1#if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
2#include "config.h"
8! MODULE mesh3D
9! Defines and handles different parallel distributions of a 3D mesh of points.
10! Written by J.M.Soler. Jan-July.2008
13!   PUBLIC procedures available from this module:
14! addMeshData   : Adds the data in a box array to the equiv. unit-cell points
15! associateMeshTask : Associates a communication task to mesh distr.
16! copyMeshData  : Copies data in a unit-cell array to another mesh box array
17! fftMeshDistr  : Sets four mesh distributions to perform FFTs
18! freeMeshDistr : Frees a distribution index (they are limited to maxDistr)
19! freeMeshTask  : Frees a task index (they are limited to maxTasks)
20! myMeshBox     : Returns mesh box of my processor node
21! nodeMeshBox   : Returns mesh box of any given processor node
22! redistributeMeshData : Copies data between different mesh distributions
23! sameMeshDistr : Finds if two mesh distributions are equal
24! setMeshDistr  : Defines a distribution of mesh points over parallel nodes
26!   PUBLIC parameters, types, and variables available from this module:
27! none
31!   USED module procedures:
32! use alloc,      only: de_alloc        ! De-allocation routine
33! use alloc,      only: re_alloc        ! Re-allocation routine
34! use sys,        only: die             ! Termination routine
35! use sorting,    only: ordix           ! Finds the sorting index of a vector
36! use m_array, only: array_copy         ! Copies flattened arrays (instead of reshaping)
37! use m_array, only: array_add          ! Adds flattened arrays (instead of reshaping)
39!   USED module parameters:
40! use precision,  only: dp              ! Real double precision type
41! use precision,  only: gp=>grid_p      ! Grid-data real precision type
42! use parallel,   only: myNode=>node    ! This process node
43! use parallel,   only: totNodes=>nodes ! Total number of processor nodes
45!   EXTERNAL procedures used:
46! none
48!   Private fixed module parameters (see/set values in code):
49! integer maxDistr      : Max. mesh distributions allocated at any given time
50! integer maxTasks      : Max. communication tasks allocated at any given time
51! integer maxDistrID    : Max. IDs assigned to the same distrib.
52! integer maxTaskID     : Max. IDs assigned to the same task
53! integer maxParts      : Max. parts of a mesh box, in different unit cells
54! integer maxDistrTasks : Max. commun. tasks associated to a mesh distribution
58! SUBROUTINE addMeshData( nMesh, srcBox, srcData, dstDistr, dstData, task )
60! Adds (reduces) the values defined in a 3D mesh box to the equivalent mesh
61!   points in a periodic unit cell. The input box may be entirely inside, or
62!   partially or totally outside the the unit cell, and it is folded to add
63!   all its values to the corresponding unit-cell points.
64! In parallel execution, the routine handles the interprocessor transfers
65!   needed to send the box data to the nodes that will store them.
66!------------------------------ INPUT -----------------------------------------
67! integer nMesh(3)    : Global mesh size in each axis
68! integer srcBox(2,3) : Source mesh box: box(1,iAxis)=lower box limits
69!                                        box(2,iAxis)=upper box limits
70!                       The box may be partially or totally outside the first
71!                       unit cell (FUC). It is folded to the FUC in order to
72!                       assign the values of srcData to those of dstData.
73! real(gp) srcData(0:,0:,0:,:) : Source data values to be copied.
74!                       The first three upper array bounds must be equal or
75!                       larger than srcBox(2,iAxis)-src(1,iAxis). Real type gp
76!                       is identical to grid_p, defined in module precision.
77! integer dstDistr    : Distrib. ID of destination data, or zero for serial
78!                       execution
79!----------------------- INPUT and OUTPUT -------------------------------------
80! real(gp) dstData(0:,0:,0:,:) : Destination data array. Its upper array bounds
81!                       must be enough to contain the node box in the dstDistr
82!                       parallel distrib or nMesh(iAxis)-1 in serial execution
83!                       It is NOT initialized: its input values are incremented
84!                       with the source array values.
85!-------------------- OPTIONAL INPUT and OUTPUT -------------------------------
86! integer task : ID of communication task. It allows to save information on an
87!                optimized interprocessor communication pattern, required to
88!                exchange data between source and destination mesh boxes.
89!                This info is used in future calls with the same srcBox and
90!                dstDistr. task value must be saved between calls. See also
91!                associateMeshTask.
92!----------------------------- UNITS ------------------------------------------
93! Units of srcData and dstData are arbitrary but they must be equal
94!----------------------------- USAGE ------------------------------------------
95!   Typical usage for parallel execution is:
96! use precision,    only: gp=>grid_p
97! use mesh3D, only: addMeshData, associateMeshTask, myMeshBox, setMeshDistr
98! integer:: box1(2,3), box2(2,3), myBox(2,3), nData, nMesh(3)
99! integer,save:: myDistr=-1, task1=-1, task2=-1
100! real(gp),allocatable:: myData(:,:,:,:), data1(:,:,:,:), data2(:,:,:,:)
101! ... Find/define nMesh
102! call setMeshDistr( myDistr, nMesh )
103! call myMeshBox( nMesh, myDistr, myBox )
104! allocate( myData(myBox(1,1):myBox(2,1), &
105!                  myBox(1,2):myBox(2,2), &
106!                  myBox(1,3):myBox(2,3),1:nData) )
107! myData = 0
108! ... Find/define box1 and box2
109! allocate( data1(box1(1,1):box1(2,1), &
110!                 box1(1,2):box1(2,2), &
111!                 box1(1,3):box1(2,3),1:nData) )
112! allocate( data2(box2(1,1):box2(2,1), &
113!                 box2(1,2):box2(2,2), &
114!                 box2(1,3):box2(2,3),1:nData) )
115! ... Find data1 and data2
116! call associateMeshTask( task1, myDistr )
117! call associateMeshTask( task2, myDistr )
118! call addMeshData( nMesh, box1, data1, myDistr, myData, task1 )
119! call addMeshData( nMesh, box2, data2, myDistr, myData, task2 )
120!   This usage is also valid in serial execution, although it could be
121! simplified in this case (e.g. the call to setMeshDistr could be replaced by
122! myDistr=0).
123!   The optimization of the communication task is done at the end of the first
124! call with given srcBox and dstDistr. Therefore, the use of the task argument
125! is not advised unless the same srcBox and dstDistr are used repeatedly.
127! In using some mesh3D routines, it is essential to understand that, in
128!   fortran90, assumed-shape array arguments (like srcData and dstData in
129!   addMeshData) are passed with their shape (i.e. their dimension in each
130!   index) but NOT with the lower or upper bounds of these indexes. Thus,
131!   element a(6,1) of an array dimensioned as a(5:10,2) in the calling program,
132!   and as a(0:,0:) in the called subroutine, will be accessed as a(1,0) in the
133!   latter. This is why arrays dimensioned as srcData(0:,0:,0:,:) may be (and
134!   are expected to be) dimensioned in the calling program as
135!   srcData(box(1,1):box(2,1),box(1,2):box(2,2),box(1,3):box(2,3),nData)
136!---------------------------- BEHAVIOUR ---------------------------------------
137! If dstDistr==0, it assumes serial execution, i.e. that dstData contains the
138!   destination data values at all the mesh points in the unit-cell.
139! It stops with an error message in any of these cases:
140! - size(srcData,1:3) < srcBox(2,1:3)-srcBox(1,1:3)+1
141! - size(dstData,1:3) < dstBox(2,1:3)-dstBox(1,1:3)+1, with dstBox as
142!   returned by call myMeshBox(nMesh,dstDistr,dstBox)
143! - size(srcData,4) /= size(dstData,4)
144! If task is present, it is automatically associated to dstDistr (see
145!   associateMeshDistr). If dstDistr changes between calls (see freeMeshDistr),
146!   task info is automatically erased.
147! If task is present and it contains a predefined value (returned by a previous
148!   call to addMeshData or copyMeshData), but srcBox has changed, it stops with
149!   an error message (since the communication task has also changed). To avoid
150!   this, reset task to a negative value. If srcBox derives from a defined
151!   mesh distribution, and task had been associated to it, task info will be
152!   automatically deleted when the distrib changes, and no error will occur.
153!--------------------------- ALGORITHMS ---------------------------------------
154! The same as in copyMeshData, except that the destination boxes, rather than
155!   the source boxes, are previously obtained from dstDistr.
159! SUBROUTINE associateMeshTask( taskID, distrID1, distrID2 )
161! Associates a communication task to one or two parallel mesh distributions
162!------------------------------ INPUT -----------------------------------------
163! integer distrID1 : ID of first distribution to be associated with task
164!-------------------------- OPTIONAL INPUT ------------------------------------
165! integer distrID2 : ID of second distrribution to be associated
166!----------------------- INPUT and OUTPUT -------------------------------------
167! integer taskID   : ID of task to be associated with distribution(s)
168!----------------------------- USAGE ------------------------------------------
169! use mesh3D, only: associateMeshTask, setMeshDistr
170! integer:: nMesh(3)
171! integer,save:: distr1=-1, distr2=-1, task1=-1, task2=-1, task12=-1, task21=-1
172! real(gp),allocatable:: workload(:,:,:)
173! ... Find nMesh. Allocate and find workload
174! call setMeshDistr( distr1, nMesh )
175! call setMeshDistr( distr2, nMesh, workload )
176! call associateMeshTask( task1, distr1 )
177! call associateMeshTask( task2, distr2 )
178! call associateMeshTask( task12, distr1, distr2 )
179! call associateMeshTask( task21, distr1, distr2 )
180!---------------------------- BEHAVIOUR ---------------------------------------
181! In serial execution (totNodes==1) it does nothing
182! If taskID is already associated with distrID1 (and distrID2, if present),
183!   nothing is done. Thus, it is safe (and not inefficient) to make the same
184!   call repeatedly.
185! If the taskID value has not been defined nor associated with any distribution,
186!   it is initialized before associating it, and it returns changed.
187! If taskID is defined, but it is associated with two distributions different
188!   from distrID1 (or from distrID1 and distrID2, if the latter is present),
189!   the taskID is erased (freed) and reinitialized.
190! It stops with an error message in the following cases:
191!   - If distrID1 (or distrID2 if present) has not been defined or if it has
192!     been erased (freed).
193!   - If the available maxDistrTasks slots, for tasks associated to distrID1
194!     (or distrID2, if present), is overflooded.
195!--------------------------- ALGORITHMS ---------------------------------------
196! The taskID is an identifier for a parallel communication "task", defined as
197!   a set of source and destination mesh boxes that belong to each processor.
198! The same task can be identified by different IDs (for example by different
199!   calling programs, but the information is stored only once. This is ensured
200!   by comparing the boxes of a new taskID with those of all previously defined
201!   tasks. If they coincide, the taskID is simply assigned to that task.
202! When a taskID is erased (freed), the task itself is not erased, unless all
203!   its IDs have been erased. There may be up to maxTasks possible simultaneous
204!   tasks, each with up to maxTaskID IDs.
205! A task may be associated with up to two mesh distributions. This association
206!   state is stored in both the task and the distribution(s) info. The
207!   association means that the task's source or destination boxes are linked
208!   to the distribution. This does not necessarily mean that the boxes are the
209!   node's boxes in the distribution. For example, they might be "wings" to
210!   the left or to the right of those boses. The key point is that the task
211!   boxes will change when the distribution changes.
212! The purpose of the task-distribution association is to erase automatically
213!   the task when the distribution is erased (freed). This is convenient
214!   (and safer) because it allows not to have to free the task explicitly.
218! SUBROUTINE copyMeshData( nMesh, srcDistr, srcData, dstBox, dstData, task )
220! Copies a box of values defined in a 3D mesh of a periodic unit cell.
221! The box limits may be entirely inside, or partially or totally outside
222!   the unit cell, which is periodically repeated to fill the box.
223! In parallel execution, the routine handles the interprocessor transfers
224!   needed to bring the requested box data from the nodes that store them.
225!------------------------------ INPUT -----------------------------------------
226! integer nMesh(3)    : Global mesh size in each axis
227! integer srcDistr    : Distrib. ID of source data, or zero for serial exec.
228! real(gp) srcData(0:,0:,0:,:) : Source data values to be copied. Its upper
229!                       array bounds must be enough to contain the node box in
230!                       the srcDistr parallel distrib, or nMesh(iAxis)-1 in
231!                       serial execution. Real type gp is identical to grid_p,
232!                       defined in module precision.
233! integer dstBox(2,3) : Destination mesh box: box(1,iAxis)=lower box limits
234!                                             box(2,iAxis)=upper box limits
235!                       The box may be partially or totally outside the first
236!                       unit cell (FUC). It is folded to the FUC in order to
237!                       assign the values of srcData to those of dstData.
238!----------------------------- OUTPUT -----------------------------------------
239! real(gp) dstData(0:,0:,0:,:) : Destination data array (different from srcData)
240!                       The first three upper array bounds must be equal or
241!                       larger than dstBox(2,iAxis)-dst(1,iAxis).
242!-------------------- OPTIONAL INPUT and OUTPUT -------------------------------
243! integer task : ID of communication task. It allows to save information on an
244!                optimized interprocessor communication pattern, required to
245!                exchange data between source and destination mesh boxes.
246!                This info is used in future calls with the same srcBox and
247!                dstDistr. task value must be saved between calls. See also
248!                associateMeshTask.
249!----------------------------- UNITS ------------------------------------------
250! Units of srcData and dstData are arbitrary but they must be equal
251!----------------------------- USAGE ------------------------------------------
252!   A typical usage for data redistribution in parallel execution is:
253! use precision,    only: gp=>grid_p
254! use mesh3D, only: associateMeshTask, copyMeshData, myMeshBox, setMeshDistr
255! integer:: box1(2,3), box2(2,3), nData, nMesh(3)
256! integer,save:: distr1=-1, distr2=-1, task=-1
257! real(gp),allocatable:: data1(:,:,:,:), data2(:,:,:,:)
258! ... Find/define nMesh, box1 and box2 (so that they are two partitions of mesh)
259! call setMeshDistr( distr1, nMesh, box1 )
260! call setMeshDistr( distr2, nMesh, box2 )
261! allocate( data1(box1(1,1):box1(2,1), &
262!                 box1(1,2):box1(2,2), &
263!                 box1(1,3):box1(2,3),1:nData) )
264! allocate( data2(box2(1,1):box2(2,1), &
265!                 box2(1,2):box2(2,2), &
266!                 box2(1,3):box2(2,3),1:nData) )
267! ... Find data1 in box1
268! call associateMeshTask( task, distr1, distr2 )
269! call copyMeshData( nMesh, distr1, data1, box2, data2, task )
270!   This usage is still valid in serial execution, although it makes little
271! sense in this case, since both mesh distributions would be identical.
272!   The optimization of the communication task is done at the end of the first
273! call with given srcDistr and dstBox. Therefore, the use of the task argument
274! is not advised unless the same srcDistr and dstBox are used repeatedly.
275!---------------------------- BEHAVIOUR ---------------------------------------
276! If srcDistr==0, it assumes serial execution, i.e. that srcData contains the
277!   source data values at all the mesh points in the unit-cell.
278! It stops with an error message in any of these cases:
279! - size(srcData,1:3) < srcBox(2,1:3)-srcBox(1,1:3)+1, with srcBox as
280!   returned by call myMeshBox(nMesh,srcDistr,srcBox)
281! - size(dstData,1:3) < dstBox(2,1:3)-dstBox(1,1:3)+1
282! - size(srcData,4) /= size(dstData,4)
283! If task is present, it is automatically associated to srcDistr (see
284!   associateMeshDistr). If srcDistr changes between calls (see freeMeshDistr),
285!   task info is automatically erased.
286! If task is present and it contains a predefined value (returned by a previous
287!   call to addMeshData or copyMeshData), but dstBox has changed, it stops with
288!   an error message (since the communication task has also changed). To avoid
289!   this, reset task to a negative value. If dstBox derives from a defined
290!   mesh distribution (as in the example above), and task had been associated
291!   to it, task info will be automatically deleted when the distrib changes,
292!   and no error will occur.
293!--------------------------- ALGORITHMS ---------------------------------------
294! - The source boxes are first obtained from srcDistr.
295! - All the nodes' source and destination boxes are gathered, redistributed,
296!   and stored in each other node. These boxes are also identified by a taskID,
297!   which is returned, for retrieval in future calls with the same task
298!   (defined by all the source and destination boxes themselves).
299! - A universal (dependent only on totNodes) ordered sequence of all-to-all
300!   inter-node communication transfers is found. It is designed to minimize
301!   communication collisions. It is based on timing together transfers
302!   between processors separated by a given index span.
303! - In the first call, the true, nonempty transfers for a given task are
304!   selected. Then, the order of the true transfers is (will be) reoptimized
305!   based on a graph-theory algorithm. This optimized sequence is then stored
306!   as part of the task information.
307! - For each transfer (true or temptative):
308!   - The source box (my node's in sending transfers, or that of the sending
309!     node, in receiving transfers) and the destination box (mine when
310!     receiving, or the receiving node's when sending) are each divided in
311!     nParts, each in a different periodic unit cell. These part boxes are
312!     then shifted to the first unit cell (FUC).
313!   - For each pair of the partial source and destination boxes, the
314!     intersection between their FUC images is found. If the intersection is
315!     empty (only happens if task info is not available), nothing is done.
316!   - When sending, the corresponding source data values are added to a buffer,
317!     that is finally sent with all parts together. When receiving, the buffer
318!     is splitted in the corresponding intersection parts and added to the
319!     destination data array.
323! SUBROUTINE fftMeshDistr( nMesh, fftDistr, axisDistr )
325! Creates and returns a homogeneaous 3D mesh distribution fftDistr, and three
326! 2D distributions axisDistr, whose boxes extend wholly over one of the three
327! cell axes. These axisDistr allow fully local 1D FFTs in one of the axes.
328! The fftDistr and axisDistr are designed to make already optimal (without any
329! collisions) the default sequence of inter-node communications, returned by
330! all2allTransferOrder. This is beacause all simultaneous communications occur
331! between nodes separated by the same span (difference between node indexes).
332! Thus, no task arguments are required to optimize such communications.
333!------------------------------ INPUT -----------------------------------------
334! integer nMesh(3) : Mesh divisions in each axis (including siesta "subpoints")
335!------------------------- INPUT and OUTPUT -----------------------------------
336! integer fftDistr : ID of parallel 3D mesh distribution to be used in 3D FFTs
337!--------------------- OPTIONAL INPUT and OUTPUT ------------------------------
338! integer axisDistr(3) : 2D distributions for the 1D FFTs required in 3D FFTs
339!----------------------------- USAGE ------------------------------------------
340!   Typical usage to find my box of k points:
341! use mesh3D, only: fftMeshDistr, myMeshBox
342! integer:: kBox(2,3), nMesh(3)
343! integer,save:: fftDistr=-1
344! ...Find nMesh
345! call fftMeshDistr( nMesh, fftDistr )
346! call myMeshBox( nMesh, fftDistr, kBox )
347!---------------------------- BEHAVIOUR ---------------------------------------
348! In serial execution (totNodes==1) it simply returns fftDistr=0.
