1 // ATC_Transfer headers
2 #include "ATC_Transfer.h"
3 #include "ATC_Error.h"
4 #include "FE_Engine.h"
5 #include "LammpsInterface.h"
6 #include "Quadrature.h"
7 #include "VoigtOperations.h"
8 #include "TransferLibrary.h"
9 #include "Stress.h"
10 #include "KernelFunction.h"
11 #include "PerPairQuantity.h"
12 #include "FieldManager.h"
14 #include "LinearSolver.h"
17 // Other Headers
18 #include <vector>
19 #include <map>
20 #include <set>
21 #include <utility>
22 #include <fstream>
23 #include <sstream>
24 #include <exception>
28 // PLAN:
29 //* energies
30 //* filters - make filterFields class
31 //* output directly
32 //* enum, tagged, computes, mat(field to field) functions
33 //* grads & rates
34 //* on-the-fly
35 // * remove derived classes
37 using namespace std;
38 using namespace ATC_Utility;
39 using namespace voigt3;
41 namespace ATC {
43   const int numFields_ = 17;
44   FieldName indices_[numFields_] = {
49     MOMENTUM,
50     VELOCITY,
60     ENERGY,
62   };
ATC_Transfer(string groupName,double ** & perAtomArray,LAMMPS_NS::Fix * thisFix,string matParamFile)66   ATC_Transfer::ATC_Transfer(string groupName,
67                              double ** & perAtomArray,
68                              LAMMPS_NS::Fix * thisFix,
69                              string matParamFile)
70     : ATC_Method(groupName,perAtomArray,thisFix),
71       xPointer_(NULL),
72       outputStepZero_(true),
73       neighborReset_(false),
74       pairMap_(NULL),
75       bondMatrix_(NULL),
76       pairVirial_(NULL),
77       pairHeatFlux_(NULL),
78       nComputes_(0),
79       hasPairs_(true),
80       hasBonds_(false),
81       resetKernelFunction_(false),
82       dxaExactMode_(true),
83       cauchyBornStress_(NULL)
84   {
85     nTypes_ = lammpsInterface_->ntypes();
87     peScale_=1.;
88     keScale_= lammpsInterface_->mvv2e();
89     // if surrogate model of md (no physics model created)
90     if (matParamFile != "none") {
91       fstream  fileId(matParamFile.c_str(), std::ios::in);
92       if (!fileId.is_open()) throw ATC_Error("cannot open material file");
93       CbData cb;
94       LammpsInterface *lmp = LammpsInterface::instance();
95       lmp->lattice(cb.cell_vectors, cb.basis_vectors);
96       cb.inv_atom_volume = 1.0 / lmp->volume_per_atom();
97       cb.e2mvv           = 1.0 / lmp->mvv2e();
98       cb.atom_mass       = lmp->atom_mass(1);
99       cb.boltzmann       = lmp->boltz();
100       cb.hbar            = lmp->hbar();
101       cauchyBornStress_ = new StressCauchyBorn(fileId, cb);
102     }
104     // Defaults
105     set_time();
107     outputFlags_.reset(NUM_TOTAL_FIELDS);
108     outputFlags_ = false;
109     fieldFlags_.reset(NUM_TOTAL_FIELDS);
110     fieldFlags_ = false;
111     gradFlags_.reset(NUM_TOTAL_FIELDS);
112     gradFlags_ = false;
113     rateFlags_.reset(NUM_TOTAL_FIELDS);
114     rateFlags_ = false;
116     outputFields_.resize(NUM_TOTAL_FIELDS);
117     for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TOTAL_FIELDS; i++) { outputFields_[i] = NULL; }
119     // Hardy requires ref positions for processor ghosts for bond list
121     //needXrefProcessorGhosts_ = true;
122   }
124   //-------------------------------------------------------------------
~ATC_Transfer()125   ATC_Transfer::~ATC_Transfer()
126   {
127     interscaleManager_.clear();
128     if (cauchyBornStress_) delete cauchyBornStress_;
129   }
131   //-------------------------------------------------------------------
132   // called before the beginning of a "run"
initialize()133   void ATC_Transfer::initialize()
134   {
135     if (kernelOnTheFly_ && !readRefPE_ && !setRefPEvalue_) {
136       if (setRefPE_) {
137         stringstream ss;
138         ss << "WARNING:  Reference PE requested from atoms, but not yet implemented for on-the-fly, ignoring";
139         lammpsInterface_->print_msg_once(ss.str());
140         setRefPE_ = false;
141       }
142     }
144     ATC_Method::initialize();
146     if (!initialized_) {
147       if (cauchyBornStress_) cauchyBornStress_->initialize();
148     }
150     if (!initialized_ || ATC::LammpsInterface::instance()->atoms_sorted() || resetKernelFunction_) {
151       // initialize kernel funciton matrix N_Ia
152       if (! kernelOnTheFly_) {
153         try{
154           if (!moleculeIds_.empty()) compute_kernel_matrix_molecule(); //KKM add
155         }
156         catch(bad_alloc&) {
157           ATC::LammpsInterface::instance()->print_msg("kernel will be computed on-the-fly");
158           kernelOnTheFly_ = true;
159         }
160       }
161       resetKernelFunction_ = false;
162     }
163     // clears need for reset
164     ghostManager_.initialize();
166     // initialize bond matrix B_Iab
167     if ((! bondOnTheFly_)
168        && ( ( fieldFlags_(STRESS)
169            || fieldFlags_(ESHELBY_STRESS)
170            || fieldFlags_(HEAT_FLUX) ) ) ) {
171       try {
172         compute_bond_matrix();
173       }
174       catch(bad_alloc&) {
175         ATC::LammpsInterface::instance()->print_msg("stress/heat_flux will be computed on-the-fly");
177         bondOnTheFly_ = true;
178       }
179     }
181     // set sample frequency to output if sample has not be specified
182     if (sampleFrequency_ == 0) sampleFrequency_ = outputFrequency_;
184     // output for step 0
185     if (!initialized_) {
186       if (outputFrequency_ > 0) {
187         // initialize filtered data
188         compute_fields();
189         for(int index=0; index < NUM_TOTAL_FIELDS; ++index) {
190           if(fieldFlags_(index)) {
191             string name = field_to_string((FieldName) index);
192             filteredData_[name] = hardyData_[name];
193             timeFilters_(index)->initialize(filteredData_[name].quantity());
194           }
195           if (rateFlags_(index)) {
196             string name = field_to_string((FieldName) index);
197             string rate_field = name + "_rate";
198             filteredData_[rate_field] = hardyData_[rate_field];
199           }
200           if (gradFlags_(index)) {
201             string name = field_to_string((FieldName) index);
202             string grad_field = name + "_gradient";
203             filteredData_[grad_field] = hardyData_[grad_field];
204           }
205         }
206         int index = NUM_TOTAL_FIELDS;
207         map <string,int>::const_iterator iter;
208         for (iter = computes_.begin(); iter != computes_.end(); iter++) {
209           string tag = iter->first;
210           filteredData_[tag] = hardyData_[tag];
211           timeFilters_(index)->initialize(filteredData_[tag].quantity());
213           if (tag == "virial" && fieldFlags_(ESHELBY_STRESS)) {
214             filteredData_["eshelby_virial"] = hardyData_["eshelby_virial"];
215           }
216 #endif
217           index++;
218         }
219         output();
220       }
221     }
223     initialized_ = true;
225     lammpsInterface_->computes_addstep(lammpsInterface_->ntimestep()+sampleFrequency_);
228     //remap_ghost_ref_positions();
229     update_peratom_output();
230   }
232   //-------------------------------------------------------------------
set_continuum_data()233   void ATC_Transfer::set_continuum_data()
234   {
235     ATC_Method::set_continuum_data();
236     if (!initialized_) {
237       nNodesGlobal_ = feEngine_->fe_mesh()->num_nodes();
238     }
239   }
241   //-------------------------------------------------------------------
construct_time_integration_data()242   void ATC_Transfer::construct_time_integration_data()
243   {
244     if (!initialized_) {
246       // size arrays for requested/required  fields
247       for(int index=0; index < NUM_TOTAL_FIELDS; ++index) {
248         if (fieldFlags_(index)) {
250           int size = FieldSizes[index];
251           if (atomToElementMapType_ == EULERIAN) {
252             if (index == STRESS) size=6;
253             if (index == CAUCHY_BORN_STRESS) size=6;
254           }
255           if (size == 0) {
256             if (index == SPECIES_CONCENTRATION) size=typeList_.size()+groupList_.size();
257           }
258           string name = field_to_string((FieldName) index);
259           hardyData_   [name].reset(nNodes_,size);
260           filteredData_[name].reset(nNodes_,size);
261         }
262       }
264       // size arrays for projected compute fields
265       map <string,int>::const_iterator iter;
266       for (iter = computes_.begin(); iter != computes_.end(); iter++) {
267         string tag = iter->first;
268         COMPUTE_POINTER cmpt = lammpsInterface_->compute_pointer(tag);
269         int ncols = lammpsInterface_->compute_ncols_peratom(cmpt);
270         hardyData_        [tag].reset(nNodes_,ncols);
271         filteredData_[tag].reset(nNodes_,ncols);
273         if (tag == "virial" && fieldFlags_(ESHELBY_STRESS)) {
274           string esh = "eshelby_virial";
275           int size = FieldSizes[ESHELBY_STRESS];
276           hardyData_   [esh].reset(nNodes_,size);
277           filteredData_[esh].reset(nNodes_,size);
278         }
279 #endif
280       }
281     }
282   }
283   //--------------------------------------------------------
284   //  set_computational_geometry
285   //    constructs needed transfer operators which define
286   //    hybrid atom/FE computational geometry
287   //--------------------------------------------------------
set_computational_geometry()288   void ATC_Transfer::set_computational_geometry()
289   {
290     ATC_Method::set_computational_geometry();
291   }
293   //-------------------------------------------------------------------
294   //  construct_interpolant
295   //    constructs: interpolatn, accumulant, weights, and spatial derivatives
296   //--------------------------------------------------------
construct_interpolant()297   void ATC_Transfer::construct_interpolant()
298   {
299     // interpolant
300     if (!(kernelOnTheFly_)) {
301       // finite element shape functions for interpolants
302       PerAtomShapeFunction * atomShapeFunctions = new PerAtomShapeFunction(this);
303       interscaleManager_.add_per_atom_sparse_matrix(atomShapeFunctions,"Interpolant");
304       shpFcn_ = atomShapeFunctions;
305     }
306     // accummulant and weights
308     this->create_atom_volume();
309     // accumulants
310     if (kernelFunction_) {
311       // kernel-based accumulants
312       if (kernelOnTheFly_) {
313         ConstantQuantity<double> * atomCount = new ConstantQuantity<double>(this,1.);
314         interscaleManager_.add_per_atom_quantity(atomCount,"AtomCount");
315         OnTheFlyKernelAccumulation * myWeights
316            = new OnTheFlyKernelAccumulation(this,
317              atomCount, kernelFunction_, atomCoarseGrainingPositions_);
318         interscaleManager_.add_dense_matrix(myWeights,
319                                             "KernelInverseWeights");
320         accumulantWeights_ = new OnTheFlyKernelWeights(myWeights);
321       }
322       else {
323         PerAtomKernelFunction * atomKernelFunctions = new PerAtomKernelFunction(this);
324         interscaleManager_.add_per_atom_sparse_matrix(atomKernelFunctions,
325                                                       "Accumulant");
326         accumulant_ = atomKernelFunctions;
327         accumulantWeights_ = new AccumulantWeights(accumulant_);
328       }
329       accumulantInverseVolumes_ = new KernelInverseVolumes(this,kernelFunction_);
330       interscaleManager_.add_diagonal_matrix(accumulantInverseVolumes_,
331                                             "AccumulantInverseVolumes");
332       interscaleManager_.add_diagonal_matrix(accumulantWeights_,
333                                              "AccumulantWeights");
334     }
335     else {
336       // mesh-based accumulants
337       if (kernelOnTheFly_) {
338         ConstantQuantity<double> * atomCount = new ConstantQuantity<double>(this,1.);
339         interscaleManager_.add_per_atom_quantity(atomCount,"AtomCount");
340         OnTheFlyMeshAccumulation * myWeights
341            = new OnTheFlyMeshAccumulation(this,
342              atomCount, atomCoarseGrainingPositions_);
343         interscaleManager_.add_dense_matrix(myWeights,
344                                             "KernelInverseWeights");
345         accumulantWeights_ = new OnTheFlyKernelWeights(myWeights);
346       } else {
347         accumulant_ = shpFcn_;
348         accumulantWeights_ = new AccumulantWeights(accumulant_);
349         interscaleManager_.add_diagonal_matrix(accumulantWeights_,
350                                               "AccumulantWeights");
351       }
352     }
353     // gradient matrix
354     if (gradFlags_.has_member(true)) {
355       NativeShapeFunctionGradient * gradientMatrix = new NativeShapeFunctionGradient(this);
356       interscaleManager_.add_vector_sparse_matrix(gradientMatrix,"GradientMatrix");
357       gradientMatrix_ = gradientMatrix;
358     }
359   }
360   //-------------------------------------------------------------------
construct_molecule_transfers()361   void ATC_Transfer::construct_molecule_transfers()
362   {
363     // molecule centroid, molecule charge, dipole moment and quadrupole moment calculations KKM add
364     if (!moleculeIds_.empty()) {
365       map<string,pair<MolSize,int> >::const_iterator molecule;
366       InterscaleManager & interscaleManager = this->interscale_manager(); // KKM add, may be we do not need this as interscaleManager_ already exists.
