1 // clang-format off
2 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
3    LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator
4    https://www.lammps.org/, Sandia National Laboratories
5    Steve Plimpton, sjplimp@sandia.gov
7    Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation.  Under the terms of Contract
8    DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
9    certain rights in this software.  This software is distributed under
10    the GNU General Public License.
12    See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
15 #include "meam.h"
17 #include "math_const.h"
19 #include <algorithm>
20 #include <cmath>
22 using namespace LAMMPS_NS;
23 using namespace MathConst;
25 //     do a sanity check on index parameters
26 void
meam_checkindex(int num,int lim,int nidx,int * idx,int * ierr)27 MEAM::meam_checkindex(int num, int lim, int nidx, int* idx /*idx(3)*/, int* ierr)
28 {
29   //: idx[0..2]
30   *ierr = 0;
31   if (nidx < num) {
32     *ierr = 2;
33     return;
34   }
36   for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
37     if ((idx[i] < 0) || (idx[i] >= lim)) {
38       *ierr = 3;
39       return;
40     }
41   }
42 }
44 //     The "which" argument corresponds to the index of the "keyword" array
45 //     in pair_meam.cpp:
46 //
47 //     0 = Ec_meam
48 //     1 = alpha_meam
49 //     2 = rho0_meam
50 //     3 = delta_meam
51 //     4 = lattce_meam
52 //     5 = attrac_meam
53 //     6 = repuls_meam
54 //     7 = nn2_meam
55 //     8 = Cmin_meam
56 //     9 = Cmax_meam
57 //     10 = rc_meam
58 //     11 = delr_meam
59 //     12 = augt1
60 //     13 = gsmooth_factor
61 //     14 = re_meam
62 //     15 = ialloy
63 //     16 = mixture_ref_t
64 //     17 = erose_form
65 //     18 = zbl_meam
66 //     19 = emb_lin_neg
67 //     20 = bkgd_dyn
68 //     21 = theta
70 //     The returned errorflag has the following meanings:
72 //     0 = no error
73 //     1 = "which" out of range / invalid keyword
74 //     2 = not enough indices given
75 //     3 = an element index is out of range
77 void
meam_setup_param(int which,double value,int nindex,int * index,int * errorflag)78 MEAM::meam_setup_param(int which, double value, int nindex, int* index /*index(3)*/, int* errorflag)
79 {
80   //: index[0..2]
81   int i1, i2;
82   lattice_t vlat;
83   *errorflag = 0;
85   switch (which) {
86     //     0 = Ec_meam
87     case 0:
88       meam_checkindex(2, neltypes, nindex, index, errorflag);
89       if (*errorflag != 0)
90         return;
91       this->Ec_meam[index[0]][index[1]] = value;
92       break;
94     //     1 = alpha_meam
95     case 1:
96       meam_checkindex(2, neltypes, nindex, index, errorflag);
97       if (*errorflag != 0)
98         return;
99       this->alpha_meam[index[0]][index[1]] = value;
100       break;
102     //     2 = rho0_meam
103     case 2:
104       meam_checkindex(1, neltypes, nindex, index, errorflag);
105       if (*errorflag != 0)
106         return;
107       this->rho0_meam[index[0]] = value;
108       break;
110     //     3 = delta_meam
111     case 3:
112       meam_checkindex(2, neltypes, nindex, index, errorflag);
113       if (*errorflag != 0)
114         return;
115       this->delta_meam[index[0]][index[1]] = value;
116       break;
118     //     4 = lattce_meam
119     case 4:
120       meam_checkindex(2, neltypes, nindex, index, errorflag);
121       if (*errorflag != 0)
122         return;
123       vlat = (lattice_t)value;
125       this->lattce_meam[index[0]][index[1]] = vlat;
126       break;
128     //     5 = attrac_meam
129     case 5:
130       meam_checkindex(2, neltypes, nindex, index, errorflag);
131       if (*errorflag != 0)
132         return;
133       this->attrac_meam[index[0]][index[1]] = value;
134       break;
136     //     6 = repuls_meam
137     case 6:
138       meam_checkindex(2, neltypes, nindex, index, errorflag);
139       if (*errorflag != 0)
140         return;
141       this->repuls_meam[index[0]][index[1]] = value;
142       break;
144     //     7 = nn2_meam
145     case 7:
146       meam_checkindex(2, neltypes, nindex, index, errorflag);
147       if (*errorflag != 0)
148         return;
149       i1 = std::min(index[0], index[1]);
150       i2 = std::max(index[0], index[1]);
151       this->nn2_meam[i1][i2] = (int)value;
152       break;
154     //     8 = Cmin_meam
155     case 8:
156       meam_checkindex(3, neltypes, nindex, index, errorflag);
157       if (*errorflag != 0)
158         return;
159       this->Cmin_meam[index[0]][index[1]][index[2]] = value;
160       break;
162     //     9 = Cmax_meam
163     case 9:
164       meam_checkindex(3, neltypes, nindex, index, errorflag);
165       if (*errorflag != 0)
166         return;
167       this->Cmax_meam[index[0]][index[1]][index[2]] = value;
168       break;
170     //     10 = rc_meam
171     case 10:
172       this->rc_meam = value;
173       break;
175     //     11 = delr_meam
176     case 11:
177       this->delr_meam = value;
178       break;
180     //     12 = augt1
181     case 12:
182       this->augt1 = (int)value;
183       break;
185     //     13 = gsmooth
186     case 13:
187       this->gsmooth_factor = value;
188       break;
190     //     14 = re_meam
191     case 14:
192       meam_checkindex(2, neltypes, nindex, index, errorflag);
193       if (*errorflag != 0)
194         return;
195       this->re_meam[index[0]][index[1]] = value;
196       break;
198     //     15 = ialloy
199     case 15:
200       this->ialloy = (int)value;
201       break;
203     //     16 = mixture_ref_t
204     case 16:
205       this->mix_ref_t = (int)value;
206       break;
208     //     17 = erose_form
209     case 17:
210       this->erose_form = (int)value;
211       break;
213     //     18 = zbl_meam
214     case 18:
215       meam_checkindex(2, neltypes, nindex, index, errorflag);
216       if (*errorflag != 0)
217         return;
218       i1 = std::min(index[0], index[1]);
219       i2 = std::max(index[0], index[1]);
220       this->zbl_meam[i1][i2] = (int)value;
221       break;
223     //     19 = emb_lin_neg
224     case 19:
225       this->emb_lin_neg = (int)value;
226       break;
228     //     20 = bkgd_dyn
229     case 20:
230       this->bkgd_dyn = (int)value;
231       break;
233     //     21 = theta
234     // see alloyparams(void) in meam_setup_done.cpp
235     case 21:
236       // const double PI = 3.141592653589793238463;
237       meam_checkindex(2, neltypes, nindex, index, errorflag);
238       if (*errorflag != 0)
239         return;
240       i1 = std::min(index[0], index[1]);
241       i2 = std::max(index[0], index[1]);
242       // we don't use theta, instead stheta and ctheta
243       this->stheta_meam[i1][i2] = sin(value/2*MY_PI/180.0);
244       this->ctheta_meam[i1][i2] = cos(value/2*MY_PI/180.0);
245       break;
247     default:
248       *errorflag = 1;
249   }
250 }