3 #include <exception>
4 #include "MatrixLibrary.h"
5 #include <algorithm>
7 namespace ATC_matrix {
9 /**
10  * @struct TRI_COORD
11  * @brief Triplet SparseMatrix entry
12  */
13 template <typename T>
14 struct TRI_COORD
15 {
16   TRI_COORD<T>(INDEX row=0, INDEX col=0);
17   TRI_COORD<T>(INDEX row, INDEX col, T val, bool add_to=0);
18   INDEX i, j;
19   T v;
20   bool add;
21 };
23 template<typename T>
24 void ParMultAB(MPI_Comm comm, const SparseMatrix<T>& A, const Matrix<T>& B, DenseMatrix<T>& C);
26 /**
27  * @class SparseMatrix
28  * @brief Stores data in triplet format or CRS format
29  */
30 template<typename T>
31 class SparseMatrix : public Matrix<T>
32 {
33   //* SparseMatrix-Vector multiplication  (S * v)
34   friend DenseVector<T>  operator*<T>(const SparseMatrix<T> &A, const Vector<T>& x);
35   //* SparseMatrix-DenseMatrix multiplication (S * F)
36   friend DenseMatrix<T>  operator*<T>(const SparseMatrix<T> &A, const Matrix<T>& D);
37   //* SparseMatrix-DiagonalMatrix multiplication (S * D)
38   friend SparseMatrix<T> operator*<T>(const SparseMatrix<T> &A, const DiagonalMatrix<T>& D);
39   //* SparseMatrix-SparseMatrix multiplication (S * S)
40   friend SparseMatrix<T> operator*<T>(const SparseMatrix<T> &A, const SparseMatrix<T> &B);
41   //* computes the product of a SparseMatrix tranpose with a SparseVector (M'*v).
42   friend SparseVector<T> operator*<T>(const SparseMatrix<T> &M, const SparseVector<T> &v);
43   //* computes the product of a SparseMatrix tranpose with a SparseVector (M'*v).
44   friend SparseVector<T> operator*<T>(const SparseVector<T> &v, const SparseMatrix<T> &M);
46   template<typename U>
47   friend void ParMultAB(MPI_Comm comm, const SparseMatrix<U>& A, const Matrix<U>& B, DenseMatrix<U>& C);
49 public:
50   SparseMatrix(INDEX rows=0, INDEX cols=0);
51   SparseMatrix(const SparseMatrix<T>& c);
52   SparseMatrix(const DenseMatrix<T>& c);
53   SparseMatrix(INDEX* rows, INDEX* cols, T* vals, INDEX size,
54                INDEX nRows, INDEX nCols, INDEX nRowsCRS);
~SparseMatrix()55   virtual ~SparseMatrix() { _delete(); }
57   //*  General index by value (requires a binary search on the row)
58   T  operator()(INDEX i, INDEX j)  const;
59   //*  General index by reference (requires a binary search on the row)
60   T& operator()(INDEX i, INDEX j);
61   //* General flat index by value operator (by nth nonzero)
62   T  operator[](INDEX i) const;
63   //* General flat index by reference operator (by nth nonzero)
64   T& operator[](INDEX i);
65   //* sets a value to index i,j
66   void set(INDEX i, INDEX j, T v);
67   //* adds a value to index i,j
68   void add(INDEX i, INDEX j, T v);
69   //* return a triplet value of the ith nonzero
70   TRIPLET<T> triplet(INDEX i) const;
72   //* full reset - completely wipes out all SparseMatrix data
73   void reset(INDEX rows=0, INDEX cols=0, bool zero=true);
74   //* only changes the bounds of the matrix, no deletion
75   void resize(INDEX rows=0, INDEX cols=0, bool zero=true);
76   //* reset - from DenseMatrix - this will be SLOW
77   void reset(const DenseMatrix<T>& D, double TOL=-1.0);
78   //* copy data
79   void copy(const T * ptr, INDEX rows=0, INDEX cols=0);
81   void dense_copy(DenseMatrix<T>& D) const;
82   DenseMatrix<T>  dense_copy(void) const;
84   //* returns true if the matrix has no nonzero elements
85   bool  empty()          const;
86   //* returns the user-specified number of rows
87   INDEX nRows()          const;
88   INDEX nRowsCRS()          const;
89   //* returns the user-specified number of cols
90   INDEX nCols()          const;
91   //* returns the number of non-zero elements
92   INDEX size()           const;
93   //* returns the number of non-zeros in a row
94   INDEX RowSize(INDEX r) const;
95   //* returns a pointer to the CRS list of rows
96   inline INDEX* rows() const;
97   //* returns a pointer to the CRS list of cols
98   inline INDEX* cols() const;
99   //* returns a pointer to the nonzero data
100   inline T* ptr()    const;
101   //* checks if the index i,j falls in the user-specified range
