1 //#**************************************************************
2 //# filename:             ANCFBeam3DTorsion.h
3 //#
4 //# author:               PG & KN
5 //#
6 //# generated:						2012
7 //# description:          3D ANCF beam element with torsion, without shear deformation (BE beam theory)
8 //# comments:
9 //#
10 //# Copyright (c) 2003-2013 Johannes Gerstmayr, Linz Center of Mechatronics GmbH, Austrian
11 //# Center of Competence in Mechatronics GmbH, Institute of Technical Mechanics at the
12 //# Johannes Kepler Universitaet Linz, Austria. All rights reserved.
13 //#
14 //# This file is part of HotInt.
15 //# HotInt is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
16 //# the HOTINT license. See folder 'licenses' for more details.
17 //#
18 //# bug reports are welcome!!!
19 //# WWW:		www.hotint.org
20 //# email:	bug_reports@hotint.org or support@hotint.org
21 //#***************************************************************************************
24 //#include "../modelslib/models/mynode.h"
26 #ifndef ANCFBeam3DTorsion__H
27 #define ANCFBeam3DTorsion__H
29 //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
30 //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
31 // ANCFBeam3DTorsion    ANCFBeam3DTorsion    ANCFBeam3DTorsion    ANCFBeam3DTorsion
32 //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
33 //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
35 class ANCFBeam3DTorsion: public Body3D  //$EDC$[beginclass,classname=ANCFBeam3DTorsion,parentclassname=Body3D,addelementtype=TAEBody,addelementtypename=ANCFBeam3DTorsion,
36 //texdescription="ANCFBeam3DTorsion is a Bernoulli-Euler beam finite element in ANCF (Absolute Nodal Coordinate Formulation) capable of large axial, bending, and torsional deformations.",
37 //texdescriptionNode="The element operates with two Nodes of type $\mathtt{Node3DS1rot1}$, each of which are located at either tip of the beam element. The integer values $\mathtt{Geometry.node\_number1}$ and $\mathtt{Geometry.node\_number2}$ refer to the index of the nodes in the multibody system. Each of these Nodes is instantiated by the user with a position and a rotation (kardan angles), and provides a frame $\left(\mathbf{e}_1,\mathbf{e}_2,\mathbf{e}_3\right)$ (which is measured in the global frame of the multibody system) for the instantiation of the beam elemtent: At each node, the slope of the beam axis $\mathbf{r}'$ is identical with $\mathbf{e}_1$, and the director is defined as $\mathbf{e}_3$.",
38 //figure="ANCFBeam3DTorsion_Geometry, The geometry of the element is defined by nodal values for (a) the axial position, (b) the axial slope vector, and (c) the torsional angle of the cross section around the beam axis. This angle is measured with respect to a reference direction in the global frame (director). Between the nodal values, the axial position is interpolated cubically, the axial slope is interpolated quadratically, and the torsional angle of the cross section (around the beam axis) as well as the director are interpolated linearly.",
39 //texdescriptionGeometry="The geometry of the element is defined by the nodal values for axial position $\mathbf{r}$, the axial slope vector $\mathbf{r}'$, and the torsional angle $\theta$ of the cross section around the beam axis, see Fig.~\ref{ANCFBeam3DTorsionfigure2}. This angle is measured with respect to a reference direction in the global frame (director). Between the nodal values, the axial position is interpolated cubically, the axial slope is interpolated quadratically, and the torsional angle of the cross section (around the beam axis) as well as the director are interpolated linearly.",
40 //figure="ANCFBeam3DTorsion_DOFs, Ordering of the generalized coordinates.",
41 //texdescriptionDOF="The element affects $14$ degrees of freedom (generalized coordinates) in total, which are $7$ degrees of freedom per node, i.e., at each node we have: the axial displacement $\mathbf{u} = \mathbf{r}-\mathbf{r}_0$, the change of the axial slope $\mathbf{u}' = \mathbf{r}'-\mathbf{r}'_0$, and the change of the torsional angle $\theta-\theta_0$. Each quantity with index $0$ here confers to the reference configuration. The element wise ordering of the degrees of freedom is displayed in Fig.~\ref{ANCFBeam3DTorsionfigure2}.",
42 //example="ANCFBeam3DTorsion.txt",
43 //reference="K. Nachbagauer, P. Gruber, Yu. Vetyukov, J. Gerstmayr. A spatial thin beam finite element based on the absolute nodal coordinate formulation without singularities. Proceedings of the ASME 2011 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Computers and Information in Engineering Conference IDETC/CIE 2011, Paper No. DETC2011/MSNDC-47732, Washington, DC, USA, 2011.",
44 //reference="P. Gruber, K. Nachbagauer, Yu. Vetyukov, J. Gerstmayr. A novel director-based Bernoulli-Euler beam finite element in absolute nodal coordinate formulation free of geometric singularities. Mechanical Science, 2013 (to appear).",
45 //texdescriptionComments="For details on the element, such as the definition of the elastic forces and the kinetic terms, see \cite{ANCFBeam3DTorsionreference1,ANCFBeam3DTorsionreference2}."]
46 {
47 public:
ANCFBeam3DTorsion(MBS * mbsi)48 	ANCFBeam3DTorsion(MBS* mbsi):Body3D(mbsi), massmatrix(), Hmatrix(), x1(), w1(), q0()
49 	{
50 		ElementDefaultConstructor();
51 	}
ANCFBeam3DTorsion(const ANCFBeam3DTorsion & e)52 	ANCFBeam3DTorsion(const ANCFBeam3DTorsion& e):Body3D(e.mbs), massmatrix(), Hmatrix(), x1(), w1(), q0()
53 	{
54 		CopyFrom(e);
55 	};
57 	// standard set function
58 	//
59 	// xc1: position and axial slope at node 1 (size 6 Vector)
60 	// theta1: torsional angle at node 1
61 	// director1: arbitrary vector of inertial system at node 1. must not point into direction of axial slope vector. local frame is defined by projection of director into normal plane of axial slope vector, and rotation around torsional angle theta.
62 	// n1i: global node index of node 1
63 	// xc2, theta2, director2, n2i: same at node 2
64 	// materialnumi: global index of material to be used
65 	// coli: body color of this element
66 	// do_update_directorsi: bool flag, if 1, then directors are updated after every time or load step, so that they keep perpendicular to the slope vectors at the nodes
67 	// kinematic_computation_modei: int flag, 0 ... exact terms, 5th order gaussian integration (slow);
68 	//                                        1 ... exact terms, low order (1st order lobatto) integration (fast);
69 	//                                        2 ... approximate mass matrix (torsional terms approximated), no quadratic velocity vector (fastest)
70 	void SetANCFBeam3DTorsion(const Vector& xc1, const Vector& xc2, const double& theta1, const double& theta2,
71 		const Vector3D& director1, const Vector3D& director2, int n1i, int n2i, int materialnumi,
72 		const Vector3D& coli, const int do_update_directorsi, const int kinematic_computation_modei);
74 	// standard set functions with oriented nodes
75 	void SetANCFBeam3DTorsion(int n1nr, int n2nr, int matnr, const Vector3D& coli = Vector3D(0.2,0.2,0.8), const int do_update_directorsi = 1, const int kinematic_computation_modei = 0);  // default set function for script language
77 	// alternative set function with explicit size
78 	void SetANCFBeam3DTorsion(const Vector& xc1, const Vector& xc2, const double& theta1, const double& theta2,
79 		const Vector3D& director1, const Vector3D& director2, int n1i, int n2i, int materialnumi, const Vector3D& si, const Vector3D& coli, const int do_update_directorsi = 1, const int kinematic_computation_modei=0);
81 	// alternative set function: determines directors automatically (see description of standard set function)
82 	// to be used with caution: torsional angle theta is measured with respect to these automatically generated directors!!
83 	void SetANCFBeam3DTorsion(const Vector& xc1, const Vector& xc2, const double& theta1, const double& theta2,
84 		int n1i, int n2i, int materialnumi, const Vector3D& si, const Vector3D& coli, const int do_update_directorsi = 1, const int kinematic_computation_modei=0);
87 private:
88 	// determine one standard director (for the whole element) by the knowledge of the axial slopes in the nodes
89 	// if slopes are significantly distinct, then the director is chosen to be the cross product of both
90 	// else
91 	//   if axial direction is not identical with 3rd kartesian direction then 3rd kartesian direction is chosen for director
92 	//   else 2nd kartesian direction is chosen for director
93 	Vector3D DetermineStandardDirector(Vector3D slopevector1, Vector3D slopevector2) const;
94 	double CalculateElementLength() const;
96 public:
GetCopy()97 	virtual Element* GetCopy()
98 	{
99 		Element* ec = new ANCFBeam3DTorsion(*this);
100 		return ec;
101 	}
GetElementSpec()103 	virtual const char* GetElementSpec() const {return "ANCFBeam3DTorsion";}
CopyFrom(const Element & e)105 	virtual void CopyFrom(const Element& e)
106 	{
107 		Body3D::CopyFrom(e);
108 		const ANCFBeam3DTorsion& ce = (const ANCFBeam3DTorsion&)e;
109 		massmatrix = ce.massmatrix;
110 		Hmatrix = ce.Hmatrix;
111 		kinematic_computation_mode = ce.kinematic_computation_mode;
113 		//integration points
114 		x1 = ce.x1;
115 		w1 = ce.w1;
116 		intorder_mass = ce.intorder_mass;
117 		intorder_axial_strain = ce.intorder_axial_strain;
118 		intorder_curvature = ce.intorder_curvature;
120 		q0 = ce.q0;  //initial values
121 		n1 = ce.n1; n2 = ce.n2;
123 		do_update_directors = ce.do_update_directors;
125 		materialnum = ce.materialnum;
126 	}
128 	virtual void Initialize();
129 	virtual void LinkToElements();
131 	virtual void GetElementData(ElementDataContainer& edc); 		//fill in all element data
132 	virtual int SetElementData(ElementDataContainer& edc); //set element data acc. to ElementDataContainer, return 0 if failed or values invalid!
