1 /*
2    Copyright (c) 2009-2014, Jack Poulson
3    All rights reserved.
5    This file is part of Elemental and is under the BSD 2-Clause License,
6    which can be found in the LICENSE file in the root directory, or at
7    http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause
8 */
9 #include "elemental-lite.hpp"
11 #define ColDist MC
12 #define RowDist MR
14 #include "./setup.hpp"
16 namespace elem {
18 // Public section
19 // ##############
21 // Assignment and reconfiguration
22 // ==============================
24 template<typename T>
25 DM&
operator =(const DM & A)26 DM::operator=( const DM& A )
27 {
28     DEBUG_ONLY(CallStackEntry cse("DM[U,V] = DM[U,V]"))
29     if( this->Grid() == A.Grid() )
30         A.Translate( *this );
31     else
32         this->CopyFromDifferentGrid( A );
33     return *this;
34 }
36 template<typename T>
37 DM&
operator =(const DistMatrix<T,MC,STAR> & A)38 DM::operator=( const DistMatrix<T,MC,STAR>& A )
39 {
40     DEBUG_ONLY(CallStackEntry cse("[MC,MR] = [MC,STAR]"))
41     this->RowFilterFrom( A );
42     return *this;
43 }
45 template<typename T>
46 DM&
operator =(const DistMatrix<T,STAR,MR> & A)47 DM::operator=( const DistMatrix<T,STAR,MR>& A )
48 {
49     DEBUG_ONLY(CallStackEntry cse("[MC,MR] = [STAR,MR]"))
50     this->ColFilterFrom( A );
51     return *this;
52 }
54 template<typename T>
55 DM&
operator =(const DistMatrix<T,MD,STAR> & A)56 DM::operator=( const DistMatrix<T,MD,STAR>& A )
57 {
58     DEBUG_ONLY(CallStackEntry cse("[MC,MR] = [MD,STAR]"))
59     // TODO: More efficient implementation?
60     DistMatrix<T,STAR,STAR> A_STAR_STAR( A );
61     *this = A_STAR_STAR;
62     return *this;
63 }
65 template<typename T>
66 DM&
operator =(const DistMatrix<T,STAR,MD> & A)67 DM::operator=( const DistMatrix<T,STAR,MD>& A )
68 {
69     DEBUG_ONLY(CallStackEntry cse("[MC,MR] = [STAR,MD]"))
70     // TODO: More efficient implementation?
71     DistMatrix<T,STAR,STAR> A_STAR_STAR( A );
72     *this = A_STAR_STAR;
73     return *this;
74 }
76 template<typename T>
77 DM&
operator =(const DistMatrix<T,MR,MC> & A)78 DM::operator=( const DistMatrix<T,MR,MC>& A )
79 {
80     DEBUG_ONLY(
81         CallStackEntry cse("[MC,MR] = [MR,MC]");
82         this->AssertNotLocked();
83         this->AssertSameGrid( A.Grid() );
84     )
85     const elem::Grid& g = A.Grid();
86     this->Resize( A.Height(), A.Width() );
87     if( !this->Participating() )
88         return *this;
90     if( A.Width() == 1 )
91     {
92         const Int r = g.Height();
93         const Int c = g.Width();
94         const Int p = g.Size();
95         const Int myRow = g.Row();
96         const Int myCol = g.Col();
97         const Int rankCM = g.VCRank();
98         const Int rankRM = g.VRRank();
99         const Int ownerCol = this->RowAlign();
100         const Int ownerRow = A.RowAlign();
101         const Int colAlign = this->ColAlign();
102         const Int colAlignA = A.ColAlign();
103         const Int colShift = this->ColShift();
104         const Int colShiftA = A.ColShift();
106         const Int height = A.Height();
107         const Int maxLocalHeight = MaxLength(height,p);
108         const Int portionSize = mpi::Pad( maxLocalHeight );
110         const Int colShiftVC = Shift(rankCM,colAlign,p);
111         const Int colShiftVRA = Shift(rankRM,colAlignA,p);
112         const Int sendRankCM = (rankCM+(p+colShiftVRA-colShiftVC)) % p;