367       PerAtomQuantity<double> * atomProcGhostCoarseGrainingPositions_ = interscaleManager.per_atom_quantity("AtomicProcGhostCoarseGrainingPositions");
368       FundamentalAtomQuantity * mass = interscaleManager_.fundamental_atom_quantity(LammpsInterface::ATOM_MASS,PROC_GHOST);
369       molecule = moleculeIds_.begin();
370       int groupbit = (molecule->second).second;
371       smallMoleculeSet_ = new SmallMoleculeSet(this,groupbit);
372       smallMoleculeSet_->initialize(); // KKM add, why should we?
373       interscaleManager_.add_small_molecule_set(smallMoleculeSet_,"MoleculeSet");
374       moleculeCentroid_ = new SmallMoleculeCentroid(this,mass,smallMoleculeSet_,atomProcGhostCoarseGrainingPositions_);
375       interscaleManager_.add_dense_matrix(moleculeCentroid_,"MoleculeCentroid");
376       AtomToSmallMoleculeTransfer<double> * moleculeMass =
377         new AtomToSmallMoleculeTransfer<double>(this,mass,smallMoleculeSet_);
378       interscaleManager_.add_dense_matrix(moleculeMass,"MoleculeMass");
379       FundamentalAtomQuantity * atomicCharge = interscaleManager_.fundamental_atom_quantity(LammpsInterface::ATOM_CHARGE,PROC_GHOST);
380       AtomToSmallMoleculeTransfer<double> * moleculeCharge =
381         new AtomToSmallMoleculeTransfer<double>(this,atomicCharge,smallMoleculeSet_);
382       interscaleManager_.add_dense_matrix(moleculeCharge,"MoleculeCharge");
383       dipoleMoment_ = new SmallMoleculeDipoleMoment(this,atomicCharge,smallMoleculeSet_,atomProcGhostCoarseGrainingPositions_,moleculeCentroid_);
384       interscaleManager_.add_dense_matrix(dipoleMoment_,"DipoleMoment");
385       quadrupoleMoment_ = new SmallMoleculeQuadrupoleMoment(this,atomicCharge,smallMoleculeSet_,atomProcGhostCoarseGrainingPositions_,moleculeCentroid_);
386       interscaleManager_.add_dense_matrix(quadrupoleMoment_,"QuadrupoleMoment");
387     }
388   }
389   //----------------------------------------------------------------------
390   // constructs quantities
construct_transfers()391   void ATC_Transfer::construct_transfers()
392   {
394     // set pointer to positions
395     // REFACTOR use method's handling of xref/xpointer
396     set_xPointer();
398     ATC_Method::construct_transfers();
400     // reference potential energy
401     if (setRefPE_) {
402       if (!setRefPEvalue_ && !readRefPE_) {
403         FieldManager fmgr(this);
404         nodalRefPotentialEnergy_ = fmgr.nodal_atomic_field(REFERENCE_POTENTIAL_ENERGY);
405       }
406       else {
407         nodalRefPotentialEnergy_ = new DENS_MAN(nNodes_,1);
408         nodalRefPotentialEnergy_->set_memory_type(PERSISTENT);
409         interscaleManager_.add_dense_matrix(nodalRefPotentialEnergy_,
410                                             field_to_string(REFERENCE_POTENTIAL_ENERGY));
411       }
412     }
414     // for hardy-based fluxes
416     bool needsBondMatrix =  (! bondOnTheFly_ ) &&
417              (fieldFlags_(STRESS)
418            || fieldFlags_(ESHELBY_STRESS)
419            || fieldFlags_(HEAT_FLUX));
420     if (needsBondMatrix) {
421       if (hasPairs_ && hasBonds_) {
422         pairMap_ = new PairMapBoth(lammpsInterface_,groupbit_);
423       }
424       else if (hasBonds_) {
425         pairMap_ = new PairMapBond(lammpsInterface_,groupbit_);
426       }
427       else if (hasPairs_) {
428         pairMap_ = new PairMapNeighbor(lammpsInterface_,groupbit_);
429       }
430     }
431     if (pairMap_) interscaleManager_.add_pair_map(pairMap_,"PairMap");
433     if ( fieldFlags_(STRESS) || fieldFlags_(ESHELBY_STRESS) || fieldFlags_(HEAT_FLUX) ) {
435       const FE_Mesh * fe_mesh = feEngine_->fe_mesh();
436       if (!kernelBased_) {
437         bondMatrix_ = new BondMatrixPartitionOfUnity(lammpsInterface_,*pairMap_,xPointer_,fe_mesh,accumulantInverseVolumes_);
438       }
439       else {
440         bondMatrix_ = new BondMatrixKernel(lammpsInterface_,*pairMap_,xPointer_,fe_mesh,kernelFunction_);
441       }
442     }
443     if (bondMatrix_) interscaleManager_.add_sparse_matrix(bondMatrix_,"BondMatrix");
445     if ( fieldFlags_(STRESS) || fieldFlags_(ESHELBY_STRESS) ) {
446       if (atomToElementMapType_ == LAGRANGIAN) {
447         pairVirial_ = new PairVirialLagrangian(lammpsInterface_,*pairMap_,xref_);
448       }
449       else if (atomToElementMapType_ == EULERIAN) {
450         pairVirial_ = new PairVirialEulerian(lammpsInterface_,*pairMap_);
451       }
452       else {
453         throw ATC_Error("no atom to element map specified");
454       }
455     }
456     if (pairVirial_) interscaleManager_.add_dense_matrix(pairVirial_,"PairVirial");
458     if ( fieldFlags_(HEAT_FLUX) ) {
459       if (atomToElementMapType_ == LAGRANGIAN) {
460         pairHeatFlux_ = new PairPotentialHeatFluxLagrangian(lammpsInterface_,*pairMap_,xref_);
461       }
462       else if (atomToElementMapType_ == EULERIAN) {
463         pairHeatFlux_ = new PairPotentialHeatFluxEulerian(lammpsInterface_,*pairMap_);
464       }
465       else {
466         throw ATC_Error("no atom to element map specified");
467       }
468     }
469     if (pairHeatFlux_) interscaleManager_.add_dense_matrix(pairHeatFlux_,"PairHeatFlux");
471     FieldManager fmgr(this);
473 //  for(int index=0; index < NUM_TOTAL_FIELDS; ++index)
474     for(int i=0; i < numFields_; ++i) {
475       FieldName index = indices_[i];
476       if (fieldFlags_(index)) {
477         outputFields_[index] = fmgr.nodal_atomic_field(index);
478       }
479     }
481 // WIP REJ - move to fmgr
482     if (fieldFlags_(ELECTRIC_POTENTIAL)) {
483       PerAtomQuantity<double> * atomCharge = interscaleManager_.fundamental_atom_quantity(LammpsInterface::ATOM_CHARGE);
484       restrictedCharge_ = fmgr.restricted_atom_quantity(CHARGE_DENSITY,"default",atomCharge);
485     }
487     // computes
488     map <string,int>::const_iterator iter;
489     for (iter = computes_.begin(); iter != computes_.end(); iter++) {
490       string tag = iter->first;
491       ComputedAtomQuantity * c = new ComputedAtomQuantity(this, tag);
492       interscaleManager_.add_per_atom_quantity(c,tag);
493       int projection = iter->second;
494       DIAG_MAN * w = NULL;
495       if      (projection == VOLUME_NORMALIZATION )
496          { w = accumulantInverseVolumes_; }
497       else if (projection == NUMBER_NORMALIZATION )
498          { w = accumulantWeights_; }
499       if (kernelFunction_ && kernelOnTheFly_) {
500         OnTheFlyKernelAccumulationNormalized * C = new OnTheFlyKernelAccumulationNormalized(this, c, kernelFunction_, atomCoarseGrainingPositions_, w);
501         interscaleManager_.add_dense_matrix(C,tag);
502         outputFieldsTagged_[tag] = C;
503       }
504       else {
505         AtfProjection * C =  new AtfProjection(this, c, accumulant_, w);
506         interscaleManager_.add_dense_matrix(C,tag);
507         outputFieldsTagged_[tag] = C;
508       }
509     }
511   }
513   //-------------------------------------------------------------------
514   // sets initial values of filtered quantities
construct_methods()515   void ATC_Transfer::construct_methods()
516   {
517     ATC_Method::construct_methods();
519     if ((!initialized_) || timeFilterManager_.need_reset()) {
520       timeFilters_.reset(NUM_TOTAL_FIELDS+nComputes_);
521       sampleCounter_ = 0;
523       // for filtered  fields
524       for(int index=0; index < NUM_TOTAL_FIELDS; ++index) {
525         if (fieldFlags_(index)) {
526           string name = field_to_string((FieldName) index);
527           filteredData_[name]  = 0.0;
528           timeFilters_(index) = timeFilterManager_.construct();
529         }
530       }
532       // for filtered projected computes
534       //       lists/accessing of fields ( & computes)
535       map <string,int>::const_iterator iter;
536       int index = NUM_TOTAL_FIELDS;
537       for (iter = computes_.begin(); iter != computes_.end(); iter++) {
538         string tag = iter->first;
539         filteredData_[tag] = 0.0;
540         timeFilters_(index) = timeFilterManager_.construct();
541         index++;
542       }
543     }
544   }
547   //-------------------------------------------------------------------
548   // called after the end of a "run"
finish()549   void ATC_Transfer::finish()
550   {
551     // base class
552     ATC_Method::finish();
553   }
555   //-------------------------------------------------------------------
556   // this is the parser
modify(int narg,char ** arg)557   bool ATC_Transfer::modify(int narg, char **arg)
558   {
559     bool match = false;
561     int argIdx = 0;
562     // check to see if it is a transfer class command
563       /*! \page man_hardy_fields fix_modify AtC fields
564         \section syntax
565         fix_modify AtC fields <all | none> \n
566         fix_modify AtC fields <add | delete> <list_of_fields> \n
567         - all | none (keyword) = output all or no fields  \n
568         - add | delete (keyword) = add or delete the listed output fields \n
569         - fields (keyword) =  \n
570         density : mass per unit volume \n
571         displacement : displacement vector \n
572         momentum : momentum per unit volume \n
573         velocity : defined by momentum divided by density \n
574         projected_velocity : simple kernel estimation of atomic velocities \n
575         temperature :  temperature derived from the relative atomic kinetic energy (as done by ) \n
576         kinetic_temperature : temperature derived from the full kinetic energy  \n
577         number_density : simple kernel estimation of number of atoms per unit volume \n
578         stress :
579         Cauchy stress tensor for eulerian analysis (atom_element_map), or
580         1st Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor for lagrangian analysis    \n
581         transformed_stress :
582         1st Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor for eulerian analysis (atom_element_map), or
583                              Cauchy stress tensor for lagrangian analysis    \n
584         heat_flux : spatial heat flux vector for eulerian,
585         or referential heat flux vector for lagrangian \n
586         potential_energy : potential energy per unit volume \n
587         kinetic_energy : kinetic energy per unit volume \n
588         thermal_energy : thermal energy (kinetic energy - continuum kinetic energy) per unit volume \n
589         internal_energy : total internal energy (potential + thermal) per unit volume \n
590         energy : total energy (potential + kinetic) per unit volume \n
591         number_density : number of atoms per unit volume \n
592         eshelby_stress: configurational stress (energy-momentum) tensor defined by Eshelby
593           [References: Philos. Trans. Royal Soc. London A, Math. Phys. Sci., Vol. 244,
594           No. 877 (1951) pp. 87-112; J. Elasticity, Vol. 5, Nos. 3-4 (1975) pp. 321-335] \n
595         vacancy_concentration: volume fraction of vacancy content \n
596         type_concentration: volume fraction of a specific atom type \n
