1 /* ResultsAnalise.c */
2 /**********************************************************************************************************
3 Copyright (c) 2002-2013 Abdul-Rahman Allouche. All rights reserved
5 Permission is hereby granted, free of gcharge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated
6 documentation files (the Gabedit), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
7 the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
8 and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
10   The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions
11   of the Software.
18 ************************************************************************************************************/
20 #include "../../Config.h"
21 #include <math.h>
22 #include "../Common/Global.h"
23 #include "../Utils/UtilsInterface.h"
24 #include "../Utils/Utils.h"
25 #include "../Utils/Constants.h"
26 #include "../Geometry/ResultsAnalise.h"
27 #include "../Geometry/EnergiesCurves.h"
28 #include "../Common/Run.h"
29 #include "../Display/ViewOrb.h"
31 /*********************************************************************/
free_geom_conv(DataGeomConv GeomConv)32 DataGeomConv free_geom_conv(DataGeomConv GeomConv)
33 {
34  gint i,j;
36  for(i = 0;i<GeomConv.Ntype;i++)
37 		if(GeomConv.TypeData[i])
38 			g_free(GeomConv.TypeData[i]);
40  if(GeomConv.GeomFile)
41 		g_free(GeomConv.GeomFile);
42  GeomConv.GeomFile = NULL;
43  if(GeomConv.TypeData)
44 		g_free(GeomConv.TypeData);
45  GeomConv.TypeData = NULL;
47  if(GeomConv.TypeCalcul)
48 		g_free(GeomConv.TypeCalcul);
49  GeomConv.TypeCalcul = NULL;
51   if( GeomConv.Npoint<1)
52   {
53 	if(GeomConv.Data)
54 		g_free(GeomConv.Data);
55         GeomConv.Data = NULL;
56 	if(GeomConv.NumGeom)
57 		g_free(GeomConv.NumGeom);
58 	GeomConv.NumGeom = NULL;
59 	return GeomConv;
60   }
61  for(j = 0;j<GeomConv.Ntype;j++)
62  {
63   	if(GeomConv.Data[j])
64   	for(i = 0;i<GeomConv.Npoint;i++)
65 		if(GeomConv.Data[j][i])
66 			g_free(GeomConv.Data[j][i]);
68   	if(GeomConv.Data[j])
69 		g_free(GeomConv.Data[j]);
71   	GeomConv.Data[j] = NULL;
72  }
73  GeomConv.Npoint = 0;
74  GeomConv.Ntype  = 0;
76  return GeomConv;
77 }
78 /*********************************************************************/
init_geom_dalton_conv(gchar * namefile)79 DataGeomConv init_geom_dalton_conv(gchar *namefile)
80 {
81 	DataGeomConv GeomConv;
82 	gint i;
83 	GeomConv.Npoint = 0;
84 	GeomConv.Ntype  = 2;
85 	GeomConv.TypeData = g_malloc(GeomConv.Ntype*sizeof(gchar*) );
86 	GeomConv.fileType = GABEDIT_TYPEFILE_DALTON;
87 	GeomConv.TypeData[0] = g_strdup(" Energy ");
88 	GeomConv.TypeData[1] = g_strdup(" Norm Step ");
89 	GeomConv.Data = g_malloc(GeomConv.Ntype*sizeof(gchar**) );
90 	for(i = 0;i<GeomConv.Ntype;i++) GeomConv.Data[i] = NULL;
91 	GeomConv.TypeCalcul = NULL;
92 	GeomConv.NumGeom = NULL;
93 	GeomConv.GeomFile = g_strdup(namefile);
95 	return GeomConv;
96 }
97 /*********************************************************************/
init_geom_mopac_conv(gchar * namefile)98 DataGeomConv init_geom_mopac_conv(gchar *namefile)
99 {
100 	DataGeomConv GeomConv;
101 	gint i;
102 	GeomConv.Npoint = 0;
103 	GeomConv.Ntype  = 2;
104 	GeomConv.TypeData = g_malloc(GeomConv.Ntype*sizeof(gchar*) );
105 	GeomConv.fileType = GABEDIT_TYPEFILE_MOPAC;
106 	GeomConv.TypeData[0] = g_strdup(_(" Energy(KCal/Mol) "));
107 	GeomConv.TypeData[1] = g_strdup(_(" Gradient "));
108 	GeomConv.Data = g_malloc(GeomConv.Ntype*sizeof(gchar**) );
109 	for(i = 0;i<GeomConv.Ntype;i++) GeomConv.Data[i] = NULL;
110 	GeomConv.TypeCalcul = NULL;
111 	GeomConv.NumGeom = NULL;
112 	GeomConv.GeomFile = g_strdup(namefile);
114 	return GeomConv;
115 }
116 /*********************************************************************/
find_energy_mopac_aux(gchar * NomFichier)117 gint find_energy_mopac_aux(gchar* NomFichier)
118 {
119 	guint  i=0;
120 	guint  j=0;
121 	guint  k=0;
122 	gchar *temp =  g_malloc(50*sizeof(gchar));
123 	gchar *tmp =  g_malloc(50*sizeof(gchar));
124 	guint taille=BSIZE;
125 	gchar *t;
126 	FILE *fd;
127         gint Ncalculs = 0;
128   	static DataGeomConv* GeomConv =NULL;
129 	gboolean OK;
132 	t=g_malloc(taille);
133  	fd = FOpen(NomFichier, "rb");
134         if(!fd)
135 	{
136 		t = g_strdup_printf(_(" Error : I can not open file %s\n"),NomFichier);
137 		Message(t,_("Error"),TRUE);
138 		if(t) g_free(t);
139 		return -1;
140 	}
142 	OK = TRUE;
143 	while(!feof(fd))
144 	{
145     		 { gchar* e = fgets(t,taille,fd);}
146                  if(strstr(t,"Geometry optimization") && strstr(t,"#") && Ncalculs <1)
147 		 {
148          		Ncalculs = 1;
149                         GeomConv =  g_malloc(sizeof(DataGeomConv) );
150   			GeomConv[Ncalculs-1] = init_geom_mopac_conv(NomFichier);
151 		 }
152                  if(strstr(t,"Geometry optimization") && strstr(t,"#") )
153 		 {
154 			OK = TRUE;
155 			while(!feof(fd) && OK )
156 			{
157 		 		if(!fgets(t, BSIZE,fd)) { OK = FALSE; break; }
158 				if(strstr(t,"####################################"))
159 				{
160 					OK = TRUE;
161 					break;
162 				}
163 		 	}
164 		 }
165 		 if(!OK) break;
166 		 if(Ncalculs>0)
167 		 {
169 			OK = TRUE;
170 			while(!feof(fd) && OK )
171 			{
172 		 		if(!fgets(t, BSIZE,fd)) { OK = FALSE; break; }
173 				if(strstr(t,"HEAT_OF_FORM_UPDATED"))
174 				{
175 		 			gchar* t1 = strstr(t,"=");
176 					gint c;
177 					for(c=0;c<strlen(t);c++) if(t[c]=='D'||t[c]=='d')t[c]='e';
178 					if(t1) sscanf(t1+1,"%s",tmp); /* energy */
179 					else { OK = FALSE; break; }
180 					OK = TRUE;
181 					break;
182 				}
183 		 	}
184 		 	if(!OK) break;
185 			OK = TRUE;
186 			while(!feof(fd) && OK )
187 			{
188 		 		if(!fgets(t, BSIZE,fd)) { OK = FALSE; break; }
189 				if(strstr(t,"GRADIENT_UPDATED"))
190 				{
191 		 			gchar* t1 = strstr(t,"=");
192 					if(t1) sscanf(t1+1,"%s",temp); /* gradient */
193 					else { OK = FALSE; break; }
194 					OK = TRUE;
195 					break;
196 				}
197 		 	}
198 		 	if(!OK) break;
200 		  	GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint++;
201 		  	if(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint == 1 )
202 		  	{
203 				GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].NumGeom =  g_malloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gint));
204 				for(i=0;(gint)i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;i++) GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i] =  g_malloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gchar*));
205 		  	}
206 		  	else
207 		  	{
208 				GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].NumGeom =  g_realloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].NumGeom,GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gint));
209 				for(i=0;(gint)i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;i++)
210 				GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i] =  g_realloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i],GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gchar*));
211 		  	}
212 			for(i=0;(gint)i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;i++)
213                  	{
214 		 		GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1] = g_malloc(50*sizeof(gchar));
215                  		GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1][0] = '\0';
216                  	}
217 		 	GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[0][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1] = g_malloc(50*sizeof(gchar));
218 		 	GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].TypeCalcul = g_strdup(" ");
219                  	sprintf(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[0][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1], "%s",tmp);
220                  	sprintf(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[1][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1], "%s",temp);
221 		}
222 	}
223 	fclose(fd);
225 	if( Ncalculs>0 && GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint == 0)
226 	{
227 		GeomConv[Ncalculs-1] =  free_geom_conv(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1]);
228 		Ncalculs--;
229 		if(Ncalculs>0) GeomConv =  g_realloc(GeomConv, Ncalculs*sizeof(DataGeomConv) );
230 		else
231 		{
232 			g_free(GeomConv);
233 			GeomConv =  NULL;
234 		}
235 	}
236 	k = 0;
237 	for(i=0;(gint)i<Ncalculs;i++)
238    	for(j=0;(gint)j<GeomConv[i].Npoint;j++)
239 	{
240 	   k++;
241 	   GeomConv[i].NumGeom[j] = k;
242 	}
243 	create_energies_curves(GeomConv,Ncalculs);
244 	g_free(t);
245 	g_free(temp);
246 	g_free(tmp);
247 	if( Ncalculs<=0) return 1;
248 	if( Ncalculs>0 && GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint == 1) return 1;
249 	return 0;
250 }
251 /*********************************************************************/
init_geom_mopac_irc_conv(gchar * namefile)252 DataGeomConv init_geom_mopac_irc_conv(gchar *namefile)
253 {
254 	DataGeomConv GeomConv;
255 	gint i;
256 	GeomConv.Npoint = 0;
257 	GeomConv.Ntype  = 3;
258 	GeomConv.TypeData = g_malloc(GeomConv.Ntype*sizeof(gchar*) );
259 	GeomConv.fileType = GABEDIT_TYPEFILE_MOPAC_IRC;
260 	GeomConv.TypeData[0] = g_strdup(" Energy(KCal/Mol) ");
261 	GeomConv.TypeData[1] = g_strdup(" Potential");
262 	GeomConv.TypeData[2] = g_strdup(" Energy lost");
263 	GeomConv.Data = g_malloc(GeomConv.Ntype*sizeof(gchar**) );
264 	for(i = 0;i<GeomConv.Ntype;i++) GeomConv.Data[i] = NULL;
265 	GeomConv.TypeCalcul = NULL;
266 	GeomConv.NumGeom = NULL;
267 	GeomConv.GeomFile = g_strdup(namefile);
269 	return GeomConv;
270 }
271 /*********************************************************************/
find_energy_mopac_irc_output(gchar * NomFichier)272 void find_energy_mopac_irc_output(gchar* NomFichier)
273 {
274 	guint  i=0;
275 	guint  j=0;
276 	guint  k=0;
277 	gchar dum[100];
278 	gchar *elost =  g_malloc(50*sizeof(gchar));
279 	gchar *potential =  g_malloc(50*sizeof(gchar));
280 	gchar *e =  g_malloc(50*sizeof(gchar));
281 	guint taille=BSIZE;
282 	gchar *t;
283 	FILE *fd;
284         gint Ncalculs = 0;
285   	static DataGeomConv* GeomConv =NULL;
286 	gboolean OK;
289 	t=g_malloc(taille*sizeof(gchar));
290  	fd = FOpen(NomFichier, "rb");
291         if(!fd)
292 	{
293 		t = g_strdup_printf(_(" Error : I can not open file %s\n"),NomFichier);
294 		Message(t,_("Error"),TRUE);
295 		if(t)
296 			g_free(t);
297 		return;
298 	}
300 	OK = TRUE;
301 	while(!feof(fd))
302 	{
303 		 if(!fgets(t,taille,fd))break;
304                  if(strstr(t,"INTRINSIC REACTION COORDINATE") && Ncalculs <1)
305 		 {
306          		Ncalculs = 1;
307                         GeomConv =  g_malloc(sizeof(DataGeomConv) );
308   			GeomConv[Ncalculs-1] = init_geom_mopac_irc_conv(NomFichier);
309 		 	GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].TypeCalcul = g_strdup(" ");
310 			break;
311 		 }
312 	}
313 	if(Ncalculs>0)
314 	{
315 		OK = TRUE;
316 		while(!feof(fd) && OK )
317 		{
318 	 		if(!fgets(t, BSIZE,fd)) { OK = FALSE; break; }
319 			if(
320 				strstr(t,"POTENTIAL") &&
321 				strstr(t,"LOST") &&
322 				strstr(t,"TOTAL")
323 			)
324 			{
325 		   		sprintf(elost," ");
326 		   		sprintf(potential," ");
327 		   		sprintf(e," ");
328 	 			if(!fgets(t, BSIZE,fd)) { OK = FALSE; break; }
329 				gint c;
330 				for(c=0;c<strlen(t);c++) if(t[c]=='D'||t[c]=='d')t[c]='e';
331 				if(4!=sscanf(t,"%s %s %s %s",dum,potential,elost,e))
332 				{ OK = FALSE; break; }
333 			}
334 			else continue;
335 		  	GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint++;
336 		  	if(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint == 1 )
337 		  	{
338 				GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].NumGeom =  g_malloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gint));
339 				for(i=0;(gint)i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;i++)
340 					GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i] =  g_malloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gchar*));
341 		  	}
342 		  	else
343 		  	{
344 				GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].NumGeom =  g_realloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].NumGeom,GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gint));
345 				for(i=0;(gint)i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;i++)
346 				GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i] =  g_realloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i],GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gchar*));
347 		  	}
348 		 	GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[0][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1] = g_strdup(e);
349 		 	GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[1][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1] = g_strdup(elost);
350 		 	GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[2][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1] = g_strdup(potential);
351 		}
352 	}
353 	fclose(fd);
355 	if( Ncalculs>0 && GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint == 0)
356 	{
357 		GeomConv[Ncalculs-1] =  free_geom_conv(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1]);
358 		Ncalculs--;
359 		if(Ncalculs>0) GeomConv =  g_realloc(GeomConv, Ncalculs*sizeof(DataGeomConv) );
360 		else
361 		{
362 			g_free(GeomConv);
363 			GeomConv =  NULL;
364 		}
365 	}
366 	k = 0;
367 	for(i=0;(gint)i<Ncalculs;i++)
368    	for(j=0;(gint)j<GeomConv[i].Npoint;j++)
369 	{
370 	   k++;
371 	   GeomConv[i].NumGeom[j] = k;
372 	}
373 	create_energies_curves(GeomConv,Ncalculs);
374 	g_free(t);
375 	g_free(elost);
376 	g_free(potential);
377 	g_free(e);
378 }
379 /*********************************************************************/
init_geom_mopac_scan_conv(gchar * namefile)380 DataGeomConv init_geom_mopac_scan_conv(gchar *namefile)
381 {
382 	DataGeomConv GeomConv;
383 	gint i;
384 	GeomConv.Npoint = 0;
385 	GeomConv.Ntype  = 3;
386 	GeomConv.TypeData = g_malloc(GeomConv.Ntype*sizeof(gchar*) );
388 	GeomConv.TypeData[0] = g_strdup(" Energy(KCal/Mol) ");
389 	GeomConv.TypeData[1] = g_strdup(" Variable 1");
390 	GeomConv.TypeData[2] = g_strdup(" Variable 2");
391 	GeomConv.Data = g_malloc(GeomConv.Ntype*sizeof(gchar**) );
392 	for(i = 0;i<GeomConv.Ntype;i++) GeomConv.Data[i] = NULL;
393 	GeomConv.TypeCalcul = NULL;
394 	GeomConv.NumGeom = NULL;
395 	GeomConv.GeomFile = g_strdup(namefile);
397 	return GeomConv;
398 }
399 /*********************************************************************/
find_energy_mopac_scan_output(gchar * NomFichier)400 void find_energy_mopac_scan_output(gchar* NomFichier)
401 {
402 	guint  i=0;
403 	guint  j=0;
404 	guint  k=0;
405 	gchar *var1 =  g_malloc(50*sizeof(gchar));
406 	gchar *var2 =  g_malloc(50*sizeof(gchar));
407 	gchar *e =  g_malloc(50*sizeof(gchar));
408 	guint taille=BSIZE;
409 	gchar *t;
410 	FILE *fd;
411         gint Ncalculs = 0;
412   	static DataGeomConv* GeomConv =NULL;
413 	gboolean OK;
416 	t=g_malloc(taille*sizeof(gchar));
417  	fd = FOpen(NomFichier, "rb");
418         if(!fd)
419 	{
420 		t = g_strdup_printf(_(" Error : I can not open file %s\n"),NomFichier);
421 		Message(t,_("Error"),TRUE);
422 		if(t)
423 			g_free(t);
424 		return;
425 	}
427 	OK = TRUE;
428 	while(!feof(fd))
429 	{
430 		 if(!fgets(t,taille,fd))break;
431                  if(strstr(t,"POINT") && (strstr(t,"NUMBER OF POINTS") || strstr(t,"NUMBER OF ROWS")) && Ncalculs <1)
432 		 {
433          		Ncalculs = 1;
434                         GeomConv =  g_malloc(sizeof(DataGeomConv) );
435   			GeomConv[Ncalculs-1] = init_geom_mopac_scan_conv(NomFichier);
436 		 	GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].TypeCalcul = g_strdup(" ");
437 			break;
438 		 }
439 	}
440 	if(Ncalculs>0)
441 	{
442 		OK = TRUE;
443 		while(!feof(fd) && OK )
444 		{
445 	 		if(!fgets(t, BSIZE,fd)) { OK = FALSE; break; }
446 			if(strstr(t,"VARIABLE")&& strstr(t,"FUNCTION"))
447 			{
448 		   		sprintf(var1," ");
449 		   		sprintf(var2," ");
450 		   		sprintf(e," ");
451 	 			if(!fgets(t, BSIZE,fd)) { OK = FALSE; break; }
452 	 			gchar* t1 = strstr(t,":");
453 				gint c;
454 				for(c=0;c<strlen(t);c++) if(t[c]=='D'||t[c]=='d')t[c]='e';
455 				if(t1)
456 				{
457 					if(3!=sscanf(t1+1,"%s%s%s",var1,var2,e))
458 					{
459 					   sscanf(t1+1,"%s%s",var1,e);
460 					   sprintf(var2," ");
461 					}
462 				}
463 				else { OK = FALSE; break; }
464 			}
465 			else continue;
466 		  	GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint++;
467 		  	if(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint == 1 )
468 		  	{
469 				GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].NumGeom =  g_malloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gint));
470 				for(i=0;(gint)i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;i++)
471 					GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i] =  g_malloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gchar*));
472 		  	}
473 		  	else
474 		  	{
475 				GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].NumGeom =  g_realloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].NumGeom,GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gint));
476 				for(i=0;(gint)i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;i++)
477 				GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i] =  g_realloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i],GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gchar*));
478 		  	}
479 		 	GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[0][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1] = g_strdup(e);
480 		 	GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[1][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1] = g_strdup(var1);
481 		 	GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[2][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1] = g_strdup(var2);
482 		}
483 	}
484 	fclose(fd);
486 	if( Ncalculs>0 && GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint == 0)
487 	{
488 		GeomConv[Ncalculs-1] =  free_geom_conv(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1]);
489 		Ncalculs--;
490 		if(Ncalculs>0) GeomConv =  g_realloc(GeomConv, Ncalculs*sizeof(DataGeomConv) );
491 		else
492 		{
493 			g_free(GeomConv);
494 			GeomConv =  NULL;