113         const Int recvRankRM = (rankRM+(p+colShiftVC-colShiftVRA)) % p;
114         const Int recvRankCM = (recvRankRM/c)+r*(recvRankRM%c);
116         T* buffer = this->auxMemory_.Require( (r+c)*portionSize );
117         T* sendBuf = &buffer[0];
118         T* recvBuf = &buffer[c*portionSize];
120         if( myRow == ownerRow )
121         {
122             // Pack
123             const T* ABuffer = A.LockedBuffer();
124             ELEM_PARALLEL_FOR
125             for( Int k=0; k<r; ++k )
126             {
127                 T* data = &recvBuf[k*portionSize];
129                 const Int shift = Shift_(myCol+c*k,colAlignA,p);
130                 const Int offset = (shift-colShiftA) / c;
131                 const Int thisLocalHeight = Length_(height,shift,p);
133                 for( Int iLoc=0; iLoc<thisLocalHeight; ++iLoc )
134                     data[iLoc] = ABuffer[offset+iLoc*r];
135             }
136         }
138         // A[VR,STAR] <- A[MR,MC]
139         mpi::Scatter
140         ( recvBuf, portionSize, sendBuf, portionSize, ownerRow, g.ColComm() );
142         // A[VC,STAR] <- A[VR,STAR]
143         mpi::SendRecv
144         ( sendBuf, portionSize, sendRankCM,
145           recvBuf, portionSize, recvRankCM, g.VCComm() );
147         // A[MC,MR] <- A[VC,STAR]
148         mpi::Gather
149         ( recvBuf, portionSize, sendBuf, portionSize, ownerCol, g.RowComm() );
151         if( myCol == ownerCol )
152         {
153             // Unpack
154             T* thisBuffer = this->Buffer();
155             ELEM_PARALLEL_FOR
156             for( Int k=0; k<c; ++k )
157             {
158                 const T* data = &sendBuf[k*portionSize];
160                 const Int shift = Shift_(myRow+r*k,colAlign,p);
161                 const Int offset = (shift-colShift) / r;
162                 const Int thisLocalHeight = Length_(height,shift,p);
164                 for( Int iLoc=0; iLoc<thisLocalHeight; ++iLoc )
165                     thisBuffer[offset+iLoc*c] = data[iLoc];
166             }
167         }
168         this->auxMemory_.Release();
169     }
170     else if( A.Height() == 1 )
171     {
172         const Int r = g.Height();
173         const Int c = g.Width();
174         const Int p = g.Size();
175         const Int myRow = g.Row();
176         const Int myCol = g.Col();
177         const Int rankCM = g.VCRank();
178         const Int rankRM = g.VRRank();
179         const Int ownerRow = this->ColAlign();
180         const Int ownerCol = A.ColAlign();
181         const Int rowAlign = this->RowAlign();
182         const Int rowAlignA = A.RowAlign();
183         const Int rowShift = this->RowShift();
184         const Int rowShiftA = A.RowShift();
186         const Int width = A.Width();
187         const Int maxLocalWidth = MaxLength(width,p);
188         const Int portionSize = mpi::Pad( maxLocalWidth );
190         const Int rowShiftVR = Shift(rankRM,rowAlign,p);
191         const Int rowShiftVCA = Shift(rankCM,rowAlignA,p);
192         const Int sendRankRM = (rankRM+(p+rowShiftVCA-rowShiftVR)) % p;
193         const Int recvRankCM = (rankCM+(p+rowShiftVR-rowShiftVCA)) % p;
194         const Int recvRankRM = (recvRankCM/r)+c*(recvRankCM%r);
196         T* buffer = this->auxMemory_.Require( (r+c)*portionSize );
197         T* sendBuf = &buffer[0];
198         T* recvBuf = &buffer[r*portionSize];
200         if( myCol == ownerCol )
201         {
202             // Pack
