1 /* ----------------------------- MNI Header -----------------------------------
2 @NAME       : scxtominc
3 @INPUT      : argc, argv - command line arguments
4 @OUTPUT     : (none)
5 @RETURNS    : error status
6 @DESCRIPTION: Converts scanditronix format files to a minc format file.
7 @METHOD     :
8 @GLOBALS    :
9 @CALLS      :
10 @CREATED    : January 11, 1993 (Peter Neelin)
11 @MODIFIED   :
12  * $Log: scxtominc.c,v $
13  * Revision 6.4  2008-01-17 02:33:02  rotor
14  *  * removed all rcsids
15  *  * removed a bunch of ^L's that somehow crept in
16  *  * removed old (and outdated) BUGS file
17  *
18  * Revision 6.3  2008/01/12 19:08:14  stever
19  * Add __attribute__ ((unused)) to all rcsid variables.
20  *
21  * Revision 6.2  1999/11/09 13:34:48  neelin
22  * Year 2000 fix for date stored in minc file.
23  *
24  * Revision 6.1  1999/10/29 17:52:07  neelin
25  * Fixed Log keyword
26  *
27  * Revision 6.0  1997/09/12 13:23:31  neelin
28  * Release of minc version 0.6
29  *
30  * Revision 5.0  1997/08/21  13:24:32  neelin
31  * Release of minc version 0.5
32  *
33  * Revision 4.0  1997/05/07  20:00:13  neelin
34  * Release of minc version 0.4
35  *
36  * Revision 3.1  1996/01/04  13:41:48  neelin
37  * Added missing exit when user specifies a bad slice range.
38  *
39  * Revision 3.0  1995/05/15  19:31:05  neelin
40  * Release of minc version 0.3
41  *
42  * Revision 2.5  1995/02/09  14:11:43  neelin
43  * Mods to make irix 5 lint happy.
44  *
45  * Revision 2.4  1995/02/08  19:31:47  neelin
46  * Moved ARGSUSED statements for irix 5 lint.
47  *
48  * Revision 2.3  1995/01/23  09:21:13  neelin
49  * Changed ncclose to miclose
50  *
51  * Revision 2.2  95/01/23  08:57:37  neelin
52  * Changed nccreate to micreate.
53  *
54  * Revision 2.1  95/01/09  15:17:37  neelin
55  * Added code to check for generic reconstructions.
56  *
57  * Revision 2.0  94/09/28  10:33:50  neelin
58  * Release of minc version 0.2
59  *
60  * Revision 1.12  94/09/28  10:33:30  neelin
61  * Pre-release
62  *
63  * Revision 1.11  94/09/28  08:23:58  neelin
64  * Find max and min pixel values for both bytes and shorts.
65  * (Shorts are rescaled to full range).
66  *
67  * Revision 1.10  94/05/31  07:56:42  neelin
68  * Added insertblood.c to optionally insert blood data into minc file.
69  *
70  * Revision 1.9  93/11/17  12:21:55  neelin
71  * Changed default to -noclobber.
72  *
73  * Revision 1.8  93/08/11  15:27:34  neelin
74  * Added RCS logging in source.
75  *
77               Copyright 1993 Peter Neelin, McConnell Brain Imaging Centre,
78               Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University.
79               Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
80               software and its documentation for any purpose and without
81               fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright
82               notice appear in all copies.  The author and McGill University
83               make no representations about the suitability of this
84               software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is" without
85               express or implied warranty.
86 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
88 #include <stdlib.h>
89 #include <stdio.h>
90 #include <string.h>
91 #include <math.h>
92 #include <float.h>
93 #include <ParseArgv.h>
94 #include <time_stamp.h>
95 #include <scx_file.h>
96 #include <minc.h>
97 #include <minc_def.h>
98 #include "isotope_list.h"
100 /* Macro definitions */
101 #undef MALLOC
102 #undef REALLOC
103 #undef FREE
104 #define  MALLOC( n_items, type ) \
105    ( (void *) malloc( (size_t) (n_items) * sizeof(type) ) )
106 #define  REALLOC( ptr, n_items, type ) \
107    ( (void *) realloc( (void *) ptr, (size_t) (n_items) * sizeof(type) ) )
108 #define  FREE( ptr ) \
109    free( (void *) ptr )
111 /* Type declarations */
112 typedef struct {
113    char name[8];
114    int mult;
115    nc_type type;
116    void *att_vector;
117 } scx_mnem_list_type;
119 typedef struct {
120    int nslices;
121    int low_slice;
122    int high_slice;
123    double scan_time;
124    double time_width;
125    double half_life;
126    double zstart;
127    double zstep;
128    char isotope[16];
129    int image_size;
130    int ordered_file;
131    int *ordered_slices;
132    char image_type[16];
133 } scx_file_info_type;
135 typedef struct {
136    int num_scx_slices;
137    int max_nslices;
138    int max_size;
139    float zwidth;
140    float xystep;
141    float xywidth;
142    long vmax;
143    char img_units[16];
144    char patient_name[32];
145    char patient_sex[8];
146    long patient_age;
147    char study_id[40];
148    char start_time[40];
149    long start_year;
150    long start_month;
151    long start_day;
152    long start_hour;
153    long start_minute;
154    float start_seconds;
155    char tracer[10];
156    char injection_time[40];
157    long injection_hour;
158    long injection_minute;
159    float injection_seconds;
160    float injection_dose;
161    scx_mnem_list_type *mnem_list;
162    int num_mnems;
163    int used_MNI_generic_reconstruction;
164 } scx_general_info_type;
166 typedef struct {
167    double sort_key;
168    void *sort_value;
169 } scx_sort_type;
171 /* Function declarations */
172 void usage_error(char *progname);
173 int get_scx_file_info(int num_scx_files, char **scx_files,
174                       int slice_range[2],
175                       scx_file_info_type *scx_file_info,
176                       scx_general_info_type *scx_general_info);
177 void sort_scx_slices(int sort_over_time, int num_scx_files,
178                      scx_file_info_type *scx_file_info,
179                      scx_general_info_type *scx_general_info);
180 int sortcmp(const void *val1, const void *val2);
181 int setup_minc_file(int mincid, int write_byte_data, int copy_all_header,
182                     int ndims, long count[], int num_scx_files,
183                     scx_file_info_type *scx_file_info,
184                     scx_general_info_type *scx_general_info,
185                     char *blood_file);
186 int write_minc_slice(double scale, int write_byte_data,
187                      int mincid, int icvid,
188                      int ndims,long start[], long count[],
189                      short *image, int image_size,
190                      long pixel_max, float image_max,
191                      double scan_time, double time_width, double zpos);
192 int get_scx_slice(scx_file *scx_fp, int slice_num,
193                   long *pixel_max, float *image_max, short *image,
194                   scx_file_info_type *scx_file_info,