597         \section examples
598         <TT> fix_modify AtC fields add velocity temperature </TT>
599         \section description
600         Allows modification of the fields calculated and output by the
601         transfer class. The commands are cumulative, e.g.\n
602         <TT> fix_modify AtC fields none </TT> \n
603         followed by \n
604         <TT> fix_modify AtC fields add velocity temperature </TT> \n
605         will only output the velocity and temperature fields.
606         \section restrictions
607         Must be used with the hardy/field type of AtC fix, see \ref man_fix_atc.
608         Currently, the stress and heat flux formulas are only correct for
609         central force potentials, e.g. Lennard-Jones and EAM
610         but not Stillinger-Weber.
611         \section related
612         See \ref man_hardy_gradients , \ref man_hardy_rates  and \ref man_hardy_computes
613         \section default
614         By default, no fields are output
615       */
616       if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"fields")==0) {
617         argIdx++;
618         if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"all")==0) {
619           outputFlags_ = true;
620           match = true;
621         }
622         else if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"none")==0) {
623           outputFlags_ = false;
624           match = true;
625         }
626         else if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"add")==0) {
627           argIdx++;
628           for (int i = argIdx; i < narg; ++i) {
629             FieldName field_name = string_to_field(arg[i]);
630             outputFlags_(field_name) = true;
631           }
632           match = true;
633         }
634         else if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"delete")==0) {
635           argIdx++;
636           for (int i = argIdx; i < narg; ++i) {
637             FieldName field_name = string_to_field(arg[i]);
638             outputFlags_(field_name) = false;
639           }
640           match = true;
641         }
642         check_field_dependencies();
643         if (fieldFlags_(DISPLACEMENT)) { trackDisplacement_ = true; }
644       }
646       /*! \page man_hardy_gradients fix_modify AtC gradients
647         \section syntax
648         fix_modify AtC gradients <add | delete> <list_of_fields> \n
649         - add | delete (keyword) = add or delete the calculation of gradients for the listed output fields \n
650         - fields (keyword) =  \n
651         gradients can be calculated for all fields listed in \ref man_hardy_fields
653         \section examples
654         <TT> fix_modify AtC gradients add temperature velocity stress </TT> \n
655         <TT> fix_modify AtC gradients delete velocity </TT> \n
656         \section description
657         Requests calculation and ouput of gradients of the fields from the
658         transfer class. These gradients will be with regard to spatial or material
659         coordinate for eulerian or lagrangian analysis, respectively, as specified by
660         atom_element_map (see \ref man_atom_element_map )
661         \section restrictions
662         Must be used with the hardy/field type of AtC fix
663         ( see \ref man_fix_atc )
664         \section related
665         \section default
666         No gradients are calculated by default
667       */
668       else if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"gradients")==0) {
669         argIdx++;
670         if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"add")==0) {
671           argIdx++;
672           FieldName field_name;
673           for (int i = argIdx; i < narg; ++i) {
674             field_name = string_to_field(arg[i]);
675             gradFlags_(field_name) = true;
676           }
677           match = true;
678         }
679         else if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"delete")==0) {
680           argIdx++;
681           FieldName field_name;
682           for (int i = argIdx; i < narg; ++i) {
683             field_name = string_to_field(arg[i]);
684             gradFlags_(field_name) = false;
685           }
686           match = true;
687         }
688       }
690       /*! \page man_hardy_rates fix_modify AtC rates
691         \section syntax
692         fix_modify AtC rates <add | delete> <list_of_fields> \n
693         - add | delete (keyword) = add or delete the calculation of rates (time derivatives) for the listed output fields \n
694         - fields (keyword) =  \n
695         rates can be calculated for all fields listed in \ref man_hardy_fields
697         \section examples
698         <TT> fix_modify AtC rates add temperature velocity stress </TT> \n
699         <TT> fix_modify AtC rates delete stress </TT> \n
700         \section description
701         Requests calculation and ouput of rates (time derivatives) of the fields from the
702         transfer class. For eulerian analysis (see \ref man_atom_element_map ), these rates
703         are the partial time derivatives of the nodal fields, not the full (material) time
704         derivatives. \n
705         \section restrictions
706         Must be used with the hardy/field type of AtC fix
707         ( see \ref man_fix_atc )
708         \section related
709         \section default
710         No rates are calculated by default
711       */
712       else if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"rates")==0) {
713         argIdx++;
714         if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"add")==0) {
715           argIdx++;
716           FieldName field_name;
717           for (int i = argIdx; i < narg; ++i) {
718             field_name = string_to_field(arg[i]);
719             rateFlags_(field_name) = true;
720           }
721           match = true;
722         }
723         else if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"delete")==0) {
724           argIdx++;
725           FieldName field_name;
726           for (int i = argIdx; i < narg; ++i) {
727             field_name = string_to_field(arg[i]);
728             rateFlags_(field_name) = false;
729           }
730           match = true;
731         }
732       }
735       /*! \page man_pair_interactions fix_modify AtC pair_interactions/bond_interactions
736         \section syntax
737         fix_modify AtC pair_interactions <on|off> \n
738         fix_modify AtC bond_interactions <on|off> \n
740         \section examples
741         <TT> fix_modify AtC bond_interactions on </TT> \n
742         \section description
743         include bonds and/or pairs in the stress and heat flux computations
744         \section restrictions
745         \section related
746         \section default
747          pair interactions: on, bond interactions: off
748       */
749       if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"pair_interactions")==0) {    // default true
750         argIdx++;
751         if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"on")==0) { hasPairs_ = true; }
752         else                             { hasPairs_ = false;}
753         match = true;
754       }
755       if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"bond_interactions")==0) {    // default false
756         argIdx++;
757         if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"on")==0) { hasBonds_ = true; }
758         else                             { hasBonds_ = false;}
759         match = true;
760       }
762       /*! \page man_hardy_computes fix_modify AtC computes
763         \section syntax
764         fix_modify AtC computes <add | delete> [per-atom compute id] <volume | number> \n
765         - add | delete (keyword) = add or delete the calculation of an equivalent continuum field
766         for the specified per-atom compute as volume or number density quantity \n
767         - per-atom compute id =  name/id for per-atom compute,
768         fields can be calculated for all per-atom computes available from LAMMPS \n
769         - volume | number (keyword) = field created is a per-unit-volume quantity
770         or a per-atom quantity as weighted by kernel functions \n
772         \section examples
773         <TT> compute virial all stress/atom </TT> \n
774         <TT> fix_modify AtC computes add virial volume </TT> \n
775         <TT> fix_modify AtC computes delete virial </TT> \n
776         \n
777         <TT> compute centrosymmetry all centro/atom </TT> \n
778         <TT> fix_modify AtC computes add centrosymmetry number </TT> \n
779         \section description
780         Calculates continuum fields corresponding to specified per-atom computes created by LAMMPS \n
781         \section restrictions
782         Must be used with the hardy/field type of AtC fix ( see \ref man_fix_atc ) \n
783         Per-atom compute must be specified before corresponding continuum field can be requested \n
784         \section related
785         See manual page for compute
786         \section default
787         No defaults exist for this command
788       */
789       else if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"computes")==0) {
790         argIdx++;
791         if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"add")==0) {
792           argIdx++;
793           string tag(arg[argIdx++]);
794           int normalization = NO_NORMALIZATION;
795           if (narg > argIdx) {
796             if      (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"volume")==0) {
797               normalization = VOLUME_NORMALIZATION;
798             }
799             else if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"number")==0) {
800               normalization = NUMBER_NORMALIZATION;
801             }
802             else if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"mass")==0) {
803               normalization = MASS_NORMALIZATION;
804               throw ATC_Error("mass normalized not implemented");
805             }
806           }
807           computes_[tag] = normalization;
808           nComputes_++;
809           match = true;
810         }
811         else if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"delete")==0) {
812           argIdx++;
813           string tag(arg[argIdx]);
814           if (computes_.find(tag) != computes_.end()) {
815             computes_.erase(tag);
816             nComputes_--;
817           }
818           else {
819             throw ATC_Error(tag+" compute is not in list");
820           }
821           match = true;
822         }
823       }
826       /*! \page man_sample_frequency fix_modify AtC sample_frequency
827         \section syntax
828         fix_modify AtC sample_frequency [freq]
829         - freq (int) : frequency to sample field in number of steps
830         \section examples
831         <TT> fix_modify AtC sample_frequency 10
832         \section description
833         Specifies a frequency at which fields are computed for the case
834         where time filters are being applied.
