1 /*
2  *  This file is part of Healpix Java.
3  *
4  *  This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5  *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6  *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
7  *  (at your option) any later version.
8  *
9  *  This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12  *  GNU General Public License for more details.
13  *
14  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15  *  along with this code; if not, write to the Free Software
16  *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
17  *
18  *  For more information about HEALPix, see http://healpix.sourceforge.net
19  */
21 package healpix.essentials;
23 import java.util.Arrays;
25 /** Basic opersations related to the HEALPix pixelisation.
26     This class is conceptually very similar the the Healpix_Base class
27     of Healpix_cxx. It supports the NESTED scheme for nside parameters which are
28     powers of 2, and the RING scheme for arbitrary positive nside parameters.
29     The maximum supported nside parameter is 2^29.
31     @copyright 2011, 2012 Max-Planck-Society
32     @author Martin Reinecke */
33 public class HealpixBase extends HealpixTables
34   {
35   protected final class Xyf
36     {
37     public int ix, iy, face;
Xyf()38     public Xyf () {}
Xyf(int x, int y, int f)39     public Xyf (int x, int y, int f)
40       { ix=x; iy=y; face=f; }
41     }
43   private final class RingInfoSmall
44     {
45     long startpix, ringpix;
46     boolean shifted;
47     }
49   /** Maximum order parameter */
50   public static final int order_max=29;
51   /** Maximum Nside parameter; equivalent to 2^{@code order_max}. */
52   public static final long ns_max=1L<<order_max;
54   /** The order of the map; -1 when {@code nside} is not a power of 2. */
55   protected int order;
57   /** The Nside parameter. */
58   protected long nside;
60   protected long nl2, nl3, nl4, npface, npix, ncap;
61   protected double fact1, fact2;
63   /** The ordering scheme. */
64   protected Scheme scheme;
spread_bits(int v)66   private static long spread_bits (int v)
67     {
68     return (long)(utab[ v      &0xff])      | ((long)(utab[(v>>> 8)&0xff])<<16)
69         | ((long)(utab[(v>>>16)&0xff])<<32) | ((long)(utab[(v>>>24)&0xff])<<48);
70     }
compress_bits(long v)71   private static int compress_bits (long v)
72     {
73     long raw = v&0x5555555555555555L;
74     raw |= raw>>>15;
75     int raw1 = (int)(raw&0xffffL), raw2 = (int)((raw>>>32)&0xffffL);
76     return ctab[raw1&0xff]      | (ctab[raw1>>>8]<< 4)
77         | (ctab[raw2&0xff]<<16) | (ctab[raw2>>>8]<<20);
78     }
nest2xyf(long ipix)80   private Xyf nest2xyf(long ipix)
81     {
82     long pix=ipix&(npface-1);
83     return new Xyf (compress_bits(pix), compress_bits(pix>>>1),
84                     (int)(ipix>>>(2*order)));
85     }
xyf2nest(int ix, int iy, int face_num)87   private long xyf2nest(int ix, int iy, int face_num)
88     {
89     return ((long)(face_num)<<(2*order)) +
90       spread_bits(ix) + (spread_bits(iy)<<1);
91     }
xyf2ring(int ix, int iy, int face_num)93   private long xyf2ring(int ix, int iy, int face_num)
94     {
95     long jr = ((long)jrll[face_num]*nside) - (long)ix - (long)iy  - 1L;
97     RingInfoSmall ris = get_ring_info_small(jr);
98     long nr=ris.ringpix>>>2, kshift=ris.shifted ? 0:1;
100     long jp = (jpll[face_num]*nr + (long)ix - (long)iy + 1L + kshift) / 2L;
101     if (jp>nl4)
102       jp-=nl4;
103     else
104       if (jp<1) jp+=nl4;
106     return ris.startpix + jp - 1L;
107     }
ring2xyf(long pix)109   protected Xyf ring2xyf(long pix)
110     {
111     Xyf ret = new Xyf();
112     long iring, iphi, kshift, nr;
114     if (pix<ncap) // North Polar cap
115       {
116       iring = (1+HealpixUtils.isqrt(1L+2L*pix))>>>1; //counted from North pole
117       iphi = (pix+1) - 2*iring*(iring-1);
118       kshift = 0;
119       nr = iring;
120       ret.face=(int)((iphi-1)/nr);
121       }
122     else if (pix<(npix-ncap)) // Equatorial region
123       {
124       long ip = pix - ncap;
125       long tmp = (order>=0) ? ip>>>(order+2) : ip/nl4;
126       iring = tmp+nside;
127       iphi = ip-tmp*nl4 + 1;
128       kshift = (iring+nside)&1;
129       nr = nside;
130       long ire = iring-nside+1,
131            irm = nl2+2-ire;
132       long ifm = iphi - (ire>>>1) + nside -1,
133            ifp = iphi - (irm>>>1) + nside -1;
134       if (order>=0)
135         { ifm >>>= order; ifp >>>= order; }
136       else
137         { ifm /= nside; ifp /= nside; }
138       ret.face = (int)((ifp==ifm) ? (ifp|4) : ((ifp<ifm) ? ifp : (ifm+8)));
139       }
140     else // South Polar cap
141       {
142       long ip = npix - pix;
143       iring = (1+HealpixUtils.isqrt(2L*ip-1L))>>>1; //counted from South pole
144       iphi  = 4L*iring + 1 - (ip - 2L*iring*(iring-1L));
145       kshift = 0;
146       nr = iring;
147       iring = 2L*nl2-iring;
148       ret.face = 8 + (int)((iphi-1)/nr);
149       }
151     long irt = iring - ((long)jrll[ret.face]*nside) + 1L;
152     long ipt = 2L*iphi- (long)jpll[ret.face]*nr - kshift -1L;
153     if (ipt>=nl2) ipt-=8L*nside;
155     ret.ix = (int)(( ipt-irt)>>>1);
156     ret.iy = (int)((-ipt-irt)>>>1);
158     return ret;
159     }
pix2xyf(long pix)161   protected Xyf pix2xyf (long pix)
162     { return (scheme==Scheme.RING) ? ring2xyf(pix) : nest2xyf(pix); }
xyf2pix(int ix, int iy, int face_num)164   protected long xyf2pix (int ix, int iy, int face_num)
165     {
166     return (scheme==Scheme.RING) ?
167       xyf2ring(ix,iy,face_num) : xyf2nest(ix,iy,face_num);
168     }
xyf2pix(Xyf xyf)169   protected long xyf2pix (Xyf xyf)
170     {
171     return (scheme==Scheme.RING) ?
172       xyf2ring(xyf.ix,xyf.iy,xyf.face) : xyf2nest(xyf.ix,xyf.iy,xyf.face);
173     }
175   /** Calculates the map order from its Nside parameter.