134 	virtual void GetElementDataAuto(ElementDataContainer& edc); 		//fill in all element data
135 	virtual int SetElementDataAuto(ElementDataContainer& edc); //set element data acc. to ElementDataContainer, return 0 if failed or values invalid!
136 	virtual int ReadSingleElementDataAuto(ReadWriteElementDataVariableType& RWdata); 		//automatically generated function from EDC_converter
137 	virtual int WriteSingleElementDataAuto(const ReadWriteElementDataVariableType& RWdata); //automatically generated function from EDC_converter
138 	virtual int GetAvailableSpecialValuesAuto(TArrayDynamic<ReadWriteElementDataVariableType>& available_variables); //automatically generated function from EDC_converter
141 	//nnodes =2
NSPos()142   virtual int NSPos() const {return 2*NNodes();}//= 4 r1,r1',r2,r2'
NSRot()143 	virtual int NSRot() const {return NNodes();}//= 2 //SOSRot()=2, angle is only one component
SOSPos()144 	virtual int SOSPos() const {return Dim()*NSPos();}//=12
SOS()145 	virtual int SOS() const {return SOSPos()+NSRot();}//= 14   //Second Order Size (SO-DOFS owned by FE-nodes)
SOSowned()146 	virtual int SOSowned() const {return 0;}; //SO-DOFS owned by the element itself (i.e., not by nodes or other elements)
ES()147 	virtual int ES() const  {return 0;};  //size of first order explicit equations
IS()148 	virtual int IS() const  {return 0;};  //implicit (algebraic) size
150 	//virtual int DataS() const {return 0;}	//Data size for non-state variables: for this element (Vector3D director1 + Vector3D director2)
DataS()151 	virtual int DataS() const {return 6;}	  //2*3 director components (left node director + right node director are saved by XData(), between the nodes director is interpolated linearly! should be better kind of interpolation later on!!!
NNodes()153 	virtual int NNodes() const {return 2;} //Get-Fkt, we need a Set-function
NodeNum(int i)155 	virtual const int& NodeNum(int i) const //this int stays const
156 	{
157 		if (i == 1) return n1;
158 		else if(i == 2) return n2;
159 		else
160 		{
161 			mbs->UO() << "Error in ANCFBeam3DTorsion::NodeNum: node " << i << " does not exist!";
162 			return n1;
163 		}
164 	}
NodeNum(int i)165 	virtual int& NodeNum(int i) //this int can be changed by user
166 	{
167 		if (i == 1) return n1;
168 		else if(i == 2) return n2;
169 		else
170 		{
171 			mbs->UO() << "Error in ANCFBeam3DTorsion::NodeNum: node " << i << " does not exist!";
172 			return n1;
173 		}
174 	}
GetNode(int i)175 	virtual Node& GetNode(int i) {return GetMBS()->GetNode(NodeNum(i));}
SetMaterialNum(int matnr)177 	virtual void SetMaterialNum(int matnr)
178 	{
179 		materialnum = matnr;
180 	}
182 	//rename the functions in Mathematica-Input
Cos(double phi)183 	static double Cos(double phi)
184 	{
185 		return cos(phi);
186 	}
Sin(double phi)187 	static double Sin(double phi)
188 	{
189 		return sin(phi);
190 	}
Power(double x,double y)191 	static double Power(double x, double y)
192 	{
193 		if (y == 2) return x*x;
194 		if (y == 3) return x*x*x;
195 		else return pow(x,y);
196 	}
Sqrt(double x)197 	static double Sqrt(double x)
198 	{
199 		//$ YV 2012-12-11: commented out
200 		//if (x < 0) mbs->UO() << "Sqrt(" << x << ")\n";
201 		return sqrt(x);
202 	}
204 #include "BEBeamGetKappa1.h"
205 #include "BEBeamGetKappa2.h"
206 #include "BEBeamGetKappa3.h"
208 #include "BEBeamGetDKappa1.h"
209 #include "BEBeamGetDKappa2.h"
210 #include "BEBeamGetDKappa3.h"
212 #include "BEBeamdRotdr.h"
213 #include "BeamBEdRotdrT.h"
SetBeamParameters(double beamEIi,double beamEAi,double beamRhoAi)215 	void SetBeamParameters(double beamEIi, double beamEAi, double beamRhoAi)
216 	{
217 		GetMaterial().BeamEIy() = beamEIi;
218 		GetMaterial().BeamEA() = beamEAi;
219 		GetMaterial().BeamRhoA() = beamRhoAi;
220 	}
IsRigid()222 	virtual int IsRigid() const {return 0;}
XGP(int iloc)224 	virtual const double& XGP(int iloc) const {return GetXact(ltg(iloc+SOS()));}
XGPD(int iloc)225 	virtual const double& XGPD(int iloc) const {return mbs->GetDrawValue(ltg(iloc+SOS()));}
227 //----------------
228 //Shapefunctions
229 //----------------
230 	//Shapefunctions for position -> length(sf)=4
231 	virtual void GetShapesPos(Vector& sf, double xi) const;
232 	virtual double GetSFPos(int i, double xi) const;
233 	virtual void GetShapesPosx(Vector& sf, double xi) const;
234 	virtual double GetSFPosx(int i, double xi) const;
235 	virtual void GetShapesPosxx(Vector& sf, double xi) const;
236 	virtual double GetSFPosxx(int i, double xi) const;
237 	virtual void GetShapesPosxxx(Vector& sf, double xi) const;
238 	virtual double GetSFPosxxx(int i, double xi) const;
240 	//Shapefunctions for rotation -> length(sf)=2
241 	virtual void GetShapesRot(Vector& sf, double xi) const;
242 	virtual double GetSFRot(int i, double xi) const;
243 	virtual void GetShapesRotx(Vector& sf, double xi) const;
244 	virtual double GetSFRotx(int i, double xi) const;
246 	//----------------
247 	//GetPos
248 	//----------------
249 	//r, r', r'', r''' (flagD for Visualization)
250 	virtual Vector3D GetPos(double xi, const Vector& xg) const;
251 	virtual Vector3D GetPos(double xi, int flagD=0) const;
252 	virtual Vector3D GetPosx(double xi, const Vector& xg) const;
253 	virtual Vector3D GetPosx(double xi, int flagD=0) const;
254 	virtual Vector3D GetPosxx(double xi, const Vector& xg) const;
255 	virtual Vector3D GetPosxx(double xi, int flagD=0) const;
256 	virtual Vector3D GetPosxxx(double xi, const Vector& xg) const;
257   virtual Vector3D GetPosxxx(double xi, int flagD=0) const;
258 	virtual Vector3D GetPosxP(double xi, int flagD=0) const;
260 	//Get actual position of relative point p_loc in range [-lx/2..lx/2, etc.]
261 	virtual Vector3D GetPos(const Vector3D & p0) const; //$ JG
263 	// just for drawing...
264 	virtual Vector3D GetPosD(const Vector3D & p0) const;
265 	virtual Vector3D GetRefPosD() const;
266 	virtual Vector3D GetDisplacement(const Vector3D& p0, int flagD) const;
267 	virtual Vector3D GetVel(double xi, int flagD) const;
268 	virtual Vector3D GetVel(const Vector3D& p_loc) const;
269 	virtual Vector3D GetVelD(const Vector3D& p_loc) const;
270 	virtual Vector3D GetNodePos(int node_idx) const; //returns position of i-th node
271 	virtual Vector3D GetNodePosD(int node_idx) const; //returns position of i-th node (draw mode)
272 	virtual Vector3D GetDOFPosD(int idof) const; //returns position of i-th DOF
273 	virtual Vector3D GetDOFDirD(int idof) const; //returns direction of action of i-th DOF
276 	//----------------
277 	//GetRot
278 	//----------------
279 	//theta, theta' (flagD for Visualization)
280 	virtual double GetRot(double xi, const Vector& xg) const;  //faster - call XG() avoided
281 	virtual double GetRot(double xi, int flagD=0) const;
282 	virtual double GetRotx(double xi, const Vector& xg) const;  //faster - call XG() avoided
283 	virtual double GetRotx(double xi, int flagD=0) const;
284 	virtual double GetRotP(double xi, int flagD=0) const;
286 	//----------------
287 	//GetRotMatrix & derivative
288 	//----------------
289 	virtual Matrix3D GetRotMatrix(double xi, int flagD=0) const;
290 	virtual Matrix3D GetRotMatrixP(double xi, int flagD=0) const;
GetRotMatrix(const Vector3D & p_loc)291 	virtual Matrix3D GetRotMatrix(const Vector3D& p_loc) const {return GetRotMatrix(p_loc(1), 0);};
GetRotMatrixD(const Vector3D & p_loc)292 	virtual Matrix3D GetRotMatrixD(const Vector3D& p_loc) const {return GetRotMatrix(p_loc(1), 1);};
GetRotMatrixP(const Vector3D & p_loc)293 	virtual Matrix3D GetRotMatrixP(const Vector3D& p_loc) const {return GetRotMatrixP(p_loc(1), 0);};
GetRotMatrixPD(const Vector3D & p_loc)294 	virtual Matrix3D GetRotMatrixPD(const Vector3D& p_loc) const {return GetRotMatrixP(p_loc(1), 1);};
295 	virtual void GetdRotdqT(const Vector3D& ploc, Matrix& d);
296 	virtual void GetdRotvdqT(const Vector3D& vloc, const Vector3D& ploc, Matrix& drotvdqT);
297 	//alternative variant, where you can decide whether to use A or A^T for multiplication with vloc
298 	void GetdRotvdqT(const Vector3D& vloc, const Vector3D& ploc, Matrix& drotvdqT, int use_transposed);
300 	//+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
301 	//ONLY for beam axis ==> PG CHANGE!!!!!
