1 /******************************************************************************
2  * Copyright 1998-2019 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
3  * HYPRE Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
4  *
5  * SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
6  ******************************************************************************/
8 #ifndef hypre_ParILU_DATA_HEADER
9 #define hypre_ParILU_DATA_HEADER
11 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
12  * hypre_ParILUData
13  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
14 typedef struct hypre_ParILUData_struct
15 {
17    /* Data slots for cusparse-based ilu0 */
18    cusparseMatDescr_t      matL_des;//lower tri with ones on diagonal
19    cusparseMatDescr_t      matU_des;//upper tri
20    csrsv2Info_t            matAL_info;//ILU info for L of A block (used in A-smoothing)
21    csrsv2Info_t            matAU_info;//ILU info for U of A block
22    csrsv2Info_t            matBL_info;//ILU info for L of B block
23    csrsv2Info_t            matBU_info;//ILU info for U of B block
24    csrsv2Info_t            matSL_info;//ILU info for L of S block
25    csrsv2Info_t            matSU_info;//ILU info for U of S block
26    cusparseSolvePolicy_t   ilu_solve_policy;//Use/Don't use level
27    void                    *ilu_solve_buffer;//working array on device memory
29    /* on GPU, we have to form E and F explicitly, since we don't have much control to it
30     *
31     */
32    hypre_CSRMatrix         *matALU_d;//the matrix holding ILU of A (for A-smoothing)
33    hypre_CSRMatrix         *matBLU_d;//the matrix holding ILU of B
34    hypre_CSRMatrix         *matSLU_d;//the matrix holding ILU of S
35    hypre_CSRMatrix         *matE_d;
36    hypre_CSRMatrix         *matF_d;
37    hypre_ParCSRMatrix      *Aperm;
38    hypre_ParCSRMatrix      *R;
39    hypre_ParCSRMatrix      *P;
40    hypre_Vector            *Ftemp_upper;
41    hypre_Vector            *Utemp_lower;
42    HYPRE_Int               *A_diag_fake;//fake diagonal, used to pretend that the diagonal matrix is empty
43 #endif
44    //general data
45    HYPRE_Int            global_solver;
46    hypre_ParCSRMatrix   *matA;
47    hypre_ParCSRMatrix   *matL;
48    HYPRE_Real           *matD;
49    hypre_ParCSRMatrix   *matU;
50    hypre_ParCSRMatrix   *matmL;
51    HYPRE_Real           *matmD;
52    hypre_ParCSRMatrix   *matmU;
53    hypre_ParCSRMatrix   *matS;
54    HYPRE_Real           *droptol;/* should be an array of 3 element, for B, (E and F), S respectively */
55    HYPRE_Int            lfil;
56    HYPRE_Int            maxRowNnz;
57    HYPRE_Int            *CF_marker_array;
58    HYPRE_Int            *perm;
59    HYPRE_Int            *qperm;
60    HYPRE_Real           tol_ddPQ;
61    hypre_ParVector      *F;
62    hypre_ParVector      *U;
63    hypre_ParVector      *residual;
64    HYPRE_Real           *rel_res_norms;
65    HYPRE_Int            num_iterations;
66    HYPRE_Real           *l1_norms;
67    HYPRE_Real           final_rel_residual_norm;
68    HYPRE_Real           tol;