495 		}
496 	}
497 	k = 0;
498 	for(i=0;(gint)i<Ncalculs;i++)
499    	for(j=0;(gint)j<GeomConv[i].Npoint;j++)
500 	{
501 	   k++;
502 	   GeomConv[i].NumGeom[j] = k;
503 	}
504 	create_energies_curves(GeomConv,Ncalculs);
505 	g_free(t);
506 	g_free(var1);
507 	g_free(var2);
508 	g_free(e);
509 }
510 /*********************************************************************/
init_geom_mpqc_conv(gchar * namefile)511 DataGeomConv init_geom_mpqc_conv(gchar *namefile)
512 {
513 	DataGeomConv GeomConv;
514 	gint i;
515 	GeomConv.Npoint = 0;
516 	GeomConv.Ntype  = 3;
517 	GeomConv.TypeData = g_malloc(GeomConv.Ntype*sizeof(gchar*) );
518 	GeomConv.fileType = GABEDIT_TYPEFILE_MPQC;
519 	GeomConv.TypeData[0] = g_strdup(_(" Energy "));
520 	GeomConv.TypeData[1] = g_strdup(_(" Max Gradient "));
521 	GeomConv.TypeData[2] = g_strdup(_(" Max Displacement "));
522 	GeomConv.Data = g_malloc(GeomConv.Ntype*sizeof(gchar**) );
523 	for(i = 0;i<GeomConv.Ntype;i++) GeomConv.Data[i] = NULL;
524 	GeomConv.TypeCalcul = NULL;
525 	GeomConv.NumGeom = NULL;
526 	GeomConv.GeomFile = g_strdup(namefile);
528 	return GeomConv;
529 }
530 /*********************************************************************/
find_energy_mpqc_output(gchar * NomFichier)531 void find_energy_mpqc_output(gchar* NomFichier)
532 {
533 	gchar *pdest;
534 	guint  i=0;
535 	guint  j=0;
536 	guint  k=0;
537 	gchar *temp =  g_malloc(50*sizeof(gchar));
538 	guint taille=BSIZE;
539 	gchar *t;
540 	FILE *fd;
541         gint Ncalculs = 0;
542   	static DataGeomConv* GeomConv =NULL;
543 	gboolean newGeom = FALSE;
544 	gboolean mp2 = FALSE;
547         Ncalculs++;
548 	GeomConv =  g_malloc(sizeof(DataGeomConv) );
549   	GeomConv[Ncalculs-1] = init_geom_mpqc_conv(NomFichier);
551 	t=g_malloc(taille);
552  	fd = FOpen(NomFichier, "rb");
553         if(!fd)
554 	{
555 		g_free(t);
556 		t = g_strdup_printf(_(" Error : I can not open file %s\n"),NomFichier);
557 		Message(t,_("Error"),TRUE);
558 		if(t) g_free(t);
559 		return;
560 	}
562 	 while(!feof(fd))
563 	{
564 		pdest = NULL;
565     		 { gchar* e = fgets(t,taille,fd);}
566 		 /*
567                  if( strlen(t)>2 && strstr(t,"changing atomic coordinates:") )
568 		 {
569          		Ncalculs++;
570 			GeomConv =  g_realloc(GeomConv, Ncalculs*sizeof(DataGeomConv) );
571   			GeomConv[Ncalculs-1] = init_geom_mpqc_conv(NomFichier);
572 			GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].TypeCalcul = g_malloc(100*sizeof(gchar));
573                  	sscanf(t,"%s",GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].TypeCalcul);
574 		 }
575 		 */
576                  if(strstr(t,"changing atomic coordinates:"))
577 		 {
578 			GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].TypeCalcul = g_malloc(100*sizeof(gchar));
579                  	sscanf(t,"%s",GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].TypeCalcul);
580 			newGeom = TRUE;
581 			if(strstr(t,"MBPT2")) mp2 = TRUE;
582 		 }
584           	if(newGeom && mp2)
585 		{
586 			pdest = NULL;
587     		 	pdest = strstr( t,"MP2");
588     		 	if(pdest)
589 			{
590 				if(strstr(t,"correlation")) pdest = NULL;
591 				else pdest = strstr( t,"energy");
592    				if( pdest != NULL ) pdest = strstr( t,":");
593 			}
594 		}
595 		if(newGeom && !mp2)
596 		{
597 			pdest = NULL;
598 			pdest = strstr( t,"total scf energy");
599    			if( pdest != NULL ) pdest = strstr( t,"=");
600 		}
602    		if( pdest != NULL )
603 		{
604 			pdest++;
605 			GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint++;
606 			if(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint == 1 )
607 			{
608 				GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].NumGeom =  g_malloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gint));
609 				for(i=0;(gint)i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;i++)
610 					GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i] =  g_malloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gchar*));
611 			}
612 		  	else
613 		  	{
614 				GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].NumGeom =  g_realloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].NumGeom,GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gint));
615 				for(i=0;(gint)i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;i++)
616 					GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i] =  g_realloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i],GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gchar*));
617 		  	}
618 			for(i=0;(gint)i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;i++)
619             		{
620 		 		GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1] = g_malloc(50*sizeof(gchar));
621                  		GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1][0] = '\0';
622                  	}
623 		 	GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[0][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1] = g_malloc(50*sizeof(gchar));
624                  	sscanf(pdest,"%s", GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[0][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1]);
625 		}
627                  pdest = NULL;
628     		 pdest = strstr( t,"Max Gradient");
629                  if( pdest != NULL && GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint>0)
630 		 {
631     		 	pdest = strstr( t,":");
632 			if(pdest)
633 			{
634 				pdest++;
635                  		sscanf(pdest,"%s",GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[1][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1]);
636 			}
637 		 }
638     		 pdest = strstr( t,"Max Displacement");
639                  if( pdest != NULL && GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint>0)
640 		 {
641     		 	pdest = strstr( t,":");
642 			if(pdest)
643 			{
644 				pdest++;
645                  		sscanf(pdest,"%s",GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[2][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1]);
646 			}
647 		 }
648 	}
650 	fclose(fd);
652 	if( Ncalculs>0 && GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint == 0)
653 	{
654 		GeomConv[Ncalculs-1] =  free_geom_conv(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1]);
655 		Ncalculs--;
656 		if(Ncalculs>0)
657 			GeomConv =  g_realloc(GeomConv, Ncalculs*sizeof(DataGeomConv) );
658 		else
659 		{
660 			g_free(GeomConv);
661 			GeomConv =  NULL;
662 		}
663 	}
665 	/*
666     printf("Npoint  = %d\n ",GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint);
667     printf("TypeCalcul  = %s\n ",GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].TypeCalcul);
668    for(i=0;i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint;i++)
669    {
670    	for(j=0;j<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;j++)
671           	printf("%s ",GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[j][i]);
672        	printf("\n ");
674    }
675    */
677 	k = 0;
678 	for(i=0;(gint)i<Ncalculs;i++)
679 	{
680 		for(j=0;(gint)j<GeomConv[i].Npoint;j++)
681 		{
682 			k++;
683 			GeomConv[i].NumGeom[j] = k;
684 		}
685 		k++;
686 	}
687 	create_energies_curves(GeomConv,Ncalculs);
688 	g_free(t);
689 	g_free(temp);
690 }
691 /*********************************************************************/
init_geom_xyz_conv(gchar * namefile)692 DataGeomConv init_geom_xyz_conv(gchar *namefile)
693 {
694 	DataGeomConv GeomConv;
695 	GeomConv.Npoint = 0;
696 	GeomConv.Ntype  = 1;
697 	GeomConv.fileType = GABEDIT_TYPEFILE_XYZ;
698 	GeomConv.TypeCalcul = g_strdup(_("Geometries for an xyz file"));
699 	GeomConv.NumGeom = NULL;
700 	GeomConv.GeomFile = g_strdup(namefile);
701 	GeomConv.TypeData = g_malloc(GeomConv.Ntype*sizeof(gchar*) );
702 	GeomConv.TypeData[0] = g_strdup(_(" Geometry number "));
703 	GeomConv.Data = g_malloc(GeomConv.Ntype*sizeof(gchar**) );
704 	GeomConv.Data[0] = NULL;
705 	return GeomConv;
706 }
707 /*********************************************************************/
find_energy_xyz(gchar * fileName)708 static void find_energy_xyz(gchar* fileName)
709 {
710 	gint  i=0;
711 	gint  j=0;
712 	guint taille=BSIZE;
713 	gchar t[BSIZE];
714 	FILE *file;
715         gint Ncalculs = 0;
716   	static DataGeomConv* GeomConv =NULL;
717 	gint ne;
718 	gint nAtoms;
720 	GeomConv = NULL;
722  	file = FOpen(fileName, "rb");
723         if(!file)
724 	{
725 		sprintf(t,_(" Error : I can not open file %s\n"),fileName);
726 		Message(t,_("Error"),TRUE);
727 		return;
728 	}
730 	 while(!feof(file))
731 	{
732 		if(!fgets(t,taille,file))break;
733 		ne = sscanf(t,"%d",&nAtoms);
734 		if(ne==1 && nAtoms>0)
735 		 {
736          		if(Ncalculs==0)
737 			{
738 				Ncalculs = 1;
739 				GeomConv =  g_malloc(sizeof(DataGeomConv) );
740   				GeomConv[0] = init_geom_xyz_conv(fileName);
741 			}
742 		 	if(!fgets(t,taille,file)) break; /* title */
743 			GeomConv[0].Npoint++;
744 			for(i=0;i<nAtoms;i++)
745 				if(!fgets(t,taille,file))break;
746 		 }
747 		else
748 			break;
749 	}
751 	fclose(file);
753 	if(GeomConv)
754 	{
755 		if(GeomConv[0].Npoint == 0)
756 		{
757 			GeomConv[0] =  free_geom_conv(GeomConv[0]);
758 			g_free(GeomConv);
759 			GeomConv =  NULL;
760 			Ncalculs = 0;
761 		}
762 		else
763 		{
764 			GeomConv[0].NumGeom = g_malloc(GeomConv[0].Npoint*sizeof(gint));
765 			GeomConv[0].Data[0] = g_malloc(GeomConv[0].Npoint*sizeof(gchar*));
766 			for(j=0;(gint)j<GeomConv[0].Npoint;j++)
767 			{
768 				GeomConv[0].NumGeom[j] = j+1;
769 		 		GeomConv[0].Data[0][j] = g_strdup_printf("%d",j+1);
770 			}
771 		}
772 	}
773 	create_energies_curves(GeomConv,Ncalculs);
774 }
775 /*********************************************************************/
init_geom_gauss_conv(gchar * namefile)776 DataGeomConv init_geom_gauss_conv(gchar *namefile)
777 {
778   DataGeomConv GeomConv;
779   gint i;
780   GeomConv.Npoint = 0;
781   GeomConv.Ntype  = 5;
782   GeomConv.TypeData = g_malloc(GeomConv.Ntype*sizeof(gchar*) );
783   GeomConv.fileType = GABEDIT_TYPEFILE_GAUSSIAN;
784  GeomConv.TypeData[0] = g_strdup(_(" Energy "));
785  GeomConv.TypeData[1] = g_strdup(_(" Force Max "));
786  GeomConv.TypeData[2] = g_strdup(_(" Force RMS "));
787  GeomConv.TypeData[3] = g_strdup(_(" Dep. Max "));
788  GeomConv.TypeData[4] = g_strdup(_(" Dep. RMS "));
789  GeomConv.Data = g_malloc(GeomConv.Ntype*sizeof(gchar**) );
790  for(i = 0;i<GeomConv.Ntype;i++)
791  	GeomConv.Data[i] = NULL;
792  GeomConv.TypeCalcul = NULL;
793  GeomConv.NumGeom = NULL;
794  GeomConv.GeomFile = g_strdup(namefile);
796   return GeomConv;
797 }
798 /*********************************************************************/
init_geom_molpro_conv(gchar * namefile)799 DataGeomConv init_geom_molpro_conv(gchar* namefile)
800 {
801   DataGeomConv GeomConv;
802  gint i;
803   GeomConv.Npoint = 0;
804   GeomConv.Ntype  = 2;
805   GeomConv.TypeData = g_malloc(GeomConv.Ntype*sizeof(gchar*) );
806   GeomConv.fileType = GABEDIT_TYPEFILE_MOLPRO;
807  GeomConv.TypeData[0] = g_strdup(_(" Energy "));
808  GeomConv.TypeData[1] = g_strdup(_(" Convergence "));
809  GeomConv.Data = g_malloc(GeomConv.Ntype*sizeof(gchar**) );
810  for(i = 0;i<GeomConv.Ntype;i++)
811  	GeomConv.Data[i] = NULL;
812  GeomConv.TypeCalcul = NULL;
813  GeomConv.NumGeom = NULL;
814  GeomConv.GeomFile = g_strdup(namefile);
815  return GeomConv;
816 }
817 /*********************************************************************/
find_energy_dalton_output(gchar * NomFichier)818 void find_energy_dalton_output(gchar* NomFichier)
819 {
820 	guint  i=0;
821 	guint  j=0;
822 	guint  k=0;
823 	gchar *temp =  g_malloc(50*sizeof(gchar));
824 	gchar *tmp =  g_malloc(50*sizeof(gchar));
825 	guint taille=BSIZE;
826 	gchar *t;
827 	FILE *fd;
828         gint Ncalculs = 0;
829   	static DataGeomConv* GeomConv =NULL;
830 	gboolean OK;
833 	t=g_malloc(taille);
834  	fd = FOpen(NomFichier, "rb");
835         if(!fd)
836 	{
837 		t = g_strdup_printf(_(" Error : I can not open file %s\n"),NomFichier);
838 		Message(t,_("Error"),TRUE);
839 		if(t)
840 			g_free(t);
841 		return;
842 	}
844 	while(!feof(fd))
845 	{
846     		 { gchar* e = fgets(t,taille,fd);}
847                  if(strstr(t,"Optimization Control Center") && Ncalculs <1)
848 		 {
849          		Ncalculs = 1;
850                         GeomConv =  g_malloc(sizeof(DataGeomConv) );
851   			GeomConv[Ncalculs-1] = init_geom_dalton_conv(NomFichier);
852 		 }
853                  if(strstr(t,"Optimization Control Center") )
854 		 {
855 			OK = TRUE;
856 			while(!feof(fd) && OK )
857 			{
858 		 		if(!fgets(t, BSIZE,fd)) { OK = FALSE; break; }
859 				if(strstr(t,"Next geometry") || strstr(t,"Final geometry"))
860 				{
861 		 			if(!fgets(t, BSIZE,fd)) { OK = FALSE; break; }
862 		 			if(!fgets(t, BSIZE,fd)) { OK = FALSE; break; }
863 					OK = TRUE;
864 					break;
865 				}
866 		 	}
867 		 	if(!OK) break;
869 			OK = TRUE;
870 			while(!feof(fd) && OK )
871 			{
872 		 		if(!fgets(t, BSIZE,fd)) { OK = FALSE; break; }
873 				if(strstr(t,"Energy at this geometry is"))
874 				{
875 		 			gchar* t1 = strstr(t,":");
876 					if(t1) sscanf(t1+1,"%s",tmp); /* energy */
877 					else { OK = FALSE; break; }
878 					OK = TRUE;
879 					break;
880 				}
881 		 	}
882 		 	if(!OK) break;
883 			OK = TRUE;
884 			while(!feof(fd) && OK )
885 			{
886 		 		if(!fgets(t, BSIZE,fd)) { OK = FALSE; break; }
887 				if(strstr(t,"Norm of step"))
888 				{
889 		 			gchar* t1 = strstr(t,":");
890 					if(t1) sscanf(t1+1,"%s",temp); /* rmsStep */
891 					else { OK = FALSE; break; }
892 					OK = TRUE;
893 					break;
894 				}
895 		 	}
896 		 	if(!OK) break;
898 		  	GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint++;
899 		  	if(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint == 1 )
900 		  	{
901 				GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].NumGeom =  g_malloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gint));
902 				for(i=0;(gint)i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;i++) GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i] =  g_malloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gchar*));
903 		  	}
904 		  	else
905 		  	{
906 				GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].NumGeom =  g_realloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].NumGeom,GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gint));
907 				for(i=0;(gint)i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;i++)
908 				GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i] =  g_realloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i],GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gchar*));
909 		  	}
910 			for(i=0;(gint)i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;i++)
911                  	{
912 		 		GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1] = g_malloc(50*sizeof(gchar));
913                  		GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1][0] = '\0';
914                  	}
915 		 	GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[0][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1] = g_malloc(50*sizeof(gchar));
916 		 	GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].TypeCalcul = g_strdup(" ");
917                  	sprintf(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[0][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1], "%s", tmp);
918                  	sprintf(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[1][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1], "%s", temp);
919 		}
920 	}
921 	fclose(fd);
923 	if( Ncalculs>0 && GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint == 0)
924 	{
925 		GeomConv[Ncalculs-1] =  free_geom_conv(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1]);
926 		Ncalculs--;
927 		if(Ncalculs>0) GeomConv =  g_realloc(GeomConv, Ncalculs*sizeof(DataGeomConv) );
928 		else
929 		{
930 			g_free(GeomConv);
931 			GeomConv =  NULL;
932 		}
933 	}
934 	k = 0;
935 	for(i=0;(gint)i<Ncalculs;i++)
936    	for(j=0;(gint)j<GeomConv[i].Npoint;j++)
937 	{
938 	   k++;
939 	   GeomConv[i].NumGeom[j] = k;
940 	}
941 	create_energies_curves(GeomConv,Ncalculs);
942 	g_free(t);
943 	g_free(temp);
944 	g_free(tmp);
945 }
946 /*********************************************************************/
init_geom_gamess_conv(gchar * namefile)947 DataGeomConv init_geom_gamess_conv(gchar *namefile)
948 {
949 	DataGeomConv GeomConv;
950 	gint i;
951 	GeomConv.Npoint = 0;
952 	GeomConv.Ntype  = 3;
953 	GeomConv.TypeData = g_malloc(GeomConv.Ntype*sizeof(gchar*) );
954 	GeomConv.fileType = GABEDIT_TYPEFILE_GAMESS;
955 	GeomConv.TypeData[0] = g_strdup(_(" Energy "));
956 	GeomConv.TypeData[1] = g_strdup(_(" MAX Gradient "));
957 	GeomConv.TypeData[2] = g_strdup(_(" RMS Gradient "));
958 	GeomConv.Data = g_malloc(GeomConv.Ntype*sizeof(gchar**) );
959 	for(i = 0;i<GeomConv.Ntype;i++) GeomConv.Data[i] = NULL;
960 	GeomConv.TypeCalcul = NULL;
961 	GeomConv.NumGeom = NULL;
962 	GeomConv.GeomFile = g_strdup(namefile);
964 	return GeomConv;
965 }
966 /*********************************************************************/
find_energy_gamess_output(gchar * NomFichier)967 void find_energy_gamess_output(gchar* NomFichier)
968 {
969 	guint  i=0;
970 	guint  j=0;
971 	guint  k=0;
972 	gchar *maxgrad =  g_malloc(50*sizeof(gchar));
973 	gchar *rmsgrad =  g_malloc(50*sizeof(gchar));
974 	gchar *tmp =  g_malloc(50*sizeof(gchar));
975 	guint taille=BSIZE;
976 	gchar *t;
977 	FILE *fd;
978         gint Ncalculs = 0;
979   	static DataGeomConv* GeomConv =NULL;
980 	gboolean OK;
983 	t=g_malloc(taille);
984  	fd = FOpen(NomFichier, "rb");
985         if(!fd)
986 	{
987 		t = g_strdup_printf(_(" Error : I can not open file %s\n"),NomFichier);
988 		Message(t,_("Error"),TRUE);
989 		if(t)
990 			g_free(t);
991 		return;
992 	}
994 	while(!feof(fd))
995 	{
996     		 { gchar* e = fgets(t,taille,fd);}
997                  if(strstr(t,"NSERCH=   0") && Ncalculs <1)
998 		 {
999          		Ncalculs = 1;
1000                         GeomConv =  g_malloc(sizeof(DataGeomConv) );
1001   			GeomConv[Ncalculs-1] = init_geom_gamess_conv(NomFichier);
1002 		 }
1003                  if(strstr(t,"COORDINATES OF ALL ATOMS ARE (ANGS)") )
1004 		 {
1005 			OK = TRUE;
1006 			while(!feof(fd) && OK )
1007 			{