203             const T* ABuffer = A.LockedBuffer();
204             const Int ALDim = A.LDim();
205             ELEM_PARALLEL_FOR
206             for( Int k=0; k<c; ++k )
207             {
208                 T* data = &recvBuf[k*portionSize];
210                 const Int shift = Shift_(myRow+r*k,rowAlignA,p);
211                 const Int offset = (shift-rowShiftA) / r;
212                 const Int thisLocalWidth = Length_(width,shift,p);
214                 for( Int jLoc=0; jLoc<thisLocalWidth; ++jLoc )
215                     data[jLoc] = ABuffer[(offset+jLoc*c)*ALDim];
216             }
217         }
219         // A[STAR,VC] <- A[MR,MC]
220         mpi::Scatter
221         ( recvBuf, portionSize, sendBuf, portionSize, ownerCol, g.RowComm() );
223         // A[STAR,VR] <- A[STAR,VC]
224         mpi::SendRecv
225         ( sendBuf, portionSize, sendRankRM,
226           recvBuf, portionSize, recvRankRM, g.VRComm() );
228         // A[MC,MR] <- A[STAR,VR]
229         mpi::Gather
230         ( recvBuf, portionSize, sendBuf, portionSize, ownerRow, g.ColComm() );
232         if( myRow == ownerRow )
233         {
234             // Unpack
235             T* thisBuffer = this->Buffer();
236             const Int thisLDim = this->LDim();
237             ELEM_PARALLEL_FOR
238             for( Int k=0; k<r; ++k )
239             {
240                 const T* data = &sendBuf[k*portionSize];
242                 const Int shift = Shift_(myCol+c*k,rowAlign,p);
243                 const Int offset = (shift-rowShift) / c;
244                 const Int thisLocalWidth = Length_(width,shift,p);
246                 for( Int jLoc=0; jLoc<thisLocalWidth; ++jLoc )
247                     thisBuffer[(offset+jLoc*r)*thisLDim] = data[jLoc];
248             }
249         }
251         this->auxMemory_.Release();
252     }
253     else
254     {
255         if( A.Height() >= A.Width() )
256         {
257             std::unique_ptr<DistMatrix<T,VR,STAR>> A_VR_STAR
258             ( new DistMatrix<T,VR,STAR>(A) );
260             std::unique_ptr<DistMatrix<T,VC,STAR>> A_VC_STAR
261             ( new DistMatrix<T,VC,STAR>(g) );
262             A_VC_STAR->AlignColsWith(*this);
263             *A_VC_STAR = *A_VR_STAR;
264             delete A_VR_STAR.release(); // lowers memory highwater
266             *this = *A_VC_STAR;
267         }
268         else
269         {
270             std::unique_ptr<DistMatrix<T,STAR,VC>> A_STAR_VC
271             ( new DistMatrix<T,STAR,VC>(A) );
273             std::unique_ptr<DistMatrix<T,STAR,VR>> A_STAR_VR
274             ( new DistMatrix<T,STAR,VR>(g) );
275             A_STAR_VR->AlignRowsWith(*this);
276             *A_STAR_VR = *A_STAR_VC;
277             delete A_STAR_VC.release(); // lowers memory highwater
279             *this = *A_STAR_VR;
280             this->Resize( A_STAR_VR->Height(), A_STAR_VR->Width() );
281         }
282     }
283     return *this;
284 }
286 template<typename T>
287 DM&
operator =(const DistMatrix<T,MR,STAR> & A)288 DM::operator=( const DistMatrix<T,MR,STAR>& A )
289 {
290     DEBUG_ONLY(CallStackEntry cse("[MC,MR] = [MR,STAR]"))
291     std::unique_ptr<DistMatrix<T,VR,STAR>> A_VR_STAR
292     ( new DistMatrix<T,VR,STAR>(A) );
293     std::unique_ptr<DistMatrix<T,VC,STAR>> A_VC_STAR
294     ( new DistMatrix<T,VC,STAR>(this->Grid()) );
295     A_VC_STAR->AlignColsWith(*this);
296     *A_VC_STAR = *A_VR_STAR;