69    HYPRE_Real           operator_complexity;
71    HYPRE_Int            logging;
72    HYPRE_Int            print_level;
73    HYPRE_Int            max_iter;
75    HYPRE_Int            ilu_type;
76    HYPRE_Int            nLU;
77    HYPRE_Int            nI;
79    /* used when schur block is formed */
80    HYPRE_Int            *u_end;
82    /* temp vectors for solve phase */
83    hypre_ParVector      *Utemp;
84    hypre_ParVector      *Ftemp;
85    hypre_ParVector      *Xtemp;
86    hypre_ParVector      *Ytemp;
87    HYPRE_Real           *uext;
88    HYPRE_Real           *fext;
90    /* data structure sor solving Schur System */
91    HYPRE_Solver         schur_solver;
92    HYPRE_Solver         schur_precond;
93    hypre_ParVector      *rhs;
94    hypre_ParVector      *x;
96    /* schur solver data */
98    /* -> GENERAL-SLOTS */
99    HYPRE_Int            ss_logging;
100    HYPRE_Int            ss_print_level;
102    /* -> SCHUR-GMRES */
103    HYPRE_Int            ss_kDim;/* max number of iterations for GMRES */
104    HYPRE_Int            ss_max_iter;/* max number of iterations for GMRES solve */
105    HYPRE_Real           ss_tol;/* stop iteration tol for GMRES */
106    HYPRE_Real           ss_absolute_tol;/* absolute tol for GMRES or tol for NSH solve */
107    HYPRE_Int            ss_rel_change;
109    /* -> SCHUR-NSH */
110    HYPRE_Int            ss_nsh_setup_max_iter;/* number of iterations for NSH inverse */
111    HYPRE_Int            ss_nsh_solve_max_iter;/* max number of iterations for NSH solve */
112    HYPRE_Real           ss_nsh_setup_tol;/* stop iteration tol for NSH inverse */
113    HYPRE_Real           ss_nsh_solve_tol;/* absolute tol for NSH solve */
114    HYPRE_Int            ss_nsh_max_row_nnz;/* max rows of nonzeros for NSH */
115    HYPRE_Int            ss_nsh_mr_col_version;/* MR column version setting in NSH */
116    HYPRE_Int            ss_nsh_mr_max_row_nnz;/* max rows for MR  */
117    HYPRE_Real           *ss_nsh_droptol;/* droptol array for NSH */
118    HYPRE_Int            ss_nsh_mr_max_iter;/* max MR iteration */
119    HYPRE_Real           ss_nsh_mr_tol;
121    /* schur precond data */
122    HYPRE_Int            sp_ilu_type;/* ilu type is use ILU */
123    HYPRE_Int            sp_ilu_lfil;/* level of fill in for ILUK */
124    HYPRE_Int            sp_ilu_max_row_nnz;/* max rows for ILUT  */
125    /* droptol for ILUT or MR
126     * ILUT: [0], [1], [2] B, E&F, S respectively
127     * NSH: [0] for MR, [1] for NSH
128     */
129    HYPRE_Real           *sp_ilu_droptol;/* droptol array for ILUT */
130    HYPRE_Int            sp_print_level;
131    HYPRE_Int            sp_max_iter;/* max precond iter or max MR iteration */
132    HYPRE_Real           sp_tol;
134    HYPRE_Int            test_opt;
135    /* local reordering */
136    HYPRE_Int            reordering_type;
138 } hypre_ParILUData;
140 #define hypre_ParILUDataTestOption(ilu_data)                   ((ilu_data) -> test_opt)
143 #define hypre_ParILUDataMatLMatrixDescription(ilu_data)        ((ilu_data) -> matL_des)
144 #define hypre_ParILUDataMatUMatrixDescription(ilu_data)        ((ilu_data) -> matU_des)
