1 // clang-format off
2 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
3    LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator
4    https://www.lammps.org/, Sandia National Laboratories
5    Steve Plimpton, sjplimp@sandia.gov
7    Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation.  Under the terms of Contract
8    DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
9    certain rights in this software.  This software is distributed under
10    the GNU General Public License.
12    See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
14 #include "meam.h"
16 #include "math_special.h"
18 #include <cmath>
19 #include <algorithm>
21 using namespace LAMMPS_NS;
23 void
meam_force(int i,int eflag_global,int eflag_atom,int vflag_global,int vflag_atom,double * eng_vdwl,double * eatom,int,int * type,int * fmap,double ** scale,double ** x,int numneigh,int * firstneigh,int numneigh_full,int * firstneigh_full,int fnoffset,double ** f,double ** vatom,double * virial)24 MEAM::meam_force(int i, int eflag_global, int eflag_atom, int vflag_global, int vflag_atom,
25                  double* eng_vdwl, double* eatom, int /*ntype*/, int* type, int* fmap,
26                  double** scale, double** x, int numneigh, int* firstneigh, int numneigh_full,
27                  int* firstneigh_full, int fnoffset, double** f, double** vatom, double *virial)
28 {
29   int j, jn, k, kn, kk, m, n, p, q;
30   int nv2, nv3, elti, eltj, eltk, ind;
31   int eflag_either = eflag_atom || eflag_global;
32   int vflag_either = vflag_atom || vflag_global;
33   double xitmp, yitmp, zitmp, delij[3], rij2, rij, rij3;
34   double v[6], fi[3], fj[3];
35   double third, sixth;
36   double pp, dUdrij, dUdsij, dUdrijm[3], force, forcem;
37   double recip, phi, phip;
38   double sij;
39   double a1, a1i, a1j, a2, a2i, a2j;
40   double a3i, a3j;
41   double shpi[3], shpj[3];
42   double ai, aj, ro0i, ro0j, invrei, invrej;
43   double rhoa0j, drhoa0j, rhoa0i, drhoa0i;
44   double rhoa1j, drhoa1j, rhoa1i, drhoa1i;
45   double rhoa2j, drhoa2j, rhoa2i, drhoa2i;
46   double a3, a3a, rhoa3j, drhoa3j, rhoa3i, drhoa3i;
47   double drho0dr1, drho0dr2, drho0ds1, drho0ds2;
48   double drho1dr1, drho1dr2, drho1ds1, drho1ds2;
49   double drho1drm1[3], drho1drm2[3];
50   double drho2dr1, drho2dr2, drho2ds1, drho2ds2;
51   double drho2drm1[3], drho2drm2[3];
52   double drho3dr1, drho3dr2, drho3ds1, drho3ds2;
53   double drho3drm1[3], drho3drm2[3];
54   double dt1dr1, dt1dr2, dt1ds1, dt1ds2;
55   double dt2dr1, dt2dr2, dt2ds1, dt2ds2;
56   double dt3dr1, dt3dr2, dt3ds1, dt3ds2;
57   double drhodr1, drhodr2, drhods1, drhods2, drhodrm1[3], drhodrm2[3];
58   double arg;
59   double arg1i1, arg1j1, arg1i2, arg1j2, arg1i3, arg1j3, arg3i3, arg3j3;
60   double dsij1, dsij2, force1, force2;
61   double t1i, t2i, t3i, t1j, t2j, t3j;
62   double scaleij;
64   third = 1.0 / 3.0;
65   sixth = 1.0 / 6.0;
67   //     Compute forces atom i
69   elti = fmap[type[i]];
70   if (elti < 0) return;
72   xitmp = x[i][0];
73   yitmp = x[i][1];
74   zitmp = x[i][2];
76   //     Treat each pair
77   for (jn = 0; jn < numneigh; jn++) {
78     j = firstneigh[jn];
79     eltj = fmap[type[j]];
80     scaleij = scale[type[i]][type[j]];
