1 #include "ChargeRegulator.h"
2 #include "PoissonSolver.h"
3 #include "LammpsInterface.h"
4 #include "ATC_Coupling.h"
5 #include "ATC_Error.h"
7 #include "Function.h"
8 #include "PrescribedDataManager.h"
10 #include <sstream>
11 #include <string>
12 #include <vector>
13 #include <utility>
14 #include <set>
16 using ATC_Utility::to_string;
17 using std::stringstream;
18 using std::map;
19 using std::vector;
20 using std::set;
21 using std::pair;
22 using std::string;
25 namespace ATC {
27   //========================================================
28   //  Class ChargeRegulator
29   //========================================================
31   //--------------------------------------------------------
32   //  Constructor
33   //--------------------------------------------------------
ChargeRegulator(ATC_Coupling * atc)34   ChargeRegulator::ChargeRegulator(ATC_Coupling * atc) :
35     AtomicRegulator(atc)
36   {
37     // do nothing
38   }
39   //--------------------------------------------------------
40   // Destructor
41   //--------------------------------------------------------
~ChargeRegulator()42   ChargeRegulator::~ChargeRegulator()
43   {
44     map<string,ChargeRegulatorMethod *>::iterator it;
45     for (it = regulators_.begin(); it != regulators_.end(); it++) {
46       if (it->second) delete it->second;
47     }
48   }
51   //--------------------------------------------------------
52   //  modify:
53   //    parses and adjusts charge regulator state based on
54   //    user input, in the style of LAMMPS user input
55   //--------------------------------------------------------
modify(int narg,char ** arg)56   bool ChargeRegulator::modify(int narg, char **arg)
57   {
58     bool foundMatch = false;
59     return foundMatch;
60   }
62   //--------------------------------------------------------
63   // construct methods
64   //--------------------------------------------------------
construct_methods()65   void ChargeRegulator::construct_methods()
66   {
67     AtomicRegulator::construct_methods();
69     if (atc_->reset_methods()) {
70       // eliminate existing methods
71       delete_method();
72       // consruct new ones
73       map<string, ChargeRegulatorParameters>::iterator itr;
74       for (itr = parameters_.begin();
75            itr != parameters_.end(); itr++) {
76         string tag = itr->first;
77         if (regulators_.find(tag) != regulators_.end()) delete regulators_[tag];
78         ChargeRegulatorParameters & p = itr->second;
79         LammpsInterface * lammpsInterface = LammpsInterface::instance();
80         p.groupBit = lammpsInterface->group_bit(tag);
81         if (! p.groupBit)
82           throw ATC_Error("ChargeRegulator::initialize group not found");
83         switch (p.method) {
84         case NONE: {
85           regulators_[tag] = new ChargeRegulatorMethod(this,p);
86           break;
87         }
88         case FEEDBACK: {
89           regulators_[tag] = new ChargeRegulatorMethodFeedback(this,p);
90           break;
91         }
92         case IMAGE_CHARGE: {
93           regulators_[tag] = new ChargeRegulatorMethodImageCharge(this,p);
94           break;
95         }
96         case EFFECTIVE_CHARGE: {
97           regulators_[tag] = new ChargeRegulatorMethodEffectiveCharge(this,p);
98           break;
99         }
100         default:
101           throw ATC_Error("ChargeRegulator::construct_method unknown charge regulator type");
102         }
103       }
104     }
105   }
107   //--------------------------------------------------------
108   //  initialize:
109   //--------------------------------------------------------
initialize()110   void ChargeRegulator::initialize()
