1 // clang-format off
2 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
3 LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator
4 https://www.lammps.org/, Sandia National Laboratories
5 Steve Plimpton, sjplimp@sandia.gov
7 Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
8 DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
9 certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
10 the GNU General Public License.
12 See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
15 #include "comm.h"
17 #include "accelerator_kokkos.h"
18 #include "atom.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
19 #include "atom_vec.h"
20 #include "bond.h"
21 #include "compute.h"
22 #include "domain.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
23 #include "dump.h"
24 #include "error.h"
25 #include "fix.h"
26 #include "force.h"
27 #include "group.h"
28 #include "irregular.h"
29 #include "memory.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
30 #include "modify.h"
31 #include "neighbor.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
32 #include "output.h"
33 #include "pair.h"
34 #include "procmap.h"
35 #include "universe.h"
36 #include "update.h"
38 #include <cstring>
39 #ifdef _OPENMP
40 #include <omp.h>
41 #endif
43 using namespace LAMMPS_NS;
45 #define BUFEXTRA 1024
50 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Comm(LAMMPS * lmp)52 Comm::Comm(LAMMPS *lmp) : Pointers(lmp)
53 {
54 MPI_Comm_rank(world,&me);
55 MPI_Comm_size(world,&nprocs);
57 mode = 0;
58 bordergroup = 0;
59 cutghostuser = 0.0;
60 cutusermulti = nullptr;
61 cutusermultiold = nullptr;
62 ncollections = 0;
63 ncollections_cutoff = 0;
64 ghost_velocity = 0;
66 user_procgrid[0] = user_procgrid[1] = user_procgrid[2] = 0;
67 coregrid[0] = coregrid[1] = coregrid[2] = 1;
68 gridflag = ONELEVEL;
69 mapflag = CART;
70 customfile = nullptr;
71 outfile = nullptr;
72 recv_from_partition = send_to_partition = -1;
73 otherflag = 0;
75 maxexchange = maxexchange_atom = maxexchange_fix = 0;
76 maxexchange_fix_dynamic = 0;
77 bufextra = BUFEXTRA;
79 grid2proc = nullptr;
80 xsplit = ysplit = zsplit = nullptr;
81 rcbnew = 0;
82 multi_reduce = 0;
84 // use of OpenMP threads
85 // query OpenMP for number of threads/process set by user at run-time
86 // if the OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable is not set, we default
87 // to using 1 thread. This follows the principle of the least surprise,
88 // while practically all OpenMP implementations violate it by using
89 // as many threads as there are (virtual) CPU cores by default.
91 nthreads = 1;
92 #ifdef _OPENMP
93 if (lmp->kokkos) {
94 nthreads = lmp->kokkos->nthreads * lmp->kokkos->numa;
95 } else if (getenv("OMP_NUM_THREADS") == nullptr) {
96 nthreads = 1;
97 if (me == 0)
98 error->message(FLERR,"OMP_NUM_THREADS environment is not set. "
99 "Defaulting to 1 thread.");
100 } else {
101 nthreads = omp_get_max_threads();
102 }
104 // enforce consistent number of threads across all MPI tasks
106 MPI_Bcast(&nthreads,1,MPI_INT,0,world);
107 if (!lmp->kokkos) omp_set_num_threads(nthreads);
109 if (me == 0)
110 utils::logmesg(lmp," using {} OpenMP thread(s) per MPI task\n",nthreads);
111 #endif
113 }
115 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
~Comm()117 Comm::~Comm()
118 {
119 memory->destroy(grid2proc);
120 memory->destroy(xsplit);
121 memory->destroy(ysplit);
122 memory->destroy(zsplit);
123 memory->destroy(cutusermulti);
124 memory->destroy(cutusermultiold);
125 delete [] customfile;
126 delete [] outfile;
127 }
129 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
130 deep copy of arrays from old Comm class to new one
131 all public/protected vectors/arrays in parent Comm class must be copied
132 called from alternate constructor of child classes
133 when new comm style is created from Input
134 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
copy_arrays(Comm * oldcomm)136 void Comm::copy_arrays(Comm *oldcomm)
137 {
138 if (oldcomm->grid2proc) {
139 memory->create(grid2proc,procgrid[0],procgrid[1],procgrid[2],
140 "comm:grid2proc");
141 memcpy(&grid2proc[0][0][0],&oldcomm->grid2proc[0][0][0],
142 (procgrid[0]*procgrid[1]*procgrid[2])*sizeof(int));
144 memory->create(xsplit,procgrid[0]+1,"comm:xsplit");
145 memory->create(ysplit,procgrid[1]+1,"comm:ysplit");
146 memory->create(zsplit,procgrid[2]+1,"comm:zsplit");
147 memcpy(xsplit,oldcomm->xsplit,(procgrid[0]+1)*sizeof(double));
148 memcpy(ysplit,oldcomm->ysplit,(procgrid[1]+1)*sizeof(double));
149 memcpy(zsplit,oldcomm->zsplit,(procgrid[2]+1)*sizeof(double));
150 }
152 ncollections = oldcomm->ncollections;
153 ncollections_cutoff = oldcomm->ncollections_cutoff;
154 if (oldcomm->cutusermulti) {
155 memory->create(cutusermulti,ncollections_cutoff,"comm:cutusermulti");
156 memcpy(cutusermulti,oldcomm->cutusermulti,ncollections_cutoff);
157 }
159 if (oldcomm->cutusermultiold) {
160 memory->create(cutusermultiold,atom->ntypes+1,"comm:cutusermultiold");
161 memcpy(cutusermultiold,oldcomm->cutusermultiold,atom->ntypes+1);
162 }
164 if (customfile)
165 customfile = utils::strdup(oldcomm->customfile);
167 if (outfile)
168 outfile = utils::strdup(oldcomm->outfile);
169 }
171 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
172 common to all Comm styles
173 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
init()175 void Comm::init()
176 {
177 triclinic = domain->triclinic;
178 map_style = atom->map_style;
180 // check warn if any proc's subbox is smaller than neigh skin
181 // since may lead to lost atoms in exchange()
182 // really should check every exchange() in case box size is shrinking
183 // but seems overkill to do that (fix balance does perform this check)
185 domain->subbox_too_small_check(neighbor->skin);
187 // comm_only = 1 if only x,f are exchanged in forward/reverse comm
188 // comm_x_only = 0 if ghost_velocity since velocities are added
190 comm_x_only = atom->avec->comm_x_only;
191 comm_f_only = atom->avec->comm_f_only;
192 if (ghost_velocity) comm_x_only = 0;
194 // set per-atom sizes for forward/reverse/border comm
195 // augment by velocity and fix quantities if needed
197 size_forward = atom->avec->size_forward;
198 size_reverse = atom->avec->size_reverse;
199 size_border = atom->avec->size_border;
201 if (ghost_velocity) size_forward += atom->avec->size_velocity;
202 if (ghost_velocity) size_border += atom->avec->size_velocity;
204 for (int i = 0; i < modify->nfix; i++)
205 size_border += modify->fix[i]->comm_border;
207 // per-atom limits for communication
