1 /*
2  * Copyright 1998-2015 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/Unidata
3  *  See the LICENSE file for more information.
4  */
6 #include <config.h>
7 #include <stdlib.h>
8 #include <stdio.h>
9 #include <string.h>
10 #include "netcdf.h"
11 #include "ncutf8.h"
12 /*
14 This test is taken from the UTF-8 decoder
15 capability and stress test file created by
17 Markus Kuhn <http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/> - 2015-08-28 - CC BY 4.0
19 This test file can help you examine, how your UTF-8 decoder handles
20 various types of correct, malformed, or otherwise interesting UTF-8
21 sequences. This file is not meant to be a conformance test. It does
22 not prescribe any particular outcome. Therefore, there is no way to
23 "pass" or "fail" this test file, even though the text does suggest a
24 preferable decoder behaviour at some places. Its aim is, instead, to
25 help you think about, and test, the behaviour of your UTF-8 decoder on a
26 systematic collection of unusual inputs. Experience so far suggests
27 that most first-time authors of UTF-8 decoders find at least one
28 serious problem in their decoder using this file.
30 The test lines below cover boundary conditions, malformed UTF-8
31 sequences, as well as correctly encoded UTF-8 sequences of Unicode code
32 points that should never occur in a correct UTF-8 file.
34 According to ISO 10646-1:2000, sections D.7 and 2.3c, a device
35 receiving UTF-8 shall interpret a "malformed sequence in the same way
36 that it interprets a character that is outside the adopted subset" and
37 "characters that are not within the adopted subset shall be indicated
38 to the user" by a receiving device. One commonly used approach in
39 UTF-8 decoders is to replace any malformed UTF-8 sequence by a
40 replacement character (U+FFFD), which looks a bit like an inverted
41 question mark, or a similar symbol. It might be a good idea to
42 visually distinguish a malformed UTF-8 sequence from a correctly
43 encoded Unicode character that is just not available in the current
44 font but otherwise fully legal, even though ISO 10646-1 doesn't
45 mandate this. In any case, just ignoring malformed sequences or
46 unavailable characters does not conform to ISO 10646, will make
47 debugging more difficult, and can lead to user confusion.
49 Please check, whether a malformed UTF-8 sequence is (1) represented at
50 all, (2) represented by exactly one single replacement character (or
51 equivalent signal), and (3) the following quotation mark after an
52 illegal UTF-8 sequence is correctly displayed, i.e. proper
53 resynchronization takes place immediately after any malformed
54 sequence. This file says "THE END" in the last line, so if you don't
55 see that, your decoder crashed somehow before, which should always be
56 cause for concern.
58 All lines in this file are exactly 79 characters long (plus the line
59 feed). In addition, all lines end with "|", except for the two test
60 lines 2.1.1 and 2.2.1, which contain non-printable ASCII controls
61 U+0000 and U+007F. If you display this file with a fixed-width font,
62 these "|" characters should all line up in column 79 (right margin).
63 This allows you to test quickly, whether your UTF-8 decoder finds the
64 correct number of characters in every line, that is whether each
65 malformed sequences is replaced by a single replacement character.
67 Note that, as an alternative to the notion of malformed sequence used
68 here, it is also a perfectly acceptable (and in some situations even
69 preferable) solution to represent each individual byte of a malformed
70 sequence with a replacement character. If you follow this strategy in
71 your decoder, then please ignore the "|" column.
72 */
75 struct Test {
76     int xfail;
77     const char* id;
78     const char* description;
79     const char* data;
80 };
83 /* The following tests are in envv form */
85 /*1  Some correct UTF-8 text
86      You should see the Greek word 'kosme':
87 */
88 static const struct Test utf8ok[] = {
89 {0, "1.1.1", "Greek word 'kosme'",
90 "κόσμε"},
92 };
94 static const struct Test utf8boundary[] = {
96 /*2  Boundary condition test */
97 /*2.1  First possible sequence of a certain length */
98 {0,"2.1.1", "1 byte  (U-00000000)",        "\000"},
99 {0,"2.1.2", "2 bytes (U-00000080)",        "€"},
100 {0,"2.1.3", "3 bytes (U-00000800)",        "ࠀ"},
101 {0,"2.1.4", "4 bytes (U-00010000)",        "��"},
102 {1,"2.1.5", "5 bytes (U-00200000)",        "�����"},
103 {1,"2.1.6", "6 bytes (U-04000000)",        "������"},
105 /*2.2  Last possible sequence of a certain length*/
106 {0,"2.2.1", "1 byte  (U-0000007F)",        ""},
107 {0,"2.2.2", "2 bytes (U-000007FF)",        "߿"},
108 {0,"2.2.3", "3 bytes (U-0000FFFF)",        "￿"}, /*See 5.3.2 */
109 {1,"2.2.4", "4 bytes (U-001FFFFF)",        "����"},
110 {1,"2.2.5", "5 bytes (U-03FFFFFF)",        "�����"},
111 {1,"2.2.6", "6 bytes (U-7FFFFFFF)",        "������"},
113 /*2.3  Other boundary conditions*/
115 {0,"2.3.1", "U-0000D7FF = ed 9f bf", "퟿"},
116 {0,"2.3.2", "U-0000E000 = ee 80 80", ""},
117 {0,"2.3.3", "U-0000FFFD = ef bf bd", "�"},
118 {0,"2.3.4", "U-0010FFFF = f4 8f bf bf", "��"},
119 {1,"2.3.5", "U-00110000 = f4 90 80 80", "����"},
121 };
123 static const struct Test utf8bad[] = {
125 /*3  Malformed sequences*/
127 /*3.1  Unexpected continuation bytes
128        Each unexpected continuation byte should be separately signalled
129        as a malformed sequence of its own.
