2c     Evaluate the quantity W. Eq. 24, Furche & Ahlrichs
3c     There are three parts that need evaluating separately.
4c     Occupied-occupied, Occupied-Virtual, Virtual-Virtual parts.
5c     HvD 11/2007, NG 11/2012
7      subroutine tddft_grad_compute_w(rtdb,ihdl_geom,ihdl_bfao,tol2e,
8     +           tda,ipol,nroots,nfc,naoc,nocc,nav,
9     +           nfv,nao,g_mo,g_p,g_z,g_xpy,g_xmy,eps,omega,g_w,
10     +           kfac,lhashf,otriplet)
12      implicit none
14#include "errquit.fh"
15#include "mafdecls.fh"
16#include "global.fh"
17#include "rtdb.fh"
18#include "tddft_grad_util.fh"
19#include "stdio.fh"
21c     Input:
23      integer rtdb      ! runtime database handle
24      integer ihdl_geom ! geometry handle
25      integer ihdl_bfao ! basis set handle
26      logical tda       ! .true. if Tamm-Dancoff approximation is used
27      integer ipol      ! =1 (restricted), =2 (unrestricted)
28      integer nfc(2)    ! the number of frozen core orbitals
29      integer naoc(2)   ! the number of active occupied orbitals
30      integer nocc(2)   ! the total number of occupied orbitals
31      integer nav(2)    ! the number of active virtual orbitals
32      integer nfv(2)    ! the number of frozen virtual orbitals
33      integer nao       ! the number of basis functions
34      integer nroots    ! the number of states to consider
35      integer g_mo(2)   ! global array handle for MO coefficients
36      integer g_p(2)    ! global array handle for Ppq
37      integer g_z(2)    ! global array handle for Zia
38      integer g_xpy(2)  ! global array handle for (X+Y)
39      integer g_xmy(2)  ! global array handle for (X-Y)
41      logical lhashf    ! =.true.  hybrid functionals
42                        ! =.false. otherwise
43      logical otriplet  ! =.true.  triplet excited states
44                        ! =.false. singlet excited states
45                        ! value does not matter for TDUDFT
47      double precision kfac          ! the weight of the Hartree-Fock
48                                     ! exchange contributions
49      double precision eps(nao,2)    ! orbital eigenvalues
50      double precision omega(nroots) ! the excitation energies
51      double precision tol2e         ! integral tolerance
53c     Output:
55      integer g_w(2)    ! global array handle for W
57c     Functions:
59      integer  ga_create_atom_blocked
60      external ga_create_atom_blocked
61      logical  xc_gotxc
62      external xc_gotxc
64c     Local:
66      integer g_puv     ! global array handle for Puv
67      integer g_apbp ! global array handle for (A+B)Puv
68      integer g_ambp ! global array handle for (A-B)Puv
69      integer g_x    ! global array handle for X
70      integer g_y    ! global array handle for Y
71      integer g_apbx ! global array handle for (A+B)X
72      integer g_ambx ! global array handle for (A-B)X
73      integer g_apby ! global array handle for (A+B)Y
74      integer g_amby ! global array handle for (A-B)Y
75      integer g_hij(2)  ! global array handle for Hij+-
76      integer g_t       ! global array handle for transposer
78      integer alo(3) ! lower chunck limits on A
79      integer ahi(3) ! upper chunck limits on A
80      integer blo(3) ! lower chunck limits on B
81      integer bhi(3) ! upper chunck limits on B
82      integer clo(3) ! lower chunck limits on C
83      integer chi(3) ! upper chunck limits on C
84      integer ld(3)  ! leading dimensions
86      integer idim(3)  ! dimensions for global arrays
87      integer ichnk(3) ! chunk sizes for distribution
89      integer nproc  ! the number of processors
90      integer iproc  ! the rank of the current processor
91      integer jproc  ! the rank of some other processor
93      integer ip     ! counter over spin components
94      integer ir     ! counter over roots
95      integer ic     ! counter for arbitrary purposes
96      integer icount ! counter for arbitrary purposes
98      integer mini   ! minimum value of i-label
99      integer minj   ! minimum value of j-label
100      integer mina   ! minimum value of a-label
101      integer minb   ! minimum value of b-label
102      integer maxi   ! maximum value of i-label
103      integer maxj   ! maximum value of j-label
104      integer maxa   ! maximum value of a-label
105      integer maxb   ! maximum value of b-label
106      integer numi   ! the number of i-labels
107      integer numj   ! the number of j-labels
108      integer numa   ! the number of a-labels
109      integer numb   ! the number of b-labels
111      integer i      ! counter over i-labels
112      integer j      ! counter over j-labels
113      integer a      ! counter over a-labels
114      integer b      ! counter over b-labels
116      integer imo    ! molecular orbital label for accessing eps
118      integer ihdl_a ! the memory handle for block A
119      integer ihdl_b ! the memory handle for block B
120      integer ihdl_r ! the memory handle for block R
121      integer ihdl_v ! the memory handle for block V
123      integer iptr_a ! the memory index for block A
124      integer iptr_b ! the memory index for block B
125      integer iptr_r ! the memory index for block R
126      integer iptr_v ! the memory index for block V
128      integer calc_type      ! calculation type for fock_xc
129      integer l_dens, k_dens ! memory for array of density handles
130      integer l_den2, k_den2 ! memory for array of density handles
131      integer ndens          ! the number of density matrices
132      integer l_gxc , k_gxc  ! memory for array of Gxc matrix handles
133      integer ngxc           ! the number of Gxc matrices
134      logical oroot
135      integer iwhich
137      character*32 pname
139      logical oskel
140      parameter (oskel=.false.)
141      double precision Exc(2)    ! Exchange-correlation energy
143      logical tdaloc
144      logical doitw,doitz
145      logical doitxpy1,doitxpy2
146      logical doitxmy1,doitxmy2
148      pname = "tddft_grad_compute_w: "
149      iwhich = 0   ! call to tddft_nga_cont()
151c     General stuff
153      iproc = ga_nodeid()
154      nproc = ga_nnodes()
156      do ip = 1, ipol
157        call ga_zero(g_w(ip))
158      enddo
159c Daniel (12/1/12): Here, we have that the occupied-occupied block is
160c the sum of the ground state energy-weighted matrix with the
161c energy-weighted difference density matrix.  The former gives the
162c first term in the expression.  The ground state density matrix makes
163c no other contributions to W.
165c     Compute the occupied-occupied block
167c     Wijs = delta_ij eps_i
168c          + Omega Sum_a [(X+Y)ias(X-Y)jas+(X-Y)ias(X+Y)jas]/2
169c          - Sum_a eps_a [(X+Y)ias(X+Y)jas+(X-Y)ias(X-Y)jas]/2
170c          + Aijs'[P]
171c          + Sum_kat Sum_ldr Gxc_ijskatldr(X+Y)kat(X+Y)ldr
173c     Do the first term, the parallelisation is driven off the
174c     distribution of g_w.
