1 #include "mulGlobal.h"
2 #include "zbufGlobal.h"
4 extern char *hack_path(char*);
6 #define XI 0
7 #define YI 1
8 #define ZI 2
9 #define EQUIV_TOL 1.0e-9
10 /*#define PLANAR_TOL 1.0e-3*/
11 #define PLANAR_TOL 1.0e-5
12 #define MAX_REAL 1.0e+20;
14 #define Dot_Product(V1,V2) (V1[XI]*V2[XI]+V1[YI]*V2[YI]+V1[ZI]*V2[ZI])
15 #define DotP_Product(V1,R,S,T) ((V1[XI])*(R)+(V1[YI])*(S)+(V1[ZI])*(T))
17 #define ONE3 0.3333333333333
19 /*
20   dumps a rows x cols matrix of doubles; assumes indices from zero
21 */
dumpCorners(fp,mat,rows,cols)22 void dumpCorners(fp, mat, rows, cols)
23 int rows, cols;
24 double **mat;
25 FILE *fp;
26 {
27   int i, j;
28   for(i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
29     fprintf(fp, "  corner%d ", i);
30     for(j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
31       if(mat[i][j] < 0.0) fprintf(fp, "%.5e ", mat[i][j]);
32       else fprintf(fp, " %.5e ", mat[i][j]);
33     }
34     fprintf(fp, "\n");
35   }
36 }
38 /*
39   dumps state of important compile flags
40 */
dumpConfig(fp,name)41 void dumpConfig(fp, name)
42 char *name;
43 FILE *fp;
44 {
45   int size = -1;		/* for '#define MAXITER size' case */
47   fprintf(fp, "\n%s CONFIGURATION FLAGS:\n", name);
51   fprintf(fp, "   WRMETH");
52   if(WRMETH == COLLOC)
53       fprintf(fp, " == COLLOC (point collocation)\n");
54   else if(WRMETH == SUBDOM)
55       fprintf(fp, " == SUBDOM (not implemented - do collocation)\n");
56   else if(WRMETH == GALKIN)
57       fprintf(fp, " == GALKIN (not implemented - do collocation)\n");
58   fprintf(fp, "   ELTYPE");
59   if(ELTYPE == CONST)
60       fprintf(fp, " == CONST (constant panel densities)\n");
61   else if(ELTYPE == AFFINE)
62       fprintf(fp, " == AFFINE (not implemented - use constant)\n");
63   else if(ELTYPE == QUADRA)
64       fprintf(fp, " == QUADRA (not implemented - use constant)\n");
66   fprintf(fp, " MULTIPOLE CONFIGURATION\n");
68   fprintf(fp, "   DNTYPE");
69   if(DNTYPE == NOLOCL)
70       fprintf(fp, " == NOLOCL (no locals in dwnwd pass)\n");
71   else if(DNTYPE == NOSHFT)
72       fprintf(fp, " == NOSHFT (no local2local shift dwnwd pass)\n");
73   else if(DNTYPE == GRENGD)
74       fprintf(fp, " == GRENGD (full Greengard dwnwd pass)\n");
75   fprintf(fp, "   MULTI");
76   if(MULTI == ON) fprintf(fp, " == ON (include multipole part of P*q)\n");
77   else fprintf(fp, " == OFF (don't use multipole part of P*q)\n");
78   fprintf(fp, "   RADINTER");
79   if(RADINTER == ON)
80       fprintf(fp," == ON (allow parent level interaction list entries)\n");
81   else
82    fprintf(fp," == OFF (use only cube level interaction list entries)\n");
83   fprintf(fp, "   NNBRS == %d (max distance to a nrst neighbor)\n", NNBRS);
84   fprintf(fp, "   ADAPT");
85   if(ADAPT == ON)
86       fprintf(fp, " == ON (adaptive - no expansions in exact cubes)\n");
87   else fprintf(fp, " == OFF (not adaptive - expansions in all cubes)\n");
88   fprintf(fp, "   OPCNT");
89   if(OPCNT == ON)
