2C> \ingroup cosmo
3C> @{
5C> \file hnd_cosmo_lib.F
6C> Library of HONDO routines used to implement COSMO
8C> \brief Setup the COSMO cavity surface
10      subroutine hnd_cosset(rtdb,nat,c,radius)
11      implicit none
13c              ----- starting from -icosahedron- -----
15c     pass, napex, nface, error =   0      12      20      20
16c     pass, napex, nface, error =   1      42      80     100    0.4982
17c     pass  napex, nface, error =   2     162     320     420    0.1848
18c     pass  napex, nface, error =   3     642    1280    1700    0.0523
19c     pass  napex, nface, error =   4    2562    5120    6820    0.0135
20c     pass  napex, nface, error =   5   10242   20480   27300    0.0034
22c              ----- starting from -octahedron-  -----
24c     pass, napex, nface, error =   0       6       8       8
25c     pass, napex, nface, error =   1      18      32      40    0.8075
26c     pass  napex, nface, error =   2      66     128     168    0.4557
27c     pass  napex, nface, error =   3     258     512     680    0.1619
28c     pass  napex, nface, error =   4    1026    2048    2728    0.0451
29c     pass  napex, nface, error =   5    4098    8192   10920    0.0116
30c     pass  napex, nface, error =   6   16386   32768   43688    0.0029
32#include "cosmo_params.fh"
33#include "errquit.fh"
34#include "global.fh"
35#include "rtdb.fh"
36#include "mafdecls.fh"
37#include "nwc_const.fh"
38#include "stdio.fh"
40      integer rtdb                 !< [Input] The RTDB handle
41      integer nat                  !< [Input] The number of atoms
42      double precision c(3,nat)    !< [Input] The atomic coordinates
43      double precision radius(nat) !< [Input] The atomic radii
46      integer   mxface, mxapex
47      parameter (mxface=43688)
48      parameter (mxapex=16386)
49      logical     dbug, stat
50      integer l_i10,  i10
51      integer l_i20,  i20
52      integer l_i30,  i30
53      integer l_i40,  i40
54      integer l_i50,  i50
55      integer l_i60,  i60
56      integer l_i70,  i70
57      integer l_i80,  i80
58      integer l_i90,  i90
59      integer l_i100, i100
60      integer l_i110, i110
61      integer l_i120, i120
62      integer l_i130, i130
63      integer need
65      dbug=.false.
66      if(dbug.and.ga_nodeid().eq.0) then
67         write(luout,9999)
68      endif
70      if(ificos.eq.0.and.maxbem.gt.6) then
71         write(luout,*) '-maxbem- too large for parameters in -cosset-'
72         call errquit('hnd_cosset, -maxbem- too large',911,0)
73      elseif(ificos.ne.0.and.maxbem.gt.7) then
74         write(luout,*) '-maxbem- too large for parameters in -cosset-'
75         call errquit('hnd_cosset, -maxbem- too large',911,0)
76      endif
78c     ----- partition memory -----
80      need = 6*nat + 7*mxface + 7*mxface*nat + 3*mxapex
82c     ----- allocate memory block -----
84c     if(.not.ma_push_get(mt_dbl,need,'mem init:cosmo:hnd_cosset:1',
85c    &    i_init,init))
86c    & call errquit('hnd_cosset, malloc of init  failed',911,MA_ERR)
88      if(.not.ma_push_get(mt_dbl,3*nat,"xyzatm",l_i10,i10))
89     c     call errquit('hndcosset: not enuf mem',0,MA_ERR)
90      if(.not.ma_push_get(mt_dbl,  nat,"ratm",l_i20,i20))
91     c     call errquit('hndcosset: not enuf mem',1,MA_ERR)
92      if(.not.ma_push_get(mt_int,  nat,"nspa",l_i30,i30))
93     c     call errquit('hndcosset: not enuf mem',2,MA_ERR)
94      if(.not.ma_push_get(mt_int,  nat,"nppa",l_i40,i40))
95     c     call errquit('hndcosset: not enuf mem',3,MA_ERR)
96      if(.not.ma_push_get(mt_int,3*mxface,"ijkfac",l_i50,i50))
97     c     call errquit('hndcosset: not enuf mem',4,MA_ERR)
98      if(.not.ma_push_get(mt_dbl,3*mxface,"xyzseg",l_i60,i60))
99     c     call errquit('hndcosset: not enuf mem',5,MA_ERR)
100      if(.not.ma_push_get(mt_int,  mxface,"ijkseg",l_i70,i70))
101     c     call errquit('hndcosset: not enuf mem',6,MA_ERR)
102      if(.not.ma_push_get(mt_log,  mxface*nat,"insseg",l_i80,i80))
103     c     call errquit('hndcosset: not enuf mem',7,MA_ERR)
104      if(.not.ma_push_get(mt_dbl,3*mxface*nat,"xyzspa",l_i90,i90))
105     c     call errquit('hndcosset: not enuf mem',8,MA_ERR)
106      if(.not.ma_push_get(mt_int,  mxface*nat,"ijkspa",l_i100,i100))
107     c     call errquit('hndcosset: not enuf mem',9,MA_ERR)
108      if(.not.ma_push_get(mt_int,  mxface*nat,"numpps",l_i110,i110))
109     c     call errquit('hndcosset: not enuf mem',10,MA_ERR)
110      if(.not.ma_push_get(mt_dbl,3*mxapex    ,"apex",l_i120,i120))
111     c     call errquit('hndcosset: not enuf mem',11,MA_ERR)
112      if(.not.ma_push_get(mt_dbl,  mxface*nat,"xyzff",l_i130,i130))
113     c     call errquit('hndcosset: not enuf mem',12,MA_ERR)
114c     i10 =init                    ! xyzatm(3,nat)
115c     i20 =i10 +3*nat              !   ratm(  nat)
116c     i30 =i20 +  nat              !   nspa(  nat)
117c     i40 =i30 +  nat              !   nppa(  nat)
118c     i50 =i40 +  nat              ! ijkfac(3,mxface)
119c     i60 =i50 +3*mxface             ! xyzseg(3,mxface)
120c     i70 =i60 +3*mxface             ! ijkseg(  mxface)
121c     i80 =i70 +  mxface             ! insseg(  mxface,nat)
122c     i90 =i80 +  mxface*nat         ! xyzspa(3,mxface,nat)
123c     i100=i90 +3*mxface*nat         ! ijkspa(  mxface,nat)
124c     i110=i100+  mxface*nat         ! numpps(  mxface,nat)
125c     i120=i110+  mxface*nat         ! apex(3,mxapex)
127c     ----- get -cosmo- surface -----
129      call hnd_cossrf(nat,c,radius,nat,mxface,mxapex,
130     1                dbl_mb(i10),dbl_mb(i20),int_mb(i30),int_mb(i40),
131     2                int_mb(i50),dbl_mb(i60),int_mb(i70),log_mb(i80),
132     3                dbl_mb(i90),int_mb(i100),int_mb(i110),
133     4                dbl_mb(i120),dbl_mb(i130),rtdb)
136c     ----- release memory block -----
138      if(.not.ma_chop_stack(l_i10)) call
139     &  errquit('hnd_cosset, ma_pop_stack of init failed',911,MA_ERR)
141      return
142 9999 format(/,10x,15(1h-),
143     1       /,10x,'-cosmo- surface',
144     2       /,10x,15(1h-))
145      end
147C> \brief Generate the COSMO cavity surface
149      subroutine hnd_cossrf(nat,c,radius,mxatm,mxfac,mxapx,
150     1                  xyzatm,ratm,nspa,nppa,
151     2                  ijkfac,xyzseg,ijkseg,insseg,
152     3                  xyzspa,ijkspa,numpps,apex,xyzff,rtdb)
153      implicit none
155#include "nwc_const.fh"
156#include "cosmo_params.fh"
157#include "rtdb.fh"
158#include "global.fh"
159#include "stdio.fh"
160#include "cosmoP.fh"
161#include "mafdecls.fh"
162#include "util_params.fh"
163      integer rtdb, nat
164      integer mxatm
165      integer mxfac
166      integer mxapx
167      double precision      c(3,nat  )
168      double precision radius(    nat)
169      double precision xyzatm(3,mxatm)
170      double precision   ratm(  mxatm)
171      integer            nspa(  mxatm)
172      integer            nppa(  mxatm)
173      integer          ijkfac(3,mxfac)
174      double precision xyzseg(3,mxfac)
175      integer          ijkseg(  mxfac)
176      logical          insseg(  mxfac,mxatm)
177      double precision xyzspa(3,mxfac,mxatm)
178      integer          ijkspa(  mxfac,mxatm)
179      integer          numpps(  mxfac,mxatm)
180      double precision   apex(3,mxapx)
181      double precision  xyzff(  mxfac,mxatm)
183      logical    some
184      logical    out
185      logical    more
186      logical    dbug
188      integer i, iat, lfac, lseg, ndiv, nfac, nseg
189      integer mfac
191      dbug=.false.
192      more=.false.
193      more=more.or.dbug
194      out =.false.
195      out =out.or.more
196      some=.false.
197      some=some.or.out
199c     ----- approximate sphere with segments and points -----
201      do iat = 1, mxatm
202        nspa(iat) = 0
203        nppa(iat) = 0
204      enddo
205      nseg = 0
206      nfac = 0
207      ndiv = 0
208      call hnd_cossph(nseg,nfac,ndiv,
209     1                ijkfac,xyzseg,ijkseg,mxfac,apex,mxapx,
210     2                dsurf,dvol,adiag)
211      ptspatm = dble(nseg)
213c     ----- debug printing -----
215      if(out.and.ga_nodeid().eq.0) then
216         write(luout,9999) nseg,nfac,ndiv,dsurf,dvol
217         write(luout,9995) adiag
218         if(more) then
219            write(luout,9998)
220            do lseg=1,nseg
221               write(luout,9997) lseg,xyzseg(1,lseg),xyzseg(2,lseg),
222     1                             xyzseg(3,lseg),ijkseg(  lseg)
223            enddo
224         endif
225         if(dbug) then
226            write(luout,9996)
227            do lfac=1,nfac
228               mfac=lfac+nseg
229               write(luout,9997) mfac,xyzseg(1,mfac),xyzseg(2,mfac),
230     1                             xyzseg(3,mfac),ijkseg(  mfac)
231            enddo
232         endif
233      endif
235c     ----- set molecule -----
237      do iat=1,nat
238         do i=1,3
239            xyzatm(i,iat)=c(i,iat)
240         enddo
241      enddo
242      do iat=1,nat
243         if(radius(iat).eq.0.0d0) then
244            ratm(iat)=0.0d0
245         else
246            if (do_cosmo_model.eq.DO_COSMO_KS) then
247              ratm(iat)=(radius(iat)+rsolv)/cau2ang
248            else
249              ratm(iat)=radius(iat)/cau2ang
250            endif
251         endif
252      enddo
254c     ----- create -solvent accessible surface- of the molecule -----
257      call hnd_cossas(nat,xyzatm,ratm,mxatm,
258     1                nspa,nppa,xyzspa,ijkspa,
259     2                nseg,nfac,xyzseg,ijkseg,insseg,
260     3                numpps,xyzff,mxfac,rtdb)
262      return
263 9999 format(' nseg,nfac,ndiv=nfac/nseg,dsurf,dvol = ',3i7,2f10.6)
264 9998 format('  seg  ','      x     ','      y     ','      z     ',
265     1       ' seg ',/,1x,47(1h-))
266 9997 format(i7,3f12.8,i5,f12.8)
267 9996 format('  fac  ','      x     ','      y     ','      z     ',
268     1       ' seg ',/,1x,47(1h-))
269 9995 format(' adiag           = ',f12.6)
270      end
272C> \brief Construct the Solvent Accessible Surface (SAS) from the
273C> triangulated spheres
275C> ## The legacy of Klamt and Sch&uuml;&uuml;rmann ##
277C> This subroutine was originally written to implement the algorithm
278C> to construct the Solvent Accessible Surface as proposed by
279C> Klamt and Sch&uuml;&uuml;rmann [1]. This algorithm worked as follows:
281C> If two spheres partially overlap then parts of the surface need
282C> to be eliminated. Segments that are contained entirely within the
283C> sphere of another atom will be eliminated completely. Segments
284C> that straddle the boundary between two spheres will have their
285C> surface reduced proportional to the fraction that resides within the
286C> sphere of the other atom. This fraction is established by counting
287C> the number of faces that fall within the sphere of the other atom.
