1      subroutine dimqm_addop_complx(g_z, g_Az, ncomp, limag, lifetime)
2c  ==================================================================
3c  Calculates and adds the frequency-dependent DIM potential to the
4c  response Fock matricies (real and imaginary).  Requires knowledge
5c  of both the real and imaginary vectors simultaneously which is
6c  why this has to be located here, unlike the static routine.
10c  ==================================================================
11      implicit none
12#include "errquit.fh"
13#include "stdio.fh"
14#include "rtdb.fh"
15#include "mafdecls.fh"
16#include "global.fh"
17#include "dimqm_constants.fh"
18#include "dimqm.fh"
19#include "geom.fh"
20#include "crohf.fh"
21#include "cscf.fh"
23c     Input Variables
24      integer ncomp
25      integer g_z(ncomp)   ! A matrix handle (complex) [IN]
26      integer g_Az(ncomp)  ! F matrix handle (complex) [IN/OUT]
27      logical limag        ! Imaginary perturbation?   [IN]
28      logical lifetime     ! Damping or no damping     [IN]
30c     Local variables
31      integer g_tmp1, g_tmp2, g_dcv
32c      integer l_dimxyz, k_dimxyz
33      double precision dimxyz(3, nDIM)
34c      integer l_muind, k_muind
35      double precision muind(3, nDIM, 2)
36      integer dims(3), chunk(3)
37      character*(255) cstemp
38      integer g_pmats(2), g_pmata(2), g_h1mat(2)
39      integer ipm
40      integer g_dens_r(2)
41      integer g_dens_i(2)
42      integer alo(3), ahi(3)
43      integer blo(2), bhi(2)
44      integer g_dens_comp_r
45      integer g_dens_comp_i
46      integer xend
47      double precision pre_factor
48      double precision muold(3, nDIM, 2)
50      double precision dx_r, dy_r, dz_r
51      double precision dx_i, dy_i, dz_i
52      double precision dsum
53      external dsum
54      integer i3, ivec, n
55c      integer l_fld, k_fld
56      double precision fld(3, nDIM, 2)
57      integer g_dim_r(2)
58      integer g_dim_i(2)
59      integer nvir, voff, xoff
60      integer nmul, nset, nblock
61      integer  ga_create_atom_blocked
62      external ga_create_atom_blocked
63      character*(1) direction(3)
64      character*(1) pm(2)
65      data direction /'x', 'y', 'z'/
66      data pm /'+', '-'/
67      logical firsttime
68c      double precision screen(nDIM)
69      double precision dimErr(3,2,2)
70      double precision calcErr
71      external calcErr
72      integer id
74      id = ga_nodeid()
75      if (ldebug .and. id .eq. 0) then
76        write(luout,*) "Start dimqm_addop"
77      end if
79      nvir = nmo - nclosed - nopen
80      voff = nclosed + nopen + 1
81      nmul = 1
82      if (npol .eq. 2) numl = 2
83      if (lifetime) then
84        nset   = 2
85        nblock = 4
86      else
87        nset   = 1
88        nblock = 2
89      end if
91      i3 = nDIM * 3
92      g_tmp1 = ga_create_atom_blocked(geom, basis, 'dim_addop: tmp1')
93      g_tmp2 = ga_create_atom_blocked(geom, basis, 'dim_addop: tmp2')
95      dims(1) = nbf
96      dims(2) = nbf
97      chunk(1) = dims(1)
98      chunk(2) = -1
100c   Allocate GAs
101      do ipm = 1,ncomp
102        write(cstemp,'(a,i1)') 'pmats_',ipm
103        if (.not.nga_create(MT_DBL,2,dims,cstemp(1:7),chunk,
104     &     g_pmats(ipm))) call
105     &     errquit('dim_addop: nga_create failed '//cstemp(1:7),
106     &     0,GA_ERR)
107        call ga_zero(g_pmats(ipm))
108c        write(cstemp,'(a,i1)') 'pmata_',ipm
109c        if (.not.nga_create(MT_DBL,2,dims,cstemp(1:7),chunk,
110c     &     g_pmata(ipm))) call
111c     &     errquit('dim_addop: nga_create failed '//cstemp(1:7),
112c     &     0,GA_ERR)
113c        call ga_zero(g_pmata(ipm))
114        write(cstemp,'(a,i1)') 'h1mat_',ipm
115        if (.not.nga_create(MT_DBL,2,dims,cstemp(1:7),chunk,
