1 /* $RCSfile$
2  * $Author: hansonr $
3  *
4  * Copyright (C) 2003-2005  Miguel, Jmol Development, www.jmol.org
5  *
6  * Contact: jmol-developers@lists.sf.net
7  *
8  * Copyright (C) 2009  Piero Canepa, University of Kent, UK
9  *
10  * Contact: pc229@kent.ac.uk or pieremanuele.canepa@gmail.com
11  *
12  *  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
13  *  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
14  *  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
15  *  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
16  *
17  *  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
18  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20  *  Lesser General Public License for more details.
21  *
22  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
23  *  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
24  *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
25  *
26  */
28 package org.jmol.adapter.readers.xtal;
30 import javajs.util.DF;
31 import javajs.util.Lst;
32 import javajs.util.PT;
34 import org.jmol.adapter.smarter.AtomSetCollectionReader;
36 /**
37  * http://cms.mpi.univie.ac.at/vasp/
38  *
39  * @author Pieremanuele Canepa, Room 104, FM Group School of Physical Sciences,
40  *         Ingram Building, University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent, CT2 7NH United
41  *         Kingdom, pc229@kent.ac.uk
42  *
43  * @version 1.0
44  */
46 public class VaspOutcarReader extends AtomSetCollectionReader {
48   private String[] atomNames;
49   private boolean haveIonNames;
50   private int ac = 0;
51   private boolean inputOnly;
52   private boolean mDsimulation = false; //this is for MD simulations
53   private int vaspVersion;
56   @Override
initializeReader()57   protected void initializeReader() {
58     isPrimitive = true;
59     setSpaceGroupName("P1");
60     setFractionalCoordinates(true);
61     inputOnly = checkFilterKey("INPUT");
62   }
64   @Override
checkLine()65   protected boolean checkLine() throws Exception {
67     //reads if output is from vasp5
68     if (vaspVersion == 0 && line.contains(" vasp.")) {
69       readVersion();
70       if (vaspVersion > 0)
71         this.appendLoadNote("VASP version " + vaspVersion + " " + line);
72     } else if (line.toUpperCase().startsWith(" POTCAR:")) {
73       //reads the kind of atoms namely H, Ca etc
74       readElementNames();
75     } else if (line.contains("ions per type")) {
76       readAtomCountAndSetNames();
77     } else if (line.contains("molecular dynamics for ions")) {
78       mDsimulation = true;
79     } else if (line.contains("direct lattice vectors")) {
80       readUnitCellVectors();
81     } else if (ac > 0 && line.contains("position of ions in fractional coordinates")) {
82       readInitialCoordinates();
83       if (inputOnly)
84         continuing = false;
85     } else if (line.contains("POSITION")) {
86       readPOSITION();
87       return true;
88     } else if (line.startsWith("  FREE ENERGIE") && !mDsimulation) {
89       readEnergy();
90     } else if (line.contains("ENERGIE OF THE ELECTRON-ION-THERMOSTAT")
91         && mDsimulation) {
92       readMdyn();
93     } else if (line
94         .startsWith(" Eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the dynamical matrix")) {
95       readFrequency();
96     }
97     return true;
98   }
readVersion()100   private void readVersion() {
101     String[] tokens = PT.split(line, ".");
102     vaspVersion = PT.parseInt(tokens[1]);
103   }
105   @Override
finalizeSubclassReader()106   protected void finalizeSubclassReader() throws Exception {
107     setSymmetry();
108   }
112   private Lst<String> elementNames = new Lst<String>();
readElementNames()114   private void readElementNames() throws Exception {
115     // was: TITEL  = PAW_PBE Al 04Jan2001
117     // now:  POTCAR:    PAW_PBE O 08Apr2002
118     // or:   POTCAR:    Ce: PAW 5s5p 6s5d4f valence
119     // or:   POTCAR:   PAW_PBE H_h 07Sep2000
121     line = PT.rep(line, " _ ", "_"); // Version 4   OUTCAR_H6Al2_2.dat  has PAW _ PBE
122     String[] tokens = getTokens();
123     int pt = tokens[1].indexOf(":");
124     String name = (pt >= 0 ? tokens[1].substring(0, pt) : tokens[2]);
125     elementNames.addLast(name);
126   }
128   /*
129   Dimension of arrays:
130     k-Points           NKPTS =     10   number of bands    NBANDS=     16
131     number of dos      NEDOS =    301   number of ions     NIONS =      8
132     non local maximal  LDIM  =      4   non local SUM 2l+1 LMDIM =      8
133     total plane-waves  NPLWV =  74088
134     max r-space proj   IRMAX =   5763   max aug-charges    IRDMAX=  42942
135     dimension x,y,z NGX =    42 NGY =   42 NGZ =   42
136     dimension x,y,z NGXF=    84 NGYF=   84 NGZF=   84
137     support grid    NGXF=    84 NGYF=   84 NGZF=   84
138     ions per type =               6   2*/