288C> In addition the location of the charge representing a segment should
289C> be calculated as the center of the remaining points representing the
290C> faces (see [1] page 802, 2nd column, 2nd paragraph), but currently
291C> that is not done.
293C> To understand the approach suggested above it is important to know
294C> the concepts "segments" and "faces".
295C> - "Segments" are parts of the surface of the sphere that will be
296C>   represented by a single COSMO charge.
297C> - "Faces" are further refinements of segments. I.e. segments have
298C>   been partitioned into a number of faces. The faces are used to
299C>   eliminate parts of a segment that are within the sphere of another
300C>   atom. By counting the remaining faces the surface area of a segment
301C>   can be adjusted.
302C> The trick with segments and faces is needed to create a smoother
303C> boundary between neighboring spheres without introducing large
304C> numbers of COSMO charges. The smooth boundary is needed to keep
305C> discretization errors small, whereas "small" numbers of COSMO charges
306C> are needed to keep the cost of calculating the COSMO charges low.
308C> The segments have been generated in `hnd_cossph` by partitioning the
309C> triangles of the original polyhedron `minbem` times. The faces have
310C> generated by partitioning the segments an additional `maxbem-minbem`
311C> times.
313C> ## The new smooth approach of York and Karplus ##
315C> The approach by Klamt and Sch&uuml;&uuml;rmann [1] led to problems
316C> because the corresponding potential energy surface was not
317C> continuous. York and Karplus [2] proposed a method that provides
318C> a smooth potential energy surface and this subroutine was changed
319C> to implement this new approach. This meant that some things stayed
320C> the same as before (for example minbem still works the same way
321C> to generate the surface charge positions), other things changed
322C> significantly (maxbem and rsolv are not used anymore, also the
323C> elimination of point charges is no longer based on reducing the
324C> segment surface area until it vanishes, instead the surface charge
325C> of a segment is quenched with a switching function to eliminate the
326C> contribution of a surface point).
328C> ## Popular demand ##
330C> Due to popular demand this routine can do either the original
331C> Klamt-Schuurmann approach or the York-Karplus approach. The approach
332C> used is dictated by the `do_cosmo_model` variable.
334C> ### References ###
336C> [1] A. Klamt, G. Sch&uuml;&uuml;rmann,
337C>     "COSMO: a new approach to dielectric screening in solvents with
338C>      explicit expressions for the screening energy and its gradient",
339C>     <i>J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 2</i>, 1993, pp 799-805, DOI:
340C>     <a href="https://doi.org/10.1039/P29930000799">
341C>     10.1039/P29930000799</a>.
343C> [2] D.M. York, M. Karplus,
344C>     "A smooth solvation potential based on the conductor-like
345C>      screening model", <i>J. Phys. Chem. A</i> (1999) <b>103</b>,
346C>     pp 11060-11079, DOI:
347C>     <a href="https://doi.org/10.1021/jp992097l">
348C>     10.1021/jp992097l</a>.
350      subroutine hnd_cossas(nat,xyzatm,ratm,mxatom,
351     1                      nspa,nppa,xyzspa,ijkspa,
352     2                      nseg,nfac,xyzseg,ijkseg,insseg,
353     3                      numpps,xyzff,mxface,rtdb)
354      implicit none
355#include "cosmo_params.fh"
356#include "errquit.fh"
357#include "rtdb.fh"
358#include "mafdecls.fh"
359#include "global.fh"
360#include "stdio.fh"
361#include "bq.fh"
362#include "prop.fh"
364#include "cosmoP.fh"
365#include "util_params.fh"
367      integer rtdb    !< [Input] The RTDB handle
368      integer nat     !< [Input] The actual number of atoms
369      integer mxface  !< [Input] The maximum number of faces
370      integer mxatom  !< [Input] The maximum number of atoms
371      integer nseg    !< [Input] The actual number of segments
372      integer nfac    !< [Input] The actual number of faces
374      logical     dbug
375      double precision xyzatm(3,mxatom) !< [Input] The atom positions
376      double precision   ratm(  mxatom) !< [Input] The atom radii
377      integer            nspa(  mxatom) !< [Output] The number of
378                                        !< segments remaining for
379                                        !< each atom
380      integer            nppa(  mxatom) !< [Output] The number of faces
381                                        !< remaining for each atom
382      double precision xyzseg(3,mxface) !< [Input] The coordinates of
383                                        !< the segment and face points
384                                        !< on the unit sphere
385      integer          ijkseg(  mxface) !< [Input] List for every
386                                        !< face what the corresponding
387                                        !< segment is, if ijkseg(ii) is
388                                        !< 0 then face ii should be
389                                        !< ignored (has been eliminated)
390      logical          insseg(  mxface,mxatom) !< [Output] If .false.
391                                               !< keep the segment or
392                                               !< face, discard it
393                                               !< otherwise
394      double precision xyzspa(3,mxface,mxatom)
395      integer          ijkspa(  mxface,mxatom)
396      integer          numpps(  mxface,mxatom)
397      double precision  xyzff(  mxface,mxatom)
398      double precision zero, one
399      data one     /1.0d+00/
400      integer l_efcc, k_efcc, l_efcs, k_efcs, l_efcz, k_efcz
401      integer l_efclb, k_efclb, k_efciat, l_efciat
402      double precision ratm_real,dij,dum,cavdsp,pi,zetai,zetaii
403      integer m,mfac,mseg
404      integer nefc,iat,jat,npp,i,iseg,ifac,ief,ipp
406      double precision cosff
407      external         cosff
409c     MN solvation models -->
411      logical do_cosmo_smd
413c     <-- MN solvation models
415      double precision dist, xi, yi, zi, xj, yj, zj, rin, rout, alphai
416      parameter (alphai = 0.5d0)
417      dist(xi,yi,zi,xj,yj,zj)=sqrt((xj-xi)**2+(yj-yi)**2+(zj-zi)**2)
418      rin(iat)=ratm(iat)*(1.0d0-alphai*gammas*sqrt(0.25d0**minbem))
419      rout(iat)=ratm(iat)*(1.0d0+(1.0d0-alphai)*gammas*
420     &                     sqrt(0.25d0**minbem))
422      dbug=.false.
423      pi = acos(-1.0d0)
425      if(ga_nodeid().eq.0) then
426         write(luout,9999)
427      endif
429c     ----- print atomic centers -----
431      if(ga_nodeid().eq.0) then
432        write(luout,9998)
433        do iat=1,nat
434          if (do_cosmo_model.eq.DO_COSMO_KS) then
435            write(luout,9997) iat,xyzatm(1,iat),xyzatm(2,iat),
436     1                                       xyzatm(3,iat),
437     2                    (ratm(iat)*cau2ang-rsolv)
438          else if (do_cosmo_model.eq.DO_COSMO_YK) then
439            write(luout,9997) iat,xyzatm(1,iat),xyzatm(2,iat),
440     1                                       xyzatm(3,iat),
441     2                    (ratm(iat)*cau2ang)
442          endif
443        enddo
444      endif
446c     ----- clear arrays ..... -----
448      do iat=1,nat
449         do i=1,mxface
450            ijkspa(i,iat)=0
451            numpps(i,iat)=0
452            xyzff(i,iat)=0d0
453         enddo
454      enddo
456c     ----- sift through atomic centers and decide if a face -----
457c           belongs to the -sas- or is inside the molecule.
459      do iat=1,nat
461         if(ratm(iat).ne.0d0) then
462            do iseg=1,nseg
463               ijkspa(iseg,iat)=ijkseg(iseg)
464               xyzff(iseg,iat)=one
465               do m=1,3
466                  xyzspa(m,iseg,iat)=xyzseg(m,iseg)*ratm(iat)
467     1                              +xyzatm(m,iat)
468               enddo
469            enddo
470            do ifac=1,nfac
471               ijkspa(ifac+nseg,iat)=ijkseg(ifac+nseg)
472               do m=1,3
473                  xyzspa(m,ifac+nseg,iat)=xyzseg(m,ifac+nseg)*ratm(iat)
474     1                                   +xyzatm(m,iat)
475               enddo
476            enddo
477            if(dbug.and.ga_nodeid().eq.0) then
478               write(luout,9996) iat
479               write(luout,9995) (ijkspa(ifac+nseg,iat),ifac=1,nfac)
480            endif
481            do jat=1,nat
482               dij=dist(xyzatm(1,iat),
483     1                  xyzatm(2,iat),
484     2                  xyzatm(3,iat),
485     3                  xyzatm(1,jat),
486     4                  xyzatm(2,jat),
487     5                  xyzatm(3,jat))
488               if (do_cosmo_model.eq.DO_COSMO_KS) then
489                 if(jat.ne.iat.and.(dij.lt.(ratm(iat)+ratm(jat)))) then
490                   do ifac=1,nfac
491                     dum=dist(xyzspa(1,ifac+nseg,iat),
492     1                        xyzspa(2,ifac+nseg,iat),
493     2                        xyzspa(3,ifac+nseg,iat),
494     3                        xyzatm(1,jat),
495     4                        xyzatm(2,jat),
496     5                        xyzatm(3,jat))
497                     if(dum.lt.ratm(jat)) then
498                        ijkspa(ifac+nseg,iat)=0
499                     endif
500                   enddo
501                 endif
502               else if (do_cosmo_model.eq.DO_COSMO_YK) then
503                 if((jat.ne.iat).and.(ratm(jat).ne.0d0)
504     1                        .and.(dij.lt.(ratm(iat)+rout(jat)))) then
505                   do iseg=1,nseg
506                     dum=dist(xyzspa(1,iseg,iat),
507     1                        xyzspa(2,iseg,iat),
508     2                        xyzspa(3,iseg,iat),
509     3                        xyzatm(1,jat),
510     4                        xyzatm(2,jat),
511     5                        xyzatm(3,jat))
512                     xyzff(iseg,iat) = xyzff(iseg,iat) *
513     1                 cosff((dum-rin(jat))/(rout(jat)-rin(jat)))
514                   enddo
515                 endif
516               endif
517            enddo
518            if(dbug.and.ga_nodeid().eq.0) then
519               write(luout,9996) iat
520               write(luout,9995) (ijkspa(ifac+nseg,iat),ifac=1,nfac)
521            endif
523c     ----- check segments belonging to -sas- -----
525            if (do_cosmo_model.eq.DO_COSMO_KS) then
526              do ifac=1,nseg+nfac
527                insseg(ifac,iat)=.true.
528              enddo
529              do ifac=1,nfac
530                iseg=ijkspa(ifac+nseg,iat)
531                if(iseg.ne.0) then
532                   insseg(ifac+nseg,iat)=.false.
533                   insseg(     iseg,iat)=.false.
