1 //#**************************************************************
2 //# filename:             WinCompDriverInterface.h
3 //#
4 //# author:               Yury Vetyukov, Johannes Gerstmayr
5 //#
6 //# generated:						2003
7 //# description:
8 //# remarks:
9 //#
10 //# Copyright (c) 2003-2013 Johannes Gerstmayr, Linz Center of Mechatronics GmbH, Austrian
11 //# Center of Competence in Mechatronics GmbH, Institute of Technical Mechanics at the
12 //# Johannes Kepler Universitaet Linz, Austria. All rights reserved.
13 //#
14 //# This file is part of HotInt.
15 //# HotInt is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
16 //# the HOTINT license. See folder 'licenses' for more details.
17 //#
18 //# bug reports are welcome!!!
19 //# WWW:		www.hotint.org
20 //# email:	bug_reports@hotint.org or support@hotint.org
21 //#***************************************************************************************
23 /*
24 This is an interface class between an OS-independent working (computational) module
25 of an application and an OS-dependent driving module of an application.
27 Architecture:
28 The working module of the program contains a class, derived from WCDInterface.
29 A function creating dynamically an object of this kind (working object)
30 WCDInterface * CreateWCDObject();
31 must be available to the driving module. A pointer to the created working object
32 is returned. In Windows the working module can be compiled into a standalone
33 DLL, which exports the function CreateWCDObject().
35 The driving module is linked (statically or dynamically) to the working module.
36 After the application is initialized, the function CreateWCDObject() is called
37 and the main object of the working module is created.
39 The interface WCDInterface allows direct calls, when something is needed from
40 the working module. The working module performes OS-dependent actions via
41 the feed-back interfaces, provided by the driving module.
43 The multithreading of the application is handled in the driving module.
44 Initially only the user interface thread exists. As the computation starts,
45 the working thread is initiated.
47 ---------------         ----------------
48 |   working   |         | ------------ |
49 |   object    |-------->| |feed-back | |
50 |             |         | |interfaces| |
51 | ----------- |  calls  | ------------ |
52 | |interface| |<--------|   driving    |
53 | ----------- |         |   module     |
54 ---------------         ----------------
55 */
57 //#include "tarray.h"
58 //#include "mystring.h"
59 //#include "elementdata.h"
60 //#include "FieldVariableDescriptor.h"
61 #include "mbs_interface.h"
62 #include "ElementsAndModelsLibraryInterface.h"
63 #include "hotint_version_info.h"
71 #ifdef COMPILE_AND
72 #define WORKING_DLL_NAME "WorkingModuleHOTINT.dll"
73 #else
74 #define WORKING_DLL_NAME "WorkingModule.dll"
75 #endif
81 //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
82 // This version of the interface is designed for the 3D scenes
84 #include "renderContext.h"
86 struct WCDInterface
87 {
~WCDInterfaceWCDInterface88 	virtual ~WCDInterface()
89 	{
90 	}
93 	// these interfaces are provided by the driving module in order to perform
94 	// the OS-dependent actions. The working module operates with pointers to these objects,
95 	// which are implemented in the driving module.
97 	// bringing INFORMATION to the user
98 	struct UserInterface
99 	{
~UserInterfaceWCDInterface::UserInterface100 		virtual ~UserInterface() {}
101 		// message box; does not return until the user responds
102 		virtual void InstantMessageText(const char * ) = 0;
103 		// set text on something like status bar
104 		virtual void StatusText(const char * ) = 0;
105 		// log-file or text running on the screen like in the console window; '\n' means end-of-line
106 		virtual void AddText(const char * ) = 0;
107 		// if the text-running window has been switch off, this command will switch it on
108 		virtual void AssureTextIsVisible() = 0;
110 		// create directory (only, if it does not exist).