176       @param nside the Nside parameter
177       @return the map order corresponding to {@code nside}; -1 if
178         {@code nside} is not a power of 2. */
nside2order(long nside)179   public static int nside2order(long nside) throws Exception
180     {
181     HealpixUtils.check (nside>0,"nside must be positive");
182     return ((nside&(nside-1))!=0) ? -1 : HealpixUtils.ilog2(nside);
183     }
185   /** Calculates the Nside parameter from the number of pixels.
186       @param npix the number of pixels
187       @return the computed Nside parameter */
npix2Nside(long npix)188   public static long npix2Nside(long npix) throws Exception
189     {
190     HealpixUtils.check (npix>0,"npix must be positive");
191     long nside = HealpixUtils.isqrt(npix/12);
192     HealpixUtils.check(12*nside*nside==npix,"npix is not 12*nside*nside");
193     HealpixUtils.check(nside<=ns_max,"nside is too large");
194     return nside;
195     }
196   /** Calculates the number of pixels from the Nside parameter.
197       @param nside the Nside parameter
198       @return the computed number of pixels */
nside2Npix(long nside)199   public static long nside2Npix(long nside) throws Exception
200     {
201     HealpixUtils.check (nside>0,"nside must be positive");
202     HealpixUtils.check(nside<=ns_max,"nside is too large");
203     return 12*nside*nside;
204     }
206   /** Calculates the number of pixels from the order parameter.
207       @param order the order parameter
208       @return the computed number of pixels */
order2Npix(int order)209   public static long order2Npix(int order) throws Exception
210     {
211     HealpixUtils.check (order>=0,"order must be nonnegative");
212     HealpixUtils.check(order<=order_max,"order is too large");
213     return 12*(1L<<(2*order));
214     }
216   /** Adjusts the object to nside_in.
217       @param nside_in the new Nside parameter */
setNside(long nside_in)218   public void setNside (long nside_in) throws Exception
219     {
220     if (nside==nside_in) return;
221     nside=nside_in;
222     HealpixUtils.check(nside<=ns_max && nside>0,
223       "Nside must be between 1 and " + ns_max);
225     order = nside2order(nside);
226     if (scheme==Scheme.NESTED && order<0)
227       throw new Exception("Nside must be a power of 2 for NESTED scheme");
228     nl2 = 2*nside;
229     nl3 = 3*nside;
230     nl4 = 4*nside;
231     npface = nside*nside;
232     ncap = 2*nside*(nside-1); // pixels in each polar cap
233     npix = 12*npface;
234     fact2 = 4.0/npix;
235     fact1 = (nside<<1)*fact2;
236     }
238   /** Adjusts the object to nside_in and scheme_in.
239       @param nside_in the new Nside parameter
240       @param scheme_in the new ordering scheme */
setNsideAndScheme(long nside_in, Scheme scheme_in)241   public void setNsideAndScheme (long nside_in, Scheme scheme_in)
242     throws Exception
243     {
244     if ((scheme==scheme_in) && (nside==nside_in)) return;
245     HealpixUtils.check (((nside_in&(nside_in-1))==0)||(scheme_in==Scheme.RING),
246       "Nside must be a power of 2 for NESTED scheme");
247     scheme=scheme_in;
248     setNside(nside_in);
249     }
251   /** Initializes the object to Nside=1 and scheme=NESTED. */
HealpixBase()252   public HealpixBase()
253     {
254     try
255       { nside=0; setNsideAndScheme(1,Scheme.NESTED); }
256     catch(Exception Ex) {/*cannot happen*/}
257     }
259   /** Initializes the object to a user-supplied Nside and ordering scheme.
260       @param nside_in the Nside parameter
261       @param scheme_in the ordering scheme */
HealpixBase(long nside_in, Scheme scheme_in)262   public HealpixBase(long nside_in, Scheme scheme_in) throws Exception
263     { nside=nside_in-1; setNsideAndScheme(nside_in, scheme_in); }
265   /** Returns the current ordering scheme.
266       @return the current ordering scheme */
getScheme()267   public Scheme getScheme()
268     { return scheme; }
270   /** Returns the current Nside parameter.
271       @return the current Nside parameter */
getNside()272   public int getNside()
273     { return (int)nside; }
275   /** Returns the total number of pixels in the pixelisation.
276       @return the current total number of pixels */
getNpix()277   public long getNpix()
278     { return npix; }
280   /** Adjusts the object to scheme.
281       @param scheme_in the new ordering scheme */
setScheme(Scheme scheme_in)282   public void setScheme(Scheme scheme_in) throws Exception
283     {
284     if (scheme_in==Scheme.NESTED && order<0)
285       throw new Exception("Nside must be a power of 2 for NESTED scheme");
286     scheme = scheme_in;
287     }
289   /** Returns the current order parameter.
290       @return the current map order parameter. */
getOrder()291   public int getOrder()
292     { return order; }
294   /** Returns the pixel which contains the supplied Pointing.
295       @param ptg the requested location on the sphere.
296       @return the pixel number containing the location. */
ang2pix(Pointing ptg)297   public long ang2pix(Pointing ptg) throws Exception
298     { return loc2pix(new Hploc(ptg)); }
300   /** Returns the Pointing corresponding to the center of the supplied pixel.
301       @param pix the requested pixel number.
302       @return the pixel's center coordinates. */
pix2ang(long pix)303   public Pointing pix2ang(long pix) throws Exception
304     { return pix2loc(pix).toPointing(); }
306   /** Returns the pixel which contains the supplied Vec3.
307       @param vec the requested location on the sphere (need not be normalized).
308       @return the pixel number containing the location. */
vec2pix(Vec3 vec)309   public long vec2pix(Vec3 vec) throws Exception
310     { return loc2pix(new Hploc(vec)); }
312   /** Returns the normalized 3-vector corresponding to the center of the
313       supplied pixel.
314       @param pix the requested pixel number.
315       @return the pixel's center coordinates. */
pix2vec(long pix)316   public Vec3 pix2vec(long pix) throws Exception
317     { return pix2loc(pix).toVec3(); }
319   /** Returns nested pixel number for the supplied ring pixel number.
320       @param ipring the requested pixel number in RING scheme.
321       @return the corresponding pixel number in NESTED scheme. */
ring2nest(long ipring)322   public long ring2nest(long ipring) throws Exception
323     {
324     Xyf xyf = ring2xyf(ipring);
325     return xyf2nest (xyf.ix,xyf.iy, xyf.face);
326     }
328   /** Returns ring pixel number for the supplied nested pixel number.
329       @param ipnest the requested pixel number in NESTED scheme.