1008 		 		if(!fgets(t, BSIZE,fd)) { OK = FALSE; break; }
1009 				if(strstr(t,"NSERCH") && strstr(t,"ENERGY="))
1010 				{
1011 		 			gchar* t1 = strstr(t,"ENERGY=");
1012 					if(t1) sscanf(t1+7,"%s",tmp); /* energy */
1013 					else { OK = FALSE; break; }
1014 					OK = TRUE;
1015 					break;
1016 				}
1017 		 	}
1018 		 	if(!OK) break;
1019 			OK = TRUE;
1020 			while(!feof(fd) && OK )
1021 			{
1022 		 		if(!fgets(t, BSIZE,fd)) { OK = FALSE; break; }
1023 				if(strstr(t,"MAXIMUM GRADIENT =")&& strstr(t,"RMS GRADIENT ="))
1024 				{
1025 		 			gchar* t1 = strstr(t,"MAXIMUM GRADIENT =");
1026 					if(t1) sscanf(t1+19,"%s",maxgrad); /* maxGrad */
1027 					else { OK = FALSE; break; }
1028 		 			t1 = strstr(t,"RMS GRADIENT =");
1029 					if(t1) sscanf(t1+15,"%s",rmsgrad); /* rmsGrad */
1030 					else { OK = FALSE; break; }
1031 					OK = TRUE;
1032 					break;
1033 				}
1034 		 	}
1035 		 	if(!OK) break;
1037 		  	GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint++;
1038 		  	if(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint == 1 )
1039 		  	{
1040 				GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].NumGeom =  g_malloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gint));
1041 				for(i=0;(gint)i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;i++) GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i] =  g_malloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gchar*));
1042 		  	}
1043 		  	else
1044 		  	{
1045 				GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].NumGeom =  g_realloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].NumGeom,GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gint));
1046 				for(i=0;(gint)i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;i++)
1047 				GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i] =  g_realloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i],GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gchar*));
1048 		  	}
1049 			for(i=0;(gint)i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;i++)
1050                  	{
1051 		 		GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1] = g_malloc(50*sizeof(gchar));
1052                  		GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1][0] = '\0';
1053                  	}
1054 		 	GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[0][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1] = g_malloc(50*sizeof(gchar));
1055 		 	GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].TypeCalcul = g_strdup(" ");
1056                  	sprintf(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[0][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1], "%s", tmp);
1057                  	sprintf(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[1][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1], "%s", maxgrad);
1058                  	sprintf(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[2][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1], "%s", rmsgrad);
1059 		}
1060 	}
1061 	fclose(fd);
1063 	if( Ncalculs>0 && GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint == 0)
1064 	{
1065 		GeomConv[Ncalculs-1] =  free_geom_conv(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1]);
1066 		Ncalculs--;
1067 		if(Ncalculs>0) GeomConv =  g_realloc(GeomConv, Ncalculs*sizeof(DataGeomConv) );
1068 		else
1069 		{
1070 			g_free(GeomConv);
1071 			GeomConv =  NULL;
1072 		}
1073 	}
1074 	k = 0;
1075 	for(i=0;(gint)i<Ncalculs;i++)
1076    	for(j=0;(gint)j<GeomConv[i].Npoint;j++)
1077 	{
1078 	   k++;
1079 	   GeomConv[i].NumGeom[j] = k+1;
1080 	}
1081 	create_energies_curves(GeomConv,Ncalculs);
1082 	g_free(t);
1083 	g_free(tmp);
1084 	g_free(maxgrad);
1085 	g_free(rmsgrad);
1086 }
1087 /*********************************************************************/
find_energy_gamess_output_heat(gchar * NomFichier)1088 void find_energy_gamess_output_heat(gchar* NomFichier)
1089 {
1090 	guint  i=0;
1091 	guint  j=0;
1092 	guint  k=0;
1093 	gchar *maxgrad =  g_malloc(50*sizeof(gchar));
1094 	gchar *rmsgrad =  g_malloc(50*sizeof(gchar));
1095 	gchar *tmp =  g_malloc(50*sizeof(gchar));
1096 	guint taille=BSIZE;
1097 	gchar *t;
1098 	FILE *fd;
1099         gint Ncalculs = 0;
1100   	static DataGeomConv* GeomConv =NULL;
1101 	gboolean OK;
1102 	gchar* myStr = "HEAT OF FORMATION IS";
1103 	gint lmyStr = strlen(myStr);
1106 	t=g_malloc(taille);
1107  	fd = FOpen(NomFichier, "rb");
1108         if(!fd)
1109 	{
1110 		t = g_strdup_printf(_(" Error : I can not open file %s\n"),NomFichier);
1111 		Message(t,_("Error"),TRUE);
1112 		if(t)
1113 			g_free(t);
1114 		return;
1115 	}
1117 	while(!feof(fd))
1118 	{
1119     		 { gchar* e = fgets(t,taille,fd);}
1120                  if(strstr(t,"NSERCH=   0") && Ncalculs <1)
1121 		 {
1122          		Ncalculs = 1;
1123                         GeomConv =  g_malloc(sizeof(DataGeomConv) );
1124   			GeomConv[Ncalculs-1] = init_geom_gamess_conv(NomFichier);
1125 		 }
1126                  if(strstr(t,"COORDINATES OF ALL ATOMS ARE (ANGS)") )
1127 		 {
1128 			OK = TRUE;
1129 			while(!feof(fd) && OK )
1130 			{
1131 		 		if(!fgets(t, BSIZE,fd)) { OK = FALSE; break; }
1132 				if(strstr(t,myStr))
1133 				{
1134 		 			gchar* t1 = strstr(t,myStr);
1135 					if(t1) sscanf(t1+lmyStr,"%s",tmp); /* energy */
1136 					else { OK = FALSE; break; }
1137 					OK = TRUE;
1138 					break;
1139 				}
1140 		 	}
1141 		 	if(!OK) break;
1142 			OK = TRUE;
1143 			while(!feof(fd) && OK )
1144 			{
1145 		 		if(!fgets(t, BSIZE,fd)) { OK = FALSE; break; }
1146 				if(strstr(t,"MAXIMUM GRADIENT =")&& strstr(t,"RMS GRADIENT ="))
1147 				{
1148 		 			gchar* t1 = strstr(t,"MAXIMUM GRADIENT =");
1149 					if(t1) sscanf(t1+19,"%s",maxgrad); /* maxGrad */
1150 					else { OK = FALSE; break; }
1151 		 			t1 = strstr(t,"RMS GRADIENT =");
1152 					if(t1) sscanf(t1+15,"%s",rmsgrad); /* rmsGrad */
1153 					else { OK = FALSE; break; }
1154 					OK = TRUE;
1155 					break;
1156 				}
1157 		 	}
1158 		 	if(!OK) break;
1160 		  	GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint++;
1161 		  	if(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint == 1 )
1162 		  	{
1163 				GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].NumGeom =  g_malloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gint));
1164 				for(i=0;(gint)i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;i++) GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i] =  g_malloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gchar*));
1165 		  	}
1166 		  	else
1167 		  	{
1168 				GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].NumGeom =  g_realloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].NumGeom,GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gint));
1169 				for(i=0;(gint)i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;i++)
1170 				GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i] =  g_realloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i],GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gchar*));
1171 		  	}
1172 			for(i=0;(gint)i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;i++)
1173                  	{
1174 		 		GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1] = g_malloc(50*sizeof(gchar));
1175                  		GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1][0] = '\0';
1176                  	}
1177 		 	GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[0][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1] = g_malloc(50*sizeof(gchar));
1178 		 	GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].TypeCalcul = g_strdup(" ");
1179                  	sprintf(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[0][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1], "%s", tmp);
1180                  	sprintf(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[1][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1], "%s", maxgrad);
1181                  	sprintf(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[2][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1], "%s", rmsgrad);
1182 		}
1183 	}
1184 	fclose(fd);
1186 	if( Ncalculs>0 && GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint == 0)
1187 	{
1188 		GeomConv[Ncalculs-1] =  free_geom_conv(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1]);
1189 		Ncalculs--;
1190 		if(Ncalculs>0) GeomConv =  g_realloc(GeomConv, Ncalculs*sizeof(DataGeomConv) );
1191 		else
1192 		{
1193 			g_free(GeomConv);
1194 			GeomConv =  NULL;
1195 		}
1196 	}
1197 	k = 0;
1198 	for(i=0;(gint)i<Ncalculs;i++)
1199    	for(j=0;(gint)j<GeomConv[i].Npoint;j++)
1200 	{
1201 	   k++;
1202 	   GeomConv[i].NumGeom[j] = k+1;
1203 	}
1204 	create_energies_curves(GeomConv,Ncalculs);
1205 	g_free(t);
1206 	g_free(tmp);
1207 	g_free(maxgrad);
1208 	g_free(rmsgrad);
1209 }
1210 /*********************************************************************/
init_geom_gamess_irc(gchar * namefile)1211 DataGeomConv init_geom_gamess_irc(gchar *namefile)
1212 {
1213 	DataGeomConv GeomConv;
1214 	gint i;
1215 	GeomConv.Npoint = 0;
1216 	GeomConv.Ntype  = 1;
1217 	GeomConv.TypeData = g_malloc(GeomConv.Ntype*sizeof(gchar*) );
1219 	GeomConv.TypeData[0] = g_strdup(_(" Energy "));
1220 	GeomConv.Data = g_malloc(GeomConv.Ntype*sizeof(gchar**) );
1221 	for(i = 0;i<GeomConv.Ntype;i++) GeomConv.Data[i] = NULL;
1222 	GeomConv.TypeCalcul = NULL;
1223 	GeomConv.NumGeom = NULL;
1224 	GeomConv.GeomFile = g_strdup(namefile);
1226 	return GeomConv;
1227 }
1228 /*********************************************************************/
find_energy_gamess_irc(gchar * NomFichier)1229 void find_energy_gamess_irc(gchar* NomFichier)
1230 {
1231 	guint  i=0;
1232 	guint  j=0;
1233 	guint  k=0;
1234 	gchar *tmp =  g_malloc(50*sizeof(gchar));
1235 	guint taille=BSIZE;
1236 	gchar *t;
1237 	FILE *fd;
1238         gint Ncalculs = 0;
1239   	static DataGeomConv* GeomConv =NULL;
1242 	t=g_malloc(taille*sizeof(gchar));
1243  	fd = FOpen(NomFichier, "rb");
1244         if(!fd)
1245 	{
1246 		t = g_strdup_printf(_(" Error : I can not open file %s\n"),NomFichier);
1247 		Message(t,_("Error"),TRUE);
1248 		if(t)
1249 			g_free(t);
1250 		return;
1251 	}
1253 	while(!feof(fd))
1254 	{
1255 		 if(!fgets(t,taille,fd))break;
1256                  if(strstr(t,"POINT=") && Ncalculs <1)
1257 		 {
1258          		Ncalculs = 1;
1259                         GeomConv =  g_malloc(sizeof(DataGeomConv) );
1260   			GeomConv[Ncalculs-1] = init_geom_gamess_irc(NomFichier);
1261 		 }
1262                  if(strstr(t,"POINT=") && strstr(t,"E=") )
1263 		 {
1264 		 	gchar* t1 = strstr(t,"E=");
1265 			sscanf(t1+2,"%s",tmp); /* energy */
1266 		}
1267 		else continue;
1269 	  	GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint++;
1270 	  	if(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint == 1 )
1271 	  	{
1272 			GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].NumGeom =  g_malloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gint));
1273 			for(i=0;(gint)i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;i++) GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i] =  g_malloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gchar*));
1274 	  	}
1275 	  	else
1276 	  	{
1277 			GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].NumGeom =  g_realloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].NumGeom,GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gint));
1278 			for(i=0;(gint)i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;i++)
1279 			GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i] =  g_realloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i],GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gchar*));
1280 	  	}
1281 		for(i=0;(gint)i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;i++)
1282                	{
1283 	 		GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1] = g_malloc(50*sizeof(gchar));
1284                		GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1][0] = '\0';
1285                	}
1286 	 	GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[0][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1] = g_malloc(50*sizeof(gchar));
1287 	 	GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].TypeCalcul = g_strdup(" ");
1288                	sprintf(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[0][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1], "%s", tmp);
1289 	}
1290 	fclose(fd);
1292 	if( Ncalculs>0 && GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint == 0)
1293 	{
1294 		GeomConv[Ncalculs-1] =  free_geom_conv(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1]);
1295 		Ncalculs--;
1296 		if(Ncalculs>0) GeomConv =  g_realloc(GeomConv, Ncalculs*sizeof(DataGeomConv) );
1297 		else
1298 		{
1299 			g_free(GeomConv);
1300 			GeomConv =  NULL;
1301 		}
1302 	}
1303 	k = 0;
1304 	for(i=0;(gint)i<Ncalculs;i++)
1305    	for(j=0;(gint)j<GeomConv[i].Npoint;j++)
1306 	{
1307 	   k++;
1308 	   GeomConv[i].NumGeom[j] = k;
1309 	}
1310 	create_energies_curves(GeomConv,Ncalculs);
1311 	g_free(t);
1312 	g_free(tmp);
1313 }
1314 /*********************************************************************/
find_energy_gauss_standard_output(gchar * NomFichier)1315 void find_energy_gauss_standard_output(gchar* NomFichier)
1316 {
1317 	gchar* pdest = NULL;
1318 	guint  i=0;
1319 	guint  j=0;
1320 	guint  k=0;
1321 	gchar *temp =  g_malloc(50*sizeof(gchar));
1322 	guint taille=BSIZE;
1323 	gchar *t;
1324 	FILE *fd;
1325         gint Ncalculs = 0;
1326   	static DataGeomConv* GeomConv =NULL;
1329         Ncalculs++;
1330 /*
1331 	if(GeomConv)
1332 		*GeomConv =  free_geom_conv(*GeomConv);
1333         else
1334 */
1335 		GeomConv =  g_malloc(sizeof(DataGeomConv) );
1337   	GeomConv[Ncalculs-1] = init_geom_gauss_conv(NomFichier);
1339 	t=g_malloc(taille);
1340  	fd = FOpen(NomFichier, "rb");
1341         if(!fd)
1342 	{
1343 		t = g_strdup_printf(_(" Error : I can not open file %s\n"),NomFichier);
1344 		Message(t,_("Error"),TRUE);
1345 		if(t)
1346 			g_free(t);
1347 		return;
1348 	}
1350 	 while(!feof(fd))
1351 	{
1352     		 { gchar* e = fgets(t,taille,fd);}
1353                  if( strlen(t)>2 && strstr(t,"Normal termination of Gaussian") )
1354 		 {
1355          		Ncalculs++;
1356 			GeomConv =  g_realloc(GeomConv, Ncalculs*sizeof(DataGeomConv) );
1357   			GeomConv[Ncalculs-1] = init_geom_gauss_conv(NomFichier);
1358 		 }
1359 		 uppercase(t);
1360                  if( strlen(t)>2 && t[1] == '#' && !GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].TypeCalcul)
1361 		 {
1362 			GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].TypeCalcul = g_malloc(100*sizeof(gchar));
1363                  	sscanf(t,"%s %s", temp, GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].TypeCalcul);
1364 		 }
1365     		 pdest = strstr( t,"SCF DONE");
1366    		if( pdest != NULL )
1367 		{
1368     		 pdest = strstr( t,"=");
1369 		}
1370           	if(!pdest)
1371 		{
1372     		 pdest = strstr( t,"ENERGY=");
1373           	 if(pdest && t[1] == 'E' )
1374     		 	pdest = strstr( t,"=");
1375                  else
1376     		 	pdest = NULL;
1378 		}
1380    		if( pdest != NULL )
1381 		{
1382 		  pdest++;
1383 		  GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint++;
1384 		  if(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint == 1 )
1385 		  {
1386 			GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].NumGeom =  g_malloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gint));
1387 			for(i=0;(gint)i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;i++)
1388 				GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i] =  g_malloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gchar*));
1389 		  }
1390 		  else
1391 		  {
1392 			GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].NumGeom =  g_realloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].NumGeom,GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gint));
1393 			for(i=0;(gint)i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;i++)
1394 				GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i] =  g_realloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i],GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gchar*));
1395 		  }
1396 			for(i=0;(gint)i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;i++)
1397             {
1398 		 	GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1] = g_malloc(50*sizeof(gchar));
1399                  	GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1][0] = '\0';
1400                  }
1401 		 GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[0][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1] = g_malloc(50*sizeof(gchar));
1402                  sscanf(pdest,"%s", GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[0][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1]);
1403 		}
1405                  pdest = NULL;
1406     		 pdest = strstr( t,"CONVERGED?");
1407                  if( pdest != NULL && GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint>0)
1408 		 {
1409 			for(i=1;(gint)i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;i++)
1410 			{
1411     		 		{ gchar* e = fgets(t,taille,fd);}
1412                  		sscanf(t,"%s %s %s", temp,temp,GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1]);
1413 			}
1414 		 }
1415 	}
1417     fclose(fd);
1419     if( Ncalculs>0 && GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint == 0)
1420     {
1421 	GeomConv[Ncalculs-1] =  free_geom_conv(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1]);
1422 	Ncalculs--;
1423 	if(Ncalculs>0)
1424 		GeomConv =  g_realloc(GeomConv, Ncalculs*sizeof(DataGeomConv) );
1425 	else
1426 	{
1427 		g_free(GeomConv);
1428 		GeomConv =  NULL;
1429 	}
1430     }
1431 /*
1432     printf("Npoint  = %d\n ",GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint);
1433     printf("TypeCalcul  = %s\n ",GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].TypeCalcul);
1434    for(i=0;i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint;i++)
1435    {
1436    	for(j=0;j<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;j++)
1437           	printf("%s ",GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[j][i]);
