2c include file for def/get Nxyz.  defines maximum angular
3c momentum for integrals and derivatives
4c Note: lrmax is the total angular momentum on the single center
5c for the ERI.
6c lrmax = 32   L type energies and K type derivatives (and I type second derivatives?)
7c lrmax = 28   K type energies and I type derivatives
8c lrmax = 24   I type energies and H type derivatives
9c lrmax = 20   H type energies and G type derivatives
10c lrmax = 16   G type energies and F type derivatives
11c lrmax = 12   F type energies and D type derivatives
12c lrmax =  8   D type energies and P type derivatives
13c lrmax =  4   P type energies and S type derivatives
14c lrmax =  1   S type energies only
16c $Id$
17      integer lrmax,lrmax3,ixyz,linit
19      Parameter(lRmax=32,lRmax3=((lRmax+1)*(lRmax+2)*(lRmax+3))/6)
20      Common/sh_order/Ixyz(3,lRmax3),linit