1      subroutine dimqm_lclfld(g_dipel, omega, lifetime, g_dipel_i)
5c     Called from aoresponse_driver.F
7      implicit none
8#include "errquit.fh"
9#include "stdio.fh"
10#include "rtdb.fh"
11#include "mafdecls.fh"
12#include "global.fh"
13#include "dimqm_constants.fh"
14#include "dimqm.fh"
15#include "geom.fh"
16#include "crohf.fh"
17#include "cscf.fh"
19c     Input Variables
20      integer g_dipel        ! Global array handle to the dipole matrix
21      logical lifetime        !damping or not
22      integer g_dipel_i       !currently defined in dimqm.fh, might change
23      double precision omega  ! freq value
25c     Local variables
26      integer g_tmp1, g_tmp2, g_dcv, g_dim_temp
27      integer dims(3), chunk(3)
28      integer alo(3), ahi(3)
29      integer blo(2), bhi(2)
30      integer clo(3), chi(3)
31      integer xend
32      integer icmplx
34      double precision dx_r, dy_r, dz_r
35      double precision dx_i, dy_i, dz_i
36      integer l_dimxyz, k_dimxyz
37      integer l_muind, k_muind
38c      integer l_muold, k_muold
39      double precision dsum
40      external dsum
41      integer i3, ivec, n
42      integer l_fld, k_fld
43      integer g_dim_r(2)
44      integer g_dim_i(2)
45      integer g_temp(2)
46      integer nvir, voff, xoff
47      integer  ga_create_atom_blocked
48      external ga_create_atom_blocked
49      integer ipm
50      double precision pre_factor
51      character*(1) direction(3)
52      character*(1) pm(2)
53      logical seed_save
54      data direction /'x', 'y', 'z'/
55      data pm /'+', '-'/
57      nvir = nmo - nclosed - nopen
58      voff = nclosed + nopen + 1
59      i3 = nDIM * 3
60      icmplx = 1
61      if(omega > ZERO) icmplx = 2
63c      write(luout,*) "omega:", omega
64c      write(luout,*) "icmplx:", icmplx
67c      g_tmp1 = ga_create_atom_blocked(geom, basis, 'dim_lclfld: tmp1')
68c      g_tmp2 = ga_create_atom_blocked(geom, basis, 'dim_lclfld: tmp2')
69c     TODO: work out a way for FD without damping to run correctly,
70c           although, the case itself makes little sense
71c      if(icmplx > 1 ) then
72      if(lifetime) then
73        alo(1) = nbf
74        alo(2) = -1
75        alo(3) = -1
76        ahi(1) = nbf
77        ahi(2) = nbf
78        ahi(3) = 3
79        if (.not.nga_create(MT_DBL,3,ahi,'e-dipole-i',alo,g_dipel_i))
80     $    call errquit('lclfld: nga_create failed g_dipel_i',0,GA_ERR)
81        call ga_zero(g_dipel_i)
82      end if
84      alo(2) = 1
85      ahi(2) = nbf
86      alo(3) = 1
87      ahi(3) = nbf
88      blo(1) = 1
89      bhi(1) = nbf
90      blo(2) = 1
91      bhi(2) = nbf
93      if(.not.ma_push_get(mt_dbl,i3*icmplx,'dimrsp:fld',l_fld,k_fld))
94     $  call errquit('malloc dimrsp:fld failed',1,MA_ERR)
96      if(.not.ma_push_get(mt_dbl,i3*icmplx,'dimrsp:muind',
97     $                                            l_muind,k_muind))
98     $  call errquit('malloc dimrsp:muind failed',1,MA_ERR)
99      if(.not.ma_push_get(mt_dbl,i3*icmplx,'dimrsp:muold',
100     $                                            l_muold,k_muold))
101     $  call errquit('malloc dimrsp:muind failed',1,MA_ERR)
103      if(.not.ma_push_get(mt_dbl,i3,'dimrsp:xyz',l_dimxyz,k_dimxyz))
104     $  call errquit('malloc dimrsp:xyz failed',1,MA_ERR)
106      if(.not.rtdb_get(dimqm_rtdb,'dimpar:coords',mt_dbl,i3,
107     $                                dbl_mb(k_dimxyz)))
108     $  call errquit('get dimpar:coords failed', 1, RTDB_ERR)
110c     Loop over xyz dsrections
111      seed_save = dimqm_noseed
112      dimqm_noseed = .true.
