3*  McStas, neutron ray-tracing package
4*  Copyright(C) 2007 Risoe National Laboratory.
6* Component: Isotropic_Sqw
8* %I
9* Written by: E. Farhi, V. Hugouvieux
10* Date: August 2003
11* Origin:  ILL
12* Modified by: E. Farhi, Jul 2005: made it work, concentric mode, multiple use
13* Modified by: E. Farhi, Mar 2007: improved implementation, correct small bugs
14* Modified by: E. Farhi, Oct 2008: added any shape sample geometry
15* Modified by: E. Farhi, Oct 2012: improved sampling scheme, correct bug in powder S(q)
17* Isotropic sample handling multiple scattering and absorption for a general
18* S(q,w) (coherent and/or incoherent/self)
20* %D
21* An isotropic sample handling multiple scattering and including as input the
22* dynamic structure factor of the chosen sample (e.g. from Molecular
23* Dynamics). Handles elastic/inelastic, coherent and incoherent scattering -
24* depending on the input S(q,w) - with multiple scattering and absorption.
25* Only the norm of q is handled (not the vector), and thus suitable for
26* liquids, gazes, amorphous and powder samples.
28* If incoherent/self S(q,w) file is specified as empty (0 or "") then the
29* scattering is constant isotropic (Vanadium like).
30* In case you only have one S(q,w) data containing both coherent and
31* incoherent contributions you should e.g. use 'Sqw_coh' and set 'sigma_coh'
32* to the total scattering cross section.
33* The implementation assumes that the S(q,w) data is normalized, i.e. S(q)
34* goes to 1 for large q. If this is not the case, the component can do that
35* when 'norm=-1'. Alternatively, the S(q,w) data will be multiplied by
36* 'norm' for positive values. Both non symmetric and classical S(q,w)
37* data sets are handled by mean of the 'classical' parameter (see below).
39* Additionally, for single order scattering (order=1), you may restrict the
40* vertical spreading of the scattering area using d_phi parameter.
42* An important option to enhance statistics is to set 'p_interact' to, say,
43* 30 percent (0.3) in order to force a fraction of the beam to scatter. This
44* will result on a larger number of scattered events, retaining intensity.
46* If you use this component and produce valuable scientific results, please
47* cite authors with references bellow (in <a href="#links">Links</a>).
48*     E. Farhi et al, J Comp Phys 228 (2009) 5251
50* <b>Sample shape:</b>
51* Sample shape may be a cylinder, a sphere, a box or any other shape
52*   box/plate:       xwidth x yheight x zdepth (thickness=0)
53*   hollow box/plate:xwidth x yheight x zdepth and thickness>0
54*   cylinder:        radius x yheight (thickness=0)
55*   hollow cylinder: radius x yheight and thickness>0
56*   sphere:          radius (yheight=0 thickness=0)
57*   hollow sphere:   radius and thickness>0 (yheight=0)
58*   any shape:       geometry=OFF file
60*   The complex geometry option handles any closed non-convex polyhedra.
61*   It computes the intersection points of the neutron ray with the object
62*   transparently, so that it can be used like a regular sample object.
63*   It supports the OFF, PLY and NOFF file format but not COFF (colored faces).
64*   Such files may be generated from XYZ data using:
65*     qhull < coordinates.xyz Qx Qv Tv o > geomview.off
66*   or
67*     powercrust coordinates.xyz
68*   and viewed with geomview or java -jar jroff.jar (see below).
69*   The default size of the object depends of the OFF file data, but its
70*   bounding box may be resized using xwidth,yheight and zdepth.
72* <b>Concentric components:</b>
73* This component has the ability to contain other components when used in
74* hollow cylinder geometry (namely sample environment, e.g. cryostat and
75* furnace structure). Such component 'shells' should be split into input and
76* output side surrounding the 'inside' components. First part must then use
77* 'concentric=1' flag to enter the inside part. The component itself must be
78* repeated to mark the end of the concentric zone. The number of concentric
79* shells and number of components inside is not limited.
81* COMPONENT S_in = Isotropic_Sqw(Sqw_coh="Al.laz", concentric=1, ...)
82* AT (0,0,0) RELATIVE sample_position
84* COMPONENT something_inside ... // e.g. the sample itself or other materials
86* COMPONENT S_out = COPY(S_in)(concentric=0)
87* AT (0,0,0) RELATIVE sample_position
89* <b>Sqw file format:</b>
90* File format for S(Q,w) (coherent and incoherent) should contain 3 numerical
91* blocks, defining q axis values (vector), then energy axis values (vector),
92* then a matrix with one line per q axis value, containing Sqw values for
93* each energy axis value. Comments (starting with '#') and non numerical lines
94* are ignored and used to separate blocks. Sampling must be regular.
95* Some parameters can be specified in comment lines, namely (00 is a numerical value):
97* # sigma_abs   00 absorption scattering cross section in [barn]
98* # sigma_inc   00 coherent scattering cross section in [barn]
99* # sigma_coh   00 incoherent scattering cross section in [barn]
100* # Temperature 00 in [K]
101* # V_rho       00 atom density per Angs^3
102* # density     00 in [g/cm^3]
103* # weight      00 in [g/mol]
104* # classical   00 [0=contains Bose factor (measurement) ; 1=classical symmetric]
106* Example:
107* # q axis values
108* # vector of m values in Angstroem-1
109* 0.001000 .... 3.591000
110* # w axis values
111* # vector of n values in meV
112* 0.001391 ... 1.681391
113* # sqw values (one line per q axis value)
114* # matrix of S(q,w) values (m rows x n values), one line per q value,
115* 9.721422  10.599145 ... 0.000000
116* 10.054191 11.025244 ... 0.000000
117* ...
118* 0.000000            ... 3.860253
120* See for instance file He4_liq_coh.sqw. Such files may be obtained from e.g. INX,
121* Nathan, Lamp and IDA softwares, as well as Molecular Dynamics (nMoldyn).
122* When the provided S(q,w) data is obtained from the classical correlation function
123* G(r,t), which is real and symmetric in time, the 'classical=1' parameter
124* should be set in order to multiply the file data with exp(hw/2kT). Otherwise,
125* the S(q,w) is NOT symmetrised (classical). If the S(q,w) data set includes both
126* negative and positive energy values, setting 'classical=-1' will attempt to
127* guess what type of S(q,w) it is. The temperature can also be determined this way.
128* In case you do not know if the data is classical or quantum, assume it is classical
129* at high temperatures, and quantum otherwise (T  < typical mode excitations).
130* The positive energy values correspond to Stokes processes, i.e. material gains
131* energy, and neutrons loose energy. The energy range is symmetrized to allow up
132* and down scattering, taking into account detailed balance exp(-hw/2kT).
134* You may also generate such S(q,w) 2D files using <a href="http://ifit.mccode.org/McStas.html#mozTocId297488">iFit </a>
136* <b>Powder file format:</b>
137* Files for coherent elastic powder scattering may also be used.
138* Format specification follows the same principle as in the PowderN
139* component, with parameters:
141*     powder_format=Crystallographica
142* or  powder_format=Fullprof
143* or  powder_format=Lazy
144* or  powder_format={j,d,F2,DW,Delta_d/d,1/2d,q,F,strain} (column indexes 1:n)
146* or column indexes (starting from 1) given as comments in the file header
147* (e.g. '#column_j 4'). Refer to the PowderN component for more details.
148* Delta_d/d and Debye-Waller factor may be specified for all lines with the
149* 'powder_Dd' and 'powder_DW' parameters.
150* The reflection list should be ordered by decreasing d-spacing values.
152* Additionally a special [q,Sq] format is also defined with:
153*   powder_format=qSq
154* for which column 1 is 'q' and column 2 is 'S(q)'.
156* <b>Examples:</b>
157* 1- Vanadium-like incoherent elastic scattering
158*   Isotropic_Sqw(radius=0.005, yheight=0.01, V_rho=1/13.827,
159*     sigma_abs=5.08, sigma_inc=4.935, sigma_coh=0)
161* 2- liq-4He parameters
162*   Isotropic_Sqw(..., Sqw_coh="He4_liq_coh.sqw", T=10, p_interact=0.3)
164* 3- powder sample
165*  Isotropic_Sqw(..., Sqw_coh="Al.laz")
167* %BUGS:
168* When used in concentric mode, multiple bouncing scattering
169* (traversing the hollow part) is not taken into account.
172* For Vanadium incoherent scattering mode, V_sample, PowderN, Single_crystal
173* and Isotropic_Sqw produce equivalent results, eventhough the two later are
174* more accurate (geometry, multiple scattering). Isotropic_Sqw gives same
175* powder patterns as PowderN, with an intensity within 20 %.
177* %P
179* Sqw_coh: [str]              Name of the file containing the values of Q, w and S(Q,w) Coherent part; Q in Angs-1, E in meV, S(q,w) in meV-1. Use 0, NULL or "" to disable.
180* Sqw_inc: [str]              Name of the file containing the values of Q, w and S(Q,w). Incoherent (self) part. Use 0, NULL or "" to scatter isotropically (V-like).
181* sigma_coh: [barns]          Coherent Scattering cross-section. Use -1 to unactivate.
182* sigma_inc: [barns]          Incoherent Scattering cross-section. Use -1 to unactivate.
183* sigma_abs: [barns]          Absorption cross-section at 2200 m/s. Use -1 to unactivate.
184* rho: [AA-3]                 Density of scattering elements (nb atoms/unit cell V_0).
185* T: [K]                      Temperature of sample, detailed balance. Use T=0 to disable it. and T=-1 to automatically set it from non-classical S(q,w).
187* Geometry parameters:
188* radius: [m]                 Outer radius of sample in (x,z) plane. cylinder/sphere.
189* xwidth: [m]                 width for a box sample shape
190* yheight: [m]                Height of sample in vertical direction for box/cylinder shapes
191* zdepth: [m]                 depth for a box sample shape
192* thickness: [m]              Thickness of hollow sample Negative value extends the hollow volume outside of the box/cylinder.
195* concentric: [1]             Indicate that this component has a hollow geometry and may contain other components. It should then be duplicated after the inside part (only for box, cylinder, sphere) [1]
196* geometry: [str]             Name of an Object File Format (OFF) or PLY file for complex geometry. The OFF/PLY file may be generated from XYZ coordinates using qhull/powercrust
197* order: [1]                  Limit multiple scattering up to given order 0:all (default), 1:single, 2:double, ...
198* verbose: [1]                Verbosity level (0:silent, 1:normal, 2:verbose, 3:debug). A verbosity>1 also computes dispersions and S(q,w) analysis.
199* d_phi: [deg]                scattering vertical angular spreading (usually the height of the next component/detector). Use 0 for full space. This is only relevant for single scattering (order=1).
200* weight: [g/mol]             atomic/molecular weight of material
201* density: [g/cm^3]           density of material. V_rho=density/weight/1e24*N_A
202* threshold: [1]              Value under which S(Q,w) is not accounted for. to set according to the S(Q,w) values, i.e. not too low.
203* p_interact: [1]             Force a given fraction of the beam to scatter, keeping intensity right, to enhance small signals (-1 unactivate).
204* norm: [1]                   Normalize S(q,w) when -1 (default). Use raw data when 0, multiply S(q,w) when norm>0.
205* classical: [1]              Assumes the S(q,w) data from the files is a classical S(q,w), and multiply that data by exp(hw/2kT) on up/down energy sides. Use 0 when obtained from raw experiments, 1 from molecular dynamics. Use -1 to guess from a data set including both energy sides.
206* quantum_correction: [str]   Specify the type of quantum correction to use "Boltzmann"/"Schofield","harmonic"/"Bader" or "standard"/"Frommhold" (default)
208* POWDER ELASTIC SCATTERING PARAMETERS (see PowderN for more details):
209* powder_Dd: [1]              global Delta_d/d spreading, or 0 if ideal.
210* powder_DW: [1]              global Debey-Waller factor, if not in |F2| or 1.
211* powder_format: [no quotes]  name or definition of column indexes in file
212* powder_Vc: [AA^3]           volume of the unit cell
213* powder_barns: [1]           0 when |F2| data in powder file are fm^2, 1 when in barns (barns=1 for laz, barns=0 for lau type files).
216* VarSqw: []                  internal structure including  dq=wavevector transfer Kf-Ki in Angs-1; dw=energy transfer Ef-Ei in meV; type=interaction type of event as 'c' (coherent),  't' (transmitted) 'i' (incoherent) 'v' (isotropic incoherent, Vanadium-like).
217* SCATTERED: []               order of multiple scattering
219* %Links
220* E. Farhi, V. Hugouvieux, M.R. Johnson, and W. Kob, Journal of Computational Physics 228 (2009) 5251-5261 "Virtual experiments: Combining realistic neutron scattering instrument and sample simulations"
221* %L
222* Hugouvieux V, Farhi E, Johnson MR, Physica B, 350 (2004) 151 "Virtual neutron scattering experiments"
223* %L
224* Hugouvieux V, PhD, University of Montpellier II, France (2004).
225* %L
226* H. Schober, Collection SFN 10 (2010) 159-336
227* %L
228* H.E. Fischer, A.C. Barnes, and P.S. Salmon. Rep. Prog. Phys., 69 (2006) 233
229* %L
230* P.A. Egelstaff, An Introduction to the Liquid State, 2nd Ed., Oxford Science Pub., Clarendon Press (1992).
231* %L
232* S. W. Lovesey, Theory of Neutron Scattering from Condensed Matter, Vol1, Oxford Science Pub., Clarendon Press (1984).
233* %L
234* <a href="http://www.ncnr.nist.gov/resources/n-lengths/">Cross sections for single elements</a>
235* %L
236* <a href="http://www.ncnr.nist.gov/resources/sldcalc.html>Cross sections for compounds</a>
237* %L
238* <a href="http://www.webelements.com/">Web Elements</a>
239* %L
240* <a href="http://www.ill.eu/sites/fullprof/index.html">Fullprof</a> powder refinement
241* %L
242* <a href="http://www.crystallographica.com/">Crystallographica</a> software
243* %L
244* Example data file <a href="../data/He4_liq_coh.sqw">He4_liq_coh.sqw</a>
245* %L
246* The <a href="PowderN.html">PowderN</a> component.
247* %L
248* The test/example instrument <a href="../examples/Test_Isotropic_Sqw.instr">Test_Isotropic_Sqw.instr</a>.
249* %L
250* <a href="http://www.geomview.org">Geomview and Object File Format (OFF)</a>
251* %L
252* Java version of Geomview (display only) <a href="http://www.holmes3d.net/graphics/roffview/">jroff.jar</a>
253* %L
254* <a href="http://qhull.org">qhull</a>
255* %L
256* <a href="http://www.cs.ucdavis.edu/~amenta/powercrust.html">powercrust</a>
257* %E
261DEFINITION PARAMETERS (powder_format=Undefined)
262SETTING PARAMETERS(string Sqw_coh=0, string Sqw_inc=0, string geometry=0,
263  radius=0,thickness=0,
264  xwidth=0, yheight=0, zdepth=0,
265  threshold=1e-20, int order=0, T=0, verbose=1, d_phi=0, int concentric=0,
266  rho=0, sigma_abs=0, sigma_coh=0, sigma_inc=0, classical=-1,
267  powder_Dd=0, powder_DW=0, powder_Vc=0, density=0, weight=0,
268  p_interact=-1, norm=-1, powder_barns=1, string quantum_correction="Frommhold")
269OUTPUT PARAMETERS (VarSqw, columns, offdata)
270/* Neutron parameters: (x,y,z,vx,vy,vz,t,sx,sy,sz,p) */
274/* SHARE functions:
275* void     Sqw_Data_init   (struct Sqw_Data_struct *Sqw_Data)
276* t_Table *Sqw_read_PowderN(struct Sqw_sample_struct *Sqw, t_Table sqwTable)
277* int      Sqw_search_SW(struct Sqw_Data_struct Sqw, double randnum)
278* int      Sqw_search_Q_proba_per_w(struct Sqw_Data_struct Sqw, double randnum, int index)
279* double   Sqw_init(struct Sqw_sample_struct *Sqw, char *file_coh, char *file_inc)
280* double   Sqw_integrate_iqSq(struct Sqw_Data_struct *Sqw_Data, double Ei)
281* void     Sqw_diagnosis(struct Sqw_sample_struct *Sqw, struct Sqw_Data_struct *Sqw_Data)
282* struct   Sqw_Data_struct *Sqw_readfile(
283struct Sqw_sample_struct *Sqw, char *file, struct Sqw_Data_struct *Sqw_Data)
288#ifndef ISOTROPIC_SQW
289#define ISOTROPIC_SQW $Revision$
291/* {j d F2 DW Dd inv2d q F} + { Sq if j == -1}*/
292#ifndef Crystallographica
293#define Crystallographica { 4,5,7,0,0,0,0, 0,0 }
294#define Fullprof          { 4,0,8,0,0,5,0, 0,0 }
295#define Undefined         { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0 }
296#define Lazy              {17,6,0,0,0,0,0,13,0 }
298/* special case for [q,Sq] table */
299#define qSq               {-1,0,0,0,0,0,1, 0,0 }
301%include "read_table-lib"
302%include "interoff-lib"
304/* For the density of states S(w) */
305struct Sqw_W_struct
307  double omega;        /* omega value for the data block */
308  double cumul_proba;  /* cumulated intensity (between 0 and 1) */
311/* For the S(q|w) probabilities */
312struct Sqw_Q_struct
314   double Q;           /* omega value for the data block */
315   double cumul_proba; /* normalized cumulated probability */
318struct Sqw_Data_struct /* contains normalized Sqw data for probabilities, coh and inc */
320  struct Sqw_W_struct  *SW;     /* P(w)  ~ density of states */
321  struct Sqw_Q_struct **SQW;    /* P(Q|w)= probability of each Q with w */
323  long  *SW_lookup;
324  long **QW_lookup;
325  t_Table Sqw; /* S(q,w) rebin from file in range -w_max:w_max and 0:q_max, with exp(-hw/kT) weight */
326  t_Table iqSq;         /* sigma(Ei) = sigma/2/Ki^2 * \int q S(q,w) dq dw up to 2*Ki_max */
327  long   q_bins;
328  long   w_bins;        /* length of q and w vectors/axes from file */
329  double q_max, q_step; /* min=0      */
330  double w_max, w_step; /* min=-w_max */
331  long   lookup_length;
332  char   filename[80];
333  double intensity;
334  double Ei_max;        /* max neutron incoming energy for Sigma=iqSq table */
335  long   iqSq_length;
336  char   type;
337  double q_min_file;
340struct Sqw_sample_struct { /* global parameters gathered as a structure */
341  char   compname[256];
343  struct Sqw_Data_struct Data_inc;
344  struct Sqw_Data_struct Data_coh;
346  double s_abs, s_coh, s_inc; /* material constants */
347  double my_s;
348  double my_a_v;
349  double mat_rho;
350  double mat_weight;
351  double mat_density;
352  double Temperature; /* temperature from the data file */
353  int    shape;       /* 0:cylinder, 1:box, 2:sphere 3:any shape*/
355  double sqw_threshold;       /* options to tune S(q,w) */
356  double sqw_classical;
357  double sqw_norm;
359  double barns;               /* for powders */
360  double Dd, DWfactor;
362  double T2E;                 /* constants */
363  char   Q_correction[256];
364  double sqSE2K;
366  int    maxloop;             /* flags to monitor caught warnings */
367  int    minevents;
368  long   neutron_removed;
369  long   neutron_enter;
370  long   neutron_pmult;
371  long   neutron_exit;
372  char   verbose_output;
373  int    column_order[9];     /* column signification */
374  long   lookup_length;
376  double dq, dw; /* q/w transfer */
377  char   type;   /* interaction type: c(coherent),             i(incoherent),
378                                      V(isotropic incoherent), t(transmitted) */
379  /* store information from the last event */
380  double ki_x,ki_y,ki_z,kf_x,kf_y,kf_z;
381  double ti, tf;
382  double vi, vf;
383  double ki, kf;
384  double theta;
386  double mean_scatt;      /* stat to show at the end */
387  double mean_abs;
388  double psum_scatt;
389  double single_coh;
390  double single_inc;
391  double multi;
393  double rw, rq;
396#include <stdio.h>
397#include <math.h>
399/* sets a Data S(q,w) to 'NULL' */
400void Sqw_Data_init(struct Sqw_Data_struct *Sqw_Data)
402  Sqw_Data->q_bins       =0;
403  Sqw_Data->w_bins       =0;
404  Sqw_Data->q_max        =0;
405  Sqw_Data->q_step       =1;
406  Sqw_Data->w_max        =0;
407  Sqw_Data->w_step       =1;
408  Sqw_Data->Ei_max       = 0;
409  Sqw_Data->lookup_length=100; /* length of lookup tables */
410  Sqw_Data->intensity    =0;
411  strcpy(Sqw_Data->filename, "");
412  Sqw_Data->SW           =NULL;
413  Sqw_Data->SQW          =NULL;
414  Sqw_Data->SW_lookup    =NULL;
415  Sqw_Data->QW_lookup    =NULL;
416  Sqw_Data->iqSq_length  =100;
417  Sqw_Data->type         = ' ';
418  Sqw_Data->q_min_file   = 0;
421off_struct offdata;
423/* gaussian distribution to appply around Bragg peaks in a powder */
424double Sqw_powder_gauss(double x, double mean, double rms) {
425  return (exp(-(x-mean)*(x-mean)/(2*rms*rms))/(sqrt(2*PI)*rms));
428/* Sqw_quantum_correction
430* Return the 'quantum correction factor Q so that:
432*   S(q, w) = Q(w) S*(q,w)
433*   S(q,-w) = exp(-hw/kT) S(q,w)
434*   S(q, w) = exp( hw/kT) S(q,-w)
436* with S*=classical limit and Q(w) defined below. For omega > 0, S(q,w) > S(q,-w)
438* input:
439*   w: energy      [meV]
440*   T: temperature [K]
441*   type: 'Schofield' or 'Boltzmann'        Q = exp(hw/kT/2)
442*         'harmonic'  or 'Bader'            Q = hw/kT./(1-exp(-hw/kT))
443*         'standard'  or 'Frommhold'        Q = 2./(1+exp(-hw/kT)) [recommended]
445* References:
446*  B. Hehr, http://www.lib.ncsu.edu/resolver/1840.16/7422 PhD manuscript (2010).