90       fprintf(fp, " == ON (count P*q ops - exit after mat build)\n");
91   else fprintf(fp, " == OFF (no P*q op count - iterate to convergence)\n");
93   fprintf(fp, "   MAXDEP");
94   fprintf(fp,
95 	  " == %d (assume no more than %d partitioning levels are needed)\n",
98   fprintf(fp, "   NUMDPT");
99   fprintf(fp,
100 	  " == %d (do %d potential evaluations for each dielectric panel)\n",
105   fprintf(fp, "   ITRTYP");
106   if(ITRTYP == GCR)
107       fprintf(fp, " == GCR (generalized conjugate residuals)\n");
108   else if(ITRTYP == GMRES)
109       fprintf(fp, " == GMRES (generalized minimum residuals)\n");
110   else fprintf(fp, " == %d (not implemented - use GCR)\n", ITRTYP);
112   fprintf(fp, "   PRECOND");
113   if(PRECOND == BD) {
114     fprintf(fp,
115 	    " == BD (use block diagonal preconditioner)\n");
116   }
117   else if(PRECOND == OL) {
118     fprintf(fp,
119 	    " == OL (use overlap preconditioner)\n");
120   }
121   else if(PRECOND == NONE) {
122     fprintf(fp,
123 	    " == NONE (no preconditioner)\n");
124   }
125   else fprintf(fp, " == %d (not implemented - use BD, OL or NONE)\n", PRECOND);
127   fprintf(fp, "   DIRSOL");
128   if(DIRSOL == ON)
129       fprintf(fp, " == ON (do the whole calculation directly)\n");
130   else fprintf(fp, " == OFF (do the calculation iteratively)\n");
132   fprintf(fp, "   EXPGCR");
133   if(EXPGCR == ON)
134       fprintf(fp, " == ON (do all P*q's explicitly w/full matrix)\n");
135   else fprintf(fp, " == OFF (do P*q's with multipole)\n");
137   fprintf(fp, "   MAXITER");
138   if(MAXITER < 0) {
139     fprintf(fp, " == size (for n panel system, do at most n iterations)\n");
140   }
141   else fprintf(fp, " == %d (stop after %d iterations if not converged)\n",
144   fprintf(fp, "   EXRTSH");
145   fprintf(fp,
146 	  " == %g (exact/ttl cubes > %g on lowest level => stop refinement)\n",
148 }
150 /*
151   dump the contents of a face struct
152 */
dump_face(fp,fac)153 void dump_face(fp, fac)
154 face *fac;
155 FILE *fp;
156 {
157   int i, j;
158   face **behind = fac->behind;
160   fprintf(fp, "Face %d, %d sides, depth %d, mark %d, greylev %g\n",
161 	  fac->index, fac->numsides, fac->depth, fac->mark, fac->greylev);
162   fprintf(fp, "  plane: n = (%g %g %g) rhs = %g\n",
163 	  fac->normal[0], fac->normal[1], fac->normal[2], fac->rhs);
164   fprintf(fp, "  behind [depth(index)]:");
165   for(i = 0; i < fac->numbehind; i++) {
166     fprintf(fp, " %d(%d)", behind[i]->depth, behind[i]->index);
167     if(i % 10 == 0 && i != 0) fprintf(fp, "\n");
168   }
169   i--;
170   if(!(i % 10 && i != 0)) fprintf(fp, "\n");
171   fprintf(fp, " Corners\n");
172   dumpCorners(fp, fac->c, fac->numsides, 3);
173 }
initcalcp(panel_list)175 initcalcp(panel_list)
176   charge *panel_list;
177 {
178   charge *pq, *npq;
179   double vtemp[3];
180   double length, maxlength, minlength, length20, length31, sum, sum2, delta;
181   double normalize();
182   int i, j, next;
184   for(i=0, pq = panel_list; pq != NULL; pq = pq->next) i++;
186   pq = panel_list;