176      do ip = 1, ipol
177        call nga_distribution(g_w(ip),iproc,alo,ahi)
178        doitw = .not.(alo(1).ne.1.or.ahi(1).ne.nroots)
179        if (doitw) then
180         mini = max(alo(2),alo(3))
181         maxi = min(ahi(2),ahi(3),naoc(ip))
182         do i = mini, maxi
183          imo = nfc(ip)+i
184          do ir = 1, nroots
185            blo(1) = ir
186            bhi(1) = ir
187            blo(2) = i
188            bhi(2) = i
189            blo(3) = i
190            bhi(3) = i
191            ld(1)  = 1
192            ld(2)  = 1
193            call nga_acc(g_w(ip),blo,bhi,(3-ipol)*eps(imo,ip),ld,1.0d0)
194          enddo
195         enddo
196        endif ! doitw
197      enddo ! ipol
199c     Do the second term
201      do ip = 1, ipol
202          do ir = 1, nroots
203            alo(1) = ir
204            ahi(1) = ir
205            alo(2) = 1
206            ahi(2) = naoc(ip)
207            alo(3) = 1
208            ahi(3) = nav(ip)
209            blo(1) = ir
210            bhi(1) = ir
211            blo(2) = 1
212            bhi(2) = nav(ip)
213            blo(3) = 1
214            bhi(3) = naoc(ip)
215            clo(1) = ir
216            chi(1) = ir
217            clo(2) = 1
218            chi(2) = naoc(ip)
219            clo(3) = 1
220            chi(3) = naoc(ip)
221            if (.not.tda) then
222               call tddft_patch3mxm('n','t',0.5d0*omega(ir),1.0d0,
223     +                                g_xpy(ip),alo,ahi,
224     +                                g_xmy(ip),blo,bhi,
225     +                                g_w(ip),clo,chi)
226               call tddft_patch3mxm('n','t',0.5d0*omega(ir),1.0d0,
227     +                                g_xmy(ip),alo,ahi,
228     +                                g_xpy(ip),blo,bhi,
229     +                                g_w(ip),clo,chi)
230            else
231c              g_xpy: X with CIS, Y = 0
232c              g_xmy: not created with CIS
233               call tddft_patch3mxm('n','t',omega(ir),1.0d0,
234     +                                g_xpy(ip),alo,ahi,
235     +                                g_xpy(ip),blo,bhi,
236     +                                g_w(ip),clo,chi)
237            endif
238          enddo  ! ir
240c         Do the third term, drive the parallelization off the
241c         distribution of (X+-Y)ib. The reason for this choice is that
242c         the occ-occ block will be localized on a (small) sub-set of
243c         the processors. So driving the parallelization off the
244c         distribution of W will result in dreadful load imbalance
245c         problems. This choice will lead to a (slightly) less bad
246c         load imbalance.
248c         Do the (X+Y) terms first
250          call nga_distribution(g_xpy(ip),iproc,blo,bhi)
251          doitxpy1 = .not.(blo(1).ne.1.or.bhi(1).ne.nroots)
253          if (doitxpy1) then
255           minj = blo(2)
256           maxj = bhi(2)
257           numj = maxj-minj+1
258           mina = blo(3)
259           maxa = bhi(3)
260           numa = maxa-mina+1
261           if (.not.ma_push_get(mt_dbl,nroots*numa*numj,'block b',
262     +                         ihdl_b,iptr_b))
263     +      call errquit(pname//'failed to allocate blockb',0,MA_ERR)
264           ld(1)  = nroots
265           ld(2)  = numj
266           call nga_get(g_xpy(ip),blo,bhi,dbl_mb(iptr_b),ld)
267           ic = 0
268           do a = 1, numa
269             do j = 1, numj
270              imo = nocc(ip)+mina-1+a
271              do ir = 1, nroots
272                dbl_mb(iptr_b+ic) = 0.5d0*eps(imo,ip)*dbl_mb(iptr_b+ic)
273                ic = ic + 1
274              enddo
275            enddo
276           enddo
278           do icount = 0, nproc-1
279           jproc = mod(iproc+icount,nproc)
281           call nga_distribution(g_xpy(ip),jproc,alo,ahi)
282           doitxpy2 = .not.(alo(1).ne.1.or.ahi(1).ne.nroots)
284           if (doitxpy2.and.doitxpy1) then
285            if (alo(3).eq.mina.and.ahi(3).eq.maxa) then
286              mini = alo(2)
287              maxi = ahi(2)
288              numi = maxi-mini+1
289c             alo(3) = mina
290c             ahi(3) = maxa
291              if (.not.ma_push_get(mt_dbl,nroots*numa*numi,'block a',
292     +                             ihdl_a,iptr_a))
293     +         call errquit(pname//'failed to allocate blockb',0,UERR)
294              if (.not.ma_push_get(mt_dbl,nroots*numi*numj,'block r',
295     +                             ihdl_r,iptr_r))
296     +         call errquit(pname//'failed to allocate blockr',0,UERR)
297              ld(1)  = nroots
298              ld(2)  = numi
299              call nga_get(g_xpy(ip),alo,ahi,dbl_mb(iptr_a),ld)
300              call dfill(nroots*numi*numj,0.0d0,dbl_mb(iptr_r),1)
301              do a = 0, numa-1
302                do j = 0, numj-1
303                  do i = 0, numi-1
304                    do ir = 0, nroots-1
305                      dbl_mb(iptr_r+ir+nroots*i+nroots*numi*j)
306     +                = dbl_mb(iptr_r+ir+nroots*i+nroots*numi*j)
307     +                - dbl_mb(iptr_a+ir+nroots*i+nroots*numi*a)
308     +                * dbl_mb(iptr_b+ir+nroots*j+nroots*numj*a)
309                    enddo
310                  enddo
311                enddo
312              enddo
314c Daniel (12-3-12): We need to account for (X-Y) = X in TDA here.
315c We must either double the contribution from (X+Y) here or redo the
316c procedure in this block of code.  I prefer scaling here since it's
317c less messy.