102   bool in_range(INDEX i, INDEX j) const;
103   //* check if the total matrix has a value set for an index pair
104   bool has_entry(INDEX i, INDEX j) const;
105   //* check if the uncompressed part of the matrix has a value set for an index pair
106   bool has_entry_uncompressed(INDEX i, INDEX j) const;
107   //* check if the compressed part matrix has a value set for an index pair
108   bool has_entry_compressed(INDEX i, INDEX j) const;
109   //* check if the matrix has been compressed at least once
110   bool has_template(void) const;
112 /*
113  *  \section assignment operators
114  */
115   //* copies SparseMatrix R to this
116   SparseMatrix<T>& operator=(const SparseMatrix &R);
117   //* sets all nonzero values to a constant
118   SparseMatrix<T>& operator=(const T v);
119   //* scales all nonzero values by a constant
120   SparseMatrix<T>& operator*=(const T &a);
121   //* calls operator*= of base class
122   SparseMatrix<T>& operator*=(const SparseMatrix<T> &a);
123   // Adds two matrices together.
124   SparseMatrix<T>& operator+=(const SparseMatrix & R);
126 /*
127  *  \section Multiplication operations
128  */
130   //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
131   // multiply sparse matrix by a vector
132   //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
MultMv(const Vector<T> & v,DenseVector<T> & c)133   virtual void MultMv(const Vector<T>& v, DenseVector<T>& c) const
134   {
135     compress(*this);
136     GCK(*this, v, this->nCols() != v.size(), "SparseMatrix * Vector")
138     // resize c if necessary
139     if (c.size() != this->nRows()) {
140       c.resize(this->nRows());
141       c.zero();
142     }
144     INDEX i, j;
145     for (i = 0; i < this->_nRowsCRS; i++)
146       for (j = this->_ia[i]; j < this->_ia[i + 1]; j++)
147         c(i) += this->_val[j] * v(this->_ja[j]);
148   }
150   //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
151   // multiply sparse matrix by dense matrix
152   //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
MultAB(const Matrix<T> & B,DenseMatrix<T> & C)153   virtual void MultAB(const Matrix<T>& B, DenseMatrix<T>& C) const
154   {
155     GCK(*this, B, this->nCols() != B.nRows(), "SparseMatrix * DenseMatrix")
157     const INDEX J = B.nCols();
159     INDEX i, ik, j;
160     for (i = 0; i < this->_nRowsCRS; i++)
161       for (ik = this->_ia[i]; ik < this->_ia[i + 1]; ik++)
162         for (j = 0; j < J; j++)
163           C(i, j) += this->_val[ik] * B(this->_ja[ik], j);  // C(i,j) = S(i,k) * B(k, j)
164   }
166   //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
167   // Multiplies this SparseMatrix transposed times a vector
168   //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
transMat(const Vector<T> & x)169   virtual DenseVector<T> transMat(const Vector<T> &x) const
170   {
171     compress(*this);
172     DenseVector<T> y(nCols(), true);
173     GCK(*this, x, nRows()!=x.size(),"operator *: Sparse matrix incompatible with Vector.")
175     INDEX i, ij;
176     for(i=0; i<_nRowsCRS; i++)
177       for(ij=_ia[i]; ij<_ia[i+1]; ij++)
178         y(_ja[ij]) += _val[ij]*x(i);
179     return y;
180   }
182   //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
183   // Matrix Transpose/DenseMatrix multiply
184   //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
transMat(const DenseMatrix<T> & D)185   virtual DenseMatrix<T> transMat(const DenseMatrix<T> &D) const
186   {
187     compress(*this);
188     GCK(*this, D, nRows()!=D.nRows(),"transMat: Sparse matrix incompatible with DenseMatrix.")
189     DenseMatrix<T> C(nCols(), D.nCols(), true);  // initialized to zero
190     INDEX j, k, ki;
192     for (k=0; k<_nRowsCRS; k++)
193       for (ki=_ia[k]; ki<_ia[k+1]; ki++)
194         for (j=0; j<D.nCols(); j++)
195           C(_ja[ki], j) += _val[ki]*D(k,j);     // C(i,j) = S(k,i) * D(k, j)
197     return C;
198   }
200   //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
201   // Matrix Transpose/SparseMatrix multiply - IS THIS REALLY NEEDED??