82     if (!iszero(scrfcn[fnoffset + jn]) && eltj >= 0) {
84       sij = scrfcn[fnoffset + jn] * fcpair[fnoffset + jn];
85       delij[0] = x[j][0] - xitmp;
86       delij[1] = x[j][1] - yitmp;
87       delij[2] = x[j][2] - zitmp;
88       rij2 = delij[0] * delij[0] + delij[1] * delij[1] + delij[2] * delij[2];
89       if (rij2 < this->cutforcesq) {
90         rij = sqrt(rij2);
91         recip = 1.0 / rij;
93         //     Compute phi and phip
94         ind = this->eltind[elti][eltj];
95         pp = rij * this->rdrar;
96         kk = (int)pp;
97         kk = std::min(kk, this->nrar - 2);
98         pp = pp - kk;
99         pp = std::min(pp, 1.0);
100         phi = ((this->phirar3[ind][kk] * pp + this->phirar2[ind][kk]) * pp + this->phirar1[ind][kk]) * pp + this->phirar[ind][kk];
101         phip = (this->phirar6[ind][kk] * pp + this->phirar5[ind][kk]) * pp + this->phirar4[ind][kk];
103         if (eflag_either != 0) {
104           double phi_sc = phi * scaleij;
105           if (eflag_global != 0)
106             *eng_vdwl = *eng_vdwl + phi_sc * sij;
107           if (eflag_atom != 0) {
108             eatom[i] = eatom[i] + 0.5 * phi_sc * sij;
109             eatom[j] = eatom[j] + 0.5 * phi_sc * sij;
110           }
111         }
113         //     write(1,*) "force_meamf: phi: ",phi
114         //     write(1,*) "force_meamf: phip: ",phip
116         //     Compute pair densities and derivatives
117         invrei = 1.0 / this->re_meam[elti][elti];
118         ai = rij * invrei - 1.0;
119         ro0i = this->rho0_meam[elti];
120         rhoa0i = ro0i * MathSpecial::fm_exp(-this->beta0_meam[elti] * ai);
121         drhoa0i = -this->beta0_meam[elti] * invrei * rhoa0i;
122         rhoa1i = ro0i * MathSpecial::fm_exp(-this->beta1_meam[elti] * ai);
123         drhoa1i = -this->beta1_meam[elti] * invrei * rhoa1i;
124         rhoa2i = ro0i * MathSpecial::fm_exp(-this->beta2_meam[elti] * ai);
125         drhoa2i = -this->beta2_meam[elti] * invrei * rhoa2i;
126         rhoa3i = ro0i * MathSpecial::fm_exp(-this->beta3_meam[elti] * ai);
127         drhoa3i = -this->beta3_meam[elti] * invrei * rhoa3i;
129         if (elti != eltj) {
130           invrej = 1.0 / this->re_meam[eltj][eltj];
131           aj = rij * invrej - 1.0;
132           ro0j = this->rho0_meam[eltj];
133           rhoa0j = ro0j * MathSpecial::fm_exp(-this->beta0_meam[eltj] * aj);
134           drhoa0j = -this->beta0_meam[eltj] * invrej * rhoa0j;
135           rhoa1j = ro0j * MathSpecial::fm_exp(-this->beta1_meam[eltj] * aj);
136           drhoa1j = -this->beta1_meam[eltj] * invrej * rhoa1j;
137           rhoa2j = ro0j * MathSpecial::fm_exp(-this->beta2_meam[eltj] * aj);
138           drhoa2j = -this->beta2_meam[eltj] * invrej * rhoa2j;
139           rhoa3j = ro0j * MathSpecial::fm_exp(-this->beta3_meam[eltj] * aj);
140           drhoa3j = -this->beta3_meam[eltj] * invrej * rhoa3j;
141         } else {
142           rhoa0j = rhoa0i;
143           drhoa0j = drhoa0i;
144           rhoa1j = rhoa1i;
145           drhoa1j = drhoa1i;
146           rhoa2j = rhoa2i;
147           drhoa2j = drhoa2i;
148           rhoa3j = rhoa3i;
149           drhoa3j = drhoa3i;
150         }
152         const double t1mi = this->t1_meam[elti];
153         const double t2mi = this->t2_meam[elti];