318              if (tda) then
319                call dscal(nroots*numi*numj,2.0d0,dbl_mb(iptr_r),1)
320              endif
321              clo(1) = 1
322              chi(1) = nroots
323              clo(2) = mini
324              chi(2) = maxi
325              clo(3) = minj
326              chi(3) = maxj
327              ld(1) = nroots
328              ld(2) = numi
329              call nga_acc(g_w(ip),clo,chi,dbl_mb(iptr_r),ld,1.0d0)
330              if (.not.ma_pop_stack(ihdl_r))
331     +         call errquit(pname//'failed to deallocate blockr',0,UERR)
332              if (.not.ma_pop_stack(ihdl_a))
333     +         call errquit(pname//'failed to deallocate blocka',0,UERR)
334            endif
335           endif !doitxpy1 and doitxpy2
336           enddo  ! icount
338             if (.not.ma_pop_stack(ihdl_b))
339     +         call errquit(pname//'failed to deallocate blockb',0,UERR)
340           endif ! doitxpy1
342          call ga_sync()
344          if (.not.tda) then
346c         Do the (X-Y) terms next
348            call nga_distribution(g_xmy(ip),iproc,blo,bhi)
349            doitxmy1 = .not.(blo(1).ne.1.or.bhi(1).ne.nroots)
351            if (doitxmy1) then
353             minj = blo(2)
354             maxj = bhi(2)
355             numj = maxj-minj+1
356             mina = blo(3)
357             maxa = bhi(3)
358             numa = maxa-mina+1
359             if (.not.ma_push_get(mt_dbl,nroots*numa*numj,'block b',
360     +                           ihdl_b,iptr_b))
361     +        call errquit(pname//'failed to allocate blockb',0,UERR)
362             ld(1)  = nroots
363             ld(2)  = numj
364             call nga_get(g_xmy(ip),blo,bhi,dbl_mb(iptr_b),ld)
365             ic = 0
366             do a = 1, numa
367              do i = 1, numj
368                imo = nocc(ip)+mina-1+a
369                do ir = 1, nroots
370                  dbl_mb(iptr_b+ic) = 0.5d0*eps(imo,ip)*
371     +                                      dbl_mb(iptr_b+ic)
372                  ic = ic + 1
373                enddo
374              enddo
375             enddo
377            do icount = 0, nproc-1
378              jproc = mod(iproc+icount,nproc)
379              call nga_distribution(g_xmy(ip),jproc,alo,ahi)
380              doitxmy2 = .not.(alo(1).ne.1.or.ahi(1).ne.nroots)
382               if (doitxmy2.and.doitxmy1) then
383               if (alo(3).eq.mina.and.ahi(3).eq.maxa) then
384                mini = alo(2)
385                maxi = ahi(2)
386                numi = maxi-mini+1
387c               alo(3) = mina
388c               ahi(3) = maxa
389                if (.not.ma_push_get(mt_dbl,nroots*numa*numi,'block a',
390     +                               ihdl_a,iptr_a))
391     +           call errquit(pname//'failed to allocate blockb',0,UERR)
392                if (.not.ma_push_get(mt_dbl,nroots*numi*numj,'block r',
393     +                               ihdl_r,iptr_r))
394     +           call errquit(pname//'failed to allocate blockr',0,UERR)
395                ld(1)  = nroots
396                ld(2)  = numi
397                call nga_get(g_xmy(ip),alo,ahi,dbl_mb(iptr_a),ld)
398                call dfill(nroots*numi*numj,0.0d0,dbl_mb(iptr_r),1)
399                do a = 0, numa-1
400                  do i = 0, numi-1
401                    do j = 0, numj-1
402                      do ir = 0, nroots-1
403                        dbl_mb(iptr_r+ir+nroots*i+nroots*numi*j)
404     +                  = dbl_mb(iptr_r+ir+nroots*i+nroots*numi*j)
405     +                  - dbl_mb(iptr_a+ir+nroots*i+nroots*numi*a)
406     +                  * dbl_mb(iptr_b+ir+nroots*j+nroots*numj*a)
407                      enddo
408                    enddo
409                  enddo
410                enddo
411                clo(1) = 1
412                chi(1) = nroots
413                clo(2) = mini
414                chi(2) = maxi
415                clo(3) = minj
416                chi(3) = maxj
417                ld(1) = nroots
418                ld(2) = numi
419                call nga_acc(g_w(ip),clo,chi,dbl_mb(iptr_r),ld,1.0d0)
420                if (.not.ma_pop_stack(ihdl_r))
421     +            call errquit(pname//'failed to deallocate blockr',0,
422     +              UERR)
423                if (.not.ma_pop_stack(ihdl_a))
424     +            call errquit(pname//'failed to deallocate blocka',0,
425     +              UERR)
426              endif
427              endif ! doitxmy1 and doitxmy2
428            enddo ! icount
430             if (.not.ma_pop_stack(ihdl_b))
431     +        call errquit(pname//'failed to deallocate blockb',0,UERR)
432            endif ! doitxmy1
434          call ga_sync()
436          endif ! tda
438      enddo ! ipol
440c     Now do the fourth term
442c     - Create Puv
444      idim(1) = nroots*ipol
445      idim(2) = nao
446      idim(3) = nao
447      ichnk(1) = nroots*ipol
448      ichnk(2) = -1
449      ichnk(3) = -1
450      if (.not.nga_create(mt_dbl,3,idim,'vec Puv',ichnk,g_puv))
451     +     call errquit(pname//'failed to create g_puv',0,GA_ERR)
453c     - Puv = sum_pq Cup*Ppq*Cvq
455      call tddft_grad_trans_mo2ao(ipol,nao,nfc,naoc,nocc,nav,nfv,
456     +     nroots,1.0d0,0.0d0,"pq",g_mo,g_p,"pq",g_puv)
458c     - Create global array for (A+B)P in AO basis
459c     - Compute (A+B)P in AO basis (currently we have to compute
460c       (A-B)P as well although we do not need it...)
462      if (.not.nga_create(mt_dbl,3,idim,'vec (A+B)P',ichnk,g_apbp))
463     +    call errquit(pname//'failed to create g_apbp',0,GA_ERR)
464      if (.not.nga_create(mt_dbl,3,idim,'vec (A-B)P',ichnk,g_ambp))
465     +    call errquit(pname//'failed to create g_ambp',0,GA_ERR)
466      call ga_zero(g_ambp)
467      call ga_zero(g_apbp)
468c Daniel (2-26-13): It was not obvious that we need to unset
469c fock_xc:triplet here for restricted triplet calculations to work.
470      if (otriplet) then
471        if (.not.rtdb_put(rtdb,'fock_xc:triplet',mt_log,1,.false.))
472     1    call errquit(pname//'failed to set triplet',0,RTDB_ERR)
473      endif
474      call tddft_nga_cont(rtdb,ihdl_geom,ihdl_bfao,g_puv,g_apbp,g_ambp,
475     +     nao,ipol,tol2e,tda,oskel,kfac,lhashf,.false.,nroots,iwhich)
476c Daniel (2-26-13): Reset fock_xc:triplet here for restricted triplet
477c calculations to work.
478      if (otriplet) then
479        if (.not.rtdb_put(rtdb,'fock_xc:triplet',mt_log,1,.true.))
480     1    call errquit(pname//'failed to set triplet',0,RTDB_ERR)
481      endif
482c Daniel (1-5-13): This line accidentally halves the contribution of
483c this term for CIS, but functions correctly for RPA.