130 */
131 {1,"3.1.1", "First continuation byte 0x80", "�"},
132 {1,"3.1.2", "Last  continuation byte 0xbf", "�"},
134 {1,"3.1.3", "2 continuation bytes", "��"},
135 {1,"3.1.4", "3 continuation bytes", "���"},
136 {1,"3.1.5", "4 continuation bytes", "����"},
137 {1,"3.1.6", "5 continuation bytes", "�����"},
138 {1,"3.1.7", "6 continuation bytes", "������"},
139 {1,"3.1.8", "7 continuation bytes", "�������"},
140 {1,"3.1.9", "Sequence of all 64 possible continuation bytes (0x80-0xbf)",
141    "����������������������������������������������������������������"
142 },
144 /*3.2  Lonely start characters*/
146 /*3.2.1  All 32 first bytes of 2-byte sequences (0xc0-0xdf),
147        each followed by a space character*/
149 {1,"3.2.1", "All 32 first bytes of 2-byte sequences",
150 "� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � "
151 },
153 /*3.2.2  All 16 first bytes of 3-byte sequences (0xe0-0xef),
154        each followed by a space character:*/
155 {1,"3.2.2", "All 16 first bytes of 3-byte sequences",
156 "� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � "
157 },
159 /*3.2.3  All 8 first bytes of 4-byte sequences (0xf0-0xf7),
160        each followed by a space character:*/
161 {1,"3.2.3", "All 8 first bytes of 4-byte sequences",
162    "� � � � � � � � "
163 },
165 /*3.2.4  All 4 first bytes of 5-byte sequences (0xf8-0xfb),
166        each followed by a space character:*/
167 {1,"3.2.4", "All 4 first bytes of 5-byte sequences",
168    "� � � � "
169 },
171 /*3.2.5  All 2 first bytes of 6-byte sequences (0xfc-0xfd),
172        each followed by a space character:*/
173 {1,"3.2.5", "All 2 first bytes of 6-byte sequences",
174    "� � "
175 },
177 /*3.3  Sequences with last continuation byte missing
178 All bytes of an incomplete sequence should be signalled as a single
179 malformed sequence, i.e., you should see only a single replacement
180 character in each of the next 10 tests. (Characters as in section 2)
181 */
182 {1,"3.3.1", "2-byte sequence with last byte missing (U+0000)",     "�"},
183 {1,"3.3.2", "3-byte sequence with last byte missing (U+0000)",     "��"},
184 {1,"3.3.3", "4-byte sequence with last byte missing (U+0000)",     "���"},
185 {1,"3.3.4", "5-byte sequence with last byte missing (U+0000)",     "����"},
186 {1,"3.3.5", "6-byte sequence with last byte missing (U+0000)",     "�����"},
187 {1,"3.3.6", "2-byte sequence with last byte missing (U-000007FF)", "�"},
188 {1,"3.3.7", "3-byte sequence with last byte missing (U-0000FFFF)", "�"},
189 {1,"3.3.8", "4-byte sequence with last byte missing (U-001FFFFF)", "���"},
190 {1,"3.3.9", "5-byte sequence with last byte missing (U-03FFFFFF)", "����"},
191 {1,"3.3.10", "6-byte sequence with last byte missing (U-7FFFFFFF)", "�����"},
193 /*3.4 Concatenation of incomplete sequences
194 All the 10 sequences of 3.3 concatenated; you should see 10 malformed
195 sequences being signalled:
196 */
197 {1, "3.4.1", "All the 10 sequences of 3.3 concatenated",
198    "�����������������������������"
199 },
201 /*3.5  Impossible bytes
202 The following two bytes cannot appear in a correct UTF-8 string
203 */
205 {1,"3.5.1", "fe", "�"},
206 {1,"3.5.2", "ff", "�"},
207 {1,"3.5.3", "fe fe ff ff", "����"},
209 /*
210 4  Overlong sequences