447*  S. A. Egorov, K. F. Everitt and J. L. Skinner. J. Phys. Chem., 103, 9494 (1999).
448*  P. Schofield. Phys. Rev. Lett., 4, 239 (1960).
449*  J. S. Bader and B. J. Berne. J. Chem. Phys., 100, 8359 (1994).
450*  T. D. Hone and G. A. Voth. J. Chem. Phys., 121, 6412 (2004).
451*  L. Frommhold. Collision-induced absorption in gases, 1 st ed., Cambridge
452*    Monographs on Atomic, Molecular, and Chemical Physics, Vol. 2,
453*    Cambridge Univ. Press: London (1993).
455 */
456double Sqw_quantum_correction(double hw, double T, char *type) {
457  double Q   = 1;
458  double kT  = T/11.605;  /* [K] -> [meV = 1000*KB/e] */
459  if (!hw || !T) return 1;
460  if (type == NULL || !strcmp(type, "standard")
461                   || !strcmp(type, "Frommhold") || !strcmp(type, "default"))
462    Q = 2/(1+exp(-hw/kT));
463  if (!strcmp(type, "Schofield") || !strcmp(type, "Boltzmann"))
464    Q = exp(hw/kT/2);
465  if (!strcmp(type, "harmonic") || !strcmp(type, "Bader"))
466    Q = hw/kT/(1-exp(-hw/kT));
468  return Q;
472* Sqw_read_PowderN: Read PowderN data files
473*   Returns t_Table array or NULL in case of error
474* Used in : Sqw_readfile (1)
476t_Table *Sqw_read_PowderN(struct Sqw_sample_struct *Sqw, t_Table sqwTable)
478  struct line_data
479  {
480    double F2;                  /* Value of structure factor */
481    double q;                   /* Q vector */
482    int j;                      /* Multiplicity */
483    double DWfactor;            /* Debye-Waller factor */
484    double w;                   /* Intrinsic line width */
485  };
486  struct line_data *list = NULL;
487  double q_count=0, j_count=0, F2_count=0;
488  int    mult_count  =0;
489  double q_step      =FLT_MAX;
490  long   size        =0;
491  int    i, index;
492  double q_min=0, q_max=0;
493  char   flag=0;
494  int    list_count=0;
495  double q_step_cur;
496  char   flag_qSq = 0;
498  t_Table *retTable;
500  flag_qSq = (Sqw->column_order[8]>0 && Sqw->column_order[6]>0);
502  if (Sqw->column_order[0] == 4 && Sqw->barns !=0)
503    printf("Isotropic_sqw: %s: Powder file probably of type Crystallographica/Fullprof (lau)\n"
504           "WARNING:       but F2 unit is set to powder_barns=1 (barns). Intensity might be 100 times too high.\n",
505           Sqw->compname);
506  if (Sqw->column_order[0] == 17 && Sqw->barns == 0)
507    printf("Isotropic_sqw: %s: Powder file probably of type Lazy Pulver (laz)\n"
508           "WARNING:       but F2 unit is set to powder_barns=0 (fm^2). Intensity might be 100 times too low.\n",
509           Sqw->compname);
511  size = sqwTable.rows;
513  if (Sqw->verbose_output > 0) {
514    printf("Isotropic_sqw: Converting %ld %s from %s into S(q,w) data\n",
515        size, flag_qSq ? "S(q)" : "powder lines", sqwTable.filename);
516  }
517  );
518  /* allocate line_data array */
519  list = (struct line_data*)malloc(size*sizeof(struct line_data));
521  for (i=0; i<size; i++)
522    {
523      /*      printf("Reading in line %i\n",i);*/
524      double j=0, d=0, w=0, DWfactor=0, F2=0, Sq=-1, q=0;
525      int index;
527      if (Sqw->Dd >= 0)      w         = Sqw->Dd;
528      if (Sqw->DWfactor > 0) DWfactor  = Sqw->DWfactor;
530      /* get data from table using columns {j d F2 DW Dd inv2d q} + { Sq }*/
531      /* column indexes start at 1, thus need to substract 1 */
532      if (Sqw->column_order[0]>0)
533        j = Table_Index(sqwTable, i, Sqw->column_order[0]-1);
534      if (Sqw->column_order[1]>0)
535        d = Table_Index(sqwTable, i, Sqw->column_order[1]-1);
536      if (Sqw->column_order[2]>0)
537        F2 = Table_Index(sqwTable, i, Sqw->column_order[2]-1);
538      if (Sqw->column_order[3]>0)
539        DWfactor = Table_Index(sqwTable, i, Sqw->column_order[3]-1);
540      if (Sqw->column_order[4]>0)
541        w = Table_Index(sqwTable, i, Sqw->column_order[4]-1);
542      if (Sqw->column_order[5]>0)  {
543        d = Table_Index(sqwTable, i, Sqw->column_order[5]-1); if (d) d = 1/d/2; }
544      if (Sqw->column_order[6]>0)
545        q = Table_Index(sqwTable, i, Sqw->column_order[6]-1);
546      if (Sqw->column_order[7]>0 && !F2)
547        {F2= Table_Index(sqwTable, i, Sqw->column_order[7]-1); F2 *= F2;}
549      if (Sqw->column_order[8]>0)
550        Sq= Table_Index(sqwTable, i, Sqw->column_order[8]-1);
552      if (q > 0 && Sq >= 0) F2 = Sq;
553      if (d > 0 && q <= 0)  q = 2*PI/d;
555      /* assign and check values */
556      j = (j > 0 ? j : 0);
557      if (flag_qSq) j=1;
558      DWfactor = (DWfactor > 0 ? DWfactor : 1);
559      w = (w>0 ? w : 0);
560      F2 = (F2 >= 0 ? F2 : 0);
561      d = (q > 0 ? 2*PI/d : 0);
562      if (j == 0 || d == 0 || q == 0) {
563        printf("Isotropic_sqw: %s: Warning: line %i has invalid definition\n"
564               "         (mult=0 or q=0 or d=0)\n", Sqw->compname, i);
565        continue;
566      }
567      list[list_count].j = j;
568      list[list_count].q = q;
569      list[list_count].DWfactor = DWfactor;
570      list[list_count].w = w;
571      list[list_count].F2= F2; /* or S(q) if flag_qSq */
573      if (q_max < d) q_max = q;
574      if (q_min > d) q_min = q;
575      if (list_count > 1) {
576        q_step_cur = fabs(list[list_count].q - list[list_count-1].q);
577        if (q_step_cur > 1e-5 && (!q_step || q_step_cur < q_step))
578         q_step = q_step_cur;
579      }
581      /* adjust multiplicity if j-column + multiple d-spacing lines */
582      /* if  d = previous d, increase line duplication index */
583      if (!q_count)     q_count = q;
584      if (!j_count)     j_count = j;
585      if (!F2_count)    F2_count= F2;
586      if (fabs(q_count-q) < 0.0001*fabs(q)
587       && fabs(F2_count-F2) < 0.0001*fabs(F2) && j_count == j) {
588       mult_count++; flag=0; }
589      else flag=1;
590      if (i == size-1) flag=1;
591      /* else if d != previous d : just passed equivalent lines */
592      if (flag) {
593        if (i == size-1) list_count++;
594      /*   if duplication index == previous multiplicity */
595      /*      set back multiplicity of previous lines to 1 */
596        if (Sqw->verbose_output > 2 && (mult_count == list[list_count-1].j
597        || (mult_count == list[list_count].j && i == size-1))) {
598          printf("Isotropic_Sqw: %s: Setting multiplicity to 1 for lines [%i:%i]\n"
599                  "         (d-spacing %g is duplicated %i times)\n",
600            Sqw->compname, list_count-mult_count, list_count-1, list[list_count-1].q, mult_count);
601          for (index=list_count-mult_count; index<list_count; list[index++].j = 1);
602          mult_count   = 1;
603          q_count = q;
604          j_count = j;
605          F2_count= F2;
606        }
607        if (i == size-1) list_count--;
608        flag=0;
609      }
610      list_count++;
611    } /* end for */
613  /* now builds new Table_Array to continue with Sqw_readfile */
614  if (q_max == q_min || !q_step) return(NULL);
615  if (!flag_qSq)
616    size = 3*q_max/q_step; /* set a default of 3 q values per line */
617  else size = list_count;
618  /* update the value of q_step */
619  q_step = q_max/size;
621  if (Sqw->verbose_output > 0)
622    printf("Isotropic_sqw: q range [%g:%g], creating %li elements vector\n",
623        q_min, q_max, size);
624  );
626  retTable = (t_Table*)calloc(4, sizeof(t_Table));
627  if (!retTable) printf("Isotropic_Sqw: ERROR: Cannot allocate PowderN->Sqw table.\n");
628  else {
629    char *header;
630    if (!Table_Init(&retTable[0], size, 1))
631      { printf("Isotropic_Sqw: ERROR Cannot allocate q-axis [%li] from Powder lines.\n", size); return(NULL); }
632    if (!Table_Init(&retTable[1], 1, 1))
633      { printf("Isotropic_Sqw: ERROR Cannot allocate w-axis from Powder lines.\n"); return(NULL); }
634    if (!Table_Init(&retTable[2], size, 1))
635      { printf("Isotropic_Sqw: ERROR Cannot allocate Sqw [%li] from Powder lines.\n", size); return(NULL); }
636    Table_Init(&retTable[3], 0,0);
638    header = malloc(64); if (header)
639    { retTable[0].header = header; strcpy(retTable[0].header, "q"); }
640    header = malloc(64); if (header)
641    { retTable[1].header = header; strcpy(retTable[1].header, "w"); }
642    header = malloc(64); if (header)
643    { retTable[2].header = header; strcpy(retTable[2].header, "Sqw"); }
644    for (i=0; i < 4; i++) {
645      retTable[i].array_length = 3;
646      retTable[i].block_number = i+1;
647    }
648    if (!flag_qSq)
649      for (i=0; i<size; i++)
650        retTable[0].data[i]  = i*q_max/size;
651    for (i=0; i<list_count; i++) { /* loop on each Bragg peak */
652      double peak_qmin, peak_qmax,factor,q;
653      if (list[i].w > 0 && !flag_qSq) {
654        peak_qmin = list[i].q*(1 - list[i].w*3);
655        peak_qmax = list[i].q*(1 + list[i].w*3);
656      } else { /* Dirac peak, no width */
657        peak_qmin = peak_qmax = list[i].q;
658      }
659      /* S(q) intensity is here */
660      factor = list[i].j*(list[i].DWfactor ? list[i].DWfactor : 1)
661               *Sqw->mat_rho*PI/2
662               /(Sqw->type == 'c' ? Sqw->s_coh : Sqw->s_inc)*list[i].F2/list[i].q/list[i].q;
663      if (Sqw->barns) factor *= 100;
664      for (q=peak_qmin; q <= peak_qmax; q += q_step) {
665        index = (long)floor(size*q/q_max);
666        if (index < 0) index=0;
667        else if (index >= size) index = size-1;
668        if (flag_qSq) {
669          retTable[2].data[index] += list[i].F2;
670          retTable[0].data[index]  = list[i].q;
671        } else {
672          if (list[i].w <=0 || list[i].w*q < q_step) /* step function */
673            retTable[2].data[index] += factor/q_step;
674          else /* gaussian */
675            retTable[2].data[index] += factor
676                  * Sqw_powder_gauss(q, list[i].q, list[i].w*list[i].q);
677        }
678      }
679    } /* end for i */
680    Table_Stat(&retTable[0]); Table_Stat(&retTable[1]); Table_Stat(&retTable[2]);
681    Sqw->sqw_norm = 0; /* F2 are normalized already */
682  }
684  return(retTable);
685} /* Sqw_read_PowderN */
688*  Sqw_search_SW: For a given random number 'randnum', search for the bin
689*   containing  the corresponding Sqw->SW
690*  Choose an energy in the projected S(w) distribution
691* Used in : TRACE (1)
693int Sqw_search_SW(struct Sqw_Data_struct Sqw, double randnum)
695  int index_w=0;
697  if (randnum <0) randnum=0;
698  if (randnum >1) randnum=1;
700  if (Sqw.w_bins == 1) return(0);
701  /* benefit from fast lookup table if exists */
702  if (Sqw.SW_lookup) {
703    index_w = Sqw.SW_lookup[(long)floor(randnum*Sqw.lookup_length)]-1;
704    if (index_w<0) index_w=0;
705  }
707  while (index_w < Sqw.w_bins && (&(Sqw.SW[index_w]) != NULL) && (randnum > Sqw.SW[index_w].cumul_proba))
708      index_w++;
709  if (index_w >= Sqw.w_bins) index_w = Sqw.w_bins-1;
711  if (&(Sqw.SW[index_w]) == NULL)
712  {
713      printf("Isotropic_Sqw: Warning: No corresponding value in the SW. randnum too big.\n");
714      printf("  index_w=%i ; randnum=%f ; Sqw.SW[index_w-1].cumul_proba=%f (Sqw_search_SW)\n",
715            index_w, randnum, Sqw.SW[index_w-1].cumul_proba);
716      return index_w-1;
717  }
718  else
719      return (index_w);
723*  Sqw_search_Q_proba_per_w: For a given random number randnum, search for
724*   the bin containing the corresponding Sqw.SW in the Q probablility grid
725*  Choose a momentum in the S(q|w) distribution
726*  index is given by Sqw_search_SW
727* Used in : TRACE (1)
729int Sqw_search_Q_proba_per_w(struct Sqw_Data_struct Sqw, double randnum, int index_w)
731  int index_q=0;
733  if (randnum <0) randnum=0;
734  if (randnum >1) randnum=1;
736  /* benefit from fast lookup table if exists */
737  if (Sqw.QW_lookup && Sqw.QW_lookup[index_w]) {
738    index_q = Sqw.QW_lookup[index_w][(long)floor(randnum*Sqw.lookup_length)]-1;
739    if (index_q<0) index_q=0;
740  }
742  while (index_q < Sqw.q_bins && (&(Sqw.SQW[index_w][index_q]) != NULL)
743    && (randnum > Sqw.SQW[index_w][index_q].cumul_proba)) {
744      index_q++;
745  }
746  if (index_q >= Sqw.q_bins) index_q = Sqw.q_bins-1;
748  if (&(Sqw.SQW[index_w][index_q]) == NULL)
749    return -1;
750  else
751    return (index_q);
755* compute the effective total cross section \int q S(q,w) dw dq
756* for incoming neutron energy 0 < Ei < 2*w_max, and
757* integration range w=-w_max:Ei and q=Q0:Q1 with
758*   Q0 = SE2Q*(sqrt(Ei)-sqrt(Ei-w))=|Ki-Kf|
759*   Q1 = SE2Q*(sqrt(Ei)+sqrt(Ei-w))=|Ki+Kf|
760* The data to use is Sqw_Data->Sqw, and the limits are Sqw_Data->w_max Sqw_Data->q_max
761*   Returns the integral value
762* Used in: Sqw_readfile (1)
764double Sqw_integrate_iqSq(struct Sqw_Data_struct *Sqw_Data, double Ei)
766  long   index_w;
767  double iqSq = 0;
768  /* w=Ei-Ef q=ki-kf w>0 neutron looses energy, Stokes, Ef = Ei-w > 0, Kf =|Ki-q| > 0 */
769  for (index_w=0; index_w < Sqw_Data->w_bins; index_w++) {
770    long   index_q;
771    double w = -Sqw_Data->w_max + index_w * Sqw_Data->w_step; /* in the Sqw table */
772    if (w <= Ei) {       /* integration range w=-w_max:Ei, Ef = Ei-w > 0 */
773      double sq=0, Q0=0, Q1=0;
774      sq = sqrt(Ei-w);  /* always real as test was true before */
775      Q0 = SE2V*V2K*(sqrt(Ei)-sq);
