1C> \ingroup wfn1
2C> @{
4C> \brief Evaluate the power of a matrix
6C> This subroutine calculates \f$A' = A^{p}\f$ where \f$A\f$ is a
7C> square matrix and \f$p\f$ is a floating point number. The function
8C> evaluates the expression in place. I.e. the input matrix is
9C> overwritten with the result.
11      subroutine wfn1_mat_power(n,a,lda,s,lds,p)
12      implicit none
14#include "mafdecls.fh"
15#include "errquit.fh"
17      integer n !< [Input] The dimension of the matrix
18      integer lda !< [Input] The leading dimension of array \f$A\f$.
19      integer lds !< [Input] The leading dimension of array \f$S\f$.
21      double precision a(lda,n) !< [In/Output] The matrix
22      !< - On input the matrix to calculate the power off
23      !< - On output the input matrix to the power \f$p\f$
24      double precision s(lds,n) !< [Input] The metric matrix
25      double precision p        !< [Input] The power
27      integer l_matvec, k_matvec
28      integer l_diag, k_diag
29      integer l_metric, k_metric
30      integer l_work, k_work
31      integer lwork, info
32      integer itype
33      integer i, j, k
34      double precision size
36      return ! LAPACK dsygv does not work!
38      itype = 1
39      if (.not.ma_push_get(MT_DBL,n*n,"matvec",l_matvec,k_matvec))
40     &  call errquit("wfn1_mat_power: could not allocate matvec",0,
41     &               MA_ERR)
42      if (.not.ma_push_get(MT_DBL,n*n,"metric",l_metric,k_metric))
43     &  call errquit("wfn1_mat_power: could not allocate metric",0,
44     &               MA_ERR)
45      if (.not.ma_push_get(MT_DBL,n,"diag",l_diag,k_diag))
46     &  call errquit("wfn1_mat_power: could not allocate diag",0,
47     &               MA_ERR)
49      do j = 1, n
50        do i = 1, n
51          dbl_mb(k_matvec+(j-1)*n+i-1) = 0.0d0
52          dbl_mb(k_metric+(j-1)*n+i-1) = 0.0d0
53        enddo
54        dbl_mb(k_diag+j-1) = 0.0d0
55      enddo
56      do j = 1, n
57        do i = 1, j
58          dbl_mb(k_matvec+(j-1)*n+i-1) = a(i,j)
59          dbl_mb(k_metric+(j-1)*n+i-1) = s(i,j)
60        enddo
61      enddo
63      info = 0
64      lwork = -1
65      call dsygv(itype,'V','U',n,dbl_mb(k_matvec),n,dbl_mb(k_metric),n,
66     &           dbl_mb(k_diag),size,lwork,info)
67      if (info.ne.0) call errquit("wfn1_mat_power w: info non-zero",
68     &                            info,UERR)
69      lwork = size+0.5d0
71c     lwork = 3*n-1
72      write(*,*)'wfn1_mat_power: lwork, n: ',lwork,n,size
74      if (.not.ma_push_get(MT_DBL,lwork,"work",l_work,k_work))
75     &  call errquit("wfn1_mat_power: could not allocate work",0,
76     &               MA_ERR)
77      info = 0
78      itype = 1
79      call dsygv(itype,'V','U',n,dbl_mb(k_matvec),n,dbl_mb(k_metric),n,
80     &           dbl_mb(k_diag),dbl_mb(k_work),lwork,info)
81      if (info.ne.0) call errquit("wfn1_mat_power: info non-zero",
82     &                            info,UERR)
84      do i = 0, n-1
85        write(*,*)'wfn1_mat_power: diag: ',i+1,dbl_mb(k_diag+i)
86      enddo
87      write(*,*)'wfn1_mat_power: vectors'
88      call hess_hssout(dbl_mb(k_matvec),n,n,n)
90      do i = 0, n-1
91c       dbl_mb(k_diag+i) = max(dbl_mb(k_diag+i),0.0d0)**p
92        dbl_mb(k_diag+i) = max(dbl_mb(k_diag+i),0.0d0)
93      enddo
94      do j = 1, n
95        do i = 1, n
96          a(i,j) = 0.0d0
97          do k = 1, n
98            a(i,j) = a(i,j) + dbl_mb(k_diag+k-1)
99     &                      * dbl_mb(k_matvec+(k-1)*n+i-1)
100     &                      * dbl_mb(k_matvec+(k-1)*n+j-1)
101          enddo ! k
102        enddo ! i
103      enddo ! j
104      if (.not.ma_pop_stack(l_work))
105     &  call errquit("wfn1_mat_power: could not deallocate work",
106     &               0,MA_ERR)
107      if (.not.ma_pop_stack(l_diag))
108     &  call errquit("wfn1_mat_power: could not deallocate diag",
109     &               0,MA_ERR)
110      if (.not.ma_pop_stack(l_metric))
111     &  call errquit("wfn1_mat_power: could not deallocate metric",
112     &               0,MA_ERR)
113      if (.not.ma_pop_stack(l_matvec))
114     &  call errquit("wfn1_mat_power: could not deallocate matvec",
115     &               0,MA_ERR)
116      end
118C> @}