154         const double t3mi = this->t3_meam[elti];
155         const double t1mj = this->t1_meam[eltj];
156         const double t2mj = this->t2_meam[eltj];
157         const double t3mj = this->t3_meam[eltj];
159         if (this->ialloy == 1) {
160           rhoa1j  *= t1mj;
161           rhoa2j  *= t2mj;
162           rhoa3j  *= t3mj;
163           rhoa1i  *= t1mi;
164           rhoa2i  *= t2mi;
165           rhoa3i  *= t3mi;
166           drhoa1j *= t1mj;
167           drhoa2j *= t2mj;
168           drhoa3j *= t3mj;
169           drhoa1i *= t1mi;
170           drhoa2i *= t2mi;
171           drhoa3i *= t3mi;
172         }
174         nv2 = 0;
175         nv3 = 0;
176         arg1i1 = 0.0;
177         arg1j1 = 0.0;
178         arg1i2 = 0.0;
179         arg1j2 = 0.0;
180         arg1i3 = 0.0;
181         arg1j3 = 0.0;
182         arg3i3 = 0.0;
183         arg3j3 = 0.0;
184         for (n = 0; n < 3; n++) {
185           for (p = n; p < 3; p++) {
186             for (q = p; q < 3; q++) {
187               arg = delij[n] * delij[p] * delij[q] * this->v3D[nv3];
188               arg1i3 = arg1i3 + arho3[i][nv3] * arg;
189               arg1j3 = arg1j3 - arho3[j][nv3] * arg;
190               nv3 = nv3 + 1;
191             }
192             arg = delij[n] * delij[p] * this->v2D[nv2];
193             arg1i2 = arg1i2 + arho2[i][nv2] * arg;
194             arg1j2 = arg1j2 + arho2[j][nv2] * arg;
195             nv2 = nv2 + 1;
196           }
197           arg1i1 = arg1i1 + arho1[i][n] * delij[n];
198           arg1j1 = arg1j1 - arho1[j][n] * delij[n];
199           arg3i3 = arg3i3 + arho3b[i][n] * delij[n];
200           arg3j3 = arg3j3 - arho3b[j][n] * delij[n];
201         }
203         //     rho0 terms
204         drho0dr1 = drhoa0j * sij;
205         drho0dr2 = drhoa0i * sij;
207         //     rho1 terms
208         a1 = 2 * sij / rij;
209         drho1dr1 = a1 * (drhoa1j - rhoa1j / rij) * arg1i1;
210         drho1dr2 = a1 * (drhoa1i - rhoa1i / rij) * arg1j1;
211         a1 = 2.0 * sij / rij;
212         for (m = 0; m < 3; m++) {
213           drho1drm1[m] = a1 * rhoa1j * arho1[i][m];
214           drho1drm2[m] = -a1 * rhoa1i * arho1[j][m];
215         }
217         //     rho2 terms
218         a2 = 2 * sij / rij2;
219         drho2dr1 = a2 * (drhoa2j - 2 * rhoa2j / rij) * arg1i2 - 2.0 / 3.0 * arho2b[i] * drhoa2j * sij;
220         drho2dr2 = a2 * (drhoa2i - 2 * rhoa2i / rij) * arg1j2 - 2.0 / 3.0 * arho2b[j] * drhoa2i * sij;
221         a2 = 4 * sij / rij2;
222         for (m = 0; m < 3; m++) {
223           drho2drm1[m] = 0.0;
224           drho2drm2[m] = 0.0;
225           for (n = 0; n < 3; n++) {
226             drho2drm1[m] = drho2drm1[m] + arho2[i][this->vind2D[m][n]] * delij[n];
227             drho2drm2[m] = drho2drm2[m] - arho2[j][this->vind2D[m][n]] * delij[n];
228           }
229           drho2drm1[m] = a2 * rhoa2j * drho2drm1[m];
230           drho2drm2[m] = -a2 * rhoa2i * drho2drm2[m];
231         }
233         //     rho3 terms
234         rij3 = rij * rij2;
235         a3 = 2 * sij / rij3;
236         a3a = 6.0 / 5.0 * sij / rij;
237         drho3dr1 = a3 * (drhoa3j - 3 * rhoa3j / rij) * arg1i3 - a3a * (drhoa3j - rhoa3j / rij) * arg3i3;
