2                    MPQC: Massively Parallel Quantum Chemistry
3                             Version 2.1.0-alpha-gcc3
5  Machine:    i686-pc-linux-gnu
6  User:       cljanss@aros.ca.sandia.gov
7  Start Time: Sat Apr  6 14:19:30 2002
9  Using ProcMessageGrp for message passing (number of nodes = 1).
10  Using PthreadThreadGrp for threading (number of threads = 2).
11  Using ProcMemoryGrp for distributed shared memory.
12  Total number of processors = 2
13  Reading file /usr/local/mpqc/2.1.0-alpha-gcc3/share/atominfo.kv.
15  IntCoorGen: generated 116 coordinates.
16  Forming optimization coordinates:
17    SymmMolecularCoor::form_variable_coordinates()
18      expected 42 coordinates
19      found 2 variable coordinates
20      found 0 constant coordinates
21  Reading file /usr/local/mpqc/2.1.0-alpha-gcc3/share/basis/sto-3g.kv.
22      Reading file /usr/local/mpqc/2.1.0-alpha-gcc3/share/basis/sto-3g.kv.
24      CLSCF::init: total charge = 0
26      Starting from core Hamiltonian guess
28      Using symmetric orthogonalization.
29      n(SO):            24    24
30      Maximum orthogonalization residual = 3.1974
31      Minimum orthogonalization residual = 0.16589
32      docc = [ 14 14 ]
33      nbasis = 48
35  CLSCF::init: total charge = 0
37  Using symmetric orthogonalization.
38  n(SO):            24    24
39  Maximum orthogonalization residual = 3.1974
40  Minimum orthogonalization residual = 0.16589
41  Using guess wavefunction as starting vector
43      SCF::compute: energy accuracy = 1.0000000e-06
45      integral intermediate storage = 597256 bytes
46      integral cache = 31383928 bytes
47      nuclear repulsion energy =  370.7642087535
49                    312734 integrals
50      iter     1 energy = -302.6043980693 delta = 2.31080e-01
51                    348062 integrals
52      iter     2 energy = -303.7280142656 delta = 5.44515e-02
53                    321630 integrals
54      iter     3 energy = -303.7785912303 delta = 1.61685e-02
55                    360256 integrals
56      iter     4 energy = -303.7806019259 delta = 4.36798e-03
57                    365924 integrals
58      iter     5 energy = -303.7806137943 delta = 3.48515e-04
59                    315406 integrals
60      iter     6 energy = -303.7806159212 delta = 4.04284e-05
61                    369734 integrals
62      iter     7 energy = -303.7806141568 delta = 4.46243e-06
64      HOMO is    14  Ag =  -0.341422
65      LUMO is    15  Au =   0.482080
67      total scf energy = -303.7806141568
69  docc = [ 14 14 ]
70  nbasis = 48
72  Molecular formula C8H8
74  MPQC options:
75    matrixkit     = <ReplSCMatrixKit>
76    filename      = symm1_cubmp284sto3gci
77    restart_file  = symm1_cubmp284sto3gci.ckpt
78    restart       = no
79    checkpoint    = no
80    savestate     = no
81    do_energy     = yes
82    do_gradient   = yes
83    optimize      = no
84    write_pdb     = no
85    print_mole    = yes
86    print_timings = yes
88  Entered memgrp based MP2 routine
89  nproc = 1
90  Memory available per node:      32000000 Bytes
91  Static memory used per node:    48784 Bytes
92  Total memory used per node:     10629776 Bytes
93  Memory required for one pass:   10629776 Bytes
94  Minimum memory required:        583184 Bytes
95  Batch size:                     20
96   npass  rest  nbasis  nshell  nfuncmax
97    1      0     48       24       4
98   nocc   nvir   nfzc   nfzv
99    28     20     8      4
101  SCF::compute: energy accuracy = 1.0000000e-08
103  integral intermediate storage = 597256 bytes
104  integral cache = 31383928 bytes
105  nuclear repulsion energy =  370.7642087535
107                313822 integrals
108  iter     1 energy = -303.7848973616 delta = 2.39887e-01
109                362636 integrals
110  iter     2 energy = -303.7804452139 delta = 1.13828e-03
111                341806 integrals
112  iter     3 energy = -303.7805650953 delta = 5.05433e-04
113                329712 integrals
114  iter     4 energy = -303.7805956441 delta = 2.19215e-04
115                366310 integrals
116  iter     5 energy = -303.7806026215 delta = 1.10206e-04
117                335026 integrals
118  iter     6 energy = -303.7806061964 delta = 5.05004e-05
119                352088 integrals
120  iter     7 energy = -303.7806144389 delta = 2.56149e-04
121                370938 integrals
122  iter     8 energy = -303.7806141568 delta = 6.20962e-07
123                338846 integrals
124  iter     9 energy = -303.7806141557 delta = 3.08867e-07
125                371490 integrals
126  iter    10 energy = -303.7806141568 delta = 4.35774e-08
128  HOMO is    14  Ag =  -0.341422
129  LUMO is    15  Au =   0.482080
131  total scf energy = -303.7806141568
132  NOTE: There are degenerate orbitals within an irrep.  This will make
133        some diagnostics, such as the largest amplitude, nonunique.
134  NOTE: There are degenerate orbitals within an irrep.  This will make
135        some diagnostics, such as the largest amplitude, nonunique.