111   {
114     map<string, ChargeRegulatorMethod *>::iterator itr;
115     for (itr = regulators_.begin();
116          itr != regulators_.end(); itr++) { itr->second->initialize(); }
118     atc_->set_boundary_integration_type(boundaryIntegrationType_);
119     AtomicRegulator::reset_nlocal();
120     AtomicRegulator::delete_unused_data();
121     needReset_ = false;
122   }
124   //--------------------------------------------------------
125   //  apply pre force
126   //--------------------------------------------------------
apply_pre_force(double dt)127   void ChargeRegulator::apply_pre_force(double dt)
128   {
129     map<string, ChargeRegulatorMethod *>::iterator itr;
130     for (itr = regulators_.begin();
131          itr != regulators_.end(); itr++) { itr->second->apply_pre_force(dt);}
132   }
133   //--------------------------------------------------------
134   //  apply post force
135   //--------------------------------------------------------
apply_post_force(double dt)136   void ChargeRegulator::apply_post_force(double dt)
137   {
138     map<string, ChargeRegulatorMethod *>::iterator itr;
139     for (itr = regulators_.begin();
140          itr != regulators_.end(); itr++) { itr->second->apply_post_force(dt);}
141   }
142   //--------------------------------------------------------
143   //  output
144   //--------------------------------------------------------
output(OUTPUT_LIST & outputData)145   void ChargeRegulator::output(OUTPUT_LIST & outputData)
146   {
147     map<string, ChargeRegulatorMethod *>::iterator itr;
148     for (itr = regulators_.begin();
149          itr != regulators_.end(); itr++) { itr->second->output(outputData);}
150   }
152   //========================================================
153   //  Class ChargeRegulatorMethod
154   //========================================================
156   //--------------------------------------------------------
157   //  Constructor
158   //         Grab references to ATC and ChargeRegulator
159   //--------------------------------------------------------
ChargeRegulatorMethod(ChargeRegulator * chargeRegulator,ChargeRegulator::ChargeRegulatorParameters & p)160   ChargeRegulatorMethod::ChargeRegulatorMethod
161     (ChargeRegulator *chargeRegulator,
162      ChargeRegulator::ChargeRegulatorParameters & p)
163       : RegulatorShapeFunction(chargeRegulator),
164         chargeRegulator_(chargeRegulator),
165         lammpsInterface_(LammpsInterface::instance()),
166         rC_(0), rCsq_(0),
167         targetValue_(NULL),
168         targetPhi_(p.value),
169         surface_(p.faceset),
170         atomGroupBit_(p.groupBit),
171         boundary_(false),
172         depth_(p.depth),
173         surfaceType_(p.surfaceType),
174         permittivity_(p.permittivity),
175         initialized_(false)
176   {
177     const FE_Mesh * feMesh = atc_->fe_engine()->fe_mesh();
178     feMesh->faceset_to_nodeset(surface_,nodes_);
179     // assume flat  get normal and primary coord
180     PAIR face = *(surface_.begin());
181     normal_.reset(nsd_);
182     feMesh->face_normal(face,0,normal_);
183     DENS_MAT faceCoords;
184     feMesh->face_coordinates(face,faceCoords);
185     point_.reset(nsd_);
186     for (int i=0; i < nsd_; i++) { point_(i) = faceCoords(i,0); }
187 #ifdef ATC_VERBOSE
188     stringstream ss; ss << "point: (" << point_(0) << "," << point_(1) << "," << point_(2) << ") normal: (" << normal_(0) << "," << normal_(1) << "," << normal_(2) << ") depth: " << depth_;
189     lammpsInterface_->print_msg_once(ss.str());
190 #endif
191     sum_.reset(nsd_);
192   }
194   //--------------------------------------------------------
195   //  Initialize