187   while (pq != NULL) {
188     /* Calculate edge lengths. */
189     maxlength = 0.0;
190     minlength = MAX_REAL;
191     for(i=0; i < pq->shape; i++) {
192       if(i == (pq->shape -1)) next = 0;
193       else next = i + 1;
194       for(sum= 0, j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
195 	delta = pq->corner[next][j] - pq->corner[i][j];
196 	sum += delta * delta;
197       }
198       pq->length[i] = length = sqrt(sum);
199       maxlength = MAX(maxlength, length);
200       minlength = MIN(minlength, length);
201     }
203     /* Get diags and lengths. */
204     for(sum= 0, sum2 = 0, i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
205       pq->X[i] = delta = pq->corner[2][i] - pq->corner[0][i];
206       sum += delta * delta;
207       if(pq->shape == 3) pq->Y[i] = pq->corner[0][i] - pq->corner[1][i];
208       else {
209 	pq->Y[i] = delta = pq->corner[3][i] - pq->corner[1][i];
210 	sum2 += delta * delta;
211       }
212     }
213     length20 = sqrt(sum);
214     length31 = sqrt(sum2);
216     /* Check on lengths for quad. */
217     if(pq->shape == 3) {
218       pq->max_diag = maxlength;
219       pq->min_diag = minlength;
220     }
221     else {
222       length = MAX(length20, length31);
223       pq->max_diag = length;
224       pq->min_diag = MIN(length20, length31);
225     }
227     /* Z-axis is normal to two diags. */
228     Cross_Product(pq->X, pq->Y, pq->Z);
229 /*#if 1 == 0*/
230     if(flip_normal(pq)) {
231       for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
232 	pq->Z[i] = -(pq->Z[i]);	/* flip the normal */
233 	pq->X[i] = -(pq->X[i]);	/* flip the x direction */
234 	/* interchange points 0 and 2 so that corner order will be
235 	   consistent with X flip (note this is OK for both quads and tris) */
236 	vtemp[0] = pq->corner[0][i];
237 	pq->corner[0][i] = pq->corner[2][i];
238 	pq->corner[2][i] = vtemp[0];
239       }
240       /* interchange length entries in length vector */
241       vtemp[0] = pq->length[0];
242       pq->length[0] = pq->length[1];
243       pq->length[1] = vtemp[0];
244       if(pq->shape == 4) {
245 	vtemp[0] = pq->length[2];
246 	pq->length[2] = pq->length[3];
247 	pq->length[3] = vtemp[0];
248       }
249     }
250 /*#endif*/
251     pq->area = 0.5 * normalize(pq->Z);
252     normalize(pq->X);
254     /* Real Y-axis is normal to X and Z (resulting system is left-handed). */
255     Cross_Product(pq->X, pq->Z, pq->Y);
257     /* Project the corner points into the plane defined by edge midpoints. */
258     if(planarize(pq) == FALSE) {
259       /* Planarization too drastic, crack into two triangles. */
260       CALLOC(npq, 1, charge, ON, AMSC);
261       npq->next = pq->next;
262       pq->next = npq;
263       npq->shape = 3;
264       pq->shape = 3;
265       npq->cond = pq->cond;
266       npq->surf = pq->surf;
267       VCOPY(npq->corner[0], pq->corner[0]);
268       VCOPY(npq->corner[1], pq->corner[2]);
269       VCOPY(npq->corner[2], pq->corner[3]);