116     &     g_h1mat(ipm))) call
117     &     errquit('dim_addop: nga_create failed '//cstemp(1:7),
118     &     0,GA_ERR)
119        call ga_zero(g_h1mat(ipm))
120      enddo
122      dims(1) = nvec
123      dims(2) = nbf
124      dims(3) = nbf
125      chunk(1) = dims(1)
126      chunk(2) = -1
127      chunk(3) = -1
128      do ipm = 1, nblock
129        if (.not. nga_create (MT_DBL, 3, dims, 'CPKS dens_r',chunk,
130     &     g_dens_r(ipm)))
131     &     call errquit('dim_addop: could not allocate g_dens_r',555,
132     &     GA_ERR)
133        call ga_zero(g_dens_r(ipm))
134        if (.not. nga_create (MT_DBL, 3, dims, 'CPKS dens_i',chunk,
135     &     g_dens_i(ipm)))
136     &     call errquit('dim_addop: could not allocate g_dens_i',555,
137     &     GA_ERR)
138        call ga_zero(g_dens_i(ipm))
139      end do
141      alo(2) = 1
142      ahi(2) = nbf
143      alo(3) = 1
144      ahi(3) = nbf
145      blo(1) = 1
146      bhi(1) = nbf
147      blo(2) = 1
148      bhi(2) = nbf
150      do ivec = 1, 3
152c     ==========================
153c     Real Portion of QM Density
154c     ==========================
156        do ipm = 1,2
157          call ga_zero(g_h1mat(ipm))
158          call ga_vec_to_mat(g_h1mat(ipm), 1, nvir, 1, nclosed,
159     $         g_x_r(ipm), 1, ivec) ! g_h1mat now holds A-matrix for
160          call ga_zero(g_pmats(ipm))
161          call ga_zero(g_pmata(ipm))
162        end do                  ! ipm = 1,2
163        call ga_sync()
164c       note: the last argument tells it not to use an occ-occ
165c             block to build the density marix.
166        call CalcPerturbedTDPmat1
167     &     (2, g_pmats, g_pmata, g_h1mat, g_movecs, nbf, nclosed,
168     &     nvir, nmo, .false., .false.,
169     &     limag, .false.)  ! density matrix -> pmats
171c        call ga_zero(g_pmata(1))
172c        call ga_zero(g_pmata(2))
173        call ga_sync()
174        call ga_scale(g_pmats(1),0.25d0)
175        call ga_scale(g_pmats(2),0.25d0)
177        alo(1) = ivec
178        ahi(1) = ivec
179        if (.not.limag) then
180c       this works for real, symmetric, perturbations
181c       calculate P(S) = [P(+) + P(-)]/2
182          call nga_add_patch (0.5d0, g_pmats(1), blo, bhi,
183     &      0.5d0, g_pmats(2), blo, bhi,
184     &      g_dens_r(1), alo, ahi)
185c         caluclate P(A) = [-P(+) + P(-)]/2  (wrong results with opposite sign ...)
186          call nga_add_patch (-0.5d0, g_pmats(1), blo, bhi,
187     &      0.5d0, g_pmats(2), blo, bhi,
188     &      g_dens_r(2), alo, ahi)
189        else
191c       this here is for imaginary, antisymmetric, perturbations
192c       calculate P(S) = [P(+) - P(-)]/2
193          call nga_add_patch (0.5d0, g_pmats(1), blo, bhi,
194     &      -0.5d0, g_pmats(2), blo, bhi,
195     &      g_dens_r(1), alo, ahi)
196c       caluclate P(A) = -[P(+) + P(-)]/2  ! sign needs to be determined
197          call nga_add_patch (-0.5d0, g_pmats(1), blo, bhi,
198     &      -0.5d0, g_pmats(2), blo, bhi,
199     &      g_dens_r(2), alo, ahi)
200        end if
201        call ga_sync()
203c     ===============================
204c     Imaginary Portion of QM Density
205c     ===============================
207        if (lifetime) then
208          do ipm = 1,2
209            call ga_zero(g_h1mat(ipm))
210            call ga_vec_to_mat(g_h1mat(ipm), 1, nvir, 1, nclosed,
211     $           g_x_i(ipm), 1, ivec) ! g_h1mat now holds A-matrix for
212            call ga_zero(g_pmats(ipm))
213            call ga_zero(g_pmata(ipm))
214          end do                  ! ipm = 1,2
215          call ga_sync()
216c         note: the last argument tells it not to use an occ-occ
217c               block to build the density marix.