197   //--------------------------------------------------------
200 // nomenclature might be a bit backwark: control --> nodes that exert the control, & influence --> atoms that feel the influence
initialize(void)201   void ChargeRegulatorMethod::initialize(void)
202   {
203     interscaleManager_ = &(atc_->interscale_manager());
205     poissonSolver_ =chargeRegulator_->poisson_solver();
206     if (! poissonSolver_) throw ATC_Error("need a poisson solver to initialize charge regulator");
208     // atomic vectors
209     // nodal information
210     nNodes_ = atc_->num_nodes();
211     // constants
212     rC_ = lammpsInterface_->pair_cutoff();
213     rCsq_ = rC_*rC_;
214     qV2e_ = lammpsInterface_->qv2e();
215     qqrd2e_ = lammpsInterface_->qqrd2e();
217     // note derived method set intialized to true
218   }
nlocal()221   int ChargeRegulatorMethod::nlocal() { return atc_->nlocal(); }
set_greens_functions(void)223   void ChargeRegulatorMethod::set_greens_functions(void)
224   {
225     // set up Green's function per node
226     for (int i = 0; i < nNodes_; i++) {
227       set<int> localNodes;
228       for (int j = 0; j < nNodes_; j++)
229         localNodes.insert(j);
230       // call Poisson solver to get Green's function for node i
231       DENS_VEC globalGreensFunction;
232       poissonSolver_->greens_function(i,globalGreensFunction);
233       // store green's functions as sparse vectors only on local nodes
234       set<int>::const_iterator thisNode;
235       SparseVector<double> sparseGreensFunction(nNodes_);
236       for (thisNode = localNodes.begin(); thisNode != localNodes.end(); thisNode++)
237         sparseGreensFunction(*thisNode) = globalGreensFunction(*thisNode);
238       greensFunctions_.push_back(sparseGreensFunction);
239     }
240   }
241   //--------------------------------------------------------
242   //  output
243   //--------------------------------------------------------
output(OUTPUT_LIST & outputData)244   void ChargeRegulatorMethod::output(OUTPUT_LIST & outputData)
245   {
246     //vector<double> localSum(sum_.size());
247     //lammpsInteface_->allsum(localSum.pointer,sum_.pointer,sum_.size());
248     DENS_VEC localSum(sum_.size());
249     lammpsInterface_->allsum(localSum.ptr(),sum_.ptr(),sum_.size());
250     for (int i = 0; i < sum_.size(); i++) {
251       string name = "charge_regulator_influence_"+to_string(i);
252 //    atc_->fe_engine()->add_global(name,sum_[i]);
253     }
254   }
256   //========================================================
257   //  Class ChargeRegulatorMethodFeedback
258   //========================================================
259   //--------------------------------------------------------
260   //  Constructor
261   //--------------------------------------------------------
ChargeRegulatorMethodFeedback(ChargeRegulator * chargeRegulator,ChargeRegulator::ChargeRegulatorParameters & p)262   ChargeRegulatorMethodFeedback::ChargeRegulatorMethodFeedback
263     (ChargeRegulator *chargeRegulator,
264      ChargeRegulator::ChargeRegulatorParameters & p)
265       : ChargeRegulatorMethod (chargeRegulator, p),
266       controlNodes_(nodes_),
267       influenceGroupBit_(p.groupBit)
268   {
269     nControlNodes_   = controlNodes_.size();
270     sum_.resize(1);
271   }
272   //--------------------------------------------------------
273   //  Initialize
274   //--------------------------------------------------------
initialize(void)275   void ChargeRegulatorMethodFeedback::initialize(void)
276   {
277     ChargeRegulatorMethod::initialize();
278     if (surfaceType_ != ChargeRegulator::CONDUCTOR)
279       throw ATC_Error("currently charge feedback can only mimic a conductor");
