3 ///
4 /// @file  WriterDOT.h
5 /// @brief Definition of class \b WriterDOT
6 ///
7 /// @class HepMC3::WriterDOT
8 /// @brief GenEvent I/O output to dot files that should be processed by graphviz or other software
9 ///
10 /// @ingroup Examples
11 ///
12 #include <string>
13 #include <fstream>
14 #include "HepMC3/Writer.h"
15 #include "HepMC3/GenEvent.h"
16 #include "HepMC3/GenParticle.h"
17 #include "HepMC3/GenVertex.h"
18 #include "HepMC3/Data/GenEventData.h"
19 namespace HepMC3
20 {
21 class WriterDOT : public Writer
22 {
23 public:
24     /// @brief Constructor
25     /// @warning If file already exists, it will be cleared before writing
26     WriterDOT(const std::string &filename,std::shared_ptr<GenRunInfo> run = std::shared_ptr<GenRunInfo>());
27     /// @brief Constructor from ostream
28     WriterDOT(std::ostream& stream,std::shared_ptr<GenRunInfo> run =std:: shared_ptr<GenRunInfo>());
29     /// @brief Write event to file
30     ///
31     /// @param[in] evt Event to be serialized
32     void write_event(const GenEvent &evt);
33     /// @brief Return status of the stream
failed()34     bool failed() {
35         return (bool)m_file.rdstate();
36     }
37     /// @brief Close file stream
38     void close();
39     /// @brief Close file stream
set_style(const int & istyle)40     void set_style(const int& istyle) {
41         m_style=istyle;
42     };
44 private:
45     void allocate_buffer(); //!< allocates buffer for output
46     void flush(); //!< flushes output buffer
47     void forced_flush(); //!< flushes output buffer
48     std::ofstream m_file; //!< Output file
49     std::ostream* m_stream; //!< Output stream
50     int m_style; //!< style of dot file
51     char* m_buffer;  //!< Stream buffer
52     char* m_cursor;  //!< Cursor inside stream buffer
53     unsigned long m_buffer_size; //!< Buffer size
54 };
55 }
56 #endif