137  WARNING: MBPT2: gap between frozen and active virtual orbitals is 0.134653 au
140  Memory used for integral intermediates: 1246184 Bytes
141  Memory used for integral storage:       10110804 Bytes
142  Size of global distributed array:       10321920 Bytes
143  Beginning pass 1
144  Begin loop over shells (erep, 1.+2. q.t.)
145    working on shell pair (  0   0),  0.7% complete
146    working on shell pair (  7   2), 10.7% complete
147    working on shell pair ( 10   5), 20.7% complete
148    working on shell pair ( 12  12), 30.7% complete
149    working on shell pair ( 15   0), 40.7% complete
150    working on shell pair ( 16  14), 50.7% complete
151    working on shell pair ( 18   9), 60.7% complete
152    working on shell pair ( 20   0), 70.7% complete
153    working on shell pair ( 21   9), 80.7% complete
154    working on shell pair ( 22  17), 90.7% complete
155  End of loop over shells
156  Begin third q.t.
157  End of third q.t.
158  Begin fourth q.t.
159  End of fourth q.t.
160  Begin third and fourth q.b.t.
161    working on shell pair (  0   0),  0.7% complete
162    working on shell pair (  7   2), 10.7% complete
163    working on shell pair ( 10   5), 20.7% complete
164    working on shell pair ( 12  12), 30.7% complete
165    working on shell pair ( 15   0), 40.7% complete
166    working on shell pair ( 16  14), 50.7% complete
167    working on shell pair ( 18   9), 60.7% complete
168    working on shell pair ( 20   0), 70.7% complete
169    working on shell pair ( 21   9), 80.7% complete
170    working on shell pair ( 22  17), 90.7% complete
171  End of third and fourth q.b.t.
172  Done with pass 1
174  Largest first order coefficients (unique):
175     1  -0.02567490 13  Au 13  Au -> 16  Ag 16  Ag (+-+-)
176     2  -0.02354684 14  Au 14  Au -> 17  Ag 17  Ag (+-+-)
177     3  -0.01827073 10  Ag 10  Ag -> 16  Au 16  Au (+-+-)
178     4  -0.01714305 10  Au 10  Au -> 20  Au 20  Au (+-+-)
179     5  -0.01702100 12  Au 12  Au -> 23  Au 23  Au (+-+-)
180     6  -0.01661559 12  Au 12  Au -> 18  Ag 18  Ag (+-+-)
181     7  -0.01623995 12  Au 12  Au -> 17  Ag 17  Ag (+-+-)
182     8  -0.01575341 11  Ag 11  Ag -> 15  Au 15  Au (+-+-)
183     9  -0.01549040 11  Ag 11  Ag -> 17  Au 17  Au (+-+-)
184    10  -0.01534787 13  Au 13  Au -> 22  Au 22  Au (+-+-)
186  RHF energy [au]:                   -303.780614156841
187  MP2 correlation energy [au]:         -0.288087024544
188  MP2 energy [au]:                   -304.068701181386
190  D1(MP2)                =   0.00662558
191  S2 matrix 1-norm       =   0.00927535
192  S2 matrix inf-norm     =   0.01434753
193  S2 diagnostic          =   0.00196912
195  Largest S2 values (unique determinants):
196     1  -0.00488214 10  Au -> 15  Au
197     2   0.00428597  9  Au -> 17  Au
198     3   0.00419595 11  Au -> 16  Au
199     4  -0.00380792 10  Au -> 20  Au
200     5  -0.00304042  9  Au -> 18  Au
201     6  -0.00303050 11  Au -> 19  Au
202     7  -0.00302687 11  Au -> 17  Au
203     8   0.00261430  9  Au -> 16  Au
204     9   0.00233758 11  Au -> 18  Au
205    10  -0.00230968  9  Au -> 19  Au
207  D2(MP1) =   0.10126052
209  CPHF: iter =  1 rms(P) = 0.0078864202 eps = 0.0000000100
210  CPHF: iter =  2 rms(P) = 0.0003893900 eps = 0.0000000100
211  CPHF: iter =  3 rms(P) = 0.0000206780 eps = 0.0000000100
212  CPHF: iter =  4 rms(P) = 0.0000009317 eps = 0.0000000100