330       @return the corresponding pixel number in RING scheme. */
nest2ring(long ipnest)331   public long nest2ring(long ipnest) throws Exception
332     {
333     Xyf xyf = nest2xyf(ipnest);
334     return xyf2ring (xyf.ix,xyf.iy, xyf.face);
335     }
loc2pix(Hploc loc)337   protected long loc2pix (Hploc loc)
338     {
339     double z=loc.z, phi=loc.phi;
341     double za = Math.abs(z);
342     double tt = HealpixUtils.fmodulo((phi*Constants.inv_halfpi),4.0);// in [0,4)
344     if (scheme==Scheme.RING)
345       {
346       if (za<=Constants.twothird) // Equatorial region
347         {
348         double temp1 = nside*(0.5+tt);
349         double temp2 = nside*z*0.75;
350         long jp = (long)(temp1-temp2); // index of  ascending edge line
351         long jm = (long)(temp1+temp2); // index of descending edge line
353         // ring number counted from z=2/3
354         long ir = nside + 1 + jp - jm; // in {1,2n+1}
355         long kshift = 1-(ir&1); // kshift=1 if ir even, 0 otherwise
357         long t1 = jp+jm-nside+kshift+1+nl4+nl4;
358         long ip = (order>0) ?
359           (t1>>>1)&(nl4-1) : ((t1>>>1)%nl4); // in {0,4n-1}
361         return ncap + (ir-1)*nl4 + ip;
362         }
363       else  // North & South polar caps
364         {
365         double tp = tt-(long)(tt);
366         double tmp = ((za<0.99)||(!loc.have_sth)) ?
367                      nside*Math.sqrt(3*(1-za)) :
368                      nside*loc.sth/Math.sqrt((1.+za)/3.);
370         long jp = (long)(tp*tmp); // increasing edge line index
371         long jm = (long)((1.0-tp)*tmp); // decreasing edge line index
373         long ir = jp+jm+1; // ring number counted from the closest pole
374         long ip = (long)(tt*ir); // in {0,4*ir-1}
375         assert((ip>=0)&&(ip<4*ir));
377         return (z>0)  ?  2*ir*(ir-1) + ip  :  npix - 2*ir*(ir+1) + ip;
378         }
379       }
380     else // scheme_ == NEST
381       {
382       if (za<=Constants.twothird) // Equatorial region
383         {
384         double temp1 = nside*(0.5+tt);
385         double temp2 = nside*(z*0.75);
386         long jp = (long)(temp1-temp2); // index of  ascending edge line
387         long jm = (long)(temp1+temp2); // index of descending edge line
388         long ifp = jp >>> order;  // in {0,4}
389         long ifm = jm >>> order;
390         long face_num = (ifp==ifm) ? (ifp|4) : ((ifp<ifm) ? ifp : (ifm+8));
392         long ix = jm & (nside-1),
393              iy = nside - (jp & (nside-1)) - 1;
394         return xyf2nest((int)ix,(int)iy,(int)face_num);
395         }
396       else // polar region, za > 2/3
397         {
398         int ntt = Math.min(3,(int)tt);
399         double tp = tt-ntt;
400         double tmp = ((za<0.99)||(!loc.have_sth)) ?
401                      nside*Math.sqrt(3*(1-za)) :
402                      nside*loc.sth/Math.sqrt((1.+za)/3.);
404         long jp = (long)(tp*tmp); // increasing edge line index
405         long jm = (long)((1.0-tp)*tmp); // decreasing edge line index
406         if (jp>=nside) jp = nside-1; // for points too close to the boundary
407         if (jm>=nside) jm = nside-1;
408         return (z>=0) ?
409           xyf2nest((int)(nside-jm -1),(int)(nside-jp-1),ntt) :
410           xyf2nest((int)jp,(int)jm,ntt+8);
411         }
412       }
413     }
415   /** Returns the pixel which contains the supplied Zphi.
416       @param zphi the requested location on the sphere.
417       @return the pixel number containing the location. */
zphi2pix(Zphi zphi)418   public long zphi2pix (Zphi zphi)
419     { return loc2pix (new Hploc(zphi)); }
pix2loc(long pix)421   protected Hploc pix2loc (long pix)
422     {
423     Hploc loc = new Hploc();
424     if (scheme==Scheme.RING)
425       {
426       if (pix<ncap) // North Polar cap
427         {
428         long iring = (1+(HealpixUtils.isqrt(1+2*pix)))>>>1; //from North pole
429         long iphi  = (pix+1) - 2*iring*(iring-1);
431         double tmp = (iring*iring)*fact2;
432         loc.z = 1.0 - tmp;
433         if (loc.z>0.99) { loc.sth=Math.sqrt(tmp*(2.-tmp)); loc.have_sth=true; }
434         loc.phi = (iphi-0.5) * Constants.halfpi/iring;
435         }
436       else if (pix<(npix-ncap)) // Equatorial region
437         {
438         long ip  = pix - ncap;
439         long tmp = (order>=0) ? ip>>>(order+2) : ip/nl4;
440         long iring = tmp + nside,
441           iphi = ip-nl4*tmp+1;;
442         // 1 if iring+nside is odd, 1/2 otherwise
443         double fodd = ((iring+nside)&1)!=0 ? 1 : 0.5;
445         loc.z = (nl2-iring)*fact1;
446         loc.phi = (iphi-fodd) * Math.PI*0.75*fact1;
447         }
448       else // South Polar cap
449         {
450         long ip = npix - pix;
451         long iring = (1+HealpixUtils.isqrt(2*ip-1))>>>1; //from South pole
452         long iphi  = 4*iring + 1 - (ip - 2*iring*(iring-1));
454         double tmp = (iring*iring)*fact2;
455         loc.z = tmp-1.0;
456         if (loc.z<-0.99) { loc.sth=Math.sqrt(tmp*(2.-tmp)); loc.have_sth=true; }
457         loc.phi = (iphi-0.5) * Constants.halfpi/iring;
458         }
459       }
460     else
461       {
462       Xyf xyf= nest2xyf(pix);
464       long jr = ((long)(jrll[xyf.face])<<order) -xyf.ix - xyf.iy - 1;
466       long nr;
467       if (jr<nside)
468         {
469         nr = jr;
470         double tmp = (nr*nr)*fact2;
471         loc.z = 1 - tmp;
472         if (loc.z>0.99) { loc.sth=Math.sqrt(tmp*(2.-tmp)); loc.have_sth=true; }
473         }
474       else if (jr>nl3)
475         {
476         nr = nl4-jr;
477         double tmp = (nr*nr)*fact2;
478         loc.z = tmp - 1;
479         if (loc.z<-0.99) { loc.sth=Math.sqrt(tmp*(2.-tmp)); loc.have_sth=true; }
480         }
481       else
482         {
483         nr = nside;
484         loc.z = (nl2-jr)*fact1;
485         }
487       long tmp=(long)(jpll[xyf.face])*nr+xyf.ix-xyf.iy;
488       assert(tmp<8*nr); // must not happen
489       if (tmp<0) tmp+=8*nr;
490       loc.phi = (nr==nside) ? 0.75*Constants.halfpi*tmp*fact1 :
491                              (0.5*Constants.halfpi*tmp)/nr;
492       }
493     return loc;
494     }
496   /** Returns the Zphi corresponding to the center of the supplied pixel.