212 The following sequences are not malformed according to the letter of
213 the Unicode 2.0 standard. However, they are longer then necessary and
214 a correct UTF-8 encoder is not allowed to produce them. A "safe UTF-8
215 decoder" should reject them just like malformed sequences for two
216 reasons: (1) It helps to debug applications if overlong sequences are
217 not treated as valid representations of characters, because this helps
218 to spot problems more quickly. (2) Overlong sequences provide
219 alternative representations of characters, that could maliciously be
220 used to bypass filters that check only for ASCII characters. For
221 instance, a 2-byte encoded line feed (LF) would not be caught by a
222 line counter that counts only 0x0a bytes, but it would still be
223 processed as a line feed by an unsafe UTF-8 decoder later in the
224 pipeline. From a security point of view, ASCII compatibility of UTF-8
225 sequences means also, that ASCII characters are *only* allowed to be
226 represented by ASCII bytes in the range 0x00-0x7f. To ensure this
227 aspect of ASCII compatibility, use only "safe UTF-8 decoders" that
228 reject overlong UTF-8 sequences for which a shorter encoding exists.
229 */
231 /*4.1  Examples of an overlong ASCII character
233 With a safe UTF-8 decoder, all of the following five overlong
234 representations of the ASCII character slash ("/") should be rejected
235 like a malformed UTF-8 sequence, for instance by substituting it with
236 a replacement character. If you see a slash below, you do not have a
237 safe UTF-8 decoder!
238 */
240 {1,"4.1.1", "U+002F = c0 af             ", "��"},
241 {1,"4.1.2", "U+002F = e0 80 af          ", "���"},
242 {1,"4.1.3", "U+002F = f0 80 80 af       ", "����"},
243 {1,"4.1.4", "U+002F = f8 80 80 80 af    ", "�����"},
244 {1,"4.1.5", "U+002F = fc 80 80 80 80 af ", "������"},
246 /*4.2  Maximum overlong sequences
248 Below you see the highest Unicode value that is still resulting in an
249 overlong sequence if represented with the given number of bytes. This
250 is a boundary test for safe UTF-8 decoders. All five characters should
251 be rejected like malformed UTF-8 sequences.
252 */
254 {1,"4.2.1", "U-0000007F = c1 bf             ", "��"},
255 {1,"4.2.2", "U-000007FF = e0 9f bf          ", "���"},
256 {1,"4.2.3", "U-0000FFFF = f0 8f bf bf       ", "����"},
257 {1,"4.2.4", "U-001FFFFF = f8 87 bf bf bf    ", "�����"},
258 {1,"4.2.5", "U-03FFFFFF = fc 83 bf bf bf bf ", "������"},
260 /*
261 4.3  Overlong representation of the NUL character
263 The following five sequences should also be rejected like malformed
264 UTF-8 sequences and should not be treated like the ASCII NUL
265 character.
266 */
268 {1,"4.3.1", "U+0000 = c0 80             ", "��"},
269 {1,"4.3.2", "U+0000 = e0 80 80          ", "���"},
270 {1,"4.3.3", "U+0000 = f0 80 80 80       ", "����"},
271 {1,"4.3.4", "U+0000 = f8 80 80 80 80    ", "�����"},
272 {1,"4.3.5", "U+0000 = fc 80 80 80 80 80 ", "������"},
274 /*
275 5  Illegal code positions
277 The following UTF-8 sequences should be rejected like malformed
278 sequences, because they never represent valid ISO 10646 characters and
279 a UTF-8 decoder that accepts them might introduce security problems
280 comparable to overlong UTF-8 sequences.