297     delete A_VR_STAR.release(); // lowers memory highwater
298     *this = *A_VC_STAR;
299     return *this;
300 }
302 template<typename T>
303 DM&
operator =(const DistMatrix<T,STAR,MC> & A)304 DM::operator=( const DistMatrix<T,STAR,MC>& A )
305 {
306     DEBUG_ONLY(CallStackEntry cse("[MC,MR] = [STAR,MC]"))
307     std::unique_ptr<DistMatrix<T,STAR,VC>> A_STAR_VC
308     ( new DistMatrix<T,STAR,VC>(A) );
309     std::unique_ptr<DistMatrix<T,STAR,VR>> A_STAR_VR
310     ( new DistMatrix<T,STAR,VR>(this->Grid()) );
311     A_STAR_VR->AlignRowsWith(*this);
312     *A_STAR_VR = *A_STAR_VC;
313     delete A_STAR_VC.release(); // lowers memory highwater
314     *this = *A_STAR_VR;
315     return *this;
316 }
318 template<typename T>
319 DM&
operator =(const DistMatrix<T,VC,STAR> & A)320 DM::operator=( const DistMatrix<T,VC,STAR>& A )
321 {
322     DEBUG_ONLY(CallStackEntry cse("[MC,MR] = [VC,STAR]"))
323     A.PartialColAllToAll( *this );
324     return *this;
325 }
327 template<typename T>
328 DM&
operator =(const DistMatrix<T,STAR,VC> & A)329 DM::operator=( const DistMatrix<T,STAR,VC>& A )
330 {
331     DEBUG_ONLY(CallStackEntry cse("[MC,MR] = [STAR,VC]"))
332     DistMatrix<T,STAR,VR> A_STAR_VR(this->Grid());
333     A_STAR_VR.AlignRowsWith(*this);
334     A_STAR_VR = A;
335     *this = A_STAR_VR;
336     return *this;
337 }
339 template<typename T>
340 DM&
operator =(const DistMatrix<T,VR,STAR> & A)341 DM::operator=( const DistMatrix<T,VR,STAR>& A )
342 {
343     DEBUG_ONLY(CallStackEntry cse("[MC,MR] = [VR,STAR]"))
344     DistMatrix<T,VC,STAR> A_VC_STAR(this->Grid());
345     A_VC_STAR.AlignColsWith(*this);
346     A_VC_STAR = A;
347     *this = A_VC_STAR;
348     return *this;
349 }
351 template<typename T>
352 DM&
operator =(const DistMatrix<T,STAR,VR> & A)353 DM::operator=( const DistMatrix<T,STAR,VR>& A )
354 {
355     DEBUG_ONLY(CallStackEntry cse("[MC,MR] = [STAR,VR]"))
356     A.PartialRowAllToAll( *this );
357     return *this;
358 }
360 template<typename T>
361 DM&
operator =(const DistMatrix<T,STAR,STAR> & A)362 DM::operator=( const DistMatrix<T,STAR,STAR>& A )
363 {
364     DEBUG_ONLY(CallStackEntry cse("[MC,MR] = [STAR,STAR]"))
365     this->FilterFrom( A );
366     return *this;
367 }
369 template<typename T>
370 DM&
operator =(const DistMatrix<T,CIRC,CIRC> & A)371 DM::operator=( const DistMatrix<T,CIRC,CIRC>& A )
372 {
373     DEBUG_ONLY(
374         CallStackEntry cse("[MC,MR] = [CIRC,CIRC]");
375         this->AssertNotLocked();
376         this->AssertSameGrid( A.Grid() );
377     )
378     const Grid& g = A.Grid();
379     const Int m = A.Height();
380     const Int n = A.Width();
381     const Int colStride = this->ColStride();
382     const Int rowStride = this->RowStride();
383     const Int p = g.Size();
384     this->Resize( m, n );
386     const Int colAlign = this->ColAlign();
387     const Int rowAlign = this->RowAlign();
388     const Int mLocal = this->LocalHeight();
389     const Int nLocal = this->LocalWidth();
390     const Int pkgSize = mpi::Pad(MaxLength(m,colStride)*MaxLength(n,rowStride));
391     const Int recvSize = pkgSize;
392     const Int sendSize = p*pkgSize;
393     T* recvBuf=0; // some compilers (falsely) warn otherwise
394     if( A.Participating() )
395     {
396         T* buffer = this->auxMemory_.Require( sendSize + recvSize );
397         T* sendBuf = &buffer[0];
398         recvBuf = &buffer[sendSize];
400         // Pack the send buffer