497       @param pix the requested pixel number.
498       @return the pixel's center coordinates. */
499   public Zphi pix2zphi (long pix)
500     { return pix2loc(pix).toZphi(); }
502   /** Returns the neighboring pixels of ipix.
503       This method works in both RING and NEST schemes, but is
504       considerably faster in the NEST scheme.
505       @param ipix the requested pixel number.
506       @return array with indices of the neighboring pixels.
507         The returned array contains (in this order)
508         the pixel numbers of the SW, W, NW, N, NE, E, SE and S neighbor
509         of ipix. If a neighbor does not exist (this can only happen
510         for the W, N, E and S neighbors), its entry is set to -1. */
511   public long[] neighbours(long ipix) throws Exception
512     {
513     long[] result = new long[8];
514     Xyf xyf = (scheme==Scheme.NESTED) ? nest2xyf(ipix) : ring2xyf(ipix);
515     int ix = xyf.ix, iy=xyf.iy, face_num=xyf.face;
517     long nsm1 = nside-1;
518     if ((ix>0)&&(ix<nsm1)&&(iy>0)&&(iy<nsm1))
519       {
520       if (scheme==Scheme.RING)
521         for (int m=0; m<8; ++m)
522           result[m]=(xyf2ring(ix+xoffset[m],iy+yoffset[m],face_num));
523       else
524         {
525         long fpix = (long)(face_num)<<(2*order),
526              px0=spread_bits(ix  ), py0=spread_bits(iy  )<<1,
527              pxp=spread_bits(ix+1), pyp=spread_bits(iy+1)<<1,
528              pxm=spread_bits(ix-1), pym=spread_bits(iy-1)<<1;
530         result[0]=fpix+pxm+py0; result[1]=fpix+pxm+pyp;
531         result[2]=fpix+px0+pyp; result[3]=fpix+pxp+pyp;
532         result[4]=fpix+pxp+py0; result[5]=fpix+pxp+pym;
533         result[6]=fpix+px0+pym; result[7]=fpix+pxm+pym;
534         }
535       }
536     else
537       {
538       for (int i=0; i<8; ++i)
539         {
540         int x=ix+xoffset[i];
541         int y=iy+yoffset[i];
542         int nbnum=4;
543         if (x<0)
544           { x+=nside; nbnum-=1; }
545         else if (x>=nside)
546           { x-=nside; nbnum+=1; }
547         if (y<0)
548           { y+=nside; nbnum-=3; }
549         else if (y>=nside)
550           { y-=nside; nbnum+=3; }
552         int f = facearray[nbnum][face_num];
554         if (f>=0)
555           {
556           int bits = swaparray[nbnum][face_num>>>2];
557           if ((bits&1)>0) x=(int)(nside-x-1);
558           if ((bits&2)>0) y=(int)(nside-y-1);
559           if ((bits&4)>0) { int tint=x; x=y; y=tint; }
560           result[i] = (scheme==Scheme.NESTED) ?
561             xyf2nest(x,y,f) : xyf2ring(x,y,f);
562           }
563         else
564           result[i]=-1;
565         }
566       }
567     return result;
568     }
570   /** Returns the maximum angular distance between a pixel center and its
571       corners.
572       @return maximum angular distance between a pixel center and its
573         corners. */
574   public double maxPixrad()
575     {
576     Vec3 va = new Vec3(new Zphi(2./3., Math.PI/nl4));
577     double t1 = 1.-1./nside;
578     t1*=t1;
579     Vec3 vb = new Vec3(new Zphi(1-t1/3, 0));
580     return va.angle(vb);
581     }
583   private RingInfoSmall get_ring_info_small (long ring)
584     {
585     RingInfoSmall ret = new RingInfoSmall();
586     if (ring<nside)
587       {
588       ret.shifted = true;
589       ret.ringpix = 4*ring;
590       ret.startpix = 2*ring*(ring-1);
591       }
592     else if (ring<nl3)
593       {
594       ret.shifted = ((ring-nside) & 1) == 0;
595       ret.ringpix = nl4;
596       ret.startpix = ncap + (ring-nside)*nl4;
597       }
598     else
599       {
600       ret.shifted = true;
601       long nr=nl4-ring;
602       ret.ringpix = 4*nr;
603       ret.startpix = npix-2*nr*(nr+1);
604       }
605     return ret;
606     }
608   private long ringAbove (double z)
609     {
610     double az=Math.abs(z);
611     if (az> Constants.twothird) // polar caps
612       {
613       long iring = (long)(nside*Math.sqrt(3*(1-az)));
614       return (z>0) ? iring : nl4-iring-1;
615       }
616     else // equatorial region
617       return (long)(nside*(2.0-1.5*z));
618     }
620   /** Returns the z-coordinate (equivalent to the cosine of the colatitude)
621       for the requested ring.
622       This method also accepts the not-really-existing ring indices 0 and
623       4*Nside, which correspond to North and South Poles, respectively.
624       @param ring ring index: the northernmost ring in the map has index 1;
625         ring indices are increasing towards the South pole.
626       @return z-coordinate of the ring. */
627   public double ring2z (long ring)
628     {
629     if (ring<nside)
630       return 1 - ring*ring*fact2;
631     if (ring <=nl3)
632       return (nl2-ring)*fact1;
633     ring=nl4 - ring;
634     return ring*ring*fact2 - 1;
635     }
636   /** Returns the colatitude for the requested ring.
637       This method also accepts the not-really-existing ring indices 0 and
638       4*Nside, which correspond to North and South Poles, respectively.
639       @param ring ring index: the northernmost ring in the map has index 1;
640         ring indices are increasing towards the South pole.