1438        	printf("\n ");
1440    }
1441 */
1442    k = 0;
1443    for(i=0;(gint)i<Ncalculs;i++)
1444    {
1445    	for(j=0;(gint)j<GeomConv[i].Npoint;j++)
1446 	{
1447 	   k++;
1448 	   GeomConv[i].NumGeom[j] = k;
1449 	}
1450         k++;
1451   }
1452   create_energies_curves(GeomConv,Ncalculs);
1453   g_free(t);
1454   g_free(temp);
1455 }
1456 /*********************************************************************/
init_geom_qchem_conv(gchar * namefile)1457 DataGeomConv init_geom_qchem_conv(gchar* namefile)
1458 {
1459   DataGeomConv GeomConv;
1460  gint i;
1461   GeomConv.Npoint = 0;
1462   GeomConv.Ntype  = 3;
1463   GeomConv.TypeData = g_malloc(GeomConv.Ntype*sizeof(gchar*) );
1464   GeomConv.fileType = GABEDIT_TYPEFILE_QCHEM;
1466  GeomConv.TypeData[0] = g_strdup(_(" Energy "));
1467  GeomConv.TypeData[1] = g_strdup(_(" Gradient Max "));
1468  GeomConv.TypeData[2] = g_strdup(_(" Dep. Max "));
1470  GeomConv.Data = g_malloc(GeomConv.Ntype*sizeof(gchar**) );
1471  for(i = 0;i<GeomConv.Ntype;i++)
1472  	GeomConv.Data[i] = NULL;
1473  GeomConv.TypeCalcul = NULL;
1474  GeomConv.NumGeom = NULL;
1475  GeomConv.GeomFile = g_strdup(namefile);
1476  return GeomConv;
1477 }
1478 /*********************************************************************/
init_geom_orca_conv(gchar * namefile)1479 DataGeomConv init_geom_orca_conv(gchar* namefile)
1480 {
1481   DataGeomConv GeomConv;
1482  gint i;
1483   GeomConv.Npoint = 0;
1484   GeomConv.Ntype  = 3;
1485   GeomConv.TypeData = g_malloc(GeomConv.Ntype*sizeof(gchar*) );
1486   GeomConv.fileType = GABEDIT_TYPEFILE_ORCA;
1488  GeomConv.TypeData[0] = g_strdup(_(" Energy "));
1489  GeomConv.TypeData[1] = g_strdup(_(" RMS Gradient"));
1490  GeomConv.TypeData[2] = g_strdup(_(" MAX Gradient "));
1492  GeomConv.Data = g_malloc(GeomConv.Ntype*sizeof(gchar**) );
1493  for(i = 0;i<GeomConv.Ntype;i++)
1494  	GeomConv.Data[i] = NULL;
1495  GeomConv.TypeCalcul = NULL;
1496  GeomConv.NumGeom = NULL;
1497  GeomConv.GeomFile = g_strdup(namefile);
1498  return GeomConv;
1499 }
1500 /*********************************************************************/
find_energy_orca_output(gchar * NomFichier)1501 void find_energy_orca_output(gchar* NomFichier)
1502 {
1503 	gchar *pdest;
1504 	guint  i=0;
1505 	guint  j=0;
1506 	guint  k=0;
1507 	gchar *temp =  g_malloc(50*sizeof(gchar));
1508 	guint taille=BSIZE;
1509 	gchar *t;
1510 	FILE *fd;
1511         gint Ncalculs = 0;
1512   	static DataGeomConv* GeomConv =NULL;
1513 	gboolean Ok = FALSE;
1516 	t=g_malloc(taille*sizeof(gchar));
1517  	fd = FOpen(NomFichier, "rb");
1518         if(!fd)
1519 	{
1520 		t = g_strdup_printf(_(" Error : I can not open file %s\n"),NomFichier);
1521 		Message(t,_("Error"),TRUE);
1522 		if(t) g_free(t);
1523 		return;
1524 	}
1526 	 while(!feof(fd))
1527 	{
1528     		 { gchar* e = fgets(t,taille,fd);}
1529                  if(strstr(t,"ORCA OPTIMIZATION COORDINATE SETUP") )
1530 		 {
1531          		Ncalculs++;
1532                         if(Ncalculs == 1)
1533 				GeomConv =  g_malloc(sizeof(DataGeomConv) );
1534 			else
1535 				GeomConv =  g_realloc(GeomConv, Ncalculs*sizeof(DataGeomConv) );
1536   			GeomConv[Ncalculs-1] = init_geom_orca_conv(NomFichier);
1537 		 }
1538     		 pdest = strstr( t,"GEOMETRY OPTIMIZATION CYCLE");
1540    		if( pdest != NULL  && Ncalculs>0)
1541 		{
1542 		  GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint++;
1543 		  if(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint == 1 )
1544 		  {
1545 			GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].NumGeom =  g_malloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gint));
1546 			for(i=0;(gint)i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;i++)
1547 				GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i] =  g_malloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gchar*));
1548 		  }
1549 		  else
1550 		  {
1551 			GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].NumGeom =  g_realloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].NumGeom,GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gint));
1552 			for(i=0;(gint)i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;i++)
1553 				GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i] =  g_realloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i],GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gchar*));
1554 		  }
1555 		  for(i=0;(gint)i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;i++)
1556                   {
1557 		 	GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1] = g_malloc(50*sizeof(gchar));
1558                  	GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1][0] = '\0';
1559                   }
1561 		  Ok = TRUE;
1562                  while(!feof(fd) && Ok )
1563 		 {
1564 		 	if(!fgets(t,taille,fd))
1565 			{
1566 				Ok = FALSE;
1567 				break;
1568 			}
1569 			else
1570 			{
1571 				if(strstr(t,"FINAL SINGLE POINT ENERGY"))
1572 				{
1573 					Ok = TRUE;
1574 					break;
1575 				}
1577 			}
1578 		 }
1579 		 if(!Ok) break;
1580                  sscanf(t,"%s %s %s %s %s",temp,temp,temp,temp,GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[0][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1]);
1581 		 uppercase(t);
1582 		 GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].TypeCalcul = g_strdup(" ");
1583                  do
1584                  {
1585 		 	if(!fgets(t,taille,fd))break;
1586                  }while(strstr(t,"RMS gradient")==NULL && !feof(fd) ) ;
1587                  if(strstr(t,"RMS gradient")!=NULL)
1588 		 {
1589                  	sscanf(t,"%s %s %s %s", temp,temp,temp,GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[1][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1]);
1590 		 	if(!fgets(t,taille,fd))break;
1591                  	sscanf(t,"%s %s %s %s", temp,temp,temp,GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[2][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1]);
1592 		 }
1593 		}
1594 	}
1596     fclose(fd);
1598     if(!Ok && GeomConv && GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint>0) GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint--;
1599     if( Ncalculs>0 && GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint == 0)
1600     {
1601 	GeomConv[Ncalculs-1] =  free_geom_conv(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1]);
1602 	Ncalculs--;
1603 	if(Ncalculs>0)
1604 		GeomConv =  g_realloc(GeomConv, Ncalculs*sizeof(DataGeomConv) );
1605 	else
1606 	{
1607 		g_free(GeomConv);
1608 		GeomConv =  NULL;
1609 	}
1610     }
1611    k = 0;
1612    for(i=0;(gint)i<Ncalculs;i++)
1613    	for(j=0;(gint)j<GeomConv[i].Npoint;j++)
1614 	{
1615 	   k++;
1616 	   GeomConv[i].NumGeom[j] = k;
1617 	}
1618   create_energies_curves(GeomConv,Ncalculs);
1619   g_free(t);
1620   g_free(temp);
1621 }
1622 /*********************************************************************/
init_geom_vasp_conv_outcar(gchar * namefile)1623 DataGeomConv init_geom_vasp_conv_outcar(gchar* namefile)
1624 {
1625   DataGeomConv GeomConv;
1626  gint i;
1627   GeomConv.Npoint = 0;
1628   GeomConv.Ntype  = 4;
1629   GeomConv.TypeData = g_malloc(GeomConv.Ntype*sizeof(gchar*) );
1632  GeomConv.TypeData[0] = g_strdup(_(" Energy "));
1633  GeomConv.TypeData[1] = g_strdup(_(" dX "));
1634  GeomConv.TypeData[2] = g_strdup(_(" dY "));
1635  GeomConv.TypeData[3] = g_strdup(_(" dZ "));
1637  GeomConv.Data = g_malloc(GeomConv.Ntype*sizeof(gchar**) );
1638  for(i = 0;i<GeomConv.Ntype;i++)
1639  	GeomConv.Data[i] = NULL;
1640  GeomConv.TypeCalcul = NULL;
1641  GeomConv.NumGeom = NULL;
1642  GeomConv.GeomFile = g_strdup(namefile);
1643  return GeomConv;
1644 }
1645 /*********************************************************************/
find_energy_vasp_outcar(gchar * NomFichier)1646 void find_energy_vasp_outcar(gchar* NomFichier)
1647 {
1648 	gchar *pdest;
1649 	guint  i=0;
1650 	guint  j=0;
1651 	guint  k=0;
1652 	gchar *temp =  g_malloc(50*sizeof(gchar));
1653 	gchar *temp1 =  g_malloc(50*sizeof(gchar));
1654 	gchar *temp2 =  g_malloc(50*sizeof(gchar));
1655 	guint taille=BSIZE;
1656 	gchar* tag = "energy  without entropy=";
1657 	gchar *t;
1658 	FILE *fd;
1659         gint Ncalculs = 0;
1660   	static DataGeomConv* GeomConv =NULL;
1661 	gboolean Ok = FALSE;
1664 	t=g_malloc(taille*sizeof(gchar));
1665  	fd = FOpen(NomFichier, "rb");
1666         if(!fd)
1667 	{
1668 		t = g_strdup_printf(_(" Error : I can not open file %s\n"),NomFichier);
1669 		Message(t,_("Error"),TRUE);
1670 		if(t) g_free(t);
1671 		return;
1672 	}
1673 	 while(!feof(fd))
1674 	{
1675     		 { gchar* e = fgets(t,taille,fd);}
1676                  if(strstr(t,tag) )
1677 		 {
1678          		Ncalculs++;
1679                         if(Ncalculs == 1) GeomConv =  g_malloc(sizeof(DataGeomConv) );
1680 			else GeomConv =  g_realloc(GeomConv, Ncalculs*sizeof(DataGeomConv) );
1681   			GeomConv[Ncalculs-1] = init_geom_vasp_conv_outcar(NomFichier);
1682 			break;
1683 		 }
1684 	}
1685 	rewind(fd);
1687 	 while(!feof(fd))
1688 	{
1689     		 { gchar* e = fgets(t,taille,fd);}
1690     		 pdest = strstr( t,tag);
1691    		if( pdest != NULL  && Ncalculs>0)
1692 		{
1693 		  GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint++;
1694 		  if(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint == 1 )
1695 		  {
1696 			GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].NumGeom =  g_malloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gint));
1697 			for(i=0;(gint)i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;i++) GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i] =  g_malloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gchar*));
1698 		  }
1699 		  else
1700 		  {
1701 			GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].NumGeom =  g_realloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].NumGeom,GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gint));
1702 			for(i=0;(gint)i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;i++) GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i] =  g_realloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i],GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gchar*));
1703 		  }
1704 		  for(i=0;(gint)i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;i++)
1705                   {
1706 		 	GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1] = g_malloc(50*sizeof(gchar));
1707                  	GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1][0] = '\0';
1708                   }
1709 		  pdest = strstr(t,tag)+strlen(tag);
1710 		  sscanf(pdest,"%s",t);
1711 		  GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[0][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1] = g_strdup_printf("%s",t);
1713 		  Ok = TRUE;
1714                  while(!feof(fd) && Ok )
1715 		 {
1716 		 	if(!fgets(t,taille,fd))
1717 			{
1718 				Ok = FALSE;
1719 				break;
1720 			}
1721 			else
1722 			{
1723 				if(strstr(t,"  total drift:"))
1724 				{
1725 					Ok = TRUE;
1726 					break;
1727 				}
1729 			}
1730 		 }
1731 		 if(!Ok) break;
1732                  sscanf(t,"%s %s %s %s %s",temp,temp,temp,temp1,temp2);
1733 		  GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[1][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1] = g_strdup(temp);
1734 		  GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[2][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1] = g_strdup(temp1);
1735 		  GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[3][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1] = g_strdup(temp2);
1736 		}
1737 	}
1739     fclose(fd);
1741     if(!Ok && GeomConv && GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint>0) GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint--;
1742     if( Ncalculs>0 && GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint == 0)
1743     {
1744 	GeomConv[Ncalculs-1] =  free_geom_conv(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1]);
1745 	Ncalculs--;
1746 	if(Ncalculs>0)
1747 		GeomConv =  g_realloc(GeomConv, Ncalculs*sizeof(DataGeomConv) );
1748 	else
1749 	{
1750 		g_free(GeomConv);
1751 		GeomConv =  NULL;
1752 	}
1753     }
1754    k = 0;
1755    for(i=0;(gint)i<Ncalculs;i++)
1756    	for(j=0;(gint)j<GeomConv[i].Npoint;j++)
1757 	{
1758 	   k++;
1759 	   GeomConv[i].NumGeom[j] = k;
1760 	}
1761   create_energies_curves(GeomConv,Ncalculs);
1762   g_free(t);
1763   g_free(temp);
1764 }
1765 /*********************************************************************/
init_geom_vasp_xml_conv(gchar * namefile)1766 DataGeomConv init_geom_vasp_xml_conv(gchar* namefile)
1767 {
1768   DataGeomConv GeomConv;
1769  gint i;
1770   GeomConv.Npoint = 0;
1771   GeomConv.Ntype  = 4;
1772   GeomConv.TypeData = g_malloc(GeomConv.Ntype*sizeof(gchar*) );
1773   GeomConv.fileType = GABEDIT_TYPEFILE_VASPXML;
1775  GeomConv.TypeData[0] = g_strdup(_(" Energy "));
1776  GeomConv.TypeData[1] = g_strdup(_(" dX "));
1777  GeomConv.TypeData[2] = g_strdup(_(" dY "));
1778  GeomConv.TypeData[3] = g_strdup(_(" dZ "));
1780  GeomConv.Data = g_malloc(GeomConv.Ntype*sizeof(gchar**) );
1781  for(i = 0;i<GeomConv.Ntype;i++) GeomConv.Data[i] = NULL;
1782  GeomConv.TypeCalcul = NULL;
1783  GeomConv.NumGeom = NULL;
1784  GeomConv.GeomFile = g_strdup(namefile);
1785  return GeomConv;
1786 }
1787 /*********************************************************************/
find_energy_vasp_xml(gchar * NomFichier)1788 void find_energy_vasp_xml(gchar* NomFichier)
1789 {
1790 	gchar *pdest;
1791 	guint  i=0;
1792 	guint  j=0;
1793 	guint  k=0;
1794 	gchar* tag = "<structure>";
1795 	gchar *t;
1796 	FILE *fd;
1797         gint Ncalculs = 0;
1798   	static DataGeomConv* GeomConv =NULL;
1799 	gboolean Ok = FALSE;
1800 	gint nf = 0;
1801 	gdouble x,y,z;
1802 	gdouble X,Y,Z;
1803 	gdouble energy;
1804 	gchar* pos;
1807 	t=g_malloc(BSIZE*sizeof(gchar));
1808  	fd = FOpen(NomFichier, "rb");
1809         if(!fd)
1810 	{
1811 		t = g_strdup_printf(_(" Error : I can not open file %s\n"),NomFichier);
1812 		Message(t,_("Error"),TRUE);
1813 		if(t) g_free(t);
1814 		return;
1815 	}
1816 	 while(!feof(fd))
1817 	{
1818     		 { gchar* e = fgets(t,BSIZE,fd);}
1819                  if(strstr(t,tag) )
1820 		 {
1821          		Ncalculs++;
1822                         if(Ncalculs == 1) GeomConv =  g_malloc(sizeof(DataGeomConv) );
1823 			else GeomConv =  g_realloc(GeomConv, Ncalculs*sizeof(DataGeomConv) );
1824   			GeomConv[Ncalculs-1] = init_geom_vasp_xml_conv(NomFichier);
1825 			break;
1826 		 }
1827 	}
1828 	rewind(fd);
1830 	 while(!feof(fd))
1831 	{
1832     		{ gchar* e = fgets(t,BSIZE,fd);}
1833     		pdest = strstr( t,tag);
1834    		if( pdest != NULL  && Ncalculs>0)
1835 		{
1836 			Ok = TRUE;
1837 		  	GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint++;
1838 		  	if(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint == 1 )
1839 		  	{
1840 				GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].NumGeom =  g_malloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gint));
1841 				for(i=0;(gint)i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;i++) GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i] =  g_malloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gchar*));
1842 		  	}
1843 		  	else
1844 		  	{
1845 				GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].NumGeom =  g_realloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].NumGeom,GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gint));
1846 				for(i=0;(gint)i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;i++) GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i] =  g_realloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i],GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gchar*));
1847 		  	}
1848 		  	for(i=0;(gint)i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;i++)
1849                   	{
1850 		 		GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1] = g_malloc(50*sizeof(gchar));
1851                  		GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1][0] = '\0';
1852                   	}
1853                  	while(!feof(fd))
1854 		 	{
1855 		 		if(!fgets(t,BSIZE,fd)) { Ok = FALSE; break; }
1856                  		if(strstr(t,"varray name") && strstr(t,"forces")) break;
1857 			}
1858 			if(!Ok) break;
1859 			nf = 0;
1860 			X = Y = Z = 0;
1861                  	while(!feof(fd))
1862 		 	{
1863 		 		if(!fgets(t,BSIZE,fd)) { Ok = FALSE; break; }
1864                  		if(strstr(t,"varray")) break;
1865 				pos = strstr(t,">");
1866 				if(!pos) break;
1867 				if(3!=sscanf(pos+1,"%lf %lf %lf",&x,&y,&z)) { Ok = FALSE; break;}
1868 				X += x*x; Y += y*y; Z += z*z;
1869 				nf++;
1870 			}
1871 			if(!Ok) break;
1872 			if(nf<1) { Ok = FALSE; break;}
1873 			X = sqrt(X/nf);
1874 			Y = sqrt(Y/nf);
1875 			Z = sqrt(Z/nf);
1877                  	while(!feof(fd))
1878 		 	{
1879 		 		if(!fgets(t,BSIZE,fd)) { Ok = FALSE; break; }
1880                  		if(strstr(t,"/energy")) { Ok = FALSE; break;}
1881                  		if(strstr(t,"e_fr_energy")) break;
1882 			}
1883 			if(!Ok) break;
1884                 	if(!strstr(t,"e_fr_energy")) { Ok = FALSE; break;}
1885 			pos = strstr(t,">");
1886 			if(!pos) { Ok = FALSE; break;}
1887 			if(1!=sscanf(pos+1,"%lf",&energy)) { Ok = FALSE; break;}
1888 			/* printf("energy = %f X = %f Y = %f Z = %f\n",energy,X,Y,Z);*/
1889 			GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[0][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1] = g_strdup_printf("%0.8f",energy);
1890 			GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[1][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1] = g_strdup_printf("%0.6f",X);
1891 			GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[2][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1] = g_strdup_printf("%0.6f",Y);
1892 			GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[3][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1] = g_strdup_printf("%0.6f",Z);
1893 		}
1894 	}
1895 	fclose(fd);
1897 	if(!Ok && GeomConv && GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint>0) GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint--;
