z'
161            atilde(:,t)     = a(:,t) + Kinf(:,di,t)*v(di,t);
162            Linf(:,:,t)     = T - T*Kinf(:,di,t)*ZZ;                        %L^(0) in DK (2012), eq. 5.12
163            Fstar(di,di,t)  = ZZ*Pstar(:,:,t)*ZZ' + H(di,di);               %(5.7) DK(2012)
164            Kstar(:,di,t)   = (Pstar(:,:,t)*ZZ'-Kinf(:,di,t)*Fstar(di,di,t))*iFinf(di,di,t); %(5.12) DK(2012) with Kstar=T^{-1}*K^(1); note that there is a typo in DK (2003) with "+ Kinf" instead of "- Kinf", but it is correct in their appendix
165            Pstar(:,:,t+1)  = T*Pstar(:,:,t)*Linf(:,:,t)'-T*Kinf(:,di,t)*Finf*Kstar(:,di,t)'*T' + QQ; %(5.14) DK(2012)
166            Pinf(:,:,t+1)   = T*Pinf(:,:,t)*Linf(:,:,t)';                   %(5.14) DK(2012)
167        end
168        a(:,t+1)            = T*atilde(:,t);
169        aK(1,:,t+1)         = a(:,t+1);
170        % isn't a meaningless as long as we are in the diffuse part? MJ
171        for jnk=2:nk
172            aK(jnk,:,t+jnk) = T*dynare_squeeze(aK(jnk-1,:,t+jnk-1));
173        end
174    end
176d = t;
177P(:,:,d+1) = Pstar(:,:,d+1);
178iFinf = iFinf(:,:,1:d);
179iFstar= iFstar(:,:,1:d);
180Linf  = Linf(:,:,1:d);
181Lstar = Lstar(:,:,1:d);
182Kstar = Kstar(:,:,1:d);
183Pstar = Pstar(:,:,1:d);
184Pinf  = Pinf(:,:,1:d);
185notsteady = 1;
186while notsteady && t<smpl
187    t = t+1;
188    P(:,:,t)=tril(P(:,:,t))+transpose(tril(P(:,:,t),-1));                   % make sure P is symmetric
189    di = data_index{t};
190    if isempty(di)
191        atilde(:,t)     = a(:,t);
192        L(:,:,t)        = T;
193        P(:,:,t+1)      = T*P(:,:,t)*T' + QQ;                               %p. 111, DK(2012)
194    else
195        ZZ = Z(di,:);
196        v(di,t)      = Y(di,t) - ZZ*a(:,t);
197        F = ZZ*P(:,:,t)*ZZ' + H(di,di);
198        sig=sqrt(diag(F));
200        if any(diag(F)<kalman_tol) || rcond(F./(sig*sig')) < kalman_tol
201            alphahat = Inf;
202            return
203        end
204        iF(di,di,t)   = inv(F./(sig*sig'))./(sig*sig');
205        PZI         = P(:,:,t)*ZZ'*iF(di,di,t);
206        atilde(:,t) = a(:,t) + PZI*v(di,t);
207        K(:,di,t)    = T*PZI;
208        L(:,:,t)    = T-K(:,di,t)*ZZ;
209        P(:,:,t+1)  = T*P(:,:,t)*L(:,:,t)' + QQ;
210    end
211    a(:,t+1)    = T*atilde(:,t);
212    Pf          = P(:,:,t);
213    aK(1,:,t+1) = a(:,t+1);
214    for jnk=1:nk
215        Pf = T*Pf*T' + QQ;
216        PK(jnk,:,:,t+jnk) = Pf;
217        if jnk>1
218            aK(jnk,:,t+jnk) = T*dynare_squeeze(aK(jnk-1,:,t+jnk-1));
219        end
220    end
221    %    notsteady   = ~(max(max(abs(P(:,:,t+1)-P(:,:,t))))<kalman_tol);
223% $$$ if t<smpl
224% $$$     PZI_s = PZI;
225% $$$     K_s = K(:,:,t);
226% $$$     iF_s = iF(:,:,t);
227% $$$     P_s = P(:,:,t+1);
228% $$$     P  = cat(3,P(:,:,1:t),repmat(P_s,[1 1 smpl-t]));