349! If the input value of fftDistr (and axisDistr, if present) are already
350!   defined for that nMesh, it returns without changing them. In this case, it
351!   does NOT check that the distributions are suited for FFTs.
352! Since it calls setMeshDistr, some of the behaviour of that routine is
353!   inherited by fftMeshDistr.
354!--------------------------- ALGORITHMS ---------------------------------------
355! First, it uses setMeshDistr, with default input parameters, to create an
356!   optimized uniform 3D distr fftDistr.
357! Then, if axisDistr is present: for the x axis, it divides each row of node
358!   boxes along that axis (say nNodeX boxes) uniformly in the other two axes.
359!   Then it assigns one of these new long boxes (that extend along the whole x
360!   axis) to each of the nNodeX processors, that owned the primitive 3D boxes.
361!   This new boxes define axisDistr(1). The same is done for the y and z axes
362!   (stricly, the axes are the cell axes, not x, y, and z).
366! SUBROUTINE freeMeshDistr( distrID )
368! Erases a mesh distribution ID and frees the distribution slot if
369! no other IDs are assigned to it
371!------------------------------ INPUT -----------------------------------------
372! integer distrID  ! ID of an allocated distribution
373!----------------------------- USAGE ------------------------------------------
374! use mesh3D, only: free MeshDistr, setMeshDistr
375! integer:: nMesh(3)
376! integer,save:: myDistr=-1
377! ...Find nMesh
378! call setMeshDistr( nMesh, myDistr )
379! ...Use myDistr
380! call freeMeshDistr( myDistr )
381!---------------------------- BEHAVIOUR ---------------------------------------
382! If distrID is not defined, it returns without doing anything
383! If the distribution has only that distrID, its information is erased.
384!   Otherwise, only that particular ID is removed from it.
385!--------------------------- ALGORITHMS ---------------------------------------
386! See setMeshDistr
390! SUBROUTINE myMeshBox( nMesh, distrID, box )
392! Finds the mesh box of the local processor in a parallel mesh distribution.
393! Equivalent to nodeMeshBox with node=myNode
394!------------------------------ INPUT -----------------------------------------
395! integer nMesh(3) : Mesh divisions in each axis
396! integer distrID  : Mesh-distribution ID
397!----------------------------- OUTPUT -----------------------------------------
398! integer box(2,3) : Mesh box: box(1,:)=lower bounds, box(2,:)=upper bounds
399!----------------------------- USAGE ------------------------------------------
400! Same as nodeMeshBox but without need of using myNode
401!---------------------------- BEHAVIOUR ---------------------------------------
402! Same as nodeMeshBox
403!--------------------------- ALGORITHMS ---------------------------------------
404! It simply calls nodeMeshBox with node=myNode
408! SUBROUTINE nodeMeshBox( nMesh, distrID, node, box )
410! Finds the mesh box belonging to any node in a parallel mesh distribution,
411!------------------------------ INPUT -----------------------------------------
412! integer nMesh(3) : Mesh divisions in each axis
413! integer distrID  : Mesh-distribution ID
414!----------------------------- OUTPUT -----------------------------------------
415! integer box(2,3) : Mesh box: box(1,:)=lower bounds, box(2,:)=upper bounds
416!----------------------------- USAGE ------------------------------------------
417!   Typical usage to find my box of mesh points:
418! use mesh3D, only: nodeMeshBox
419! use parallel,     only: myNode=>node
420! integer:: myBox(2,3), nMesh(3)
421! integer,save:: myDistr=-1
422! ...Find nMesh and myDistr
423! call nodeMeshBox( nMesh, myDistr, myNode, myBox )
424!---------------------------- BEHAVIOUR ---------------------------------------
425! If iDistr=0, it returns box(1,:)=0 and  box(2,:)=nMesh(:)-1
426!   Note: although nMesh is available from the distr. data, it is also included
427!   in the routine arguments, to handle directly the case iDistr=0.
428! If node stores no mesh points, its (empty) box returns with box(1,:)>box(2,:)
429!--------------------------- ALGORITHMS ---------------------------------------
430! The corresponding box is simply retrived from the ditrib. data stored.
434! SUBROUTINE redistributeMeshData( srcDistr, srcData, dstDistr, dstData, task )
436! Copies data values on the mesh with a new mesh distribution among nodes
437!------------------------------ INPUT -----------------------------------------
438! integer  srcDistr          : Distrib. ID of srcData
439! real(gp) srcData(:,:,:,:)  : Source data. Must be declared target or pointer.
440! integer  dstDistr          : Distrib. ID of dstData
441!------------------------- OUTPUT POINTER -------------------------------------
442! real(gp) dstData(:,:,:,:)  : Output destination array
443!                            : (it must be different from srcData)
444!--------------------- OPTIONAL INPUT and OUTPUT ------------------------------
445! integer, task              : ID of communication task
446!----------------------------- UNITS ------------------------------------------
447! Units of srcData and dstData are arbitrary but they must be equal
448!----------------------------- USAGE ------------------------------------------
449!   Typical usage to 'translate' between two distributions:
450! use precision,    only: gp=>grid_p
451! use mesh3D, only: associateMeshTask, redistributeMeshData
452! integer:: nData, newBox(2,3), nMesh(3)
453! integer,save:: newDistr=-1, old2new=-1, oldDistr=-1
454! real(gp),pointer:: newData(:,:,:,:), oldData(:,:,:,:)
455! ...Find nMesh, nData, oldDistr. Allocate and find oldData
456! call setMeshBox( newDistr, nMesh )
457! call myMeshBox( nMesh, newDistr, newBox )
458! allocate( newData( newBox(1,1):newBox(2,1), &
459!                    newBox(1,2):newBox(2,2), &
460!                    newBox(1,3):newBox(2,3), nData )
461! call associateMeshTask( old2new, oldDistr, newDistr )
462! call redistributeMeshData( oldDistr, oldData, newDistr, newData, old2new )
464!   In serial execution, srcData and dstData will be the same physical array
465! upon return. This allows to write a common serial-parallel code, without
466! increasing the required memory in the serial case. But this must be handled
467! with much care, to avoid erasing or overwritting dstData inadvertently.
468! Therefore, the use of copyMeshData is prefferable in most other situations.
469!---------------------------- BEHAVIOUR ---------------------------------------
470! If srcDistr==0 and dstDistr==0 (serial execution) it simply makes dstData
471!   point to srcData. This allows to save memory, but it must be handled with
472!   care in calling program.
473! If the two distributions are equal (sameMeshDistr(srcDistr,dstDistr)==.true.)
474!   it simply (re)allocates dstData and copies dstData=srcData. Othewise,
475!   it calls copyMeshData after the (re)allocation of dstData.
476!--------------------------- ALGORITHMS ---------------------------------------
477! First, the dstDistr mesh box is obtained, then dstData is (re)allocated and
478!   finally, copyMeshData is used to obtain dstData from srcData
482! logical FUNCTION sameMeshDistr( ID1, ID2 )
484! Compares two distribution IDs
485!------------------------------ INPUT -----------------------------------------
486! integer ID1, ID2  ! Mesh distribution IDs to be compared
487!----------------------------- USAGE ------------------------------------------
488! use mesh3D, only: sameMeshDistr
489! integer,save:: oldDistr=-1, newDistr=-1
490! ... Find oldDistr and newDistr
491! if (.not.sameMeshDistr(oldDistr,newDistr)) do something
492!---------------------------- BEHAVIOUR ---------------------------------------
493! In serial execution (ID1=ID2=0), it returns .true.
494! If ID1 and ID2 are equal, but not defined distributions, it returns .false.
495!--------------------------- ALGORITHMS ---------------------------------------
496! In parallel execution, it looks for the distributions that own the given IDs,
497!   then it checks whether all their mesh boxes are the same.
501! SUBROUTINE setMeshDistr( distrID, nMesh, box, firstNode, nNodes, &
502!                          nNodesX, nNodesY, nNodesZ, nBlock, &
503!                          wlDistr, workload )
505! Defines a parallel distribution of mesh points over processor nodes.
506!------------------------------ INPUT -----------------------------------------
507! integer nMesh(3)  : Mesh divisions in each axis (including siesta "subpoints")
508!------------------------- OPTIONAL INPUT -------------------------------------
509! integer box(2,3)  : Mesh box of my processor node:
510!                     box(1,iAxis)=lower box limits, in range (0:nMesh(iAxis)-1)
511!                     box(2,iAxis)=upper box limits, in same range
512! integer firstNode : First node in the mesh distr.
513! integer nNodes    : Total nodes in the mesh distr
514! integer nNodesX   : Nodes in the X (first) axis.
515!                     Must be present if present(nNodesYZ)
516! integer nNodesY   : Nodes in the Y (second) axis.
517!                     Must be present if present(nNodesZ)
518! integer nNodesZ   : Nodes in the Z (third) axis
519! integer nBlock    : Size of blocks of mesh points, in each axis, which are
520!                     not splitted in different nodes. It must be a factor of
521!                     all of nMesh(1:3). If box is also present, nBlock must be
522!                     a factor of all box(1,1:3) and box(2,1:3)+1.
523!                     nBlock corresponds to nsm (lateral size of "superpoints")
524!                     in siesta mesh terminology.
525! integer wlDistr   : Distr. index of workload array
526! real(gp) workload(0:,0:,0:) ! Approx. relative workload of mesh points.
527!                     Must be nonnegative at all points and have nonzero sum.
528!-------------------------- INPUT and OUTPUT ----------------------------------
529! integer distrID : ID assigned to the mesh distrib.
530!----------------------------- USAGE ------------------------------------------
531!    Arguments box, firstNode, nNodes, nNodesXYZ, and nBlock are provided to
532! force compatibility with user distributions, but they should be avoided
533! otherwise, since they difficult the optimal distribution of mesh points.
535!    Typical usage to create a uniform 3D mesh distribution:
536! use mesh3D, only: setMeshDistr
537! integer:: nMesh(3)
538! integer,save:: myDistr=-1
539! ... Find nMesh
540! call setMeshDistr( myDistr, nMesh )
542!    Typical usage to distribute evenly the workload of each node:
543! use mesh3D, only: setMeshDistr
544! integer:: nMesh(3)
545! integer,save:: newDistr=-1, oldDistr=-1
546! real(gp),allocatable:: workload(:,:,:)
547! ... Find nMesh
548! call setMeshDistr( oldDistr, nMesh )
549! call myMeshBox( oldDistr, nMesh, box )
550! allocate( workload(box(1,1):box(2,1), &
551!                    box(1,2):box(2,2), &
552!                    box(1,3):box(2,3)) )
553! ... Find approximate CPU workload associated to each point of box
554! call setMeshDistr( newDistr, nMesh, wlDistr=oldDistr, workload=workload )
556!   The mesh distribution of J.D.Gale, used up to siesta-2.5, is set by:
557! use parallel, only: ProcessorY
558! use mesh,     only: nsm
559! use mesh3D,   only: setMeshDistr
560! integer:: nMesh(3)
561! integer,save:: JDGdistr=-1
562! call setMeshDistr( JDGdistr, nMesh, nNodesX=1, nNodesY=ProcessorY,
563!                    nBlock=nsm )
564!---------------------------- BEHAVIOUR ---------------------------------------
565! In serial execution (totNodes==1) it simply returns distrID=0, irrespective
566!   of all arguments. Parameter totNodes is obtained from module parallel.
567! If the input distribution ID is still valid (i.e. consistent with the other
568!   input arguments), the same value is returned. If it points to an existing
569!   distribution that is no longer consistent, the old distribution ID is
570!   freed before returning with a new distrID. This makes it convenient to
571!   make succesive calls with the same distrID but different other arguments
572!   (e.g. different workloads in different iterations).
573! New IDs are never repeated, even if they identify the same distribution.
574! If box is present, all other optional arguments are ignored. The different
575!   node mesh boxes should be a nonoverlapping partition of all the mesh
576!   points, but this is NOT checked.
577! If firstNode is not present, firstNode=0 is assumed.
578! If nNodes is not present all nodes are used (nNodes=totNodes).
579! It stops with an error message in the following cases:
580!   - nNodes is present and it is smaller than 1 or larger than totNodes.
581!   - nNodesZ is present but either nNodesX or nNodesY are not present.
582!   - nNodesY is present but nNodesX is not present.
583!   - nBlock is present and it is not a factor of one of nMesh(1:3).
584!   - box and nBlock are present, and nBlock is not a factor of any of
585!     box(1,1:3) or box(2,1:3)+1.
586!   - workload is present but wlDistr is not present.
587!   - workload is present and negative at any mesh point, or zero at all
588!     points of the unit cell mesh.
589! If nNodesXYZ are not present, the distribution of nodes over each axis is
590!   optimized, in the sense of leading to node mesh boxes as cubic as possible.
591!   If only nNodesX is present, it is optimized over the Y and Z axes.
592! If nBlock is not present, nBlock=1 is assumed.
593! If workload is present, its distribution over processors is optimized, in the
594!   sense of load balance. If it is not present, the even distribution of mesh
595!   points is optimized (equivalent to using the same workload for all points).
596!--------------------------- ALGORITHMS ---------------------------------------
597! For uniform distributions (workload not present):
598! - nNodes is first fatorized in its prime factors.
599! - All possible distributions of (products of) factors over axes are tried,
600!   and that with lowest dispersion of nMesh(axis)/factor(axis) is selected.
601!   This is done only over axes not constrained by nNodesXYZ, if present, and
602!   respecting that axis factors must be multiples of nBlock, if present.
603! - nMesh(axis) is divided in nNodes(axis) boxes. If there is a rest, the first
604!   rest(axis) of the nNodes(axis) are given an extra point. Again, this is
605!   done with blocks of nBlock points (if present) rather than single points.
607! For nonuniform distributions (workload present):
608! - nNodes is first fatorized in its prime factors.
609! - Beginning with a box of the entire cell size, each box is divided in
610!   nParts=factor (in order of decreasing factors). The division axis is that
611!   along which the spatial dispersion of the box workload is maximum. The
612!   division surfaces are chosen to split the workload as evenly as possible.
613!   If the division surface is in a void region (with zero workload), it is
614!   placed at the midpoint between the nonzero workload regions.
615! - The divided boxes are assigned to a contiguous set of
616!   boxNodes=boxNodes/nParts. This process is repeated until boxNodes=1.
618! A stored distribution is defined by nMesh and its node boxes. There may be up
619!   to maxDistr distributions defined simultaneously. Each distribution may be
620!   identified simultaneously by up to maxDistrID identifiers (for example by
621!   different calling routines), but its information is stored only once.
622!   This is ensured by comparing the boxes of a new distrID with those of all
623!   previously defined distributions. If they coincide, the distrID is simply
624!   added to the existing distribution.
625! Each distrID is never repeated. When a distrID is erased (freed), the
626!   distribution itself is not erased, unless all its IDs have been erased.
627!   This prevents that a calling routine may erase a distribution that is
628!   still being used by other routines.
632MODULE mesh3D
634! Used module procedures
635  use alloc,     only: de_alloc        ! De-allocation routine
636  use alloc,     only: re_alloc        ! Re-allocation routine
637  use sys,       only: die             ! Termination routine
638  use sorting,   only: ordix           ! Sorting routine
640! Used module parameters
641  use precision, only: dp              ! Real double precision type
642  use precision, only: gp=>grid_p      ! Grid-data real precision type
643!  use parallel,  only: myNode=>node    ! This process node
644!  use parallel,  only: totNodes=>nodes ! Total number of processor nodes
645#ifdef DEBUG_XC
646  use debugXC,   only: udebug          ! Output file unit for debug info
647#endif /* DEBUG_XC */
649  ! Copy and add for limiting temporary arrays
650  use m_array, only: array_copy, array_add
652! Used MPI procedures and types
653#ifdef HAVE_MPI
654  use mpi
655  use precision, only: MPI_grid_real
658  ! MPI variables
659#ifdef HAVE_MPI
660  use gridxc_config, only: comm => gridxc_comm
662  use gridxc_config, only: myNode => gridxc_myNode
663  use gridxc_config, only: totNodes => gridxc_totNodes
665  implicit none
667! Public procedures
668PUBLIC:: &
669  addMeshData,   &! Adds the data in a box array to the equiv. unit-cell points
670  associateMeshTask, &! Associates a communication task to mesh distr.
671  copyMeshData,  &! Copies data in a unit-cell array to another mesh box array
672  fftMeshDistr,  &! Sets four mesh distributions to perform FFTs
673  freeMeshDistr, &! Frees a distribution index (they are limited to maxDistr)
674  freeMeshTask,  &! Frees a task index (they are limited to maxTasks)
675  myMeshBox,     &! Returns mesh box of my processor node
676  nodeMeshBox,   &! Returns mesh box of any given processor node
677  redistributeMeshData, &! Copies data between different mesh distributions
678  sameMeshDistr, &! Finds if two mesh distributions are equal
679  setMeshDistr    ! Defines a distribution of mesh points over parallel nodes
681! Public types, parameters, or variables:
682! none
684PRIVATE ! Nothing is declared public beyond this point
686  ! Private module parameters
687  character(len=*),parameter:: moduleName = 'mesh3D '
688  integer,parameter:: maxDistr   = 20 ! Max. number of mesh distributions
689                                      !   allocated at any given time
690  integer,parameter:: maxTasks  = 100 ! Max. number of communication tasks
691                                      !   allocated at any given time
692  integer,parameter:: maxDistrID = 20 ! Max. IDs assigned to the same distrib.
693  integer,parameter:: maxTaskID  = 10 ! Max. IDs assigned to the same task
694  integer,parameter:: maxParts  = 125 ! Max. parts of a mesh box
695  integer,parameter:: maxDistrTasks = 50 ! Max. communication tasks associated
696                                         !   to a parallel mesh distribution
698  ! Private type to hold mesh distribution data
699  type distrType
700    private
701    logical:: defined=.false.   ! Has this distribution been defined?
702    integer:: ID(maxDistrID)=-1 ! ID numbers assigned to the distribution
703    integer:: nNodes=-1         ! Number of nodes participating in the distrib.
704    integer:: firstNode=-1      ! First of the consecutive nNodes in the distr.
705    integer:: nMesh(3)=-1       ! Number of total mesh divisions in each axis
706    integer:: task(maxDistrTasks)=-1 ! Communic. tasks associated to distr.
