2* $Id$
4       subroutine mcscf_hessv_2e_ao( geom, basis, nbf, nclosed, nact,
5     $                               tol2e, oskel, dm1, g_movecs,
6     $                               g_x, g_tmp, g_ax )
7#include "global.fh"
8#include "errquit.fh"
9#include "mafdecls.fh"
10#include "mcscfprof.fh"
13       integer geom, basis                          ! [input] Handles
14       integer nbf                                  ! [input] Basis functions
15       integer nclosed                              ! [input] Closed shells
16       integer nact                                 ! [input] Active shells
17       double precision tol2e                       ! [input] Integral tolerance
18       logical oskel                                ! [input] Symmetry selection
19       double precision dm1(nact,nact)              ! [input] 1PDM
20       integer g_movecs                             ! [input] MO coefficients
21       integer g_tmp                                ! [input] Temporary  (nbf * nbf)
22       integer g_x                                  ! [input] Argument parameter matrix
23       integer g_ax                                 ! [output] Hessian product (in matrix rep)
27       integer g_f1, g_f2, g_f3, g_f4, g_f5, g_f6   ! Atom-blocked Fock matrices
28       integer g_d1, g_d2, g_d3, g_d4, g_d5, g_d6   ! Atom-blocked densities
29       integer nvir, vlen, voff, aoff, aend, nn
30       integer g_tmp1, g_tmp2
33       integer nsets
34       parameter(nsets=6)
35       integer iv_dens(nsets), iv_fock(nsets)
36       double precision jfac(nsets),kfac(nsets)
39       integer ga_create_atom_blocked
40       external ga_create_atom_blocked
42       data jfac/6*1.d0/
43       data kfac/6*-0.5d0/
46       if (omcscfprof) call pstat_on(ps_hv2eao)
47       nvir = nbf - nclosed - nact
48       vlen = (nclosed+nact)*nvir + nclosed*nact
49       voff = nclosed + nact + 1
50       aoff = nclosed + 1
51       aend = nclosed + nact
54       if (.not.ga_duplicate(g_tmp,g_tmp1,'temp1'))
55     $      call errquit('mcscf_hessv_2e_ao: cannot duplicate',0,
56     &       GA_ERR)
57       if (.not.ga_duplicate(g_tmp,g_tmp2,'temp2'))
58     $      call errquit('mcscf_hessv_2e_ao: cannot duplicate',0,
59     &       GA_ERR)
60       call ga_zero(g_tmp1)
61       call ga_zero(g_tmp2)
62       call ga_zero(g_tmp)
63       if (ga_nodeid().eq.0)
64     $      call ga_put(g_tmp,aoff,aend,aoff,aend,dm1,nact)
65       call ga_sync()
66       g_d1 = ga_create_atom_blocked( geom, basis, 'Density 1')
67       g_d2 = ga_create_atom_blocked( geom, basis, 'Density 2')
68       g_d3 = ga_create_atom_blocked( geom, basis, 'Density 3')
69       g_d4 = ga_create_atom_blocked( geom, basis, 'Density 4')
70       g_d5 = ga_create_atom_blocked( geom, basis, 'Density 5')
71       g_d6 = ga_create_atom_blocked( geom, basis, 'Density 6')
72       g_f1 = ga_create_atom_blocked( geom, basis, 'Fock 1')
73       g_f2 = ga_create_atom_blocked( geom, basis, 'Fock 2')
74       g_f3 = ga_create_atom_blocked( geom, basis, 'Fock 3')
75       g_f4 = ga_create_atom_blocked( geom, basis, 'Fock 4')
76       g_f5 = ga_create_atom_blocked( geom, basis, 'Fock 5')
77       g_f6 = ga_create_atom_blocked( geom, basis, 'Fock 6')