302 	virtual void GetdPosdqT(const Vector3D& ploc, Matrix& d);
303 	//+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
305 	//+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
306 	//Integration of du/dq = SFPos over axis
307 	virtual void GetIntDuDq(Matrix& dudq);
309 	//----------------
310 	//Init Position
311 	//----------------
312 	virtual Vector3D GetInitPos3D(double xi) const;
313 	virtual Vector3D GetInitPosx3D(double xi) const;
314 	virtual double GetInitRot3D(double xi) const;
315 	virtual double GetInitRotx3D(double xi) const;
GetRotMatrixInit()316 	virtual Matrix3D GetRotMatrixInit() const { return GetInitRotMatrix3D(0.); };
317 	virtual Matrix3D GetInitRotMatrix3D(double xi) const;
319 	//1 director per node (vectors in 3D), interpolated linearly between nodes
320 	virtual Vector3D GetDirector(const double& xi, int flagD=0) const;    //PG: now (fast solution) linear interpolation between left and right directors (in kartesian coordinates)!
321 	virtual Vector3D GetDirectorx(const double& xi, int flagD=0) const;   //derivative of director wrt xi at xi
322 	virtual Vector3D GetInitDirector(const double& xi) const;
323 	void SetDirector1(const Vector3D& directori);
324 	void SetDirector2(const Vector3D& directori);
325 	Vector3D GetDirector1(int flagd=0) const;
326 	Vector3D GetDirector2(int flagd=0) const;
327 	int UpdateDirectors(const Vector3D& r1dx, const Vector3D& r2dx, const double theta1, const double theta2);
GetKinematicsAccessFunctions(int mode)329 	virtual TKinematicsAccessFunctions GetKinematicsAccessFunctions(int mode) const
330 	{
331 		TKinematicsAccessFunctions kaf = Body3D::GetKinematicsAccessFunctions(mode);
332 		return TKinematicsAccessFunctions(kaf+TKAF_node_position+TKAF_rotation_matrix+TKAF_rotation_matrix_P+TKAF_D_pos_D_q+TKAF_D_rot_D_q+TKAF_D_rot_v_D_q+TKAF_int_D_u_D_q);
333 	}
335 	//Gamma = r' - A r0', Gamma1 = (|r'|-|r0'|)/|r0'|
336 	virtual void GetGamma1(const double& xi, double& Gamma1, int flagD=0) const;
337 	virtual void GetDeltaGamma1(const double& xi, Vector& DeltaGamma1) const;   //derivative of Gamma wrt q at xi
339 	//Kappa = k - A k0 = Kappa_i(r', r'', theta, theta') e_i
340 	virtual void GetKappa1(const double& xi, double& Kappa1, int flagD=0) const;
341 	virtual void GetKappa2(const double& xi, double& Kappa2, int flagD=0) const;
342 	virtual void GetKappa3(const double& xi, double& Kappa3, int flagD=0) const;
343 	virtual void GetDeltaKappa1(const double& xi, Vector& DeltaKappa1) const;   //derivative of Kappa1 wrt q at xi
344 	virtual void GetDeltaKappa2(const double& xi, Vector& DeltaKappa2) const;   //derivative of Kappa1 wrt q at xi
345 	virtual void GetDeltaKappa3(const double& xi, Vector& DeltaKappa3) const;   //derivative of Kappa1 wrt q at xi
348 	void GetQuadraticVelocityVector(const double& xi, Vector& qvv) const; //eqs.(47)-(48), xi in [-lx/2, lx/2]
349 	void GetQuadraticVelocityVectorAtNode(Vector& f, int n) const; // used for 2nd order lobatto integration (IPs are in nodes)
350 	void GetM(const double& xi, Matrix& m) const; //eq.(49), xi in [-lx/2, lx/2]
351 	void GetdMdqk(const double& xi, const int k, Matrix& dMdqk) const; //eq.(51), xi in [-lx/2, lx/2], k in {1,..,14}
352 	void GetL0(const double& xi, Matrix& L0) const; //eq.(42), xi in [-lx/2, lx/2]
353 	void Getdeidq(const double& xi, const int i, Matrix& deidq) const; //eq.(66)-(68), xi in [-lx/2, lx/2], i in {2,3}
354 	void Getdeidposx(const double& xi, const int i, Matrix& deidposx) const; //eq.(66)-(68), xi in [-lx/2, lx/2], i in {2,3}
355 	void Getdei0dposx(const double& xi, const int i, Matrix& dei0dposx) const; //eq.(69)-(76) + (55)-(56), xi in [-lx/2, lx/2], i in {2,3}
356 	void Getdei0hatdposx(const double& xi, const int i, Matrix& dei0hatdposx) const; //eq.(69)-(76), xi in [-lx/2, lx/2], i in {2,3}
357 	void Getdeidrot(const double& xi, const int i, Vector& deidrot) const; //eq.(68)+(80), xi in [-lx/2, lx/2], i in {2,3}
358 	void Getei0(const double& xi, const int i, Vector& ei0) const; //eq.(59)-(62) + (54), xi in [-lx/2, lx/2], i in {2,3}
359 	void Getei0hat(const double& xi, const int i, Vector& ei0hat) const; //eq.(59)-(62), xi in [-lx/2, lx/2], i in {2,3}
361 	void GetdL0dqk(const double& xi, const int k, Matrix& dL0dqk) const; //eq.(53), xi in [-lx/2, lx/2], k in {1,..,14}
362 	void Getddeidqdqk(const double& xi, const int i, const int k, Matrix& ddeidqdqk) const; //eq.(81), xi in [-lx/2, lx/2], i in {2,3}, k in {1,..,14}
363 	void Getddeidposxdposx(const double& xi, const int i, Matrix& ddeidposxdposx) const; //eq.(79)+(91), xi in [-lx/2, lx/2], i in {2,3}
364 	void Getddeidposxdrot(const double& xi, const int i, Matrix& ddeidposxdrot) const; //eq.(87)+(92), xi in [-lx/2, lx/2], i in {2,3}
365 	void Getddeidrotdrot(const double& xi, const int i, Vector& ddeidrotdrot) const; //eq.(88)+(93), xi in [-lx/2, lx/2], i in {2,3}
366 	void Getddei0dposxdposx(const double& xi, const int i, Matrix& ddei0dposxdposx) const; //eq.(57)-(58)+(79)+(91), xi in [-lx/2, lx/2], i in {2,3}
367 	void Getddei0hatdposxdposx(const double& xi, const int i, Matrix& ddei0hatdposxdposx) const; //eq.(80)-(84), xi in [-lx/2, lx/2], i in {2,3}
369 	void Getde1dposx(const double& xi, Matrix& de1dposx) const; //xi in [-lx/2, lx/2], e1 = posx/|posx|
370 	void Getdde1dposxdposx(const double& xi, Matrix& dde1dposxdposx) const; //xi in [-lx/2, lx/2], e1 = posx/|posx|
371 	void Getde30hatde1(const double& xi, Matrix& de30hatde1) const; //xi in [-lx/2, lx/2], e1 = posx/|posx|
372 	void Getdde30hatde1de1(const double& xi, Matrix& dde30hatde1de1) const; //xi in [-lx/2, lx/2], e1 = posx/|posx|, dde30hatde1de1 has 3 rows (according to de30hat) and 3*3 columns (according to de1)
374 	void GetFOverAbsF(const Vector& f, Vector& f_over_abs_f) const; //eq.(54)  computes (f/|f|)', where f maps a scalar to a vector
375 	void GetdFOverAbsFdx(const Vector& f, const Vector& dfdx, Vector& d_f_over_abs_f_prime_dx) const; //eq.(55)-(56)  computes (f/|f|)', where f maps a scalar to a vector   //move to linalg.h/cpp
376 	void GetddFOverAbsFdxdx(const Vector& f, const Vector& dfdx, const Vector& ddfdxdx, Vector& dd_f_over_abs_f_dxdx) const; //eq.(57)-(58)  computes (f/|f|)'', where f maps a scalar to a vector   //move to linalg.h/cpp
377 	void GetddFOverAbsFdxdy(const Vector& f, const Vector& dfdx, const Vector& dfdy, const Vector& ddfdxdy, Vector& dd_f_over_abs_f_dxdy) const; //eq.(57)-(58)  computes (f/|f|)'', where f maps a scalar to a vector   //move to linalg.h/cpp
379 	// for faster calculation: fixed drdx1, ..