401         const Int ALDim = A.LDim();
402         const T* ABuffer = A.LockedBuffer();
403         for( Int t=0; t<rowStride; ++t )
404         {
405             const Int tLocalWidth = Length( n, t, rowStride );
406             const Int col = (rowAlign+t) % rowStride;
407             for( Int s=0; s<colStride; ++s )
408             {
409                 const Int sLocalHeight = Length( m, s, colStride );
410                 const Int row = (colAlign+s) % colStride;
411                 const Int q = row + col*colStride;
412                 for( Int jLoc=0; jLoc<tLocalWidth; ++jLoc )
413                 {
414                     const Int j = t + jLoc*rowStride;
415                     for( Int iLoc=0; iLoc<sLocalHeight; ++iLoc )
416                     {
417                         const Int i = s + iLoc*colStride;
418                         sendBuf[q*pkgSize+iLoc+jLoc*sLocalHeight] =
419                             ABuffer[i+j*ALDim];
420                     }
421                 }
422             }
423         }
425         // Scatter from the root
426         mpi::Scatter
427         ( sendBuf, pkgSize, recvBuf, pkgSize, A.Root(), g.VCComm() );
428     }
429     else if( this->Participating() )
430     {
431         recvBuf = this->auxMemory_.Require( recvSize );
433         // Perform the receiving portion of the scatter from the non-root
434         mpi::Scatter
435         ( static_cast<T*>(0), pkgSize,
436           recvBuf,            pkgSize, A.Root(), g.VCComm() );
437     }
439     if( this->Participating() )
440     {
441         // Unpack
442         const Int ldim = this->LDim();
443         T* buffer = this->Buffer();
444         for( Int jLoc=0; jLoc<nLocal; ++jLoc )
445             for( Int iLoc=0; iLoc<mLocal; ++iLoc )
446                 buffer[iLoc+jLoc*ldim] = recvBuf[iLoc+jLoc*mLocal];
447         this->auxMemory_.Release();
448     }
450     return *this;
451 }
453 // Basic queries
454 // =============
456 template<typename T>
DistComm() const457 mpi::Comm DM::DistComm() const { return this->grid_->VCComm(); }
458 template<typename T>
CrossComm() const459 mpi::Comm DM::CrossComm() const { return mpi::COMM_SELF; }
460 template<typename T>
RedundantComm() const461 mpi::Comm DM::RedundantComm() const { return mpi::COMM_SELF; }
462 template<typename T>
ColComm() const463 mpi::Comm DM::ColComm() const { return this->grid_->MCComm(); }
464 template<typename T>
RowComm() const465 mpi::Comm DM::RowComm() const { return this->grid_->MRComm(); }
467 template<typename T>
ColStride() const468 Int DM::ColStride() const { return this->grid_->MCSize(); }
469 template<typename T>
RowStride() const470 Int DM::RowStride() const { return this->grid_->MRSize(); }
471 template<typename T>
DistSize() const472 Int DM::DistSize() const { return this->grid_->VCSize(); }
473 template<typename T>
CrossSize() const474 Int DM::CrossSize() const { return 1; }
475 template<typename T>
RedundantSize() const476 Int DM::RedundantSize() const { return 1; }
478 // Private section
479 // ###############
481 template<typename T>
CopyFromDifferentGrid(const DM & A)482 void DM::CopyFromDifferentGrid( const DM& A )
483 {
484     DEBUG_ONLY(CallStackEntry cse("[MC,MR]::CopyFromDifferentGrid"))
485     this->Resize( A.Height(), A.Width() );
486     // Just need to ensure that each viewing comm contains the other team's
487     // owning comm. Congruence is too strong.