1898 	if( Ncalculs>0 && GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint == 0)
1899 	{
1900 		GeomConv[Ncalculs-1] =  free_geom_conv(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1]);
1901 		Ncalculs--;
1902 		if(Ncalculs>0) GeomConv =  g_realloc(GeomConv, Ncalculs*sizeof(DataGeomConv) );
1903 		else
1904 		{
1905 			g_free(GeomConv);
1906 			GeomConv =  NULL;
1907 		}
1908 	}
1909 	k = 0;
1910 	for(i=0;(gint)i<Ncalculs;i++)
1911    	for(j=0;(gint)j<GeomConv[i].Npoint;j++)
1912 	{
1913 		k++;
1914 		GeomConv[i].NumGeom[j] = k;
1915 	}
1916 	create_energies_curves(GeomConv, Ncalculs);
1917 	g_free(t);
1918 }
1919 /*************************************************************************************/
init_geom_molden_gabedit_conv(gchar * fileName,GabEditTypeFile type)1920 static DataGeomConv init_geom_molden_gabedit_conv(gchar *fileName, GabEditTypeFile type)
1921 {
1922 	DataGeomConv GeomConv;
1923 	gint i;
1924 	GeomConv.Npoint = 0;
1925 	GeomConv.Ntype  = 5;
1926 	GeomConv.TypeData = g_malloc(GeomConv.Ntype*sizeof(gchar*) );
1927   	GeomConv.fileType = type;
1928 	GeomConv.TypeData[0] = g_strdup(_(" Energy "));
1929 	GeomConv.TypeData[1] = g_strdup(_(" Force Max "));
1930 	GeomConv.TypeData[2] = g_strdup(_(" Force RMS "));
1931 	GeomConv.TypeData[3] = g_strdup(_(" Dep. Max "));
1932 	GeomConv.TypeData[4] = g_strdup(_(" Dep. RMS "));
1933 	GeomConv.Data = g_malloc(GeomConv.Ntype*sizeof(gchar**) );
1934 	for(i = 0;i<GeomConv.Ntype;i++)
1935 		GeomConv.Data[i] = NULL;
1936 	GeomConv.TypeCalcul = NULL;
1937 	GeomConv.NumGeom = NULL;
1938 	GeomConv.GeomFile = g_strdup(fileName);
1940 	return GeomConv;
1941 }
1942 /*********************************************************************/
find_energy_molpro_log(gchar * NomFichier)1943 void find_energy_molpro_log(gchar* NomFichier)
1944 {
1945 	gchar *pdest;
1946 	guint  i=0;
1947 	guint  j=0;
1948 	guint  k=0;
1949 	gchar *temp =  g_malloc(50*sizeof(gchar));
1950 	guint taille=BSIZE;
1951 	gchar *t;
1952 	FILE *fd;
1953         gint Ncalculs = 0;
1954   	static DataGeomConv* GeomConv =NULL;
1955 	gboolean Ok;
1958 	t=g_malloc(taille);
1959  	fd = FOpen(NomFichier, "rb");
1960         if(!fd)
1961 	{
1962 		t = g_strdup_printf(_(" Error : I can not open file %s\n"),NomFichier);
1963 		Message(t,_("Error"),TRUE);
1964 		if(t)
1965 			g_free(t);
1966 		return;
1967 	}
1969 	 while(!feof(fd))
1970 	{
1971     		 { gchar* e = fgets(t,taille,fd);}
1972                  if( strlen(t)>2 && strstr(t,"GEOMETRY OPTIMIZATION STEP  1") )
1973 		 {
1974          		Ncalculs++;
1975                         if(Ncalculs == 1)
1976 				GeomConv =  g_malloc(sizeof(DataGeomConv) );
1977 			else
1978 				GeomConv =  g_realloc(GeomConv, Ncalculs*sizeof(DataGeomConv) );
1979   			GeomConv[Ncalculs-1] = init_geom_molpro_conv(NomFichier);
1980 		 }
1981                  if( strlen(t)>2 && strstr(t,"Optimization point  1") && Ncalculs<1)
1982 		 {
1983          		Ncalculs++;
1984                         if(Ncalculs == 1)
1985 				GeomConv =  g_malloc(sizeof(DataGeomConv) );
1986 			else
1987 				GeomConv =  g_realloc(GeomConv, Ncalculs*sizeof(DataGeomConv) );
1988   			GeomConv[Ncalculs-1] = init_geom_molpro_conv(NomFichier);
1989 		 }
1991     		 pdest = strstr( t,"Optimization point");
1993    		if( pdest != NULL  && Ncalculs>0)
1994 		{
1995 		  GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint++;
1996 		  if(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint == 1 )
1997 		  {
1998 			GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].NumGeom =  g_malloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gint));
1999 			for(i=0;(gint)i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;i++)
2000 				GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i] =  g_malloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gchar*));
2001 		  }
2002 		  else
2003 		  {
2004 			GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].NumGeom =  g_realloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].NumGeom,GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gint));
2005 			for(i=0;(gint)i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;i++)
2006 				GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i] =  g_realloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i],GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gchar*));
2007 		  }
2008 			for(i=0;(gint)i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;i++)
2009                  {
2010 		 	GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1] = g_malloc(50*sizeof(gchar));
2011                  	GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1][0] = '\0';
2012                  }
2014 		 Ok = TRUE;
2015                  while(!feof(fd) && Ok )
2016 		 {
2017 		 	if(!fgets(t,taille,fd))
2018 			{
2019 				Ok = FALSE;
2020 				break;
2021 			}
2022 			else
2023 			{
2024 				if(strstr(t,"(") && strstr(t,")"))
2025 				{
2026 					Ok = TRUE;
2027 					break;
2028 				}
2030 			}
2031 		 }
2032 		 if(!Ok) break;
2033                  sscanf(t,"%s %s %s %s %s",temp,temp,temp,temp,GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[0][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1]);
2034 		 uppercase(t);
2035 		 GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].TypeCalcul = g_malloc(100*sizeof(gchar));
2036     		 pdest = strstr( t,"(");
2037                  pdest++;
2038                  sscanf(pdest,"%s)",GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].TypeCalcul);
2039                  for(i=0;i<strlen(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].TypeCalcul);i++)
2040 		 {
2041 			if(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].TypeCalcul[i] == ')')
2042 				GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].TypeCalcul[i] = ' ';
2043 		 }
2045                  do
2046                  {
2047     		 { gchar* e = fgets(t,taille,fd);}
2048                  }while(strstr(t,"Convergence:")==NULL && !feof(fd) ) ;
2049                  if(strstr(t,"Convergence:")!=NULL)
2050                  	sscanf(t,"%s %s %s %s %s ", temp,temp,temp,temp,GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[1][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1]);
2051 		}
2053 	}
2055     fclose(fd);
2057     if( Ncalculs>0 && GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint == 0)
2058     {
2059 	GeomConv[Ncalculs-1] =  free_geom_conv(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1]);
2060 	Ncalculs--;
2061 	if(Ncalculs>0)
2062 		GeomConv =  g_realloc(GeomConv, Ncalculs*sizeof(DataGeomConv) );
2063 	else
2064 	{
2065 		g_free(GeomConv);
2066 		GeomConv =  NULL;
2067 	}
2068     }
2069    k = 0;
2070    for(i=0;(gint)i<Ncalculs;i++)
2071    	for(j=0;(gint)j<GeomConv[i].Npoint;j++)
2072 	{
2073 	   k++;
2074 	   GeomConv[i].NumGeom[j] = k;
2075 	}
2076   create_energies_curves(GeomConv,Ncalculs);
2077   g_free(t);
2078   g_free(temp);
2079 }
2080 /*********************************************************************/
find_energy_qchem_log(gchar * NomFichier)2081 void find_energy_qchem_log(gchar* NomFichier)
2082 {
2083 	gchar *pdest;
2084 	guint  i=0;
2085 	guint  j=0;
2086 	guint  k=0;
2087 	gchar *temp =  g_malloc(50*sizeof(gchar));
2088 	guint taille=BSIZE;
2089 	gchar *t;
2090 	FILE *fd;
2091         gint Ncalculs = 0;
2092   	static DataGeomConv* GeomConv =NULL;
2093 	gboolean Ok;
2096 	t=g_malloc(taille);
2097  	fd = FOpen(NomFichier, "rb");
2098         if(!fd)
2099 	{
2100 		t = g_strdup_printf(_(" Error : I can not open file %s\n"),NomFichier);
2101 		Message(t,_("Error"),TRUE);
2102 		if(t)
2103 			g_free(t);
2104 		return;
2105 	}
2107 	 while(!feof(fd))
2108 	{
2109     		 { gchar* e = fgets(t,taille,fd);}
2110                  if( strlen(t)>2 && strstr(t,"Optimization Cycle:   1") )
2111 		 {
2112          		Ncalculs++;
2113                         if(Ncalculs == 1)
2114 				GeomConv =  g_malloc(sizeof(DataGeomConv) );
2115 			else
2116 				GeomConv =  g_realloc(GeomConv, Ncalculs*sizeof(DataGeomConv) );
2117   			GeomConv[Ncalculs-1] = init_geom_qchem_conv(NomFichier);
2118 		 }
2119     		 pdest = strstr( t,"Optimization Cycle:");
2121    		if( pdest != NULL  && Ncalculs>0)
2122 		{
2123 		  GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint++;
2124 		  if(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint == 1 )
2125 		  {
2126 			GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].NumGeom =  g_malloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gint));
2127 			for(i=0;(gint)i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;i++)
2128 				GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i] =  g_malloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gchar*));
2129 		  }
2130 		  else
2131 		  {
2132 			GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].NumGeom =  g_realloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].NumGeom,GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gint));
2133 			for(i=0;(gint)i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;i++)
2134 				GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i] =  g_realloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i],GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gchar*));
2135 		  }
2136 		  for(i=0;(gint)i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;i++)
2137                   {
2138 		 	GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1] = g_malloc(50*sizeof(gchar));
2139                  	GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1][0] = '\0';
2140                   }
2142 		  Ok = TRUE;
2143                  while(!feof(fd) && Ok )
2144 		 {
2145 		 	if(!fgets(t,taille,fd))
2146 			{
2147 				Ok = FALSE;
2148 				break;
2149 			}
2150 			else
2151 			{
2152 				if(strstr(t,"Energy is"))
2153 				{
2154 					Ok = TRUE;
2155 					break;
2156 				}
2158 			}
2159 		 }
2160 		 if(!Ok) break;
2161                  sscanf(t,"%s %s %s",temp,temp,GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[0][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1]);
2162 		 uppercase(t);
2163 		 GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].TypeCalcul = g_strdup(" ");
2164                  do
2165                  {
2166 		 	if(!fgets(t,taille,fd))break;
2167                  }while(strstr(t,"Cnvgd?")==NULL && !feof(fd) ) ;
2168                  if(strstr(t,"Cnvgd?")!=NULL)
2169 		 {
2170 		 	if(!fgets(t,taille,fd))break;
2171                  	sscanf(t,"%s %s", temp,GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[1][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1]);
2172 		 	if(!fgets(t,taille,fd))break;
2173                  	sscanf(t,"%s %s", temp,GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[2][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1]);
2174 		 }
2175 		}
2177 	}
2179     fclose(fd);
2181     if( Ncalculs>0 && GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint == 0)
2182     {
2183 	GeomConv[Ncalculs-1] =  free_geom_conv(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1]);
2184 	Ncalculs--;
2185 	if(Ncalculs>0)
2186 		GeomConv =  g_realloc(GeomConv, Ncalculs*sizeof(DataGeomConv) );
2187 	else
2188 	{
2189 		g_free(GeomConv);
2190 		GeomConv =  NULL;
2191 	}
2192     }
2193    k = 0;
2194    for(i=0;(gint)i<Ncalculs;i++)
2195    	for(j=0;(gint)j<GeomConv[i].Npoint;j++)
2196 	{
2197 	   k++;
2198 	   GeomConv[i].NumGeom[j] = k;
2199 	}
2200   create_energies_curves(GeomConv,Ncalculs);
2201   g_free(t);
2202   g_free(temp);
2203 }
2204 /*********************************************************************/
init_geom_nwchem_conv(gchar * namefile)2205 DataGeomConv init_geom_nwchem_conv(gchar* namefile)
2206 {
2207   DataGeomConv GeomConv;
2208  gint i;
2209   GeomConv.Npoint = 0;
2210   GeomConv.Ntype  = 3;
2211   GeomConv.TypeData = g_malloc(GeomConv.Ntype*sizeof(gchar*) );
2212   GeomConv.fileType = GABEDIT_TYPEFILE_NWCHEM;
2214  GeomConv.TypeData[0] = g_strdup(_(" Energy "));
2215  GeomConv.TypeData[1] = g_strdup(_(" Gradient Max "));
2216  GeomConv.TypeData[2] = g_strdup(_(" Dep. Max "));
2218  GeomConv.Data = g_malloc(GeomConv.Ntype*sizeof(gchar**) );
2219  for(i = 0;i<GeomConv.Ntype;i++)
2220  	GeomConv.Data[i] = NULL;
2221  GeomConv.TypeCalcul = NULL;
2222  GeomConv.NumGeom = NULL;
2223  GeomConv.GeomFile = g_strdup(namefile);
2224  return GeomConv;
2225 }
2226 /*********************************************************************/
find_energy_nwchem_log(gchar * NomFichier)2227 void find_energy_nwchem_log(gchar* NomFichier)
2228 {
2229 	gchar *pdest;
2230 	guint  i=0;
2231 	guint  j=0;
2232 	guint  k=0;
2233 	gchar *temp =  g_malloc(50*sizeof(gchar));
2234 	guint taille=BSIZE;
2235 	gchar *t;
2236 	FILE *fd;
2237         gint Ncalculs = 0;
2238   	static DataGeomConv* GeomConv =NULL;
2239 	gboolean Ok = FALSE;
2242 	t=g_malloc(taille);
2243  	fd = FOpen(NomFichier, "rb");
2244         if(!fd)
2245 	{
2246 		t = g_strdup_printf(_(" Error : I can not open file %s\n"),NomFichier);
2247 		Message(t,_("Error"),TRUE);
2248 		if(t)
2249 			g_free(t);
2250 		return;
2251 	}
2253 	 while(!feof(fd))
2254 	{
2255     		 { gchar* e = fgets(t,taille,fd);}
2256                  if(strstr(t,"Step   0") )
2257 		 {
2258          		Ncalculs++;
2259                         if(Ncalculs == 1)
2260 				GeomConv =  g_malloc(sizeof(DataGeomConv) );
2261 			else
2262 				GeomConv =  g_realloc(GeomConv, Ncalculs*sizeof(DataGeomConv) );
2263   			GeomConv[Ncalculs-1] = init_geom_nwchem_conv(NomFichier);
2264 		 }
2265 		pdest = NULL;
2266 		if(strstr( t,"Step ") && !strstr(t,"Energy")) pdest = strstr( t,"Step ");
2268    		if( pdest != NULL  && Ncalculs>0)
2269 		{
2270 		  GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint++;
2271 		  if(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint == 1 )
2272 		  {
2273 			GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].NumGeom =  g_malloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gint));
2274 			for(i=0;(gint)i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;i++)
2275 				GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i] =  g_malloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gchar*));
2276 		  }
2277 		  else
2278 		  {
2279 			GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].NumGeom =  g_realloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].NumGeom,GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gint));
2280 			for(i=0;(gint)i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;i++)
2281 				GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i] =  g_realloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i],GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gchar*));
2282 		  }
2283 		  for(i=0;(gint)i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;i++)
2284                   {
2285 		 	GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1] = g_malloc(50*sizeof(gchar));
2286                  	GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1][0] = '\0';
2287                   }
2289 		  Ok = TRUE;
2290                  while(!feof(fd) && Ok )
2291 		 {
2292 		 	if(!fgets(t,taille,fd))
2293 			{
2294 				Ok = FALSE;
2295 				break;
2296 			}
2297 			else
2298 			{
2299 				if(strstr(t,"Step       Energy      Delta E   Gmax     Grms     Xrms     Xmax"))
2300 				{
2301 					Ok = TRUE;
2302 					break;
2303 				}
2305 			}
2306 		 }
2307 		 if(!Ok) break;
2308 		 if(!fgets(t,taille,fd)) break;
2309 		 if(!fgets(t,taille,fd)) break;
2310                  sscanf(t,"%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s",temp, temp,GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[0][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1],temp,GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[1][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1],temp,temp,GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[2][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1]);
2311 		 GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].TypeCalcul = g_strdup(" ");
2312 		}
2314 	}
2315     fclose(fd);
2317     if(!Ok && Ncalculs>0 && GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint>0) GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint--;
2318     if( Ncalculs>0 && GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint == 0)
2319     {
2320 	GeomConv[Ncalculs-1] =  free_geom_conv(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1]);
2321 	Ncalculs--;
2322 	if(Ncalculs>0)
2323 		GeomConv =  g_realloc(GeomConv, Ncalculs*sizeof(DataGeomConv) );
2324 	else
2325 	{
2326 		g_free(GeomConv);
2327 		GeomConv =  NULL;
2328 	}
2329     }
2330    k = 0;
2331    for(i=0;(gint)i<Ncalculs;i++)
2332    	for(j=0;(gint)j<GeomConv[i].Npoint;j++)
2333 	{
2334 	   k++;
2335 	   GeomConv[i].NumGeom[j] = k;
2336 	}
2337   create_energies_curves(GeomConv,Ncalculs);
2338   g_free(t);
2339   g_free(temp);
2340 }
2341 /*********************************************************************/
init_geom_psicode_conv(gchar * namefile)2342 DataGeomConv init_geom_psicode_conv(gchar* namefile)
2343 {
2344   DataGeomConv GeomConv;
2345  gint i;
2346   GeomConv.Npoint = 0;
2347   GeomConv.Ntype  = 5;
2348   GeomConv.TypeData = g_malloc(GeomConv.Ntype*sizeof(gchar*) );
2349   GeomConv.fileType = GABEDIT_TYPEFILE_PSICODE;
2351  GeomConv.TypeData[0] = g_strdup(_(" Energy "));
2352  GeomConv.TypeData[1] = g_strdup(_(" MAX Force "));
2353  GeomConv.TypeData[2] = g_strdup(_(" RMS Force "));
2354  GeomConv.TypeData[3] = g_strdup(_(" MAX Dsip. "));
2355  GeomConv.TypeData[4] = g_strdup(_(" RMS Disp. "));
2357  GeomConv.Data = g_malloc(GeomConv.Ntype*sizeof(gchar**) );
2358  for(i = 0;i<GeomConv.Ntype;i++)
2359  	GeomConv.Data[i] = NULL;
2360  GeomConv.TypeCalcul = NULL;
2361  GeomConv.NumGeom = NULL;
2362  GeomConv.GeomFile = g_strdup(namefile);
2363  return GeomConv;
2364 }
2365 /*********************************************************************/
find_energy_psicode_log(gchar * NomFichier)2366 void find_energy_psicode_log(gchar* NomFichier)
2367 {
2368 	gchar *pdest;
2369 	guint  i=0;
2370 	guint  c=0;
2371 	guint  j=0;
2372 	guint  k=0;
2373 	gchar *temp =  g_malloc(50*sizeof(gchar));
2374 	guint taille=BSIZE;
2375 	gchar *t;