238         drho3dr2 = a3 * (drhoa3i - 3 * rhoa3i / rij) * arg1j3 - a3a * (drhoa3i - rhoa3i / rij) * arg3j3;
239         a3 = 6 * sij / rij3;
240         a3a = 6 * sij / (5 * rij);
241         for (m = 0; m < 3; m++) {
242           drho3drm1[m] = 0.0;
243           drho3drm2[m] = 0.0;
244           nv2 = 0;
245           for (n = 0; n < 3; n++) {
246             for (p = n; p < 3; p++) {
247               arg = delij[n] * delij[p] * this->v2D[nv2];
248               drho3drm1[m] = drho3drm1[m] + arho3[i][this->vind3D[m][n][p]] * arg;
249               drho3drm2[m] = drho3drm2[m] + arho3[j][this->vind3D[m][n][p]] * arg;
250               nv2 = nv2 + 1;
251             }
252           }
253           drho3drm1[m] = (a3 * drho3drm1[m] - a3a * arho3b[i][m]) * rhoa3j;
254           drho3drm2[m] = (-a3 * drho3drm2[m] + a3a * arho3b[j][m]) * rhoa3i;
255         }
257         //     Compute derivatives of weighting functions t wrt rij
258         t1i = t_ave[i][0];
259         t2i = t_ave[i][1];
260         t3i = t_ave[i][2];
261         t1j = t_ave[j][0];
262         t2j = t_ave[j][1];
263         t3j = t_ave[j][2];
265         if (this->ialloy == 1) {
267           a1i = fdiv_zero(drhoa0j * sij, tsq_ave[i][0]);
268           a1j = fdiv_zero(drhoa0i * sij, tsq_ave[j][0]);
269           a2i = fdiv_zero(drhoa0j * sij, tsq_ave[i][1]);
270           a2j = fdiv_zero(drhoa0i * sij, tsq_ave[j][1]);
271           a3i = fdiv_zero(drhoa0j * sij, tsq_ave[i][2]);
272           a3j = fdiv_zero(drhoa0i * sij, tsq_ave[j][2]);
274           dt1dr1 = a1i * (t1mj - t1i * MathSpecial::square(t1mj));
275           dt1dr2 = a1j * (t1mi - t1j * MathSpecial::square(t1mi));
276           dt2dr1 = a2i * (t2mj - t2i * MathSpecial::square(t2mj));
277           dt2dr2 = a2j * (t2mi - t2j * MathSpecial::square(t2mi));
278           dt3dr1 = a3i * (t3mj - t3i * MathSpecial::square(t3mj));
279           dt3dr2 = a3j * (t3mi - t3j * MathSpecial::square(t3mi));
281         } else if (this->ialloy == 2) {
283           dt1dr1 = 0.0;
284           dt1dr2 = 0.0;
285           dt2dr1 = 0.0;
286           dt2dr2 = 0.0;
287           dt3dr1 = 0.0;
288           dt3dr2 = 0.0;
290         } else {
292           ai = 0.0;
293           if (!iszero(rho0[i]))
294             ai = drhoa0j * sij / rho0[i];
295           aj = 0.0;
296           if (!iszero(rho0[j]))
297             aj = drhoa0i * sij / rho0[j];
299           dt1dr1 = ai * (t1mj - t1i);
300           dt1dr2 = aj * (t1mi - t1j);
301           dt2dr1 = ai * (t2mj - t2i);
302           dt2dr2 = aj * (t2mi - t2j);
303           dt3dr1 = ai * (t3mj - t3i);
304           dt3dr2 = aj * (t3mi - t3j);
305         }
307         //     Compute derivatives of total density wrt rij, sij and rij(3)
308         get_shpfcn(this->lattce_meam[elti][elti], this->stheta_meam[elti][elti], this->ctheta_meam[elti][elti], shpi);
309         get_shpfcn(this->lattce_meam[eltj][eltj], this->stheta_meam[elti][elti], this->ctheta_meam[elti][elti], shpj);
311         drhodr1 = dgamma1[i] * drho0dr1 +
312           dgamma2[i] * (dt1dr1 * rho1[i] + t1i * drho1dr1 + dt2dr1 * rho2[i] + t2i * drho2dr1 +
313                         dt3dr1 * rho3[i] + t3i * drho3dr1) -
314           dgamma3[i] * (shpi[0] * dt1dr1 + shpi[1] * dt2dr1 + shpi[2] * dt3dr1);