280     set_influence();
281     set_influence_matrix();
282     initialized_ = true;
283   }
284   //--------------------------------------------------------
285   //  Initialize
286   //--------------------------------------------------------
construct_transfers(void)287   void ChargeRegulatorMethodFeedback::construct_transfers(void)
288   {
289     ChargeRegulatorMethod::construct_transfers();
291     InterscaleManager & interscaleManager((atomicRegulator_->atc_transfer())->interscale_manager());
292     PerAtomSparseMatrix<double> * atomShapeFunctions = interscaleManager.per_atom_sparse_matrix("InterpolantGhost");
293     if (!atomShapeFunctions) {
294       atomShapeFunctions = new PerAtomShapeFunction(atomicRegulator_->atc_transfer(),
295                                                     interscaleManager.per_atom_quantity("AtomicGhostCoarseGrainingPositions"),
296                                                     interscaleManager.per_atom_int_quantity("AtomGhostElement"),
297                                                     GHOST);
298       interscaleManager.add_per_atom_sparse_matrix(atomShapeFunctions,"InterpolantGhost");
299     }
300   }
301   //--------------------------------------------------------
302   //  find measurement atoms and nodes
303   //--------------------------------------------------------
set_influence(void)304   void ChargeRegulatorMethodFeedback::set_influence(void)
305   {
307     // get nodes that overlap influence atoms & compact list of influence atoms
308     boundary_ =
309       atc_->nodal_influence(influenceGroupBit_,influenceNodes_,influenceAtoms_);
310     nInfluenceAtoms_ = influenceAtoms_.size(); // local
311     nInfluenceNodes_ = influenceNodes_.size(); // global
312     stringstream ss; ss << "control nodes: " << nControlNodes_ << " influence nodes: " << nInfluenceNodes_ << " local influence atoms: " << nInfluenceAtoms_ ;
313     lammpsInterface_->print_msg(ss.str());
314     if (nInfluenceNodes_ == 0) throw ATC_Error("no influence nodes");
316     const Array<int> & map = (boundary_) ? atc_->ghost_to_atom_map() : atc_->internal_to_atom_map();
317     for (set<int>::const_iterator itr = influenceAtoms_.begin(); itr != influenceAtoms_.end(); itr++) {
318       influenceAtomsIds_.insert(map(*itr));
319     }
320   }
321   //--------------------------------------------------------
322   //  constuct a Green's submatrix
323   //--------------------------------------------------------
set_influence_matrix(void)324   void ChargeRegulatorMethodFeedback::set_influence_matrix(void)
325   {
326     // construct control-influence matrix bar{G}^-1: ds{p} = G{p,m}^-1 dphi{m}
329 //
330     if (nInfluenceNodes_ < nControlNodes_) throw ATC_Error(" least square not implmented ");
331     if (nInfluenceNodes_ > nControlNodes_) throw ATC_Error(" solve not possible ");
332     DENS_MAT G(nInfluenceNodes_,nControlNodes_);
333     DENS_VEC G_I;
334     set<int>::const_iterator itr,itr2,itr3;
335     const Array<int> & nmap = atc_->fe_engine()->fe_mesh()->global_to_unique_map();
336     int i = 0;
337     for (itr = influenceNodes_.begin(); itr != influenceNodes_.end(); itr++) {
338       poissonSolver_->greens_function(*itr, G_I);
339       int j = 0;
340       for (itr2 = controlNodes_.begin(); itr2 != controlNodes_.end(); itr2++) {
341         int jnode = nmap(*itr2);
342         G(i,j++) = G_I(jnode);
343       }
344       i++;
345     }
346     invG_ = inv(G);
348     // construct the prolong-restrict projector N N^T for influence nodes only
350     InterscaleManager & interscaleManager(atc_->interscale_manager());
351     const SPAR_MAT & N_Ia = (boundary_) ?