281 */
282 /*5.1 Single UTF-16 surrogates*/
284 {1,"5.1.1", "U+D800 = ed a0 80 ", "�"},
285 {1,"5.1.2", "U+DB7F = ed ad bf ", "�"},
286 {1,"5.1.3", "U+DB80 = ed ae 80 ", "�"},
287 {1,"5.1.4", "U+DBFF = ed af bf ", "�"},
288 {1,"5.1.5", "U+DC00 = ed b0 80 ", "�"},
289 {1,"5.1.6", "U+DF80 = ed be 80 ", "�"},
290 {1,"5.1.7", "U+DFFF = ed bf bf ", "�"},
292 /*5.2 Paired UTF-16 surrogates */
294 {1,"5.2.1", "U+D800 U+DC00 = ed a0 80 ed b0 80 ", "��"},
295 {1,"5.2.2", "U+D800 U+DFFF = ed a0 80 ed bf bf ", "��"},
296 {1,"5.2.3", "U+DB7F U+DC00 = ed ad bf ed b0 80 ", "��"},
297 {1,"5.2.4", "U+DB7F U+DFFF = ed ad bf ed bf bf ", "��"},
298 {1,"5.2.5", "U+DB80 U+DC00 = ed ae 80 ed b0 80 ", "��"},
299 {1,"5.2.6", "U+DB80 U+DFFF = ed ae 80 ed bf bf ", "��"},
300 {1,"5.2.7", "U+DBFF U+DC00 = ed af bf ed b0 80 ", "��"},
301 {1,"5.2.8", "U+DBFF U+DFFF = ed af bf ed bf bf ", "��"},
303 };
305 /*5.3 Noncharacter code positions
307 The following "noncharacters" are "reserved for internal use" by
308 applications, and according to older versions of the Unicode Standard
309 "should never be interchanged". Unicode Corrigendum #9 dropped the
310 latter restriction. Nevertheless, their presence in incoming UTF-8 data
311 can remain a potential security risk, depending on what use is made of
312 these codes subsequently. Examples of such internal use:
314  - Some file APIs with 16-bit characters may use the integer value -1
315    = U+FFFF to signal an end-of-file (EOF) or error condition.
317  - In some UTF-16 receivers, code point U+FFFE might trigger a
318    byte-swap operation (to convert between UTF-16LE and UTF-16BE).
320 With such internal use of noncharacters, it may be desirable and safer
321 to block those code points in UTF-8 decoders, as they should never
322 occur legitimately in incoming UTF-8 data, and could trigger unsafe
323 behaviour in subsequent processing.
325 Particularly problematic noncharacters in 16-bit applications:
326 */
328 static const struct Test utf8problematic[] = {
329 {0,"5.3.1", "U+FFFE = ef bf be ", "￾"},
330 {0,"5.3.2", "U+FFFF = ef bf bf ", "￿"},
332 };
334 /* Other (utf16) noncharacters: */
335 static const struct Test utf8nonchars[] = {
336 {0,"5.3.3", "U+FDD0 .. U+FDEF ",
337 "﷐﷑﷒﷓﷔﷕﷖﷗﷘﷙﷚﷛﷜﷝﷞﷟﷠﷡﷢﷣﷤﷥﷦﷧﷨﷩﷪﷫﷬﷭﷮﷯"
338 },
340 /* Do not understand this test; it passes, but should it? */
341 {0,"5.3.4", "U+nFFFE U+nFFFF (for n = 1..10)",
342        "����������������������������������������������������������������"
343 },
345 };
347 static char*
trim(const char * s)348 trim(const char* s)
349 {
350     int i;
351     size_t l = strlen(s);
352     char* t = strdup(s);
353     for(i=l-1;i >= 0; i--) {
354         if(t[i] != ' ') break;
355     }
356     t[i+1] = '\0';
357     return t;
358 }
360 static int
test(const struct Test * tests,const char * title)361 test(const struct Test* tests, const char* title)
362 {
363     int status = NC_NOERR;
364     int failures = 0;
365     const struct Test* p;
367     fprintf(stderr,"Testing %s...\n",title);
368     for(p=tests;p->id;p++) {
369 	char* id;
370         char* description;
371         const char* pf;
372         id = trim(p->id);
373         description = trim(p->description);
374         status = nc_utf8_validate((const unsigned char*)p->data);
375         if(status == NC_NOERR && p->xfail) {pf = "Fail"; failures++;}
376         else if(status != NC_NOERR && p->xfail) pf = "Pass";
377         else if(status == NC_NOERR && !p->xfail) pf = "Pass";
378         else if(status != NC_NOERR && !p->xfail) {pf = "Fail"; failures++;}
379         fprintf(stderr,"%s: %s %s\n",pf,id,description);
380         fflush(stderr);
381 	free(id);
382 	free(description);
383     }
384     return failures;
385 }
387 int
main(int argc,char ** argv)388 main(int argc, char** argv)
389 {
390     int failures = 0;
392     printf("\n Testing UTF-8 sequences.\n");
393     failures += test(utf8ok,"Correct Sequences");
394     failures += test(utf8boundary,"Boundary Tests");
395     failures += test(utf8bad,"Invalid strings");
396     failures += test(utf8problematic,"Problematic strings");
397     failures += test(utf8nonchars,"Other non-characters");
398     fprintf(stderr,"No. of failures = %d\n",failures);
399     exit(failures == 0 ? 0 : 1);
400 }