208 // maxexchange = max # of datums in exchange comm, set in exchange()
209 // maxforward = # of datums in largest forward comm
210 // maxreverse = # of datums in largest reverse comm
211 // query pair,fix,compute,dump for their requirements
212 // pair style can force reverse comm even if newton off
214 maxforward = MAX(size_forward,size_border);
215 maxreverse = size_reverse;
217 if (force->pair) maxforward = MAX(maxforward,force->pair->comm_forward);
218 if (force->pair) maxreverse = MAX(maxreverse,force->pair->comm_reverse);
220 for (int i = 0; i < modify->nfix; i++) {
221 maxforward = MAX(maxforward,modify->fix[i]->comm_forward);
222 maxreverse = MAX(maxreverse,modify->fix[i]->comm_reverse);
223 }
225 for (int i = 0; i < modify->ncompute; i++) {
226 maxforward = MAX(maxforward,modify->compute[i]->comm_forward);
227 maxreverse = MAX(maxreverse,modify->compute[i]->comm_reverse);
228 }
230 for (int i = 0; i < output->ndump; i++) {
231 maxforward = MAX(maxforward,output->dump[i]->comm_forward);
232 maxreverse = MAX(maxreverse,output->dump[i]->comm_reverse);
233 }
235 if (force->newton == 0) maxreverse = 0;
236 if (force->pair) maxreverse = MAX(maxreverse,force->pair->comm_reverse_off);
238 // maxexchange_atom = size of an exchanged atom, set by AtomVec
239 // only needs to be set if size > BUFEXTRA
240 // maxexchange_fix_dynamic = 1 if any fix sets its maxexchange dynamically
242 maxexchange_atom = atom->avec->maxexchange;
244 int nfix = modify->nfix;
245 Fix **fix = modify->fix;
247 maxexchange_fix_dynamic = 0;
248 for (int i = 0; i < nfix; i++)
249 if (fix[i]->maxexchange_dynamic) maxexchange_fix_dynamic = 1;
251 if ((mode == Comm::MULTI) && (neighbor->style != Neighbor::MULTI))
252 error->all(FLERR,"Cannot use comm mode multi without multi-style neighbor lists");
254 if (multi_reduce) {
255 if (force->newton == 0)
256 error->all(FLERR,"Cannot use multi/reduce communication with Newton off");
257 if (neighbor->any_full())
258 error->all(FLERR,"Cannot use multi/reduce communication with a full neighbor list");
259 if (mode != Comm::MULTI)
260 error->all(FLERR,"Cannot use multi/reduce communication without mode multi");
261 }
262 }
264 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
265 set maxexchange based on AtomVec and fixes
266 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
init_exchange()268 void Comm::init_exchange()
269 {
270 int nfix = modify->nfix;
271 Fix **fix = modify->fix;
273 maxexchange_fix = 0;
274 for (int i = 0; i < nfix; i++)
275 maxexchange_fix += fix[i]->maxexchange;
277 maxexchange = maxexchange_atom + maxexchange_fix;
278 bufextra = maxexchange + BUFEXTRA;
279 }
281 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
282 modify communication params
283 invoked from input script by comm_modify command
284 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
modify_params(int narg,char ** arg)286 void Comm::modify_params(int narg, char **arg)
287 {
288 if (narg < 1) error->all(FLERR,"Illegal comm_modify command");
290 int iarg = 0;
291 while (iarg < narg) {
292 if (strcmp(arg[iarg],"mode") == 0) {
293 if (iarg+2 > narg) error->all(FLERR,"Illegal comm_modify command");
294 if (strcmp(arg[iarg+1],"single") == 0) {
295 // need to reset cutghostuser when switching comm mode
296 if (mode == Comm::MULTI) cutghostuser = 0.0;
297 if (mode == Comm::MULTIOLD) cutghostuser = 0.0;
298 memory->destroy(cutusermulti);
299 memory->destroy(cutusermultiold);
300 mode = Comm::SINGLE;
301 } else if (strcmp(arg[iarg+1],"multi") == 0) {
302 if (neighbor->style != Neighbor::MULTI)
303 error->all(FLERR,"Cannot use comm mode 'multi' without 'multi' style neighbor lists");
304 // need to reset cutghostuser when switching comm mode
305 if (mode == Comm::SINGLE) cutghostuser = 0.0;
306 if (mode == Comm::MULTIOLD) cutghostuser = 0.0;
307 memory->destroy(cutusermultiold);
308 mode = Comm::MULTI;
309 } else if (strcmp(arg[iarg+1],"multi/old") == 0) {
310 if (neighbor->style == Neighbor::MULTI)
311 error->all(FLERR,"Cannot use comm mode 'multi/old' with 'multi' style neighbor lists");
312 // need to reset cutghostuser when switching comm mode
313 if (mode == Comm::SINGLE) cutghostuser = 0.0;
314 if (mode == Comm::MULTI) cutghostuser = 0.0;
315 memory->destroy(cutusermulti);
316 mode = Comm::MULTIOLD;
317 } else error->all(FLERR,"Illegal comm_modify command");
318 iarg += 2;
319 } else if (strcmp(arg[iarg],"group") == 0) {
320 if (iarg+2 > narg) error->all(FLERR,"Illegal comm_modify command");
321 bordergroup = group->find(arg[iarg+1]);
322 if (bordergroup < 0)
323 error->all(FLERR,"Invalid group in comm_modify command");
324 if (bordergroup && (atom->firstgroupname == nullptr ||
325 strcmp(arg[iarg+1],atom->firstgroupname) != 0))
326 error->all(FLERR,"Comm_modify group != atom_modify first group");
327 iarg += 2;
328 } else if (strcmp(arg[iarg],"cutoff") == 0) {
329 if (iarg+2 > narg) error->all(FLERR,"Illegal comm_modify command");
330 if (mode == Comm::MULTI)
331 error->all(FLERR, "Use cutoff/multi keyword to set cutoff in multi mode");
332 if (mode == Comm::MULTIOLD)
333 error->all(FLERR, "Use cutoff/multi/old keyword to set cutoff in multi mode");
334 cutghostuser = utils::numeric(FLERR,arg[iarg+1],false,lmp);
335 if (cutghostuser < 0.0)
336 error->all(FLERR,"Invalid cutoff in comm_modify command");
337 iarg += 2;
338 } else if (strcmp(arg[iarg],"cutoff/multi") == 0) {
339 int i,nlo,nhi;
340 double cut;
341 if (mode == Comm::SINGLE)
342 error->all(FLERR,"Use cutoff keyword to set cutoff in single mode");
343 if (mode == Comm::MULTIOLD)
344 error->all(FLERR,"Use cutoff/multi/old keyword to set cutoff in multi/old mode");
345 if (domain->box_exist == 0)
346 error->all(FLERR, "Cannot set cutoff/multi before simulation box is defined");
348 // Check if # of collections has changed, if so erase any previously defined cutoffs
349 // Neighbor will reset ncollections if collections are redefined
350 if (! cutusermulti || ncollections_cutoff != neighbor->ncollections) {
351 ncollections_cutoff = neighbor->ncollections;
352 memory->destroy(cutusermulti);
353 memory->create(cutusermulti,ncollections_cutoff,"comm:cutusermulti");
354 for (i=0; i < ncollections_cutoff; ++i)
355 cutusermulti[i] = -1.0;
356 }
357 utils::bounds(FLERR,arg[iarg+1],1,ncollections_cutoff,nlo,nhi,error);
358 cut = utils::numeric(FLERR,arg[iarg+2],false,lmp);
359 cutghostuser = MAX(cutghostuser,cut);
360 if (cut < 0.0)
361 error->all(FLERR,"Invalid cutoff in comm_modify command");
362 // collections use 1-based indexing externally and 0-based indexing internally