195                   scx_general_info_type *scx_general_info);
196 double decay_correction(double scan_time, double measure_time,
197                         double start_time, double half_life);
198 void CreateBloodStructures (int mincHandle, int bloodHandle);
199 void FillBloodStructures (int mincHandle, int bloodHandle);
201 /* Constants */
202 #define TRUE 1
203 #define FALSE 0
204 #define MAX_DIMS 4
205 #define HOURS_PER_DAY 24
206 #define MIN_PER_HOUR 60
207 #define SEC_PER_MIN 60
209 /* Scanditronix mnemonics used */
210 #define SCX_NCS  "NCS"
211 #define SCX_IMFM "IMFM"
212 #define SCX_DATY "DATY"
213 #define SCX_DATM "DATM"
214 #define SCX_DATD "DATD"
215 #define SCX_TIM  "TIM"
216 #define SCX_TIMH "TIMH"
217 #define SCX_TIMM "TIMM"
218 #define SCX_TIMS "TIMS"
219 #define SCX_TIHU "TIHU"
220 #define SCX_ITM  "ITM"
221 #define SCX_ITMH "ITMH"
222 #define SCX_ITMM "ITMM"
223 #define SCX_ITMS "ITMS"
224 #define SCX_MTM  "MTM"
225 #define SCX_ISO  "ISO"
226 #define SCX_CLV  "CLV"
227 #define SCX_CDI  "CDI"
228 #define SCX_CSZ  "CSZ"
229 #define SCX_PXS  "PXS"
230 #define SCX_MAX  "MAX"
231 #define SCX_IMUN "IMUN"
232 #define SCX_MAG  "MAG"
233 #define SCX_FWD  "FWD"
234 #define SCX_PNM  "PNM"
235 #define SCX_SEX  "SEX"
236 #define SCX_AGE  "AGE"
237 #define SCX_RIN  "RIN"
238 #define SCX_CAR  "CAR"
239 #define SCX_ACT  "ACT"
240 #define SCX_IMTP "IMTP"
241 #define SCX_USC  "USC"
243 /* Scanditronix constants */
244 #define SCX_ACTIVITY ""
247 /* Main program */
main(int argc,char * argv[])249 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
250 {
251    /* Variables for arguments */
252    static int write_byte_data=TRUE;
253    static int sort_over_time=TRUE;
254    static int clobber=FALSE;
255    static int verbose=TRUE;
256    static int decay_correct=TRUE;
257    static int slice_range[2]={0, 9999};
258    static int copy_all_header=FALSE;
259    static char *blood_file = NULL;
261    /* Argument option table */
262    static ArgvInfo argTable[] = {
263       {"-byte", ARGV_CONSTANT, (char *) TRUE, (char *) &write_byte_data,
264           "Write out data as bytes (default)."},
265       {"-short", ARGV_CONSTANT, (char *) FALSE, (char *) &write_byte_data,
266           "Write out data as short integers."},
267       {"-time", ARGV_CONSTANT, (char *) TRUE, (char *) &sort_over_time,
268           "Keep time ordering of data (default)."},
269       {"-zposition", ARGV_CONSTANT, (char *) FALSE, (char *) &sort_over_time,
270           "Sort data according to z position."},
271       {"-decay_correct", ARGV_CONSTANT, (char *) TRUE, (char *) &decay_correct,
272           "Do decay correction on images (default)."},
273       {"-nodecay_correct", ARGV_CONSTANT, (char *) FALSE,
274           (char *) &decay_correct, "Don't do decay correction."},
275       {"-clobber", ARGV_CONSTANT, (char *) TRUE, (char *) &clobber,
276           "Overwrite existing file."},
277       {"-noclobber", ARGV_CONSTANT, (char *) FALSE, (char *) &clobber,
278           "Don't overwrite existing file (default)."},
279       {"-verbose", ARGV_CONSTANT, (char *) TRUE, (char *) &verbose,
280           "List files as they are converted (default)"},
281       {"-quiet", ARGV_CONSTANT, (char *) FALSE, (char *) &verbose,
282           "Do not list files as they are converted."},
283       {"-small_header", ARGV_CONSTANT, (char *) FALSE,
284           (char *) &copy_all_header,
285           "Copy only basic header information (default)."},
286       {"-all_header", ARGV_CONSTANT, (char *) TRUE, (char *) &copy_all_header,
287           "Copy all scanditronix header information."},
288       {"-slices", ARGV_INT, (char *) 2, (char *) slice_range,
289           "Range of slices to copy."},
290       {"-bloodfile", ARGV_STRING, (char *) 1, (char *) &blood_file,
291           "Insert blood data from this file."},
293    };
295    /* Other variables */
296    char *pname;
297    char *mincfile;
298    char **scx_files;
299    int num_scx_files;
300    scx_file_info_type *scx_file_info;
301    scx_general_info_type *scx_general_info;
302    long count[MAX_DIMS], start[MAX_DIMS];
303    int ndims;
304    int mincid, icvid, varid;
305    int islice, ifile, i, slice_num;
306    long pixel_max;
307    float image_max;
308    double scale;
309    short *image;
310    scx_file *scx_fp;
311    int status;
312    char *tm_stamp;
313    double first_z, last_z, zstep;
315    /* Get time stamp */
316    tm_stamp = time_stamp(argc, argv);
318    /* Check arguments */
319    pname = argv[0];
320    if (ParseArgv(&argc, argv, argTable, 0) || (argc < 3)) {
321       usage_error(pname);
322    }
324    /* Check the slice range */
325    if ((slice_range[0] < 0) || (slice_range[1] < 0) ||
326        (slice_range[1] < slice_range[0])) {
327       (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error in slice range: %d to %d.\n",
328                      pname, slice_range[0], slice_range[1]);
329       exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
330    }
332    /* Get file names */
333    mincfile = argv[argc-1];
334    argv[argc-1] = NULL;    /* Null-terminate scx file list */
335    num_scx_files = argc - 2;
336    scx_files = &argv[1];
338    /* Print log message */
339    if (verbose) {
340       (void) fprintf(stderr, "Reading headers.\n");
341    }
343    /* Read the files to get basic information */
344    scx_general_info=MALLOC(1, *scx_general_info);
345    scx_file_info = MALLOC(num_scx_files, *scx_file_info);
346    status=get_scx_file_info(num_scx_files, scx_files, slice_range,
347                             scx_file_info, scx_general_info);
348    if (status >= 0) {
349       (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error reading scanditronix file %s.\n",
350                      pname, scx_files[status]);
351       exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
352    }
354    /* Allocate space for ordered slice list if sorting over z position */
355    if (!sort_over_time) {
356       for (ifile=0; ifile<num_scx_files; ifile++) {
357          scx_file_info[ifile].ordered_slices =
358             MALLOC(scx_file_info[ifile].nslices, int);
359       }
360    }
362    /* Sort the slices */
363    sort_scx_slices(sort_over_time, num_scx_files,
364                    scx_file_info, scx_general_info);
366    /* Setup the minc file using the first scanditronix file */
367    if (sort_over_time && (num_scx_files>1)) {
368       ndims = 4;
369       count[0]=num_scx_files;
370       count[1]=scx_general_info->max_nslices;
371    }
372    else {
373       ndims=3;
374       count[0]=scx_general_info->num_scx_slices;
375    }