229% $$$     iF = cat(3,iF(:,:,1:t),repmat(iF_s,[1 1 smpl-t]));
230% $$$     L  = cat(3,L(:,:,1:t),repmat(T-K_s*Z,[1 1 smpl-t]));
231% $$$     K  = cat(3,K(:,:,1:t),repmat(T*P_s*Z'*iF_s,[1 1 smpl-t]));
232% $$$ end
233% $$$ while t<smpl
234% $$$     t=t+1;
235% $$$     v(:,t) = Y(:,t) - Z*a(:,t);
236% $$$     atilde(:,t) = a(:,t) + PZI*v(:,t);
237% $$$     a(:,t+1) = T*atilde(:,t);
238% $$$     Pf          = P(:,:,t);
239% $$$     for jnk=1:nk,
240% $$$   Pf = T*Pf*T' + QQ;
241% $$$         aK(jnk,:,t+jnk) = T^jnk*atilde(:,t);
242% $$$   PK(jnk,:,:,t+jnk) = Pf;
243% $$$     end
244% $$$ end
245%% backward pass; r_T and N_T, stored in entry (smpl+1) were initialized at 0
246t = smpl+1;
247while t>d+1
248    t = t-1;
249    di = data_index{t};
250    if isempty(di)
251        % in this case, L is simply T due to Z=0, so that DK (2012), eq. 4.93 obtains
252        r(:,t) = L(:,:,t)'*r(:,t+1);                                        %compute r_{t-1}, DK (2012), eq. 4.38 with Z=0
253        if state_uncertainty_flag
254            N(:,:,t)=L(:,:,t)'*N(:,:,t+1)*L(:,:,t);                         %compute N_{t-1}, DK (2012), eq. 4.42 with Z=0
255        end
256    else
257        ZZ = Z(di,:);
258        r(:,t) = ZZ'*iF(di,di,t)*v(di,t) + L(:,:,t)'*r(:,t+1);              %compute r_{t-1}, DK (2012), eq. 4.38
259        if state_uncertainty_flag
260            N(:,:,t)=ZZ'*iF(di,di,t)*ZZ+L(:,:,t)'*N(:,:,t+1)*L(:,:,t);      %compute N_{t-1}, DK (2012), eq. 4.42
261        end
262    end
263    alphahat(:,t)       = a(:,t) + P(:,:,t)*r(:,t);                         %DK (2012), eq. 4.35
264    etahat(:,t) = QRt*r(:,t);                                               %DK (2012), eq. 4.63
265    if state_uncertainty_flag
266        V(:,:,t)    = P(:,:,t)-P(:,:,t)*N(:,:,t)*P(:,:,t);                      %DK (2012), eq. 4.43
267    end
269if d %diffuse periods
270     % initialize r_d^(0) and r_d^(1) as below DK (2012), eq. 5.23
271    r0 = zeros(mm,d+1);
272    r0(:,d+1) = r(:,d+1);   %set r0_{d}, i.e. shifted by one period
273    r1 = zeros(mm,d+1);     %set r1_{d}, i.e. shifted by one period
274    if state_uncertainty_flag
275        %N_0 at (d+1) is N(d+1), so we can use N for continuing and storing N_0-recursion
276        N_1=zeros(mm,mm,d+1);   %set N_1_{d}=0, i.e. shifted by one period, below  DK (2012), eq. 5.26
277        N_2=zeros(mm,mm,d+1);   %set N_2_{d}=0, i.e. shifted by one period, below  DK (2012), eq. 5.26
278    end
279    for t = d:-1:1
280        di = data_index{t};
281        if isempty(di)
282            r1(:,t) = Linf(:,:,t)'*r1(:,t+1);
283        else
284            if ~Finf_singular(1,t)
285                r0(:,t) = Linf(:,:,t)'*r0(:,t+1);                                   % DK (2012), eq. 5.21 where L^(0) is named Linf
286                r1(:,t) = Z(di,:)'*(iFinf(di,di,t)*v(di,t)-Kstar(:,di,t)'*T'*r0(:,t+1)) ...