534                endif
535              enddo
536            else if (do_cosmo_model.eq.DO_COSMO_YK) then
537              do iseg=1,nseg
538                insseg(iseg,iat)=.not.(xyzff(iseg,iat).ge.swtol)
539              enddo
540            endif
541            if(dbug.and.ga_nodeid().eq.0) then
542               write(luout,9994) iat
543               if (do_cosmo_model.eq.DO_COSMO_KS) then
544                 write(luout,9993) (insseg(ifac,iat),ifac=1,nseg+nfac)
545               else if (do_cosmo_model.eq.DO_COSMO_YK) then
546                 write(luout,9993) (insseg(iseg,iat),iseg=1,nseg)
547               endif
548            endif
549            mseg=0
550            do iseg=1,nseg
551               if(.not.insseg(iseg,iat)) mseg=mseg+1
552            enddo
553            mfac=0
554            if (do_cosmo_model.eq.DO_COSMO_KS) then
555              do ifac=1,nfac
556                if(.not.insseg(ifac+nseg,iat)) mfac=mfac+1
557              enddo
558            endif
559            nspa(iat)=mseg
560            nppa(iat)=mfac
562c           ----- surface area of segments -----
564            if (do_cosmo_model.eq.DO_COSMO_KS) then
565              do iseg=1,nseg
566                numpps(iseg,iat)=0
567              enddo
568              do ifac=1,nfac
569                iseg=ijkspa(ifac+nseg,iat)
570                if(iseg.ne.0) numpps(iseg,iat)=numpps(iseg,iat)+1
571              enddo
572            endif
574         endif
576      enddo
578      if(ga_nodeid().eq.0) then
579         write(luout,9985) nseg,nfac
580         write(luout,9992)
581         do iat=1,nat
582            npp=0
583            do iseg=1,nseg
584               npp=npp+numpps(iseg,iat)
585            enddo
586            write(luout,9991) iat,nspa(iat),nppa(iat),npp
587         enddo
588      endif
589      if(dbug.and.ga_nodeid().eq.0) then
590         write(luout,9987)
591         do iat=1,nat
592            do iseg=1,nseg
593               write(luout,9986) iat,iseg,numpps(iseg,iat)
594            enddo
595         enddo
596      endif
598c    Count the number of surface points, i.e. number of point charges
599c    and generate memory to store them
601      nefc = 0
602      do iat=1,nat
603         if(ratm(iat).ne.0d0) then
604            do iseg=1,nseg
605               if(.not.insseg(iseg,iat)) nefc = nefc+1
606            enddo
607         endif
608      enddo
610c     Allocate memory for point charges
612      if(.not.ma_push_get(mt_dbl,nefc*3,'cosmo efcc',l_efcc,k_efcc))
613     & call errquit('cosmo_cossas malloc k_efcc failed',911,MA_ERR)
614      if(.not.ma_push_get(mt_dbl,nefc,'cosmo efcs',l_efcs,k_efcs))
615     & call errquit('cosmo_cossas malloc k_efcs failed',911,MA_ERR)
616      if(.not.ma_push_get(mt_int,nefc,'cosmo efciat',l_efciat,k_efciat))
617     & call errquit('cosmo_cossas malloc k_efciat failed',911,MA_ERR)
618      if(.not.ma_push_get(mt_dbl,nefc,'cosmo efcz',l_efcz,k_efcz))
619     & call errquit('cosmo_cossas malloc k_efcz failed',911,MA_ERR)
620      if(.not.ma_push_get(mt_byte,nefc*8,'cosmo tags',l_efclb,k_efclb))
621     & call errquit('cosmo_cossas malloc k_tag failed',911,MA_ERR)
623c     ----- save coordinates of surface points -----
624c           save segment surfaces
625c           save segment to atom mapping
627      srfmol=0d0
628      volmol=0d0
629      ief   =0
630      do iat=1,nat
631         if(ratm(iat).ne.0d0) then
632            ratm_real=-1d99
633            if (do_cosmo_model.eq.DO_COSMO_KS) then
634              ratm_real=ratm(iat)-rsolv/cau2ang
635            else if (do_cosmo_model.eq.DO_COSMO_YK) then
636              ratm_real=ratm(iat)
637            endif
638            do iseg=1,nseg
639               if(.not.insseg(iseg,iat)) then
640                  ief=ief+1
641                  do i=1,3
642                     dbl_mb(k_efcc+3*(ief-1)+i-1)=xyzatm(i,iat)
643     1                          +xyzseg(i,iseg)*ratm_real
644                  enddo
645                  ipp=numpps(iseg,iat)
646                  if (do_cosmo_model.eq.DO_COSMO_KS) then
647                    dbl_mb(k_efcs+ief-1) = dble(ipp)*dsurf*ratm_real**2
648                    srfmol = srfmol + dble(ipp)*dsurf*ratm_real**2
649                    volmol = volmol + dble(ipp)*dvol *ratm_real**3
650                  else if (do_cosmo_model.eq.DO_COSMO_YK) then
652c                   --- eval eq.(67) from [2] ---
654                    dum=4.00d0**(maxbem-minbem)
655                    dum=16.0d0 ! MAXBEM is obsolete in York and Karplus approach
656                    zetai=zeta*sqrt(nseg*dum)/(ratm_real*sqrt(2.0d0*pi))
657                    zetaii=zetai/sqrt(2.0d0)
658                    dbl_mb(k_efcs+ief-1) = (1.0d0/xyzff(iseg,iat))
659     1                                   * 2.0d0*zetaii/sqrt(pi)
660                    srfmol = srfmol + xyzff(iseg,iat)*dsurf*ratm_real**2
661                    volmol = volmol + xyzff(iseg,iat)*dvol *ratm_real**3
662                  endif
663                  int_mb(k_efciat+ief-1)=iat
664               endif
665            enddo
666         endif
667      enddo
668      srfmol=srfmol*(cau2ang**2)
669      volmol=volmol*(cau2ang**3)
671      if(ga_nodeid().eq.0) then
672         write(luout,9990) nefc
673         write(luout,9984) srfmol
674         write(luout,9983) volmol
675      endif
677c     ----- Cavity/Dispersion free energy ---
678c           Sitkoff, Sharp, and Honig,
679c           J.Phys.Chem. 98, 1978 (1994)
681      cavdsp=0.860+0.005*srfmol
683c MN solvation models -->
685c      if(ga_nodeid().eq.0) then
686c         write(luout,9981) cavdsp
687c      endif
688      if (.not.
689     $ rtdb_get(rtdb,'cosmo:do_cosmo_smd',mt_log,1,do_cosmo_smd))
690     $ call errquit('hnd_cossas: cannot get do_cosmo_smd from rtdb',
691     $ 0,rtdb_err)
692      if(ga_nodeid().eq.0) then
693       if (.not.do_cosmo_smd) write(luout,9981) cavdsp
694      endif
696c <-- MN solvation models
698c     ----- print segment surfaces -----
700      if(dbug.and.ga_nodeid().eq.0) then
701         write(luout,9989)
702         do ief=1,nefc
703            write(luout,9988) ief,dbl_mb(k_efcs+ief-1),
704     &                        int_mb(k_efciat+ief-1)
705         enddo
706      endif
708      do ief=1,nefc
709         dbl_mb(k_efcz+ief-1)=0d0
710      enddo
711      do ief=1,nefc
712         byte_mb(k_efclb+(ief-1)*8)='        '
713      enddo
715c     ----- write out to -rtdb- -----
717      if(.not.rtdb_put(rtdb,'cosmo:nefc',mt_int,1     ,nefc))
718     $   call errquit('hnd_cossas: rtdb put failed for nefc  ',911,
719     &       rtdb_err)
720      if(.not.rtdb_put(rtdb,'cosmo:efcc',mt_dbl,3*nefc,dbl_mb(k_efcc)))
721     $   call errquit('hnd_cossas: rtdb put failed for efcc  ',912,
722     &       rtdb_err)
723      if(.not.rtdb_put(rtdb,'cosmo:efcz',mt_dbl,  nefc,dbl_mb(k_efcz)))
724     $   call errquit('hnd_cossas: rtdb put failed for efcz  ',913,
725     &       rtdb_err)
726      if(.not.rtdb_put(rtdb,'cosmo:efcs',mt_dbl,  nefc,dbl_mb(k_efcs)))
727     $   call errquit('hnd_cossas: rtdb put failed for efcs  ',914,
728     &       rtdb_err)
730c     ----- reset cosmo:rawt to avoid trouble in cosmo charge
731c           calculation -----
733      if(.not.rtdb_put(rtdb,'cosmo:rawt',mt_dbl,  nefc,dbl_mb(k_efcz)))
734     $   call errquit('hnd_cossas: rtdb put failed for rawt  ',915,
735     &       rtdb_err)
737c     We will need the next bit of information to calculate the analytic
738c     COSMO gradients. This table describes the relationship between
739c     the COSMO charges and the associated atoms. So we better save this
740c     info.
742      if(.not.rtdb_put(rtdb,'cosmo:efciat',mt_int,nefc,
743     $                 int_mb(k_efciat)))
744     $   call errquit('hnd_cossas: rtdb put failed for iatefc',916,
745     &       rtdb_err)
746c     if(.not.rtdb_cput(rtdb,'char variable',nefc,byte_mb(k_efclb)))
747c    $   call errquit('hnd_cossas: rtdb put failed for efclab',917,
748c    &       rtdb_err)
750      if(.not.ma_pop_stack(l_efclb)) call
751     &   errquit('cosmo_cossas chop stack k_efclb failed',911,MA_ERR)
752      if(.not.ma_pop_stack(l_efcz)) call
753     &   errquit('cosmo_cossas chop stack k_efcz failed',911,MA_ERR)
754      if(.not.ma_pop_stack(l_efciat)) call
755     &   errquit('cosmo_cossas chop stack k_efciat failed',911,MA_ERR)
756      if(.not.ma_pop_stack(l_efcs)) call
757     &   errquit('cosmo_cossas chop stack k_efcs failed',911,MA_ERR)
758      if(.not.ma_pop_stack(l_efcc)) call
759     &   errquit('cosmo_cossas chop stack k_efcc failed',911,MA_ERR)
761      return
762 9999 format(/,1x,'solvent accessible surface',/,1x,26(1h-))
763 9998 format(/,1x,'---------- ATOMIC COORDINATES (A.U.) ----------',
764     1            '-- VDWR(ANG.) --')
765 9997 format(  1x,i5,3f14.8,f10.3)
766 9996 format(/,1x,'---------- SEGMENTS FOR -IAT- = ',i5)
767 9995 format(16i4)
768 9994 format(/,1x,'-INSSEG- FACES FOR IAT = ',i5)
769 9993 format(16l4)
770 9992 format(  1x,'atom',' ( ','  nspa',',','  nppa',' )',/,1x,22(1h-))
771 9991 format(  1x,   i4 ,' ( ',     i6 ,',',     i6 ,' )',i8)
772 9990 format(  1x,'number of -cosmo- surface points = ',i8)
773 9989 format(  1x,'SEGMENT SURFACES =',/,1x,18(1h-))
774 9988 format(i8,f10.5,i5)
775 9987 format(  1x,'NUMBER OF FACES / SEGMENT =',/,1x,27(1h-))
776 9986 format(3i5)
777 9985 format(' number of segments per atom = ',i10,/,
778     1       ' number of   points per atom = ',i10)
779 9984 format(' molecular surface = ',f10.3,' angstrom**2')
780 9983 format(' molecular volume  = ',f10.3,' angstrom**3')
781 9981 format(' G(cav/disp)       = ',f10.3,' kcal/mol')
782      end
784C> \brief Triangulate a sphere using the Boundary Element Method (BEM)
786C> This routine approximates a sphere starting from either an
787C> octahedron or an icosahedron and partitioning the triangles that
788C> make up these polyhedra. Each triangle is partitioned into four
789C> triangles at each level in the recursion. The procedure is starting
790C> from an equal sided triangle, select the midpoints of all three
791C> sides, and draw a triangle through the three midpoints. This way four
792C> triangles of equal size are obtained. However, the midpoints of the
793C> original sides do not lie on the surface of the sphere and therefore
794C> they need to be projected outwards. This outwards projection changes
795C> the size of the central triangle more than that of the other three.
796C> So in the final triangulation the triangles are not all of the same
797C> size, but this is ignored in the COSMO formalism.
799C> Ultimately we are interested only in the triangles at 2 levels of
800C> granularity:
802C> - minbem: these triangles are referred to as "segments" and
803C>   represent the sphere and their centers become the positions for
804C>   the COSMO charges.
806C> - maxbem: these triangles are referred to as "faces" and they are
807C>   used to adjust the surface of the segments in regions where two
808C>   atomic spheres meet and the segments straddle the boundary between
809C>   both spheres.
811C> All other triangles are reduced to mere artefacts of the triangle
812C> generation algorithm. The array `ijkseg` administrates what the
813C> status of a triangle is. It lists for each face which segment it is
814C> part of.