111 		// returns 0 in case of error (wrong path), 1 in case it already existed, and 2 if created
112 		virtual int CreateMissingDirectory(const char * ) = 0;
114 		//call a function in WCDriver:
115 		virtual int CallWCDriverFunction(int action, int option = 0, int value = 0, ElementDataContainer* edc = NULL) = 0;
117 		//go to sleep for x milliseconds
118 		virtual void SleepX(int xMilliseconds) = 0;
120 		//is used in MBS::PreComputationOperations
121 		virtual int GetModelModified() const = 0;
122 	};
124 	// these methods are available as the COMPUTATION procedure starts
125 	struct ComputationFeedBack
126 	{
127 		// informs the driving module that the scene must be repainted
128 		virtual void ResultsUpdated(int flag=0) = 0;
129 		// informs the driving module that the computation is paused
130 		virtual void PausedComputation() = 0;
131 		// informs the driving module that the computation is finished
132 		virtual void FinishedComputation() = 0;
133 		// AH: informs the driving module that new data is sent to plottool
134 	};
136 	// DIRECT calls from the driving module to the working object
137 	// these methods must be implemented in the working module
139 	// the driving module will give the working module a pointer to the
140 	// UserInterface interface immediately after the working object is created;
141 	// and the text output can be done starting from this point
142 	virtual void SetUserInterface(UserInterface* ) = 0;
143 	virtual UserInterface* GetUserInterface() const = 0;
145 	// the maximal absolute value of a coordinate in the scene
146 	// the function is called once when the graphic system is initialized
147 	virtual float GetSceneMaxAbsCoordinate() = 0;
148 	// if the scene is in fact plane, it might be useful
149 	// to prevent the user from rotating it
150 	virtual int AllowRotation() = 0;
151 	// tells the working module to execute all the painting instructions
152 	// for the currently provided RenderContext
153 	virtual void RenderScene(RenderContext * pRC) = 0;
155   // Sets the Pointer to the Dialog in the
156 	virtual void RenderControlWindow(ControlWindowContext* pCWC) = 0;    //!AD: 2012-12-13
158 	// prints data to the UserInterface context on the user request
159 	virtual void PrintData(const char * pDataSpecification) = 0;
161 	// start the computation from the current position
162 	// this function is run in a separate (working) thread
163 	// and should return only when the computation is stopped
164 	// the ComputationFeedBack interface should be used to inform the driving module
165 	// about the progress in the computation; the UserInterface can be also used
166 	virtual void Go(ComputationFeedBack * pCFB) = 0;
167 	virtual void SetPCFB(ComputationFeedBack * p_cfb) = 0;
170 	//call initialize function after config file loaded:
171 	virtual void InitializeAfterConfigLoaded() = 0;
173 	// check if the computation is still in progress
174 	virtual int IsComputationInProgress() = 0;
176 	// tells to stop the computation when possible
177 	virtual void StopWhenPossible() = 0;
179 	// reset computation, new computation is started with new initial conditions at starttime
180 	virtual void ResetComputation() = 0;
182 	// returns if calculation is paused
183 	virtual int IsPaused() = 0;
185 	// tells to pause the computation
186 	virtual void Pause() = 0;
188 	// tells to resume the computation
189 	virtual void Resume() = 0;
191 	// print timing statistics
192 	virtual void PrintTimingList() = 0;
194 	//old options:
195 	virtual void SetIOption(int index, int data) = 0;
196 	virtual const int& GetIOption(int index) const = 0;
197 	virtual int& GetIOption(int index) = 0;
198 	virtual void SetDOption(int index, double data) = 0;
199 	virtual const double& GetDOption(int index) const = 0;
200 	virtual double& GetDOption(int index) = 0;
201 	virtual void SetTOption(int index, const char* data) = 0;
202 	virtual const char* GetTOption(int index) const = 0;
204 	//new options:
205 	//get values in MBS_EDC:
206 	virtual void MBS_EDC_TreeGetDouble(double& data, const char* name) const = 0;
207 	virtual void MBS_EDC_TreeGetInt(int& data, const char* name) const = 0;
208 	virtual const char* MBS_EDC_TreeGetString(const char* name) const = 0;
209 	//set values in MBS_EDC:
210 	virtual void MBS_EDC_TreeSetDouble(double data, const char* name) = 0;
211 	virtual void MBS_EDC_TreeSetInt(int data, const char* name) = 0;
212 	virtual void MBS_EDC_TreeSetString(const char* data, const char* name) = 0;
214 	//+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
215 	//exchange data: elements, MBS-System
216 	virtual int GetNElements() const = 0;
217 	virtual void GetElementData(int i, int type, int value, ElementDataContainer& edc) = 0;
218 	virtual int SetElementData(int i, int type, int value, ElementDataContainer& edc) = 0;
220 	//$AD 2013-07-08: Manipulate Content of arrays in IOElements from 2D Draw Window
221 	virtual void InsertIOElemConNode(int elemnr, int list_idx, int input_nr, Vector2D pos) = 0;
222 	virtual void DeleteIOElemConNode(int elemnr, int list_idx) = 0;
223 	//$AD 2013-07-10: Change Position of a single element (MBS element, conNode, ...)