213  CPHF: iter =  5 rms(P) = 0.0000000646 eps = 0.0000000100
214  CPHF: iter =  6 rms(P) = 0.0000000026 eps = 0.0000000100
216  Total MP2 gradient [au]:
217       1   H  -0.0002215422  -0.0002215422  -0.0002215422
218       2   H   0.0002215422   0.0002215422  -0.0002215422
219       3   H  -0.0002215422   0.0002215422   0.0002215422
220       4   H   0.0002215422  -0.0002215422   0.0002215422
221       5   H   0.0002215422   0.0002215422   0.0002215422
222       6   H  -0.0002215422  -0.0002215422   0.0002215422
223       7   H   0.0002215422  -0.0002215422  -0.0002215422
224       8   H  -0.0002215422   0.0002215422  -0.0002215422
225       9   C  -0.0257514301  -0.0257514301  -0.0257514301
226      10   C   0.0257514301   0.0257514301  -0.0257514301
227      11   C  -0.0257514301   0.0257514301   0.0257514301
228      12   C   0.0257514301  -0.0257514301   0.0257514301
229      13   C   0.0257514301   0.0257514301   0.0257514301
230      14   C  -0.0257514301  -0.0257514301   0.0257514301
231      15   C   0.0257514301  -0.0257514301  -0.0257514301
232      16   C  -0.0257514301   0.0257514301  -0.0257514301
234  Value of the MolecularEnergy: -304.0687011814
237  Gradient of the MolecularEnergy:
238      1    0.0628530844
239      2   -0.0643879739
241  MBPT2:
242    Function Parameters:
243      value_accuracy    = 1.571331e-07 (1.000000e-06) (computed)
244      gradient_accuracy = 0.000000e+00 (1.000000e-06) (computed)
245      hessian_accuracy  = 0.000000e+00 (1.000000e-04)
247    Molecular Coordinates:
248      IntMolecularCoor Parameters:
249        update_bmat = no
250        scale_bonds = 1.0000000000
251        scale_bends = 1.0000000000
252        scale_tors = 1.0000000000
253        scale_outs = 1.0000000000
254        symmetry_tolerance = 1.000000e-05
255        simple_tolerance = 1.000000e-03
256        coordinate_tolerance = 1.000000e-07
257        have_fixed_values = 0
258        max_update_steps = 100
259        max_update_disp = 0.500000
260        have_fixed_values = 0
262      Molecular formula: C8H8
263      molecule<Molecule>: (
264        symmetry = ci
265        unit = "angstrom"
266        {  n atoms                        geometry                     }={
267           1     H [    1.4040000000     1.4040000000     1.4040000000]
268           2     H [   -1.4040000000    -1.4040000000     1.4040000000]
269           3     H [    1.4040000000    -1.4040000000    -1.4040000000]
270           4     H [   -1.4040000000     1.4040000000    -1.4040000000]
271           5     H [   -1.4040000000    -1.4040000000    -1.4040000000]
272           6     H [    1.4040000000     1.4040000000    -1.4040000000]
273           7     H [   -1.4040000000     1.4040000000     1.4040000000]
274           8     H [    1.4040000000    -1.4040000000     1.4040000000]
275           9     C [    0.7760000000     0.7760000000     0.7760000000]
276          10     C [   -0.7760000000    -0.7760000000     0.7760000000]
277          11     C [    0.7760000000    -0.7760000000    -0.7760000000]
278          12     C [   -0.7760000000     0.7760000000    -0.7760000000]
279          13     C [   -0.7760000000    -0.7760000000    -0.7760000000]
280          14     C [    0.7760000000     0.7760000000    -0.7760000000]
281          15     C [   -0.7760000000     0.7760000000     0.7760000000]
282          16     C [    0.7760000000    -0.7760000000     0.7760000000]
283        }