489     // Compute the number of process rows and columns that each process
490     // needs to send to.
491     const Int colStride = this->ColStride();
492     const Int rowStride = this->RowStride();
493     const Int colRank = this->ColRank();
494     const Int rowRank = this->RowRank();
495     const Int colStrideA = A.ColStride();
496     const Int rowStrideA = A.RowStride();
497     const Int colRankA = A.ColRank();
498     const Int rowRankA = A.RowRank();
499     const Int colGCD = GCD( colStride, colStrideA );
500     const Int rowGCD = GCD( rowStride, rowStrideA );
501     const Int colLCM = colStride*colStrideA / colGCD;
502     const Int rowLCM = rowStride*rowStrideA / rowGCD;
503     const Int numColSends = colStride / colGCD;
504     const Int numRowSends = rowStride / rowGCD;
505     const Int localColStride = colLCM / colStride;
506     const Int localRowStride = rowLCM / rowStride;
507     const Int localColStrideA = numColSends;
508     const Int localRowStrideA = numRowSends;
510     const Int colAlign = this->ColAlign();
511     const Int rowAlign = this->RowAlign();
512     const Int colAlignA = A.ColAlign();
513     const Int rowAlignA = A.RowAlign();
515     const bool inThisGrid = this->Participating();
516     const bool inAGrid = A.Participating();
517     if( !inThisGrid && !inAGrid )
518         return;
520     const Int maxSendSize =
521         (A.Height()/(colStrideA*localColStrideA)+1) *
522         (A.Width()/(rowStrideA*localRowStrideA)+1);
524     // Translate the ranks from A's VC communicator to this's viewing so that
525     // we can match send/recv communicators. Since A's VC communicator is not
526     // necessarily defined on every process, we instead work with A's owning
527     // group and account for row-major ordering if necessary.
528     const int sizeA = A.Grid().Size();
529     std::vector<int> rankMap(sizeA), ranks(sizeA);
530     if( A.Grid().Order() == COLUMN_MAJOR )
531     {
532         for( int j=0; j<sizeA; ++j )
533             ranks[j] = j;
534     }
535     else
536     {
537         // The (i,j) = i + j*colStrideA rank in the column-major ordering is
538         // equal to the j + i*rowStrideA rank in a row-major ordering.
539         // Since we desire rankMap[i+j*colStrideA] to correspond to process
540         // (i,j) in A's grid's rank in this viewing group, ranks[i+j*colStrideA]
541         // should correspond to process (i,j) in A's owning group. Since the
542         // owning group is ordered row-major in this case, its rank is
543         // j+i*rowStrideA. Note that setting
544         // ranks[j+i*rowStrideA] = i+j*colStrideA is *NOT* valid.
545         for( int i=0; i<colStrideA; ++i )
546             for( int j=0; j<rowStrideA; ++j )
547                 ranks[i+j*colStrideA] = j+i*rowStrideA;
548     }
549     mpi::Translate
550     ( A.Grid().OwningGroup(), sizeA, &ranks[0],
551       this->Grid().ViewingComm(), &rankMap[0] );
553     // Have each member of A's grid individually send to all numRow x numCol
554     // processes in order, while the members of this grid receive from all
555     // necessary processes at each step.