641       @return z-coordinate of the ring. */
642   public double ring2theta (long ring)
643     {
644     if (ring<nside)
645       {
646       double tmp=ring*ring*fact2;
647       return FastMath.atan2 (Math.sqrt(tmp*(2.-tmp)),1-tmp);
648       }
649     if (ring <=nl3)
650       {
651       double cth=(nl2-ring)*fact1;
652       return FastMath.atan2 (Math.sqrt(1.-cth*cth),cth);
653       }
654     ring=nl4 - ring;
655     double tmp=ring*ring*fact2;
656     return FastMath.atan2 (Math.sqrt(tmp*(2.-tmp)),tmp-1);
657     }
659   private final class pstack
660     {
661     private long[] p;
662     private int[] o;
663     private int s, m;
665     public pstack (int sz)
666       { p=new long[sz]; o=new int[sz]; s=m=0; }
667     public void push (long p_, int o_)
668       { p[s]=p_; o[s]=o_; ++s; }
669     public void pop ()
670       { --s; }
671     public void popToMark ()
672       { s=m; }
673     public int size ()
674       { return s; }
675     public void mark ()
676       { m=s; }
677     public int otop ()
678       { return o[s-1]; }
679     public long ptop ()
680       { return p[s-1]; }
681     }
683   private RangeSet queryStripInternal(double theta1, double theta2,
684     boolean inclusive) throws Exception
685     {
686     RangeSet pixset = new RangeSet(1);
687     if (scheme==Scheme.RING)
688       {
689       long ring1 = Math.max(1,1+ringAbove(FastMath.cos(theta1))),
690            ring2 = Math.min(4*nside-1,ringAbove(FastMath.cos(theta2)));
691       if (inclusive)
692         {
693         ring1 = Math.max(1,ring1-1);
694         ring2 = Math.min(4*nside-1,ring2+1);
695         }
697       RingInfoSmall ris1 = get_ring_info_small(ring1),
698                     ris2 = get_ring_info_small(ring2);
699       long pix1 = ris1.startpix,
700            pix2 = ris2.startpix+ris2.ringpix;
701       if (pix1<pix2) pixset.append(pix1,pix2);
702       }
703     else
704       HealpixUtils.check(false,"queryStrip not yet implemented for NESTED");
706     return pixset;
707     }
709   /** Returns a range set of pixels whose centers lie within a given latitude
710       range (if {@code inclusive==false}), or which overlap with this range
711       (if {@code inclusive==true}).<p>
712       The latitude range is defined as follows:
713       <ul>
714       <li>if {@code theta1<theta2}, it is the range between {@code theta1}
715           and {@code theta2}</li>
716       <li>otherwise it is the range between 0 and {@code theta2}, and between
717           {@code theta1} and pi.</li>
718       </ul>
719       This method currently only works in the RING scheme. */
720   public RangeSet queryStrip(double theta1, double theta2,
721     boolean inclusive) throws Exception
722     {
723     if (theta1<theta2)
724       return queryStripInternal(theta1,theta2,inclusive);
725     RangeSet res = queryStripInternal(0.,theta2,inclusive);
726     return res.union(queryStripInternal(theta1,Math.PI,inclusive));
727     }
729   private boolean checkPixelRing (HealpixBase b2, long pix, long nr,
730     long ipix1, int fct, Zphi czphi, double cosrp2, long cpix)
731     {
732     if (pix>=nr) pix-=nr;
733     if (pix<0) pix+=nr;
734     pix+=ipix1;
735     if (pix==cpix) return false; // disk center in pixel => overlap
736     Xyf xyf=pix2xyf(pix);
737     for (int i=0; i<fct-1; ++i) // go along the 4 edges
738       {
739       int ox=fct*xyf.ix, oy=fct*xyf.iy;
740       Xyf xyf2 = new Xyf (ox,oy,xyf.face);
741       double pz,pphi;
742       xyf2.ix=ox+i; xyf2.iy=oy;
743       if (HealpixUtils.cosdist_zphi(czphi,b2.pix2zphi(b2.xyf2pix(xyf2)))>cosrp2)
744         return false; // overlap
745       xyf2.ix=ox+fct-1; xyf2.iy=oy+i;
746       if (HealpixUtils.cosdist_zphi(czphi,b2.pix2zphi(b2.xyf2pix(xyf2)))>cosrp2)
747         return false; // overlap
748       xyf2.ix=ox+fct-1-i; xyf2.iy=oy+fct-1;
749       if (HealpixUtils.cosdist_zphi(czphi,b2.pix2zphi(b2.xyf2pix(xyf2)))>cosrp2)
750         return false; // overlap
751       xyf2.ix=ox; xyf2.iy=oy+fct-1-i;
752       if (HealpixUtils.cosdist_zphi(czphi,b2.pix2zphi(b2.xyf2pix(xyf2)))>cosrp2)
753         return false; // overlap
754       }
755     return true;
756     }
758   private RangeSet queryDiscInternal(Pointing ptg, double radius, int fact)
759     throws Exception
760     {
761     boolean inclusive=(fact!=0);
762     RangeSet pixset = new RangeSet();
763     if (scheme==Scheme.RING)
764       {
765       int fct=1;
766       if (inclusive)
767         {
768         HealpixUtils.check ((1L<<order_max)/nside>=fact,
769           "invalid oversampling factor");
770         fct = fact;
771         }
772       HealpixBase b2=null;
773       double rsmall,rbig;
774       if (fct>1)
775         {
776         b2=new HealpixBase(fct*nside,Scheme.RING);
777         rsmall = radius+b2.maxPixrad();
778         rbig = radius+maxPixrad();
779         }
780       else
781         rsmall = rbig = inclusive ? radius+maxPixrad() : radius;
783       if (rsmall>=Math.PI)
784         { pixset.append(0,npix); return pixset; }
786       rbig = Math.min (Math.PI,rbig);
788       double cosrsmall = FastMath.cos(rsmall);
789       double cosrbig = FastMath.cos(rbig);
791       double z0 = FastMath.cos(ptg.theta);
792       double xa = 1./Math.sqrt((1-z0)*(1+z0));
794       Zphi czphi = new Zphi(z0,ptg.phi);
795       long cpix = zphi2pix(czphi);
797       double rlat1  = ptg.theta - rsmall;
798       double zmax = FastMath.cos(rlat1);
799       long irmin = ringAbove (zmax)+1;
801       if ((rlat1<=0) && (irmin>1)) // north pole in the disk
802         {
803         RingInfoSmall info =get_ring_info_small(irmin-1);
804         pixset.append(0,info.startpix+info.ringpix);
805         }
807       if ((fct>1) && (rlat1>0)) irmin=Math.max(1L,irmin-1);
809       double rlat2  = ptg.theta + rsmall;
810       double zmin = FastMath.cos(rlat2);