376    count[ndims-1] = count[ndims-2] = scx_general_info->max_size;
377    mincid = micreate(mincfile, (clobber ? NC_CLOBBER : NC_NOCLOBBER));
378    (void) miattputstr(mincid, NC_GLOBAL, MIhistory, tm_stamp);
379    icvid=setup_minc_file(mincid, write_byte_data, copy_all_header,
380                          ndims, count, num_scx_files,
381                          scx_file_info, scx_general_info, blood_file);
382    if (icvid==MI_ERROR) {
383       (void) fprintf(stderr,
384                      "%s: Error setting up minc file %s from scx file %s.\n",
385                      pname, mincfile, scx_files[0]);
386       exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
387    }
389    /* Initialize minc start and count vectors */
390    for (i=0; i<ndims-2; i++) count[i]=1;
391    (void) miset_coords(ndims, (long) 0, start);
393    /* Set up values for decay correction */
394    scale = 1.0;
396    /* Allocate an image buffer */
397    image = MALLOC(scx_general_info->max_size * scx_general_info->max_size,
398                   short);
400    /* Print log message */
401    if (verbose) {
402       (void) fprintf(stderr, "Copying files:\n");
403    }
405    /* Loop through files */
406    for (ifile=0; ifile<num_scx_files; ifile++) {
408       /* Open the scanditronix file */
409       if ((scx_fp=scx_open(scx_files[ifile]))==NULL) {
410          (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error re-opening file %s.\n",
411                         pname, scx_files[0]);
412          exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
413       }
415       /* Print log message */
416       if (verbose) {
417          (void) fprintf(stderr, "   %s\n", scx_files[ifile]);
418       }
420       /* Get decay correction (scan time is already measured from injection
421          time) */
422       if (decay_correct &&
423           (strcmp(scx_file_info[ifile].image_type, SCX_ACTIVITY) == 0))
424          scale = decay_correction(scx_file_info[ifile].scan_time,
425                                   scx_file_info[ifile].time_width,
426                                   0.0,
427                                   scx_file_info[ifile].half_life);
428       else
429          scale = 1.0;
431       /* Loop through slices */
432       for (islice = 0; islice < scx_file_info[ifile].nslices; islice++) {
434          /* Set the minc coordinates */
435          if (sort_over_time && (num_scx_files>1)) {
436             start[0]=scx_file_info[ifile].ordered_file;
437             start[1]=islice;
438          }
439          else if (sort_over_time)
440             start[0]=islice;
441          else
442             start[0]=scx_file_info[ifile].ordered_slices[islice];
443          count[ndims-1] = count[ndims-2] = scx_file_info[ifile].image_size;
445          /* Copy the slice */
446          slice_num = islice + scx_file_info[ifile].low_slice;
447          if (get_scx_slice(scx_fp, slice_num, &pixel_max, &image_max,
448                            image, &scx_file_info[ifile], scx_general_info) ||
449              write_minc_slice(scale, write_byte_data,
450                               mincid, icvid, ndims, start, count,
451                               image, scx_file_info[ifile].image_size,
452                               pixel_max, image_max,
453                               scx_file_info[ifile].scan_time,
454                               scx_file_info[ifile].time_width,
455                               scx_file_info[ifile].zstep * (double) slice_num +
456                               scx_file_info[ifile].zstart)) {
457             (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error copying slice from file %s.\n",
458                            pname, scx_files[ifile]);
459             exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
460          }
462       }        /* End slice loop */
464       /* Close the scanditronix file */
465       scx_close(scx_fp);
467    }         /* End file loop */
469    /* Write out average z step and start for irregularly spaced slices */
470    if ((ndims!=MAX_DIMS) && (num_scx_files>1)) {
471       start[0] = 0;
472       varid = ncvarid(mincid, MIzspace);
473       (void) mivarget1(mincid, varid, start, NC_DOUBLE, NULL,
474                        &first_z);
475       start[0] = scx_general_info->num_scx_slices - 1;
476       (void) mivarget1(mincid, varid, start, NC_DOUBLE, NULL,
477                        &last_z);
478       if (start[0] > 0)
479          zstep = (last_z - first_z) / ((double) start[0]);
480       else
481          zstep = 1.0;
482       (void) miattputdbl(mincid, varid, MIstep, zstep);
483       (void) miattputdbl(mincid, varid, MIstart, first_z);
484    }
486    /* Close minc file */
487    (void) miattputstr(mincid, ncvarid(mincid, MIimage), MIcomplete, MI_TRUE);
488    (void) miclose(mincid);
490    FREE(image);
491    if (!sort_over_time) {
492       for (ifile=0; ifile<num_scx_files; ifile++) {
493          FREE(scx_file_info[ifile].ordered_slices);
494       }
495    }
496    FREE(scx_file_info);
497    FREE(scx_general_info);
499    exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
501 }
503 /* ----------------------------- MNI Header -----------------------------------
504 @NAME       : usage_error
505 @INPUT      : progname - program name
506 @OUTPUT     : (none)
507 @RETURNS    : (nothing)
508 @DESCRIPTION: Prints a usage error message and exits.
509 @METHOD     :
510 @GLOBALS    :
511 @CALLS      :
512 @CREATED    : January 11, 1993 (Peter Neelin)
513 @MODIFIED   :
514 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
usage_error(char * progname)515 void usage_error(char *progname)
516 {
517    (void) fprintf(stderr,
518              "\nUsage: %s [<options>] <infile> [...] <outfile>\n", progname);
519    (void) fprintf(stderr,
520                "       %s [-help]\n\n", progname);
522    exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
523 }
525 /* ----------------------------- MNI Header -----------------------------------
526 @NAME       : get_scx_file_info
527 @INPUT      : num_scx_files - number of scanditronix files.
528               scx_files - array of scanditronix file names.
529               slice_range - 2-component array giving range of slices
530 @OUTPUT     : scx_file_info - array of structures containing information
531                  about each file.
532               scx_general_info - general information about the scx files.
533 @RETURNS    : (-1) if no error occurs, otherwise, the index (in scx_file)
534               of the first file that could not be read.
535 @DESCRIPTION: Reads information from each scanditronix file given by scx_files.