145 #define hypre_ParILUDataMatALILUSolveInfo(ilu_data)            ((ilu_data) -> matAL_info)
146 #define hypre_ParILUDataMatAUILUSolveInfo(ilu_data)            ((ilu_data) -> matAU_info)
147 #define hypre_ParILUDataMatBLILUSolveInfo(ilu_data)            ((ilu_data) -> matBL_info)
148 #define hypre_ParILUDataMatBUILUSolveInfo(ilu_data)            ((ilu_data) -> matBU_info)
149 #define hypre_ParILUDataMatSLILUSolveInfo(ilu_data)            ((ilu_data) -> matSL_info)
150 #define hypre_ParILUDataMatSUILUSolveInfo(ilu_data)            ((ilu_data) -> matSU_info)
151 #define hypre_ParILUDataILUSolveBuffer(ilu_data)               ((ilu_data) -> ilu_solve_buffer)
152 #define hypre_ParILUDataILUSolvePolicy(ilu_data)               ((ilu_data) -> ilu_solve_policy)
153 #define hypre_ParILUDataMatAILUDevice(ilu_data)                ((ilu_data) -> matALU_d)
154 #define hypre_ParILUDataMatBILUDevice(ilu_data)                ((ilu_data) -> matBLU_d)
155 #define hypre_ParILUDataMatSILUDevice(ilu_data)                ((ilu_data) -> matSLU_d)
156 #define hypre_ParILUDataMatEDevice(ilu_data)                   ((ilu_data) -> matE_d)
157 #define hypre_ParILUDataMatFDevice(ilu_data)                   ((ilu_data) -> matF_d)
158 #define hypre_ParILUDataAperm(ilu_data)                        ((ilu_data) -> Aperm)
159 #define hypre_ParILUDataR(ilu_data)                            ((ilu_data) -> R)
160 #define hypre_ParILUDataP(ilu_data)                            ((ilu_data) -> P)
161 #define hypre_ParILUDataFTempUpper(ilu_data)                   ((ilu_data) -> Ftemp_upper)
162 #define hypre_ParILUDataUTempLower(ilu_data)                   ((ilu_data) -> Utemp_lower)
163 #define hypre_ParILUDataMatAFakeDiagonal(ilu_data)             ((ilu_data) -> A_diag_fake)
164 #endif
166 #define hypre_ParILUDataGlobalSolver(ilu_data)                 ((ilu_data) -> global_solver)
167 #define hypre_ParILUDataMatA(ilu_data)                         ((ilu_data) -> matA)
168 #define hypre_ParILUDataMatL(ilu_data)                         ((ilu_data) -> matL)
169 #define hypre_ParILUDataMatD(ilu_data)                         ((ilu_data) -> matD)
170 #define hypre_ParILUDataMatU(ilu_data)                         ((ilu_data) -> matU)
171 #define hypre_ParILUDataMatLModified(ilu_data)                 ((ilu_data) -> matmL)
172 #define hypre_ParILUDataMatDModified(ilu_data)                 ((ilu_data) -> matmD)
173 #define hypre_ParILUDataMatUModified(ilu_data)                 ((ilu_data) -> matmU)
174 #define hypre_ParILUDataMatS(ilu_data)                         ((ilu_data) -> matS)
175 #define hypre_ParILUDataDroptol(ilu_data)                      ((ilu_data) -> droptol)
176 #define hypre_ParILUDataLfil(ilu_data)                         ((ilu_data) -> lfil)
177 #define hypre_ParILUDataMaxRowNnz(ilu_data)                    ((ilu_data) -> maxRowNnz)
178 #define hypre_ParILUDataCFMarkerArray(ilu_data)                ((ilu_data) -> CF_marker_array)
179 #define hypre_ParILUDataPerm(ilu_data)                         ((ilu_data) -> perm)