352       (interscaleManager.per_atom_sparse_matrix("InterpolantGhost"))->quantity():
353       (interscaleManager.per_atom_sparse_matrix("Interpolant"))->quantity();
354     NT_.reset(nInfluenceAtoms_,nInfluenceNodes_);
355     DENS_MAT NNT(nInfluenceNodes_,nInfluenceNodes_);
356     int k = 0;
357     for (itr3 = influenceAtoms_.begin(); itr3 != influenceAtoms_.end(); itr3++) {
358       int katom = *itr3;
359       int i = 0;
360       for (itr = influenceNodes_.begin(); itr != influenceNodes_.end(); itr++) {
361         int Inode = *itr;
362         int j = 0;
363         NT_(k,i) = N_Ia(katom,Inode);
364         for (itr2 = influenceNodes_.begin(); itr2 != influenceNodes_.end(); itr2++) {
365           int Jnode = *itr2;
366           NNT(i,j++) += N_Ia(katom,Inode)*N_Ia(katom,Jnode);
367         }
368         i++;
369       }
370       k++;
371     }
372     // swap contributions across processors
373     DENS_MAT localNNT = NNT;
374     int count = NNT.nRows()*NNT.nCols();
375     lammpsInterface_->allsum(localNNT.ptr(),NNT.ptr(),count);
376     invNNT_ = inv(NNT);
378     // total influence matrix
379     if (nInfluenceAtoms_ > 0) { NTinvNNTinvG_ = NT_*invNNT_*invG_; }
381   }
383   //--------------------------------------------------------
384   // change potential/charge pre-force calculation
385   //--------------------------------------------------------
apply_pre_force(double dt)386   void ChargeRegulatorMethodFeedback::apply_pre_force(double dt)
387   {
389     sum_ = 0;
390     if (nInfluenceAtoms_ == 0) return; // nothing to do
391     apply_feedback_charges();
392   }
393   //--------------------------------------------------------
394   // apply feedback charges to atoms
395   //--------------------------------------------------------
apply_feedback_charges()396   void ChargeRegulatorMethodFeedback::apply_feedback_charges()
397   {
398     double * q = lammpsInterface_->atom_charge();
399     // calculate error in potential on the control nodes
401     const DENS_MAT & phiField = (atc_->field(ELECTRIC_POTENTIAL)).quantity();
402     DENS_MAT dphi(nControlNodes_,1);
403     int i = 0;
404     set<int>::const_iterator itr;
405     for (itr = controlNodes_.begin(); itr != controlNodes_.end(); itr++) {
406       dphi(i++,0) = targetPhi_ - phiField(*itr,0);
407     }
409     // construct the atomic charges consistent with the correction
410     DENS_MAT dq = NTinvNNTinvG_*dphi;
411     i = 0;
412     for (itr = influenceAtomsIds_.begin(); itr != influenceAtomsIds_.end(); itr++) {
413       sum_(0) += dq(i,0);
414       q[*itr] += dq(i++,0);
415     }
417     (interscaleManager_->fundamental_atom_quantity(LammpsInterface::ATOM_CHARGE))->force_reset();
418     (interscaleManager_->fundamental_atom_quantity(LammpsInterface::ATOM_CHARGE, GHOST))->force_reset();
419   }
421   //========================================================
422   //  Class ChargeRegulatorMethodImageCharge
423   //========================================================
424   //--------------------------------------------------------
425   //  Constructor
426   //--------------------------------------------------------
ChargeRegulatorMethodImageCharge(ChargeRegulator * chargeRegulator,ChargeRegulator::ChargeRegulatorParameters & p)427   ChargeRegulatorMethodImageCharge::ChargeRegulatorMethodImageCharge
428     (ChargeRegulator *chargeRegulator,
429      ChargeRegulator::ChargeRegulatorParameters & p)
430       : ChargeRegulatorMethod (chargeRegulator, p),
431       imageNodes_(nodes_)
432   {
433   }
434   //--------------------------------------------------------
435   //  Initialize
436   //--------------------------------------------------------
initialize(void)437   void ChargeRegulatorMethodImageCharge::initialize(void)
438   {
439     ChargeRegulatorMethod::initialize();
440     if (surfaceType_ != ChargeRegulator::DIELECTRIC) throw ATC_Error("currently image charge can only mimic a dielectric");
441     double eps1 = permittivity_;// dielectric
442     double eps2 = lammpsInterface_->dielectric();// ambient
443     permittivityRatio_ = (eps2-eps1)/(eps2+eps1);
444 #ifdef ATC_VERBOSE
445     stringstream ss; ss << "permittivity ratio: " << permittivityRatio_;
446     lammpsInterface_->print_msg_once(ss.str());
447 #endif
448     set_greens_functions();
450 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
451 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
452     initialized_ = true;
453   }
455   //--------------------------------------------------------
456   // change potential/charge post-force calculation
457   //--------------------------------------------------------
apply_post_force(double dt)458   void ChargeRegulatorMethodImageCharge::apply_post_force(double dt)
459   {
460     sum_ = 0;
461     apply_local_forces();
463     //correct_forces();
464   }
466   //--------------------------------------------------------
467   //  apply local coulomb forces
468   //  -- due to image charges
469   //--------------------------------------------------------
apply_local_forces()470   void ChargeRegulatorMethodImageCharge::apply_local_forces()
471   {
473     int inum = lammpsInterface_->neighbor_list_inum();
474     int * ilist = lammpsInterface_->neighbor_list_ilist();
475     int * numneigh = lammpsInterface_->neighbor_list_numneigh();
476     int ** firstneigh = lammpsInterface_->neighbor_list_firstneigh();
478     const int *mask = lammpsInterface_->atom_mask();
479 ///..............................................