536 @METHOD     :
537 @GLOBALS    :
538 @CALLS      :
539 @CREATED    : January 12, 1993 (Peter Neelin)
540 @MODIFIED   :
541 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
get_scx_file_info(int num_scx_files,char ** scx_files,int slice_range[2],scx_file_info_type * scx_file_info,scx_general_info_type * scx_general_info)542 int get_scx_file_info(int num_scx_files, char **scx_files,
543                       int slice_range[2],
544                       scx_file_info_type *scx_file_info,
545                       scx_general_info_type *scx_general_info)
546 {
547    static char *the_months[]=
548       {NULL, "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul",
549           "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"};
550    int *num_scx_slices, *max_nslices, *max_size;
551    scx_file *fp;
552    scx_file_info_type *sfip;
553    long lvalue, timh, timm, tims, tihu;
554    float fvalue;
555    char svalue[40];
556    double inj_time;
557    int ifile, i, imnem, imult, length;
558    scx_mnem_types mtype;
559    scx_mnem_list_type *mnem_list;
560    void *att_vector;
562    /* Initialize number of scanditronix slices */
563    num_scx_slices = &(scx_general_info->num_scx_slices);
564    max_nslices = &(scx_general_info->max_nslices);
565    max_size = &(scx_general_info->max_size);
566    *num_scx_slices = 0;
567    *max_nslices = 0;
568    *max_size = 0;
570    /* Loop through files, reading information */
571    for (ifile=0; ifile<num_scx_files; ifile++) {
573       /* Open file */
574       fp=scx_open(scx_files[ifile]);
575       if (fp==NULL) return ifile;
576       sfip = &scx_file_info[ifile];
578       /* Get number of slices */
579       if (scx_get_mnem(fp, SCX_NCS, 0, &lvalue, NULL, NULL)) return ifile;
580       sfip->low_slice = 0;
581       sfip->high_slice = lvalue - 1;
582       if (slice_range[0] > sfip->low_slice)
583          sfip->low_slice = slice_range[0];
584       if (slice_range[1] < sfip->high_slice)
585          sfip->high_slice = slice_range[1];
586       if (sfip->low_slice > sfip->high_slice)
587          sfip->low_slice = sfip->high_slice;
588       sfip->nslices = sfip->high_slice - sfip->low_slice + 1;
589       *num_scx_slices += sfip->nslices;
590       if (sfip->nslices > *max_nslices)
591          *max_nslices = sfip->nslices;
593       /* Get image width */
594       if (scx_get_mnem(fp, SCX_IMFM, 0, &lvalue, NULL, NULL)) return ifile;
595       sfip->image_size = lvalue;
596       if (lvalue > *max_size) *max_size = lvalue;
598       /* Get time (in seconds) */
599       if (scx_get_mnem(fp, SCX_TIMH, 0, &timh, NULL, NULL) ||
600           scx_get_mnem(fp, SCX_TIMM, 0, &timm, NULL, NULL) ||
601           scx_get_mnem(fp, SCX_TIMS, 0, &tims, NULL, NULL) ||
602           scx_get_mnem(fp, SCX_TIHU, 0, &tihu, NULL, NULL)) {
603          return ifile;
604       }
605       sfip->scan_time = (timh * MIN_PER_HOUR + timm) * SEC_PER_MIN
606          + tims + ((double) tihu)/100.0;
608       /* Get injection time (in seconds) (use date from before and check
609          for time before inj_time) */
610       if (scx_get_mnem(fp, SCX_ITMH, 0, &timh, NULL, NULL) ||
611           scx_get_mnem(fp, SCX_ITMM, 0, &timm, NULL, NULL) ||
612           scx_get_mnem(fp, SCX_ITMS, 0, &tims, NULL, NULL)) {
613          return ifile;
614       }
615       inj_time = (timh * MIN_PER_HOUR + timm) * SEC_PER_MIN + tims;
617       /* Set scan time to be from injection time. Check for scans over
618          midnight (cannot deal with scans longer than 1 day */
619       sfip->scan_time -= inj_time;
620       if (sfip->scan_time < 0.0)
621          sfip->scan_time += HOURS_PER_DAY * MIN_PER_HOUR * SEC_PER_MIN;
623       /* Get length of frame (in seconds) */
624       if (scx_get_mnem(fp, SCX_MTM, 0, NULL, &fvalue, NULL))
625          return ifile;
626       sfip->time_width = fvalue;
628       /* Get scan type */
629       if (scx_get_mnem(fp, SCX_IMTP, 0, NULL, NULL, sfip->image_type))
630          return ifile;
632       /* Get isotope and half-life */
633       if (scx_get_mnem(fp, SCX_ISO, 0, NULL, NULL,
634                        sfip->isotope))
635          return ifile;
636       for (i=0; isotope_list[i].name !=NULL; i++) {
637          if (strncmp(isotope_list[i].name, sfip->isotope,
638                      strlen(isotope_list[i].name))==0)
639             break;
640       }
641       sfip->half_life = isotope_list[i].half_life;
643       /* Get z start and step (correct start for non-zero first slice */
644       if (scx_get_mnem(fp, SCX_CDI, 0, NULL, &fvalue, NULL)) return ifile;
645       sfip->zstep = fvalue;
646       if (scx_get_mnem(fp, SCX_CLV, 0, NULL, &fvalue, NULL)) return ifile;
647       sfip->zstart = fvalue + sfip->low_slice * sfip->zstep;
649       /* Get general information from first scx file */
650       if (ifile==0) {
651          if (scx_get_mnem(fp, SCX_CSZ, 0,
652                           NULL, &scx_general_info->zwidth, NULL))
653             return MI_ERROR;
654          if (scx_get_mnem(fp, SCX_PXS, 0,
655                           NULL, &scx_general_info->xystep, NULL))
656             return MI_ERROR;
657          if (scx_get_mnem(fp, SCX_FWD, 0,
658                           NULL, &scx_general_info->xywidth, NULL))
659             return MI_ERROR;
660          if (scx_get_mnem(fp, SCX_MAX, 0,
661                           &scx_general_info->vmax, NULL, NULL))
662             return MI_ERROR;
663          if ((scx_general_info->vmax<=0) || (scx_general_info->vmax>32767))
664             scx_general_info->vmax=32000;
665          if (scx_get_mnem(fp, SCX_IMUN, 0,
666                           NULL, NULL, scx_general_info->img_units))
667             return MI_ERROR;
668          if (scx_get_mnem(fp, SCX_PNM, 0,
669                           NULL, NULL, scx_general_info->patient_name))
670             return MI_ERROR;
671          if (scx_get_mnem(fp, SCX_SEX, 0,
672                           NULL, NULL, scx_general_info->patient_sex))
673             return MI_ERROR;
674          if (scx_general_info->patient_sex[0]=='M')
675             (void) strcpy(scx_general_info->patient_sex, MI_MALE);
676          else if (scx_general_info->patient_sex[0]=='F')
677             (void) strcpy(scx_general_info->patient_sex, MI_FEMALE);
678          else
679             (void) strcpy(scx_general_info->patient_sex, MI_OTHER);
680          if (scx_get_mnem(fp, SCX_AGE, 0,
681                           &scx_general_info->patient_age, NULL, NULL))
682             return MI_ERROR;
683          if (scx_get_mnem(fp, SCX_RIN, 0,
684                           NULL, NULL, scx_general_info->study_id))
685             return MI_ERROR;
686          if (scx_get_mnem(fp, SCX_DATY, 0,
687                           &scx_general_info->start_year, NULL, NULL))
688             return MI_ERROR;
689          scx_general_info->start_year += 1900;
690          if (scx_general_info->start_year < 1950)
691             scx_general_info->start_year += 100;
692          if (scx_get_mnem(fp, SCX_DATM, 0,
693                           &scx_general_info->start_month, NULL, NULL))
694             return MI_ERROR;
695          if (scx_get_mnem(fp, SCX_DATD, 0,
696                           &scx_general_info->start_day, NULL, NULL))
697             return MI_ERROR;
698          if (scx_get_mnem(fp, SCX_TIMH, 0,
699                           &scx_general_info->start_hour, NULL, NULL))
700             return MI_ERROR;
701          if (scx_get_mnem(fp, SCX_TIMM, 0,
702                           &scx_general_info->start_minute, NULL, NULL))
703             return MI_ERROR;
704          if (scx_get_mnem(fp, SCX_TIMS, 0,
705                           NULL, &scx_general_info->start_seconds, NULL))
706             return MI_ERROR;
707          if (scx_get_mnem(fp, SCX_TIHU, 0,
708                           NULL, &fvalue, NULL))
709             return MI_ERROR;
710          scx_general_info->start_seconds += fvalue/100.0;
711          if (scx_get_mnem(fp, SCX_TIM, 0, NULL, NULL, svalue))
712             return MI_ERROR;
713          (void) sprintf(scx_general_info->start_time, "%d-%s-%d %s",