2376 	FILE *fd;
2377         gint Ncalculs = 0;
2378   	static DataGeomConv* GeomConv =NULL;
2379 	gboolean Ok = FALSE;
2382 	t=g_malloc(taille);
2383  	fd = FOpen(NomFichier, "rb");
2384         if(!fd)
2385 	{
2386 		t = g_strdup_printf(_(" Error : I can not open file %s\n"),NomFichier);
2387 		Message(t,_("Error"),TRUE);
2388 		if(t)
2389 			g_free(t);
2390 		return;
2391 	}
2393 	 while(!feof(fd))
2394 	{
2395     		 { gchar* e = fgets(t,taille,fd);}
2396                  if(strstr(t,"OPTKING")  && Ncalculs == 0)
2397 		 {
2398          		Ncalculs++;
2399                         if(Ncalculs == 1)
2400 				GeomConv =  g_malloc(sizeof(DataGeomConv) );
2401 			else
2402 				GeomConv =  g_realloc(GeomConv, Ncalculs*sizeof(DataGeomConv) );
2403   			GeomConv[Ncalculs-1] = init_geom_psicode_conv(NomFichier);
2404 		 }
2405 		pdest = NULL;
2406 		if(strstr( t,"Step ")
2407 			&& strstr(t,"Energy")
2408 			&& strstr(t,"MAX Force")
2409 			&& strstr(t,"RMS Force")
2410 			&& strstr(t,"MAX Disp")
2411 			&& strstr(t,"RMS Disp")
2412 			)
2413 		 {
2415 			pdest = strstr( t,"Step ");
2416 		 }
2418    		if( pdest != NULL  && Ncalculs>0)
2419 		{
2420 		  GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint++;
2421 		  if(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint == 1 )
2422 		  {
2423 			GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].NumGeom =  g_malloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gint));
2424 			for(i=0;(gint)i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;i++)
2425 				GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i] =  g_malloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gchar*));
2426 		  }
2427 		  else
2428 		  {
2429 			GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].NumGeom =  g_realloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].NumGeom,GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gint));
2430 			for(i=0;(gint)i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;i++)
2431 				GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i] =  g_realloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i],GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gchar*));
2432 		  }
2433 		  for(i=0;(gint)i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;i++)
2434                   {
2435 		 	GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1] = g_malloc(50*sizeof(gchar));
2436                  	GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1][0] = '\0';
2437                   }
2439 		  Ok = TRUE;
2440                  while(!feof(fd) && Ok )
2441 		 {
2442 		 	if(!fgets(t,taille,fd))
2443 			{
2444 				Ok = FALSE;
2445 				break;
2446 			}
2447 			else
2448 			{
2449 				if(strstr(t,"Convergence Criteria"))
2450 				{
2451 					Ok = TRUE;
2452 					break;
2453 				}
2455 			}
2456 		 }
2457 		 if(!Ok) break;
2458 		 if(!fgets(t,taille,fd)) break;/* ---- */
2459 		 if(!fgets(t,taille,fd)) break;
2460 		for(c=0;c<strlen(t);c++) if(t[c]=='*'||t[c]=='o')t[c]=' ';
2461                  sscanf(t,"%s %s %s %s %s %s %s",
2462 		temp,
2463 		GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[0][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1],
2464 		temp,
2465 		GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[1][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1],
2466 		GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[2][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1],
2467 		GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[3][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1],
2468 		GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[4][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1]
2469 );
2470 		 GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].TypeCalcul = g_strdup(" ");
2471 		}
2473 	}
2474     fclose(fd);
2476     if(!Ok && Ncalculs>0 && GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint>0) GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint--;
2477     if( Ncalculs>0 && GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint == 0)
2478     {
2479 	GeomConv[Ncalculs-1] =  free_geom_conv(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1]);
2480 	Ncalculs--;
2481 	if(Ncalculs>0)
2482 		GeomConv =  g_realloc(GeomConv, Ncalculs*sizeof(DataGeomConv) );
2483 	else
2484 	{
2485 		g_free(GeomConv);
2486 		GeomConv =  NULL;
2487 	}
2488     }
2489    k = 0;
2490    for(i=0;(gint)i<Ncalculs;i++)
2491    	for(j=0;(gint)j<GeomConv[i].Npoint;j++)
2492 	{
2493 	   k++;
2494 	   GeomConv[i].NumGeom[j] = k;
2495 	}
2496   create_energies_curves(GeomConv,Ncalculs);
2497   g_free(t);
2498   g_free(temp);
2499 }
2500 /*********************************************************************/
init_geom_gauss_scanOpt_conv(gchar * namefile)2501 DataGeomConv init_geom_gauss_scanOpt_conv(gchar *namefile)
2502 {
2503 	DataGeomConv GeomConv;
2504 	gint i;
2505 	GeomConv.Npoint = 0;
2506 	GeomConv.Ntype  = 5;
2507 	GeomConv.TypeData = g_malloc(GeomConv.Ntype*sizeof(gchar*) );
2508 	GeomConv.fileType = GABEDIT_TYPEFILE_GAUSSIAN;
2509 	GeomConv.TypeData[0] = g_strdup(_(" Energy "));
2510 	GeomConv.TypeData[1] = g_strdup(_(" Force Max "));
2511 	GeomConv.TypeData[2] = g_strdup(_(" Force RMS "));
2512 	GeomConv.TypeData[3] = g_strdup(_(" Dep. Max "));
2513 	GeomConv.TypeData[4] = g_strdup(_(" Dep. RMS "));
2514 	GeomConv.Data = g_malloc(GeomConv.Ntype*sizeof(gchar**) );
2515 	for(i = 0;i<GeomConv.Ntype;i++) GeomConv.Data[i] = NULL;
2516 	GeomConv.TypeCalcul = NULL;
2517 	GeomConv.NumGeom = NULL;
2518 	GeomConv.GeomFile = g_strdup(namefile);
2519 	return GeomConv;
2520 }
2521 /*********************************************************************/
find_energy_gauss_scanOpt_output(gchar * NomFichier)2522 void find_energy_gauss_scanOpt_output(gchar* NomFichier)
2523 {
2524 	gchar* pdest = NULL;
2525 	guint  i=0;
2526 	guint  j=0;
2527 	guint  k=0;
2528 	gchar *temp =  g_malloc(100*sizeof(gchar));
2529 	gchar *t;
2530 	FILE *fd;
2531         gint Ncalculs = 0;
2532   	static DataGeomConv* GeomConv =NULL;
2533 	gint numGeom = 0;
2534 	gchar** props = NULL;
2535 	gint nTypes = 0;
2538         Ncalculs++;
2539 	GeomConv =  g_malloc(sizeof(DataGeomConv) );
2540   	GeomConv[Ncalculs-1] = init_geom_gauss_scanOpt_conv(NomFichier);
2541 	props = g_malloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype*sizeof(gchar*));
2542 	nTypes = GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;
2543 	for(i=0;(gint)i<nTypes;i++) props[i] =  g_malloc(100*sizeof(gchar));
2545 	t=g_malloc(BSIZE*sizeof(gchar));
2546  	fd = FOpen(NomFichier, "rb");
2547         if(!fd)
2548 	{
2549 		t = g_strdup_printf(_(" Error : I can not open file %s\n"),NomFichier);
2550 		Message(t,_("Error"),TRUE);
2551 		if(t) g_free(t);
2552 		return;
2553 	}
2555 	 while(!feof(fd))
2556 	{
2557     		 { gchar* e = fgets(t,BSIZE,fd);}
2558                  if( strlen(t)>2 && strstr(t,"Normal termination of Gaussian") )
2559 		 {
2560          		Ncalculs++;
2561 			GeomConv =  g_realloc(GeomConv, Ncalculs*sizeof(DataGeomConv) );
2562   			GeomConv[Ncalculs-1] = init_geom_gauss_scanOpt_conv(NomFichier);
2563 			continue;
2564 		 }
2565 		 uppercase(t);
2566                  if( strlen(t)>2 && t[1] == '#' && !GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].TypeCalcul)
2567 		 {
2568 			GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].TypeCalcul = g_malloc(100*sizeof(gchar));
2569                  	sscanf(t,"%s %s", temp, GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].TypeCalcul);
2570 		 }
2571     		 pdest = strstr( t,"SCF DONE");
2572    		if( pdest != NULL ) pdest = strstr( t,"=");
2573           	if(!pdest)
2574 		{
2575     		 	pdest = strstr( t,"ENERGY=");
2576           	 	if(pdest && t[1] == 'E' ) pdest = strstr( t,"=");
2577                  	else pdest = NULL;
2579 		}
2580    		if( pdest != NULL )
2581 		{
2582 			numGeom++;
2583                  	sscanf(pdest+1,"%s", props[0]);
2584 			/*
2585 			fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",t);
2586 			fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",props[0]);
2587 			*/
2588 		}
2589                 pdest = NULL;
2590     		pdest = strstr( t,"CONVERGED?");
2591                 if( pdest != NULL)
2592 		{
2593 			for(i=1;(gint)i<nTypes;i++)
2594 			{
2595     		 		{ gchar* e = fgets(t,BSIZE,fd);}
2596                  		sscanf(t,"%s %s %s", temp,temp,props[i]);
2597 			}
2598 		}
2599                 pdest = NULL;
2600     		pdest = strstr( t," STATIONARY POINT FOUND");
2601    		if( pdest != NULL )
2602 		{
2603 			pdest++;
2604 		  	GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint++;
2605 		  	if(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint == 1 )
2606 		  	{
2607 				GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].NumGeom =  g_malloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gint));
2608 				for(i=0;(gint)i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;i++)
2609 					GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i] =  g_malloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gchar*));
2610 		  	}
2611 		  	else
2612 		  	{
2613 				GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].NumGeom =  g_realloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].NumGeom,GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gint));
2614 				for(i=0;(gint)i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;i++)
2615 					GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i] =  g_realloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i],GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gchar*));
2616 		  	}
2617 		  	for(i=0;(gint)i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;i++)
2618                   	{
2619 		 		GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1] = g_malloc(100*sizeof(gchar));
2620                  		GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1][0] = '\0';
2621                  	}
2622 			GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].NumGeom[GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1] = numGeom;
2623 			for(i=0;(gint)i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;i++)
2624                  		sprintf( GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1], "%s", props[i]);
2625 		}
2626 	}
2627 	fclose(fd);
2628 	if( Ncalculs>0 && GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint == 0)
2629 	{
2630 		GeomConv[Ncalculs-1] =  free_geom_conv(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1]);
2631 		Ncalculs--;
2632 		if(Ncalculs>0) GeomConv =  g_realloc(GeomConv, Ncalculs*sizeof(DataGeomConv) );
2633 		else
2634 		{
2635 			g_free(GeomConv);
2636 			GeomConv =  NULL;
2637 		}
2638 	}
2639 	/*
2640 	{
2641 		gint j;
2642 		for( j=0;j<Ncalculs;j++)
2643 		{
2644 			gint np=GeomConv[j].Npoint;
2645 			fprintf(stderr,"DEBUG Npoint = %d\n",np);
2646 			gint i;
2647 			for(i=0;i<np;i++)
2648 				fprintf(stderr,"numGeom = %d\n",GeomConv[j].NumGeom[i]);
2649 		}
2650 	}
2651 	*/
2652 	create_energies_curves(GeomConv,Ncalculs);
2653 	g_free(t);
2654 	g_free(temp);
2655 	for(i=0;(gint)i<nTypes;i++) if(props[i]) g_free(props[i]);
2656 }
2657 /*********************************************************************/
init_geom_gauss_ircOpt_conv(gchar * namefile)2658 DataGeomConv init_geom_gauss_ircOpt_conv(gchar *namefile)
2659 {
2660 	/* fprintf(stderr,"DEBUG init_geom_gauss_ircOpt_conv\n");*/
2661 	DataGeomConv GeomConv;
2662 	gint i;
2663 	GeomConv.Npoint = 0;
2664 	GeomConv.Ntype  = 3;
2665 	GeomConv.TypeData = g_malloc(GeomConv.Ntype*sizeof(gchar*) );
2666 	GeomConv.fileType = GABEDIT_TYPEFILE_GAUSSIAN;
2667 	GeomConv.TypeData[0] = g_strdup(_(" Energy "));
2668 	GeomConv.TypeData[1] = g_strdup(_(" Force Max "));
2669 	GeomConv.TypeData[2] = g_strdup(_(" Force RMS "));
2670 	GeomConv.Data = g_malloc(GeomConv.Ntype*sizeof(gchar**) );
2671 	for(i = 0;i<GeomConv.Ntype;i++) GeomConv.Data[i] = NULL;
2672 	GeomConv.TypeCalcul = NULL;
2673 	GeomConv.NumGeom = NULL;
2674 	GeomConv.GeomFile = g_strdup(namefile);
2675 	return GeomConv;
2676 }
2677 /*********************************************************************/
find_energy_gauss_ircOpt_output(gchar * NomFichier)2678 void find_energy_gauss_ircOpt_output(gchar* NomFichier)
2679 {
2680 	gchar* pdest = NULL;
2681 	guint  i=0;
2682 	guint  j=0;
2683 	guint  k=0;
2684 	gchar *temp =  g_malloc(100*sizeof(gchar));
2685 	gchar *t;
2686 	FILE *fd;
2687         gint Ncalculs = 0;
2688   	static DataGeomConv* GeomConv =NULL;
2689 	gint numGeom = 0;
2690 	gchar** props = NULL;
2691 	gint nTypes = 0;
2692 	gint oneDir = 0;
2695         Ncalculs++;
2696 	GeomConv =  g_malloc(sizeof(DataGeomConv) );
2697   	GeomConv[Ncalculs-1] = init_geom_gauss_ircOpt_conv(NomFichier);
2698 	props = g_malloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype*sizeof(gchar*));
2699 	nTypes = GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;
2700 	for(i=0;(gint)i<nTypes;i++) props[i] =  g_malloc(100*sizeof(gchar));
2702 	t=g_malloc(BSIZE*sizeof(gchar));
2703  	fd = FOpen(NomFichier, "rb");
2704         if(!fd)
2705 	{
2706 		t = g_strdup_printf(_(" Error : I can not open file %s\n"),NomFichier);
2707 		Message(t,_("Error"),TRUE);
2708 		if(t)
2709 			g_free(t);
2710 		return;
2711 	}
2713 	 while(!feof(fd))
2714 	{
2715     		 { gchar* e = fgets(t,BSIZE,fd);}
2716                  if( strlen(t)>2 && strstr(t,"Normal termination of Gaussian") )
2717 		 {
2718          		Ncalculs++;
2719 			GeomConv =  g_realloc(GeomConv, Ncalculs*sizeof(DataGeomConv) );
2720   			GeomConv[Ncalculs-1] = init_geom_gauss_conv(NomFichier);
2721 		 }
2722 		if(strstr(t,"path following direction ")) oneDir = 1;
2723 		 uppercase(t);
2724                  if( strlen(t)>2 && t[1] == '#' && !GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].TypeCalcul)
2725 		 {
2726 			GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].TypeCalcul = g_malloc(100*sizeof(gchar));
2727                  	sscanf(t,"%s %s", temp, GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].TypeCalcul);
2728 		 }
2729     		 pdest = strstr( t,"SCF DONE");
2730    		if( pdest != NULL ) pdest = strstr( t,"=");
2731           	if(!pdest)
2732 		{
2733     		 	pdest = strstr( t,"ENERGY=");
2734           	 	if(pdest && t[1] == 'E' ) pdest = strstr( t,"=");
2735                  	else pdest = NULL;
2737 		}
2738    		if( pdest != NULL )
2739 		{
2740 			numGeom++;
2741                  	sscanf(pdest+1,"%s", props[0]);
2742 			/*
2743 			fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",t);
2744 			fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",props[0]);
2745 			*/
2746 		}
2747                 pdest = NULL;
2748     		if(strstr( t,"MAX ") && strstr( t,"RMS "))
2749 		{
2750     			pdest = strstr( t,"MAX ") + strlen("MAX ");
2751                  	sscanf(pdest,"%s", props[1]);
2752     			pdest = strstr( t,"RMS ") + strlen("RMS ");
2753                  	sscanf(pdest,"%s", props[2]);
2754 		}
2755                 pdest = NULL;
2756     		pdest = strstr( t," CONVERGENCE MET");
2757    		if( pdest != NULL )
2758 		{
2759 			pdest++;
2760 		  	GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint++;
2761 		  	if(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint == 1 )
2762 		  	{
2763 				GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].NumGeom =  g_malloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gint));
2764 				for(i=0;(gint)i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;i++)
2765 					GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i] =  g_malloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gchar*));
2766 		  	}
2767 		  	else
2768 		  	{
2769 				GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].NumGeom =  g_realloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].NumGeom,GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gint));
2770 				for(i=0;(gint)i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;i++)
2771 					GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i] =  g_realloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i],GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gchar*));
2772 		  	}
2773 		  	for(i=0;(gint)i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;i++)
2774                   	{
2775 		 		GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1] = g_malloc(100*sizeof(gchar));
2776                  		GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1][0] = '\0';
2777                  	}
2778 			GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].NumGeom[GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1] = numGeom;
2779 			for(i=0;(gint)i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;i++)
2780                  		sprintf( GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1], "%s", props[i]);
2781 		}
2782 	}
2783 	fclose(fd);
2784 	if( Ncalculs>0 && GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint == 0)
2785 	{
2786 		GeomConv[Ncalculs-1] =  free_geom_conv(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1]);
2787 		Ncalculs--;
2788 		if(Ncalculs>0) GeomConv =  g_realloc(GeomConv, Ncalculs*sizeof(DataGeomConv) );
2789 		else
2790 		{
2791 			g_free(GeomConv);
2792 			GeomConv =  NULL;
2793 		}
2794 	}
2795 	if(oneDir==0)
2796 	{
2797 		/* sort */
2798 		gint j;
2799 		/* fprintf(stderr,"DEBUG sorting IRC\n");*/
2800 		for( j=0;j<Ncalculs;j++)
2801 		{
2802 			gint n=GeomConv[j].Npoint/2;
2803 			/*
2804 			fprintf(stderr,"DEBUG n = %d\n",n);
2805 			fprintf(stderr,"DEBUG Npoint = %d\n",GeomConv[j].Npoint);
2806 			*/
2807 			gint i;
2808 			gint k;
2809 			for(i=0;(gint)i<GeomConv[j].Ntype;i++)
2810 			for(k=0;k<n;k++)
2811 			{
2812 				gchar* data = GeomConv[j].Data[i][k];
2813 				GeomConv[j].Data[i][k] = GeomConv[j].Data[i][n+k];
2814 				GeomConv[j].Data[i][n+k] = data;
2815 				gint numGeom = GeomConv[j].NumGeom[k];
2816 				GeomConv[j].NumGeom[k] = GeomConv[j].NumGeom[n+k];
2817 				GeomConv[j].NumGeom[n+k] = numGeom;
2818 			}
2819 			for(i=0;(gint)i<GeomConv[j].Ntype;i++)
2820 			for(k=0;k<n/2;k++)
2821 			{
2822 				gchar* data = GeomConv[j].Data[i][k];
2823 				GeomConv[j].Data[i][k] = GeomConv[j].Data[i][n-k-1];