707    integer,pointer:: box(:,:,:)=>null() ! Mesh box bounds of each node:
708                                         ! box(1,iAxis,iNode)=lower bounds
709                                         ! box(2,iAxis,iNode)=upper bounds
710  end type distrType
712  ! Private type to hold a mesh communication task
713  type taskType
714    private
715    logical:: defined=.false.    ! Has this task been defined?
716    logical:: optimized=.false.  ! Has the transfer order been optimized?
717    logical:: associated=.false. ! Has this task been associated to any distr?
718    integer:: ID(maxTaskID)=-1   ! ID numbers assigned to the distribution
719    integer:: distr(2)=-1        ! Distr. indexes to which task is associated
720    integer:: nTrsf=0            ! Number of needed communication transfers
721    integer,pointer:: srcBox(:,:,:)=>null() ! Source mesh box of each node.
722    integer,pointer:: dstBox(:,:,:)=>null() ! Destination mesh box of each node.
723    integer,pointer:: trsfNode(:) ! Sequence of to/from transfer nodes
724    integer,pointer:: trsfDir(:) ! Sequence of to/from transfer directions
725  end type taskType
727  ! Private array that will hold the different distributions data
728  type(distrType),target,save:: storedMeshDistr(maxDistr)
730  ! Private array that will hold the different communication tasks
731  type(taskType),target,save:: storedMeshTask(maxTasks)
733  ! Private counters
734  integer,save:: nDistrID = 0  ! Number of assigned distribution IDs
735  integer,save:: nTaskID = 0  ! Number of assigned mesh communication task IDs
738#ifdef HAVE_MPI
739  integer:: MPIerror, MPIstatus(MPI_STATUS_SIZE)
746subroutine addMeshData( nMesh, srcBox, srcData, dstDistr, dstData, task )
748! Adds (reduces) the values defined in a 3D mesh box to the equivalent mesh
749! points in a periodic unit cell.
751  implicit none
752  integer, intent(in) :: nMesh(3)          ! Global mesh size in each axis
753  integer, intent(in) :: srcBox(2,3)       ! Source mesh box:
754                                           ! box(1,iAxis)=lower box limits
755                                           ! box(2,iAxis)=upper box limits
756                                           ! Box may be larger than the
757                                           ! (0:nMesh-1) unit-cell range
758  real(gp),intent(in) :: srcData(0:,0:,0:,:) ! Source data values to be copied.
759                                           ! The first three upper array bounds
760                                           ! must be equal or larger than
761                                           ! srcBox(2,iAxis)-src(1,iAxis)
762  integer, intent(in) :: dstDistr          ! Distrib. ID of destination data
763                                           ! or zero for serial execution
764  real(gp),intent(inout):: dstData(0:,0:,0:,:) ! Destination data array
765                                           ! Its upper array bounds must be
766                                           ! enough to contain the node box in
767                                           ! the dstDistr parallel distrib.
768                                           ! or nMesh(iAxis)-1 in serial exe
769  integer,intent(inout),optional:: task    ! ID of communication task
771  integer :: dstBox(2,3)
773! Associate task to distribution
774  if (present(task)) call associateMeshTask( task, dstDistr )
776! Find box limits of destination data in this node
777  call myMeshBox( nMesh, dstDistr, dstBox )
779! Add srcData to dstData
780  call reduceData( nMesh, srcBox, srcData, dstBox, dstData, taskID=task )
782end subroutine addMeshData
786subroutine all2allTransferOrder( nNodes, node, nTrsf, trsfNode, trsfDir )
788! Finds an ordered sequence of matching all-to-all send-receive transfers
789! that avoids collisions and that approximately minimizes total transfer time
790! Algorithm:
791! At any given 'time' (index of the ordered sequence), half of the nodes send
792! right-wards (to higher nodes) and the other half receives from leftwards,
793! with a fixed internode span, modulo nNodes2 (defined below). The sending/
794! receiving nodes belong to odd/even blocks (or viceversa) of consecutive nodes,
795! whose blockSize is the power-of-two factor of the span (i.e. span is the
796! product of the blocSize times an odd number). nNodes2 is the smallest
797! multiple of 2*blockSize equal to, or larger than nNodes. This ensures opposite
798! parities of the blocks of sendNode and recvNode=modulo(sendNode+span,nNodes2).
800  implicit none
801  integer,intent(in) :: nNodes   ! Number of parallel processor nodes. The
802                                 ! number of transfers per node is 2*nNodes-1
803  integer,intent(in) :: node     ! Local processor node, in range (0:nNodes-1)
804  integer,intent(out):: nTrsf    ! Number of required transfers
805  integer,intent(out):: trsfNode(0:2*(nNodes-1)) ! To/from transfer node.
806                                 ! First 'transfer' is local: trsfNode(0)=node
807  integer,intent(out):: trsfDir(0:2*(nNodes-1))  ! Transfer direction:
808                                 ! trsfDir=+1 => from node to trsfNode
809                                 ! trsfDir=-1 => from trsfNode to node
810                                 ! trsfDir=0  => local 'transfer' within node
812  integer:: blockSize, iTrsf, nNodes2, nodePar, oddFac, pow2, span, trsfPar
814  ! Set num. of transfers needed (a send and a receive to/from each other node)
815  nTrsf = 2*(nNodes-1)
817  ! Special local transfer
818  trsfNode(0) = node
819  trsfDir(0)  = 0
820  if (nNodes==1) return
822  ! Loop on block sizes (powers of 2). iTrsf is the transfer-order index.
823  iTrsf = 1
824  do pow2 = 0,int(log(real(nNodes))/log(2.))+1
825    blockSize = 2**pow2
826    ! Find smallest multiple of 2*blockSize equal to, or larger than nNodes
827    nNodes2 = ((nNodes-1)/(2*blockSize)+1) * (2*blockSize)
828    ! Find parity of node's block
829    nodePar = mod(node/blockSize,2)
830    ! Loop on odd factors of span. Maximum span is nNodes2-1
831    ! Fake nodes are 'added' between nNodes and nNodes2-1
832    do oddFac = 1,nNodes2/blockSize,2
833      span = blockSize * oddFac
834      ! Loop on transfer 'parity' (direction)
835      do trsfPar = 0,1
836        ! Find transfer sense, and the node sending/receiving to/from node
837        ! All transfers are rightwards, with transfer node modulo mNodes2
838        if (nodePar==trsfPar) then ! node sends
839          trsfNode(iTrsf) = modulo( node+span, nNodes2 )
840          trsfDir(iTrsf) = +1
841        else ! node receives
842          trsfNode(iTrsf) = modulo( node-span, nNodes2 )
843          trsfDir(iTrsf) = -1
844        end if ! (nodePar==trsfPar)
845        ! If trsfNode is within range (not a fake node), accept this transfer
846        if (trsfNode(iTrsf)<nNodes) iTrsf = iTrsf + 1
847        ! Finish when all transfers have been found
848        if (iTrsf>2*(nNodes-1)) return
849      end do ! trsfPar
850    end do ! oddFact
851  end do ! pow2
853end subroutine all2allTransferOrder
857subroutine associateMeshTask( taskID, distrID1, distrID2 )
859! Associates a communication task to one or two parallel mesh distributions
861  implicit none
862  integer,         intent(inout):: taskID   ! ID of task to be associated
863  integer,         intent(in)   :: distrID1 ! ID of first distr, to be assoc.
864  integer,optional,intent(in)   :: distrID2 ! ID of second distr. to be assoc.
866  character(len=*),parameter:: myName = 'associateMeshTask '
867  character(len=*),parameter:: errHead = myName//'ERROR: '
868  logical:: found
869  integer:: iDistr1, iDistr2, it, iTask
870  type(taskType), pointer :: task
871  type(distrType), pointer :: distr1, distr2
873! In serial execution, do nothing
874  if (totNodes<2) return
876! Find distribution(s)
877  iDistr1 = indexDistr( distrID1 )
878  if (iDistr1<0) call die(errHead//'distrID1 not defined')
879  distr1 => storedMeshDistr(iDistr1)  ! Just a shorter name
880  if (present(distrID2)) then
881    iDistr2 = indexDistr( distrID2 )
882    if (iDistr2<0) call die(errHead//'distrID2 not defined')
883    distr2 => storedMeshDistr(iDistr2)
884  end if ! (present(distrID2))
886! Find task
887  found = .false.
888  iTask = indexTask( taskID )
889  if (iTask>0) then  ! Task exists already
890    task => storedMeshTask(iTask)  ! Just a shorter name
891    found = .true.
892    if (.not.any(iDistr1==task%distr)) found = .false.
893    if (present(distrID2)) then
894      if (.not.any(iDistr2==task%distr)) found = .false.
895    end if
896    if (.not.found) & ! Free existing task ID, since it has new associations
897      call freeMeshTask( taskID )
898  end if ! (iTask>0)
900! Create new task, if necessary
901  if (found) then
902    return  ! Since task is alredy associated to same distribution(s)
903  else      ! Task did not exist or has been eliminated => create it
904    call initTask( taskID )
905    iTask = indexTask( taskID )
906    task => storedMeshTask(iTask)
907  end if ! (found)
909! Store association to first distribution
910  task%distr(1) = iDistr1  ! Associate distribution to task
911  if (.not.any(distr1%task==iTask)) then  ! Associate task to distribution
912    found = .false.
913    do it = 1,maxDistrTasks
914      if (distr1%task(it)<0) then  ! Empty slot
915        distr1%task(it) = iTask
916        found = .true.
917        exit ! it loop
918      end if
919    end do ! it
920    if (.not.found) call die(errHead//'parameter maxDistrTasks too small')
921  end if ! (.not.any(distr1%task==iTask))
923! Store association to second distribution, if different from first one
924  if (present(distrID2) .and. iDistr1/=iDistr2) then
925    task%distr(2) = iDistr2
926    if (.not.any(distr2%task==iTask)) then
927      found = .false.
928      do it = 1,maxDistrTasks
929        if (distr2%task(it)<0) then  ! Empty slot
930          distr2%task(it) = iTask
931          found = .true.
932          exit ! it loop
933        end if
934      end do ! it
935      if (.not.found) call die(errHead//'parameter maxDistrTasks too small')
936    end if ! (.not.any(distr2%task==iTask))
937  end if ! (present(distrID2))
939! Mark task as already associated
940  task%associated = .true.
942#ifdef DEBUG_XC
943!  if (present(distrID2)) then
944!    write(udebug,'(a,2i4,2(2x,2i4))') &
945!      myName//'taskID,iTask,distrID,iDistr=', &
946!      taskID, iTask, distrID1, iDistr1, distrID2, iDistr2
947!    write(udebug,'(a,i3,2x,25i3,/,(36x,25i3))') myName//'iDistr,tasks=', &
948!      iDistr1, pack(distr1%task,distr1%task>0)
949!    write(udebug,'(a,i3,2x,25i3,/,(36x,25i3))') myName//'iDistr,tasks=', &
950!      iDistr2, pack(distr2%task,distr2%task>0)
951!  else
952!    write(udebug,'(a,2i4,2x,2i4)') &
953!      myName//'taskID,iTask,distrID,iDistr=', &
954!      taskID, iTask, distrID1, iDistr1
955!    write(udebug,'(a,i3,2x,25i3,/,(36x,25i3))') myName//'iDistr,tasks=', &
956!      iDistr1, pack(distr1%task,distr1%task>0)
957!  end if
958#endif /* DEBUG_XC */
960end subroutine associateMeshTask
964subroutine commonBox( nMesh, aBox, bBox, aComBox, bComBox, sizeSum, nParts )
966! Finds the common intersection(s) of two mesh boxes, not necessarily contained
967! in first unit cell (FUC). Each box is folded in parts contained in FUC.
968! Then the intersection is obtained between each part or the folded aBox and
969! each part of the folded bBox and returned in nParts intersection parts.
971  implicit none
972  integer,intent(in) :: nMesh(3)       ! Mesh divisions in each axis
973  integer,intent(in) :: aBox(2,3)      ! First box, not necessarily within FUC
974  integer,intent(in) :: bBox(2,3)      ! Second box, not necessarily within FUC
975  integer,intent(out):: aComBox(:,:,:) ! Partial intersection boxes, each one
976                                       ! contained in a single periodic cell,
977                                       ! relative to the aBox origin
978  integer,intent(out):: bComBox(:,:,:) ! Same partial intersection boxes, but
979                                       ! relative to the bBox origin
980  integer,intent(out):: sizeSum(0:)    ! Sum of the sizes of the partial boxes
981  integer,intent(out):: nParts         ! Number of partial boxes
983  character(len=*),parameter:: myName = moduleName//'commonBox '
984  character(len=*),parameter:: errHead = myName//'ERROR: '
985  integer:: aPart, aParts, aPartBox(2,3,maxParts), aPartBoxFUC(2,3,maxParts), &
986            bPart, bParts, bPartBox(2,3,maxParts), bPartBoxFUC(2,3,maxParts), &
987            comBox(2,3), comSize, mxParts
989! Find maximum number of parts allowed by size of output arrays
990  mxParts = min( size(aComBox,3), size(bComBox,3), size(sizeSum)-1 )
992! Divide aBox and bBox in parts contained in a single unit cell, as well as
993! the equivalent part boxes in first unit cell (FUC)
994  call unitCellParts( nMesh, aBox, aPartBox, aPartBoxFUC, aParts )
995  call unitCellParts( nMesh, bBox, bPartBox, bPartBoxFUC, bParts )
997! Find intersection boxes common to aBox and bBox
998#ifdef DEBUG_XC
999!  write(udebug,'(a,3(2i4,2x))') myName//'       aBox=', aBox
1000!  write(udebug,'(a,3(2i4,2x))') myName//'       bBox=', bBox
1001#endif /* DEBUG_XC */
1002  nParts = 0
1003  sizeSum(0) = 0
1004  do bPart = 1,bParts
1005  do aPart = 1,aParts
1006    comBox(1,:) = max( aPartBoxFUC(1,:,aPart), bPartBoxFUC(1,:,bPart) )
1007    comBox(2,:) = min( aPartBoxFUC(2,:,aPart), bPartBoxFUC(2,:,bPart) )
1008    if (all(comBox(1,:)<=comBox(2,:))) then ! Nonempty intersection box
1009      nParts = nParts + 1
1010      if (nParts > mxParts) &
1011        call die(errHead//'size of aComBox, bComBox, or sizeSum too small')
1012      ! Sum size of common box
1013      comSize = product(comBox(2,:)-comBox(1,:)+1)
1014      sizeSum(nParts) = sizeSum(nParts-1) + comSize
1015      ! Find common box in the unfolded unit cell of aPartBox
1016      aComBox(:,:,nParts) = comBox(:,:) + &
1017                            aPartBox(:,:,aPart) - aPartBoxFUC(:,:,aPart)
1018      ! Find common box in aBox origin. Index=1 in srcBox in both lines!!!
1019      aComBox(1,:,nParts) = aComBox(1,:,nParts) - aBox(1,:)
1020      aComBox(2,:,nParts) = aComBox(2,:,nParts) - aBox(1,:)
1021      ! Find common box in bBox origin
1022      bComBox(:,:,nParts) = comBox(:,:) + &
1023                            bPartBox(:,:,bPart) - bPartBoxFUC(:,:,bPart)
1024      bComBox(1,:,nParts) = bComBox(1,:,nParts) - bBox(1,:)
1025      bComBox(2,:,nParts) = bComBox(2,:,nParts) - bBox(1,:)
1026#ifdef DEBUG_XC
1027!      write(udebug,'(a,3(2i4,2x))') myName//'   aPartBox=', &
1028!                                                   aPartBox(:,:,aPart)
1029!      write(udebug,'(a,3(2i4,2x))') myName//'     comBox=', &
1030!        comBox(:,:) - aPartBox(:,:,aPart) + aPartBoxFUC(:,:,aPart)
1031!      write(udebug,'(a,3(2i4,2x))') myName//'    aComBox=', &
1032!                                                    aComBox(:,:,nParts)
1033!      write(udebug,'(a,3(2i4,2x))') myName//'    bComBox=', &
1034!                                                    bComBox(:,:,nParts)
1035#endif /* DEBUG_XC */
1036    end if
1037  end do ! aPart
1038  end do ! bPart
1040end subroutine commonBox
1044subroutine copyMeshData( nMesh, srcDistr, srcData, dstBox, dstData, task )
1046! Copies a box of values defined in a 3D mesh of a periodic unit cell.
1048  implicit none
1049  integer, intent(in) :: nMesh(3)          ! Global mesh size in each axis
1050  integer, intent(in) :: srcDistr          ! Distrib. ID of source data
1051                                           ! or zero for serial execution
1052  real(gp),intent(in) :: srcData(0:,0:,0:,:) ! Source data values to be copied
1053                                           ! Its upper array bounds must be
1054                                           ! enough to contain the node box in
1055                                           ! the srcDistr parallel distrib.
1056                                           ! or nMesh(iAxis)-1 in serial exe
1057  integer, intent(in) :: dstBox(2,3)       ! Destination mesh box:
1058                                           ! box(1,iAxis)=lower box limits
1059                                           ! box(2,iAxis)=upper box limits
1060                                           ! Box may be larger than the
1061                                           ! (0:nMesh-1) unit-cell range
1062  real(gp),intent(out):: dstData(0:,0:,0:,:) ! Destination data values.