484      if (.not.tda) then
485        call ga_add(+0.5d0,g_apbp,+0.5d0,g_ambp,g_apbp)
486      endif
488c     - Destroy global array for Puv
490      if (.not.ga_destroy(g_puv))
491     +    call errquit(pname//'failed to destroy g_puv',0,GA_ERR)
493c     - Transform (A+B)P from AO basis to Wij in MO basis
495      call tddft_grad_trans_ao2mo(ipol,nao,nfc,naoc,nocc,nav,nfv,
496     +     nroots,1.0d0,1.0d0,"ij",g_mo,g_apbp,g_w,"pq")
498c     - Destroy (A+B)P and (A-B)P
500      if (.not.ga_destroy(g_apbp))
501     +    call errquit(pname//'failed to destroy g_apbp',0,GA_ERR)
502      if (.not.ga_destroy(g_ambp))
503     +    call errquit(pname//'failed to destroy g_apbp',0,GA_ERR)
505c     Now do the fifth term (this follows the same approach as in
506c     tddft_grad_comp_r)
508      if (xc_gotxc()) then
509        ndens = ipol*(nroots+1)
510        ngxc  = ipol*nroots
511        if (.not.ma_push_get(mt_int,ngxc,'gxc-s',l_gxc,k_gxc))
512     +    call errquit(pname//'failed to allocate l_gxc',0,MA_ERR)
513        if (.not.ma_push_get(mt_int,ndens,'densities',l_dens,k_dens))
514     +    call errquit(pname//'failed to allocate l_dens',0,MA_ERR)
515        if (.not.ma_push_get(mt_int,ndens,'dens-tmps',l_den2,k_den2))
516     +    call errquit(pname//'failed to allocate l_den2',0,MA_ERR)
518c       - Create and calculate the AO basis density matrices
520        do ip = 0, ipol-1
521          int_mb(k_dens+nroots*ipol+ip) =
522     +       ga_create_atom_blocked(ihdl_geom,ihdl_bfao,"d_ao")
523        enddo
524        call tddft_grad_compute_dao(ipol,nao,nocc,g_mo,
525     +                           int_mb(k_dens+nroots*ipol))
526        if (ipol.eq.1) call ga_scale(int_mb(k_dens+nroots*ipol),2.0d0)
528c       - Create and calculate the AO basis representation of (X+Y)
530        do ip = 0, ipol-1
531          do ir = 0, nroots-1
532            int_mb(k_dens+ip*nroots+ir) = ga_create_atom_blocked(
533     +                                   ihdl_geom,ihdl_bfao,"xpy_ao")
534c Daniel (1-14-13): Added this call for consistency with
535c tddft_grad_compute_r
536            call ga_zero(int_mb(k_dens+ip*nroots+ir))
537          enddo
538        enddo
539        do ip = 1, ipol
540          do ir = 1, nroots
541            call tddft_grad_trans_mo2ao(1,nao,nfc(ip),naoc(ip),nocc(ip),
542     +           nav(ip),nfv(ip),ir,1.0d0,0.0d0,"ib",g_mo(ip),g_xpy(ip),
543     +           "ib",int_mb(k_dens+(ip-1)*nroots+ir-1))
544            call ga_symmetrize(int_mb(k_dens+(ip-1)*nroots+ir-1))
545c Daniel (2-16-13): This line is needed to get matching results from the
546c unrestricted code compared to the restricted one.
547            if (ipol.eq.1) then
548              call ga_scale(int_mb(k_dens+(ip-1)*nroots+ir-1),2.0d0)
549            endif
550          enddo
551        enddo
553c       - Create and calculate Gxc in AO basis using fock_xc
555        do i = 0, ngxc-1
556          int_mb(k_gxc+i) = ga_create_atom_blocked(ihdl_geom,ihdl_bfao,
557     +                                             "gxc_ao")
558          call ga_zero(int_mb(k_gxc+i))
559        enddo
560        if (.not.rtdb_get(rtdb,'fock_xc:calc_type',mt_int,1,calc_type))
561     +    calc_type=0
562        if (.not.rtdb_put(rtdb,'fock_xc:calc_type',mt_int,1,5))
563     +    call errquit(pname//'failed to set calc_type 5',0,RTDB_ERR)
564        if (.not.rtdb_put(rtdb,'fock_xc:calc_type_tddft_w',mt_int,1,
565     +      calc_type))
566     +    call errquit(pname//'failed to set calc_type_tddft_w',
567     +       0,RTDB_ERR)
570c Daniel (2-16-13): There is a line in fock_xc, involving lcgmin, that
571c will set l3d to true, even though we want it to be false for the
572c gradients.  We need to set the RTDB such that dft:cgmin is true so
573c that the l3d is set correctly in fock_xc.
574c **********************************************************************
576c **********************************************************************
577c Daniel (2-18-13): This fix will not work for optimizations.
578c        if (.not.rtdb_put(rtdb,'dft:cgmin',mt_log,1,.true.))
579c     1    call errquit(pname//'failed to set cgmin',0,RTDB_ERR)
582c       Reorder the densities to match the expectation in fock_xc
583c       See tddft_grad_comp_r for details.
585        do i = 0, nroots
586          do ip = 0, ipol-1
587            int_mb(k_den2+i+ip*(nroots+1)) = int_mb(k_dens+ip+ipol*i)
588          enddo
589        enddo
590        call ga_sync()
591c Daniel (2-12-13): We need to set triplet here for fock_xc.
592        if (otriplet) then
593          if (.not.rtdb_put(rtdb,'fock_xc:triplet',mt_log,1,otriplet))
594     1      call errquit(pname//'failed to set triplet',0,RTDB_ERR)
595        endif
596        call fock_xc(ihdl_geom, nao, ihdl_bfao, ngxc, int_mb(k_den2),
597     +               int_mb(k_gxc), Exc, ipol, .false.)
