1C> \brief Implementation for use with GA-4-3
3C> An implementation of ga_zgop to be used only in the case of compiling
4C> NWChem with GA-4-3 (i.e. the environment variable OLD_GA is set). In
5C> GA-5-1 and later the routine ga_zgop is part of the global array
6C> distribution. In GA-4-3 this routine did not exist causing
7C> linking problems. However, this routine is used in only one place
8C> to sum complex numbers across processors. We can easily reproduce
9C> this particular behavior using real numbers instead of complex
10C> numbers. So as a fallback we will use that approach.
12      subroutine ga_zgop(itype,x,n,op)
13      implicit none
14#include "errquit.fh"
15      integer itype       !< [Input] MA data type of x
16      integer n           !< [Input] length of array x
17      double complex x(n) !< [In/Output] the data array
18      character*(*) op    !< [Input] the operation to perform
20      if (op.eq."+") then
21        call ga_dgop(itype,x,2*n,op)
22      else
23        call errquit("ga_zgop: invalid operation",0,UERR)
24      endif
26      end
27c $Id$