480     double ** x = lammpsInterface_->xatom();
481     double ** f = lammpsInterface_->fatom();
482     double *  q = lammpsInterface_->atom_charge();
484     // loop over neighbor list
485     for (int ii = 0; ii < inum; ii++) {
486       int i = ilist[ii];
487       double qi = q[i];
488       if ((mask[i] & atomGroupBit_) && qi != 0.) {
489         double* fi = f[i];
490         DENS_VEC xi(x[i],nsd_);
491         // distance to surface
492         double dn = reflect(xi);
493         // all ions near the interface/wall
494         // (a) self image
495         if (dn < rC_) { // close enough to wall to have explicit image charges
496           double factor_coul = 1;
497           double dx = 2.*dn; // distance to image charge
498           double fn = factor_coul*qi*qi*permittivityRatio_/dx;
499           fi[0] += fn*normal_[0];
500           fi[1] += fn*normal_[1];
501           fi[2] += fn*normal_[2];
502           sum_ += fn*normal_;
503         // (b) neighbor images
504         int * jlist = firstneigh[i];
505         int jnum = numneigh[i];
506         for (int jj = 0; jj < jnum; jj++) {
507           int j = jlist[jj];
508           // this changes j
509           double factor_coul = lammpsInterface_->coulomb_factor(j);
510           double qj = q[j];
511           if (qj != 0.) { // all charged neighbors
512             DENS_VEC xj(x[j],nsd_);
513             dn = reflect(xj);
514             DENS_VEC dx = xi-xj;
515             double r2 = dx.norm_sq();
516             // neighbor image j' inside cutoff from i
517             if (r2 < rCsq_) {
518               double fm = factor_coul*qi*qj*permittivityRatio_/r2;
519               fi[0] += fm*dx(0);
520               fi[1] += fm*dx(1);
521               fi[2] += fm*dx(2);
522               sum_ += fm*dx;
523               }
524             }
525           }
526         } // end i < rC if
527       }
528     }
529     // update managed data
530     (interscaleManager_->fundamental_atom_quantity(LammpsInterface::ATOM_FORCE))->force_reset();
531   }
533   //--------------------------------------------------------
534   // correct charge densities
535   //  - to reflect image charges
536   //--------------------------------------------------------
correct_charge_densities()537   void ChargeRegulatorMethodImageCharge::correct_charge_densities()
538   {
539   }
542   //--------------------------------------------------------
543   //  correct_forces
544   //  - due to image charge density used in short-range solution
545   //--------------------------------------------------------
correct_forces()546   void ChargeRegulatorMethodImageCharge::correct_forces()
547   {
548   }
551   //========================================================
552   //  Class ChargeRegulatorMethodEffectiveCharge
553   //========================================================
554   //--------------------------------------------------------
555   //  Constructor
556   //--------------------------------------------------------
ChargeRegulatorMethodEffectiveCharge(ChargeRegulator * chargeRegulator,ChargeRegulator::ChargeRegulatorParameters & p)558   ChargeRegulatorMethodEffectiveCharge::ChargeRegulatorMethodEffectiveCharge(
559     ChargeRegulator *chargeRegulator,
560     ChargeRegulator::ChargeRegulatorParameters & p)
561       : ChargeRegulatorMethod (chargeRegulator, p),
562       chargeDensity_(p.value),
563       useSlab_(false)
564   {
565   }
566   //--------------------------------------------------------
567   //  add_charged_surface