835         \section restrictions
836         Must be used with the hardy/field AtC fix ( see \ref man_fix_atc )
837         and is only relevant when time filters are being used.
838         \section related
839         \section default
840         none
841       */
842       else if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"sample_frequency")==0) {
843         argIdx++;
844         int value = outputFrequency_; // default to output frequency
845         if (narg > 1) {
846           if (atoi(arg[argIdx]) > 0) value = atoi(arg[argIdx]);
847         }
848         sampleFrequency_ = value;
849         match = true;
850       } // end "sample_frequency"
852     // no match, call base class parser
853     if (!match) {
854       match = ATC_Method::modify(narg, arg);
855     }
857     return match;
858   }
860   //-------------------------------------------------------------------
861   // called at the beginning of a timestep
pre_init_integrate()862   void ATC_Transfer::pre_init_integrate()
863   {
864     ATC_Method::pre_init_integrate();
865   }
867   //-------------------------------------------------------------------
868   // called at the begining of second half timestep
869   // REFACTOR move this to post_neighbor
pre_final_integrate()870   void ATC_Transfer::pre_final_integrate()
871   {
872     // update time
873     update_time(); // time uses step if dt = 0
877     if ( neighborReset_ && sample_now() ) {
878       if (! kernelOnTheFly_ ) {
879         if (!moleculeIds_.empty()) compute_kernel_matrix_molecule(); //KKM add
880       }
881       neighborReset_ = false;
882     }
883   }
885   //-------------------------------------------------------------------
886   // called at the end of second half timestep
post_final_integrate()887   void ATC_Transfer::post_final_integrate()
888   {
889     // compute spatially smoothed quantities
890     double dt = lammpsInterface_->dt();
891     if ( sample_now() ) {
893       bool needsBond =  (! bondOnTheFly_ ) &&
894              (fieldFlags_(STRESS)
895            || fieldFlags_(ESHELBY_STRESS)
896            || fieldFlags_(HEAT_FLUX));
898       if ( needsBond ) {
899         if (pairMap_->need_reset()) {
900 //        ATC::LammpsInterface::instance()->print_msg("Recomputing bond matrix due to atomReset_ value");
901           compute_bond_matrix();
902         }
903       }
904       time_filter_pre (dt);
905       compute_fields();
906       time_filter_post(dt);
907       lammpsInterface_->computes_addstep(lammpsInterface_->ntimestep()+sampleFrequency_);
908     }
910     // output
911     if ( output_now() && !outputStepZero_ ) output();
912     outputStepZero_ = false;
914     //ATC_Method::post_final_integrate();
916   }
918   //-------------------------------------------------------------------
compute_bond_matrix(void)919   void ATC_Transfer::compute_bond_matrix(void)
920   {
921      bondMatrix_->reset();
922   }
923   //-------------------------------------------------------------------
compute_fields(void)924   void ATC_Transfer::compute_fields(void)
925   {
927     // keep per-atom computes fresh. JAZ and REJ not sure why;
928     // need to confer with JAT. (JAZ, 4/5/12)
929     interscaleManager_.lammps_force_reset();
931     // (1) direct quantities
932     for(int i=0; i < numFields_; ++i) {
933       FieldName index = indices_[i];
934       if (fieldFlags_(index)) {
935         DENS_MAT & data(hardyData_[field_to_string(index)].set_quantity());
936         data = (outputFields_[index])->quantity();
937       }
938     }
940     if (fieldFlags_(STRESS))
941       compute_stress(hardyData_["stress"].set_quantity());
942     if (fieldFlags_(HEAT_FLUX))
943       compute_heatflux(hardyData_["heat_flux"].set_quantity());
944 // molecule data
945     if (fieldFlags_(DIPOLE_MOMENT))
946       compute_dipole_moment(hardyData_["dipole_moment"].set_quantity());
947     if (fieldFlags_(QUADRUPOLE_MOMENT))
948       compute_quadrupole_moment(hardyData_["quadrupole_moment"].set_quantity());
949     if (fieldFlags_(DISLOCATION_DENSITY))
950       compute_dislocation_density(hardyData_["dislocation_density"].set_quantity());
952     // (2) derived quantities
953     // compute: gradients
954     if (gradFlags_.has_member(true)) {
955       for(int index=0; index < NUM_TOTAL_FIELDS; ++index) {
956         if (gradFlags_(index)) {
957           string field= field_to_string((FieldName) index);
958           string grad_field = field + "_gradient";
959           if (hardyData_.find(field) == hardyData_.end() ) {
960             throw ATC_Error("field " + field + " needs to be defined for gradient");
961           }
962           gradient_compute(hardyData_[field].quantity(), hardyData_[grad_field].set_quantity());
963         }
964       }
965     }
966     // compute: eshelby stress
967     if (fieldFlags_(ESHELBY_STRESS)) {
968       {
969       compute_eshelby_stress(hardyData_["eshelby_stress"].set_quantity(),
970                              hardyData_["internal_energy"].quantity(),
971                              hardyData_["stress"].quantity(),
972                              hardyData_["displacement_gradient"].quantity());
973       }
974     }
975     if (fieldFlags_(CAUCHY_BORN_ESHELBY_STRESS)) {
976       DENS_MAT & H = hardyData_["displacement_gradient"].set_quantity();
977       DENS_MAT E(H.nRows(),1);
978       ATOMIC_DATA::const_iterator tfield = hardyData_.find("temperature");
979       const DENS_MAT *temp = tfield==hardyData_.end() ? NULL : &((tfield->second).quantity());
980       //DENS_MAT & T = hardyData_["temperature"];
981       //cauchy_born_entropic_energy(H,E,T); E += hardyData_["internal_energy"];
982       cauchy_born_energy(H, E, temp);
984       compute_eshelby_stress(hardyData_["cauchy_born_eshelby_stress"].set_quantity(),
985                              E,hardyData_["stress"].quantity(),
986                              hardyData_["displacement_gradient"].quantity());
987     }
988     // compute: cauchy born stress
989     if (fieldFlags_(CAUCHY_BORN_STRESS)) {
990       ATOMIC_DATA::const_iterator tfield = hardyData_.find("temperature");
991       const DENS_MAT *temp = tfield==hardyData_.end() ? NULL : &((tfield->second).quantity());
992       cauchy_born_stress(hardyData_["displacement_gradient"].quantity(),
993                          hardyData_["cauchy_born_stress"].set_quantity(), temp);
994     }
995     // compute: cauchy born energy
996     if (fieldFlags_(CAUCHY_BORN_ENERGY)) {
997       ATOMIC_DATA::const_iterator tfield = hardyData_.find("temperature");
998       const DENS_MAT *temp = tfield==hardyData_.end() ? NULL : &((tfield->second).quantity());
999       cauchy_born_energy(hardyData_["displacement_gradient"].quantity(),
1000                          hardyData_["cauchy_born_energy"].set_quantity(), temp);
1001     }
1002     // 1st PK transformed to cauchy (lag) or cauchy transformed to 1st PK (eul)
1003     if (fieldFlags_(TRANSFORMED_STRESS)) {
1004       compute_transformed_stress(hardyData_["transformed_stress"].set_quantity(),
1005                                  hardyData_["stress"].quantity(),
1006                                  hardyData_["displacement_gradient"].quantity());
1007     }
1008     if (fieldFlags_(VACANCY_CONCENTRATION)) {
1009       compute_vacancy_concentration(hardyData_["vacancy_concentration"].set_quantity(),
1010                                     hardyData_["displacement_gradient"].quantity(),
1011                                     hardyData_["number_density"].quantity());
1012     }
1013     if (fieldFlags_(ELECTRIC_POTENTIAL)) {
1014       compute_electric_potential(
1015         hardyData_[field_to_string(ELECTRIC_POTENTIAL)].set_quantity());
1016     }
1017     // compute: rotation and/or stretch from deformation gradient
1018     if (fieldFlags_(ROTATION) || fieldFlags_(STRETCH)) {
1019       compute_polar_decomposition(hardyData_["rotation"].set_quantity(),
1020                                   hardyData_["stretch"].set_quantity(),
1021                                   hardyData_["displacement_gradient"].quantity());
1022     }
1023     // compute: rotation and/or stretch from deformation gradient
1025       compute_elastic_deformation_gradient2(hardyData_["elastic_deformation_gradient"].set_quantity(),
1026                                            hardyData_["stress"].quantity(),
1027                                            hardyData_["displacement_gradient"].quantity());
1028     }
1030     // (3) computes
1031     lammpsInterface_->computes_clearstep();
1032     map <string,int>::const_iterator iter;
1033     for (iter = computes_.begin(); iter != computes_.end(); iter++) {
1034       string tag = iter->first;
1035       COMPUTE_POINTER cmpt = lammpsInterface_->compute_pointer(tag);
1036       int projection = iter->second;
1037       int ncols = lammpsInterface_->compute_ncols_peratom(cmpt);;
1038       DENS_MAT atomicData(nLocal_,ncols);
1039       if (ncols == 1) {
1040         double * atomData = lammpsInterface_->compute_vector_peratom(cmpt);
1041         for (int i = 0; i < nLocal_; i++) {
1042           int atomIdx = internalToAtom_(i);
1043           atomicData(i,0) = atomData[atomIdx];
1044         }
1045       }
1046       else {
1047         double ** atomData = lammpsInterface_->compute_array_peratom(cmpt);
1048         for (int i = 0; i < nLocal_; i++) {
1049           int atomIdx = internalToAtom_(i);
1050           for (int k = 0; k < ncols; k++) {
1051             atomicData(i,k) = atomData[atomIdx][k];
1052           }
1053         }
1054       }
1055       // REFACTOR -- make dep manage
1056       if      (projection == NO_NORMALIZATION) {
1057         project(atomicData,hardyData_[tag].set_quantity());
1058       }
1059       else if (projection == VOLUME_NORMALIZATION) {
1060         project_volume_normalized(atomicData,hardyData_[tag].set_quantity());
1061       }
1062       else if (projection == NUMBER_NORMALIZATION) {
1063         project_count_normalized(atomicData,hardyData_[tag].set_quantity());
1064       }
1065       else if (projection == MASS_NORMALIZATION) {
1066         throw ATC_Error("unimplemented normalization");
1067       }
1068       else {
1069         throw ATC_Error("unimplemented normalization");
1070       }
1071 #ifdef ESHELBY_VIRIAL
1072       if (tag == "virial" && fieldFlags_(ESHELBY_STRESS)) {
1073         if (atomToElementMapType_ == LAGRANGIAN) {
1074           DENS_MAT tmp = hardyData_[tag].quantity();
1075           DENS_MAT & myData(hardyData_[tag].set_quantity());
1076           myData.reset(nNodes_,FieldSizes[STRESS]);
1077           DENS_MAT F(3,3),FT(3,3),FTINV(3,3),CAUCHY(3,3),PK1(3,3);
1078           const DENS_MAT& H(hardyData_["displacement_gradient"].quantity());
1079           for (int k = 0; k < nNodes_; k++ ) {
1080             vector_to_symm_matrix(k,tmp,CAUCHY);
1081             vector_to_matrix(k,H,F);
1082             F(0,0) += 1.0; F(1,1) += 1.0; F(2,2) += 1.0;
1083             FT = F.transpose();
1084             FTINV = inv(FT);
1086             //       volumes are already reference volumes.