816C> In addition this routine computes `adiag` of [1] Eq.(B1). The
817C> expression in this routine can be obtained from Eq.(B1) as
818C> \f{eqnarray*}{
819C>   \frac{1}{2R}
820C>   &=&\frac{M}{2}\sum_{\nu=2}^M\frac{M^{-2}}{||t_1-t_\nu||}
821C>    + MM^{-2}\frac{a_{\mathrm{diag}}}{2} \\\\
822C>   \frac{a_{\mathrm{diag}}}{M}
823C>   &=&\frac{1}{R}-\sum_{\nu=2}^M\frac{M^{-1}}{||t_1-t_\nu||} \\\\
824C>   a_{\mathrm{diag}}
825C>   &=&\frac{M}{R}-\sum_{\nu=2}^M\frac{1}{||t_1-t_\nu||}
826C> \f}
827C> The expression implemented in this routine can be mapped onto this
828C> by
829C> \f{eqnarray*}{
830C>   a_{\mathrm{diag}}' &=& \left(\frac{4\pi}{M}\right)^{1/2}
831C>         \left(M-\sum_{\nu=2}\frac{1}{||t_1'-t_\nu'||}\right)
832C> \f}
833C> where \f$a_{\mathrm{diag}}'\f$ is `adiag` as calculated in this
834C> routine, the \f$t'\f$ are points in the unit sphere (as opposed to
835C> \f$t\f$ which are points on the sphere with radius \f$R\f$).
836C> In the routines `hnd_coschg`, `hnd_cosaxd` and `hnd_cosxad` this is
837C> multiplied with
838C> \f$|S_\mu|^{-1/2} = \left(\frac{4\pi R^2}{M}\right)^{-1/2}\f$ to give
839C> the proper \f$a_{\mathrm{diag}}\f$
840C> \f{eqnarray*}{
841C>   a_{\mathrm{diag}} &=& \left(\frac{4\pi}{M}\right)^{1/2}
842C>         \left(M-\sum_{\nu=2}\frac{1}{||t_1'-t_\nu'||}\right)
843C>         \left(\frac{M}{4\pi R^2}\right)^{1/2} \\\\
844C>   &=& \frac{1}{R}
845C>       \left(M-\sum_{\nu=2}\frac{1}{||t_1'-t_\nu'||}\right) \\\\
846C>   &=& \left(\frac{M}{R}-\sum_{\nu=2}\frac{1}{||t_1-t_\nu||}\right)
847C> \f}
848C> In ref.[1] Eq.(B2) is wrong because of a spurious scale factor
849C> \f$4\pi R^2/M\f$.
851C> ### References ###
853C> [1] A. Klamt, G. Sch&uuml;&uuml;rmann,
854C>     "COSMO: a new approach to dielectric screening in solvents with
855C>      explicit expressions for the screening energy and its gradient",
856C>     <i>J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 2</i>, 1993, pp 799-805, DOI:
857C>     <a href="https://doi.org/10.1039/P29930000799">
858C>     10.1039/P29930000799</a>.
860      subroutine hnd_cossph(nseg,nfac,ndiv,
861     1                  ijkfac,xyzseg,ijkseg,mxface,apex,mxapex,
862     2                  dsurf_in,dvol_in,adiag_in)
863      implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
864#include "cosmo_params.fh"
865#include "global.fh"
866#include "stdio.fh"
868#include "cosmoP.fh"
870c              ----- starting from -icosahedron- -----
872c     pass, napex, nface, error =   0      12      20      20
873c     pass, napex, nface, error =   1      42      80     100    0.4982
874c     pass  napex, nface, error =   2     162     320     420    0.1848
875c     pass  napex, nface, error =   3     642    1280    1700    0.0523
876c     pass  napex, nface, error =   4    2562    5120    6820    0.0135
877c     pass  napex, nface, error =   5   10242   20480   27300    0.0034
879c              ----- starting from -octahedron-  -----
881c     pass, napex, nface, error =   0       6       8       8
882c     pass, napex, nface, error =   1      18      32      40    0.8075
883c     pass  napex, nface, error =   2      66     128     168    0.4557
884c     pass  napex, nface, error =   3     258     512     680    0.1619
885c     pass  napex, nface, error =   4    1026    2048    2728    0.0451
886c     pass  napex, nface, error =   5    4098    8192   10920    0.0116
887c     pass  napex, nface, error =   6   16386   32768   43688    0.0029
889      dimension   apex(3,*)
890      dimension ijkfac(3,*)
891      dimension ijkseg(  *)
892      dimension xyzseg(3,*)
893      parameter (mxpass=    7)
894      dimension minfac(mxpass)
895      dimension maxfac(mxpass)
896      dimension minico(mxpass)
897      dimension maxico(mxpass)
898      dimension minoct(mxpass)
899      dimension maxoct(mxpass)
900      dimension ijknew(3)
901      dimension ijkold(3)
902      equivalence (ijkold(1),iold),(ijkold(2),jold),(ijkold(3),kold)
903      equivalence (ijknew(1),inew),(ijknew(2),jnew),(ijknew(3),knew)
904      logical icos
905      logical octa
906      logical some,out,dbug
907      data minico /    1,   21,  101,  421, 1701, 6821,    0/
908      data maxico /   20,  100,  420, 1700, 6820,27300,    0/
909      data minoct /    1,    9,   41,  169,  681, 2729,10921/
910      data maxoct /    8,   40,  168,  680, 2728,10920,43688/
911      data zero  /0.0d+00/
912      data one   /1.0d+00/
913      data two   /2.0d+00/
914      data three /3.0d+00/
915      data four  /4.0d+00/
917      dist(xi,yi,zi,xj,yj,zj)=sqrt((xj-xi)**2+(yj-yi)**2+(zj-zi)**2)
919      dbug=.false.
920      out =.false.
921      out =out.or.dbug
922      some=.false.
923      some=some.or.out
925      pi=four*atan(one)
926      rad=one
927      cir= two*pi*rad
928      srf=four*pi*rad**2
929      vol=four*pi*rad**3/three
931      npass=maxbem
933c     ----- define  hedron  -----
934c           define -minfac-
935c           define -maxfac-
937      icos=ificos.ne.0
938      octa=.not.icos
939      if(icos) then
940         call hnd_sphico(apex,napex,ijkfac,ijkseg,nface)
941         do ipass=1,mxpass
942            minfac(ipass)=minico(ipass)
943            maxfac(ipass)=maxico(ipass)
944         enddo
945      endif
946      if(octa) then
947         call hnd_sphoct(apex,napex,ijkfac,ijkseg,nface)
948         do ipass=1,mxpass
949            minfac(ipass)=minoct(ipass)
950            maxfac(ipass)=maxoct(ipass)
951         enddo
952      endif
953      if(some.or.out.or.dbug.and.ga_nodeid().eq.0) then
954         if(icos) then
955            write(luout,9994)
956         endif
957         if(octa) then
958            write(luout,9982)
959         endif
960         if(out) then
961            write(luout,*) '-minbem- = ',minbem
962            write(luout,*) '-maxbem- = ',maxbem
963            write(luout,*) '-minfac- = ',minfac
964            write(luout,*) '-maxfac- = ',maxfac
965            write(luout,*) '-npass - = ',npass
966            write(luout,9999)
967            do iapex=1,napex
968               write(luout,9998) iapex,apex(1,iapex),
969     1                              apex(2,iapex),
970     2                              apex(3,iapex)
971            enddo
972         endif
973      endif
975c     ----- loop over divisions to create sphere -----
977      mxfac=0
978      ipass=1
979  100 ipass=ipass+1
980         mnfac=mxfac+1
981         mxfac=nface
982         if(out.and.ga_nodeid().eq.0) then
983            write(luout,9996) ipass,napex,nface,mnfac,mxfac
984         endif
986         dmin =one
987         mapex=napex
988         mface=nface
989         do lface=mnfac,mxfac
990            iold=ijkfac(1,lface)
991            jold=ijkfac(2,lface)
992            kold=ijkfac(3,lface)
993            call hnd_sphapx(apex,mapex,ijkfac,ijkseg,mface,lface,
994     1                      ijkold,ijknew,dijk)
995            dmin=min(dmin,dijk)
996         enddo
997         napex=mapex
998         nface=mface
999         if(out.and.ga_nodeid().eq.0) then
1000            write(luout,9995) napex,nface
1001         endif
1003c     ----- print out new apeces -----
1005         if(dbug.and.ga_nodeid().eq.0) then
1006            do iapex=1,napex
1007               write(luout,9998) iapex,apex(1,iapex),apex(2,iapex),
1008     1                              apex(3,iapex)
1009            enddo
1010         endif
1012c     ----- print approximate volume -----
1014         radapp=    dmin
1015         radrat=    dmin
1016         raderr=one-radrat
1017         srfapp=srf*dmin**2
1018         srfrat=    dmin**2
1019         srferr=one-srfrat
1020         volapp=vol*dmin**3
1021         volrat=    dmin**3
1022         volerr=one-volrat
1023         if(out.and.ga_nodeid().eq.0) then
1024            write(luout,9997) vol,volapp,volrat,volerr
1025            write(luout,9992) srf,srfapp,srfrat,srferr
1026            write(luout,9991) rad,radapp,radrat,raderr
1027         endif
1029c     ----- assign early segment to each face -----
1031         if(ipass.gt.(minbem+1)) then
1032            if(dbug.and.ga_nodeid().eq.0) then
1033               write(luout,9981) ipass
1034               write(luout,9980) (minfac(i),i=1,ipass)
1035               write(luout,9979) (maxfac(i),i=1,ipass)
1036            endif
1037            maxseg=maxfac(minbem)
1038            lfacmn=minfac(ipass)
1039            lfacmx=maxfac(ipass)
1040            if(dbug.and.ga_nodeid().eq.0) then
1041               write(luout,9990) ipass
1042               write(luout,9988) (ijkseg(lface),lface=lfacmn,lfacmx)
1043            endif
1044            do lface=lfacmn,lfacmx
1045               ijkseg(lface)=ijkseg(ijkseg(lface))
1046               if(ijkseg(lface).gt.maxseg.and.ga_nodeid().eq.0) then
1047                  write(luout,9987) lface,ijkseg(lface)
1048               endif
1049            enddo
1050            if(dbug.and.ga_nodeid().eq.0) then
1051               write(luout,9989) ipass
1052               write(luout,9988) (ijkseg(lface),lface=lfacmn,lfacmx)
1053            endif
1054         endif
1056      if(ipass.lt.npass) go to 100
1058c     ----- end of loop over tessalating passes -----
1060      if(dbug.and.ga_nodeid().eq.0) then
1061         do ipass=1,npass
1062            lfacmn=minfac(ipass)
1063            lfacmx=maxfac(ipass)
1064            write(luout,9989) ipass
1065            write(luout,*) '-lfacmn- = ',lfacmn
1066            write(luout,*) '-lfacmx- = ',lfacmx
1067            write(luout,9988) (ijkseg(lface),lface=lfacmn,lfacmx)
1068         enddo
1069      endif
1070      if(some.or.out.or.dbug.and.ga_nodeid().eq.0) then
1071         write(luout,9993) npass,napex,minfac(npass),maxfac(npass),
1072     1                  radapp,raderr,srfapp,srferr,volapp,volerr
1073      endif
1075c     ----- at this point each of the faces is assigned to one -----
1076c           segment. now define centers of segments ...