Getdeidposx_and_deidtheta(TArray<double> & ret,double drdx1,double drdx2,double drdx3,double theta,double d1,double d2,double d3)380 	void Getdeidposx_and_deidtheta ( TArray<double>& ret, double drdx1, double drdx2, double drdx3, double theta, double d1, double d2, double d3 ) const { double c1 , c2 , c3 , c4 , c5 , c6 , c7 , c8 , c9 , c10 , c11 , c12 , c13 , c14 , c15 , c16 , c17 , c18 , c19 , c20 , c21 , c22 , c23 , c24 , c25 , c26 , c27 , c28 , c29 , c30 , c31 , c32 , c33 , c34 , c35 , c36 , c37 , c38 , c39 , c40 , c41 , c42 , c43 ; c1 = d2*drdx3-d3*drdx2 ; c2 = d1*drdx2-d2*drdx1 ; c3 = d3*drdx1-d1*drdx3 ; c4 = 2*d3*c3-2*d2*c2 ; c5 = sqrt(pow(c3,2)+pow(c2,2)+pow(c1,2)) ; c6 = 1/pow(c5,3) ; c7 = cos(theta) ; c8 = pow(drdx1,2) ; c9 = pow(drdx2,2) ; c10 = pow(drdx3,2) ; c11 = sqrt(c10+c9+c8) ; c12 = 1/c11 ; c13 = d3*drdx3*c12+d2*drdx2*c12+d1*drdx1*c12 ; c14 = d1-drdx1*c12*c13 ; c15 = 1/pow(c11,3) ; c16 = d1*c12-d3*drdx1*drdx3*c15-d2*drdx1*drdx2*c15-d1*c8*c15 ; c17 = -c12*c13 ; c18 = c17+c8*c15*c13-drdx1*c12*c16 ; c19 = drdx1*drdx2*c15*c13 ; c20 = c19-drdx2*c12*c16 ; c21 = d2-drdx2*c12*c13 ; c22 = drdx1*drdx3*c15*c13 ; c23 = c22-drdx3*c12*c16 ; c24 = d3-drdx3*c12*c13 ; c25 = 2*c23*c24+2*c20*c21+2*c18*c14 ; c26 = sqrt(pow(c24,2)+pow(c21,2)+pow(c14,2)) ; c27 = 1/pow(c26,3) ; c28 = sin(theta) ; c29 = 1/c26 ; c30 = 1/c5 ; c31 = 2*d1*c2-2*d3*c1 ; c32 = d2*c12-d3*drdx2*drdx3*c15-d2*c9*c15-d1*drdx1*drdx2*c15 ; c33 = c19-drdx1*c12*c32 ; c34 = c17+c9*c15*c13-drdx2*c12*c32 ; c35 = drdx2*drdx3*c15*c13 ; c36 = c35-drdx3*c12*c32 ; c37 = 2*c36*c24+2*c34*c21+2*c33*c14 ; c38 = 2*d2*c1-2*d1*c3 ; c39 = d3*c12-d3*c10*c15-d2*drdx2*drdx3*c15-d1*drdx1*drdx3*c15 ; c40 = c22-drdx1*c12*c39 ; c41 = c35-drdx2*c12*c39 ; c42 = c17+c10*c15*c13-drdx3*c12*c39 ; c43 = 2*c42*c24+2*c41*c21+2*c40*c14 ; ret.SetXN(24,c18*c29*c28-c14*c25*c27*c28/2-c1*c4*c6*c7/2,c20*c29*c28-c21*c25*c27*c28/2+d3*c30*c7-c3*c4*c6*c7/2,c23*c29*c28-c24*c25*c27*c28/2-d2*c30*c7-c2*c4*c6*c7/2,c33*c29*c28-c14*c37*c27*c28/2-d3*c30*c7-c1*c31*c6*c7/2,c34*c29*c28-c21*c37*c27*c28/2-c3*c31*c6*c7/2,c36*c29*c28-c24*c37*c27*c28/2+d1*c30*c7-c2*c31*c6*c7/2,c40*c29*c28-c14*c43*c27*c28/2+d2*c30*c7-c1*c38*c6*c7/2,c41*c29*c28-c21*c43*c27*c28/2-d1*c30*c7-c3*c38*c6*c7/2,c42*c29*c28-c24*c43*c27*c28/2-c2*c38*c6*c7/2,c14*c29*c7-c1*c30*c28,c21*c29*c7-c3*c30*c28,c24*c29*c7-c2*c30*c28,c1*c4*c6*c28/2+c18*c29*c7-c14*c25*c27*c7/2,-d3*c30*c28+c3*c4*c6*c28/2+c20*c29*c7-c21*c25*c27*c7/2,d2*c30*c28+c2*c4*c6*c28/2+c23*c29*c7-c24*c25*c27*c7/2,d3*c30*c28+c1*c31*c6*c28/2+c33*c29*c7-c14*c37*c27*c7/2,c3*c31*c6*c28/2+c34*c29*c7-c21*c37*c27*c7/2,-d1*c30*c28+c2*c31*c6*c28/2+c36*c29*c7-c24*c37*c27*c7/2,-d2*c30*c28+c1*c38*c6*c28/2+c40*c29*c7-c14*c43*c27*c7/2,d1*c30*c28+c3*c38*c6*c28/2+c41*c29*c7-c21*c43*c27*c7/2,c2*c38*c6*c28/2+c42*c29*c7-c24*c43*c27*c7/2,-c14*c29*c28-c1*c30*c7,-c21*c29*c28-c3*c30*c7,-c24*c29*c28-c2*c30*c7);}
Getddeidposx1dposx1(TArray<double> & ret,double drdx1,double drdx2,double drdx3,double theta,double d1,double d2,double d3)381 	void Getddeidposx1dposx1 ( TArray<double>& ret, double drdx1, double drdx2, double drdx3, double theta, double d1, double d2, double d3 ) const { double c1 , c2 , c3 , c4 , c5 , c6 , c7 , c8 , c9 , c10 , c11 , c12 , c13 , c14 , c15 , c16 , c17 , c18 , c19 , c20 , c21 , c22 , c23 , c24 , c25 , c26 , c27 , c28 , c29 , c30 , c31 , c32 , c33 , c34 , c35 , c36 ; c1 = d2*drdx3-d3*drdx2 ; c2 = d1*drdx2-d2*drdx1 ; c3 = d3*drdx1-d1*drdx3 ; c4 = 2*d3*c3-2*d2*c2 ; c5 = pow(c4,2) ; c6 = sqrt(pow(c3,2)+pow(c2,2)+pow(c1,2)) ; c7 = 1/pow(c6,5) ; c8 = cos(theta) ; c9 = 2*pow(d3,2)+2*pow(d2,2) ; c10 = 1/pow(c6,3) ; c11 = pow(drdx1,2) ; c12 = sqrt(pow(drdx3,2)+pow(drdx2,2)+c11) ; c13 = 1/c12 ; c14 = d3*drdx3*c13+d2*drdx2*c13+d1*drdx1*c13 ; c15 = d1-drdx1*c13*c14 ; c16 = 1/pow(c12,3) ; c17 = d1*c13-d3*drdx1*drdx3*c16-d2*drdx1*drdx2*c16-d1*c11*c16 ; c18 = -c13*c14+c11*c16*c14-drdx1*c13*c17 ; c19 = drdx1*drdx2*c16*c14-drdx2*c13*c17 ; c20 = d2-drdx2*c13*c14 ; c21 = drdx1*drdx3*c16*c14-drdx3*c13*c17 ; c22 = d3-drdx3*c13*c14 ; c23 = 2*c21*c22+2*c19*c20+2*c18*c15 ; c24 = pow(c23,2) ; c25 = sqrt(pow(c22,2)+pow(c20,2)+pow(c15,2)) ; c26 = 1/pow(c25,5) ; c27 = sin(theta) ; c28 = 1/pow(c25,3) ; c29 = pow(drdx1,3) ; c30 = 1/pow(c12,5) ; c31 = -d3*drdx3*c16-d2*drdx2*c16-3*d1*drdx1*c16+3*d3*c11*drdx3*c30+3*d2*c11*drdx2*c30+3*d1*c29*c30 ; c32 = 3*drdx1*c16*c14-3*c29*c30*c14-2*c13*c17+2*c11*c16*c17-drdx1*c13*c31 ; c33 = drdx2*c16*c14-3*c11*drdx2*c30*c14+2*drdx1*drdx2*c16*c17-drdx2*c13*c31 ; c34 = drdx3*c16*c14-3*c11*drdx3*c30*c14+2*drdx1*drdx3*c16*c17-drdx3*c13*c31 ; c35 = 2*c34*c22+2*pow(c21,2)+2*c33*c20+2*pow(c19,2)+2*pow(c18,2)+2*c32*c15 ; c36 = 1/c25 ; ret.SetXN(6,c32*c36*c27-c15*c35*c28*c27/2-c18*c23*c28*c27+3*c15*c24*c26*c27/4-c9*c1*c10*c8/2+3*c1*c5*c7*c8/4,c33*c36*c27-c20*c35*c28*c27/2-c19*c23*c28*c27+3*c20*c24*c26*c27/4-d3*c4*c10*c8-c9*c3*c10*c8/2+3*c3*c5*c7*c8/4,c34*c36*c27-c22*c35*c28*c27/2-c21*c23*c28*c27+3*c22*c24*c26*c27/4+d2*c4*c10*c8-c9*c2*c10*c8/2+3*c2*c5*c7*c8/4,c9*c1*c10*c27/2-3*c1*c5*c7*c27/4+c32*c36*c8-c15*c35*c28*c8/2-c18*c23*c28*c8+3*c15*c24*c26*c8/4,d3*c4*c10*c27+c9*c3*c10*c27/2-3*c3*c5*c7*c27/4+c33*c36*c8-c20*c35*c28*c8/2-c19*c23*c28*c8+3*c20*c24*c26*c8/4,-d2*c4*c10*c27+c9*c2*c10*c27/2-3*c2*c5*c7*c27/4+c34*c36*c8-c22*c35*c28*c8/2-c21*c23*c28*c8+3*c22*c24*c26*c8/4); }