1087             PK1 = CAUCHY*FTINV;
1088             matrix_to_vector(k,PK1,myData);
1089           }
1090         }
1091         compute_eshelby_stress(hardyData_["eshelby_virial"].set_quantity(),
1092            hardyData_["internal_energy"].quantity(),hardyData_[tag].quantity(),
1093            hardyData_["displacement_gradient"].quantity());
1094       }
1095 #endif
1096     }
1098   }// end of compute_fields routine
1100   //-------------------------------------------------------------------
time_filter_pre(double dt)1101   void ATC_Transfer::time_filter_pre(double dt)
1102   {
1103     sampleCounter_++;
1104     string name;
1105     double delta_t = dt*sampleFrequency_;
1106     for(int index=0; index < NUM_TOTAL_FIELDS; ++index) {
1107       if (fieldFlags_(index)) {
1108         name = field_to_string((FieldName) index);
1109         timeFilters_(index)->apply_pre_step1(filteredData_[name].set_quantity(),
1110                                              hardyData_[name].quantity(), delta_t);
1111       }
1112     }
1113     map <string,int>::const_iterator iter;
1114     int index = NUM_TOTAL_FIELDS;
1115     for (iter = computes_.begin(); iter != computes_.end(); iter++) {
1116       string tag = iter->first;
1117       timeFilters_(index)->apply_pre_step1(filteredData_[tag].set_quantity(),
1118                                            hardyData_[tag].quantity(), delta_t);
1119       index++;
1120     }
1121   }
1123   //-------------------------------------------------------------------
time_filter_post(double dt)1124   void ATC_Transfer::time_filter_post(double dt)
1125   {
1126     sampleCounter_++;
1127     string name;
1128     double delta_t = dt*sampleFrequency_;
1129     for(int index=0; index < NUM_TOTAL_FIELDS; ++index) {
1130       if (fieldFlags_(index)) {
1131         name = field_to_string((FieldName) index);
1132         timeFilters_(index)->apply_post_step2(filteredData_[name].set_quantity(),
1133                                               hardyData_[name].quantity(), delta_t);
1134       }
1135     }
1136     if (rateFlags_.has_member(true)) {
1137       for(int index=0; index < NUM_TOTAL_FIELDS; ++index) {
1138         if (rateFlags_(index)) {
1139           string field= field_to_string((FieldName) index);
1140           string rate_field = field + "_rate";
1141           timeFilters_(index)->rate(hardyData_[rate_field].set_quantity(),
1142                                     filteredData_[field].quantity(),
1143                                     hardyData_[field].quantity(), delta_t);
1144         }
1145       }
1146     }
1147     for(int index=0; index < NUM_TOTAL_FIELDS; ++index) {
1148       if (rateFlags_(index)) {
1149         name = field_to_string((FieldName) index);
1150         string rate_field = name + "_rate";
1151         filteredData_[rate_field] = hardyData_[rate_field];
1152       }
1153       if (gradFlags_(index)) {
1154         name = field_to_string((FieldName) index);
1155         string grad_field = name + "_gradient";
1156         filteredData_[grad_field] = hardyData_[grad_field];
1157       }
1158     }
1160     //       lists/accessing of fields ( & computes)
1161     map <string,int>::const_iterator iter;
1162     int index = NUM_TOTAL_FIELDS;
1163     for (iter = computes_.begin(); iter != computes_.end(); iter++) {
1164       string tag = iter->first;
1165       timeFilters_(index)->apply_post_step2(filteredData_[tag].set_quantity(),
1166                                             hardyData_[tag].quantity(), delta_t);
1167 #ifdef ESHELBY_VIRIAL
1168       if (tag == "virial" && fieldFlags_(ESHELBY_STRESS)) {
1169         filteredData_["eshelby_virial"] = hardyData_["eshelby_virial"];
1170       }
1171 #endif
1172       index++;
1173     }
1174   }
1176   //-------------------------------------------------------------------
output()1177   void ATC_Transfer::output()
1178   {
1179     feEngine_->departition_mesh();
1181     for(int index=0; index < NUM_TOTAL_FIELDS; ++index) {
1182       if (outputFlags_(index)) {
1183         FieldName fName = (FieldName) index;
1184         string name= field_to_string(fName);
1185         fields_[fName] = filteredData_[name];
1186       }
1187     }
1189     ATC_Method::output();
1190     if (lammpsInterface_->comm_rank() == 0) {
1191       // data
1192       OUTPUT_LIST output_data;
1194       output_data["reference_potential_energy"] = nodalRefPotentialEnergy_->quantity();
1195 #endif
1196       for(int index=0; index < NUM_TOTAL_FIELDS; ++index) {
1197         if (outputFlags_(index)) {
1198           string name= field_to_string((FieldName) index);
1199           output_data[name]       = & ( filteredData_[name].set_quantity());
1200         }
1201         if (rateFlags_(index)) {
1202           string name= field_to_string((FieldName) index);
1203           string rate_name = name + "_rate";
1204           output_data[rate_name] = & ( filteredData_[rate_name].set_quantity());
1205         }
1206         if (gradFlags_(index)) {
1207           string name= field_to_string((FieldName) index);
1208           string grad_name = name + "_gradient";
1209           output_data[grad_name] = & ( filteredData_[grad_name].set_quantity());
1210         }
1211       }
1213       //       lists/accessing of fields ( & computes)
1214       map <string,int>::const_iterator iter;
1215       for (iter = computes_.begin(); iter != computes_.end(); iter++) {
1216         string tag = iter->first;
1217         output_data[tag]       = & ( filteredData_[tag].set_quantity());
1218 #ifdef ESHELBY_VIRIAL
1219         if (tag == "virial" && fieldFlags_(ESHELBY_STRESS)) {
1220           output_data["eshelby_virial"] = & ( filteredData_["eshelby_virial"].set_quantity() );
1221         }
1222 #endif
1223       }
1225       DENS_MAT nodalInverseVolumes = CLON_VEC(accumulantInverseVolumes_->quantity());
1226       output_data["NodalInverseVolumes"] = &nodalInverseVolumes;
1228       // output
1229       feEngine_->write_data(output_index(), & output_data);
1230     }
1231     feEngine_->partition_mesh();
1232   }
1234 /////// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1236 /////// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1237   //-------------------------------------------------------------------
1238   // computes nodeData = N*atomData
project(const DENS_MAT & atomData,DENS_MAT & nodeData)1239   void ATC_Transfer::project(const DENS_MAT & atomData,
1240                                   DENS_MAT & nodeData)
1241   {
1242     if (! kernelOnTheFly_ ) {
1243       nodeData.reset(nNodes_,atomData.nCols(),true);
1244       DENS_MAT workNodeArray(nodeData.nRows(),nodeData.nCols());
1245       if (nLocal_>0) workNodeArray = (accumulant_->quantity()).transMat(atomData);
1246       int count = nodeData.nRows()*nodeData.nCols();
1247       lammpsInterface_->allsum(workNodeArray.ptr(),nodeData.ptr(),count);
1248     }
1249     else {
1250       compute_projection(atomData,nodeData);
1251     }
1252   }
1254   //-------------------------------------------------------------------
1255   // computes nodeData = N*molData specially for molecules
project_molecule(const DENS_MAT & molData,DENS_MAT & nodeData)1256   void ATC_Transfer::project_molecule(const DENS_MAT & molData,
1257                                   DENS_MAT & nodeData)
1258   {
1259     if (! kernelOnTheFly_ ) {
1260       nodeData.reset(nNodes_,molData.nCols(),true);
1261       DENS_MAT workNodeArray(nodeData.nRows(),nodeData.nCols());
1262       if (nLocal_>0) workNodeArray = (accumulantMol_->quantity()).transMat(molData);
1263       int count = nodeData.nRows()*nodeData.nCols();
1264       lammpsInterface_->allsum(workNodeArray.ptr(),nodeData.ptr(),count);
1265     }
1266     else {
1267       compute_projection(molData,nodeData);
1268     }
1269   }
1271   //-------------------------------------------------------------------
1272   // computes nodeData = gradient of N*molData specially for molecules
project_molecule_gradient(const DENS_MAT & molData,DENS_MAT & nodeData)1273   void ATC_Transfer::project_molecule_gradient(const DENS_MAT & molData,
1274                                   DENS_MAT & nodeData)
1275   {
1276     if (! kernelOnTheFly_ ) {
1277       nodeData.reset(nNodes_,molData.nCols(),true);
1278       DENS_MAT workNodeArray(nodeData.nRows(),nodeData.nCols());
1279       if (nLocal_>0) workNodeArray = (accumulantMolGrad_->quantity()).transMat(molData);
1280       int count = nodeData.nRows()*nodeData.nCols();
1281       lammpsInterface_->allsum(workNodeArray.ptr(),nodeData.ptr(),count);
1282     }
1283     else {
1284       compute_projection(molData,nodeData);
1285     }
1286   }
1288   //-------------------------------------------------------------------
1289   // count normalized
project_count_normalized(const DENS_MAT & atomData,DENS_MAT & nodeData)1290   void ATC_Transfer::project_count_normalized(const DENS_MAT & atomData,
1291                                   DENS_MAT & nodeData)
1292   {
1293     DENS_MAT tmp;
1294     project(atomData,tmp);
1295     nodeData = (accumulantWeights_->quantity())*tmp;
1296   }
1298   //-------------------------------------------------------------------
1299   // volume normalized
project_volume_normalized(const DENS_MAT & atomData,DENS_MAT & nodeData)1300   void ATC_Transfer::project_volume_normalized(const DENS_MAT & atomData,
1301                                         DENS_MAT & nodeData)
1302   {
1303     DENS_MAT tmp;
1304     project(atomData,tmp);
1305     nodeData = (accumulantInverseVolumes_->quantity())*tmp;
1306   }
1308   //-------------------------------------------------------------------
1309   // volume normalized molecule
project_volume_normalized_molecule(const DENS_MAT & molData,DENS_MAT & nodeData)1310   void ATC_Transfer::project_volume_normalized_molecule(const DENS_MAT & molData,
1311                                         DENS_MAT & nodeData)
1312   {
1313     DENS_MAT tmp;
1314     project_molecule(molData,tmp);
1315     nodeData = (accumulantInverseVolumes_->quantity())*tmp;
1316   }
1318   //-------------------------------------------------------------------
1319   // volume normalized molecule_gradient
project_volume_normalized_molecule_gradient(const DENS_MAT & molData,DENS_MAT & nodeData)1320   void ATC_Transfer::project_volume_normalized_molecule_gradient(const DENS_MAT & molData,
1321                                         DENS_MAT & nodeData)
1322   {
1323     DENS_MAT tmp;
1324     project_molecule_gradient(molData,tmp);
1325     nodeData = (accumulantInverseVolumes_->quantity())*tmp;
1326   }
1329   //-------------------------------------------------------------------
gradient_compute(const DENS_MAT & inNodeData,DENS_MAT & outNodeData)1330   void ATC_Transfer::gradient_compute(const DENS_MAT & inNodeData,
1331                                            DENS_MAT & outNodeData)
1332   {
1333     int nrows = inNodeData.nRows();
1334     int ncols = inNodeData.nCols();
1335     outNodeData.reset(nrows,ncols*nsd_);
1336     int index = 0;
1337     for (int n = 0; n < ncols; n++) { //output v1,1 v1,2 v1,3 ...