811       long irmax = ringAbove (zmin);
813       if ((fct>1) && (rlat2<Math.PI)) irmax=Math.min(nl4-1,irmax+1);
815       for (long iz=irmin; iz<=irmax; ++iz) // rings partially in the disk
816         {
817         double z=ring2z(iz);
819         double x = (cosrbig-z*z0)*xa;
820         double ysq = 1-z*z-x*x;
821         double dphi=-1;
822         if (ysq<=0) // no intersection, ring completely inside or outside
823           dphi = (fct==1) ? 0: Math.PI-1e-15;
824         else
825           dphi = FastMath.atan2(Math.sqrt(ysq),x);
826         if (dphi>0)
827           {
828           RingInfoSmall info =get_ring_info_small(iz);
829           long ipix1 = info.startpix, nr=info.ringpix, ipix2=ipix1+nr-1;
830           double shift = info.shifted ? 0.5 : 0.;
832           long ip_lo = (long)Math.floor
833             (nr*Constants.inv_twopi*(ptg.phi-dphi) - shift)+1;
834           long ip_hi = (long)Math.floor
835             (nr*Constants.inv_twopi*(ptg.phi+dphi) - shift);
837           if (fct>1)
838             {
839             while ((ip_lo<=ip_hi) && checkPixelRing
840                   (b2,ip_lo,nr,ipix1,fct,czphi,cosrsmall,cpix))
841               ++ip_lo;
842             while ((ip_hi>ip_lo) && checkPixelRing
843                   (b2,ip_hi,nr,ipix1,fct,czphi,cosrsmall,cpix))
844               --ip_hi;
845             }
847           if (ip_lo<=ip_hi)
848             {
849             if (ip_hi>=nr)
850               { ip_lo-=nr; ip_hi-=nr; }
851             if (ip_lo<0)
852               {
853               pixset.append(ipix1,ipix1+ip_hi+1);
854               pixset.append(ipix1+ip_lo+nr,ipix2+1);
855               }
856             else
857               pixset.append(ipix1+ip_lo,ipix1+ip_hi+1);
858             }
859           }
860         }
862       if ((rlat2>=Math.PI) && (irmax+1<nl4)) // south pole in the disk
863         {
864         RingInfoSmall info =get_ring_info_small(irmax+1);
865         pixset.append(info.startpix,npix);
866         }
867       }
868     else // scheme_==NEST
869       {
870       if (radius>=Math.PI) // disk covers the whole sphere
871         { pixset.append(0,npix); return pixset; }
873       int oplus=0;
874       if (inclusive)
875         {
876         HealpixUtils.check ((1L<<order_max)>=fact,"invalid oversampling factor");
877         HealpixUtils.check ((fact&(fact-1))==0,
878           "oversampling factor must be a power of 2");
879         oplus=HealpixUtils.ilog2(fact);
880         }
881       int omax=Math.min(order_max,order+oplus); // the order up to which we test
883       Vec3 vptg = new Vec3(ptg);
885       double[] crpdr = new double[omax+1];
886       double[] crmdr = new double[omax+1];
888       double cosrad=FastMath.cos(radius),
889              sinrad=FastMath.sin(radius);
890       for (int o=0; o<=omax; o++) // prepare data at the required orders
891         {
892         double dr = HealpixProc.mpr[o]; // safety distance
893         double cdr = HealpixProc.cmpr[o];
894         double sdr = HealpixProc.smpr[o];
895         crpdr[o] = (radius+dr>Math.PI) ? -1. : cosrad*cdr-sinrad*sdr;
896         crmdr[o] = (radius-dr<0.)      ?  1. : cosrad*cdr+sinrad*sdr;
897         }
899       pstack stk=new pstack(12+3*omax);
901 /* Still experimental, therefore disabled
902       Fxyf fxyf=new Fxyf(vptg);
903       for (int o=order; o>=0; --o)
904         {
905         long nsd=HealpixProc.bn[o].nside;
906         double fx=nsd*fxyf.fx-(int)(nsd*fxyf.fx),
907                fy=nsd*fxyf.fy-(int)(nsd*fxyf.fy);
908         double fmin = Math.min(Math.min(fx,fy),Math.min(1-fx,1-fy));
909         if (fmin*0.7>nsd*radius)
910           {
911           System.out.println("contained completely at order "+o);
912           stk.push(HealpixProc.bn[o].vec2pix(vptg),o);
913           break;
914           }
915         }
916       if (stk.size()==0)
917 */
919       for (int i=0; i<12; i++) // insert the 12 base pixels in reverse order
920         stk.push(11-i,0);
922       while (stk.size()>0) {// as long as there are pixels on the stack
923         // pop current pixel number and order from the stack
924         long pix=stk.ptop();
925         int o=stk.otop();
926         stk.pop();
928         Zphi pos=HealpixProc.bn[o].pix2zphi(pix);
929         // cosine of angular distance between pixel center and disk center
930         double cangdist=HealpixUtils.cosdist_zphi(vptg.z,ptg.phi,pos.z,pos.phi);
932         if (cangdist>crpdr[o])
933           {
934           int zone = (cangdist<cosrad) ? 1 : ((cangdist<=crmdr[o]) ? 2 : 3);
936           check_pixel (o, omax, zone, pixset, pix, stk, inclusive);
937           }
938         }
939       }
940     return pixset;
941     }
943   /** Returns a range set of pixels whose centers lie within a given disk. <p>
944       This method is more efficient in the RING scheme.
945       @param ptg the angular coordinates of the disk center
946       @param radius the radius (in radians) of the disk
947       @return the requested set of pixel number ranges  */
948   public RangeSet queryDisc(Pointing ptg, double radius)
949     throws Exception
950     { return queryDiscInternal (ptg, radius, 0); }
951   /** Returns a range set of pixels which overlap with a given disk. <p>
952       This method is more efficient in the RING scheme. <p>
953       This method may return some pixels which don't overlap with
954       the polygon at all. The higher {@code fact} is chosen, the fewer false
955       positives are returned, at the cost of increased run time.
956       @param ptg the angular coordinates of the disk center
957       @param radius the radius (in radians) of the disk
958       @param fact The overlapping test will be done at the resolution
959         {@code fact*nside}. For NESTED ordering, {@code fact} must be a power
960         of 2, else it can be any positive integer. A typical choice would be 4.