568   //--------------------------------------------------------
initialize()569   void ChargeRegulatorMethodEffectiveCharge::initialize( )
570   {
571     ChargeRegulatorMethod::initialize();
572     boundary_ = atc_->is_ghost_group(atomGroupBit_);
573     // set face sources to all point at unit function for use in integration
574     SURFACE_SOURCE faceSources;
575     map<PAIR, Array<XT_Function*> > & fs(faceSources[ELECTRIC_POTENTIAL]);
576     XT_Function * f = XT_Function_Mgr::instance()->constant_function(1.);
577     set< PAIR >::const_iterator fsItr;
578     for (fsItr = surface_.begin(); fsItr != surface_.end(); fsItr++) {
579       Array < XT_Function * > & dof  = fs[*fsItr];
580       dof.reset(1);
581       dof(0) = f;
582     }
584     // computed integrals of nodal shape functions on face
585     FIELDS nodalFaceWeights;
586     Array<bool> fieldMask(NUM_FIELDS); fieldMask(ELECTRIC_POTENTIAL) = true;
587     (atc_->fe_engine())->compute_fluxes(fieldMask,0.,faceSources,nodalFaceWeights);
588     const DENS_MAT & w = (nodalFaceWeights[ELECTRIC_POTENTIAL].quantity());
590     // Get coordinates of each node in face set
591     for (set<int>::const_iterator n =nodes_.begin(); n != nodes_.end(); n++) {
592       DENS_VEC x = atc_->fe_engine()->fe_mesh()->nodal_coordinates(*n);
593       // compute effective charge at each node I
594       // multiply charge density by integral of N_I over face
595       double v = w(*n,0)*chargeDensity_;
596       pair<DENS_VEC,double> p(x,v);
597       nodeXFMap_[*n] = p;
598     }
600     // set up data structure holding charged faceset information
601     FIELDS sources;
602     double k = lammpsInterface_->coulomb_constant();
603     string fname = "radial_power";
604     double xtArgs[8];
605     xtArgs[0] = 0; xtArgs[1] = 0; xtArgs[2] = 0;
606     xtArgs[3] = 1; xtArgs[4] = 1; xtArgs[5] = 1;
607     xtArgs[6] = k*chargeDensity_;
608     xtArgs[7] = -1.;
609     const DENS_MAT & s(sources[ELECTRIC_POTENTIAL].quantity());
610     NODE_TO_XF_MAP::iterator XFitr;
611     for (XFitr = nodeXFMap_.begin(); XFitr != nodeXFMap_.end(); XFitr++) {
612       // evaluate voltage at each node I
613       // set up X_T function for integration: k*chargeDensity_/||x_I - x_s||
614       // integral is approximated in two parts:
615       // 1) near part with all faces within r < rcrit evaluated as 2 * pi * rcrit * k sigma A/A0, A is area of this region and A0 = pi * rcrit^2, so 2 k sigma A / rcrit
616       // 2) far part evaluated using Gaussian quadrature on faceset
617       DENS_VEC x((XFitr->second).first);
618       xtArgs[0] = x(0); xtArgs[1] = x(1); xtArgs[2] = x(2);
619       f = XT_Function_Mgr::instance()->function(fname,8,xtArgs);
620       for (fsItr = surface_.begin(); fsItr != surface_.end(); fsItr++) {
621         fs[*fsItr] = f;
622       }
624       // perform integration to get quantities at nodes on facesets
625       // V_J' = int_S N_J k*sigma/|x_I - x_s| dS
626       (atc_->fe_engine())->compute_fluxes(fieldMask,0.,faceSources,sources);
628       // sum over all nodes in faceset to get total potential:
629       // V_I = sum_J VJ'
630       int node = XFitr->first;
631       nodalChargePotential_[node] = s(node,0);
632       double totalPotential = 0.;
633       for (set<int>::const_iterator n =nodes_.begin(); n != nodes_.end(); n++) {
634         totalPotential += s(*n,0); }
636       // assign an XT function per each node and
637       // then call the prescribed data manager and fix each node individually.
