1 // -*- C++ -*-
2 //
3 // This file is part of HepMC
4 // Copyright (C) 2014-2019 The HepMC collaboration (see AUTHORS for details)
5 //
6 #include <iostream>
7 #include <fstream>
8 #include <vector>
10 #include "HepMC3/Attribute.h"
11 #include "HepMC3/GenEvent.h"
12 #include "HepMC3/GenVertex.h"
13 #include "HepMC3/GenParticle.h"
14 #include "HepMC3/WriterAscii.h"
15 #include "HepMC3/WriterAsciiHepMC2.h"
16 #include "HepMC3/ReaderAscii.h"
17 #include "HepMC3/ReaderAsciiHepMC2.h"
18 #include "HepMC3/Print.h"
19 #ifndef M_PI
20 #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288
21 #endif
22 #include "HepMC3TestUtils.h"
23 using namespace HepMC3;
main()24 int main()
25 {
26     //
27     // In this example we will place the following event into HepMC "by hand"
28     //
29     //     name status pdg_id  parent Px       Py    Pz       Energy      Mass
30     //  1  !p+!    3   2212    0,0    0.000    0.000 7000.000 7000.000    0.938
31     //  2  !p+!    3   2212    0,0    0.000    0.000-7000.000 7000.000    0.938
32     //=========================================================================
33     //  3  !d!     3      1    1,1    0.750   -1.569   32.191   32.238    0.000
34     //  4  !u~!    3     -2    2,2   -3.047  -19.000  -54.629   57.920    0.000
35     //  5  !W-!    3    -24    1,2    1.517   -20.68  -20.605   85.925   80.799
36     //  6  !gamma! 1     22    1,2   -3.813    0.113   -1.833    4.233    0.000
37     //  7  !d!     1      1    5,5   -2.445   28.816    6.082   29.552    0.010
38     //  8  !u~!    1     -2    5,5    3.962  -49.498  -26.687   56.373    0.006
39     //  9  !gamma! 3     22    3,4    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
42     // declare several WriterAscii instances for comparison
43     WriterAscii xout1("testLoops1.out");
44     // output in old format
45     WriterAsciiHepMC2 xout2( "testLoops2.out" );
47     // build the graph, which will look like
48     //                       p7                   #
49     // p1                   /                     #
50     //   \v1__p3      p5---v4                     #
51     //         \_v3_/       \                     #
52     //         /   |\        p8                   #
53     //    v2__p4   | \                            #
54     //   /  \     /  p6                           #
55     // p2    \p9_/                                #
56     //
57     // define a flow pattern as  p1 -> p3 -> p6
58     //                       and p2 -> p4 -> p5
59     //
61     // First create the event container, with Signal Process 20, event number 1
62     //
63     GenEvent evt(Units::GEV,Units::MM);
64     evt.set_event_number(1);
65     evt.add_attribute("signal_process_id", std::make_shared<IntAttribute>(20));
66     // create vertex 1
67     GenVertexPtr v1=std::make_shared<GenVertex>();
68     evt.add_vertex( v1 );
69     GenParticlePtr p1=std::make_shared<GenParticle>( FourVector(0,0,7000,7000),2212, 3 );
70     v1->add_particle_in( p1 );
71     p1->add_attribute("flow1", std::make_shared<IntAttribute>(231));
72     p1->add_attribute("flow1", std::make_shared<IntAttribute>(231));
73     p1->add_attribute("theta", std::make_shared<DoubleAttribute>(std::rand()/double(RAND_MAX)*M_PI));
74     p1->add_attribute("phi", std::make_shared<DoubleAttribute>(std::rand()/double(RAND_MAX)*M_PI*2));
76     GenVertexPtr v2=std::make_shared<GenVertex>();
77     evt.add_vertex( v2 );
78     GenParticlePtr p2=std::make_shared<GenParticle>(  FourVector(0,0,-7000,7000),2212, 3 );
79     v2->add_particle_in( p2 );
80     p2->add_attribute("flow1", std::make_shared<IntAttribute>(243));
81     p2->add_attribute("theta", std::make_shared<DoubleAttribute>(std::rand()/double(RAND_MAX)*M_PI));
82     p2->add_attribute("phi", std::make_shared<DoubleAttribute>(std::rand()/double(RAND_MAX)*M_PI*2));
83     //
84     // create the outgoing particles of v1 and v2
85     GenParticlePtr p3=std::make_shared<GenParticle>( FourVector(.750,-1.569,32.191,32.238),1, 3 );
86     v1->add_particle_out( p3 );
87     p3->add_attribute("flow1", std::make_shared<IntAttribute>(231));
88     p3->add_attribute("theta", std::make_shared<DoubleAttribute>(std::rand()/double(RAND_MAX)*M_PI));