180 #define hypre_ParILUDataPPerm(ilu_data)                        ((ilu_data) -> perm)
181 #define hypre_ParILUDataQPerm(ilu_data)                        ((ilu_data) -> qperm)
182 #define hypre_ParILUDataTolDDPQ(ilu_data)                      ((ilu_data) -> tol_ddPQ)
183 #define hypre_ParILUDataF(ilu_data)                            ((ilu_data) -> F)
184 #define hypre_ParILUDataU(ilu_data)                            ((ilu_data) -> U)
185 #define hypre_ParILUDataResidual(ilu_data)                     ((ilu_data) -> residual)
186 #define hypre_ParILUDataRelResNorms(ilu_data)                  ((ilu_data) -> rel_res_norms)
187 #define hypre_ParILUDataNumIterations(ilu_data)                ((ilu_data) -> num_iterations)
188 #define hypre_ParILUDataL1Norms(ilu_data)                      ((ilu_data) -> l1_norms)
189 #define hypre_ParILUDataFinalRelResidualNorm(ilu_data)         ((ilu_data) -> final_rel_residual_norm)
190 #define hypre_ParILUDataTol(ilu_data)                          ((ilu_data) -> tol)
191 #define hypre_ParILUDataOperatorComplexity(ilu_data)           ((ilu_data) -> operator_complexity)
192 #define hypre_ParILUDataLogging(ilu_data)                      ((ilu_data) -> logging)
193 #define hypre_ParILUDataPrintLevel(ilu_data)                   ((ilu_data) -> print_level)
194 #define hypre_ParILUDataMaxIter(ilu_data)                      ((ilu_data) -> max_iter)
195 #define hypre_ParILUDataIluType(ilu_data)                      ((ilu_data) -> ilu_type)
196 #define hypre_ParILUDataNLU(ilu_data)                          ((ilu_data) -> nLU)
197 #define hypre_ParILUDataNI(ilu_data)                           ((ilu_data) -> nI)
198 #define hypre_ParILUDataUEnd(ilu_data)                         ((ilu_data) -> u_end)
199 #define hypre_ParILUDataXTemp(ilu_data)                        ((ilu_data) -> Xtemp)
200 #define hypre_ParILUDataYTemp(ilu_data)                        ((ilu_data) -> Ytemp)
201 #define hypre_ParILUDataUTemp(ilu_data)                        ((ilu_data) -> Utemp)
202 #define hypre_ParILUDataFTemp(ilu_data)                        ((ilu_data) -> Ftemp)
203 #define hypre_ParILUDataUExt(ilu_data)                         ((ilu_data) -> uext)
204 #define hypre_ParILUDataFExt(ilu_data)                         ((ilu_data) -> fext)
205 #define hypre_ParILUDataSchurSolver(ilu_data)                  ((ilu_data) -> schur_solver)
206 #define hypre_ParILUDataSchurPrecond(ilu_data)                 ((ilu_data) -> schur_precond)
207 #define hypre_ParILUDataRhs(ilu_data)                          ((ilu_data) -> rhs)
208 #define hypre_ParILUDataX(ilu_data)                            ((ilu_data) -> x)
209 #define hypre_ParILUDataReorderingType(ilu_data)               ((ilu_data) -> reordering_type)
210 /* Schur System */
211 #define hypre_ParILUDataSchurGMRESKDim(ilu_data)               ((ilu_data) -> ss_kDim)
212 #define hypre_ParILUDataSchurGMRESMaxIter(ilu_data)            ((ilu_data) -> ss_max_iter)
213 #define hypre_ParILUDataSchurGMRESTol(ilu_data)                ((ilu_data) -> ss_tol)
214 #define hypre_ParILUDataSchurGMRESAbsoluteTol(ilu_data)        ((ilu_data) -> ss_absolute_tol)