363 for (i=nlo; i<=nhi; ++i)
364 cutusermulti[i-1] = cut;
365 iarg += 3;
366 } else if (strcmp(arg[iarg],"cutoff/multi/old") == 0) {
367 int i,nlo,nhi;
368 double cut;
369 if (mode == Comm::SINGLE)
370 error->all(FLERR,"Use cutoff keyword to set cutoff in single mode");
371 if (mode == Comm::MULTI)
372 error->all(FLERR,"Use cutoff/multi keyword to set cutoff in multi mode");
373 if (domain->box_exist == 0)
374 error->all(FLERR, "Cannot set cutoff/multi before simulation box is defined");
375 const int ntypes = atom->ntypes;
376 if (iarg+3 > narg)
377 error->all(FLERR,"Illegal comm_modify command");
378 if (cutusermultiold == nullptr) {
379 memory->create(cutusermultiold,ntypes+1,"comm:cutusermultiold");
380 for (i=0; i < ntypes+1; ++i)
381 cutusermultiold[i] = -1.0;
382 }
383 utils::bounds(FLERR,arg[iarg+1],1,ntypes,nlo,nhi,error);
384 cut = utils::numeric(FLERR,arg[iarg+2],false,lmp);
385 cutghostuser = MAX(cutghostuser,cut);
386 if (cut < 0.0)
387 error->all(FLERR,"Invalid cutoff in comm_modify command");
388 for (i=nlo; i<=nhi; ++i)
389 cutusermultiold[i] = cut;
390 iarg += 3;
391 } else if (strcmp(arg[iarg],"reduce/multi") == 0) {
392 if (mode == Comm::SINGLE)
393 error->all(FLERR,"Use reduce/multi in mode multi only");
394 multi_reduce = 1;
395 iarg += 1;
396 } else if (strcmp(arg[iarg],"vel") == 0) {
397 if (iarg+2 > narg) error->all(FLERR,"Illegal comm_modify command");
398 if (strcmp(arg[iarg+1],"yes") == 0) ghost_velocity = 1;
399 else if (strcmp(arg[iarg+1],"no") == 0) ghost_velocity = 0;
400 else error->all(FLERR,"Illegal comm_modify command");
401 iarg += 2;
402 } else error->all(FLERR,"Illegal comm_modify command");
403 }
404 }
406 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
407 set dimensions for 3d grid of processors, and associated flags
408 invoked from input script by processors command
409 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
set_processors(int narg,char ** arg)411 void Comm::set_processors(int narg, char **arg)
412 {
413 if (narg < 3) error->all(FLERR,"Illegal processors command");
415 if (strcmp(arg[0],"*") == 0) user_procgrid[0] = 0;
416 else user_procgrid[0] = utils::inumeric(FLERR,arg[0],false,lmp);
417 if (strcmp(arg[1],"*") == 0) user_procgrid[1] = 0;
418 else user_procgrid[1] = utils::inumeric(FLERR,arg[1],false,lmp);
419 if (strcmp(arg[2],"*") == 0) user_procgrid[2] = 0;
420 else user_procgrid[2] = utils::inumeric(FLERR,arg[2],false,lmp);
422 if (user_procgrid[0] < 0 || user_procgrid[1] < 0 || user_procgrid[2] < 0)
423 error->all(FLERR,"Illegal processors command");
425 int p = user_procgrid[0]*user_procgrid[1]*user_procgrid[2];
426 if (p && p != nprocs)
427 error->all(FLERR,"Specified processors != physical processors");
429 int iarg = 3;
430 while (iarg < narg) {
431 if (strcmp(arg[iarg],"grid") == 0) {
432 if (iarg+2 > narg) error->all(FLERR,"Illegal processors command");
434 if (strcmp(arg[iarg+1],"onelevel") == 0) {
435 gridflag = ONELEVEL;
437 } else if (strcmp(arg[iarg+1],"twolevel") == 0) {
438 if (iarg+6 > narg) error->all(FLERR,"Illegal processors command");
439 gridflag = TWOLEVEL;
441 ncores = utils::inumeric(FLERR,arg[iarg+2],false,lmp);
442 if (strcmp(arg[iarg+3],"*") == 0) user_coregrid[0] = 0;
443 else user_coregrid[0] = utils::inumeric(FLERR,arg[iarg+3],false,lmp);
444 if (strcmp(arg[iarg+4],"*") == 0) user_coregrid[1] = 0;
445 else user_coregrid[1] = utils::inumeric(FLERR,arg[iarg+4],false,lmp);
446 if (strcmp(arg[iarg+5],"*") == 0) user_coregrid[2] = 0;
447 else user_coregrid[2] = utils::inumeric(FLERR,arg[iarg+5],false,lmp);
449 if (ncores <= 0 || user_coregrid[0] < 0 ||
450 user_coregrid[1] < 0 || user_coregrid[2] < 0)
451 error->all(FLERR,"Illegal processors command");
452 iarg += 4;
454 } else if (strcmp(arg[iarg+1],"numa") == 0) {
455 gridflag = NUMA;
457 } else if (strcmp(arg[iarg+1],"custom") == 0) {
458 if (iarg+3 > narg) error->all(FLERR,"Illegal processors command");
459 gridflag = CUSTOM;
460 delete [] customfile;
461 customfile = utils::strdup(arg[iarg+2]);
462 iarg += 1;
464 } else error->all(FLERR,"Illegal processors command");
465 iarg += 2;
467 } else if (strcmp(arg[iarg],"map") == 0) {
468 if (iarg+2 > narg) error->all(FLERR,"Illegal processors command");
469 if (strcmp(arg[iarg+1],"cart") == 0) mapflag = CART;
470 else if (strcmp(arg[iarg+1],"cart/reorder") == 0) mapflag = CARTREORDER;
471 else if (strcmp(arg[iarg+1],"xyz") == 0 ||
472 strcmp(arg[iarg+1],"xzy") == 0 ||
473 strcmp(arg[iarg+1],"yxz") == 0 ||
474 strcmp(arg[iarg+1],"yzx") == 0 ||
475 strcmp(arg[iarg+1],"zxy") == 0 ||
476 strcmp(arg[iarg+1],"zyx") == 0) {
477 mapflag = XYZ;
478 strncpy(xyz,arg[iarg+1],3);
479 } else error->all(FLERR,"Illegal processors command");
480 iarg += 2;
482 } else if (strcmp(arg[iarg],"part") == 0) {
483 if (iarg+4 > narg) error->all(FLERR,"Illegal processors command");
484 if (universe->nworlds == 1)
485 error->all(FLERR,
486 "Cannot use processors part command "
487 "without using partitions");
488 int isend = utils::inumeric(FLERR,arg[iarg+1],false,lmp);
489 int irecv = utils::inumeric(FLERR,arg[iarg+2],false,lmp);
490 if (isend < 1 || isend > universe->nworlds ||
491 irecv < 1 || irecv > universe->nworlds || isend == irecv)
492 error->all(FLERR,"Invalid partitions in processors part command");
493 if (isend-1 == universe->iworld) {
494 if (send_to_partition >= 0)
495 error->all(FLERR,
496 "Sending partition in processors part command "
497 "is already a sender");
498 send_to_partition = irecv-1;
499 }
500 if (irecv-1 == universe->iworld) {
501 if (recv_from_partition >= 0)
502 error->all(FLERR,
503 "Receiving partition in processors part command "
504 "is already a receiver");
505 recv_from_partition = isend-1;
506 }
508 // only receiver has otherflag dependency
510 if (strcmp(arg[iarg+3],"multiple") == 0) {
511 if (universe->iworld == irecv-1) {
512 otherflag = 1;
513 other_style = Comm::MULTIPLE;
514 }
515 } else error->all(FLERR,"Illegal processors command");
516 iarg += 4;
518 } else if (strcmp(arg[iarg],"file") == 0) {
519 if (iarg+2 > narg) error->all(FLERR,"Illegal processors command");
520 delete [] outfile;
521 outfile = utils::strdup(arg[iarg+1]);
522 iarg += 2;
524 } else error->all(FLERR,"Illegal processors command");
525 }
527 // error checks
529 if (gridflag == NUMA && mapflag != CART)
530 error->all(FLERR,"Processors grid numa and map style are incompatible");
531 if (otherflag && (gridflag == NUMA || gridflag == CUSTOM))
532 error->all(FLERR,
533 "Processors part option and grid style are incompatible");
534 }