714                         (int) scx_general_info->start_day,
715                         the_months[scx_general_info->start_month],
716                         (int) scx_general_info->start_year,
717                         svalue);
718          if (scx_get_mnem(fp, SCX_CAR, 0,
719                           NULL, NULL, scx_general_info->tracer))
720             return MI_ERROR;
721          if (scx_get_mnem(fp, SCX_ITM, 0,
722                           NULL, NULL, scx_general_info->injection_time))
723             return MI_ERROR;
724          if (scx_get_mnem(fp, SCX_ITMH, 0,
725                           &scx_general_info->injection_hour, NULL, NULL))
726             return MI_ERROR;
727          if (scx_get_mnem(fp, SCX_ITMM, 0,
728                           &scx_general_info->injection_minute, NULL, NULL))
729             return MI_ERROR;
730          if (scx_get_mnem(fp, SCX_ITMS, 0,
731                           NULL, &scx_general_info->injection_seconds, NULL))
732             return MI_ERROR;
733          if (scx_get_mnem(fp, SCX_ACT, 0,
734                           NULL, &scx_general_info->injection_dose, NULL))
735             return MI_ERROR;
737          /* Find out if MNI generic reconstruction was used */
738          if (scx_get_mnem(fp, SCX_USC, 0, NULL, NULL, svalue))
739             return MI_ERROR;
740          scx_general_info->used_MNI_generic_reconstruction =
741             (strncmp(svalue, SCX_MNI_GENERIC_RECONSTRUCTION_CODE,
742                      strlen(SCX_MNI_GENERIC_RECONSTRUCTION_CODE)) == 0);
744          /* Get list of header values */
746          /* Get space for first mnemonic */
747          mnem_list = MALLOC(1, *mnem_list);
749          /* Loop through mnemonics */
750          for (imnem=0;
751               scx_list_mnems(fp, imnem, mnem_list[imnem].name,
752                              &mnem_list[imnem].mult, &mtype)!=NULL;
753               imnem++){
755             /* Get space for attributes (handle strings differently) */
756             switch (mtype) {
757             case scx_string:
758                mnem_list[imnem].type = NC_CHAR;
759                length = 2;
760                att_vector = MALLOC(length, char);
761                *((char *) att_vector) = '\0';
762                break;
763             case scx_long:
764                mnem_list[imnem].type = NC_LONG;
765                att_vector = MALLOC(mnem_list[imnem].mult, long);
766                break;
767             case scx_float:
768                mnem_list[imnem].type = NC_FLOAT;
769                att_vector = MALLOC(mnem_list[imnem].mult, float);
770                break;
771             }
773             /* Loop through multiplicity */
774             for (imult=0; imult < mnem_list[imnem].mult; imult++) {
775                if (scx_get_mnem(fp, mnem_list[imnem].name, imult,
776                                 &lvalue, &fvalue, svalue))
777                   return MI_ERROR;
778                switch (mtype) {
779                case scx_string:
780                   if (imult>0) {
781                      *((char *) att_vector + length - 2) = '\n';
782                      *((char *) att_vector + length - 1) = '\0';
783                      length += 1;
784                   }
785                   length += strlen(svalue);
786                   att_vector = REALLOC(att_vector, length, char);
787                   att_vector = strcat((char *) att_vector, svalue);
788                   break;
789                case scx_long:
790                   *(((long *) att_vector) + imult) = lvalue;
791                   break;
792                case scx_float:
793                   *(((float *) att_vector) + imult) = fvalue;
794                   break;
795                }
797             }  /* Loop over multiplicity */
799             /* Save length of string */
800             if (mtype==scx_string) {
801                mnem_list[imnem].mult = length - 1;
802             }
804             /* Save pointer to attributes */
805             mnem_list[imnem].att_vector = att_vector;
807             /* Get space for next mnemonic */
808             mnem_list = REALLOC(mnem_list, imnem+2, *mnem_list);
809          }
810          scx_general_info->mnem_list=mnem_list;
811          scx_general_info->num_mnems=imnem;
813       }  /* If first file */
815       /* Close file */
816       scx_close(fp);
818    }   /* Loop over files */
820    return -1;
821 }
823 /* ----------------------------- MNI Header -----------------------------------
824 @NAME       : sort_scx_slices
825 @INPUT      : sort_over_time - boolean indicating whether sort should be
826                  over time or z position.
827               num_scx_files - number of scanditronix files.
828               scx_file_info - array of scanditronix file information.
829               scx_general_info - general information about scx files.
830 @OUTPUT     : scx_file_info - modified to give slice ordering information.
831 @RETURNS    : (nothing)
832 @DESCRIPTION: Sorts the scanditronix slices for the output file.
833 @METHOD     :
834 @GLOBALS    :
835 @CALLS      :
836 @CREATED    : January 12, 1993 (Peter Neelin)
837 @MODIFIED   :
838 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
sort_scx_slices(int sort_over_time,int num_scx_files,scx_file_info_type * scx_file_info,scx_general_info_type * scx_general_info)839 void sort_scx_slices(int sort_over_time, int num_scx_files,
840                      scx_file_info_type *scx_file_info,
841                      scx_general_info_type *scx_general_info)
842 {
843    int ifile, islice, isort, num_sort, slice_num;
844    /* Variables for sorting */
845    scx_sort_type *scx_sort;
846    struct {
847       int file;
848       int slice;
849    } *slice_ptr;
850    scx_file_info_type *file_ptr;
852    /* Allocate array for sorting */
853    num_sort = (sort_over_time) ? num_scx_files :
854                                  scx_general_info->num_scx_slices;
855    scx_sort = MALLOC (num_sort, *scx_sort);
857    /* Are we sorting over time or z position */
858    if (sort_over_time) {
859       /* Go through the files */
860       for (ifile=0; ifile<num_scx_files; ifile++) {
861          scx_sort[ifile].sort_key = scx_file_info[ifile].scan_time;
862          scx_sort[ifile].sort_value = &scx_file_info[ifile];
863       }
864    }
865    /* Otherwise we are sorting over z position */
866    else {
867       /* Go through the files and slices */
868       isort=0;
869       for (ifile=0; ifile<num_scx_files; ifile++) {
870          for (islice = 0; islice < scx_file_info[ifile].nslices; islice++) {
871             slice_num = islice + scx_file_info[ifile].low_slice;
872             scx_sort[isort].sort_key = scx_file_info[ifile].zstart +
873                slice_num * scx_file_info[ifile].zstep;
874             slice_ptr = MALLOC(1, *slice_ptr);
875             slice_ptr->file = ifile;
876             slice_ptr->slice = islice;
877             scx_sort[isort].sort_value = slice_ptr;
878             isort++;
879          }
880       }
881    }
883    /* Sort the slices */
884    qsort(scx_sort, num_sort, sizeof(*scx_sort), sortcmp);
886    /* Loop through sorted list */
887    for (isort=0; isort<num_sort; isort++) {
888       if (sort_over_time) {
889          file_ptr=scx_sort[isort].sort_value;
890          file_ptr->ordered_file = isort;
891       }
892       else {
893          slice_ptr = scx_sort[isort].sort_value;
894          ifile = slice_ptr->file;
895          islice = slice_ptr->slice;
896          scx_file_info[ifile].ordered_slices[islice] = isort;
897          FREE(slice_ptr);
898       }
899    }
901    /* Free the sorting array */
902    FREE(scx_sort);
904    return;
905 }
907 /* ----------------------------- MNI Header -----------------------------------
908 @NAME       : sortcmp
909 @INPUT      : val1 - first value
910               val2 - second value
911 @OUTPUT     : (none)
912 @RETURNS    : 0 if values are the same, -1 if val1->sort_key < val2->sort_key
913               and +1 if val1->sort_key > val2->sort_key.