224 	virtual void MoveConNode2D(int elemnr, int list_idx, double delta_x, double delta_y) = 0;
225 	virtual void MoveElement(int elemnr, double delta_x, double delta_y, double delta_z = 0.) = 0;
226 	//$ YV 2012-11-29: commented out, these functions go into the general MBS interface
227 	//virtual const class CMBSParser& MBSParser() const = 0;
228   //virtual class CMBSParser& MBSParser() = 0;
230 	virtual int CallCompFunction(int action, int option = 0, int value = 0, ElementDataContainer* edc = NULL) = 0;
231 	//+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
232   // access functions for Sensor / PlotTool (Plottool has no classes MBS, Sensor, etc included)
233 	virtual TArray<double>* GetSensorValuesArrayPtr(int i) = 0;       // get the i-th sensors (as registered in mbs) own stored values from internal array
234 	virtual TArray<double>* GetSensorTimesArrayPtr(int i) = 0;        // get the i-th sensors (as registered in mbs) own stored times from internal array
GetSensorNameWCDInterface235 	virtual mystr GetSensorName(int i) {return 0;};                   // get the i-th sensors (as registered in mbs) name
GetSensorNumberWCDInterface236 	virtual int GetSensorNumber(mystr& name) {return 0;};             // get the number of the (first) sensor that matches the sensorname
238 	// user interface part of the software needs access to the object factory
239 	virtual MBSObjectFactoryInterface * GetObjectFactory() = 0;
241 	// handling of variable types for post-processing (contour plotting)
242 	virtual const TArray<FieldVariableDescriptor> & GetAvailableFieldVariables() = 0;
243 	virtual int GetIndexOfActualPostProcessingFieldVariable() = 0;
244 	virtual void SetIndexOfActualPostProcessingFieldVariable(int index) = 0;
246 	// these two structures are responsible for the streamed data storage/loading
247 	struct DataSaver
248 	{
249 		virtual void SetTime(double time) = 0;
250 		virtual DataSaver & operator << (int) = 0;
251 		virtual DataSaver & operator << (double) = 0;
252 		// this function accepts a pointer to a C-style zero terminated string
253 		virtual DataSaver & operator << (const char *) = 0;
254 	};
256 	struct DataLoader
257 	{
258 		virtual double GetTime() = 0;		// should be called before other
259 		// data reading operations
260 		virtual DataLoader & operator >> (int &) = 0;
261 		virtual DataLoader & operator >> (double &) = 0;
262 		// here the working module obtains a new pointer  to
263 		// the the string is C-style zero terminated string char * p,
264 		// so that delete[] p should be executed afterwards
265 		virtual DataLoader & operator >> (char * & p) = 0;
266 	};
268 	// these functions are due to the data storage
269 	// after each call of ComputationFeedBack::ResultsUpdated()
270 	// the function StoreResultsIsOn() is called to check if the results should be stored
271 	virtual int StoreResultsIsOn() = 0;
272 	// here the working object should remove all saved states
273 	virtual int RemoveResults() = 0;
274 	// here the working object should save its actual state
275 	virtual void StoreResults(DataSaver & storage, double& m_TimePoint) = 0;
276 	// here the working object should replace its actual state with the one from the DataLoader
277 	// the function is called from the driving module with the user request
278 	virtual void LoadResults(DataLoader & loader, int m_TimePointNumber) = 0;
279 	// this function returns the actual drawing time
280 	virtual double GetActualDrawTime() const = 0;
281 	// this function returns the number of stored solution data files
282 	virtual int ReadSolDataInfo() = 0;
283 	// here the current version of Hotint is returned
284 	// this is particularly needed for validation of config files or data sets
GetHotintVersionWCDInterface285 	virtual const HotintVersionInfo& GetHotintVersion() const {return hotint_version;};
SetModelData_InitializedWCDInterface287 	virtual void SetModelData_Initialized(int flag) {};
289 };
291 #endif // __WCD_INTERFACE_H_INCLUDED__