79c Inactive-Virtual "density"
80c                                               iv     iv t
81c                                              D  = C.X .C
83       call ga_matmul_patch( 'n', 't', 1.d0, 0.d0,
84     $                       g_x, voff, nbf, 1, nclosed,
85     $                       g_movecs, 1, nclosed, 1, nbf,
86     $                       g_tmp1, voff, nbf, 1, nbf )
87       call ga_matmul_patch( 'n', 'n', 1.d0, 0.d0,
88     $                       g_movecs, 1, nbf, voff, nbf,
89     $                       g_tmp1, voff, nbf, 1, nbf,
90     $                       g_tmp2, 1, nbf, 1, nbf )
91       call ga_symmetrize(g_tmp2)
92       call ga_copy( g_tmp2, g_d1 )
93       call ga_copy( g_d1, g_d2 )
94       call ga_copy( g_d1, g_d3 )
96c Inactive-Virtual, Active-Virtual "density"
97c                                               ,av     av   t
98c                                              D   = C.X .d.C
100       call ga_matmul_patch( 'n', 'n', 1.d0, 0.d0,
101     $                       g_x, voff, nbf, aoff, aend,
102     $                       g_tmp, aoff, aend, aoff, aend,
103     $                       g_tmp1, voff, nbf, aoff, aend )
104       call ga_matmul_patch( 'n', 't', 1.d0, 0.d0,
105     $                       g_tmp1, voff, nbf, aoff, aend,
106     $                       g_movecs, aoff, aend, 1, nbf,
107     $                       g_tmp2, voff, nbf, 1, nbf )
108       call ga_matmul_patch( 'n', 'n', 1.d0, 0.d0,
109     $                       g_movecs, 1, nbf, voff, nbf,
110     $                       g_tmp2, voff, nbf, 1, nbf,
111     $                       g_tmp1, 1, nbf, 1, nbf )
112       call ga_symmetrize(g_tmp1)
113       call ga_copy( g_tmp1, g_d4 )
114       call ga_dadd( 1.d0, g_d4, 2.d0, g_d1, g_d1 )
116c Inactive-Virtual, Inactive-Active "density"
117c                                               ,ia   t      ia
118c                                              D   = C.(2-d)X .C
120       call ga_zero(g_tmp2)
121       call diagfill_patch(g_tmp2, 2.d0, aoff, aend )
122       call ga_dadd(1.d0, g_tmp2, -1.d0, g_tmp, g_tmp2 )
123       call ga_zero(g_tmp1)
124       call ga_matmul_patch('n', 'n', 1.d0, 0.d0,
125     $                       g_tmp2, aoff, aend, aoff, aend,
126     $                       g_x, aoff, aend, 1, nclosed,
127     $                       g_tmp1, aoff, aend, 1, nclosed )
128       call ga_matmul_patch('n', 't', 1.d0, 0.d0,
129     $                       g_tmp1, aoff, aend, 1, nclosed,
130     $                       g_movecs, 1, nclosed, 1, nbf,
131     $                       g_tmp2, aoff, aend, 1, nbf )
132       call ga_matmul_patch('n', 'n', 1.d0, 0.d0,
133     $                       g_movecs, 1, nbf, aoff, aend,
134     $                       g_tmp2, aoff, aend, 1, nbf,
135     $                       g_tmp1, 1, nbf, 1, nbf )
136       call ga_symmetrize(g_tmp1)
137       call ga_copy( g_tmp1, g_d5 )
138       call ga_dadd( 1.d0, g_d5, 1.d0, g_d1, g_d1 )
140c Inactive-Active density
141c                                               ia    t ia
142c                                              D   = C.X .C
144       call ga_zero(g_tmp1)
145       call ga_zero(g_tmp2)
146       call ga_matmul_patch('n', 't', 1.d0, 0.d0,