readAtomCountAndSetNames()140   private void readAtomCountAndSetNames() throws Exception {
141     int[] numofElement = new int[100];
142     //    readLine();
143     String[] tokens = PT.getTokens(line.substring(line.indexOf("=") + 1));
144     ac = 0;
145     for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++)
146       ac += (numofElement[i] = parseIntStr(tokens[i]));
147     //this is to reconstruct the atomMappedarray containing the atom
148     atomNames = new String[ac];
149     int nElements = elementNames.size();
150     for (int pt = 0, i = 0; i < nElements; i++)
151       for (int j = 0; j < numofElement[i] && pt < ac; j++)
152         atomNames[pt++] = elementNames.get(i);
153   }
155   /*direct lattice vectors                 reciprocal lattice vectors
156     1.850000000  1.850000000  0.000000000     0.270270270  0.270270270 -0.270270270
157     0.000000000  1.850000000  1.850000000    -0.270270270  0.270270270  0.270270270
158     1.850000000  0.000000000  1.850000000     0.270270270 -0.270270270  0.270270270*/
readUnitCellVectors()160   private void readUnitCellVectors() throws Exception {
161     if (asc.ac > 0) {
162       setSymmetry();
163       asc.newAtomSet();
164       setAtomSetInfo();
165     }
166     float[] f = new float[3];
167     for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
168       addExplicitLatticeVector(i, fillFloatArray(fixMinus(rd()), 0, f), 0);
169   }
fixMinus(String line)171   private String fixMinus(String line) {
172     return PT.rep(line, "-", " -");
173   }
setSymmetry()176   private void setSymmetry() throws Exception {
177     applySymmetryAndSetTrajectory();
178     setSpaceGroupName("P1");
179     setFractionalCoordinates(false);
180   }
182   /*
183   position of ions in fractional coordinates (direct lattice)
184   0.87800000  0.62200000  0.25000000
185   0.25000000  0.87800000  0.62200000
186   0.62200000  0.25000000  0.87800000
187   0.12200000  0.37800000  0.75000000
188   0.75000000  0.12200000  0.37800000
189   0.37800000  0.75000000  0.12200000
190   0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000
191   0.50000000  0.50000000  0.50000000
193   position of ions in cartesian coordinates
194    */
195   ///This is the initial geometry not the geometry during the geometry dump
readInitialCoordinates()196   private void readInitialCoordinates() throws Exception {
197     int counter = 0;
198     while (rd() != null && line.length() > 10) {
199       addAtomXYZSymName(PT.getTokens(fixMinus(line)),
200           0, null, atomNames[counter++]);
201     }
202     asc.setAtomSetName("Initial Coordinates");
203   }
205   /*
206   POSITION                                       TOTAL-FORCE (eV/Angst)
207   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
208        1.14298      0.83102      6.90311        -0.003060      0.001766      0.000000
209       -1.29117      0.57434      6.90311         0.000000     -0.003533      0.000000
210        0.14819     -1.40536      6.90311         0.003060      0.001766      0.000000
211       -1.14298     -0.83102      4.93079         0.003060     -0.001766      0.000000
212        1.29117     -0.57434      4.93079         0.000000      0.003533      0.000000
213       -0.14819      1.40536      4.93079        -0.003060     -0.001766      0.000000
214        0.00000      0.00000      0.00000         0.000000      0.000000      0.000000
215        0.00000      0.00000      5.91695         0.000000      0.000000      0.000000
216   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
217    */
readPOSITION()218   private void readPOSITION() throws Exception {
219     int counter = 0;
220     readLines(1);
221     while (rd() != null && line.indexOf("----------") < 0)
222       addAtomXYZSymName(getTokens(), 0, null, atomNames[counter++]);
223   }
226   ---------------------------------------------------
227   free  energy   TOTEN  =       -20.028155 eV
229   energy  without entropy=      -20.028155  energy(sigma->0) =      -20.028155
230    */
232   private Double gibbsEnergy, gibbsEntropy;
readEnergy()234   private void readEnergy() throws Exception {
235     rd();
236     String[] tokens = PT.getTokens(rd());
237     gibbsEnergy = Double.valueOf(Double.parseDouble(tokens[4]));
238     rd();
239     tokens = PT.getTokens(rd());
240     /* please double-check:
242     entropy T*S    EENTRO =        -0.01255935
243     eigenvalues    EBANDS =        27.21110509
244     atomic energy  EATOM  =       181.97672381
245     ---------------------------------------------------
246     free energy    TOTEN  =        35.37614365 eV
248     energy without entropy =       35.38870300  energy(sigma->0) =       35.38242333
250      * G = H - TS, so TS = H - G
251      *
252      * My reading of this is that TOTEN is G,
253      * "energy without entropy" is H, and so the "T*S" line is
254      * actually -T*S, not T*S.
255      *
256      * Can that be?