113      do n = 1, 3
114c        do ipm = 1, icmplx ! +/- direction if it's complex
116c   =============================
117c   Solve for dipoles
118c   =============================
120c   Zero arrays
121        call dfill(i3*icmplx, ZERO, dbl_mb(k_muind),   1)
122        call dfill(i3*icmplx, ZERO, dbl_mb(k_muold),   1)
123        call dfill(i3*icmplx, ZERO, dbl_mb(k_fld),     1)
125c   Ones for current cartesian direction
126        call dfill(nDIM,      ONE,  dbl_mb(k_fld+n-1), 3)
128c   Calculate induced dipoles
129        call dimqm_f2d(dimqm_rtdb, dbl_mb(k_fld),
130     $                 dbl_mb(k_muind), dbl_mb(k_muold),
131     $                 dbl_mb(k_dimxyz), icmplx, 's', ' ',.false.)
133        if(icmplx.eq.2 .and. lifetime) then
134          if(.not.rtdb_put(dimqm_rtdb,
135     $                'dimqm:muind_'//direction(n)//'_r'//pm(1),
136     $                           mt_dbl, i3, dbl_mb(k_muind)))
137     $      call errquit('put dimqm:muind_r failed',1,RTDB_ERR)
138          if(.not.rtdb_put(dimqm_rtdb,
139     $                'dimqm:muind_'//direction(n)//'_i'//pm(1),
140     $                           mt_dbl, i3, dbl_mb(k_muind+i3)))
141     $      call errquit('put dimqm:muind_i failed',1,RTDB_ERR)
142        else
143          if(.not.rtdb_put(dimqm_rtdb,
144     $      'dimqm:muind_'//direction(n),
145     $       mt_dbl, i3, dbl_mb(k_muind)))
146     $      call errquit('put dimqm:muind_r failed',1,RTDB_ERR)
147        end if
148c        end do
149      end do ! ivec = 1, 3
151      if (.not. ma_chop_stack(l_fld)) call errquit('lclfld: MA?', 0,
152     $       MA_ERR)
154c   ====================================================
155c   Solve for DIM potential
156c   ====================================================
158      dims(1) = 3
159      dims(2) = nbf
160      dims(3) = nbf
161      chunk(1) = dims(1)
162      chunk(2) = -1
163      chunk(3) = -1
165      if((icmplx.eq.2) .and. lifetime) then
166c   Real +
167        if (.not. nga_create (MT_DBL, 3, dims, 'lclfld:dim_r+',chunk,
168     &                        g_dim_r(1)))
169     &   call errquit('lclfld: could not allocate g_dim_r+',1,GA_ERR)
170        call ga_zero(g_dim_r(1))
171        call fock_dim(geom, nbf, basis, 3, g_dim_r(1), 1, 1)
172        call ga_symmetrize(g_dim_r(1))
173c!   Real -
174 !       if (.not. nga_create (MT_DBL, 3, dims, 'addop:dim_r-',chunk,
175 !    &                        g_dim_r(2)))
176 !    &   call errquit('addop: could not allocate g_dim_r-',1,GA_ERR)
177 !       call ga_zero(g_dim_r(2))
178 !       call fock_dim(geom, nbf, basis, 3, g_dim_r(2), 2, 1)
179 !       call ga_antisymmetrize(g_dim_r(2))
180c   Imaginary +
181        if (.not. nga_create (MT_DBL, 3, dims, 'lclfld:dim_i+',chunk,
182     &                        g_dim_i(1)))
183     &   call errquit('lclfld: could not allocate g_dim_i+',1,GA_ERR)
184        call ga_zero(g_dim_i(1))
185        call fock_dim(geom, nbf, basis, 3, g_dim_i(1), 1, 2)
186        call ga_symmetrize(g_dim_i(1))
187c!   Imaginary -
188 !       if (.not. nga_create (MT_DBL, 3, dims, 'addop:dim_i-',chunk,
189 !    &                        g_dim_i(2)))
190 !    &   call errquit('addop: could not allocate g_dim_i-',1,GA_ERR)
191 !       call ga_zero(g_dim_i(2))
192 !       call fock_dim(geom, nbf, basis, 3, g_dim_i(2), 2, 2)
193 !       call ga_antisymmetrize(g_dim_i(2))
194 !