914 @DESCRIPTION: Compares two double precision values. If they are the same,
915               then return 0. If val1 < val2, return -1. If val1 > val2,
916               return +1.
917 @METHOD     :
918 @GLOBALS    :
919 @CALLS      :
920 @CREATED    : January 12, 1993 (Peter Neelin)
921 @MODIFIED   :
922 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
sortcmp(const void * val1,const void * val2)923 int sortcmp(const void *val1, const void *val2)
924 {
926    if (((scx_sort_type *)val1)->sort_key <
927        ((scx_sort_type *)val2)->sort_key)
928       return -1;
929    else if (((scx_sort_type *)val1)->sort_key >
930             ((scx_sort_type *)val2)->sort_key)
931       return 1;
932    else return 0;
934 }
936 /* ----------------------------- MNI Header -----------------------------------
937 @NAME       : setup_minc_file
938 @INPUT      : mincid - id of minc file
939               write_byte_data - boolean indicating whether data should be
940                  written as bytes (TRUE) or shorts (FALSE).
941               copy_all_header - boolean indicating whether all of the
942                  scanditronix header information should be copied or not.
943               ndims - number of dimensions for minc file
944               count - lengths of dimensions minc file
945               scx_filename - name of scanditronix file for header values
946               num_scx_files - number of scanditronix files.
947               scx_file_info - array of information on scanditronix files.
948               scx_general_info - general information about scx files
949               blood_file - name of blood file containing data to include
950 @OUTPUT     : (nothing)
951 @RETURNS    : Image conversion variable id or MI_ERROR if an error occurs.
952 @DESCRIPTION: Initializes the header of the minc file using information from
953               the scanditronix file and the other structures.
954 @METHOD     :
955 @GLOBALS    :
956 @CALLS      :
957 @CREATED    : January 12, 1993 (Peter Neelin)
958 @MODIFIED   :
959 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
setup_minc_file(int mincid,int write_byte_data,int copy_all_header,int ndims,long count[],int num_scx_files,scx_file_info_type * scx_file_info,scx_general_info_type * scx_general_info,char * blood_file)960 int setup_minc_file(int mincid, int write_byte_data, int copy_all_header,
961                     int ndims, long count[], int num_scx_files,
962                     scx_file_info_type *scx_file_info,
963                     scx_general_info_type *scx_general_info,
964                     char *blood_file)
965 {
966    static char *dim_names_array[]={MItime, MIzspace, MIyspace, MIxspace};
967    char **dim_names;
968    static char *dimwidth_names_array[]={
969       MItime_width, MIzspace_width, MIyspace_width, MIxspace_width};
970    char **dimwidth_names;
971    int dim[MAX_DIMS];
972    int img, imgmax, imgmin, dimvarid, widvarid, icv, varid, scx_var;
973    int idim, imnem;
974    int bloodid;
975    double vrange[2];
977    /* Create the dimensions */
978    dim_names = dim_names_array + MAX_DIMS - ndims;
979    dimwidth_names = dimwidth_names_array + MAX_DIMS - ndims;
980    for (idim=0; idim<ndims; idim++) {
981       dim[idim]=ncdimdef(mincid, dim_names[idim], count[idim]);
982       dimvarid=micreate_std_variable(mincid, dim_names[idim], NC_DOUBLE,
983                                      ((idim==0) && (num_scx_files>1)) ? 1 : 0,
984                                      &dim[idim]);
985       widvarid=micreate_std_variable(mincid, dimwidth_names[idim], NC_DOUBLE,
986                                      (strcmp(dim_names[idim], MItime)==0) ?
987                                         1 : 0,
988                                      &dim[idim]);
990       /* Add attributes to the dimension variables */
991       if (strcmp(dim_names[idim], MIzspace)==0) {
992          /* Write out step and start. We will rewrite this for irregularly
993             spaced files */
994          (void) miattputdbl(mincid, dimvarid, MIstep,
995                             scx_file_info[0].zstep);
996          (void) miattputdbl(mincid, dimvarid, MIstart,
997                             scx_file_info[0].zstart);
998          (void) miattputstr(mincid, dimvarid, MIunits, "mm");
999          (void) miattputstr(mincid, dimvarid, MIspacetype, MI_NATIVE);
1000          (void) miattputdbl(mincid, widvarid, MIwidth,
1001                             (double) scx_general_info->zwidth);
1002          (void) miattputstr(mincid, widvarid, MIunits, "mm");
1003          (void) miattputstr(mincid, widvarid, MIfiltertype, MI_GAUSSIAN);
1004       }
1005       else if ((strcmp(dim_names[idim], MIyspace)==0) ||
1006                (strcmp(dim_names[idim], MIxspace)==0)) {
1007          (void) miattputstr(mincid, dimvarid, MIunits, "mm");
1008          (void) miattputdbl(mincid, dimvarid, MIstep,
1009                             (double) scx_general_info->xystep);
1010          (void) miattputstr(mincid, dimvarid, MIspacetype, MI_NATIVE);
1011          (void) miattputdbl(mincid, widvarid, MIwidth,
1012                             (double) scx_general_info->xywidth);
1013          (void) miattputstr(mincid, widvarid, MIfiltertype, MI_GAUSSIAN);
1014       }
1015       else if (strcmp(dim_names[idim], MItime)==0) {
1016          (void) miattputstr(mincid, dimvarid, MIunits, "seconds");
1017          (void) miattputstr(mincid, widvarid, MIunits, "seconds");
1018       }
1019    }
1021    /* Create the image variable */
1022    if (write_byte_data) {
1023       img=micreate_std_variable(mincid, MIimage, NC_BYTE, ndims, dim);
1024       (void) miattputstr(mincid, img, MIsigntype, MI_UNSIGNED);
1025       vrange[0]=0; vrange[1]=255;
1026    }
1027    else {
1028       img=micreate_std_variable(mincid, MIimage, NC_SHORT, ndims, dim);
1029       (void) miattputstr(mincid, img, MIsigntype, MI_SIGNED);
1030       vrange[0] = -scx_general_info->vmax;
1031       vrange[1] = scx_general_info->vmax;
1032    }
1033    (void) ncattput(mincid, img, MIvalid_range, NC_DOUBLE, 2, vrange);
1034    (void) miattputstr(mincid, img, MIcomplete, MI_FALSE);
1036    /* Create the image max and min variables */