218          call CalcPerturbedTDPmat1
219     &       (2, g_pmats, g_pmata, g_h1mat, g_movecs, nbf, nclosed,
220     &       nvir, nmo, .false., .false.,
221     &       limag, .false.)  ! density matrix -> pmats
222c           write(luout,*) "pmata"
223c           call ga_print(g_pmata(1))
224c           call ga_print(g_pmata(2))
226          call ga_zero(g_pmata(1))
227          call ga_zero(g_pmata(2))
228          call ga_sync()
229          call ga_scale(g_pmats(1),0.25d0)
230          call ga_scale(g_pmats(2),0.25d0)
232          alo(1) = ivec
233          ahi(1) = ivec
234          if (.not.limag) then
235c       calculate P(S) = [P(+) + P(-)]/2
236            call nga_add_patch (0.5d0, g_pmats(1), blo, bhi,
237     &        0.5d0, g_pmats(2), blo, bhi,
238     &        g_dens_i(1), alo, ahi)
239c         caluclate P(A) = [-P(+) + P(-)]/2  (wrong results with opposite sign ...)
240            call nga_add_patch (-0.5d0, g_pmats(1), blo, bhi,
241     &        0.5d0, g_pmats(2), blo, bhi,
242     &        g_dens_i(2), alo, ahi)
243          else
244            call nga_add_patch (0.5d0, g_pmats(1), blo, bhi,
245     &        -0.5d0, g_pmats(2), blo, bhi,
246     &        g_dens_i(1), alo, ahi)
247c       caluclate P(A) = -[P(+) + P(-)]/2  ! sign needs to be determined
249            call nga_add_patch (-0.5d0, g_pmats(1), blo, bhi,
250     &        -0.5d0, g_pmats(2), blo, bhi,
251     &        g_dens_i(2), alo, ahi)
252          end if ! limag
253        end if ! lifetime
254        call ga_sync()
255      end do ! ivec = 1, 3
257c   Allocate new arrays
258c      if(.not.ma_push_get(mt_dbl,i3*2,'dimrsp:fld',l_fld,k_fld))
259c     $  call errquit('malloc dimrsp:fld failed',1,MA_ERR)
261c      if(.not.ma_push_get(mt_dbl,i3*2,'dimrsp:muind',
262c     $                                            l_muind,k_muind))
263c     $  call errquit('malloc dimrsp:muind failed',1,MA_ERR)
265c      if(.not.ma_push_get(mt_dbl,i3,'dimrsp:xyz',l_dimxyz,k_dimxyz))
266c     $  call errquit('malloc dimrsp:xyz failed',1,MA_ERR)
268      if(.not.rtdb_get(dimqm_rtdb,'dimpar:coords', mt_dbl, i3, dimxyz))
269     $  call errquit('get dimpar:coords failed', 1, RTDB_ERR)
271      g_dens_comp_r = ga_create_atom_blocked(geom,basis,
272     $                          'real density matrix comp')
273      if (lifetime) then
274        g_dens_comp_i = ga_create_atom_blocked(geom,basis,
275     $                          'imag density matrix comp')
276      end if
279c      call dimqm_screening(dimqm_rtdb, geom, basis, dbl_mb(k_dimxyz),
280c     $                       screen)
281c      screen = ONE
283c   =============================
284c   Solve for induced dipoles +/-
285c   =============================
287c     Loop over perturbations
288      do n = 1, 3
289        do ipm = 1, 2
290          call ga_zero(g_dens_comp_r)
291          if (lifetime) call ga_zero(g_dens_comp_i)
292          alo(1) = n
293          ahi(1) = n
295c       Copy current perturbation into g_dens_comp
296          call nga_copy_patch('N',g_dens_r(ipm), alo, ahi,
297     $                          g_dens_comp_r, blo, bhi)
298          if (lifetime) then
299            call nga_copy_patch('N',g_dens_i(ipm), alo, ahi,
300     $                              g_dens_comp_i, blo, bhi)
301          end if
302          muind = ZERO
303          fld = ZERO
304          firsttime = .false.