1078      third =one/three
1079      lfacmn= minfac(minbem)
1080      lfacmx= maxfac(minbem)
1081      do lface=lfacmn,lfacmx
1082         mface=lface-lfacmn+1
1083         ijkseg(mface)=mface
1084         i=ijkfac(1,lface)
1085         j=ijkfac(2,lface)
1086         k=ijkfac(3,lface)
1087         do m=1,3
1088            xyzseg(m,mface)=(apex(m,i)+apex(m,j)+apex(m,k))*third
1089         enddo
1090         dseg=one/dist(xyzseg(1,mface),xyzseg(2,mface),xyzseg(3,mface),
1091     1                 zero,zero,zero)
1092         do m=1,3
1093            xyzseg(m,mface)=xyzseg(m,mface)*dseg
1094         enddo
1095      enddo
1096      nseg=(lfacmx-lfacmn+1)
1098      if(dbug.and.ga_nodeid().eq.0) then
1099         lfacmn=1
1100         lfacmx=nseg
1101         write(luout,*)    'segment to segment mapping = '
1102         write(luout,9988) (ijkseg(lface),lface=lfacmn,lfacmx)
1103      endif
1105c     ----- now the faces ... -----
1107      if(npass.gt.minbem) then
1108         lfacmn=minfac(minbem+1)
1109         lfacmx=maxfac(npass   )
1110         do lface=lfacmn,lfacmx
1111            mface=lface-lfacmn+1
1112     1                        +(maxfac(minbem)-minfac(minbem)+1)
1113            ijkseg(mface)=ijkseg(lface)
1114     1                        -(               minfac(minbem)-1)
1115            i=ijkfac(1,lface)
1116            j=ijkfac(2,lface)
1117            k=ijkfac(3,lface)
1118            do m=1,3
1119               xyzseg(m,mface)=(apex(m,i)+apex(m,j)+apex(m,k))*third
1120            enddo
1121            dseg=one/dist(xyzseg(1,mface),
1122     1                    xyzseg(2,mface),
1123     2                    xyzseg(3,mface),zero,zero,zero)
1124            do m=1,3
1125               xyzseg(m,mface)=xyzseg(m,mface)*dseg
1126            enddo
1127         enddo
1128         nfac=(lfacmx-lfacmn+1)
1130c        ----- only keep the faces at granularity maxbem -----
1131c        ----- discard all other faces -----
1133c        do lface=1,maxfac(maxbem-1)-minfac(minbem+1)+1
1134c          ijkseg(nseg+lface) = 0
1135c        enddo
1136      else
1137         do iseg=1,nseg
1138            ifac=iseg+nseg
1139            ijkseg(ifac)=ijkseg(iseg)
1140            do m=1,3
1141               xyzseg(m,ifac)=xyzseg(m,iseg)
1142            enddo
1143         enddo
1144         nfac=nseg
1145      endif
1147      if(dbug.and.ga_nodeid().eq.0) then
1148         lfacmn=nseg+1
1149         lfacmx=nseg+nfac
1150         write(luout,*)    ' face   to segment mapping = '
1151         write(luout,9988) (ijkseg(lface),lface=lfacmn,lfacmx)
1152      endif
1154c     ----- calculate -dsurf dvol- for the -cosmo- theory -----
1156      if (do_cosmo_model.eq.DO_COSMO_YK) nfac =nseg
1157      ndiv =nfac/nseg
1158      dsurf_in=srf/dble(nfac)
1159      dvol_in =vol/dble(nfac)
1160      if(some.or.out.or.dbug.and.ga_nodeid().eq.0) then
1161         write(luout,9986) nseg,nfac,ndiv,dsurf_in,dvol_in
1162      endif
1163      if(out.and.ga_nodeid().eq.0) then
1164         write(luout,9985)
1165         do i=1,nseg
1166            done=dist(xyzseg(1,i),xyzseg(2,i),xyzseg(3,i),
1167     1                zero,zero,zero)
1168            write(luout,9984) i,
1169     1                     xyzseg(1,i),xyzseg(2,i),xyzseg(3,i),
1170     2                     ijkseg(i),done
1171         enddo
1172      endif
1173      if(dbug.and.ga_nodeid().eq.0) then
1174         write(luout,9985)
1175         do i=nseg+1,nseg+nfac
1176            done=dist(xyzseg(1,i),xyzseg(2,i),xyzseg(3,i),
1177     1                zero,zero,zero)
1178            write(luout,9984) (i-nseg),
1179     1                     xyzseg(1,i),xyzseg(2,i),xyzseg(3,i),
1180     2                     ijkseg(i),done
1181         enddo
1182      endif
1184c     ----- calculate -adiag- of the -cosmo- theory -----
1186      avgdia=zero
1187      avgfac=zero
1188      do mseg=1,nseg
1189         sum=zero
1190         do lseg=1,nseg
1191            if(lseg.ne.mseg) then
1192               l1=mseg
1193               l2=lseg
1194         sum=sum+rad/dist(xyzseg(1,l2),xyzseg(2,l2),xyzseg(3,l2),
1195     1                    xyzseg(1,l1),xyzseg(2,l1),xyzseg(3,l1))
1196            endif
1197         enddo
1198         fac=(dble(nseg)-sum)/sqrt(dble(nseg))
1199         adiag_in=sqrt(four*pi)*fac
1200         if(some.or.out.or.dbug.and.ga_nodeid().eq.0) then
1201            write(luout,9983) mseg,adiag_in,fac,dble(nseg),sum
1202         endif
1203         avgdia=avgdia+adiag_in
1204         avgfac=avgfac+fac
1205      enddo
1206      adiag_in=avgdia/dble(nseg)
1207      fac  =avgfac/dble(nseg)
1208      if(some.or.out.or.dbug.and.ga_nodeid().eq.0) then
1209         write(luout,9978)      adiag_in,fac
1210      endif
1212      return
1213 9999 format(/,1x,'  apex',5x,'x',6x,5x,'y',6x,5x,'z',6x,/,1x,42(1h-))
1214 9998 format(1x,i6,f12.8,f12.8,f12.8)
1215 9997 format(' vol, approx., ratio, error = ',2f12.8,2 f8.4)
1216 9996 format(' pass, napex, nface, mnfac, mxfac = ',i3,4i8)
1217 9995 format('       napex, nface               = ',3x,2i8)
1218 9994 format(1x,'sphere from -icosahedron-',/,1x,25(1h-))
1219 9993 format(' npass = ',i2,' napex = ',i8,
1220     1       ' minfac = ',i8,' maxfac = ',i8,/,
1221     2       ' rad = ',f10.6,' error = ',f8.4,/,
1222     3       ' srf = ',f10.6,' error = ',f8.4,/,
1223     4       ' vol = ',f10.6,' error = ',f8.4)
1224 9992 format(' srf, approx., ratio, error = ',2f12.8,2 f8.4)
1225 9991 format(' rad, approx., ratio, error = ',2f12.8,2 f8.4)
1226 9990 format(' absolute -ijkseg- , for -ipass- = ',i5)
1227 9989 format(' relative -ijkseg- , for -ipass- = ',i5)
1228 9988 format(12i6)
1229 9987 format(' assigned segment for -lface- = ',i7,
1230     1       ' is = ',i7,' ( greater than -maxseg- = ',i4,' )')
1231 9986 format(' nseg,nfac,ndiv=nfac/nseg,dsurf,dvol = ',3i7,2f10.6)
1232 9985 format('   pt  ','      x     ','      y     ','      z     ',
1233     1       ' seg ','    norm    ',/,1x,59(1h-))
1234 9984 format(i7,3f12.8,i5,f12.8)
1235 9983 format(' mseg,adiag,fac,m,sum = ',i7,4f12.6)
1236 9982 format(1x,'sphere from -octahedron-',/,1x,24(1h-))
1237 9981 format(' pass # = ',i5)
1238 9980 format(' minfac = ',10i5)
1239 9979 format(' maxfac = ',10i5)
1240 9978 format('      adiag,fac       = ',   2f12.6)
1241      end
1243C> \brief Setup the data for an Octahedron
1245C> This routine initiates the segments of an octahedron. The output
1246C> is split over a few arrays. One array `apex` holds the coordinates
1247C> of the corners of the triangles, another array `ijkfac` lists
1248C> for each triangle which points in the `apex` array hold the
1249C> corresponding corner points, and finally `ijkseg` record the
1250C> mapping between faces and segments.
1252      subroutine hnd_sphoct(apex,napex,ijkfac,ijkseg,nface)
1253      implicit none
1254#include "global.fh"
1255#include "stdio.fh"
1257      logical out
1258      integer            napex     !< [Output] The number of apeces
1259      integer            nface     !< [Output] The number of faces
1260      double precision    xyz(3,6)
1261      integer             ijk(3,8)
1262      double precision   apex(3,*) !< [Output] The corners of the
1263                                   !< triangles
1264      integer          ijkfac(3,*) !< [Output] For each triangle which
1265                                   !< points make up its corners
1266      integer          ijkseg(  *) !< [Output] For each face the number
1267                                   !< of the segment it belongs to
1268      integer iapex, lface
1269      data xyz / 1.0d+00, 0.0d+00, 0.0d+00, 0.0d+00, 1.0d+00, 0.0d+00,
1270     1          -1.0d+00, 0.0d+00, 0.0d+00, 0.0d+00,-1.0d+00, 0.0d+00,
1271     2           0.0d+00, 0.0d+00, 1.0d+00, 0.0d+00, 0.0d+00,-1.0d+00/
1272      data ijk / 5, 1, 2, 5, 2, 3, 5, 3, 4, 5, 4, 1,
1273     1           6, 1, 2, 6, 2, 3, 6, 3, 4, 6, 4, 1/
1275      out=.false.
1276      out=out.and.ga_nodeid().eq.0
1278      if(out) then
1279         write(luout,9997)
1280      endif
1282c     ----- set the 6 apeces of an octahedron -----
1284c     1     1.     0.     0.
1285c     2     0.     1.     0.
1286c     3    -1.     0.     0.
1287c     4     0.    -1.     0.
1288c     5     0.     0.     1.
1289c     6     0.     0.    -1.
1291      napex=6
1292      do iapex=1,napex
1293         apex(1,iapex)=xyz(1,iapex)
1294         apex(2,iapex)=xyz(2,iapex)
1295         apex(3,iapex)=xyz(3,iapex)
1296      enddo
1297      if(out) then
1298         write(luout,9999)
1299         do iapex=1,napex
1300            write(luout,9998) iapex,apex(1,iapex),apex(2,iapex),
1301     1                           apex(3,iapex)
1302         enddo
1303      endif
1305      nface=8
1306      do lface=1,nface
1307         ijkfac(1,lface)=ijk(1,lface)
1308         ijkfac(2,lface)=ijk(2,lface)
1309         ijkfac(3,lface)=ijk(3,lface)
1310         ijkseg(  lface)=      lface
1311      enddo
1313      if(out) then
1314         write(luout,*) '...... end of -sphoct- ......'
1315      endif
1316      return
1317 9999 format(/,1x,'  apex',5x,'x',6x,5x,'y',6x,5x,'z',6x,/,1x,42(1h-))
1318 9998 format(1x,i6,f12.8,f12.8,f12.8)
1319 9997 format(/,1x,'octahedron',/,1x,10(1h-))
1320      end
1322      subroutine hnd_sphico(apex,napex,ijkfac,ijkseg,nface)
1323      implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
1324#include "global.fh"
1325#include "stdio.fh"
1327      logical out
1328      dimension      c(3,12)
1329      dimension      s(3,12)
1330      dimension    ijk(3,20)
1331      dimension   apex(3,*)
1332      dimension ijkfac(3,*)
1333      dimension ijkseg(  *)
1334      data c   / 0.0d+00, 1.0d+00, 0.0d+00, 0.0d+00, 1.0d+00, 0.0d+00,
1335     1           0.0d+00,-1.0d+00, 0.0d+00, 0.0d+00,-1.0d+00, 0.0d+00,
1336     2           0.0d+00, 0.0d+00, 1.0d+00, 0.0d+00, 0.0d+00, 1.0d+00,
1337     3           0.0d+00, 0.0d+00,-1.0d+00, 0.0d+00, 0.0d+00,-1.0d+00,
1338     4           1.0d+00, 0.0d+00, 0.0d+00, 1.0d+00, 0.0d+00, 0.0d+00,
1339     5          -1.0d+00, 0.0d+00, 0.0d+00,-1.0d+00, 0.0d+00, 0.0d+00/
1340      data s   / 0.0d+00, 0.0d+00, 1.0d+00, 0.0d+00, 0.0d+00,-1.0d+00,
1341     1           0.0d+00, 0.0d+00, 1.0d+00, 0.0d+00, 0.0d+00,-1.0d+00,
1342     2           1.0d+00, 0.0d+00, 0.0d+00,-1.0d+00, 0.0d+00, 0.0d+00,
1343     3           1.0d+00, 0.0d+00, 0.0d+00,-1.0d+00, 0.0d+00, 0.0d+00,
1344     4           0.0d+00, 1.0d+00, 0.0d+00, 0.0d+00,-1.0d+00, 0.0d+00,
1345     5           0.0d+00, 1.0d+00, 0.0d+00, 0.0d+00,-1.0d+00, 0.0d+00/
1346      data ijk / 1, 2, 9, 1, 9, 5, 1, 5, 6, 1, 6,11, 1,11, 2,
1347     1                    2, 9, 7, 2, 7, 8, 2, 8,11,
1348     2           3, 4,10, 3,10, 5, 3, 5, 6, 3, 6,12, 3,12, 4,
1349     3                    4,10, 7, 4, 7, 8, 4, 8,12,
1350     4           9,10, 7, 9, 5,10,11,12, 8,11, 6,12/
1351      data one  /1.0d+00/
1352      data two  /2.0d+00/
1353      data five /5.0d+00/
1355      out=.false.