598        call ga_sync()
599c DEBUG
600      if (tddft_grad_util_print('tddft grad w',print_debug)) then
601        oroot = ga_nodeid().eq.0
602        if (oroot) write(LuOut,*)'DEBUG: '//pname//'gxc'
603        call tddft_grad_print_array(ipol,nroots,int_mb(k_gxc),
604     +                              dble(ipol))
605      endif
606c DEBUG
608        if (.not.rtdb_get(rtdb,'fock_xc:calc_type_tddft_w',mt_int,1,
609     +    calc_type))
610     +    call errquit(pname//'failed to get calc_type_tddft_w',0,
611     +        RTDB_ERR)
612        if (.not.rtdb_put(rtdb,'fock_xc:calc_type',mt_int,1,calc_type))
613     +    call errquit(pname//'failed to reset calc_type',0,RTDB_ERR)
614        if (.not.rtdb_delete(rtdb,'fock_xc:calc_type_tddft_w'))
615     +    call errquit(pname//'failed to delete calc_type_tddft_w',0,
616     +        RTDB_ERR)
618c       - Transform the Gxc matrices to MO basis and add them to Wij
620        do i = 0, ndens-1
621          if (.not.ga_destroy(int_mb(k_dens+i)))
622     +     call errquit(pname//'failed to destroy densities',0,GA_ERR)
623        enddo
624        if (.not.ma_pop_stack(l_den2))
625     +    call errquit(pname//'failed to deallocate l_den2', 0, MA_ERR)
626        if (.not.ma_pop_stack(l_dens))
627     +    call errquit(pname//'failed to deallocate l_dens', 0, MA_ERR)
628        do ip = 1, ipol
629          do ir = 1, nroots
630            call tddft_grad_trans_ao2mo(1,nao,nfc(ip),naoc(ip),nocc(ip),
631     +           nav(ip),nfv(ip),ir,1.0d0,1.0d0,"ij",g_mo(ip),
632     +           int_mb(k_gxc+(ip-1)*nroots+ir-1),g_w(ip),"ij")
633          enddo
634        enddo
635        do i = 0, ngxc-1
636          if (.not.ga_destroy(int_mb(k_gxc+i)))
637     +     call errquit(pname//'failed to destroy gxc_ao', 0, GA_ERR)
638        enddo
639        if (.not.ma_pop_stack(l_gxc))
640     +     call errquit(pname//'failed to deallocate l_gxc', 0, MA_ERR)
642      endif
644c     Compute the occupied-virtual block
646c     Wias = eps_is Zias
647c          + Sum_j {(X+Y)jasHji+[X+Y]+(X-Y)jasHjis-[X-Y]}
649c     Do the first term, drive the parallelization off the distribution
650c     of Zias
652      do ip = 1, ipol
654        call nga_distribution(g_z(ip),iproc,alo,ahi)
655        doitz = .not.(alo(1).ne.1.or.ahi(1).ne.nroots)
657        if (doitz) then
658         mini = alo(2)
659         maxi = ahi(2)
660         numi = maxi-mini+1
661         mina = alo(3)
662         maxa = ahi(3)
663         numa = maxa-mina+1
664         if (.not.ma_push_get(mt_dbl,nroots*numi*numa,'block v',
665     +                       ihdl_v,iptr_v))
666     +   call errquit(pname//'failed to allocate block v',0, UERR)
667         ld(1) = nroots
668         ld(2) = numi
669         call nga_get(g_z(ip),alo,ahi,dbl_mb(iptr_v),ld)
670         do a = 0, numa-1
671          do i = 0, numi-1
672            imo = nfc(ip)+mini+i
673            do ir = 0, nroots-1
674              dbl_mb(iptr_v+ir+nroots*i+nroots*numi*a)
675     +        = dbl_mb(iptr_v+ir+nroots*i+nroots*numi*a)
676     +        * eps(imo,ip)
677            enddo
678          enddo
679         enddo
680        alo(3) = naoc(ip)+mina
681        ahi(3) = naoc(ip)+maxa
682        call nga_put(g_w(ip),alo,ahi,dbl_mb(iptr_v),ld)
683        if (.not.ma_pop_stack(ihdl_v))
684     +    call errquit(pname//'failed to deallocate block v',0, UERR)
685       endif ! doitz
686      enddo  ! ip
688c     Do the second term
690c     - Do the (X+Y) and (X-Y) contributions
692c     - Create global arrays for X and Y in AO basis
694      idim(1) = nroots*ipol
695      idim(2) = nao
696      idim(3) = nao
697      ichnk(1) = nroots*ipol
698      ichnk(2) = -1
699      ichnk(3) = -1
700      if (.not.nga_create(mt_dbl,3,idim,'vectors Xuv',ichnk,g_x))
701     +    call errquit(pname//'failed to create g_x',0,GA_ERR)
702      if (.not.nga_create(mt_dbl,3,idim,'vectors Yuv',ichnk,g_y))
703     +    call errquit(pname//'failed to create g_y',0,GA_ERR)
705c     - Transform (X+Y) to AO basis in g_x and (X-Y) to AO basis
706c       in g_y
708      call tddft_grad_trans_mo2ao(ipol,nao,nfc,naoc,nocc,nav,nfv,
709     +     nroots,1.0d0,0.0d0,"ib",g_mo,g_xpy,"ib",g_x)
710      if (.not.tda) then
711        call tddft_grad_trans_mo2ao(ipol,nao,nfc,naoc,nocc,nav,nfv,
712     +       nroots,1.0d0,0.0d0,"ib",g_mo,g_xmy,"ib",g_y)
713      else
714        call tddft_grad_trans_mo2ao(ipol,nao,nfc,naoc,nocc,nav,nfv,
715     +       nroots,1.0d0,0.0d0,"ib",g_mo,g_xpy,"ib",g_y)
716      endif
718c     - Compute X and Y from (X+Y) and (X-Y) in place
720      alo(1) = 1
721      alo(2) = 1
722      alo(3) = 1
723      ahi(1) = nroots*ipol
724      ahi(2) = nao
725      ahi(3) = nao
726c Daniel (1-7-13): With the modification above, the lines here behave
727c like you'd expect (i.e. g_x = X and g_y = Y = 0 for CIS, rather than
728c what was here before which made g_x = 0.50*X and g_y = 0.50*X).
729      call nga_add_patch(0.5d0,g_x,alo,ahi,0.5d0,g_y,alo,ahi,g_x,
730     +                   alo,ahi)
731      call nga_add_patch(1.0d0,g_x,alo,ahi,-1.0d0,g_y,alo,ahi,g_y,
732     +                   alo,ahi)
734c     - Allocate various workspace arrays
736      if (.not.nga_create(mt_dbl,3,idim,'vectors (A+B)X',ichnk,g_apbx))
737     +    call errquit(pname//'failed to create g_apbx',0, GA_ERR)
738      if (.not.nga_create(mt_dbl,3,idim,'vectors (A-B)X',ichnk,g_ambx))
739     +    call errquit(pname//'failed to create g_ambx',0, GA_ERR)
740      if (.not.nga_create(mt_dbl,3,idim,'vectors (A+B)Y',ichnk,g_apby))
741     +    call errquit(pname//'failed to create g_apby',0, GA_ERR)
742      if (.not.nga_create(mt_dbl,3,idim,'vectors (A-B)Y',ichnk,g_amby))
743     +    call errquit(pname//'failed to create g_amby',0, GA_ERR)
745c     - Compute (A+B)X, (A-B)X, (A+B)Y and (A-B)Y
747c Daniel (1-7-13): We manipulate the code here because the
748c R vector has the same number of terms for RPA and CIS.  This is a
749c consequence of (X-Y) = X.  It might be a good idea to avoid doing this
750c part for the Y vector since Y = 0.  Note that the coupling matrix
751c expressions H^+[V] and H^-[V] can both be nonzero for CIS, so it isn't
752c okay to skip the anti-symmetric part in the tddft_nga_cont routine.