215 #define hypre_ParILUDataSchurGMRESRelChange(ilu_data)          ((ilu_data) -> ss_rel_change)
216 #define hypre_ParILUDataSchurPrecondIluType(ilu_data)          ((ilu_data) -> sp_ilu_type)
217 #define hypre_ParILUDataSchurPrecondIluLfil(ilu_data)          ((ilu_data) -> sp_ilu_lfil)
218 #define hypre_ParILUDataSchurPrecondIluMaxRowNnz(ilu_data)     ((ilu_data) -> sp_ilu_max_row_nnz)
219 #define hypre_ParILUDataSchurPrecondIluDroptol(ilu_data)       ((ilu_data) -> sp_ilu_droptol)
220 #define hypre_ParILUDataSchurPrecondPrintLevel(ilu_data)       ((ilu_data) -> sp_print_level)
221 #define hypre_ParILUDataSchurPrecondMaxIter(ilu_data)          ((ilu_data) -> sp_max_iter)
222 #define hypre_ParILUDataSchurPrecondTol(ilu_data)              ((ilu_data) -> sp_tol)
224 #define hypre_ParILUDataSchurNSHMaxNumIter(ilu_data)           ((ilu_data) -> ss_nsh_setup_max_iter)
225 #define hypre_ParILUDataSchurNSHSolveMaxIter(ilu_data)         ((ilu_data) -> ss_nsh_solve_max_iter)
226 #define hypre_ParILUDataSchurNSHTol(ilu_data)                  ((ilu_data) -> ss_nsh_setup_tol)
227 #define hypre_ParILUDataSchurNSHSolveTol(ilu_data)             ((ilu_data) -> ss_nsh_solve_tol)
228 #define hypre_ParILUDataSchurNSHMaxRowNnz(ilu_data)            ((ilu_data) -> ss_nsh_max_row_nnz)
229 #define hypre_ParILUDataSchurMRColVersion(ilu_data)            ((ilu_data) -> ss_nsh_mr_col_version)
230 #define hypre_ParILUDataSchurMRMaxRowNnz(ilu_data)             ((ilu_data) -> ss_nsh_mr_max_row_nnz)
231 #define hypre_ParILUDataSchurNSHDroptol(ilu_data)              ((ilu_data) -> ss_nsh_droptol)
232 #define hypre_ParILUDataSchurMRMaxIter(ilu_data)               ((ilu_data) -> ss_nsh_mr_max_iter)
233 #define hypre_ParILUDataSchurMRTol(ilu_data)                   ((ilu_data) -> ss_nsh_mr_tol)
235 #define hypre_ParILUDataSchurSolverLogging(ilu_data)           ((ilu_data) -> ss_logging)
236 #define hypre_ParILUDataSchurSolverPrintLevel(ilu_data)        ((ilu_data) -> ss_print_level)
238 #define FMRK  -1
239 #define CMRK  1
240 #define UMRK  0
241 #define S_CMRK  2
243 #define FPT(i, bsize) (((i) % (bsize)) == FMRK)
244 #define CPT(i, bsize) (((i) % (bsize)) == CMRK)
246 #define MAT_TOL 1e-14
247 #define EXPAND_FACT 1.3
253 /* NSH data structure */
255 typedef struct hypre_ParNSHData_struct
256 {
257    /* solver information */
258    HYPRE_Int             global_solver;
259    hypre_ParCSRMatrix    *matA;
260    hypre_ParCSRMatrix    *matM;
261    hypre_ParVector       *F;
262    hypre_ParVector       *U;
263    hypre_ParVector       *residual;
264    HYPRE_Real            *rel_res_norms;
265    HYPRE_Int             num_iterations;
266    HYPRE_Real            *l1_norms;
267    HYPRE_Real            final_rel_residual_norm;
268    HYPRE_Real            tol;
269    HYPRE_Real            operator_complexity;
271    HYPRE_Int             logging;
272    HYPRE_Int             print_level;
273    HYPRE_Int             max_iter;
275    /* common data slots */
276    /* droptol[0]: droptol for MR
277     * droptol[1]: droptol for NSH
278     */
279    HYPRE_Real            *droptol;