776      Q1 = SE2V*V2K*(sqrt(Ei)+sq);
778      for (index_q=0; index_q < Sqw_Data->q_bins; index_q++) {
779        double q=(double)index_q * Sqw_Data->q_step;
780        /* add 'pixel' = q S(q,w) */
781        if (Q0 <= q && q <= Q1) iqSq += q*Table_Index(Sqw_Data->Sqw, index_q, index_w);
782      }
783    }
784  }
785  /* multiply by 'pixel' size = dq dw */
786  return(iqSq * Sqw_Data->q_step * Sqw_Data->w_step);
787} /* Sqw_integrate_iqSq */
791* Sqw_diagnosis: Computes Sqw_classical, moments and physical quantities
792*                make consistency checks, and output some data files
793*   Return: output files and information displayed
794* Used in: Sqw_init (2)
796void Sqw_diagnosis(struct Sqw_sample_struct *Sqw, struct Sqw_Data_struct *Sqw_Data)
799  t_Table  Sqw_cl;             /* the Sqw symmetric/classical version (T-> Inf) */
800  t_Table  Gqw;                /* the generalized density of states as of Carpenter and Price, J Non Cryst Sol 92 (1987) 153 */
801  t_Table  Sqw_moments[7];     /* M0=S(q) M1=E_r M3 w_c w_l M0_cl=S_cl(q) G(w) */
802  t_Table  w_c, w_l;
803  long     index_q, index_w;
804  char     c[CHAR_BUF_LENGTH]; /* temporary variable */
805  long     q_min_index = 0;
807  char     do_coh=0, do_inc=0;
808  double   q_min =0;
809  double   u2    =0, S0=1;
810  long     u2_count=0;
812  if (!Sqw_Data || !Sqw_Data->intensity) return; /* nothing to do with empty S(q,w) */
814  if (Sqw_Data->type=='c') do_coh = 1;
815  if (Sqw_Data->type=='i') do_inc = 1;
817  q_min = Sqw_Data->q_min_file;
818  if (q_min <= 0) q_min = Sqw_Data->q_step;
820  /* test if there is only one S(q,w) available */
821  if (!((Sqw->Data_inc).intensity) || !((Sqw->Data_coh).intensity))
822    do_coh = do_inc = 1; /* do both if only one file given */
824  if (Sqw->Temperature > 0) {
825    if (!Table_Init(&Sqw_cl, Sqw_Data->q_bins, Sqw_Data->w_bins)) {
826      printf("Isotropic_Sqw: %s: Cannot allocate S_cl(q,w) Table (%lix%i).\n"
827             "WARNING          Skipping S(q,w) diagnosis.\n",
828             Sqw->compname, Sqw_Data->q_bins, 1);
829        return;
830    }
831    sprintf(Sqw_cl.filename,
832      "S(q,w)_cl from %s (dynamic structure factor, classical)",
833      Sqw_Data->filename);
834    Sqw_cl.block_number = 1;
835    Sqw_cl.min_x        = 0;
836    Sqw_cl.max_x        = Sqw_Data->q_max;
837    Sqw_cl.step_x       = Sqw_Data->q_step;
838  }
840  /* initialize moments and 1D stuff */
841  for (index_q=0; index_q < 6; index_q++) {
842    if (!Table_Init(&Sqw_moments[index_q], Sqw_Data->q_bins, 1)) {
843      printf("Isotropic_Sqw: %s: Cannot allocate S(q,w) moment %ld Table (%lix%i).\n"
844           "WARNING          Skipping S(q,w) diagnosis.\n",
845           Sqw->compname, index_q, Sqw_Data->q_bins, 1);
846      Table_Free(&Sqw_cl);
847      return;
848    }
849    Sqw_moments[index_q].block_number = 1;
850    Sqw_moments[index_q].min_x  = 0;
851    Sqw_moments[index_q].max_x  = Sqw_Data->q_max;
852    Sqw_moments[index_q].step_x = Sqw_Data->q_step;
853  }
854  index_q=6;
855  Table_Init(&Sqw_moments[index_q], Sqw_Data->w_bins, 1);
856  Sqw_moments[index_q].block_number = 1;
857  Sqw_moments[index_q].min_x  = -Sqw_Data->w_max;
858  Sqw_moments[index_q].max_x  =  Sqw_Data->w_max;
859  Sqw_moments[index_q].step_x =  Sqw_Data->w_step;
861  /* set Table titles */
862  sprintf(Sqw_moments[0].filename,
863    "S(q)=M0(q) from %s [int S(q,w) dw]",
864    Sqw_Data->filename);
865  sprintf(Sqw_moments[1].filename,
866    "M1(q) 1-st moment from %s [int w S(q,w) dw] = HBAR^2*q^2/2/m (f-sum rule, recoil, Lovesey T1 Eq 3.63 p72, Egelstaff p196)",
867    Sqw_Data->filename);
868  sprintf(Sqw_moments[2].filename,
869    "M3(q) 3-rd moment from %s [int w^3 S(q,w) dw] = M1(q)*w_l^2(q)",
870    Sqw_Data->filename);
871  sprintf(Sqw_moments[3].filename,
872    "w_c(q) = sqrt(M1(q)/M0(q)*2kT) collective excitation from %s (Lovesey T1 Eq 5.38 p180, p211 Eq 5.204). Gaussian half-width of the S(q,w) classical",
873    Sqw_Data->filename);
874  sprintf(Sqw_moments[4].filename,
875    "w_l(q) = sqrt(M3(q)/M1(q)) harmonic frequency from %s (Lovesey T1 5.39 p 180)",
876    Sqw_Data->filename);
877  sprintf(Sqw_moments[5].filename,
878    "S_cl(q)=M0_cl(q) from %s [int S_cl(q,w) dw]",
879    Sqw_Data->filename);
880  sprintf(Sqw_moments[6].filename,
881    "G(w) generalized effective density of states from %s (Carpenter J Non Cryst Sol 92 (1987) 153)",
882    Sqw_Data->filename);
884  for   (index_q=0; index_q < Sqw_Data->q_bins; index_q++) {
885    double q           = index_q*Sqw_Data->q_step; /* q value in Sqw_full ; q_min = 0 */
886    double sq          = 0;              /* S(q) = w0 = 0-th moment */
887    double w1          = 0;              /* first  moment      \int w     Sqw dw */
888    double w3          = 0;              /* third  moment      \int w^3   Sqw dw */
889    double sq_cl       = 0;              /* S(q) = M0 = 0-th moment classical */
890    double w_c         = 0;
891    double w_l         = 0;
893    for (index_w=0; index_w < Sqw_Data->w_bins; index_w++) {
895      double w = -Sqw_Data->w_max + index_w*Sqw_Data->w_step; /* w value in Sqw_full */
896      double sqw_cl      =0;
897      double sqw_full    =0;
899      sqw_full = Table_Index(Sqw_Data->Sqw, index_q, index_w);
901      /* Sqw moments */
902      if (w && Sqw_Data->w_bins) {
903        double tmp;
904        tmp  = sqw_full*Sqw_Data->w_step;
905        tmp *= w;   w1 += tmp;
906        tmp *= w*w; w3 += tmp;
907      }
909      /* compute classical Sqw and S(q)_cl */
910      if (Sqw->Temperature > 0) {
911        double n;
912        sqw_cl = sqw_full * Sqw_quantum_correction(-w,Sqw->Temperature,Sqw->Q_correction);
913        if (!Table_SetElement(&Sqw_cl, index_q, index_w, sqw_cl))
914          printf("Isotropic_Sqw: %s: "
915                 "Error when setting Sqw_cl[%li q=%g,%li w=%g]=%g from file %s\n",
916                 Sqw->compname, index_q, q, index_w, w, sqw_cl, Sqw_Data->filename);
917        sq_cl += sqw_cl;
918      }
919      sq    += sqw_full;
920    } /* for index_w */
922    sq    *= Sqw_Data->w_step;         /* S(q) = \int S(q,w) dw = structure factor */
923    sq_cl *= Sqw_Data->w_step;
924    /* find minimal reliable q value (not interpolated) */
925    if (q >= q_min && !q_min_index && sq) {
926      q_min_index = index_q;
927      q_min       = q;
928      if (0.9 < sq)
929        S0          = sq; /* minimum reliable S(q) */
930      else S0 = 1;
931    }
932    /* compute <u^2> = <3 * ln(S(q)) / q^2> */
933    if (q_min_index && q && S0 && sq) {
934      u2      += 3 * log(sq/S0) /q/q;
935      u2_count++;
936    }
938    /* store moment values (q) as M0=S(q) M1=E_r M3 w_c w_l M0_cl=S_cl(q) */
939    Table_SetElement(&Sqw_moments[0],    index_q, 0, sq);
940    Table_SetElement(&Sqw_moments[1],    index_q, 0, w1);
941    Table_SetElement(&Sqw_moments[2],    index_q, 0, w3);
942    if (w1 > 0 && sq && Sqw->Temperature > 0) {
943      double w_c = sqrt(w1/sq*2*Sqw->Temperature*Sqw->T2E);  /* HBAR^2 q^2 kT /m/ S(q) */
944      Table_SetElement(&Sqw_moments[3],    index_q, 0, w_c); /* collective dispersion */
945    }
946    if (w1 && w3*w1 > 0) {
947      double w_l = sqrt(w3/w1);
948      Table_SetElement(&Sqw_moments[4],    index_q, 0, w_l); /* harmonic dispersion */
949    }
950    if (Sqw->Temperature > 0)
951      Table_SetElement(&Sqw_moments[5],    index_q, 0, sq_cl);
953  } /* for index_q */
957  /* display some usefull information, only once in MPI mode (MASTER) */
958  if (Sqw->Temperature > 0) {
959    double Da         = 1.660538921e-27;  /* [kg] unified atomic mass unit = Dalton = 1 g/mol */
960  #ifndef KB
961    double KB         = 1.3806503e-23;    /* [J/K] */
962    /* HBAR   = 1.05457168e-34 */
963  #endif
964    double CELE       = 1.602176487e-19;  /* [C] Elementary charge CODATA 2006 'e' */
965    double meV2Hz     = CELE/HBAR/1000/2/PI; /* 1 meV = 241.80e9 GHz */
966    double gqw_sum    = 0;
968    /* classical Sqw */
969    sprintf(c, "%s_%s_cl.sqw", Sqw->compname, Sqw_Data->type=='c' ? "coh" : "inc");
970    Table_Write(Sqw_cl, c, "Momentum [Angs-1]", "'S(q,w)*exp(hw/2kT) classical limit' Energy [meV]",
971        0,Sqw_Data->q_max,-Sqw_Data->w_max,Sqw_Data->w_max);
972    Table_Free(&Sqw_cl);
974    if (u2_count) u2 /= u2_count;
976    MPI_MASTER(
977    if (do_coh || do_inc)
978      printf("Isotropic_Sqw: %s: "
979             "Physical constants from the S(q,w) %s for T=%g [K]. Values are estimates.\n",
980             Sqw->compname, Sqw_Data->filename, Sqw->Temperature);
981    if (do_coh) {
982      if (Sqw->mat_weight) {
983        double LAMBDA     = HBAR*2*PI/sqrt(2*PI*Sqw->mat_weight*Da*KB*Sqw->Temperature)*1e10;   /* in [Angs] */
984        double z          = Sqw->mat_rho * LAMBDA*LAMBDA*LAMBDA;  /* fugacity , rho=N/V in [Angs-3]*/
985        double mu         = KB*Sqw->Temperature*log(z);       /* perfect gas chemical potential */
986        printf("# De Broglie wavelength     LAMBDA=%g [Angs]\n", LAMBDA);
987        printf("# Fugacity                       z=%g (from Egelstaff p32 Eq 2.31)\n", z);
988        printf("# Chemical potential            mu=%g [eV] (eq. perfect gas)\n", mu/CELE);
989      }
991      /* compute isothermal sound velocity and compressibility */
992      /* get the S(q_min) value and the corresponding w_c */
994      if (q_min_index > 0 && q_min && q_min < 0.6) {
995        double w_c = Table_Index(Sqw_moments[3], q_min_index, 0); /* meV */
996        /* HBAR = [J*s] */
997        double c_T = 2*PI*w_c*meV2Hz/q_min/1e10;                  /* meV*Angs -> m/s */
998        double ChiT= S0/(KB*Sqw->Temperature*Sqw->mat_rho*1e30);
999        printf("# Isothermal compressibility Chi_T=%g [Pa-1] (Egelstaff  p201 Eq 10.21) at q=%g [Angs-1]\n",
1000          ChiT, q_min);
1001        printf("# Isothermal sound velocity    c_T=%g [m/s]  (Lovesey T1 p210 Eq 5.197) at q=%g [Angs-1]\n",
1002          c_T, q_min);
1004        /* Computation if C11 is rather tricky as it is obtained from w_l, which is usually quite noisy
1005         * This means that the obtained values are not reliable from C = rho c_l^2 (Egelstaff Eq 14.10b p284)
1006         * C44 = rho c_c^2 ~ C11/3
1007         */
1008        double w_l = Table_Index(Sqw_moments[4], q_min_index, 0); /* meV */
1009        double c_l = 2*PI*w_l*meV2Hz/q_min/1e10;                  /* meV*Angs -> m/s */
1010        double C11 = (Sqw->mat_weight*Da)*(Sqw->mat_rho*1e30)*c_l*c_l;
1011        printf("# Elastic modulus              C11=%g [GPa]  (Egelstaff Eq 14.10b p284) [rough estimate] at q=%g [Angs-1]\n",
1012            C11/1e9, q_min);
1013      }
1014    }
1015    if (do_inc) {
1016      /* display the mean square displacement from S(q) = exp(-<u^2>q^2/3)
1017           <u^2>= <3 * ln(S(q)) / q^2>
1018       */
1019      if (u2_count && u2) {
1020        printf("# Mean square displacement   <u^2>=%g [Angs^2] (<3 * ln(S(q)) / q^2>)\n", u2);
1021      }
1023      /* compute the mean diffusion coefficient D=w_c/q^2 */
1024      /* FWHM of gaussian is Gamma*RMS2FWHM, only in diffusive regime (Q < 0.2 Angs-1) */
1025      if (q_min_index > 0 && q_min && q_min < 0.6) {
1026        double w_c = Table_Index(Sqw_moments[3], q_min_index, 0);
1027        double D   = 2*PI*w_c*meV2Hz/q_min/q_min/1e14*RMS2FWHM/2; /* meV*Angs^2 -> mm^2/s */
1028        printf("# Diffusion coefficient          D=%g [mm^2/s] (Egelstaff p220)\n", D);
1029        if (u2_count && u2 && D)
1030          printf("# Jump relaxation time         tau=%g [ns] (Egelstaff Eq 11.8 p220)\n", u2*1e-2/6/D);
1031      }
1032    }
1033    ); /* end MASTER in MPI mode */
1035    /* density of states (generalized) */
1036    if (!Table_Init(&Gqw, Sqw_Data->q_bins, Sqw_Data->w_bins)) {
1037      printf("Isotropic_Sqw: %s: Cannot allocate G(q,w) Table (%lix%i).\n"
1038             "WARNING          Skipping S(q,w) diagnosis.\n",
1039             Sqw->compname, Sqw_Data->q_bins, 1);
1040        return;
1041    }
1042    sprintf(Gqw.filename,
1043      "G(q,w) from %s (generalized density of states, Carpenter J Non Cryst Sol 92 (1987) 153)",
1044      Sqw_Data->filename);
1045    Gqw.block_number = 1;
1046    Gqw.min_x        = 0;
1047    Gqw.max_x        = Sqw_Data->q_max;
1048    Gqw.step_x       = Sqw_Data->q_step;
1050    for (index_w=0; index_w < Sqw_Data->w_bins; index_w++) {
1051      double w        = -Sqw_Data->w_max + index_w*Sqw_Data->w_step; /* w value in Sqw_full */
1052      double gw       = 0;
1053      for   (index_q=0; index_q < Sqw_Data->q_bins; index_q++) {
1054        double q        = index_q*Sqw_Data->q_step; /* q value in Sqw_full ; q_min = 0 */
1055        double sqw_full = Table_Index(Sqw_Data->Sqw, index_q, index_w);
1056        double n        = 1/(exp(w/(Sqw->Temperature*Sqw->T2E))-1); /* Bose factor */
1057        double DW       = q && u2 ? exp(2*u2*q*q/6) : 1;            /* Debye-Weller factor */
1058        double gqw      = q && n+1 ? sqw_full*DW*2*(Sqw->mat_weight*Da)*w/(n+1)/q/q : 0;
1059        if (!Table_SetElement(&Gqw, index_q, index_w, gqw))
1060          printf("Isotropic_Sqw: %s: "
1061                 "Error when setting Gqw[%li q=%g,%li w=%g]=%g from file %s\n",