2824 				GeomConv[j].Data[i][n-k-1] = data;
2825 				gint numGeom = GeomConv[j].NumGeom[k];
2826 				GeomConv[j].NumGeom[k] = GeomConv[j].NumGeom[n-k-1];
2827 				GeomConv[j].NumGeom[n-k-1] = numGeom;
2828 			}
2829 		}
2830 	}
2831 	create_energies_curves(GeomConv,Ncalculs);
2832 	g_free(t);
2833 	g_free(temp);
2834 	for(i=0;(gint)i<nTypes;i++) if(props[i]) g_free(props[i]);
2835 }
2836 /*********************************************************************/
find_energy_molden_gabedit(gchar * FileName,GabEditTypeFile type)2837 void find_energy_molden_gabedit(gchar* FileName, GabEditTypeFile type)
2838 {
2839 	guint  i=0;
2840 	guint  j=0;
2841 	guint  k=0;
2842 	guint taille=BSIZE;
2843 	gchar temp[BSIZE];
2844 	gchar t[BSIZE];
2845 	FILE *fd;
2846         gint Ncalculs = 0;
2847   	static DataGeomConv* GeomConv =NULL;
2848 	gint nn = 0;
2850  	fd = FOpen(FileName, "rb");
2851         if(!fd)
2852 	{
2853 		sprintf(t,_(" Error : I can not open file %s\n"),FileName);
2854 		Message(t,_("Error"),TRUE);
2855 		return;
2856 	}
2858 	{ gchar* e = fgets(t,taille,fd);}
2859 	 while(!feof(fd))
2860 	{
2861 		 uppercase(t);
2862 		/*fprintf(stderr,"Ncalculs=%d\n",Ncalculs);*/
2863 		/*fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",t);*/
2864                  if(strstr(t,"[GEOCONV]") )
2865 		 {
2866 		 	/* printf("OK GEOCONV %s\n",t);*/
2867          		Ncalculs++;
2868 			if(Ncalculs==1) GeomConv =  g_malloc(sizeof(DataGeomConv) );
2869 			else GeomConv =  g_realloc(GeomConv, Ncalculs*sizeof(DataGeomConv) );
2870   			GeomConv[Ncalculs-1] = init_geom_molden_gabedit_conv(FileName, type);
2871 			GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].TypeCalcul = g_malloc(100*sizeof(gchar));
2872 			GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].fileType = type;
2873                  	nn = sscanf(t,"%s %s", temp, GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].TypeCalcul);
2874 			if(nn<2) sprintf(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].TypeCalcul," ");
2875 		 	if(!fgets(t,taille,fd)) break;
2876 		 	uppercase(t);
2877 		 }
2879 		 /* printf("%s\n",t);*/
2881    		if(Ncalculs>0 &&  strstr( t,"ENERGY"))
2882 		{
2883 	 		while(!feof(fd))
2884 			{
2885 		 		if(!fgets(t,taille,fd)) break;
2887 				str_delete_n(t);
2888 				delete_last_spaces(t);
2889 				delete_first_spaces(t);
2890 		 		if(!isFloat(t))
2891 				{
2892 					/* printf("%s is not a real \n",t);*/
2893 					break;
2894 				}
2895 				GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint++;
2896 				if(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint == 1 )
2897 				{
2898 					GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].NumGeom =  g_malloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gint));
2899 					for(i=0;(gint)i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;i++)
2900 						GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i] =  g_malloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gchar*));
2901 				}
2902 				else
2903 				{
2904 					GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].NumGeom =  g_realloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].NumGeom,GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gint));
2905 					for(i=0;(gint)i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;i++)
2906 						GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i] =  g_realloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i],GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gchar*));
2907 				}
2908 				for(i=0;(gint)i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;i++)
2909 				{
2910 					GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1] = g_malloc(50*sizeof(gchar));
2911 					GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1][0] = '\0';
2912 				}
2913 				GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[0][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1] = g_malloc(50*sizeof(gchar));
2914 				sscanf(t,"%s", GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[0][GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint-1]);
2915 			}
2916 			if(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint<1) continue;
2917 		}
2918 		else if( Ncalculs>0 && GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint>0 && strstr( t,"MAX-FORCE"))
2919 		{
2920 			i = 0;
2921 	 		while(!feof(fd))
2922 			{
2923 				if(!fgets(t,taille,fd)) break;
2924 				if(i==GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint) break;
2925 				str_delete_n(t);
2926 				delete_last_spaces(t);
2927 				delete_first_spaces(t);
2928 				if(!isFloat(t)) break;
2929 				sscanf(t,"%s", GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[1][i]);
2930 				i++;
2931 			}
2932 			GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint = i;
2933 		}
2934 		else if( Ncalculs>0 && GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint>0 &&  strstr( t,"RMS-FORCE"))
2935 		{
2936 			i = 0;
2937 	 		while(!feof(fd))
2938 			{
2939 		 		if(!fgets(t,taille,fd)) break;
2940 				if(i==GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint) break;
2941 				str_delete_n(t);
2942 				delete_last_spaces(t);
2943 				delete_first_spaces(t);
2944 		 		if(!isFloat(t)) break;
2945 				sscanf(t,"%s", GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[2][i]);
2946 				i++;
2947 			}
2948 			GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint = i;
2949 		}
2950 		else if( Ncalculs>0 && GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint>0 && strstr( t,"MAX-STEP") )
2951 		{
2952 			i = 0;
2953 	 		while(!feof(fd))
2954 			{
2955 				if(!fgets(t,taille,fd)) break;
2956 				if(i==GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint) break;
2957 				str_delete_n(t);
2958 				delete_last_spaces(t);
2959 				delete_first_spaces(t);
2960 				if(!isFloat(t)) break;
2961 				sscanf(t,"%s", GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[3][i]);
2962 				i++;
2963 			}
2964 			GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint = i;
2965 		}
2966 		else if(  Ncalculs>0 && GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint>0 && strstr( t,"RMS-STEP"))
2967 		{
2968 			i = 0;
2969 	 		while(!feof(fd))
2970 			{
2971 				if(!fgets(t,taille,fd)) break;
2972 				if(i==GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint) break;
2973 				str_delete_n(t);
2974 				delete_last_spaces(t);
2975 				delete_first_spaces(t);
2976 				if(!isFloat(t)) break;
2977 				sscanf(t,"%s", GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[4][i]);
2978 				i++;
2979 			}
2980 			GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint = i;
2981 		}
2982 		else if(!fgets(t,taille,fd)) break;
2983 	}
2985 	fclose(fd);
2987 	if( Ncalculs>0 && GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint == 0)
2988 	{
2989 		GeomConv[Ncalculs-1] =  free_geom_conv(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1]);
2990 		Ncalculs--;
2991 		if(Ncalculs>0)
2992 			GeomConv =  g_realloc(GeomConv, Ncalculs*sizeof(DataGeomConv) );
2993 		else
2994 		{
2995 			g_free(GeomConv);
2996 			GeomConv =  NULL;
2997 		}
2998 	}
2999 	/*
3000 	printf("Ncalculs  = %d\n ",Ncalculs);
3001 	if(Ncalculs>0)
3002 	{
3003 		printf("Npoint  = %d\n ",GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint);
3004 		printf("TypeCalcul  = %s\n ",GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].TypeCalcul);
3005 		for(i=0;i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint;i++)
3006 		{
3007 			for(j=0;j<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;j++)
3008           			printf("%s ",GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[j][i]);
3009        			printf("\n ");
3010 		}
3011 	}
3012 	*/
3014 	k = 0;
3015 	for(i=0;(gint)i<Ncalculs;i++)
3016 	{
3017 		for(j=0;(gint)j<GeomConv[i].Npoint;j++)
3018 		{
3019 			k++;
3020 			GeomConv[i].NumGeom[j] = k;
3021 		}
3022 	}
3023 	create_energies_curves(GeomConv,Ncalculs);
3024 }
3025 /*************************************************************************************/
init_geom_gabedit_geoms(gchar * fileName,gint nLabels,gchar ** labels)3026 static DataGeomConv init_geom_gabedit_geoms(gchar *fileName, gint nLabels, gchar** labels)
3027 {
3028 	DataGeomConv GeomConv;
3029 	gint i;
3030 	GeomConv.Npoint = 0;
3031 	GeomConv.Ntype  = nLabels;
3032 	if(nLabels>0) GeomConv.TypeData = g_malloc(GeomConv.Ntype*sizeof(gchar*) );
3033 	else GeomConv.TypeData = NULL;
3034   	GeomConv.fileType = GABEDIT_TYPEFILE_GABEDIT;
3035 	for(i=0;i<nLabels;i++) GeomConv.TypeData[i] = g_strdup(labels[i]);
3036 	if(nLabels>0) GeomConv.Data = g_malloc(GeomConv.Ntype*sizeof(gchar**) );
3037 	else GeomConv.Data = NULL;
3038 	for(i = 0;i<GeomConv.Ntype;i++) GeomConv.Data[i] = NULL;
3039 	GeomConv.TypeCalcul = NULL;
3040 	GeomConv.NumGeom = NULL;
3041 	GeomConv.GeomFile = g_strdup(fileName);
3043 	return GeomConv;
3044 }
3045 /*********************************************************************/
find_energy_gabedit_geoms(gchar * FileName)3046 static gint find_energy_gabedit_geoms(gchar* FileName)
3047 {
3048 	guint  i=0;
3049 	guint  j=0;
3050 	guint  k=0;
3051 	gchar t[BSIZE];
3052 	gchar dum1[BSIZE];
3053 	gchar dum2[BSIZE];
3054 	FILE *file;
3055         gint Ncalculs = 0;
3056   	static DataGeomConv* GeomConv =NULL;
3057 	gchar** labels = NULL;
3058 	gint nGeometries = 0;
3059 	gint nAtoms = 0;
3060 	gint nLabels = 0;
3061 	gboolean OK = FALSE;
3062 	gchar* pdest = NULL;
3064  	file = FOpen(FileName, "rb");
3065         if(!file)
3066 	{
3067 		sprintf(t,_(" Error : I can not open file %s\n"),FileName);
3068 		Message(t,_("Error"),TRUE);
3069 		return -1;
3070 	}
3071 	OK = FALSE;
3072 	while(!feof(file))
3073 	{
3074 		if(!fgets(t,BSIZE,file))break;
3075 		pdest = strstr( t, "[GEOMS]");
3076  		if (pdest)
3077 		{
3078 			if(!fgets(t,BSIZE,file))break;
3079 			sscanf(t,"%d %d",&nGeometries, &nLabels);
3080 			if(nGeometries<1)break;
3081 			if(nLabels<1)break;
3082 			labels = g_malloc(nLabels*sizeof(gchar*));
3083 			for(i=0;i<nLabels;i++) labels[i] = NULL;
3084 			for(i=0;i<nLabels;i++)
3085 			{
3086 				labels[i] = g_malloc(BSIZE*sizeof(gchar));
3087 				if(!fgets(t,BSIZE,file))break;
3088 				if(sscanf(t,"%s%s",dum1,dum2)!=2)break;
3089 				sprintf(labels[i],"%s(%s)",dum1,dum2);
3090 			}
3091 			if(i!=nLabels)
3092 			{
3093 				for(i=0;i<nLabels;i++) if(labels[i]) g_free(labels[i]);
3094 				if(labels) g_free(labels);
3095 				break;
3096 			}
3097 			sscanf(labels[0],"%s",t);
3098 			uppercase(t);
3099 			if(!strstr(t,"ENERG"))
3100 			{
3101 				for(i=0;i<nLabels;i++) if(labels[i]) g_free(labels[i]);
3102 				if(labels) g_free(labels);
3103 				break;
3104 			}
3106 			Ncalculs=1;
3107 			GeomConv =  g_malloc(sizeof(DataGeomConv) );
3108   			GeomConv[Ncalculs-1] = init_geom_gabedit_geoms(FileName, nLabels,labels);
3109 			for(i=0;i<nLabels;i++) if(labels[i]) g_free(labels[i]);
3110 			if(labels) g_free(labels);
3111 			GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].TypeCalcul =  g_strdup(" ");
3112 			GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].fileType = GABEDIT_TYPEFILE_GABEDIT;
3113 			GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint = nGeometries;
3114 			GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].NumGeom =  g_malloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gint));
3115 			for(i=0;(gint)i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;i++)
3116 			{
3117 				GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i] =  g_malloc(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint*sizeof(gchar*));
3118 				for(j=0;(gint)j<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint;j++)
3119 					GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i][j] = g_malloc(50*sizeof(gchar));
3120 			}
3121 			OK = TRUE;
3122 			break;
3123 		}
3124 	}
3125 	for(j=0;j<nGeometries;j++)
3126 	{
3127 		for(i=0;i<nLabels;i++)
3128 		{
3129 			if(!fgets(t,BSIZE,file))break;
3130 			sscanf(t,"%s",GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[i][j]);
3131 		}
3132 		if(i!=nLabels)
3133 		{
3134 			OK = FALSE;
3135 			break;
3136 		}
3137 		if(!fgets(t,BSIZE,file))
3138 		{
3139 			OK = FALSE;
3140 			break;
3141 		}
3142 		sscanf(t,"%d",&nAtoms);
3144 		for(i=0; i<nAtoms; i++)
3145 			if(!fgets(t,BSIZE,file))break;
3146 		if(i!=nAtoms)
3147 		{
3148 			OK = FALSE;
3149 			break;
3150 		}
3151 	}
3153 	fclose(file);
3154 	if(!OK)
3155 	{
3156 		if(Ncalculs>0)
3157 		GeomConv[Ncalculs-1] =  free_geom_conv(GeomConv[Ncalculs-1]);
3158 		return 3;
3159 	}
3161 	/*
3162 	printf("Ncalculs  = %d\n ",Ncalculs);
3163 	if(Ncalculs>0)
3164 	{
3165 		printf("Npoint  = %d\n ",GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint);
3166 		printf("TypeCalcul  = %s\n ",GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].TypeCalcul);
3167 		for(i=0;i<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Npoint;i++)
3168 		{
3169 			for(j=0;j<GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Ntype;j++)
3170           			printf("%s ",GeomConv[Ncalculs-1].Data[j][i]);
3171        			printf("\n ");
3172 		}
3173 	}
3174 	*/
3176 	k = 0;
3177 	for(i=0;(gint)i<Ncalculs;i++)
3178 	{
3179 		for(j=0;(gint)j<GeomConv[i].Npoint;j++)
3180 		{
3181 			k++;
3182 			GeomConv[i].NumGeom[j] = k;
3183 		}
3184 	}
3185 	create_energies_curves(GeomConv,Ncalculs);
3186 	return 0;
3187 }
3188 /*********************************************************************/
find_energy_molden(gchar * fileName)3189 void find_energy_molden(gchar* fileName)
3190 {
3191 	find_energy_molden_gabedit(fileName,GABEDIT_TYPEFILE_MOLDEN);
3192 }
3193 /*********************************************************************/
find_energy_gabedit(gchar * fileName)3194 void find_energy_gabedit(gchar* fileName)
3195 {
3196 	gint res = find_energy_gabedit_geoms(fileName);
3197 	if(res == 0) return;
3198 	if(res == -1) return;
3199 	find_energy_molden_gabedit(fileName,GABEDIT_TYPEFILE_GABEDIT);
3200 }
3201 /*********************************************************************/
find_energy_gauss_output(gchar * fileName)3202 void find_energy_gauss_output(gchar* fileName)
3203 {
3204 	GabEditTypeFile fileType = get_type_file(fileName);
3205 	/* fprintf(stderr,"DEBUG : ktype = %d\n", fileType);*/
3206 	if(fileType == GABEDIT_TYPEFILE_GAUSSIAN_SCANOPT) find_energy_gauss_scanOpt_output(fileName);
3207 	else if(fileType == GABEDIT_TYPEFILE_GAUSSIAN_IRCOPT) find_energy_gauss_ircOpt_output(fileName);
3208 	else find_energy_gauss_standard_output(fileName);
3209 }
3210 /*********************************************************************/
find_energy_all(GtkWidget * wid,gpointer data)3211 void find_energy_all(GtkWidget *wid,gpointer data)
3212 {
3213  	gchar* fileName = g_strdup_printf("%s%s%s",fileopen.localdir,G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S,fileopen.logfile);
3214 	if( iprogram == PROG_IS_GAMESS) find_energy_gamess_output(fileName);
3215 	if( iprogram == PROG_IS_FIREFLY) find_energy_gamess_output(fileName);
3216 	if( iprogram == PROG_IS_MPQC) find_energy_mpqc_output(fileName);
3217 	if( iprogram == PROG_IS_MOLPRO) find_energy_molpro_log(fileName);
3218 	if( iprogram == PROG_IS_ORCA) find_energy_orca_output(fileName);
3219 	if( iprogram == PROG_IS_QCHEM) find_energy_qchem_log(fileName);
3220 	if( iprogram == PROG_IS_NWCHEM) find_energy_nwchem_log(fileName);
3221 	if( iprogram == PROG_IS_PSICODE) find_energy_psicode_log(fileName);
3222 	if( iprogram == PROG_IS_DEMON)
3223 	{
3224  		gchar* fileName = g_strdup_printf("%s%s%s.molden",fileopen.localdir,G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S,fileopen.projectname);
3225 		find_energy_molden(fileName);
3226 		g_free(fileName);
3227 	}
3228 	if( iprogram == PROG_IS_MOPAC)
3229 	{
3230 		GabEditTypeFile fileType = GABEDIT_TYPEFILE_UNKNOWN;
3231 		gint ng = 0;
3232 		gchar* ext=strstr(fileName,".aux");
3233 		ng = find_energy_mopac_aux(fileName);
3234 		if(ng==1 && ext && strlen(ext)>=4)
3235 		{
3236 			ext[1]='o';
3237 			ext[2]='u';
3238 			ext[3]='t';
3239 			fileType = get_type_file(fileName);
3240 			if(fileType == GABEDIT_TYPEFILE_MOPAC_SCAN) find_energy_mopac_scan_output(fileName);
3241 			if(fileType == GABEDIT_TYPEFILE_MOPAC_IRC) find_energy_mopac_irc_output(fileName);
3242 		}
3243 	}
3244 	if( iprogram == PROG_IS_MOLCAS)
3245 	{
3246  		gchar* fileName = g_strdup_printf("%s%s%s.geo.molden",fileopen.localdir,G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S,fileopen.projectname);
3247 		find_energy_molden(fileName);
3248 		g_free(fileName);
3249 	}
3250 	if( iprogram == PROG_IS_GAUSS)
3251 	{
3252 		find_energy_gauss_output(fileName);
3253 	}
3254 	g_free(fileName);
3255 }
3256 /************************************************************************************/
read_geometries_conv_dalton(GabeditFileChooser * SelecFile,gint response_id)3257 void read_geometries_conv_dalton(GabeditFileChooser *SelecFile, gint response_id)
3258 {
3259  	gchar *fileName;
3261  	if(response_id != GTK_RESPONSE_OK) return;
3262  	fileName = gabedit_file_chooser_get_current_file(SelecFile);
3263  	if ((!fileName) || (strcmp(fileName,"") == 0))
3264  	{
3265 		Message(_("Sorry\n No selected file"),_("Error"),TRUE);
3266     		return ;
3267  	}
3268  	find_energy_dalton_output(fileName);
3269 }
3270 /************************************************************************************/
read_geometries_conv_mopac(GabeditFileChooser * SelecFile,gint response_id)3271 void read_geometries_conv_mopac(GabeditFileChooser *SelecFile, gint response_id)
3272 {
3273  	gchar *fileName;
3275  	if(response_id != GTK_RESPONSE_OK) return;
3276  	fileName = gabedit_file_chooser_get_current_file(SelecFile);
3277  	if ((!fileName) || (strcmp(fileName,"") == 0))
3278  	{
3279 		Message(_("Sorry\n No selected file"),_("Error"),TRUE);
3280     		return ;
3281  	}
3282  	find_energy_mopac_aux(fileName);
3283 }
3284 /************************************************************************************/
read_geometries_conv_mopac_irc(GabeditFileChooser * SelecFile,gint response_id)3285 void read_geometries_conv_mopac_irc(GabeditFileChooser *SelecFile, gint response_id)
3286 {
3287  	gchar *fileName;
3289  	if(response_id != GTK_RESPONSE_OK) return;
3290  	fileName = gabedit_file_chooser_get_current_file(SelecFile);