284      )
285      Atomic Masses:
286          1.00783    1.00783    1.00783    1.00783    1.00783
287          1.00783    1.00783    1.00783   12.00000   12.00000
288         12.00000   12.00000   12.00000   12.00000   12.00000
289         12.00000
291      Bonds:
292        STRE       s1     1.08773    1    9         H-C
293        STRE       s2     1.08773    2   10         H-C
294        STRE       s3     1.08773    3   11         H-C
295        STRE       s4     1.08773    4   12         H-C
296        STRE       s5     1.08773    5   13         H-C
297        STRE       s6     1.55200   10   13         C-C
298        STRE       s7     1.55200   11   13         C-C
299        STRE       s8     1.55200   12   13         C-C
300        STRE       s9     1.08773    6   14         H-C
301        STRE      s10     1.55200    9   14         C-C
302        STRE      s11     1.55200   11   14         C-C
303        STRE      s12     1.55200   12   14         C-C
304        STRE      s13     1.08773    7   15         H-C
305        STRE      s14     1.55200    9   15         C-C
306        STRE      s15     1.55200   10   15         C-C
307        STRE      s16     1.55200   12   15         C-C
308        STRE      s17     1.08773    8   16         H-C
309        STRE      s18     1.55200    9   16         C-C
310        STRE      s19     1.55200   10   16         C-C
311        STRE      s20     1.55200   11   16         C-C
312      Bends:
313        BEND       b1   125.26439    6   14    9      H-C-C
314        BEND       b2   125.26439    7   15    9      H-C-C
315        BEND       b3   125.26439    8   16    9      H-C-C
316        BEND       b4   125.26439    5   13   10      H-C-C
317        BEND       b5   125.26439    7   15   10      H-C-C
318        BEND       b6    90.00000    9   15   10      C-C-C
319        BEND       b7   125.26439    8   16   10      H-C-C
320        BEND       b8    90.00000    9   16   10      C-C-C
321        BEND       b9   125.26439    5   13   11      H-C-C
322        BEND      b10    90.00000   10   13   11      C-C-C
323        BEND      b11   125.26439    6   14   11      H-C-C
324        BEND      b12    90.00000    9   14   11      C-C-C
325        BEND      b13   125.26439    8   16   11      H-C-C
326        BEND      b14    90.00000    9   16   11      C-C-C
327        BEND      b15    90.00000   10   16   11      C-C-C
328        BEND      b16   125.26439    5   13   12      H-C-C
329        BEND      b17    90.00000   10   13   12      C-C-C
330        BEND      b18    90.00000   11   13   12      C-C-C
331        BEND      b19   125.26439    6   14   12      H-C-C
332        BEND      b20    90.00000    9   14   12      C-C-C
333        BEND      b21    90.00000   11   14   12      C-C-C
334        BEND      b22   125.26439    7   15   12      H-C-C
335        BEND      b23    90.00000    9   15   12      C-C-C
336        BEND      b24    90.00000   10   15   12      C-C-C
337        BEND      b25   125.26439    2   10   13      H-C-C
338        BEND      b26   125.26439    3   11   13      H-C-C
339        BEND      b27   125.26439    4   12   13      H-C-C
340        BEND      b28   125.26439    1    9   14      H-C-C
341        BEND      b29   125.26439    3   11   14      H-C-C
342        BEND      b30    90.00000   13   11   14      C-C-C
343        BEND      b31   125.26439    4   12   14      H-C-C