536 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
537 create a 3d grid of procs based on Nprocs and box size & shape
538 map processors to grid, setup xyz split for a uniform grid
539 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
set_proc_grid(int outflag)541 void Comm::set_proc_grid(int outflag)
542 {
543 // recv 3d proc grid of another partition if my 3d grid depends on it
545 if (recv_from_partition >= 0) {
546 if (me == 0) {
547 MPI_Recv(other_procgrid,3,MPI_INT,
548 universe->root_proc[recv_from_partition],0,
549 universe->uworld,MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
550 MPI_Recv(other_coregrid,3,MPI_INT,
551 universe->root_proc[recv_from_partition],0,
552 universe->uworld,MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
553 }
554 MPI_Bcast(other_procgrid,3,MPI_INT,0,world);
555 MPI_Bcast(other_coregrid,3,MPI_INT,0,world);
556 }
558 // create ProcMap class to create 3d grid and map procs to it
560 ProcMap *pmap = new ProcMap(lmp);
562 // create 3d grid of processors
563 // produces procgrid and coregrid (if relevant)
565 if (gridflag == ONELEVEL) {
566 pmap->onelevel_grid(nprocs,user_procgrid,procgrid,
567 otherflag,other_style,other_procgrid,other_coregrid);
569 } else if (gridflag == TWOLEVEL) {
570 pmap->twolevel_grid(nprocs,user_procgrid,procgrid,
571 ncores,user_coregrid,coregrid,
572 otherflag,other_style,other_procgrid,other_coregrid);
574 } else if (gridflag == NUMA) {
575 pmap->numa_grid(nprocs,user_procgrid,procgrid,coregrid);
577 } else if (gridflag == CUSTOM) {
578 pmap->custom_grid(customfile,nprocs,user_procgrid,procgrid);
579 }
581 // error check on procgrid
582 // should not be necessary due to ProcMap
584 if (procgrid[0]*procgrid[1]*procgrid[2] != nprocs)
585 error->all(FLERR,"Bad grid of processors");
586 if (domain->dimension == 2 && procgrid[2] != 1)
587 error->all(FLERR,"Processor count in z must be 1 for 2d simulation");
589 // grid2proc[i][j][k] = proc that owns i,j,k location in 3d grid
591 if (grid2proc) memory->destroy(grid2proc);
592 memory->create(grid2proc,procgrid[0],procgrid[1],procgrid[2],
593 "comm:grid2proc");
595 // map processor IDs to 3d processor grid
596 // produces myloc, procneigh, grid2proc
598 if (gridflag == ONELEVEL) {
599 if (mapflag == CART)
600 pmap->cart_map(0,procgrid,myloc,procneigh,grid2proc);
601 else if (mapflag == CARTREORDER)
602 pmap->cart_map(1,procgrid,myloc,procneigh,grid2proc);
603 else if (mapflag == XYZ)
604 pmap->xyz_map(xyz,procgrid,myloc,procneigh,grid2proc);
606 } else if (gridflag == TWOLEVEL) {
607 if (mapflag == CART)
608 pmap->cart_map(0,procgrid,ncores,coregrid,myloc,procneigh,grid2proc);
609 else if (mapflag == CARTREORDER)
610 pmap->cart_map(1,procgrid,ncores,coregrid,myloc,procneigh,grid2proc);
611 else if (mapflag == XYZ)
612 pmap->xyz_map(xyz,procgrid,ncores,coregrid,myloc,procneigh,grid2proc);
614 } else if (gridflag == NUMA) {
615 pmap->numa_map(0,coregrid,myloc,procneigh,grid2proc);
617 } else if (gridflag == CUSTOM) {
618 pmap->custom_map(procgrid,myloc,procneigh,grid2proc);
619 }
621 // print 3d grid info to screen and logfile
623 if (outflag && me == 0) {
624 auto mesg = fmt::format(" {} by {} by {} MPI processor grid\n",
625 procgrid[0],procgrid[1],procgrid[2]);
626 if (gridflag == NUMA || gridflag == TWOLEVEL)
627 mesg += fmt::format(" {} by {} by {} core grid within node\n",
628 coregrid[0],coregrid[1],coregrid[2]);
629 utils::logmesg(lmp,mesg);
630 }
632 // print 3d grid details to outfile
634 if (outfile) pmap->output(outfile,procgrid,grid2proc);
636 // free ProcMap class
638 delete pmap;
640 // set xsplit,ysplit,zsplit for uniform spacings
642 memory->destroy(xsplit);
643 memory->destroy(ysplit);
644 memory->destroy(zsplit);
646 memory->create(xsplit,procgrid[0]+1,"comm:xsplit");
647 memory->create(ysplit,procgrid[1]+1,"comm:ysplit");
648 memory->create(zsplit,procgrid[2]+1,"comm:zsplit");
650 for (int i = 0; i < procgrid[0]; i++) xsplit[i] = i * 1.0/procgrid[0];
651 for (int i = 0; i < procgrid[1]; i++) ysplit[i] = i * 1.0/procgrid[1];
652 for (int i = 0; i < procgrid[2]; i++) zsplit[i] = i * 1.0/procgrid[2];
654 xsplit[procgrid[0]] = ysplit[procgrid[1]] = zsplit[procgrid[2]] = 1.0;
656 // set lamda box params after procs are assigned
657 // only set once unless load-balancing occurs
659 if (domain->triclinic) domain->set_lamda_box();
661 // send my 3d proc grid to another partition if requested
663 if (send_to_partition >= 0) {
664 if (me == 0) {
665 MPI_Send(procgrid,3,MPI_INT,
666 universe->root_proc[send_to_partition],0,
667 universe->uworld);
668 MPI_Send(coregrid,3,MPI_INT,
669 universe->root_proc[send_to_partition],0,
670 universe->uworld);
671 }
672 }
673 }
675 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
676 determine suitable communication cutoff.
677 this uses three inputs: 1) maximum neighborlist cutoff, 2) an estimate
678 based on bond lengths and bonded interaction styles present, and 3) a
679 user supplied communication cutoff.
680 the neighbor list cutoff (1) is *always* used, since it is a requirement
681 for neighborlists working correctly. the bond length based cutoff is
682 *only* used, if no pair style is defined and no user cutoff is provided.
683 otherwise, a warning is printed. if the bond length based estimate is
684 larger than what is used.
685 print a warning, if a user specified communication cutoff is overridden.
686 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
get_comm_cutoff()688 double Comm::get_comm_cutoff()
689 {
690 double maxcommcutoff, maxbondcutoff = 0.0;
692 if (force->bond) {
693 int n = atom->nbondtypes;
694 for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
695 maxbondcutoff = MAX(maxbondcutoff,force->bond->equilibrium_distance(i));
697 // apply bond length based heuristics.
699 if (force->newton_bond) {
700 if (force->dihedral || force->improper) {
701 maxbondcutoff *= 2.25;
702 } else {
703 maxbondcutoff *=1.5;
704 }
705 } else {
706 if (force->dihedral || force->improper) {
707 maxbondcutoff *= 3.125;
708 } else if (force->angle) {
709 maxbondcutoff *= 2.25;
710 } else {
711 maxbondcutoff *=1.5;
712 }
713 }
714 maxbondcutoff += neighbor->skin;
715 }
717 // always take the larger of max neighbor list and user specified cutoff
719 maxcommcutoff = MAX(cutghostuser,neighbor->cutneighmax);
721 // use cutoff estimate from bond length only if no user specified
722 // cutoff was given and no pair style present. Otherwise print a
723 // warning, if the estimated bond based cutoff is larger than what
724 // is currently used.