305          if(.not.rtdb_get(dimqm_rtdb,
306     $                'dimqm:muind_'//direction(n)//'_r'//pm(ipm),
307     $                              mt_dbl, i3, muold(:,:,1))) then
308            if(id.eq.0) write(luout,*) "First cycle, no old dipoles!"
309            muold = ZERO
310            firsttime = .true.
311            dimqm_seeded = .false.
312c            xyz_seeded(3*(n-1)+ipm) = .false.
313            if(dimtol0 < 1.0d-4 .and. .not. dimqm_noseed) then
314              dimtolxyz(ipm*3 - 1 + n) = 1.0d-4
315              if(id.eq.0) then
316                write(luout,*) "Requested tolerance below 1.0d-4"
317                write(luout,*) "Setting "//direction(n)//pm(ipm)//
318     $                         " dir tolerance to 1.0d-4 to start"
319              end if
320            end if
321          else
322            if(.not.rtdb_get(dimqm_rtdb,
323     $                'dimqm:muind_'//direction(n)//'_i'//pm(ipm),
324     $                           mt_dbl, i3, muold(:,:,2)))
325     $          call errquit('get dimqm:muold failed',1,RTDB_ERR)
326          end if
327c         Set convergence tolerance
328c          dimtol = dimtolxyz(ipm*3 - 1 + n)
329c          dimqm_seeded = xyz_seeded(ipm*3 - 1 + n)
330c          dimtol = 1.0d-7
331c          dimqm_noseed = .true.
332c          call dfill(i3*2, ZERO, dbl_mb(k_muind), 1)
333c          call dfill(i3*2, ZERO, dbl_mb(k_fld), 1)
335c       Real portion of E-Field
336c        write(luout,*) "REAL"
337c        call ga_print(g_dens_comp_r)
338          call dimqm_EqmE(dimqm_rtdb, g_dens_comp_r, geom, basis,
339     $               fld(:,:,1), dimxyz)
341c       Imaginary portion of E-Field
342c        write(luout,*) "IMAG"
343c        call ga_print(g_dens_comp_i)
344          if (lifetime) then
345            call dimqm_EqmE(dimqm_rtdb, g_dens_comp_i, geom, basis,
346     $                      fld(:,:,2), dimxyz)
347          end if
349c       Solve for induced dipoles
350          call dimqm_f2d(dimqm_rtdb, fld, muind, muold, dimxyz, 2,
351     $                   direction(n), pm(ipm))
353c         Write induced dipoles to RTDB
354          dx_r = SUM(muind(1,:,1))
355          dy_r = SUM(muind(2,:,1))
356          dz_r = SUM(muind(3,:,1))
357          dx_i = SUM(muind(1,:,2))
358          dy_i = SUM(muind(2,:,2))
359          dz_i = SUM(muind(3,:,2))
360          if(id.eq.0) then
361            write(luout,*) "Total induced dipole moment for "//
362     $                  direction(n)//pm(ipm)//" perturbation"
363            write(luout,*) "X:", dx_r, dx_i
364            write(luout,*) "Y:", dy_r, dy_i
365            write(luout,*) "Z:", dz_r, dz_i
366            write(luout,*) ''
367          end if
368          dimErr(n, ipm, 1) = calcErr(i3, muold(:,:,1), muind(:,:,1))
369          dimErr(n, ipm, 2) = calcErr(i3, muold(:,:,2), muind(:,:,2))
370          if(id.eq.0) then
371            write(luout,*) "Max error in real dipoles:",
372     $                       dimErr(n, ipm, 1)
373            write(luout,*) "Max error in imag dipoles:",
374     $                       dimErr(n, ipm, 2)
375          end if
376c          if(dimErr(n, ipm, 1)/dimtol < HUNDRED
377c     $              .and. dimErr(n, ipm, 2)/dimtol < HUNDRED
378c     $              .and. .not. xyz_seeded(ipm*3 - 1 + n)
379c     $              .and. .not. firsttime) then
380c            xyz_seeded(ipm*3 - 1 + n) = .true.