1063                                           ! The upper array bounds must be
1064                                           ! dstBox(2,iAxis)-dst(1,iAxis)
1065                                           ! srcData and dstData must be
1066                                           ! different arrays
1067  integer,intent(inout),optional:: task    ! ID of communication task
1069  integer :: srcBox(2,3)
1071! Associate task to distribution
1072  if (present(task)) call associateMeshTask( task, srcDistr )
1074! Find box limits of source data in this node
1075  call myMeshBox( nMesh, srcDistr, srcBox )
1077! Check that srcData and dstData are not identical already
1078!  Avoid this in parallel, since different nodes might do different things
1079!  if (all(srcBox==dstBox) .and. all(shape(srcData)==shape(dstData))) then
1080!    if (all(srcData==dstData)) return
1081!  end if
1083! Copy data
1084  dstData = 0
1085  call reduceData( nMesh, srcBox, srcData, dstBox, dstData, taskID=task )
1087end subroutine copyMeshData
1091subroutine divideBox1D( box, nParts, partBox, blockSize, workload )
1093! Divides a 1D box according to workload (or uniformly if workload is absent)
1095  implicit none
1096  integer,          intent(in) :: box(2)
1097  integer,          intent(in) :: nParts
1099! Avoid the creation of a temporary array by passing descriptor info
1100!!!  integer,          intent(out):: partBox(2,nParts)
1101  integer,          intent(out):: partBox(:,:)
1103  integer, optional,intent(in) :: blockSize
1104  real(gp),optional,intent(in) :: workload(0:)
1106  character(len=*),parameter:: myName = moduleName//'divideBox1D '
1107  character(len=*),parameter:: errHead = myName//'ERROR: '
1108  logical :: nextPart
1109  integer :: blckSize, boxSize, i, iPart, largerSize, last, &
1110             nBlocks, nLargerParts, partSize
1111  real(dp):: partWkld, wlSum
1113! Trap a trivial case
1114  if (nParts==1) then
1115    partBox(:,1) = box
1116    return
1117  end if
1119! Find box size
1120  boxSize = box(2) - box(1) + 1
1122! Set block size
1123  if (present(blockSize)) then
1124    if (mod(boxSize,blockSize)/=0) &
1125      call die(errHead//'boxSize not a multiple of blockSize')
1126    blckSize = blockSize
1127  else
1128    blckSize = 1
1129  end if
1131! Choose division mode
1132  if (present(workload)) then ! Divide box according to workload
1134    ! Check size of workload array
1135    if (size(workload)/=boxSize) call die(errHead//'size(workload)/=boxSize')
1137    ! Find intended workload of each part
1138    wlSum = sum(workload)
1139    partWkld = wlSum / nParts
1141    ! Loop on parts
1142    partBox(1,1) = box(1)
1143    do iPart = 1,nParts-1
1144      last = 0  ! Last point with nonzero workload (or zero if none yet)
1145      do i = 0,boxSize-1
1146        if ( sum(workload(0:i)) > iPart*partWkld ) then  ! Limit surpassed
1147          if (i==0 .or. last < i-1) then   ! Place limit at center of vacuum
1148            partBox(2,iPart) = box(1) + (last+i)/2
1149          else if ( i==boxSize-1 .or. &
1150                    abs(sum(workload(0:i-1))-iPart*partWkld) &
1151                  < abs(sum(workload(0:i))  -iPart*partWkld) ) then
1152            partBox(2,iPart) = box(1) + i-1
1153          else
1154            partBox(2,iPart) = box(1) + i
1155          end if
1156          partBox(1,iPart+1) = partBox(2,iPart) + 1
1157          ! Avoid dividing blocks: parts must begin in a multiple of blockSize
1158          partBox(1,iPart+1) = partBox(1,iPart+1) &
1159                             - mod( partBox(1,iPart+1), blckSize )
1160          ! Prevent that iPart and iPart+1 overlap
1161          partBox(1,iPart+1) = max( partBox(1,iPart+1), &
1162                                    partBox(1,iPart)+blckSize )
1163          partBox(2,iPart) = partBox(1,iPart+1) - 1
1164          ! Go to next part
1165          nextPart = .true.
1166        else ! Limit not surpassed
1167          nextPart = .false.
1168        end if ! ( sum(workload(axis,0:i)) > iPart*partWkld )
1169        if (workload(i)>0._gp) last = i
1170        if (nextPart) exit ! i loop
1171      end do ! i
1172    end do ! iPart
1173    partBox(2,nParts) = box(2)
1175  else ! (.not.present(workload)) => Divide box uniformly
1177    nBlocks = boxSize / blckSize              ! Number of blocks of points
1178    partSize = nBlocks / nParts               ! Blocks per part
1179    nLargerParts = nBlocks - partSize*nParts  ! Number of larger parts
1180    partSize = partSize * blckSize            ! Points per part
1181    largerSize = partSize + blckSize ! One more block for larger parts
1182    partBox(1,1) = box(1)
1183    do iPart = 1,nLargerParts        ! largerParts of size partSize+blockSize
1184      if (iPart>1) partBox(1,iPart) = partBox(2,iPart-1) + 1
1185      partBox(2,iPart) = partBox(1,iPart) + largerSize - 1
1186    end do
1187    do iPart = nLargerParts+1,nParts  ! remaining parts of size partSize
1188      if (iPart>1) partBox(1,iPart) = partBox(2,iPart-1) + 1
1189      partBox(2,iPart) = partBox(1,iPart) + partSize - 1
1190    end do
1192  end if ! (present(workload))
1194end subroutine divideBox1D
1198subroutine divideBox3D( nMesh, wlDistr, workload, box, &
1199                        nParts, blockSize, axis, partBox )
1201! Divides a mesh box according to a given workload and axis. If axis<1 on
1202! input, it is chosen to maximize the spatial dispersion of workload
1204  implicit none
1205  integer, intent(in)   :: nMesh(3)  ! Global mesh size in each axis
1206  integer, intent(in)   :: wlDistr   ! Mesh distribution ID of workload array
1207  real(gp),intent(in)   :: workload(0:,0:,0:) ! Work load of each mesh point
1208  integer, intent(in)   :: box(2,3)  ! Mesh box to be divided
1209  integer, intent(in)   :: nParts    ! Number of parts of the divided box
1210  integer, intent(in)   :: blockSize ! Size of blocks of mesh points in each
1211                                     ! axis that cannot be split among nodes
1212  integer, intent(inout):: axis      ! Axis along which division is made
1213  integer, intent(out)  :: partBox(2,3,nParts) ! Divided part boxes
1215  character(len=*),parameter:: myName = moduleName//'divideBox3D '
1216  character(len=*),parameter:: errHead = myName//'ERROR: '
1217  integer :: boxShape(3), i, iPart, ix, maxShape
1218  real(dp):: maxDisp, wlDisp, wlSum, wlSum1, wlSum2
1219!  logical :: nextPart
1220!  integer :: largerSize, last, nBlocks, nLargerParts, partSize
1221!  real(dp):: partWkld
1222  real(gp),allocatable:: prjWkld(:,:)
1224! Initialize part boxes as total box
1225  forall (iPart=1:nParts) partBox(:,:,iPart) = box(:,:)
1227! Trap a trivial case
1228  if (nParts<2) return
1230! Check that nMesh and box are consistent with blockSize
1231  if (any(mod(nMesh,blockSize)/=0)) &
1232    call die(errHead//'nMesh and blockSize are not consistent')
1233  if (any(mod(box(1,:),blockSize)/=0) .or. &
1234      any(mod(box(2,:)+1,blockSize)/=0))   &
1235    call die(errHead//'box and blockSize are not consistent')
1237! Check that workload is nonnegative
1238  if (any(workload<0._gp)) call die(errHead//'negative workload')
1240! Allocate array for the projection of workload along each axis
1241  boxShape(:) = box(2,:) - box(1,:) + 1
1242  allocate( prjWkld(3,0:maxval(boxShape)-1) )
1244! Find projection of workload along each axis
1245  prjWkld = 0
1246  call projectMeshData( nMesh, wlDistr, workload, box, prjWkld )
1248#ifdef DEBUG_XC
1249!  write(udebug,*) myName//'projected workload:'
1250!  write(udebug,'(i4,3f15.6)') (i,prjWkld(:,i),i=0,maxval(boxShape)-1)
1251#endif /* DEBUG_XC */
1253! Find total workload in box
1254  wlSum = sum(prjWkld) / 3  ! Since the sum of each projection must be equal
1256! Select axis for division
1257  if (axis<1 .or. axis>3) then ! Otherwise, accept input axis
1258    if (wlSum==0._dp) then  ! Choose longest axis
1259      maxShape = maxval(boxShape)
1260      do ix = 3,1,-1  ! If equivalent, take largest ix (z better than x)
1261        if (boxShape(ix) == maxShape) then
1262          axis = ix
1263          exit ! ix loop
1264        end if
1265      end do
1266    else ! Choose axis with maximum spatial dispersion of workload
1267      maxDisp = 0
1268      do ix = 3,1,-1
1269        wlSum1 = 0
1270        wlSum2 = 0
1271        do i = 0,boxShape(ix)-1
1272          wlSum1 = wlSum1 + prjWkld(ix,i) * i
1273          wlSum2 = wlSum2 + prjWkld(ix,i) * i**2
1274        end do
1275        wlDisp = wlSum2/wlSum - (wlSum1/wlSum)**2
1276        if (wlDisp>maxDisp) then
1277          axis = ix
1278          maxDisp = wlDisp
1279        end if
1280      end do ! ix
1281    end if ! (wlSum==0._gp)
1282  end if ! (axis<1 .or. axis>3)
1284! Divide box along axis
1285  if (wlSum==0._dp) then  ! Divide box uniformly
1286    call divideBox1D( box(:,axis), nParts, partBox(:,axis,:), blockSize )
1287  else                    ! Divide projected workload uniformly
1288    call divideBox1D( box(:,axis), nParts, partBox(:,axis,:), blockSize, &
1289                      prjWkld(axis,0:boxShape(axis)-1) )
1290  end if ! (wlSum==0._dp)
1292#ifdef DEBUG_XC
1293! Check that all box limits are consistent
1294  if ( any(box(1,axis) > partBox(1,axis,:)) .or. &
1295       any(partBox(2,axis,1:nParts-1) >= partBox(1,axis,2:nParts)) .or. &
1296       any(partBox(1,axis,:) > partBox(2,axis,:)) .or. &
1297       any(partBox(2,axis,:) > box(2,axis)) ) then
1298    write(udebug,'(a,3(2i6,2x))') errHead//'box=', box
1299    write(udebug,'(a,/,(3(2i6,2x)))') errHead//'partBox=', partBox
1300    call die(errHead//'inconsistent partBox limits')
1301  end if
1302#endif /* DEBUG_XC */
1304  deallocate( prjWkld )
1306end subroutine divideBox3D
1310subroutine fftMeshDistr( nMesh, fftDistr, axisDistr )
1312! Creates and returns a homogeneaous 3D mesh distribution fftDistr, and three
1313! 2D distributions axisDistr, whose boxes extend wholly over one of the three
1314! cell axes. These axisDistr allow fully local 1D FFTs in one of the axes.
1315! The fftDistr and axisDistr are designed to make already optimal (without any
1316! collisions) the default sequence of inter-node communications, returned by
1317! all2allTransferOrder. This is beacause all simultaneous communications occur
1318! between nodes separated by the same span (difference between node indexes).
1319! Thus, no task arguments are required to optimize such communications.
1321  implicit none
1322  integer,         intent(in)   :: nMesh(3)     ! Mesh divisions of each axis
1323  integer,         intent(inout):: fftDistr     ! 3D mesh distr. used in 3D FFT
1324  integer,optional,intent(inout):: axisDistr(3) ! 2D distr. used for the 1D FFTs
1326  character(len=*),parameter:: myName = 'fftMeshDistr '
1327  character(len=*),parameter:: errHead = myName//'ERROR: '
1328  integer:: axis, axis1, axis2, axis3, axisNodes(3), box0(2,3), boxNodes(3), &
1329            iDistr, iNode, iNode1, iNode2, iNode3, jNode2, jNode3, &
1330            node0, nodeSpan(3), oldDistr, rowMesh(3), rowNodes
1331  integer,allocatable:: subBox(:,:,:)
1332  logical:: found
1333  type(distrType),pointer:: distr
1335! Trap the serial case (totNodes available from module parallel)
1336  if (totNodes==1) then
1337    fftDistr = 0
1338    if (present(axisDistr)) axisDistr(:) = 0
1339    return
1340  end if
1342! Check if the input FFT distribution IDs are already defined as such
1343  iDistr = indexDistr( fftDistr )
1344  if (iDistr>0 .and. iDistr<=maxDistr) then
1345    distr => storedMeshDistr(iDistr)
1346    if (distr%defined .and. all(distr%nMesh==nMesh)) then
1347      found = .true.  ! But now check the axis distributions
1348      if (present(axisDistr)) then
1349        do axis = 1,3
1350          iDistr = indexDistr( axisDistr(axis) )
1351          if (iDistr>0 .and. iDistr<=maxDistr) then
1352            distr => storedMeshDistr(iDistr)
1353            if (.not.distr%defined .or. any(distr%nMesh/=nMesh)) &
1354              found = .false.
1355          else
1356            found = .false.
1357          end if
1358        end do ! axis
1359      end if ! (present(axisDistr))
1360      if (found) return ! Since the input values are still valid
1361    end if ! (distr%defined .and. ...)
1362  end if ! (iDistr>0)
1364! Find optimal distribution of nodes on axes
1365  call optimizeNodeDistr( nMesh, totNodes, axisNodes )
1367! Create homogeneous 3D distribution
1368#ifdef DEBUG_XC
1369!  write(udebug,*) myName//'calling setMeshDistr with fftDistr'
1370#endif /* DEBUG_XC */
1371  call setMeshDistr( fftDistr, nMesh, nNodesX=axisNodes(1), &
1372                     nNodesY=axisNodes(2), nNodesZ=axisNodes(3) )
1374! Return already if axis distributions are not required
1375  if (.not.present(axisDistr)) return
1377! Find span between nodes along each axis
1378!  nodeSpan(1) = 1
1379!  nodeSpan(2) = axisNodes(1)
1380!  nodeSpan(3) = axisNodes(1) * axisNodes(2)
1381! Third axis is innermost for node distribution (see setMeshDistr)
1382  nodeSpan(3) = 1
1383  nodeSpan(2) = axisNodes(3)
1384  nodeSpan(1) = axisNodes(3) * axisNodes(2)
1386#ifdef DEBUG_XC
1387!    write(udebug,'(a,3i4)') myName//'axisNodes=', axisNodes
1388!    write(udebug,'(a,3i4)') myName//'nodeSpan=', nodeSpan
1389#endif /* DEBUG_XC */
1391! Allocate a small temporary array
1392  allocate( subBox(2,0:maxval(axisNodes)-1,3) )
1394! Loop on the three cell axes
1395  do axis1 = 1,3
1397    ! (Re)initialize the axis distribution for the 1D FFT transforms
1398    oldDistr = axisDistr(axis1)
1399    call freeMeshDistr( axisDistr(axis1) )
1400    call initDistr( axisDistr(axis1), nMesh, 0, totNodes )
1402    ! Find the two other axes
1403    axis2 = modulo(axis1,3) + 1
1404    axis3 = modulo(axis2,3) + 1
1406    ! Point towards the apropriate axis distribution
1407    iDistr = indexDistr( axisDistr(axis1) )
1408    distr => storedMeshDistr(iDistr)
1410    ! Loop on the node boxes over the two other axes
1411    do iNode3 = 0,axisNodes(axis3)-1
1412    do iNode2 = 0,axisNodes(axis2)-1
1414      ! Find the first node in the row of nodes along axis1
1415      node0 = nodeSpan(axis2)*iNode2 + nodeSpan(axis3)*iNode3
1417      ! Find the box limits along axis2 and axis3
1418      call nodeMeshBox( nMesh, fftDistr, node0, box0 )
1420      ! Find the total box of a row of nodes along axis1
1421      rowNodes = axisNodes(axis1)
1422      rowMesh(1) = nMesh(axis1)
1423      rowMesh(2) = box0(2,axis2) - box0(1,axis2) + 1
1424      rowMesh(3) = box0(2,axis3) - box0(1,axis3) + 1
1426      ! Find an optimal (re)distribution of rowNodes along axis2 and/or axis3
1427      boxNodes(1) = 1
1428      call optimizeNodeDistr( rowMesh(2:3), rowNodes, boxNodes(2:3) )
1430      ! Divide the row box along axis2 and/or axis3
1431      subBox(1,0,1) = 0
1432      subBox(2,0,1) = nMesh(axis1) - 1
1433      call divideBox1D( box0(:,axis2), boxNodes(2), subBox(:,0:boxNodes(2)-1,2))
1434      call divideBox1D( box0(:,axis3), boxNodes(3), subBox(:,0:boxNodes(3)-1,3))
1436      ! Set the new boxes
1437      iNode = node0
1438      do jNode3 = 0,boxNodes(3)-1
1439      do jNode2 = 0,boxNodes(2)-1
1440        distr%box(1,axis1,iNode) = 0
1441        distr%box(2,axis1,iNode) = nMesh(axis1)-1
1442        distr%box(:,axis2,iNode) = subBox(:,jNode2,2)
1443        distr%box(:,axis3,iNode) = subBox(:,jNode3,3)
1444        iNode = iNode + nodeSpan(axis1)
1445      end do ! jNode2
1446      end do ! jNode3
1448#ifdef DEBUG_XC
1449!      write(udebug,'(a,2i4,3(2x,2i4))') &
1450!        myName//'axis1,node0,box0=', axis1, node0, box0
1451!      write(udebug,'(a,3i4)') myName//'boxNodes=', boxNodes
1452!      do jNode2 = 0,boxNodes(2)-1
1453!        write(udebug,'(a,i4,2x,3i4)') &
1454!          myName//'axis2,subBox=', axis2, subBox(:,jNode2,2)
1455!      end do
1456!      do jNode3 = 0,boxNodes(3)-1
1457!        write(udebug,'(a,i4,2x,3i4)') &
1458!          myName//'axis3,subBox=', axis3, subBox(:,jNode3,3)
1459!      end do
1460#endif /* DEBUG_XC */
1462    end do ! iNode2
1463    end do ! iNode3
1465    ! Check if this distribution was already defined
1466    call reduceDistr( axisDistr(axis1) )
1468#ifdef DEBUG_XC
1469    iDistr = indexDistr( axisDistr(axis1) )
1470    distr => storedMeshDistr(iDistr)
1471!    write(udebug,'(a,3i4)') myName//'axis1,axis2,axis3=', axis1, axis2, axis3
1472    write(udebug,'(a,6x,3i4,3(2x,2i4))') &
1473      myName//'    old/newDistrID,iDistr,myBox=', &
1474      oldDistr, axisDistr(axis1), iDistr, distr%box(:,:,myNode)
1475#endif /* DEBUG_XC */
1477  end do ! axis1
1479! Deallocate temporary array
1480  deallocate( subBox )
1482end subroutine fftMeshDistr
1486subroutine freeMeshDistr( distrID )
1488! Erases a mesh distribution ID and frees the distribution slot if
1489! no other IDs are assigned to it
1491  implicit none
1492  integer,intent(in):: distrID  ! ID of an allocated distribution
1494  character(len=*),parameter:: myName = 'freeMeshDistr '
1495  character(len=*),parameter:: errHead = myName//'ERROR: '
1496  integer:: iDistr, iID, iNode, it, iTask, taskID
1497  logical:: found
1498  type(distrType),pointer :: distr
1499  type(taskType),pointer :: task
1501! Find internal distribution index
1502  iDistr = indexDistr( distrID )
1504! Check that distribution exists
1505  if (iDistr<1 .or. iDistr>maxDistr) return
1506  distr => storedMeshDistr(iDistr) ! Just a shorter name
1508! Erase ID from the distribution
1509  do iID = 1,maxDistrID
1510    if (distr%ID(iID)==distrID) then
1511      distr%ID(iID) = -1
1512      exit ! iID loop
1513    end if
1514  end do ! iID
1516! Free distribution if no other IDs are assigned to it
1517  if (all(distr%ID<0)) then
1518    ! First free all distribution tasks
1519#ifdef DEBUG_XC
1520!    if (any(distr%task>0)) &
1521!      write(udebug,'(a,i3,2x,25i3,/,(32x,25i3))') &
1522!        myName//'iDistr,tasks=', iDistr, pack(distr%task,distr%task>0)
1523#endif /* DEBUG_XC */
1524    do it = 1,maxDistrTasks
1525      iTask = distr%task(it)
1526      if (iTask>0) then
1527        task => storedMeshTask(iTask)
1528        found = .false.