726 if (!force->pair && (cutghostuser == 0.0)) {
727 maxcommcutoff = MAX(maxcommcutoff,maxbondcutoff);
728 } else {
729 if ((me == 0) && (maxbondcutoff > maxcommcutoff))
730 error->warning(FLERR,"Communication cutoff {} is shorter than a bond "
731 "length based estimate of {}. This may lead to errors.",
732 maxcommcutoff,maxbondcutoff);
733 }
735 // print warning if neighborlist cutoff overrides user cutoff
737 if ((me == 0) && (update->setupflag == 1)) {
738 if ((cutghostuser > 0.0) && (maxcommcutoff > cutghostuser))
739 error->warning(FLERR,"Communication cutoff adjusted to {}",maxcommcutoff);
740 }
742 // Check maximum interval size for neighbor multi
743 if (neighbor->interval_collection_flag) {
744 for (int i = 0; i < neighbor->ncollections; i++){
745 maxcommcutoff = MAX(maxcommcutoff, neighbor->collection2cut[i]);
746 }
747 }
749 return maxcommcutoff;
750 }
752 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
753 determine which proc owns atom with coord x[3] based on current decomp
754 x will be in box (orthogonal) or lamda coords (triclinic)
755 if layout = UNIFORM, calculate owning proc directly
756 if layout = NONUNIFORM, iteratively find owning proc via binary search
757 if layout = TILED, CommTiled has its own method
758 return owning proc ID via grid2proc
759 return igx,igy,igz = logical grid loc of owing proc within 3d grid of procs
760 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
coord2proc(double * x,int & igx,int & igy,int & igz)762 int Comm::coord2proc(double *x, int &igx, int &igy, int &igz)
763 {
764 double *prd = domain->prd;
765 double *boxlo = domain->boxlo;
767 // initialize triclinic b/c coord2proc can be called before Comm::init()
768 // via Irregular::migrate_atoms()
770 triclinic = domain->triclinic;
772 if (layout == Comm::LAYOUT_UNIFORM) {
773 if (triclinic == 0) {
774 igx = static_cast<int> (procgrid[0] * (x[0]-boxlo[0]) / prd[0]);
775 igy = static_cast<int> (procgrid[1] * (x[1]-boxlo[1]) / prd[1]);
776 igz = static_cast<int> (procgrid[2] * (x[2]-boxlo[2]) / prd[2]);
777 } else {
778 igx = static_cast<int> (procgrid[0] * x[0]);
779 igy = static_cast<int> (procgrid[1] * x[1]);
780 igz = static_cast<int> (procgrid[2] * x[2]);
781 }
783 } else if (layout == Comm::LAYOUT_NONUNIFORM) {
784 if (triclinic == 0) {
785 igx = utils::binary_search((x[0]-boxlo[0])/prd[0],procgrid[0],xsplit);
786 igy = utils::binary_search((x[1]-boxlo[1])/prd[1],procgrid[1],ysplit);
787 igz = utils::binary_search((x[2]-boxlo[2])/prd[2],procgrid[2],zsplit);
788 } else {
789 igx = utils::binary_search(x[0],procgrid[0],xsplit);
790 igy = utils::binary_search(x[1],procgrid[1],ysplit);
791 igz = utils::binary_search(x[2],procgrid[2],zsplit);
792 }
793 }
795 if (igx < 0) igx = 0;
796 if (igx >= procgrid[0]) igx = procgrid[0] - 1;
797 if (igy < 0) igy = 0;
798 if (igy >= procgrid[1]) igy = procgrid[1] - 1;
799 if (igz < 0) igz = 0;
800 if (igz >= procgrid[2]) igz = procgrid[2] - 1;
802 return grid2proc[igx][igy][igz];
803 }
805 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
806 partition a global regular grid into one brick-shaped sub-grid per proc
807 if grid point is inside my sub-domain I own it,
808 this includes sub-domain lo boundary but excludes hi boundary
809 nx,ny,nz = extent of global grid
810 indices into the global grid range from 0 to N-1 in each dim
811 zfactor = 0.0 if the grid exactly covers the simulation box
812 zfactor > 1.0 if the grid extends beyond the +z boundary by this factor
813 used by 2d slab-mode PPPM
814 this effectively maps proc sub-grids to a smaller subset of the grid
815 nxyz lo/hi = inclusive lo/hi bounds of global grid sub-brick I own
816 if proc owns no grid cells in a dim, then nlo > nhi
817 special case: 2 procs share boundary which a grid point is exactly on
818 2 equality if tests insure a consistent decision as to which proc owns it
819 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
partition_grid(int nx,int ny,int nz,double zfactor,int & nxlo,int & nxhi,int & nylo,int & nyhi,int & nzlo,int & nzhi)821 void Comm::partition_grid(int nx, int ny, int nz, double zfactor,
822 int &nxlo, int &nxhi, int &nylo, int &nyhi,
823 int &nzlo, int &nzhi)
824 {
825 double xfraclo,xfrachi,yfraclo,yfrachi,zfraclo,zfrachi;
827 if (layout != LAYOUT_TILED) {
828 xfraclo = xsplit[myloc[0]];
829 xfrachi = xsplit[myloc[0]+1];
830 yfraclo = ysplit[myloc[1]];
831 yfrachi = ysplit[myloc[1]+1];
832 zfraclo = zsplit[myloc[2]];
833 zfrachi = zsplit[myloc[2]+1];
834 } else {
835 xfraclo = mysplit[0][0];
836 xfrachi = mysplit[0][1];
837 yfraclo = mysplit[1][0];
838 yfrachi = mysplit[1][1];
839 zfraclo = mysplit[2][0];
840 zfrachi = mysplit[2][1];
841 }
843 nxlo = static_cast<int> (xfraclo * nx);
844 if (1.0*nxlo != xfraclo*nx) nxlo++;
845 nxhi = static_cast<int> (xfrachi * nx);
846 if (1.0*nxhi == xfrachi*nx) nxhi--;
848 nylo = static_cast<int> (yfraclo * ny);
849 if (1.0*nylo != yfraclo*ny) nylo++;
850 nyhi = static_cast<int> (yfrachi * ny);
851 if (1.0*nyhi == yfrachi*ny) nyhi--;
853 if (zfactor == 0.0) {
854 nzlo = static_cast<int> (zfraclo * nz);
855 if (1.0*nzlo != zfraclo*nz) nzlo++;
856 nzhi = static_cast<int> (zfrachi * nz);
857 if (1.0*nzhi == zfrachi*nz) nzhi--;
858 } else {
859 nzlo = static_cast<int> (zfraclo * nz/zfactor);
860 if (1.0*nzlo != zfraclo*nz) nzlo++;
861 nzhi = static_cast<int> (zfrachi * nz/zfactor);
862 if (1.0*nzhi == zfrachi*nz) nzhi--;
863 }
865 // OLD code
866 // could sometimes map grid points slightly outside a proc to the proc
868 /*
869 if (layout != LAYOUT_TILED) {
870 nxlo = static_cast<int> (xsplit[myloc[0]] * nx);
871 nxhi = static_cast<int> (xsplit[myloc[0]+1] * nx) - 1;
873 nylo = static_cast<int> (ysplit[myloc[1]] * ny);
874 nyhi = static_cast<int> (ysplit[myloc[1]+1] * ny) - 1;
876 if (zfactor == 0.0) {
877 nzlo = static_cast<int> (zsplit[myloc[2]] * nz);
878 nzhi = static_cast<int> (zsplit[myloc[2]+1] * nz) - 1;
879 } else {
880 nzlo = static_cast<int> (zsplit[myloc[2]] * nz/zfactor);
881 nzhi = static_cast<int> (zsplit[myloc[2]+1] * nz/zfactor) - 1;
882 }
884 } else {
885 nxlo = static_cast<int> (mysplit[0][0] * nx);
886 nxhi = static_cast<int> (mysplit[0][1] * nx) - 1;
888 nylo = static_cast<int> (mysplit[1][0] * ny);
889 nyhi = static_cast<int> (mysplit[1][1] * ny) - 1;
891 if (zfactor == 0.0) {
892 nzlo = static_cast<int> (mysplit[2][0] * nz);