638       f = XT_Function_Mgr::instance()->constant_function(totalPotential);
639       (atc_->prescribed_data_manager())->fix_field(node,ELECTRIC_POTENTIAL,0,f);
640     }
641     initialized_ = true;
642   }
644   //--------------------------------------------------------
645   //  add effective forces post LAMMPS force call
646   //--------------------------------------------------------
apply_post_force(double dt)647   void ChargeRegulatorMethodEffectiveCharge::apply_post_force(double dt)
648   {
649     apply_local_forces();
650   }
652   //--------------------------------------------------------
653   //  apply_charged_surfaces
654   //--------------------------------------------------------
apply_local_forces()655   void ChargeRegulatorMethodEffectiveCharge::apply_local_forces()
656   {
657     double * q = lammpsInterface_->atom_charge();
658     _atomElectricalForce_.resize(nlocal(),nsd_);
660     double penalty = poissonSolver_->penalty_coefficient();
661     if (penalty <= 0.0) throw ATC_Error("ExtrinsicModelElectrostatic::apply_charged_surfaces expecting non zero penalty");
663     double dx[3];
664     const DENS_MAT & xa((interscaleManager_->per_atom_quantity("AtomicCoarseGrainingPositions"))->quantity());
666 // WORKSPACE - most are static
667     SparseVector<double> dv(nNodes_);
668     vector<SparseVector<double> > derivativeVectors;
669     derivativeVectors.reserve(nsd_);
670     const SPAR_MAT_VEC & shapeFunctionDerivatives((interscaleManager_->vector_sparse_matrix("InterpolateGradient"))->quantity());
672     DenseVector<INDEX> nodeIndices;
673     DENS_VEC nodeValues;
675     NODE_TO_XF_MAP::const_iterator inode;
676     for (inode = nodeXFMap_.begin(); inode != nodeXFMap_.end(); inode++) {
678       int node = inode->first;
679       DENS_VEC xI = (inode->second).first;
680       double qI = (inode->second).second;
681       double phiI = nodalChargePotential_[node];
682       for (int i = 0; i < nlocal(); i++) {
683         int atom = (atc_->internal_to_atom_map())(i);
684         double qa = q[atom];
685         if (qa != 0) {
686           double dxSq = 0.;
687           for (int j = 0; j < nsd_; j++) {
688             dx[j] = xa(i,j) - xI(j);
689             dxSq += dx[j]*dx[j];
690           }
691           if (dxSq < rCsq_) {
692             // first apply pairwise coulombic interaction
693             if (!useSlab_) {
694               double coulForce = qqrd2e_*qI*qa/(dxSq*sqrtf(dxSq));
695               for (int j = 0; j < nsd_; j++) {
696                 _atomElectricalForce_(i,j) += dx[j]*coulForce; }
697             }
699             // second correct for FE potential induced by BCs
700             // determine shape function derivatives at atomic location
701             // and construct sparse vectors to store derivative data
704             for (int j = 0; j < nsd_; j++) {
705               shapeFunctionDerivatives[j]->row(i,nodeValues,nodeIndices);
706               derivativeVectors.push_back(dv);
707               for (int k = 0; k < nodeIndices.size(); k++) {
708                 derivativeVectors[j](nodeIndices(k)) = nodeValues(k); }
709             }
711             // compute greens function from charge quadrature
713             SparseVector<double> shortFePotential(nNodes_);
714             shortFePotential.add_scaled(greensFunctions_[node],penalty*phiI);
716             // compute electric field induced by charge
717             DENS_VEC efield(nsd_);
718             for (int j = 0; j < nsd_; j++) {
719               efield(j) = -.1*dot(derivativeVectors[j],shortFePotential); }
721             // apply correction in atomic forces
722             double c = qV2e_*qa;
723             for (int j = 0; j < nsd_; j++) {
724               if ((!useSlab_) || (j==nsd_)) {
725                 _atomElectricalForce_(i,j) -= c*efield(j);
726               }
727             }
728           }
729         }
730       }
731     }
733   }
735 }; // end namespace