1 /*
2    Copyright (c) 2009-2014, Jack Poulson
3    All rights reserved.
5    This file is part of Elemental and is under the BSD 2-Clause License,
6    which can be found in the LICENSE file in the root directory, or at
7    http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause
8 */
9 // NOTE: It is possible to simply include "elemental.hpp" instead
10 #include "elemental-lite.hpp"
16 #include ELEM_GRCAR_INC
18 #include ELEM_FOXLI_INC
20 #include ELEM_LOTKIN_INC
23 #include ELEM_UNIFORM_INC
25 #include ELEM_WHALE_INC
26 using namespace std;
27 using namespace elem;
29 typedef double Real;
30 typedef Complex<Real> C;
32 int
main(int argc,char * argv[])33 main( int argc, char* argv[] )
34 {
35     Initialize( argc, argv );
37     try
38     {
39         Int r = Input("--gridHeight","process grid height",0);
40         const bool colMajor = Input("--colMajor","column-major ordering?",true);
41         const Int matType =
42             Input("--matType","0:uniform,1:Haar,2:Lotkin,3:Grcar,4:FoxLi,"
43                               "5:HelmholtzPML1D,6:HelmholtzPML2D,7:Trefethen,"
44                               "8:Bull's head,9:Triangle,10:Whale,"
45                               "11:UniformHelmholtzGreen's,12:HatanoNelson",4);
46         const Int n = Input("--size","height of matrix",100);
47         const Int nbAlg = Input("--nbAlg","algorithmic blocksize",96);
49         // QR algorithm options
50         const Int nbDist = Input("--nbDist","distribution blocksize",32);
51 #else
52         // Spectral Divide and Conquer options
53         const Int cutoff = Input("--cutoff","problem size for QR",256);
54         const Int maxInnerIts = Input("--maxInnerIts","SDC limit",2);
55         const Int maxOuterIts = Input("--maxOuterIts","SDC limit",10);
56         const bool random = Input("--random","Random RRQR in SDC",true);
57         const Real sdcTol = Input("--sdcTol","Rel. tol. for SDC",1e-6);
58         const Real spreadFactor = Input("--spreadFactor","median pert.",1e-6);
59         const Real signTol = Input("--signTol","Sign tolerance for SDC",1e-9);
60 #endif
61         const Real realCenter = Input("--realCenter","real center",0.);
62         const Real imagCenter = Input("--imagCenter","imag center",0.);
63         const Real realWidth = Input("--realWidth","x width of image",0.);
64         const Real imagWidth = Input("--imagWidth","y width of image",0.);
65         const Int realSize = Input("--realSize","number of x samples",100);
66         const Int imagSize = Input("--imagSize","number of y samples",100);
67         const bool schur = Input("--schur","Schur decomposition?",true);
68         const bool forceComplexSchur =
69             Input("--forceComplexSchur",
70                   "switch to complex arithmetic for QR alg.",false);
71         const bool forceComplexPs =
72             Input("--forceComplexPs",
73                   "switch to complex arithmetic for PS iter's",true);
74         const bool arnoldi = Input("--arnoldi","use Arnoldi?",true);
75         const Int basisSize = Input("--basisSize","num Arnoldi vectors",10);
76         const Int maxIts = Input("--maxIts","maximum pseudospec iter's",200);
77         const Real psTol = Input("--psTol","tolerance for pseudospectra",1e-6);
78         // Uniform options
79         const Real uniformRealCenter =
80             Input("--uniformRealCenter","real center of uniform dist",0.);
81         const Real uniformImagCenter =
82             Input("--uniformImagCenter","imag center of uniform dist",0.);
83         const Real uniformRadius =
84             Input("--uniformRadius","radius of uniform dist",1.);
85         // Grcar options
86         const Int numBands = Input("--numBands","num bands for Grcar",3);
87         // Fox-Li options
88         const Real omega = Input("--omega","frequency for Fox-Li/Helm",16*M_PI);
89         // Helmholtz-PML options [also uses Fox-Li omega]
90         const Int mx = Input("--mx","number of x points for HelmholtzPML",30);
91         const Int my = Input("--my","number of y points for HelmholtzPML",30);
92         const Int numPmlPoints = Input("--numPml","num PML points for Helm",5);
93         const double sigma = Input("--sigma","PML amplitude",1.5);