893 nzhi = static_cast<int> (mysplit[2][1] * nz) - 1;
894 } else {
895 nzlo = static_cast<int> (mysplit[2][0] * nz/zfactor);
896 nzhi = static_cast<int> (mysplit[2][1] * nz/zfactor) - 1;
897 }
898 }
899 */
900 }
902 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
903 communicate inbuf around full ring of processors with messtag
904 nbytes = size of inbuf = n datums * nper bytes
905 callback() is invoked to allow caller to process/update each proc's inbuf
906 if self=1 (default), then callback() is invoked on final iteration
907 using original inbuf, which may have been updated
908 for non-nullptr outbuf, final updated inbuf is copied to it
909 ok to specify outbuf = inbuf
910 the ptr argument is a pointer to the instance of calling class
911 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
ring(int n,int nper,void * inbuf,int messtag,void (* callback)(int,char *,void *),void * outbuf,void * ptr,int self)913 void Comm::ring(int n, int nper, void *inbuf, int messtag,
914 void (*callback)(int, char *, void *),
915 void *outbuf, void *ptr, int self)
916 {
917 MPI_Request request;
918 MPI_Status status;
920 int nbytes = n*nper;
921 int maxbytes;
922 MPI_Allreduce(&nbytes,&maxbytes,1,MPI_INT,MPI_MAX,world);
924 // no need to communicate without data
926 if (maxbytes == 0) return;
928 // sanity check
930 if ((nbytes > 0) && inbuf == nullptr)
931 error->one(FLERR,"Cannot put data on ring from NULL pointer");
933 char *buf,*bufcopy;
934 memory->create(buf,maxbytes,"comm:buf");
935 memory->create(bufcopy,maxbytes,"comm:bufcopy");
936 if (nbytes && inbuf) memcpy(buf,inbuf,nbytes);
938 int next = me + 1;
939 int prev = me - 1;
940 if (next == nprocs) next = 0;
941 if (prev < 0) prev = nprocs - 1;
943 for (int loop = 0; loop < nprocs; loop++) {
944 if (me != next) {
945 MPI_Irecv(bufcopy,maxbytes,MPI_CHAR,prev,messtag,world,&request);
946 MPI_Send(buf,nbytes,MPI_CHAR,next,messtag,world);
947 MPI_Wait(&request,&status);
948 MPI_Get_count(&status,MPI_CHAR,&nbytes);
949 if (nbytes) memcpy(buf,bufcopy,nbytes);
950 }
951 if (self || loop < nprocs-1) callback(nbytes/nper,buf,ptr);
952 }
954 if (nbytes && outbuf) memcpy(outbuf,buf,nbytes);
956 memory->destroy(buf);
957 memory->destroy(bufcopy);
958 }
960 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
961 rendezvous communication operation
962 three stages:
963 first comm sends inbuf from caller decomp to rvous decomp
964 callback operates on data in rendezvous decomp
965 second comm sends outbuf from rvous decomp back to caller decomp
966 inputs:
967 which = perform (0) irregular or (1) MPI_All2allv communication
968 n = # of datums in inbuf
969 inbuf = vector of input datums
970 insize = byte size of each input datum
971 inorder = 0 for inbuf in random proc order, 1 for datums ordered by proc
972 procs: inorder 0 = proc to send each datum to, 1 = # of datums/proc,
973 callback = caller function to invoke in rendezvous decomposition
974 takes input datums, returns output datums
975 outorder = same as inorder, but for datums returned by callback()
976 ptr = pointer to caller class, passed to callback()
977 outputs:
978 nout = # of output datums (function return)
979 outbuf = vector of output datums
980 outsize = byte size of each output datum
981 callback inputs:
982 nrvous = # of rvous decomp datums in inbuf_rvous
983 inbuf_rvous = vector of rvous decomp input datums
984 ptr = pointer to caller class
985 callback outputs:
986 nrvous_out = # of rvous decomp output datums (function return)
987 flag = 0 for no second comm, 1 for outbuf_rvous = inbuf_rvous,
988 2 for second comm with new outbuf_rvous
989 procs_rvous = outorder 0 = proc to send each datum to, 1 = # of datums/proc
990 allocated
991 outbuf_rvous = vector of rvous decomp output datums
992 NOTE: could use MPI_INT or MPI_DOUBLE insead of MPI_CHAR
993 to avoid checked-for overflow in MPI_Alltoallv?
994 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
996 int Comm::
rendezvous(int which,int n,char * inbuf,int insize,int inorder,int * procs,int (* callback)(int,char *,int &,int * &,char * &,void *),int outorder,char * & outbuf,int outsize,void * ptr,int statflag)997 rendezvous(int which, int n, char *inbuf, int insize,
998 int inorder, int *procs,
999 int (*callback)(int, char *, int &, int *&, char *&, void *),
1000 int outorder, char *&outbuf, int outsize, void *ptr, int statflag)
1001 {
1002 if (which == 0)
1003 return rendezvous_irregular(n,inbuf,insize,inorder,procs,callback,
1004 outorder,outbuf,outsize,ptr,statflag);
1005 else
1006 return rendezvous_all2all(n,inbuf,insize,inorder,procs,callback,
1007 outorder,outbuf,outsize,ptr,statflag);
1008 }
1010 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1012 int Comm::
rendezvous_irregular(int n,char * inbuf,int insize,int inorder,int * procs,int (* callback)(int,char *,int &,int * &,char * &,void *),int outorder,char * & outbuf,int outsize,void * ptr,int statflag)1013 rendezvous_irregular(int n, char *inbuf, int insize, int inorder, int *procs,
1014 int (*callback)(int, char *, int &, int *&, char *&, void *),
1015 int outorder, char *&outbuf,
1016 int outsize, void *ptr, int statflag)
1017 {
1018 // irregular comm of inbuf from caller decomp to rendezvous decomp
1020 Irregular *irregular = new Irregular(lmp);
1022 int nrvous;
1023 if (inorder) nrvous = irregular->create_data_grouped(n,procs);
1024 else nrvous = irregular->create_data(n,procs);
1026 // add 1 item to the allocated buffer size, so the returned pointer is not a null pointer
1028 char *inbuf_rvous = (char *) memory->smalloc((bigint) nrvous*insize+1,
1029 "rendezvous:inbuf");
1030 irregular->exchange_data(inbuf,insize,inbuf_rvous);
1032 bigint irregular1_bytes = irregular->memory_usage();
1033 irregular->destroy_data();
1034 delete irregular;
1036 // peform rendezvous computation via callback()
1037 // callback() allocates/populates proclist_rvous and outbuf_rvous
1039 int flag;
1040 int *procs_rvous;
1041 char *outbuf_rvous;
1042 int nrvous_out = callback(nrvous,inbuf_rvous,flag,
1043 procs_rvous,outbuf_rvous,ptr);
1045 if (flag != 1) memory->sfree(inbuf_rvous); // outbuf_rvous = inbuf_vous
1046 if (flag == 0) {
1047 if (statflag) rendezvous_stats(n,0,nrvous,nrvous_out,insize,outsize,
1048 (bigint) nrvous_out*sizeof(int) +
1049 irregular1_bytes);
1050 return 0; // all nout_rvous are 0, no 2nd comm stage