270       continue;
271     }
273     /* Calculate the centroid. */
274     centroid(pq, length20);
276     /* Put corners in the newly defined coord system. */
277     for(i=0; i < pq->shape; i++) {
278       pq->corner[i][XI] -= pq->x;
279       pq->corner[i][YI] -= pq->y;
280       pq->corner[i][ZI] -= pq->z;
281     }
282     for(i=0; i < pq->shape; i++) {
283       vtemp[XI] = Dot_Product(pq->corner[i], pq->X);
284       vtemp[YI] = Dot_Product(pq->corner[i], pq->Y);
285       vtemp[ZI] = Dot_Product(pq->corner[i], pq->Z);
286       pq->corner[i][XI] = vtemp[XI];
287       pq->corner[i][YI] = vtemp[YI];
288       pq->corner[i][ZI] = vtemp[ZI];
289       if(fabs(pq->corner[i][ZI]) > (EQUIV_TOL * pq->min_diag)) {
290 	printf("FATAL PROGRAM ERROR: renormalized z=%g\n", pq->corner[i][ZI]);
291 	exit(0);
292       }
293       pq->corner[i][ZI] = 0.0;
294     }
296     /* Iterate for the next panel. */
297     pq = pq->next;
299   }
301 }
303 /* Calculates result_vector = vector1 X vector2. */
Cross_Product(vector1,vector2,result_vector)304 Cross_Product(vector1, vector2, result_vector)
305   double vector1[], vector2[], result_vector[];
306 {
307   result_vector[XI] = vector1[YI]*vector2[ZI] - vector1[ZI]*vector2[YI];
308   result_vector[YI] = vector1[ZI]*vector2[XI] - vector1[XI]*vector2[ZI];
309   result_vector[ZI] = vector1[XI]*vector2[YI] - vector1[YI]*vector2[XI];
310 }
normalize(vector)312 double normalize(vector)
313   double vector[3];
314 {
315   double length;
316   int i;
318   length = sqrt( vector[0]*vector[0]
319 		+ vector[1]*vector[1]
320 		+ vector[2]*vector[2]);
322   for (i=0; i<3; i++) vector[i] = vector[i] / length;
324   return length;
325 }
327 /*
328 Determines centroid of a panel (defined as the point which make the
329 first moments vanish.  Calculation begins by projection into the
330 coordinate system defined by the panel normal as the z-axis and
331 edge02 as the x-axis.
332 */
centroid(pp,x2)333 centroid(pp, x2)
334 charge *pp;
335 double x2;
336 {
337   double vertex1[3], vertex3[3];
338   double sum, dl, x1, y1, x3, y3, xc, yc;
339   int i;
341   /* Use vertex 0 as the origin. */
342   for(i=0; i< 3; i++) {
343     vertex1[i] = pp->corner[1][i] - pp->corner[0][i];
344     if(pp->shape == 4) vertex3[i] = pp->corner[3][i] - pp->corner[0][i];
345     else vertex3[i] = pp->corner[2][i] - pp->corner[0][i];
346   }
348   /* Project into the panel axes. */
349   y1 = Dot_Product(vertex1, pp->Y);
350   y3 = Dot_Product(vertex3, pp->Y);
351   x1 = Dot_Product(vertex1, pp->X);
352   x3 = Dot_Product(vertex3, pp->X);
354   yc = ONE3 * (y1 + y3);
355   xc = ONE3 * (x2 + ((x1 * y1 - x3 * y3)/(y1 - y3)));
357   pp->x = pp->corner[0][XI] + xc * pp->X[XI] + yc * pp->Y[XI];
358   pp->y = pp->corner[0][YI] + xc * pp->X[YI] + yc * pp->Y[YI];
359   pp->z = pp->corner[0][ZI] + xc * pp->X[ZI] + yc * pp->Y[ZI];
361 }
363 /*
364 Changes the corner points so that they lie in the plane defined by the
365 panel diagonals and any midpoint of an edge.