1356      out=out.and.ga_nodeid().eq.0
1358      if(out) then
1359         write(luout,9997)
1360      endif
1362c     ----- set the 12 apeces of an icosahedron -----
1364c     1     0.     cosa   sina
1365c     2     0.     cosa  -sina
1366c     3     0.    -cosa   sina
1367c     4     0.    -cosa  -sina
1368c     5     sina   0.     cosa
1369c     6    -sina   0.     cosa
1370c     7     sina   0.    -cosa
1371c     8    -sina   0.    -cosa
1372c     9     cosa   sina   0.
1373c    10     cosa  -sina   0.
1374c    11    -cosa   sina   0.
1375c    12    -cosa  -sina   0.
1377      ang=acos(one/sqrt(five))/two
1378      cosa=cos(ang)
1379      sina=sin(ang)
1380      napex=12
1381      do iapex=1,napex
1382         apex(1,iapex)=cosa*c(1,iapex)+sina*s(1,iapex)
1383         apex(2,iapex)=cosa*c(2,iapex)+sina*s(2,iapex)
1384         apex(3,iapex)=cosa*c(3,iapex)+sina*s(3,iapex)
1385      enddo
1386      if(out) then
1387         write(luout,9999)
1388         do iapex=1,napex
1389            write(luout,9998) iapex,apex(1,iapex),apex(2,iapex),
1390     1                           apex(3,iapex)
1391         enddo
1392      endif
1394      nface=20
1395      do lface=1,nface
1396         ijkfac(1,lface)=ijk(1,lface)
1397         ijkfac(2,lface)=ijk(2,lface)
1398         ijkfac(3,lface)=ijk(3,lface)
1399         ijkseg(  lface)=      lface
1400      enddo
1402      if(out) then
1403         write(luout,*) '...... end of -sphico- ......'
1404      endif
1405      return
1406 9999 format(/,1x,'  apex',5x,'x',6x,5x,'y',6x,5x,'z',6x,/,1x,42(1h-))
1407 9998 format(1x,i6,f12.8,f12.8,f12.8)
1408 9997 format(/,1x,'icosahedron',/,1x,11(1h-))
1409      end
1411C> \brief Partition a given triangle into four triangles and project
1412C> them outward onto the unit sphere
1414      subroutine hnd_sphapx(apex,mapex,ijkfac,ijkseg,mface,lface,
1415     1                             ijkold,ijknew,dmin)
1416      implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
1417#include "global.fh"
1418#include "stdio.fh"
1420      logical out
1421      logical duplic
1422      dimension   apex(3,*)
1423      dimension ijkfac(3,*)
1424      dimension ijkseg(  *)
1425      dimension ijkold(3)
1426      dimension ijknew(3)
1427      dimension    xyz(3,3)
1428      dimension      d(3)
1429      dimension xyzijk(3)
1430      equivalence (xyz(1,1),xij),(xyz(2,1),yij),(xyz(3,1),zij),
1431     1            (xyz(1,2),xjk),(xyz(2,2),yjk),(xyz(3,2),zjk),
1432     2            (xyz(1,3),xki),(xyz(2,3),yki),(xyz(3,3),zki)
1433      data zero  /0.0d+00/
1434      data pt5   /0.5d+00/
1435      data one   /1.0d+00/
1436      data three /3.0d+00/
1437      data tol   /1.0d-04/
1439      dist(x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2)=sqrt((x2-x1)**2+(y2-y1)**2+(z2-z1)**2)
1441      out=.false.
1442      out=out.and.ga_nodeid().eq.0
1444c     ----- create mid-point of the 3 edges -----
1446      iold=ijkold(1)
1447      jold=ijkold(2)
1448      kold=ijkold(3)
1449      do m=1,3
1450         xyz(m,1)=(apex(m,iold)+apex(m,jold))*pt5
1451         xyz(m,2)=(apex(m,jold)+apex(m,kold))*pt5
1452         xyz(m,3)=(apex(m,kold)+apex(m,iold))*pt5
1453      enddo
1455c     ----- project onto sphere -----
1457      d(1)=dist(xij,yij,zij,zero,zero,zero)
1458      d(2)=dist(xjk,yjk,zjk,zero,zero,zero)
1459      d(3)=dist(xki,yki,zki,zero,zero,zero)
1460      d(1)=one/d(1)
1461      d(2)=one/d(2)
1462      d(3)=one/d(3)
1463      do l=1,3
1464         do m=1,3
1465            xyz(m,l)=xyz(m,l)*d(l)
1466         enddo
1467      enddo
1469c     ----- check for duplicate apeces -----
1471      newapx=0
1472      do iapx=1,3
1473         duplic=.false.
1474         lduplc=0
1475         do lapex=1,mapex
1476            dd=dist(xyz(1,  iapx),xyz(2,  iapx),xyz(3,  iapx),
1477     1              apex(1,lapex),apex(2,lapex),apex(3,lapex))
1478            if(abs(dd).lt.tol) then
1479               duplic=.true.
1480               lduplc=lapex
1481            endif
1482         enddo
1483         if(duplic) then
1484            ijknew(iapx)=lduplc
1485            if(out) then
1486               write(luout,9999) iapx,ijkold,lduplc
1487            endif
1488         else
1489            newapx=newapx+1
1490            japx=mapex+newapx
1491            ijknew(iapx)=japx
1492            do m=1,3
1493               apex(m,japx)=xyz(m,iapx)
1494            enddo
1495            if(out) then
1496               write(luout,9998) iapx,ijkold,japx,
1497     1                        apex(1,japx),apex(2,japx),apex(3,japx)
1498            endif
1499         endif
1500      enddo
1501      mapex=mapex+newapx
1503c     ----- make up new faces and their centers -----
1505      third=one/three
1506      dmin =one
1508      mface=mface+1
1509      ijkseg(  mface)=lface
1510      ijkfac(1,mface)=ijkold(1)
1511      ijkfac(2,mface)=ijknew(1)
1512      ijkfac(3,mface)=ijknew(3)
1513      do m=1,3
1514         xyzijk(m)=(apex(m,iold)+apex(m,jold)+apex(m,kold))*third
1515      enddo
1516      dijk=dist(xyzijk(1),xyzijk(2),xyzijk(3),zero,zero,zero)
1517      dmin=min(dmin,dijk)
1519      mface=mface+1
1520      ijkseg(  mface)=lface
1521      ijkfac(1,mface)=ijkold(2)
1522      ijkfac(2,mface)=ijknew(1)
1523      ijkfac(3,mface)=ijknew(2)
1524      do m=1,3
1525         xyzijk(m)=(apex(m,iold)+apex(m,jold)+apex(m,kold))*third
1526      enddo
1527      dijk=dist(xyzijk(1),xyzijk(2),xyzijk(3),zero,zero,zero)
1528      dmin=min(dmin,dijk)
1530      mface=mface+1
1531      ijkseg(  mface)=lface
1532      ijkfac(1,mface)=ijkold(3)
1533      ijkfac(2,mface)=ijknew(2)
1534      ijkfac(3,mface)=ijknew(3)
1535      do m=1,3
1536         xyzijk(m)=(apex(m,iold)+apex(m,jold)+apex(m,kold))*third
1537      enddo
1538      dijk=dist(xyzijk(1),xyzijk(2),xyzijk(3),zero,zero,zero)
1539      dmin=min(dmin,dijk)
1541      mface=mface+1
1542      ijkseg(  mface)=lface
1543      ijkfac(1,mface)=ijknew(1)
1544      ijkfac(2,mface)=ijknew(2)
1545      ijkfac(3,mface)=ijknew(3)
1546      do m=1,3
1547         xyzijk(m)=(apex(m,iold)+apex(m,jold)+apex(m,kold))*third
1548      enddo
1549      dijk=dist(xyzijk(1),xyzijk(2),xyzijk(3),zero,zero,zero)
1550      dmin=min(dmin,dijk)
1552      if(out) then
1553         write(luout,9997) dmin,mface
1554      endif
1556      return
1557 9999 format(' duplicated apex =',i2,' for face ',3i5,'. same as = ',i5)
1558 9998 format('    new     apex =',i2,' for face ',3i5,'.  newapx = ',i5,
1559     1       /,7x,3f12.8)
1560 9997 format(' --- dmin = ',f12.8,' --- mface = ',i10)
1561      end
1563C> \brief Evaluate COSMO related energy terms
1565C> Based on the COSMO charges a number of energy terms can be evaluated,
1566C> including:
1568C> - the nuclear - COSMO charge interaction energy
1570C> - the electron - COSMO charge interaction energy
1572C> - the total solute charge density - COSMO charge interaction energy
1574C> - the COSMO charge - COSMO charge interaction energy
1576C> These terms are inherent in Ref.[1] Eq.(8) and in Ref.[2] Eq.(39).
1578C> ### References ###
1580C> [1] A. Klamt, G. Sch&uuml;&uuml;rmann,
1581C>     "COSMO: a new approach to dielectric screening in solvents with
1582C>      explicit expressions for the screening energy and its gradient",
1583C>     <i>J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 2</i>, 1993, pp 799-805, DOI:
1584C>     <a href="https://doi.org/10.1039/P29930000799">
1585C>     10.1039/P29930000799</a>.
1587C> [2] D.M. York, M. Karplus,
1588C>     "A smooth solvation potential based on the conductor-like
1589C>      screening model", <i>J. Phys. Chem. A</i> (1999) <b>103</b>,
1590C>     pp 11060-11079, DOI:
1591C>     <a href="https://doi.org/10.1021/jp992097l">
1592C>     10.1021/jp992097l</a>.
1594      subroutine hnd_cos_energy(nat,nefc,chgscr,efcc,efcs,efcz,efciat,
1595     &           ratm,catm,zatm,pot,allefc,atmefc,elcefc,efcefc)
1596      implicit none
1598#include "cosmoP.fh"
1599#include "cosmo_params.fh"
1601      integer nat  !< [Input] The number of electrons
1602      integer nefc !< [Input] The number of COSMO charges
1603      integer efciat(nefc) !< [Input] Mapping of COSMO charges to the
1604                           !< atom that generated the corresponding
1605                           !< solvent accessible surface area segment
1607      double precision chgscr !< [Input] The dielectric screening
1608                              !< factor \f$f(\epsilon)\f$ (see Ref.[2]
1609                              !< Eq.(46) with \f$\epsilon_1=1\f$ and
1610                              !< \f$\epsilon_2=\epsilon\f$)
1611      double precision efcc(3,nefc) !< [Input] The COSMO charge
1612                                    !< coordinates
1613      double precision efcs(nefc)   !< [Input] The COSMO charge surface
1614                                    !< area \f$|S_\mu|\f$ in Ref.[1]
1615                                    !< (see e.g. Eq.(7b)) or Ref.[2]
1616                                    !< Eq.(67).