344        BEND      b32    90.00000   13   12   14      C-C-C
345        BEND      b33   125.26439    1    9   15      H-C-C
346        BEND      b34    90.00000   14    9   15      C-C-C
347        BEND      b35   125.26439    2   10   15      H-C-C
348        BEND      b36    90.00000   13   10   15      C-C-C
349        BEND      b37   125.26439    4   12   15      H-C-C
350        BEND      b38    90.00000   13   12   15      C-C-C
351        BEND      b39    90.00000   14   12   15      C-C-C
352        BEND      b40   125.26439    1    9   16      H-C-C
353        BEND      b41    90.00000   14    9   16      C-C-C
354        BEND      b42    90.00000   15    9   16      C-C-C
355        BEND      b43   125.26439    2   10   16      H-C-C
356        BEND      b44    90.00000   13   10   16      C-C-C
357        BEND      b45    90.00000   15   10   16      C-C-C
358        BEND      b46   125.26439    3   11   16      H-C-C
359        BEND      b47    90.00000   13   11   16      C-C-C
360        BEND      b48    90.00000   14   11   16      C-C-C
361      Torsions:
362        TORS       t1    90.00000   15   10   13   11   C-C-C-C
363        TORS       t2    -0.00000   16   10   13   11   C-C-C-C
364        TORS       t3    -0.00000   15   10   13   12   C-C-C-C
365        TORS       t4   -90.00000   16   10   13   12   C-C-C-C
366        TORS       t5   -90.00000   14   11   13   10   C-C-C-C
367        TORS       t6    -0.00000   16   11   13   10   C-C-C-C
368        TORS       t7    -0.00000   14   11   13   12   C-C-C-C
369        TORS       t8    90.00000   16   11   13   12   C-C-C-C
370        TORS       t9    90.00000   14   12   13   10   C-C-C-C
371        TORS      t10    -0.00000   15   12   13   10   C-C-C-C
372        TORS      t11    -0.00000   14   12   13   11   C-C-C-C
373        TORS      t12   -90.00000   15   12   13   11   C-C-C-C
374        TORS      t13   -90.00000   15    9   14   11   C-C-C-C
375        TORS      t14    -0.00000   16    9   14   11   C-C-C-C
376        TORS      t15    -0.00000   15    9   14   12   C-C-C-C
377        TORS      t16    90.00000   16    9   14   12   C-C-C-C
378        TORS      t17    90.00000   13   11   14    9   C-C-C-C
379        TORS      t18    -0.00000   16   11   14    9   C-C-C-C
380        TORS      t19    -0.00000   13   11   14   12   C-C-C-C
381        TORS      t20   -90.00000   16   11   14   12   C-C-C-C
382        TORS      t21   -90.00000   13   12   14    9   C-C-C-C
383        TORS      t22    -0.00000   15   12   14    9   C-C-C-C
384        TORS      t23    -0.00000   13   12   14   11   C-C-C-C
385        TORS      t24    90.00000   15   12   14   11   C-C-C-C
386        TORS      t25    90.00000   14    9   15   10   C-C-C-C
387        TORS      t26    -0.00000   16    9   15   10   C-C-C-C
388        TORS      t27    -0.00000   14    9   15   12   C-C-C-C
389        TORS      t28   -90.00000   16    9   15   12   C-C-C-C
390        TORS      t29   -90.00000   13   10   15    9   C-C-C-C
391        TORS      t30    -0.00000   16   10   15    9   C-C-C-C
392        TORS      t31    -0.00000   13   10   15   12   C-C-C-C
393        TORS      t32    90.00000   16   10   15   12   C-C-C-C
394        TORS      t33    90.00000   13   12   15    9   C-C-C-C
395        TORS      t34    -0.00000   14   12   15    9   C-C-C-C