257      *
258      * Bob
259      *
260      *
261      */
262     double enthalpy = Double.parseDouble(tokens[3]);
263     gibbsEntropy = Double.valueOf(enthalpy - gibbsEnergy.doubleValue());
264   }
setAtomSetInfo()266   private void setAtomSetInfo() {
267     if (gibbsEnergy == null)
268       return;
269     asc.setAtomSetEnergy("" + gibbsEnergy,
270         gibbsEnergy.floatValue());
271     asc.setCurrentModelInfo("Energy", gibbsEnergy);
272     asc.setCurrentModelInfo("Entropy", gibbsEntropy);
273     asc.setInfo("Energy", gibbsEnergy);
274     asc
275         .setInfo("Entropy", gibbsEntropy);
276     asc.setAtomSetName("G = " + gibbsEnergy + " eV, T*S = "
277         + gibbsEntropy + " eV");
278   }
280   private Double electronEne, kinEne, totEne;
281   private float temp;
readMdyn()283   private void readMdyn() throws Exception {
284     String[] tokens = getTokens();
285     rd();
286     tokens = PT.getTokens(rd());
287     electronEne = Double.valueOf(Double.parseDouble(tokens[4]));
288     tokens = PT.getTokens(rd());
289     kinEne = Double.valueOf(Double.parseDouble(tokens[4]));
290     temp = parseFloatStr(tokens[6]);
291     readLines(3);
292     tokens = PT.getTokens(rd());
293     totEne = Double.valueOf(Double.parseDouble(tokens[4]));
294     setAtomSetInfoMd();
295   }
setAtomSetInfoMd()297   private void setAtomSetInfoMd() {
298     asc.setAtomSetName("Temp. = " + DF.formatDecimal((temp), 2)
299         + " K, Energy = " + totEne + " eV");
300     asc.setCurrentModelInfo("Energy", totEne);
301     asc.setInfo("Energy", totEne);
302     asc.setCurrentModelInfo("EleEnergy", kinEne);
303     asc.setInfo("EleEnergy",
304         electronEne);
305     asc.setCurrentModelInfo("Kinetic", electronEne);
306     asc.setInfo("Kinetic", kinEne);
307     asc.setCurrentModelInfo("Temperature",
308         DF.formatDecimal((temp), 2));
309     asc.setInfo("Temperature",
310         DF.formatDecimal((temp), 2));
311   }
313   /*
314     Eigenvectors after division by SQRT(mass)   ///This is lines is not there in VASP5
316     Eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the dynamical matrix
317     ----------------------------------------------------
320       1 f  =   61.880092 THz   388.804082 2PiTHz 2064.097613 cm-1   255.915580 meV
321                 X         Y         Z           dx          dy          dz
322          1.154810  0.811470  6.887910     0.142328    0.284744    0.218505
323         -1.280150  0.594360  6.887910    -0.325017   -0.005914    0.256184
324          0.125350 -1.405820  6.887910     0.147813   -0.308571    0.250139
325         -1.154810 -0.811470  4.919940    -0.142322   -0.284738   -0.218502
326          1.280150 -0.594360  4.919940     0.325007    0.005917   -0.256181
327         -0.125350  1.405820  4.919940    -0.147808    0.308554   -0.250128
328          0.000000  0.000000  0.000000     0.000000    0.000000    0.000000
329          0.000000  0.000000  5.903930     0.000000    0.000000    0.000000
331       2 f  =   56.226671 THz   353.282596 2PiTHz 1875.519821 cm-1   232.534905 meV
332                 X         Y         Z           dx          dy          dz
333          1.154810  0.811470  6.887910     0.005057   -0.193034   -0.074407
334         -1.280150  0.594360  6.887910    -0.215700   -0.046660    0.255430
335          0.125350 -1.405820  6.887910    -0.155522    0.437794   -0.342377
336         -1.154810 -0.811470  4.919940     0.005053   -0.193045   -0.074415
337          1.280150 -0.594360  4.919940    -0.215675   -0.046662    0.255412
338         -0.125350  1.405820  4.919940    -0.155521    0.437777   -0.342368
339          0.000000  0.000000  0.000000     0.015694    0.002977    0.005811
340          0.000000  0.000000  5.903930     0.011571   -0.016988    0.006533
344    */
readFrequency()345   private void readFrequency() throws Exception {
347     int pt = asc.iSet;
348     asc.baseSymmetryAtomCount = ac;
350     if (vaspVersion >= 5) {
351       readLines(3);
352     } else {
353       discardLinesUntilContains("Eigenvectors after division by SQRT(mass)");
354       readLines(5);
355     }
357     boolean[] ignore = new boolean[1];
358     while (rd() != null
359         && (line.contains("f  = ") || line.contains("f/i= "))) {
360       applySymmetryAndSetTrajectory();
361       int iAtom0 = asc.ac;
362       cloneLastAtomSet(ac, null);
363       if (!ignore[0]) {
364         asc.iSet = ++pt;
365         asc.setAtomSetFrequency(vibrationNumber, null,
366             null, line.substring(line.indexOf("2PiTHz") + 6, line.indexOf("c") - 1)
367                     .trim(), null);
368       }
369       rd();
370       fillFrequencyData(iAtom0, ac, ac, ignore, true, 35, 12,
371           null, 0, null);
372       rd();
373     }
374   }
375 }