1062                 Sqw->compname, index_q, q, index_w, w, gqw, Sqw_Data->filename);
1063        gw      += gqw;
1064        gqw_sum += gqw;
1065      }
1066      Table_SetElement(&Sqw_moments[6],    index_w, 0, gw);
1067    }
1069    /* normalize the density of states */
1070    for (index_w=0; index_w < Sqw_Data->w_bins; index_w++) {
1071      double gw = Table_Index(Sqw_moments[6], index_w, 0);
1072      Table_SetElement(&Sqw_moments[6], index_w, 0, gw / gqw_sum);
1073      for   (index_q=0; index_q < Sqw_Data->q_bins; index_q++) {
1074        double gqw = Table_Index(Gqw, index_q, index_w);
1075        Table_SetElement(&Gqw, index_q, index_w, gqw / gqw_sum);
1076      }
1077    }
1079    /* write Gqw and free memory */
1080    if (Sqw_Data->w_bins > 1) {
1081      sprintf(c, "%s_%s.gqw", Sqw->compname, Sqw_Data->type=='c' ? "coh" : "inc");
1082        Table_Write(Gqw, c, "Momentum [Angs-1]", "'Generalized density of states' Energy [meV]",
1083          0,Sqw_Data->q_max,-Sqw_Data->w_max,Sqw_Data->w_max);
1084      Table_Free(&Gqw);
1085    }
1086  } /* if T>0 */
1088  /* write all tables to disk M0=S(q) M1=E_r M3 w_c w_l M0_cl=S_cl(q) */
1089  if (Sqw_Data->w_bins > 1) {
1090    sprintf(c, "%s_%s.m1",  Sqw->compname, Sqw_Data->type=='c' ? "coh" : "inc");
1091    Table_Write(Sqw_moments[1], c, "Momentum [Angs-1]", "int w S(q,w) dw (recoil) q^2/2m [meV]",
1092      0,Sqw_Data->q_max,0,0);
1093    sprintf(c, "%s_%s.w_l", Sqw->compname, Sqw_Data->type=='c' ? "coh" : "inc");
1094    Table_Write(Sqw_moments[4], c, "Momentum [Angs-1]", "w_l(q) harmonic frequency [meV]",
1095      0,Sqw_Data->q_max,0,0);
1096    sprintf(c, "%s_%s.sqw", Sqw->compname, Sqw_Data->type=='c' ? "coh" : "inc");
1097    Table_Write(Sqw_Data->Sqw, c, "Momentum [Angs-1]", "'S(q,w) dynamical structure factor [meV-1]' Energy [meV]",
1098      0,Sqw_Data->q_max,-Sqw_Data->w_max,Sqw_Data->w_max);
1100    if (Sqw->Temperature > 0) {
1101      sprintf(c, "%s_%s.w_c",    Sqw->compname, Sqw_Data->type=='c' ? "coh" : "inc");
1102      Table_Write(Sqw_moments[3], c, "Momentum [Angs-1]", "w_c(q) collective excitation [meV]", 0,Sqw_Data->q_max,0,0);
1103      sprintf(c, "%s_%s_cl.sq",  Sqw->compname, Sqw_Data->type=='c' ? "coh" : "inc");
1104      Table_Write(Sqw_moments[5], c, "Momentum [Angs-1]", "int S_cl(q,w) dw",
1105        0,Sqw_Data->q_max,0,0);
1106      sprintf(c, "%s_%s.gw",  Sqw->compname, Sqw_Data->type=='c' ? "coh" : "inc");
1107      Table_Write(Sqw_moments[6], c, "Energy [meV]", "'Generalized effective density of states' Energy [meV]",
1108        -Sqw_Data->w_max,Sqw_Data->w_max,0,0);
1110    }
1111  }
1112  sprintf(c, "%s_%s.sq",    Sqw->compname, Sqw_Data->type=='c' ? "coh" : "inc");
1113  Table_Write(Sqw_moments[0], c, "Momentum [Angs-1]","S(q) = int S(q,w) dw", 0,Sqw_Data->q_max,0,0);
1114  sprintf(c, "%s_%s.sigma", Sqw->compname, Sqw_Data->type=='c' ? "coh" : "inc");
1115  Table_Write(Sqw_Data->iqSq, c, "Energy [meV]", "sigma kf/ki int q S(q,w) dw scattering cross section [barns]", 0,0,0,0);
1117  /* free Tables */
1118  for (index_q=0; index_q < 7; Table_Free(&Sqw_moments[index_q++]));
1120} /* Sqw_diagnosis */
1123* Sqw_readfile: Read Sqw data files
1124*   Returns Sqw_Data_struct or NULL in case of error
1125* Used in : Sqw_init (2)
1127struct Sqw_Data_struct *Sqw_readfile(
1128  struct Sqw_sample_struct *Sqw, char *file, struct Sqw_Data_struct *Sqw_Data)
1131  t_Table *Table_Array= NULL;
1132  long     nblocks    = 0;
1133  char     flag       = 0;
1135  t_Table  Sqw_full, iqSq; /* the Sqw (non symmetric) and total scattering X section */
1137  double   sum=0;
1138  double   mat_at_nb=1;
1139  double   iq2Sq=0;
1140  long    *SW_lookup=NULL;
1141  long   **QW_lookup=NULL;
1142  char   **parsing  =NULL;
1144  long   index_q, index_w;
1145  double q_min_file, q_max_file, q_step_file;
1146  long   q_bins_file;
1147  double w_min_file, w_max_file, w_step_file;
1148  long   w_bins_file;
1149  double q_max, q_step;
1150  long   q_bins;
1151  double w_max, w_step;
1152  long   w_bins;
1154  double alpha=0;
1156  double M1          = 0;
1157  double M1_cl       = 0;
1158  double T           = 0;
1159  double T_file      = 0;
1160  long   T_count     = 0;
1161  long   M1_count    = 0;
1162  long   M1_cl_count = 0;
1164  /* setup default */
1165  Sqw_Data_init(Sqw_Data);
1167  if (!file || !strlen(file) || !strcmp(file, "NULL") || !strcmp(file, "0")) return(Sqw_Data);
1168  /* read the Sqw file */
1169  Table_Array = Table_Read_Array(file, &nblocks);
1170  strncpy(Sqw_Data->filename, file, 80);
1171  if (!Table_Array) return(NULL);
1173  /* (1) parsing of header ================================================== */
1174  parsing = Table_ParseHeader(Table_Array[0].header,
1175    "Vc","V_0",
1176    "sigma_abs","sigma_a ",
1177    "sigma_inc","sigma_i ",
1178    "column_j", /* 6 */
1179    "column_d",
1180    "column_F2",
1181    "column_DW",
1182    "column_Dd",
1183    "column_inv2d", "column_1/2d", "column_sintheta_lambda",
1184    "column_q", /* 14 */
1185    "sigma_coh","sigma_c ",
1186    "Temperature",
1187    "column_Sq",
1188    "column_F ", /* 19 */
1189    "V_rho",
1190    "density",
1191    "weight",
1192    "nb_atoms","multiplicity",
1193    "classical",
1194    NULL);
1195  if (parsing) {
1196    int i;
1197    if (parsing[0] && !Sqw->mat_rho)      Sqw->mat_rho    =1/atof(parsing[0]);
1198    if (parsing[1] && !Sqw->mat_rho)      Sqw->mat_rho    =1/atof(parsing[1]);
1199    if (parsing[2] && !Sqw->s_abs)    Sqw->s_abs  =  atof(parsing[2]);
1200    if (parsing[3] && !Sqw->s_abs)    Sqw->s_abs  =  atof(parsing[3]);
1201    if (parsing[4] && !Sqw->s_inc)    Sqw->s_inc  =  atof(parsing[4]);
1202    if (parsing[5] && !Sqw->s_inc)    Sqw->s_inc  =  atof(parsing[5]);
1203    if (parsing[6])                   Sqw->column_order[0]=atoi(parsing[6]);
1204    if (parsing[7])                   Sqw->column_order[1]=atoi(parsing[7]);
1205    if (parsing[8])                   Sqw->column_order[2]=atoi(parsing[8]);
1206    if (parsing[9])                   Sqw->column_order[3]=atoi(parsing[9]);
1207    if (parsing[10])                  Sqw->column_order[4]=atoi(parsing[10]);
1208    if (parsing[11])                  Sqw->column_order[5]=atoi(parsing[11]);
1209    if (parsing[12])                  Sqw->column_order[5]=atoi(parsing[12]);
1210    if (parsing[13])                  Sqw->column_order[5]=atoi(parsing[13]);
1211    if (parsing[14])                  Sqw->column_order[6]=atoi(parsing[14]);
1212    if (parsing[15] && !Sqw->s_coh)   Sqw->s_coh=atof(parsing[15]);
1213    if (parsing[16] && !Sqw->s_coh)   Sqw->s_coh=atof(parsing[16]);
1214    if (parsing[17] && !Sqw->Temperature) Sqw->Temperature=atof(parsing[17]); /* from user or file */
1215    if (parsing[17] && !T_file)       T_file=atof(parsing[17]); /* from file */
1216    if (parsing[18])                  Sqw->column_order[8]=atoi(parsing[18]);
1217    if (parsing[19])                  Sqw->column_order[7]=atoi(parsing[19]);
1218    if (parsing[20] && !Sqw->mat_rho)     Sqw->mat_rho    =atof(parsing[20]);
1219    if (parsing[21] && !Sqw->mat_density) Sqw->mat_density=atof(parsing[21]);
1220    if (parsing[22] && !Sqw->mat_weight)  Sqw->mat_weight =atof(parsing[22]);
1221    if (parsing[23] )                 mat_at_nb   =atof(parsing[23]);
1222    if (parsing[24] )                 mat_at_nb   =atof(parsing[24]);
1223    if (parsing[25] )                 { /* classical is found in the header */
1224      char *endptr;
1225      double value = strtod(parsing[25], &endptr);
1226      if (*endptr == *parsing[25]) {
1227        if (Sqw->sqw_classical < 0) Sqw->sqw_classical = 1;
1228      } else                        Sqw->sqw_classical = value;
1229    }
1230    for (i=0; i<=25; i++) if (parsing[i]) free(parsing[i]);
1231    free(parsing);
1232  }
1234  /* compute the scattering unit density from material weight and density */
1235  /* the weight of the scattering element is the chemical formula molecular weight
1236   * times the nb of chemical formulae in the scattering element (nb_atoms) */
1237  if (!Sqw->mat_rho && Sqw->mat_density > 0 && Sqw->mat_weight > 0 && mat_at_nb > 0) {
1238    /* molar volume [cm^3/mol] = weight [g/mol] / density [g/cm^3] */
1239    /* atom density per Angs^3 = [mol/cm^3] * N_Avogadro *(1e-8)^3 */
1240    Sqw->mat_rho = Sqw->mat_density/(Sqw->mat_weight*mat_at_nb)/1e24*NA;
1241    MPI_MASTER(
1242    if (Sqw->verbose_output > 0)
1243      printf("Isotropic_Sqw: %s: Computing scattering unit density V_rho=%g [AA^-3] from density=%g [g/cm^3] weight=%g [g/mol].\n",
1244        Sqw->compname, Sqw->mat_rho, Sqw->mat_density, Sqw->mat_weight);
1245    );
1246  }
1248  /* the scattering unit cross sections are the chemical formula ones
1249   * times the nb of chemical formulae in the scattering element */
1250  if (mat_at_nb > 0) {
1251    Sqw->s_abs *= mat_at_nb; Sqw->s_inc *= mat_at_nb; Sqw->s_coh *= mat_at_nb;
1252  }
1254  if (nblocks) {
1255    if (nblocks == 1) {
1256      /* import Powder file */
1257      t_Table *newTable   = NULL;
1258      newTable = Sqw_read_PowderN(Sqw, Table_Array[0]);
1259      if (!newTable) {
1260        printf("Isotropic_Sqw: %s: ERROR importing powder line file %s.\n"
1261               "               Check format definition.\n",
1262              Sqw->compname, file);
1263        exit(-1);
1264      } else flag=0;
1265      Table_Free_Array(Table_Array);
1266      Table_Array = newTable;
1267    } else if (nblocks != 3) {
1268      printf("Isotropic_Sqw: %s: ERROR "
1269             "File %s contains %li block%s instead of 3.\n",
1270              Sqw->compname, file, nblocks, (nblocks == 1 ? "" : "s"));
1271    } else { flag=0; Sqw->barns=0; /* Sqw files do not use powder_barns */ }
1272  }
1274  /* print some info about Sqw files */
1275  if (flag) Sqw->verbose_output = 2;
1277  if (flag) {
1278    if (nblocks) printf("ERROR          Wrong file format.\n"
1279      "               Disabling contribution.\n"
1280      "               File must contain 3 blocks for [q,w,sqw] or Powder file (1 block, laz,lau).\n");
1281    return(Sqw_Data);
1282  }
1284  sprintf(Table_Array[0].filename, "%s#q",   file);
1285  sprintf(Table_Array[1].filename, "%s#w",   file);
1286  sprintf(Table_Array[2].filename, "%s#sqw", file);
1289  if (nblocks && Sqw->verbose_output > 2) {
1290    printf("Isotropic_Sqw: %s file read, analysing...\n", file);
1291    Table_Info_Array(Table_Array);
1292  }
1293  );
1295  /* (2) compute range for full +/- w and allocate S(q,w) =================== */
1297  /* get the q,w extend of the table from the file */
1298  q_bins_file = Table_Array[0].rows*Table_Array[0].columns;
1299  w_bins_file = Table_Array[1].rows*Table_Array[1].columns;
1301  /* is there enough qw data in file to proceed ? */
1302  if (q_bins_file <= 1 || w_bins_file <= 0) {
1303    printf("Isotropic_Sqw: %s: Data file %s has incomplete q or omega information (%lix%li).\n"
1304           "ERROR          Exiting.\n",
1305      Sqw->compname, file, q_bins_file, w_bins_file);
1306    return(Sqw_Data);
1307  }
1309  q_min_file  = Table_Array[0].min_x; q_max_file = Table_Array[0].max_x;
1310  q_step_file = Table_Array[0].step_x ? Table_Array[0].step_x : (q_max_file - q_min_file)/(Table_Array[0].rows*Table_Array[0].columns);
1311  w_min_file  = Table_Array[1].min_x; w_max_file = Table_Array[1].max_x;
1312  w_step_file = Table_Array[1].step_x;
1314  /* create a regular extended q,w and Sqw tables applying the exp(-hw/kT) factor */
1315  q_max  = q_max_file;
1316  q_bins = (q_step_file ?   q_max/q_step_file : q_bins_file)+1;
1317  q_step = q_bins-1 > 0 ?   q_max/(q_bins-1) : 1;
1318  w_max  = fabs(w_max_file);
1319  if (fabs(w_min_file) > fabs(w_max_file)) w_max = fabs(w_min_file);
1320  /* w_min =-w_max */
1321  w_bins = (w_step_file ? (long)(2*w_max/w_step_file) : 0)+1; /* twice the initial w range */
1322  w_step = w_bins-1 > 0 ? 2*w_max/(w_bins-1) : 1;             /* that is +/- w_max         */
1324  /* create the Sqw table in full range */
1325  if (!Table_Init(&Sqw_full, q_bins, w_bins)) {
1326    printf("Isotropic_Sqw: %s: Cannot allocate Sqw_full Table (%lix%li).\n"
1327           "ERROR          Exiting.\n",
1328      Sqw->compname, q_bins, w_bins);
1329    return(NULL);
1330  }
1331  sprintf(Sqw_full.filename, "S(q,w) from %s (dynamic structure factor)", file);
1332  Sqw_full.block_number = 1;
1334  Sqw_Data->q_bins = q_bins; Sqw_Data->q_max = q_max; Sqw_Data->q_step= q_step;
1335  Sqw_Data->w_bins = w_bins; Sqw_Data->w_max = w_max; Sqw_Data->w_step= w_step;
1336  Sqw_Data->q_min_file = q_min_file;
1338  /* build an energy symmetric Sqw data set with detailed balance there-in, so
1339   * that we can both compute effective scattering Xsection, probability distributions
1340   * that is S(q) and \int q S(q).
1341   * We scan the new Sqw table elements with regular qw binning and search for their
1342   * equivalent element in the Sqw file data set. This is slower than doing the opposite.
1343   * We could be scanning all file elements, and fill the new table, but in the
1344   * process some empty spaces may appear when the initial file binning is not regular
1345   * in qw, leading to gaps in the new table.