1051 }
1053 // irregular comm of outbuf from rendezvous decomp back to caller decomp
1054 // caller will free outbuf
1056 irregular = new Irregular(lmp);
1058 int nout;
1059 if (outorder)
1060 nout = irregular->create_data_grouped(nrvous_out,procs_rvous);
1061 else nout = irregular->create_data(nrvous_out,procs_rvous);
1063 // add 1 item to the allocated buffer size, so the returned pointer is not a null pointer
1065 outbuf = (char *) memory->smalloc((bigint) nout*outsize+1,
1066 "rendezvous:outbuf");
1067 irregular->exchange_data(outbuf_rvous,outsize,outbuf);
1069 bigint irregular2_bytes = irregular->memory_usage();
1070 irregular->destroy_data();
1071 delete irregular;
1073 memory->destroy(procs_rvous);
1074 memory->sfree(outbuf_rvous);
1076 // return number of output datums
1077 // last arg to stats() = memory for procs_rvous + irregular comm
1079 if (statflag) rendezvous_stats(n,nout,nrvous,nrvous_out,insize,outsize,
1080 (bigint) nrvous_out*sizeof(int) +
1081 MAX(irregular1_bytes,irregular2_bytes));
1082 return nout;
1083 }
1085 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1087 int Comm::
rendezvous_all2all(int n,char * inbuf,int insize,int inorder,int * procs,int (* callback)(int,char *,int &,int * &,char * &,void *),int outorder,char * & outbuf,int outsize,void * ptr,int statflag)1088 rendezvous_all2all(int n, char *inbuf, int insize, int inorder, int *procs,
1089 int (*callback)(int, char *, int &, int *&, char *&, void *),
1090 int outorder, char *&outbuf, int outsize, void *ptr,
1091 int statflag)
1092 {
1093 int iproc;
1094 bigint all2all1_bytes,all2all2_bytes;
1095 int *sendcount,*sdispls,*recvcount,*rdispls;
1096 int *procs_a2a;
1097 bigint *offsets;
1098 char *inbuf_a2a,*outbuf_a2a;
1100 // create procs and inbuf for All2all if necessary
1102 if (!inorder) {
1103 memory->create(procs_a2a,nprocs,"rendezvous:procs");
1105 // add 1 item to the allocated buffer size, so the returned pointer is not a null pointer
1107 inbuf_a2a = (char *) memory->smalloc((bigint) n*insize+1,
1108 "rendezvous:inbuf");
1109 memset(inbuf_a2a,0,(bigint)n*insize*sizeof(char));
1110 memory->create(offsets,nprocs,"rendezvous:offsets");
1112 for (int i = 0; i < nprocs; i++) procs_a2a[i] = 0;
1113 for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) procs_a2a[procs[i]]++;
1115 offsets[0] = 0;
1116 for (int i = 1; i < nprocs; i++)
1117 offsets[i] = offsets[i-1] + (bigint)insize*procs_a2a[i-1];
1119 bigint offset = 0;
1120 for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
1121 iproc = procs[i];
1122 memcpy(&inbuf_a2a[offsets[iproc]],&inbuf[offset],insize);
1123 offsets[iproc] += insize;
1124 offset += insize;
1125 }
1127 all2all1_bytes = nprocs*sizeof(int) + nprocs*sizeof(bigint)
1128 + (bigint)n*insize;
1130 } else {
1131 procs_a2a = procs;
1132 inbuf_a2a = inbuf;
1133 all2all1_bytes = 0;
1134 }
1136 // create args for MPI_Alltoallv() on input data
1138 memory->create(sendcount,nprocs,"rendezvous:sendcount");
1139 memcpy(sendcount,procs_a2a,nprocs*sizeof(int));
1141 memory->create(recvcount,nprocs,"rendezvous:recvcount");
1142 MPI_Alltoall(sendcount,1,MPI_INT,recvcount,1,MPI_INT,world);
1144 memory->create(sdispls,nprocs,"rendezvous:sdispls");
1145 memory->create(rdispls,nprocs,"rendezvous:rdispls");
1146 sdispls[0] = rdispls[0] = 0;
1147 for (int i = 1; i < nprocs; i++) {
1148 sdispls[i] = sdispls[i-1] + sendcount[i-1];
1149 rdispls[i] = rdispls[i-1] + recvcount[i-1];
1150 }
1151 int nrvous = rdispls[nprocs-1] + recvcount[nprocs-1];
1153 // test for overflow of input data due to imbalance or insize
1154 // means that individual sdispls or rdispls values overflow
1156 int overflow = 0;
1157 if ((bigint) n*insize > MAXSMALLINT) overflow = 1;
1158 if ((bigint) nrvous*insize > MAXSMALLINT) overflow = 1;
1159 int overflowall;
1160 MPI_Allreduce(&overflow,&overflowall,1,MPI_INT,MPI_MAX,world);
1161 if (overflowall) error->all(FLERR,"Overflow input size in rendezvous_a2a");
1163 for (int i = 0; i < nprocs; i++) {
1164 sendcount[i] *= insize;
1165 sdispls[i] *= insize;
1166 recvcount[i] *= insize;
1167 rdispls[i] *= insize;
1168 }
1170 // all2all comm of inbuf from caller decomp to rendezvous decomp
1171 // add 1 item to the allocated buffer size, so the returned pointer is not a null pointer
1173 char *inbuf_rvous = (char *) memory->smalloc((bigint) nrvous*insize+1,
1174 "rendezvous:inbuf");
1175 memset(inbuf_rvous,0,(bigint) nrvous*insize*sizeof(char));
1177 MPI_Alltoallv(inbuf_a2a,sendcount,sdispls,MPI_CHAR,
1178 inbuf_rvous,recvcount,rdispls,MPI_CHAR,world);
1180 if (!inorder) {
1181 memory->destroy(procs_a2a);
1182 memory->sfree(inbuf_a2a);
1183 memory->destroy(offsets);
1184 }
1186 // peform rendezvous computation via callback()
1187 // callback() allocates/populates proclist_rvous and outbuf_rvous
1189 int flag;
1190 int *procs_rvous;
1191 char *outbuf_rvous;
1193 int nrvous_out = callback(nrvous,inbuf_rvous,flag,
1194 procs_rvous,outbuf_rvous,ptr);
1196 if (flag != 1) memory->sfree(inbuf_rvous); // outbuf_rvous = inbuf_vous
1197 if (flag == 0) {
1198 memory->destroy(sendcount);
1199 memory->destroy(recvcount);
1200 memory->destroy(sdispls);
1201 memory->destroy(rdispls);
1202 if (statflag) rendezvous_stats(n,0,nrvous,nrvous_out,insize,outsize,
1203 (bigint) nrvous_out*sizeof(int) +
1204 4*nprocs*sizeof(int) + all2all1_bytes);
1205 return 0; // all nout_rvous are 0, no 2nd irregular
1206 }
1208 // create procs and outbuf for All2all if necessary
1210 if (!outorder) {
1211 memory->create(procs_a2a,nprocs,"rendezvous_a2a:procs");
1213 // add 1 item to the allocated buffer size, so the returned pointer is not a null pointer
1215 outbuf_a2a = (char *) memory->smalloc((bigint) nrvous_out*outsize+1,
1216 "rendezvous:outbuf");
1217 memory->create(offsets,nprocs,"rendezvous:offsets");
1219 for (int i = 0; i < nprocs; i++) procs_a2a[i] = 0;
1220 for (int i = 0; i < nrvous_out; i++) procs_a2a[procs_rvous[i]]++;
1222 offsets[0] = 0;
1223 for (int i = 1; i < nprocs; i++)
1224 offsets[i] = offsets[i-1] + (bigint)outsize*procs_a2a[i-1];
1226 bigint offset = 0;
1227 for (int i = 0; i < nrvous_out; i++) {
1228 iproc = procs_rvous[i];
1229 memcpy(&outbuf_a2a[offsets[iproc]],&outbuf_rvous[offset],outsize);
1230 offsets[iproc] += outsize;
1231 offset += outsize;
1232 }
1234 all2all2_bytes = nprocs*sizeof(int) + nprocs*sizeof(bigint) +