1037    imgmax=micreate_std_variable(mincid, MIimagemax, NC_DOUBLE, ndims-2, dim);
1038    imgmin=micreate_std_variable(mincid, MIimagemin, NC_DOUBLE, ndims-2, dim);
1039    (void) miattputstr(mincid, imgmax, MIunits,
1040                       scx_general_info->img_units);
1041    (void) miattputstr(mincid, imgmin, MIunits,
1042                       scx_general_info->img_units);
1044    /* Create the image conversion variable */
1045    icv=miicv_create();
1046    (void) miicv_setint(icv, MI_ICV_TYPE, NC_SHORT);
1047    (void) miicv_setdbl(icv, MI_ICV_VALID_MAX,
1048                        (double) scx_general_info->vmax);
1049    (void) miicv_setdbl(icv, MI_ICV_VALID_MIN,
1050                        (double) -scx_general_info->vmax);
1052    /* Save patient info */
1053    varid = micreate_group_variable(mincid, MIpatient);
1054    (void) miattputstr(mincid, varid, MIfull_name,
1055                       scx_general_info->patient_name);
1056    (void) miattputstr(mincid, varid, MIsex,
1057                       scx_general_info->patient_sex);
1058    (void) ncattput(mincid, varid, MIage, NC_LONG, 1,
1059                    &scx_general_info->patient_age);
1061    /* Save study info */
1062    varid = micreate_group_variable(mincid, MIstudy);
1063    (void) miattputstr(mincid, varid, MImodality, MI_PET);
1064    (void) miattputstr(mincid, varid, MImanufacturer, "Scanditronix");
1065    (void) miattputstr(mincid, varid, MIstudy_id,
1066                       scx_general_info->study_id);
1067    (void) miattputstr(mincid, varid, MIstart_time,
1068                       scx_general_info->start_time);
1069    (void) ncattput(mincid, varid, MIstart_year, NC_LONG, 1,
1070                    &scx_general_info->start_year);
1071    (void) ncattput(mincid, varid, MIstart_month, NC_LONG, 1,
1072                    &scx_general_info->start_month);
1073    (void) ncattput(mincid, varid, MIstart_day, NC_LONG, 1,
1074                    &scx_general_info->start_day);
1075    (void) ncattput(mincid, varid, MIstart_hour, NC_LONG, 1,
1076                    &scx_general_info->start_hour);
1077    (void) ncattput(mincid, varid, MIstart_minute, NC_LONG, 1,
1078                    &scx_general_info->start_minute);
1079    (void) ncattput(mincid, varid, MIstart_seconds, NC_FLOAT, 1,
1080                    &scx_general_info->start_seconds);
1082    /* Save acquisition info */
1083    varid = micreate_group_variable(mincid, MIacquisition);
1084    (void) miattputstr(mincid, varid, MIradionuclide,
1085                       scx_file_info[0].isotope);
1086    if (scx_file_info[0].half_life > 0.0) {
1087       (void) miattputdbl(mincid, varid, MIradionuclide_halflife,
1088                          (double) scx_file_info[0].half_life);
1089    }
1090    (void) miattputstr(mincid, varid, MItracer,
1091                       scx_general_info->tracer);
1092    (void) miattputstr(mincid, varid, MIinjection_time,
1093                       scx_general_info->injection_time);
1094    (void) ncattput(mincid, varid, MIinjection_hour, NC_LONG, 1,
1095                    &scx_general_info->injection_hour);
1096    (void) ncattput(mincid, varid, MIinjection_minute, NC_LONG, 1,
1097                    &scx_general_info->injection_minute);
1098    (void) ncattput(mincid, varid, MIinjection_seconds, NC_FLOAT, 1,
1099                    &scx_general_info->injection_seconds);
1100    (void) ncattput(mincid, varid, MIinjection_dose, NC_FLOAT, 1,
1101                    &scx_general_info->injection_dose);
1102    (void) miattputstr(mincid, varid, MIdose_units, "mCurie");
1104    /* If the MNI generic reconstruction was used, indicate the fact */
1105    if (scx_general_info->used_MNI_generic_reconstruction) {
1106       varid = ncvardef(mincid, "MNI_PET_rec", NC_LONG, 0, NULL);
1107       (void) miattputstr(mincid, varid, MIvartype, MI_GROUP);
1108       (void) miattputstr(mincid, varid, MIvarid,
1109                          "MNI PET reconstruction info");
1110       (void) miadd_child(mincid, ncvarid(mincid, MIrootvariable), varid);
1111       (void) miattputstr(mincid, varid, "generic_reconstruction", MI_TRUE);
1112    }
1114    /* If we want all of the values from the scanditronix header, get them */
1115    if (copy_all_header) {
1117       /* Create a variable for scx mnemonics */
1118       scx_var = ncvardef(mincid, "scanditronix", NC_LONG, 0, NULL);
1119       (void) miattputstr(mincid, scx_var, MIvartype, MI_GROUP);
1120       (void) miattputstr(mincid, scx_var, MIvarid, "MNI SCX variable");
1121       (void) miadd_child(mincid, ncvarid(mincid, MIrootvariable), scx_var);
1123       /* Loop through mnemonics */
1124       for (imnem=0; imnem<scx_general_info->num_mnems; imnem++){
1125          ncattput(mincid, scx_var,
1126                   scx_general_info->mnem_list[imnem].name,
1127                   scx_general_info->mnem_list[imnem].type,
1128                   scx_general_info->mnem_list[imnem].mult,
1129                   scx_general_info->mnem_list[imnem].att_vector);
1130       } /* Loop through mnemonics */
1131    }   /* If copy_all_header */
1133    /* Open the blood file and create the variables if needed */
1134    if (blood_file != NULL) {
1135       bloodid = ncopen(blood_file, NC_NOWRITE);
1136       CreateBloodStructures(mincid, bloodid);
1137    }
1139    /* Attach the icv */
1140    (void) ncendef(mincid);
1141    (void) miicv_attach(icv, mincid, img);
1143    /* Copy the blood data */
1144    if (blood_file != NULL) {
1145       FillBloodStructures(mincid, bloodid);
1146       ncclose(bloodid);
1147    }
1149    return icv;
1150 }
1152 /* ----------------------------- MNI Header -----------------------------------
1153 @NAME       : get_scx_slice
1154 @INPUT      : scx_fp - file pointer for scanditronix file
1155               slice_num - slice to copy
1156               scx_file_info - information on scanditronix file.
1157               scx_general_info - general scx file information
1158 @OUTPUT     : pixel_max - maximum pixel value
1159               image_max - real value to which pixel_max corresponds
1160               image - scanditronix image
1161 @RETURNS    : Returns TRUE if an error occurs.
1162 @DESCRIPTION: Gets a scanditronix image.