753c What CIS does is makes the Y vector contribution zero in the following
754c routines.
755c Daniel (2-8-13): Set the local TDA variable so that we don't change
756c the global one.
757      if (lhashf) then
758        if (tda) then
759          tdaloc = .false. ! For CIS and TDDFT/TDA (hybrid) calculations
760        else
761          tdaloc = .false. ! For RPA and TDDFT (hybrid) calculations
762        endif
763      else
764        if (tda) then
765          tdaloc = .true.  ! For TDDFT/TDA (pure) calculations
766        else
767          tdaloc = .false. ! For TDDFT (pure) calculations
768        endif
769      endif
770      call tddft_nga_cont(rtdb,ihdl_geom,ihdl_bfao,g_x,g_apbx,g_ambx,
771     +   nao,ipol,tol2e,tdaloc,oskel,kfac,lhashf,otriplet,nroots,iwhich)
772      call tddft_nga_cont(rtdb,ihdl_geom,ihdl_bfao,g_y,g_apby,g_amby,
773     +   nao,ipol,tol2e,tdaloc,oskel,kfac,lhashf,otriplet,nroots,iwhich)
775c     - Dispose of X and Y
777      if (.not.ga_destroy(g_x))
778     +    call errquit(pname//'failed to destroy g_x',0, GA_ERR)
779      if (.not.ga_destroy(g_y))
780     +    call errquit(pname//'failed to destroy g_y',0, GA_ERR)
782c     - Compute (A+B)(X+Y) and (A-B)(X-Y)
783cdbg            (A+B)(X-Y)     (A-B)(X+Y)
785      call nga_add_patch(1.0d0,g_apbx,alo,ahi,+1.0d0,g_apby,alo,ahi,
786     +                   g_apbx,alo,ahi)
787      call nga_add_patch(1.0d0,g_ambx,alo,ahi,-1.0d0,g_amby,alo,ahi,
788     +                   g_ambx,alo,ahi)
790c     - Dispose of (A+B)Y and (A-B)Y
792      if (.not.ga_destroy(g_apby))
793     +   call errquit(pname//'failed to destroy g_apby',0, GA_ERR)
794      if (.not.ga_destroy(g_amby))
795     +   call errquit(pname//'failed to destroy g_amby',0, GA_ERR)
797c     - Allocate (A+-B)(X+-Y)ij
799      do ip = 1, ipol
800        idim(1) = nroots
801        idim(2) = naoc(ip)
802        idim(3) = naoc(ip)
803        ichnk(1) = nroots
804        ichnk(2) = -1
805        ichnk(3) = -1
806        if (.not.nga_create(mt_dbl,3,idim,'vec hij',ichnk,g_hij(ip)))
807     +    call errquit(pname//'failed to create g_hij',0, GA_ERR)
808      enddo
810c     - Transform (A+B)(X+Y) to MO basis occupied-occupied block only
811cdbg              (A+B)(X-Y)
813      call tddft_grad_trans_ao2mo(ipol,nao,nfc,naoc,nocc,nav,nfv,
814     +     nroots,1.0d0,0.0d0,"ij",g_mo,g_apbx,g_hij,"ij")
816c     - Add sum_j (X+Y)ja [(A+B)(X+Y)ji] to Wia
817cdbg              (X-Y)ja [(A+B)(X-Y)ji]
818c       use symmetry of [(A+B)(X+Y)ji]
820      do ip = 1, ipol
821        do ir=1,nroots
822          alo(1) = ir
823          ahi(1) = ir
824          alo(2) = 1
825          ahi(2) = naoc(ip)
826          alo(3) = 1
827          ahi(3) = naoc(ip)
828          blo(1) = ir
829          bhi(1) = ir
830          blo(2) = 1
831          bhi(2) = naoc(ip)
832          blo(3) = 1
833          bhi(3) = nav(ip)
834          clo(1) = ir
835          chi(1) = ir
836          clo(2) = 1
837          chi(2) = naoc(ip)
838          clo(3) = naoc(ip)+1
839          chi(3) = naoc(ip)+nav(ip)
840          call tddft_patch3mxm('n','n',1.0d0,1.0d0,g_hij(ip),alo,ahi,
841     +         g_xpy(ip),blo,bhi,g_w(ip),clo,chi)
842        enddo
843      enddo
845c     - Transform (A-B)(X-Y) to MO basis occupied-occupied block only
846cdbg              (A-B)(X+Y)
848      call tddft_grad_trans_ao2mo(ipol,nao,nfc,naoc,nocc,nav,nfv,
849     +     nroots,1.0d0,0.0d0,"ij",g_mo,g_ambx,g_hij,"ij")
851c     - Add sum_j (X-Y)ja [(A-B)(X-Y)ji] to Wia
852cdbg              (X+Y)js [(A-B)(X+Y)ji]
853c       use anti-symmetry of [(A-B)(X-Y)ji]
855c Daniel (1-7-13): We can definitely avoid this part of the routine if
856c we don't use exact exchange, since the linear transformation H^-[V]
857c is zero in that case.
858      if (lhashf) then
859        do ip = 1, ipol
860          do ir = 1, nroots
861            alo(1) = ir
862            ahi(1) = ir
863            alo(2) = 1
864            ahi(2) = naoc(ip)
865            alo(3) = 1
866            ahi(3) = naoc(ip)
867            blo(1) = ir
868            bhi(1) = ir
869            blo(2) = 1
870            bhi(2) = naoc(ip)
871            blo(3) = 1
872            bhi(3) = nav(ip)
873            clo(1) = ir
874            chi(1) = ir
875            clo(2) = 1
876            chi(2) = naoc(ip)
877            clo(3) = naoc(ip)+1
878            chi(3) = naoc(ip)+nav(ip)
879c Daniel (1-7-13): Manipulate the code here for CIS to use g_xpy here
880c since (X+Y) = (X-Y) = X.  This is a consequence of not allocating
881c a g_xmy array for CIS.  The linear transformation H^-[X] still exists
882c in CIS.