1529        do iID = 1,maxTaskID  ! Find a valid ID of task, to call freeMeshTask
1530          taskID = task%ID(iID)
1531          if (taskID>0) then
1532            found = .true.
1533            call freeMeshTask( taskID )
1534            exit ! iID loop
1535          end if ! (taskID>0)
1536        end do ! iID
1537        if (.not.found) call die(myName//'ERROR: no valid task ID found')
1538      end if ! (iTask>0)
1539    end do ! it
1540    ! Finally free distribution itself
1541    deallocate( distr%box )
1542    distr%defined = .false.
1543  end if
1545end subroutine freeMeshDistr
1549subroutine freeMeshTask( taskID )
1551! Erases a mesh task ID and frees the task slot if
1552! no other IDs are assigned to it
1554  implicit none
1555  integer,intent(in):: taskID  ! ID of an allocated task
1557  character(len=*),parameter:: myName = 'freeMeshTask '
1558  character(len=*),parameter:: errHead = myName//'ERROR: '
1559  integer:: distrID, i, iDistr, it, iTask, iID
1560  logical:: found
1561  type(distrType),pointer :: distr
1562  type(taskType),pointer :: task
1564! Find internal task index
1565  iTask = indexTask( taskID )
1567! Check that task exists
1568  if (iTask<1 .or. iTask>maxTasks) return
1569  task => storedMeshTask(iTask) ! Just a shorter name
1571#ifdef DEBUG_XC
1572!  write(udebug,'(a,2i4,2x,2i4)') &
1573!    myName//'taskID,iTask,task%distr=', taskID, iTask, task%distr
1574#endif /* DEBUG_XC */
1576! Erase ID from the task ID list
1577  do iID = 1,maxTaskID
1578    if (task%ID(iID)==taskID) then
1579      task%ID(iID) = -1
1580      exit ! iID loop
1581    end if
1582  end do ! iID
1584! Free task if no other IDs are assigned to it
1585  if (all(task%ID<0)) then
1586    ! First eliminate task from all its associated distributions
1587    do i = 1,2
1588      iDistr = task%distr(i)
1589      if (iDistr>0) then
1590        distr => storedMeshDistr(iDistr)
1591        found = .false.
1592        do it = 1,maxDistrTasks
1593          if (distr%task(it)==iTask) then
1594            distr%task(it) = -1
1595            found = .true.
1596          end if
1597        end do ! it
1598        if (.not.found) call die(errHead//'task-distr association not found')
1599      end if ! (iDistr>0)
1600    end do ! i
1601    ! Finally free task itself
1602    deallocate( task%trsfDir, task%trsfNode, task%dstBox, task%srcBox )
1603    task%associated = .false.
1604    task%optimized = .false.
1605    task%defined = .false.
1606    task%distr = -1
1607    task%ID = -1
1608  end if
1610end subroutine freeMeshTask
1614subroutine gatherBoxes( box, boxes )
1616! Gathers the mesh boxes of all processors
1618  implicit none
1619  integer,intent(in) :: box(2,3)                 ! My node's mesh box
1620  integer,intent(out):: boxes(2,3,0:totNodes-1)  ! All node's boxes
1622#ifdef HAVE_MPI
1623! Gather the boxes of all nodes
1624  call MPI_AllGather( box(1,1) , 6, MPI_Integer, &
1625                      boxes(1,1,0), 6, MPI_Integer, COMM, MPIerror )
1627! Copy the only node's box
1628  boxes(:,:,0) = box(:,:)
1631end subroutine gatherBoxes
1635integer function indexDistr( distrID )
1637! Returns the internal memory position in which a distribution is stored or
1638!   0 if distrID==0
1639!  -1 if there is no allocated distribution with that ID
1641  implicit none
1642  integer,intent(in):: distrID ! Distribution ID
1644  integer:: iDistr
1646  indexDistr = -1
1648  if (distrID==0) then
1649    indexDistr = 0
1650  else if (distrID>0) then
1651    do iDistr = 1,maxDistr
1652      if ( storedMeshDistr(iDistr)%defined .and. &
1653           any(storedMeshDistr(iDistr)%ID==distrID) ) then
1654        indexDistr = iDistr
1655        return
1656      end if
1657    end do ! iDistr
1658  end if
1660end function indexDistr
1664integer function indexTask( taskID )
1666! Returns the internal memory position in which a task is stored or
1667!  -1 if there is no allocated task with that ID
1669  implicit none
1670  integer,intent(in):: taskID ! Task ID
1672  integer:: iTask
1674  indexTask = -1
1676  if (taskID>0) then
1677    do iTask = 1,maxTasks
1678      if ( any(storedMeshTask(iTask)%ID==taskID) ) then
1679        indexTask = iTask
1680        return
1681      end if
1682    end do ! iTask
1683  end if
1685end function indexTask
1689subroutine initDistr( distrID, nMesh, firstNode, nNodes )
1691! Initializes a parallel distribution of mesh points among processor nodes.
1692! In serial execution (totNodes==1) it simply returns distrID=0.
1694  implicit none
1695  integer,intent(out):: distrID   ! ID assigned to the mesh distrib.
1696  integer,intent(in) :: nMesh(3)  ! Mesh divisions in each axis
1697                                  ! (including "subpoints")
1698  integer,intent(in) :: firstNode ! First node in the mesh distr.
1699  integer,intent(in) :: nNodes    ! Total nodes in the mesh distr
1700                                  ! If not present all nodes are used
1702  character(len=*),parameter:: myName = moduleName//'initDistr '
1703  character(len=*),parameter:: errHead = myName//'ERROR: '
1704  type(distrType),pointer:: distr
1705  integer:: iDistr, iID
1706  logical:: found
1708! Trap the serial case (totNodes available from module parallel)
1709  if (totNodes==1) then
1710    distrID = 0
1711    return
1712  end if
1714! Find an available internal distribution slot
1715  found = .false.
1716  do iDistr = 1,maxDistr
1717    if (all(storedMeshDistr(iDistr)%ID<0)) then  ! Available (empty) slot
1718      found = .true.
1719      exit ! iDistr loop
1720    end if
1721  end do ! iDistr
1722  if (.not.found) call die(errHead//'parameter maxDistr too small')
1724! Increase private distribution ID counter and assign it to new distribution
1725  nDistrID = nDistrID + 1
1726  distrID = nDistrID
1728! Set distribution parameters, except box
1729  distr => storedMeshDistr(iDistr)  ! Just a shorter name
1730  distr%defined = .true.
1731  distr%firstNode = firstNode
1732  distr%nNodes = nNodes
1733  distr%nMesh = nMesh
1734  distr%task = -1
1735  distr%ID(:) = -1
1736  distr%ID(1) = distrID
1738! Allocate box array
1739  allocate( distr%box(2,3,0:totNodes-1) )
1741! Initialize node boxes so that lower bound > upper bound (null box)
1742  distr%box(1,:,:) = 0
1743  distr%box(2,:,:) = -1
1745#ifdef DEBUG_XC
1746! write(udebug,'(a,2i6)') myName//'distrID,iDistr=', distrID, iDistr
1747#endif /* DEBUG_XC */
1749end subroutine initDistr
1753subroutine initTask( taskID )
1755! Initializes the ID of a communication task of mesh data
1757  implicit none
1758  integer,intent(out):: taskID
1760  character(len=*),parameter:: myName = moduleName//'initTask '
1761  character(len=*),parameter:: errHead = myName//'ERROR: '
1762  logical:: found
1763  integer:: iTask
1764  type(taskType),pointer:: task
1766! Trap the serial case (totNodes available from module parallel)
1767  if (totNodes==1) then
1768    taskID = 0
1769    return
1770  end if
1772! Find an available internal distribution slot
1773  found = .false.
1774  do iTask = 1,maxTasks
1775    if (all(storedMeshTask(iTask)%ID<0)) then ! Available (empty) slot
1776      found = .true.
1777      exit ! iTask loop
1778    end if
1779  end do ! iTask
1780  if (.not.found) call die(errHead//'parameter maxTasks too small')
1782! Increase private distribution ID counter and assign it to new distribution
1783  nTaskID = nTaskID + 1
1784  taskID = nTaskID
1786! Set task parameters, except boxes
1787  task => storedMeshTask(iTask)  ! Just a shorter name
1788  task%defined = .false.
1789  task%optimized = .false.
1790  task%associated = .false.
1791  task%distr = -1
1792  task%nTrsf = 0
1793  task%ID = -1
1794  task%ID(1) = taskID
1796! Allocate transfer sequence (a send and a receive to/from each other node)
1797  allocate( task%trsfNode(0:2*(totNodes-1)) )
1798  allocate( task%trsfDir(0:2*(totNodes-1)) )
1800! Allocate box arrays
1801  allocate( task%srcBox(2,3,0:totNodes-1) )
1802  allocate( task%dstBox(2,3,0:totNodes-1) )
1804! Initialize boxes so that lower bound > upper bound (null box)
1805  task%srcBox(1,:,:) = 0
1806  task%srcBox(2,:,:) = -1
1807  task%dstBox(1,:,:) = 0
1808  task%dstBox(2,:,:) = -1
1810#ifdef DEBUG_XC
1811! write(udebug,'(a,2i6)') myName//'taskID, iTask=', taskID, iTask
1812#endif /* DEBUG_XC */
1814end subroutine initTask
1818subroutine myMeshBox( nMesh, distrID, box )
1820! Finds the mesh box belonging to a node in a parallel mesh distribution,
1821! If iDistr=0, it returns box(1,:)=0 and  box(2,:)=nMesh(:)-1
1822! If node stores no mesh points, its (empty) box returns with box(1,:)>box(2,:)
1823! Note: although nMesh is available from the distr. data, it is also included
1824! in the routine arguments, to handle directly the case iDistr=0.
1826  implicit none
1827  integer, intent(in) :: nMesh(3)  ! Mesh divisions in each axis
1828  integer, intent(in) :: distrID   ! Mesh-distribution ID
1829  integer, intent(out):: box(2,3)  ! Mesh box: box(1,:) = lower bounds
1830                                   !           box(2,:) = upper bounds
1832  call nodeMeshBox( nMesh, distrID, myNode, box )
1834end subroutine myMeshBox
1838subroutine nodeMeshBox( nMesh, distrID, node, box )
1840! Finds the mesh box belonging to a node in a parallel mesh distribution,
1841! If iDistr=0, it returns box(1,:)=0 and  box(2,:)=nMesh(:)-1
1842! If node stores no mesh points, its (empty) box returns with box(1,:)>box(2,:)
1843! Note: although nMesh is available from the distr. data, it is also included
1844! in the routine arguments, to handle directly the case iDistr=0.
1846  implicit none
1847  integer,intent(in) :: nMesh(3)  ! Mesh divisions in each axis
1848  integer,intent(in) :: distrID   ! Mesh-distribution ID
1849  integer,intent(in) :: node      ! Processor node whose box is needed
1850                                  ! If not present, node=myNode
1851  integer,intent(out):: box(2,3)  ! Mesh box: box(1,:) = lower bounds
1852                                  !           box(2,:) = upper bounds
1854  character(len=*),parameter:: myName = 'nodeMeshBox '
1855  character(len=*),parameter:: errHead = myName//'ERROR: '
1857  integer:: iDistr
1859  if (distrID==0) then ! Data not distributed
1860    box(1,:) = 0
1861    box(2,:) = nMesh(:)-1
1862  else
1863    iDistr = indexDistr( distrID )
1864    if (iDistr>0 .and. iDistr<=maxDistr) then
1865      if (any(nMesh/=storedMeshDistr(iDistr)%nMesh)) &
1866        call die(errHead//'nMesh/=distr%nMesh')
1867      box(:,:) = storedMeshDistr(iDistr)%box(:,:,node)
1868    else
1869      call die(errHead//'undefined mesh distribution')
1870    end if
1871  end if
1873end subroutine nodeMeshBox
1877subroutine optimizeNodeDistr( nMesh, nNodes, axisNodes )
1879! Finds a reasonably optimal distribution of nodes over the different axes.
1880! Optimal here means that it leads to most cubic mesh boxes for each node.
1882  implicit none
1883  integer,intent(in) :: nMesh(:)     ! Mesh points in each axis
1884  integer,intent(in) :: nNodes       ! Total number of processor nodes
1885  integer,intent(out):: axisNodes(:) ! Number of nodes in each axis
1887  character(len=*),parameter:: myName = moduleName//'optimizeNodeDistr '
1888  character(len=*),parameter:: errHead = myName//'ERROR: '
1889  integer,parameter:: maxFac = 1000
1890  integer :: fac(maxFac), i2, i3, i5, iFac1, iFac2, iRem, &
1891             n, n2, n3, n5, nAxes, nFac, nod1, nod2, nod3, nRem, remFac
1892  real(dp):: box1, box2, box3, boxAvg, boxErr, minErr
1894! Find number of axes and handle the trivial single-axis case
1895  nAxes = size(nMesh)
1896  if (nAxes<1) then
1897    return
1898  else if (nAxes==1) then
1899    axisNodes(1) = nNodes
1900    return
1901  else if (nAxes>3) then
1902    call die(errHead//'not prepared for nAxes>3')
1903  end if
1905! Find prime factors of nNodes (only 2, 3, and 5 coded presently) so that
1906!   nNodes = 2**n2 * 3**n3 * 5**n5 * remFac**nRem
1907  n = nNodes
1908  n2 = 0
1909  n3 = 0
1910  n5 = 0
1911  do
1912    if (mod(n,2)==0) then
1913      n2 = n2 + 1
1914      n = n / 2
1915    else if (mod(n,3)==0) then
1916      n3 = n3 + 1
1917      n = n / 3
1918    else if (mod(n,5)==0) then
1919      n5 = n5 + 1
1920      n = n / 5
1921    else
1922      exit ! do loop
1923    end if
1924  end do
1925  remFac = n
1926  if (remFac==1) then
1927    nRem = 0
1928  else
1929    nRem = 1
1930  end if
1932! Find all possible factors of nNodes
1933  nFac = 0
1934  do i2 = 0,n2
1935    do i3 = 0,n3
1936      do i5 = 0,n5
1937        do iRem = 0,nRem
1938          nFac = nFac + 1
1939          if (nFac>maxFac) call die(errHead//'parameter maxFac too small')
1940          fac(nFac) = 2**i2 * 3**i3 * 5**i5 * remFac**iRem
1941        end do ! iRem
1942      end do ! i5
1943    end do ! i3
1944  end do ! i2
1946! Try all possible combinations of factors on each axis and select that with
1947! most cubic boxes
1948  minErr = huge(minErr)
1949  do iFac1 = 1,nFac
1950    nod1 = fac(iFac1)
1951    box1 = nMesh(1) / real(nod1,dp)
1952    if (nAxes==2) then
1953      nod2 = nNodes / nod1
1954      box2 = nMesh(2) / real(nod2,dp)
1955      boxAvg = (box1 + box2) / 2
1956      boxErr = log(box1/boxAvg)**2 + log(box2/boxAvg)**2
1957      if (boxErr<minErr) then
1958        axisNodes(1) = nod1
1959        axisNodes(2) = nod2
1960        minErr = boxErr
1961      end if
1962    else ! (nAxes==3)
1963      do iFac2 = 1,nFac
1964        nod2 = fac(iFac2)
1965        if (mod(nNodes,nod1*nod2) /= 0) cycle ! iFac2 loop
1966        nod3 = nNodes / (nod1*nod2)
1967        box2 = nMesh(2) / real(nod2,dp)
1968        box3 = nMesh(3) / real(nod3,dp)
1969        boxAvg = (box1 + box2 + box3) / 3
1970        boxErr = log(box1/boxAvg)**2 + log(box2/boxAvg)**2 + log(box3/boxAvg)**2
1971        if (boxErr<minErr) then
1972          axisNodes(1) = nod1
1973          axisNodes(2) = nod2
1974          axisNodes(3) = nod3
1975          minErr = boxErr
1976        end if
1977      end do ! iFac2
1978    end if ! (nAxes==2)
1979  end do ! iFac1
1981end subroutine optimizeNodeDistr
1985subroutine optimizeTransferOrder( nNodes, node, nTrsf, trsfNode, trsfDir )
1987! Searches an optimal order of transfer communications
1990  implicit none
1991  integer,intent(in) :: nNodes   ! Number of parallel processor nodes. The
1992                                 ! number of transfers per node is 2*nNodes-1
1993  integer,intent(in) :: node     ! Local processor node, in range (0:nNodes-1)
1994  integer,intent(in) :: nTrsf    ! Number of required transfers
1995  integer,intent(inout):: trsfNode(nTrsf) ! To/from transfer node.
1996                                 ! First 'transfer' is local: trsfNode(0)=node
1997  integer,intent(inout):: trsfDir(nTrsf)  ! Transfer direction:
1998                                 ! trsfDir=+1 => from node to trsfNode
1999                                 ! trsfDir=-1 => from trsfNode to node
2001  character(len=*),parameter:: myName = moduleName//'optimizeTransferOrder '
2002  character(len=*),parameter:: errHead = myName//'ERROR: '
2003  real(dp),        parameter:: incrFact = 2.0_dp ! Memory increase factor >1
2004  integer:: dir12, i1, i2, iter, iTrsf, maxTime, maxTrsf, MPIerror, &
2005            myNode, node1, node2, nTrsfNode1, time, trsf12
2006  integer:: orderNode1(nNodes), orderNode2(2*nNodes)
2007  logical:: found
2008  real(dp):: nTrsfNode(2*nNodes)
2009  integer, pointer:: inTrsf(:,:)=>null(), &
2010                    myTrsf(:)=>null(), outTrsf(:,:)=>null()
2012! In serial execution, do nothing
2013#ifdef HAVE_MPI
2015! Find the maximun number of transfers of any node
2016  call MPI_AllReduce( nTrsf, maxTrsf, 1, MPI_Integer, &
2017                      MPI_Max, Comm, MPIerror )
2019! Trap a trivial case, in which there is nothing to optimize
2020  if (maxTrsf < 2) return
2022#ifdef DEBUG_XC
2023!  write(udebug,'(a,2i6)') myName//'nTrsf,maxTrsf=', nTrsf, maxTrsf
2024!  if (maxTrsf > 2*nNodes) call die(errHead//'too many transfers per node')
2025#endif /* DEBUG_XC */
2027! Allocate arrays for the input transfer sequences of all nodes
2028  call re_alloc( myTrsf, 1,maxTrsf, name=myName//'myTrsf' )
2029  call re_alloc( inTrsf, 1,maxTrsf, 1,nNodes, name=myName//'inTrsf' )
2031! Copy transfer sequence of my node to a different format
2032! Absolute value stores transfer node. Sign stores transfer direction.