89     p3->add_attribute("phi", std::make_shared<DoubleAttribute>(std::rand()/double(RAND_MAX)*M_PI*2));
91     GenParticlePtr p4=std::make_shared<GenParticle>( FourVector(-3.047,-19.,-54.629,57.920),-2, 3 );
92     v2->add_particle_out( p4 );
93     p4->add_attribute("flow1", std::make_shared<IntAttribute>(243));
94     p4->add_attribute("theta", std::make_shared<DoubleAttribute>(std::rand()/double(RAND_MAX)*M_PI));
95     p4->add_attribute("phi", std::make_shared<DoubleAttribute>(std::rand()/double(RAND_MAX)*M_PI*2));
96     //
97     // create v3
98     GenVertexPtr v3=std::make_shared<GenVertex>();
99     evt.add_vertex( v3 );
100     v3->add_particle_in( p3 );
101     v3->add_particle_in( p4 );
102     GenParticlePtr p6=std::make_shared<GenParticle>(  FourVector(-3.813,0.113,-1.833,4.233 ),22, 1 );
103     evt.add_particle( p6 );
104     p6->add_attribute("flow1", std::make_shared<IntAttribute>(231));
105     p6->add_attribute("theta", std::make_shared<DoubleAttribute>(std::rand()/double(RAND_MAX)*M_PI));
106     p6->add_attribute("phi", std::make_shared<DoubleAttribute>(std::rand()/double(RAND_MAX)*M_PI*2));
107     v3->add_particle_out( p6 );
108     GenParticlePtr p5=std::make_shared<GenParticle>( FourVector(1.517,-20.68,-20.605,85.925),-24, 3 );
109     v3->add_particle_out( p5 );
110     p5->add_attribute("flow1", std::make_shared<IntAttribute>(243));
111     p5->add_attribute("theta", std::make_shared<DoubleAttribute>(std::rand()/double(RAND_MAX)*M_PI));
112     p5->add_attribute("phi", std::make_shared<DoubleAttribute>(std::rand()/double(RAND_MAX)*M_PI*2));
114     //
115     // create v4
116     GenVertexPtr v4=std::make_shared<GenVertex>(FourVector(0.12,-0.3,0.05,0.004));
117     evt.add_vertex( v4 );
118     v4->add_particle_in( p5 );
119     GenParticlePtr p7(new GenParticle( FourVector(-2.445,28.816,6.082,29.552), 1,1 ));
120     v4->add_particle_out( p7 );
121     GenParticlePtr p8(new GenParticle( FourVector(3.962,-49.498,-26.687,56.373), -2,1 ));
122     v4->add_particle_out( p8 );
125     GenParticlePtr ploop=std::make_shared<GenParticle>(  FourVector(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0 ),21, 3 );
126     v3->add_particle_out( ploop );
127     v2->add_particle_in( ploop );
129     //
130     // tell the event which vertex is the signal process vertex
131     //evt.set_signal_process_vertex( v3 );
132     evt.add_attribute("signal_process_vertex", std::make_shared<IntAttribute>(v3->id()));
133     // the event is complete, we now print it out
134     Print::content(evt);
135     //we now print it out in old format
136     Print::listing(evt,8);
137     // print each particle so we can see the polarization
138     for ( ConstGenParticlePtr ip: evt.particles()) {
139         Print::line(ip,true);
140     }
142     // write event
143     xout1.write_event(evt);
144     // write event in old format
145     xout2.write_event(evt);
147     // now clean-up by deleteing all objects from memory
148     //
149     // deleting the event deletes all contained vertices, and all particles
150     // contained in those vertices
151     evt.clear();
152     xout1.close();
153     xout2.close();
155     int Nxin1=0;
156     ReaderAscii xin1("testLoops1.out");
157     if(xin1.failed()) {
158         xin1.close();
159         return 102;
160     }
161     while( !xin1.failed() )
162     {
163         xin1.read_event(evt);
164         if( xin1.failed() )  {
165             printf("End of file reached. Exit.\n");
166             break;
167         }
168         evt.clear();
169         Nxin1++;
170     }
171     xin1.close();
173     int Nxin2=0;
174     ReaderAsciiHepMC2 xin2("testLoops2.out");
175     if(xin2.failed()) {
176         xin2.close();
177         return 103;
178     }
179     while( !xin2.failed() )
180     {
181         xin2.read_event(evt);
182         if( xin2.failed() )  {
183             printf("End of file reached. Exit.\n");
184             break;
185         }
186         evt.clear();
187         Nxin2++;
188     }
189     xin2.close();
190     int ret = 10*std::abs(Nxin1-1)+std::abs(Nxin2-1);
191     return ret;
192 }