1338       for (int m = 0; m < nsd_; m++) {
1339         CLON_VEC inData(inNodeData,CLONE_COL,n);
1340         CLON_VEC outData(outNodeData,CLONE_COL,index);
1341         outData = (*((gradientMatrix_->quantity())[m]))*inData;
1342         ++index;
1343       }
1344     }
1345   }
1349   //-------------------------------------------------------------------
compute_force_matrix()1350   void ATC_Transfer::compute_force_matrix()
1351   {
1352     atomicForceMatrix_ = pairVirial_->quantity();
1353   }
1355   //-------------------------------------------------------------------
1356   // computes "virial" part of heat flux
1357   // This is correct ONLY for pair potentials.
compute_heat_matrix()1358   void ATC_Transfer::compute_heat_matrix()
1359   {
1360     atomicHeatMatrix_ = pairHeatFlux_->quantity();
1361   }
1363   //-------------------------------------------------------------------
1364   // set xPointer_ to xref or xatom depending on Lagrangian/Eulerian analysis
set_xPointer()1365   void ATC_Transfer::set_xPointer()
1366   {
1367     xPointer_ = xref_;
1368     if (atomToElementMapType_ == EULERIAN) {
1369       xPointer_ = lammpsInterface_->xatom();
1370     }
1371   }
1373   //-------------------------------------------------------------------
1375   // check consistency of fieldFlags_
check_field_dependencies()1376   void ATC_Transfer::check_field_dependencies()
1377   {
1378     fieldFlags_ = outputFlags_;
1379     if (fieldFlags_(TRANSFORMED_STRESS))  {
1380       fieldFlags_(STRESS) = true;
1381       fieldFlags_(DISPLACEMENT) = true;
1382     }
1383     if (fieldFlags_(ESHELBY_STRESS))  {
1384       fieldFlags_(STRESS) = true;
1385       fieldFlags_(INTERNAL_ENERGY) = true;
1386       fieldFlags_(DISPLACEMENT) = true;
1387     }
1388     if (fieldFlags_(CAUCHY_BORN_STRESS)
1389         || fieldFlags_(CAUCHY_BORN_ENERGY)
1390         || fieldFlags_(CAUCHY_BORN_ESHELBY_STRESS)
1392       if (! (cauchyBornStress_) ) {
1393         throw ATC_Error("can't compute cauchy-born stress w/o cauchy born model");
1394       }
1395     }
1397       fieldFlags_(STRESS) = true;
1398     }
1399     if (fieldFlags_(CAUCHY_BORN_STRESS)
1400         || fieldFlags_(CAUCHY_BORN_ENERGY)) {
1401       fieldFlags_(TEMPERATURE)  = true;
1402       fieldFlags_(DISPLACEMENT) = true;
1403     }
1404     if (fieldFlags_(CAUCHY_BORN_ESHELBY_STRESS))  {
1405       fieldFlags_(TEMPERATURE)  = true;
1406       fieldFlags_(DISPLACEMENT) = true;
1407       fieldFlags_(STRESS) = true;
1408     }
1409     if (fieldFlags_(VACANCY_CONCENTRATION)) {
1410       fieldFlags_(DISPLACEMENT) = true;
1411       fieldFlags_(NUMBER_DENSITY) = true;
1412     }
1413     if (fieldFlags_(INTERNAL_ENERGY)) {
1414       fieldFlags_(POTENTIAL_ENERGY) = true;
1415       fieldFlags_(THERMAL_ENERGY) = true;
1416     }
1417     if (fieldFlags_(ENERGY)) {
1418       fieldFlags_(POTENTIAL_ENERGY) = true;
1419       fieldFlags_(KINETIC_ENERGY) = true;
1420     }
1421     if (fieldFlags_(TEMPERATURE) || fieldFlags_(HEAT_FLUX) ||
1422         fieldFlags_(KINETIC_ENERGY) || fieldFlags_(THERMAL_ENERGY) ||
1423         fieldFlags_(ENERGY) || fieldFlags_(INTERNAL_ENERGY) ||
1424         fieldFlags_(KINETIC_ENERGY) || (fieldFlags_(STRESS) &&
1425         atomToElementMapType_ == EULERIAN) ) {
1426       fieldFlags_(VELOCITY) = true;
1427       fieldFlags_(MASS_DENSITY) = true;
1428     }
1430     if (fieldFlags_(VELOCITY)) {
1431       fieldFlags_(MASS_DENSITY) = true;
1432       fieldFlags_(MOMENTUM) = true;
1433     }
1434     if (fieldFlags_(DISPLACEMENT)) {
1435       fieldFlags_(MASS_DENSITY) = true;
1436     }
1437     if (fieldFlags_(TEMPERATURE) ) {
1438       fieldFlags_(NUMBER_DENSITY) = true;
1439     }
1441     if (fieldFlags_(ROTATION) ||
1442         fieldFlags_(STRETCH)) {
1443       fieldFlags_(DISPLACEMENT) = true;
1444     }
1445     if (fieldFlags_(ESHELBY_STRESS)
1446        || fieldFlags_(CAUCHY_BORN_STRESS)
1447        || fieldFlags_(CAUCHY_BORN_ENERGY)
1448        || fieldFlags_(CAUCHY_BORN_ESHELBY_STRESS)
1450        || fieldFlags_(VACANCY_CONCENTRATION)
1451        || fieldFlags_(ROTATION)
1452        || fieldFlags_(STRETCH) ) {
1453         gradFlags_(DISPLACEMENT) = true;
1454     }
1456     // check whether single_enable==0 for stress/heat flux calculation
1457     if (fieldFlags_(STRESS) || fieldFlags_(HEAT_FLUX)) {
1458       if (lammpsInterface_->single_enable()==0) {
1459         throw ATC_Error("Calculation of  stress field not possible with selected pair type.");
1460       }
1461     }
1463   }
1465 //============== THIN WRAPPERS ====================================
1466 // OBSOLETE
1468 // ***************UNCONVERTED**************************
1470   //-------------------------------------------------------------------
1471   // MOLECULE
1472   //-------------------------------------------------------------------
compute_dipole_moment(DENS_MAT & dipole_moment)1473   void ATC_Transfer::compute_dipole_moment(DENS_MAT & dipole_moment)
1474   {
1475     const DENS_MAT & molecularVector(dipoleMoment_->quantity());
1476     project_volume_normalized_molecule(molecularVector,dipole_moment); // KKM add
1477    //
1478   }
1479   //-------------------------------------------------------------------
compute_quadrupole_moment(DENS_MAT & quadrupole_moment)1480   void ATC_Transfer::compute_quadrupole_moment(DENS_MAT & quadrupole_moment)
1481   {
1482     const DENS_MAT & molecularVector(quadrupoleMoment_->quantity());
1483     project_volume_normalized_molecule_gradient(molecularVector,quadrupole_moment); // KKM add
1484    //
1485   }
1486   //-------------------------------------------------------------------
compute_stress(DENS_MAT & stress)1487   void ATC_Transfer::compute_stress(DENS_MAT & stress)
1488   {
1489     // table of bond functions already calculated in initialize function
1490     // get conversion factor for nktV to p units
1491     double nktv2p = lammpsInterface_->nktv2p();
1493     // calculate kinetic energy tensor part of stress for Eulerian analysis
1494     if (atomToElementMapType_ == EULERIAN && nLocal_>0) {
1495       compute_kinetic_stress(stress);
1496     }
1497     else {
1498       // zero stress table for Lagrangian analysis or if nLocal_ = 0
1499       stress.zero();
1500     }
1501     // add-in potential part of stress tensor
1502     int nrows = stress.nRows();
1503     int ncols = stress.nCols();
1504     DENS_MAT local_potential_hardy_stress(nrows,ncols);
1505     if (nLocal_>0) {
1506       if (bondOnTheFly_) {
1507         compute_potential_stress(local_potential_hardy_stress);
1508       }
1509       else {
1510         // compute table of force & position dyad
1511         compute_force_matrix();
1512         // calculate force part of stress tensor
1513         local_potential_hardy_stress = atomicBondMatrix_*atomicForceMatrix_;
1514         local_potential_hardy_stress *= 0.5;
1515       }
1516     }
1517     // global summation of potential part of stress tensor
1518     DENS_MAT potential_hardy_stress(nrows,ncols);
1519     int count = nrows*ncols;
1520     lammpsInterface_->allsum(local_potential_hardy_stress.ptr(),
1521                              potential_hardy_stress.ptr(), count);
1522     stress += potential_hardy_stress;
1523     stress = nktv2p*stress;
1524   }
1526   //-------------------------------------------------------------------
1527   // kinetic energy portion of stress
compute_kinetic_stress(DENS_MAT & stress)1528   void ATC_Transfer::compute_kinetic_stress(DENS_MAT& stress)
1529   {
1530     const DENS_MAT& density = hardyData_["mass_density"].quantity();
1531     const DENS_MAT& velocity = hardyData_["velocity"].quantity();
1533     int * type     = lammpsInterface_->atom_type();
1534     double * mass  = lammpsInterface_->atom_mass();
1535     double * rmass = lammpsInterface_->atom_rmass();
1536     double ** vatom    = lammpsInterface_->vatom();
1537     double mvv2e = lammpsInterface_->mvv2e(); // [MV^2]-->[Energy]
1539     atomicTensor_.reset(nLocal_,6);
1540     for (int i = 0; i < nLocal_; i++) {
1541       int atomIdx = internalToAtom_(i);
1542       double ma =  mass ? mass[type[atomIdx]]: rmass[atomIdx];
1543       ma *= mvv2e; // convert mass to appropriate units
1544       double* v = vatom[atomIdx];
1545       atomicTensor_(i,0) -= ma*v[0]*v[0];
1546       atomicTensor_(i,1) -= ma*v[1]*v[1];
1547       atomicTensor_(i,2) -= ma*v[2]*v[2];
1548       atomicTensor_(i,3) -= ma*v[0]*v[1];
1549       atomicTensor_(i,4) -= ma*v[0]*v[2];
1550       atomicTensor_(i,5) -= ma*v[1]*v[2];
1551     }
1552     project_volume_normalized(atomicTensor_, stress);
1554     for (int i = 0; i < nNodes_; i++) {
1555       double rho_i = mvv2e*density(i,0);
1556       stress(i,0) += rho_i*velocity(i,0)*velocity(i,0);
1557       stress(i,1) += rho_i*velocity(i,1)*velocity(i,1);
1558       stress(i,2) += rho_i*velocity(i,2)*velocity(i,2);
1559       stress(i,3) += rho_i*velocity(i,0)*velocity(i,1);
1560       stress(i,4) += rho_i*velocity(i,0)*velocity(i,2);
1561       stress(i,5) += rho_i*velocity(i,1)*velocity(i,2);
1562     }
1563   }