1617      double precision efcz(nefc)   !< [Input] The COSMO charges
1618      double precision ratm(nat)    !< [Input] The atomic radii
1619      double precision catm(3,nat)  !< [Input] The atomic coordinates
1620      double precision zatm(nat)    !< [Input] The nuclear charges
1621      double precision pot(nefc)    !< [Input] The molecular potential
1622                                    !< at the COSMO charge positions
1624      double precision allefc !< [Output] The total solute charge
1625                              !< density - COSMO charge interaction
1626                              !< energy
1627      double precision atmefc !< [Output] The nuclear - COSMO charge
1628                              !< interaction energy
1629      double precision elcefc !< [Output] The electron - COSMO charge
1630                              !< interaction energy
1631      double precision efcefc !< [Output] The COSMO charge - COSMO
1632                              !< charge interaction energy
1635      integer ief, jef !< Counters over COSMO charges
1636      integer iat      !< Counter over atoms
1638      double precision xi,  yi,  zi,  qi
1639      double precision xj,  yj,  zj,  qj
1640      double precision aii, aij, bij, dij
1642      double precision zetai, zetaj, zetaij
1644      double precision zero, one, two
1645      parameter (zero=0.0d0, one=1.0d0, two=2.0d0)
1646      double precision pi
1647      double precision derf
1649      pi    =acos(-1.0d0)
1650      allefc=zero
1651      atmefc=zero
1652      efcefc=zero
1653      do jef=1,nefc
1654         xj=efcc(1,jef)
1655         yj=efcc(2,jef)
1656         zj=efcc(3,jef)
1657         qj=efcz(  jef)
1659         allefc=allefc+qj*pot(jef)
1661         do iat=1,nat
1662            xi=catm(1,iat)
1663            yi=catm(2,iat)
1664            zi=catm(3,iat)
1665            qi=zatm(  iat)
1666            dij=sqrt((xi-xj)**2+(yi-yj)**2+(zi-zj)**2)
1667            bij=one/dij
1668            atmefc=atmefc+qi*bij*qj
1669         enddo
1670      enddo
1672      if (do_cosmo_model.eq.DO_COSMO_KS) then
1673        do jef=1,nefc
1674           xj=efcc(1,jef)
1675           yj=efcc(2,jef)
1676           zj=efcc(3,jef)
1677           qj=efcz(  jef)
1678           efcefc=efcefc+qj*adiag*qj/sqrt(efcs(jef))
1679           do ief=jef+1,nefc
1680              qi=efcz(  ief)
1681              xi=efcc(1,ief)
1682              yi=efcc(2,ief)
1683              zi=efcc(3,ief)
1684              dij=sqrt((xi-xj)**2+(yi-yj)**2+(zi-zj)**2)
1685              aij=one/dij
1686              efcefc=efcefc+2*qi*aij*qj
1687           enddo
1688        enddo
1689      else if (do_cosmo_model.eq.DO_COSMO_YK) then
1690        do jef=1,nefc
1691           xj=efcc(1,jef)
1692           yj=efcc(2,jef)
1693           zj=efcc(3,jef)
1694           qj=efcz(  jef)
1695           zetaj=zeta*sqrt(ptspatm)/(ratm(efciat(jef))*sqrt(2.0d0*pi))
1696           efcefc=efcefc+qj*efcs(jef)*qj
1698           do ief=jef+1,nefc
1699              zetai=zeta*sqrt(ptspatm)
1700     &             /(ratm(efciat(ief))*sqrt(2.0d0*pi))
1701              xi=efcc(1,ief)
1702              yi=efcc(2,ief)
1703              zi=efcc(3,ief)
1704              qi=efcz(  ief)
1705              dij=sqrt((xi-xj)**2+(yi-yj)**2+(zi-zj)**2)
1706              zetaij=zetai*zetaj/sqrt(zetai**2+zetaj**2)
1707              if (dij.lt.1.0d-8) then
1708                aij=2.0d0*zetaij/sqrt(pi)
1709              else
1710                aij=derf(zetaij*dij)/dij
1711              endif
1712              efcefc=efcefc+2*qi*aij*qj
1713           enddo
1714        enddo
1715      endif
1716      efcefc= efcefc/(two*chgscr)
1717      elcefc= allefc-atmefc
1719      end
1721C> \brief Compute matrix A
1723C> Compute matrix `A` as needed for the in-memory COSMO
1724C> charge fitting.
1726      subroutine hnd_cosmata(nat,nefc,efcc,efcs,efciat,ratm,a)
1727      implicit none
1728#include "cosmoP.fh"
1729#include "cosmo_params.fh"
1730      integer          nat  !< [Input] The number of atoms
1731      integer          nefc !< [Input] The number of surface charges
1732      double precision efcc(3,nefc) !< [Input] The surface charge coords
1733      double precision efcs(nefc)   !< [Input] The surface areas
1734      integer          efciat(nat)  !< [Input] The atom of a surface
1735                                    !< charge
1736      double precision ratm(nat)    !< [Input] The atom radii
1737      double precision a(nefc,nefc) !< [Output] Matrix `A`
1739      integer jef, ief
1740      double precision aii, xi, xj, yi, yj, zi, zj, dij, one
1741      double precision zetai, zetaj, zetaij
1742      parameter (one = 1.0d0)
1745      double precision derf
1746      double precision factor, factor2
1748      double precision pi
1749      pi = acos(-1.0d0)
1751      if (do_cosmo_model.eq.DO_COSMO_KS) then
1752        do jef=1,nefc
1753          xj=efcc(1,jef)
1754          yj=efcc(2,jef)
1755          zj=efcc(3,jef)
1756          do ief=1,nefc
1757            if(ief.eq.jef) then
1758              aii=adiag/sqrt(efcs(ief))
1759              a(ief,jef)=aii
1760            else
1761              xi=efcc(1,ief)
1762              yi=efcc(2,ief)
1763              zi=efcc(3,ief)
1764              dij=sqrt((xi-xj)**2+(yi-yj)**2+(zi-zj)**2)
1765              a(ief,jef)=one/dij
1766            endif
1767          enddo
1768        enddo
1769      else if (do_cosmo_model.eq.DO_COSMO_YK) then
1770        factor = zeta*dsqrt(ptspatm/(2d0*pi))
1771        factor2 = 2d0/sqrt(pi)
1772        do jef=1,nefc
1773          zetaj=factor/ratm(efciat(jef))
1774          xj=efcc(1,jef)
1775          yj=efcc(2,jef)
1776          zj=efcc(3,jef)
1777          do ief=1,nefc
1778            if(ief.eq.jef) then
1779               aii=efcs(ief)
1780               a(ief,jef)=aii
1781            else
1782               zetai=factor/ratm(efciat(ief))
1783               zetaij=zetai*zetaj/sqrt(zetai**2+zetaj**2)
1784               xi=efcc(1,ief)
1785               yi=efcc(2,ief)
1786               zi=efcc(3,ief)
1787               dij=sqrt((xi-xj)**2+(yi-yj)**2+(zi-zj)**2)
1788               if (dij.lt.1.0d-5) then
1789                 a(ief,jef)=factor2*zetaij*(1d0 - (zetaij*dij)**2/3d0)
1790               else
1791                 a(ief,jef)=derf(zetaij*dij)/dij
1792               endif
1793            endif
1794          enddo
1795        enddo
1796      endif
1798      end
1800C> \brief On the fly matrix-vector multiplication
1802C> This routine multiplies the COSMO matrix with the current guess
1803C> for the charge vector using a dot-product based algorithm. The matrix
1804C> is generated on the fly. For performance reasons the routine is
1805C> replicated data parallel.
1807      subroutine hnd_cosaxd(nat,x,ax,nefc,efcc,efcs,efciat,ratm)
1808      implicit none
1809#include "global.fh"
1810#include "msgids.fh"
1811#include "cosmoP.fh"
1812#include "cosmo_params.fh"
1814      integer          nat  !< [Input] The number of atoms
1815      integer          nefc !< [Input] The number of surface charges
1816      double precision efcc(3,nefc) !< [Input] The surface charge coords
1817      double precision efcs(nefc)   !< [Input] The surface areas
1818      integer          efciat(nefc) !< [Input] The atom of a surface
1819                                    !< charge
1820      double precision ratm(nat)    !< [Input] The atom radii
1821      double precision x(nefc)      !< [Input] Vector `x`
1822      double precision ax(nefc)     !< [Output] Matrix-vector product
1823                                    !< `Ax`
1825      double precision zetai, zetaj, zetaij, pi, aij, dij, dum, xj
1826      double precision zero, one
1827      parameter (zero=0.0d+00, one=1.0d+00)
1830      double precision derf
1832c     Introduced a trivial replicated data parallelization of this
1833c     matrix-vector multiplication
1835      double precision r, d, factor, factor2
1836      integer i, j
1837      r (i,j)=sqrt((efcc(1,i)-efcc(1,j))**2+
1838     1             (efcc(2,i)-efcc(2,j))**2+
1839     2             (efcc(3,i)-efcc(3,j))**2)
1840      d (i  )=adiag/sqrt(efcs(i))
1842      pi=acos(-1.0d0)
1843      call dfill(nefc,0.0d0,ax,1)
1845      if (do_cosmo_model.eq.DO_COSMO_KS) then
1846        do i=ga_nodeid()+1,nefc,ga_nnodes()
1847          ax(i) = ax(i) + d(i)*x(i)
1848          do j=i+1,nefc
1849            aij = one/r(i,j)
1850            ax(i) = ax(i) + x(j)*aij
1851            ax(j) = ax(j) + x(i)*aij
1852          enddo
1853        enddo
1854      else if (do_cosmo_model.eq.DO_COSMO_YK) then
1855        factor = zeta*dsqrt(ptspatm/(2d0*pi))
1856        factor2 = 2d0/sqrt(pi)
1857        do i=ga_nodeid()+1,nefc,ga_nnodes()
1858          zetai = ratm(efciat(i))**2
1859          ax(i) = ax(i) + efcs(i)*x(i)
1860          do j=i+1,nefc
1861            zetaj = ratm(efciat(j))**2
1862            zetaij= factor/sqrt(zetai+zetaj)
1863            dij=r(i,j)
1864            if (dij.lt.1.0d-5) then
1865              aij=factor2*zetaij*(1d0 - (zetaij*dij)**2/3d0)
1866            else
1867              aij=derf(zetaij*dij)/dij
1868            endif
1869            ax(i)=ax(i)+aij*x(j)
1870            ax(j)=ax(j)+aij*x(i)
1871          enddo
1872        enddo
1873      endif
1875      call ga_dgop(msg_cosaxd,ax,nefc,'+')
1877      return
1878      end
1880C> \brief On the fly vector-matrix multiplication
1882C> This routine multiplies the current guess for the COSMO charges
1883C> with the matrix. The routine is replicated data parallel.
1884C> The matrix `A` is symmetric so we simply call the matrix-vector
1885C> product.
1887      subroutine hnd_cosxad(nat,x,xa,nefc,efcc,efcs,efciat,ratm)
1888      implicit none
1889      integer          nat  !< [Input] The number of atoms
1890      integer          nefc !< [Input] The number of surface charges
1891      double precision efcc(3,nefc) !< [Input] The surface charge coords
1892      double precision efcs(nefc)   !< [Input] The surface areas
1893      integer          efciat(nefc) !< [Input] The atom of a surface
1894                                    !< charge
1895      double precision ratm(nat)    !< [Input] The atom radii
1896      double precision x(nefc)      !< [Input] Vector `x`
1897      double precision xa(nefc)     !< [Output] Vector-matrix product
1898                                    !< `xA`
1900      call hnd_cosaxd(nat,x,xa,nefc,efcc,efcs,efciat,ratm)
1902      return
1903      end
1905C> \brief Solve a linear system of equations using an iterative
1906C> procedure
1908C> This routine solves a linear system of equations \f$A\cdot x = b\f$
1909C> using an iterative procedure based on [1] page 70.
1911C> ### References ###
1913C> [1] W.H. Press, B.P. Flannery, S.A. Teukolsky, W.T. Vetterling,
1914C>     "Numerical Recipes: in Fortran 77", 2nd edition, Volume 1,
1915C>     Cambridge University Press, 1992, ISBN: 0-521-43064-X,
1916C>     <a href="http://apps.nrbook.com/fortran/index.html">nrbook</a>.
1918C> [2]  A. Klamt, G. Sch&uuml;&uuml;rmann,
1919C>     "COSMO: a new approach to dielectric screening in solvents with
1920C>      explicit expressions for the screening energy and its gradient",
1921C>     <i>J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 2</i>, 1993, pp 799-805, DOI:
1922C>     <a href="https://doi.org/10.1039/P29930000799">
1923C>     10.1039/P29930000799</a>.
1925      subroutine hnd_cosequ(nat,b,x,nefc,g,h,xi,xj,efcc,efcs,efciat,
1926     &                      ratm)
1927      implicit none
1929c     ----- solve A * x = b , using an iterative procedure       -----
1931c     ----- numerical recipes (p.70), cambridge university press -----
1932c          w.h.press, b.p.flannery, s.a.teukolsky, w.t.vetterling
1934#include "errquit.fh"
1935#include "stdio.fh"
1936#include "global.fh"
1938      logical     dbug
1939      integer          nat  !< [Input] The number of atoms
1940      integer          nefc !< [Input] The number of surface charges
1941      double precision efcc(3,nefc) !< [Input] The surface charge coords
1942      double precision efcs(nefc)   !< [Input] The surface areas
1943      integer          efciat(nefc) !< [Input] The atom of a surface
1944                                    !< charge
1945      double precision ratm(nat)    !< [Input] The atom radii
1946      double precision b(nefc)      !< [Input] The RHS of Ax=b
1947      double precision x(nefc)      !< [Output] The solution of Ax=b
1949      double precision g(nefc) !< [Scratch]
1950      double precision h(nefc) !< [Scratch]
1951      double precision xi(nefc) !< [Scratch]
1952      double precision xj(nefc) !< [Scratch]
1954      double precision rp, bsq, anum, aden, rsq, gg, dgg, gam
1955      double precision zero, eps, eps2
1956      data zero   /0.0d+00/
1957      data eps    /1.0d-07/
1959      integer i, j, irst, iter
1961      dbug=.false.