195      else
196        if (.not. nga_create (MT_DBL, 3, dims, 'lclfld:dim_r',chunk,
197     &                        g_dim_r(1)))
198     &   call errquit('lclfld: could not allocate g_dim_r',1,GA_ERR)
199        call ga_zero(g_dim_r)
200        call fock_dim(geom, nbf, basis, 3, g_dim_r(1),  0, 1)
201        call ga_symmetrize(g_dim_r(1))
202c!   ======================================
203c!   Undo the symmetrization to recover +/-
204c!   ======================================
206 !       dims(1) = nbf
207 !       dims(2) = nbf
208 !       chunk(1) = dims(1)
209 !       chunk(2) = -1
210 !
211 !       if (.not.nga_create(MT_DBL,2,dims,'gtemp',chunk,
212 !    &     g_temp(1))) call
213 !    &     errquit('dim_addop: nga_create failed gtemp',
214 !    &     0,GA_ERR)
215 !       call ga_zero(g_temp(1))
216 !       if (.not.nga_create(MT_DBL,2,dims,'gtemp',chunk,
217 !    &     g_temp(2))) call
218 !    &     errquit('dim_addop: nga_create failed gtemp',
219 !    &     0,GA_ERR)
220 !       call ga_zero(g_temp(2))
221 !
222 !       do ivec = 1, 3
223 !         alo(1) = ivec
224 !         ahi(1) = ivec
225c!       ************
226c!       Real portion
227c!       ************
228 !       call nga_copy_patch ('N',g_dim_r(1),alo,ahi,g_temp(1),blo,bhi)
229 !       call nga_copy_patch ('N',g_dim_r(2),alo,ahi,g_temp(2),blo,bhi)
231!c       it might be necessary to use 0.5 here instead of 1.0
232!c       (note: that turned out NOT to be the case after some testing)
233!          pre_factor = 1.0d0
234 !         call ga_sync()
235 !         call nga_add_patch (pre_factor, g_temp(1), blo, bhi,
236 !    &       pre_factor, g_temp(2), blo, bhi,
237 !    &       g_dim_r(1), alo, ahi)
238 !         call nga_add_patch (pre_factor, g_temp(1), blo, bhi,
239 !    &       -pre_factor, g_temp(2), blo, bhi,
240 !    &       g_dim_r(2), alo, ahi)
241c!       *****************
242c!       Imaginary portion
243c!       *****************
244 !       call nga_copy_patch ('N',g_dim_i(1),alo,ahi,g_temp(1),blo,bhi)
245 !       call nga_copy_patch ('N',g_dim_i(2),alo,ahi,g_temp(2),blo,bhi)
247c!       it might be necessary to use 0.5 here instead of 1.0
248c!       (note: that turned out NOT to be the case after some testing)
249 !       pre_factor = 1.0d0
250 !         call ga_sync()
251c!         real perturbation:
252 !         call nga_add_patch (pre_factor, g_temp(1), blo, bhi,
253 !    &       pre_factor, g_temp(2), blo, bhi,
254 !    &       g_dim_i(1), alo, ahi)
255 !         call nga_add_patch (pre_factor, g_temp(1), blo, bhi,
256 !    &       -pre_factor, g_temp(2), blo, bhi,
257 !    &       g_dim_i(2), alo, ahi)
258 !       enddo                     ! ivec = 1,nvec
259      end if
261c   ========================================
262c   Add DIM local field to the dipole matrix
263c   ========================================
264c start: some debug stuff -------------------
265c      call ga_print(g_dim_r(1))
266cc      call ga_print(g_dim_r(2))
267c      call ga_print(g_dipel)
269c      if (icmplx > 1) then
270c         call ga_print(g_dim_i(1))
271cc         call ga_print(g_dim_i(2))
272c      endif
273c      write(luout,*)'end of g_dim print'
274c end: some debug stuff --------------------
277      xoff = 1
278      xend = nvir*nclosed
279c      call ga_print(g_movecs)
280      call ga_sync()
281      clo(1) = 1
282      chi(1) = nbf
283      clo(2) = 1
284      chi(2) = nbf
285!jbecca START: commenting this stuff out just to test
286!      do ivec = 1, 3 ! Loop over perturbations
287!        alo(1) = ivec
288!        ahi(1) = ivec
289!        clo(3) = ivec
290!        chi(3) = ivec
291!        call nga_copy_patch('N',g_dim_r(1),alo,ahi,g_dcv,blo,bhi)
292!        call nga_add_patch(ONE, g_dipel, clo, chi,
293!     $                     ONE, g_dcv, blo,  bhi,
294!     $                          g_dipel, clo, chi)
295!        if(icmplx > 1) then
296!          call nga_copy_patch('N',g_dim_i(1),alo,ahi,g_dcv,blo,bhi)
297!          call nga_add_patch(ONE, g_dipel_i, clo, chi,
298!     $                       ONE, g_dcv, blo,  bhi,
299!     $                            g_dipel_i, clo, chi)
301!c        call ga_zero(g_dipel_i)
302!        end if
303!      end do !ivec = 1, 3
304!jbecca END
305!jbecca START: It seems that ga_create_atom_blocked does not work
306!              for this case. Making this by hand now.