1163 @METHOD     :
1164 @GLOBALS    :
1165 @CALLS      :
1166 @CREATED    : January 20, 1993 (Peter Neelin)
1167 @MODIFIED   :
1168 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
get_scx_slice(scx_file * scx_fp,int slice_num,long * pixel_max,float * image_max,short * image,scx_file_info_type * scx_file_info,scx_general_info_type * scx_general_info)1169 int get_scx_slice(scx_file *scx_fp, int slice_num,
1170                   long *pixel_max, float *image_max, short *image,
1171                   scx_file_info_type *scx_file_info,
1172                   scx_general_info_type *scx_general_info)
1173      /* ARGSUSED */
1174 {
1175    long npix, ix, iy, y_offset, off1, off2;
1176    short temp;
1178    /* Get the image from the scanditronix file */
1179    if (scx_get_image(scx_fp, slice_num, image)) return TRUE;
1181    /* Flip the scanditronix image to give positive x & y axes */
1182    npix = scx_file_info->image_size * scx_file_info->image_size;
1183    for (iy=0; iy<scx_file_info->image_size/2; iy++) {
1184       y_offset = iy * scx_file_info->image_size;
1185       for (ix=0; ix<scx_file_info->image_size; ix++) {
1186          off1 = y_offset + ix;
1187          off2 = npix - off1 - 1;
1188          temp = image[off1];
1189          image[off1] = image[off2];
1190          image[off2] = temp;
1191       }
1192    }
1194    /* Get image and pixel max */
1195    if (scx_get_mnem(scx_fp, SCX_MAG, slice_num, NULL, image_max, NULL))
1196       return TRUE;
1197    if (scx_get_mnem(scx_fp, SCX_MAX, 0, pixel_max, NULL, NULL)) return TRUE;
1198    if ((*pixel_max<=0) || (*pixel_max>32767)) *pixel_max = 32000;
1200    return FALSE;
1201 }
1203 /* ----------------------------- MNI Header -----------------------------------
1204 @NAME       : write_minc_slice
1205 @INPUT      : scale - scale for decay correcting image
1206               write_byte_data - boolean indicating whether data should be
1207                  written as bytes (TRUE) or shorts (FALSE).
1208               mincid - id of minc file
1209               icvid - id of image conversion variable
1210               start - coordinate of slice in minc file
1211               count - edge lengths of image to write in minc file
1212               image - pointer to image buffer
1213               pixel_max - maximum pixel value
1214               image_max - real value to which pixel_max corresponds
1215               scan_time - time of slice
1216               time_width - time width of slice
1217               zpos - z position of slice
1218               scx_file_info - information on scanditronix file.
1219               scx_general_info - general scx file information
1220 @OUTPUT     : (nothing)
1221 @RETURNS    : Returns TRUE if an error occurs.
1222 @DESCRIPTION: Writes out the image to the minc file.
1223 @METHOD     :
1224 @GLOBALS    :
1225 @CALLS      :
1226 @CREATED    : January 12, 1993 (Peter Neelin)
1227 @MODIFIED   :
1228 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
write_minc_slice(double scale,int write_byte_data,int mincid,int icvid,int ndims,long start[],long count[],short * image,int image_size,long pixel_max,float image_max,double scan_time,double time_width,double zpos)1229 int write_minc_slice(double scale, int write_byte_data,
1230                      int mincid, int icvid,
1231                      int ndims,long start[], long count[],
1232                      short *image, int image_size,
1233                      long pixel_max, float image_max,
1234                      double scan_time, double time_width, double zpos)
1235      /*ARGSUSED*/
1236 {
1237    double pixmin, pixmax;
1238    long ipix, npix;
1239    double maximum, minimum;
1241    /* Search for pixel max and min */
1242    npix = image_size * image_size;
1243    pixmin = pixmax = image[0];
1244    for (ipix=1; ipix<npix; ipix++) {
1245       if (image[ipix]>pixmax) pixmax = image[ipix];
1246       if (image[ipix]<pixmin) pixmin = image[ipix];
1247    }
1249    /* Get image max and min */
1250    maximum = image_max * pixmax / (double) pixel_max;
1251    minimum = image_max * pixmin / (double)pixel_max;
1253    /* Change valid range on icv */
1254    (void) miicv_detach(icvid);
1255    (void) miicv_setdbl(icvid, MI_ICV_VALID_MAX, (double) pixmax);
1256    (void) miicv_setdbl(icvid, MI_ICV_VALID_MIN, (double) pixmin);
1257    (void) miicv_attach(icvid, mincid, ncvarid(mincid, MIimage));
1259    /* Calculate real max and min */
1260    maximum = maximum * scale;
1261    minimum = minimum * scale;
1263    /* Write out the image */
1264    (void) miicv_put(icvid, start, count, image);
1266    /* Write out image max and min */
1267    (void) ncvarput1(mincid, ncvarid(mincid, MIimagemax), start, &maximum);
1268    (void) ncvarput1(mincid, ncvarid(mincid, MIimagemin), start, &minimum);
1270    /* Write out time and z position */
1271    if (ndims==MAX_DIMS) {
1272       (void) mivarput1(mincid, ncvarid(mincid, MItime), start,
1273                        NC_DOUBLE, NULL, &scan_time);
1274       (void) mivarput1(mincid, ncvarid(mincid, MItime_width), start,
1275                        NC_DOUBLE, NULL, &time_width);
1276    }
1277    (void) mivarput1(mincid, ncvarid(mincid, MIzspace), &start[ndims-3],
1278                     NC_DOUBLE, NULL, &zpos);
1280    return FALSE;
1281 }
1283 /* ----------------------------- MNI Header -----------------------------------
1284 @NAME       : decay_correction
1285 @INPUT      : scan_time - time of beginning of sample
1286               measure_time - length of sample
1287               start_time - time to which we should decay correct
1288               half_life - half life of isotope
1289 @OUTPUT     : (nothing)
1290 @RETURNS    : decay correction scaling factor
1291 @DESCRIPTION: Calculates the decay correction needed to get equivalent counts
1292               at start_time. Correction assumes constant activity (without
1293               decay) over measure_time.
1294 @METHOD     :
1295 @GLOBALS    :
1296 @CALLS      :
1297 @CREATED    : January 21, 1993 (Peter Neelin)
1298 @MODIFIED   :
1299 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
decay_correction(double scan_time,double measure_time,double start_time,double half_life)1300 double decay_correction(double scan_time, double measure_time,
1301                         double start_time, double half_life)
1302 {
1303    double mean_life;
1304    double measure_correction;
1305    double decay;
1307    /* Check for negative half_life and calculate mean life */
1308    if (half_life <= 0.0) return 1.0;
1309    mean_life = half_life/ log(2.0);
1311    /* Normalize scan time and measure_time */
1312    scan_time = (scan_time - start_time) / mean_life;
1313    measure_time /= mean_life;
1315    /* Calculate correction for decay over measuring time (assuming a
1316       constant activity). Check for possible rounding errors. */
1317    if ((measure_time*measure_time/2.0) < DBL_EPSILON) {
1318       measure_correction = 1.0 - measure_time/2.0;
1319    }
1320    else {
1321       measure_correction = (1.0 - exp(-measure_time)) / fabs(measure_time);
1322    }
1324    /* Calculate decay */
1325    decay = exp(-scan_time) * measure_correction;
1326    if (decay<=0.0) decay = DBL_MAX;
1327    else decay = 1.0/decay;
1329    return decay;
1330 }