94         const double pmlExp = Input("--pmlExp","PML takeoff exponent",3.);
95         // Uniform Helmholtz Green's options
96         const double lambda = Input("--lambda","wavelength of U.H.Green's",0.1);
97         // Hatano-Nelson options [also uses uniform real center]
98         const double gHatano = Input("--gHatano","g in Hatano-Nelson",0.5);
99         const bool periodic = Input("--periodic","periodic HatanoNelson?",true);
100         // Input/Output options
101         const bool progress = Input("--progress","print progress?",true);
102         const bool deflate = Input("--deflate","deflate?",true);
103         const bool display = Input("--display","display matrices?",false);
104         const bool write = Input("--write","write matrices?",false);
105         const Int numSaveFreq =
106             Input("--numSaveFreq","numerical save frequency",-1);
107         const Int imgSaveFreq =
108             Input("--imgSaveFreq","image save frequency",-1);
109         const Int imgDispFreq =
110             Input("--imgDispFreq","image display frequency",-1);
111         const std::string numBase =
112             Input("--numBase","numerical save basename",std::string("num"));
113         const std::string imgBase =
114             Input("--imgBase","image save basename",std::string("img"));
115         const Int numFormatInt = Input("--numFormat","numerical format",2);
116         const Int imgFormatInt = Input("--imgFormat","image format",8);
117         const Int colorMapInt = Input("--colorMap","color map",0);
118         const bool itCounts = Input("--itCounts","display iter. counts?",true);
119         ProcessInput();
120         PrintInputReport();
122         if( r == 0 )
123             r = Grid::FindFactor( mpi::Size(mpi::COMM_WORLD) );
124         const GridOrder order = ( colMajor ? COLUMN_MAJOR : ROW_MAJOR );
125         const Grid g( mpi::COMM_WORLD, r, order );
126         SetBlocksize( nbAlg );
128         SetDefaultBlockHeight( nbDist );
129         SetDefaultBlockWidth( nbDist );
130 #endif
131         if( numFormatInt < 1 || numFormatInt >= FileFormat_MAX )
132             LogicError("Invalid numerical format integer, should be in [1,",
133                        FileFormat_MAX,")");
134         if( imgFormatInt < 1 || imgFormatInt >= FileFormat_MAX )
135             LogicError("Invalid image format integer, should be in [1,",
136                        FileFormat_MAX,")");
138         const FileFormat numFormat = static_cast<FileFormat>(numFormatInt);
139         const FileFormat imgFormat = static_cast<FileFormat>(imgFormatInt);
140         const ColorMap colorMap = static_cast<ColorMap>(colorMapInt);
141         SetColorMap( colorMap );
142         const C center(realCenter,imagCenter);
143         const C uniformCenter(uniformRealCenter,uniformImagCenter);
145         bool isReal = true;
146         std::string matName;
147         DistMatrix<Real> AReal(g);
148         DistMatrix<C> ACpx(g);
149         switch( matType )
150         {
151         case 0: matName="uniform";
152                 Uniform( ACpx, n, n, uniformCenter, uniformRadius );
153                 isReal = false;
154                 break;
155         case 1: matName="Haar";
156                 Haar( ACpx, n );
157                 isReal = false;
158                 break;
159         case 2: matName="Lotkin";
160                 Lotkin( AReal, n );
161                 isReal = true;
162                 break;
163         case 3: matName="Grcar";
164                 Grcar( AReal, n, numBands );
165                 isReal = true;
166                 break;
167         case 4: matName="FoxLi";
168                 FoxLi( ACpx, n, omega );
169                 isReal = false;
170                 break;
171         case 5: matName="HelmholtzPML";
172                 HelmholtzPML
173                 ( ACpx, n, C(omega), numPmlPoints, sigma, pmlExp );
174                 isReal = false;
175                 break;
176         case 6: matName="HelmholtzPML2D";
177                 HelmholtzPML
178                 ( ACpx, mx, my, C(omega), numPmlPoints, sigma, pmlExp );
179                 isReal = false;
180                 break;