287                          + Linf(:,:,t)'*r1(:,t+1);                                       % DK (2012), eq. 5.21, noting that i) F^(1)=(F^Inf)^(-1)(see 5.10), ii) where L^(0) is named Linf, and iii) Kstar=T^{-1}*K^(1)
288                if state_uncertainty_flag
289                    L_1=(-T*Kstar(:,di,t)*Z(di,:));                                     % noting that Kstar=T^{-1}*K^(1)
290                    N(:,:,t)=Linf(:,:,t)'*N(:,:,t+1)*Linf(:,:,t);                       % DK (2012), eq. 5.19, noting that L^(0) is named Linf
291                    N_1(:,:,t)=Z(di,:)'*iFinf(di,di,t)*Z(di,:)+Linf(:,:,t)'*N_1(:,:,t+1)*Linf(:,:,t)...
292                        +L_1'*N(:,:,t+1)*Linf(:,:,t);                                   % DK (2012), eq. 5.29; note that, compared to DK (2003) this drops the term (L_1'*N(:,:,t+1)*Linf(:,:,t))' in the recursion due to it entering premultiplied by Pinf when computing V, and Pinf*Linf'*N=0
293                    N_2(:,:,t)=Z(di,:)'*(-iFinf(di,di,t)*Fstar(di,di,t)*iFinf(di,di,t))*Z(di,:) ...
294                        + Linf(:,:,t)'*N_2(:,:,t+1)*Linf(:,:,t)...
295                        + Linf(:,:,t)'*N_1(:,:,t+1)*L_1...
296                        + L_1'*N_1(:,:,t+1)'*Linf(:,:,t)...
297                        + L_1'*N(:,:,t+1)*L_1;                            % DK (2012), eq. 5.29
298                end
299            else
300                r0(:,t) = Z(di,:)'*iFstar(di,di,t)*v(di,t)-Lstar(:,:,t)'*r0(:,t+1); % DK (2003), eq. (14)
301                r1(:,t) = T'*r1(:,t+1);                                             % DK (2003), eq. (14)
302                if state_uncertainty_flag
303                    N(:,:,t)=Z(di,:)'*iFstar(di,di,t)*Z(di,:)...
304                             +Lstar(:,:,t)'*N(:,:,t+1)*Lstar(:,:,t);                     % DK (2003), eq. (14)
305                    N_1(:,:,t)=T'*N_1(:,:,t+1)*Lstar(:,:,t);                            % DK (2003), eq. (14)
306                    N_2(:,:,t)=T'*N_2(:,:,t+1)*T';                                      % DK (2003), eq. (14)
307                end
308            end
309        end
310        alphahat(:,t)   = a(:,t) + Pstar(:,:,t)*r0(:,t) + Pinf(:,:,t)*r1(:,t);      % DK (2012), eq. 5.23
311        etahat(:,t)     = QRt*r0(:,t);                                              % DK (2012), p. 135
312        if state_uncertainty_flag
313            V(:,:,t)=Pstar(:,:,t)-Pstar(:,:,t)*N(:,:,t)*Pstar(:,:,t)...
314                     -(Pinf(:,:,t)*N_1(:,:,t)*Pstar(:,:,t))'...
315                     - Pinf(:,:,t)*N_1(:,:,t)*Pstar(:,:,t)...
316                     - Pinf(:,:,t)*N_2(:,:,t)*Pinf(:,:,t);                                   % DK (2012), eq. 5.30
317        end
318    end
321if decomp_flag
322    decomp = zeros(nk,mm,rr,smpl+nk);
323    ZRQinv = inv(Z*QQ*Z');
324    for t = max(d,1):smpl
325        di = data_index{t};
326        % calculate eta_tm1t
327        eta_tm1t = QRt*Z(di,:)'*iF(di,di,t)*v(di,t);
328        AAA = P(:,:,t)*Z(di,:)'*ZRQinv(di,di)*bsxfun(@times,Z(di,:)*R,eta_tm1t');
329        % calculate decomposition
330        decomp(1,:,:,t+1) = AAA;
331        for h = 2:nk
332            AAA = T*AAA;
333            decomp(h,:,:,t+h) = AAA;
334        end
335    end
338epsilonhat = Y-Z*alphahat;