202   //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
transMat(const SparseMatrix<T> & D)203   virtual DenseMatrix<T> transMat(const SparseMatrix<T> &D) const
204   {
205     compress(*this);
206     GCK(*this, D, nRows()!=D.nRows(),"transMat: Sparse matrix incompatible with DenseMatrix.")
207     DenseMatrix<T> C(nCols(), D.nCols(), true); // initialized to zero
209     INDEX k, ki, kj;
210     for (k=0; k<_nRowsCRS; k++)
211       for (kj=D._ia[k]; kj<D._ia[k+1]; kj++)
212         for (ki=_ia[k]; ki<_ia[k+1]; ki++)
213           C(_ja[ki], D._ja[kj]) += _val[ki]*D._val[kj]; // C(i,j) = S(k,i)*D(k,j)
215     return C;
216   }
218   SparseMatrix<T> transpose() const;
219   SparseMatrix<T>& row_scale(const Vector<T> &v);
220   SparseMatrix<T>& col_scale(const Vector<T> &v);
221   DenseVector<T> col_sum()                               const;
222   DenseVector<INDEX> column_count()                      const;
223   DiagonalMatrix<T> diag()                           const;
224   DiagonalMatrix<T> row_sum_lump()                       const;
225   void row(INDEX i, DenseVector<T>& row, DenseVector<INDEX>& indx) const;
226   void weighted_least_squares(const SparseMatrix<T> &N, const DiagonalMatrix<T> &D);
227   void set_all_elements_to(const T &v);
229   T row_max(INDEX row) const;
230   T row_min(INDEX row) const;
232 /*
233  *  \section I/O functions
234  */
235   //* outputs this SparseMatrix to a formatted string
236   std::string to_string() const;
237   using Matrix<T>::matlab;
238   //* writes a command to recreate this matrix in matlab to a stream
239   void matlab(std::ostream &o, const std::string &name="S")  const;
240   //* prints a row histogram for each row
241   void print_row_histogram(const std::string &name, INDEX nbins = 10) const;
242   //* prints a histogram of the values in a row
243   void print_row_histogram(INDEX row, INDEX nbins) const;
244   //* prints the current triplets
245   void print_triplets() const;
246   //! Writes the matrix to a binary file (after a compress).
247   void binary_write(std::fstream& f) const;
248   //! Reads a SparseMatrix from a binary file.  (wipes out any original data)
249   void binary_read(std::fstream& f);
250   //* Dump templated type to disk; operation not safe for all types
251   void write_restart(FILE *f) const;
253 /*
254  *  \section Utility functions
255  */
256   //* converts all triplets and merges with CRS
257   void compress();
258   //* converts T to CRS
259   static void compress(const SparseMatrix<T> &C);
260   //* sorts and returns the # of unique triplets
261   INDEX CountUniqueTriplets();
263 private:
264   //* creates a CRS structure
265   void _create(INDEX size, INDEX nrows);
266   //* clears all memory and nulls references
267   void _delete();
268   //* copies all data from another SparseMatrix
269   void _copy(const SparseMatrix<T> &C);
270   //* general sparse matrix assignment
271   void _set_equal(const Matrix<T> &r);
272   //* returns the first row with a nonzero in it (from the CRS structure only)
273   int _first_nonzero_row_crs() const;
275 /*
276  *  \section CRS storage variables
277  */
278 protected:
279   T * _val;                    // matrix non-zeros
280   INDEX *_ia, *_ja;            // ptrs to rows, column indexes
281   INDEX _size, _nRowsCRS;      // # of non-zeros, rows
282   bool hasTemplate_;
284   void copy(const SparseMatrix<T> &C);
286   //* new (unsorted triplet values - won't intersect CRS values)
287   mutable std::vector<TRI_COORD<T> > _tri;
288 /*
289  *  \section User specified variables
290  */
291   INDEX _nRows, _nCols;
292   static T _zero;
293 };
295 } // end namespace
297 #include "SparseMatrix-inl.h"
298 #endif