Getddeidposx2dposx1(TArray<double> & ret,double drdx1,double drdx2,double drdx3,double theta,double d1,double d2,double d3)382 	void Getddeidposx2dposx1 ( TArray<double>& ret, double drdx1, double drdx2, double drdx3, double theta, double d1, double d2, double d3 ) const { double c1 , c2 , c3 , c4 , c5 , c6 , c7 , c8 , c9 , c10 , c11 , c12 , c13 , c14 , c15 , c16 , c17 , c18 , c19 , c20 , c21 , c22 , c23 , c24 , c25 , c26 , c27 , c28 , c29 , c30 , c31 , c32 , c33 , c34 , c35 , c36 , c37 , c38 , c39 , c40 , c41 ; c1 = d2*drdx3-d3*drdx2 ; c2 = d1*drdx2-d2*drdx1 ; c3 = d3*drdx1-d1*drdx3 ; c4 = 2*d3*c3-2*d2*c2 ; c5 = 2*d1*c2-2*d3*c1 ; c6 = sqrt(pow(c3,2)+pow(c2,2)+pow(c1,2)) ; c7 = 1/pow(c6,5) ; c8 = cos(theta) ; c9 = 1/pow(c6,3) ; c10 = pow(drdx1,2) ; c11 = pow(drdx2,2) ; c12 = sqrt(pow(drdx3,2)+c11+c10) ; c13 = 1/c12 ; c14 = d3*drdx3*c13+d2*drdx2*c13+d1*drdx1*c13 ; c15 = d1-drdx1*c13*c14 ; c16 = 1/pow(c12,3) ; c17 = d1*c13-d3*drdx1*drdx3*c16-d2*drdx1*drdx2*c16-d1*c10*c16 ; c18 = -c13*c14 ; c19 = c18+c10*c16*c14-drdx1*c13*c17 ; c20 = drdx1*drdx2*c16*c14 ; c21 = c20-drdx2*c13*c17 ; c22 = d2-drdx2*c13*c14 ; c23 = drdx1*drdx3*c16*c14-drdx3*c13*c17 ; c24 = d3-drdx3*c13*c14 ; c25 = 2*c23*c24+2*c21*c22+2*c19*c15 ; c26 = d2*c13-d3*drdx2*drdx3*c16-d2*c11*c16-d1*drdx1*drdx2*c16 ; c27 = c20-drdx1*c13*c26 ; c28 = c18+c11*c16*c14-drdx2*c13*c26 ; c29 = drdx2*drdx3*c16*c14-drdx3*c13*c26 ; c30 = 2*c29*c24+2*c28*c22+2*c27*c15 ; c31 = sqrt(pow(c24,2)+pow(c22,2)+pow(c15,2)) ; c32 = 1/pow(c31,5) ; c33 = sin(theta) ; c34 = 1/pow(c12,5) ; c35 = -d1*drdx2*c16-d2*drdx1*c16+3*d3*drdx1*drdx2*drdx3*c34+3*d2*drdx1*c11*c34+3*d1*c10*drdx2*c34 ; c36 = drdx2*c16*c14-3*c10*drdx2*c34*c14-c13*c26+c10*c16*c26+drdx1*drdx2*c16*c17-drdx1*c13*c35 ; c37 = drdx1*c16*c14-3*drdx1*c11*c34*c14+drdx1*drdx2*c16*c26-c13*c17+c11*c16*c17-drdx2*c13*c35 ; c38 = -3*drdx1*drdx2*drdx3*c34*c14+drdx1*drdx3*c16*c26+drdx2*drdx3*c16*c17-drdx3*c13*c35 ; c39 = 2*c38*c24+2*c37*c22+2*c36*c15+2*c21*c28+2*c27*c19+2*c23*c29 ; c40 = 1/pow(c31,3) ; c41 = 1/c31 ; ret.SetXN(6,c36*c41*c33-c19*c30*c40*c33/2-c27*c25*c40*c33/2-c15*c39*c40*c33/2+3*c15*c25*c30*c32*c33/4+d3*c4*c9*c8/2+d1*d2*c1*c9*c8+3*c1*c4*c5*c7*c8/4,c37*c41*c33-c21*c30*c40*c33/2-c28*c25*c40*c33/2-c22*c39*c40*c33/2+3*c22*c25*c30*c32*c33/4-d3*c5*c9*c8/2+d1*d2*c3*c9*c8+3*c3*c4*c5*c7*c8/4,c38*c41*c33-c23*c30*c40*c33/2-c29*c25*c40*c33/2-c24*c39*c40*c33/2+3*c24*c25*c30*c32*c33/4+d2*c5*c9*c8/2-d1*c4*c9*c8/2+d1*d2*c2*c9*c8+3*c2*c4*c5*c7*c8/4,-d3*c4*c9*c33/2-d1*d2*c1*c9*c33-3*c1*c4*c5*c7*c33/4+c36*c41*c8-c19*c30*c40*c8/2-c27*c25*c40*c8/2-c15*c39*c40*c8/2+3*c15*c25*c30*c32*c8/4,d3*c5*c9*c33/2-d1*d2*c3*c9*c33-3*c3*c4*c5*c7*c33/4+c37*c41*c8-c21*c30*c40*c8/2-c28*c25*c40*c8/2-c22*c39*c40*c8/2+3*c22*c25*c30*c32*c8/4,-d2*c5*c9*c33/2+d1*c4*c9*c33/2-d1*d2*c2*c9*c33-3*c2*c4*c5*c7*c33/4+c38*c41*c8-c23*c30*c40*c8/2-c29*c25*c40*c8/2-c24*c39*c40*c8/2+3*c24*c25*c30*c32*c8/4); }
Getddeidposx3dposx1(TArray<double> & ret,double drdx1,double drdx2,double drdx3,double theta,double d1,double d2,double d3)383 	void Getddeidposx3dposx1 ( TArray<double>& ret, double drdx1, double drdx2, double drdx3, double theta, double d1, double d2, double d3 ) const { double c1 , c2 , c3 , c4 , c5 , c6 , c7 , c8 , c9 , c10 , c11 , c12 , c13 , c14 , c15 , c16 , c17 , c18 , c19 , c20 , c21 , c22 , c23 , c24 , c25 , c26 , c27 , c28 , c29 , c30 , c31 , c32 , c33 , c34 , c35 , c36 , c37 , c38 , c39 , c40 , c41 ; c1 = d2*drdx3-d3*drdx2 ; c2 = d1*drdx2-d2*drdx1 ; c3 = d3*drdx1-d1*drdx3 ; c4 = 2*d3*c3-2*d2*c2 ; c5 = 2*d2*c1-2*d1*c3 ; c6 = sqrt(pow(c3,2)+pow(c2,2)+pow(c1,2)) ; c7 = 1/pow(c6,5) ; c8 = cos(theta) ; c9 = 1/pow(c6,3) ; c10 = pow(drdx1,2) ; c11 = pow(drdx3,2) ; c12 = sqrt(pow(drdx2,2)+c11+c10) ; c13 = 1/c12 ; c14 = d3*drdx3*c13+d2*drdx2*c13+d1*drdx1*c13 ; c15 = d1-drdx1*c13*c14 ; c16 = 1/pow(c12,3) ; c17 = d1*c13-d3*drdx1*drdx3*c16-d2*drdx1*drdx2*c16-d1*c10*c16 ; c18 = -c13*c14 ; c19 = c18+c10*c16*c14-drdx1*c13*c17 ; c20 = drdx1*drdx2*c16*c14-drdx2*c13*c17 ; c21 = d2-drdx2*c13*c14 ; c22 = drdx1*drdx3*c16*c14 ; c23 = c22-drdx3*c13*c17 ; c24 = d3-drdx3*c13*c14 ; c25 = 2*c23*c24+2*c20*c21+2*c19*c15 ; c26 = d3*c13-d3*c11*c16-d2*drdx2*drdx3*c16-d1*drdx1*drdx3*c16 ; c27 = c22-drdx1*c13*c26 ; c28 = drdx2*drdx3*c16*c14-drdx2*c13*c26 ; c29 = c18+c11*c16*c14-drdx3*c13*c26 ; c30 = 2*c29*c24+2*c28*c21+2*c27*c15 ; c31 = sqrt(pow(c24,2)+pow(c21,2)+pow(c15,2)) ; c32 = 1/pow(c31,5) ; c33 = sin(theta) ; c34 = 1/pow(c12,5) ; c35 = -d1*drdx3*c16-d3*drdx1*c16+3*d3*drdx1*c11*c34+3*d2*drdx1*drdx2*drdx3*c34+3*d1*c10*drdx3*c34 ; c36 = drdx3*c16*c14-3*c10*drdx3*c34*c14-c13*c26+c10*c16*c26+drdx1*drdx3*c16*c17-drdx1*c13*c35 ; c37 = -3*drdx1*drdx2*drdx3*c34*c14+drdx1*drdx2*c16*c26+drdx2*drdx3*c16*c17-drdx2*c13*c35 ; c38 = drdx1*c16*c14-3*drdx1*c11*c34*c14+drdx1*drdx3*c16*c26-c13*c17+c11*c16*c17-drdx3*c13*c35 ; c39 = 2*c38*c24+2*c37*c21+2*c36*c15+2*c23*c29+2*c27*c19+2*c20*c28 ; c40 = 1/pow(c31,3) ; c41 = 1/c31 ; ret.SetXN(6,c36*c41*c33-c19*c30*c40*c33/2-c27*c25*c40*c33/2-c15*c39*c40*c33/2+3*c15*c25*c30*c32*c33/4-d2*c4*c9*c8/2+d1*d3*c1*c9*c8+3*c1*c4*c5*c7*c8/4,c37*c41*c33-c20*c30*c40*c33/2-c28*c25*c40*c33/2-c21*c39*c40*c33/2+3*c21*c25*c30*c32*c33/4-d3*c5*c9*c8/2+d1*c4*c9*c8/2+d1*d3*c3*c9*c8+3*c3*c4*c5*c7*c8/4,c38*c41*c33-c23*c30*c40*c33/2-c29*c25*c40*c33/2-c24*c39*c40*c33/2+3*c24*c25*c30*c32*c33/4+d2*c5*c9*c8/2+d1*d3*c2*c9*c8+3*c2*c4*c5*c7*c8/4,d2*c4*c9*c33/2-d1*d3*c1*c9*c33-3*c1*c4*c5*c7*c33/4+c36*c41*c8-c19*c30*c40*c8/2-c27*c25*c40*c8/2-c15*c39*c40*c8/2+3*c15*c25*c30*c32*c8/4,d3*c5*c9*c33/2-d1*c4*c9*c33/2-d1*d3*c3*c9*c33-3*c3*c4*c5*c7*c33/4+c37*c41*c8-c20*c30*c40*c8/2-c28*c25*c40*c8/2-c21*c39*c40*c8/2+3*c21*c25*c30*c32*c8/4,-d2*c5*c9*c33/2-d1*d3*c2*c9*c33-3*c2*c4*c5*c7*c33/4+c38*c41*c8-c23*c30*c40*c8/2-c29*c25*c40*c8/2-c24*c39*c40*c8/2+3*c24*c25*c30*c32*c8/4); }