147     $                      g_x, aoff, aend, 1, nclosed,
148     $                      g_movecs, 1, nclosed, 1, nbf,
149     $                      g_tmp1, aoff, aend, 1, nbf )
150       call ga_matmul_patch('n', 'n', 1.d0, 0.d0,
151     $                      g_movecs, 1, nbf, aoff, aend,
152     $                      g_tmp1, aoff, aend, 1, nbf,
153     $                      g_tmp2, 1, nbf, 1, nbf )
154       call ga_symmetrize(g_tmp2)
155       call ga_copy( g_tmp2, g_d5 )
156       call ga_dadd( 1.d0, g_d5, 1.d0, g_d2, g_d2 )
159c CA, CA density
160c                                               ,,ia    t       ia
161c                                              D    = -C.(1-d).X .C
163       call ga_zero(g_tmp1)
164       call diagfill_patch(g_tmp1, 1.d0, aoff, aend )
165       call ga_dadd( 1.d0, g_tmp1, -1.d0, g_tmp, g_tmp1)
166       call ga_matmul_patch( 'n', 'n', 1.d0, 0.d0,
167     $                       g_tmp1, aoff, aend, aoff, aend,
168     $                       g_x, aoff, aend, 1, nclosed,
169     $                       g_tmp2, aoff, aend, 1, nclosed )
170       call ga_matmul_patch( 'n', 't', 1.d0, 0.d0,
171     $                       g_tmp2, aoff, aend, 1, nclosed,
172     $                       g_movecs, 1, nclosed, 1, nbf,
173     $                       g_tmp1, aoff, aend, 1, nbf )
174       call ga_matmul_patch( 'n', 'n', 1.d0, 0.d0,
175     $                       g_movecs, 1, nbf, aoff, aend,
176     $                       g_tmp1, aoff, aend, 1, nbf,
177     $                       g_tmp2, 1, nbf, 1, nbf )
178       call ga_symmetrize(g_tmp2)
179       call ga_copy(g_tmp2, g_d6)
183c  Density summary
185c              iv   ,av   ,ia                 ,av
186c       d1 : 2D  + D   + D              d4 : D
188c             iv   ia                         ia
189c       d2 : D  + D                     d5 : D
191c             iv                              ,,ia
192c       d3 : D                          d6 : D
195       iv_dens(1) = g_d1
196       iv_dens(2) = g_d2
197       iv_dens(3) = g_d3
198       iv_dens(4) = g_d4
199       iv_dens(5) = g_d5
200       iv_dens(6) = g_d6
202c Fock build
204       nn = 6
205       call ga_zero(g_f1)
206       call ga_zero(g_f2)
207       call ga_zero(g_f3)
208       call ga_zero(g_f4)
209       call ga_zero(g_f5)
210       call ga_zero(g_f6)
211       iv_fock(1) = g_f1
212       iv_fock(2) = g_f2
213       iv_fock(3) = g_f3
214       iv_fock(4) = g_f4
215       iv_fock(5) = g_f5
216       iv_fock(6) = g_f6
217       call fock_2e( geom, basis, nn, jfac, kfac, tol2e, oskel,
218     $               iv_dens, iv_fock, .false. )
220c  Symmetrize AO Fock matrices
222       if (oskel) then
223         do i=1,nn
224           call sym_symmetrize(geom, basis, .false., iv_fock(i))
225         enddo
226       endif
228c Inactive-Virtual contribution
231       call ga_zero(g_tmp2)
232       call ga_matmul_patch( 't', 'n', 1.d0, 0.d0,
233     $                       g_movecs, voff, nbf, 1, nbf,
234     $                       g_f1, 1, nbf, 1, nbf,
235     $                       g_tmp1, voff, nbf, 1, nbf )
236       call ga_matmul_patch( 'n', 'n', 8.d0, 0.d0,                      ! Where does this factor come from?