366 */
planarize(pq)367 planarize(pq)
368 charge *pq;
369 {
370   double origin[3], corner[3], delta[4][3], px, py, dx, dy, dz;
371   int i, j, numcorners = pq->shape;
372   double tolsq = PLANAR_TOL * pq->min_diag;
374   tolsq *= tolsq;
376   /* Triangular panels are just fine already. */
377   if(numcorners != 4) return(TRUE);
379   /* Pick edge midpoint as origin. */
380   for(i=0; i < 3; i++) origin[i] = 0.5 * (pq->corner[1][i] + pq->corner[0][i]);
382   for(i=0; i < numcorners; i++) {
383     for(j=0; j < 3; j++) corner[j] = pq->corner[i][j] - origin[j];
384     px = Dot_Product(corner, pq->X);
385     py = Dot_Product(corner, pq->Y);
387     dx = px * pq->X[XI] + py * pq->Y[XI] + origin[XI] - pq->corner[i][XI];
388     dy = px * pq->X[YI] + py * pq->Y[YI] + origin[YI] - pq->corner[i][YI];
389     dz = px * pq->X[ZI] + py * pq->Y[ZI] + origin[ZI] - pq->corner[i][ZI];
391     delta[i][XI] = dx;
392     delta[i][YI] = dy;
393     delta[i][ZI] = dz;
395     /* Moved too much, crack the panel. */
396     if((dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz) > tolsq) return(FALSE);
397   }
399   /* Still Here? Must be planarizing. */
400   for(i=0; i < numcorners; i++) {
401     for(j=0; j < 3; j++) {
402       pq->corner[i][j] += delta[i][j];
403     }
404   }
405   return(TRUE);
406 }
408 /*
409   determine if normal needs to be flipped to get dielectric bdry cond right
410   - this function uses 0.0 as a breakpoint when really machine precision
411     weighted checks should be done (really not an issue if ref point far)
412 */
flip_normal(panel)413 flip_normal(panel)
414 charge *panel;
415 {
416   int i;
417   double x, y, z;
418   double ctr_minus_n[3], ctr_plus_n[3], norm_minus, norm_plus, norm, norm_sq;
419   surface *surf = panel->surf;
420   int ref_inside = surf->ref_inside, flip_normal;
421   double *ref = surf->ref, *normal, angle, norm_n;
422   char *surf_name = surf->name;
424   if(surf->type != DIELEC && surf->type != BOTH) return(FALSE);
426   /* get panel corner (relative to reference point) and normal */
427   x = panel->corner[0][0] - ref[0];
428   y = panel->corner[0][1] - ref[1];
429   z = panel->corner[0][2] - ref[2];
430   norm_sq = x*x + y*y + z*z;
431   norm = sqrt(norm_sq);
432   normal = panel->Z;
433   norm_n =
434       sqrt(normal[0]*normal[0] + normal[1]*normal[1] + normal[2]*normal[2]);
436   /* figure the dot product between the normal and the corner-ref point
437      - ref_inside and angle <= 90 => flip
438      - ref_inside and angle  > 90 => no flip
439      - !ref_inside and angle <= 90 => no flip
440      - !ref_inside and angle > 90 => flip */
441   /*    figure angle */
442   angle = (x*normal[0] + y*normal[1] + z*normal[2])/(norm*norm_n);
443   if(ref_inside && angle <= 0.0) flip_normal = TRUE;
444   else if(ref_inside && angle > 0.0) flip_normal = FALSE;
445   else if(!ref_inside && angle <= 0.0) flip_normal = FALSE;
446   else if(!ref_inside && angle > 0.0) flip_normal = TRUE;
447   else {
448     fprintf(stderr,
449 	    "flip_normal: inconclusive test for normal flipping\n");
450     fprintf(stderr, "  Surface: %s\n", hack_path(surf_name));
451     fprintf(stderr, "  Translation: (%g %g %g)\n", surf->trans[0],
452 	    surf->trans[1], surf->trans[2]);
453     fprintf(stderr, "  Reference point: (%g %g %g)\n",
454 	    ref[0], ref[1], ref[2]);
455     fprintf(stderr, "  Panel corner: (%g %g %g)\n",
456 	    panel->corner[0][0], panel->corner[0][1], panel->corner[0][2]);
457     fprintf(stderr, "  Normal: (%g %g %g)\n",
458 	    normal[0], normal[1], normal[2]);
459     exit(0);
460   }
462   return(flip_normal);
463 }