1565   //-------------------------------------------------------------------
compute_heatflux(DENS_MAT & flux)1566   void ATC_Transfer::compute_heatflux(DENS_MAT & flux)
1567   {
1568     // calculate kinetic part of heat flux
1569     if (atomToElementMapType_ == EULERIAN && nLocal_>0) {
1570       compute_kinetic_heatflux(flux);
1571     }
1572     else {
1573       flux.zero(); // zero stress table for Lagrangian analysis
1574     }
1575     // add potential part of heat flux vector
1576     int nrows = flux.nRows();
1577     int ncols = flux.nCols();
1578     DENS_MAT local_hardy_heat(nrows,ncols);
1579     if (nLocal_>0) {
1580       if (bondOnTheFly_) {
1581         compute_potential_heatflux(local_hardy_heat);
1582       }
1583       else {
1584         // calculate force/potential-derivative part of heat flux
1585         compute_heat_matrix();
1586         local_hardy_heat = atomicBondMatrix_*atomicHeatMatrix_;
1587       }
1588     }
1589     // global summation of potential part of heat flux vector
1590     DENS_MAT hardy_heat(nrows,ncols);
1591     int count = nrows*ncols;
1592     lammpsInterface_->allsum(local_hardy_heat.ptr(),
1593                              hardy_heat.ptr(), count);
1594     flux += hardy_heat;
1595   }
1597   //-------------------------------------------------------------------
1598   // compute kinetic part of heat flux
compute_kinetic_heatflux(DENS_MAT & flux)1599   void ATC_Transfer::compute_kinetic_heatflux(DENS_MAT& flux)
1600   {
1601     const DENS_MAT& velocity = hardyData_["velocity"].quantity();
1602     const DENS_MAT& energy = hardyData_["mass_density"].quantity();
1603     const DENS_MAT& stress = hardyData_["stress"].quantity();
1605     int * type     = lammpsInterface_->atom_type();
1606     double * mass  = lammpsInterface_->atom_mass();
1607     double * rmass = lammpsInterface_->atom_rmass();
1608     double ** vatom    = lammpsInterface_->vatom();
1609     double mvv2e = lammpsInterface_->mvv2e();
1610     double * atomPE = lammpsInterface_->compute_pe_peratom();
1611     double atomKE, atomEnergy;
1612     atomicVector_.reset(nLocal_,3);
1613     for (int i = 0; i < nLocal_; i++) {
1614       int atomIdx = internalToAtom_(i);
1615       double ma = mass ? mass[type[atomIdx]]: rmass[atomIdx];
1616       ma *= mvv2e; // convert mass to appropriate units
1617       double* v = vatom[atomIdx];
1618       atomKE = 0.0;
1619       for (int k = 0; k < nsd_; k++) { atomKE += v[k]*v[k]; }
1620       atomKE *= 0.5*ma;
1621       atomEnergy = atomKE + atomPE[atomIdx];
1622       for (int j = 0; j < nsd_; j++) {
1623         atomicVector_(i,j) += atomEnergy*v[j];
1624       }
1625     }
1626     project_volume_normalized(atomicVector_,flux);
1628     // - e^0_I v_I + \sigma^T_I v_I
1629     for (int i = 0; i < nNodes_; i++) {
1630       double e_i = energy(i,0);
1631       flux(i,0) += (e_i + stress(i,0))*velocity(i,0)
1632                  + stress(i,3)*velocity(i,1)+ stress(i,4)*velocity(i,2);
1633       flux(i,1) += (e_i + stress(i,1))*velocity(i,1)
1634                  + stress(i,3)*velocity(i,0)+ stress(i,5)*velocity(i,2);
1635       flux(i,2) += (e_i + stress(i,2))*velocity(i,2)
1636                  + stress(i,4)*velocity(i,0)+ stress(i,5)*velocity(i,1);
1637     }
1638   }
1639   //--------------------------------------------------------------------
compute_electric_potential(DENS_MAT & phi)1640   void ATC_Transfer::compute_electric_potential(DENS_MAT & phi)
1641   {
1642     // Poisson solve with insulating bcs
1643     const DENS_MAT & rho = (restrictedCharge_->quantity());
1644     SPAR_MAT K;
1645     feEngine_->stiffness_matrix(K);
1646     double permittivity = lammpsInterface_->dielectric();
1647     permittivity *= LammpsInterface::instance()->epsilon0();
1648     K *= permittivity;
1649     BC_SET bcs;
1650     bcs.insert(pair<int,int>(0,0));
1651     LinearSolver solver(K,bcs);
1652     CLON_VEC x = column(phi,0);
1653     CLON_VEC b = column(rho,0);
1654     solver.solve(x,b);
1655 //x.print("x:phi");
1656 //b.print("b:rho");
1657     //LinearSolver solver(K,AUTO_SOLVE,true);
1658   }
1659   //--------------------------------------------------------------------
compute_vacancy_concentration(DENS_MAT & Cv,const DENS_MAT & H,const DENS_MAT & rhoN)1660   void ATC_Transfer::compute_vacancy_concentration(DENS_MAT & Cv,
1661     const DENS_MAT & H, const DENS_MAT & rhoN)
1662   {
1663     int * type = lammpsInterface_->atom_type();
1664     DENS_MAT new_rho(nNodes_,1);
1665     DENS_MAT atomCnt(nLocal_,1);
1666     double atomic_weight_sum = 0.0;
1667     double site_weight_sum = 0.0;
1668     int number_atoms = 0;
1669     const DIAG_MAT & myAtomicWeights(atomVolume_->quantity());
1671     for (int i = 0; i < nLocal_; i++) {
1672       int atomIdx = internalToAtom_(i);
1673       if (type[atomIdx] != 13) {
1674         atomCnt(i,0) = myAtomicWeights(i,i);
1675         atomic_weight_sum += myAtomicWeights(i,i);
1676         number_atoms++;
1677       }
1678       site_weight_sum += myAtomicWeights(i,i);
1679     }
1680     project_volume_normalized(atomCnt, new_rho);
1681     DENS_MAT F(3,3);
1682     for (int i = 0; i < nNodes_; i++) {
1683       if (atomToElementMapType_ == EULERIAN) {
1684         // for Eulerian analysis: F = (1-H)^{-1}
1685         DENS_MAT G(3,3);
1686         vector_to_matrix(i,H,G);
1687         G *= -1.;
1688         G(0,0) += 1.0; G(1,1) += 1.0; G(2,2) += 1.0;
1689         F = inv(G);
1690       }
1691       else if (atomToElementMapType_ == LAGRANGIAN) {
1692         // for Lagrangian analysis: F = (1+H)
1693         vector_to_matrix(i,H,F);
1694         F(0,0) += 1.0; F(1,1) += 1.0; F(2,2) += 1.0;
1695       }
1696       double J = det(F);
1697       double volume_per_atom = lammpsInterface_->volume_per_atom();
1698       J *= volume_per_atom;
1699       Cv(i,0) = 1.0 - J*new_rho(i,0);
1700     }
1701   }
1703   //--------------------------------------------------------------------
compute_eshelby_stress(DENS_MAT & M,const DENS_MAT & E,const DENS_MAT & S,const DENS_MAT & H)1704   void ATC_Transfer::compute_eshelby_stress(DENS_MAT & M,
1705     const DENS_MAT & E, const DENS_MAT & S, const DENS_MAT & H)
1706   {
1707     // eshelby stress:M, energy:E, stress:S, displacement gradient: H
1708     // eshelby stress = W I - F^T.P = W I - C.S  [energy]
1709     // symmetric if isotropic S = a_0 I + a_1 C + a_2 C^2
1710     M.reset(nNodes_,FieldSizes[ESHELBY_STRESS]);
1711     double nktv2p = lammpsInterface_->nktv2p();
1712     DENS_MAT P(3,3),F(3,3),FT(3,3),FTP(3,3),ESH(3,3);
1713     for (int i = 0; i < nNodes_; i++) {
1714       double W = E(i,0);
1715       ESH.identity();
1716       ESH *= W;
1718       // copy to local
1719       if (atomToElementMapType_ == LAGRANGIAN) {
1720         // Stress notation convention:: 0:11 1:12 2:13  3:21 4:22 5:23  6:31 7:32 8:33
1721         vector_to_matrix(i,S,P);
1724         vector_to_matrix(i,H,F);
1725 #ifndef H_BASED
1726         F(0,0) += 1.0; F(1,1) += 1.0; F(2,2) += 1.0;
1727 #endif
1728         FT = F.transpose();
1729       }
1730       else if (atomToElementMapType_ == EULERIAN) {
1731         vector_to_symm_matrix(i,S,P);
1732         vector_to_matrix(i,H,F);
1733         FT = F.transpose();
1734       }
1735       FTP = (1.0/nktv2p)*FT*P;
1736       ESH -= FTP;
1737       if (atomToElementMapType_ == EULERIAN) {
1738         // For Eulerian analysis, M = F^T*(w-H^T.CauchyStress)
1739         DENS_MAT Q(3,3);
1740         Q.identity();
1741         // Q stores (1-H)
1742         Q -= FT.transpose();
1743         DENS_MAT F(3,3);
1744         F = inv(Q);
1745         FT = F.transpose();
1746         ESH = FT*ESH;
1747       }
1748       // copy to global
1749       matrix_to_vector(i,ESH,M);
1750     }
1751   }
1752   //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1753   // Computes the Cauchy Born stress tensor, T given displacement gradient, H
1754   // and optional temperature argument (passed by pointer), TEMP
1755   //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cauchy_born_stress(const DENS_MAT & H,DENS_MAT & T,const DENS_MAT * temp)1756   void ATC_Transfer::cauchy_born_stress(const DENS_MAT &H, DENS_MAT &T, const DENS_MAT *temp)
1757   {
1758     FIELD_MATS uField;      // uField should contain temperature.
1759     DENS_MAT_VEC tField;
1760     GRAD_FIELD_MATS hField;
1761     DENS_MAT_VEC &h = hField[DISPLACEMENT];
1762     h.assign(nsd_, DENS_MAT(nNodes_,nsd_));
1763     tField.assign(nsd_, DENS_MAT(nNodes_,nsd_));
1764     // each row is the CB stress at a node stored in voigt form
1765     T.reset(nNodes_,FieldSizes[CAUCHY_BORN_STRESS]);
1766     const double nktv2p = lammpsInterface_->nktv2p();
1767     const double fact = -lammpsInterface_->mvv2e()*nktv2p;
1769     // reshape H (#nodes,9) into h [3](#nodes,3) displacement gradient
1770     vector_to_dens_mat_vec(H,h);
1772     // if temperature is provided, then set it
1773     if (temp) uField[TEMPERATURE] = *temp;
1775     // Computes the stress at each node.
1776     cauchyBornStress_->stress(uField, hField, tField);
1778     // reshapes the stress, T to a (#node,6) DenseMatrix.