556     Int requiredMemory = 0;
557     if( inAGrid )
558         requiredMemory += maxSendSize;
559     if( inThisGrid )
560         requiredMemory += maxSendSize;
561     T* auxBuf = this->auxMemory_.Require( requiredMemory );
562     Int offset = 0;
563     T* sendBuf = &auxBuf[offset];
564     if( inAGrid )
565         offset += maxSendSize;
566     T* recvBuf = &auxBuf[offset];
568     Int recvRow = 0; // avoid compiler warnings...
569     if( inAGrid )
570         recvRow = (((colRankA+colStrideA-colAlignA)%colStrideA)+colAlign) %
571                   colStride;
572     for( Int colSend=0; colSend<numColSends; ++colSend )
573     {
574         Int recvCol = 0; // avoid compiler warnings...
575         if( inAGrid )
576             recvCol = (((rowRankA+rowStrideA-rowAlignA)%rowStrideA)+rowAlign) %
577                       rowStride;
578         for( Int rowSend=0; rowSend<numRowSends; ++rowSend )
579         {
580             mpi::Request sendRequest;
581             // Fire off this round of non-blocking sends
582             if( inAGrid )
583             {
584                 // Pack the data
585                 Int sendHeight = Length(A.LocalHeight(),colSend,numColSends);
586                 Int sendWidth = Length(A.LocalWidth(),rowSend,numRowSends);
587                 const T* ABuffer = A.LockedBuffer();
588                 const Int ALDim = A.LDim();
589                 ELEM_PARALLEL_FOR
590                 for( Int jLoc=0; jLoc<sendWidth; ++jLoc )
591                 {
592                     const Int j = rowSend+jLoc*localRowStrideA;
593                     for( Int iLoc=0; iLoc<sendHeight; ++iLoc )
594                     {
595                         const Int i = colSend+iLoc*localColStrideA;
596                         sendBuf[iLoc+jLoc*sendHeight] = ABuffer[i+j*ALDim];
597                     }
598                 }
599                 // Send data
600                 const Int recvVCRank = recvRow + recvCol*colStride;
601                 const Int recvViewingRank =
602                     this->Grid().VCToViewingMap( recvVCRank );
603                 mpi::ISend
604                 ( sendBuf, sendHeight*sendWidth, recvViewingRank,
605                   this->Grid().ViewingComm(), sendRequest );
606             }
607             // Perform this round of recv's
608             if( inThisGrid )
609             {
610                 const Int sendColOffset = (colSend*colStrideA+colAlignA) % colStrideA;
611                 const Int recvColOffset = (colSend*colStrideA+colAlign) % colStride;
612                 const Int sendRowOffset = (rowSend*rowStrideA+rowAlignA) % rowStrideA;
613                 const Int recvRowOffset = (rowSend*rowStrideA+rowAlign) % rowStride;
615                 const Int firstSendRow = (((colRank+colStride-recvColOffset)%colStride)+sendColOffset)%colStrideA;
616                 const Int firstSendCol = (((rowRank+rowStride-recvRowOffset)%rowStride)+sendRowOffset)%rowStrideA;
618                 const Int colShift = (colRank+colStride-recvColOffset)%colStride;
619                 const Int rowShift = (rowRank+rowStride-recvRowOffset)%rowStride;
620                 const Int numColRecvs = Length( colStrideA, colShift, colStride );
621                 const Int numRowRecvs = Length( rowStrideA, rowShift, rowStride );
623                 // Recv data
624                 // For now, simply receive sequentially. Until we switch to
625                 // nonblocking recv's, we won't be using much of the
626                 // recvBuf
627                 Int sendRow = firstSendRow;
628                 for( Int colRecv=0; colRecv<numColRecvs; ++colRecv )
629                 {