2033! Internally, we use range (1:nNodes) rather than (0:nNodes-1)
2034  myNode = node + 1
2035  myTrsf(1:nTrsf) = trsfDir(:)*(trsfNode(:)+1)
2037! Gather initial transfer sequence of all nodes
2038  call MPI_AllGather( myTrsf, maxTrsf, MPI_Integer, &
2039                      inTrsf(1,1), maxTrsf, MPI_Integer, COMM, MPIerror )
2041! Find the number of transfers of each node
2042  nTrsfNode(1:nNodes) = count( inTrsf(:,1:nNodes)/=0, dim=1 )
2044! Find the order of nodes by increasing number of transfers
2045  call ordix( nTrsfNode, 1, nNodes, orderNode1 )
2047! Allocate array for the optimized transfer times of all nodes
2048  maxTime = maxTrsf * incrFact
2049  call re_alloc( outTrsf, 1,maxTime, 1,nNodes, name=myName//'outTrsf' )
2051! Schedule the transfers of each node
2052  do i1 = nNodes,1,-1  ! Give priority to busiest nodes
2053    node1 = orderNode1(i1)
2055    ! Find the number of transfers of node 1
2056    nTrsfNode1 = count( inTrsf(:,node1)/=0 )
2058    ! Find the number of transfers of each node2, that transfers to/from node1
2059    do i2 = 1,nTrsfNode1
2060      node2 = abs( inTrsf(i2,node1) )
2061      nTrsfNode(i2) = count( inTrsf(:,node2)/=0 )
2062    end do
2064    ! Order node2 by increasing number of transfers
2065    call ordix( nTrsfNode, 1, nTrsfNode1, orderNode2 )
2067    ! Assign a time to each unassigned transfer of node1
2068    do iTrsf = nTrsfNode1,1,-1  ! Give priority to busiest node2
2069      i2 = orderNode2(iTrsf)
2071      trsf12 = inTrsf(i2,node1)
2072      node2 = abs( trsf12 )
2073      dir12 = sign( 1, trsf12 )
2075      ! Check that this transfer is not already assigned
2076      if (any(outTrsf(:,node1)==trsf12)) cycle ! iTrsf loop
2078      ! Look for the first available transfer time and assign it
2079      found = .false.
2080      realloc_loop: do iter = 1,2  ! Loop for case that maxTime is too small
2081        do time = 1,maxTime
2082          if (outTrsf(time,node1)==0 .and. outTrsf(time,node2)==0) then
2083            outTrsf(time,node1) =  dir12*node2
2084            outTrsf(time,node2) = -dir12*node1
2085            found = .true.
2086            exit realloc_loop
2087          end if
2088        end do ! iTime
2089        ! If no available time found, increase maxTime
2090        maxTime = maxTime*incrFact + 1
2091        call re_alloc( outTrsf, 1,maxTime, 1,nNodes, &
2092                       name=myName//'outTrsf', copy=.true. )
2093      end do realloc_loop
2095#ifdef DEBUG_XC
2096      if (.not.found) call die(errHead//'parameter incrFact too small')
2097#endif /* DEBUG_XC */
2098    end do ! iTrsf
2100    ! Copy transfer sequence to output arrays
2101    if (node1==myNode) then
2102      ! Pack transfer sequence, removing idle times for myNode
2103      myTrsf(1:nTrsf) = pack( outTrsf(:,myNode), outTrsf(:,myNode)/=0 )
2104      ! The -1 is to change back from node range (1:nNodes) to (0:nNodes-1)
2105      trsfNode = abs( myTrsf(1:nTrsf) ) - 1
2106      trsfDir = sign( 1, myTrsf(1:nTrsf) )
2107#ifdef DEBUG_XC
2108!      write(udebug,'(a,20i4)') myName//' inTrsf=', inTrsf(1:nTrsf,myNode)
2109!      write(udebug,'(a,20i4)') myName//'outTrsf=', myTrsf(1:nTrsf)
2110#endif /* DEBUG_XC */
2111      exit ! i1 loop
2112    end if
2114  end do ! i1
2116! Deallocate arrays
2117  call de_alloc( outTrsf, name=myName//'outTrsf' )
2118  call de_alloc( inTrsf, name=myName//'inTrsf' )
2119  call de_alloc( myTrsf, name=myName//'myTrsf' )
2123end subroutine optimizeTransferOrder
2127subroutine primeFactors( n, factor, power, nFactors )
2129! Finds prime factors of n
2131  implicit none
2132  integer,intent(in) :: n          ! Number to be factorized
2133  integer,intent(out):: factor(:)  ! Different prime factors in ascending order
2134  integer,intent(out):: power(:)   ! Power of each prime factor
2135  integer,intent(out):: nFactors   ! Number of different factors found
2137  integer:: i, m
2139  nFactors = 0
2140  m = n
2141  do i = 2,n  ! This is crude, but simple!
2142    if (mod(m,i)==0) then  ! i is a factor o m
2143      nFactors = nFactors + 1
2144      if (nFactors>size(factor)) &
2145        call die(moduleName//'primeFactors: ERROR: size(factor) too small')
2146      factor(nFactors) = i
2147      power(nFactors) = 0
2148      do ! loop to find power
2149        if (mod(m,i)==0) then
2150          power(nFactors) = power(nFactors) + 1
2151          m = m / i
2152        else
2153          exit ! power loop
2154        end if ! (mod(m,i)==0)
2155      end do ! power loop
2156    end if ! (mod(m,i)==0)
2157    if (m==1) exit ! i loop
2158  end do ! i
2160end subroutine primeFactors
2164subroutine projection( nMesh, srcBox, srcData, prjBox, prjData )
2166! Projects a box of values, defined in a 3D mesh of a periodic unit cell,
2167! onto each of the three mesh axes. The projected box must be entirely
2168! inside the source box.
2170  implicit none
2171  integer, intent(in) :: nMesh(3)          ! Global mesh size in each axis
2172  integer, intent(in) :: srcBox(2,3)       ! Source data mesh box:
2173                                           ! srcBox(1,iAxis)=lower box limits
2174                                           ! srcBox(2,iAxis)=upper box limits
2175  real(gp),intent(in) :: srcData(0:,0:,0:) ! Source data values to be copied
2176                                           ! Its upper array bounds must be
2177                                           ! srcBox(2,iAxis)-srcBox(1,iAxis)
2178  integer, intent(in) :: prjBox(2,3)       ! Projection mesh box. Must be
2179                                           ! prjBox(1,:)>=srcBox(1,:) and
2180                                           ! prjBox(2,:)<=srcBox(2,:)
2181  real(gp),intent(out):: prjData(:,0:)     ! Projected data values:
2182                          ! prjData(iAxis,0:prjBox(2,iAxis)-prjBox(1,iAxis))
2184  character(len=*),parameter:: myName = moduleName//'projection '
2185  character(len=*),parameter:: errHead = myName//'ERROR: '
2186  integer:: i1, i1max, i1min, i2, i2max, i2min, i3, i3max, i3min
2188! Check box limits
2189  if (any(prjBox(1,:)<srcBox(1,:)) .or. &
2190      any(prjBox(2,:)>srcBox(2,:)) )    &
2191    call die(errHead//'prjBox outside srcBox')
2193! Check array sizes
2194  if (any( shape(srcData) /= srcBox(2,:)-srcBox(1,:)+1 )) &
2195    call die(errHead//'shape of array srcData inconsistent with srcBox')
2196  if (size(prjData,2) < maxval(prjBox(2,:)-prjBox(1,:)+1)) &
2197    call die(errHead//'size of array prjData too small')
2199! Find prjBox limits relative to srcBox origin
2200  i1min = prjBox(1,1) - srcBox(1,1)
2201  i1max = prjBox(2,1) - srcBox(1,1)
2202  i2min = prjBox(1,2) - srcBox(1,2)
2203  i2max = prjBox(2,2) - srcBox(1,2)
2204  i3min = prjBox(1,3) - srcBox(1,3)
2205  i3max = prjBox(2,3) - srcBox(1,3)
2207! Find projection along each axis
2208  prjData = 0
2209  do i1 = i1min,i1max
2210    prjData(1,i1-i1min) = sum( srcData(i1,i2min:i2max,i3min:i3max) )
2211  end do
2212  do i2 = i2min,i2max
2213    prjData(2,i2-i2min) = sum( srcData(i1min:i1max,i2,i3min:i3max) )
2214  end do
2215  do i3 = i3min,i3max
2216    prjData(3,i3-i3min) = sum( srcData(i1min:i1max,i2min:i2max,i3) )
2217  end do
2219end subroutine projection
2223subroutine projectMeshData( nMesh, srcDistr, srcData, prjBox, prjData, task )
2225! Projects a box of values, defined in a 3D mesh of a periodic unit cell,
2226! onto each of the three mesh axes.
2227! The box limits may be partly or entirely outside the first unit cell.
2228! In parallel execution, the routine handles the interprocessor transfers
2229! needed to bring the requested box data from the nodes that store them.
2231  implicit none
2232  integer, intent(in) :: nMesh(3)          ! Global mesh size in each axis
2233  integer, intent(in) :: srcDistr          ! Distribution ID of source data
2234                                           ! or zero for serial execution
2235  real(gp),intent(in) :: srcData(0:,0:,0:) ! Source data values to be copied
2236                                           ! Its upper array bounds must be
2237                                           ! those assigned to the node by
2238                                           ! the srcDistr parallel distrib.
2239                                           ! or nMesh(iAxis)-1 in serial exe
2240  integer, intent(in) :: prjBox(2,3)       ! Projection mesh box:
2241                                           ! box(1,iAxis)=lower box limits
2242                                           ! box(2,iAxis)=upper box limits
2243                                           ! Box needs not be within the
2244                                           ! (0:nMesh-1) unit-cell range
2245  real(gp),intent(out):: prjData(:,0:)     ! Projected data values:
2246                          ! prjData(iAxis,0:prjBox(2,iAxis)-prjBox(1,iAxis))
2247  integer,intent(inout),optional:: task    ! ID of communication task
2249  character(len=*),parameter:: myName = moduleName//'projectMeshData '
2250  character(len=*),parameter:: errHead = myName//'ERROR: '
2251  integer :: srcBox(2,3), srcMesh(3)
2252  real(gp),pointer:: mySrcData(:,:,:,:)=>null()
2254! Associate task to distributions
2255  if (present(task)) call associateMeshTask( task, srcDistr )
2257! Find box limits of source data in this node
2258  call myMeshBox( nMesh, srcDistr, srcBox )
2259  srcMesh = srcBox(2,:) - srcBox(1,:) + 1
2261! Check array shapes
2262!  if (any( shape(srcData) /= srcMesh )) &
2263!    call die( errHead//'incorrect shape of srcData array' )
2264  if (any( shape(srcData) /= srcMesh )) then
2265#ifdef DEBUG_XC
2266    write(udebug,'(a,i6,3(2x,2i4))') &
2267      errHead//'srcDistr,srcBox =', srcDistr, srcBox
2268    write(udebug,'(a,3i6,3x,3i6)') &
2269      errHead//'shape(srcData),srcMesh =', shape(srcData), srcMesh
2270#endif /* DEBUG_XC */
2271    call die( errHead//'incorrect shape of srcData array' )
2272  end if
2273  if (size(prjData,2) < maxval(prjBox(2,:)-prjBox(1,:)+1)) &
2274    call die( errHead//'size of prjData array too small' )
2276! Copy srcData into a rank-4 array to call reduceData
2277  call re_alloc( mySrcData, 0,srcMesh(1)-1, 0,srcMesh(2)-1, 0,srcMesh(3)-1, &
2278                 1,1, myName//'mySrcData' )
2279  mySrcData(0:srcMesh(1)-1,0:srcMesh(2)-1,0:srcMesh(3)-1,1) = &
2280    srcData(0:srcMesh(1)-1,0:srcMesh(2)-1,0:srcMesh(3)-1)
2282! Find projection
2283  call reduceData( nMesh, srcBox, mySrcData, prjBox, prjData=prjData, &
2284                       taskID=task )
2286! Deallocate temporary array
2287  call de_alloc( mySrcData, myName//'mySrcData' )
2289end subroutine projectMeshData
2293subroutine redistributeMeshData( srcDistr, srcData, dstDistr, dstData, task )
2295! Copies data values on the mesh with a new mesh distribution among nodes
2297  implicit none
2298  integer,        intent(in) :: srcDistr            ! Distrib. ID of srcData
2299  real(gp),target,intent(in) :: srcData(0:,0:,0:,:) ! Input source data
2300  integer,        intent(in) :: dstDistr            ! Distrib. ID of dstData
2301  real(gp),pointer           :: dstData(:,:,:,:)    ! Output destination array
2302                                          ! (it must be different from srcData)
2303  integer,intent(inout),optional:: task   ! ID of communication task
2305  character(len=*),parameter:: myName = 'redistributeMeshData '
2306  character(len=*),parameter:: errHead = myName//'ERROR: '
2307  integer:: dstBox(2,3), dstMesh(3), iDistr, nData, nMesh(3)
2308  integer:: i1, i2, i3, idat   ! provisional addition. JMS, June 2013
2310! For serial execution, avoid allocating a new array
2311  if (srcDistr==0 .and. dstDistr==0) then
2312    dstData => srcData
2313    return
2314  else if (srcDistr<=0 .or. dstDistr<=0) then
2315    call die(errHead//'invalid srcDistr or dstDistr')
2316  end if
2318! Find mesh box of node in new distribution
2319  iDistr = indexDistr( dstDistr )
2320  if (iDistr<=0 .or. iDistr>maxDistr) call die(errHead//'invalid dstDistr')
2321  nMesh = storedMeshDistr(iDistr)%nMesh
2322  call myMeshBox( nMesh, dstDistr, dstBox )
2323  dstMesh(:) = dstBox(2,:) - dstBox(1,:) + 1
2325! Allocate destination data array
2326  nData = size(srcData,4)
2327  call re_alloc( dstData, 0,dstMesh(1)-1, 0,dstMesh(2)-1, 0,dstMesh(3)-1, &
2328                 1,nData, name=myName//'dstData', copy=.false., shrink=.true. )
2330! Copy srcData to dstData
2331  if ( sameMeshDistr(srcDistr,dstDistr) ) then
2332    ! Provisional loops to circunvent an apparent compiler bug. JMS, June 2013.
2333    do idat = 1,nData
2334      do i3 = 0,dstMesh(3)-1
2335      do i2 = 0,dstMesh(2)-1
2336      do i1 = 0,dstMesh(1)-1
2337        dstData(i1,i2,i3,idat) = srcData(i1,i2,i3,idat)
2338      end do
2339      end do
2340      end do
2341    end do
2342!    dstData = srcData   ! original code
2343  else
2344    call copyMeshData( nMesh, srcDistr, srcData, dstBox, dstData, task )
2345  end if
2347end subroutine redistributeMeshData
2351subroutine reduceData( nMesh, srcBox, srcData, dstBox, dstData, prjData, &
2352                       taskID )
2354! Reduces (adds) a box of values defined in a 3D mesh of a periodic unit cell.
2355! The box limits may be entirely inside, or partially or totally outside
2356! the unit cell, which is periodically repeated to fill the box.
2357! In parallel execution, the routine handles the interprocessor transfers
2358! needed to bring the requested box data from the nodes that store them.
2360  implicit none
2361  integer, intent(in) :: nMesh(3)          ! Global mesh size in each axis
2362  integer, intent(in) :: srcBox(2,3)       ! Source mesh box:
2363                                           ! box(1,iAxis)=lower box limits
2364                                           ! box(2,iAxis)=upper box limits
2365                                           ! Boxes may be larger than the
2366                                           ! (0:nMesh-1) unit-cell range
2367  real(gp),intent(in) :: srcData(0:,0:,0:,:) ! Source data values to be copied
2368                                           ! Its upper array bounds must be
2369                                           ! enough to contain the node box in
2370                                           ! the srcDistr parallel distrib.
2371                                           ! or nMesh(iAxis)-1 in serial exe
2372  integer, intent(in) :: dstBox(2,3)       ! Destination mesh box
2373  real(gp),intent(inout),optional:: dstData(0:,0:,0:,:)
2374                                           ! Destination data values.