1779     DENS_MAT S(nNodes_,6);
1780     symm_dens_mat_vec_to_vector(tField,S);
1781     S *= fact;
1783     // tField/S holds the 2nd P-K stress tensor. Transform to
1784     // Cauchy for EULERIAN analysis, transform to 1st P-K
1785     // for LAGRANGIAN analysis.
1786     DENS_MAT PK2(3,3),G(3,3),F(3,3),FT(3,3),STRESS(3,3);
1787     for (int i = 0; i < nNodes_; i++) {
1789       vector_to_symm_matrix(i,S,PK2);
1791       if (atomToElementMapType_ == EULERIAN) {
1793         // for Eulerian analysis: F = (1-H)^{-1}
1794         vector_to_matrix(i,H,G);
1795         G *= -1.;
1797         G(0,0) += 1.0; G(1,1) += 1.0; G(2,2) += 1.0;
1798         F = inv(G);
1799         FT  = transpose(F);
1800         double J = det(F);
1801         STRESS = F*PK2*FT;
1802         STRESS *= 1/J;
1803         symm_matrix_to_vector(i,STRESS,T);
1804       }
1805       else{
1806         // for Lagrangian analysis: F = 1 + H
1807         vector_to_matrix(i,H,F);
1809         F(0,0) += 1.0; F(1,1) += 1.0; F(2,2) += 1.0;
1810         STRESS = F*PK2;
1811         matrix_to_vector(i,STRESS,T);
1812       }
1814     }
1815   }
1816   //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1817   // Computes the Cauchy Born energy density, E given displacement gradient, H
1818   // and optional temperature argument (passed by pointer), TEMP
1819   //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cauchy_born_energy(const DENS_MAT & H,DENS_MAT & E,const DENS_MAT * temp)1820   void ATC_Transfer::cauchy_born_energy(const DENS_MAT &H, DENS_MAT &E, const DENS_MAT *temp)
1821   {
1822     FIELD_MATS uField;      // uField should contain temperature.
1823     GRAD_FIELD_MATS hField;
1824     DENS_MAT_VEC &h = hField[DISPLACEMENT];
1825     h.assign(nsd_, DENS_MAT(nNodes_,nsd_));
1827     // reshape H (#nodes,9) into h [3](#nodes,3) displacement gradient
1828     vector_to_dens_mat_vec(H,h);
1830     // if temperature is provided, then set it
1831     if (temp) uField[TEMPERATURE] = *temp;
1833     // Computes the free/potential energy at each node.
1834     cauchyBornStress_->elastic_energy(uField, hField, E);
1836     // convert back to energy units for  ( ATC coupling uses MLT units)
1837     double mvv2e = lammpsInterface_->mvv2e(); // [MV^2]-->[Energy]
1838     E *= mvv2e;
1840     // for Eulerian analysis, convert energy density to per-unit deformed volume
1841     if (atomToElementMapType_ == EULERIAN) {
1842       DENS_MAT G(3,3),F(3,3);
1843       for (int i = 0; i < nNodes_; i++) {
1844         // for Eulerian analysis: F = (1-H)^{-1}
1845         vector_to_matrix(i,H,G);
1846         G *= -1.;
1848         G(0,0) += 1.0; G(1,1) += 1.0; G(2,2) += 1.0;
1849         F = inv(G);
1850         double J = det(F);
1851         E(i,0) *= 1/J;
1852       }
1853     }
1854     // subtract zero point energy
1855     if (nodalRefPotentialEnergy_)
1856       E -= nodalRefPotentialEnergy_->quantity();
1857   }
1858   //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1859   // Computes the M/LH entropic energy density
1860   //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cauchy_born_entropic_energy(const DENS_MAT & H,DENS_MAT & E,const DENS_MAT & T)1861   void ATC_Transfer::cauchy_born_entropic_energy(const DENS_MAT &H, DENS_MAT &E, const DENS_MAT &T)
1862   {
1863     FIELD_MATS uField;      // uField should contain temperature.
1864     uField[TEMPERATURE] = T;
1865     GRAD_FIELD_MATS hField;
1866     DENS_MAT_VEC &h = hField[DISPLACEMENT];
1867     h.assign(nsd_, DENS_MAT(nNodes_,nsd_));
1869     // reshape H (#nodes,9) into h [3](#nodes,3) displacement gradient
1870     vector_to_dens_mat_vec(H,h);
1872     // Computes the free/potential energy at each node.
1873     cauchyBornStress_->entropic_energy(uField, hField, E);
1875     // convert back to energy units for  ( ATC coupling uses MLT units)
1876     double mvv2e = lammpsInterface_->mvv2e(); // [MV^2]-->[Energy]
1877     E *= mvv2e;
1879     // for Eulerian analysis, convert energy density to per-unit deformed volume
1880     if (atomToElementMapType_ == EULERIAN) {
1881       DENS_MAT G(3,3),F(3,3);
1882       for (int i = 0; i < nNodes_; i++) {
1883         // for Eulerian analysis: F = (1-H)^{-1}
1884         vector_to_matrix(i,H,G);
1885         G *= -1.;
1887         G(0,0) += 1.0; G(1,1) += 1.0; G(2,2) += 1.0;
1888         F = inv(G);
1889         double J = det(F);
1890         E(i,0) *= 1/J;
1891       }
1892     }
1894   }
1895   //--------------------------------------------------------------------
compute_transformed_stress(DENS_MAT & stress,const DENS_MAT & T,const DENS_MAT & H)1896   void ATC_Transfer::compute_transformed_stress(DENS_MAT & stress,
1897     const DENS_MAT & T, const DENS_MAT & H)
1898   {
1899       stress.reset(nNodes_,FieldSizes[TRANSFORMED_STRESS]);
1900       DENS_MAT S(3,3),FT(3,3),P(3,3);
1901       for (int i = 0; i < nNodes_; i++) {
1902         if (atomToElementMapType_ == EULERIAN) {
1903           vector_to_symm_matrix(i,T,P);
1904           // for Eulerian analysis: F^T = (1-H)^{-T}
1905           DENS_MAT G(3,3);
1906           vector_to_matrix(i,H,G);
1907           G *= -1.;
1909           G(0,0) += 1.0; G(1,1) += 1.0; G(2,2) += 1.0;
1910           FT = inv(G.transpose());
1911         }
1912         else{
1913           vector_to_matrix(i,T,P);
1914           // for Lagrangian analysis: F^T = (1+H)^T
1915           DENS_MAT F(3,3);
1916           vector_to_matrix(i,H,F);
1918           F(0,0) += 1.0; F(1,1) += 1.0; F(2,2) += 1.0;
1919           FT = F.transpose();
1920         }
1921         //
1922         double J = det(FT);
1923         FT *= 1/J;
1924         if (atomToElementMapType_ == EULERIAN) {
1925           FT = inv(FT);
1926         }
1927         S = P*FT;
1928         matrix_to_vector(i,S,stress);
1929       }
1930   }
1931   //--------------------------------------------------------------------
compute_polar_decomposition(DENS_MAT & rotation,DENS_MAT & stretch,const DENS_MAT & H)1932   void ATC_Transfer::compute_polar_decomposition(DENS_MAT & rotation,
1933     DENS_MAT & stretch, const DENS_MAT & H)
1934   {
1935     DENS_MAT F(3,3),R(3,3),U(3,3);
1936     for (int i = 0; i < nNodes_; i++) {
1937       vector_to_matrix(i,H,F);
1938       F(0,0) += 1.0; F(1,1) += 1.0; F(2,2) += 1.0;
1939       if (atomToElementMapType_ == EULERIAN) {
1940         polar_decomposition(F,R,U,false); } // F = V R
1941       else  {
1942         polar_decomposition(F,R,U); } // F = R U
1943       // copy to local
1944       if ( fieldFlags_(ROTATION) ) {
1946         matrix_to_vector(i,R,rotation);
1947       }
1948       if ( fieldFlags_(STRETCH) ) {
1949         matrix_to_vector(i,U,stretch);
1950       }
1951     }
1952   }
1953   //--------------------------------------------------------------------
compute_elastic_deformation_gradient(DENS_MAT & Fe,const DENS_MAT & P,const DENS_MAT & H)1954   void ATC_Transfer::compute_elastic_deformation_gradient(DENS_MAT & Fe,
1955     const DENS_MAT & P, const DENS_MAT & H)
1957   {
1958     // calculate Fe for every node
1959     const double nktv2p = lammpsInterface_->nktv2p();
1960     const double fact = 1.0/ ( lammpsInterface_->mvv2e()*nktv2p );
1961     for (int i = 0; i < nNodes_; i++) {
1962       DENS_VEC Pv = global_vector_to_vector(i,P);
1963       Pv *= fact;
1964       CBElasticTangentOperator tangent(cauchyBornStress_, Pv);
1965       NonLinearSolver solver(&tangent);
1966       DENS_VEC Fv = global_vector_to_vector(i,H);  // pass in initial guess
1967       add_identity_voigt_unsymmetric(Fv);
1968       solver.solve(Fv);
1969       vector_to_global_vector(i,Fv,Fe);
1970     }
1971   }
1972   //--------------------------------------------------------------------
compute_elastic_deformation_gradient2(DENS_MAT & Fe,const DENS_MAT & P,const DENS_MAT & H)1973   void ATC_Transfer::compute_elastic_deformation_gradient2(DENS_MAT & Fe,
1974     const DENS_MAT & P, const DENS_MAT & H)
1975   {
1976     // calculate Fe for every node
1977     const double nktv2p = lammpsInterface_->nktv2p();
1978     const double fact = 1.0/ ( lammpsInterface_->mvv2e()*nktv2p );
1979     DENS_MAT F(3,3),R(3,3),U(3,3),PP(3,3),S(3,3);
1980     for (int i = 0; i < nNodes_; i++) {
1981       // get F = RU
1982       vector_to_matrix(i,H,F);
1983       F(0,0) += 1.0; F(1,1) += 1.0; F(2,2) += 1.0;
1984       if (atomToElementMapType_ == EULERIAN) {
1985         polar_decomposition(F,R,U,false); } // F = V R
1986       else  {
1987         polar_decomposition(F,R,U); } // F = R U
1988       // get S
1989       vector_to_matrix(i,P,PP);
1990       //S = PP*transpose(F);
1991       S = inv(F)*PP;
1993       S += S.transpose(); S *= 0.5; // symmetrize
1994       DENS_VEC Sv = to_voigt(S);
1995       Sv *= fact;
1996       // solve min_U || S - S_CB(U) ||
1997       CB2ndElasticTangentOperator tangent(cauchyBornStress_, Sv);
1998       NonLinearSolver solver(&tangent);
1999       //DENS_VEC Uv = to_voigt_unsymmetric(U);  // pass in initial guess
2000       DENS_VEC Uv = to_voigt(U);  // pass in initial guess
2001       //DENS_VEC Uv(6); Uv(0)=1;Uv(1)=1;Uv(2)=1;Uv(3)=0;Uv(4)=0;Uv(5)=0;
2002       solver.solve(Uv);
2003       DENS_MAT Ue = from_voigt(Uv);
2004       DENS_MAT FFe = R*Ue;
2005       matrix_to_vector(i,FFe,Fe);
2006     }
2007   }
2008 // ===========   Analytical solutions ==========================
2009 } // end namespace ATC