315         drhodr2 = dgamma1[j] * drho0dr2 +
316           dgamma2[j] * (dt1dr2 * rho1[j] + t1j * drho1dr2 + dt2dr2 * rho2[j] + t2j * drho2dr2 +
317                         dt3dr2 * rho3[j] + t3j * drho3dr2) -
318           dgamma3[j] * (shpj[0] * dt1dr2 + shpj[1] * dt2dr2 + shpj[2] * dt3dr2);
319         for (m = 0; m < 3; m++) {
320           drhodrm1[m] = 0.0;
321           drhodrm2[m] = 0.0;
322           drhodrm1[m] = dgamma2[i] * (t1i * drho1drm1[m] + t2i * drho2drm1[m] + t3i * drho3drm1[m]);
323           drhodrm2[m] = dgamma2[j] * (t1j * drho1drm2[m] + t2j * drho2drm2[m] + t3j * drho3drm2[m]);
324         }
326         //     Compute derivatives wrt sij, but only if necessary
327         if (!iszero(dscrfcn[fnoffset + jn])) {
328           drho0ds1 = rhoa0j;
329           drho0ds2 = rhoa0i;
330           a1 = 2.0 / rij;
331           drho1ds1 = a1 * rhoa1j * arg1i1;
332           drho1ds2 = a1 * rhoa1i * arg1j1;
333           a2 = 2.0 / rij2;
334           drho2ds1 = a2 * rhoa2j * arg1i2 - 2.0 / 3.0 * arho2b[i] * rhoa2j;
335           drho2ds2 = a2 * rhoa2i * arg1j2 - 2.0 / 3.0 * arho2b[j] * rhoa2i;
336           a3 = 2.0 / rij3;
337           a3a = 6.0 / (5.0 * rij);
338           drho3ds1 = a3 * rhoa3j * arg1i3 - a3a * rhoa3j * arg3i3;
339           drho3ds2 = a3 * rhoa3i * arg1j3 - a3a * rhoa3i * arg3j3;
341           if (this->ialloy == 1) {
342             a1i = fdiv_zero(rhoa0j, tsq_ave[i][0]);
343             a1j = fdiv_zero(rhoa0i, tsq_ave[j][0]);
344             a2i = fdiv_zero(rhoa0j, tsq_ave[i][1]);
345             a2j = fdiv_zero(rhoa0i, tsq_ave[j][1]);
346             a3i = fdiv_zero(rhoa0j, tsq_ave[i][2]);
347             a3j = fdiv_zero(rhoa0i, tsq_ave[j][2]);
349             dt1ds1 = a1i * (t1mj - t1i * MathSpecial::square(t1mj));
350             dt1ds2 = a1j * (t1mi - t1j * MathSpecial::square(t1mi));
351             dt2ds1 = a2i * (t2mj - t2i * MathSpecial::square(t2mj));
352             dt2ds2 = a2j * (t2mi - t2j * MathSpecial::square(t2mi));
353             dt3ds1 = a3i * (t3mj - t3i * MathSpecial::square(t3mj));
354             dt3ds2 = a3j * (t3mi - t3j * MathSpecial::square(t3mi));
356           } else if (this->ialloy == 2) {
358             dt1ds1 = 0.0;
359             dt1ds2 = 0.0;
360             dt2ds1 = 0.0;
361             dt2ds2 = 0.0;
362             dt3ds1 = 0.0;
363             dt3ds2 = 0.0;
365           } else {
367             ai = 0.0;
368             if (!iszero(rho0[i]))
369               ai = rhoa0j / rho0[i];
370             aj = 0.0;
371             if (!iszero(rho0[j]))
372               aj = rhoa0i / rho0[j];
374             dt1ds1 = ai * (t1mj - t1i);
375             dt1ds2 = aj * (t1mi - t1j);
376             dt2ds1 = ai * (t2mj - t2i);
377             dt2ds2 = aj * (t2mi - t2j);
378             dt3ds1 = ai * (t3mj - t3i);
379             dt3ds2 = aj * (t3mi - t3j);
380           }
382           drhods1 = dgamma1[i] * drho0ds1 +
383             dgamma2[i] * (dt1ds1 * rho1[i] + t1i * drho1ds1 + dt2ds1 * rho2[i] + t2i * drho2ds1 +
384                           dt3ds1 * rho3[i] + t3i * drho3ds1) -
385             dgamma3[i] * (shpi[0] * dt1ds1 + shpi[1] * dt2ds1 + shpi[2] * dt3ds1);
386           drhods2 = dgamma1[j] * drho0ds2 +
