1 /*
2    Copyright (c) 2009-2014, Jack Poulson
3    All rights reserved.
5    This file is part of Elemental and is under the BSD 2-Clause License,
6    which can be found in the LICENSE file in the root directory, or at
7    http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause
8 */
9 // NOTE: It is possible to simply include "elemental.hpp" instead
10 #include "elemental-lite.hpp"
14 #include ELEM_QR_INC
20 #include ELEM_UNIFORM_INC
21 using namespace std;
22 using namespace elem;
24 typedef double Real;
25 typedef Complex<Real> C;
27 int
main(int argc,char * argv[])28 main( int argc, char* argv[] )
29 {
30     Initialize( argc, argv );
31     const Int worldRank = mpi::WorldRank();
33     try
34     {
35         const Int m = Input("--height","height of matrix",100);
36         const Int n = Input("--width","width of matrix",100);
37         const bool alwaysRecompute = Input("--always","no norm updates?",false);
38         const bool blockedUnpiv =
39             Input("--blockUnpiv","blocked unpivoted QR?",false);
40         const bool display = Input("--display","display matrices?",false);
41         const bool print = Input("--print","print matrices?",false);
42         ProcessInput();
43         PrintInputReport();
45         DistMatrix<C> A;
46         Uniform( A, m, n );
47         const Real frobA = FrobeniusNorm( A );
48         if( display )
49             Display( A, "A" );
50         if( print )
51             Print( A, "A" );
53         // Compute the pivoted QR decomposition of A, but do not overwrite A
54         auto QRPiv( A );
55         DistMatrix<C,MD,STAR> tPiv;
56         DistMatrix<Real,MD,STAR> dPiv;
57         DistMatrix<Int,VR,STAR> perm;
58         qr::BusingerGolub( QRPiv, tPiv, dPiv, perm, alwaysRecompute );
59         if( display )
60         {
61             Display( QRPiv, "QRPiv" );
62             Display( tPiv, "tPiv" );
63             Display( dPiv, "dPiv" );
64             Display( perm, "perm" );
65         }
66         if( print )
67         {
68             Print( QRPiv, "QRPiv" );
69             Print( tPiv, "tPiv" );
70             Print( dPiv, "dPiv" );
71             Print( perm, "perm" );
72         }
74         // Compute the standard QR decomposition of A
75         auto QRNoPiv( A );
76         DistMatrix<C,MD,STAR> tNoPiv;
77         DistMatrix<Real,MD,STAR> dNoPiv;
78         if( blockedUnpiv )
79             QR( QRNoPiv, tNoPiv, dNoPiv );
80         else
81             qr::PanelHouseholder( QRNoPiv, tNoPiv, dNoPiv );
82         if( display )
83         {
84             Display( QRNoPiv, "QRNoPiv" );
85             Display( tNoPiv, "tNoPiv" );
86             Display( dNoPiv, "dNoPiv" );
87         }
88         if( print )
89         {
90             Print( QRNoPiv, "QRNoPiv" );
91             Print( tNoPiv, "tNoPiv" );
92             Print( dNoPiv, "dNoPiv" );
93         }
95         // Check the error in the pivoted QR factorization,
96         // || A P - Q R ||_F / || A ||_F
97         auto E( QRPiv );
98         MakeTriangular( UPPER, E );
99         qr::ApplyQ( LEFT, NORMAL, QRPiv, tPiv, dPiv, E );
100         PermuteCols( E, perm );
101         Axpy( C(-1), A, E );
102         const Real frobQRPiv = FrobeniusNorm( E );
103         if( display )
104             Display( E, "A P - Q R" );
105         if( print )
106             Print( E, "A P - Q R" );
108         // Check the error in the standard QR factorization,
109         // || A - Q R ||_F / || A ||_F
110         E = QRNoPiv;
111         MakeTriangular( UPPER, E );
112         qr::ApplyQ( LEFT, NORMAL, QRNoPiv, tNoPiv, dNoPiv, E );
113         Axpy( C(-1), A, E );
114         const Real frobQRNoPiv = FrobeniusNorm( E );
115         if( display )
116             Display( E, "A - Q R" );
117         if( print )
118             Print( E, "A - Q R" );
120         // Check orthogonality of pivoted Q, || I - Q^H Q ||_F / || A ||_F
121         Identity( E, m, n );
122         qr::ApplyQ( LEFT, NORMAL, QRPiv, tPiv, dPiv, E );
123         qr::ApplyQ( LEFT, ADJOINT, QRPiv, tPiv, dPiv, E );
124         const Int k = std::min(m,n);
125         auto EUpper = View( E, 0, 0, k, k );
126         UpdateDiagonal( EUpper, C(-1) );
127         const Real frobOrthogPiv = FrobeniusNorm( EUpper );
128         if( display )
129             Display( E, "pivoted I - Q^H Q" );
130         if( print )
131             Print( E, "pivoted I - Q^H Q" );
133         // Check orthogonality of unpivoted Q, || I - Q^H Q ||_F / || A ||_F
134         Identity( E, m, n );
135         qr::ApplyQ( LEFT, NORMAL, QRPiv, tPiv, dPiv, E );
136         qr::ApplyQ( LEFT, ADJOINT, QRPiv, tPiv, dPiv, E );
137         EUpper = View( E, 0, 0, k, k );
138         UpdateDiagonal( EUpper, C(-1) );
139         const Real frobOrthogNoPiv = FrobeniusNorm( EUpper );
140         if( display )
141             Display( E, "unpivoted I - Q^H Q" );
142         if( print )
143             Print( E, "unpivoted I - Q^H Q" );
145         if( worldRank == 0 )
146         {
147             std::cout << "|| A ||_F = " << frobA << "\n\n"
148                       << "With pivoting: \n"
149                       << "    || A P - Q R ||_F / || A ||_F = "
150                       << frobQRPiv/frobA << "\n"
151                       << "    || I - Q^H Q ||_F / || A ||_F = "
152                       << frobOrthogPiv/frobA << "\n\n"
153                       << "Without pivoting: \n"
154                       << "    || A - Q R ||_F / || A ||_F = "
155                       << frobQRNoPiv/frobA << "\n"
156                       << "    || I - Q^H Q ||_F / || A ||_F = "
157                       << frobOrthogNoPiv/frobA << "\n"
158                       << std::endl;
159         }
160     }
161     catch( exception& e ) { ReportException(e); }
163     Finalize();
164     return 0;
165 }