396        TORS      t35    -0.00000   13   12   15   10   C-C-C-C
397        TORS      t36   -90.00000   14   12   15   10   C-C-C-C
398        TORS      t37   -90.00000   14    9   16   10   C-C-C-C
399        TORS      t38    -0.00000   15    9   16   10   C-C-C-C
400        TORS      t39    -0.00000   14    9   16   11   C-C-C-C
401        TORS      t40    90.00000   15    9   16   11   C-C-C-C
402        TORS      t41    90.00000   13   10   16    9   C-C-C-C
403        TORS      t42    -0.00000   15   10   16    9   C-C-C-C
404        TORS      t43    -0.00000   13   10   16   11   C-C-C-C
405        TORS      t44   -90.00000   15   10   16   11   C-C-C-C
406        TORS      t45   -90.00000   13   11   16    9   C-C-C-C
407        TORS      t46    -0.00000   14   11   16    9   C-C-C-C
408        TORS      t47    -0.00000   13   11   16   10   C-C-C-C
409        TORS      t48    90.00000   14   11   16   10   C-C-C-C
411      SymmMolecularCoor Parameters:
412        change_coordinates = no
413        transform_hessian = yes
414        max_kappa2 = 10.000000
416    GaussianBasisSet:
417      nbasis = 48
418      nshell = 24
419      nprim  = 72
420      name = "STO-3G"
421    Reference Wavefunction:
422      Function Parameters:
423        value_accuracy    = 1.571331e-09 (1.000000e-08) (computed)
424        gradient_accuracy = 0.000000e+00 (1.000000e-06)
425        hessian_accuracy  = 0.000000e+00 (1.000000e-04)
427      Molecule:
428        Molecular formula: C8H8
429        molecule<Molecule>: (
430          symmetry = ci
431          unit = "angstrom"
432          {  n atoms                        geometry                     }={
433             1     H [    1.4040000000     1.4040000000     1.4040000000]
434             2     H [   -1.4040000000    -1.4040000000     1.4040000000]
435             3     H [    1.4040000000    -1.4040000000    -1.4040000000]
436             4     H [   -1.4040000000     1.4040000000    -1.4040000000]
437             5     H [   -1.4040000000    -1.4040000000    -1.4040000000]
438             6     H [    1.4040000000     1.4040000000    -1.4040000000]
439             7     H [   -1.4040000000     1.4040000000     1.4040000000]
440             8     H [    1.4040000000    -1.4040000000     1.4040000000]
441             9     C [    0.7760000000     0.7760000000     0.7760000000]
442            10     C [   -0.7760000000    -0.7760000000     0.7760000000]
443            11     C [    0.7760000000    -0.7760000000    -0.7760000000]
444            12     C [   -0.7760000000     0.7760000000    -0.7760000000]
445            13     C [   -0.7760000000    -0.7760000000    -0.7760000000]
446            14     C [    0.7760000000     0.7760000000    -0.7760000000]
447            15     C [   -0.7760000000     0.7760000000     0.7760000000]
448            16     C [    0.7760000000    -0.7760000000     0.7760000000]
449          }
450        )
451        Atomic Masses:
452            1.00783    1.00783    1.00783    1.00783    1.00783
453            1.00783    1.00783    1.00783   12.00000   12.00000
454           12.00000   12.00000   12.00000   12.00000   12.00000
455           12.00000
457      GaussianBasisSet:
458        nbasis = 48
459        nshell = 24
460        nprim  = 72
461        name = "STO-3G"
462      SCF Parameters:
463        maxiter = 40
464        density_reset_frequency = 10
465        level_shift = 0.000000