280    HYPRE_Int             own_droptol_data;
282    /* temp vectors for solve phase */
283    hypre_ParVector       *Utemp;
284    hypre_ParVector       *Ftemp;
286    /* data slots for local MR */
287    HYPRE_Int             mr_max_iter;
288    HYPRE_Real            mr_tol;
289    HYPRE_Int             mr_max_row_nnz;
290    HYPRE_Int             mr_col_version;/* global version or column version MR */
292    /* data slots for global NSH */
293    HYPRE_Int             nsh_max_iter;
294    HYPRE_Real            nsh_tol;
295    HYPRE_Int             nsh_max_row_nnz;
296 }hypre_ParNSHData;
298 #define hypre_ParNSHDataGlobalSolver(nsh_data)           ((nsh_data) -> global_solver)
299 #define hypre_ParNSHDataMatA(nsh_data)                   ((nsh_data) -> matA)
300 #define hypre_ParNSHDataMatM(nsh_data)                   ((nsh_data) -> matM)
301 #define hypre_ParNSHDataF(nsh_data)                      ((nsh_data) -> F)
302 #define hypre_ParNSHDataU(nsh_data)                      ((nsh_data) -> U)
303 #define hypre_ParNSHDataResidual(nsh_data)               ((nsh_data) -> residual)
304 #define hypre_ParNSHDataRelResNorms(nsh_data)            ((nsh_data) -> rel_res_norms)
305 #define hypre_ParNSHDataNumIterations(nsh_data)          ((nsh_data) -> num_iterations)
306 #define hypre_ParNSHDataL1Norms(nsh_data)                ((nsh_data) -> l1_norms)
307 #define hypre_ParNSHDataFinalRelResidualNorm(nsh_data)   ((nsh_data) -> final_rel_residual_norm)
308 #define hypre_ParNSHDataTol(nsh_data)                    ((nsh_data) -> tol)
309 #define hypre_ParNSHDataOperatorComplexity(nsh_data)     ((nsh_data) -> operator_complexity)
310 #define hypre_ParNSHDataLogging(nsh_data)                ((nsh_data) -> logging)
311 #define hypre_ParNSHDataPrintLevel(nsh_data)             ((nsh_data) -> print_level)
312 #define hypre_ParNSHDataMaxIter(nsh_data)                ((nsh_data) -> max_iter)
313 #define hypre_ParNSHDataDroptol(nsh_data)                ((nsh_data) -> droptol)
314 #define hypre_ParNSHDataOwnDroptolData(nsh_data)         ((nsh_data) -> own_droptol_data)
315 #define hypre_ParNSHDataUTemp(nsh_data)                  ((nsh_data) -> Utemp)
316 #define hypre_ParNSHDataFTemp(nsh_data)                  ((nsh_data) -> Ftemp)
317 #define hypre_ParNSHDataMRMaxIter(nsh_data)              ((nsh_data) -> mr_max_iter)
318 #define hypre_ParNSHDataMRTol(nsh_data)                  ((nsh_data) -> mr_tol)
319 #define hypre_ParNSHDataMRMaxRowNnz(nsh_data)            ((nsh_data) -> mr_max_row_nnz)
320 #define hypre_ParNSHDataMRColVersion(nsh_data)           ((nsh_data) -> mr_col_version)
321 #define hypre_ParNSHDataNSHMaxIter(nsh_data)             ((nsh_data) -> nsh_max_iter)
322 #define hypre_ParNSHDataNSHTol(nsh_data)                 ((nsh_data) -> nsh_tol)
323 #define hypre_ParNSHDataNSHMaxRowNnz(nsh_data)           ((nsh_data) -> nsh_max_row_nnz)
325 #define DIVIDE_TOL 1e-32
328 HYPRE_Int hypre_ILUSolveCusparseLU(hypre_ParCSRMatrix *A, cusparseMatDescr_t matL_des, cusparseMatDescr_t matU_des, csrsv2Info_t matL_info, csrsv2Info_t matU_info, hypre_CSRMatrix *matLU_d, cusparseSolvePolicy_t ilu_solve_policy, void *ilu_solve_buffer, hypre_ParVector *f,  hypre_ParVector *u, HYPRE_Int *perm, HYPRE_Int n, hypre_ParVector *ftemp, hypre_ParVector *utemp);