1346   */
1348  /* (3) we build q and w lookup table for conversion file -> sqw_full ====== */
1350  if (Sqw->verbose_output > 2)
1351    printf("Isotropic_Sqw: %s: Creating Sqw_full... (%s, %s)\n",
1352      Sqw->compname, file, Sqw->type=='c' ? "coh" : "inc");
1353  );
1355  double w_file2full[w_bins]; /* lookup table for fast file -> Sqw_full allocation */
1357  for (index_w=0; index_w < w_bins; w_file2full[index_w++]=0);
1359  for (index_w=0; index_w < w_bins; index_w++) {
1361    double w = -w_max + index_w*w_step; /* w value in Sqw_full */
1362    double index_w_file=0;              /* w index in Sqw file */
1363    char   found=0;
1364    for (index_w_file=0; index_w_file < w_bins_file; index_w_file++) {
1365      double w0=Table_Index(Table_Array[1], (long)index_w_file,  0);
1366      double w1=Table_Index(Table_Array[1], (long)index_w_file+1,0);
1367      /* test if we are in Stokes */
1368      if (w0 > w1) {
1369        double tmp=w0; w0=w1; w1=tmp;
1370      }
1371      if (w0 <= w && w < w1) {
1372        /* w ~ w_file exists in file, usually on w > 0 side Stokes, neutron looses energy */
1373        index_w_file += w1-w0 ? (w-w0)/(w1-w0) : 0; /* may correspond with a position in-betwwen two w elements */
1374        found=1;
1375        break;
1376      }
1377    }
1378    /* test if we are in anti-Stokes */
1379    if (!found)
1380    for (index_w_file=0; index_w_file < w_bins_file; index_w_file++) {
1381      double w0=Table_Index(Table_Array[1], (long)index_w_file,  0);
1382      double w1=Table_Index(Table_Array[1], (long)index_w_file+1,0);
1383      /* test if we are in anti-Stokes */
1384      if (w0 > w1) {
1385        double tmp=w0; w0=w1; w1=tmp;
1386      }
1387      if (w0 <= -w && -w < w1) {            /* w value is mirrored from the opposite side in file */
1388        index_w_file += w1-w0 ? (-w-w0)/(w1-w0) : 0;
1389        index_w_file = -index_w_file;               /* in this case, index value is set to negative */
1390        break;
1391      }
1392    }
1393    w_file2full[index_w] = index_w_file;
1394  }
1396  double q_file2full[q_bins];
1397  for   (index_q=0; index_q < q_bins; q_file2full[index_q++]=0);
1399  for (index_q=0; index_q < q_bins; index_q++) {
1401    double q           = index_q*q_step; /* q value in Sqw_full ; q_min = 0 */
1402    double index_q_file= 0;              /* q index in Sqw file */
1404    /* search for q value in the initial file data set */
1405    if      (q <= q_min_file) index_q_file=0;
1406    else if (q >= q_max_file) index_q_file=q_bins_file-1;
1407    else
1408    for (index_q_file=0; index_q_file < q_bins_file; index_q_file++) {
1409      double q0=Table_Index(Table_Array[0], (long)index_q_file,  0);
1410      double q1=Table_Index(Table_Array[0], (long)index_q_file+1,0);
1411      if (q0 <= q && q <= q1) {
1412        index_q_file += q1-q0 ? (q-q0)/(q1-q0) : 0; /* may correspond with a position in-betwwen two q elements */
1413        break;
1414      }
1415    }
1416    q_file2full[index_q] = index_q_file;
1417  }
1419  /* (4) now we build Sqw on full Q,W ranges, using the Q,W table lookup above */
1420  for (index_q=0; index_q < q_bins; index_q++) {
1422    double q           = index_q*q_step; /* q value in Sqw_full ; q_min = 0 */
1423    double index_q_file= 0;              /* q index in Sqw file */
1425    /* get q value in the initial file data set */
1426    index_q_file = q_file2full[index_q];
1428    /* now scan energy elements in Sqw full, and search these in file data */
1429    for (index_w=0; index_w < w_bins; index_w++) {
1430      double w = -w_max + index_w*w_step; /* w value in Sqw_full */
1431      double index_w_file=0;              /* w index in Sqw file */
1432      double sqw_file    =0;              /* Sqw(index_q, index_w) value interpolated from file */
1434      /* search for w value in the file data set, negative when mirrored */
1435      index_w_file = w_file2full[index_w];
1436      /* get Sqw_file element, with bi-linear interpolation from file */
1437      /* when the initial file does not contain the energy, the opposite element (-w) is used */
1438      sqw_file     = Table_Value2d(Table_Array[2], index_q_file, abs(index_w_file));
1439      /* apply the minimum threshold to remove noisy background in S(q,w) */
1440      if (sqw_file < Sqw->sqw_threshold) sqw_file = 0;
1441      else if (index_w_file < 0)         sqw_file = -sqw_file; /* negative == mirrored from other side */
1443      if (!Table_SetElement(&Sqw_full, index_q, index_w, sqw_file))
1444        printf("Isotropic_Sqw: %s: "
1445               "Error when setting Sqw[%li q=%g,%li w=%g]=%g from file %s\n",
1446               Sqw->compname, index_q, q, index_w, w, fabs(sqw_file), file);
1447    } /* for index_w */
1448  } /* for index_q */
1450  /* free memory and store limits for new full Sqw table */
1451  Table_Free_Array(Table_Array);
1453  /* if only one S(q,w) side is given, it is symmetrised by mirroring, then M1=0 */
1455  /* (5) test if the Sqw_full is classical or not by computing the 1st moment (=0 for classical) */
1456  /* also compute temperature (quantum case) if not set */
1457  for (index_q=0; index_q < q_bins; index_q++) {
1459    double q           = index_q*q_step; /* q value in Sqw_full ; q_min = 0 */
1461    for (index_w=0; index_w < w_bins; index_w++) {
1462      double w        = -w_max + index_w*w_step; /* w value in Sqw_full */
1463      double sqw_full = Table_Index(Sqw_full, index_q, index_w);
1464      long   index_mw = w_bins-1-index_w;        /* opposite w index in S(q,w) */
1465      double sqw_opp  = Table_Index(Sqw_full, index_q, index_mw);
1467      /* the analysis must be done only on values which exist on both sides */
1468      /* as integrals must be symmetric, and Bose factor requires both sides as well */
1469      if (sqw_full > 0 && sqw_opp > 0) {
1470        /* compute temperature from Bose factor */
1471        if (sqw_opp != sqw_full) {
1472          T      += fabs(w/log(sqw_opp/sqw_full)/Sqw->T2E);
1473          T_count++;
1474        }
1475        /* we first assume Sqw is quantum. M1_cl should be 0, M1 should be recoil */
1476        M1      += w*sqw_full*w_step;
1477        M1_count++;
1478        /* we assume it is quantum (non symmetric) and check that its symmetrized version has M1_cl=0 */
1479        if (Sqw->Temperature > 0) {
1480          sqw_opp = sqw_full * Sqw_quantum_correction(-w,Sqw->Temperature,Sqw->Q_correction); /* Sqw_cl */
1481          M1_cl      += w*sqw_opp*w_step;
1482          M1_cl_count++;
1483        } else if (Sqw->mat_weight) {
1484          /* T=0 ? would compute the M1_cl = M1 - recoil energy, assuming we have a quantum S(q,w) in file */
1485          /* the M1(quantum) = (MNEUTRON/m)*2.0725*q^2 recoil energy */
1486          double Da = 1.660538921e-27; /* atomic mass unit */
1487          double Er = (MNEUTRON/Sqw->mat_weight/Da)*2.0725*q*q; /* recoil for one scattering unit in the cell [meV] Schober JDN16 p239 */
1488          M1_cl      += M1 - Er;
1489          M1_cl_count++;
1490        }
1491      } /* both side from file */
1492    } /*index_w */
1493  } /*index_q */
1495  if (T_count)     T     /= T_count;     /* mean temperature from Bose ratio */
1496  if (M1_count)    M1    /= M1_count;
1497  if (M1_cl_count) M1_cl /= M1_cl_count; /* mean energy value along q range */
1499  /* determine if we use a classical or quantum S(q,w) */
1500  if (Sqw->sqw_classical < 0) {
1501    if (fabs(M1) < 2*w_step) {
1502      Sqw->sqw_classical = 1; /* the initial Sqw from file seems to be centered, thus classical */
1503    } else if (fabs(M1_cl) < fabs(M1)) {
1504      /* M1 for classical is closer to 0 than for quantum one */
1505      Sqw->sqw_classical = 0; /* initial data from file seems to be quantum (non classical) */
1506    } else { /* M1_cl > M1 > 2*w_step */
1507      printf("Isotropic_Sqw: %s: I do not know if S(q,w) data is classical or quantum.\n"
1508             "WARNING        First moment M1=%g M1_cl=%g for file %s. Defaulting to classical case.\n",
1509                 Sqw->compname, M1, M1_cl, file);
1510    }
1511  }
1512  if (Sqw->sqw_classical < 0) Sqw->sqw_classical=1; /* default when quantum/classical choice is not set */
1514  if (!T_file && T) {
1515    if (Sqw->Temperature < 0)    Sqw->Temperature = fabs(T);
1516    MPI_MASTER(
1517    if (Sqw->verbose_output > 0 && T < 3000) {
1518      printf(  "Isotropic_Sqw: %s: Temperature computed from S(q,w) data from %s is T=%g [K] (not set here).\n",
1519        Sqw->compname, file, T);
1520      if (Sqw->Temperature == 0)
1521        printf("Warning:       %s: Use T=-1 to set it. Currently using T=%g, i.e. no detailed balance.\n",
1522          Sqw->compname, Sqw->Temperature);
1523    }
1524    if (!Sqw->sqw_classical && Sqw->Temperature>0 && fabs(Sqw->Temperature - T) > 0.1*Sqw->Temperature)
1525      printf("WARNING:       %s: The temperature %g [K] guessed from the non-classical\n"
1526             "               S(q,w) %s does not match the requested T=%g [K].\n",
1527             Sqw->compname, T, file, Sqw->Temperature);
1528    );
1529  } else T=T_file;
1532  if (Sqw->verbose_output > 0 && w_bins > 1)
1533    printf("Isotropic_Sqw: %s: S(q,w) data from %s (%s) assumed to be %s.\n",
1534      Sqw->compname, file, Sqw->type=='c' ? "coh" : "inc",
1535      Sqw->sqw_classical ? "classical (symmetrised in energy)" : "non-classical (includes Bose factor, non symmetric in energy)");
1536  );
1538  /* (6) apply detailed balance on Sqw_full for classical or quantum S(q,w) */
1539  /* compute the \int q^2 S(q) for normalisation */
1541  /* temperatures defined
1542  * T_file:           temperature read from the .sqw file
1543  * T:                temperature computed from the quantum Sqw using detailed balance
1544  * Sqw->Temperature: temperature defined by user, or read from file when not set
1545  */
1548  if (Sqw->sqw_classical && Sqw->verbose_output > 0 && Sqw->Temperature > 0)
1549    printf("Isotropic_Sqw: %s: Applying exp(hw/2kT) factor with T=%g [K] on %s file (classical/symmetric) using '%s' quantum correction\n",
1550      Sqw->compname, Sqw->Temperature, file, Sqw->Q_correction);
1551  );
1552  for   (index_q=0; index_q < q_bins; index_q++) {
1553    double sq          = 0;
1554    double q           = index_q*q_step;  /* q value in Sqw_full ; q_min = 0 */
1555    for (index_w=0; index_w < w_bins; index_w++) {
1556      double w = -w_max + index_w*w_step; /* w value in Sqw_full */
1557      double balance   = 1;               /* detailed balance factor, default is 1 */
1558      double sqw_full  = Table_Index(Sqw_full, index_q, index_w);
1560      /* do we use a symmetric S(q,w) from real G(r,t) from e.g. MD ? */
1562      if (Sqw->sqw_classical && Sqw->Temperature > 0) /* data is symmetric, we apply Bose factor */
1563        /* un-symmetrize Sqw(file) * exp(hw/kT/2) on both sides */
1564        balance = Sqw_quantum_correction(w, Sqw->Temperature, Sqw->Q_correction);
1565      else if (!Sqw->sqw_classical) {  /* data is quantum (contains Bose) */
1566        if (sqw_full < 0) { /* quantum but mirrored/symmetric value (was missing in file) */
1567          if (T)
1568            /* prefer to use T computed from file for mirroring */
1569            balance *= exp(w/(T*Sqw->T2E));                /* apply Bose where missing */
1570          else if (Sqw->Temperature)
1571            balance *= exp(w/(Sqw->Temperature*Sqw->T2E)); /* apply Bose where missing */
1572        }
1573        /* test if T computed from file matches requested T, else apply correction */
1574        if (T && Sqw->Temperature > 0 && Sqw->Temperature != T) {
1575          balance *= exp(-w/(T*Sqw->T2E)/2);                /* make it a classical data set: remove computed/read T from quantum data file */
1576          balance *= exp( w/(Sqw->Temperature*Sqw->T2E)/2); /* then apply Bose to requested temperature */
1577        }
1578      }
1580      /* update Sqw value */
1581      sqw_full = fabs(sqw_full)*balance;
1582      Table_SetElement(&Sqw_full, index_q, index_w, sqw_full);
1583      /* sum up the S(q) (0-th moment) = w0 */
1584      sq       += sqw_full;
1585    } /* index_w */
1586    sq    *= w_step;         /* S(q)  = \int S(q,w) dw    = structure factor */
1587    iq2Sq += q*q*sq*q_step;  /* iq2Sq = \int q^2 S(q) dq  = used for g-sum rule (normalisation) */
1588    sum   += sq*q_step;      /* |S|   = \int S(q,w) dq dw = total integral value in file */
1589  } /* index_q */
1591  if (!sum) {
1592    printf("Isotropic_Sqw: %s: No valid data in the selected (Q,w) range: sum(S)=0\n"
1593           "ERROR          Available Sqw data is\n",
1594      Sqw->compname);
1595    printf("                 q=[%g:%g] w=[%g:%g]\n",
1596           q_min_file, q_max_file,
1597           w_min_file, w_max_file);
1598    Table_Free(&Sqw_full);
1599    return(NULL);
1600  }
1602  /* norm S(q ,w) = sum(S)*q_range/q_bins on total q,w range from file */
1603  sum *= (q_max_file - q_min_file)/q_bins_file;
1605  /* (7) renormalization of S(q,w) ========================================== */
1607  if      ( Sqw->sqw_norm >0) alpha=Sqw->sqw_norm;
1608  else if (!Sqw->sqw_norm)    alpha=1;
1610  if (!alpha && iq2Sq) { /* compute theoretical |S| norm */
1611    /* Eq (2.44) from H.E. Fischer et al, Rep. Prog. Phys., 69 (2006) 233 */
1612    alpha =
1613      (q_max*q_max*q_max/3 - (Sqw->type == 'c' ? 2*PI*PI*Sqw->mat_rho : 0))
1614      /iq2Sq;
1615  }
1617  if (alpha < 0) {
1618    MPI_MASTER(
1619    printf("Isotropic_Sqw: %s: normalisation factor is negative. rho=%g [Angs^-3] may be too high.\n"
1620           "WARNING        Disabling renormalization i.e. keeping initial S(q,w).\n",
1621      Sqw->compname, Sqw->mat_rho);
1622    );
1623    alpha=0;
1624  }
1626  /* apply normalization on S(q,w) */
1627  if (alpha && alpha != 1) {
1628    sum *= alpha;
1629    for (index_q=0; index_q < q_bins ; index_q++) {
1630      for (index_w=0; index_w < w_bins; index_w++)
1631        Table_SetElement(&Sqw_full, index_q, index_w,
1632          Table_Index(Sqw_full, index_q, index_w) * alpha);
1633    }
1634  }
1636  Sqw_Data->intensity       = sum;
1638  Table_Stat(&Sqw_full);
1639  Sqw_full.min_x        = 0;
1640  Sqw_full.max_x        = q_max;
1641  Sqw_full.step_x       = q_step;
1644  if (Sqw->verbose_output > 0) {
1645    printf("Isotropic_Sqw: %s: Generated %s %scoherent Sqw\n"
1646           "                   q=[%g:%g Angs-1] w=[%g:%g meV] |S|=%g size=[%lix%li] sigma=%g [barns]\n",
1647           Sqw->compname, file, (Sqw->type == 'i' ? "in" : ""),
1648           q_min_file, q_max_file,
1649           w_min_file, w_max_file, Sqw_Data->intensity,
1650           q_bins, Sqw_Data->w_bins,
1651           (Sqw->type == 'i' ? Sqw->s_inc : Sqw->s_coh));
1652    if (w_max < 1e-2)
1653      printf("               Mainly elastic scattering.\n");
1654    if (Sqw->sqw_norm >0 && Sqw->sqw_norm != 1)
1655      printf("                   normalization factor S(q,w)*%g (user)\n", alpha);
1656    else if (Sqw->sqw_norm<0)
1657      printf("                   normalization factor S(q,w)*%g (auto) \\int q^2 S(q) dq=%g\n", alpha, iq2Sq);
1658  }
1659  );
1661  /* (8) Compute total cross section ======================================== */
1663  /* now compute the effective total cross section  (Sqw_integrate_iqSq)
1664        sigma(Ei) = sigma/2/Ki^2 * \int q S(q,w) dw dq
1665   * for each incoming neutron energy 0 < Ei < 2*w_max, and
1666   * integration range w=-Ei:w_max and q=Q0:Q1 with
1667   *   Q0 = SE2Q*(sqrt(E)-sqrt(E+w))
1668   *   Q1 = SE2Q*(sqrt(E)+sqrt(E+w))
1669   */