381c            write(luout,*) "Error within 10^2 of", dimtol, "for "//
382c     $                     direction(n)//pm(ipm)//" dir"
383c            write(luout,*) "Setting current "//direction(n)//pm(ipm)//
384c     $                     " dir as seed"
385c            write(luout,*)"Reverting tolerance back to", dimtol0
386c            dimtolxyz(ipm*3 - 1 + n) = dimtol0
387c          end if
388          if(.not.rtdb_put(dimqm_rtdb,
389     $                'dimqm:muind_'//direction(n)//'_r'//pm(ipm),
390     $                              mt_dbl, i3, muind(:,:,1)))
391     $        call errquit('put dimqm:muind_p failed',1,RTDB_ERR)
392          if(.not.rtdb_put(dimqm_rtdb,
393     $                'dimqm:muind_'//direction(n)//'_i'//pm(ipm),
394     $                           mt_dbl, i3, muind(:,:,2)))
395     $        call errquit('put dimqm:muind_p failed',1,RTDB_ERR)
396        end do ! ipm = 1, 2
397      end do ! ivec = 1, 3
398c      if(MAXVAL(dimErr) <= 1.0d-4) then
399c        write(luout,*) "Dipole error below 1d-4"
400c        write(luout,*) "Shutting down DIM"
401c        dimqm_on = .false.
402c      end if
404c   Destroy GAs we don't need anymore
405      if (.not. ga_destroy(g_dens_comp_r)) call errquit
406     $    ('addop: dens_comp_r GA?',0, GA_ERR)
407      if (lifetime) then
408      if (.not. ga_destroy(g_dens_comp_i)) call errquit
409     $    ('addop: dens_comp_i GA?',0, GA_ERR)
410      end if
411      do ipm = 1,2
412        if (.not. ga_destroy(g_dens_r(ipm))) call errquit
413     $     ('addop: dens_r GA?',0, GA_ERR)
414        if (lifetime) then
415        if (.not. ga_destroy(g_dens_i(ipm))) call errquit
416     $     ('addop: dens_i GA?',0, GA_ERR)
417        end if
418      end do
420c   Deallocate l_fld, l_muind, l_dimxyz
421c      if (.not. ma_chop_stack(l_fld)) call errquit
422c     $   ('addop: fld MA?', 0, MA_ERR)
424c   ====================================================
425c   Solve for DIM potential, both real and imaginary S/A
426c   ====================================================
428      dims(1) = 3
429      dims(2) = nbf
430      dims(3) = nbf
431      chunk(1) = dims(1)
432      chunk(2) = -1
433      chunk(3) = -1
435c   Real +
436      if (.not. nga_create (MT_DBL, 3, dims, 'addop:dim_r+',chunk,
437     &                        g_dim_r(1)))
438     &   call errquit('addop: could not allocate g_dim_r+',1,GA_ERR)
439      call ga_zero(g_dim_r(1))
440      call fock_dim(geom, nbf, basis, 3, g_dim_r(1), 1, 1)
441      call ga_symmetrize(g_dim_r(1))
443c   Real -
444      if (.not. nga_create (MT_DBL, 3, dims, 'addop:dim_r-',chunk,
445     &                        g_dim_r(2)))
446     &   call errquit('addop: could not allocate g_dim_r-',1,GA_ERR)
447      call ga_zero(g_dim_r(2))
448      call fock_dim(geom, nbf, basis, 3, g_dim_r(2), 2, 1)
449      call ga_antisymmetrize(g_dim_r(2))
450      if (lifetime) then
452c   Imaginary +
453      if (.not. nga_create (MT_DBL, 3, dims, 'addop:dim_i+',chunk,
454     &                        g_dim_i(1)))
455     &   call errquit('addop: could not allocate g_dim_i+',1,GA_ERR)
456      call ga_zero(g_dim_i(1))
457      call fock_dim(geom, nbf, basis, 3, g_dim_i(1), 1, 2)
458      call ga_symmetrize(g_dim_i(1))
460c   Imaginary -