Getddeidposx2dposx2(TArray<double> & ret,double drdx1,double drdx2,double drdx3,double theta,double d1,double d2,double d3)384 	void Getddeidposx2dposx2 ( TArray<double>& ret, double drdx1, double drdx2, double drdx3, double theta, double d1, double d2, double d3 ) const { double c1 , c2 , c3 , c4 , c5 , c6 , c7 , c8 , c9 , c10 , c11 , c12 , c13 , c14 , c15 , c16 , c17 , c18 , c19 , c20 , c21 , c22 , c23 , c24 , c25 , c26 , c27 , c28 , c29 , c30 , c31 , c32 , c33 , c34 , c35 , c36 ; c1 = d2*drdx3-d3*drdx2 ; c2 = d1*drdx2-d2*drdx1 ; c3 = 2*d1*c2-2*d3*c1 ; c4 = pow(c3,2) ; c5 = d3*drdx1-d1*drdx3 ; c6 = sqrt(pow(c5,2)+pow(c2,2)+pow(c1,2)) ; c7 = 1/pow(c6,5) ; c8 = cos(theta) ; c9 = 2*pow(d3,2)+2*pow(d1,2) ; c10 = 1/pow(c6,3) ; c11 = pow(drdx2,2) ; c12 = sqrt(pow(drdx3,2)+pow(drdx1,2)+c11) ; c13 = 1/c12 ; c14 = d3*drdx3*c13+d2*drdx2*c13+d1*drdx1*c13 ; c15 = d1-drdx1*c13*c14 ; c16 = 1/pow(c12,3) ; c17 = d2*c13-d3*drdx2*drdx3*c16-d2*c11*c16-d1*drdx1*drdx2*c16 ; c18 = drdx1*drdx2*c16*c14-drdx1*c13*c17 ; c19 = -c13*c14+c11*c16*c14-drdx2*c13*c17 ; c20 = d2-drdx2*c13*c14 ; c21 = drdx2*drdx3*c16*c14-drdx3*c13*c17 ; c22 = d3-drdx3*c13*c14 ; c23 = 2*c21*c22+2*c19*c20+2*c18*c15 ; c24 = pow(c23,2) ; c25 = sqrt(pow(c22,2)+pow(c20,2)+pow(c15,2)) ; c26 = 1/pow(c25,5) ; c27 = sin(theta) ; c28 = 1/pow(c25,3) ; c29 = 1/pow(c12,5) ; c30 = pow(drdx2,3) ; c31 = -d3*drdx3*c16-3*d2*drdx2*c16-d1*drdx1*c16+3*d3*c11*drdx3*c29+3*d2*c30*c29+3*d1*drdx1*c11*c29 ; c32 = drdx1*c16*c14-3*drdx1*c11*c29*c14+2*drdx1*drdx2*c16*c17-drdx1*c13*c31 ; c33 = 3*drdx2*c16*c14-3*c30*c29*c14-2*c13*c17+2*c11*c16*c17-drdx2*c13*c31 ; c34 = drdx3*c16*c14-3*c11*drdx3*c29*c14+2*drdx2*drdx3*c16*c17-drdx3*c13*c31 ; c35 = 2*c34*c22+2*pow(c21,2)+2*c33*c20+2*pow(c19,2)+2*pow(c18,2)+2*c32*c15 ; c36 = 1/c25 ; ret.SetXN(6,c32*c36*c27-c15*c35*c28*c27/2-c18*c23*c28*c27+3*c15*c24*c26*c27/4+d3*c3*c10*c8-c9*c1*c10*c8/2+3*c1*c4*c7*c8/4,c33*c36*c27-c20*c35*c28*c27/2-c19*c23*c28*c27+3*c20*c24*c26*c27/4-c9*c5*c10*c8/2+3*c5*c4*c7*c8/4,c34*c36*c27-c22*c35*c28*c27/2-c21*c23*c28*c27+3*c22*c24*c26*c27/4-d1*c3*c10*c8-c9*c2*c10*c8/2+3*c2*c4*c7*c8/4,-d3*c3*c10*c27+c9*c1*c10*c27/2-3*c1*c4*c7*c27/4+c32*c36*c8-c15*c35*c28*c8/2-c18*c23*c28*c8+3*c15*c24*c26*c8/4,c9*c5*c10*c27/2-3*c5*c4*c7*c27/4+c33*c36*c8-c20*c35*c28*c8/2-c19*c23*c28*c8+3*c20*c24*c26*c8/4,d1*c3*c10*c27+c9*c2*c10*c27/2-3*c2*c4*c7*c27/4+c34*c36*c8-c22*c35*c28*c8/2-c21*c23*c28*c8+3*c22*c24*c26*c8/4); }
Getddeidposx3dposx2(TArray<double> & ret,double drdx1,double drdx2,double drdx3,double theta,double d1,double d2,double d3)385 	void Getddeidposx3dposx2 ( TArray<double>& ret, double drdx1, double drdx2, double drdx3, double theta, double d1, double d2, double d3 ) const { double c1 , c2 , c3 , c4 , c5 , c6 , c7 , c8 , c9 , c10 , c11 , c12 , c13 , c14 , c15 , c16 , c17 , c18 , c19 , c20 , c21 , c22 , c23 , c24 , c25 , c26 , c27 , c28 , c29 , c30 , c31 , c32 , c33 , c34 , c35 , c36 , c37 , c38 , c39 , c40 , c41 ; c1 = d2*drdx3-d3*drdx2 ; c2 = d3*drdx1-d1*drdx3 ; c3 = 2*d2*c1-2*d1*c2 ; c4 = d1*drdx2-d2*drdx1 ; c5 = 2*d1*c4-2*d3*c1 ; c6 = sqrt(pow(c4,2)+pow(c2,2)+pow(c1,2)) ; c7 = 1/pow(c6,5) ; c8 = cos(theta) ; c9 = 1/pow(c6,3) ; c10 = pow(drdx2,2) ; c11 = pow(drdx3,2) ; c12 = sqrt(pow(drdx1,2)+c11+c10) ; c13 = 1/c12 ; c14 = d3*drdx3*c13+d2*drdx2*c13+d1*drdx1*c13 ; c15 = d1-drdx1*c13*c14 ; c16 = 1/pow(c12,3) ; c17 = d2*c13-d3*drdx2*drdx3*c16-d2*c10*c16-d1*drdx1*drdx2*c16 ; c18 = drdx1*drdx2*c16*c14-drdx1*c13*c17 ; c19 = -c13*c14 ; c20 = c19+c10*c16*c14-drdx2*c13*c17 ; c21 = d2-drdx2*c13*c14 ; c22 = drdx2*drdx3*c16*c14 ; c23 = c22-drdx3*c13*c17 ; c24 = d3-drdx3*c13*c14 ; c25 = 2*c23*c24+2*c20*c21+2*c18*c15 ; c26 = d3*c13-d3*c11*c16-d2*drdx2*drdx3*c16-d1*drdx1*drdx3*c16 ; c27 = drdx1*drdx3*c16*c14-drdx1*c13*c26 ; c28 = c22-drdx2*c13*c26 ; c29 = c19+c11*c16*c14-drdx3*c13*c26 ; c30 = 2*c29*c24+2*c28*c21+2*c27*c15 ; c31 = sqrt(pow(c24,2)+pow(c21,2)+pow(c15,2)) ; c32 = 1/pow(c31,5) ; c33 = sin(theta) ; c34 = 1/pow(c12,5) ; c35 = -d2*drdx3*c16-d3*drdx2*c16+3*d3*drdx2*c11*c34+3*d2*c10*drdx3*c34+3*d1*drdx1*drdx2*drdx3*c34 ; c36 = -3*drdx1*drdx2*drdx3*c34*c14+drdx1*drdx2*c16*c26+drdx1*drdx3*c16*c17-drdx1*c13*c35 ; c37 = drdx3*c16*c14-3*c10*drdx3*c34*c14-c13*c26+c10*c16*c26+drdx2*drdx3*c16*c17-drdx2*c13*c35 ; c38 = drdx2*c16*c14-3*drdx2*c11*c34*c14+drdx2*drdx3*c16*c26-c13*c17+c11*c16*c17-drdx3*c13*c35 ; c39 = 2*c38*c24+2*c37*c21+2*c36*c15+2*c23*c29+2*c28*c20+2*c18*c27 ; c40 = 1/pow(c31,3) ; c41 = 1/c31 ; ret.SetXN(6,c36*c41*c33-c18*c30*c40*c33/2-c27*c25*c40*c33/2-c15*c39*c40*c33/2+3*c15*c25*c30*c32*c33/4-d2*c5*c9*c8/2+d3*c3*c9*c8/2+d2*d3*c1*c9*c8+3*c1*c3*c5*c7*c8/4,c37*c41*c33-c20*c30*c40*c33/2-c28*c25*c40*c33/2-c21*c39*c40*c33/2+3*c21*c25*c30*c32*c33/4+d1*c5*c9*c8/2+d2*d3*c2*c9*c8+3*c2*c3*c5*c7*c8/4,c38*c41*c33-c23*c30*c40*c33/2-c29*c25*c40*c33/2-c24*c39*c40*c33/2+3*c24*c25*c30*c32*c33/4-d1*c3*c9*c8/2+d2*d3*c4*c9*c8+3*c4*c3*c5*c7*c8/4,d2*c5*c9*c33/2-d3*c3*c9*c33/2-d2*d3*c1*c9*c33-3*c1*c3*c5*c7*c33/4+c36*c41*c8-c18*c30*c40*c8/2-c27*c25*c40*c8/2-c15*c39*c40*c8/2+3*c15*c25*c30*c32*c8/4,-d1*c5*c9*c33/2-d2*d3*c2*c9*c33-3*c2*c3*c5*c7*c33/4+c37*c41*c8-c20*c30*c40*c8/2-c28*c25*c40*c8/2-c21*c39*c40*c8/2+3*c21*c25*c30*c32*c8/4,d1*c3*c9*c33/2-d2*d3*c4*c9*c33-3*c4*c3*c5*c7*c33/4+c38*c41*c8-c23*c30*c40*c8/2-c29*c25*c40*c8/2-c24*c39*c40*c8/2+3*c24*c25*c30*c32*c8/4); }