1671  Sqw_Data->lookup_length = Sqw->lookup_length;
1672  Sqw_Data->iqSq_length   = Sqw->lookup_length;
1673  /* this length should be greater when w_max=0 for e.g. elastic only */
1674  if (w_bins <= 1) Sqw_Data->iqSq_length = q_bins;
1676  if (!Table_Init(&iqSq, Sqw_Data->iqSq_length, 1)) {
1677    /* from 0 to 2*Ki_max */
1678    printf("Isotropic_Sqw: %s: Cannot allocate [int q S(q,w) dq dw] array (%li bytes).\n"
1679           "ERROR          Exiting.\n",
1680      Sqw->compname, Sqw->lookup_length*sizeof(double));
1681    Table_Free(&Sqw_full);
1682    return(NULL);
1683  }
1685  /* compute the maximum incoming energy that can be handled */
1686  Sqw_Data->Ei_max = 2*w_max;
1688  /* Checked in different ways in Powder and "proper inelastic" case */
1689  if (w_step==1) {
1690    /* Powder */
1691    double Ei_max_q = (q_max*K2V)*(q_max*K2V)*VS2E/2;
1692    if (Ei_max_q > Sqw_Data->Ei_max) Sqw_Data->Ei_max = Ei_max_q;
1693  } else {
1694    /* Proper inelastic */
1695    /* check if the q-range will limit the integration */
1696    if ((q_max*K2V)*(q_max*K2V)*VS2E/2 > Sqw_Data->Ei_max) {
1697      /* then scan Ei until we pass q_max */
1698      for (index_w=0; index_w < Sqw_Data->iqSq_length; index_w++) {
1699	double Ei = index_w*2*w_max/Sqw_Data->iqSq_length;
1700	if ( (Ei > w_max && sqrt(Ei)+sqrt(Ei-w_max) >= q_max/(SE2V*V2K))
1701	     || sqrt(Ei)+sqrt(Ei+w_max) >= q_max/(SE2V*V2K))
1702	  if (Ei < Sqw_Data->Ei_max) {
1703	    Sqw_Data->Ei_max = Ei;
1704	    break;
1705	  }
1706      }
1707    }
1708  }
1711  if (Sqw->verbose_output >= 2)
1712    printf("Isotropic_Sqw: %s: Creating Sigma(Ei=0:%g [meV]) with %li entries...(%s %s)\n",
1713      Sqw->compname, Sqw_Data->Ei_max, Sqw_Data->iqSq_length, file, Sqw->type=='c' ? "coh" : "inc");
1714  );
1715  Sqw_Data->Sqw  = Sqw_full; /* store the S(q,w) Table (matrix) for Sqw_integrate_iqSq */
1717  /* this loop takes time: use MPI when available */
1719  for (index_w=0; index_w < Sqw_Data->iqSq_length; index_w++) {
1721    /* Ei = energy of incoming neutron, typically 0:w_max or 0:2*q_max */
1722    double Ei; /* neutron energy value in Sqw_full, up to 2*w_max */
1723    double Ki, Vi;
1724    double Sigma=0;
1725    Ei = index_w*Sqw_Data->Ei_max/Sqw_Data->iqSq_length;
1726    Vi = sqrt(Ei/VS2E);
1727    Ki = V2K*Vi;
1728    /* sigma(Ei) = sigma/2/Ki^2 * \int q S(q,w) dq dw */
1729    /* Eq (6) from E. Farhi et al. J. Comp. Phys. 228 (2009) 5251 */
1730    Sigma = Ki <= 0 ? 0 : (Sqw->type=='c' ? Sqw->s_coh : Sqw->s_inc)
1731                          /2/Ki/Ki * Sqw_integrate_iqSq(Sqw_Data, Ei);
1732    Table_SetElement(&iqSq, index_w, 0, Sigma );
1733  }
1735  sprintf(iqSq.filename, "[sigma/2Ki^2 int q S(q,w) dq dw] from %s", file);
1736  iqSq.min_x  = 0;
1737  iqSq.max_x  = Sqw_Data->Ei_max;
1738  iqSq.step_x = Sqw_Data->Ei_max/Sqw_Data->iqSq_length;
1739  iqSq.block_number = 1;
1741  Sqw_Data->iqSq = iqSq;     /* store the sigma(Ei) = \int q S(q,w) dq dw Table (vector) */
1743  /* (9) Compute P(w) probability =========================================== */
1745  /* set up 'density of states' */
1746  /* uses: Sqw_full and w axes */
1747  Sqw_Data->SW =
1748    (struct Sqw_W_struct*)calloc(w_bins, sizeof(struct Sqw_W_struct));
1750  if (!Sqw_Data->SW) {
1751    printf("Isotropic_Sqw: %s: Cannot allocate SW (%li bytes).\n"
1752           "ERROR          Exiting.\n",
1753      Sqw->compname, w_bins*sizeof(struct Sqw_W_struct));
1754    Table_Free(&Sqw_full);
1755    Table_Free(&iqSq);
1756    return(NULL);
1757  }
1758  sum = 0;
1759  for (index_w=0; index_w < w_bins ; index_w++) {
1760    double local_val = 0;
1761    double w         = -w_max + index_w * w_step;
1762    for (index_q=0; index_q < q_bins ; index_q++) { /* integrate on all q values */
1763      local_val += Table_Index(Sqw_full, index_q, index_w)*q_step*index_q*q_step; /* q*S(q,w) */
1764    }
1765    Sqw_Data->SW[index_w].omega = w;
1766    sum                  += local_val; /* S(w)=\int S(q,w) dq */
1767    /* compute cumulated probability */
1768    Sqw_Data->SW[index_w].cumul_proba = local_val;
1769    if (index_w) Sqw_Data->SW[index_w].cumul_proba += Sqw_Data->SW[index_w-1].cumul_proba;
1770    else         Sqw_Data->SW[index_w].cumul_proba = 0;
1771  }
1773  if (!sum) {
1774    printf("Isotropic_Sqw: %s: Total S(q,w) intensity is NULL.\n"
1775           "ERROR          Exiting.\n", Sqw->compname);
1776    Table_Free(&Sqw_full);
1777    Table_Free(&iqSq);
1778    return(NULL);
1779  }
1781  /* normalize Pw distribution to 0:1 range */
1782  for (index_w=0; index_w < w_bins ; index_w++) {
1783    Sqw_Data->SW[index_w].cumul_proba /= Sqw_Data->SW[w_bins-1].cumul_proba;
1784  }
1786  if (Sqw->verbose_output > 2)
1787    printf("Isotropic_Sqw: %s: Generated normalized SW[%li] in range [0:%g]\n",
1788      Sqw->compname, w_bins, Sqw_Data->SW[w_bins-1].cumul_proba);
1790  /* (10) Compute P(Q|w) probability ======================================== */
1792  /* set up Q probability table per w bin */
1793  /* uses:  Sqw_full */
1794  Sqw_Data->SQW =
1795    (struct Sqw_Q_struct**)calloc(w_bins, sizeof(struct Sqw_Q_struct*));
1797  if (!Sqw_Data->SQW) {
1798    printf("Isotropic_Sqw: %s: Cannot allocate P(Q|w) array (%li bytes).\n"
1799           "ERROR          Exiting.\n",
1800      Sqw->compname, w_bins*sizeof(struct Sqw_Q_struct*));
1801    Table_Free(&Sqw_full);
1802    Table_Free(&iqSq);
1803    return(NULL);
1804  }
1805  for (index_w=0; index_w < w_bins ; index_w++) {
1806    Sqw_Data->SQW[index_w]=
1807        (struct Sqw_Q_struct*)calloc(q_bins, sizeof(struct Sqw_Q_struct));
1809    if (!Sqw_Data->SQW[index_w]) {
1810      printf("Isotropic_Sqw: %s: Cannot allocate P(Q|w)[%li] (%li bytes).\n"
1811             "ERROR          Exiting.\n",
1812        Sqw->compname, index_w, q_bins*sizeof(struct Sqw_Q_struct));
1813      Table_Free(&Sqw_full);
1814      Table_Free(&iqSq);
1815      return(NULL);
1816    }
1817    /* set P(Q|W) and compute total intensity */
1818    for (index_q=0; index_q < q_bins ; index_q++) {
1819      double q  = index_q * q_step;
1820      Sqw_Data->SQW[index_w][index_q].Q     = q;
1822      /* compute cumulated probability and take into account Jacobian with additional 'q' factor */
1823      Sqw_Data->SQW[index_w][index_q].cumul_proba = q*Table_Index(Sqw_full, index_q, index_w); /* q*S(q,w) */
1824      if (index_q) Sqw_Data->SQW[index_w][index_q].cumul_proba += Sqw_Data->SQW[index_w][index_q-1].cumul_proba;
1825      else Sqw_Data->SQW[index_w][index_q].cumul_proba = 0;
1826    }
1827    /* normalize P(q|w) distribution to 0:1 range */
1828    for (index_q=0; index_q < q_bins ;
1829    	Sqw_Data->SQW[index_w][index_q++].cumul_proba /= Sqw_Data->SQW[index_w][q_bins-1].cumul_proba
1830    );
1832  }
1833  if (Sqw->verbose_output > 2)
1834    printf("Isotropic_Sqw: %s: Generated P(Q|w)\n",
1835      Sqw->compname);
1837  /* (11) generate quick lookup tables for SW and SQW ======================= */
1839  SW_lookup = (long*)calloc(Sqw->lookup_length, sizeof(long));
1841  if (!SW_lookup) {
1842    printf("Isotropic_Sqw: %s: Cannot allocate SW_lookup (%li bytes).\n"
1843           "Warning        Will be slower.\n",
1844      Sqw->compname, Sqw->lookup_length*sizeof(long));
1845  } else {
1846    int i;
1847    for (i=0; i < Sqw->lookup_length; i++) {
1848      double w = (double)i/(double)Sqw->lookup_length; /* a random number tabulated value */
1849      SW_lookup[i] = Sqw_search_SW(*Sqw_Data, w);
1850    }
1851    Sqw_Data->SW_lookup = SW_lookup;
1852  }
1853  QW_lookup = (long**)calloc(w_bins, sizeof(long*));
1855  if (!QW_lookup) {
1856    printf("Isotropic_Sqw: %s: Cannot allocate QW_lookup (%li bytes).\n"
1857           "Warning        Will be slower.\n",
1858      Sqw->compname, w_bins*sizeof(long*));
1859  } else {
1860    for (index_w=0; index_w < w_bins ; index_w++) {
1861      QW_lookup[index_w] =
1862        (long*)calloc(Sqw->lookup_length, sizeof(long));
1863      if (!QW_lookup[index_w]) {
1864        printf("Isotropic_Sqw: %s: Cannot allocate QW_lookup[%li] (%li bytes).\n"
1865               "Warning        Will be slower.\n",
1866        Sqw->compname, index_w, Sqw->lookup_length*sizeof(long));
1867        free(QW_lookup); Sqw_Data->QW_lookup = QW_lookup = NULL; break;
1868      } else {
1869        int i;
1870        for (i=0; i < Sqw->lookup_length; i++) {
1871          double w = (double)i/(double)Sqw->lookup_length; /* a random number tabulated value */
1872          QW_lookup[index_w][i] = Sqw_search_Q_proba_per_w(*Sqw_Data, w, index_w);
1873        }
1874      }
1875    }
1876    Sqw_Data->QW_lookup = QW_lookup;
1877  }
1878  if ((Sqw_Data->QW_lookup || Sqw_Data->SW_lookup) && Sqw->verbose_output > 2)
1879    printf("Isotropic_Sqw: %s: Generated lookup tables with %li entries\n",
1880      Sqw->compname, Sqw->lookup_length);
1882  return(Sqw_Data);
1883} /* end Sqw_readfile */
1886* Sqw_init_read: Read coherent/incoherent Sqw data files
1887*   Returns Sqw total intensity, or 0 (error)
1888* Used in : INITIALIZE (1)
1890double Sqw_init(struct Sqw_sample_struct *Sqw, char *file_coh, char *file_inc)
1892  double ret=0;
1894  /* read files */
1895  struct Sqw_Data_struct *d_inc, *d_coh;
1896  Sqw->type = 'i';
1897  d_inc = Sqw_readfile(Sqw, file_inc, &(Sqw->Data_inc));
1898  Sqw->type = 'c';
1899  d_coh = Sqw_readfile(Sqw, file_coh, &(Sqw->Data_coh));
1901  if (d_inc && !d_inc->intensity && Sqw->s_inc>0) {
1902    MPI_MASTER(
1903    if (Sqw->verbose_output > 0)
1904      printf("Isotropic_Sqw: %s: Using Isotropic elastic incoherent scattering (sigma=%g [barns])\n", Sqw->compname, Sqw->s_inc);
1905    );
1906    ret=1;
1907  }
1909  if (!d_inc || !d_coh) return(0);
1911  d_coh->type = 'c';
1912  Sqw->Data_inc.type = 'i';
1913  if (d_coh && !d_coh->intensity && Sqw->s_coh)
1914    printf("Isotropic_Sqw: %s: Coherent scattering Sqw intensity is null.\n"
1915           "Warning        Disabling coherent scattering.\n", Sqw->compname);
1916  if (d_inc && d_coh && d_inc->intensity && d_coh->intensity) {
1917    char msg[80];
1918    strcpy(msg, "");
1919    /* check dimensions/limits for Q, Energy in coh and inc Tables */
1920    if (d_inc->q_bins  != d_coh->q_bins)
1921      strcpy(msg, "Q axis size");
1922    if (d_inc->w_bins  != d_coh->w_bins)
1923      strcpy(msg, "Energy axis size");
1924    if (d_inc->q_max != d_coh->q_max)
1925      strcpy(msg, "Q axis limits");
1926    if (d_inc->w_max != d_coh->w_max)
1927      strcpy(msg, "Energy axis limits");
1928    if (strlen(msg)) {
1929      printf("Isotropic_Sqw: %s: Sqw data from files %s and %s do not match\n"
1930             "WARNING        wrong %s\n",
1931             Sqw->compname, file_coh, file_inc, msg);
1932    }
1933  }
1935  if (!ret) ret=d_inc->intensity+d_coh->intensity;
1936  return(ret);
1937} /* Sqw_init */
1939#endif /* definied ISOTROPIC_SQW */
1948  struct Sqw_sample_struct VarSqw;
1949  int *columns;
1950  off_struct offdata;
1958  int i;
1959  /* check for parameters */
1960  columns = (int[])powder_format;
1962  VarSqw.verbose_output= verbose;
1963  VarSqw.shape = -1; /* -1:no shape, 0:cyl, 1:box, 2:sphere, 3:any-shape  */
1964  if (geometry && strlen(geometry) && strcmp(geometry, "NULL") && strcmp(geometry, "0")) {
1965	  if (off_init(geometry, xwidth, yheight, zdepth, 0, &offdata)) {
1966      VarSqw.shape=3; thickness=0; concentric=0;
1967    }
1968  }
1969  else if (xwidth && yheight && zdepth)  VarSqw.shape=1; /* box */
1970  else if (radius > 0 && yheight)        VarSqw.shape=0; /* cylinder */
1971  else if (radius > 0 && !yheight)       VarSqw.shape=2; /* sphere */
1973  if (VarSqw.shape < 0)
1974    exit(fprintf(stderr,"Isotropic_Sqw: %s: sample has invalid dimensions.\n"
1975                        "ERROR          Please check parameter values (xwidth, yheight, zdepth, radius).\n", NAME_CURRENT_COMP));
1979  if (thickness) {
1980    if (radius && (radius < fabs(thickness) )) {
1981      fprintf(stderr,"Isotropic_Sqw: %s: hollow sample thickness is larger than its volume (sphere/cylinder).\n"
1982                     "WARNING        Please check parameter values. Using bulk sample (thickness=0).\n", NAME_CURRENT_COMP);
1983      thickness=0;
1984    }
1985    else if (!radius && (xwidth < 2*fabs(thickness) || yheight < 2*fabs(thickness) || zdepth < 2*fabs(thickness))) {
1986      fprintf(stderr,"Isotropic_Sqw: %s: hollow sample thickness is larger than its volume (box).\n"
1987                     "WARNING        Please check parameter values.\n", NAME_CURRENT_COMP);
1988    }
1989  }
1991  if (VarSqw.verbose_output) {
1992    switch (VarSqw.shape) {
1993      case 0: printf("Isotropic_Sqw: %s: is a %scylinder: radius=%f thickness=%f height=%f [J Comp Phys 228 (2009) 5251]\n",
1994              NAME_CURRENT_COMP, (thickness ? "hollow " : ""),
1995              radius,fabs(thickness),yheight);
1996              break;
1997      case 1: printf("Isotropic_Sqw: %s: is a %sbox: width=%f height=%f depth=%f \n",
1998              NAME_CURRENT_COMP, (thickness ? "hollow " : ""), xwidth,yheight,zdepth);
1999              break;
2000      case 2: printf("Isotropic_Sqw: %s: is a %ssphere: radius=%f thickness=%f\n",
2001              NAME_CURRENT_COMP, (thickness ? "hollow " : ""),
2002              radius,fabs(thickness));
2003              break;
2004      case 3: printf("Isotropic_Sqw: %s: is a volume defined from file %s\n",
2005              NAME_CURRENT_COMP, geometry);
2006    }
2007  }
2008  );
2010  if (concentric && !thickness) {
2011    printf("Isotropic_Sqw: %s:Can not use concentric mode\n"
2012           "WARNING        on non hollow shape. Ignoring.\n",
2013           NAME_CURRENT_COMP);
2014    concentric=0;
2015  }
2017  strncpy(VarSqw.compname, NAME_CURRENT_COMP, 256);
2018  VarSqw.T2E       =(1/11.605);   /* Kelvin to meV = 1000*KB/e */
2019  VarSqw.sqSE2K    = (V2K*SE2V)*(V2K*SE2V);
2020  VarSqw.sqw_threshold = (threshold > 0 ? threshold : 0);
2021  VarSqw.s_abs     = sigma_abs;
2022  VarSqw.s_coh     = sigma_coh;
2023  VarSqw.s_inc     = sigma_inc; /* s_scatt member initialized in Sqw_init */
2024  VarSqw.maxloop   = 100;       /* atempts to close triangle */
2025  VarSqw.minevents = 100;       /* minimal # of events required to get dynamical range */
2026  VarSqw.neutron_removed = 0;
2027  VarSqw.neutron_enter   = 0;
2028  VarSqw.neutron_pmult   = 0;
2029  VarSqw.neutron_exit    = 0;
2030  VarSqw.mat_rho       = rho;
2031  VarSqw.sqw_norm  = norm;
2032  VarSqw.mean_scatt= 0;
2033  VarSqw.mean_abs  = 0;
2034  VarSqw.psum_scatt= 0;
2035  VarSqw.single_coh= 0;
2036  VarSqw.single_inc= 0;
2037  VarSqw.multi     = 0;
2038  VarSqw.barns     = powder_barns;
2039  VarSqw.sqw_classical = classical;
2040  VarSqw.lookup_length=100;
2041  VarSqw.mat_weight    = weight;
2042  VarSqw.mat_density   = density;
2043  if (quantum_correction && strlen(quantum_correction))
2044    strncpy(VarSqw.Q_correction, quantum_correction, 256);
2045  else
2046    strncpy(VarSqw.Q_correction, "default", 256);
2048  /* PowderN compatibility members */
2049  VarSqw.Dd        = powder_Dd;
2050  VarSqw.DWfactor  = powder_DW;
2051  VarSqw.Temperature= T;
2052  for (i=0; i< 9; i++) VarSqw.column_order[i] = columns[i];
2053  VarSqw.column_order[8] = (VarSqw.column_order[0] >= 0 ? 0 : 2);
2055  /* optional ways to define rho */
2056  if (!VarSqw.mat_rho && powder_Vc > 0)
2057    VarSqw.mat_rho = 1/powder_Vc;
2058  /* import the data files ================================================== */
2059  if (!Sqw_init(&VarSqw, Sqw_coh, Sqw_inc)) {
2060    printf("Isotropic_Sqw: %s: ERROR importing data files (Sqw_init coh=%s inc=%s).\n",NAME_CURRENT_COMP, Sqw_coh, Sqw_inc);