461      if (.not. nga_create (MT_DBL, 3, dims, 'addop:dim_i-',chunk,
462     &                        g_dim_i(2)))
463     &   call errquit('addop: could not allocate g_dim_i-',1,GA_ERR)
464      call ga_zero(g_dim_i(2))
465      call fock_dim(geom, nbf, basis, 3, g_dim_i(2), 2, 2)
466      call ga_antisymmetrize(g_dim_i(2))
467      end if
469c   ======================================
470c   Undo the symmetrization to recover +/-
471c   ======================================
473      do ivec = 1, 3
474        alo(1) = ivec
475        ahi(1) = ivec
476c       ************
477c       Real portion
478c       ************
479        call nga_copy_patch ('N',g_dim_r(1),alo,ahi,g_pmats(1),blo,bhi)
480        call nga_copy_patch ('N',g_dim_r(2),alo,ahi,g_pmats(2),blo,bhi)
482c       it might be necessary to use 0.5 here instead of 1.0
483c       (note: that turned out NOT to be the case after some testing)
484        pre_factor = 1.0d0
485        call ga_sync()
486        if (.not.limag) then
487c         real perturbation:
488          call nga_add_patch (pre_factor, g_pmats(1), blo, bhi,
489     &       pre_factor, g_pmats(2), blo, bhi,
490     &       g_dim_r(1), alo, ahi)
491          call nga_add_patch (pre_factor, g_pmats(1), blo, bhi,
492     &       -pre_factor, g_pmats(2), blo, bhi,
493     &       g_dim_r(2), alo, ahi)
494        else
495c         imaginary perturbation:
496          call nga_add_patch (pre_factor, g_pmats(1), blo, bhi,
497     &       pre_factor, g_pmats(2), blo, bhi,
498     &       g_dim_r(1), alo, ahi)
499          call nga_add_patch (-pre_factor, g_pmats(1), blo, bhi,
500     &       pre_factor, g_pmats(2), blo, bhi,
501     &       g_dim_r(2), alo, ahi)
502        end if  ! if .not.limag
503        if (lifetime) then
504c       *****************
505c       Imaginary portion
506c       *****************
507        call nga_copy_patch ('N',g_dim_i(1),alo,ahi,g_pmats(1),blo,bhi)
508        call nga_copy_patch ('N',g_dim_i(2),alo,ahi,g_pmats(2),blo,bhi)
510c       it might be necessary to use 0.5 here instead of 1.0
511c       (note: that turned out NOT to be the case after some testing)
512        pre_factor = 1.0d0
513        call ga_sync()
514        if (.not.limag) then
515c         real perturbation:
516          call nga_add_patch (pre_factor, g_pmats(1), blo, bhi,
517     &       pre_factor, g_pmats(2), blo, bhi,
518     &       g_dim_i(1), alo, ahi)
519          call nga_add_patch (pre_factor, g_pmats(1), blo, bhi,
520     &       -pre_factor, g_pmats(2), blo, bhi,
521     &       g_dim_i(2), alo, ahi)
522        else
523c         imaginary perturbation:
524          call nga_add_patch (pre_factor, g_pmats(1), blo, bhi,
525     &       pre_factor, g_pmats(2), blo, bhi,
526     &       g_dim_i(1), alo, ahi)
527          call nga_add_patch (-pre_factor, g_pmats(1), blo, bhi,
528     &       pre_factor, g_pmats(2), blo, bhi,
529     &       g_dim_i(2), alo, ahi)
530        end if  ! if .not.limag
531        end if ! lifetime
532      enddo                     ! ivec = 1,nvec
533100   continue
535c   ====================================
536c   Add DIM potential to the Fock matrix
537c   ====================================
539      g_dcv = ga_create_atom_blocked(geom, basis, 'rohf_h2e3: dcv')