307      if (.not. ga_create(MT_DBL,nbf,nbf,'dim_temp_pert',chunk(1),
308     $    chunk(2),g_dim_temp)) call errquit('lclfld:
309     $      nga_create failed g_dim_temp',0,GA_ERR)
311      do ivec = 1, 3    ! loop over pert
312         alo(1) = ivec
313         ahi(1) = ivec
314         clo(3) = ivec
315         chi(3) = ivec
316         call ga_zero(g_dim_temp)
317         call nga_copy_patch('N',g_dim_r(1),alo,ahi,g_dim_temp,blo,bhi)
318         call nga_add_patch(ONE, g_dipel, clo, chi,
319     $                      ONE, g_dim_temp, blo,  bhi,
320     $                          g_dipel, clo, chi)
322c         if (icmplx > 1 ) then
323         if (lifetime) then
324            call ga_zero(g_dim_temp)
325            call nga_copy_patch('N',g_dim_i(1),alo,ahi,g_dim_temp,
326     $                           blo,bhi)
327            call nga_add_patch(ONE, g_dipel_i, clo, chi,
328     $                       ONE, g_dim_temp, blo,  bhi,
329     $                            g_dipel_i, clo, chi)
330         endif
331      enddo       !ivec
333      if (.not. ga_destroy(g_dim_temp))
334     &   call errquit('lclfld: g_dim_temp destroy?',0,GA_ERR)
335!jbecca END
336c      call ga_print(g_dim_r(1))
337c   ========
338c   Clean up
339c   =======
340      if (.not. ga_destroy(g_dim_r(1)))
341     &      call errquit('lclfld: g_dim_r destroy?',0, GA_ERR)
342      if(icmplx > 1 .and. lifetime) then
343  !    if (.not. ga_destroy(g_dim_r(2))) call errquit('addop: GA?',0,
344  !   &       GA_ERR)
345        if (.not. ga_destroy(g_dim_i(1)))
346     &      call errquit('lclfld:g_dim_i destroy?',0,GA_ERR)
347  !      if (.not. ga_destroy(g_dim_i(2))) call errquit('addop: GA?',0,
348  !   &                                            GA_ERR)
349  !      if (.not. ga_destroy(g_temp(1))) call errquit('addop: GA?',0,
350  !   &       GA_ERR)
351  !      if (.not. ga_destroy(g_temp(2))) call errquit('addop: GA?',0,
352  !   &       GA_ERR)
353      end if
354!jbecca START
355      dimqm_noseed = seed_save
356c      call ga_print(g_dipel_i)
357      end subroutine dimqm_lclfld
361      subroutine dimqm_addlclfld(g_dip, omega)
363c  This subroutine is used to create and add in the local field
364c  operator to the U (or A) matrix before solving the linear equations
365c  in response routines. This ensures that the QM system's response is
366c  also dependent on any local fields that exist.