237     $                       g_tmp1, voff, nbf, 1, nbf,
238     $                       g_movecs, 1, nbf, 1, nclosed,
239     $                       g_tmp2, voff, nbf, 1, nclosed )
240       call ga_dadd_patch( 1.d0, g_tmp2, voff, nbf, 1, nclosed,
241     $                     1.d0, g_ax, voff, nbf, 1, nclosed,
242     $                           g_ax, voff, nbf, 1, nclosed )
244c Active-Virtual contribution
247       call ga_matmul_patch( 't', 'n', 1.d0, 0.d0,
248     $                       g_movecs, voff, nbf, 1, nbf,
249     $                       g_f2, 1, nbf, 1, nbf,
250     $                       g_tmp1, voff, nbf, 1, nbf )
251       call ga_zero(g_tmp2)
252       call ga_matmul_patch( 'n', 'n', 1.d0, 0.d0,
253     $                       g_tmp1, voff, nbf, 1, nbf,
254     $                       g_movecs, 1, nbf, aoff, aend,
255     $                       g_tmp2, voff, nbf, aoff, aend )
256       call ga_matmul_patch( 'n', 'n', 8.d0, 0.d0,
257     $                       g_tmp2, voff, nbf, aoff, aend,
258     $                       g_tmp, aoff, aend, aoff, aend,
259     $                       g_tmp1, voff, nbf, aoff, aend )
260       call ga_dadd_patch( 1.d0, g_tmp1, voff, nbf, aoff, aend,
261     $                     1.d0, g_ax, voff, nbf, aoff, aend,
262     $                           g_ax, voff, nbf, aoff, aend )
264c Inactive-Active contributions
265c                                          t   iv
266c                                 (2 - d) C.F[D  ].C
268       call ga_zero(g_tmp1)
269       call ga_zero(g_tmp2)
270       call ga_matmul_patch( 't', 'n', 1.d0, 0.d0,
271     $                       g_movecs, aoff, aend, 1, nbf,
272     $                       g_f3, 1, nbf, 1, nbf,
273     $                       g_tmp1, aoff, aend, 1, nbf )
274       call ga_matmul_patch( 'n', 'n', 1.d0, 0.d0,
275     $                       g_tmp1, aoff, aend, 1, nbf,
276     $                       g_movecs, 1, nbf, 1, nclosed,
277     $                       g_tmp2, aoff, aend, 1, nclosed )
278       call ga_zero(g_tmp1)
279       call diagfill_patch( g_tmp1, 2.d0, aoff, aend )
280       call ga_dadd( 1.d0, g_tmp1, -1.d0, g_tmp, g_tmp1 )
281       call ga_matmul_patch( 'n', 'n', 8.d0, 0.d0,
282     $                       g_tmp1, aoff, aend, aoff, aend,
283     $                       g_tmp2, aoff, aend, 1, nclosed,
284     $                       g_tmp1, aoff, aend, 1, nclosed )
286c                                     t   ,av
287c                                 -d C.F[D   ].C
289       call ga_zero(g_tmp2)
290       call ga_matmul_patch( 't', 'n', 1.d0, 0.d0,
291     $                       g_movecs, aoff, aend, 1, nbf,
292     $                       g_f4, 1, nbf, 1, nbf,
293     $                       g_tmp2, aoff, aend, 1, nbf )
294       call ga_matmul_patch( 'n', 'n', 8.d0, 1.d0,
295     $                       g_tmp2, aoff, aend, 1, nbf,
296     $                       g_movecs, 1, nbf, 1, nclosed,
297     $                       g_tmp1, aoff, aend, 1, nclosed )
298       call ga_dadd_patch( 1.d0, g_tmp1, aoff, aend, 1, nclosed,
299     $                     1.d0, g_ax, aoff, aend, 1, nclosed,
300     $                           g_ax, aoff, aend, 1, nclosed )
303c Inactive-Active, Inactive-Active contribution
304c    (note this last section has zero contribution
305c    in ROHF theory and has not been debugged against the ROHF