961       @return the requested set of pixel number ranges  */
962   public RangeSet queryDiscInclusive (Pointing ptg, double radius, int fact)
963     throws Exception
964     { return queryDiscInternal (ptg, radius, fact); }
966   private RangeSet queryMultiDisc (Vec3[] norm, double[] rad,
967     int fact) throws Exception
968     {
969     boolean inclusive = (fact!=0);
970     int nv=norm.length;
971     HealpixUtils.check(nv==rad.length,"inconsistent input arrays");
972     RangeSet res = new RangeSet();
974     if (scheme==Scheme.RING)
975       {
976       int fct=1;
977       if (inclusive)
978         {
979         HealpixUtils.check (((1L<<order_max)/nside)>=fact,
980           "invalid oversampling factor");
981         fct = fact;
982         }
983       HealpixBase b2=null;
984       double rpsmall,rpbig;
985       if (fct>1)
986         {
987         b2=new HealpixBase(fct*nside,Scheme.RING);
988         rpsmall = b2.maxPixrad();
989         rpbig = maxPixrad();
990         }
991       else
992         rpsmall = rpbig = inclusive ? maxPixrad() : 0;
994       long irmin=1, irmax=nl4-1;
995       int nd=0;
996       double[] z0=new double[nv];
997       double[] xa=new double[nv];
998       double[] cosrsmall=new double[nv];
999       double[] cosrbig=new double[nv];
1000       Pointing[] ptg=new Pointing[nv];
1001       long[] cpix=new long[nv];
1002       Zphi[] czphi=new Zphi[nv];
1003       for (int i=0; i<nv; ++i)
1004         {
1005         double rsmall=rad[i]+rpsmall;
1006         if (rsmall<Math.PI)
1007           {
1008           double rbig = Math.min(Math.PI,rad[i]+rpbig);
1009           Pointing pnt= new Pointing(norm[i]);
1010           cosrsmall[nd]=FastMath.cos(rsmall);
1011           cosrbig[nd]=FastMath.cos(rbig);
1012           double cth=FastMath.cos(pnt.theta);
1013           z0[nd]=cth;
1014           if (fct>1) cpix[nd]=zphi2pix(new Zphi(cth,pnt.phi));
1015           if (fct>1) czphi[nd]=new Zphi(cth,pnt.phi);
1016           xa[nd]=1./Math.sqrt((1-cth)*(1+cth));
1017           ptg[nd]=pnt;
1019           double rlat1 = pnt.theta - rsmall;
1020           double zmax = FastMath.cos(rlat1);
1021           long irmin_t = (rlat1<=0) ? 1 : ringAbove (zmax)+1;
1023           if ((fct>1) && (rlat1>0)) irmin_t=Math.max(1L,irmin_t-1);
1025           double rlat2 = pnt.theta + rsmall;
1026           double zmin = FastMath.cos(rlat2);
1027           long irmax_t = (rlat2>=Math.PI) ? nl4-1 : ringAbove (zmin);
1029           if ((fct>1) && (rlat2<Math.PI))
1030             irmax_t=Math.min(nl4-1,irmax_t+1);
1031           if (irmax_t < irmax) irmax=irmax_t;
1032           if (irmin_t > irmin) irmin=irmin_t;
1034           ++nd;
1035           }
1036         }
1038       for (long iz=irmin; iz<=irmax; ++iz)
1039         {
1040         double z=ring2z(iz);
1041         RingInfoSmall ris=get_ring_info_small(iz);
1042         long ipix1=ris.startpix, nr=ris.ringpix;
1043         long ipix2 = ipix1 + nr - 1; // highest pixel number in the ring
1044         double shift = ris.shifted ? 0.5 : 0.;
1045         RangeSet rstmp = new RangeSet();
1046         rstmp.append(ipix1,ipix2+1);
1048         for (int j=0; (j<nd)&&(rstmp.nranges()>0); ++j)
1049           {
1050           double x = (cosrbig[j]-z*z0[j])*xa[j];
1051           double ysq = 1.-z*z-x*x;
1052           double dphi = (ysq<=0) ? Math.PI-1e-15 :
1053                                    FastMath.atan2(Math.sqrt(ysq),x);
1055           long ip_lo = (long)Math.floor
1056             (nr*Constants.inv_twopi*(ptg[j].phi-dphi)-shift)+1;
1057           long ip_hi = (long)Math.floor
1058             (nr*Constants.inv_twopi*(ptg[j].phi+dphi)-shift);
1060           if (fct>1)
1061             {
1062             while ((ip_lo<=ip_hi) && checkPixelRing
1063                   (b2,ip_lo,nr,ipix1,fct,czphi[j],cosrsmall[j],cpix[j]))
1064               ++ip_lo;
1065             while ((ip_hi>ip_lo) && checkPixelRing
1066                   (b2,ip_hi,nr,ipix1,fct,czphi[j],cosrsmall[j],cpix[j]))
1067               --ip_hi;
1068             }
1070           if (ip_hi>=nr)
1071             { ip_lo-=nr; ip_hi-=nr;}
1073           if (ip_lo<0)
1074             {
1075             if (ip_hi+1<=ip_lo+nr-1)
1076               rstmp.remove(ipix1+ip_hi+1,ipix1+ip_lo+nr);
1077             }
1078           else
1079             rstmp.intersect(ipix1+ip_lo,ipix1+ip_hi+1);
1080           }
1081         res.append(rstmp);
1082         }
1083       }
1084     else // scheme == NEST
1085       {
1086       int oplus = 0;
1087       if (inclusive)
1088         {
1089         HealpixUtils.check ((1L<<(order_max-order))>=fact,
1090           "invalid oversampling factor");
1091         HealpixUtils.check ((fact&(fact-1))==0,
1092           "oversampling factor must be a power of 2");
1093         oplus=HealpixUtils.ilog2(fact);
1094         }
1095       int omax=order+oplus; // the order up to which we test
1097       // TODO: ignore all disks with radius>=pi
1099       double[][][] crlimit=new double[omax+1][nv][3];
1100       for (int o=0; o<=omax; ++o) // prepare data at the required orders
1101         {
1102         double dr=HealpixProc.bn[o].maxPixrad(); // safety distance
1103         for (int i=0; i<nv; ++i)
1104           {
1105           crlimit[o][i][0] = (rad[i]+dr>Math.PI) ? -1: FastMath.cos(rad[i]+dr);
1106           crlimit[o][i][1] = (o==0) ? FastMath.cos(rad[i]) : crlimit[0][i][1];
1107           crlimit[o][i][2] = (rad[i]-dr<0.) ?  1. : FastMath.cos(rad[i]-dr);
1108           }
1109         }
1111       pstack stk=new pstack(12+3*omax);
1112       for (int i=0; i<12; i++) // insert the 12 base pixels in reverse order
1113         stk.push(11-i,0);
1115       while (stk.size()>0) { // as long as there are pixels on the stack
1116         // pop current pixel number and order from the stack
1117         long pix=stk.ptop();
1118         int o=stk.otop();
1119         stk.pop();
1121         Vec3 pv = HealpixProc.bn[o].pix2vec(pix);
1123         int zone=3;
1124         for (int i=0; (i<nv)&&(zone>0); ++i)
1125           {
1126           double crad=pv.dot(norm[i]);
1127           for (int iz=0; iz<zone; ++iz)
1128             if (crad<crlimit[o][i][iz])
1129               zone=iz;
1130           }
1132         if (zone>0) check_pixel (o, omax, zone, res, pix, stk, inclusive);
1133         }
1134       }
1135     return res;
1136     }
1138   private RangeSet queryPolygonInternal (Pointing[] vertex, int fact)
1139     throws Exception
1140     {
1141     boolean inclusive = (fact!=0);
1142     int nv=vertex.length;
1143     int ncirc = inclusive ? nv+1 : nv;
1144     HealpixUtils.check(nv>=3,"not enough vertices in polygon");
1145     Vec3[] vv = new Vec3[nv];
1146     for (int i=0; i<nv; ++i)
1147       vv[i] = new Vec3(vertex[i]);
1148     Vec3[] normal = new Vec3[ncirc];
1149     int flip=0;
1150     for (int i=0; i<nv; ++i)
1151       {
1152       normal[i]=vv[i].cross(vv[(i+1)%nv]).norm();
1153       double hnd=normal[i].dot(vv[(i+2)%nv]);
1154       HealpixUtils.check(Math.abs(hnd)>1e-10,"degenerate corner");
1155       if (i==0)
1156         flip = (hnd<0.) ? -1 : 1;
1157       else
1158         HealpixUtils.check(flip*hnd>0,"polygon is not convex");
1159       normal[i].scale(flip);
1160       }
1161     double[] rad = new double[ncirc];
1162     Arrays.fill(rad,Constants.halfpi);
1163     if (inclusive)
1164       {
1165       CircleFinder cf = new CircleFinder(vv);
1166       normal[nv]=cf.getCenter();
1167       rad[nv]=FastMath.acos(cf.getCosrad());
1168       }
1169     return queryMultiDisc(normal,rad,fact);