Getddeidposx3dposx3(TArray<double> & ret,double drdx1,double drdx2,double drdx3,double theta,double d1,double d2,double d3)386 	void Getddeidposx3dposx3 ( TArray<double>& ret, double drdx1, double drdx2, double drdx3, double theta, double d1, double d2, double d3 ) const { double c1 , c2 , c3 , c4 , c5 , c6 , c7 , c8 , c9 , c10 , c11 , c12 , c13 , c14 , c15 , c16 , c17 , c18 , c19 , c20 , c21 , c22 , c23 , c24 , c25 , c26 , c27 , c28 , c29 , c30 , c31 , c32 , c33 , c34 , c35 , c36 ; c1 = d2*drdx3-d3*drdx2 ; c2 = d3*drdx1-d1*drdx3 ; c3 = 2*d2*c1-2*d1*c2 ; c4 = pow(c3,2) ; c5 = d1*drdx2-d2*drdx1 ; c6 = sqrt(pow(c5,2)+pow(c2,2)+pow(c1,2)) ; c7 = 1/pow(c6,5) ; c8 = cos(theta) ; c9 = 2*pow(d2,2)+2*pow(d1,2) ; c10 = 1/pow(c6,3) ; c11 = pow(drdx3,2) ; c12 = sqrt(pow(drdx2,2)+pow(drdx1,2)+c11) ; c13 = 1/c12 ; c14 = d3*drdx3*c13+d2*drdx2*c13+d1*drdx1*c13 ; c15 = d1-drdx1*c13*c14 ; c16 = 1/pow(c12,3) ; c17 = d3*c13-d3*c11*c16-d2*drdx2*drdx3*c16-d1*drdx1*drdx3*c16 ; c18 = drdx1*drdx3*c16*c14-drdx1*c13*c17 ; c19 = drdx2*drdx3*c16*c14-drdx2*c13*c17 ; c20 = d2-drdx2*c13*c14 ; c21 = -c13*c14+c11*c16*c14-drdx3*c13*c17 ; c22 = d3-drdx3*c13*c14 ; c23 = 2*c21*c22+2*c19*c20+2*c18*c15 ; c24 = pow(c23,2) ; c25 = sqrt(pow(c22,2)+pow(c20,2)+pow(c15,2)) ; c26 = 1/pow(c25,5) ; c27 = sin(theta) ; c28 = 1/pow(c25,3) ; c29 = 1/pow(c12,5) ; c30 = pow(drdx3,3) ; c31 = -3*d3*drdx3*c16-d2*drdx2*c16-d1*drdx1*c16+3*d3*c30*c29+3*d2*drdx2*c11*c29+3*d1*drdx1*c11*c29 ; c32 = drdx1*c16*c14-3*drdx1*c11*c29*c14+2*drdx1*drdx3*c16*c17-drdx1*c13*c31 ; c33 = drdx2*c16*c14-3*drdx2*c11*c29*c14+2*drdx2*drdx3*c16*c17-drdx2*c13*c31 ; c34 = 3*drdx3*c16*c14-3*c30*c29*c14-2*c13*c17+2*c11*c16*c17-drdx3*c13*c31 ; c35 = 2*c34*c22+2*pow(c21,2)+2*c33*c20+2*pow(c19,2)+2*pow(c18,2)+2*c32*c15 ; c36 = 1/c25 ; ret.SetXN(6,c32*c36*c27-c15*c35*c28*c27/2-c18*c23*c28*c27+3*c15*c24*c26*c27/4-d2*c3*c10*c8-c9*c1*c10*c8/2+3*c1*c4*c7*c8/4,c33*c36*c27-c20*c35*c28*c27/2-c19*c23*c28*c27+3*c20*c24*c26*c27/4+d1*c3*c10*c8-c9*c2*c10*c8/2+3*c2*c4*c7*c8/4,c34*c36*c27-c22*c35*c28*c27/2-c21*c23*c28*c27+3*c22*c24*c26*c27/4-c9*c5*c10*c8/2+3*c5*c4*c7*c8/4,d2*c3*c10*c27+c9*c1*c10*c27/2-3*c1*c4*c7*c27/4+c32*c36*c8-c15*c35*c28*c8/2-c18*c23*c28*c8+3*c15*c24*c26*c8/4,-d1*c3*c10*c27+c9*c2*c10*c27/2-3*c2*c4*c7*c27/4+c33*c36*c8-c20*c35*c28*c8/2-c19*c23*c28*c8+3*c20*c24*c26*c8/4,c9*c5*c10*c27/2-3*c5*c4*c7*c27/4+c34*c36*c8-c22*c35*c28*c8/2-c21*c23*c28*c8+3*c22*c24*c26*c8/4); }
Getddeidthetadposx(TArray<double> & ret,double drdx1,double drdx2,double drdx3,double theta,double d1,double d2,double d3)387 	void Getddeidthetadposx ( TArray<double>& ret, double drdx1, double drdx2, double drdx3, double theta, double d1, double d2, double d3 ) const { double c1 , c2 , c3 , c4 , c5 , c6 , c7 , c8 , c9 , c10 , c11 , c12 , c13 , c14 , c15 , c16 , c17 , c18 , c19 , c20 , c21 , c22 , c23 , c24 , c25 , c26 , c27 , c28 , c29 , c30 , c31 , c32 , c33 , c34 , c35 , c36 , c37 , c38 , c39 , c40 , c41 , c42 , c43 ; c1 = pow(drdx1,2) ; c2 = pow(drdx2,2) ; c3 = pow(drdx3,2) ; c4 = sqrt(c3+c2+c1) ; c5 = 1/c4 ; c6 = d3*drdx3*c5+d2*drdx2*c5+d1*drdx1*c5 ; c7 = d1-drdx1*c5*c6 ; c8 = 1/pow(c4,3) ; c9 = d1*c5-d3*drdx1*drdx3*c8-d2*drdx1*drdx2*c8-d1*c1*c8 ; c10 = -c5*c6 ; c11 = c10+c1*c8*c6-drdx1*c5*c9 ; c12 = drdx1*drdx2*c8*c6 ; c13 = c12-drdx2*c5*c9 ; c14 = d2-drdx2*c5*c6 ; c15 = drdx1*drdx3*c8*c6 ; c16 = c15-drdx3*c5*c9 ; c17 = d3-drdx3*c5*c6 ; c18 = 2*c16*c17+2*c13*c14+2*c11*c7 ; c19 = sqrt(pow(c7,2)+pow(c17,2)+pow(c14,2)) ; c20 = 1/pow(c19,3) ; c21 = cos(theta) ; c22 = 1/c19 ; c23 = d2*drdx3-d3*drdx2 ; c24 = d1*drdx2-d2*drdx1 ; c25 = d3*drdx1-d1*drdx3 ; c26 = 2*d3*c25-2*d2*c24 ; c27 = sqrt(pow(c25,2)+pow(c24,2)+pow(c23,2)) ; c28 = 1/pow(c27,3) ; c29 = sin(theta) ; c30 = 1/c27 ; c31 = d2*c5-d3*drdx2*drdx3*c8-d2*c2*c8-d1*drdx1*drdx2*c8 ; c32 = c12-drdx1*c5*c31 ; c33 = c10+c2*c8*c6-drdx2*c5*c31 ; c34 = drdx2*drdx3*c8*c6 ; c35 = c34-drdx3*c5*c31 ; c36 = 2*c35*c17+2*c33*c14+2*c32*c7 ; c37 = 2*d1*c24-2*d3*c23 ; c38 = d3*c5-d3*c3*c8-d2*drdx2*drdx3*c8-d1*drdx1*drdx3*c8 ; c39 = c15-drdx1*c5*c38 ; c40 = c34-drdx2*c5*c38 ; c41 = c10+c3*c8*c6-drdx3*c5*c38 ; c42 = 2*c41*c17+2*c40*c14+2*c39*c7 ; c43 = 2*d2*c23-2*d1*c25 ; ret.SetXN(18,c23*c26*c28*c29/2+c11*c22*c21-c7*c18*c20*c21/2,-d3*c30*c29+c25*c26*c28*c29/2+c13*c22*c21-c14*c18*c20*c21/2,d2*c30*c29+c24*c26*c28*c29/2+c16*c22*c21-c17*c18*c20*c21/2,d3*c30*c29+c23*c37*c28*c29/2+c32*c22*c21-c7*c36*c20*c21/2,c25*c37*c28*c29/2+c33*c22*c21-c14*c36*c20*c21/2,-d1*c30*c29+c24*c37*c28*c29/2+c35*c22*c21-c17*c36*c20*c21/2,-d2*c30*c29+c23*c43*c28*c29/2+c39*c22*c21-c7*c42*c20*c21/2,d1*c30*c29+c25*c43*c28*c29/2+c40*c22*c21-c14*c42*c20*c21/2,c24*c43*c28*c29/2+c41*c22*c21-c17*c42*c20*c21/2,-c11*c22*c29+c7*c18*c20*c29/2+c23*c26*c28*c21/2,-c13*c22*c29+c14*c18*c20*c29/2-d3*c30*c21+c25*c26*c28*c21/2,-c16*c22*c29+c17*c18*c20*c29/2+d2*c30*c21+c24*c26*c28*c21/2,-c32*c22*c29+c7*c36*c20*c29/2+d3*c30*c21+c23*c37*c28*c21/2,-c33*c22*c29+c14*c36*c20*c29/2+c25*c37*c28*c21/2,-c35*c22*c29+c17*c36*c20*c29/2-d1*c30*c21+c24*c37*c28*c21/2,-c39*c22*c29+c7*c42*c20*c29/2-d2*c30*c21+c23*c43*c28*c21/2,-c40*c22*c29+c14*c42*c20*c29/2+d1*c30*c21+c25*c43*c28*c21/2,-c41*c22*c29+c17*c42*c20*c29/2+c24*c43*c28*c21/2); }
Getddeidthetadtheta(TArray<double> & ret,double drdx1,double drdx2,double drdx3,double theta,double d1,double d2,double d3)388 	void Getddeidthetadtheta ( TArray<double>& ret, double drdx1, double drdx2, double drdx3, double theta, double d1, double d2, double d3 ) const { double c1 , c2 , c3 , c4 , c5 , c6 , c7 , c8 , c9 , c10 , c11 , c12 ; c1 = d2*drdx3-d3*drdx2 ; c2 = d1*drdx2-d2*drdx1 ; c3 = d3*drdx1-d1*drdx3 ; c4 = 1/sqrt(pow(c3,2)+pow(c2,2)+pow(c1,2)) ; c5 = cos(theta) ; c6 = 1/sqrt(pow(drdx3,2)+pow(drdx2,2)+pow(drdx1,2)) ; c7 = d3*drdx3*c6+d2*drdx2*c6+d1*drdx1*c6 ; c8 = d1-drdx1*c6*c7 ; c9 = d2-drdx2*c6*c7 ; c10 = d3-drdx3*c6*c7 ; c11 = 1/sqrt(pow(c9,2)+pow(c8,2)+pow(c10,2)) ; c12 = sin(theta) ; ret.SetXN(6,-c8*c11*c12-c1*c4*c5,-c9*c11*c12-c3*c4*c5,-c10*c11*c12-c2*c4*c5,c1*c4*c12-c8*c11*c5,c3*c4*c12-c9*c11*c5,c2*c4*c12-c10*c11*c5); }