3291  	if ((!fileName) || (strcmp(fileName,"") == 0))
3292  	{
3293 		Message(_("Sorry\n No selected file"),_("Error"),TRUE);
3294     		return ;
3295  	}
3296  	find_energy_mopac_irc_output(fileName);
3297 }
3298 /************************************************************************************/
read_geometries_conv_mopac_scan(GabeditFileChooser * SelecFile,gint response_id)3299 void read_geometries_conv_mopac_scan(GabeditFileChooser *SelecFile, gint response_id)
3300 {
3301  	gchar *fileName;
3303  	if(response_id != GTK_RESPONSE_OK) return;
3304  	fileName = gabedit_file_chooser_get_current_file(SelecFile);
3305  	if ((!fileName) || (strcmp(fileName,"") == 0))
3306  	{
3307 		Message(_("Sorry\n No selected file"),_("Error"),TRUE);
3308     		return ;
3309  	}
3310  	find_energy_mopac_scan_output(fileName);
3311 }
3312 /************************************************************************************/
read_geometries_conv_gamess(GabeditFileChooser * SelecFile,gint response_id)3313 void read_geometries_conv_gamess(GabeditFileChooser *SelecFile, gint response_id)
3314 {
3315  	gchar *fileName;
3317  	if(response_id != GTK_RESPONSE_OK) return;
3318  	fileName = gabedit_file_chooser_get_current_file(SelecFile);
3319  	if ((!fileName) || (strcmp(fileName,"") == 0))
3320  	{
3321 		Message(_("Sorry\n No selected file"),_("Error"),TRUE);
3322     		return ;
3323  	}
3324  	find_energy_gamess_output(fileName);
3325 }
3326 /************************************************************************************/
read_geometries_irc_gamess(GabeditFileChooser * SelecFile,gint response_id)3327 void read_geometries_irc_gamess(GabeditFileChooser *SelecFile, gint response_id)
3328 {
3329  	gchar *fileName;
3331  	if(response_id != GTK_RESPONSE_OK) return;
3332  	fileName = gabedit_file_chooser_get_current_file(SelecFile);
3333  	if ((!fileName) || (strcmp(fileName,"") == 0))
3334  	{
3335 		Message(_("Sorry\n No selected file"),_("Error"),TRUE);
3336     		return ;
3337  	}
3338  	find_energy_gamess_irc(fileName);
3339 }
3340 /************************************************************************************/
read_geometries_conv_gaussian(GabeditFileChooser * SelecFile,gint response_id)3341 void read_geometries_conv_gaussian(GabeditFileChooser *SelecFile, gint response_id)
3342 {
3343  	gchar *fileName;
3345  	if(response_id != GTK_RESPONSE_OK) return;
3346  	fileName = gabedit_file_chooser_get_current_file(SelecFile);
3347  	if ((!fileName) || (strcmp(fileName,"") == 0))
3348  	{
3349 		Message(_("Sorry\n No selected file"),_("Error"),TRUE);
3350     		return ;
3351  	}
3352  	find_energy_gauss_output(fileName);
3353 }
3354 /************************************************************************************/
read_geometries_conv_molpro(GabeditFileChooser * SelecFile,gint response_id)3355 void read_geometries_conv_molpro(GabeditFileChooser *SelecFile, gint response_id)
3356 {
3357  	gchar *fileName;
3359  	if(response_id != GTK_RESPONSE_OK) return;
3360  	fileName = gabedit_file_chooser_get_current_file(SelecFile);
3361  	if ((!fileName) || (strcmp(fileName,"") == 0))
3362  	{
3363 		Message(_("Sorry\n No selected file"),_("Error"),TRUE);
3364     		return ;
3365  	}
3366  	find_energy_molpro_log(fileName);
3367 }
3368 /************************************************************************************/
read_geometries_conv_orca(GabeditFileChooser * SelecFile,gint response_id)3369 void read_geometries_conv_orca(GabeditFileChooser *SelecFile, gint response_id)
3370 {
3371  	gchar *fileName;
3373  	if(response_id != GTK_RESPONSE_OK) return;
3374  	fileName = gabedit_file_chooser_get_current_file(SelecFile);
3375  	if ((!fileName) || (strcmp(fileName,"") == 0))
3376  	{
3377 		Message(_("Sorry\n No selected file"),_("Error"),TRUE);
3378     		return ;
3379  	}
3380  	find_energy_orca_output(fileName);
3381 }
3382 /************************************************************************************/
read_geometries_conv_vasp_outcar(GabeditFileChooser * SelecFile,gint response_id)3383 void read_geometries_conv_vasp_outcar(GabeditFileChooser *SelecFile, gint response_id)
3384 {
3385  	gchar *fileName;
3387  	if(response_id != GTK_RESPONSE_OK) return;
3388  	fileName = gabedit_file_chooser_get_current_file(SelecFile);
3389  	if ((!fileName) || (strcmp(fileName,"") == 0))
3390  	{
3391 		Message(_("Sorry\n No selected file"),_("Error"),TRUE);
3392     		return ;
3393  	}
3394  	find_energy_vasp_outcar(fileName);
3395 }
3396 /************************************************************************************/
read_geometries_conv_vasp_xml(GabeditFileChooser * SelecFile,gint response_id)3397 void read_geometries_conv_vasp_xml(GabeditFileChooser *SelecFile, gint response_id)
3398 {
3399  	gchar *fileName;
3401  	if(response_id != GTK_RESPONSE_OK) return;
3402  	fileName = gabedit_file_chooser_get_current_file(SelecFile);
3403  	if ((!fileName) || (strcmp(fileName,"") == 0))
3404  	{
3405 		Message(_("Sorry\n No selected file"),_("Error"),TRUE);
3406     		return ;
3407  	}
3408  	find_energy_vasp_xml(fileName);
3409 }
3410 /************************************************************************************/
read_geometries_conv_nwchem(GabeditFileChooser * SelecFile,gint response_id)3411 void read_geometries_conv_nwchem(GabeditFileChooser *SelecFile, gint response_id)
3412 {
3413  	gchar *fileName;
3415  	if(response_id != GTK_RESPONSE_OK) return;
3416  	fileName = gabedit_file_chooser_get_current_file(SelecFile);
3417  	if ((!fileName) || (strcmp(fileName,"") == 0))
3418  	{
3419 		Message(_("Sorry\n No selected file"),_("Error"),TRUE);
3420     		return ;
3421  	}
3422  	find_energy_nwchem_log(fileName);
3423 }
3424 /************************************************************************************/
read_geometries_conv_psicode(GabeditFileChooser * SelecFile,gint response_id)3425 void read_geometries_conv_psicode(GabeditFileChooser *SelecFile, gint response_id)
3426 {
3427  	gchar *fileName;
3429  	if(response_id != GTK_RESPONSE_OK) return;
3430  	fileName = gabedit_file_chooser_get_current_file(SelecFile);
3431  	if ((!fileName) || (strcmp(fileName,"") == 0))
3432  	{
3433 		Message(_("Sorry\n No selected file"),_("Error"),TRUE);
3434     		return ;
3435  	}
3436  	find_energy_psicode_log(fileName);
3437 }
3438 /************************************************************************************/
read_geometries_conv_qchem(GabeditFileChooser * SelecFile,gint response_id)3439 void read_geometries_conv_qchem(GabeditFileChooser *SelecFile, gint response_id)
3440 {
3441  	gchar *fileName;
3443  	if(response_id != GTK_RESPONSE_OK) return;
3444  	fileName = gabedit_file_chooser_get_current_file(SelecFile);
3445  	if ((!fileName) || (strcmp(fileName,"") == 0))
3446  	{
3447 		Message(_("Sorry\n No selected file"),_("Error"),TRUE);
3448     		return ;
3449  	}
3450  	find_energy_qchem_log(fileName);
3451 }
3452 /*************************************************************************************/
read_geometries_conv_gabedit(GabeditFileChooser * SelecFile,gint response_id)3453 void read_geometries_conv_gabedit(GabeditFileChooser *SelecFile, gint response_id)
3454 {
3455  	gchar *FileName;
3457  	if(response_id != GTK_RESPONSE_OK) return;
3458  	FileName = gabedit_file_chooser_get_current_file(SelecFile);
3459  	if ((!FileName) || (strcmp(FileName,"") == 0))
3460  	{
3461 		Message(_("Sorry\n No selected file"),_("Error"),TRUE);
3462     		return ;
3463  	}
3464 	find_energy_gabedit(FileName);
3465 }
3466 /************************************************************************************/
read_geometries_conv_molden(GabeditFileChooser * SelecFile,gint response_id)3467 void read_geometries_conv_molden(GabeditFileChooser *SelecFile, gint response_id)
3468 {
3469  	gchar *FileName;
3471  	if(response_id != GTK_RESPONSE_OK) return;
3472  	FileName = gabedit_file_chooser_get_current_file(SelecFile);
3473  	if ((!FileName) || (strcmp(FileName,"") == 0))
3474  	{
3475 		Message(_("Sorry\n No selected file"),_("Error"),TRUE);
3476     		return ;
3477  	}
3478 	find_energy_molden(FileName);
3479 }
3480 /************************************************************************************/
read_geometries_conv_mpqc(GabeditFileChooser * SelecFile,gint response_id)3481 void read_geometries_conv_mpqc(GabeditFileChooser *SelecFile, gint response_id)
3482 {
3483  	gchar *fileName;
3485  	if(response_id != GTK_RESPONSE_OK) return;
3486  	fileName = gabedit_file_chooser_get_current_file(SelecFile);
3487  	if ((!fileName) || (strcmp(fileName,"") == 0))
3488  	{
3489 		Message(_("Sorry\n No selected file"),_("Error"),TRUE);
3490     		return ;
3491  	}
3492 	find_energy_mpqc_output(fileName);
3493 }
3494 /************************************************************************************/
read_geometries_conv_xyz(GabeditFileChooser * SelecFile,gint response_id)3495 void read_geometries_conv_xyz(GabeditFileChooser *SelecFile, gint response_id)
3496 {
3497  	gchar *fileName;
3499  	if(response_id != GTK_RESPONSE_OK) return;
3500  	fileName = gabedit_file_chooser_get_current_file(SelecFile);
3501  	if ((!fileName) || (strcmp(fileName,"") == 0))
3502  	{
3503 		Message(_("Sorry\n No selected file"),_("Error"),TRUE);
3504     		return ;
3505  	}
3506 	find_energy_xyz(fileName);
3507 }
3508 /********************************************************************************/
3509 /********************************************************************************/
sensitive_password()3510 static void sensitive_password()
3511 {
3512 	GtkWidget* Table;
3513 	Table = g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT (ResultRemoteFrame), "PasswordTable");
3514 	if(fileopen.netWorkProtocol==GABEDIT_NETWORK_FTP_RSH)
3515 		gtk_widget_show(Table);
3516 	else
3517 	{
3518 #ifdef G_OS_WIN32
3519 		gtk_widget_show(Table);
3520 #else
3521 		gtk_widget_hide(Table);
3522 #endif
3523 	}
3524 }
3525 /********************************************************************************/
sensitive_buttons_false()3526 static void sensitive_buttons_false()
3527 {
3528 	sensitive_password();
3529   	gtk_widget_set_sensitive(ResultRemoteFrame, FALSE);
3530 }
3531 /********************************************************************************/
sensitive_buttons_true()3532 static void sensitive_buttons_true()
3533 {
3534 	sensitive_password();
3535   	gtk_widget_set_sensitive(ResultRemoteFrame, TRUE);
3536 	if(
3537 		fileopen.remotehost && !this_is_a_backspace(fileopen.remotehost) &&
3538 		fileopen.remoteuser && !this_is_a_backspace(fileopen.remoteuser)
3539 	)
3540 	{
3541 		if(iprogram == PROG_IS_GAUSS)
3542 		{
3543 			GtkWidget* button = g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(ResultRemoteFrame), "OutButton");
3544   			gtk_widget_set_sensitive(button, FALSE);
3545 			button = g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(ResultRemoteFrame),"AuxButton");
3546   			gtk_widget_set_sensitive(button, FALSE);
3547 		}
3548 		else
3549 		{
3550 			GtkWidget* button = g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(ResultRemoteFrame),"OutButton");
3551   			gtk_widget_set_sensitive(button, TRUE);
3552 			button = g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(ResultRemoteFrame),"AuxButton");
3553   			gtk_widget_set_sensitive(button, TRUE);
3554 		}
3555 	}
3556 	else
3557   		gtk_widget_set_sensitive(ResultRemoteFrame, FALSE);
3560 }
3561 /*********************************************************************/
set_sensitive_remote_frame(gboolean sensitive)3562 void set_sensitive_remote_frame(gboolean sensitive)
3563 {
3564 	if(sensitive)
3565 		sensitive_buttons_true();
3566 	else
3567 		sensitive_buttons_false();
3568 }
3569 /*********************************************************************/
create_bar_result(GtkWidget * Vbox)3570 void create_bar_result(GtkWidget* Vbox)
3571 {
3572     GtkWidget *Button;
3573     GtkWidget *vboxframe;
3574     GtkWidget *frame;
3575     GtkWidget *handlebox;
3576     GtkWidget *vbox;
3577     GtkWidget *Table;
3578     /* GtkWidget *Label;*/
3579     GtkWidget *hseparator;
3580     static gint log = LOGFILE;
3581     static gint out = OUTFILE;
3582     static gint mol = MOLDENFILE;
3583     static gint all = ALLFILES;
3585 /* here  init_geom_gauss_conv();
3586 */
3588   handlebox =gtk_handle_box_new ();
3589   g_object_ref (handlebox);
3590   gtk_container_add( GTK_CONTAINER (Vbox), handlebox);
3591   gtk_handle_box_set_shadow_type (GTK_HANDLE_BOX(handlebox),GTK_SHADOW_IN);
3592 /*
3598 */
3599   gtk_handle_box_set_handle_position  (GTK_HANDLE_BOX(handlebox),GTK_POS_TOP);
3600   gtk_widget_show (handlebox);
3602   vbox = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 2);
3603   gtk_container_add( GTK_CONTAINER(handlebox), vbox);
3604   gtk_widget_show (vbox);
3606   frame = gtk_frame_new ("Local");
3607   gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (frame), 2);
3608   gtk_frame_set_shadow_type( GTK_FRAME(frame),GTK_SHADOW_ETCHED_OUT);
3609   gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(vbox), frame, FALSE, TRUE, 2);
3610   gtk_widget_show (frame);
3613   vboxframe = create_vbox(frame);
3614   ResultLocalFrame = frame;
3618   /* The Update Button */
3619   Button = create_button(Fenetre,_("Update"));
3620   gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(vboxframe ), Button, FALSE, TRUE, 2);
3622   gtk_widget_grab_default(Button);
3623   gtk_widget_show(Button);
3624   g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(Button), "clicked",(GCallback)view_result,NULL);
3626   Button = create_button(Fenetre,_("Go to end"));
3627   g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(Button), "clicked",(GCallback)goto_end_result,NULL);
3628   gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(vboxframe ), Button, FALSE, TRUE, 2);
3630   gtk_widget_show(Button);
3632   Button = create_button(Fenetre,_("Update/end"));
3633   g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(Button), "clicked",(GCallback)view_result_end,NULL);
3634   gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(vboxframe ), Button, FALSE, TRUE, 2);
3636   gtk_widget_show(Button);
3638   Button = create_button(Fenetre,_("Geom. Conv."));
3639   g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(Button), "clicked",(GCallback)find_energy_all,NULL);
3640   gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(vboxframe ), Button, FALSE, TRUE, 2);
3642   gtk_widget_show(Button);
3644   Button = create_button(Fenetre,_("Dens. Orb."));
3645   g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(Button), "clicked",(GCallback)draw_density_orbitals_gamess_or_gauss_or_molcas_or_molpro,NULL);
3646   gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(vboxframe ), Button, FALSE, TRUE, 2);
3648   gtk_widget_show(Button);
3650   frame = gtk_frame_new (_("Remote"));
3651   gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (frame), 2);
3652   gtk_frame_set_shadow_type( GTK_FRAME(frame),GTK_SHADOW_ETCHED_OUT);
3653   gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(vbox), frame, FALSE, TRUE, 2);
3654   gtk_widget_show (frame);
3655   vboxframe = create_vbox(frame);
3657   Table = gtk_table_new(3,1,FALSE);
3658   gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(vboxframe),Table);
3659   gtk_widget_show_all(vboxframe);
3660   /* Label = add_label_table(Table,_("Password : "),0,0);*/
3661   add_label_table(Table,_("Password : "),0,0);
3662   ResultEntryPass = gtk_entry_new();
3663   gtk_entry_set_max_length  (GTK_ENTRY(ResultEntryPass),15);
3664   gtk_widget_set_size_request (ResultEntryPass,(gint)(ScreenHeight*0.05),-1);
3665   gtk_entry_set_visibility(GTK_ENTRY (ResultEntryPass),FALSE);
3667   gtk_table_attach(GTK_TABLE(Table),ResultEntryPass,0,1,1,2,
3668                   (GtkAttachOptions)(GTK_FILL | GTK_EXPAND),
3669                   (GtkAttachOptions)(GTK_FILL | GTK_EXPAND),
3670                   1,1);
3671   hseparator = gtk_hseparator_new ();
3672   gtk_table_attach(GTK_TABLE(Table),hseparator,0,1,2,3,
3673                   (GtkAttachOptions)(GTK_FILL | GTK_EXPAND),
3674                   (GtkAttachOptions)(GTK_FILL | GTK_EXPAND),
3675                   1,1);
3678   ResultRemoteFrame = frame;
3679   gtk_widget_set_sensitive(ResultRemoteFrame, FALSE);
3680   g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT (ResultRemoteFrame), "PasswordTable",Table);
3682   Button = create_button(Fenetre,_("Get All files"));
3683   g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(Button), "clicked",(GCallback)get_file_frome_remote_host,&all);
3684   gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(vboxframe ), Button, FALSE, TRUE, 2);
3686   gtk_widget_show(Button);
3687   g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT (ResultRemoteFrame), "AllButton",Button);
3688   g_signal_connect_swapped(G_OBJECT (ResultEntryPass), "activate",
3689 			(GCallback) gtk_button_clicked,
3690 			GTK_OBJECT (Button));
3692   Button = create_button(Fenetre,_("Get log file"));
3693   g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(Button), "clicked",(GCallback)get_file_frome_remote_host,&log);
3694   gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(vboxframe ), Button, FALSE, TRUE, 2);
3696   gtk_widget_show(Button);
3697   g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT (ResultRemoteFrame), "LogButton",Button);
3699   Button = create_button(Fenetre,_("Get out file"));
3700   g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(Button), "clicked",(GCallback)get_file_frome_remote_host,&out);
3702   gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(vboxframe ), Button, FALSE, TRUE, 2);
3704   gtk_widget_show(Button);
3705   g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT (ResultRemoteFrame), "OutButton",Button);
3707   Button = create_button(Fenetre,_("Get aux. files"));
3708   g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(Button), "clicked",(GCallback)get_file_frome_remote_host,&mol);
3710   gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(vboxframe ), Button, FALSE, TRUE, 2);
3712   gtk_widget_show(Button);
3713   g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT (ResultRemoteFrame), "AuxButton",Button);
3714 }