1170     }
1171   /** Returns a range set of pixels whose centers lie within the convex
1172       polygon defined by the {@code vertex} array. <p>
1173       This method is more efficient in the RING scheme.
1174       @param vertex an array containing the vertices of the requested convex
1175         polygon.
1176       @return the requested set of pixel number ranges  */
1177   public RangeSet queryPolygon (Pointing[] vertex) throws Exception
1178     { return queryPolygonInternal (vertex, 0); }
1179   /** Returns a range set of pixels that overlap with the convex
1180       polygon defined by the {@code vertex} array. <p>
1181       This method is more efficient in the RING scheme.<p>
1182       This method may return some pixels which don't overlap with
1183       the polygon at all. The higher {@code fact} is chosen, the fewer false
1184       positives are returned, at the cost of increased run time.
1185       @param vertex an array containing the vertices of the requested convex
1186         polygon.
1187       @param fact The overlapping test will be done at the resolution
1188         {@code fact*nside}. For NESTED ordering, {@code fact} must be a power
1189         of 2, else it can be any positive integer. A typical choice would be 4.
1190       @return the requested set of pixel number ranges  */
1191   public RangeSet queryPolygonInclusive (Pointing[] vertex, int fact)
1192     throws Exception
1193     { return queryPolygonInternal (vertex, fact); }
1195   private void check_pixel (int o, int omax, int zone,
1196     RangeSet pixset, long pix, pstack stk, boolean inclusive)
1197     {
1198     if (zone==0) return;
1200     if (o<order)
1201       {
1202       if (zone>=3) // output all subpixels
1203         {
1204         int sdist=2*(order-o); // the "bit-shift distance" between map orders
1205         pixset.append(pix<<sdist,((pix+1)<<sdist));
1206         }
1207       else // (zone>=1)
1208         for (int i=0; i<4; ++i)
1209           stk.push(4*pix+3-i,o+1); // add children
1210       }
1211     else if (o>order) // this implies that inclusive==true
1212       {
1213       if (zone>=2) // pixel center in shape
1214         {
1215         pixset.append(pix>>>(2*(o-order))); // output the parent pixel at order
1216         stk.popToMark(); // unwind the stack
1217         }
1218       else // (zone>=1): pixel center in safety range
1219         {
1220         if (o<omax) // check sublevels
1221           for (int i=0; i<4; ++i) // add children in reverse order
1222             stk.push(4*pix+3-i,o+1); // add children
1223         else // at resolution limit
1224           {
1225           pixset.append(pix>>>(2*(o-order)));// output the parent pixel at order
1226           stk.popToMark(); // unwind the stack
1227           }
1228         }
1229       }
1230     else // o==order
1231       {
1232       if (zone>=2)
1233         pixset.append(pix);
1234       else if (inclusive) // and (zone>=1)
1235         {
1236         if (order<omax) // check sublevels
1237           {
1238           stk.mark(); // remember current stack position
1239           for (int i=0; i<4; ++i) // add children in reverse order
1240             stk.push(4*pix+3-i,o+1); // add children
1241           }
1242         else // at resolution limit
1243           pixset.append(pix); // output the pixel
1244         }
1245       }
1246     }
1248   /** Compute ring index from pixel number.
1249       Works in both RING and NESTED schemes
1250       @param pix pixel number
1251       @return ring index (1 to 4Nside-1) */
1252   public long pix2ring (long pix)
1253     {
1254     if (scheme==Scheme.RING)
1255       {
1256       if (pix<ncap) // North Polar cap
1257         return (1+HealpixUtils.isqrt(1+2*pix))>>>1; // counted from North pole
1258       else if (pix<(npix-ncap)) // Equatorial region
1259         return (pix-ncap)/nl4 + nside; // counted from North pole
1260       else // South Polar cap
1261         return nl4-((1+HealpixUtils.isqrt(2*(npix-pix)-1))>>>1);
1262       }
1263     else
1264       {
1265       Xyf xyf = nest2xyf(pix);
1266       return ((long)(jrll[xyf.face])<<order) - xyf.ix - xyf.iy - 1;
1267       }
1268     }
1270   /** Returns a set of points along the boundary of the given pixel.
1271     * Step 1 gives 4 points on the corners. The first point corresponds
1272     * to the northernmost corner, the subsequent points follow the pixel
1273     * boundary through west, south and east corners.
1274     *
1275     * @param pix pixel index number
1276     * @param step the number of returned points is 4*step
1277     * @return {@link Vec3} for each point
1278     * @throws Exception
1279     */
1280   public Vec3[] boundaries(long pix, int step) throws Exception
1281     {
1282     HealpixUtils.check(step>0,"step must be positive");
1283     Vec3[] points = new Vec3[4*step];
1284     Xyf xyf = pix2xyf(pix);
1285     double dc=0.5/nside;
1286     double xc=(xyf.ix+0.5)/nside, yc=(xyf.iy+0.5)/nside;
1287     double d = 1./(step*nside);
1288     for (int i=0; i<step; ++i)
1289       {
1290       points[i       ]=new Fxyf(xc+dc-i*d, yc+dc, xyf.face).toVec3();
1291       points[i+  step]=new Fxyf(xc-dc, yc+dc-i*d, xyf.face).toVec3();
1292       points[i+2*step]=new Fxyf(xc-dc+i*d, yc-dc, xyf.face).toVec3();
1293       points[i+3*step]=new Fxyf(xc+dc, yc-dc+i*d, xyf.face).toVec3();
1294       }
1295     return points;
1296     }
1297   }