2375                                           ! The upper array bounds must be
2376                                           ! dstBox(2,iAxis)-dst(1,iAxis)
2377                                           ! dstData is NOT initialized
2378  real(gp),intent(out),optional:: prjData(:,0:) ! Projected data values:
2379                          ! prjData(iAxis,0:prjBox(2,iAxis)-prjBox(1,iAxis))
2380                          ! Only srcData(:,:,:,1) is projected
2381  integer,intent(inout),optional:: taskID  ! ID of communication task
2383  character(len=*),parameter:: myName = moduleName//'reduceData '
2384  character(len=*),parameter:: errHead = myName//'ERROR: '
2385  integer,allocatable:: dstBoxes(:,:,:), srcBoxes(:,:,:), &
2386                        trsfDir(:), trsfNode(:)
2387  integer :: comBox(2,3), arrayS(4,2), &
2388             dstComBox(2,3,maxParts), dstNode, dstSize, &
2389             i, ic, ix, iNode, iPart, iTask, iTrsf, &
2390             maxMesh, nData, nParts, nTrsf, partSize, &
2391             sizeSum(0:maxParts), srcComBox(2,3,maxParts), &
2392             srcNode, srcSize, trsfSize, trueTrsf
2393  logical :: taskDefined, taskOptimized
2394  real(gp),allocatable:: prjBuff(:,:)
2395  real(gp),pointer:: trsfBuff(:)=>null()
2396  type(taskType),pointer:: task
2398#ifdef DEBUG_XC
2399!  write(udebug,'(a,i4,3(2x,2i4),2x,3(2x,2i4))') &
2400!    myName//'myNode+1,srcBox,dstBox=', myNode+1, srcBox, dstBox
2401#endif /* DEBUG_XC */
2403! Check that one of dstData or prjData is present
2404  if (.not.present(dstData) .and. .not.present(prjData)) return
2406! Check array shapes
2407  nData = size(srcData,4)
2408  do ic = 1,3
2409    if (size(srcData,ic) < srcBox(2,ic)-srcBox(1,ic)+1) &
2410      call die( errHead//'incorrect array shape of srcData' )
2411  end do
2412  if (present(dstData)) then
2413    do ic = 1,3
2414      if (size(dstData,ic) < dstBox(2,ic)-dstBox(1,ic)+1) &
2415        call die( errHead//'incorrect array shape of dstData' )
2416    end do
2417    if (size(dstData,4) /= nData) &
2418      call die( errHead//'inconsistent size of srcData and dstData' )
2419  end if
2420  if (present(prjData)) then
2421    if (size(prjData,2) < maxval(dstBox(2,:)-dstBox(1,:)+1)) &
2422      call die( errHead//'size of prjData array too small' )
2423  end if
2425! Allocate buffer for projection data transfer
2426  if (present(prjData)) then
2427    maxMesh = maxval(nMesh)
2428    allocate( prjBuff(3,0:maxMesh-1) )
2429  end if
2431! Find common intersection between srcBox and dstBox
2432  call commonBox( nMesh, srcBox, dstBox, srcComBox, dstComBox, sizeSum, nParts )
2434! Copy local data from each part of source box
2435  if (present(dstData)) then
2436    do iPart = 1,nParts
2437      dstData(dstComBox(1,1,iPart):dstComBox(2,1,iPart),     &
2438              dstComBox(1,2,iPart):dstComBox(2,2,iPart),     &
2439              dstComBox(1,3,iPart):dstComBox(2,3,iPart),:) = &
2440      dstData(dstComBox(1,1,iPart):dstComBox(2,1,iPart),     &
2441              dstComBox(1,2,iPart):dstComBox(2,2,iPart),     &
2442              dstComBox(1,3,iPart):dstComBox(2,3,iPart),:) + &
2443      srcData(srcComBox(1,1,iPart):srcComBox(2,1,iPart),     &
2444              srcComBox(1,2,iPart):srcComBox(2,2,iPart),     &
2445              srcComBox(1,3,iPart):srcComBox(2,3,iPart),:)
2446    end do ! iPart
2447  end if ! (present(dstData))
2449! Project local data onto axes of projection box
2450  if (present(prjData)) then
2451    prjData(:,:) = 0
2452    do iPart = 1,nParts
2453      ! Find common box relative to origin of unit cell
2454      comBox(1,:) = srcComBox(1,:,iPart) + srcBox(1,:)
2455      comBox(2,:) = srcComBox(2,:,iPart) + srcBox(1,:)
2456      ! Find projection of srcData in comBox
2457      call projection( nMesh, srcBox, srcData(:,:,:,1), comBox, prjBuff )
2458      ! Accumulate projection onto output array
2459      do ix = 1,3
2460        prjData(ix,dstComBox(1,ix,iPart):dstComBox(2,ix,iPart)) = &
2461        prjData(ix,dstComBox(1,ix,iPart):dstComBox(2,ix,iPart)) + &
2462          prjBuff(ix,0:comBox(2,ix)-comBox(1,ix))
2463      end do
2464    end do ! iPart
2465  end if ! (present(prjData))
2467! If totNodes=1 => serial case (all data are local) => all is done
2468  if (totNodes==1) return
2470! Else we need MPI code
2471#ifdef HAVE_MPI
2473! Find the stored data about this communication task
2474  taskDefined = .false.
2475  taskOptimized = .false.
2476  if (present(taskID)) then
2477    iTask = indexTask( taskID )
2478    if (iTask<0) then  ! Create a new task
2479      call initTask( taskID )
2480      iTask = indexTask( taskID )
2481    end if ! (iTask<0)
2482    task => storedMeshTask(iTask)
2483    taskDefined = task%defined
2484    taskOptimized = task%optimized
2485  end if ! (present(task))
2487! Check task boxes
2488  if (taskDefined) then
2489    if (any( task%srcBox(:,:,myNode) /= srcBox )) &
2490      call die( errHead//'srcBox inconsistent with taskID' )
2491    if (any( task%dstBox(:,:,myNode) /= dstBox )) &
2492      call die( errHead//'dstBox inconsistent with taskID' )
2493  end if
2495! Find the box limits of all nodes
2496  allocate( srcBoxes(2,3,0:totNodes-1), dstBoxes(2,3,0:totNodes-1) )
2497  if (taskDefined) then
2498    srcBoxes(:,:,:) = task%srcBox(:,:,:)
2499    dstBoxes(:,:,:) = task%dstBox(:,:,:)
2500  else  ! Gather the boxes from all nodes
2501    call gatherBoxes( srcBox, srcBoxes )
2502    call gatherBoxes( dstBox, dstBoxes )
2503    if (present(taskID)) then  ! Store boxes for future calls
2504      task%srcBox(:,:,:) = srcBoxes(:,:,:)
2505      task%dstBox(:,:,:) = dstBoxes(:,:,:)
2506      task%defined = .true.
2507#ifdef DEBUG_XC
2508!      write(udebug,'(a,2i4,3(2x,2i4))') &
2509!        myName//'taskID,iTask,srcBox=', taskID, iTask, srcBox
2510!      write(udebug,'(31x,a,2i4,3(2x,2i4))') &
2511!                             'dstBox=', taskID, iTask, dstBox
2512#endif /* DEBUG_XC */
2513    end if
2514  end if
2516#ifdef DEBUG_XC
2517!  do iNode = 0,totNodes-1
2518!    call nodeMeshBox( nMesh, srcDistr, iNode, srcBox )
2519!    write(udebug,'(a,i4,2x,3(2i4,2x),3(2i4,2x))') &
2520!      myName//'node,srcBox,dstBox=', &
2521!      iNode, srcBoxes(:,:,iNode), dstBoxes(:,:,iNode)
2522!  end do
2523#endif /* DEBUG_XC */
2525! Find the order of inter-node transfers
2526  nTrsf = 2*(totNodes-1) ! One send and one receive to/from each other node
2527  allocate( trsfDir(0:nTrsf), trsfNode(0:nTrsf) )
2528  if (taskOptimized) then
2529    nTrsf = task%nTrsf
2530    trsfDir(:) = task%trsfDir(:)
2531    trsfNode(:) = task%trsfNode(:)
2532  else ! (.not.taskOptimized)
2533    call all2allTransferOrder( totNodes, myNode, nTrsf, trsfNode, trsfDir )
2534  end if ! (taskOptimized)
2536#ifdef DEBUG_XC
2537!  write(udebug,'(a,i4,2x,20i4)') myName//'myNode+1,Trsfs=', &
2538!    myNode+1, trsfDir(1:nTrsf)*(trsfNode(1:nTrsf)+1)
2539#endif /* DEBUG_XC */
2541! Find required size of buffer to transfer data
2542  trsfSize = 0
2543  if (present(dstData)) then
2544    do iTrsf = 1,nTrsf
2545      iNode = trsfNode(iTrsf)
2546      if (trsfDir(iTrsf)==+1) then ! Size required to send
2547        srcSize = product( srcBox(2,:)-srcBox(1,:)+1 )
2548        dstSize = product( dstBoxes(2,:,iNode)-dstBoxes(1,:,iNode)+1 )
2549        trsfSize = max( trsfSize, min(srcSize,dstSize) )
2550      else ! Size required to receive
2551        srcSize = product( srcBoxes(2,:,iNode)-srcBoxes(1,:,iNode)+1 )
2552        dstSize = product( dstBox(2,:)-dstBox(1,:)+1 )
2553        trsfSize = max( trsfSize, min(srcSize,dstSize) )
2554      end if ! (trsfDir(iTrsf)==+1)
2555    end do ! iTrsf
2556    trsfSize = trsfSize*nData
2557  end if
2558  if (present(prjData)) trsfSize = trsfSize + 3*maxMesh*maxParts
2560! Allocate buffer to transfer data
2561  call re_alloc( trsfBuff, 1, trsfSize, name=myName//'trsfBuff' )
2563! Loop on transfer sequence
2564  trueTrsf = 0
2565  do iTrsf = 1,nTrsf
2567    if (trsfDir(iTrsf)==+1) then ! My node will send data
2569      ! Find destination node
2570      dstNode = trsfNode(iTrsf)
2572      ! Find common intersection between srcBox and dstBox
2573      call commonBox( nMesh, srcBox, dstBoxes(:,:,dstNode), &
2574                      srcComBox, dstComBox, sizeSum, nParts )
2575      sizeSum = sizeSum * nData
2577      ! Select this transfer only if it is needed
2578      if (nParts>0) then
2579        trueTrsf = trueTrsf + 1
2580        trsfDir(trueTrsf) = trsfDir(iTrsf)
2581        trsfNode(trueTrsf) = trsfNode(iTrsf)
2582      else ! (nParts==0)
2583        cycle ! iTrsf loop
2584      end if ! (nParts>0)
2586#ifdef DEBUG_XC
2587      ! Check buffer size
2588      if (present(dstData) .and. sizeSum(nParts) > size(trsfBuff)) &
2589        call die(errHead//'size(trsfBuff) too small')
2590#endif /* DEBUG_XC */
2592#ifdef DEBUG_XC
2593!      if (nParts>0) then
2594!        write(udebug,'(a,2i6)') myName//'srcNode,dstNode=', myNode, dstNode
2595!        write(udebug,'(a,2i6)') myName//'        sizeSum=',sizeSum(0:nParts)
2596!        write(udebug,'(a,3(2i4,2x))') myName//'   srcBox=', srcBox
2597!        write(udebug,'(a,3(2i4,2x))') myName//'   dstBox=', &
2598!                                         dstBoxes(:,:,dstNode)
2599!      end if
2601!      do iPart = 1,nParts
2602!        write(udebug,'(a,3(2i4,2x))') myName//'srcComBox=', &
2603!          ((srcComBox(i,ix,iPart),i=1,2),ix=1,3)
2604!        write(udebug,'(a,3(2i4,2x))') myName//'dstComBox=', &
2605!          ((dstComBox(i,ix,iPart),i=1,2),ix=1,3)
2606!      end do ! iPart
2607#endif /* DEBUG_XC */
2609      ! Copy data from each part of common box to a transfer buffer
2610      if (present(dstData)) then
2611        do iPart = 1,nParts
2612          !partSize = sizeSum(iPart) - sizeSum(iPart-1)
2613          arrayS(1:3,1) = srcComBox(1,:,iPart) + 1
2614          arrayS(4,1) = 1
2615          arrayS(1:3,2) = srcComBox(2,:,iPart) + 1
2616          arrayS(4,2) = nData
2617          call array_copy(arrayS(:,1), arrayS(:,2), srcData(:,:,:,:), &
2618               sizeSum(iPart-1)+1, sizeSum(iPart), trsfBuff(:) )
2619          !trsfBuff(sizeSum(iPart-1)+1:sizeSum(iPart)) =                    &
2620          !  reshape( srcData(srcComBox(1,1,iPart):srcComBox(2,1,iPart),    &
2621          !                   srcComBox(1,2,iPart):srcComBox(2,2,iPart),    &
2622          !                   srcComBox(1,3,iPart):srcComBox(2,3,iPart),:), &
2623          !           (/partSize/) )
2624        end do ! iPart
2625        trsfSize = sizeSum(nParts)
2626      else ! (.not.present(dstData))
2627        trsfSize = 0
2628      end if ! (present(dstData))
2630      ! Project data from each part of common box onto the transfer buffer
2631      if (present(prjData)) then
2632        do iPart = 1,nParts
2633          ! Find common box relative to origin of first unit cell
2634          comBox(1,:) = srcComBox(1,:,iPart) + srcBox(1,:)
2635          comBox(2,:) = srcComBox(2,:,iPart) + srcBox(1,:)
2636          ! Find projection of srcData in comBox
2637          call projection( nMesh, srcBox, srcData(:,:,:,1), comBox, prjBuff )
2638          ! Copy projection data onto a transfer buffer
2639          call array_copy([1, 1], [3, maxMesh], prjBuff(:,:), &
2640               trsfSize+1, trsfSize+3*maxMesh, trsfBuff(:))
2641          ! AG: Work around gfortran bug: specify 0 lbound in reshape
2642          !trsfBuff(trsfSize+1:trsfSize+3*maxMesh) = &
2643          !   reshape( prjBuff(:,0:), (/3*maxMesh/) )
2644          trsfSize = trsfSize + 3*maxMesh
2645        end do ! iPart
2646      end if ! (present(prjData))
2648#ifdef DEBUG_XC
2649!      write(udebug,'(a,2i4,3(2x,2i4),2x,3(2x,2i4),i8)') &
2650!        myName//' myNode,dstNode, myBox,dstBox,trsfSize=', &
2651!        myNode+1, dstNode+1, srcBox, dstBoxes(:,:,dstNode), trsfSize
2652#endif /* DEBUG_XC */
2654      ! Send data buffer
2655      if (trsfSize>0) &
2656        call MPI_Send( trsfBuff(1:trsfSize), trsfSize, MPI_grid_real, &
2657                       dstNode, 0, COMM, MPIerror )
2659    else ! My node will receive data
2661      ! Find source node and its mesh box
2662      srcNode = trsfNode(iTrsf)
2664      ! Find common intersection between srcBox and dstBox
2665      call commonBox( nMesh, srcBoxes(:,:,srcNode), dstBox, &
2666                      srcComBox, dstComBox, sizeSum, nParts )
2667      sizeSum = sizeSum * nData
2669      ! Select this transfer only if it is needed
2670      if (nParts>0) then
2671        trueTrsf = trueTrsf + 1
2672        trsfDir(trueTrsf) = trsfDir(iTrsf)
2673        trsfNode(trueTrsf) = trsfNode(iTrsf)
2674      else ! (nParts==0)
2675        cycle ! iTrsf loop
2676      end if ! (nParts>0)
2678#ifdef DEBUG_XC
2679      ! Check buffer size
2680      if (present(dstData) .and. sizeSum(nParts)>size(trsfBuff)) &
2681        call die(errHead//'size(trsfBuff) too small')
2682#endif /* DEBUG_XC */
2684#ifdef DEBUG_XC
2685!      if (nParts>0) then
2686!        write(udebug,'(a,2i6)') myName//'srcNode,dstNode=', srcNode, myNode
2687!        write(udebug,'(a,2i6)') myName//'        sizeSum=',sizeSum(0:nParts)
2688!        write(udebug,'(a,3(2i4,2x))') myName//'   srcBox=', srcBox
2689!        write(udebug,'(a,3(2i4,2x))') myName//'   dstBox=', dstBox
2690!      end if
2692!      do iPart = 1,nParts
2693!        write(udebug,'(a,3(2i4,2x))') myName//'srcComBox=', &
2694!          ((srcComBox(i,ix,iPart),i=1,2),ix=1,3)
2695!        write(udebug,'(a,3(2i4,2x))') myName//'dstComBox=', &
2696!          ((dstComBox(i,ix,iPart),i=1,2),ix=1,3)
2697!      end do ! iPart
2698#endif /* DEBUG_XC */
2700      ! Receive data buffer
2701      trsfSize = 0
2702      if (present(dstData)) trsfSize = trsfSize + sizeSum(nParts)
2703      if (present(prjData)) trsfSize = trsfSize + 3*maxMesh*nParts
2704      if (trsfSize>0) &
2705        call MPI_Recv( trsfBuff(1:trsfSize), trsfSize, MPI_grid_real, &
2706                       srcNode, 0, COMM, MPIstatus, MPIerror )
2708#ifdef DEBUG_XC
2709!      write(udebug,'(a,2i4,3(2x,2i4),2x,3(2x,2i4),i8)') &
2710!        myName//'srcNode, myNode,srcBox, myBox,trsfSize=', &
2711!        srcNode+1, myNode+1, srcBoxes(:,:,srcNode), dstBox, trsfSize
2712#endif /* DEBUG_XC */
2714      ! Copy buffer data for each part of common box to destination array
2715      if (present(dstData)) then
2716        do iPart = 1,nParts
2717          arrayS(1:3,1) = dstComBox(1,:,iPart) + 1
2718          arrayS(4,1) = 1
2719          arrayS(1:3,2) = dstComBox(2,:,iPart) + 1
2720          arrayS(4,2) = nData
2721          call array_add(sizeSum(iPart-1)+1, sizeSum(iPart), trsfBuff(:), &
2722               arrayS(:,1), arrayS(:,2), dstData(:,:,:,:))
2723          !comShape(1:3) = dstComBox(2,:,iPart) - dstComBox(1,:,iPart) + 1
2724          !comShape(4) = nData
2725          !dstData(dstComBox(1,1,iPart):dstComBox(2,1,iPart),     &
2726          !        dstComBox(1,2,iPart):dstComBox(2,2,iPart),     &
2727          !        dstComBox(1,3,iPart):dstComBox(2,3,iPart),:) = &
2728          !dstData(dstComBox(1,1,iPart):dstComBox(2,1,iPart),     &
2729          !        dstComBox(1,2,iPart):dstComBox(2,2,iPart),     &
2730          !        dstComBox(1,3,iPart):dstComBox(2,3,iPart),:) + &
2731          !  reshape( trsfBuff(sizeSum(iPart-1)+1:sizeSum(iPart)), comShape )
2732        end do ! iPart
2733        trsfSize = sizeSum(nParts)
2734      else ! (.not.present(dstData))
2735        trsfSize = 0
2736      end if ! (present(dstData))
2738      ! Copy buffer data for each part of common box to destination array
2739      if (present(prjData)) then
2740        do iPart = 1,nParts
2741          ! Find common box relative to origin of first unit cell
2742          comBox(1,:) = srcComBox(1,:,iPart) + srcBox(1,:)
2743          comBox(2,:) = srcComBox(2,:,iPart) + srcBox(1,:)
2744          ! Copy transfer buffer onto a projection buffer
2745          call array_copy(trsfSize+1, trsfSize+3*maxMesh, trsfBuff(:), &
2746               [1, 1], [3, maxMesh], prjBuff(:,:))
2747          !prjBuff(:,:) = &
2748          !  reshape( trsfBuff(trsfSize+1:trsfSize+3*maxMesh), (/3,maxMesh/) )
2749          ! Add projection of common box to output array
2750          do ix = 1,3
2751            prjData(ix,dstComBox(1,ix,iPart):dstComBox(2,ix,iPart)) = &
2752            prjData(ix,dstComBox(1,ix,iPart):dstComBox(2,ix,iPart)) + &
2753              prjBuff(ix,0:comBox(2,ix)-comBox(1,ix))
2754          end do
2755          trsfSize = trsfSize + 3*maxMesh
2756        end do ! iPart
2757      end if ! (present(prjData))
2759    end if ! (iDir(iTrsf)==+1)
2761  end do ! iTrsf
2763  ! Optimize transfer sequence and store it
2764  if (present(taskID) .and. .not.taskOptimized) then
2765    nTrsf = trueTrsf
2766    call optimizeTransferOrder( totNodes, myNode, nTrsf, &
2767                                trsfNode(1:nTrsf), trsfDir(1:nTrsf) )
2768    task%nTrsf = nTrsf
2769    task%trsfNode = trsfNode
2770    task%trsfDir = trsfDir
2771    task%optimized = .true.