387             dgamma2[j] * (dt1ds2 * rho1[j] + t1j * drho1ds2 + dt2ds2 * rho2[j] + t2j * drho2ds2 +
388                           dt3ds2 * rho3[j] + t3j * drho3ds2) -
389             dgamma3[j] * (shpj[0] * dt1ds2 + shpj[1] * dt2ds2 + shpj[2] * dt3ds2);
390         }
392         //     Compute derivatives of energy wrt rij, sij and rij[3]
393         dUdrij = phip * sij + frhop[i] * drhodr1 + frhop[j] * drhodr2;
394         dUdsij = 0.0;
395         if (!iszero(dscrfcn[fnoffset + jn])) {
396           dUdsij = phi + frhop[i] * drhods1 + frhop[j] * drhods2;
397         }
398         for (m = 0; m < 3; m++) {
399           dUdrijm[m] = frhop[i] * drhodrm1[m] + frhop[j] * drhodrm2[m];
400         }
401         if (!isone(scaleij)) {
402           dUdrij *= scaleij;
403           dUdsij *= scaleij;
404           dUdrijm[0] *= scaleij;
405           dUdrijm[1] *= scaleij;
406           dUdrijm[2] *= scaleij;
407         }
409         //     Add the part of the force due to dUdrij and dUdsij
411         force = dUdrij * recip + dUdsij * dscrfcn[fnoffset + jn];
412         for (m = 0; m < 3; m++) {
413           forcem = delij[m] * force + dUdrijm[m];
414           f[i][m] = f[i][m] + forcem;
415           f[j][m] = f[j][m] - forcem;
416         }
418         //     Tabulate per-atom virial as symmetrized stress tensor
420         if (vflag_either) {
421           fi[0] = delij[0] * force + dUdrijm[0];
422           fi[1] = delij[1] * force + dUdrijm[1];
423           fi[2] = delij[2] * force + dUdrijm[2];
424           v[0] = -0.5 * (delij[0] * fi[0]);
425           v[1] = -0.5 * (delij[1] * fi[1]);
426           v[2] = -0.5 * (delij[2] * fi[2]);
427           v[3] = -0.25 * (delij[0] * fi[1] + delij[1] * fi[0]);
428           v[4] = -0.25 * (delij[0] * fi[2] + delij[2] * fi[0]);
429           v[5] = -0.25 * (delij[1] * fi[2] + delij[2] * fi[1]);
431           if (vflag_global) {
432             for (m = 0; m < 6; m++) {
433               virial[m] += 2.0*v[m];
434             }
435           }
436           if (vflag_atom) {
437             for (m = 0; m < 6; m++) {
438               vatom[i][m] += v[m];
439               vatom[j][m] += v[m];
440             }
441           }
442         }
444         //     Now compute forces on other atoms k due to change in sij
446         if (iszero(sij) || isone(sij)) continue; //: cont jn loop
448         double dxik(0), dyik(0), dzik(0);
449         double dxjk(0), dyjk(0), dzjk(0);
451         for (kn = 0; kn < numneigh_full; kn++) {
452           k = firstneigh_full[kn];
453           eltk = fmap[type[k]];
454           if (k != j && eltk >= 0) {
455             double xik, xjk, cikj, sikj, dfc, a;
456             double dCikj1, dCikj2;
457             double delc, rik2, rjk2;
459             sij = scrfcn[jn+fnoffset] * fcpair[jn+fnoffset];
460             const double Cmax = this->Cmax_meam[elti][eltj][eltk];
461             const double Cmin = this->Cmin_meam[elti][eltj][eltk];
463             dsij1 = 0.0;
464             dsij2 = 0.0;
465             if (!iszero(sij) && !isone(sij)) {
466               const double rbound = rij2 * this->ebound_meam[elti][eltj];
467               delc = Cmax - Cmin;
468               dxjk = x[k][0] - x[j][0];