GetCoordinates(Vector & dc)394 	virtual void GetCoordinates(Vector& dc) const
395 	{
396 		for (int i = 1; i <= SOS(); i++)
397 			dc(i) = XG(i);
398 	}
GetCoordinatesP(Vector & dc)400 	virtual void GetCoordinatesP(Vector& dc) const
401 	{
402 		for (int i = 1; i <= SOS(); i++)
403 			dc(i) = XGP(i);
404 	}
GetDrawCoordinates(Vector & dc)406 	virtual void GetDrawCoordinates(Vector& dc) const
407 	{
408 		for (int i = 1; i <= SOS(); i++)
409 			dc(i) = XGD(i);
410 	}
GetDrawCoordinatesP(Vector & dc)412 	virtual void GetDrawCoordinatesP(Vector& dc) const
413 	{
414 		for (int i = 1; i <= SOS(); i++)
415 			dc(i) = XGPD(i);
416 	}
418 	virtual void EvalM(Matrix& m, double t);   // siehe ANCFBeam3D...
419 	virtual void EvalF2(Vector& f, double t);
420 	virtual void EvalQVV(Vector& f, double t);
421 	virtual double PostNewtonStep(double t);
423 	//for visualization
424 	virtual Vector3D GetPos3D0D(const Vector3D& p_loc) const ;
425 	virtual Vector3D GetPos3D0D(const Vector3D& p_loc, double defscale) const ;
427 	virtual void DrawElement();
428 	virtual void GetAvailableFieldVariables(TArray<FieldVariableDescriptor> & variables);
429 	virtual double GetFieldVariableValue(const FieldVariableDescriptor & fvd, const Vector3D & local_position, bool flagD);
431 	virtual void StartTimeStep();
433 protected:
ElementDefaultConstructor()435 	void ElementDefaultConstructor()
436 	{
437 		SetElementName(GetElementSpec());
439 		// make sure, that all members are set to a value, which are declared 'readonly' for the EDCConverter (see declaration of members below)
440 		intorder_mass = 4;
441 		intorder_axial_strain = 9;
442 		intorder_curvature = 5;
444 		kinematic_computation_mode = 0;
446 		// make sure, to set the size of all dynamical objects, which are used by EDCConverter
447 		q0.SetLen(SOS());
448 		q0.SetAll(0.);
449 		size = Vector3D(1,0.1,0.1);
451 		// some other default values of members, e.g. global node numbers
452 		n1=1;
453 		n2=2;
455 		x_init.SetLen(2*SOS());
456 		x_init.SetAll(0);
458 		Vector3D director;
459 		Vector3D slopevector1(1,0,0);   /// PG - get vaules from nodes
460 		Vector3D slopevector2(1,0,0);
461 		director = DetermineStandardDirector(slopevector1, slopevector2);
462 		Vector datainit(director.X(), director.Y(), director.Z(), director.X(), director.Y(), director.Z());
463 		datainit(1)=1.;
464 		SetDataInit(datainit);
466 		do_update_directors = 0; //$ DR added
467 	}
470 	//for faster calculation:
471 	//mass and stiffness matrix
472 	Matrix massmatrix, Hmatrix; //M = int(rho*((S)^T).S, dV,V); H = int(S,dV,V)
473 	//integration points and weights
474 	Vector x1,w1;
476 	// node numbers (global)
477 	int n1;	//$EDC$[varaccess,EDCvarname="node_number1",EDCfolder="Geometry",tooltiptext="global number of node 1 (left), node must already exist"]
478 	int n2; //$EDC$[varaccess,EDCvarname="node_number2",EDCfolder="Geometry",tooltiptext="global number of node 2 (right), node must already exist"]
480 	//update directors in post newton step, s.t. singularities during the deformation process are avoided.
481 	int do_update_directors;        //$EDC$[varaccess,EDCvarname="update_directors",EDCfolder="Geometry",int_bool,tooltiptext="update directors during calculation"]
483 	//kinematic_computation_mode =   0 ... exact terms, 5th order gaussian integration (slow);
484 	//                               1 ... exact terms, low order (1st order lobatto) integration (fast);
485 	//                               2 ... approximate mass matrix (torsional terms approximated), no quadratic velocity vector (fastest) --- see also paper by dmitrochenko
486 	// must be zero (exact terms + 5th order gaussian integration) for the user (models-cpp programmers: use only, if you precisely know what you are doing)
487 	int kinematic_computation_mode; //$EDC$[varaccess,EDCvarname="kinematic_computation_mode",EDCfolder="Computation",tooltiptext="0 .. exact kinematic terms + 5th order gaussian integration (slow), 1 .. exact terms + 1st order lobatto integration (fast), 2 .. constant mass matrix approximation (fastest)"]
489 	//order of numerical integration along beam axis
490 	int intorder_mass;          //$EDC$[varaccess,EDCvarname="mass",EDCfolder="Computation.IntegrationOrder",tooltiptext="integration order for mass terms"]
491 	int intorder_axial_strain;  //$EDC$[varaccess,EDCvarname="axial_strain",EDCfolder="Computation.IntegrationOrder",tooltiptext="integration order for work of axial strain"]
492 	int intorder_curvature;     //$EDC$[varaccess,EDCvarname="curvature",EDCfolder="Computation.IntegrationOrder",tooltiptext="integration order for work of curvature"]
494 	//reference configuration
495 	Vector q0;
497 	//EDC int materialnum; //$EDC$[varaccess,EDCvarname="material_number",EDCfolder="Physics",tooltiptext="material number which contains the main material properties of the beam"]
498   //EDC double size.X(); //$EDC$[varaccess,readonly,EDCvarname="beam_length",EDCfolder="Info",tooltiptext="length of the beam, calculated by numerical integration of |r'|"]
499 }; //$EDC$[endclass,ANCFBeam3DTorsion]
503 #endif