2772#ifdef DEBUG_XC
2773!    write(udebug,'(a,4i4,/,(20i4))') &
2774!      myName//'taskID,iTask,distr1,distr2,Trsfs=', &
2775!      taskID, iTask, task%distr, trsfDir(1:nTrsf)*trsfNode(1:nTrsf)
2776#endif /* DEBUG_XC */
2777  end if
2779  ! Deallocations
2780  call de_alloc( trsfBuff, name=myName//'trsfBuff' )
2781  deallocate( trsfDir, trsfNode, dstBoxes, srcBoxes )
2784! End of MPI code
2786  if (present(prjData)) deallocate( prjBuff )
2788end subroutine reduceData
2792subroutine reduceDistr( distrID )
2794! Find if this distribution was already defined, and resets it if so
2796  implicit none
2797  integer,intent(inout):: distrID  ! Distribution ID
2799  character(len=*),parameter:: myName = moduleName//'reduceDistr '
2800  character(len=*),parameter:: errHead = myName//'ERROR: '
2801  logical:: found
2802  integer:: iDistr, iID, jDistr
2803  type(distrType),pointer:: newDistr, oldDistr
2805! Find the new distribution
2806  iDistr = indexDistr( distrID )
2807  if (iDistr==0) then
2808    return
2809  else if (iDistr<0 .or. iDistr>maxDistr) then
2810    call die(errHead//'invalid distrID')
2811  end if
2812  newDistr => storedMeshDistr(iDistr)
2814! Compare it with all previous distributions
2815  do jDistr = 1,maxDistr
2817    ! Check that everything agrees, otherwise cycle
2818    if (jDistr==iDistr) cycle ! jDistr loop
2819    oldDistr => storedMeshDistr(jDistr)
2820    if (.not.oldDistr%defined) cycle
2821    if (oldDistr%nNodes/=newDistr%nNodes) cycle
2822    if (oldDistr%firstNode/=newDistr%firstNode) cycle
2823    if (any(oldDistr%nMesh(:)/=newDistr%nMesh(:))) cycle
2824    if (any(oldDistr%box(:,:,:)/=newDistr%box(:,:,:))) cycle
2825    ! If this point is reached, both distributions are equal.
2827#ifdef DEBUG_XC
2828!    write(udebug,'(a,3i4)') &
2829!      myName//'distrID,oldDistr,newDistr=', distrID, jDistr, iDistr
2830#endif /* DEBUG_XC */
2832    ! Free new distribution
2833    call freeMeshDistr( distrID )
2835    ! Assign new ID to oldDistr
2836    found = .false.
2837    do iID = 1,maxDistrID  ! Loop on ID slots of oldDistr
2838      if (oldDistr%ID(iID)<0) then ! Empty ID slot
2839        oldDistr%ID(iID) = distrID
2840        found = .true.
2841        exit ! iID loop
2842      end if
2843    end do ! iID
2844    if (.not.found) call die(errHead//'parameter maxDistrID too small')
2846    exit ! jDistr loop
2847  end do ! jDistr
2849end subroutine reduceDistr
2853logical function sameMeshDistr( ID1, ID2 )
2855  implicit none
2856  integer,intent(in):: ID1, ID2  ! Mesh distribution IDs
2858  integer:: i1, i2
2859  type(distrType),pointer:: distr1, distr2
2861  if (ID1==ID2) then           ! Same IDs => same distr.
2862    sameMeshDistr = .true.
2863  else                         ! Different IDs
2864    i1 = indexDistr(ID1)
2865    i2 = indexDistr(ID2)
2866    if (i1<0 .or. i2<0) then   ! One or both distr. are not defined
2867      sameMeshDistr = .false.
2868    else                       ! Both distr. are defined
2869      if (i1==i2) then         ! Different IDs but same distr.
2870        sameMeshDistr = .true.
2871      else if (i1==0 .or. i2==0) then ! Since 0 is valid only in serial mode
2872        sameMeshDistr = .false.
2873      else                     ! Different but possibly equivalent distr.
2874        distr1 => storedMeshDistr(i1)
2875        distr2 => storedMeshDistr(i2)
2876        if (all(distr1%box==distr2%box)) then
2877          sameMeshDistr = .true.
2878        else
2879          sameMeshDistr = .false.
2880        end if ! (all(distr1%box==distr2%box))
2881      end if ! (i1==i2)
2882    end if ! (i1>0 .and. i2>0)
2883  end if ! (ID1==ID2)
2885end function sameMeshDistr
2889subroutine setMeshDistr( distrID, nMesh, box, firstNode, nNodes, &
2890                         nNodesX, nNodesY, nNodesZ, nBlock, &
2891                         wlDistr, workload )
2893! Defines a parallel distribution of mesh points among processor nodes.
2894! In serial execution (totNodes==1) it simply returns distrID=0.
2895! If the input distribution ID is still valid, the same value is returned.
2896! Otherwise, it is freed. New IDs are never repeated.
2898  implicit none
2899  integer,       intent(inout):: distrID   ! ID assigned to the mesh distrib.
2900  integer,         intent(in) :: nMesh(3)  ! Mesh divisions in each axis
2901                                           ! (including "subpoints")
2902  integer,optional,intent(in) :: box(2,3)  ! Mesh box of my processor node
2903                                           ! If present(box), all other
2904                                           ! optional arguments are ignored
2905  integer,optional,intent(in) :: firstNode ! First node in the mesh distr.
2906  integer,optional,intent(in) :: nNodes    ! Total nodes in the mesh distr
2907                                           ! If not present all nodes are used
2908  integer,optional,intent(in) :: nNodesX   ! Nodes in the X (first) axis. Must
2909                                           ! be present if present(nNodesYZ)
2910  integer,optional,intent(in) :: nNodesY   ! Nodes in the Y (second) axis
2911                                           ! Must be present if present(nNodesZ)
2912  integer,optional,intent(in) :: nNodesZ   ! Nodes in the Z (third) axis
2913                                           ! If nNodesXYZ are not present,
2914                                           ! the distribution of nodes on all
2915                                           ! axes is optimized by setMeshDistr.
2916                                           ! If only nNodesX is present, it is
2917                                           ! optimized in Y and Z axes
2918  integer,optional,intent(in) :: nBlock    ! Size of blocks of mesh points, in
2919                                           ! each axis, which are not splitted
2920                                           ! in different nodes
2921  integer,optional,intent(in) :: wlDistr   ! Distr. index of workload array
2922  real(gp),optional,intent(in):: workload(0:,0:,0:) ! Approx. relative workload
2923                                           ! of mesh points. Must be nonnegative
2924                                           ! at all points and have nonzero sum
2926  character(len=*),parameter:: myName = 'setMeshDistr '
2927  character(len=*),parameter:: errHead = myName//'ERROR: '
2928  integer,         parameter:: maxFactors = 100  ! Max prime factors in nNodes
2929  type(distrType),pointer:: distr, newDistr, oldDistr
2930  integer,allocatable:: axisBox(:,:,:), partBox(:,:,:)
2931  integer:: axis, axisNodes(3), blockSize, boxSize, &
2932            factor(maxFactors), groupSize, &
2933            i1, i2, i3, iAxis, iBox, iDistr, iFac, iID, iNode, iPow, &
2934            jDistr, largerBoxSize, lastNode, &
2935            maxFactor, meshNodes, myGroup, myBox(2,3), myPart, &
2936            nFactors, node0, nParts, nRem, nBlocks, newDistrID, &
2937            oldDistrID, partSize, power(maxFactors)
2938  logical:: found
2939  character(len=5):: dat
2941! Trap the serial case
2942  if (totNodes==1) then
2943    distrID = 0
2944    return
2945  end if
2947! Find number of mesh nodes
2948  if (present(nNodes)) then
2949    if (nNodes<1 .or. nNodes>totNodes) then
2950      call die(errHead//'nNodes out of range')
2951    else
2952      meshNodes = nNodes
2953    end if
2954  else ! Assume that all nodes participate in the mesh distribution
2955    meshNodes = totNodes
2956  end if
2958! Find first node in mesh distribution
2959  if (present(firstNode)) then
2960    lastNode = firstNode + meshNodes - 1
2961    if (firstNode<0 .or. lastNode>totNodes-1) then
2962      call die(errHead//'firstNode/nNodes out of range')
2963    else
2964      node0 = firstNode
2965    end if
2966  else ! (.not.present(firstNode)) => use firstNode=0
2967    node0 = 0
2968  end if
2970! Find size of blocks of points and check that nMesh is a multiple of it
2971  if (present(nBlock)) then
2972    blockSize = nBlock
2973  else
2974    blockSize = 1
2975  end if
2976  if (any(mod(nMesh,blockSize)/=0)) &
2977    call die(errHead//'nMesh inconsistent with nBlock')
2979! Store input distribution ID for later comparison
2980  oldDistrID = distrID
2982! Initialize new distribution
2983  call initDistr( newDistrID, nMesh, node0, meshNodes )
2984  iDistr = indexDistr( newDistrID )
2985  distr => storedMeshDistr(iDistr)  ! Just a shorter name
2987! Handle box argument with priority
2988  if (present(box)) then
2989    ! Collect all node boxes and store them
2990    call gatherBoxes( box, distr%box )
2991    goto 999  ! Exit, since no other arguments must be considered in this case
2992  end if ! (present(box))
2994! Find box sizes
2995  if (present(workload)) then
2997    ! Check that the distribution of workload array is available
2998    if (.not.present(wlDistr)) call die(errHead//'workload without wlDistr')
3000    ! Check that myNode (available from module parallel) contains some points
3001    if (myNode>=node0 .and. myNode<node0+meshNodes) then
3003      ! Find prime factors of meshNodes, in ascending order
3004      call primeFactors( meshNodes, factor, power, nFactors )
3006      ! Allocate a small temporary array
3007      maxFactor = maxval( factor(1:nFactors) )
3008      allocate( partBox(2,3,0:maxFactor-1) )
3010      ! Iteratively divide full box and select my node's part
3011      myBox(1,:) = 0           ! Initialize all boxes with full box
3012      myBox(2,:) = nMesh(:)-1
3013      groupSize = meshNodes    ! Group = set of nodes assigned to present box
3014      do iFac = nFactors,1,-1  ! Use larger factors first (for larger boxes)
3015        do iPow = 1,power(iFac)
3016          nParts = factor(iFac) ! Number of parts to divide present box
3017          partSize = groupSize / nParts  ! Nodes that will be assigned to part
3018          myGroup = (myNode - node0) / groupSize  ! My group for present box
3019          myPart = (myNode-node0-myGroup*groupSize) / partSize ! My part within
3020                                                               ! my group
3021          axis = 0  ! So that it will be chosen by divideBox3D
3022#ifdef DEBUG_XC
3023!          write(udebug,'(a,3(2x,2i4))') myName//'dividing box=', myBox
3024#endif /* DEBUG_XC */
3025          call divideBox3D( nMesh, wlDistr, workload, myBox, &
3026                              nParts, blockSize, axis, partBox )
3027          myBox(:,:) = partBox(:,:,myPart)  ! Select my part of the box
3028          groupSize = partSize              ! Reduce group size
3029#ifdef DEBUG_XC
3030!          write(udebug,'(a,3(2x,2i4))') myName//' my part box=', myBox
3031#endif /* DEBUG_XC */
3032        end do ! iPow
3033      end do ! iFac
3035      deallocate( partBox )
3037    else ! my node contains no mesh points
3038      myBox(1,:) = 0
3039      myBox(2,:) = -1
3040    end if ! (myNode>=node0 .and. myNode<node0+meshNodes)
3042    ! Gather the box limits of all nodes
3043    call gatherBoxes( myBox, distr%box )
3045  else ! (.not.present(workload)) => distribute nodes homogeneously in space
3047    ! Find distribution of nodes along each axis
3048    if (present(nNodesX)) then
3049      axisNodes(1) = nNodesX
3050      if (present(nNodesY)) then
3051        axisNodes(2) = nNodesY
3052        if (present(nNodesZ)) then
3053          axisNodes(3) = nNodesZ
3054        else
3055          axisNodes(3) = meshNodes / (nNodesX*nNodesY)
3056        end if
3057      else if (present(nNodesZ)) then
3058        call die(errHead//'nNodesZ present without nNodesY')
3059      else ! (.not.present(nNodesYZ)) => optimize distribution in Y and Z axes
3060        call optimizeNodeDistr( nMesh(2:3), meshNodes/nNodesX, axisNodes(2:3) )
3061      end if ! (present(nNodesY))
3062    else if (present(nNodesY).or.present(nNodesZ)) then
3063      call die(errHead//'nNodesY or nNodesZ present without nNodesX')
3064    else ! (.not.present(nNodesXYZ)) => optimize distribution in all three axes
3065      call optimizeNodeDistr( nMesh(1:3), meshNodes, axisNodes(1:3) )
3066    end if ! (present(nNodesX))
3068    ! Adjust number of nodes to that along the axes
3069    if (product(axisNodes) > meshNodes) then
3070      call die(errHead//'inconsistent nNodesXYZ')
3071    else
3072      meshNodes = product(axisNodes)
3073    end if
3075    ! Allocate a small temporary array
3076    allocate( axisBox(2,3,-1:maxval(axisNodes)-1) )
3078    ! Find mesh partition along each axis
3079    do iAxis = 1,3
3080      nBlocks = nMesh(iAxis) / blockSize         ! Blocks along axis
3081      boxSize = nBlocks / axisNodes(iAxis)       ! Blocks per node
3082      nRem = nBlocks - boxSize*axisNodes(iAxis)  ! Remaining blocks
3083      largerBoxSize = (boxSize+1)*blockSize      ! Mesh points per node
3084      boxSize = boxSize*blockSize                ! Mesh points per node
3085      axisBox(2,iAxis,-1) = -1             ! So that axisBox(1,ix,0)=0
3086      do iBox = 0,axisNodes(iAxis)-1
3087        axisBox(1,iAxis,iBox) = axisBox(2,iAxis,iBox-1) + 1
3088        if (iBox < nRem) then ! First nRem boxes of larger size
3089          axisBox(2,iAxis,iBox) = axisBox(2,iAxis,iBox-1) + largerBoxSize
3090        else                    ! Rest of boxes of normal size
3091          axisBox(2,iAxis,iBox) = axisBox(2,iAxis,iBox-1) + boxSize
3092        end if
3093      end do ! iBox
3094    end do ! iAxis
3096    ! Find box bounds of each node
3097    ! Innermost loop is i3 for compatibility with JDG distribution
3098    iNode = node0
3099    do i1 = 0,axisNodes(1)-1
3100    do i2 = 0,axisNodes(2)-1
3101    do i3 = 0,axisNodes(3)-1
3102      distr%box(:,1,iNode) = axisBox(:,1,i1)
3103      distr%box(:,2,iNode) = axisBox(:,2,i2)
3104      distr%box(:,3,iNode) = axisBox(:,3,i3)
3105      iNode = iNode + 1
3106    end do ! i3
3107    end do ! i2
3108    end do ! i1
3110    ! Deallocate temporary array
3111    deallocate( axisBox )
3113  end if ! (present(workload))
3115! Exit point
3116999 continue
3118! Find if the old (input) distrID is still valid
3119  if (sameMeshDistr(oldDistrID,newDistrID)) then  ! Old distr. is still valid
3120    call freeMeshDistr( newDistrID )
3121    distrID = oldDistrID
3122  else   ! Old distribution is no longer valid
3123    call freeMeshDistr( oldDistrID )
3124    ! Reset newDistrID if this distribution was already defined
3125    call reduceDistr( newDistrID )
3126    distrID = newDistrID
3127#ifdef DEBUG_XC
3128    iDistr = indexDistr( distrID )
3129    distr => storedMeshDistr(iDistr)
3130    if (present(box)) then
3131      dat = 'box'
3132    elseif (present(workload)) then
3133      dat = 'wkld'
3134    elseif (present(nNodesX)) then
3135      dat = 'xNod'
3136    else
3137      dat = 'none'
3138    endif
3139    write(udebug,'(a,a6,3i4,3(2x,2i4))') &
3140      myName//'dat,old/newDistrID,iDistr,myBox=', &
3141      dat, oldDistrID, newDistrID, iDistr, distr%Box(:,:,myNode)
3142#endif /* DEBUG_XC */
3143  end if
3145end subroutine setMeshDistr
3149subroutine unitCellParts( nMesh, fullBox, partBox, partBox0, nParts )
3151! Divides a mesh box into parts, each within a single periodic cell
3152! and returns the equivalent partial boxes within the first unit cell
3154  implicit none
3155  integer,intent(in) :: nMesh(3)        ! Number of mesh points in each axis
3156                                        ! of the periodic unit cell
3157  integer,intent(in) :: fullBox(2,3)    ! Box to be partitioned, possibly
3158                                        ! extending over several unit cells
3159  integer,intent(out):: partBox(:,:,:)  ! Partitioned boxes, each within a
3160                                        ! single unit cell:
3161                                        ! box(1,iAxis,iPart)=lower bounds
3162                                        ! box(2,iAxis,iPart)=upper bounds
3163  integer,intent(out):: partBox0(:,:,:) ! Equivalent part boxes in the first
3164                                        ! unit cell
3165  integer,intent(out):: nParts          ! Number of parts found
3167  character(len=*),parameter:: myName = moduleName//'unitCellParts '
3168  character(len=*),parameter:: errHead = myName//'ERROR: '
3169  integer:: iDiv, iPart, ix, maxParts
3170  real(dp):: rMesh(3)
3172  maxParts = size(partBox,3)
3173  rMesh = nMesh   ! Real version of nMesh, so that partBox/rMesh is real
3174  partBox(:,:,1) = fullBox
3175  nParts = 1
3176  divideLoop: do ! Until no part can be further divided
3177    do iPart = 1,nParts  ! Loop on already existing parts
3178      do ix = 1,3        ! Axis loop
3179        ! iDiv is the highest surface, separating two unit cells, below the
3180        ! upper bound of partBox
3181        iDiv = floor(partBox(2,ix,iPart)/rMesh(ix)) * nMesh(ix)
3182        if (partBox(1,ix,iPart) < iDiv) then ! iDiv is between lower and
3183                                             ! upper bounds of partBox
3184          nParts = nParts + 1
3185          if (nParts > maxParts) call die(errHead//'maxParts too small')
3186          partBox(:,:,nParts) = partBox(:,:,iPart)
3187          partBox(1,ix,nParts) = iDiv       ! New part is upper one
3188          partBox(2,ix,iPart) = iDiv - 1    ! Old part reduced to lower one
3189          cycle divideLoop
3190        endif
3191      end do ! ix
3192    end do ! iPart
3193    exit divideLoop ! since no part can be further divided
3194  end do divideLoop
3196  ! Find equivalent boxes in first unit cell
3197  forall(ix=1:3) &
3198    partBox0(:,ix,1:nParts) = modulo( partBox(:,ix,1:nParts), nMesh(ix) )
3200end subroutine unitCellParts
3204END MODULE mesh3D