2061  }
2062  if ( VarSqw.s_coh < 0) VarSqw.s_coh=0;
2063  if ( VarSqw.s_inc < 0) VarSqw.s_inc=0;
2064  if ( VarSqw.s_abs < 0) VarSqw.s_abs=0;
2065  if ((VarSqw.s_coh > 0 || VarSqw.s_inc > 0) && VarSqw.mat_rho <= 0) {
2066    printf("Isotropic_Sqw: %s: WARNING: Null density (V_rho). Unactivating component.\n",NAME_CURRENT_COMP);
2067    VarSqw.s_coh=VarSqw.s_inc=0;
2068  }
2069  /* 100: convert from barns to fm^2 */
2070  VarSqw.my_a_v  =(VarSqw.mat_rho*100*VarSqw.s_abs*2200);
2071  VarSqw.my_s    =(VarSqw.mat_rho*100*(VarSqw.s_coh>0 ? VarSqw.s_coh : 0
2072                                     +VarSqw.s_inc>0 ? VarSqw.s_inc : 0));
2074  if ((VarSqw.s_coh > 0 || VarSqw.s_inc > 0) && !VarSqw.Temperature
2075   && (VarSqw.Data_coh.intensity || VarSqw.Data_inc.intensity)
2076   && VarSqw.verbose_output)
2077    printf("Isotropic_Sqw: %s: Sample temperature not defined (T=0).\n"
2078           "Warning        Disabling detailed balance.\n", NAME_CURRENT_COMP);
2079  if (VarSqw.s_coh<=0 && VarSqw.s_inc<=0) {
2080    printf("Isotropic_Sqw: %s: Scattering cross section is zero\n"
2081           "ERROR          (sigma_coh, sigma_inc).\n",NAME_CURRENT_COMP);
2082  }
2083  );
2084  if (d_phi) d_phi = fabs(d_phi)*DEG2RAD;
2086  if (d_phi > PI) d_phi = 0; /* V_scatt on 4*PI */
2088  if (d_phi && order != 1) {
2089    printf("Isotropic_Sqw: %s: Focusing can only apply for single\n"
2090           "               scattering. Setting to order=1.\n",
2091           NAME_CURRENT_COMP);
2092    order = 1;
2093  }
2095  /* request statistics */
2096  if (VarSqw.verbose_output > 1) {
2097    Sqw_diagnosis(&VarSqw, &VarSqw.Data_coh);
2098    Sqw_diagnosis(&VarSqw, &VarSqw.Data_inc);
2099  }
2101  for (i=0; i < 2; i++) {
2102    struct Sqw_Data_struct Data_sqw;
2103    Data_sqw =  (i == 0 ? VarSqw.Data_coh : VarSqw.Data_inc);
2104    Table_Free(&(Data_sqw.Sqw));
2105  }
2107/* end INITIALIZE */
2115int    intersect=0;     /* flag to continue/stop */
2116double t0,  t1,  t2,  t3; /* times for intersections */
2117double dt0, dt1, dt2, dt; /* time intervals */
2118double k=0, Ei=0;
2119double v=0, vf=0;
2120double d_path;        /* total path length for straight trajectory */
2121double my_a;          /* absorption cross-section scaled to velocity (2200) */
2122double ws, p_scatt;   /* probability for scattering/absorption and for */
2123                      /* interaction along d_path */
2124double tmp_rand;      /* temporary var */
2125double ratio_w=0, ratio_q=0; /* variables for bilinear interpolation */
2126double q11, q21, q22, q12;
2127double omega=0;       /* energy transfer */
2128double q=0;           /* wavevector transfer */
2129long   index_w;       /* energy index for table look-up SW */
2130long   index_q;       /* Q index for table look-up P(Q|w) */
2131double theta=0, costheta=0; /* for the choice of kf direction */
2132double u1x,u1y,u1z;
2133double u2x,u2y,u2z;
2134double u0x,u0y,u0z;
2135int    index_counter;
2136int    flag=0;
2137int    flag_concentric=0;
2138int    flag_ishollow=0;
2139double solid_angle=0;
2140double my_t=0;
2141double p_mult=1;
2142double mc_trans, p_trans, mc_scatt;
2143double coh=0, inc=0;
2144struct Sqw_Data_struct Data_sqw;
2147/* Store Initial neutron state */
2149VarSqw.ki_x = V2K*vx;
2150VarSqw.ki_y = V2K*vy;
2151VarSqw.ki_z = V2K*vz;
2152VarSqw.ti   = t;
2153VarSqw.vi   = 0;
2154VarSqw.ki   = 0;
2155VarSqw.type = '\0';
2157do { /* Main interaction loop. Ends with intersect=0 */
2159  /* Intersection neutron trajectory / sample (sample surface) */
2160  if (VarSqw.s_coh > 0 || VarSqw.s_inc > 0) {
2161    if (thickness >= 0) {
2162      if (VarSqw.shape==0)
2163        intersect=cylinder_intersect(&t0,&t3, x,y,z,vx,vy,vz, radius,yheight);
2164      else if (VarSqw.shape==1)
2165        intersect=box_intersect     (&t0,&t3, x,y,z,vx,vy,vz, xwidth,yheight,zdepth);
2166      else if (VarSqw.shape==2)
2167        intersect=sphere_intersect  (&t0,&t3, x,y,z,vx,vy,vz, radius);
2168      else if (VarSqw.shape == 3)
2169        intersect=off_intersect(&t0, &t3, NULL, NULL, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, offdata );
2170    } else {
2171      if (VarSqw.shape==0)
2172        intersect=cylinder_intersect(&t0,&t3, x,y,z,vx,vy,vz, radius-thickness,
2173          yheight-2*thickness > 0 ? yheight-2*thickness : yheight);
2174      else if (VarSqw.shape==1)
2175        intersect=box_intersect     (&t0,&t3, x,y,z,vx,vy,vz,
2176          xwidth-2*thickness > 0 ?  xwidth-2*thickness : xwidth,
2177          yheight-2*thickness > 0 ? yheight-2*thickness : yheight,
2178          zdepth-2*thickness > 0 ?  zdepth-2*thickness : zdepth);
2179      else if (VarSqw.shape==2)
2180        intersect=sphere_intersect  (&t0,&t3, x,y,z,vx,vy,vz, radius-thickness);
2181      else if (VarSqw.shape == 3)
2182        intersect=off_intersect(&t0, &t3, NULL, NULL, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, offdata );
2183    }
2184  } else intersect=0;
2186  /* Computing the intermediate times */
2187  if (intersect) {
2188    flag_ishollow = 0;
2189    if (thickness > 0) {
2190      if (VarSqw.shape==0 && cylinder_intersect(&t1,&t2, x,y,z,vx,vy,vz, radius-thickness,
2191        yheight-2*thickness > 0 ? yheight-2*thickness : yheight))
2192        flag_ishollow=1;
2193      else if (VarSqw.shape==2 && sphere_intersect   (&t1,&t2, x,y,z,vx,vy,vz, radius-thickness))
2194        flag_ishollow=1;
2195      else if (VarSqw.shape==1 && box_intersect(&t1,&t2, x,y,z,vx,vy,vz,
2196        xwidth-2*thickness > 0 ? xwidth-2*thickness : xwidth,
2197        yheight-2*thickness > 0 ? yheight-2*thickness : yheight,
2198        zdepth-2*thickness > 0 ? zdepth-2*thickness : zdepth))
2199        flag_ishollow=1;
2200    } else if (thickness<0) {
2201      if (VarSqw.shape==0 && cylinder_intersect(&t1,&t2, x,y,z,vx,vy,vz, radius,yheight))
2202        flag_ishollow=1;
2203      else if (VarSqw.shape==2 && sphere_intersect   (&t1,&t2, x,y,z,vx,vy,vz, radius))
2204        flag_ishollow=1;
2205      else if (VarSqw.shape==1 && box_intersect(&t1,&t2, x,y,z,vx,vy,vz, xwidth, yheight, zdepth))
2206        flag_ishollow=1;
2207    }
2208    if (!flag_ishollow) t1 = t2 = t3; /* no empty space inside */
2209  } else break; /* neutron does not hit sample: transmitted  */
2211  if (intersect) { /* the neutron hits the sample */
2213    if (t0 > 0) {  /* we are before the sample */
2214      PROP_DT(t0); /* propagates neutron to the entry of the sample */
2215    } else if (t1 > 0 && t1 > t0) { /* we are inside first part of the sample */
2216      /* no propagation, stay inside */
2217    } else if (t2 > 0 && t2 > t1) { /* we are in the hole */
2218      PROP_DT(t2); /* propagate to inner surface of 2nd part of sample */
2219    } else if (t3 > 0 && t3 > t2) { /* we are in the 2nd part of sample */
2220      /* no propagation, stay inside */
2221    }
2223    dt0=t1-(t0 > 0 ? t0 : 0); /* Time in first part of hollow/cylinder/box */
2224    dt1=t2-(t1 > 0 ? t1 : 0); /* Time in hole */
2225    dt2=t3-(t2 > 0 ? t2 : 0); /* Time in 2nd part of hollow cylinder */
2227    if (dt0 < 0) dt0 = 0;
2228    if (dt1 < 0) dt1 = 0;
2229    if (dt2 < 0) dt2 = 0;
2231    /* initialize concentric mode */
2232    if (concentric && !flag_concentric && t0 >= 0
2233     && VarSqw.shape==0 && thickness) {
2234      flag_concentric=1;
2235    }
2237    if (flag_concentric == 1) {
2238      dt1=dt2=0; /* force exit when reaching hole/2nd part */
2239    }
2241    if (!dt0 && !dt2) {
2242      intersect = 0; /* the sample was passed entirely */
2243      break;
2244    }
2246    VarSqw.neutron_enter++;
2247    p_mult = 1;
2248    if (!v) {
2249      v  = vx*vx+vy*vy+vz*vz;
2250      v = sqrt(v);
2251    }
2252    k  = V2K*v;
2253    Ei = VS2E*v*v;
2255    if (!VarSqw.vi) VarSqw.vi = v;
2256    if (!VarSqw.ki) VarSqw.ki = k;
2258    if (v <= 0) {
2259      printf("Isotropic_Sqw: %s: ERROR: Null velocity !\n",NAME_CURRENT_COMP);
2260      VarSqw.neutron_removed++;
2261      ABSORB; /* should never occur */
2262    }
2264    /* check for scattering event */
2265    my_a   = VarSqw.my_a_v / v; /* absorption 'mu' */
2266    /* compute total scattering X section */
2267    /* \int q S(q) dq /2 /ki^2 sigma  OR  bare Xsection*/
2268    /* contains the 4*PI*kf/ki factor */
2269    coh = VarSqw.s_coh;
2270    inc = VarSqw.s_inc;
2271    if (k && VarSqw.s_coh>0 && VarSqw.Data_coh.intensity) {
2272      double Ei       = VS2E*v*v;
2273      double index_Ei = Ei / (VarSqw.Data_coh.Ei_max/VarSqw.Data_coh.iqSq_length);
2274      coh = Table_Value2d(VarSqw.Data_coh.iqSq, index_Ei, 0);
2275    }
2276    if (k && VarSqw.s_inc>0 && VarSqw.Data_inc.intensity) {
2277      double Ei       = VS2E*v*v;
2278      double index_Ei = Ei / (VarSqw.Data_inc.Ei_max/VarSqw.Data_inc.iqSq_length);
2279      inc = Table_Value2d(VarSqw.Data_inc.iqSq, index_Ei, 0);
2280    }
2281    if (coh<0) coh=0;
2282    if (inc<0) inc=0;
2283    VarSqw.my_s    =(VarSqw.mat_rho*100*(coh + inc));
2285    my_t = my_a + VarSqw.my_s;  /* total scattering Xsect */
2286    if (my_t <= 0) {
2287      if (VarSqw.neutron_removed<VarSqw.maxloop) printf("Isotropic_Sqw: %s: ERROR: Null total cross section %g. Removing event.\n",
2288        NAME_CURRENT_COMP, my_t);
2289      VarSqw.neutron_removed++;
2290      ABSORB; /* should never occur */
2291    } else if (VarSqw.my_s <= 0) {
2292      if (VarSqw.verbose_output > 1 && VarSqw.neutron_removed<VarSqw.maxloop)
2293        printf("Isotropic_Sqw: %s: Warning: Null scattering cross section %g. Ignoring.\n",
2294          NAME_CURRENT_COMP, VarSqw.my_s);
2295      VarSqw.my_s = 0;
2296    }
2298    /* Proba of scattering vs absorption (integrating along the whole trajectory) */
2299    ws = VarSqw.my_s/my_t;  /* (inc+coh)/(inc+coh+abs) */
2300    d_path = v*( dt0 +dt2 );    /* total path lenght in sample */
2301    /* Proba of transmission/interaction along length d_path */
2302    p_trans = exp(-my_t*d_path);
2303    p_scatt = 1 - p_trans; /* portion of beam which scatters */
2305    flag = 0; /* flag used for propagation to exit point before ending */
2307    /* are we next to the exit ? probably no scattering (avoid rounding errors) */
2308    if (VarSqw.my_s*d_path <= 4e-7) {
2309      flag = 1;           /* No interaction before the exit */
2310    }
2311    /* force a given fraction of the beam to scatter */
2312    if (p_interact>0 && p_interact<=1) {
2313      /* we force a portion of the beam to interact */
2314      /* This is used to improve statistics on single scattering (and multiple) */
2315      if (!SCATTERED) mc_trans = 1-p_interact;
2316      else            mc_trans = 1-p_interact/(4*SCATTERED+1); /* reduce effect on multi scatt */
2317    } else {
2318      mc_trans = p_trans; /* 1 - p_scatt */
2319    }
2320    mc_scatt = 1 - mc_trans; /* portion of beam to scatter (or force to) */
2321    if (mc_scatt <= 0 || mc_scatt>1) flag=1;
2322    /* MC choice: Interaction or transmission ? */
2323    if (!flag && mc_scatt > 0 && (mc_scatt >= 1 || rand01() < mc_scatt)) { /* Interaction neutron/sample */
2324      p_mult *= ws; /* Update weight ; account for absorption and retain scattered fraction */
2325      /* we have chosen portion mc_scatt of beam instead of p_scatt, so we compensate */
2326      if (!mc_scatt) ABSORB;
2327      p_mult *= fabs(p_scatt/mc_scatt); /* lower than 1 */
2328    } else {
2329      flag = 1; /* Transmission : no interaction neutron/sample */
2330      if (!VarSqw.type) VarSqw.type = 't';
2331      if (!mc_trans) ABSORB;
2332      p_mult *= fabs(p_trans/mc_trans);  /* attenuate beam by portion which is scattered (and left along) */
2333    }
2335    if (flag) { /* propagate to exit of sample and finish */
2336      intersect = 0;
2337      p *= p_mult; /* apply absorption correction */
2338      PROP_DT(dt0+dt2);
2339      break; /* exit main multi scatt while loop */
2340    }
2341  } /* end if intersect the neutron hits the sample */
2342  else break;
2344  if (intersect) { /* scattering event */
2345    double kf=0, kf1, kf2;
2346    /* mean scattering probability and absorption fraction */
2347    VarSqw.mean_scatt += (1-exp(-VarSqw.my_s*d_path))*p;
2348    VarSqw.mean_abs   += (1-ws)*p;
2349    VarSqw.psum_scatt += p;
2351    /* Decaying exponential distribution of the path length before scattering */
2352    /* Select a point at which to scatter the neutron, taking
2353         secondary extinction into account. */
2354    if (my_t*d_path < 1e-6)
2355    /* For very weak scattering, use simple uniform sampling of scattering
2356       point to avoid rounding errors. */
2357      dt = rand0max(d_path); /* length */
2358    else
2359      dt = -log(1 - rand0max((1 - exp(-my_t*d_path)))) / my_t; /* length */
2360    dt /= v; /* Time from present position to scattering point */
2362    /* If t0 is in hole, propagate to next part of the hollow cylinder */
2363    if (dt1 > 0 && dt0 > 0 && dt > dt0) dt += dt1;
2365    /* Neutron propagation to the scattering point */
2366    PROP_DT(dt);
2368    /* choice between coherent/incoherent scattering */
2369    tmp_rand = rand01();
2370    /* local description at the scattering point (scat probability for atom) */
2371    tmp_rand *= (coh+inc);
2373    flag=0;
2374    if (VarSqw.s_inc>0 && tmp_rand < inc) {
2375      /* CASE 1: incoherent case */
2376      if (!VarSqw.Data_inc.intensity) {
2377        /* CASE 1a: no incoherent Sqw from file, use isotropic V-like */
2378        if (d_phi && order == 1) {
2379          randvec_target_rect_angular(&u1x, &u1y, &u1z, &solid_angle,
2380              vx, vy, vz, 2*PI, d_phi, ROT_A_CURRENT_COMP);
2381          p_mult *= solid_angle/4/PI; /* weighted by focused range to total range */
2382        } else
2383          randvec_target_circle(&u1x, &u1y, &u1z, NULL, vx, vy, vz, 0);
2385        vx = u1x; vy = u1y; vz = u1z;
2386        vf = v; kf = k;
2387        if (!VarSqw.type) VarSqw.type = 'v';
2388        SCATTER;
2389      } else {
2390        /* CASE 1b: incoherent Sqw from file */
2391        if (VarSqw.Data_inc.intensity) {
2392          Data_sqw = VarSqw.Data_inc;
2393          if (!VarSqw.type) VarSqw.type = 'i';
2394          flag = 1;
2395        }
2396      }
2397    } else if (VarSqw.s_coh>0 && tmp_rand > VarSqw.s_inc) {
2398      if (VarSqw.Data_coh.intensity) {
2399        /* CASE2: coherent case */
2400        Data_sqw = VarSqw.Data_coh;
2401        if (!VarSqw.type) VarSqw.type = 'c';
2402        flag = 1;
2403      }
2404    }
2406    if (flag) { /* true when S(q,w) table exists (Data_sqw) */
2408      double alpha=0, alpha0;
2409      /* give us a limited number of tries for scattering: choose W then Q */
2410      for (index_counter=VarSqw.maxloop; index_counter > 0 ; index_counter--) {
2411        double randmax;
2412        /* MC choice: energy transfer w=Ei-Ef in the S(w) = SW */
2413        omega = 0;
2414        /* limit energy transfer range in -w_max:Ei */
2415        index_w  = (long)floor((1+Ei/Data_sqw.w_max)/2*Data_sqw.w_bins);
2416        if (index_w >= Data_sqw.w_bins) index_w = Data_sqw.w_bins-1;
2417        randmax  = Data_sqw.SW[index_w].cumul_proba;
2418        tmp_rand = rand0max(randmax < 1 ? randmax : 1);
2420        /* energy index for rand > cumul SW */
2421        index_w  = Sqw_search_SW(Data_sqw, tmp_rand);
2422        VarSqw.rw = (double)index_w;
2423        if (index_w >= 0 && &(Data_sqw.SW[index_w]) != NULL) {
2424          if (Data_sqw.w_bins > 1) {
2425            double w1, w2;
2426            if (index_w > 0) { /* interpolate linearly energy */
2427              ratio_w = (tmp_rand                         - Data_sqw.SW[index_w-1].cumul_proba)