469               dyjk = x[k][1] - x[j][1];
470               dzjk = x[k][2] - x[j][2];
471               rjk2 = dxjk * dxjk + dyjk * dyjk + dzjk * dzjk;
472               if (rjk2 <= rbound) {
473                 dxik = x[k][0] - x[i][0];
474                 dyik = x[k][1] - x[i][1];
475                 dzik = x[k][2] - x[i][2];
476                 rik2 = dxik * dxik + dyik * dyik + dzik * dzik;
477                 if (rik2 <= rbound) {
478                   xik = rik2 / rij2;
479                   xjk = rjk2 / rij2;
480                   a = 1 - (xik - xjk) * (xik - xjk);
481                   if (!iszero(a)) {
482                     cikj = (2.0 * (xik + xjk) + a - 2.0) / a;
483                     if (cikj >= Cmin && cikj <= Cmax) {
484                       cikj = (cikj - Cmin) / delc;
485                       sikj = dfcut(cikj, dfc);
486                       dCfunc2(rij2, rik2, rjk2, dCikj1, dCikj2);
487                       a = sij / delc * dfc / sikj;
488                       dsij1 = a * dCikj1;
489                       dsij2 = a * dCikj2;
490                     }
491                   }
492                 }
493               }
494             }
496             if (!iszero(dsij1) || !iszero(dsij2)) {
497               force1 = dUdsij * dsij1;
498               force2 = dUdsij * dsij2;
500               f[i][0] += force1 * dxik;
501               f[i][1] += force1 * dyik;
502               f[i][2] += force1 * dzik;
503               f[j][0] += force2 * dxjk;
504               f[j][1] += force2 * dyjk;
505               f[j][2] += force2 * dzjk;
506               f[k][0] -= force1 * dxik + force2 * dxjk;
507               f[k][1] -= force1 * dyik + force2 * dyjk;
508               f[k][2] -= force1 * dzik + force2 * dzjk;
510               //     Tabulate per-atom virial as symmetrized stress tensor
512               if (vflag_either) {
513                 fi[0] = force1 * dxik;
514                 fi[1] = force1 * dyik;
515                 fi[2] = force1 * dzik;
516                 fj[0] = force2 * dxjk;
517                 fj[1] = force2 * dyjk;
518                 fj[2] = force2 * dzjk;
519                 v[0] = -third * (dxik * fi[0] + dxjk * fj[0]);
520                 v[1] = -third * (dyik * fi[1] + dyjk * fj[1]);
521                 v[2] = -third * (dzik * fi[2] + dzjk * fj[2]);
522                 v[3] = -sixth * (dxik * fi[1] + dxjk * fj[1] + dyik * fi[0] + dyjk * fj[0]);
523                 v[4] = -sixth * (dxik * fi[2] + dxjk * fj[2] + dzik * fi[0] + dzjk * fj[0]);
524                 v[5] = -sixth * (dyik * fi[2] + dyjk * fj[2] + dzik * fi[1] + dzjk * fj[1]);
526                 if (vflag_global) {
527                   for (m = 0; m < 6; m++) {
528                     virial[m] += 3.0*v[m];
529                   }
530                 }
532                 if (vflag_atom) {
533                   for (m = 0; m < 6; m++) {
534                     vatom[i][m] += v[m];
535                     vatom[j][m] += v[m];
536                     vatom[k][m] += v[m];
537                   }
538                 }
539               }
540             }
541           }
542           //     end of k loop
543         }
544       }
545     }
546     //     end of j loop
547   }
548 }