1962      if(dbug) then
1963         write(luout,*) 'in -cosequ-'
1964         do i=1,nefc
1965            write(luout,9999) i,b(i)
1966         enddo
1967      endif
1969      eps2=nefc*eps*eps
1970      irst=0
1971   10 irst=irst+1
1972      call hnd_cosaxd(nat,x,xi,nefc,efcc,efcs,efciat,ratm)
1973      rp=zero
1974      bsq=zero
1975      do j=1,nefc
1976         bsq=bsq+b(j)*b(j)
1977         xi(j)=xi(j)-b(j)
1978         rp=rp+xi(j)*xi(j)
1979      enddo ! j
1980      call hnd_cosxad(nat,xi,g,nefc,efcc,efcs,efciat,ratm)
1981      do j=1,nefc
1982         g(j)=-g(j)
1983         h(j)= g(j)
1984      enddo ! j
1985      do iter=1,10*nefc
1986         call hnd_cosaxd(nat,h,xi,nefc,efcc,efcs,efciat,ratm)
1987         anum=zero
1988         aden=zero
1989         do j=1,nefc
1990            anum=anum+g(j)*h(j)
1991            aden=aden+xi(j)*xi(j)
1992         enddo ! j
1993         if(aden.eq.zero) then
1994            write(luout,*) 'very singular matrix'
1995            call errquit('hnd_cosequ: singular matrix',911,UERR)
1996         endif
1997         anum=anum/aden
1998         do j=1,nefc
1999            xi(j)=x(j)
2000            x(j)=x(j)+anum*h(j)
2001         enddo ! j
2002         call hnd_cosaxd(nat,x,xj,nefc,efcc,efcs,efciat,ratm)
2003         rsq=zero
2004         do j=1,nefc
2005            xj(j)=xj(j)-b(j)
2006            rsq=rsq+xj(j)*xj(j)
2007         enddo ! j
2008         if (iter.gt.10*nefc-min(10,nefc/10)) then
2009           if (ga_nodeid().eq.0) then
2010             write(luout,'(" hnd_cosequ: it,residue,thresh = ",
2011     &                     i5,2f12.5)')iter,rsq,bsq*eps2
2012           endif
2013         endif
2014         if(rsq.eq.rp.or.rsq.le.bsq*eps2) return
2015         if(rsq.gt.rp) then
2016            do j=1,nefc
2017               x(j)=xi(j)
2018            enddo ! j
2019            if(irst.ge.3) return
2020            go to 10
2021         endif
2022         rp=rsq
2023         call hnd_cosxad(nat,xj,xi,nefc,efcc,efcs,efciat,ratm)
2024         gg=zero
2025         dgg=zero
2026         do j=1,nefc
2027            gg=gg+g(j)*g(j)
2028            dgg=dgg+(xi(j)+g(j))*xi(j)
2029         enddo ! j
2030         if(gg.eq.zero) return
2031         gam=dgg/gg
2032         do j=1,nefc
2033            g(j)=-xi(j)
2034            h(j)=g(j)+gam*h(j)
2035         enddo ! j
2036      enddo ! iter
2037      write(luout,*) 'too many iterations'
2038      call errquit('hnd_cosequ: too many iters',911,UERR)
2039      return
2040 9999 format(i8,f16.8)
2041      end
2043C> \brief Direct linear system solver
2045C> This is direct linear system solver, solving \f$Ax=b\f$ for \f$x\f$.
2046C> On return the matrix \f$A\f$ has been destroyed, and \f$b\f$ has been
2047C> overwritten with the answer \f$x\f$.
2049      subroutine hnd_linequ(a,lda,b,n,ib,t,ierr,nodcmp)
2050#ifdef USE_OPENMP
2051      use omp_lib
2053      implicit none
2054#include "errquit.fh"
2055#include "mafdecls.fh"
2056#include "global.fh"
2057      integer lda !< [Input] The leading dimension of \f$A\f$
2058      integer n   !< [Input] The dimension of matrix \f$A\f$
2059      double precision a(lda,n) !< [In/Output] On input the matrix
2060      !< \f$A\f$; On output the matrix has been destroyed
2061      double precision b(n,*) !< [In/Output] On input the right-hand-side
2062      !< \f$b\f$; on output the solution \f$x\f$
2063      double precision t(n)
2064      integer ib(n)
2065      integer ierr !< [Output] Error code
2066      integer nodcmp !< [Input] Flag, if \f$\mathrm{nodcmp}\le 1\f$
2067      !< then skip the decomposition
2068      integer j !< Counter
2069      integer lwork, iwork, kwork
2070      double precision t0
2071      integer iMaxThreads
2073#ifdef USE_OPENMP
2074      iMaxThreads = omp_get_max_threads()
2075      call util_blas_set_num_threads(iMaxThreads)
2078c     ----- solve a * x = b , with x returned in b -----
2080      ierr = 0
2082      ! Save diagonal in case dposv fails
2083      do j=1,n
2084        t(j) = a(j,j)
2085      enddo
2087      call dposv('u', n, 2, a, lda, b, n, ierr)
2089      if (ierr.ne.0) then
2091        lwork = 64*n
2092        if (.not.ma_push_get(mt_dbl,lwork,"dsysv work",iwork,kwork))
2093     $  call errquit("hnd_linequ: could not allocate work",lwork,MA_ERR)
2095        ! Restore diagonal
2096        do j=1,n
2097          a(j,j) = t(j)
2098        enddo
2100        call dsysv('l',n,2,a,lda,ib,b,n,dbl_mb(kwork),lwork,ierr)
2102        if (.not.ma_chop_stack(iwork))
2103     $    call errquit("hnd_linequ: could not chop stack",0,MA_ERR)
2105      endif
2107#ifdef USE_OPENMP
2108      call util_blas_set_num_threads(1)
2110      return
2111      end
2113C> \brief Compute the function \f$f(r)\f$
2115C> Computes the function \f$f(r)\f$ as discussed with function
2116C> `hnd_coschg`. This function is Eq.(64) in [1].
2118C> ### References ###
2120C> [1] D.M. York, M. Karplus,
2121C>     "A smooth solvation potential based on the conductor-like
2122C>      screening model", <i>J. Phys. Chem. A</i> (1999) <b>103</b>,
2123C>     pp 11060-11079, DOI:
2124C>     <a href="https://doi.org/10.1021/jp992097l">
2125C>     10.1021/jp992097l</a>.
2127      double precision function cosff(r)
2128      implicit none
2129#include "errquit.fh"
2130      double precision r !< [Input] penetration fraction
2132      if (r.lt.0.0d0) then
2133        cosff = 0.0d0
2134      else if (r.gt.1.0d0) then
2135        cosff = 1.0d0
2136      else
2137        cosff = r**3*(10.0d0-15.0d0*r+6.0d0*r**2)
2138      endif
2140      return
2141      end
2143C> \brief Compute the function \f$\frac{\partial f(r)}{\partial r}\f$
2145C> Computes the function \f$\frac{\partial f(r)}{\partial r}\f$ as
2146C> discussed with function `hnd_coschg`. This function is the
2147C> derivative of Eq.(64) in [1].
2149C> ### References ###
2151C> [1] D.M. York, M. Karplus,
2152C>     "A smooth solvation potential based on the conductor-like
2153C>      screening model", <i>J. Phys. Chem. A</i> (1999) <b>103</b>,
2154C>     pp 11060-11079, DOI:
2155C>     <a href="https://doi.org/10.1021/jp992097l">
2156C>     10.1021/jp992097l</a>.
2158      double precision function cosdff(r)
2159      implicit none
2160#include "errquit.fh"
2161      double precision r !< [Input] penetration fraction
2163      if (r.lt.0.0d0) then
2164        cosdff = 0.0d0
2165      else if (r.gt.1.0d0) then
2166        cosdff = 0.0d0
2167      else
2168        cosdff = 30.0d0*(r**2)*((1.0d0-r)**2)
2169      endif
2171      return
2172      end
2174      subroutine hnd_cg(nat,b,x,nefc,y,r,p,ap,efcc,efcs,efciat,ratm)
2175#ifdef USE_OPENMP
2176      use omp_lib
2178      implicit none
2179#include "cosmoP.fh"
2180#include "cosmo_params.fh"
2181#include "stdio.fh"
2182#include "global.fh"
2183      logical     dbug
2184      integer          nat  !< [Input] The number of atoms
2185      integer          nefc !< [Input] The number of surface charges
2186      double precision efcc(3,nefc) !< [Input] The surface charge coords
2187      double precision efcs(nefc)   !< [Input] The surface areas
2188      integer          efciat(nefc) !< [Input] The atom of a surface
2189                                    !< charge
2190      double precision ratm(nat)    !< [Input] The atom radii
2191      double precision b(nefc)      !< [Input] The RHS of Ax=b
2192      double precision x(nefc)      !< [Output] The solution of Ax=b
2194      double precision y(nefc) !< [Scratch]
2195      double precision ap(nefc) !< [Scratch]
2196      double precision p(nefc) !< [Scratch]
2197      double precision r(nefc) !< [Scratch]
2199      double precision rtol2, rsqnew, alpha, beta
2200      double precision xnorm, facold, facnew
2202      integer iter, maxiter
2204      data rtol2   / 1d-13 /
2205      data maxiter / 100 /
2206      integer iMaxThreads, i
2208#ifdef USE_OPENMP
2209      iMaxThreads = omp_get_max_threads()
2210      call util_blas_set_num_threads(iMaxThreads)
2213      iter = 0
2215      xnorm = dot_product(x,x)
2216      if (xnorm.eq.0d0) then
2217        r(:) = b(:)
2218      else
2219        call hnd_cosaxd(nat,x,r,nefc,efcc,efcs,efciat,ratm)
2220        r(:) = b(:) - r(:)
2221      endif
2223      rsqnew = dot_product(r,r)
2224      if (rsqnew.lt.rtol2) return
2227      if (do_cosmo_model.eq.DO_COSMO_YK) then
2228        p(:) = r(:)/efcs(:)
2229      elseif (do_cosmo_model.eq.DO_COSMO_KS) then
2230        p(:) = dsqrt(efcs(:))*r(:)/adiag
2231      endif
2233      facnew = dot_product(r,p)
2235      do while(iter.le.nefc)
2237        iter = iter + 1
2238        call hnd_cosaxd(nat,p,ap,nefc,efcc,efcs,efciat,ratm)
2240        alpha = facnew/dot_product(p,ap)
2241        call daxpy(nefc,alpha,p,1,x,1)
2242        call daxpy(nefc,-alpha,ap,1,r,1)
2244        rsqnew = dot_product(r,r)
2245        if (rsqnew.lt.rtol2) goto 2000
2247        if (do_cosmo_model.eq.DO_COSMO_YK) then
2248          y(:) = r(:)/efcs(:)
2249        elseif (do_cosmo_model.eq.DO_COSMO_KS) then
2250          y(:) = dsqrt(efcs(:))*r(:)/adiag
2251        endif
2253        facold = facnew
2254        facnew = dot_product(r,y)
2255        beta = facnew/facold
2257        p(:) = y(:) + beta*p(:)
2259      enddo
2261      if (ga_nodeid().eq.0) then
2262        write(luout,1000) dsqrt(rsqnew)
2263      endif
2264 1000 format(2x,"Warning! hnd_cg residual: ",G8.3)
2266 2000 continue
2268#ifdef USE_OPENMP
2269      call util_blas_set_num_threads(1)
2271      return
2272      end
2275C> @}
2276c $Id$