329 HYPRE_Int hypre_ILUSolveCusparseSchurGMRES(hypre_ParCSRMatrix *A, hypre_ParVector *f, hypre_ParVector *u, HYPRE_Int *perm, HYPRE_Int nLU, hypre_ParCSRMatrix *S, hypre_ParVector *ftemp, hypre_ParVector *utemp, HYPRE_Solver schur_solver, HYPRE_Solver schur_precond, hypre_ParVector *rhs, hypre_ParVector *x, HYPRE_Int *u_end, cusparseMatDescr_t matL_des, cusparseMatDescr_t matU_des, csrsv2Info_t matBL_info, csrsv2Info_t matBU_info, csrsv2Info_t matSL_info, csrsv2Info_t matSU_info, hypre_CSRMatrix *matBLU_d, hypre_CSRMatrix *matE_d, hypre_CSRMatrix *matF_d, cusparseSolvePolicy_t ilu_solve_policy, void *ilu_solve_buffer);
330 HYPRE_Int hypre_ILUSolveRAPGMRES(hypre_ParCSRMatrix *A, hypre_ParVector *f, hypre_ParVector *u, HYPRE_Int *perm, HYPRE_Int nLU, hypre_ParCSRMatrix *S, hypre_ParVector *ftemp, hypre_ParVector *utemp, hypre_ParVector *xtemp, hypre_ParVector *ytemp, HYPRE_Solver schur_solver, HYPRE_Solver schur_precond, hypre_ParVector *rhs, hypre_ParVector *x, HYPRE_Int *u_end, cusparseMatDescr_t matL_des, cusparseMatDescr_t matU_des, csrsv2Info_t matAL_info, csrsv2Info_t matAU_info, csrsv2Info_t matBL_info, csrsv2Info_t matBU_info, csrsv2Info_t matSL_info, csrsv2Info_t matSU_info, hypre_ParCSRMatrix *Aperm, hypre_CSRMatrix *matALU_d, hypre_CSRMatrix *matBLU_d, hypre_CSRMatrix *matE_d, hypre_CSRMatrix *matF_d, cusparseSolvePolicy_t ilu_solve_policy, void *ilu_solve_buffer, HYPRE_Int test_opt);
331 HYPRE_Int hypre_ParILUCusparseExtractDiagonalCSR(hypre_ParCSRMatrix *A, HYPRE_Int *perm, HYPRE_Int *rqperm, hypre_CSRMatrix **A_diagp);
332 HYPRE_Int hypre_ParILUCusparseILUExtractEBFC(hypre_CSRMatrix *A_diag, HYPRE_Int nLU, hypre_CSRMatrix **Bp, hypre_CSRMatrix **Cp, hypre_CSRMatrix **Ep, hypre_CSRMatrix **Fp);
333 HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ILUSetupCusparseCSRILU0(hypre_CSRMatrix *A, cusparseSolvePolicy_t ilu_solve_policy);
334 HYPRE_Int HYPRE_ILUSetupCusparseCSRILU0SetupSolve(hypre_CSRMatrix *A, cusparseMatDescr_t matL_des, cusparseMatDescr_t matU_des, cusparseSolvePolicy_t ilu_solve_policy, csrsv2Info_t *matL_infop, csrsv2Info_t *matU_infop, HYPRE_Int *buffer_sizep, void **bufferp);
335 HYPRE_Int hypre_ILUSetupILU0Device(hypre_ParCSRMatrix *A, HYPRE_Int *perm, HYPRE_Int *qperm, HYPRE_Int n, HYPRE_Int nLU, cusparseMatDescr_t matL_des, cusparseMatDescr_t matU_des, cusparseSolvePolicy_t ilu_solve_policy, void **bufferp, csrsv2Info_t *matBL_infop, csrsv2Info_t *matBU_infop, csrsv2Info_t *matSL_infop, csrsv2Info_t *matSU_infop, hypre_CSRMatrix **BLUptr, hypre_ParCSRMatrix **matSptr, hypre_CSRMatrix **Eptr, hypre_CSRMatrix **Fptr, HYPRE_Int **A_fake_diag_ip);
336 HYPRE_Int hypre_ILUSetupILUKDevice(hypre_ParCSRMatrix *A, HYPRE_Int lfil, HYPRE_Int *perm, HYPRE_Int *qperm, HYPRE_Int n, HYPRE_Int nLU, cusparseMatDescr_t matL_des, cusparseMatDescr_t matU_des, cusparseSolvePolicy_t ilu_solve_policy, void **bufferp, csrsv2Info_t *matBL_infop, csrsv2Info_t *matBU_infop, csrsv2Info_t *matSL_infop, csrsv2Info_t *matSU_infop, hypre_CSRMatrix **BLUptr, hypre_ParCSRMatrix **matSptr, hypre_CSRMatrix **Eptr, hypre_CSRMatrix **Fptr, HYPRE_Int **A_fake_diag_ip);