540      xoff = 1
541      voff = nclosed + nopen + 1
542      xend = nvir*nclosed
543      do ivec = 1, 3 ! Loop over perturbations
544        alo(1) = ivec
545        ahi(1) = ivec
546        do ipm = 1, 2! Loop over +/-
547c         We only add the + direction of the DIM potential to both +/- of the Fock matrix
548c   Real Portion
549          call nga_copy_patch('N',g_dim_r(ipm),alo,ahi,g_dcv,blo,bhi)
550          call ga_scale(g_dcv, two)
551          call ga_matmul_patch('n', 'n', two, zero,
552     $                           g_dcv,   1, nbf, 1, nbf,
553     $                           g_movecs, 1, nbf, 1, nclosed,
554     $                           g_tmp1,  1, nbf, 1, nclosed)
555          call ga_sync()
556          call ga_matmul_patch('t', 'n', one, zero,
557     $                           g_movecs, voff, nmo, 1, nbf,
558     $                           g_tmp1, 1, nbf,  1, nclosed,
559     $                           g_tmp2, 1, nvir, 1, nclosed)
560          call ga_sync()
561          call ga_mat_to_vec(g_tmp2, 1, nvir, 1, nclosed, g_Ax_r(ipm),
562     $                         xoff, ivec, four, '+')
564c   Imaginary Portion
565          if (lifetime) then
566          call nga_copy_patch('N',g_dim_i(ipm),alo,ahi,g_dcv,blo,bhi)
567          call ga_scale(g_dcv, two)
568          call ga_matmul_patch('n', 'n', two, zero,
569     $                           g_dcv,   1, nbf, 1, nbf,
570     $                           g_movecs, 1, nbf, 1, nclosed,
571     $                           g_tmp1,  1, nbf, 1, nclosed)
572          call ga_sync()
573          call ga_matmul_patch('t', 'n', one, zero,
574     $                           g_movecs, voff, nmo, 1, nbf,
575     $                           g_tmp1, 1, nbf,  1, nclosed,
576     $                           g_tmp2, 1, nvir, 1, nclosed)
577          call ga_sync()
579c   ******NOTE JEM******
580c   We can remove the - sign if we apply the sign change discussed in aoresponse and rohf_hessv_xx3
581c   ********************
583          call ga_mat_to_vec(g_tmp2, 1, nvir, 1, nclosed, g_Ax_i(ipm),
584     $                         xoff, ivec, four, '+')
585          end if !lifetime
586        end do !ipm = 1, 2
587      end do !ivec = 1, 3
588c   ========
589c   Clean up
590c   =======
591      lfirst = .false.
592      do ipm = 1,2
593        if (.not. ga_destroy(g_pmats(ipm))) call errquit
594     $     ('addop: pmats GA?', 0, GA_ERR)
595        if (.not. ga_destroy(g_pmata(ipm))) call errquit
596     $     ('addop: pmata GA?', 0, GA_ERR)
597        if (.not. ga_destroy(g_h1mat(ipm))) call errquit
598     $     ('addop: h1mat GA?', 0, GA_ERR)
599        if (.not. ga_destroy(g_dim_r(ipm))) call errquit
600     $     ('addop: dim_r GA?', 0, GA_ERR)
601        if (lifetime) then
602        if (.not. ga_destroy(g_dim_i(ipm))) call errquit
603     $     ('addop: dim_i GA?', 0, GA_ERR)
604        end if
605      enddo                     ! ipm = 1,2
607      if (.not. ga_destroy(g_tmp1)) call errquit
608     $   ('addop: tmp1 GA?', 0, GA_ERR)
609      if (.not. ga_destroy(g_tmp2)) call errquit
610     $   ('addop: tmp2 GA?', 0, GA_ERR)
611      if (.not. ga_destroy(g_dcv)) call errquit
612     $   ('addop: dcv GA?',0, GA_ERR)
614      end subroutine dimqm_addop_cmplx