883            if (.not.tda) then
884              call tddft_patch3mxm('n','n',-1.0d0,1.0d0,
885     +             g_hij(ip),alo,ahi,
886     +             g_xmy(ip),blo,bhi,g_w(ip),clo,chi)
887            else
888              call tddft_patch3mxm('n','n',-1.0d0,1.0d0,
889     +             g_hij(ip),alo,ahi,
890     +             g_xpy(ip),blo,bhi,g_w(ip),clo,chi)
891            endif
892          enddo
893        enddo
894      endif ! lhashf
896c     - Dispose of g_hij
898      do ip = 1, ipol
899        if (.not.ga_destroy(g_hij(ip)))
900     +   call errquit(pname//'failed to destroy g_hij',0, GA_ERR)
901      enddo
903c     - Dispose of (A+B)(X+Y) and (A+B)(X-Y)
905      if (.not.ga_destroy(g_apbx))
906     +   call errquit(pname//'failed to destroy g_apbx',0, GA_ERR)
907      if (.not.ga_destroy(g_ambx))
908     +   call errquit(pname//'failed to destroy g_ambx',0, GA_ERR)
911c     Compute the virtual-virtual block
913c     Wabs = Omega Sum_i  [(X+Y)ias(X-Y)ibs+(X-Y)ias(X+Y)ibs]/2
914c          + Sum_i eps_is [(X+Y)ias(X+Y)ibs+(X-Y)ias(X-Y)ibs]/2
916      do ip = 1, ipol
917          do ir = 1, nroots
918            alo(1) = ir
919            ahi(1) = ir
920            alo(2) = 1
921            ahi(2) = nav(ip)
922            alo(3) = 1
923            ahi(3) = naoc(ip)
924            blo(1) = ir
925            bhi(1) = ir
926            blo(2) = 1
927            bhi(2) = naoc(ip)
928            blo(3) = 1
929            bhi(3) = nav(ip)
930            clo(1) = ir
931            chi(1) = ir
932            clo(2) = naoc(ip)+1
933            chi(2) = naoc(ip)+nav(ip)
934            clo(3) = naoc(ip)+1
935            chi(3) = naoc(ip)+nav(ip)
937            if (.not.tda) then
938            call tddft_patch3mxm('t','n',0.5d0*omega(ir),0.0d0,
939     +                              g_xpy(ip),alo,ahi,
940     +                              g_xmy(ip),blo,bhi,
941     +                              g_w(ip),clo,chi)
942            call tddft_patch3mxm('t','n',0.5d0*omega(ir),1.0d0,
943     +                              g_xmy(ip),alo,ahi,
944     +                              g_xpy(ip),blo,bhi,
945     +                              g_w(ip),clo,chi)
946            else
947c            g_xpy: X with CIS, Y = 0
948c            g_xmy: not created with CIS
949             call tddft_patch3mxm('t','n',omega(ir),0.0d0,
950     +                            g_xpy(ip),alo,ahi,
951     +                            g_xpy(ip),blo,bhi,
952     +                            g_w(ip),clo,chi)
953            endif ! tda
954          enddo ! ir
956c         Do the second term, drive the parallelization off the
957c         distribution of (X+-Y)ib
959c         Do the (X+Y) terms first
961          call nga_distribution(g_xpy(ip),iproc,blo,bhi)
962          doitxpy1 = .not.(blo(1).ne.1.or.bhi(1).ne.nroots)
964          if (doitxpy1) then
966           mini = blo(2)
967           maxi = bhi(2)
968           numi = maxi-mini+1
969           minb = blo(3)
970           maxb = bhi(3)
971           numb = maxb-minb+1
972           if (.not.ma_push_get(mt_dbl,nroots*numb*numi,'block b',
973     +                         ihdl_b,iptr_b))
974     +      call errquit(pname//'failed to allocate blockb',0,UERR)
975           ld(1)  = nroots
976           ld(2)  = numi
977           call nga_get(g_xpy(ip),blo,bhi,dbl_mb(iptr_b),ld)
978           ic = 0
979           do b = 1, numb
980            do i = 1, numi
981              imo = nfc(ip)+mini-1+i
982              do ir = 1, nroots
983                dbl_mb(iptr_b+ic) = 0.5d0*eps(imo,ip)*dbl_mb(iptr_b+ic)
984                ic = ic + 1
985              enddo
986            enddo
987           enddo
989           do icount = 0, nproc-1
990           jproc = mod(iproc+icount,nproc)
992           call nga_distribution(g_xpy(ip),jproc,alo,ahi)
993           doitxpy2 = .not.(alo(1).ne.1.or.ahi(1).ne.nroots)
995           if (doitxpy2.and.doitxpy1) then
996           if (alo(2).eq.mini.and.ahi(2).eq.maxi) then
997           mina = alo(3)
998           maxa = ahi(3)
999           numa = maxa-mina+1
1000           alo(2) = mini
1001           ahi(2) = maxi
1002           if (.not.ma_push_get(mt_dbl,nroots*numa*numi,'block a',
1003     +                           ihdl_a,iptr_a))
1004     +      call errquit(pname//'failed to allocate blockb',0, MA_ERR)
1005            if (.not.ma_push_get(mt_dbl,nroots*numa*numb,'block r',
1006     +                           ihdl_r,iptr_r))
1007     +      call errquit(pname//'failed to allocate blockr',0, MA_ERR)
1008            ld(1)  = nroots
1009            ld(2)  = numi
1010            call nga_get(g_xpy(ip),alo,ahi,dbl_mb(iptr_a),ld)
1011            call dfill(nroots*numa*numb,0.0d0,dbl_mb(iptr_r),1)
1012            do b = 0, numb-1
1013              do a = 0, numa-1
1014                do i = 0, numi-1
1015                  do ir = 0, nroots-1
1016                    dbl_mb(iptr_r+ir+nroots*a+nroots*numa*b)
1017     +              = dbl_mb(iptr_r+ir+nroots*a+nroots*numa*b)
1018     +              + dbl_mb(iptr_a+ir+nroots*i+nroots*numi*a)
1019     +              * dbl_mb(iptr_b+ir+nroots*i+nroots*numi*b)
1020                  enddo
1021                enddo
1022              enddo
1023            enddo
1024c Daniel (12-3-12): We need to account for (X-Y) = X in TDA here.
1025c We must either double the contribution from (X+Y) here or redo the
1026c procedure in this block of code.  I prefer scaling here since it's
1027c less messy.