181         case 7: matName="Trefethen";
182                 Trefethen( ACpx, n );
183                 isReal = false;
184                 break;
185         case 8: matName="BullsHead";
186                 BullsHead( ACpx, n );
187                 isReal = false;
188                 break;
189         case 9: matName="Triangle";
190                 Triangle( AReal, n );
191                 isReal = true;
192                 break;
193         case 10: matName="Whale";
194                  Whale( ACpx, n );
195                  isReal = false;
196                  break;
197         case 11: matName="UniformHelmholtzGreens";
198                  UniformHelmholtzGreens( ACpx, n, lambda );
199                  isReal = false;
200                  break;
201         case 12: matName="HatanoNelson";
202                  HatanoNelson
203                  ( AReal, n, realCenter, uniformRadius, gHatano, periodic );
204                  isReal = true;
205                  break;
206         default: LogicError("Invalid matrix type");
207         }
208         if( display )
209         {
210             if( isReal )
211                 Display( AReal, "A" );
212             else
213                 Display( ACpx, "A" );
214         }
215         if( write )
216         {
217             if( isReal )
218             {
219                 Write( AReal, "A", numFormat );
220                 Write( AReal, "A", imgFormat );
221             }
222             else
223             {
224                 Write( ACpx, "A", numFormat );
225                 Write( ACpx, "A", imgFormat );
226             }
227         }
229         PseudospecCtrl<Real> psCtrl;
230         psCtrl.schur = schur;
231         psCtrl.forceComplexSchur = forceComplexSchur;
232         psCtrl.forceComplexPs = forceComplexPs;
233         psCtrl.maxIts = maxIts;
234         psCtrl.tol = psTol;
235         psCtrl.deflate = deflate;
236         psCtrl.arnoldi = arnoldi;
237         psCtrl.basisSize = basisSize;
238         psCtrl.progress = progress;
240         psCtrl.sdcCtrl.cutoff = cutoff;
241         psCtrl.sdcCtrl.maxInnerIts = maxInnerIts;
242         psCtrl.sdcCtrl.maxOuterIts = maxOuterIts;
243         psCtrl.sdcCtrl.tol = sdcTol;
244         psCtrl.sdcCtrl.spreadFactor = spreadFactor;
245         psCtrl.sdcCtrl.random = random;
246         psCtrl.sdcCtrl.progress = progress;
247         psCtrl.sdcCtrl.signCtrl.tol = signTol;
248         psCtrl.sdcCtrl.signCtrl.progress = progress;
249 #endif
250         psCtrl.snapCtrl.imgSaveFreq = imgSaveFreq;
251         psCtrl.snapCtrl.numSaveFreq = numSaveFreq;
252         psCtrl.snapCtrl.imgDispFreq = imgDispFreq;
253         psCtrl.snapCtrl.imgFormat = imgFormat;
254         psCtrl.snapCtrl.numFormat = numFormat;
255         psCtrl.snapCtrl.imgBase = matName+"-"+imgBase;
256         psCtrl.snapCtrl.numBase = matName+"-"+numBase;
257         psCtrl.snapCtrl.itCounts = itCounts;
259         // Visualize the pseudospectrum by evaluating ||inv(A-sigma I)||_2
260         // for a grid of complex sigma's.
261         DistMatrix<Real> invNormMap(g);
262         DistMatrix<Int> itCountMap(g);
263         if( realWidth != 0. && imagWidth != 0. )
264         {
265             if( isReal )
266                 itCountMap = Pseudospectrum
267                 ( AReal, invNormMap, center, realWidth, imagWidth,
268                   realSize, imagSize, psCtrl );
269             else
270                 itCountMap = Pseudospectrum
271                 ( ACpx, invNormMap, center, realWidth, imagWidth,
272                   realSize, imagSize, psCtrl );
273         }
274         else
275         {
276             if( isReal )
277                 itCountMap = Pseudospectrum
278                 ( AReal, invNormMap, center, realSize, imagSize, psCtrl );
279             else
280                 itCountMap = Pseudospectrum
281                 ( ACpx, invNormMap, center, realSize, imagSize, psCtrl );
282         }
283         const Int numIts = MaxNorm( itCountMap );
284         if( mpi::WorldRank() == 0 )
285             std::cout << "num iterations=" << numIts << std::endl;
286     }
287     catch( exception& e ) { ReportException(e); }
289     Finalize();
290     return 0;
291 }