467      CLSCF Parameters:
468        charge = 0.0000000000
469        ndocc = 28
470        docc = [ 14 14 ]
473  The following keywords in "symm1_cubmp284sto3gci.in" were ignored:
474    mpqc:mole:reference:guess_wavefunction:multiplicity
475    mpqc:mole:reference:multiplicity
477                                         CPU  Wall
478mpqc:                                  47.66 59.74
479  calc:                                45.14 57.13
480    mp2-mem:                           45.14 57.13
481      Laj:                              1.58  1.58
482        make_gmat for Laj:              1.52  1.52
483          gmat:                         1.52  1.52
484      Pab and Wab:                      0.00  0.00
485      Pkj and Wkj:                      1.39  1.40
486        make_gmat for Wkj:              1.34  1.34
487          gmat:                         1.34  1.34
488      cphf:                             7.29  7.29
489        gmat:                           7.23  7.26
490      hcore contrib.:                   0.68  0.68
491      mp2 passes:                      21.10 26.79
492        1. q.b.t.:                      0.08  0.07
493        2. q.b.t.:                      0.15  0.15
494        3. q.t.:                        0.43  0.43
495        3.qbt+4.qbt+non-sep contrib.:  12.96 17.66
496        4. q.t.:                        0.28  0.28
497        Pab and Wab:                    0.09  0.09
498        Pkj and Wkj:                    0.16  0.16
499        Waj and Laj:                    0.12  0.13
500        compute ecorr:                  0.01  0.02
501        divide (ia|jb)'s:               0.01  0.01
502        erep+1.qt+2.qt:                 6.78  7.76
503      overlap contrib.:                 0.08  0.08
504      sep 2PDM contrib.:                9.63 15.90
505      vector:                           2.46  2.47
506        density:                        0.01  0.01
507        evals:                          0.02  0.02
508        extrap:                         0.00  0.02
509        fock:                           2.22  2.23
510          accum:                        0.00  0.00
511          ao_gmat:                      2.10  2.13
512            start thread:               2.09  2.08
513            stop thread:                0.00  0.05
514          init pmax:                    0.00  0.00
515          local data:                   0.01  0.01
516          setup:                        0.04  0.03
517          sum:                          0.00  0.00
518          symm:                         0.07  0.05
519  input:                                2.49  2.58
520    vector:                             2.06  2.15
521      density:                          0.00  0.00
522      evals:                            0.01  0.01
523      extrap:                           0.00  0.01
524      fock:                             1.92  1.98
525        accum:                          0.00  0.00
526        ao_gmat:                        1.82  1.92
527          start thread:                 1.82  1.88
528          stop thread:                  0.00  0.03
529        init pmax:                      0.00  0.00
530        local data:                     0.00  0.00
531        setup:                          0.04  0.02
532        sum:                            0.00  0.00
533        symm:                           0.05  0.04
535  End Time: Sat Apr  6 14:20:30 2002