1235 (bigint)nrvous_out*outsize;
1237 } else {
1238 procs_a2a = procs_rvous;
1239 outbuf_a2a = outbuf_rvous;
1240 all2all2_bytes = 0;
1241 }
1243 // comm outbuf from rendezvous decomposition back to caller
1245 memcpy(sendcount,procs_a2a,nprocs*sizeof(int));
1247 MPI_Alltoall(sendcount,1,MPI_INT,recvcount,1,MPI_INT,world);
1249 sdispls[0] = rdispls[0] = 0;
1250 for (int i = 1; i < nprocs; i++) {
1251 sdispls[i] = sdispls[i-1] + sendcount[i-1];
1252 rdispls[i] = rdispls[i-1] + recvcount[i-1];
1253 }
1254 int nout = rdispls[nprocs-1] + recvcount[nprocs-1];
1256 // test for overflow of outbuf due to imbalance or outsize
1257 // means that individual sdispls or rdispls values overflow
1259 overflow = 0;
1260 if ((bigint) nrvous*outsize > MAXSMALLINT) overflow = 1;
1261 if ((bigint) nout*outsize > MAXSMALLINT) overflow = 1;
1262 MPI_Allreduce(&overflow,&overflowall,1,MPI_INT,MPI_MAX,world);
1263 if (overflowall) error->all(FLERR,"Overflow output in rendezvous_a2a");
1265 for (int i = 0; i < nprocs; i++) {
1266 sendcount[i] *= outsize;
1267 sdispls[i] *= outsize;
1268 recvcount[i] *= outsize;
1269 rdispls[i] *= outsize;
1270 }
1272 // all2all comm of outbuf from rendezvous decomp back to caller decomp
1273 // caller will free outbuf
1274 // add 1 item to the allocated buffer size, so the returned pointer is not a null pointer
1276 outbuf = (char *) memory->smalloc((bigint) nout*outsize+1,"rendezvous:outbuf");
1278 MPI_Alltoallv(outbuf_a2a,sendcount,sdispls,MPI_CHAR,
1279 outbuf,recvcount,rdispls,MPI_CHAR,world);
1281 memory->destroy(procs_rvous);
1282 memory->sfree(outbuf_rvous);
1284 if (!outorder) {
1285 memory->destroy(procs_a2a);
1286 memory->sfree(outbuf_a2a);
1287 memory->destroy(offsets);
1288 }
1290 // clean up
1292 memory->destroy(sendcount);
1293 memory->destroy(recvcount);
1294 memory->destroy(sdispls);
1295 memory->destroy(rdispls);
1297 // return number of output datums
1298 // last arg to stats() = mem for procs_rvous + per-proc vecs + reordering ops
1300 if (statflag) rendezvous_stats(n,nout,nrvous,nrvous_out,insize,outsize,
1301 (bigint) nrvous_out*sizeof(int) +
1302 4*nprocs*sizeof(int) +
1303 MAX(all2all1_bytes,all2all2_bytes));
1304 return nout;
1305 }
1307 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1308 print balance and memory info for rendezvous operation
1309 useful for debugging
1310 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
rendezvous_stats(int n,int nout,int nrvous,int nrvous_out,int insize,int outsize,bigint commsize)1312 void Comm::rendezvous_stats(int n, int nout, int nrvous, int nrvous_out,
1313 int insize, int outsize, bigint commsize)
1314 {
1315 bigint size_in_all,size_in_max,size_in_min;
1316 bigint size_out_all,size_out_max,size_out_min;
1317 bigint size_inrvous_all,size_inrvous_max,size_inrvous_min;
1318 bigint size_outrvous_all,size_outrvous_max,size_outrvous_min;
1319 bigint size_comm_all,size_comm_max,size_comm_min;
1321 bigint size = (bigint) n*insize;
1322 MPI_Allreduce(&size,&size_in_all,1,MPI_LMP_BIGINT,MPI_SUM,world);
1323 MPI_Allreduce(&size,&size_in_max,1,MPI_LMP_BIGINT,MPI_MAX,world);
1324 MPI_Allreduce(&size,&size_in_min,1,MPI_LMP_BIGINT,MPI_MIN,world);
1326 size = (bigint) nout*outsize;
1327 MPI_Allreduce(&size,&size_out_all,1,MPI_LMP_BIGINT,MPI_SUM,world);
1328 MPI_Allreduce(&size,&size_out_max,1,MPI_LMP_BIGINT,MPI_MAX,world);
1329 MPI_Allreduce(&size,&size_out_min,1,MPI_LMP_BIGINT,MPI_MIN,world);
1331 size = (bigint) nrvous*insize;
1332 MPI_Allreduce(&size,&size_inrvous_all,1,MPI_LMP_BIGINT,MPI_SUM,world);
1333 MPI_Allreduce(&size,&size_inrvous_max,1,MPI_LMP_BIGINT,MPI_MAX,world);
1334 MPI_Allreduce(&size,&size_inrvous_min,1,MPI_LMP_BIGINT,MPI_MIN,world);
1336 size = (bigint) nrvous_out*insize;
1337 MPI_Allreduce(&size,&size_outrvous_all,1,MPI_LMP_BIGINT,MPI_SUM,world);
1338 MPI_Allreduce(&size,&size_outrvous_max,1,MPI_LMP_BIGINT,MPI_MAX,world);
1339 MPI_Allreduce(&size,&size_outrvous_min,1,MPI_LMP_BIGINT,MPI_MIN,world);
1341 size = commsize;
1342 MPI_Allreduce(&size,&size_comm_all,1,MPI_LMP_BIGINT,MPI_SUM,world);
1343 MPI_Allreduce(&size,&size_comm_max,1,MPI_LMP_BIGINT,MPI_MAX,world);
1344 MPI_Allreduce(&size,&size_comm_min,1,MPI_LMP_BIGINT,MPI_MIN,world);
1346 int mbytes = 1024*1024;
1348 if (me == 0) {
1349 std::string mesg = "Rendezvous balance and memory info: (tot,ave,max,min) \n";
1350 mesg += fmt::format(" input datum count: {} {} {} {}\n",
1351 size_in_all/insize,1.0*size_in_all/nprocs/insize,
1352 size_in_max/insize,size_in_min/insize);
1353 mesg += fmt::format(" input data (MB): {:.6} {:.6} {:.6} {:.6}\n",
1354 1.0*size_in_all/mbytes,1.0*size_in_all/nprocs/mbytes,
1355 1.0*size_in_max/mbytes,1.0*size_in_min/mbytes);
1356 if (outsize)
1357 mesg += fmt::format(" output datum count: {} {} {} {}\n",
1358 size_out_all/outsize,1.0*size_out_all/nprocs/outsize,
1359 size_out_max/outsize,size_out_min/outsize);
1360 else
1361 mesg += fmt::format(" output datum count: {} {:.6} {} {}\n",0,0.0,0,0);
1363 mesg += fmt::format(" output data (MB): {:.6} {:.6} {:.6} {:.6}\n",
1364 1.0*size_out_all/mbytes,1.0*size_out_all/nprocs/mbytes,
1365 1.0*size_out_max/mbytes,1.0*size_out_min/mbytes);
1366 mesg += fmt::format(" input rvous datum count: {} {} {} {}\n",
1367 size_inrvous_all/insize,1.0*size_inrvous_all/nprocs/insize,
1368 size_inrvous_max/insize,size_inrvous_min/insize);
1369 mesg += fmt::format(" input rvous data (MB): {:.6} {:.6} {:.6} {:.6}\n",
1370 1.0*size_inrvous_all/mbytes,1.0*size_inrvous_all/nprocs/mbytes,
1371 1.0*size_inrvous_max/mbytes,1.0*size_inrvous_min/mbytes);
1372 if (outsize)
1373 mesg += fmt::format(" output rvous datum count: {} {} {} {}\n",
1374 size_outrvous_all/outsize,1.0*size_outrvous_all/nprocs/outsize,
1375 size_outrvous_max/outsize,size_outrvous_min/outsize);
1376 else
1377 mesg += fmt::format(" output rvous datum count: {} {:.6} {} {}\n",0,0.0,0,0);
1378 mesg += fmt::format(" output rvous data (MB): {:.6} {:.6} {:.6} {:.6}\n",
1379 1.0*size_outrvous_all/mbytes,1.0*size_outrvous_all/nprocs/mbytes,
1380 1.0*size_outrvous_max/mbytes,1.0*size_outrvous_min/mbytes);
1381 mesg += fmt::format(" rvous comm (MB): {:.6} {:.6} {:.6} {:.6}\n",
1382 1.0*size_comm_all/mbytes,1.0*size_comm_all/nprocs/mbytes,
1383 1.0*size_comm_max/mbytes,1.0*size_comm_min/mbytes);
1384 utils::logmesg(lmp,mesg);
1385 }
1386 }