368c  Called from: nothing right now
370c  Calls:   subroutine dimqm_f2d
372c  Author: Jeff Becca, jbb5516@psu.edu, 2017
375      implicit none
376#include "errquit.fh"
377#include "stdio.fh"
378#include "rtdb.fh"
379#include "mafdecls.fh"
380#include "global.fh"
381#include "dimqm_constants.fh"
382#include "dimqm.fh"
383#include "geom.fh"
384#include "crohf.fh"
385#include "cscf.fh"
387c--------------------------- Input variables ---------------------------
388      integer g_dip        !H10, used to initialize rhs
389      integer omega        !frequency
391c--------------------------- Local variables ---------------------------
392      integer icmplx, i3, ivec, n
393      integer alo(3), ahi(3), dims(3), chunk(3)
394      integer l_fld, k_fld, l_muind, k_muind, l_dimxyz, k_dimxyz
395      logical seed_save
396      character*(1) direction(3)
397      character*(1) pm(2)
398      data direction /'x', 'y', 'z'/
399      data pm /'+', '-'/
400c---------------------------- Routine START ----------------------------
401c  TODO: Update this for the case of complex local fields. Currently
402c        only caring about the real part of the local field.
403      i3    =  nDIM * 3
404      icmplx = 1
405      if (omega > ZERO) icmplx = 2
407c  get some DIM stuff needed for setting up field
409      if(.not.ma_push_get(mt_dbl,i3*icmplx,'dimrsp:fld',l_fld,k_fld))
410     $  call errquit('malloc dimrsp:fld failed',1,MA_ERR)
412      if(.not.ma_push_get(mt_dbl,i3*icmplx,'dimrsp:muind',
413     $                                            l_muind,k_muind))
414     $  call errquit('malloc dimrsp:muind failed',1,MA_ERR)
415      if(.not.ma_push_get(mt_dbl,i3*icmplx,'dimrsp:muold',
416     $                                            l_muold,k_muold))
417     $  call errquit('malloc dimrsp:muind failed',1,MA_ERR)
419      if(.not.ma_push_get(mt_dbl,i3,'dimrsp:xyz',l_dimxyz,k_dimxyz))
420     $  call errquit('malloc dimrsp:xyz failed',1,MA_ERR)
422      if(.not.rtdb_get(dimqm_rtdb,'dimpar:coords',mt_dbl,i3,
423     $                                dbl_mb(k_dimxyz)))
424     $  call errquit('get dimpar:coords failed', 1, RTDB_ERR)
426      seed_save = dimqm_noseed
427      dimqm_noseed = .true.
429      do n = 1, 3
431c  zero arrays
432         call dfill(i3*icmplx, ZERO, dbl_mb(k_muind), 1)
433         call dfill(i3*icmplx, ZERO, dbl_mb(k_muold), 1)
434         call dfill(i3*icmplx, ZERO, dbl_mb(k_fld),   1)
436c  Create unit field in current cartesian direction for field
437         call dfill(nDIM,  ONE,  dbl_mb(k_fld+n-1),   3)
439c  Calculate the induced dipoles from the unit field
440         call dimqm_f2d(dimqm_rtdb, dbl_mb(k_fld),
441     $            dbl_mb(k_muind),  dbl_mb(k_muold),
442     $            dbl_mb(k_dimxyz), icmplx, 's', ' ',.false.)
444c  Store dipoles
445         if (icmplx.eq.1) then
446            if(.not.rtdb_put(dimqm_rtdb,
447     $      'dimqm:muind_'//direction(n),
448     $      mt_dbl, i3, dbl_mb(k_muind)))
449     $      call errquit('put dimqm:muindr_r failed',1,RTDB_ERR)
450         else
451          if(.not.rtdb_put(dimqm_rtdb,
452     $                'dimqm:muind_'//direction(n)//'_r'//pm(1),
453     $                           mt_dbl, i3, dbl_mb(k_muind)))
454     $      call errquit('put dimqm:muind_r failed',1,RTDB_ERR)
455          if(.not.rtdb_put(dimqm_rtdb,
456     $                'dimqm:muind_'//direction(n)//'_i'//pm(1),
457     $                           mt_dbl, i3, dbl_mb(k_muind+i3)))
458     $      call errquit('put dimqm:muind_i failed',1,RTDB_ERR)
459        end if
460      end do ! ivec = 1, 3
462      if (.not. ma_chop_stack(l_fld)) call errquit('lclfld: MA?', 0,
463     $       MA_ERR)
465c   ====================================================
466c   Solve for DIM potential
467c   ====================================================
469      dims(1) = 3
470      dims(2) = nbf
471      dims(3) = nbf
472      chunk(1) = dims(1)
473      chunk(2) = -1
474      chunk(3) = -1
475      end subroutine dimqm_addlclfld