337 HYPRE_Int hypre_ILUSetupILUTDevice(hypre_ParCSRMatrix *A, HYPRE_Int lfil, HYPRE_Real *tol, HYPRE_Int *perm, HYPRE_Int *qperm, HYPRE_Int n, HYPRE_Int nLU, cusparseMatDescr_t matL_des, cusparseMatDescr_t matU_des, cusparseSolvePolicy_t ilu_solve_policy, void **bufferp, csrsv2Info_t *matBL_infop, csrsv2Info_t *matBU_infop, csrsv2Info_t *matSL_infop, csrsv2Info_t *matSU_infop, hypre_CSRMatrix **BLUptr, hypre_ParCSRMatrix **matSptr, hypre_CSRMatrix **Eptr, hypre_CSRMatrix **Fptr, HYPRE_Int **A_fake_diag_ip);
338 HYPRE_Int hypre_ParILURAPReorder(hypre_ParCSRMatrix *A, HYPRE_Int *perm, HYPRE_Int *rqperm, hypre_ParCSRMatrix **A_pq);
339 HYPRE_Int hypre_ILUSetupLDUtoCusparse(hypre_ParCSRMatrix *L, HYPRE_Real *D, hypre_ParCSRMatrix *U, hypre_ParCSRMatrix **LDUp);
340 HYPRE_Int hypre_ParILURAPBuildRP(hypre_ParCSRMatrix *A, hypre_ParCSRMatrix *BLUm, hypre_ParCSRMatrix* E, hypre_ParCSRMatrix *F, cusparseMatDescr_t matL_des, cusparseMatDescr_t matU_des, hypre_ParCSRMatrix **Rp, hypre_ParCSRMatrix **Pp);
341 HYPRE_Int hypre_ILUSetupRAPMILU0(hypre_ParCSRMatrix *A, hypre_ParCSRMatrix **ALUp, HYPRE_Int modified);
342 HYPRE_Int hypre_ILUSetupRAPILU0Device(hypre_ParCSRMatrix *A, HYPRE_Int *perm, HYPRE_Int n, HYPRE_Int nLU, cusparseMatDescr_t matL_des, cusparseMatDescr_t matU_des, cusparseSolvePolicy_t ilu_solve_policy, void **bufferp, csrsv2Info_t *matAL_infop, csrsv2Info_t *matAU_infop, csrsv2Info_t *matBL_infop, csrsv2Info_t *matBU_infop, csrsv2Info_t *matSL_infop, csrsv2Info_t *matSU_infop, hypre_ParCSRMatrix **Apermptr, hypre_ParCSRMatrix **matSptr, hypre_CSRMatrix **ALUptr, hypre_CSRMatrix **BLUptr, hypre_CSRMatrix **CLUptr, hypre_CSRMatrix **Eptr, hypre_CSRMatrix **Fptr, HYPRE_Int test_opt);
343 HYPRE_Int hypre_ParILUCusparseSchurGMRESDummySetup(void *a, void *b, void *c, void *d);
344 HYPRE_Int hypre_ParILUCusparseSchurGMRESDummySolve(void *ilu_vdata, void *ilu_vdata2, hypre_ParVector *f, hypre_ParVector *u);
345 HYPRE_Int hypre_ParILUCusparseSchurGMRESCommInfo(void *ilu_vdata, HYPRE_Int *my_id, HYPRE_Int *num_procs);
346 void *hypre_ParILUCusparseSchurGMRESMatvecCreate(void *ilu_vdata, void *x);
347 HYPRE_Int hypre_ParILUCusparseSchurGMRESMatvec(void *matvec_data, HYPRE_Complex alpha, void *ilu_vdata, void *x, HYPRE_Complex beta, void *y);
348 HYPRE_Int hypre_ParILUCusparseSchurGMRESMatvecDestroy(void *matvec_data );
349 HYPRE_Int hypre_ParILURAPSchurGMRESDummySetup(void *a, void *b, void *c, void *d);
350 HYPRE_Int hypre_ParILURAPSchurGMRESSolve(void *ilu_vdata, void *ilu_vdata2, hypre_ParVector *f, hypre_ParVector *u);
351 void *hypre_ParILURAPSchurGMRESMatvecCreate(void *ilu_vdata, void *x);
352 HYPRE_Int hypre_ParILURAPSchurGMRESMatvec(void *matvec_data, HYPRE_Complex alpha, void *ilu_vdata, void *x, HYPRE_Complex beta, void *y);
353 HYPRE_Int hypre_ParILURAPSchurGMRESMatvecDestroy(void *matvec_data );
354 #endif
356 #endif /* #ifndef hypre_ParILU_DATA_HEADER */