630                     const Int sendColShift = Shift( sendRow, colAlignA, colStrideA ) + colSend*colStrideA;
631                     const Int sendHeight = Length( A.Height(), sendColShift, colLCM );
632                     const Int localColOffset = (sendColShift-this->ColShift()) / colStride;
634                     Int sendCol = firstSendCol;
635                     for( Int rowRecv=0; rowRecv<numRowRecvs; ++rowRecv )
636                     {
637                         const Int sendRowShift = Shift( sendCol, rowAlignA, rowStrideA ) + rowSend*rowStrideA;
638                         const Int sendWidth = Length( A.Width(), sendRowShift, rowLCM );
639                         const Int localRowOffset = (sendRowShift-this->RowShift()) / rowStride;
641                         const Int sendVCRank = sendRow+sendCol*colStrideA;
642                         mpi::Recv
643                         ( recvBuf, sendHeight*sendWidth, rankMap[sendVCRank],
644                           this->Grid().ViewingComm() );
646                         // Unpack the data
647                         T* buffer = this->Buffer();
648                         const Int ldim = this->LDim();
649                         ELEM_PARALLEL_FOR
650                         for( Int jLoc=0; jLoc<sendWidth; ++jLoc )
651                         {
652                             const Int j = localRowOffset+jLoc*localRowStride;
653                             for( Int iLoc=0; iLoc<sendHeight; ++iLoc )
654                             {
655                                 const Int i = localColOffset+iLoc*localColStride;
656                                 buffer[i+j*ldim] = recvBuf[iLoc+jLoc*sendHeight];
657                             }
658                         }
659                         // Set up the next send col
660                         sendCol = (sendCol + rowStride) % rowStrideA;
661                     }
662                     // Set up the next send row
663                     sendRow = (sendRow + colStride) % colStrideA;
664                 }
665             }
666             // Ensure that this round of non-blocking sends completes
667             if( inAGrid )
668             {
669                 mpi::Wait( sendRequest );
670                 recvCol = (recvCol + rowStrideA) % rowStride;
671             }
672         }
673         if( inAGrid )
674             recvRow = (recvRow + colStrideA) % colStride;
675     }
676     this->auxMemory_.Release();
677 }
679 // Instantiate {Int,Real,Complex<Real>} for each Real in {float,double}
680 // ####################################################################
682 #define PROTO(T) template class DistMatrix<T,ColDist,RowDist>
683 #define SELF(T,U,V) \
684   template DistMatrix<T,ColDist,RowDist>::DistMatrix \
685   ( const DistMatrix<T,U,V>& A );
686 #define OTHER(T,U,V) \
687   template DistMatrix<T,ColDist,RowDist>::DistMatrix \
688   ( const BlockDistMatrix<T,U,V>& A ); \
689   template DistMatrix<T,ColDist,RowDist>& \
690            DistMatrix<T,ColDist,RowDist>::operator= \
691            ( const BlockDistMatrix<T,U,V>& A )
692 #define BOTH(T,U,V) \
693   SELF(T,U,V); \
694   OTHER(T,U,V)
695 #define FULL(T) \
696   PROTO(T); \
697   BOTH( T,CIRC,CIRC); \
698   OTHER(T,MC,  MR  ); \
699   BOTH( T,MC,  STAR); \
700   BOTH( T,MD,  STAR); \
701   BOTH( T,MR,  MC  ); \
702   BOTH( T,MR,  STAR); \
703   BOTH( T,STAR,MC  ); \
704   BOTH( T,STAR,MD  ); \
705   BOTH( T,STAR,MR  ); \
706   BOTH( T,STAR,STAR); \
707   BOTH( T,STAR,VC  ); \
708   BOTH( T,STAR,VR  ); \
709   BOTH( T,VC,  STAR); \
710   BOTH( T,VR,  STAR);
712 FULL(Int);
714 FULL(float);
715 #endif
716 FULL(double);
720 FULL(Complex<float>);
721 #endif
722 FULL(Complex<double>);
723 #endif
725 } // namespace elem