306c    Hessian product)
309       call ga_matmul_patch( 't', 'n', 1.d0, 0.d0,
310     $                       g_movecs, aoff, aend, 1, nbf,
311     $                       g_f6, 1, nbf, 1, nbf,
312     $                       g_tmp1, aoff, aend, 1, nbf )
313       call ga_matmul_patch( 'n', 'n', 8.d0, 0.d0,
314     $                       g_tmp1, aoff, aend, 1, nbf,
315     $                       g_movecs, 1, nbf, 1, nclosed,
316     $                       g_tmp2, aoff, aend, 1, nclosed )
317       call ga_dadd_patch( 1.d0, g_tmp2, aoff, aend, 1, nclosed,
318     $                     1.d0, g_ax, aoff, aend, 1, nclosed,
319     $                           g_ax, aoff, aend, 1, nclosed )
323       call ga_matmul_patch( 't', 'n', 1.d0, 0.d0,
324     $                       g_movecs, aoff, aend, 1, nbf,
325     $                       g_f5, 1, nbf, 1, nbf,
326     $                       g_tmp1, aoff, aend, 1, nbf )
327       call ga_matmul_patch( 'n', 'n', 8.d0, 0.d0,
328     $                       g_tmp1, aoff, aend, 1, nbf,
329     $                       g_movecs, 1, nbf, 1, nclosed,
330     $                       g_tmp2, aoff, aend, 1, nclosed )
331       call diagfill_patch( g_tmp1, 1.d0, aoff, aend )
332       call ga_dadd( 1.d0, g_tmp1, -1.d0, g_tmp, g_tmp1 )
333       call ga_matmul_patch( 'n', 'n', 1.d0, 0.d0,
334     $                       g_tmp1, aoff, aend, aoff, aend,
335     $                       g_tmp2, aoff, aend, 1, nclosed,
336     $                       g_tmp1, aoff, aend, 1, nclosed )
337       call ga_dadd_patch( 1.d0, g_tmp1, aoff, aend, 1, nclosed,
338     $                     1.d0, g_ax, aoff, aend, 1, nclosed,
339     $                           g_ax, aoff, aend, 1, nclosed )
343       if (.not.ga_destroy(g_tmp1))
344     $      call errquit('mcscf_hessv_2e_ao: cannot destroy',0, GA_ERR)
345       if (.not.ga_destroy(g_tmp2))
346     $      call errquit('mcscf_hessv_2e_ao: cannot destroy',0, GA_ERR)
347       if (.not.ga_destroy(g_d1))
348     $      call errquit('mcscf_hessv_2e_ao: cannot destroy',0, GA_ERR)
349       if (.not.ga_destroy(g_d2))
350     $      call errquit('mcscf_hessv_2e_ao: cannot destroy',0, GA_ERR)
351       if (.not.ga_destroy(g_d3))
352     $      call errquit('mcscf_hessv_2e_ao: cannot destroy',0, GA_ERR)
353       if (.not.ga_destroy(g_d4))
354     $      call errquit('mcscf_hessv_2e_ao: cannot destroy',0, GA_ERR)
355       if (.not.ga_destroy(g_d5))
356     $      call errquit('mcscf_hessv_2e_ao: cannot destroy',0, GA_ERR)
357       if (.not.ga_destroy(g_d6))
358     $      call errquit('mcscf_hessv_2e_ao: cannot destroy',0, GA_ERR)
359       if (.not.ga_destroy(g_f1))
360     $      call errquit('mcscf_hessv_2e_ao: cannot destroy',0, GA_ERR)
361       if (.not.ga_destroy(g_f2))
362     $      call errquit('mcscf_hessv_2e_ao: cannot destroy',0, GA_ERR)
363       if (.not.ga_destroy(g_f3))
364     $      call errquit('mcscf_hessv_2e_ao: cannot destroy',0, GA_ERR)
365       if (.not.ga_destroy(g_f4))
366     $      call errquit('mcscf_hessv_2e_ao: cannot destroy',0, GA_ERR)
367       if (.not.ga_destroy(g_f5))
368     $      call errquit('mcscf_hessv_2e_ao: cannot destroy',0, GA_ERR)
369       if (.not.ga_destroy(g_f6))
370     $      call errquit('mcscf_hessv_2e_ao: cannot destroy',0, GA_ERR)
374       if (omcscfprof) call pstat_off(ps_hv2eao)
375       return
376       end