2428                       /(Data_sqw.SW[index_w].cumul_proba - Data_sqw.SW[index_w-1].cumul_proba);
2429              /* ratio_w=0 omega[index_w-1], ratio=1 omega[index] */
2430              w1 = Data_sqw.SW[index_w-1].omega; w2 = Data_sqw.SW[index_w].omega;
2431            } else { /* index_w = 0 interpolate to 0 energy */
2432              /* ratio_w=0 omega=0, ratio=1 omega[index] */
2433              w1 = Data_sqw.SW[index_w].omega; w2= Data_sqw.SW[index_w+1].omega;
2434              if (!w2 && index_w+1 < Data_sqw.w_bins)
2435                w2= Data_sqw.SW[index_w+1].omega;
2436              if (Data_sqw.w_bins && Data_sqw.SW[index_w].cumul_proba) {
2437                ratio_w = tmp_rand/Data_sqw.SW[index_w].cumul_proba;
2438              } else ratio_w=0;
2439            }
2440            if (ratio_w<0) ratio_w=0; else if (ratio_w>1) ratio_w=1;
2441            omega = (1-ratio_w)*w1 + ratio_w*w2;
2442          } else {
2443            ratio_w = 0;
2444            omega = Data_sqw.SW[index_w].omega;
2445          }
2446        } else {
2447          if (VarSqw.verbose_output >= 3 && VarSqw.neutron_removed<VarSqw.maxloop)
2448            printf("Isotropic_Sqw: %s: Warning: No suitable w transfer for index_w=%li.\n",
2449              NAME_CURRENT_COMP, index_w);
2450          continue; /* no W value: try again with an other energy transfer */
2451        }
2453        /* MC choice: momentum transfer Q in P(Q|w) */
2454        /* limit momentum choice to 0:Q1=SE2V*V2K*(sqrt(Ei)+sqrt(Ei+w)) ? */
2455        if (omega <= Ei)
2456          index_q = (long)floor(
2457                (SE2V*V2K*(sqrt(Ei)+sqrt(Ei-omega))
2458                /Data_sqw.q_max)*Data_sqw.q_bins);
2459        else
2460          index_q = (long)floor(2*k/Data_sqw.q_max*Data_sqw.q_bins);
2462        randmax  = Data_sqw.SQW[index_w][index_q].cumul_proba;
2463        tmp_rand = rand0max(randmax < 1 ? randmax : 1);
2465        /* momentum index for rand > cumul SQ|W */
2466        index_q  = Sqw_search_Q_proba_per_w(Data_sqw, tmp_rand, index_w);
2467        VarSqw.rq = (double)index_q;
2469        if (index_q >= 0 && &(Data_sqw.SQW[index_w]) != NULL) {
2470          if (Data_sqw.q_bins > 1 && index_q > 0) {
2471            if (index_w > 0 && Data_sqw.w_bins > 1) {
2472              /* bilinear interpolation on - side: index_w > 0, index_q > 0 */
2473              ratio_q = (tmp_rand - Data_sqw.SQW[index_w][index_q-1].cumul_proba)
2474                       /(Data_sqw.SQW[index_w][index_q].cumul_proba
2475                       - Data_sqw.SQW[index_w][index_q-1].cumul_proba);
2476              q22 = Data_sqw.SQW[index_w]  [index_q].Q;
2477              q11 = Data_sqw.SQW[index_w-1][index_q-1].Q;
2478              q21 = Data_sqw.SQW[index_w]  [index_q-1].Q;
2479              q12 = Data_sqw.SQW[index_w-1][index_q].Q;
2480              if (ratio_q<0) ratio_q=0; else if (ratio_q>1) ratio_q=1;
2481              q = (1-ratio_w)*(1-ratio_q)*q11+ratio_w*(1-ratio_q)*q21
2482                + ratio_w*ratio_q*q22        +(1-ratio_w)*ratio_q*q12;
2483            } else { /* bilinear interpolation on + side: index_w=0, index_q > 0 */
2484              ratio_q = (tmp_rand - Data_sqw.SQW[index_w][index_q-1].cumul_proba)
2485                       /(Data_sqw.SQW[index_w][index_q].cumul_proba
2486                       - Data_sqw.SQW[index_w][index_q-1].cumul_proba);
2487              q11 = Data_sqw.SQW[index_w]  [index_q-1].Q;
2488              q12 = Data_sqw.SQW[index_w]  [index_q].Q;
2489              if (ratio_q<0) ratio_q=0; else if (ratio_q>1) ratio_q=1;
2490              if (index_w < Data_sqw.w_bins-1 && Data_sqw.w_bins > 1) {
2491                q22 = Data_sqw.SQW[index_w+1][index_q].Q;
2492                q21 = Data_sqw.SQW[index_w+1][index_q-1].Q;
2493                q = (1-ratio_w)*(1-ratio_q)*q11+ratio_w*(1-ratio_q)*q21
2494                  + ratio_w*ratio_q*q22        +(1-ratio_w)*ratio_q*q12;
2495              } else {
2496                q    = (1-ratio_q)*q11  + ratio_q*q12;
2497              }
2498            }
2499          } else {
2500            q    = Data_sqw.SQW[index_w][index_q].Q;
2501          }
2502        } else {
2503          if (VarSqw.verbose_output >= 3 && VarSqw.neutron_removed<VarSqw.maxloop)
2504            printf("Isotropic_Sqw: %s: Warning: No suitable q transfer\n"
2505               "               for w=%g\n",
2506            NAME_CURRENT_COMP, omega);
2507          VarSqw.neutron_removed++;
2508          continue; /* no Q value for this w choice */
2509        }
2511        /* Search for length of final wave vector kf */
2512        /* kf is such that : hbar*w = hbar*hbar/2/m*(k*k - kf*kf) */
2513        /* acceptable values for kf are kf1 and kf2 */
2514        if (!solve_2nd_order(&kf1, &kf2, 1, 0, -k*k + VarSqw.sqSE2K*omega)) {
2515          if (VarSqw.verbose_output >= 3 && VarSqw.neutron_removed<VarSqw.maxloop)
2516            printf("Isotropic_Sqw: %s: Warning: imaginary root for w=%g q=%g Ei=%g (triangle can not close)\n",
2517            NAME_CURRENT_COMP, omega, q, Ei);
2518          VarSqw.neutron_removed++;
2519          continue; /* all roots are imaginary */
2520        }
2522        /* kf1 and kf2 are opposite */
2523        kf = fabs(kf1);
2524        vf = K2V*kf;
2526        /* Search of the direction of kf such that : q = ki - kf */
2527        /* cos theta = (ki2+kf2-q2)/(2ki kf) */
2529        costheta= (k*k+kf*kf-q*q)/(2*kf*k); /* this is cos(theta) */
2531        if (-1 < costheta && costheta < 1) {
2532          break; /* satisfies q momentum conservation */
2533        }
2534/*      else continue; */
2536        /* exit for loop on success */
2537      } /* end for index_counter */
2539      if (!index_counter) { /* for loop ended: failure for scattering */
2540        intersect=0; /* Could not scatter: finish multiple scattering loop */
2541        if (VarSqw.verbose_output >= 2 && VarSqw.neutron_removed<VarSqw.maxloop)
2542          printf("Isotropic_Sqw: %s: Warning: No scattering [q,w] conditions\n"
2543               "               last try (%i): type=%c w=%g q=%g cos(theta)=%g k=%g\n",
2544          NAME_CURRENT_COMP, VarSqw.maxloop, (VarSqw.type ? VarSqw.type : '-'), omega, q, costheta, k);
2545        VarSqw.neutron_removed++;
2546        if (order && SCATTERED != order) ABSORB;
2547        break;       /* finish multiple scattering loop */
2548      }
2550      /* scattering angle from ki to DS cone */
2551      theta = acos(costheta);
2553      /* Choose point on Debye-Scherrer cone */
2554      if (order == 1 && d_phi)
2555      { /* relate height of detector to the height on DS cone */
2556        double cone_focus;
2557        cone_focus = sin(d_phi/2)/sin(theta);
2558        /* If full Debye-Scherrer cone is within d_phi, don't focus */
2559        if (cone_focus < -1 || cone_focus > 1) d_phi = 0;
2560        /* Otherwise, determine alpha to rotate from scattering plane
2561            into d_phi focusing area*/
2562        else alpha = 2*asin(cone_focus);
2563        if (d_phi) p_mult *= alpha/PI;
2564      }
2565      if (d_phi) {
2566        /* Focusing */
2567        alpha = fabs(alpha);
2568        /* Trick to get scattering for pos/neg theta's */
2569        alpha0= 2*rand01()*alpha;
2570        if (alpha0 > alpha) {
2571          alpha0=PI+(alpha0-1.5*alpha);
2572        } else {
2573          alpha0=alpha0-0.5*alpha;
2574        }
2575      }
2576      else
2577        alpha0 = PI*randpm1();
2579      /* now find a nearly vertical rotation axis (u1) :
2580	       * Either
2581	       *  (v along Z) x (X axis) -> nearly Y axis
2582	       * Or
2583	       *  (v along X) x (Z axis) -> nearly Y axis
2584	       */
2585	    if (fabs(scalar_prod(1,0,0,vx/v,vy/v,vz/v)) < fabs(scalar_prod(0,0,1,vx/v,vy/v,vz/v))) {
2586        u1x = 1; u1y = u1z = 0;
2587	    } else {
2588        u1x = u1y = 0; u1z = 1;
2589	    }
2590	    vec_prod(u2x,u2y,u2z, vx,vy,vz, u1x,u1y,u1z);
2592      /* handle case where v and aim are parallel */
2593      if (!u2x && !u2y && !u2z) { u2x=u2z=0; u2y=1; }
2595      /* u1 = rotate 'v' by theta around u2: DS scattering angle, nearly in horz plane */
2596      rotate(u1x,u1y,u1z, vx,vy,vz, theta, u2x,u2y,u2z);
2598      /* u0 = rotate u1 by alpha0 around 'v' (Debye-Scherrer cone) */
2599      rotate(u0x,u0y,u0z, u1x,u1y,u1z, alpha0, vx, vy, vz);
2600      NORM(u0x,u0y,u0z);
2601      vx = u0x*vf;
2602      vy = u0y*vf;
2603      vz = u0z*vf;
2605      SCATTER;
2607      v = vf; k = kf; /* for next iteration */
2609    } /* end if (flag) */
2611    VarSqw.neutron_exit++;
2612    p *= p_mult;
2613    if (p_mult > 1) VarSqw.neutron_pmult++;
2615    /* test for a given multiple order */
2616    if (order && SCATTERED >= order) {
2617      intersect=0; /* reached required number of SCATTERing */
2618      break;       /* finish multiple scattering loop */
2619    }
2621  } /* end if (intersect) scattering event  */
2623} while (intersect); /* end do (intersect) (multiple scattering loop) */
2625/* Store Final neutron state */
2626VarSqw.kf_x = V2K*vx;
2627VarSqw.kf_y = V2K*vy;
2628VarSqw.kf_z = V2K*vz;
2629VarSqw.tf   = t;
2630VarSqw.vf   = v;
2631VarSqw.kf   = k;
2632VarSqw.theta= theta;
2634if (SCATTERED) {
2638  if (SCATTERED == 1) {
2639    if (VarSqw.type == 'c') VarSqw.single_coh += p;
2640    else                    VarSqw.single_inc += p;
2641    VarSqw.dq = sqrt((VarSqw.kf_x-VarSqw.ki_x)*(VarSqw.kf_x-VarSqw.ki_x)
2642                  +(VarSqw.kf_y-VarSqw.ki_y)*(VarSqw.kf_y-VarSqw.ki_y)
2643                  +(VarSqw.kf_z-VarSqw.ki_z)*(VarSqw.kf_z-VarSqw.ki_z));
2644    VarSqw.dw = VS2E*(VarSqw.vf*VarSqw.vf - VarSqw.vi*VarSqw.vi);
2645  } else VarSqw.multi += p;
2647} else VarSqw.dq=VarSqw.dw=0;
2649/* end TRACE */
2654  int  k;
2656  if (VarSqw.s_coh > 0 || VarSqw.s_inc > 0)
2657  for (k=0; k < 2; k++) {
2658    struct Sqw_Data_struct Data_sqw;
2660    Data_sqw =  (k == 0 ? VarSqw.Data_coh : VarSqw.Data_inc);
2661    /* Data_sqw->Sqw has already been freed at end of INIT */
2662    Table_Free(&(Data_sqw.iqSq));
2664    if (Data_sqw.SW)           free(Data_sqw.SW);
2665    if (Data_sqw.SQW)          free(Data_sqw.SQW);
2666    if (Data_sqw.SW_lookup)    free(Data_sqw.SW_lookup);
2667    if (Data_sqw.QW_lookup)    free(Data_sqw.QW_lookup);
2668  } /* end for */
2670#ifdef USE_MPI
2671  if (mpi_node_count > 1) {
2672    double tmp;
2673    tmp = (double)VarSqw.neutron_removed; mc_MPI_Sum(&tmp, 1); VarSqw.neutron_removed=(long)tmp;
2674    tmp = (double)VarSqw.neutron_exit;    mc_MPI_Sum(&tmp, 1); VarSqw.neutron_exit=(long)tmp;
2675    tmp = (double)VarSqw.neutron_pmult;   mc_MPI_Sum(&tmp, 1); VarSqw.neutron_pmult=(long)tmp;
2676    mc_MPI_Sum(&VarSqw.mean_scatt, 1);
2677    mc_MPI_Sum(&VarSqw.psum_scatt, 1);
2678    mc_MPI_Sum(&VarSqw.mean_abs, 1);
2679    mc_MPI_Sum(&VarSqw.single_coh, 1);
2680    mc_MPI_Sum(&VarSqw.single_inc, 1);
2681    mc_MPI_Sum(&VarSqw.multi, 1);
2682  }
2685  if (VarSqw.neutron_removed)
2686    printf("Isotropic_Sqw: %s: %li neutron events (out of %li) that should have\n"
2687           "               scattered were transmitted because scattering conditions\n"
2688           "WARNING        could not be satisfied after %i tries.\n",
2689          NAME_CURRENT_COMP, VarSqw.neutron_removed,
2690          VarSqw.neutron_exit+VarSqw.neutron_removed, VarSqw.maxloop);
2691  if (VarSqw.neutron_pmult)
2692    printf("Isotropic_Sqw: %s: %li neutron events (out of %li) reached\n"
2693           "WARNING        unrealistic weight. The S(q,w) norm might be too high.\n",
2694          NAME_CURRENT_COMP, VarSqw.neutron_pmult, VarSqw.neutron_exit);
2696  if (VarSqw.verbose_output >= 1 && VarSqw.psum_scatt > 0) {
2697    printf("Isotropic_Sqw: %s: Scattering fraction=%g of incoming intensity\n"
2698           "               Absorption fraction           =%g\n",
2699           NAME_CURRENT_COMP,
2700           VarSqw.mean_scatt/VarSqw.psum_scatt, VarSqw.mean_abs/VarSqw.psum_scatt);
2701    printf("               Single   scattering intensity =%g (coh=%g inc=%g)\n"
2702           "               Multiple scattering intensity =%g\n",
2703           VarSqw.single_coh+VarSqw.single_inc, VarSqw.single_coh, VarSqw.single_inc, VarSqw.multi);
2704    );
2705  }
2707/* end FINALLY */
2714  if (VarSqw.s_coh > 0 || VarSqw.s_inc > 0) {
2716    if(VarSqw.shape==1)
2717    {
2718      double xmin = -0.5*xwidth;
2719      double xmax =  0.5*xwidth;
2720      double ymin = -0.5*yheight;
2721      double ymax =  0.5*yheight;
2722      double zmin = -0.5*zdepth;
2723      double zmax =  0.5*zdepth;
2724      multiline(5, xmin, ymin, zmin,
2725                  xmax, ymin, zmin,
2726                  xmax, ymax, zmin,
2727                  xmin, ymax, zmin,
2728                  xmin, ymin, zmin);
2729      multiline(5, xmin, ymin, zmax,
2730                  xmax, ymin, zmax,
2731                  xmax, ymax, zmax,
2732                  xmin, ymax, zmax,
2733                  xmin, ymin, zmax);
2734      line(xmin, ymin, zmin, xmin, ymin, zmax);
2735      line(xmax, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymin, zmax);
2736      line(xmin, ymax, zmin, xmin, ymax, zmax);
2737      line(xmax, ymax, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax);
2739      if (thickness) {
2740        xmin = -0.5*xwidth+thickness;
2741        xmax = -xmin;
2742        ymin = -0.5*yheight+thickness;
2743        ymax = -ymin;
2744        zmin = -0.5*zdepth+thickness;
2745        zmax = -zmin;
2746        multiline(5, xmin, ymin, zmin,
2747                    xmax, ymin, zmin,
2748                    xmax, ymax, zmin,
2749                    xmin, ymax, zmin,
2750                    xmin, ymin, zmin);
2751        multiline(5, xmin, ymin, zmax,
2752                    xmax, ymin, zmax,
2753                    xmax, ymax, zmax,
2754                    xmin, ymax, zmax,
2755                    xmin, ymin, zmax);
2756        line(xmin, ymin, zmin, xmin, ymin, zmax);
2757        line(xmax, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymin, zmax);
2758        line(xmin, ymax, zmin, xmin, ymax, zmax);
2759        line(xmax, ymax, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax);
2760      }
2761    }
2762    else if(VarSqw.shape==0)
2763    {
2764      circle("xz", 0,  yheight/2.0, 0, radius);
2765      circle("xz", 0, -yheight/2.0, 0, radius);
2766      line(-radius, -yheight/2.0, 0, -radius, +yheight/2.0, 0);
2767      line(+radius, -yheight/2.0, 0, +radius, +yheight/2.0, 0);
2768      line(0, -yheight/2.0, -radius, 0, +yheight/2.0, -radius);
2769      line(0, -yheight/2.0, +radius, 0, +yheight/2.0, +radius);
2770      if (thickness) {
2771        double radius_i=radius-thickness;
2772        circle("xz", 0,  yheight/2.0, 0, radius_i);
2773        circle("xz", 0, -yheight/2.0, 0, radius_i);
2774        line(-radius_i, -yheight/2.0, 0, -radius_i, +yheight/2.0, 0);
2775        line(+radius_i, -yheight/2.0, 0, +radius_i, +yheight/2.0, 0);
2776        line(0, -yheight/2.0, -radius_i, 0, +yheight/2.0, -radius_i);
2777        line(0, -yheight/2.0, +radius_i, 0, +yheight/2.0, +radius_i);
2778      }
2779    } else if(VarSqw.shape==2) {
2780      if (thickness) {
2781        double radius_i=radius-thickness;
2782        circle("xy",0,0,0,radius_i);
2783        circle("xz",0,0,0,radius_i);
2784        circle("yz",0,0,0,radius_i);
2785      }
2786      circle("xy",0,0,0,radius);
2787      circle("xz",0,0,0,radius);
2788      circle("yz",0,0,0,radius);
2789    } else if (VarSqw.shape == 3) {	/* OFF file */
2790      off_display(offdata);
2791    }
2792  }
2793/* end MCDISPLAY */