1028            if (tda) then
1029              call dscal(nroots*numa*numb,2.0d0,dbl_mb(iptr_r),1)
1030            endif
1031            clo(1) = 1
1032            chi(1) = nroots
1033            clo(2) = naoc(ip)+mina
1034            chi(2) = naoc(ip)+maxa
1035            clo(3) = naoc(ip)+minb
1036            chi(3) = naoc(ip)+maxb
1037            ld(1) = nroots
1038            ld(2) = numa
1039            call nga_acc(g_w(ip),clo,chi,dbl_mb(iptr_r),ld,1.0d0)
1040            if (.not.ma_pop_stack(ihdl_r))
1041     +       call errquit(pname//'failed to deallocate blockr',0,MA_ERR)
1042            if (.not.ma_pop_stack(ihdl_a))
1043     +       call errquit(pname//'failed to deallocate blocka',0,MA_ERR)
1044            endif
1045           endif ! doitxpy1 and doitxpy2
1046          enddo ! icount
1048           if (.not.ma_pop_stack(ihdl_b))
1049     +      call errquit(pname//'failed to deallocate blockb',0,MA_ERR)
1050          endif  ! doitxpy1
1052          call ga_sync()
1054          if (.not.tda) then
1056c         Do the (X-Y) terms next
1058          call nga_distribution(g_xmy(ip),iproc,blo,bhi)
1059          doitxmy1 = .not.(blo(1).ne.1.or.bhi(1).ne.nroots)
1061          if (doitxmy1) then
1063           mini = blo(2)
1064           maxi = bhi(2)
1065           numi = maxi-mini+1
1066           minb = blo(3)
1067           maxb = bhi(3)
1068           numb = maxb-minb+1
1069           if (.not.ma_push_get(mt_dbl,nroots*numb*numi,'block b',
1070     +                         ihdl_b,iptr_b))
1071     +      call errquit(pname//'failed to allocate blockb',0,UERR)
1072           ld(1)  = nroots
1073           ld(2)  = numi
1074           call nga_get(g_xmy(ip),blo,bhi,dbl_mb(iptr_b),ld)
1075           ic = 0
1076           do b = 1, numb
1077            do i = 1, numi
1078              imo = nfc(ip)+mini-1+i
1079              do ir = 1, nroots
1080                dbl_mb(iptr_b+ic) = 0.5d0*eps(imo,ip)*dbl_mb(iptr_b+ic)
1081                ic = ic + 1
1082              enddo
1083            enddo
1084           enddo
1086           do icount = 0, nproc-1
1087            jproc = mod(iproc+icount,nproc)
1089            call nga_distribution(g_xmy(ip),jproc,alo,ahi)
1090            doitxmy2 = .not.(alo(1).ne.1.or.ahi(1).ne.nroots)
1092            if (doitxmy2) then
1093            if (alo(2).eq.mini.and.ahi(2).eq.maxi) then
1094            mina = alo(3)
1095            maxa = ahi(3)
1096            numa = maxa-mina+1
1097            alo(2) = mini
1098            ahi(2) = maxi
1099            if (.not.ma_push_get(mt_dbl,nroots*numa*numi,'block a',
1100     +                           ihdl_a,iptr_a))
1101     +      call errquit(pname//'failed to allocate blockb',0, UERR)
1102            if (.not.ma_push_get(mt_dbl,nroots*numa*numb,'block r',
1103     +                          ihdl_r,iptr_r))
1104     +      call errquit(pname//'failed to allocate blockr',0, UERR)
1105            ld(1)  = nroots
1106            ld(2)  = numi
1107            call nga_get(g_xmy(ip),alo,ahi,dbl_mb(iptr_a),ld)
1108            call dfill(nroots*numa*numb,0.0d0,dbl_mb(iptr_r),1)
1109            do b = 0, numb-1
1110              do a = 0, numa-1
1111                do i = 0, numi-1
1112                  do ir = 0, nroots-1
1113                    dbl_mb(iptr_r+ir+nroots*a+nroots*numa*b)
1114     +              = dbl_mb(iptr_r+ir+nroots*a+nroots*numa*b)
1115     +              + dbl_mb(iptr_a+ir+nroots*i+nroots*numi*a)
1116     +              * dbl_mb(iptr_b+ir+nroots*i+nroots*numi*b)
1117                  enddo
1118                enddo
1119              enddo
1120            enddo
1121            clo(1) = 1
1122            chi(1) = nroots
1123            clo(2) = naoc(ip)+mina
1124            chi(2) = naoc(ip)+maxa
1125            clo(3) = naoc(ip)+minb
1126            chi(3) = naoc(ip)+maxb
1127            ld(1) = nroots
1128            ld(2) = numa
1129            call nga_acc(g_w(ip),clo,chi,dbl_mb(iptr_r),ld,1.0d0)
1130            if (.not.ma_pop_stack(ihdl_r))
1131     +      call errquit(pname//'failed to deallocate blockr',0,MA_ERR)
1132            if (.not.ma_pop_stack(ihdl_a))
1133     +      call errquit(pname//'failed to deallocate blocka',0,MA_ERR)
1134            endif
1135           endif ! doitxmy1 and doitxmy2
1136          enddo ! icount
1138            if (.not.ma_pop_stack(ihdl_b))
1139     +       call errquit(pname//'failed to deallocate blockb',0,MA_ERR)
1140          endif !doitxmy1
1142          call ga_sync()
1144          endif  ! tda
1146      enddo
1148c     Copy Wia to Wai
1150      do ip = 1, ipol
1151        alo(1) = 1
1152        ahi(1) = nroots
1153        alo(2) = 1
1154        ahi(2) = naoc(ip)
1155        alo(3) = naoc(ip)+1
1156        ahi(3) = naoc(ip)+nav(ip)
1157        call nga_scale_patch(g_w(ip),alo,ahi,0.5d0)
1158        idim(1) = naoc(ip)
1159        idim(2) = nav(ip)
1160        ichnk(1) = -1
1161        ichnk(2) = -1
1162        if (.not.nga_create(mt_dbl,2,idim,"transpose",ichnk,g_t))
1163     +     call errquit(pname//'failed to create g_t',0,GA_ERR)
1164        do ir = 1, nroots
1165          alo(1) = ir
1166          ahi(1) = ir
1167          alo(2) = 1
1168          ahi(2) = naoc(ip)
1169          alo(3) = naoc(ip)+1
1170          ahi(3) = naoc(ip)+nav(ip)
1171          blo(1) = 1
1172          bhi(1) = naoc(ip)
1173          blo(2) = 1
1174          bhi(2) = nav(ip)
1175          call nga_copy_patch('n',g_w(ip),alo,ahi,g_t,blo,bhi)
1176          alo(2) = naoc(ip)+1
1177          ahi(2) = naoc(ip)+nav(ip)
1178          alo(3) = 1
1179          ahi(3) = naoc(ip)
1180          bhi(2) = nav(ip)
1181          bhi(1) = naoc(ip)
1182          call nga_copy_patch('t',g_t,blo,bhi,g_w(ip),alo,ahi)
1183        enddo
1184        if (.not.ga_destroy(g_t))
1185     +     call errquit(pname//'failed to destroy g_t',0,GA_ERR)
1186      enddo
1187      call ga_sync()
1189      if (tddft_grad_util_print('tddft grad w',print_debug)) then
1190        oroot = ga_nodeid().eq.0
1191        if (oroot) write(LuOut,*)'DEBUG: '//pname//'W'
1192        call tddft_grad_print_array(ipol,nroots,g_w,dble(ipol))
1193      endif
1195      end
1196c $Id$